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North Pole to the South Pole is i i om the CIRCLES ye arth running fom the called? aA meridian . Alongitude. . 2 Raiterence of ongitude. @. A parallel of latitude. in nautical miles, between two positions on CIRCLES 5 : Ae ne aeoparated by 10 degrees of longitude? 5 is latitude 60 degrees N, that are separat q 20am. b. 300nm. . 866 nm. 4. 600 nm. The initial great circle track from A to B is 080 degrees, and the rhumb line track is 083 degrees. What is the intial great circle track from B to A and in which hemisphere are the two positions? a. 266 degrees and in the northern hemisphere. b. 260 degrees and in the northern hemisphere. ©. 260 degrees and in the southern hemisphere. 4. 266 degrees and in the southern hemisphere. RCL The great circle bearing of position B from position A in the northern hemisphere is 040 degrees, If the Conversion angle is 4 degrees, what is the great circle bearing of A from B? 2. 228 degrees. b. 212 degrees, © 224 degrees. 4d. 220 degrees, caRcies 5, In which oceasion: ea. 5 On the surface of thecarthe any le track and the great circle track coincide 4 On cast-nes equator, On high © On north 4. On east Copyright Kei CIRCLES 6, In the northern hemisphere the rhumb i : ‘ ine track degrees. The conversenceis 6 degrees, ang he eo POS degrees. What isthe inital rhumb ing weet from B tg 4,7 oneitude is 19 fo A. ‘om Position A to B is 239 a, 050 degrees, b. 056 degrees. c. 053 degrees. a. 047 degrees. CIRCLES 7. The distance along the meridian between 63.55 N and 13 47 south js ‘outh is? a, 4662 nm, b. 5008 nm, ce 7702 nm. d. 3008 nm. CIRCLES 8, The great circle track measured at A (45 00.N 010 0 N_ 019 00 W) is approximately? oe a. 270 b. 93 « 90 273 CIRCLES 9, uw Variation at an NDB =9W. Variation at the aircraft =48t4> The true track of the great circle to the NDB from the aircraft is 101.4, The magnetic bearing of the NDB from the aircraft is? a 112.5, b. 108.5. e 114.5, d. 110.5, CIRCLES 10. An aircraft follows a radial toa VOR? DME station. At 10:00 the DME reads 120 nm. At 10:03 the DME reads 105 nm. The estimated time overhead the VOR/DME station is? a, 10:24 b. 10:18 ce 10:21 a. 10:27 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation LES He Position B= (5600.08 171 47, CIRCLES Mg 00.05 163 57.2). Position B= ( 4), Fo, the route from A to B the? Rhumb line distance 1455.4 nm. Rhumb line distance = 1206.6 a Great cirele direction at B is 080.7 degrees. Great circle direction at Bis 100.1 degrees. 12, from a position 86N 30W has an initial track of 085 (T) is it? ‘A random northerly track to the pole. Initially north 86N, then 180 then later South of 86N A small circle to the North Pole. A spiral to the North Pole. fose CIRCLES 13. a ‘A great circle track crosses the equator at 30W has an initial track of 035 (T). Its highest north point is? a. 55N 060E. b. SSN 060W. c. 35N 150W. d. 35N 150E. CIRCLES 14. Position A = (30 00.0N\, 175 23.2W) Position B= (3000.0N 173 48.1E) For this route the? Great circle direction at A= 275.4 degrees. Rhumb line distance = 578 nm. Rhumb line distance = 648.7 nm. a. b. © d. Great circle direction. at B = 092.7 degrees. CIRCLES 15, The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in an aircraft is coupled to the guidance system of an inertial navigation system (INS). The aireraft is flying between waypoints No 4 (4500N 040 00 W) and No 5 (45 00N 030 00W). On arrival at the TT at waypoint No 5, the TT has? Increased by less than 10m degrees. Decreased by more than 10 degrees. Decreased by less than 10 degrees. a. b. d. Remained unchanged. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 60 gs(T) it will? Follow a line which lies first - st to the nort having passed a DL of 180 tothe south orn ear ate FBO but after b. Follow a small cirele which lies to the north of th c. Flyto the North Pole via an arbitrary fine’ Pallet of 86N, a. Fly viaa spiral to the North Pole, CIRCLES 17, le track measured at A (45 00 N 01900 \W) is approximately? ¢ 910 00.W) from A to B (45 00 N a. 273 degrees. b. 090 degrees. c. 093 degrees, a. 270 degrees. CIRCLES 18. Ifyou are flying along a parallel of latitude, you are flying? a. A great circle track. b. Onanorth-south track. c. Arhumb line track. d. Ona track which is constantly changing direction. CIRCLES 19. An aircraft follows a great circle in the northern hemisphere. Ata certain moment the aircraft is in the position on the great circle where the great circle direction is 270(T). Continuing on the great circle the? a, Track angle will decrease and the latitude will decrease. b. Track angle will increase and the latitude will increase. c. Track angle will increase and the latitude will decrease. d. Track angle will decrease and the latitude will increase. CIRCLES 20. Position A is (3100S 17617 W). Rhumb line track (T) from A to Bis 270 degrees. Initial great circle track (T) from A to B is 266.2 degrees. The approximate position of B is. (3100S 173 34E) (3100S 161 32E) (3100S 168 58E) (3100S 173 24E) ee SP vigati 61 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012. 1000 QA&E For General Navigation a rout chrcle direction cnet ree gow wih 1 great 7 escere iin ern circle will reste (hie sist Willey ‘great A renal rack . An aireral : ws A 558 120WV: 35N 1200, GOR. ceding along # great circle when proce g will oceur? vin distance ee rum Htc IRCLES 22: differen ae instead of the petwveen two positionss tracks at low latitude. i latitude. orth-south tt acks at low i ‘4 north-south tracks at high Jow latitude, On east-west tracks at high latitude. Oncastewest a b. c a. CIRCLES 23. Pwo places are si great circle, rhumb line am polar stereographie project ituated on the same parallel in the southern hemisphere, The straight line between these places are drawn on a tion. Which statement is correct? situated between the parallel and the straight line, a. The great circle i rat circle is always pointed towards the eeause the concave side of the gre pole. b. The great circle is situated between the parallel and the straight line, because the concave side of the great cirele is always pointed towards the equator. ¢. The rhumb line is situated between the parallel and the straight line, because the shortest distance between two places on the earth is always a great circle. 4d. The correct sequence from north to south is great circle, straight line, thumb line, CIRCLES 2 ‘An aircraft isin position (76N 020E). WI ing i att c }). When following a rhumb line track of 4. Fy tothe North Pole via an arbitrary tne. . Follow a small circle, which lies, to the north F small circle, : of the parallel of 761 ¢. Follow allie, which lies a first (othe north of the paral OrTON having passed a DL of 180 degrees to the south of it. ee 4. Fly a spiral to the North Pole, : CIRCLES 25. What i at is the length of one degree of longitude at latitude 60 deg: th egrees south? a. 30nm, Copyright Keith Williams 201 ss ight Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For Genera ral Navivation k the convergence of any t i ein ny two meridians on the Earth change with a. Itdecreases with decrease of latitude. pb. It changes with cosine of latitude, c. Itisof constant value and docs not change with latitude. a. It changes with the sine of latitude. CIRCLES 27. Which statement about meridians is correct? The plane of a meridian is parallel to the equator. All meridians are parallel with the meridian at Greenwich. A meridian and its anti-meridian form a complete great circle. ‘A meridian forms a complete great circle. BOP CIRCLES 28. When flying on a constant great circle tracking the southern hemisphere you will? Experience an increase in value of true track. a. b. Experience a decrease in value of true track. c. Fly aspiral and finally end up at the South Pole. d. Always have the rhumb line track between the departure point and the destinations to the left of your great circle track. CIRCLES 29. A great circle track joins position A (59° $ 141°W) and B (61° S 148°W). What is the difference between the great circle track at A and B? a, Itincreases by 6°. b. — Itdecreases by 6°. c. It increases by 3°. a. It decreases by 3°. CIRCLES 30. : : Given: Position A 45° N, 2° E, Position B 45° N, 45° 15'E Distance A-B = 280 NM, Bis to the East of A, What is the longitude of position A? a 38° 39'E. b. 49° S7'E. is 51° S1'E. a. 40° 33'E. i paints of equal magmeti dip. d Points of equal magnetic herizontal field strength MAGNETISM & COMPASSES. 70. mmpass should be swung when? ‘A direct reading C0 ted number of landings. a. Theaireraft has made more than sta # Theres a large, and permanent, change in magnetic latitude. » There is a large change in magnetic longitude. §.Theaireraft is stored for a long period and is frequently moved. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 71. ing compass system is used when? The annuneiator of a remote indic Synchronising the magnetic and gyro compass elements. a. b. Compensating for deviation. . Setting local magnet variation. d. Setting the ‘heading’ pointer. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES The direct reading magnetic compass is made aperiodic (dead beat) by? ry a, Using long magnets. b. Pendulo ension of bly. ; se is susp sion of the magnetic assembl; using damping = : ; rm ste ly se to the compass point and a y 4. Using the lowest acceptable viscosity compass liq) ss liquid. MAGNETIS} MAGNETISM & Compasses 73, The Earth can be ee ASSES 73, red as bei ing a magnet with the? % Red pole near the north ole of the “1 Pole near the north pole of th of th Blue pole near the n be ‘orth pole of th ‘ . he mg force pointing straight up faa and the direction of the © magnetic foree olulag iia the earth and thedinente straight 1 rection of th 4, Blue pole near the north pote ofthe aie ah sdefics, and the direction of the e sagnetic force pointing stra face, ue * pointing straight down to the earth's surf arth's surface, 1AGNETISM & COMPASSES 74, Srvintion applied fo magnetic heading gives? Magnetic track, Compass heading, Truc headi Magnetic course. Bose MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 75, ‘The angle between Magnetic North and Compass North is called: ss led? Compass deviation. Compass error. Magnetic variation. Alignment error. pose MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 71 Which of the follow an occasion for carryi a Direct Reading Compass? Coen eee eens Before an aircraft goes on any flight that involves a large change of magnetic latitude. : b. After any of the aireraft radio equipment has been changed due to unserviceability. Whenever an aireraft earries a large freight load regardless ofits content. After an aircraft has passed through a severe electrical storm, or has been struck by lightning. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 77. Which of the following statements is c errors on a direct reading compass? vorreet concerning the effect of turning ‘Turning errors are greatest on east/vest headings, and are greatest at high latitudes. b. Turning errors are greatest on north/south headings, and are greatest at high latitudes. ; c Turning errors are greatest on east/west headings, and are least at high latitudes. : i d. Turning errors are greatest on north/south headings, and are least at high latitudes. vigati ol Copyright Keith Williams 201 1,2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation > | i & COMPASSES 74, Which one of the following Ian advantage of # remote reading COM Any rn compared with a standby compass? a V climinates the effect of turning and accele' suspending the detector unit, sd tlecitlenlly a b, Tis more retlable heeause it ly operated electrically and POWET Ie sty, 7 Available from sources within the alreratt : © HM senses the magnetic meridian instend of seeking It, Inc TOMO Comp, ms sensitivity, ; GAs tighter than » direct rending compass heenuse it EMPLOYS, apayy fm the detector unit, existing areraft equipment, ALON ETFO DY pena Hiv, 19 i regarding, magnetic variation, The ¢ MAGNETISM & COMPAS harteg Complete the following sinte Values of magnetic variation on earth normally change annually due 1? 2. Magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at all location, ty increase or decrease. = : Magnetic pole movement causing numerical values at allocations increase, . c A reducing field strength causing numerical values at all Jocations ty decrease, . oie a | d. An increasing field strength causing numerical values at all locations 1y increase, MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 80. - The north and south magnetic poles are the only positions on the arth’s surfers where? The value of magnetic variation equals 90°. A freely suspended compass needle will stand vertical, Isogonals converge. A freely suspended compass needle will stand horizontal, rs c d. ISM & COMPASSES 81, The main reason for mounting the detector unit of a remote reading compass in the wingtip of an aeroplane is? a. To ensure that the unit is in the most accessible Position on the aircraft for ease of maintenance, b. By having detector units on both wingtips, to cancel out the deviation effects caused by the aircraft structure. © To minimize the amount of deviation caused by aircraft magnetism 204 electrical circuits, To maximize the units &xposure to the earth's magnetic field. MAGNELISM & COMPASSES 2, ain advantage uf # remte indenting exmpaes river w Aiveet pending fem Te aes Fo that 2 a. Requires tess maintenance, bh. Is able to magnify the earth's maynetic fies in order to eS) in order ta aan yewer c_ Senses, rather than seeks, the maynetie meridian, 4G. Has less moving parte, Z MAGNETS! ! Fhe main reason for usually mounting the detector nit of a remene ind compass in the wingtip of an aeroplane fs? vi a vemnate indication, Place it where if will not he subjected to eleetrieal or magnetic: a. interference from the aireraft, b. Reduce the amount of deviation caused by aireraft a electrical circuits. i — te easy maintenance of the unit and increave its exprnure to the « Fa Earth's magnetic field. Place it in a position where there is no ceetrical wiring to cause deviation errors. & COMP, Permanent magnetism in aircraft arises chiefly from? The combined effect of aircraft electrical equipment and the earth's magnetic field. b. The effect of internal wiring and exposure to electrical storms. c Hammering, and the effect of the earth's magnetic field, whilst under a construction. Exposure to the earth's magnetic field during normal operation. d. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 85. Which of the following statements concerning the earth's magnetic field is completely correct? gnetic field and vertical field component. ctic field is situated in North Canada. he inclination varies depending on magnetic equator. semi-permanent Dip is the angle between total mas b. The blue pole of the earth's magn G At the earth's magnetic equator, t whether the geographic equator is north or south of the d. The earth's magnetic field can be classified as transient, or permanent. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 86. | magnetic variation are The lines on the earths surface that join points of equal called? Canoral Navigation 93 c.—_ Tsogonals. a Isotachs. NIT “OMPASSESS2 MAGNETISM.& COMPASSES Fr Concerning direct reading MAY hemisphere, i ean be said that? ap & COMPASSES, in the northery sh inal neceeration CMHSES 2M Appar jt ong ings | : acceleration causes an appare,, Onan Easterly hea ' turn to the South. jtudinal b. Ona Westerly headings * lone! al turn to the South. sings 4 fongitudinal d On a Westerly headings turn to the North. gitudinal ace d. Onan Easterly hea turn to the North. i es h At a specific location, pass installed. a jon causes aN appareny cleration causes an appareny ing, a 1on ype of com Depends on the type? oat bh Depends on the magnetic heading: ¢. Depends on the true heading. d. Varies slowly over time. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 89. Isogonals are lines of equal? a. Wind velocit b. Magnetic variation. ¢. Compass deviation. d. Pressure. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 90. In northern hemisphere, during an acceleration in an easterly direction, the magnetic compass will indicate? a. A heading of East. b. Adecrease in heading, © Am inerease in heading, 4. An apparent turn to the South, S91. riation signifies that? Compass North is Compass North ig ne of Magnetic North, a b, & True North j est of Mapneti, a rth is a Agnetic North, True North ig we rltgnti North Cancel ont the horizontal a al component of the es " egal ie ated he carth's magnetic field. ont the ects of the magnet fields found on board the aeroplane wre the angle between Mayuetie North andl Compass Novth ae out the vertical component of the earth's magnetic Feld. eld, MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 93, You are turning from 330°C to 040°C in the north add or under-rend (Hand wi quid swirl tend to Ineredse or decrease error (ii)? jecrease the a @) Over-read (i) Deere pb. @) Over-read Gi) Increase, ce. (@ Under-read (i) Decrease, The sensitivity agnetic compass is? a. __ Inversely proportional to the horizontal and vertical components of the carth’s magnetic field. b. Directly proportional to the horizontal and vertical components of the earth's magnetic field. ¢. Proportional to the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field. 4. Proportional to the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field. Has a maximum of 90°. Has a maximum of 180°. Is zero at the equator. Has a maximum value of 45°E or 45°W. MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 96. Which of the following statements about the earth’s magnetic field is most accurate? It has no effect on aireraft deviation. . It may be permanent, temporary or transient. c It acts as if there were a large red magnetic pole in northern Canada da. The dip angle is the angle between the total magnetic field and the e horizontal. sP MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 97. At the magnetic equator? a. Variation Is zero. b Deviation Is zero. e.— Dipiszero. The agonic line is also an isogonal line, a JAGNETISM & COMPASSES 98, Which of the following is the best definition of magnetic variation? a ‘The angle between the magnetic heading b. The angle between the magnetic north an c. The angle between the (ru a. The angle between the dire magnetic north, and the magnetic nor, d the truc north,” north and the compass north, ction indicated on a magnetic com Pass 4 ing ISM & COMPASSRs 99, At which point on the surface of the earth is a magnetic compass MOS effec, ney On the geographical equator, Close to the magnetic north pole. Close to the magnetic South Pole. Approximately midway between the magnetic poles, aes MAGNETISM & COMPASSES 100, WL & COMPASSES 100, Which of the followi ig Statements about the earth’s magnetic field is most accurate? It has no effect on aireraft deviation. It may be permanent, temporary or transient. Tt acts as if there were a large blue magnetic pole in northern Canada, The dip angle is the angle between the total magnetic field and the earth vertical, Bese DESCENTS 1. At what approximate distance from the threshold would an aircraft ‘intercept the glide path if the aircraft height is 2500 feet, and the ILS glide path angle is 3°? a 7.0 nm, b. 7.8 nm, G 13.0 nm, d. 14.5 nm. DESCENTS 2. Convert 70 metres/second into knots? a 35 kts. b. 55 kts. “ 136 kts. da. 146 kts. CHART. THEORY 32. CHARTTHEORY 32, Sue sumo Loc» Conte Zone CTR on ayy : Fonte CHARTTHEORY 33 p, Meal chart option a, Symbol 8 is a lightship, 6 is an excep unlighted obstacle, “ptionally high obstacle, §3isa VOR, 15 isan CHART THEG RY Sa f s symbol 13 isa VOR, 8 is 0 lightshi c " 5 mn Ship, 6 is an symbat13 sa VO " exceptionally hi 'y high obstacte, 15 is a AS isan CIRCLES La. ‘The meridians of latitude are all great ci sae ; circles, which : ane of 10 degrees when going north and 180 ch rs the Equator at an run from the North Pole to the South Pole and back arsine oath They circle. ack again, forming a complete For all other Great Circles, the crossing an; ; ig angle at each suecessive meridian is f A ssive meridian is alert due fo the convergence of the meridians, ‘This means that the heading that is required to follow such Great Circles chan : " es. tantly lig] co ges constantly as the flight CIRCLES 2 Departure = Change of Longitude (in minute) x cosine of latitude. Cosine of 60 degrees = 0.5 and 10 degrees of longitude = 600 minute. So departure = 600 x 0.5 =300 nm. CIRC! The rhumb line will always be on the equator side of the great ci great circle 080 and rhumb line 083, these two positions must be in the northern hemisphere. CIRCLES 4a. The conversion angle is half of the convergence. Itis also the correction between the great circle and the rhumb line tracks. The difference between great circle tracks at points A and Bis equal to the convergency. o the convergence is 8 The conversion angle in this question is 4 degrees degrees, vigati 359 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QAS&E For General Navigation > reciprocal of the prong hrede Hag Ae 0404 80-48 = 228 depregs, ‘race of the Earth whose radiy. pS Sc: e surface of 818 oy capcuts sss jeanyirle om Me fat pss through the centre of the fy ith that A oa a whose pane ie Parallels of latitude are examples of gy cet the bs 7 great ct = ‘el yer than a 8 a les, ce ay ict on ae surfer oF the ERrth Whose yg passes through the centre of the puts ose plane ri sed tine on the surface of the Barth, which aes a regularly cur wel i Arhumb linet tdirection with respect to true North. This definition Mean maintains 2 const T meridians atthe same angle ‘ that a rhumb line must cross all an imaginary ine that joins points of equal latitude ii : ‘fo the Equator (the Equator, therefore, is alc in {lies parallel to the Equal 8 also a = at fe only one which is a great circle). Parallels of latitude are a 5 ly eed to define position in terms of latitude, els of latitude are numbered from 1° to 89° North or Since parallels of latitude are parallel fo the Equator ang nd are therefore rhumb A parallel of latitud ‘Whole degrees of paral South of the Equator. i run East/West they cross all meridians at right angles ines. A meridian is a semi-great circle between the North and South poles. Itis a line joining points of equal longitude and crosses the Equator at right angles. All meridians define the directions of True North and South aca Syn have their centre at the centre of the earth. The only rhumb line circles that have thei ae ir centres at the centre of the earth are the meridians and the fd Equator and the feridians all have their centre atthe The parallels of seame of the Earth, so E = latitude north and My ae great citcles * south of the Equator do not have theit centres atthe centre of re the Earth, but they A e cross the meridians at constant angle, so they are Riumb Lins CIRCLES 6a. The rhumb A to B. So if the rhumb line A to R= 9 = 230 then th, e rhum| b line B The convergence and difference j (A= 239-199 = © im longitu ae de ar calculate the great circle tracks, © required only if w, ly if we wish to © of latitude is equal to 1 nm, So the distance in nm is equal to (1 ion. 63 degrees $5 minut he number of min, utes of lati es North = (63 x69 )t a5 mig between the 13 degrees 47 minutes South = (3x 60) +47 gy nutes, ~ minutes, Adding the two together gives 3835 + 27 — 4662 CIRCLES 8 d. If the aircraft flies due west from line), it will remain on the same parallel of lati A great circle is an imaginary circle on the su the same as the Earth and whose plane passes through the centre of the Earth. A great circle divides the earth into equal hemispheres, o ita great ieee erases the Equator, it will eross the equator again at 180 of longitude away from the first crossing. This means that having crossed the Equator, all such sreat circles gradually turn back towards it. : rface of the Earth whose radius is In this question Position B is to the west of Position A and both are in the Northern Hemisphere so the great circle track from A to B is initially more than 210 (to the north of 270 degrees), then gradually changes to become less than 270 (to the south of 270 degrees), as it curves back towards the Equator.. The difference between the rhumb line track and the great circle track is called the Conversion Angle. The conversion angle is equal to half of the convergence of the meridians between Positions A and B Convergency = Change in longitude x sine of mean latitude. So between 10 degrees and 19 degrees longitude at 45 north the convergence isd Xsine 45 = 6.36 degrees. 3 degrees. So the great circle So the conversion angle is 3.18 or approximately 40 track at A is 270 + 3 = 273 and at B it is 270-3 = mneral Navigation 361 oonyt 9012 1000 QA&E For Ge . Ur | See SIRCLES 9 2. isapplied atthe station. For NDBs the yarn, is For VORs the variation applied at the aireralt. tion atthe airerat is LIW so we ad 11 t0 the true AK ay iy In this case varia gives 11+ 1014 = 112s IRCLES 10.2, in the $ minutes between 10:00 and 10:03 the distance to the station ye from 120 nm to 105 nm, eq That is a distance of 15 nm. Dividing this distance by the 3 minutes between 10:00 and 10:03 gives Speed 9) Snnv/minute. ing the remaining 105 nm by 5 nm/min gives a time of 21 Minutes 4, 80 to the station, Adding 21 minutes to 10:03 gives a time of 10: 24 overhead the station, CIRCLES 11 c. Both positions are at the same latitude so rhumb line distance = Departy re= (| Long (in minute) x cos lat. Ch Long = (360 deg - (163 deg 57.2 min + 171 deg 47.4 min)) = 1455.4 my 4 minutes So departure = 1455.4 x Cos 56 = 813,85 nm. This eliminates two of the options. Rhumb line track = 090 degrees. Great ci c= i ae 21 reat cirele track = rhumb line + conversion Conversi = CV ‘hich = ¢ ae angle = 1/2 convergence which = (1/2 x 24.25 deg x sin 56) = 10.47 So great circle = 090 - 10.46 which is 079.53 degrees. Copvricht Keith vw: 1. The meridians sconverge as they approach the Poles, 4, Crossing the convert sreidians a onst™Mnt ANE Goss the Uy ines to spiral towards the nearest Pole. 2. Rhumb fines cross the meridians at a constant angle. ure lines which eross the meridi 7 cridians at a constant ang] ints ths. Rhumb lines that cross the meridians at an eS gle of 270 degrees are parallels of latitude or the equator. Rhumb lines 2 along their pal degrees or at an any Because the meridians converge as latitude increases north and south of th Equator, and because humb lines cross these converging meridians at a constant angle, rhumb lines other than the Equator and parallels of latitude. spiral towards the nearest pole. An example of this is illustrated in the diagram below. CIRCLES 13.4. A great Ie is an imaginary circle on the surface of the Earth whose radius is through the centre of the Earth. and whose plane passes Agreat circle divides the carth into equal hemisphere: equator again at 180 of longitude away from the first crossing. So in thi crossing will be at 030W and 150E. the same as the Earth s, 80 it will eross the is ease the midway between the two points where it crosses the northern hemisphere and at 120W in the tion 55N 0608 is the only correct option. It will reach its highest latitude the equator, That is at 060 in southern hemisphere. In this quest 3. The Northern Vertex is g degrees to the East of the equatorial crossing Point, Crossing Point 450E 2. Inits 1. Inj southern norte’ transit the transit track also tracker? crosses the Equator the eqs equator at 65 “55 de a degrees, $0 soithget® its Southern Vertex satan Vertex is at 1 bd BS i Crossing Southern Vertex Point 55S 1200 — 030W < 4, The southern crossing point is 90 degrees to the west of the equatorial crossing point. CIRCLES 14 b. Both positions are at the same latitude so rhumb lime distance = Departure=y Long (in minute) x cos lat. Ch Long= (360 deg- (175 deg 23.2 min + 173 deg 48.1 min))= 6487 mints, So departure = 648.7 x Cos 30 = 561.8 nm. Rhumb line track = 090 degrees. Great circle track = rhumb line + conversion angle. Conversion angle= 1/2 convergence which = eg. (1/2 x 10.81 deg x sin 30) =2.718, So great circle = 999 - vhich js 092.703 at ieee 2.703 which is 087.298 at Position A and 090+ 2.7037 Comparing these results wi ion ai stance = 57810" AS the closest option, Yi" he option gives "Rhumb line distance =5181 Copyriohy v- pS.15a- cRclLEste® a rade in this question is unchangea he : ; fon Waypoint No 4 to Waypoint No is d INS combinations fly Great Ci ole. This means that they alwg ALASN, So) luc East ones rhumb ti ine bea Agrees), Te le rout cs. G Great Circtes are convex to th ec Al ‘rarest D Way from the nearest pole. YS turn a we factors mean that the great ei at circle tr ue track, more than 090 ‘phe abo than 090 at Waypoint No and slighty (TT) wil e stighty tess at Waypoint N the amount by which the TT change sis equal to th 05 '¢ convergence, onvergeney = change of longitude x sine of mean tatitua latitude, in this ease convergency = 10 degrees x Sine 4 the True Track will increase by 7 pas degrees =7 degrees. This ans tha = grees, CIRCLES 16d. Cetumb Hine isa regularly curved line on the surf snaintains a constant direction with respect fo Gene hire which That a rhumb line must eross all meridians at the same angle. is definition means Rhumb lines whose bearing is 090 or 270 are parallels of lati Feoquse humm Hines eros ll ofthe meridians a thetameangle ant pecs the meridians converge towards the poles, all rhumb lines s Tata because the other, unless their bearing is 090 or 270. ore oe So ifan aircraft in position (86N 0208), then follows rhumb Ii k of 085 it will fly via a spiral to the north pole. a 1. The meridians converge as they 3. Crossing the approach the Poles. converging meridians ata constant angle, causes the rhumb lines to spiral towards the nearest Pole. 2. Rhumb lines cross the meridians at a constant angle # CIRCLI E Positions A and B are bo track from A to B is 270. fhe rhumb line th at 45N and Bis due west of A. So tl means that the track fo the nearest pole. This but the ov verall But Great circle tracks are convex t from the North Pole, from A to B will gradually curve aw: direction will be 270 degrees. = 365 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 3 > goat Att must be slightly more than 270-and a¢B it mug bea, 2 hy la 270. ‘ ‘the only option iting this specification fs 273, hy he prea cic irection aA 162704072 Long siggy, lati, hat is 270+ (059 x Sine 45) =270 43.2 degrees = 273.9 : Ny ees RCLES 18 c. Sawa cirele is any circle onthe surface ofthe Earth whe, the Earth, and whose plane does not pass through the cen circle other than a great cirele. © radius aber, le, yy great circle isan imaginary cirele on the surface of the Fan the same asthe Earth and whose plane passes through the centres Nin, hep h A rhnmb ine regularly curved fine onthe surface of the Far, maintains a constant direction with respect to true North, ‘Thin "ih that thumb ine must cross ll meridians at the same angle ping latitude are examples of small circles. rales A parallel of aitude isan imaginary line that joins points ofeqatg, a small izele that Ks parallel to the Equator (the Equator, they parallel of latitude; the only one whichis a great circle). Paraten #4 used to define position in terms of latitude. ‘tide ay A meridian isa semi-great circle between the North and South pote, joining points of equal longitude and crosses the Equator at right ange meridians define the directions of True North and South a All great circles have their centre at the centre of the earth. The only Thumb ee cirees that have their centres at the centre of the earth are the meidasaig, equator. The Equator andthe aa A hueacnes Meridians all have south ofthe Eger their centre at the lequator a do not havete centre of the Earth, ‘centres atthe cemee at So they ae great the ath, at circles cress te mda constant ang 9 they are Rhunb Lis ; 3 So ifyou are flying along a parallel of latitude, you are flying a hum i Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation ihe annie fw the Vineland yy the Ne ung, m ne EN an Nose rating 0 (helt Controy yg wt © Contre gp : re of thy Vari, cente i the : He tor CFONK The EejUntay: yy (Wo poly, Ween excent ihe nau longitude parts that having CHONNEE the Kanata, 7 so menns that WO en ‘ ntl at suet FEM curve wonts the Mesias {0 CFOS HL ge "Une, ‘tye 848 mean geen ck Poet chrclon are CONVEN 10 the Hey est Hole, “ny Grew Or from the nenvegt Dole, rn away turn 8 hat al gue MEAN that they Braduatty this ease the alveratt jg jy the nov In this THEN hen SDNErES and the track is 270¢4), m this point onwards if Wil tury SOUTH And ity Mtitude Will decrease, Fro the rhumb ting (HK Dus the CONVErSiON angle, version angle= % Change jy longitude x ‘The conve sing Mean latitude Rearranging this gives: C= ersi Ble / sine mean latitude, cin longitude = Conversion ang ¥; change All of the options are at 31 00 §, + $0 the means latitude = sine 31, btracting the rhumb line traek from the Subtri reat cirele track Rives 266.2-279 = 38, So the conversion angle = 3.8 degrees, So Pt this into the above equation gives: i into the above Putting i gle/ sine mea in longitude = 2.x Conversion angle / sine me Change in latitude, 0 = s/ sin 31 = 14,756 degree. Cha tude = 2x 3.8 degrees / sin 31 = 14,756 i ie ees 45.4 minutes ces = 14 degrees 4 14.756 degrees 191 24W 14 4s. itude gives 176 17W + is to position A’s longitude gives Adding this to y 168 58 E. approximately 168 58 acting 360 gives than 180 west so subtracting But this is more tha CIRCLES 21 a, a ne ai Earth and whose plan the same as jiu is Parth whose radi e Rarth w' ae Je on the surface of the Te tiie a inary circle imaginary ci an imagi through th Son 367 all a i I hemispheres, so ; jrele divides the earth into eq Dheres, so it 0 of longitude away from the first crossing Sng So in ye A great circle divid ator again a t : crossing will be at 030W and 1508. in Sy highest Intitude midway between the two poy, ‘it reach its vo re hat is at OGOE in the northern hemisphere ynn'® Wher, ere, OF the options listed in the question 3 120% Jitions in the northern hemisphere,” the equator. Th southern hemispht satisfies these cond i S85 age Great Circle 2. And Great Circle crosses the Equator at 150E 4, And Great Circle lowest point is at 120W midway OO Sse between Equator a Prime Meridian Crossings. CIRCLES 22 ‘Arhumb line is a regularly curved line on the surface of the Earth that maintains a constant direction with respect to True North. This definition max that a rhumb line must cross all meridians at the same angle. The Meridians of Longitude are examples of north-south rhumb lines ia that they cross other meridians only at the poles. Parallels of latitude are exampleit east-west rhumb lines, which cross all o1 ihe meridians at 90 degrees or 270 degrees (depending on the direction of the track). A great circle is a circle on the surface of the Earth whose radius is the sameas the Earth and whose plane passes through the centre of the Earth, eh fe. north-south directions are the meridians of at The great circles running The great cirele on the track 090 or 270 degrees is the Equator. If two positions are on the Equator the latitude is zero and the grat cise rhumb line tracks coincide along their entire length. But if the two position at the same latitude that is not on the Equator, then the great circle P&S, through them must be tilted in a north/south direction. ‘The greater tie ra Copyright Keith Williams 2011. 2019 1000 OA.&F For General Navigation arthe two positions the greater wy igo on an enst-west rhhumb line jpvo tracks fo Move apart, ill he the PACK, so th ; 80 this het Wing of the preat pesitions are 4, The great cltcle track joining etmek Earth so it must be tilted io rene cause the great citele and rip at positions Cand D, line tracks 1 Positions ¢ m aber ano cena the cen of Ae higher et 8 it cenie a rack ite at which cag ce This Move miteh Cand Date cae NE ar such that they coe ay 3, Positions C and D are at the samme longitude as.A and B, but are ata higher latitude, High Latitide 1. Positions A and B are on the Equator. 2. Atthe Equator, both the great circle track and the rumb fine track on Which positions A and B lig are in an east - west direction at zero fatitude so they coincide along their entire length. 5. The dotted lines are the 1 Sr the metiins n wh Positions A, B C and D lie. aie The degree to which the two tracks move apart i oe : positions. So the maximum difference in distance when proceeding along a great Tele between two positions, instead ofthe rhumb line, wil ogcur on east-west tracks at high latitude. : CIRCLES 23 On Polar Stereographic Charts: 1. Rhumb lines appear as curves, which are concave to the pole. 2, Any great circle passing through the pole (meridian/anti- meridian) will appear as a straight line, 3, Allother great circles will appear asa shallow curv‘ pole. e concave to the These conditions result in the great circle being situated between the parallel and the straight line, because the concave side of the great circle is always pointed towards the pole as illustrated in the diagram below. ‘gat 369 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QAB&E For General Navigation Parallel of Latinide CIRCLES 24 d. A rhumb line is a regularly curved line on the surface of the Earth, wij ich maintains a constant direction with respect to true North, Tie that a rhumb line must cross all meridians at the same angle." ™2eq, parallels of latitude or tg, s at the same angle, ang Rhumb lines whose bearing is 090 or 270 are all rhumb lines spiral to otepussy Because rhumb lines cross all of the meri the meridians converge towards the poles. the other, unless their bearing is 090 or 270. ), then follows rhumb line track of bgp So if an aircraft in position (76N 020E it will, ly via a spiral to the north pole. CIRCLES Departure = Change in longitude (in minutes) x cosine latitude. Cosine of 60 = So I degree of longitude at 60N = 60 x 0.5 =30 nm. Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation CIRCLES 26 d. 1, The meridians are parallel at North pe Equator, s0 convergence nt heed 3, The Equator is the Parallel of Latiude at zero degrees latitude. 2. They then converge gradughy “SS ‘vith increasing latitude until fi cross at the poles. 4. The Parallels of Latitude are ce sqally space straight lines, but the curvature ofthe Earth makes them Appear to converge when shown on a diagram, The meridians and their anti-meridians form great circles i direction around the Earth, At the Equator all of the acs ge carn to cach other. As latitude increases to the north and south, the meridian converge to cross each other at the North and South Poles. The rate of convergence can be calculated using the following equation: Distance between meridians = Change of Longitude x Sine of mean Latitude. CIRCLES 27 c. Meridians are parallel only at the equator. As latitude increases north and south they converge. All meridians start at the North Pole and end at the South Pole. So a meridian is half of a great circle. Each meridian has an anti-meridian that is located 180 decrees of longitude away from it. So a meridian and its anti- meridian form a great circle in a north-south direction, CIRCLES 28 Great circles have their centres at the centre of the earth. So they are always convex to the nearest pole. This means that they are always turning away from the nearest pole. So when heading on a westerly great circle in the southern hemisphere the aircraft must be turning west, This will inerease the value of the true track, A&E For General Navigation 371 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 Q i ‘k due to ange in trac cnridian convergence ff ri o changes, TH effec right. ee yeen any two points ona great a i equal 10 te ‘This change of track Per yetween these two points. 1h change in gra eonvergency of the ints ean be caleulated using rm ag cirele track bet below: i i latitude. ney = change in longieude x Sin of mean Convergency = ' ange in longitude = initial longitude — final longitude The change i w-1iw=7? 0 Which in this question = 148 tial latitude + final latitude) /2 The mean latitude 0 question = (59° S + 61°S)/2 = 60 Which in this ting these figures into the standard equation gives: Inset 0 Convergency = 7°x sin 60 = 6.06 So between points A and B, the great circle track increases by approximately 6 (option a). CIRCLES 20 _ : The distance in nm between any two meridians along a specified parallel of latitude is called the departure. This can calculated using the departure equation: Departure (in nm) = Change in longitude x Cos latitude This can be rearranged to gi Change in longitude = Departure (in nm) / Cos latitude. In this question the latitude is constant at 45° N, and the departure is 280 nm. es: Inserting these figures into the above equation iams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navi Copyright Keith Wi sabia Io le= 280 nm/Cos 45° = 395,99; 60 = is 6°36 9 48 96, ic in longi divided hy ne question states that point B i © re aueton S fo the east of point A so subt ve 1 0 subtracting the ahove ngitude of b iy B (45° |. )=(6" 36") = 38" 39° (option type ee Ss must be type of problem the following points must tea is c a. Astraight line on a Lambert conformal ent ; formal eh pb. Thedircetion of great ci art isa gre equal to the cuuetence of the ees toms thelr tena nae he meridians between any two points on th Y tWo points on the great circle. For a Lambert rma conformal ehart the equation for the convergence of ergence ol meridia Convergence = Change in longitude x constant of the eone ‘The initial course at point A (40° N 050° W) is 043° (T This means that the difference in course is ie ‘whic Tas cneeaec 5 is also the convergence between the meridians at A and B. So the convergence between points A and B ates that the constant of the cone is 0.75. jon above gives: Inserting these values into the convergence eq) 12°= Change in longitude x 0.75 Rearranging this gives Change in longitude = 12"/0.75 = 16°. The initial longitude at point A is 050° W so the longitude at point B is 050° W - 16° =34" (option CIRCLES 32 ¢. The dircetion of a great circle track varies along its length such that it cuts each ‘These changes are caused by the convergence towards either of the two poles. The meridian a slightly different angle. of the meridians as latitude increa: ion and the rhumb line direction is the difference between the great circle directit conversion angle. This angle can be calculated using the standard equation: ¥, the change in longitude x the sin of the m ean latitude Conversion angle = ial longitudes, the difference between the final and init to 060°E = 90 degrees. The change of longitude which in this question is from 030°W, The latitude is constant at 70°S so the conversion angle in this question is: 90° sin 70° = 42.29". Conversion angle = Navigation 373 es a et wrtiams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General so the rhumb line direct, ‘The latitude i constant so the rhu Cetlon ig ggn = 132.29" or approxim: Sor direction is 90° + 42.29 ately 1390 7 the Ponty, ng, RCLES 33.¢. cae innit between any (0 meridians alon } a fate aed he departare HS can cals ap Py equation: dena Departure (in nm) = Change in longitude x Cos tatitugy This ean be rearranged (0 give: Change in longitude = Departure (in nm) / Cos latitude, In this question the latitude is constant at 58°42’ N, and the depart ture eis, Inserting these figures into the above equation gives: am Change in longitude = 6 nm / Cos 58°42’ = 11,559, The question states that point B is to the east of point i $0 Subtracg figure from the longitude of A gives: ting th Longitude of B = (094° 00'W) ~ (11.55") = 93° 48.45° W (closegt (opti ne) CIRCLES 34 b. This question states that an incorrect longitude has been INS system will accept such an error, and will ealeulate al subsequent i positions based upon the error. This means that al subsequent grt include the same magnitude of error as the longitude originally putin ion system. Dut into the is, 4, The initial error isthe difference between the longitude put into the IS ane actual longitude, If the two longitudes are indifferent directions the erorea, calculated using the equation: Longitude error = input longitude + actual longitude Inserting the data provided gi St Longitude error = (139° 46.3'W) + (139° 46.3'E) = 279° 32.6". The input poston is to the west of the actual position so the error is 279° 32.6° W When the aireraft subsequently arrives at position point 52° N 180°W, the indicated position will be 279° 32.6° W of that point. So the indicated position will be (52°.N 180°W) + (279° 32.6" W) = 459°32.6 W. a must be within the ran, {des of 459° 32.69 were 180" oneitl position of 459° 32,67 y E itt gical i moi 0" Ar inbjsest to oPton "sropety on 2 nis 7 Pray, SUbtra, ti w ‘day wnt Fy ‘ type of question itis flustrated below. helpful 0 stag yet eon With vt Seth of Initial position 04° gy N 302 tude 04 sal lati soit yaw" First leg 600 nm rast sour yattde Fear Meridian converge to the North and South of th \e equator ulate the change in latitude during the firstly (Nort! fe se the fae that each nm along any Been atte thi hhich is 10° change of latitude, ehtraices ocale (southerly $9 00 nm = 600" W so the most Southerly latitude reached is 10° South ofthe initial latitude of (4? 00° N). The most Southerly latitude is therefore 06° 00° S. nd leg the aircraft flies 600 nm to the East at latitude 06° 00" S. During the seco ation to calculate the change in longitude gives: Using the departure equ range in longitude x Cos latitude Departure = Which can be rearranged to give: Change in longitude = Departure/Cos latitude Inserting the data above gives: Change in longitude = 600 nm / Cos 06" 00" which = 603.3" E. 7 oitude at the Dividing this by 60 gives change in longitude = 10° 3.3° E so the longitu end of the second leg: aa 315 Navigation Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For Gener!” i de (030° 00'W) + (10°33 By = Longitude = initial longitude ( ) Msn leg at latitude 04° 00° N the aircratt fog 600 : th , Daring th rmongitue ean be caleulated using the same Aepany ure final change in lon; Change in longitude = 600 nm /Cos 04° 00" which = 601.47 My, ding this i longitude = 10° 1,47, viding this by 60 gives change in sso fia Tonite at the end of the fourth leg is equal to the longituy Bag ji 0 7 hange of longitude during to 5° % the 4 the third leg (19° 56.7? W ) + the cl i TING the fount ength 1.47°W) which gives final longitude of 29° 58.17° W, which ig Chose legit (op in CIRCLES 36 ¢. The difference between the initial great circle track and the Mea, i : n track is the conversion angle. This can be calculated using the cava ‘re m Conversion angle = % Change in longitude x Sin ofthe mean ty, So for any given chang in longitude the conversion ange Wl beg, the sin of the change in latitude is greatest. Of the options given in thie he option a gives sin 7.5 = 0.46 option ives sin 0= Os option eget Stee 0.84, and option d gives sin 0. So option e give the greats gigs 8575 between initial and mean great circle track. ce CIRCLES 37 b. ; When solving this type of question it is helpful to start with a sketch op the situation as illustrated overleaf. To calculate the change in latitude during the first leg (Northerly) ang then (Southerly) use the fact that each nm along any meridian is equal to p lating? So 3600 nm = 3600” which is 60° change of latitude. le, So the most Southerly latitude reached is 60° South ofthe inital latitude (60 00° N). The most Southerly latitude is therefore the Equator, During the second leg the aircraft flies 3600 nm to the East at latitude 00" ops, Using the departure equation to calculate the change in longitude gives: Departure = Change in longitude x Cos latitude Which can be rearranged to give: Change in longitude = Departure/Cos ate Inserting the data above gives: Change in longitude = 3600 nm / Cos 00° 00° which = 3600° E. Dividing this by 60 gives change in longitude = 60° E so the longitude at the end of the second leg: Longitude = initial longitude (30° O0'W) + (60° 00° E) = 30° 00° E Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QAE For General Navigation a e300 EN le E. orth aki th log at latitude 69° RI ak i rth 160° gy lai ou Tongitude can be icin N the aire Nite 609 y, nee ted Using gua Mies 36 jude = 3600 nm / "Same dong, Cos 60° og», “attire gat The i ‘ , in tone Nation: ant : ‘ei ow caval? 60 gives change in tongityg, 700° yy gine ee eat the end of the fo le= 1299 iti tude ys ourth | tos joni" 30° 00" E) + the change of 6 qual to sth yr 08a final longitu gine at longest ae tude of 9g sing ate athe ga ) write ‘OO rece gat hilt pein position is 60° 00" N 90° 09» wy (option 5 ; b). Initial position 6 60° 00" Ny 39) . " 00'W gil posto sia ongitude Most southerly rite reached Meridian converge as to the North and South of the equate ator cARCLES38d. ‘ae great cirele bearing from any point fo any other points equal tothe Rhum fine bearing plus the conversion angle. This can be calculated using the equation: Conversion angle = % Change in longitude x Sin of the mean latitude The change in longitude inthis question is from 060° Eto 030° W, which sa change of 90° Bath pints are at 70° S, so the change in latitude i nil so the mean k ms, jatitude is Inserting these figures into the conversion angle equation gives: vigatic 377 Copytight Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QARE For General Navigation Converston angle = 4 x90" x Sin 70" whieh = 42,30 bearing from point A (0 point B is a99° a 3° » 132.3° or approximately 13591 Phe rhumb Tine : (Option om Sry Dearing Is 90" 42. ARCLES 39.6: ‘The distance betwee called the departure. = Change in longitude x Cos latitude any «wo meridians on any Specified This can be calculated using the Stand, ‘alle OF lg ard aug ig i Departure (in um) " This ean be rearranged to give: Change in longitude = Departure (in nm) / Cos latitude To use this equation the distance given in the question must he : km into nm. This can be done using the CRPS or by using ¢ ONVerted 1.85 km = 1 nm to give 315 km / 1.85 = 170.27 nm 6 the Conversion in tr The latitude in this questi is constant at 60" N so puttin i th above equation gives: 8 these figures ino Change in longitude = 170.27 nm / Cos 60 = 340.54? which is 5,68° The aircraft is flying East so the new longitude will be the initi: . change in longitude. initial longitude 1, So new longitude = 005° W-5.68°. = 0.68° E an : (option c). 68 E which is approximately 000" yy CIRCLES 40 a. To solve this type of problem it is helpful to make a sketch of the situation Pp’ Al ci 5 ae cee ie ee for the change in latitude at the midway position along . ig two points of longitude, ca : Fi ‘oht angle triangle in the sketch ere le, can be calculated using the righ The 7 Seen the Parallel of latitude and the great circle is equal to ho departure bet vey ge’ Side of the triangle adjacent to this angle is of the cen the two points. The side of the triangle opposite to thea” is equal to the change i i between the two a latitude at the midway point along the great ete e it ean be scen that: rian 0 his vos conversion angle = change of latitude /% dep artuire e .d to give: aan? rearranged £0 give: i ie atitude = Tan 4 conversion angle x % departure, chal . gona conversion angle use the equation: oot aversion angle = Change in longitude x sin mean latitude spe chande oflongitude between the two points is 40° W—30" W= 10° re latitude of both points is 60° N so the mean latitude is also 60° N so conversion angle =x 10" x Sin 60° Which = 4.33° gothe angle in the triangle in the diagram above, which is half of the conversion angle, is 2-1 Departure between the two points = Change in longitude (in minutes) x Cos latitude Which is Departure = 600° Cos 60° = 300 nm Inserting these figure into the equation: Change of latitude = Tan % conversion angle x %4 departure gives: Change of latitude = Tan 2.165" x 150 nm) which = 5.67nm, Each nm along a meridian equates to 1 minute of latitude, so 5.67 nm equates to achange of latitude of 5.67 minutes. a ls? The initial latitude was 60° N so the new latitude is 60° 5.67 N. Option a. 60° 5 Nis the closest to this figure. . ‘ igati 379 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 3 -mat conte chart Great Clrete ry rambert conforntal reit Cltele routes apg Ona ! : Marve. But Over short distances Great Irclen nee’ te comple? h the distance hetweens polnt Tepe strnght lines. AMOUR Oe linc couse referred yt st ny’ he assumed nt (Ne TEU Lo eg yy Great Cirele. ‘phe nection ofa reat Circle rout cages slang Us tenga TMengeney of the meridians, TH CHAK I Uirellon tegen te a great circle route is equal (o {he convergency angle, On Many 4 ths cean be ca ising, the standard equation: at omengeney = Change i Tonge xe constant of he gy, ulated ame iy, thea, his equation enn be rearrange € ve: “ Change in longitude = Convergency /the constant of the cone theo ‘The question states that the course at point Ais 080° and that ope ‘This means that the eonvergeney is 12° E. The question also saq int Bis rant for th chart is 08. Inserting these figures into the ayy At ain gives: tation” Change in longitude = 12°E/0.8 = 15°E, ‘Adding this change to the intial longitude gives (004°W) x 15% py (option a). = Os CIRCLES 42d. To solve this type of problem itis helpful to make a sketch of the sity tation similar to the one below. ‘gatue for the change in tai nate Wvo points of Longitude, ude atthe pry jot ' in he idway " mr te nthe above sketch, calculated vgetton Alo ee ight ¥ ener lanleaty the great gj f ile. 7 ingle a cirel ton AME the t¥0podnts. The si Mjacent to thi angle Stl 0% {ere Be jane i Tate at the denn he tangle oe ot ee he i! WAY Doin DOsit iia tmetwo poms: in along the great at anale ie! t cite track yt sewianele it can be seen that: ani " yi i . ee ersion angle = change of atu depart . atu ™ arranged to give: . agen BOF ns tude = Tan % conversion angle x y oe oft nalex Yi departure, version angle use the equation: itl the conve! el \e equation: : = ¥% Change in longi : ao angle ge in longitude x sin mean latitude ange of onde between the two points is 30° W — 20° w. o =10° ora yatitude of both points is 60° N so the mean latitude is also 60° N conversion angle =%4x 10" x Sin 60° Which = 4.33° othe ane in the triangle in the above diagram is 2.165" peparture between the two points = Change in longitude (in minutes) x Cos atitade Whieh is Departure = 600° Cos 60° = 300 nm nsrting these figure into the equation: Change of latitude =Tan % conversion angle x departure gives: Change of latitude = Tan 2.165° x 150 nm = which = 5.67nm Fach nm along a meridian equates to 1 minute of latitude, so 5.67 nm equates to achange of latitude of 5.67 minutes. Theinitial latitude was 60° N so the new latitude is, 60" 5.67 N. Option a. 60° 5° Nis the closest to this figure. CIRCLES 43 a. Thedistance in nm between any {0 meridians latitude is called the departure. This ean caleul ‘equation: along specified parallel of ated using the departure Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QAGE For General Navigation 381 N Departure (in nm) = Change in longitude x Cos agg latitude van be rearranged to give: This e: Change in longitude = Departure (in nm)/ Cos latitug lc. In this question the latitude is constant at 60°N, and th, , ¢ depar, fu sting these figures into the above equation gives; eis ng, Insel 900 nm / Cos 60° = 1800° which is 390 is 30°, Change in longitude = Longitude of x = (160° 5) +0) = 190° E, But tatitudes Weat, s0 190° E is more properly described as 170" W (apie 180? (option a), avy It CIRCLES 44 ¢. The track change at any point on a great circle is equal to th meridian between the initial point and the point being conside 8 calculated using the standard equation: sidered, This th eat tude x sin of the mean latitude Convergence = Change in lo! Change in longitude = final longi ‘010° w—020° W = -10° je — initial longitude which in thig Westin; is Change in longitude = (initial latitude + final latitude) /2 which in thi )/ 2. which in this qu ini ‘The mean latitude = Mean latitude = (60°N + 60°N)/2 = 60°N ig the above data into the convergence equation above gives: Insertin -8.66" or approximately -9” 10° x Sin 60° st be decreased by 9° (option c). Convergence So the great cirele track mu CIRCLES 45¢. To soive this type of problem itis helpful fo make a sketch of the situation similar to the one overleaf. ‘An approximate value for the change in latitude at the midway position along great circle joining two points of longitude, ean be calculated using the right angle triangle in the above sketch. 1 the great circle is equal ofite i 4 of the ‘The angle between the parallel of latitude and conversion angle, The side of the triangle adjacent (0 this angle i , vo points. The side of the triangle opposite tthe ats idway point along the great ere departure between the tv is equal to the change in between the two points. latitude at the mi ant) 2012 1000 QA&E For General Navigation rack 0 gle it ean be seen that: ew? ‘ a ahis pee ; or conversion angle = change of latitude nel ‘departure “canbe rearranged to give: ris cant aftatitude = Tan % conversion angle x depart ure, so sna the conversion angle use the equation: 3 ; canersion angle = % Change in longitude x sin mean latitude seehamge of longitude between the two points is 50° W — 40" w= 109° helatitude of poth points is 60° N so the mean latitude is also 60° N %x 10° x Sin 60° Which = 4.33" soconversion ane go the angle in the triangle in the above diagram is 2.165” Departure between the two points = Change in longitude (in minutes) x Cos latitude Which is Departure = 600° Cos 60° = 300 nm Inserting these figure into the equation: Change of latitude = Tan % conversion angle x %4 departure gives: Change of latitude = Tan 2.165! x 150 nm which = 5.67nm Fach nm along a meridian equates to 1 minute of latitude, so 5.67 nm equates to achange of latitude of 5.67 minutes. The initial latitude was 60° N so the new latitude is 60" 5.67" N- Option ¢. 60° 5 Nis the closest to this figure. or General Navigation 383 Copyright Keith Williams 2011, 2012 1000 QA&EF BS 46% veon two meridians along a specitieg IRCLES ATE petween tv aleulated using the departys? Ale distance ‘This can c: Cea uag fla ‘The d the departure. This Aion, Mit called io Change in longitude x Cos latitude in nm poparture ( ranged to give: he rear This cam I ure (in nm) / Cos latitude, ange in longitude = De rt Change eI pa h is constant at 60°N, and the d, wn the Intitude is constan| ° io In this quest vee: n, these figures into the above equation gives; . Inserting thes pone in longitude = 1200 nm / Cos 60 = 2400" which is 40°, Change in Fi (160° E) + (40°) =200°E, But latitudes 80 only 1 x= ly 1g90 Longitede ota rrore property described as 160° W (option ay Fast, West, so 200° RCE Te between any two meridians along a specitieg Paral op dist re latitude is called the departure. This can calculated using the departy, ati a equation: Departure (in nm) = Change in longitude x Cos latitude This can be rearranged to give: Change in longitude = Departure (in nm) / Cos latitude, In this question the latitude is constant at 60°N, and the departures 180) yy East. Inserting these figures into the above equation gives: Change in longitude = 1800 nm East / Cos 60° = 3600° which is 60° Ease, Longitude of x = (60° E) + (60° East) = 120° E (option ¢), CIRCLES 48 ¢, To solve this type of problem it must first be noted that INS systems follow Great as frat, The difference between a Great cirele direction and a Rhumb Lis Sso the RR omversion angle, In th djestion both points are at latitude 4s" Me ayatb Line track from 43° 910° W to 45" § 030° will be will bea constant 279°, 7}, ir eas : i cava Mh Sreat circle direction at Point B will be 270° plus the The Conversion angle 4 change in longitude x Sin of mean latitude. Copyright Keith wip: Williams 2011, 291 1000 QA&E For General Navigation 34

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