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Lesson 3: Career Interview OR Job

In this lesson you will:

• Complete a Career Interview, Career Interview Research OR Job Shadow.

• Complete Career Interview OR Job Shadow reflection.

Option 1: Career Interview

1. Interview a professional in the career or a related career that you researched in
lesson two. You can complete your interview either in person or virtually by phone, video
conferencing or email.
2. Develop a minimum of ten career related questions to ask during your interview.
Use the career interview questions in the lesson guide or create your own.

3. Complete a typed interview with questions and answers.

4. Complete the Career Interview Reflection.

Option 2: Career Interview Research

1. Research pre-recorded interviews of professionals in the career or a related
career that you researched in lesson two.

2. Complete an online search to find applicable interviews. Some resources include:

• Careers Out There-

3. Complete a bibliography of any interviews researched. Refer to the resources

below for help with citing sources in MLA format.

• Online Citation Tools o EasyBib-
o Citation Machine-

4. Complete the Career Interview Reflection.

Option 3: Job Shadow

1. Schedule a day to observe a professional in the career or a related career that
you researched in lesson two. In order to get a comprehensive understanding of this
career, your job shadow experience must be a minimum of four hours.

2. Take notes during your job shadow experience.

3. Complete the Job Shadow Reflection.


¨ Option 1: Career Interview AND Career Interview Reflection (P)
¨ Option 2: Bibliography AND Career Interview Reflection (P)
¨ Option 3: Job Shadow Notes AND Job Shadow Reflection (P)
CTE.AS.1, CTE.AS.2, CTE.AS.8, CTE.AS.10, CTE.AS.11
CCSS.ELA: L.11-12.6, SL.11-12.1d, W.11-12.6
ELD: Part I A, 1-4; B, 5-8; C, 9; Part II A, 2; B, 3-5; C, 6,7
Career Interview Reflection
1. Who did you interview/job shadow? What is their name, career title, and contact
information? How do you know this person?

I will be doing my career interview research on Tiger Woods. He is a professional

golfer that has been playing on the PGA Tour since 1996.

2. What does a typical day look like in this career?

When not playing in a tournament, Tiger is normally spending his day working out
and practicing. For instance, he starts his day off by working out at 6:00am for an hour
and a half. Then, he spends the next hour and a half eating breakfast and driving to the
golf course. From 9:00am to 6:00pm, Woods is at the golf course all day working on
drills and spending time on the course.

3. What skills and abilities do you need to succeed in this career?

Tiger Woods is currently not active on the PGA Tour due to multiple leg injuries from
a car crash earlier this year. A couple months ago, he participated in his first interview
since the crash for some updates. During that interview, Tiger expressed his thoughts on
competing again on the PGA Tour. He mentioned how his body is not ready to endure
all of the work it takes to compete at that level. In fact, he stated that he’s only been
playing “hit-and-giggle” golf with his friends and family. After hearing this, I realized
that it takes a lot of discipline to practice on certain aspects of your game and make
sure your body is completely healthy. Your success as a professional golfer is dependent
on how well you perform at each tournament. Knowing this, many professionals need to
make sure that everything is in tune each week when they tee it up.

4. What are some facts you learned about this career that you were unaware of prior to this

One thing I learned while researching Tiger Woods was his stress to give back to kids
in need. His organization, TGR foundation, is celebrating its 25 year anniversary
helping over two millions kids with their careers. He spoke about the foundation in an
interview and explained how important it was to bring opportunities to kids that don’t
have all the resources they need to be successful in whatever they want. In addition, he
stated how the kids go back to their own communities and teach others the “leadership
that they learned how to develop.” This interview showed me the importance of giving
back to those who have helped you or are in need of help both on and off of the golf

5. Which aspects of this career are appealing to you? Explain.

One aspect that is appealing to me about professional golf is the traveling that players
do. I have always loved traveling while growing up, so it really excited me knowing that
PGA Tour players play all across the United States and internationally each year.

6. Which aspects of this career are not appealing to you? Explain.

One aspect that wasn’t appealing to me was the process to get to the PGA Tour. It is a
gruesome road to try to make it after college. Golfers have to go through multiple
mini-tours and perform well enough to get to the next stage. To be able to afford all of
the expenses, such as food, travel, and entry fees, professionals must find sponsorships
to help cover the cost. Depending on how well you play in each tournament, you may be
able to profit and/or earn back the money you spent. However, once you earn your PGA
Tour card, it is a lot less stressful worrying about finances.

7. How does this career compare to your strengths, interests, and values? Is it a good fit for
you? Explain.

I believe that my personality type and values match up perfectly to a professional golfer.
For instance, one of my personality types is feelings. This means that I am mostly
motivated by work that is meaningful to me. Since golf played a massive role in my
childhood, it holds a special place in my heart and I believe that’s why I love to play. On
the other hand, my values, such as achievement and support, are very similar to what I
learned during this assignment. Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers ever, but
despite all of his success, he still makes sure to give back to those in need.

8. What would you need to do to prepare for a job in this field?

To prepare for professional golf, I need to practice and play golf more often. This
process will help me perform at an elite level when needed. In addition, I need to study
business so I can hopefully start an organization myself to give back to my community,
know what it’s like to build/work with a team, and understand all of the finances that
go into each tournament.

9. How has this experience influenced your career goals?

This experience has definitely helped me understand what it truly takes to make it on the
PGA Tour. The process won’t be easy, but it sure will be worth it in the end. It also has
taught me how golf can connect to other aspects in life. For instance, business and
networking. Becoming a professional golfer is more than just playing golf each week.

Works Cited Page

“How Tiger Woods' TGR Foundation Is Helping the next Generation of Golfers.” Golf Channel,

“Vintage Tiger - A Day in a Life.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Feb. 2017,

Willis, Ken. “Tiger Woods Reminds Us - It Takes More than Just Four Days to Win Golf
Tournaments.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 10 Dec. 2021,
Career Interview/Job Shadow
Reflection Rubric
Category 4 3 2 1

Organization Information is Information is Information is The information is

well-organized in organized in a Q & somewhat not organized.
a Q & A format. A format. Each organized Information is not
Each question is question is although Q & A answered in
answered in one answered in one format is not used. paragraph form.
well developed paragraph. Each question is
paragraph. answered in less
than one complete

Quality of Information Information Information Information has

Information clearly relates to clearly relates to relates to the little or nothing to
the questions and the questions. It questions do with the
utilizes uses information although questions. No
information from from most of the information from details and/or
all required required surveys. some surveys is examples are
surveys. It It provides missing. Limited given.
includes several relevant detail and/or
relevant supporting details examples are
supporting details and/or examples. given.
and /or examples.

Mechanics No grammatical, Two or less Three to five More than five

spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
punctuation errors spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
are present. punctuation errors punctuation errors punctuation errors
are present. are present. are present.

Total Points Possible: 12

Total Points Earned: 12

A 11-12 points

B 9-10 points
C 6-8 points

D 3-5 points

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