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uz dan olindi


O 'zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq ta ’fim i vazirligi tom onidan

um um iy o 'rta ta’Um m aktabtarining 4 -s in f o'quvchilari
uchun darslik sifatida tasdiqlangan

B irinchi nashri

UO‘K: 811.111(075)
KBK 81.2lngl
K 40

Mualliflar „Kids’ English 4“ o'quv-m etodik majmuasining yaratilishida ko'rsatgan

beminnat yordamlari va bergan qimmatli maslahatlari uchun Britaniya Kengashi
direktori hamda Respublika ta ’lim markazi mutaxassislariga o ‘z minnatdorchiliklarini
Majmuani sinovdan o'tkazishda ishtirok etgan respublikamizning barcha maktab
o'qituvchilari va o'quvchilariga, mazkur majmua bo'yicha 1-4-sinflar o'qituvchilarini
tayyorlashda ishtirok etgan trenerlarga, shuningdek, Buyuk Britaniya Norvidj til
o'rgatish instituti akademik direktori Rod Bolaytoga, IATEFL vakili Les Kirkxemga,
Britaniya Kengashi loyiha bosh menejeri Natalya Sarikovaga, ingliz tili ta ’limi
bo'yicha xalqaro maslahatchilar Uendi Arnold, Bern Bryuerton, Di Broton hamda
barcha taqrizchilarga tashakkur izhor etadilar.
Ushbu o'quv-m etodik majmua Chet tillarini o'qitishning innovatsion metodikalarini
rivojlantirish Respublika ilmiy-amaliy markazi ishtirokida yaratildi.

I l mi y maslahatchi:
M .T. Irisqulov
O 'zb e kisto n D avlat ja h o n tilla ri u n iv e rs ite ti q o s h id a g i
Chet tillarini o'qitishning innovatsion m etodikalarini rivojlantirish
Respublika ilm iy-am aliy m a rka z i b o 'lim b o s h lig 'i, p ro fe s s o r

S h a rtli b elg ilar:

tinglab tushunish yoki video mashqiarni bajarish;

o‘yin tarzidagi mashqiarni bajarish;

kuchli o‘quvchilar yoki sinflar uchun qo'shimcha

ish daftarida yozish, rasmlarni chizish, bo'yash va
h.k.lar uchun mo‘ljallangan topshiriqlar;
gapirish amaliyoti uchun dialogik nutq.

R espublika m aqsadli k ito b ja m g ‘arm asi m ablagM ari hisobidan

ch op etild i.

T ajrib a-sin o v uchun

© S. Xan va boshq., 2016
ISB N 978-9943-28-000-0 © “0 ‘ZBEKIST0N” NMIU, 2016
Aziz o‘qituvchilar va ota-onalar!

„Kids’ English 4“ o'quv-m etodik majmuasi O'zbekiston Res-

publikasi Prezidentining 2012-yil 10-dekabrdagi „Chet tillarni o'rganish
tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to ‘g ‘risida“gi PQ-
1875-sonli qarorida belgilangan talablar va vazifalardan kelib chiqqan
holda ingliz tilini o'rgatishning eng zamonaviy va ilg'or pedagogik
texnologiyalar hamda metodlar tamoyillari asosida yaratildi.
O'quv-m etodik majmua Darslik, Ish daftari, Multimedia resursi
hamda 0 ‘qituvchi uchun m etodik qo'llanmalardan iborat bo'lib,
ular yaxlit bir holda 4-sinfga qadam qo'ygan jajji bolajonlarning
ingliz tilida saboq olishlariga baholi qudrat yordam beradigan
ko'pdan ko'p qiziq va ajoyib mashqlar, o'yinlar, she’rlar, qo'shiqlar
va sh.k.larni o'z ichiga olgan. Ularni bolajonlarimizga maqsadga
muvofiq ravishda yetkazishda, albatta, Siz aziz o'qituvchilar va
muhtaram ota-onalarning hissasi beqiyosdir.
O'qish, yozuv, tinglab tushunish va gapirish asosida ingliz
tilini o'rgatishga mo'ljallangan ushbu o'quv-m etodik majmua ayrim
kamchiliklardan xoli emasligi tabiiy. Shu bois o'quv-m etodik majmua
yuzasidan bildiradigan fikrlaringiz biz m ualliflar uchun qimmatlidir.
O'quv-metodik majmua bolajonlarni zeriktirib qo'ymaydi, aksincha,
ingliz tilini o'rganishga ishtiyoq uyg'otish bilan bir qatorda olam-
olam quvonch ham bag'ishlaydi degan umiddamiz.

M ualliflar
Units and Lessons Pages
Unit 1 W e learn English.
Lesson 1 I can speak English. 6
Lesson 2 She speaks English, French and German. 7
Lesson 3 W hat do you do a fte r school? 8
Lesson 4 Project 9
Unit 2 M y day
Lesson 1 I get up at 6 o ’clock. 10
Lesson 2 My school day 11
Lesson 3 On Sunday ... 12
Lesson 4 Project 13
Revision 1 14
I can ... 15
Unit 3 1 help m y parents.
Lesson 1 Do you help your mum? 16
Lesson 2 We cooked palov yesterday. 17
Lesson 3 Did you clean you r desk? 18
Lesson 4 Project 19
Unit 4 Professions
Lesson 1 My grandad was a firem an. 20
Lesson 2 My granny w orked at the hospital. 21
Lesson 3 I w ant to be a football player. 22
Lesson 4 Project 23
Revision 2 24
1 can ... 25
Unit 5 All about Uzbekistan
Lesson 1 W here’s Uzbekistan? 26
Lesson 2 They w ent to Sam arkand by train. 27
Lesson 3 W hat’s the weather? 28
Lesson 4 Project 29
Unit 6 W elcom e to o u r party.
Lesson 1 Can 1 have a cup of tea? 30
Lesson 2 I’d like a glass of ... 31
Lesson 3 Don’t jum p on my bed! 32
Lesson 4 Project 33
Revision 3 34
1 can ... 35
Unit 7 Holidays
Lesson 1 1 love holidays. 36
Lesson 2 Happy New Year! 37
Lesson 3 W inter holidays are fun. 38
Lesson 4 Project 39
Unit 8 Shops
Lesson 1 W here is the superm arket? 40

Units and Lessons Pages
Lesson 2 W here can I buy ... ? 41
Lesson 3 Can I help you? 42
Lesson 4 Project 43
Unit 9 At the m arket
Lesson 1 They look nice. 44
Lesson 2 How m uch are they? 45
Lesson 3 I bought a w aterm elon. 46
Lesson 4 Project 47
Revision 4 48
1 can ... 49
Unit 10 S po rt
Lesson 1 We like biking. 50
Lesson 2 1 w ant to play chess. 51
Lesson 3 S ports Day 52
Lesson 4 Project 53
Unit 11 At the d o cto r
Lesson 1 A headache, a toothache, a sore thro at ... 54
Lesson 2 1 have a high tem perature. 55
Lesson 3 Drink hot green tea. 56
Lesson 4 Project 57
Revision 5 58
1 can ... 59
Unit 12 Travelling
Lesson 1 How did you g e t here? 60
Lesson 2 W here are you going? 61
Lesson 3 Wow! T h a t’s interesting! 62
Lesson 4 Project 63
Unit 13 G re at Britain
Lesson 1 It’s in Europe. 64
Lesson 2 We are going to London. 65
Lesson 3 It’s rainy. 66
Lesson 4 Project 67
Unit 14 T h e w orld of fairy tales
Lesson 1 The donkey and the sparrow 68
Lesson 2 W ho is the w isest? 69
Lesson 3 The Chinese New Year story 70
Lesson 4 Project 71
Revision 6 72
1 can ... (U nits 1 2 -1 4 ) 73
I can ... (U nits 1—14) 74
P arent’s corner 76
W ordlist 97

U n it 1 W e le a rn E ng lish .

Lesson 1 I can speak E n g lis h .

Listen and re p e a t

2a Look and read .

I love animals
I am kind.

I am good at
playing football.

I can sing English songs.

I can play the piano.
I am good at music.

| D raw and co m p lete.

Play “ I* good a t . 99
e.g . A I’m good at drawing.
B I’m good at art.
C I’m good at playing football

C om plete th e sen ten ces

Unit 1 We learn EnglishII
Lesson 2 She speaks English, French and
1 Listen and repeat nam es
o I’m from France.
Look and read. / I speak French
My nam e’s Muhlisa.
I live in Uzbekistan.
I speak Uzbek,
Russian English.

nam e’s Tomas,

in Germany, Hi, my nam e’s Betty.
speak German from England,
French. speak English,
French and German.
nam e’s Zafar.
Turkm enistan.
Turkm en,

Uzbekistan England Turkmenistan France Germ any

Uzbek English Turkm en French German
Com plete the sentences.

Match, read and colour.

W ork in pairs. Play “ Listen and guess 39

ft ** A: This flag is blue, white, green and red.
: Uzbekistan.
U n it 1 W e learn E n g lish .

L e s s o n 3 W h a t d o y o u d o a f t e r s c h o o l?

a Listen and sing.

Look, re a d and c o m p le te .

My name’s Mark. I’m from London. I’m 10 years old.

I go to school Broad Green Primary. I’m in class 4.
We like our teacher Mrs. Brown. She’s strict, nice and
kind. I like my classmates. They’re kind and friendly.
After school we do homework, have music lessons, play
computer games, read books and watch TV. All boys
and girls like playing football. Our favourite football club
is Manchester United. Look at our project: “Our class”.

Our class
30- Football

20 -


10 - games


3a Play “W h a t do you do a fte r school ? 1

3b M a k e a class g rap h .

U n it 1 W e learn E n g lish .

Lesson 4 P r o je c t

Listen and sing

2 a] V C o m p le te yo u r sto ry.

2 b] J 4 Play “In te rv ie w ”.

e .g . What’s your family name?

What’s your favourite tree?

H 3M K

k'VTT^T^inr prrrTfrVr®

M a k e a p re s e n ta tio n

U n it 2 M y d a y

Lesson 1 I g e t u p a t 6 o ’c lo c k .

W hat’s
repeat. V^the tim e ? ,/^ :’s 1 o’clock.
2 li
Look, listen
and repeat. W hat’s
the time? ^ 't's 1 -3 0 -1
3a W o rk in p airs. Look and say.
e .g . A: What’s the time?
B: It’s 1 o ’clock.
B: What’s the time?
A: It’s 1.30.

3b V Look, read and match.

W o rk in pairs. A sk and a n sw er
e .g . A: When do you get up? B: I get up at

1 get up 2 brush (my) teeth

3 have breakfast 4 go to school 5 do morning
exercises 6 comb (my) hair 7 wash (my) face
and hands 8 get dressed 9 make (my) bed
U n it 2 M y d a y

Lesson 2 M y school d ay

0 Listen and sing.

^ Listen, re a d and tic k .

3a \ R ead and fin d th e w o rd s . M a tc h .

Hello, I’m Becky. I’m from London, England. I go to school

in the morning. I go to school by bus. I like my school
and my teachers. We usually have four or five lessons. On
Mondays and Thursdays I stay at school in the afternoon.
I go to football Club. On Tuesdays and Fridays I go to
Music Club.
I usually have lunch at the school canteen. After this I go
to our library and I do my homework. Then, I go home.
Before dinner I usually play with my cat Blacky and watch
my favourite cartoons. I always have dinner with my family.
Then I play on the computer, listen to music or read. I
never go to bed late.

13b V Read and u n d erlin e th e tru e answ er.

nr i Play “W h e re do you go a fte r school?”

I, C1 e .g . A: What does she do after lunch?
B: She plays football.
V C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s a b o u t you.
U n it 2 M y d a y

L e s s o n 3 O n S u n d a y ...

3\ R ead and m atch .

4 ^ W o rk in p airs . Play “ Look and s a y ”.

5 | C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s a b o u t your Sunday.
e .g . On Sunday I never go to school.

never, usually, always,

often, sometimes
U n it 2 M y d a y

Lesson 4 P r o je c t

Listen and sing.

2 W o rk in g ro u p s o f 4 /5 .
P re p a re a p o s te r “O u r S u n d ay”.

O u r S unday

We play

We play volleyball. ~)
We play see-saw. y

We swim
.in the river, y

P re s e n t yo u r poster.
e .g . We get up at 10 o’clock. We have breakfast
at 10.15. Then we go to the park. ...
Revision 1
1 ^ Play “ R evision”.
' e .g . 2 You are good at sport. +3
5 You are not good at music. - 3

You do
You speak homework
Uzbek, after school.
English and +4
Russian. + 4
You are
not good
0 You never
make your
at music. bed. - 4

You can play You often

the piano. + 4 play computer
games. -5
Unit 3 I help my parents

Lesson 1 D o y o u h e lp y o u r m u m ?

1 Listen and repeat.

Look, listen and repeat

go shopping
take the
rubbish out
feed the animals

mop the
clean the
lay the table ► sweep the
2b W ork in pairs. Point and say.
e.g. A: (points) B: Lay the table.
3 - Play “Do you mop the floor?”
A: Do you mop the floor?
B: Yes, I do. Do you mop the floor?
C: No, I don’t. wash the
4 J l Play “Look and guess.” dishes
A: (takes a picture and mimes)
B: Do you clean your room?
A: No. (No, I don’t.) often,
C: Do you wash the dishes? sometimes,
A: Yes. (Yes, I do.) never, usually,
5 *£ Play “Funny sentences”.

Unit 3 I help m y parents

Lesso n 2 W e c o o k e d p a lo v y e s te rd a y .
L is te n a n d r e p e a t. L o o k , lis te n an d tic k ,

M y n a m e ’s Fotim a. Hi, I’m Z uhra
Z uhra is m y sister. 11
W e’re tw in s. r l

2b W o rk in p a irs . P la y “ I t ’s M o n d a y ”.
F o tim a : It’s M onday. I clean o u r room , sw eep and
m op th e floor.
Z u h ra : I w ash th e dishes.
L o o k , lis te n a n d r e p e a t.

Y e ste rda y Z uhra s

Y esterday o u r m um
w a sh e d th e dishes. c o o k e d palov.
I cle a n e d o u r room . I w ashed th e dishes.

, P la y “W e c o o k e d p a lo v y e s te r d a y ”.
* A: W e c o o k e d palov yesterday. W hat a b o u t you?
B: W e c o o k e d m anti yesterday. W hat a b o u t you?
C: W e ...

2 -K id s ’ English, 4-sinf
Unit 3 I help my parents

Lesson 3 Did you clean your desk?

1 Listen and sing.

2a W o rk in groups o f 4 . M a k e se n te n c e s

W ork in groups o f 5. M a ke qu estio n s.


2c W o rk in groups o f 4 . A nsw er th e q u estio n s.

e .g . — Did you m op the floor?
- Yes, we did. / No, we d id n ’t.
3 f W rite th e qu estio n s.

Unit 3 I help my parents

Lesson 4 P ro ject

Listen and sing.

K Play “W ord, s e n te n c e , q u estio n 1







Unit 4 Professions

Lesson 1 M y grandad w as a fire m a n .

Look, listen and re p e a t.

Look, listen and re p e a t.

a shop assistant)

( a street )

(a police o ffic e r) ( a nurse ) - _ 4P

3 Read and m atch . (a football player]) ( a h e lm e t)

a) Look, this is my uncle M ark. My uncle

is a police officer. I like his uniform . Police
o ffice rs in England w ear a uniform . Their
helm ets are very fam ous. They w ear a
helm et in the street. They w ear a cap in a
police car.

b) My b ro th e r David lives in Canada. He

w orks in the police. He w ears a uniform .
His uniform is a red jacket,
black tro users and a brown
hat. The police officers
often ride a horse. Look,
this is my b rother David
with his horse Lucinda.

4 Look, read and un d erlin e.

Play “ M y grandad w as a fa rm e r1
* e .g . A: My grandad was a farm er.
B: My grandad was a doctor.
Unit 4 Professions

Lesson 2 M y granny w orked a t th e hospital.

Listen and re p e a t.
on the farm
Look and say. at the school
e .g . A: My granny w orked at the hospital. at the shop
B: My grandad w orked at the school at the hospital

W o rk in p airs. C o m p le te th e table,

Play “T ru e /F a ls e ”.

C o m p le te th e sen te n c e s

Unit 4 Professions

Lesson 3 I w an t to be a fo o tb all player.

1 Listen and sing.

2 Look, listen and re p e a t

• •o o#o
car, shop, vet, nurse teacher, football, player assistant

Look, listen and re p e a t.

f t

My grandad was a math teacher. My mum is a m usic teacher.

I w ant to be an English teacher.

w a n t to be
I w ant
Look, point and say. to be a I w ant
e .g . A: (points) doctor. to be a
B: I w ant to be a cook firem an.

Look, listen and say.

e .g . A: She’s good at cooking.

B: Shahlo. She’s going to be a cook

\ R ead and c o m p le te .

U n it 4 P ro fe s s io n s

Lesson 4 P roject
1 Listen and sing.
2 M a ke a b o o k le t ab o u t professio ns.
a) Draw and w rite about your grandad and granny.
b) Draw and w rite about your dad and mum.
c) Draw and w rite about you.

My granny is very kind. She My grandad is strong. He was

was a nurse. a police officer.

My dad is strong. He is My mum w orks at the shop

a firem an. She is a shop assistant.

I’m kind. I love people.

I w ant to be a doctor.
Revision 2

Play “ B ingo”,


Wash the flo o r Go shopping Feed animals

Wash the dishes Sweep the flo o r Lay the table

A shop assistant

A teacher A doctor


A school 1 A IM/inn] A canteen

A hospital A shop A police station

I can ...

< S k 2 W o rk in pairs. Do th e quiz “ I can .

1) I can say how I help m y m um .

Men onamga qanday yordam berishimni ayta olaman
e .g . I wash the dishes.

2 ) I can say w h a t I did y e s te rd a y .

Men kecha qilgan ishlarimni ayta olaman.
e .g . Yesterday I cleaned my room.

3) I can say w h a t m y m um , dad,

sister, b ro th e r did yesterd ay.
Men kecha oyim, dadam, opam va akam
qilgan ishlarini ayta olaman.
e .g . Yesterday my dad cleaned his car.

4) I can w rite s e n te n c e s ab o u t yes te rd a y .

Men kecha qilgan ishlarim haqida gaplar yoza olaman.
e .g . Yesterday we cleaned our classroom .

I can w rite and ask questions ab o u t y e s te rd a y .

Men kechagi ishlar haqida savollar yoza olaman va so'ray olaman.
e .g . Did you clean your room yesterday?

I can say m y re la tiv e ’s p ro fessio n s.

Men qarindoshlarim ning kasblarini ayta olaman.
e .g . My granny was a nurse.

I can say “ I w a n t to b e ...”.

Men “ I want to be...” deb ayta olaman.
e .g . I w ant to be a firem an.

I can say w h e re m y re la tiv e s w o rked .

Men qarindoshlarim qayerda ishlaganligini ayta olaman.
e .g . My granddad w orked at the hospital.
TT C e n tra l Asia
Listen and re p e a t.
A ral Sea
u K azakhstan

Look, re a d , listen Tashkent

and re p e a t. U zb e kista n

Bob: Hello, friends! I’m going to

Uzbekistan with my mum and
dad. i
Tim : Oh, good! Mmm, w h e re ’s Uzbekistan?
Bob: I don’t know. Let’s look at the map! Look, it’s in Central Asia.
M ax: Yes, and the c a p ita l is Tashkent.
Ann: And look! There are tw o big rivers, tw o deserts, a lot o f
m ountains and a big s e a .
Tim Yes, it’s the Aral Sea.

^ Read and d raw th e ro u te.

Bob: Hi, Dad! Are we going to
Uzbekistan this sum m er?
D ad: Yes!
Bob: W here are we going to in
D ad: Look at the tickets! W e’re going to Tashkent from London
by plane. W e’re going to Sam arkand by train. W e’ re going
to Shakhrisabz and Bukhara by bus. Then, w e ’re going
to Khorezm from Bukhara. And then w e ’re going to
Tashkent by plane.
Bob: Great!
W o rk in p airs. Listen, look, point and say.
e .g . A: 9.20.
B: They’re going to the Registan Square.
9.20 - the Registan Square 2.40 - Ulugbek observatory
11.40 - Gur-Em ir 3.30 - Shahi Zinda
2.00 - Bibi-Hanum 6.30 - Shakhrisabz

W ork in groups o f 5 . Play ‘T m going to S am arkand

Unit 5 All about Uzbekistan

Lesson 2 They w e n t to S am arkand by tra in .

Play “ M a k e s e n te n c e s ”.
Read and say.
Bob, his father and m other cam e (com e) to
Uzbekistan fo r sum m er holidays. They w e re (are)
in Uzbekistan fo r 7 days. They saw (see) old and
beautiful houses in Uzbekistan.
On M onday they w ere in Tashkent.
On Tuesday they w e n t (go) to Sam arkand by train.
On W ednesday they w ent to Shakhrisabz by bus.
On Thursday they w ent to Bukhara by bus.
On Friday they w ent to Khorezm by plane.
On Saturday afternoon they cam e back to Tashkent.
Bob w as (is) very happy. He had (have) a special
holiday this summer.

Look, listen and re p e a t

Y esterd a y I ...
w atch TV w atched TV
wash my hands washed my hands
go shopping w ent shopping
go to school w ent to school
clean my room cleaned my room
play gam es played gam es
have breakfast had breakfast
see my granny saw my granny

3b J t Play “Y esterd ay I ...”

Unit 5 All about Uzbekistan

Lesson 3 W h a t’s th e w e a th e r?

^ Listen and sing.

t . W o rk in groups.
' ~ Play “ Find th e m is ta k e 9
Jsi Play “Touch th e c a rd s .1

R ead. W rite T fo r
IV True o r F fo r False.

1) The w inter in Uzbekistan is in

Decem ber, January and February.
2) The w eather is always warm in winter.
3) Snow never falls in winter.
4) It is usually cold in winter.
5) Som etim es the rain pours in Decem ber.
6) There are som etim es w indstorm s and
thunderstorm s in Decem ber.
7) The sun som etim es shines in January.
8) Som etim es hot w ind blows.
9) February is often cloudy, rainy, w indy and warm . :~Urx-^x _ A
10) We can usually see snow storm s in winter.
* •

Listen and check.

R ead and an sw er th e q u estio n .

Do these children live in Uzbekistan?
Bob: Hi, friends! We w ent to Uzbekistan fo r the sum m er
holidays. We w ere in Tashkent, Sam arkand, Shakhrisabz,
Bukhara and Khorezm and saw very beautiful old
Ann: And the w eather in Uzbekistan ...?
Bob: It was sunny and hot. There was no rain.
Tim : Is there w inter in Uzbekistan? Does snow fall there?
Bob: I d o n ’t know. I have a frien d in Tashkent. L e t’s phone
and ask him ...

Unit 5 All about Uzbekistan

Lesson 4 P ro je c t

Listen and re p e a t.

2 - Play “ B a s k e tb a ll”.
W ork in pairs. C h eck your p a rtn e r’s hom ew ork.

W o rk in g ro u p s. M a k e a p o s te r a b o u t yo ur re g io n .
e .g . We live in Syrdarya. There are ... tow ns in Syrdarya.
It has the river ... In sum m er the w eather in Syrdarya is
... There are interesting places in Syrdarya. They are ...

Unit 6 Welcome to our party.

Lesson 1 Can I have a cup o f te a ?

Listen and re p e a t.

Look and say.

e .g . Mum is laying the table.

2b Look, listen and re p e a t

a birthday party
a birthday card
| C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s . a glass of juice
a bowl of salad
a cup of tea
3b W o rk in p airs. P oint and say.
A: (points).
B: a glass of ju ice

4 P lay “Can I have a cup o f te a , p le a s e ? ”

A: Can I have a cup o f tea,
B: Yes, here you are.
A: Thank you.
A: Can I have a cup o f tea?
B: No, sorry.
Unit 6 Welcome to our party.

Lesson 2 I’d like a glass o f ...

Listen and re p e a t.
I’d like ... = I w ould like
2a Look, listen and say.

I’d like a glass of water.

2b W o rk in p airs. P oint and say.

apple juice
A: (points). orange juice
B: I’d like a bowl of palov. tomato juice
peach juice
3a Look, re ad and say. pear juice
strawberry juice
3b Play A sk and answ er.
A: W hat’s your favourite juice?
B: A pple juice. tomato salad
cucumber salad
A: W hat’s your favourite salad? eggplant salad
B: Tomato salad. carrot salad
cabbage salad
fruit salad
Listen and u n d erlin e.
Unit 6 W elcome to our party.

Lesson 3 D on’t ju m p on m y bed!

1 Listen and sing.

Don’t touch
2a Look and re a d . my com p uter

on’t jum p on my bed!'

" " -------------i
Don’t touch my toys! - Don t play w ith my dog!

W o rk in p airs.
Play “ D on’t open
th e b o o k!”
A: (is opening a book)
B: Don’t open the book! W oof!
W oof!

3 i W o rk in p airs.
Play “L e ft o r rig h t? ”
e .g . A: Left or right?
B: Left.
A: No, try again.

4a Read and tick gam es fo r birthday party.

W rite your own.
4b \ W o rk in p airs, A sk and answ er.
you play tag? (at your birthday party)
e .a . A: Did voi
Unit 6 Welcome to our party.

Lesson 4 P ro je c t
Listen and sing.

P lay ‘Fruit salad 99

W o rk in groups o f 4 . P re p a re fo r ro le play.

A: Mum ,it’s h o t... I want

ice cream...
B: Well ... . OK ... let’s look ...
lemon ice cream ...
A: Oh, no ... . I don’t like lemon
ice cream ... Can I have
strawberry ice cream?
B: Yes, you can ...

R ole play.

3 - Kids’ English, 4-sirrf

Revision 3

H Play “R evision”.
C ard # 1
2 W o rk in groups.
Play “T ic k Tack Toe”.
X o 0

C ard # 2
e .g . Team A: Tashkent. We are going
to Tashkent by ... .

Xs o

Team B: France. We ... .

G erm any Turkmenistan

Sam arkand Bukhara


The zoo The park

The m ountains

C ard # 3
e .g . Team A: Team A: Palov. I’d like ... .
Team B: Green tea. I’d like ... .

‘""V |

ca rro t salad
black tea tom ato juice

lem on tea ^56^ palov green tea

• orange juice black co ffe e t* cold w ater
can ...

W o rk in p airs. Do th e quiz “ I can

1) I can say w h e re U zb ekistan is.
Men O'zbekistonning qayerda joylashganini ayta olaman.
e .g . Uzbekistan is in ...

2) I can nam e U zb ekistan c itie s .

Men O'zbekiston shaharlarini ayta olaman.
e .g . Bukhara, Sam arkand ...

3) I can say how to tra v e l in U zb ek ista n .

Men O'zbekiston bo'ylab qanday sayohat qilishni ayta olaman.
e .g . You can go to Bukhara by train.

4) I can listen and d ra w a ro u te .

Men tinglab, xaritada yo‘nalishni chiza olaman.

5) I can ta lk ab o u t th e w e a th e r in U zb ekistan .
Men O'zbekiston ob-havosi haqida gapira olaman.
e .g . In w in te r it’s cold and snowy.

6 ) I can ta lk ab o u t m y reg io n .
Men o‘z viloyatim haqida gapira olaman.
e .g . O ur region is ...

7) I can ta lk ab o u t b irth d a y p a rty .

Men tug'ilgan kun haqida gapira olaman.
e .g . We played tag at my birthday party.

8) I can as k fo r a d rin k o r fo o d .
Men ichimlik yoki taom so'ray olaman.
e .g . Can I have straw b erry ice cream , please?
I’d like a cup of tea.
U n it 7 H o lid a y s

Lesson 1 W e love holidays.

Listen and re p e a t. Look and m atch


2b W ork in pairs. Ask and answ er

sing songs,
A: W hen’s Teachers’ Day? dance, play
B: It’s in October. games, eat cakes,
A: What do you do on Teachers’ Day? eat special food,
: We give flowers to our teachers, celebrate, plant
sing songs and dance ... flow ers and trees,
get presents,
Look, listen and re p e a t. give presents

(M other’s Day )
( go fishing ) ( Father’s D a y)

( a cam era )

3b W ork in pairs. Point and say.

Listen and put fo r Bob

Unit 7 Holidays

Lesson 2 Happy N ew Year!

Listen and re p e a t.

W o rk in p airs. C h e c k yo u r p a r tn e r ’s h o m ew o rk.

W o rk in g roups o f 5 . Play “ Flash card Touch”.

4a Look, listen and re p e a t.

New Year

Small o ra n g e ^
tree s fo r hom e


ft ~
(b ra g o n dances ) ( Lion dances

4b] ^ R ead and m atch .

4cI Listen and p u t th e p ic tu re s in ord er.

U nit 7 H olidays

Lesson 3 W in ter holidays a re fun.

Listen and sing.

S2 | WM im
o rk
in p airs.
and g uess,
e .g . A: (mimes)
0 V- Look, read and B: You like playing hockey.
m atch. A: Yes.

© /A fte r New Year’s Day we

have w inter holidays and
we do not go to school.
W inter holidays are fun.
We can play snowballs,
play hockey, skate, ski and
play tag. There is a lot of
snow and we can make a
snowm an and take a lot of

© New Year’s Day is a

holiday. It is a lot of fun!
We celebrate New Year’s
Day at school, at hom e
and at squares. We sing
songs, dance and act
out traditional stories next
to New Year tree. We get
presents from Father Frost.
We get presents at home,
too. We say ‘Happy New

Listen and put ‘V ” and fo r H asan and H usan.

4b W o rk in p airs. Say s e n te n c e s a b o u t H asan and H usan.
e .g . Hasan likes w inter holidays. He likes riding his ...

Unit 7 Holidays

Lesson 4 P roject

W o rk in 3 groups.
G ro up 1: M a k e chain d ec o ratio n s .
Zanjirli be zaklar yasang.

G ro up 2: M a k e a pine c o n e N e w Y e ar tre e .
Q ara g 'a y g 'u d d a s id a n Yangi yil archasi yasang.

G ro up 3: M a k e N e w Y e ar c a rd s.
Yangi yil ta b rik n o m a la rin i yasang.

£Zo my friencC
Happy New

2 D isplay N e w Y e a r c a rd s , tre e s and chains.

Unit 8 Shops
Lesson 1 W here is the supermarket?

Listen and repeat.

a flow er a book
Look, listen and repeat . shop . shop .

in fro n t of

a toy shop

a superm arket

a model
car street

2b Look, listen and underline.

W ork in pairs. Ask and answer.

e .g . A: W here’s the toy shop?
B: It’s opposite the flow er shop opposite,
next to,
in fro n t of,
3a W ork in pairs. Picture dictation.

Complete the sentences. Use opposite, between,

next to, in front of, behind.
e.g. The toy shop is opposite the flow er shop.

Unit 8 Shops
Lesson 2 W h ere can I buy ...?

Listen and re p e a t.

go straight,
2a Play “ P rep o sitio n g a m e ”. turn (eft
turn right
2b V Look, read and draw.
A: W here’s the superm arket?
B: Go straight. Stop at the hospital. Turn left. The superm arket
is opposite the park.
A: Thank you. C @ 5 i^ it a r >

^ Look, listen and draw.

^ W ork in pairs. C o m p lete th e dialogue.

Play “W h ere can I buy ... ?”

e .g . A: W here can I buy flow ers?
B: At the flow er shop.
Unit 8 Shops

Lesson 3 Can I help you?

Listen and sing.

2 a J | . Play “W h ere can I buy ... ?” .

A : W here can I buy apples?
B: At the superm arket.
W here can I buy books?
2b Look, read and m atch .

Shop assis tan t: Can I help

Bob: I’d like a m odel car,
please. S hop assistan t: Can I
Shop assistan t: Red or blue? help you?'
Bob: Red, please Dad: I’d like a book about
Shop assis tan t: H ere’s your A m ir Temur, please.
m odel car. S hop assistan t: Here you (
Bob: Thank you. are. ,
Dad: Thank you. i

C o m p le te th e d ialo g u e.
V H elp B o b ’s m um to buy re d tulips.
3 ^ W o rk in g roup s. Play “S h o p s”.
Unit 8 Shops

Lesson 4 P ro je c t

1 Listen and sing.

12a V W o rk in g roups o f 4 . D ra w a s tre e t.

12 b G ro up p re s e n ta tio n s .
Unit 9 At the market

Lesson 1 They look nice.

|jJ Listen and re p e a t.

[~2~| \ Play “ Find th e fru its and

* v e g e ta b le s ”.
^ Look, listen and re p e a t.


V Look and m ake s e n te n c e s .

Unit 9 At the market

Lesson 2 How much a re they?

1a Listen and re p e a t. P lay “ Fruit and
v e g e ta b le ro p e jum p
Play “Shopping g a m e ”.
* e .g . A: Can I help you?
B: I’d like sausages, please.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you.

|4 | Look, listen and re p e a t.

c 500 soum s
a kilo

70Q 500

a hundred tw o hundred five hundred

soum s soum s soum s

5a V Listen and c o m p le te
A: Can I help you?
th e d ialo g u es.
B: I’d like plums, please.
5b , Play “A t th e m a rk e t”. A: Yes, we have plums.
B: How m uch are they?
A: Can I help you? A: 700 soum s a kilo.
B : I’d like plum s, please. B: Three kilos, please.
A: Sorry, we d o n ’t have plum s A: Here you are.
today. B: Thank you.

Unit 9 At the market

Lesson 3 I bought a w a term elo n .

Listen and sing.

\ R ead and m atch .

K Play “S la p ”.

Look, listen and re p e a t.

com e - cam e
buy - bought

[J ] ^ Play “Y e s te rd a y I bought 39

— v e .g . Yesterday I bought a m elon.

|5 | Play “Y e s te rd a y I w e n t to th e m a rk e t

Yesterday I w ent I
to the m arket and to the m arket and
bought a melon. bought a melon
a w aterm elon.
Yesterday I w ent
to the m arket and
bought a m elon
a w aterm elon and

Listen and sing Play “ Ball”.
f t

W ork in 4 groups. Make soup and salad

Group 1 Cook vegetable soup.

Buy a kilo of potatoes, a
cabbage, tw o kilos of eggplants,
a kilo of onions, a kilo of meat,
a pumpkin, a kilo of tom atoes,
four kilos of cucum bers, tw o kilos
of carrots, a kilo of peppers

Group 2 Cook fruit salad.

Buy kilo peaches,
kilo of bananas, tw o kilos of
b a Y\< a ir\a S V \e -U > v\s > apples, waterm elon, tw o
melons, kilo grapes,
kilo pears, tw o kilos
strawberries, kilo
oranges, kilo cherries,
Group Cook rice soup. kilo apricots, tw o kilos
Buy a kilo beans, bread, plums, kilo lemons
eggs, water, milk, kilo
of tom atoes, kilo peas,
three kilos rice, kilo
sausages, kilo meat,
pum pkin

Group You are shop

assistants. W rite price
fruits and vegetables.

Revision 4

j1 | P lay “T h ro w b alls and m a k e s e n te n c e s ”.

e .g . I always eat to m a to fo r lunch.
W o rk in tw o te a m s . C h o o s e and an s w e r.

Unit 1: We Unit 2: Unit 3 : 1help Unit 4: Unit 5: All about

learn English My day my mother Professions Uzbekistan
What’s ... in What’s the What’s ... in What’s ... in Uzbekistan and
English? time? English? English? what city is its
What’s the What are you
Say a sentence Show a clock What’s the past
past form good at? And
20 with “I speak + and ask the form o f ...?
o f ...? Say awhat do you
language”. time. Say a sentence.
sentence. want to be?
What can What’s your
Say about your
you do? When do Did you ... dad/mum?
30 region and its
And what are you ... ? yesterday? Where does
interesting places.
you good at? he/she work?
What was What’s the
How did you
What do How do you your grandad/ weather in winter/
help your
40 you do after spend your granny? spring/summer/
school? day/Sunday? Where did he/ autumn in
she work? Uzbekistan?

W o rk in p a irs . D o th e q u iz “ I can W jCCCCWm

1) I ca n n a m e th e h o lid ays in U z b e k is ta n .
M en O 'z b e k is to n d a g i b a y ram la m in g n o m in i a y ta o lam a n.
e .g . New Year’s Day, W o m en’s Day ... 'pm'nSSk

2 ) I c a n sa y w h a t w e d o on h o lid ays.
M en b a y ra m la rd a n im a la r q ilish im izn i a y ta o l a m a n . _____
e .g . On T eacher’s Day we give flo w e rs to o u r te ach e rs,

3) I c a n sa y w h a t is fru it and w h a t is v e g e ta b le .
M en nim a m e va -yu , n im a s a b za vo t e k a n lig in i a y ta o la m a n .
e .g . Fruit: apple, pe ar ...
Vegetable: c a rro t, ca b b a g e ...

I c a n ...

4) I can say how things look.

M e n n a rs a la rn in g k o 'rin is h i q a n d a y lig in i a y ta o lam a n.
e .g . The beans lo ok funny. The m ilk looks fresh. /<
5) I can say how m any kilos som ething is.
M e n b iro r n a rs a n in g n e c h a kilo e k a n lig in i a y ta o la m a n
e .g . a kilo o f tom atoes, tw o kilos o f p o tatoe s
6 ) I c a n sa y h u n d re d s .
M en y u z lik so n la rn i a y ta o lam a n.
e .g . a hundred, tw o hundred
7) I c a n sa y U z b e k so u m s .
M en o 'z b e k s o 'm in i a y ta o la m a n .
e .g . 100 soum s, 200 soum s
8) I am p o lite w h e n I buy.
M e n xa rid q ila y o tg a n d a x u s h m u o m a la b o ‘la o la m a n
e .g . A: Can I help you?
B: I’d like apples, please.
A: Yes, w e have apples.
B: Two kilos, please.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you.
9) I c a n s a y th e p a s t fo rm s o f v e rb s .
M e n fe ’lla rn in g o 'tg a n za m o n s h a k lla rin i a y ta o la m a n .
e .g . co m e - cam e, buy - bought,
clean - cleaned, see - saw
10) I ca n s a y w h a t I b o u g h t y e s te rd a y .
M en k e ch a nim a s o tib o lg a n im n i a y ta o lam a n.
e .g . Yesterday I w e n t to th e m arke t and b o u g h t
a m elon.
11) I c a n sa y th e ty p e s o f sh o p s.
M en d o 'k o n tu rla rin i a y ta o lam a n.
e .g . a sup e rm arket, ...
12) I ca n a s k and sa y w h e re a p la c e is.
M en b iro r jo y n in g q a y e rd a lig in i s o ‘ray o la m a n va a y ta o la m a n .
e .g . A: W h e re ’s th e hospital? B: It’s o p p o site th e library.

4 - K id s ’ English, 4-sinf
Unit 10 S p o rt

Lesson 1 W e like biking.

Listen and re p e a t. 2a Lo ok, lis te n an d r e p e a t.

2 b W o rk in p a irs .
L o o k, lis te n an d say. horse riding rid e r
biking biker
e .g . A: biking
running runne r
B : biker
ju m p in g ju m p e r

2c < P lay “ Look an d g u e s s ” .

e q A* (m im es) b ik in g ,
„ A " ■ 0 ru n n in g , ju m p in g ,
B: Are you riding a ho rse. sw im m ing , rid in g a horse,
A: No. rid in g a bike, p la yin g te n n is
C: A re you riding a bike? rid in g a m o to rb ik e , p la y in g
fo o tb a ll, p la yin g v o lle y b a ll,
L o o k, .isten an d c o m p le te . “ “ i,

3b ^ C h o o s e th e clu b an d c o m p le te .
Unit 10 S po rt

Lesson 2 I w a n t to play ch ess.

Listen an d re p e a t.

P lay “ M a g ic w o rd ”,
e .g . I like horse riding, I like tennis
I like biking.
3a V R e ad and c o m p le te .

3b W o rk in p a irs . L isten an d say.

A: I’m go od at ...
B: Go to th e ...

3c V Lo ok, re a d and w rite T fo r tru e an d F fo r F alse.

Hi, m y nam e’s Lucy. I go to th e H orse riding club. I love

horses. They are kind and beautiful. We clean and fe e d
o u r horses.
M y horse G racy is brow n. I love G racy and G racy loves
me. We are g o o d frie n d s. We are o u r clu b cham pions.
O ur u n iform is beautiful. It’s w h ite and black. The tro u s e rs
and s h irt are w hite. The hat, bo o ts and ja c k e t are black.
Unit 10 S po rt

Lesson 3 S p o rts D ay

-I Listen an d sing.

2a ^ L isten an d m a tc h .

2b W o rk in p a irs . Listen and

A: Handball. B: H andball is
3a R e a d and m a tc h .

M y n a m e ’s Jill. I like
Hi, I’ m Ben. M y fa vo u rite horse riding. I d o n ’t like
s u b je c t a t scho ol is PE. I like ridin g in w in te r. It’s co ld
team spo rts. M y fa vo u rite team and w indy. M y fa v o u rite
ga m e is ba sketball. I play fo r seasons are sp rin g and
th e scho ol tea m on S aturdays. sum m er.

Hi, m y nam e’s Alex. I play Hello, I’m nn. I d o n ’t like

football fo r our school team PE. I’ m nc go od at spo rts,
and I love it. We often I like playing chess and
play football at PE lesson. c o m p u te r gam es.
Som etim es we play football
after school on our playground.

3b W o rk in p a irs . Listen an d g u e s s .
A: She likes horse riding. B: H er n a m e ’s Jill.
R e a d an d c o m p le te th e ta b le .
Listen and sing.

Work in groups of 4. Create

an advertisement for your club

Are you good maths?
Do you want to be a champion?
Come to our Chess club.
Learn play chess
Our club is ...
Our telephone is ...

Are you good at running and jumping?

Do you want to be strong and healthy?
Come to our Football Club.
Mon, Wed, Fri lessons for boys
Tue, Thu, Sat lessons for girls

2b Group presentations.

Unit 11 At the doctor

Lesson 1 A headache, a toothache, a sore throat ...

. Listen and re p e a t. Stand up.

Wash your face.
2 Look and say. Com b your hair. Wash your
hands. Brush your teeth.
Sit down. Touch your head.
3 Play “Sim on Says”. Touch your nose. Touch
your eyes. Touch your
W o rk in pairs hand. Touch your leg.
1 Play “ R ob o t”.
m atch.

(2) a sore throat

(3)a sore le g )
ft) a sore hand)
(5) a headache)
(6 ) a toothache )
(7) a tum m y ache])
(8 )a runny nose)

Look, listen and re p e a t

Play “ M im e and sa y ”.
A: (mimes an illness)
B: A toothache.

U n it 11 A t th e d o c to r

Lesson 2 I have a high te m p e ra tu re .

Listen and re p e a t.

Look and say.

Teacher: W hat’s w rong?
Pupils: A sore throat.
Look, listen and re p e a t.
W hat’s wrong?

, Play “W h a t’s w ro n g ? ” a sore eye,
a sore throat,
A: (mimes an illness)
a sore leg, a sore hand,
B: W hat’s w rong?
a headache, a toothache,
A: I have a tum m y ache.
an earache, a tum m y
ache, a runny nose,
a high tem perature,
Listen and tic k . a cold -------
Unit 11 At the doctor

Lesson 3 D rink hot g reen te a .

Listen and sing.
V Look and m atch

W ork in pairs. Say an illness and give ad vice.

A: I have a cold.
B: Drink hot lemon tea and go to bed.
W o rk in p airs. Play “Th e d o c to r and th e p a tie n t1
Read and say.
e .g . Aziz had a tem prature. He ...

Yesterday I had a te m p e ­ On Tuesday I did not go to

rature in the m orning. I did school. I had a tem perature
not go to school. I w ent in the m orning. My mum
to the doctor. The d o cto r and I w ent to the doctor.
asked: ‘W hat’s w rong?’ The d o cto r asked: ‘W hat’s
I answered: ‘I have a w rong?’ My mum said: ‘He
headache’. The d o cto r has a high tem perature and
said: ‘Open your m outh’. a runny nose.’ The d o cto r
I opened my m outh. He opened my m outh, looked at
said: ‘Hmm. You have a my th ro a t and said: ‘Hmm.
sore th ro at.’ You have a c o ld ’.

On W ednesday I had a headache and an earache. I had

a sore eye, too. My dad and I w ent to the doctor. The
do cto r asked: ‘W hat’s w rong?’ My dad said: ‘He has a
headache, an earache and a sore eye. The d o cto r opened
my m outh and looked at my throat and teeth. He looked
at my ears and eyes, too. Then he said: ‘Hmm. You have
a toothache’.

4b | v W rite ad vice fo r th e boys

Unit 11 At the doctor

Lesson 4 P ro je ct

Listen and sing.

W o rk in p airs. A sk and answ er.
A: Did you have a headache yesterday?
B: Yes I did./N o, I d id n ’t.
; £ ^ W o rk in groups. Play “ Find som eone w h o ”,

R ep o rt.

^ M a ke a class g rap h .

Revision 5

1 W o rk in tw o te a m s . C hoose and answ er.

Unit 6: Unit 9: Unit 11:

Unit 7: Unit 8: Unit 10:
Points Welcome to At the At the
Holidays Shops Sport
our party market doctor
What’s ... in holidays What’s ... in What’s ... in What’s ... What’s ... in
English? are there in English? English? in English? English?
Look at
Say a the map
When are the Look and Mime, ask
sentence on Page Look and
20 holidays in say how it and say
with “Don’t 40. Ask: say.
J! Uzbekistan? looks. your illness.
■ ■ ■ ■ Where’s
th e ...?
Look and
Say a What Work in a Mime, ask
make a Say your
sentence holidays group of 5. and say
30 sentence illness and
with “Can I are there in Listen and what you
about get advice.
have...?” England? stand. are doing.
Play “A
Say a Say: ‘I’m Ask about
shop Play “A
sentence How do you good at...’ yesterday’s
40 assistant seller and a
with “I’d like celebrate...? and get illness and
and a buyer”.
..., please” advice. answer.

2 W ork in p airs. Do th e quiz “ I can

1) I can say th e ty p e s o f s p o rt and sp o rtsm en .

Men sport turlari va sportchilarni ayta olaman.
e .g . horse riding - rider, biking - biker, ...

2 ) I can say w h a t s p o rt I w a n t to do.

Men qaysi sport bilan shug'ullanishni istashimni ayta olaman
e .g . I w ant to ride a bike.

3) I can say w h a t I am good a t.

Men qaysi sport turida yaxshi ekanligimni ayta olaman.
e .g . I’m strong. I’m good at running.

I can ...

4) I can say w hen a sp o rts co m p etitio n is.

Men sport musobaqasi qachon bo'lishini ayta olaman.
e .g . Handball is at 11.15.

5) I can say th e p a rts o f th e body.

Men tana a’zolarini ayta olaman.
e .g . a face, a head, an ear ...

6) I can say s en ten ces w ith th e p a rts o f th e body.

Men tana a’zolarini ishlatib, gaplar ayta olaman.
e .g . Wash your hands. Brush your teeth.

7) I can nam e th e illnesses.

Men kasalliklarning nomini ayta olaman.
e .g . a sore throat, a headache ...

8) I can say w h a t illness I have.

Men qanday kasallik bilan og'riganligim ni ayta olaman.
e .g . I have a headache. I have a cold. ...

9) I can ask and com plain ab o u t illnesses.

Men kasalliklar haqida so'ray olaman va shikoyat qila olaman.
e .g . A: W hat’s w rong?
B: I have a high tem perature.

10) I can advise w h a t to have and not

to have w hen so m eb od y is ill.
Men biror kimsa kasal bo'lganda nima iste’mol
qilish yoki qilm aslik haqida maslahat bera olaman
e .g . A: I have a sore throat.
B: Drink hot milk. Don’t drink cold water.

11) I can ask and an sw er ab o u t illnesses in th e p a st.

Men kasalliklar haqida o'tgan zamonda so'ray olaman
va javob bera olaman.
e .g . A: Did you have a toothache yesterday?
B: Yes, I did./N o, I d id n ’t.

Unit 12 Travelling
Lesson 1 How did you get here?
Listen and re p e a t.

2 Play “W alking c a rs ”,

3a Look, listen and re p e a t.

A: How did you get here today?
B: By metro. (I got here by metro.)
Play “ How did you g e t h ere today?
A: How did you get here today?
B: We got here by bus.
Listen and re p e a t.

How did you get here today?

How did you get here today?

I got here on foot today,

You got here by bus.
She got here by minivan,
He got here by car.

How did you get here today?

How did you get here today?

I got here by train today,

You got here by plane.
She got here by motorbike,
I got here by horse!


C om plete th e sen ten ces.

Unit 12 Travelling

Lesson 2 W here are you going?

Listen and re p e a t.
I Wr

Look, read and re p e a t

Where are we going?


v Play th e “S nake” gam e,

\ rib
Look, listen and co m p lete.

Play “I ’m going to ...”.

Teacher: Where are you going?
Pupil: I’m going to the zoo.
Teacher: How are you going there?
Pupil: By bus.
Teacher: Ok then. Goodbye.
Pupil: Goodbye.
Unit 12 Travelling

Lesson 3 Wow! Th at’s interesting!

Listen and re p e a t.

Look, listen and re p e a t

Tashkent Zoo

Train Museum

Art Museum

Jam .
J C v j n f l \v

yj&mtcAV rVv '

f li; .

Chorsu Market
Tashkent Land

Look, listen and re p e a t.

A: How can we get to the
Train Museum?
B: You can take bus number 60.
A: Can we get there by metro?
B: Yes ... It’s “Tashkent” station.
Amir Temur Square
A: Thank you.
2c W ork in p airs. Play “How can I g e t to 99

3 J l Play “M oving Flashcards”.

| C om plete th e sen ten ces.

Unit 12 Travelling

Lesson 4 Project
Listen and sing.

2a W ork in groups. P rep are a p resen tatio n .

D raw p ictu res. W rite how to g e t th e re . Things you
can see th e re . Things you can buy.

G roup 1 G roup 2 G roup 3 G roup 4

Chorsu Market Art Museum Tashkent Tashkent Zoo
city centre

2b Listen and choose.

e .g . I’d like to go to ... .
I can get ... I’d like to see ... I’d like to buy ...
Listen and
4> re p ea t.

Look, listen
and re p ea t.

W ork in pairs.
Look, ask
and answer.

A: W hat’s the biggest ^ England

country of Great ^ London
Britain? S J o w e r of ' r V r ★
B: England

1 the biggest country England

2 the capital London
3 the biggest city London
Listen and
I) re p ea t.
4 the longest river the Severn
5 the deepest river the River Thames
6 the tallest mountain Ben Nevis
W ork in pairs. Play “W here do you w ant to go?”
e.g. A: W here do you want to go?
B: To London.
A: How do you want to get there?
B: By plane.
Europe, Great Britain,
England, Wales, Scotland, London, Tower of London,
R iver Thames, car, train, plane, helicopter,
metro, bus, tax4~—
Play “T rue/False”.

Unit 13 Great Britain

Lesson 2 We are going to London.

Listen and rep eat. Look and read.

I’m hungry. I5
I’m thirsty. Can I have a
Can I have an
glass of water, please?
apple, please?
"1 I’m sad. Can I watch a
cartoon, please?
I’m tired. Can I
listen to music,

ip I’m happy. W e’re going to London.”*

Play “ I’m thirsty. 99 drink, eat, have, listen,
watch, play, read
1Look, listen and w rite .
& '

Look, read and say.

the most
more beautiful

e.g. The swallow is beautiful. The humming bird is

more beautiful. The peacock is the most beautiful.
\'R e a d and com plete.
5 ] W ork in groups o f th re e . Listen and say.
A: Wales is interesting.
B: Scotland is more interesting.
C: England is the most interesting.

5 - K id s ' English, 4-sinf

Unit 13 Great Britain
Lesson 3 It’s rainy.

Listen and sing.

f t

Look, listen and say “True or False” .

1 The w eather is good. F a lse .
2 B otir wants to play games.
3 Sevara wants to play games too.
4 Sevara wants to go to the museum.
5 Sevara wants to go to the R iver Thames.
6 Anora wants to go to the museum by bus,
| Read A nora’s diary. U nderline c o rrect w ords in th e

Look and say.
was, went, saw,
. Play “ Help the te a c h e r liked, bought

Unit 13 Great Britain

Lesson 4 Project

Listen and sing.

Look a t the s ec re t code. Read the sentence.


3 1 d=4


■ll ¥






k=11 1=12 COCM n=14 0=15 p=16 q—17



E >

s=19 u=21










1 This is my friend Lucy. She is from I 6 I 18 I 1 I 14 I 3 T~5
2 M y friend Jim is from 119 3 15 20 12 1 14 4
3 M y friend Madina is from I 14 I 211 111 21 I 19
4 M y friend Dima is from I 18 I 21 19 19 9 1

W ork in pairs. Read your sentence.

W rite a secret sentence fo r your frien d .
%2I 0 ‘rtog‘ingiz uchun kodlashtirilgan maxfiy gap yozing.

Unit 14 The world of fairy tales
Lesson 1 The donkey and the sparrow

W atch and say. Listen and re p ea t.

2» Play “Take a card blew, fell, said

* and say”.
a ) t he wind blew and an
Read and put in order.
apple fell on the head
C The donkey and the sparrow of the donkey.
The donkey said, ‘Oh,
my head!’
b One day the donkey was in the
The sparrow said, ‘It’s
garden. He was under the apple
good the apples are
tree. He looked at the beautiful
not big.’
apples in the trees. Then he saw
- Yes, - said the
big pumpkins in the garden. The
donkey, and w ent away
donkey was ve ry sad. He said,
from the tree.
‘Oh, it’s bad. They are yucky!’

d There was a sparrow on the tree. He

asked, ‘W hy are you sad?’ The donkey
said, ‘Look at these tasty apples in
the trees. They are ve ry small. And
now look at those pumpkins. They
are ve ry big. And they are yucky. I’d
like big apples and small pumpkins.’

4b V R e ad an d u n d e rlin e .
Unit 14 The world of fairy tales

Lesson 2 W ho is the wisest?

1 W ork in pairs. Check your hom ework. the wisest,

wiser, richer,
2a Read and guess w hat the sons said. the richest

Once upon a tim e there was an old man w ith four sons.
One day he said to his sons, ‘I’m old now. Who wants to
have our fam ily farm? Who is the w isest?’
The firs t son said, ‘I’m wise! I’m rich. I have a beautiful house
and a horse.’ The second son said, ‘I’m _____ I’m _______ !
I have a beautiful house, a horse and a shop.’ The third
son said, ‘I’m ______ I’m ______ ! I have a beautiful house, a
horse and two shops.’
Father didn’t like th e ir words. He asked the youngest son,
‘Well, what about you? W hat do you have?’
The youngest son said, ‘I don’t have beautiful houses, horses
and shops. I have my hands to w ork and my head to think’.
Father liked his words ve ry much. He said, ‘Your youngest
brother is the wisest. I want to give him our fam ily farm ’.

W atch and check.

% Role play.
\ C o m p l e , e t h e s e n , e n c e s
Lesson 3 T h e Chinese N ew Year sto ry
W ork in pairs. C heck your hom ework,
Look and nam e th e anim als.

2b Listen and re p e a t a dog,

a goat, a horse,
emperor, rat, ox, boar a rooster, a rabbit,
a monkey,
a snake,
2c ■%
W atch and w rite a tiger
num bers.
Read and a) The year of the ox is number 2.
put in b) The year of the rat is number 1.
order. c) Twelve animals came.
d) One day the Chinese Emperor wanted
to give a name to each year.
e) The year of the dragon is number 5.
f) The year of the tiger is number 3.
g) After that the snake, horse, goat, monkey,
rooster, dog and boar came to the Emperor.
Play “The h) The year of the rabbit is number 4.
g re a t race i) There was a big river.

Unit 14 Th e w orld of fairy tales

Lesson 4 Project

1 W atch and answ er.

2 ^ W o rk in groups. C o m p le te th e ta b le

13a \ W o rk in groups. M a k e a fa iry ta le .

3b W o rk in groups. M a k e a p re s e n ta tio n .
W ork in pairs. Play “ Revision9

- I’m going to ...

S T ART - I’m going to ... by ...
- I’d like to see ...

72 /
I can ... (Units 12-14)

W o rk in p a irs . D o th e q u iz “ I ca n

1) I can ask and a n s w e r th e q uestion ‘ How did you g e t

h ere ? ’ M e n ‘ H o w d id y o u g e t h e re ? ’ s a v o lin i s o 'ra y o la m a n va u n g a
ja v o b b e ra o la m a n .
e .g . I got here ...
2) I can ask and a n sw er th e q uestion ‘W h e re a re you
go ing ?’
M en ‘W h e re a re y o u g o in g ? ’ sa vo lin i s o 'ra y o la m a n va unga
ja v o b b e ra o la m a n .
e .g . I’m going to ...
3) I can ask and a n s w e r th e q u estio n ‘H o w a re you going
th e re ? ’ M e n ‘H o w a re y o u g o in g th e re ? ’ s a v o lin i s o ‘ra y o la m a n va u n g a
ja v o b b e ra o la m a n .
e .g . By ...
4) I can ask and a n sw er th e q uestion ‘ How can I g e t to
■ ■ ■ ■

M en ‘H ow can I get to ...?’ sa vo lin i s o 'ra y o la m a n va unga

ja v o b b e ra o la m a n .
e .g . You can take bus ...
5) I can ask th e question ‘Can w e g e t th e re by ...? ’
M en ‘C an w e g e t th e re b y ...?’ sa v o lin i s o 'ra y o la m a n .
e .g . Can we get there by metro?
6) I can say w h e re I ’d like to go and w hy.
M e n q a y e rg a va n im a u c h u n b o ris h im n i a y ta o la m a n .
e .g . I’d like to go ... I’d like to see ...
7) I can say w h e re G re a t B ritain is and its g eo g rap h y.
M e n B u y u k B rita n iy a va u n in g g e o g ra fiy a s in i a y ta o la m a n .
e .g It’s in ... The deepest rive r’s ...
8) I can te ll fa iry tale s: “Th e d o nkey and th e s p a rro w ”,
“W ho is th e w is e s t? ”, “The C hinese N ew Y ear S to ry ”.
M en “T h e d o n k e y a n d th e s p a rro w ” , “W h o is th e w is e s t? ” ,
“ T h e C h in e s e N e w Y e a r S to r y ” e rta k la rin i a y ta o la m a n .
I can ... (Units 1 -1 4 )
W o rk in pairs. Do th e quiz “ I can
1) I can nam e fiv e c o u n tries and lang u ag es,
e .g . England, France, French ...
2) I can say w h a t I am good a t and w h a t I do a fte r
e .g . I’m good at ... A fte r school I go to the chess club.
3) I can ask questions and ta lk a b o u t w h a t I did y e s te rd a y ,
e .g . Did you ...? Yesterday I ...
4) I can say a b o u t m y re la tiv e s ’ pro fessio n s and w h e re
th e y w o rk .
e .g . My granny was a ... She worked at...
5) I can say “ I w a n t to be ...”
6) I can ta lk a b o u t U zb ekistan and how to tra v e l in it.
e .g . Uzbekistan is ... You can go to ... by ...
7) I can ta lk a b o u t ou r region,
e .g . Our region is ...
8 ) I can ta lk a b o u t b irth d a y p a rty ,
e .g . We played tag at my birthday party.
9) I can ask fo r a d rin k o r fo o d ,
e .g . I’d like a glass of ...
10) I can say w h a t w e do on holidays,
e .g . On M o th e r’s day we ...
I can ... (Units 1 —14)

11) I can say how things look,

e .g . They look ...
12) I can say ty p e s o f shops and th in g s w e can buy
th e re .
e .g . We can buy fru it and vegetable at the superm arket.
13) I can ask and an sw er how m uch th in g s c o s t,
e .g . How much are the tom atoes? 800 soum s a kilo.
14) I can ta lk a b o u t ty p e s o f s p o rt and sp<
e .g . I like biking Bikers are ...
15) I can ask and com plain ab o u t illnesses,
e .g . W hat’s w rong? I have ...
16) I can ta lk a b o u t travellin g in th e city,
e .g . How can I get to ...? Can we get there by ...?
17) I can say w h e re G re a t B ritain is and its g eo g rap h y.
It’s in ... The deepest river’s ...
18) I can use a s e c re t c o d e to read and w rite a s e n te n c e .
19) I can te ll fa iry ta le s: “T h e donkey and th e s p a rro w ”,
“W ho is th e w is e s t? ”, “T h e C hinese N ew Y e ar S to ry ”.
Parent’s corner
H u rm a tli o ta -o n a la r !
1 -3 -s in fla r davom ida kichkintoylarim iz o 'yin la r asosida, o 'q ish va yozish,
tinglash va gapirish orqali ingliz tilidan saboq olishgan, Siz esa ularning sinfda
o 'rg a n g a n bilim larini uyda m ustahkam lashlariga, uy vazifalarni bajarishlariga
bem innat yordam ingizni ayam agan edingiz. 4 -s in f davom ida ham Siz ular
bilan shug'ullanishga vaqt topib, ularning ingliz tilidan bilim darajalarini yanada
ko'ta rish g a hissangizni qo'shishni davom ettirasiz, degan um iddam iz.
Siz uchun alohida taqdim etilayotgan quyidagi sahifalarda berilgan rasm li
s o ‘z va iboralarni, odatdagidek, savol va javoblarda ishlatishingiz va bu orqali
bolajonlar bilan ingliz tilida k o 'p ro q m ashq qilishingiz m um kin.
Berilgan inglizcha gap, s o ‘z va iboralarning transkripsiyasini o 'qish dan oldin
quyida keltirilgan qoidalar, fo n e tik m a ’lum otlar bilan yaxshilab tanishib chiqishingiz,
ingliz tiliga xos ayrim tovushlarni (ayniqsa, [0], [5], [v], [w], [i:], [o:], [a:], [u:], [ 3 :], [» ],
[es], [us]) talaffuz qilishda qiyinchilik sezsangiz, ular haqida o 'qituvch ida n yordam
so'rashin giz m aqsadga m uvofiqdir.
In g liz tilin in g unli h a m d a und o sh to v u s h la ri
Ingliz tili alifbosi 26 harfdan iborat boMib, ulardan 20 tasi undosh (b, c, d, f,
g, h, j, k, I, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z), 6 tasi esa unli (a, e, i, o, u, y)
harflar hisoblanadi. Bu unli va undosh harflar jam i b o 'lib 44 ta (24 ta undosh
va 20 ta unli) tovush beradi.
Bu tovushlarni quyidagi qiyosiy jadvallar orqali o 'zb e k tilida mavjud tovushlar
bilan taqqoslab, osongina o 'rg a n ib olishingiz va m azkur kitobdagi inglizcha
so'zlarning transkripsiyasini o 'q iy olish ham da inglizcha talaffuzni to 'g 'ri am alga
oshirish im koniyatiga ega bo'lishingiz m um kin.
S o'zlarning transkripsiyasi o 'rta [ ] qavslar ichida berilgan. Transkripsiyada
asosiy u rg 'u [ 1] (masalan: cabbage ['kaebicfe]), ikkilam chi, y a ’ni kuchsizroq u rg ‘u
esa [, ] belgisi bilan ifodalangan (masalan: engineer [,end3i‘ni9]).
In g liz va 0 ‘z b e k tilla ri u n d o sh to v u s h la rin in g q iy o s iy ja d v a li
Ingliz tili undosh 0 ‘zbek tilidagi Ingliz tili undosh 0 ‘zbek tilidagi
tovushlari o‘xshash tovushlar tovushlari o‘xshash tovushlar
[p] plum [pL\m] parda [s] sun [sAn] salom
[b] bath [ba:0] bahor [z] zoo [zu:] zar
[t] tell [tel] tol [[] ship [rip] shamol
[d] drop [drop] daraxt [ 3] treasure ['tre39 ] jurnal
[k] king [kn]] kitob [h] hot [hot] hakam
[g] g e t [get] gul [m] my [mai] masal
[tj] chi p [tjip] chinor [n] new [nju:] narvon
[d3] jump [d3Amp] janub [q] sing [sig] zang
[f] fun [fAn] fasl [1] lake [leik] lola
[v] vase [va:z] varaq [r] role [rsul] rasm***3
[G] think [Giqk] ***1 [j] year [ji^] y o ‘l
[5] that [flaet] ***2 [w ] wing [wirj] qu w a t***4
1) Ingliz tilida “th” harflar birikmasi ba’zan [6] tovushi, ba’zan esa [5] tovushini beradi. [0]
tovushi o'zbek tilidagi “s” tovushiga o'xshasa-da, u biroz boshqacharoq talaffuz etiladi. U tish
oralig'i tovushi hisoblanadi. Demak, [0] tovushini talaffuz qilish uchun til uchi tishlar orasiga
keltirilib, havo jarangsiz chiqariladi. [0] tovushini qoidaga binoan to'g 'ri talaffuz etish va uni
o'zbek tilidagi “s” tovushidek talaffuz etmaslik lozim. Aks holda, butunlay boshqacha ma’noga
ega so'z anglashilishi mumkin. Taqqoslang: think (o'ylamoq) — sink (cho‘kmoq); thin (yupqa,
ingichka) — sin (gunoh);
2) [5] tovushi esa o‘zbek tilidagi “z” tovushiga o ‘xshasa-da, undan biroz farq qiladi. U
ham tish oralig'i tovushi hisoblanadi. Shuning uchun, [5] tovushini talaffuz qilishda til uchi tish
oralig'igakeltiriladi vahavo jarangli qilib chiqariladi;
3) Ingliz tilidagi [r] tovushi o'zbek tilidagi “r” titroq tovushidan o'zgacha talaffuz etiladi. Ingliz
tilidagi [r] tovushi tanglay yumshoq tovushi hisoblanadi, ya’ni u til uchini tanglayga ko'tarib, uni
titratmasdan talaffuz etiladi;
4) Ingliz tilidagi [w ] tovushi ham o'zbek tilidagi “v” tovushidan o'zgacha talaffuz etiladi.
Inglizcha [w ] tovushi o'zbekcha “v” tovushidan farqli o'laroq lablanmagan. U lablarni cho'zib,
aylana hosil qilish orqali talaffuz qilinadi. [w ] tovushini qoidaga binoan to'g'ri talaffuz etish
va uni o'zbek tilidagi “v” tovushidek talaffuz etmaslik lozim. Aks holda, butunlay boshqacha
ma’noga ega so'z talaffuz etilgan bo'ladi. Taqqoslang: west (g'arb) — vest (mayka; nimcha).
Ingliz va o‘zbek tillari unli tovushlarining qiyosiy jadvali
Ingliz tili unli O'zbek tilidagi Ingliz tili unli O'zbek tilidagi
tovushlari o‘xshash tovushlar tovushlari o(xshash tovushlar
[i:] each [i:tf] [3 :] learn [l3:n]
[1] its [its] igna [a] river ['nva] olti
[e] leg [leg] ellik [ei] say [sei] ey! (chaqiriq)
[ae] bag [baeg] ***2® [au] go [gau] teleshou
[a:] car [ka:] [ai] fine [fain] nay
[d] top [top] qop [au] cloud [klaud] pauza
[0 :] forty rfarti] [01] coin [kain] loy
[u] good [god] kun [ia] here [hia] iye! (ajablanish)
[u:] rule [ru:l] [ea] chair [tjea] ***2b
[a] cut [kAt] qand [ua] usual ['ju:3ual] ***2d

1) Ingliz tilida cho'ziq tovushlar [ : ] transkripsiya belgisi bilan ifodalanadi. O'zbek tilida
[i:], [o:], [a:], [u:] va[3:] kabi cho'ziq tovushlar mavjud emas. Biroq quyidagi tovushlar cho'zib
o‘qilsa,ularning talaffuzini o'xshatish mumkin: nina[i] — niina[i:]; sholg'om [d] — sholg'oom
[o :]; fan [ a ] — faan [a : ]; bu [u ] — buu [u :]; oltin [a ] — oltiin [ 3 :];
2 ) o'zbek tilida [ae], [e a ] va [ua] kabi tovushlar ham mavjud emas. Shuning uchun ularni
talaffuz qilish o'zbek o'quvchilari uchun biroz qiyinchilik tug'dirishi tabiiy. Bu tovushlarga
quyidagicha ta’rif berish mumkin:
a) [ae] tovushi [a ] va [e ] tovushlari uyg'unligidan tashkil topadi. U o'zbek tilidagi “e”
tovushiga o'xshash, lekin [ae] tovushini talaffuz qilish uchun og'iz “e” ning talaffuziga qaraganda
kattaroq ochiladi;
b) [e a ] tovushi [e ] va [a ] tovushlari uyg'unligidan tashkil topadi. [e a ] tovushini talaffuz
qilish uchun talaffuz [e ] tovushidan boshlanib, [a ] tovushi bilan yakunlanishi kerak;
d) [ua] tovushi [u ] va [a ] tovushlari uyg'unligidan tashkil topadi. [ua] tovushini talaffuz
qilish uchun talaffuz [u] tovushidan boshlanib, [a ] tovushi bilan yakunlanishi lozim.
Unit 1 W e learn English

I’ m good a t m usic. I cai I ’m good a t

sing English songs. playing fo o tb all.
[aim 'gud st ,mju:zik. ai kan 'sir] [aim 'gud 9t ‘plenq futbo
iqghj sDqz] Men m usiqada Men fu tb o l o'ynashda
yaxshim an. Men inglizcha yaxshim an.
lulalar ayta olam an.

I love anim als. I ’m ' love anim als, too.

kind, [a i Ia v asmmolz. aim I'm friendly, [a i Ia v •
karnd] Men hayvonlarni aerumslz tu:. aim fren d li]
yaxshi ko'ram an. Men Men ham hayvonlarni
rahm dilm an. yaxshi ko'ram an. Men
w ‘stonam an.

play th e g u ita r/p ia n o [p le i 5 s gitai/pi'asnsu] g ita ra /p ia n in o chalm oq,

d raw pictures [d ro: piktjaz] rasm lar chizm oq, play fo o tb all ['plei
futbo:l] fu tb o l o'ynam oq, sing songs ['sir] soqz] ashulalar aytm oq,
dance ['da:ns] raqsga tushm oq, m usic [m ju:zik] m usiqa, a rt [a:t] tasviriy
sa n ’at, draw ing [droriq] chizish, sport [spo:t] spo rt

My name’s Muhlisa. I live My name’s Sara. I9

in Uzbekistan. I speak Uzbek, from France. I speal
Russian, Tajik and English. French and English.
[mai 'neimz ’muhlisA. ai liv m ,u:zbek [mai ‘neimz seara. aim from
i‘sta:n. ai 'spi:k 'uzbek, *rAjn and 'iqglij] fra:ns. ai 'spi:k 'frentj and
Mening ismim Muhlisa. Men O'z- ‘irjgliJ] Mening ismim Sare
bekistonda yashayman. Men o'z- Men fransiyalikman. Mer
bekcha, ruscha, tojikcha va ing­ fransuzcha va inglizcha
lizcha gapira olaman. gapira olaman.

live [liv] yasham oq, I'm from ... [aim from] men ...likm an, speak [spi:k]
gapirm oq, U zbekistan — U zbek [,u:zbeki'sta:n - uzbek] O 'zbekiston - o'zbek,
Russia — Russian [tAja - r A j n ] Rossiya - ruscha, G erm any — G erm an
[dsaimani - ’d33:m9n] Germ aniya - nem ischa, France - French [frarns - frentj]
Fransiya - fransuzcha, England - English ['irjgtend - 'iqglij] Angliya - inglizcha
Tajikistan - Tajik [ta:,d3iki'sta:n - ta:d3 ik] Tojikiston - tojikcha, K arakalpakstan
— K arakalpak [,ka:ra,ka:lpa:ki'sta:n — ,ka:r3'ka:lpa:k] Q oraqalpog'iston — qoraqal-
poqcha, Kazakhstan - Kazakh [,ka:zaksta:n - k a za :h ] Q ozog'iston - qozoq-
cha, Kyrgyzstan — Kyrgyz [,k3:giz'sta:n - k3:giz] Q irg'iziston - qirg'izcha,
Turkm enistan — Turkm en Lt3:kmem'sta:n - t3:km an] Turkm aniston - turkm ancha

le flag of Uzbekistan le flag o f Russia is

blue, w h ite, green and w h ite, blue and red.
red. [5 s flaeg av ,u:zbeki'sta:ii iz [5 a flaeg av *rAjaiz 'wait
'blu: 'wait 'gri:n and red] Rossiya
■blu: and te d ]
O 'zbekiston ba yrog 'i ko'k, ba yrog 'i oq, k o 'k va
oq, yashil va qizil ranglarda, qizil ranglarda.

A fte r school I do my A fte r school I play

hom ew ork, ['a:fta 'sku:l ai gam es. ['a:fta sku:l ai ‘plei
'du: m ai 'haumw3:k] M ak­ 'geim z] M aktabdan s o ‘n
tabdan so 'n g men uy men o 'yin la r o'ynaym an.
vazifalarim ni bajaram an.

after [a:fta]...dan keyin/so'ng, do (my) homework ['du: m a i ’h a u m w 3 :k ] uy vazifalarni

bajarmoq, play games fplei geimz] o'yinlar o'ynamoq, play with friends
[■plei wi5 frendz] do'stlar bilan o'ynamoq, play football ['plei futbo:l] futbol o'ynamoq,
read books [ii:d l^uks] kitoblar o'qimoq, watch TV [w o tj ,ti:Vi:] televizor ko'rmoq, go
to music lessons [g s u ts lm ju :z ik 'lessnz] musiqa darslariga bormoq

U nit 2 M y d ay

la t’s th e tim e? fw ots 6a It ’s 2 o ’clock, [its 'tu: 9'klDk]

Soat necha bo 'ld i? oat ikki b o 'ld i.

2.05 - two oh five ['tu: au 'faiv], 2.30 - two thirty [tu: '03:ti], 2.35 -
two thirty-five ['tu: '03:ti fa iv ], 3.15 - three fifteen [0ri: fiftim], 4.25
- four twenty-five [fo: twenti faiv], 5.20 - five twenty [faiv 'twenti],
6.45 - six forty-five [siks To:ti faiv ], 9.40 nine forty ['nam fo:ti],
10.50 - ten fifty ['tenfifti], 10.55 - ten fifty-five [ten fifti faiv ]
When do you g et up?
[ wen du: ju: 'get Ap] Qachon
o‘rning(iz)dan turasan/turasiz?

I g et up at 6 o ’clock in the
morning, [ai 'get Ap at 'siks o'klok
in 59 'mo:mq] Men ertalab soat
oltida o‘rnimdan turaman.

brush (your) teeth [brAj jo: ti:0] tishlarni cho'tkalamoq, have b reakfast [hasv
brekfest] nonushta qilmoq, wash (your) fa c e and hands ['wdJ jo: 'feis and ’haendz] yuz
va qo'llarni yuvmoq, go to school ['gou t o ’sku:l] maktabga bormoq, g et
dressed ['get 'drest] kiyinmoq, do morning exercises [du: 'momirj 'eksosaizoz] ert
alabki badantarbiya mashqlarini qilmoq, m ake (your) bed ['meric jo: 'bed] joyni
yig£ishtirmoq, comb (your) hair ['koum jo: 'heo] sochni taramoq, in th e morning
[in 5o 'mo:mq] ertalab, in th e afternoon [in 5o ,a:fto'nu:n] tushdan keyin, in the evening
[in 5o 'i:vmq] kechqurun, oqshomda

30 - thirty [03:ti] 46 - forty-six [fo:ti 'siks]

31 - thirty-one [03:ti wah] 47 - forty-seven [fo:ti sevn]
32 - thirty-two [,03:ti 'tu:] 48 - forty-eight [fo:ti eit]
33 - thirty-three [,03:ti '0ri:] 49 - forty-nine [fo:ti nam]
34 - thirty-four [,03:ti 'fo:] 50 - fifty ['fifti]
35 - thirty-five [03:ti 'faiv] 51 fifty-one [fifti wAn]

36 - thirty-six [,03:ti 'siks] 60 - sixty [siksti]

37 - thirty-seven [,03:ti 'sevn] 61 - sixty-one [siksti WAn]
38 - thirty-eight [,03:ti 'eit] 70 - seventy [sevnti]
39 - thirty-nine [,03:ti ham] 71 - seventy-one [sevnti WAn]
40 - forty [fo:ti] 80 - eighty [eiti]
41 - forty-one [fo:ti 'waii] 81 - eighty-one [eiti WAn]
42 - forty-two [fo:ti 'tu:] 90 - ninety [nainti]
43 - forty-three [fo:ti '0ri:] 91 — ninety-one [nainti 'wAn]
44 - forty-four [fo:ti fo:] 100 a hundred [o'hAndrod]

45 - forty-five [fo:ti 'faiv]

a fte r ['a:fto] ...dan keyin/so‘ng,

b e fo re [bi'fo:] ...dan oldin,
th e n [5en] keyin, so‘ng

u su ally ['ju:3 oli] odatda,

s o m e tim e s [sAmtaimz] ba’zida,
o fte n ['ofon] tez-tez,
alw ay s [o:lwiz] doimo,
n e v e r ['nevo] hech qachon

usually play fo o tb all.
W hat do you do Then I do my hom ework
a fte r school? [ai 'ju:3 oli 'plei futbo:l. Sen ai 'du:
['wot du: ju: du: u:fto 'sku:l] mai 'h3umw3:k]
Maktabdan so‘ng nima Men odatda futbol o'ynay-
qilasan/qilasiz? "ian. Keyin men uyga
azifalarimni bajaraman.

have lunch ['haev UntJJ tushlik qilmoq, go to the library ['gsu ts Ss laibrsdj
kutubxonaga bormoq, go home [gsu hsum] uyga bormoq, play with (my) cat
[■plei wi5 mai kast] mushuk bilan o'ynamoq, watch TV ['wotj ,ti:Vi:] televizor ko'rmoq,
watch (my) favourite cartoons ['wotj mai fervnt ka:'tu:nz] sevimli multfilmlarni ko'rmoq,
have dinner [liasv 'dins] kechki ovqatni yemoq, play on the computer [plei on ksnVpj
u:ts] kompyuterda o‘yin o'ynamoq, listen to music ['lissn ts 'mju:zik] musiqa tinglamoq,
read books [ii:d buks] kitoblar o'qimoq, go to bed late [gsu ts 'bed leit] uxlagani
kech yotmoq, stay at school [stei at 'sku:l] maktabda qolmoq, play games
[■plei 'geimz] o'yinlar o'ynamoq

Unit 3 I help my m other.

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t

Do you w ater the flowers? ['jes ai 'du: / 'nou ai 'daunt]
[du: ju: 'wo:to 5s flauaz] Ha./ Yo'q.
Sen/Siz gullarga suv

W hat do you do? I go shopping.

[ai 'goo 'Jnpii] ] Men bozor-
[ wot du: ju: 'du:]
Sen/Siz nima qilasan/ lik qilishga boraman.

I) go shopping [gsu 'Jbpnj] bozorlik qilmoq, xarid qilmoq, 2) lay the table
[lei 5a 'teibl] dasturxon yozmoq, 3) take the rubbish out ['teik 6s tAbij 'aut] axlatni/
supurindini tashlab kelmoq, 4) clean the room [kli:n 6s 'ru:m] xonani tozalamoq,
5) feed the animals [fi:d Si 'asmmalz] hayvonlarga yemish bermoq, 6) wash the
dishes [woj 8s 'dijiz] idish-tovoqlarni yuvmoq, 7) mop the floor [mop ds flo:] polni
shvabra bilan artmoq, 8) sweep the floor [swi:p ds flo:] polni supurmoq, 9) cook
[kuk] ovqat pishirmoq, 10) make (my) bed [meric mai tied] joy to'shamoq, o'rin solmoq,
II) plant flowers and trees [pla:nt flausz and tri:z] gul va daraxtlar ekmoq

6 - Kids’ English, 4-sinf

W e cooked palov yester W e cooked manti
day. W hat about you? yesterday.
[wi: 'kukt pA'lov 'jestodi. [wi: 'kukt m A n 'ti 'jestodi]
wot e'baut ju:] Kecha biz Kecha biz manti
palov pishirdik. Siz-chi? pishirdik.

washed the dishes, watered the flowers, cleaned the

room, mopped the floor, planted flowers and trees,
played chess ['pleid tfes] shaxmat o'ynadik, watched a cartoon
fwDtft 9 ka:'tu:n] multfilm ko'rdik

Did you mop the floor? Yes, I did. /

['did ju: "mop 5o flo:] No, I didn’t, [jes ai did /
Polni shvabra bilan 'nou ai 'didnt] Ha./Yo‘q.

Did you clean Yes, I did. /

your garden? No, I didn’t.
['did ju: 'kli:n jo: 'ga:dn] ['jes ai 'did/ “nou ai 'didnt]
Bog‘ing(iz)ni Ha./Yo‘q.
tozalading(iz)m i?

1 Did your friends play Yes, they did.

chess? ['did jo: 'frendz ‘plei No, they didn’t
tjes] 0 ‘rtoqlaring(iz) ['jes 5ei 'did / 'nou 5ei 'didnt
shaxmat o'ynashdimi? la./Yo‘q.

Yes, she did. /

Did she wash the dishes?
No, she didn’t.
['did Ji: 'wdJ 5o dijiz]
['jes Ji: 'did / 'nou Ji: 'didnt]
U idish-tovoqlarni yuvdim i?

Did they watch Yes, 1 hey did. /

a cartoon? ['did 5ei 'wotj No, tl ey didn’t.
o ka:'tu:n] Ular multfilm ['jes 5ei did / 'nou 5ei 'didnt
tomosha qilishdim i? Ha./Yc q-

Unit 4 I Professions

My grandad was a farm er. My grandad was a doctor.

[mai 'graendaed woz s farms] iai 'graendaed woz s 'dokto] Me­
Mening bobom dehqon bo'igan., ning bobom shifokor bo'igan

ly granny w as an English te a c h e r.
M y grandad w as a m aths te a c h e r.
They w ere very good teach ers.
[mai 'graeni woz an 'iqghj 'ti:tJo. mai 'graendaed
w d z s 'maeGs 'ti:t]o. 5ei 'W 3 : 'veri gud 'ti:tJoz]
Mening buvim ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi bo'igan
Mening bobom matematika o'qituvchisi
bo'igan. Ular juda yaxshi o'qituvchilar
bo'lishgan. __ m

was [w s z , w o z ] edim, edi, bo'lganman, bo'igan (o'tgan

zamonda birlikdagi shaxs uchun ishlatiladi), w ere [w 3 :] eding,
edik, edingiz, edilar (o'tgan zamonda ko'plikdagi shaxs uchun
ishlatiladi), police officer [ps'li:s .ofiso] politsiyachi, shop assistant
[Jop s.sistsnt] sotuvchi, nurse [n3:s] hamshira, football player
[futbo:l ,pleis] futbol o'yinchisi, teacher [ti:tjs] o'qituvchi, cook
[kuk] oshpaz, pilot ppailst] uchuvchi, doctor [dokts] shifokor,
farm er [farms] dehqon, ferm er, director [daitekts] direktor, driver
[draivs] haydovchi, dancer pdamss] raqqos(a), fireman [faismsn] o't

helm et ['helmit] shlem, kaska,

s tre e t [stri:t] ko'cha

I ’m good a t cooking. I ’m good a t dancing.

I w ant to be a cook. I w an t to be a d an cer.
[aim ‘gud st 'kukiq. ai 'wont ts bi: s [aim 'gud st 'dornsii]. ai wont
Mening ovqat pishirishga ts bi: s da:nss] Mening raqs
qobiliyatim bor. Men oshpaz tushishga qobiliyatim bor.
bo'lishni istayman. Men raqqos(a) boMishni
M y grandad w as a farm er. M y grandad and granny
He w orked on a fa rm . w ere d o cto rs. They
[mai 'graendaed woz a fa:mo. hi: w orked a t th e hospital.
'W3:kt tm a fa:m] U dalada/ [mai 'graendasd and 'grasni W3:
ferm ada ishlagan. 'doktaz. 5ei 'W3 :kt at 5a 'hospitl]
Ular shifoxonada ishlashgan.

work [w3:k] ishlamoq, shop [fop] do'kon, hospital ['hospitl]

shifoxona, police station [ps'lirs ,steijn] politsiya mahkamasi,
school [sku:l] maktab, farm [fa:m] dala/ferma, canteen [kaen'ti:n]
oshxona at the hospital [at da hospitl] shifoxonada, at the shop
[at 5s ’Jop] do'konda, at the school [at 5s sku:l] maktabda, at the
police station [at da po'li:s steijn] politsiya mahkamasida, at the
canteen [at 5s kaentkn] oshxonada

Unit 5 All about Uzbekistan

W h ere’s U zbekistan? tok a t th e m ap. It ’s

['weaz ,u:zbeki'sta:n] O'zbekiston in C en tral A sia. The
qayerda joylashgan?
c a p ita l’s T ash ken t.
['luk ot 5s 'maep. its in sentrol
eijo. 5o 'kaepitlz ta:J'kent]
Xaritaga qara(ng). U O 'rta
Osiyoda joylashgan. Uning
•oytaxti Toshkent. 1
W here a re you
going to?
L'weora: ju: 'gooii] tu]
Qayerga ketyapsan/ I ’m going to Sam arkan
ketyapsiz? by tra in , [aim 'gouir) tu ,saemo
'kaend bai trem] Men Samar-I
qandga poyezdda ketyap

W hat are you going to

do in Sam arkand.
['wot a: ju: 'going to du: in I ’m going to see th e
.saema'kaend] R egistan Square.
Samarqandda nima [aim 'goinrj ta 'si: 5o
qilmoqchisan/qilmoqchisiz? ,regi'staen skweo]
Men Registon maydonini
ko'rmoqchiman. .

bus [bAs] avtobus, minivan ['minrvasn] marshrutli taksi, bike [baik] velosiped,
motorbike [“mautabaik] moped, car [ka:] mashina, train [trein] poyezd, plane [plern]
samolyot, helicopter [helikopta] vertolyot, tractor [traskta] traktor, on foot [on futj

d e s e rt [dezat] cho‘1, m ountain [mauntin] tog‘, city [siti] shahar, sea [si:] dengiz,
fo re s t [fonst] o'rmon, garden [ga:dn] bog', Sam arkand [.sasma'kaend] Samarqand,
Bukhara [bu:'ka:ra] Buxoro, Khorezm [ko'rezm] Xorazm, Khiva ['ki:va] Xiva,
Tashkent [ta:J'kent] Toshkent, Shakhrisabz (jAkrisa:bz] Shahrisabz

Y esterd ay I w en t to schoi esterd ay I saw

at 7 o ’clock, ['jestodi ai granny a t 7 .3 0 . [jestadi
'went ta ‘sku:l at 'sevn a'klok] 'so: mai 'graeni at 'sevn '03:ti]
Kecha men soat 7 da mak- Kecha men soat yetti
tabga bordim. yarimda buvimni ko'rdim,

go [gau] bormoq - went [went] o'tgan zamonda birlik va

<o‘plikdagi shaxslar uchun ishlatiladi: bor(-dim, -ding, -di, -dik,
-dingiz, -dilar);
see [si:] ko'rmoq - saw [so:] o'tgan zamonda birlik va ko'plikdagi
shaxslar uchun ishlatiladi: ko‘r(-dim, -ding, -di, -dik, -dingiz,
come [kAm] kelmoq - came [keim] o'tgan zamonda birlik va
ko'plikdagi shaxslar uchun ishlatiladi: kel(-dim, -ding, -di, -dik,
-dingiz, -dilar);
have [haev] yemoq - had [haed] o'tgan zamonda birlik va
ko'plikdagi shaxslar uchun ishlatiladi: ye(-dim, -ding, -di, -dik,
-dingiz, -dilar)

went shopping, went to school, went to bed, had breakfast, had lunch,
had dinner, had a special holiday, saw my granny/grandad, came home,
washed the dishes, cleaned the room, cooked, planted trees, watered
the plants, played games, watched TV

W h at’s th e w eather?
[Wots 5a \ve5a]
Ob-havo qanday?
Is it cold in w in ter ii
Uzbekistan? [its 'kauld s cold and snowy in
m winto in ,u:zbeki'sta:n] w in ter in U zbekistan. T h ere
O'zbekistonda qish a re som etim es w indstorm s,
sovuq bo'ladimi? thunderstorm s and snow ­
storm s in D ecem b er.
[its kould and 'snoui in 'wmto in
,u:zbeki'sta:n. '5era: 'sAmtaimz
lwindsto:mz '0Andasto:mz and
'snausto:mz in di'semba]
cloudy [klaudi] bulutli, rainy [rerni] O'zbekistonda qish sovuq va
yomg'irli, windy ['windi] shamolli, qorli bo'ladi. Dekabrda ba’zan
snowy [snsui] qorli, hot [hot] issiq, kuchli shamol, momaqaldiroq
warm [worm] iliq, cool [ku:l] salqin, qorbo'ronlar boMib turadi.
cold [ksuld] sovuq the rain pours
[5s “rein po:z] yomg'ir quyadi (yog'adi),
the sun shines [5s 's/m 'Jamz]
quyosh charaqlaydi, the snow falls
[8s ’snsu fo:lz] qor yog'adi, the wind
blows [3s 'wind tlauz] shamol esadi

Unit 6 W elcom e to our party.

Y es, h ere you a re . /

'S' Can I have a glass o f
No, sorry. ['jes hia ju'a:/
•range juice? [kan ai haev nou son] Ha, mana marha-
a 'gla:s ov torind^ 'd3 u:s] Bir Stakai
mat. /Y o 'q , kechirasiz.
apelsin sharbati ichsam bo'la-
'hank you. ['Gaegkju:] Rahmal

I ’d like a cup o f hot te a . B lack o r green?

[aid 'laik a kAp af 'hot 'ti:] [blaek o: 'gri:n]
Bir finjon issiq choy Qora choymi yoki ko‘k?
xoh layman.

G reen, p lease. ['gri:n pli:z]

Ko‘k choy, iltimos.
H ere you a re . [luajua:]
Thank you. [te ijk ju:] Mana, marhamat.
Rah mat.

a glass of peach juice [a 'gla:s af *pi:tj 'd3 u:s] bir stakan shaftoli sharbati, a glass
of pear juice [a gla:s af 'pea 'dsu:s] bir stakan nok sharbati, a glass of w ater
[a 'gla:s af 'wo:to] bir Stakan SUV, a bowl of tomato salad [a 'bool af to'mu:tou 'saelad] bir
kosa pomidor salat, a bowl of cucumber salad [a 'baul af 'kju:kAmba saelad] bir kosa
bodring salat, a bowl of palov [a baul af pa'1o:v] bir kosa palov, a cup of green
tea [a 'kAp af 'gri:n ti:] bir finjon ko'k choy, a cup of black tea [a 'kAp af blaek ti:] bir
finjon qora choy, strawberry ice-cream ['stro:bari ,ais'kri:m] qulupnayli muzqaymoq,
lemon ice-cream [leman ,ais'kri:m] limonli muzqaymoq

Happy birthday! [bsepi b3:0di] Tug'ilgan kuningiz bilan!, a birthday p arty

[a <b3:0di pa:ti] tug'ilgan kun bazmi, a birthday card [a b3:6di 'ka:d] tug'ilgan kun
tabriknomasi, a birthday cake [a t^ed i 'keik] tug'ilgan kun torti

D on’t jum p on my bed! Don’t touch my com puter!

['daunt 'd3 Amp on mai bed] ['daunt tAtJ mai kam'pju:to]
Karavotimda sakrama! Kompyuterimga tegma!
"11 ■ '<t\\n iWN

* i
D on’t play w ith m y dog!
[daunt 'plei wi5 mai 'dog] Don’t touch my toys!
Itim bilan o'ynama! ['daunt 'tAtJ mai 'toiz]
O'yinchoqlarimga tegma!
Unit 7 Holidays

W hen’s T each ers’ Day? It ’s in O cto b er.

['wenz ,ti:tJoz 'dei] Ustoz va mu ['its in oktauba] Oktabr
rabbiylar kuni qachon?

W e give presents to our

lat do you do on te a c h e rs , sing songs
T each ers’ Day? and dan ce, [wi: 'gi:v 'preznts
['wot du ju 'du: Dn ,ti:tfaz ’dei] ta aua tirtjoz ,sif] 'soqz and ’da:ns]
Ustoz va murabbiylar Biz ustozlarimizga sovg'ala
kunida nimalar qilasiz? beramiz, ashulalar aytamiz
va raqsga tushamiz.

New Year’s Day [nju: jiaz dei] Yangi yil kuni, Women’s Day [wiminz dei] Xotin-qizlar
kuni, Navruz [nAvtuz] Navro'z, Independence Day [indi'pendance dei] Mustaqillik kuni,
Teachers’ Day [ti:tjaz 'dei] Ustoz va murabbiylar kuni, Constitution Day [,konstitju:Jn
dei] Konstitutsiya kuni, Chinese New Y ear [tjamiiz ,nju: jia] xitoycha yangi yil

play gam es ['plei'geimz] o'yinlar o'ynamoq, e a t cakes [i:t 'keiks] tortlar

yemoq, e a t special food [i:t ,spejl fu:d] maxsus taom yemoq, c e le b ra te
[selibreit] nishonlamoq, plant flo w ers and tre e s ['plaint flauaz and tri:z] gul va
daraxtlar ekmoq, g e t presents [get ■preznts] sovg‘alar olmoq, give presents
[gi:v "preznts] sovg'alar bermoq

cam era ['kaemara] fotoapparat, ta k e a photo [teik a fautau] fotosuratga olmoq,

go fishing [gau fijir)] baliq ovlamoq, decoration [.dekateijn] bezak, dragon
dance ['draegn ,da:ns] ajdar raqsi, go out ['gau *aut] tashqariga chiqmoq, firew o rks
[faiaw3:ks] mushakbozlik, good luck [,gud lAk] yaxshi omad

lat are you doing? I ’ m fish in g . [aim fijiq]

[■wot 'a: ju: 'du:nj] Nima qilyapsan? Baliq ovlayapman.
^1 III —----

M o th e r’s Day F ath er’s Day

[,mA5az 'dei] [,fa:5az 'dei]
Onalar kuni Otalar kuni
Hasan lik es w in te r holiday* lusan likes w in ter holi
He likes riding his b ic y c le . days, to o . He likes ridin
[h A 'sA n l a i k s 'w in t o 'h D lid e iz . h i: is horse. [h u ’SAn 'la ik s 'w in to
l a i k s 'raid ir) h iz 'b a is i k lj li d e i z tu:. h i: 'la ik s 'ra id ii] h iz
qishki ta ’tilni yaxshi ko'radi. ho:s] Husan ham qishki ta ’til­
U velosipedini minishni yaxshi ni yaxshi ko'radi. U otini
ko'radi. minishni yaxshi ko'radi.

playing [’pleiuj] o'ynash, reading [<ri:dii)] o'qish, riding [’raidiq]

minish, running [■rAniq] yugurish, singing [sigiq] ashula aytish,
swimming ['swimm] suzish, dancing ['da:nsm] raqsga tushish,
hopping [hopiq] sakrash, skating [skeitii]] konkida uchish,
skiing ['ski:ii)] chang'ida uchish, walking [v^kii]] yurish,
climbing [klaimir]] tirmashib chiqish, jumping [d3 Ampii]] sakrash,
eating [litirj] yeyish, fishing [’fijiq] baliq ovlash, taking a photo
[teikig o foutou] fotosuratga olish, watching cartoons [\votjii) ka:'tu:nz]
multfilmlar ko'rish, playing snowballs [‘pleuri snoubo:lz] qorbo'ron
o'ynash, playing hockey [pleui] hold] xokkey o'ynash, making
a snowman [meikm o ’snoumon] qor odam yasash

Unit 8 Shops

It ’s opposite th e library
[its o p o z it 5 s la ib r o r i]
W h ere’s th e hospital?
[weoz So 'hospitl] Shifoxona U kutubxona qarshisida.

o straig h t. Stop a t th e
W h ere’s a superm arket? hospital. Turn rig h t. The
I'wcaz 6a 'su:p9,ma:kit| su p erm arket is opposite
Supermarket qayerda? th e p ark, ['g o o 'streit. 'stop
ot 5o h o s p itl. 't3:n 'rait. 5o
'su :p o ,m a :k it i z o p o z it d o 'p a :k ]

Thank you. ['6aer|k j u : ] To'g'riga yuring. Shifoxon

Rahmat. oldida to'xtang. O'ngga
buriling. Supermarket isti-
ohat bog'ining qarshisida

street [stri:t] ko'cha, superm arket ['su:po,ma:kit] supermarket, book shop [bukjop] kitob
do'koni, flow er shop [flauojop] gul do'koni, toy shop [toijop] o'yinchoq do'koni, model
car [‘modi ka:] mashina modeli, canteen [ksenti:n] oshxona, school [sku:l] maktab,
hospital [hospitl] shifoxona, library [laibrori] kutubxona, buy [bai] sotib olmoq, in front
of [m fi-Antov] ...ning oldida, behind [bihamd] ...ning orqasida, opposite [’opozit] ...ning
qarshisida, between [bitwi:n] (ikki narsa) o'rtasida, next to [heksttu] ...ning yonida,
go straight ['gou’streit] to'g'riga yuring, stop at ['stop ot] ...oldida to'xtang, turn right
[t3:n tait] o'ngga buriling, turn left [i3:n left] chapga buriling
W here can I buy apples? A t th e su p erm arket.
('wea kon ai *bai 'aepolz] ['aet 5o 'su:po,ma:kit]
Olmalarni qayerda sotib Supermarketda.
bo'ladi? ^
I ’d like a m odel c a r,
Can I help you? p lease, [a i d 'la ik o 'm o d i 'ka:
|kon ai help ju:] ■pli:z ] Menga mashina mo-
Yordamim kerakmi? deli kerak edi, iltimos.

H ere you a re . / H e re ’s your Thank you.

m odel c a r. [bio ju'a:/ 'hioz jo: 'modi ['0aeqk ju:]
a:] Mana, m arham at./ Mana, sizgi Rahmat.
mashina modeli.

Unit 9 At th e m arket

The beans look good Yes. And th e bread looks

[ 5 s t>i:nz 'lu k ,g u d ] Loviyanin delicious, [jes. ond 5o bred
ko'rinishi yaxshi. 'luks di'liJos] Ha. Nonlar esa
azali ko'rinadi.

pea [pi:] no'xat, bean [bi:n] loviya, rice [rais] guruch, egg [eg] tuxum,
bread [bred] non, milk [milk] sut, sausage ['sosid3 ] sosiska/kolbasa
look [luk] ...ko'rinadi, nice [nais] yaxshi, beautiful [bju:trfl] chiroyli,
big [big] katta, new [nju:] yangi, old [sold] eski, fresh [frej] yangi
uzilgan, yangi, clean [kli:n] toza, funny [fAni] kulgili ajib, good
[gud] yaxshi, great [greit] ajoyib, long [log] uzun, short [Jo:t] kalta,
small [smo:l] kichik, yummy ['jAmi] ishtahani qo‘zg‘atadigan, yeyishli,
delicious [dilijos] shirin, mazali, yucky [jAki] yoqimsiz, bemaza

Can I help you? I ’d like plum s,

[kon ai help ju:]
M en
[ a i d 'l a i k 'p lA m z 'p li : z ]
Yordamim kerakmi? iltimos,
olxo'ri kerak edi,

Y es, w e have plum s How much a re they?

['jes wi: 'hasv 'p lA m z ] ['hau mAtJ 'a: 5ei]
Ha, bizda olxo'ri bor. Lining narxi qancha?

7 0 0 soum s a kilo. Three kilos, p lease.

['sevn 'liAndrod ,su:mz o ki:lou ['0 ri 1d : l 9 u z ,p li:z ]

Bir kilosi 700 so‘m. Uch kilo torting, iltimos.

H ere you a re . Thank you. ['0aegkju:]

Mana, marhamat.
[h ia ju a :] Rahmat.
a hundred four hundred seven hundred
[a hAndrad] [,fo: 'hAndrad] [sevn 'hAndrad]

two hundred five hundred eight hundred

[tu: hAndrad] [,fa iv 'h A n d ra d ] [ e i t 'h A n d ra d ]

three hundred .. six hundred nine hundred

[0 ri: 'hAndrad] [siks 'hAndrad] [nain hAndrad]

a kilo of tom atoes [a 'ki:loo a f ta'm aitauz] bir kilo pomidor, two kilos of potatoes
ikki kilo kartoshka, a hundred soums [ a h A n drad ,su:m z] yuz
[tu : k i:la u z a f p a te ita u z ]
so'm, two hundred soums [tu : h A n d rad ,su:m z] ikki yuz so‘m, five hundred soums
[f a i v 'hAndrad ,su:m z] besh yuz so‘m

potato [pa'teitau] kartoshka, cabbage [,kaebid3 ] karam, eggplant [egpla:nt] baqlajon,

onion [Anjan] piyoz, pum pkin ['pAmpkin] oshqovoq, to m ato [ta[ma:tau] pomidor,
cucum ber [kju:kAmba] bodring, c a rro t [‘kasrat] sabzi, p ep p er fpepa] qalampir
peach [pi:tj] shaftoli, banana [ba*na:na] banan, apple [aepl] olma, w aterm elon
['wa:ta,melan] tarvuz, m elon ['melan] qovun, grapes ['greips] uzum, p ear [pea] nok,
straw b erry [stra:bari] qulupnay, orange [t>nnd3] apelsin, ch erry [tjeri] olcha,
ap rico t [’eipnkot] o'rik, plum [plAm] olxo'ri, lem on [leman] limon

es te r day I w en t to Y esterd ay I w en t
th e su p erm arket and to th e sup erm arket
bought a m elon. and bought a m elon
['jestadi ai 'went ta 5a and a w aterm elo n .
'su:pa,ma:kit and bad a 'melan] [... and a 'wo:ta,melan] Kech
Kecha men supermar- men supermarketga
ketga bordim va qovun bordim va qovun hamda
i sotib oldim. tarvuz sotib oldim

Unit 10 S port

A re you riding a horse?

[a: ju: 'raidii] a ho:s] No. [n a u ] Yo‘q
Siz ot minib yuribsizmi?

A re you riding a bike?

['a: ju: 'raidiq a 'baik]
iz velosiped minib yurib
Yes. [jes]

biking ['baikiTj] velosiped minish, running [tAmr]] yugurish, jum ping [dsAmprr]] sakrash,
swimming ['swimiq] suzish, riding a horse ['raidir) a hors] ot minish, riding a bike
fraidiq a 'baik] velosiped minish, playing tennis fplem) tems] tennis o'ynash, riding a
m otorbike [’raidii] a 'moutobaik] moped minish, playing football [plenrj 'futborl] futbol
o'ynash, playing volleyball [’plenrj Voliborl] voleybol o'ynash, playing handball
[■pleiiq haendbo:l] qo'l to'pi o'ynash, playing basketball ['pleiii) ba:skitbo:l] basketbol

sp o rts c e n tre ['spo:ts sent©] sport m arkazi, s ta rt [start] 1) boshlamoq; 2) start,

b o o ts [burts] butsi (futbol botinkasi), sp o rts uniform [sports jurniform] sport
form asi, h o rse rid in g ['hors 'raidiq] ot minish

I ’ m good a t rid ing G o to th e H o rse R iding

a h o rse. Club, ['gou tu So hors .raidiq
[aim 'gud ot taidiq o 'hors]
k l A b ] O t minish to'garagiga
Mening ot minishga boring.
qobiliyatim bor.

biking club [baikii] 'klAb] velosiped minish to'garagi, horse

riding club ['hors .raidiq kkb ] ot minish to'garagi, tennis club
[tems 'klAb] tennis to'garagi, chess club ['tfes 'klAb] shaxmat to'garagi

horse rid in g ot minish - rid e r [raido] chavandoz, haydovchi

biking velosiped minish - b ik e r [baiko] velosipedchi
running yugurish - ru n n e r [rAno] chopuvchi, yuguruvchi
ju m p in g sakrash - ju m p e r [d3 Ampo] sakrovchi

U nit 11 A t th e d o c to r

W h a t’s w ro ng? I have a co ld .

['wots ’roq] [ai 'haev o 'kould]
Nima bo'ldi? Sham ollab qoldim

1) a sore th ro at [a ,sor Qraut] tomoq og'rig'i, 2) an

earache [an ioreik] quloq og'rig'i, 3) a sore leg
[a ,sor leg] oyoq og'rig'i, 4) a runny nose [a tAni ,nauz]
tumov, 5) a tum m y ache [a Mmi'eik] qorin og'rig'i,
6) a sore eye [a ,sorr ai] ko'z og'rig'i, 7) a toothache
[a tu:6 eik] tish og'rig'i, 8) a sore hand [a ,sor baend] qo'l
og'rig'i, 9) a headache [a hedeik] bosh o'g'rig'i,
10) a high tem perature [a hai tempratja] baland
harorat, 11) a cold [a 'kauld] shamollash
have a high
D rink hot lem on
te m p e ra tu re .
te a and go to b ed .
[ai 'haev a 'hai tempratj a]
['drigk 'hot 'leman ,ti: and
Haroratim baland.
gau tu ,bed] Issiq limon
choy iching va o'ranib

Drink hot green te a . [drirjk hot 'gri:n ,ti:] Issiq ko‘k choy iching.
Drink hot milk, ['dnrjk hot 'milk] Issiq sut iching.
Don’t eat fru it and vegetables, ['daunt i:t ,fru:t and 'vedjtablaz]
Meva va sabzavotlar yemang.
Don’t drink cold w ater, [daunt 'drirjk .kauld 'wa:ta] Sovuq suv
Don’t eat ice-cream , [daunt l:t ,ais'kri:m] Muzqaymoq yemang.
Don’t eat chocolate and sw eets, ['daunt i:t .tjoklit and 'swi:ts]
Shokolad va shirinliklar yemang.

U nit 12 Travelling

How did you g e t By m e tro . (I g o t

h ere today? [hau did h ere by m e tro .)
ju: 'get ,hia ta'dei] Bugun [bai 'metrau (ai 'got ,hia
bu yerga qanday yetib bai 'metrau)] M etro bilan.
kelding(iz)? (Bu yerga metro bilan
yetib keldim .)

by m etro [bai 'metrau] metro bilan, by bus [bai bAs] avtobus

bilan, by bike [bai baik] velosiped bilan, by m otorbike
[bai mautaubaik] moped bilan, by car [bai 'ka:] mashina bilan,
by minivan [bai 'mmivaen] marshrutli taksi bilan, by train
[bai trern] poyezd bilan, by plane [bai plein] samolyot bilan, by
horse [bai ha:s] ot bilan, by helicopter [bai helikopta] vertolyot
bilan, by tractor [bai traekta] traktor bilan, by taxi [bai taeksi] taksi
bilan, on foot [on Tut] piyoda, yayov
W h ere a re you going' I ’m going to th e
eora: ju: 'gouirj] [aim 'gouig tu 5a 'zu
Qayerga boryapsan/ Men hayvonot bog
•ryapsiz? boryapman.

How a re you By bus. [bai 'b A s]

going th ere? Avtobus bilan.
['hau 'a: ju: 'gounj Oeo]
U yerga qanday G oodbye.
borm oqchisan/ [g u d 'b a i ]
bormoqchisiz? Xayr.

ik th e n . G oodbye.
[ou'kei ,5en. gud'bai]
Unda yaxshi. Xayr.

Amir Tem ur Square [o'mio ,temu:r 'skweo] Amir Temur xiyoboni, Art Museum
['a:t mju:,zi9m] San’at muzeyi, Train Museum ptrein mju:,ziom] Poyezd muzeyi, Tashkent
Zoo [tcufkent ,zu:] Toshkent hayvonot bog‘i, Chorsu M arket [tjb:'su: ,ma:kit] Chorsu

low can w e g e t
to th e Train M useum ? You can ta k e bus num ber
fhau kon ai 'get to 5o 'trein 60. [ju kon 'teik bAs 'nAmbo
mju:,zi9 m] Poyezd muzeyi- siksti] 60-son Ii avtobusga
ga qanday yetib olsam chiqishingiz mumkin.

Can w e g e t th e re
by m etro?
| kon \yi: 'get to 5eo bai
'metrou] U yerga metro Y es ... It ’s "T ash ken t
bilan yetib olishimiz s ta tio n , [jes ... 'Its ta:J'ken
mumkinmi? .steijn] Ha ... U “Toshke
Thank you.
['Gseqkju:] Rahmat.
U nit 13 G re a t Britain

W h a t’s th e b ig g est cou ntry England,

o f G re a t B ritain? ['wots 5a big os [iqgland]
t k A n tri af 'greit 'bntn] Buyuk Brita- Angliya.
niyadagi eng katta mamlakat
laysi? ^

the capital [5a kaepitl] poytaxt London [lAndan] London

the biggest city fsiti] eng katta London
the longest river [5a bigast ,ri:va] eng Severn [sevan] Severn
uzun daryo
the deepest river [5a 'dirpast 'rirva] The River Thames [5a
eng chuqur daryo ■rirva temz] Tem za daryosi
the tallest mountain [5a to:last Ben Nevis [bentievis]
■mauntin] eng baland tog' Ben-Nevis

W h ere do you w a n t to go?

'wea du ju 'wont ta 'gau] Q ayerga London.
borishni istaysiz? Londonga.

By p lan e .
How do you w a n t to g e t th ere?
[ b a i 'p le in ]
I'hau du ju 'wont ta 'get ,5ea] U yerga
qanday yetib olishni istaysiz?

Europe [juarap] Yevropa, G re a t B ritain ['greit 'bntn] Buyuk Britaniya, S cotland

[skotland] Shotlandiya, W ales [weilz] Uels, London [Lvndan] London, England
['mgland] Angliya, T o w er o f London [tauar af lAndan] London minorasi, The R iver
Tham es [5a ,ri:va temz] Temza daryosi, T ra fa lg a r S quare [trafaelga ‘skwea] Trafalgar
maydoni, c a r [ka:] mashina, tra in [trem] poyezd, plane [plem] samolyot,
h e lic o p te r [helikopta] vertolyot, m etro [metrau] metro, bus [bAs] avtobus, taxi
['taeksi] taksi
th e m ost
b eau tifu l
[5 a 'moust t>ju:tif]]
m ore b eau tifu l
['mo: bju:tifl ] eng chiroyli

The hum m ing bird

The sw allow is b e a u tifu l. is m ore b e a u tifu l.
| do 'swolou iz t>ju:tifl] [5 o 'hAmii] b3:d iz 'mo: lbju:tifl]
‘och chiroyli. Kolibri chiroyliroq.

The p eaco ck is th e m ost b e a u tifu l. [So

'pi:kDk iz So 'moust bju:tiflj Tustovuq eng chiroyli.

in te re stin g
re a t B rita in
m ore in terestin g
['mo: intnstiq]
London th e m ost
in terestin g
★ [So 'moust 'mtristn)]
1)111 I I «
I I I. I t
I . .
eng qiziq

W ales is in te re s tin g .
['weilz iz 'intnstiq]
Uels qiziq joy. A

England is th e m ost in terestin g

['iqglond iz So 'moust Intristiq]
Angliya eng qiziq joy.
W o rd list
adj - adjective - sifat n - noun - ot
adv - adverb - ravish num - num ber - son
conj - conjunction - prep - preposition - predlog
bog'lovchi pron - pronoun - olm osh
int - interjection - v - verb - fe ’l

E n g lis h U zb ek
a [a] noaniq artikl
about prep [a'baut] haqida
act (out) V [askt(aut)] ijro etmoq
after prep ['a:fta] ...dan keyin/so‘ng
afternoon n [1a:fta'nu:n] tush vaqti
air n [ea] havo
album n ['aelbam] albom
alphabet n ['aelfabet] alifbo
always adv ['o:lwiz] doimo.har doim
American [a'meriks] Amerika
Amir Temur Square [a'mia temu:r 'skwea] Amir Temur xiyoboni
an [an, aen] noaniq artikl
and conj [and, aend] va
And you? [and'ju:] Siz-chi?
animal n ['aemm(a)l] hayvon
answer n, v ['a:ns9] 1) javob; 2) javob bermoq
ant n [aent] chumoli
apple n ['aep(s)l] olma
apple juice n ['aepl 'd3u:s] olma sharbati
apricot n ['eiprikDt] o'rik
April n ['eipr(a)l] aprel
Aral Sean ['aeral 'si:] Orol dengizi
are v [a:] bo'lmoq (ko'plik shaxslar uchun)
Are you ...? Siz ...misiz?
arm n [a:m] qo‘l
art n [a:t] tasviriysan’at
Art Museum n ['a:t mju:,zi9m] San’at muzeyi
ask v [a:sk] so'ramoq
at prep [at, aet] ... da
August n ['o:gast] avgust

7 -Kids’ English, 4-sinf

aunt n [a:nt] xola, amma
autumn n ['ortam] kuz
B b
babyn [^eibi] chaqaloq, go'dak
bad adj [baed] yomon
bag n [baeg] portfel, sumka
ball n [bo:l] to‘p, koptok
bananan [bahama] banan
basketball n ['ba:skitbo:l] basketbol
bath n [ba:0] vanna
bathroom n ['barOrum] yuvinish xonasi (uydagi xona)
bean n [bi:n] loviya
bear n [bea] ayiq
beautiful adj [bjurtifal] chiroyli
bed n [bed] 1) karavot; 2) (yotish uchun) o'rin,
go to bed V ['gau ta bed] uxlagani yotmoq
make bed o‘rin (joy) solmoq
bedroom n ['bedrum] yotoqxona (uydagi xona)
bee n [bi:] asalari
before prep [bifo:] ...dan oldin
behind prep [bi'haind] ...ning orqasida
between prep [bitwirn] (ikki narsa) orasida
big adj [big] katta
bike n [baik] velosiped, mototsikl
biker n f'baika] velosipedchi
biking n [baikiq] velosiped minish
bird n [b3:d] qush
birdhouse n [b3:dhaus] qush uyasi
birthdayn [b3:0dei] tug'ilgan kun
birthday cake [terGdi 'keik] tug'ilgan kun torti
birthday card [b3:0di ted] tug'ilgan kun tabrik otkritkasi
birthday party [b3:0di 'parti] tug'ilgan kun bazmi
black adj [blaek] qora
blanket n [blaeqkit] jun adyol (ko'rpa)
blazer n [bleiza] yengil kurtka
blew [blur] “blow” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
blouse n [blauz] bluzka(yengil matoli kofta)
blow v [blau] esmoq (shamol haqida)
blue adj [blur] ko'k

boar n [bo:] to‘ng‘iz, yowoyi cho'chqa
board n [bo:d] sinf doskasi
book n [buk] kitob
book shop n fbukjbp] kitob do'koni
boots n [bu:ts] butsi (futbol botinkasi)
bought [bo:t] “buy” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
shakli: sotib ol(-dim,-ding,-di,-dik,
bowl n [baul] kosa
a bowl Of ... [a baul af ...] bir kosa...
a bowl of salad fa 'baul af saelad] bir kosa salat
box n [boks] quti
boyn [boi] o'g'il bola
branch n [bra:ntj] novda, butoq, shox
bread n [bred] non
break v [breik] sindirmoq, sinmoq
breakfast n [brekfast] nonushta
brother n [brASa] aka, uka
brown adj [braun] jigarrang
brush n, v [brAj] 1) cho'tka; 2) cho'tkalamoq
brush teeth tishlarni cho'tka bilan tozalamoq
Bukhara n [bu:'ka:ra] Buxoro
bull n [bul] ho'kiz, buqa
bus n [bAs] avtobus
busy adj [bizi] ish bilan band
butterflyn ['bAtaflai] kapalak
buy v [bai] sotib olmoq
by prep [bai] bilan, orqali
by metro [bai ’metrau] metro bilan
cabbage n [’kaebid3] karam
cake n [keik] tort, pirojniy
calendar n [kaelinda] taqvim
came [keim] “come” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
shakli: kel(-dim,-ding,-di,-dik,
cameras [’kaemara] fotoapparat
can v [kaen, kan] qila olmoq, qo'lidan kelmoq
Can I have ...? olsam bo‘ladimi?
Can I help you? [kan ai 'help ju:] Yordamim kerakmi?

Can I talk to Jasur, please? lltimos, Jasur bilan gaplashsam
Can adan ['kaensda] Kanada
canteen [kan'tm] oshxona
at the canteen [at 5s kaen'ti:n] oshxonada
cap n [’kaep] kepka, shapka
capital n ['kaepitl] poytaxt
car n [lea:] avtomobil
carrot n ['kaerst] sabzi
cartoon n [ka:tu:n] multfilm
cat n [kaet] mushuk
caterpillar n [kaeta.pils] kapalakqurt
celebrate v [‘selabreit] bayram qilmoq, nishonlamoq
Central Asian [sentrsl eijo] 0 ‘rta Osiyo
chair n [tjes] stul
champion n ['tjaempisn] chempion
chant n [tja:nt] chant (kichik she’r)
cherry n ['tjeri] oleha
chess n [tjes] shaxmat
■ c■
chick n [tjik] jo ja
chicken n [tjikin] tovuq
children n [tjildrsn] bolalar
Chinese New Year n ['tjainkz ,nju: 'jisj xitoycha yangi yil
chocolate n [tjoklit] shokolad
Chorsu Market n [tJo:'su: ,ma:kit] Chorsu bozori
clap v [klasp] qarsak, chapak chalmoq
class n [kla:s] sinf; dars
classmate n [kla:smeit] sinfdosh
classroom n ['kla:srum] sinfxona
clean adj, v [kli:n] 1) toza; 2) tozalamoq
clean the room v [kli:n 5s ru:m] xonani tozalamoq
clean water n [1di:riwo:te] toza suv
climb v [klaim] tirmashib chiqmoq
clock n [klok] soat
cloud n [klaud] bulut
cloudy adj [klaudi] bulutli
club n [klAb] klub, to'garak
Cola n ['kaula] kolaichimligi
cold adj, n [ksuld] 1) sovuq; 2) shamollash
I have a cold, [ai 'haev a kauld] Shamollab qoldim.

collect v [ka'lekt] yig'moq, to'plamoq
colour n [kAb] rang
colour pencils rangli qalamlar
comb n, v [kaum] 1) taroq; 2) taramoq
come v [kAm] kelmoq
complete v [ksmplirt] tamomlamoq, tugallamoq
computer n [kam'pjurts] kompyuter
Constitution Day n [kDnstitju:Jn dei] Konstitutsiya kuni
cook v [kuk] pishirmoq, ovqat tayyorlamoq
cooker n ['ku:kg] plita, pechka, o'choq
cool adj [ku:l] salqin
copybook n ['kopi Tjuk] daftar
corn n [ko:n] don,g‘alla
count v [kaunt] sanamoq
cousin n [kAzn] ammavachcha, xolavachcha,
amakivachcha, tog'avachcha
cow n [kau] sigir
crayon n ['kreisn] rangli bo‘r
crocodile n ['kroksdail] timsoh
cucumber n ['kjuikAmba] bod ring
cucumber salad n ['kjurkAmba 'saelad] bod ring salat
cup n [kAp] finjon, chashka
a cup of tea [a 'kAp af ti:] bir finjon choy
cupboard n ['kApbad] oziq-ovqat javoni (shkafi), idish-
tovoq javoni (shkafi)
curtain n [tetan] parda
D d
dad n [daed] dada
dance V [da:ns] raqs tushmoq
dancer n ['da:nss] raqqos, raqqosa, o‘yir»chi
dangerous n ['demdsares] xavfli
dayn [dei] kun
dear adj [dis] qadrli.aziz
December n [di'semba] dekabr
decoration n [.deks'reijn] bezak
delicious adj [di'lijas] shirin, mazali
desert n [dezat] cho‘1, sahro
desk n [desk] yozuv stoli, parta
did [went] “do” fe’lining o'tgan zamon shakli
director n [dairekta] direktor
do V [du:] bajarmoq, qilmoq

do crosswords L'du: 'krDsw3:dz] krossvord yechmoq
do homework [du: haumw3:k] uy vazifasini bajarmoq
do morning exercises ['du: 'mo:mi) eksasaizs] ertalabki badantarbiya mashqlarini
do sums v ['du: sAmz] misolni ishlamoq
doctor n ['dokta] doktor, vrach, shifokor
dog n [dog] kuchuk, it
doll n [dd] qo'g'irchoq
donkey n [dogki] eshak
Don’t ...! ['daunt...] inkor buyruq gapni boshlab
beradi: ... qilma!
Don’t play with my dog! Itim bilan o'ynama!
[’daunt ‘plei wi 5 mai 'dog]
door n [do:] eshik
dragon n ['draegn] ajdar
dragon dance n ['draegn ,da:ns] ajdar raqsi
draw v [dro:] rasm chizmoq
dress n [dres] ko'ylak
dresser n [dress] komod (kiyim-kechak turadigan
qutili javon)
drink v [driqk] ichmoq
driver n ['draiva] haydovchi
duck n [dAk] o'rdak
eagle n [i:gl] burgut
ear n [ia] quloq
Earth Dayn ['3:6 dei] Yer kuni
eat (up) v [i:t (Ap)] yemoq, yeb qo'ymoq
egg n [eg] tuxum
eggplant n [’egpla:nt] baqlajon
eight num [eit] sakkiz
eighteen num ['eiti:n] o'n sakkiz
eight hundred num [,eit 'hAndrad] sakkiz yuz
eighty num ['eiti] sakson
eighty-one num [eiti WAn] sakson bir
eleven num [i'levn] o'n bir
emperor n [’empara] imperator.xoqon
England n [iqgland] Angliya
English adj, n [irjgliJ] 1) inglizcha; 2) ingliz tili
English teacher n ['igglij ti:tja] ingliz tili o'qituvchisi
eraser n [I'reiza] o‘chirg‘ich

evening n ['i:vmg] kechqurun, oqshom
Excuse me, who’s this? Uzr, siz kimsiz (bu kim)?
Europe n ['jusrspj Yevropa
eye n [ai] ko‘z
face n [feis] yuz, bet
fairytale n [feari 'teil] ertak
fall v [fo:l] yog‘moq (qor haqida)
fam ily n [faemali] oila
Fantan [faenta] Fanta ichimligi
farm n [farm] ferma
farmer n [farms] fermer, dehqon
fast adj [farst] tez
father n ['fa:5s] ota
Father’s Dayn [,fa:5az dei] Otalar kuni
favourite adj [feivant] sevimli
February n [februari] fevral
feed v [fird] boqmoq, ovqatlantirmoq
feed the animals v [fird 5i 'aemmalz] hayvonlarga yemish bermoq
fell [fel] “fall” fe’lining o'tgan zamon shakli
fifteen num [fiftim] o‘n besh
fifty num [fifti] ellik
fifty-one num [ftfti 'wAn] ellik bir
fight v [fait] kurashmoq, urishmoq
find v [faind] topmoq
finish v, n [fimj] 1) tugatmoq; 2) oxir
fir tree n [f3:trir] qoraqarag'ay, archa
fireman n [faisman] o‘t o'chiruvchi
fireworks n [faisw3rks] mushakbozlik
first num [f3:st] birinchi
fish n [fij] baliq
five num [faiv] besh
five hundred num [faiv 'hAndrad] besh yuz
five hundred soums Lfaiv 'hAndrsd ,su:mz] besh yuz so‘m
five hundred soums a kilo, [faiv 'hAndrsd surm bir kilosi 500 so‘m
z a kirlsu]
flag n [flaeg] bayroq
floor n [flo:] 1) qavat; 2) pol
flower n [flaua] gul
flower shop n [flausjbp] gul do'koni

fly n [flai] pashsha
fly [flai] uchmoq
fly a kite v [flai o kait] varrak uchirmoq
food n [fu:d] ovqat, yemish
football n ['futbo:l] futbol
play football futbol o'yriamoq
football player n ['futbo:l, pleio] futbol o'yirichisi
for prep [fo:, fo] uchun
forest n ['fonst] o'rmon
forty num [¥o:ti] qirq
forty-one num [,fo:ti 'waii] qirq bir
four num [fo:] to‘rt
four hundred num [fo: hAndrod] to'rt yuz
fourteen num [fo:'ti:n] o'n to'rt
France n [fra:ns] Fransiya
French adj, n [frentj 1) fransuzcha; 2) fransuz tili
fresh adj [frej] sof, musaffo
fresh air n [fre j 'eo] toza havo
Friday n [fraidi] juma
fridge n [fnd3] sovitkich
friend n [frend] do'st
friendlyaofy [Trendli] do'stona, xavfsiz
frog n [frog] qurbaqa
fruit n [fru:t] meva
fun n [fAn] xursandchilik
funny adj [fAni] kulgili, qiziq
game n [geim] o‘yin
garden n [ga:dn] bog'
gel n [d3el] gel
German adj, n [^33:111011] 1) nemischa; 2) nemis tili
Germanyn ['d33:moni] Germaniya
get dressed v [get drest] kiyinmoq
get up V ['get 'Ap] o'rnidan turmoq
girl n [g 3:l] qiz bola
give v [giv] bermoq
glass n [gla:s] stakan
aglass of juice [0 'gla:s of 'd3u:s] bir stakan sharbat
aglass of water [0 'gla:s of 'wo:to] bir stakan suv
go v [gou] bormoq, yurmoq

go fishing v [‘gau fijiq] baliq ovlamoq
go out V ['gau 'aut] tashqariga chiqmoq
go shopping v ['gau 'Jbpii)] bozorlik qilmoq,xarid qilmoq
go straight v ['gau 'streit] to‘g‘riga yurmoq
go to bed V ['gau ta 'bed] uxlagani yotmoq
go to school maktabga bormoq
go to school by bus maktabga avtobusda bormoq
go to school on foot maktabga piyoda bormoq
goat n [gaut] echki
good adj [gud] yaxshi
I’m good at ... [aim 'gud at] Men ...da yaxshiman.
good luck n [gud 'Lvk] yaxshi omad
Good morning! [gud 'marmq] Xayrli tong!
got [got] “get” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
shakli: yetib kel(-dim, -ding,-di,-dik,
I got here by metro, [ai 'got .his bai 'metrau] Bu yerga metro bilan yetib keldim.
grandad n ['graendaed] bobo
grannyn ['graeni] buvi, momo
grape n [greip] uzum
grass n [gra:s] o‘t, maysa
grasshopper n [gra:s,hDpa] chigirtka
great adj [greit] buyuk, ulug‘, zo‘r
Great Britain n ['greit bntn] Buyuk Britaniya
green adj [gri:n] yashil
grey adj [grei] kulrang
group n [gru:p] guruh
gym n [dsim] gimnastika (sport) zali
H h
had [haed, had] “have” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
hair n [hea] soch
hand n [haend] qo'l
handball n ['haendbo:l] qo‘l to'pi
happy adj ['haepi] baxtli, xursand
Happy birthday! int [haepi b 3:0di] Tug'ilgan kuningiz bilan!
hat n [haet] shlapa
have v [haev] ega bo'lmoq, bor bo'lmoq
have breakfast v ['haev 'brekfast] nonushta qilmoq
have dinner v fhaev 'dina] kechki ovqatni yemoq
have lunch v [haev 'lAntJ] tushlik qilmoq

he pron [hi:] u (o‘g‘il bolalar uchun ishlatiladi)
He’s not at home now. U hozir uyda emas.
head n [hed] bosh.kalla
headache n [hedeik] bosh og‘rig‘i
healthyn [heiei] sog'lom, foydali
helicopter n [helikopta] vertolyot
hello [ha'lau] salom
helmet n ['helmit] shlem, kaska
hen n [hen] tovuq
her pron [h3:] uning (qiz bolalarga nisbatan)
Her name is ... Lining ismi ...
here n [hia] bu yerda
Here you are. [his ju'a:] Mana, marhamat.
heron [herau] qahramon
hi [hai] salom
high temperature n ['hai tempratja] baland harorat
hippon [hipau] gippopotam, begemot
his pron [hiz] uning (o'g'il bolalarga nisbatan)
His name is ... Uning ismi ...
hobbyn [to bi] hobbi, sevimli mashg'ulot
hockeyn [hold] xokkey
play hockey xokkey o'ynamoq
holiday n [holidei] 1) bayram; 2) ta’til
homework n [haumw 3:k] uy vazifasi
do homework uy vazifasini bajarmoq
hop v [hop] sakramoq
hopscotch n [hopskDtfl sopolak, chertak
horse n [ho:s] ot
horse riding n [ho:s ■raidirj] ot minish
hospital [hospitl] shifoxona
at the hospital [at 5a 'hospitl] shifoxonada
hot adj [hot] issiq
hot dog n [hDtdog] xot-dog
house n [haus] uy
housewife n [hauswaif] uy bekasi
how adv [hau] 1) qanday; 2) qanday qilib
How did you get here today? Bugun bu yerga qanday yetib
['hau did ju: 'get ,hia ta'dei] kelding(iz)?
How much are they? ['hau ,mAtJ 'a: '5ei] Ularning narxi qancha?
How much is it? [hau ,mAtJ 'iz it] Uning narxi qancha?
How old are you? [hau ,auld a: 'ju:] Necha yoshdasiz?

humming bird n ['hAmn)b3:d] kolibri
hundred num [hAndrad] yuz
a hundred soums [a hAndrad ,su:mz] yuz so‘m
hungry ad/' [hAqgriJ och, ochiqqan, qorni och
hyenan [hai'i:na] sirtlon, yoldor bo'ri
hygiene n [haid3i:n] gigiyena
I i
I pron [ai] men
I’d like ... [aid laik ...] ... xohlayman/istayman
I like ... [ai laik] Men yoqtiraman.
I like doing ... Men ... qilishni yoqtiraman.
I’ve got [aiv'gDt] menda bor, men egaman
I was .... ['ai waz] Men ... edim.
in front of prep [in 'frAntav] ...ning oldida
interesting adj ['intnstig] qiziq
in prep [in] 1) ichida (joyga nisbatan); 2) ...da
(paytga nisbatan)
in the afternoon adv tushda
in the evening adv kechqurun, oqshomda
in the morning adv ertalab, ertalabki paytda
Independence Day n ['indi'pendans dei] Mustaqillik kuni
Indian ['india] Hindiston
insect n ['msekt] hasharot
interesting adj ['intnstig] qiziqarli, qiziq
Interview n [tntavju:] intervyu
is v [iz] bo'lmoq (3-shaxs birlik uchun)
it pron [it] u (3-shaxs birlik uchun)
It’s time to ... (biror narsa qilish) vaqti bo'ldi.
It’s two o’clock, [its 'tu: a'kfok] Soat ikki bo'ldi.
It’s 2 .0 5 . [its tu: au 'faiv] Soat ikkidan besh daqiqa o'tdi.
It’s two thirty, [its 'tu: '03:ti] Soat ikki yarim bo'ldi.
It’s two thirty-five, [its tu: '03:ti faiv] Soat ikkidan o'ttiz besh daqiqa o'tdi.
jacket n [dsaekit] kurtka, kalta kamzul
jam n [d3aem] murabbo
January a? ['dsaenjuari] yanvar
Japan n [dja'paen] Yaponiya
jeans n [d3i:nz] jinsi
Julyn [d3ulai] iyul
jump v [d3Amp] sakramoq
jump a rope v [d3Amp a'raup] arqon (arg'amchi) sakramoq

jumper n ['dsAmpa] sakrovchi
jumping n [d3Ampiq] sakrash
June n [d3u:n] iyun
jungle n [tfeAqgl] chakalakzor, changalzor, qalin
kangaroo n ['kaeqgatu:] kenguru
Khorezm n [ko'rezm] Xorazm
kilo n [’ki:lau] kilo
a kilo of tomatoes [a 'ki:lau af ta'ma:tauz] bir kilo pomidor
kind adj [kamd] mehribon, rahmdil
kitchen n [kitjin] oshxona (uydagi xona)
kite n [kait] varrak
Korean [katia] Koreya
ladybird n ['leidib3:d] xonqizi
late adj [leit] kech, kech qolgan
laythe table v [lei 5a teibl] dasturxon yozmoq
lazyady [leizi] yalqov, dangasa, ishyoqmas
leaf n [li:f] barg
left adj [left] chap
on the left prep [DnSa'left] chap tomonda
leg n [leg] oyoq
lemon n [leman] limon
leopard n [lepad] qoplon
lesson n [lesn] dars
Let’s ... [lets] Kelinglar...
letter n [leta] 1) xat; 2) harf
libraryn [laibrari] kutubxona
lion n [laian] sher, arslon
listen v [lisn] tinglamoq
little adj [M] kichkina
Little Red Riding Hood ['litl ted taidiq 'hud] Qizil shapkacha
live v [li:v] yashamoq
living room n [lrvirjrum] mehmonxona (uydagi xona)
London n [lAndan] London
long adj [log] uzoq, uzun
look V [luk] 1) qaramoq; 2) ...ko'rinadi
The beans look good. [ 5a bi:nz 'luk ,gud] Loviyaning ko'rinishi yaxshi.
a lot of adv [a btav] ko‘p

love v [Iav] yaxshi ko'rmoq
lunch n [UntJ] tushlik
M m
make v [meik] qilmoq, yasamoq
mandrill n ['maendnl] mandril (maymun turi)
map n [maep] xarita
March n [ma:tf] mart
match v [maetj] mos keltirmoq, mos keladiganini
maths n [maeGs] matematika
maths teacher n [taaeGs ti:t[a] matematika o'qituvchisi
May n [mei] may
meat n [mi:t] go'sht
meet v [mi:t] uchrashmoq
melon n ['melan] qovun
metro n ['metrau] metro
Mexico n ['meksikau] Meksika
milk n [milk] sut
mime v [maim] imo-ishora bilan ifodalamoq
minivan n ['mimvaen] marsh rutli taksi
m irror n [mira] ko'zgu, oyna
mobile phone n ['maubailfaun] uyali telefon
model car n ['modi 'ka:] mashina modeli
Mondayn [’m/oidi] dushanba
moneyn ['mAiii] pul
monkeyn [mAgki] maymun
month n [mAnG] oy
mop the floor v ['mop 5a flo:] polni shvabra bilan artmoq
more [mo:] ...roq (ko‘p bo’g'inli sifatlarning qiyosiy
darajasini yasashda ishlatiladi)
more beautiful [mo: bju:tifl] chiroyliroq
more interesting ['mo: intnstm] qiziqroq
morning n [mo:mr)] tong
mosquito n [ma'ski:tau] chivin
most [maust] eng (ko'p bo'g'inli sifatlarning orttirma
darajasini yasashda ishlatiladi)
the most beautiful [ 5a 'maust bju:tifl] eng chiroyli
the most interesting [ 5a 'maust ’intnstig] eng qiziq
mother n [mA 5a] ona
Mother’s Dayn [,mA5az dei] Onalar kuni
mother tongue n [mA5a tAg] ona tili

motorbike n [mautabaik] moped
mountain n [mauntin] tog'
mouse n [maus] sichqon
mouth n [mau0] og'iz
M r n [mista] janob
Mrs n ['misiz] xonim
m ulberryn [taAlban] tut
mum n [ m A m ] oyi
museum [mju:'ziam] muzey
music n ['mju:zik] musiqa
my pron [mai] mening
My name is ... Mening ismim ...
N n
name n [neim] ism, nom
Navruz [nAvru:z] Navro'z bayrami
never adv L'neva] hech qachon
new adj [nju:] yangi
New Year’s Day Yangi yil kuni
next to prep ['nekst ta] ...ning yonida
nice adj [nais] yoqimli, iltifotli, chiroyli
nine num [nain] to'qqiz
nine hundred num [,nain liAndrad] to'qqiz yuz
nineteen num [ham'tim] o'n to'qqiz
ninety num ['nainti] to'qson
ninety-one num [nainti ■wAn] to'qson bir
no int [nau] yo'q
No,I don’t. Yo‘q.
No, sorry, Kechirasiz, yo'q.
nose n [nauz] burun
November n [nauVemba] noyabr
now adv [nau] hozir
number n ['nAmba] nomer, raqam
nurse n [n3:s] hamshira
October n [Dktauba] oktabr
often adv foftan] tez-tez
old adj [auld] 1) eski; 2) yoshi katta, qari
on prep [on] 1) ustida (joyga nisbatan); 2) ...da
(paytga nisbatan)
on foot adv [on Tut] piyoda, yayov
one num [wAn] bir

onion n ['Anjan] piyoz
opposite prep [t>pazit] qarshisida, ro'parasida
orange n, adj [‘orinds] 1) apelsin; 2) olovrang
orange juice n founds 'd3u:s] apelsin sharbati
ostrich n [’ostritj] tuyaqush
our adj [aua] bizning
ox n [Dks] buqa, ho'kiz
pair n [pea] juft
parade n [pa'reid] parad, namoyish
PE n ['pi: 'i:] jismoniy tarbiya (dars)
pea n [pi:] no'xat
peach n [*pi:tj] shaftoli
peach juice n [pi:tj 'd3u:s] shaftoli sharbati
peacock n [pi:kDk] tovus
pear n [pea] nok
pear juice n [pea 'd3u:s] nok sharbati
pen n [pen] ruchka
pencil case n ['penslkeis] qalamdon
pencil n ['pensl] qalam
penguin n fpeqgwin] pingvin
pepper n ['pepa] qalampir, garmdori
photo n ['fautau] fotosurat
picture n [‘pikt/a] rasm, surat
pillow n [pilau] yostiq(cha), bolish(cha)
pilot n ['pailat] uchuvchi
pink adj [piqk] pushti rang
plane n [plem] samolyot
plant n, v [pla:nt] 1) o'simlik; 2) ekmoq
playi/, n [plei] 1) o'ynamoq; 2) o'yin
playground n ['pleigraund] o'yin (sport) maydoni
play hopscotch/games sopolak/o'yinlar o'ynamoq
play tag v ['plei taeg] quvlashmachoq o'ynamoq
play the guitar ['plei 5a gi'ta:] gitara chalmoq
play the piano ['plei 5a pi'aenau] pianino chalmoq
please interj [pli:z] iltimos
plum n [pUm] olxo'ri
plus n [pLvs] qo'shuv, plus
poem n [pauim] she’r
point v [point] ko'rsatmoq

police officer n [pali:s .trfisa] politsiyachi
police station [pa'li:s .steijn] politsiya mahkamasi
at the police station [at 5a pa'lirs .steijn] politsiya mahkamasida
pour v [pa:] quymoq, yog'moq (yomg'ir haqida)
present n [preznt] sovg'a
pumpkin n [tyuripkin] oshqovoq
Pumpkin Museum n ['pAmpkin mju:,ziaml Qovoqlar muzeyi
pupil n ['pjuipl] o'quvchi
purple adj [,p3:pl] binafsharang, siyohrang
queen n ['kwi:n] qirolicha
question n [kwestjan] savol
R r
rainbow n [teinbau] kamalak
rainy adj [teini] yomg'irli, seryomg'ir
rat n [raet] kalamush
read v [ri:d] o'qimoq
reading n [ri:dig] o'qish
red adj [red] qizil
Registan Square n [,regi'staen 'skwes] Registon maydoni
repeat v [ri'pirt] qaytarmoq, takrorlamoq
report v [ri'po-:t] axborot (hisobot) bermoq
revision n [n'vi39n] qaytarish, takrorlash
rice n [rais] guruch
rich adj [ntj] boy
ride v [raid] minmoq
ride a bike v [raid a baik] velosiped minmoq
ride a horse v [raid a lio:s] ot minmoq
rider n [’raids] chavandoz, haydovchi
riding a bike n [raidig a baik] velosiped minish
riding a horse n [taidiq a hors] ot minish
right adj [rait] 1) to'g'ri; 2) o‘ng
on the right prep [DnSa'rait] o‘ng tomonda
river n [tiva] daryo
The River Thames [5a tkva 'temz] Temza daryosi
robot n ['raubot] robot
rooster n ['rursta] xo‘roz
rose n [rauz] atirgul
rucksack n [’rAksaek] rukzak, sayohat xaltasi
rug n [rAg] gilam(cha)

ruler adj [tida] chizg'ich
run v [rAn] yugurmoq
runner n ['rAna] chopuvchi, yuguruvchi
runny nose n [tAni naoz] tumov
Russian [tAja] Rossiya
Russian adj, n [rAjn] 1) ruscha; 2) rus tili
S s
sad adj [saed] g'amgin, xafa
said [sed] “say” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
shakli: de(-dim ,-ding,-di,-dik,-dingiz,
salad n [saelad] salat
Saturday n ['saetadi] shanba
sausage n ['sosids] sosiska/kolbasa
saw [so:] “see” fe’lining o'tgan zamon
shakli: ko‘r(-dim, -ding, -di, -dik,
-dingiz, -dilar)
sayv [sei] demoq, aytmoq
school n [sku:l] maktab
at the school [at 5a 'sku:l] maktabda
school things ['sku:l 0iqz] o‘quv qurollari
Scotland n ['skDtland] Shotlandiya
sean [si:] dengiz
second num ['sekand] ikkinchi
secretary n ['sekratari] kotib, kotiba
see v [si:] ko'rmoq
see-saw n ['si:'sa:] innana
play see-saw innanada uchmoq
sentence n [’sentans] gap
September n [septemba] sentabr
seven num ['sevn] yetti
seven hundred num [sevn hAndrad] yetti yuz
seventeen num ['sevnti:n] o'n yetti
seventy num ['sevnti] yetmish
seventy-one num [.sevnti \vAn] yetmish bir
Shakhrisabz n [jAkn'sa:bz] Shahrisabz
shampoo n [Jaem'pu:] shampun
sharpener n f'Ja:pna] qalam ochqich
she pron [Ji:] u (qiz bolalar uchun ishlatiladi)
sheep n [Ji:p] qo'y
shine v [Jain] charaqlamoq (quyosh haqida)

8 - Kids’ English, 4-sinf

shirt n [J3:t] ko'ylak
shop n IJopJ do'kon
at the shop [at do 'Jop] do'konda
shop assistant n ['Jbp o.sistont] sotuvchi
short adj rjo:t] kalta
shorts n [Jo:ts] shortik, kalta shim
shoulder n [Jouldo] yelka
sing v [siq] kuylamoq, qo'shiq aytmoq
sister n ['sisto] opa, singil
sit v [sit] o'tirmoq
sit down v ['sit ’daun] o'tirmoq
six num [siks] olti
six hundred num [,siks 'hAndrad] olti yuz
sixteen num [sikstim] o ‘n olti
sixty num [siksti] oltmish
sixty-one num [.siksti *w a i i ] oltmish bir
skate v [skeit] konkida uchmoq
ski v [ski] chang'ida uchmoq
skirt n [sk3:t] yubka
slowac/y [sbo] sekin, sust
small adj [smo:l] kichkina
snowman n f'snauman] qor odam
snowstorm n [’snsusto:m] qorbo'ron, izg'irin
soap n [saup] sovun
sometimes adv [’sAmtaimz] ba’zida, ba’zan
song n [sdij] qo‘shiq
sore eye n [,so:r 'ai] ko‘z og'rig'i
sore hand n [,so: 'haend] qo‘l og'rig'i
sore leg n [so: 'leg] oyoq og'rig'i
sore throat n [,so: ersut] tomoq og'rig'i
sorry v f'sDri] kechiring, kechirasiz
Sorry,you’ve got the wrong number. Kechirasiz, noto'g'ri raqam terdingiz.
sparrow n [spaeraul chumchuq
speak v [spi:k] gapirmoq
special adj [’spejl] maxsus
spider n ['spaida] o'rgimchak
spider monkeyn [.spaidamAqki] o'rgimchaksimon maymun
sport n [spo:t] sport
sports centre n ['sports sento] sport markazi
sports uniform n [spo:ts 'ju:nifo:m] sport formasi

spot n [spDt] dog‘,qashqa
spring n ['sprig] bahor
stand up V ['staend 'Ap] turmoq
start n, v [sta:t] 1) boshlanish; start; 2) boshlamoq
stay at school ['stei at ’sku:l] maktabda qolmoq
stone n ['staun] tosh
stop v [stop] to'xtamoq
story n ['sta:ri] hikoya
strawberry n [stra:bari] qulupnay
street n [stri:t] ko'cha
stri pe n [straip] yo‘l-yo‘l chiziq, taram-taram yo'l
strong adj [stroi]] kuchli
summer n [sAina] yoz
Sunday n ['sAndi] yakshanba
sunflower n ['sAn,flaua] kungaboqar
sunglasses n ['sAngla:sis] quyosh nuridan saqlaydigan
ko'zoynak, qora ko'zoynak
sunny ad/ ['sA n i] quyoshli, serquyosh
supermarket n ['surpa.mcnkit] supermarket
swallow n ['swolau] qaldirg'och
sweep the floor v ['swi:p 5a fla:] polni supurmoq
sweet n [swi:t] shirinlik
swim v [swim] cho'milmoq, suzmoq
T t
table n [teibi] 1) stol; 2) jadval
taekwondo n ['taikwondau] taekvondo (sport turi)
Tajik adj [ta:d3 ik[ tojikcha
Tajikistan n [ta:,d3 iki'sta:n] Tojikiston
tail n [teil] dum
take a photo v [teik a 'fautau] fotosuratga olmoq
take the rubbish out I'teik 5a tAbiJ aut] axlatni/supurindini tashlab kelmoq
talk v, n [ta:k] 1) suhbatlashmoq; 2) suhbat
talk on the phone telefonda gaplashmoq
tall adj [to:l] novcha, bo‘yi uzun, baland
Tashkent Zoo n [tarfkent ,zu:] Toshkent hayvonot bog‘i
tasty adj [ teisti] mazali, lazzatli
taxi n ['taeksi] taksi
teacher n [ti:tja] o'qituvchi
Teachers’ Dayn [‘ti:t|az dei] 0 ‘qituvchilar kuni
team n [ti:m] jamoa, komanda
teddy bear n [tedi1bea] o‘yinchoq ayiq

teeth n [ti:8] tishlar
telephone n [tehfaun] telefon
ten num [ten] o ‘n
tennis n [tems] tennis
Thank you. ['Oaeqkju:] Rahmat (sizga).
that adj [8aet] u, o‘sha, anavi
the [5a, 5i:, 5i] aniq artikl
then conj [5en] keyin, so'ng
there is/are [5enz/5era:] (biror joyda) ... bor
these pron [5i:z] bular (yaqindagi narsalarga
thing n [Gig] narsa, buyum
third num [03:d] uchinchi
thirteen num [’03:ti:n] o‘n uch
thirty m/m ['03:ti] o'ttiz
thirty-one num [,03:ti 'wAn] o'ttiz bir
this pron [5is] bu.shu
those pron [5ouz] anavilar (uzoqdagi narsalarga
three num [0ri:] uch
three hundred num [,0ri: 'hAndrad] uch yuz
thunderstorm n [0Andasto:m] momaqaldiroq
Thursday n [03:zdi] payshanba
ticket n [tikit] chipta, bilet
tiger n [taiga] yo'lbars
tights n [taits] kolgotka
time n [taim] vaqt
tired adj [taid] charchagan
to prep [tu, ta, tu:] -ga
today adv [ta'dei] bugun
toe n [tau] oyoq barmog'i
toilet n [toilat] 1) hojatxona; 2) unitaz
tomato n [tamaitau] pomidor
tomato salad n [tatna:tau saelad] pomidor salat
tooth n [tu:0] tish
toothache n [tu:0eik] tish og'rig'i
toothbrush n [tu:0brAj] tish cho'tkasi
toothpaste n [tu:0peist] tish pastasi
touch n [tAtJ] (qo‘l bilan) tegmoq
tourist n [tuarist] sayyoh, turist

Tower of London ['tauar af lAndan] London minorasi
toyn [toi] o'yinchoq
toyshop n [toijbp] o'yinchoq do'koni
tractor n [traskta] traktor
traditional adj [tra'dijnl] an’anaviy
Trafalgar Square [tra'faelga 'skwea] Trafalgar maydoni
train n [trein] poyezd
Train Museum n [trein mju:,ziam] Poyezd muzeyi
trainers n [’trernaz] krossovka
transport n ['traenspo:t] transport
tree n [tri:] daraxt
trousers n ['trauzaz] shim
T-shirt n [ti:'j3:t] futbolka
Tuesdays [’tju:zdi] seshanba
tuli p n [‘tju:lipj lola
tummy ache n [.tAmi'eik] qorin og'rig'i
turn left v [tain 'left] chapga burilmoq
turn right v [t3:n fait] o'ngga burilmoq
twelve num [twelv] o‘n ikki
twenty num [twenti] yigirma
twenty-one num [twenti 'WAn] yigirma bir
two num [tu:] ikki
two hundred num [tu: ’hAndrad] ikki yuz
two hundred soums [,tu: hAndrad ,su:mz] ikki yuz so‘m
two kilos of potatoes [tu: 'ki:lauz af pateitauz] ikki kilo kartoshka
U u
uncle n [ Arjkl] tog‘a, amaki
under prep [Anda] ostida, tagida
unhealthy/! [An'hel0i] nosog'lom, zararli
unit n [ju:mt] bo'lim
usually adv [ju^uali] odatda
Uzbek adj, n [uzbek] 1) o'zbek; 2) o'zbek tili
Uzbekistan n [,uzbeki'sta:n] O'zbekiston
vase n [va:z] vaza, guidon
very adv [Veri] juda
volleyball n ['volibo:l] voleybol
W w
Wales n [ weilz] Uels
wall n [wo:l] devor
want v [wont] xohlamoq, istamoq
I want to be a/an ... [ai 'wt>nt ta bi: a/an ...] Men ... bo'lishni istayman.
was [waz, woz] edim, edi, bo'lganman, bo'lgan
(o'tgan zamonda birlikdagi shaxs
uchun ishlatiladi)
wash v [wdJ] yuvmoq
wash face and hands yuz va qo'llarni yuvmoq
wash the dishes v [ wdJ 5a dijiz] idish-tovoqlarni yuvmoq
watch TV ['wDtJ ti:'vi:] televizor ko'rmoq
watermelon n [\va:tamelan] tarvuz
we pron [w i:] biz
Wednesday/7 ['wenzdi] chorshanba
well adj [‘w el] yaxshi
went [went] “go” fe’lining o'tgan zamon shakli:
bor(-dim ,-ding,-di,-dik,-dingiz,
were [w3:] eding, edik, edingiz, edilar (o'tgan
zamonda ko'plikdagi shaxs uchun
what pron [wot] nima; qanday
What’s wrong? [wots toq] Nima bo'ldi?
What’s your telephone / mobile phone Telefon/Uyali telefon raqamingiz
number? qanday?
when pron [w en] qachon
When’s he/she at home? U qachon uyda bo'ladi?
where pron [w e a ] qayerda, qayerga
Where are you going? [‘weara: ju: 'gauiq] Qayerga boryapsan/boryapsiz?
Where can I buy...? ['w ea kan ai b a i ...] qayerda sotib olsam bo'ladi?
Where do you want to go? Qayerga borishni istaysiz?
['w ea du ju ‘wont ta 'gau]
white adj [wait] oq
who pron [hu:] kim, qaysi
willow n ['wilau] tol
wind n [wind] shamol
window/? [‘windau] deraza
windstorm n [windstorm] kuchli shamol, bo'ron
wise adj [w aiz] dono, oqil
wish n, v [w ij] 1) tilak; 2) tilamoq
with prep [w i5] bilan
wolf n [w u lf] bo'ri
word n [w3:d] so'z
wordlist n [‘wsrdlist] lug‘at

work v [w3:k] ishlamoq
write v [rait] yozmoq
wrong adj [roq] noto'g'ri
year n !>:] yil
yellow adj [jelsu] sariq rang
yes interj [jes] ha
yesterday adv ['jestsdi] kecha
you pron [ju:, js] sen, siz
young adj [jAq] yosh
your pron [jo:] sening, sizning
yucky adj [jAki] yoqimsiz, bemaza
yummy adj ['jAmi] ishtahani qo‘zg‘atadigan, yeyishli
Z z
zebra n ['zi:bra] zebra
zoo n [zu:] hayvonot bog'i

Kids’ English: o'quv nashri. 4-sinf. S. Xan [va boshq.]. — Toshkent:

K 40 «0 ‘zbekiston», 2016. — 120-b.
ISBN 978-9943-28-547-7
UO‘K: 8 1 1 .1 1 1 (0 7 5 )
KBK 8 1 .2lngl
O 'qu v nashri

Svetlana Xan, Lutfullo J o ‘ rayev, M uqaddas Ogay

Kids’ English
Birinchi nashri

Umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining 4-sinfi uchun darslik

Rassomlar: A. Chaplenko, V. Khalilova, Yu. Gabzalilov

Muharrirlar: A. Ziyadov, K. Inogamova, Badiiy muharrir Sh.Xodjayev;

Texnik muharrir L. Xijova; Musahhih M. Ishonxonova
Kichik muharrir D.Xolmatova; Kompyuterda sahifalovchi va dizayner A.Sulaymonov

Nashriyot litsenziyasi AI No 158, 14.08.2009. Bosishga 2016-yil 4-yanvarda ruxsat etildi.

Qog‘oz formati 60x901/ 8. Ofset qog'ozi. «Virtec PragmaticaUz» garnituradaofset usulidabosildi. Kegli 14, 12.
Shartli bosma tabog'i 15,0. Nashr tabog'i 16,56. Adadi 2500 nusxa. B u y u r tm a N © 16-1.

O'zbekiston Matbuot va axborot agentligining « 0 ‘zbekiston» nashriyot-matbaa ijodiy uyi.

100129, Toshkent, Navoiy ko'chasi, 30.
Telefon: (371) 244-87-55, 244-87-20.
Faks: (371) 244-37-81, 244-38-10,

D arslik holatini ko 'rsatu vch i jadval

O'quvchining Darslikning Sinf Darslikning Sinf

N° ismi, olingandagi rahbarining topshirilgandagi rahbarining
familiyasi holati imzosi holati imzosi







D arslik ijaraga berilib, o ‘quv yili yakunida q ayta rib olinganda

yuqoridagi jadval sinf rahbari tom onidan quyidagi baholash
m ezonlariga asosan toMdiriladi:

Yangi Darslikning birinchi marotaba foydalanishga berilgandagi holati.

Yaxshi Muqova butun, darslikning asosiy qismidan ajralmagan. Barcha

varaqlari mavjud, yirtilmagan, ko'chmagan, betlarida yozuv va
chiziqlar yo'q.

Qoniqarli Muqova ezilgan, birmuncha chizilib chetlari yedirilgan, darslikning

asosiy qismidan ajralish holati bor, foydalanuvchi tomonidan
qoniqarli ta’mirlangan. Ko'chgan varaqlari qayta ta’mirlangan,
ayrim betlarga chizilgan.

Qoniqarsiz Muqova chizilgan, yirtilgan, asosiy qismidan ajralgan yoki butunlay

yo'q, qoniqarsiz ta’mirlangan. Betlari yirtilgan, varaqlari yetishmaydi,
chizib, bo'yab tashlangan. Darslikni tiklab bo'lmaydi.

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