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1. Long absence a) change your fortunes.

~ Portuguese

2. Change yourself, b) a woman every second. ~ Spanish


3. The wind changes every day, c) are two different things. ~ German

4. The wolf changes only his d) changes friends. ~ French Proverb

5.To change and to change for the e) and you change your world. ~
better Norman Vincent Peale

6.Change your thoughts f) coat — not his character. ~

Bulgarian Proverb

1. Describe an important change in your life.( What the change was about?When it
happened? Describe details of the change that happened. And describe how it
affected you later in life.)

2. What changes do you want to make in your life?

3. Do you believe we can control our own fate? How?

В процесі спілкування будуть виникати й інші запитання, які ми обов’язково

будемо обговорювати! Звертаю Вашу увагу, що говоріння є невід’ємною
частиною у вивченні іноземної мови! Буду рада бачити ВСІХ на занятті!

Tips for answering this cue card topic:

Talk about a change which has brought something positive to you. You would need
to describe how this change has positively affected your life so talk about something
which has, later on, proved to be very helpful for you. You can talk about a decision
or action of yours which later on have been proved to be positive. You can also
mention about a bad habit you abandoned, a decision you took or the advice you took
which brought positive things in your life.

Моя історія

The first time I migrated to a different state, after completing my education, five
years ago. Initially, I was thrilled to experience a new culture and make new friends.
Very soon, I realized that I was going to be all by myself. Since I have lived an
overprotective life in a shell, it was difficult to become independent for me out of the
blue. Right from cooking to cleaning, running my errands, doing laundry, driving,
and forgetting that I went there to work. I was absolutely terrified to be living on my
own. I had never lived such a life because I lived with my family, and chores were
equally divided amongst us. However, I realized that it was for my good, and it
changed me as a person as time passing by. I became independent, confident, more
aware of things going around me like grocery or fuel prices and learning how to fix
the car. I am so grateful for that opportunity in my life.

Changes are inevitable parts of human life. Transformation, changes, hopes and
challenges make our life exciting and worth living. Some changes are unexpected
while some are long-expected and meant to bring something good for us. Often
changes define who we are and put us in situations we either find very challenging or


1. After falling in love with Maria, there were some massive changes in my life. And
most importantly, I gave up visiting the bars. Before the transition, I used to drink
heavily. I do not know why I did so and I cannot explain it. But with the counselling
of Maria, I am now able to give up the habit and have not drunk a drop of alcohol for
last six months. It was a great change for me.

2. I did not know how to manage my works and other necessary things. But my
recent job has taught me to be sincere. Now I do not make any late to attend any of
my appointment. I can keep everything in order and perform my duties accordingly.
Moreover, I am able to do all the tasks on time and deliver them. This is a great
change in my life.

What changes have smart phones brought to our lives?

Smart phones are considered to be indispensable accessories to almost everyone in

this digital era due to its convenience and usefulness. Gone are the days when phones
can only be used to call or send messages, now they are changing the way we
communicate, work and entertain. They are equipped with high resolution cameras
for users to capture the moments in its finest. A wide range of applications assisting
people in almost everything from personal finance, education to stress-reducing
provided by online app stores are ready to be downloaded. With just one light touch
on the screen, the world will be in the palm of your hand.


“Life is flux,” said the philosopher Heraclitus. The Greek philosopher pointed out in
500 BC that everything is constantly shifting, and becoming something other to what
it was before. Like a river, life flows ever onwards, and while we may step from the
riverbank into the river, the waters flowing over our feet will never be the same
waters that flowed even one moment before. Heraclitus concluded that since the very
nature of life is change, to resist this natural flow was to resist the very essence of our
existence. “There is nothing permanent except change,” he said.

Proverbs :

4. Long absence changes friends. ~ French Proverb

5. Change yourself, change your fortunes. ~ Portuguese Proverbs
6. The wind changes every day, a woman every second. ~ Spanish Proverb

4. The wolf changes only his coat — not his character. ~ Bulgarian Proverb

5. To change and to change for the better are two different things. ~ German

6.Change your thoughts and you change your world. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

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