Strengths Interests Values

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Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

Part 1: Do What You Are

Complete the Do What You Are survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions

1. What is your personality type?

My personality type is ISFP. This stands for introversion, sensing, feeling, and perceiving.

2. What does each aspect of your personality mean about you?

Being an introversion and sensing personality, I like to focus on “what is” and work at a careful,
steady pace. When it comes to feelings, I am mostly motivated by work that is meaningful to
me. Finally, my perceiving personality allows me to be more spontaneous and keeps options

3. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example from your life that
demonstrates that these qualities are strengths.
One of my strengths according to the survey is cooperation. I know this is true because I am
always the person in the family that needs to know what everyone is doing. I like to work my
schedule around everyone else’s schedule so I’m not interfering in any way. Also, if there is a
problem, I will help take care of it even if it’s not my responsibility. Another strength of mine is
good memory for details. One thing I like to do is tie music together with a memory of mine. I
believe this helps me remember them and think of one when a specific song comes on.

4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular personality?

One key quality my future career needs to have is flexibility. I like to do things my own way and
hate when someone tries to control what I am doing/working on. I don’t believe there is only
one way to complete a certain task. My career also needs to be easily accessible to the outside
world. I like to spend time outside and in nature. I can't imagine spending my whole day inside
of a building working on papers, spreadsheets, etc.
5. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?

I can use this survey to look over what I think are the most important qualities I want in my
future job. Once I figure that out, I can start my search for jobs that match what I’m looking for.

Part 2: MI Advantage
Complete the MI Advantage survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions below.

6. What are your top three intelligences?

My top three intelligences are musical, interpersonal, and existential. Knowing these will help
me know how I can play to my strengths.

7. What do these intelligences mean about you?

My musical intelligence means that I am able to recognize tones, patterns, rhythms, beats and
sounds in any song. This is one of many skills that I have when it comes to music. I also have an
interpersonal strength that allows me to understand and work with people. Finally, I like to see
the big picture in everything, such as relationships and life. This existential intelligence helps me
see a certain situation from different points of view.

8. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?

After seeing the results of this survey, I have opened my eyes to possibly join the music industry.
I normally like to only listen to music, but this survey has helped me identify different strengths I
have, such as music.

Part 3: Career Interest Profiler

Complete the Career Interest Profiler in Naviance. Use your report to answer the questions

9. What are your strongest interests?

Social, enterprising, and artistic are my top three Holland traits/interests. According to the
survey, these personalities will help me map out which careers are satisfying to me.

10. What do these interests mean about you?

My social interest means that I like to work with and help people. I am currently doing some
social work by volunteering for my local First Tee Chapter. The Career interest Profiler also noted
that I like to sell things and ideas to people (enterprising). I believe this is why I am interested in
studying Business in college. Lastly, the survey said I was an artistic person that enjoys painting,
music, crafts, etc.

11. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?

I believe this survey helped confirm that I am moving in the right direction. I have always been
interested in majoring in Business and it’s very relieving knowing that the survey said I have an
enterprising interest.

Part 4: Work Values

Go to Under “Advanced Search,” select “Work Values.” Review the
description of each work value. Select three work values that are most important to you.

Answer the questions below about your work values.

12. What are your top three work values?

After looking over each work value, I have decided that my top three are achievement,
relationships, and support. I noticed that each one of these supports the survey results from

13. What do these work values mean about you?

I believe achievement is a necessity to become successful at whatever you do. You need to have
goals so there's always a purpose behind your actions. Developing relationships is also a very
key work value to have. Having connections will help you build a support system around you
whenever you need it. Lastly, support is always nice to have whenever you’re going through a
rough period in life. Trying to get through those times by yourself makes it much harder.

14. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?

I believe these work values will help me build an environment around me that is successful both
during work and outside of work. Without these work values, it will be very difficult to build a
strong team setting.

Part 5: Career Results Comparison

15. Review the career lists provided at the end of each survey. Identify three careers that
are similar across the lists. List the careers and explain why each career may be satisfying
to you, citing evidence from your survey results.

Advertising and promotions manager, mail machine operator, and social/community service

manager are the three careers that I believe are similar to each other. One thing that stood out

to me about all of these careers is that they all fall in the pathway of business, management and

administration clusters. In the “Do What You Are” survey, I found out that a strength of mine is

good memory for details. This strength will be great for being a mail machine operator since it’s

all about preparing incoming and outgoing mail for distribution. I believe that being an

advertising and promotions manager would be satisfying to me as well since one of my

strongest interests are enterprising, according to the “Career Interest Profiler” survey. This

career is all about working with and presenting ideas to customers, company officials, sales

departments, and advertising agencies. Finally, in the “MI Advantage” survey, I found out that I

have an interpersonal intelligence that allows me to understand and work with people. This

intelligence is great to have when being a social/community service manager. One key factor

about this career is being able to work with others, such as your community.
Strengths, Interests, Values
Reflection Rubric
Category 4 3 2 1

Organization Information is Information is Information is The information is

well-organized in organized in a Q somewhat not organized.
a Q & A format. & A format. Each organized Information is not
Each question is question is although Q & A answered in Q &
answered in two answered in at format is not used. A format.
to three complete least one Each question is
sentences. complete answered in less
sentence. than one complete

Quality of Information Information Information Information has

Information clearly relates to clearly relates to relates to the little or nothing to
the questions and the questions. It questions do with the
utilizes uses information although questions. No
information from from most of the information from details and/or
all required required surveys. some surveys is examples are
surveys. It It provides missing. Limited given.
includes several relevant detail and/or
relevant supporting details examples are
supporting details and/or examples. given.
and /or examples.

Mechanics No grammatical, Two or less Three to five More than five

spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
punctuation errors spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
are present. punctuation errors punctuation errors punctuation errors
are present. are present. are present.

Total Points Possible: 12

Total Points Earned: 12

A 11-12 points

B 9-10 points

C 6-8 points

D 3-5 points

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