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How to add a new entry in utl_directory or v$parameter

1. Close down database 2. Open /dbs 3. Open the file init.ora file after taking a backup of this file. 4. Add the new parameter directory under "utl_file_dir" tag. 5. save the file. 6. take a backup of spfile. 7. connect with database as sysdba user. $ sqlplus / as sysdba 8. Run the following commands -> SQL> startup pfile=/dbs/initDEMOFNA.ora SQL> create spfile from pfile='/initDEMOFNA.ora'; File created. SQL> show parameter utl

How to change Oracle Applications R12 Port

Here is a quick guide on changing oracle applications R12 port or web listner port. Suppose your R12 instance is running on . Now your requirement is changing the port to 8002 such that you can access Oracle application from url. For doing so you can to do the following steps. Please note that there are other ways tp achieve this also. But, I found the following is the easiest and less time taking. Step 1 First source the env file. Then execute the following command.
$ cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin $ perl addnode contextfile=/d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_external/appl/admin/VIS_ext ernal_n2.xml

Give the following response after executing the command.

Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [fnalinux01] : It is recommended that your inputs are validated by the program. However you might choose not to validate them under following circumstances: Do you want the inputs to be validated (y/n) [n] ? : y Target System Root Service [enabled] : Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] :

Target System Web Application Services [enabled] : Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] : Target System Other Services [disabled] : Do you want to preserve the Display [fnalinux01:0.0] (y/n) ? : n Target System Display [fnalinux01:0.0] : RC-00217: Warning: Configuration home directory (s_config_home) evaluates to /d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01. A directory with this name already exists and is not empty. Do you want to continue (y/n) ? : y Database port is 1523 Do you want the the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 3 Checking the port pool 3 done: Port Pool 3 is free RC-40201: Unable to connect to Database VIS. Enter the Database listener port [1524] : 1523 Database port is 1523 Report file located at /d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01/temp/portpool.lst Complete port information available at /d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01/temp/portpool.lst UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories. 1. /usr/tmp Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] : 1 Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from : /d01/Vision/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/admin/template/adxmlctx.tmp The new APPL_TOP context file has been created : /d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01/appl/admin/VIS_fnalinux01.xml Log file located at /d01/Vision/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0407154125.log contextfile=/d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01/appl/admin/VIS_fnalinux01.xm l Check Clone Context logfile /d01/Vision/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_0407154125.log for details.

Step 2 Find all the old inst top directory replace it using a new inst top directory in new context file. In my case I have replaced all entry "/d01/Vision/inst" to new instance top "/d01/virtualext/inst". Run the following command to know s_config_home
$grep s_config_home /d01/Vision/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01/appl/admin/VIS_external_n2.xml <config_home oa_var="s_config_home">/d01/virtualext/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01</co nfig_home>

Create a directory structure as per the above command output.

Step 3 Now run adconfig using newly created context file.

$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ Enter the full file path to the Context file: /d01/Vision/inst/apps/VIS_fnalinux01/appl/admin/VIS_external_n2.xml

Step 4 Source the new environment file. Start the server using $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ Finally access Oracle Applications using url

See related article here

1. New Instance Top or $INST_TOP creation in R12 [ for DMZ Configuration or Configuring shared APPL_TOP or Multi node configuration ] 2. How to add new node and configure Shared APPL_TOP in Oracle Applications

How to check Oracle Apps/EBS version

1. Set the environment file. 2. Go to /tech_st/10.1.3/OPatch/ $cd ./tech_st/10.1.3/OPatch/ 3. Run the following command $ opatch lsinventory -detail

How to upgrade Oracle EBS R12.0.6 to 12.1.1

How to upgrade Oracle R12.0.6 to 12.1.1 We have followed the instruction provided in doc ID 752619.1. DB upgrade we upgraded the Database to Oracle Database 11g Release 1 by following the doc Note 735276.1. No particular issue has been faced during the upgrade. IAS upgrade Follow the note Note 454811.1 . Different types of issue has been during this time. A list of issues and solutions are as follows -> ________________________IAS Issue faced ________________________________________ ISSUE -> OPMN is failing to start. OPMN must be started in order to correctly install and configure the patchset. Please start OPMN manually in order to continue with the patchset installation. OPMN is failing to start. OPMN must be started in order to correctly install and configure the patchset. Please exit the patchset, start OPM N manually, and then continue with the patchset installation. Error finding file NonExistentFile this silent installation was unsuccessful. We are upgrading OracleAS 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) to OracleAS 10g Release 3 ( as a prerequistes for R12.1.1 update[ID 752619.1]. We are following document [ID 454811.1] and readme notes supplied by patchset Oracle Application Server Patch Set Notes 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Patch Set 5 ( While applying the patch we tried to run this command -> $./runInstaller -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc -silent -responseFile /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/Su2/applicationServer102350patch/Disk 1/stage/Response/ We get the following output -> ===================output start===================== Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking installer requirements... Checking operating system version: must be 5.8, 5.9 or 5.10. Actual 5.10 Passed Checking Temp space: must be greater than 250 MB. Actual 10148 MB Passed Checking swap space: must be greater than 1535 MB. Actual 28444MB Passed Checking operating system packages: SUNWarc,SUNWbtool,SUNWhea,SUNWlibm,SUNWlibms,SUNWsprot,SU NWtoo,SUNWi1of,SUNWxwfnt Passed Checking if CPU speed is above 450 MHz. Actual 1800 MHz Passed All installer requirements met. Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-01-07_07-10-52PM. Please wait ...bash-3.00$ Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production Copyright (C) 1999, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Loading Product Information ...............................................................100% Done. Analyzing dependencies ..................................Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Val: 0 Please check /other/testclone/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2011-0107_07-10-52PM.log for more details. ===================output end======================= The log file contains the following info -> ============================== silentInstall2011-01-07_07-10-52PM.log OPMN is failing to start. OPMN must be started in order to correctly install and configure the patchset. Please start OPMN manually in order to continue with the patchset installation.

OPMN is failing to start. OPMN must be started in order to correctly install and configure the patchset. Please exit the patchset, start OPMN manually, and th en continue with the patchset installation. Error finding file NonExistentFile This silent installation was unsuccessful. ============================== We have checked that opmn is running by follwing command -> =================== bash-3.00$ opmnctl status Processes in Instance: -------------------+--------------------+---------+--------ias-component | process-type | pid | status -------------------+--------------------+---------+--------default_group | oafm | 26106 | Alive default_group | forms | 26049 | Alive default_group | oacore | 25974 | Alive HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 25921 | Alive ================== Solution -> Upgrade the jdk version to latest by following Note 437878.1 check whether soft and hard links are correct in IAS_HOME Create the oracle inventory by following this ((link)) Check whether the proper home name is configured in response file as you have configured in the oracle inventory. Run the upgrade by running this kind of command -> ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc -silent -responseFile /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/Su2/frm_upgrade/5983622/Dis k1/stage/Response/oracle.iappserver.patchset.rsp -force Form Upgrade to upgrade to Patchset 3 ( You must upgrade to this version before applying the Release 12.1.1 Maintenance Pack. The following is being faced during form upgrade -> ______________________Form upgrade isuue_________________________________________ The login page is not coming and giving the following error -> Not Found The requested URL /OA_HTML/AppsLogin was not found on this server. So, I have restarted the whole apps and database server. While

executing ./ I encountered following error -> You are running version 120.12.12000000.6 Starting OPMN managed FORMS OC4J instance ... Calling to check whether latest FORMSAPP.EAR is deployed... Program : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd /12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ started @ Fri Jan 21 18:07:00 2011 *** Log File = /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/inst/apps/DEMOFNA_in kolsun04/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkChkFormsDeployment_Fri_Jan_21_18_ 06_59_2011/txkChkFormsDeployment_Fri_Jan_21_18_06_59_2011.lo g Program : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd /12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ completed @ Fri Jan 21 18:07:00 2011 Error while executing the perl script /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/inst/apps/DEMOFNA_in kolsun04/logs/appl/admin/log/adformsctl.txt exiting with status 1 .end std out. *** ALL THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE REQUIRED FOR RESOLVING RUNTIME ERRORS *** Log File = /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/inst/apps/DEMOFNA_in kolsun04/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkChkFormsDeployment_Fri_Jan_21_18_ 06_59_2011/txkChkFormsDeployment_Fri_Jan_21_18_06_59_2011.lo g .end err out. The txkChkFormsDeployment_Fri_Jan_21_18_06_59_2011.log file contains following information -> Script Name : Script Version : 120.0.12000000.1 Started : Fri Jan 21 18:07:00 IST 2011 ============================================ == *** Forms is configured in servlet mode *** ============================================ == ERROR DESCRIPTION: (Can't locate object method "txkFormsDeploymentStatus" via package "TXK::Techstack" at

/CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd /12.0.0/pa tch/115/bin/ line 225.) Program : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd /12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ completed @ Fri Jan 21 18:07:00 2011 Solution Approach -> Just skip this issue. Go ahead with upgrade and applying patch 7303030 and post upgrade task. This issue I have fixed at last. ______________________Form upgrade issue end______________________________________

Apply Patch 8886260:R12.FND.A (Conditionally Required) If you have installed and licensed the product Oracle Lease and Finance Management (OKL) in your instance and you are planning to upgrade from any Release 12.0.x version to Release 12.1.1, then you must apply Patch 8886260 (8886260:R12.FND.A) before you apply the AD Minipack R12.AD.B.1 Patch 7461070 and the Release 12.1.1 maintenance pack Patch 7303030. Apply the AD Minipack (Required) Use AutoPatch to apply R12.AD.B.1 Patch 7461070. Do not merge this patch with any other patch. R12.AD.B.1 must be applied separately. Refer to Oracle Applications DBA Update Pack for Release 12.1.1 Readme Note 760167.1 for more information about R12.AD.B.1 Apply Patch 8764069:R12.FND.B (Required) Apply Patch 8764069:R12.FND.B (Patch 8764069) in pre-install mode, following the instructions in the readme of that patch. Alternatively, if you are merging patches prior to upgrading, you can merge Patch 8764069:R12.FND.B as well.

Apply the main maintanence pack patch 7303030 Lots of issues have been fixed during applying this patch. A brief description of those issues and solution approaches are as follows -> First time the patch failed when 19000 jobs still remaining. I exactly did not noted the error. But, this error has been fixed after reducing the worker and restarting the whole patch application. -----------------------------------------------** Backing up $JAVA_TOP/META-INF/JRIMETA.DAT... Copying JRIMETA.DAT to JRIMETA.DAT.BackedupByAdpatch ... Copied JRIMETA.DAT to JRIMETA.DAT.BackedupByAdpatch. ** Successfully backed up JRIMETA.DAT. Running adjcopy.class: adjava -mx512m -nojit @/CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/a dmin/DEMOFNA/out/apps.cmd AutoPatch error: ERROR [code=1] Running adjcopy.class AutoPatch error: Error updating master archive An error occurred while Updating Oracle Applications Java files if necessary. Continue as if it were successful [No] : You should check the file /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/ad min/DEMOFNA/log/adpatch_7303030.log

for errors. ------------------------------------------------FAILED: file ARXINTEGB.pls on worker 1 for product ar username AR. Deferred: file ARXINTEGB.pls on worker 1 for product ar username AR. (Deferment number 1 for this job) Assigned: file ARXINTEGB.pls on worker 2 for product ar username AR. FAILED: file RLMDPBOB.pls on worker 11 for product rlm username RLM. Deferred: file RLMDPBOB.pls on worker 11 for product rlm username RLM. (Deferment number 1 for this job) Assigned: file RLMDPBOB.pls on worker 3 for product rlm username RLM. Completed: file ARXINTEGB.pls on worker 2 for product ar username AR. -----------------------------------------------FAILED: file adobjcmp.sql on worker 2 for product ad username APPLSYS. Deferred: file adobjcmp.sql on worker 2 for product ad username APPLSYS. (Deferment number 1 for this job) Assigned: file adobjcmp.sql on worker 1 for product ad username APPLSYS.Segmentation Fault - core dumped -----------------------------------------------ORA-04031: unable to allocate 32 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","DATABASESYS","trigger inform","kglhin: temp") ORA-04031: unable to allocate 32 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","update fnd_install_processes...","sql area","tmp") /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/db ============================================ ==================================

There are now 7764 jobs remaining (current phase=A96): 0 running, 1 ready to run and 7763 waiting. Deferred: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1 for product ego username APPS. (Deferment number 1 for this job) Assigned: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1 for product ego username APPS. Program completed successfully FAILED: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1 for product ego username APPS. Deferred: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1 for product ego username APPS. (Deferment number 2 for this job) Assigned: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1 for product ego username APPS. Program completed successfully FAILED: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1 for product ego username APPS. ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting: FAILED: file egogdsnag.ldt on worker 1. ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue. *************************** Solution -> I believe you can ignore this error, and skip the failed worker. Product Data File Error Applying Patch 4440000 [ID 421136.1] Oracle Applications DBA Minipack R12.AD.A [ID 401424.1] *************************** ----------------------------------------------------Completed: file zpbsv_composit.sql on worker 1 for product zpb username ZPB. FAILED: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 4 for product msd username MSD. Deferred: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 4 for product msd username MSD. (Deferment number 1 for this job) Assigned: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 1 for product msd

username MSD. FAILED: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 1 for product msd username MSD. Deferred: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 1 for product msd username MSD. (Deferment number 2 for this job) Assigned: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 1 for product msd username MSD. FAILED: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 1 for product msd username MSD. ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting: FAILED: file MSDXWDEVKIT.sql on worker 1. ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue. ************** BEGIN dbms_aw.execute('upd'); END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-37604: Parallel updating analytic workspace APPS.XWDEVKIT failed ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P000 ORA-03238: unable to extend LOB segment APPS.SYS_LOB0000476346C00004$$ subpartition SYS_LOB_SUBP479 by 16 in tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AW", line 93 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AW", line 122 ORA-06512: at line 1 --------------------------------------------------Deferred: file EGOSILDU.sql on worker 1 for product ego username EGO. (Deferment number 2 for this job) Assigned: file EGOSILDU.sql on worker 1 for product ego username EGO. FAILED: file EGOSILDU.sql on worker 1 for product ego username EGO. Completed: file EGOEXTCONC.sql on worker 3 for product ego username EGO.

ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting: FAILED: file EGOSILDU.sql on worker 1. ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue. ******************************** Solution -> Patch 7303030 Fails on Egosildu.sql : ORA-02149 Specified Partition Does Not Exist [ID 847687.1]. added new datafile using following command and restared the process -> alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA add datafile '/CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/db/apps_st/d ata/a_txn_data05_x.dbf' size 2048m; You need to add more space (extend the tablespace or add new one). Unable To Extend Table Zpb.Zpb_solve_member_defs By 16 In Tablespace [ID 418107.1] TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (TSG) : UNABLE TO EXTEND Errors [ID 1025288.6] OERR: ORA-3238 unable to extend LOB segment %s.%s subpartition %s by %s in tab [ID 75188.1] ******************************** ---------------------------------------------------I got error again while only 215 jobs remaining. The error is as follows -> There are now 215 jobs remaining (current phase=A178): 1 running, 0 ready to run and 214 waiting. Assigned: file DDR_BS_CLS_DAY_MV.xdf on worker 1 for product ddr username APPS. FAILED: file DDR_BS_FRCST_LST_SLS_MV.xdf on worker 2 for product ddr username APPS. FAILED: file DDR_BS_CLS_DAY_MV.xdf on worker 1 for product ddr username APPS. ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting: FAILED: file DDR_BS_CLS_DAY_MV.xdf on worker 1.

FAILED: file DDR_BS_FRCST_LST_SLS_MV.xdf on worker 2. ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue. ************************************************** Worker 1 log file -> Materialized View does not exist in the target database Executing create Statement Create Statement is CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW "APPS"."DDR_BS_CLS_DAY_MV" ORGANIZATION HEAP PCTFREE 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 10 MAXTRANS 255 LOGGING STORAGE(INITIAL 4096 NEXT 65536 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0 FREELISTS 4 FREELIST GROUPS 4 BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT) TABLESPACE "APPS_TS_SUMMARY" BUILD DEFERRED USING INDEX PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 11 MAXTRANS 255 STORAGE(INITIAL 4096 NEXT 65536 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0 FREELISTS 4 FREELIST GROUPS 4 BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT) TABLESPACE "APPS_TS_SUMMARY" REFRESH FAST ON DEMAND WITH ROWID USING DEFAULT LOCAL ROLLBACK SEGMENT DISABLE QUERY REWRITE AS select mfghier.MFG_ORG_CD , timehier.CLNDR_CD , mfghier.MFG_ITEM_CLASS_ID , timehier.DAY_CD , count(*) as NUM_MFG_SKU_ITEMS from ddr_r_mfg_item_sku_dn_mv mfghier , ddr_r_base_day_dn_mv timehier where timehier.mfg_org_cd = mfghier.mfg_org_cd and timehier.clndr_cd = CONCAT(mfghier.mfg_org_cd, '-BSNS') and timehier.clndr_dt between mfghier.eff_from_dt and mfghier.eff_to_dt group by mfghier.MFG_ORG_CD , timehier.CLNDR_CD , mfghier.MFG_ITEM_CLASS_ID

, timehier.DAY_CD Start time for statement above is Thu Jan 20 21:46:42 IST 2011 Exception occured No more data to read from socket java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket Exception while setting task done in the database. The exception message is OALL8 is in an inconsistent state There is some other exception while setting the task done. The exception message is OALL8 is in an inconsistent state Updating task with status 1 AD Worker error: The utility FndXdfCmp returned error for the above task. AD Worker error: The above program failed. See the error messages listed above, if any, or see the log and output files for the program. Time when worker failed: Thu Jan 20 2011 21:46:42 _____________________________________ *Worker 2 log file ->*------------------------------------Start time for statement above is Thu Jan 20 21:41:40 IST 2011 Exception occured No more data to read from socket java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket Exception while setting task done in the database. The exception message is OALL8 is in an inconsistent state There is some other exception while setting the task done. The exception message is OALL8 is in an inconsistent state Updating task with status 1 AD Worker error: The utility FndXdfCmp returned error for the above task. AD Worker error: The above program failed. See the error messages listed above, if any, or see the log and output files for the program. Time when worker failed: Thu Jan 20 2011 21:43:38 Restarting job that failed and was fixed. Time when worker restarted job: Thu Jan 20 2011 21:49:41 Start time for file is: Thu Jan 20 2011 21:49:41

Invoking Utility FndXdfCmp ... Class: oracle.apps.fnd.odf2.FndXdfCmp Method: applyXDF Arguments: &un_apps &pw_apps &un_apps &pw_apps &jdbc_protocol &jdbc_db_addr mview &fullpath_ddr_patch/115/xdf_DDR_BS_FRCST_LST_SLS_MV.xdf &fullpath_fnd_patch/115/xdf_xsl XDF file application started. Current time is: Thu Jan 20 21:49:41 IST 2011 ============================================ ==================================== Applying XDF file : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/apps_st/appl/ddr /12.0.0/patch/115/xdf/DDR_BS_FRCST_LST_SbashSolution -> Understanding the "OALL8 is in an inconsistent state" Exception (Doc ID 944692.1) After Database Upgrade From To, 'OALL8 Is In An Inconsistent State' And 'No more data to read from socket" Errors Occur When Running JDBC Application (Doc ID 879589.1) OALL8 is in an inconsistent state" With JDBC Thin Driver and selecting non-ascii Characters (Doc ID 549409.1)

R12.1.3 upgrade from R12.1.1 very brief guide

Recently we have upgraded our instance from R12.1.1 to R12.1.3. Our database version was 11.0.6. Here is a step by step guide on how we have upgraded this. I have listed all the issue list in the later part of this document. The main documents you need to follow for main patch application-> Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 Readme [ID 1080973.1] Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Upgrade [ID 761570.1]

Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications Release 12 [ID 396009.1] Oracle E-Business Suite Upgrade Guide Set recyclebin=false and _pga_max_size=104857600 in init.ora file Now do the following after shutting down the database. $ sqlplus / as sysdba Run the following commands -> SQL> startup pfile=/dbs/init<SID>.ora SQL> create spfile from pfile='/init<SID>.ora'; File created. SQL> show parameter utl Follow document Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Upgrade [ID 761570.1] step by step for your database version. As our database version was 11.0.6 we have followed path E. We have applied the following patches in database. For all UNIX/Linux platforms 1. 8328200
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Follow document Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 Readme [ID 1080973.1] step by step for applying main patch.

====================================== Issue ->

During the upgrade process to 12.1.1 this issue may be seen -> ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 822904 bytes (pga heap,kco buffer) ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [dbgtfdFileWrite() +48] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFF7FFC1C88] [PC:0x1063BD2D0] [Address not mapped to object] [] Solution -> For this issue set the following parameter in init.ora file. _pga_max_size=104857600 Now do the following after shutting down the database. $ sqlplus / as sysdba Run the following commands -> SQL> startup pfile=/dbs/init<SID>.ora SQL> create spfile from pfile='/init<SID>.ora'; File created. SQL> show parameter utl ============================================

How to make Oracle EBusiness Suite R12 faster

Delete the log files under $APPLCSF\log directory. $find . -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \ = delete log more than one day old.

MAKE the application server fast

Gather Schema statistics [How to run Gather Schema statistics on R12] From System Administrator responsibility search %Gather% in concurrent manager. Then Run it. Give parameter ALL for all schema.

Oracle Inventory configuration during install

Update $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc file like the following way -> -------------inventory_loc=/other/testclone/oraInventory inst_group=dba -------------Now, create the oraInventory directory with all relevent files. Edit inventory.xml with the following information about your target upgrade oracle home.


"/other/testclone/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml" 14 lines, 693 characters (?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?) < !- - Copyright (c) 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights Reserved --> < ! - - Do not modify the contents of this file by hand. --> (INVEN TORY ) (VERSION_INFO) (SAVE D_WITH) (MINIMUM_VER>> (/VERSION _INFO> (HOME _LIST> (HOME NAME="WEBOH" LOC="/CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/ > (HOME NAME="FRMOH" LOC="/CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/TESTFNA_CLONE/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/" TYPE="O" IDX="2"/ > (HOME NAME="DVFNACLN_DB__CLIENTDEMOREL12_visrel12_DVFNACLN_db_tech_st_1 0_2_0" LOC="/CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DVFNACLN/db/tech_st/10.2.0/" TYPE="O" IDX="3"/> (/HOME_LIST> (/INVENTORY>------------[Replace ( with <. This blog tool understands < as html tag]. then run upgrade with following command -> ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc -silent -responseFile /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/Su2/frm_upgrade/5983622/Disk1/stage/Response/ oracle.iappserver.patchset.rsp -force

Some Common OPatch Application Issue

Issue -> During Application of Opatch the following error was coming. The Oracle Home does not meet OUI version requirement. This OPatch (version xxx) detects OUI version yyy in the home. It requires OUI version yyy or above. System intact, OPatch will not attempt to restore the system OPatch failed with error code 73 Solution -> 1. 2. 3. 4. Download Patch 6880880 for the version xxx cp $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch.bak Unzip patch 6880880 in $ORACLE_HOME Use OPatch directory opatch file during opatch inatallation

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Issue -> opatch apply command is giving the following error. LsInventory: OPatch Exception while accessing O2O OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR : An exception of type "OPatchException" has occurred: OPatch Exception: OUI found no such ORACLE_HOME set in the environment Can not get details for given Oracle Home An exception occurs null There is no Interim Patch OPATCH_JAVA_ERROR : An exception of type "OPatchException" has occurred: Can not get a list of inventory on this home. ERROR: OPatch failed because of Inventory problem.

Solution -> This is because of missing ORACLE_HOME in inventory. Use the following command to recreate the inventory -> cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin ./runInstaller -silent -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="/other/testclone/XXX/apps/tech_st/10.1.2" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="XXX_HOME"

Now, check whether the oracle home has been added in the inventory using following command. OPatch/opatch lsinventory -invPtrLoc /other/testclone/XXX/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/oraInst.loc -all Now apply opatch.

Upgraded R12.1.1 cloning issue

while we run $ perl appsTier on clone a R12.1.1 system post clone activity is stopping at 3%. It is taking long time there and then finally failed. We analyzed that it has failed during running the scripts"". The $tail is giving following output -> setting ownership: testclone:dba instantiate file: source : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/appsutil/template /ftrace_cfg_1012.tmp dest : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/forms/server/ftra ce.cfg backup : /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/forms/server/ftra ce.cfg to /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/inst/apps/DEMOCLN_inkolsun04/out/ft race.cfg setting permissions: 700 setting ownership: testclone:dba Executing script in InstantiateFile: /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/perl/bin/perl -I /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/perl/lib/5.8.3 -I /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/perl/lib/site_perl/ 5.8.3 -I /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/perl -I /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/ mod_perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.3/sun4-solaris-thread-multi /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/appsutil/clone/oui ------------------------------------Solution -> Run $ perl appsTier again. While it will struck at 3% again from different window run the following command -> $ ps -ef | grep opmn Output will be as follows -> testclon 2248 1 0 Feb 03 ? 0:00 /other/testclone/DEVFNA/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/opmn/bin/opmn -d

testclon 27123 27122 0 20:39:11 pts/5 0:00 /bin/sh /CLIENTDEMOREL12/visrel12/DEMOFNA_CLN/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/opmn/bin/opmn testclon 27127 27123 0 20:39:11 pts/5 0:00 /other/testclone/TESTFNA/apps/tech_st/10.1.2//opmn/bin/opmn -a -q ping Now, kill the PID associated with "opmn -a -q ping". $kill -9 27127 May be killing other OPMN processes will helpful if it does not work. The postclone activity will start automatically.

How to apply ad patches on Oracle EBusiness Suite R12

Quick steps to apply patches ->

1. Download the patch from metalink and transfer it to the patches directory of the instance. 2. Shutdown The Application: Go to $INST_TOP/admin/scripts and run 3. Enable Maintenance mode: Go to $APPL_TOP, execute application environment file (one named like APPS_hostname) then run adadmin. Go to change maintenance mode and enable it and come out of adadmin. 4. Run adpatch. Put all values as asked. 5. Give the no of workers; it may be double of the no of CPUs. 6. To monitor the status of the workers, there is a utility called adctrl. Run this from $APPL_TOP after executing the application env file in another session to monitor the worker status while applying patches. 7. After the patch application is over, disable the maintenance mode in the same way. 8. To be in safe side restart the Database once. 9. Make the application up and check if con managers are running.

What to do if a worker fails during adpatch application on R12

In a different window constantly monitor the patch worker using adctrl command. 1. set the application environment file of R12 2. run adctrl check the status of the worker using option 1 [Show worker status]. If a worker fails. 1. Check adwork01.log [check the failed worker number] file under

$APPL_TOP/admin//log directory for details about the error. 2. Fix the issue mentioned in worker file. 3. Use Option 2 [Tell worker to restart a failed job] to restart the failed job in adctrl window. 4. If the issue is fixed properly the worker will start and complete the job and your adpatch will continue executing. Sometimes, you need to restart all the workers and exit the adpatch session and restart it from the failed location will do your job.

Usefull Unix commands for Apps DBA

System Volume information $df -kh Know folder size $du sh Find File in current directory and sub directory $ find . -name "*.txt" print process information $ps al Find a particular port[8004] status $ netstat -an |grep 8003 search a port [60000] in netstat as command [grep example] $ netstat -as | grep "60000" find a word[word] in filename $ grep 'word' filename know about all the process $ps aef Kill a particular process $ kill -9 Know about a particular process [here copy process information] $ps -cf | grep cp CPU and RAM usage $TOP or $TOP -n 1 The "chmod" command is used to alter file permissions after the file has

been created -> $chmod 777 *.log

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