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Assignment no.

Construction quality management
Registration no.


1. Name -

2. Reg. No. -

3. Course No. - NCP 27

4. Course Title - Construction Quality Management

5. Assignment No. - Two


You have been selected as a project manager for a prestigious high rise building in
Mumbai which will be housing very rich personalities from industry and film
Your company management has asked you to formalize Quality Management
System (QMS) for interior finishes, plumbing and prevention of rain water
seepage so that the overall quality standard and image of company is raised.

The purpose of this document i.e. Quality Assurance Plan is to establish work
methodology for Quality Control and Material engineering for Construction of
High Rise Building in Mumbai for very rich personalities from industry and film

The procedure will outline the methods that will be used in line with the National
Building Codes, Local building codes Specifications for Building works and the
Technical Specifications as per the requirements of the Engineer or his

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Construction quality management
Registration no.

The methodology also defines the standards of workmanship and requirements for
materials necessary for the work.


This procedure is applicable to all engineers, workmen, supervisors, inspectors

and quality control personnel engaged in the works for the Construction of High
rise residential apartments in Mumbai. It intends to correlate and control the tasks
pertaining to Quality Control and Materials testing in compliance with the
requirements. patience

Quality management System

Quality management system refers to all plans, processes and activities that are
developed to achieve the intended degree of conformance in the design and
execution of any project. The QMS concept focuses attention of the following
specific aspects of construction processes.

1. Construction is a one time activity. It affords no second chance of

modification, repair or rejection once the construction work is completed.
There is no scope for catching the defects after the construction is over.
Therefore quality consciousness, skill and workers are essential in
achieving quality. Training, motivation and commitment are the
primary requirement of quality construction.
2. With the increase in complexity and the size of construction operations, the
responsibility for ensuring quality has gradually shifted from the worker to
supervisor of inspection and later to the quality control department. This

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Registration no.

3. trend has to be reversed if quality is the goal. Responsibility to ensure

quality has to be shifted back to the worker at site and his supervisor.
4. It is a well known fact that the quality cannot be constructed. It has to be
designed into a project system. QMS therefore starts from the design stage
itself. Quality of design is the difference between various design of the
project for achieving the same end use and the most optimal design finally
selected. Thus economy, quality and safety are very closely interlinked in
construction process.
5. Quality is expensive. Quality decisions are based on trade-offs between cost
of construction and the benefits derived from the operations of facility.
Once the decision is taken, it has to be backed by appropriate staff strength,
infrastructure and support services. The management must therefore be
committed to quality, participate in all measures developed to achieve it and
lend support to QMS personnel.
6. QMS is the responsibility of the project authority. The owner or his
representative formulates the policy, determines the scope of quality
planning and management establishes the relationship between the various
participating organizations and delegates responsibility and authority to
them so that the quality objectives set by the owner are achieved.

Quality Control:

Quality control refers to the technical processes that gather, examine, analyse and
report the projects progress and conformance with the performance
requirements. QC mainly relates to four basic functions:
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1. Setting up of standards and specifications.

2. Evaluating materials, processes and outputs through appropriate tests,
inspection etc.
3. Appraising failures to these standards and acting when standards are not
being adhered to.
4. Planning improvements in the standards and specifications.

Quality Control norms, techniques and procedures:

Once quality standards and other things are laid out inspection becomes a routine
matter. In any quality control programme actual inspection and measurement is an
undetachable factor, which is to be planned at properly to meet with the overall
objective of the quality control. Various stages of inspection should be
determined . Some of such stages could be following.
i. Material inspection at suppliers end.
ii. Material inspection at the stage of receipt.
iii. Material inspection at the stage of issue.
iv. Inspection of the process at the time of initial setting of
v. Inspection of trial run batch.
vi. Inspection while the execution is in progress.
vii. Inspection of the finished process.
viii. Inspection before erection and commissioning.
ix. Inspection of commissioning.

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x. Inspection of machines and equipment commissioned.

Having decided various stages of inspection and various quality characteristics to

be inspected it is also important to decide who will inspect, when the inspection
will be carried out, how many units will be inspected, instruments to be used
required approval for acceptance.
While planning such inspection activities it is also important to decide what
information is to be given to the inspector at the time of inspection. Some of the
basic information required is design specifications, product specification, quality
characteristics, quality standards and tolerances available and the detailed
inspection procedures.

For total quality control the following six phases are necessary (6Cs)

i. Comprehension - What is quality. It should be definable and

ii. Commitment - Clarity of concept and policies organizations for it.
iii. Competence - Develop methods test procedures to evaluate quality
understand the price conformance to quality.
iv. Communication - Create awareness, resolve conflicts, coordinate
v. Correction - Solve problems for non conformance. They may be
to lack of attention rather than lack of knowledge or
lack of facilities.
vi. Continuance - Maintain its importance and do not complacent ensure

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exposure to sustained programme.

Quality control standards and specifications

The quality of construction depends upon right material used, the correct methods
followed and produce end product of acceptable performance. Quality control
attempts to ensure just that much. The means of quality control are tests,
inspection , supervision and analysis of data etc. Quality tests are conducted in
laboratories and inspection and supervision are carried out on the site and the data
analysis is done by experts in office.


The project authorities prepare the process of working out specifications of various
facilities where concrete will be used. However, the standards and specifications
for concrete and its various ingredients are universally standardized and they are
required to be in conformity with same. Indian standards IS for concrete and its
basic ingredients viz cement aggregates coarse and fine, water admixtures and
various aspects of concreting, its placement and final acceptance should be as per
IS specifications.


Tests are used to determine the various properties of the materials, which help in
their selection as well as for ascertaining the quality of final product. The test
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results are compared with the prescribed standards and specifications and
judgements are arrived at. Proper methods of sampling, prescribed procedures of
testing, well qualified and trained personnel for testing work and properly
equipped laboratories are necessary.

What to test:

The manufactured goods such as cement and steel carry their suppliers warrantee
but this does not mean that they are not to be tested. In case of materials like
aggregate and water the properties may vary widely over time and space and
proper selection has to done to meet the engineering requirements.
The raw materials are processed to obtain the final product. The processing need
to be tested and supervised carefully. Some intermediate process may not be
having tests and they cannot be tested and the inadequacies if any can known only
when the final product is tested. In such situation the testing of final product is

Statistical Quality Control:

Total quality management addresses organizational quality from managerial and

philosophical viewpoint. TQM focuses on customer driven quality standards,
managerial leadership, continuous improvement, quality identified problems at the
source and quality made everyone’s responsibility. However, talking about solving
quality problems is not enough. We need specific tools that helps us make the
right quality decision. These tools comes from the area of statistics and are used to
help identify quality problems in the production process as well as in product
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Statistical quality control is the term used to describe the set of statistical tools
used by quality professionals. Statistical quality control can be devided into three
broad categories.

Descriptive Statistics:
Are used to describe quality characteristics and relationships. Included are
statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, the range and a measure of
distribution of data.

Statistical Process Control:

Involves inspecting a random sample of the output from a process and deciding
whether the process is producing products with characteristics that fall within a
predetermined range. SPC answer the questions whether the process is functioning
properly or not.

Acceptance Sampling:
Is the process of randomly inspecting a sample of goods and deciding whether to
accept the entire lot based on the results. Acceptance sampling determines whether
a batch of goods should be accepted or rejected.

Quality Assurance:

Quality assurance refers to the managerial processes which determine the

organizations design, objectives and resources, the project team, funding agencies,
performance standards and feedback on the project performance, appropriate

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actions to deal with deviations and all steps necessary for promoting quality
awareness at all levels and in all parts of the project organizations.

A typical quality assurance programme addresses itself to the following.

1. Organization structure of the project team and quality assurance

2. Responsibilities and powers of the various personnel involved.
3. Identification of the coordinating personnel.
4. Quality and its programmes.
5. Quality education and awareness,
6. Quality circles.
7. Training.
8. Setting up of MIS for quality.
9. Resolution of technical differences and disputes.
10. Preparation of quality assurance manuals and their checklist.
11. Vendor survey procedures.
12. Vendor surveillance procedure

Quality assurance provides protection against quality problems through early

warnings of trouble ahead. Such early warnings play an important role in the
prevention of both internal and external problems. The assurance is provided from
objective evidence but the type of evidence differs widely according to persons
requiring the assurance and nature of product.

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It need not be emphasized that quality assurance is an essential prerequisite
of all construction projects. Over years the accent on quality has graduated
progressively from simple Inspection to quality control to quality assurance
and to quality management. Whereas the limitations of inspections are quite

obvious, a quality control system includes testing of raw materials at selection

and processing stage, testing at various stages of production, acceptance and

Management responsibilities:
Management Commitment:

Top management comprises of CEO, MD, all Directors, all VPs, and Functional
Heads of various departments at Head Office. The leadership (including In-
charges / Managers / Heads) hold key positions at HO, and Project sites in a
matrix organizational structure. Management has appointed a Management
Representative and a Quality Management Cell for effective implementation and
monitoring of QMS throughout organization. Management Reviews are
planned at various levels for effective monitoring of QMS.

Evidence of top management commitment to development and implementation

of the quality management system with a view to continually improve its
effectiveness through the following manner: -

a) Communicating throughout the organization the importance of meeting customer

as well as statutory and regulatory requirements.
b) Quality policy is established and displayed prominently at all site locations and
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Work places and is understood by all employees by discussions, training and
providing printed pocket cards, which are carried by employees.

c) Quality objectives for the company are established & displayed at all site
locations and work places. Quality objectives are also defined for each major &
critical process at Head Office level.
d) Management Review process is established and the frequency for this review is
half yearly.
e) Availability of resources for implementing Quality Management System is
ensured through proper planning and logistics.

Customer Focus:
Responsibility: Primary – Project In Charge;
Secondary – All Section Heads
Processes are established for customer communication on suggestions for
improvements, information on status of project and direct meetings.
Areas of dissatisfaction / improvements, if any, are discussed at
various levels and informed to project site and corrective actions taken
based on above inputs.
Record the Customer complaint and acknowledge the receipt of the same
within 3 working days.
Discuss the Customer complaint
 Examine root causes.
 Identify & implement corrective action

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 Assess Results
 Inform customer

 Review procedure and reformulate prevention of repetitive

 Reply to Customer complaints with action plan and target dates for
achieving the same.
 Communicate to customer on action taken on complaint.
 Receive information about direct customer satisfaction from MIOF.
 Prepare action plan on area of dissatisfaction with the consultation
of all sections
 Improve performance on area of dissatisfaction.

Quality Policy:
Top management has articulated “Quality Policy”

 Shows commitment to comply with the requirements and continually

improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System

 Provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives

 Communicated and understood within the organization

 The policy is communicated to all by displaying at strategic locations

and through Quality manual, which is being distributed to all

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sections and intend being circulated to all employees of company.


Reference No.
1. Specifications for High rise building National building by
National Building codes & Mumbai Mahanagar Regional
Development authority (MMRDA) building by laws

2. Technical Specifications for residential building

3. Quality Control Inspection Plan Appendix II

4. Quality records – Checklists Appendix III

5. Quality records – Format for Internal Appendix IV


6. Calibration Schedule Appendix V

7. Relevant NBC, Neuferts, IS codes & Time saver standards


Identification of source for raw materials.

The identification for source for raw materials will be on the basis of proximity
from the location of work, conformance of quality of material in accordance with
requirement for the project and commercial viability.
For manufactured products, vendors are to be got approved from the engineer.

Development of Mix design / details.

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Different mix designs for various grades of concrete works for High Rise Building
(Frame structures) & foundations construction are to be developed at the Site
Laboratory through trials. On identification and successful trial in conformity to
the requirements, the details are to be supplied for adoption in construction works
after due approval from the Engineer or his representative.

Quality control in Construction.

The Supervisors for Construction work will be assisted with testing equipment for
monitoring of gradation, slump, temperature and for sampling / spot test of
materials as and when required.
Control / checks / monitoring of levels, dimensions, profile during and after
construction activities, will be done by construction engineers / survey engineers.
QC Engineers will be assigned to the Building work and Road work as and when
required by the Materials Engineer of The Contractors. They will assist the
respective building / Road sectional In-charges / Engineers / Supervisors for
collecting test samples, performing field tests as required. Whenever required,
material samples will be drawn for spot testing or tests at the site laboratory in
accordance with Documents.

Conformance of Post Construction checks will be done by the respective

Engineers of building and road engineer.

Marble /Granite tiling work in floors

1. Marble /Granite shall be of approved quality in terms of source, thickness,

colour, texture, etc.

2. Sizes of marble blocks, slabs & Tiles shall be as per Approved Drawings &
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3. Only slabs and tiles shall be machine cut & factory made. The following
tolerances shall be applied(As per CPWD Specification) in the dimensions
of blocks, slabs & tiles.

Dimension Blocks Slabs Tiles

Length + 2% + 2% + 3%
Width + 2% + 2% + 3%
Thickness + 2% + 3% + 1%

4. Before starting of work the samples shall be approved by Client.

Requirement for physical properties shall be as per CPWD Specifications as
Characteristics Requirements Method of Test
1. Moisture absorption after 24 Maxm. 0.4% by IS: 1124
hours immersion in cold weight
2. Hardness Minimum 3 Mhors scale
3. Specific Gravity Minimum 2.5 IS: 1124

5. Each stone shall be cut to required size and chisel dressed on all bed and

6. The mortar shall be as specified. All stones shall be wetted before placing in
position. These shall then be floated on mortar and bedded properly in
position with wooden mallets.

7. Stones shall be laid in regular courses of not less than 15 cm in height

and shall be of the same height unless otherwise noted.

8. The depth of the joints 6 mm from face shall be uniform and as fine as
possible but shall not be more than 1.5 mm thick.
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9. The curing shall be done for a period of at least 7 days. After curing it shall
be rubbed with carborandum stone of different grades numbers 60,120 &
320 in succession and cleaned & washed with a solution of oxalic acid.

10. Sample size & criteria of conformity shall be as follows( As per CPWD
Specifications ):

Nos. of Nos. of Permissible Sub-

blocks/slabs/tiles blocks/slabs/tiles to number of sample size
in lot be selected in defects in number
Upto 25 3 0 2
26 to 100 5 0 2
101 to 200 8 0 3
201 to 500 13 0 4
501 to 1000 20 1 5

Ceramic / Glazed tile flooring

Tiles shall be of approved make, size, colour & thickness.

1. Sample approvals shall be taken before start of work from client.

2. The length of all four sides shall be measured correct to 0.1 mm and
average length and breadth shall not vary more than +/- 0.8 mm from
specified dimensions. The tolerance for thickness shall be up to +/- 0.4 mm.

3. Base concrete (RCC slab) shall be cleaned, wetted & mopped. Bedding of
cement mortar (1:3) shall be laid with average thickness 10 mm while
thickness under any portion of the tiles shall not be less than 5 mm.

4. Over mortar bedding neat grey cement slurry of required consistency shall
be applied @3.3 kg/m2 over an area to cover 20 tiles.

5. Tiles shall be soaked in water, washed clean and shall be fixed in this grout
with gentle tapping with wooden mallet.
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6. Surface of flooring during laying shall be frequently checked with a straight
edge about 2 mm long so as to obtain true surface with required slope.

Brick Work

1. The bricks shall be of class 7.5 & of non-modular type.

Bond: Generally English bond shall be followed wherever applicable, toothing and
closure shall be provided.

2. Following tests shall be performed.

a) Efflorescence.

b) Crushing strength.

c) Water Absorption.

d) Dimension Check.

3. Frequency of tests/sampling shall be 20 bricks chosen randomly for every 1

lac Bricks for each brand.

No. of Bricks For characteristic specified For dimensional

in the lot for individual bricks characteristic of
No. of bricks Permissible group of 20 bricks
to be selected no of No. of bricks to be
defective in chosen
the sample
2001-10000 20 1 40
10001-35000 32 2 60
35001-50000 50 3 80

Lot size Sampling size for compressive Permissible No.

strength, water absorption & of defective for
efflorescence efflorescence
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2001-10000 5 0
10001-35000 10 0
35001-50000 15 1

5. The mortar of brickwork shall be 1:6(1cement:6coarse sand).

6. Bricks shall be soaked in water before use for a period for the water to just
penetrate the whole depth of brick.

7. Half or cut bricks shall not be used except as closures where necessary.

8. Suitable measuring boxes shall be made for measuring sand to prepare the

9. While laying the brickwork the frog should be face up. The joints shall be
racked to an average depth of 10 mm. When plaster or pointing to be done
the joints should be streaked flush.

10. Curing shall be done for atleast seven days or as per specification.

Plumbing and sanitation

1. All water supply/plumbing installation work to be done by licensed


2. All fittings/fixtures and accessories shall be of approved brands only. Prior

approval of samples of all fittings & fixtures shall be taken from client.

3. All materials of pipes (CI, GI, Glazed stoneware, etc) shall be of approved
brands only. Prior approval of samples of all Piping materials & accessories
shall be taken from Client.

4. Unless otherwise specified shop drawings shall be prepared for various

activities and approval of same shall be taken from Client.

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5. No cross connections with waterlines of wholesome water and wastewater
pipelines shall be done.

External drainage

1. All line out of layout designed for pipelines, manhole and inspection
chambers shall be marked on the ground.

2. The trenches for underground drainage shall be excavated as per design

depth and grade.

3. The required bed of slope shall be provided as per drawing in the pipeline to
create required velocity.

4. For joints in the pipeline the caulking material shall be of specified quality
and the same shall be executed as per drawing. Socket ends of all the pipes
shall face uphill.

5. Sufficient spun yarn shall be forced into the socket and required depth
should be available for filling the caulking material. If the caulking material
is lead then it shall be poured in one action and when the lead is thoroughly

6. C.I. vent pipe shall be provided at the head of drain and cowl is provided at
the top.

Stoneware pipes

1. Pipes shall be inspected and cracked or chipped pipes shall be rejected in

the work. Pipes shall be thoroughly checked and cleaned before laying.

2. The minimum dia of the pipes for outside drainage shall not be less than that
specified in the drawing.

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3. The pipe trench for laying the pipes shall be of sufficient width to have easy
jointing and caulking activity. The required gully traps and manholes shall
be provided at the pipe junction as per drawing.

4. Testing for water tightness shall be done as required in the Specification.

5. Sufficient time shall be allowed for the joints to set and then trenches filled,
watered and compacted.

Sanitary and plumbing- CI pipes

1. The pipes shall be checked for specified quality and its water tightness.

2. The pipes shall be laid in position with the socket ends facing uphill
irrespective of the direction of flow.

3. The caulking material shall be as specified. In case of lead caulking for

spigot and socket joints sufficient yarn shall be forced into the socket to
have the required depth for lead for filling.

4. After completion of pipes laying in each section, water tightness shall be

tested before covering with soil.

5. Unless otherwise specified, Non-return valves or check valves shall be used

of brass, duly chromium polished and provided on ascending part of the
main to check the return flow.

G.I. Pipes and fittings

1. Pipes laid under ground shall be atleast 0.5m below G.L. or as specified on
grads as specified.
2. Pipes before laying shall be checked for visible damage (broken edges,
cracking or spalling of pipes) if any. If detected the defective pipes shall be

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3. After laying pipes same shall be tested under water pressure at least 100 lbs
per sq. inch unless otherwise specified or mentioned.
4. Joints shall be filled with cement or any other specified material with proper
caulking finishing etc.
5. Pipe work shall be laid in such a way that it is accessible for inspection,
replacement & repairs (as far as not to be buried in walls and solid floors).

6. Service pipe or supply pipe shall be connected directly to W.C. All such
suppliers should be connected from cisterns which shall be supplied from
storage tank.

Plastering work

1. Loose mortar if any is sticked with wall shall be brushed out.

2. Any hole filling or repairs shall be completed prior to the plastering work.
3. The wall surface shall be thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept
wet before plastering is commenced.
4. 12 mm thick, 150mm x 150 mm square gauges shall be applied horizontally
and vertically, at not more than 2.0 metre interval.
5. 1st or the undercoat coat of 12 mm plaster shall be applied in 1:5, cement:
sand ratio by volume only.
6. Proper line and level with true surface shall be provided for this coat.
7. The surface shall be roughened and furrowed 2 mm deep with scratching
tool / broom to form keys for the finishing coat.
8. The curing shall be continued till Finish Coat is applied.
9. The Finish coat shall be applied after the under coat is sufficiently set, but
not dried and in any case within 48 hrs.
10. Sand for the second coat of plaster shall be sieved with 3.0 mm sieve.
11. The mortar for 2nd coat shall be in 1:2 cement: sand ratio by volume.

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12. The 2nd or the finish coat shall be struck uniformly over the first coat and
firmly pressed and levelled by using a 3.0 to 4.0 mts. Long aluminum
13. All the edges, angles, arises and junctions shall be vertical and horizontal.
14. When the work is suspended at the end of the day, the plaster shall be left,
cut clean to the to line both horizontally and vertically. When plastering is
to be resumed, the edge of the old work shall be scraped, cleaned and
wetted with water before plaster is applied to the adjacent areas.

15. The surface shall than be firmly trowelled and sponge floated to remove
excess moisture and bring the sand to the surface. The surface thus prepared
shall be uniformly roughened for texture.
16. The surface of plaster shall be kept wet for at least 7 days and shall be
protected from the sun (covering it by suitable method).

Health, Safety and Environment

The working areas will be suitably barricaded as and when required. Proper sign
boards / signages shall be erected to caution / inform the surrounding people.
Personal protective equipment relevant to the nature of work will be used for the
Project. Personnel handling admixtures or other chemicals will use appropriate
protective equipment recommended by the manufacturer. Persons handling
nuclear gauges / instruments shall wear special protective attires as recommended
by the manufacturer.
Care shall be taken during dismantling the structures against fall of materials from
top. All excavation shall be provided with slope or bench.
All electrical and mechanical equipment and installations shall be periodically
inspected for safety and necessary maintenance work carried out.
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Care shall be taken:
(i) to reduce generation of dust during operation,
(ii) against pollution of water source due to construction operation
(iii) against undue cutting of greenery / plants and trees.

Appendix I

Management of QC / Materials System – Flowchart.

Project In-


QC Engineer Central

QC Engineer Field QC Engineer Field

Laboratory Laboratory

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Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor
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Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
Concrete Works material and field control
1 Petro graphic Cl.1007, Sample from External IS 2386 Pt Initially 1
examination Cl. 1008 source of 8 set of 3
of Coarse and coarse and fine specimens
fine aggregate i.e for each
aggregate quarry , river source of
bed from supply,
where rock / subsequentl
boulders, sand y when
are to be warranted
collected. by change
of source /

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Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
2 Alkali Cl.1007, Crushed External Material shall IS 2386 Pt Initially 1
Aggregate Cl. 1008 sample from be Innocuous 7 set of 3
reactivity proposed specimens
source of for each
coarse and fine source of
aggregate i.e supply,
quarry , river subsequentl
bed from y when
where rock / warranted
boulders, sand by change
are to be of source /
collected. quality.

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Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
3 Specific Cl.1007, -do- Site lab - IS 2386 Pt Initially 1
Gravity of Cl.1008 3 set of 3
aggregates specimens
for each
source of
y when
by change
of source /
on monthly
4 Water Cl.1007, -do- Site lab - IS 2386 Pt Initially 1
absorption of Cl.1008 3 set of 3
coarse and specimens
fine for each
aggregates source of

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Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
y, one test
for coarse
and two
tests for fine
per day.
5 Deleterious Cl.1007, -do- External IS 2386 Pt Initially 1
material for Cl.1008 2 set of 3
aggregate. specimens
Coarse Coal = / < 1% for each
aggregate source of
Clay lump = /
< 1%
Finer than y when
75µ= / < 3% warranted
Total = / < by change

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Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
Fine Coal = / < 1% of source /
aggregate Clay lump = / quality
< 1%
Finer than
75µ= / < 3%
Shale: = / <
Total = / <
6 Soundness Cl. 1007 -do- External Sodium IS 2386 Pt Initially 1 In case
(5 cycles) of Sulphate = / < 5 set of 3 for
coarse 12% specimens aggreg
aggregate Magnesium for each ate
Sulphate = / < source of water
18% supply, absorpt

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Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
Soundness Sodium subsequentl ion
(5 cycles) of Sulphate = / < y when exceed
fine 10% warranted s 2%
aggregate Magnesium by change
Sulphate = / < of source /
15% quality.

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Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
7 LA abrasion Cl. 1007 -do Site lab a) = / < 50% IS 2386 Pt Initially 1
value of for concrete 4 set of 3
coarse b) for specimens
aggregate concrete for each
wearing coat source of
= / < 30% supply,
y when
by change
of source /
on monthly

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
8 Aggregate Cl. 1007 -do Site lab a) = / < 45% IS 2386 Pt -do-
impact value for 4
of coarse concrete
aggregate b) for
coat = / <
9 Flakiness Cl. 1007 Crushed Site lab = / < 35% IS 2386, Initially 1
Index for aggregate from Pt 1 set of 3
coarse crusher or any specimens
aggregate other proposed for each
source. source of
10 Aggregate Cl.1007 Crushed External / a) = / < 45% IS 2386, Initially at
crushing aggregate from Site lab. for Pt 4 time of
value crusher or any concrete approval of
other proposed b) = / < 30% source.
source for

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
11 Gradation Table Crushed Site lab. - IS 2386, Initially
coarse 900-6 aggregate from Pt.1 before mix
aggregate proposed design for
source. approval of
Subsequently y, one test
from stock pile for every
at site. day’s work
of each
fraction of
12 Gradation Table Fine aggregate Site lab. F.M. of sand IS 2386, Initially
fine 900-6 from proposed shall not be Pt.1 before mix Fine
aggregate source. >2 and < 3.5- design for aggreg
approval of ate
source. confor
Subsequentl ming to

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
Subsequently y, one test zone
from stock pile for every 1V as
at site. day’s work per
of each table-4
fraction of of
coarse IS383
aggregate. shall
not be
13 Gradation of Blended Site lab. As per IS 383 IS 2386, Initially
all –in – aggregate table -5 Pt.1 during mix
aggregate design.
y one test
for every

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
day’s work.
14 Workability Table At concrete At plant site As per table IS 516 One test per Values
of fresh 900-6 batching plant and field 1700 -4 each stated
concrete and site of vehicle, in table
( slump test) construction. both at 1700 –
concrete 4 are
batching not for
plant and pumpa
site of ble
pouring at concret
start of e. For
work. pumpa
Subsequentl ble
y as concret
required. e min.
ment is

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
is 50
15 Strength of Cl.1716. Cube test Site lab. As per IS 516 As per
concrete 2.3 Cl.1716.2.5 frequency
of samples.
16 Cement Cl.1006 At As per IS As per IS MTC for Excepti
( OPC 53 manufacturer’s At 12269 12269 every batch ng
grade ) plant. manufacture of cement bridge,
r’s lab. Cement
>225 m2/kg of
-do- other

Page 35 of 55
Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
2.Soundness <10 grades
(i) Lechatlier -do- also
method can be
<0.8 used as
(ii) Autoclave approv
method ed by
At site
3. Standard - the
Consistency Engine
At site er or
4.Temp.durin 27 degree
g testing At site Celcius
5.Initial & >30 min,< ntative.
Final Setting 600 min.
At site
At site
6.Compressiv >27MPa at 3
e Strength days
Chemical External As per IS As per IS Frequency
Requirement 12269 12269 for External
s test:

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
1.Lime >0.8<1.02 1 test in 6
Saturation >0.66 Months
Factor MTC for
2.Alumina every batch
iron Ratio <6.0 of cement
3.Insoluble <3.0
4.Magnesia <4.0
Anhydride Not specified
6.Total loss
on Ignition
7.Total alkalis
as Na2o
8.Total Not specified

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
17 Concrete Cl.1012 At At <0.2%* IS 6925 MTC for Unifor
admixture & manufacturer’s manufacture Each mity
IS:9103 Plant r’s Lab. lot/sampling test
> 3%* from every from
± 1* consignmen externa
t l test
content >1%*
2.Dry within 2%* As per IS @ 1
Material 9103 test /
*All based on
content the value 7000
3.pH value declared by Lts.
4.Ash content the Accept
manufacturer. able
Other major manufactured products
1. Reinforceme Cl.1009. At At Fe 415 Grade IS 228, IS MTC for
nt steel bar 3 manufacturer’s manufactu 1608, IS every batch
A) Chemical plant rer’s lab A) Chemical 1559, of
test test IS 1786

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
Carbon = / < reinforceme
0.30+.02 % nt steel.
Sulphur = / < 0.06 +
0.005 % Frequency:
Phosphorus = / < 0.06 + 1 test in 500
0.005 % MT
B) Physical External B) Physical
test At Site. test
0.2% proof 415 N /
stress sqmm.
Elongation 14.5 %
Bend test Satisfactory
2 RCC Hume At At As per IS 458 IS 458 MTC for
pipe manufacturer’s manufactu – for NP4 each Lot.
plant rer’s lab class pipe.
3 Structural Cl.1009. At At As per 2062 , IS 228, IS -do-
steel sections 6 manufacturer’s manufactu GR –A, B or 1608
and plates plant rer’s lab. C as

Page 39 of 55
Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Appendix II
Quality Control Inspection Plan ( QCIP)
Sl. Test Test Sampling Ref Test Acceptance Test As Test Remar
NO Required Ref. & Process Location Criteria per Frequency ks
4 Hot dip Cl.4.1.1 At At Steel soil
Galvanised of manufacturer’s manufactu reinforcement
a) shape & appendix plant rer’s lab / a) strips, As per To be
form -1 lab. of grids, sheets designed checked at
specialise dimension random
d agency.
b) Physical b) BS EN IS 228, IS b) test result
and 10025 or 1608, for each lot
mechanical equivalent of is1559 of material
properties IS 2062
c) c) as per IS 4826 c) – do -
Galvanisation specification
thickness of specialised

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Brick / a) Efflorescence Field As desired by the 20 bricks chosen at random
Tile bricks/ Engineer for every 100,000 bricks for
Concrete b) Water absorption Laboratory - each brick field.
c) Compressiv Laboratory -
e Strength

d) Tolerance (Size & Field 50,000 nos. as required

shape) by the Engineer.
Timber a) Moisture content Laboratory 1 Cum From each fresh lot or each
(Oven drying 10 cum material one sample.

b) Species Field As reqd. by the

Flush a) Test for end Laboratory 11 Shutters 6 nos. – 0 to 65
shutters/ immersion 13 nos. 66 to 110
Plywood 20 nos. 111 to 180
b) Test for glue Laboratory As reqd. by the 32 nos. 181 to 300
adhesion Engineer

c) Test for adhesion of Laboratory

Flooring Test for abrasion - do - - do -

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.
Hardening compound - do - - do -

Precast a) Shape & Dimension - do - - do - 12 nos./2000 nos.

Terrazzo b) Transverse strength - do - - do - 6 nos./2000 nos.
Tiles c) Resistance to wear - do - - do - 6 nos./2000 nos.
d) Water absorption - do - - do - 8 nos./2000 nos.

Glazed tiles a) Water absorption - do - 3000 nos. *

b) Impact test - do - As decided by the *
Granite Hardness test - do - - do - *

Fire Doors Fire test - do - Specified fire rated. 1 Door

Steel doors a) Thickness of steel Field/Lab. As specified. 1 Door

b) Sheets - do - - do -
Aluminium a) Composition Laboratory As per 1 Sample
of Alumn. Field BIS. 65
Alloy microns.
b) Powder coating

* To be decided by the Engineer or his representative in accordance with site conditions.

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Assignment no. 2
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Registration no.


Waterproofing of Raft and Retaining Walls

Waterproofing of Raft and Retaining walls by external tanking (including

grouting of Concrete)

External tanking (including grouting of concrete) of basement, trenches, etc.

shall be carried out using an approved acrylic chemical waterproofing
compound, in stages given below :

Stage 1:

After the lean concrete has been laid to receive the RCC raft, a 345 mm
thick brick toe wall in Cement Mortar 1:6 shall be constructed, on the
perimeter of the area to be water proofed. The height of this wall shall be
equal to the thickness of the RCC Raft. The brick toe wall shall be paid
separately under the item of Brick work.

Stage 2:


The external tanking treatment shall be carried out for the base raft over the
lean concrete in the following sequence.

a) A layer of cement slurry mixed with the acrylic waterproofing

compound shall be spread over the lean concrete.

b) In each layer where acrylic waterproofing compound is to be used it

shall be mixed in the ratio of 400 gms per 50 kg. Of cement unless
specified otherwise.

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.

c) Thereafter a 25mm thick (minimum) bedding layer of cement mortar

1:3 (one part cement: three parts course sand) mixed with acrylic
waterproofing compound shall be laid.

d) Curing shall be done by spraying water for 7 days.

e) A layer of Kota stone slabs of approximately 600 x 600mm and

having minimum thickness of 20mm shall be laid. The joints between
the stones shall be 6mm. After laying the joints shall be raked and
sealed with cement mixed with acrylic waterproofing compound (in
the ratio 1:1).

f) A layer of cement mortar 1:4 (one part cement : four parts coarse
sand) mixed with acrylic waterproofing compound shall be laid and
finished smooth.

g) Curing shall be done by spraying water for 7 days.

h) The waterproofing shall be turned up along the brick wall on the

perimeter of the basement raft. The work shall be carried out as
described under walls.

NB : The above specification shall also be followed for the roof of


Stage 3 : Grouting of Concrete


Placing and prefixing of 15mm M.S. nozzles of length 0.5D where D is the
depth of the raft shall be done on the construction joints and pour strips. The
spacing of the nozzles shall be 1 m apart in both directions in the raft to

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.

enable grouting to be done. The pipes shall project 50mm above the top of
the raft and shall be plugged using M.S. caps.

The RCC shall be cast after placement of the nozzles as required.

After the concrete of raft has attained proper maturity the injection of
cement mixed with non-shrink polymeric grouting compound through the
nozzles under maximum pressure of 2.5 kg/sqcm. By hand/air/electric/pump
shall be carried out.

The nozzles shall be sealed after injection operation is over with a

cementations rendering with quick setting admixture of CICO make or
approved equivalent.

The above specification shall also be followed for the roof of basement if

Waterproofing of other areas (roofs, terraces, water tanks, toilets, floor

slabs, etc.)

Scope of Work

The work shall include waterproofing for the building roofs, terraces, water
tanks, toilets, floor slabs, walls, planters, chajjas, sills and any other areas
and at any other locations and situations as directed by the Engineer, in
accordance with the design, shapes, thickness, details, all as shown on the
“Good for Construction” drawings or as specified or as directed by the
Engineer complete in all respects to give the quality of finished work as
desired by and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

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Construction quality management
Registration no.

The work shall be carried out by an experienced specialist sub-contractor

who shall be appointed only after prior approval of the Engineer.



An acrylic based polymer modified cementations composite coating system

manufactured by FRC Composites India Ltd. Or approved equivalent.

Waterproofing – General

The waterproofing treatment shall be done on smooth plastered surfaces.

Portland ordinary cement shall be used for the plastering on the concrete
screed on roofs. The plastered areas shall be cured for a minimum of 7
(seven) days. Curing shall be done by keeping wet gunny or burlap or
ponding water.

The surface shall be allowed to dry for about 4 to 6 weeks, after the curing
period is over.

The surface on which waterproofing is to be done shall be bone dry, free of

all dust, loose material, laitance etc. A surface dry area shall not be construed
as being totally (bone) dry.

The Contractor shall ensure that everything where the waterproofing is

worked around or into are fixed (e.g. rainwater downtakes, etc.) in position
and all pre-waterproofing application work by the other Contractors is

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Registration no.

Waterproofing to Toilets, Kitchens etc.

Waterproofing treatment to floor slabs and walls, chhajjas, roof projections,

toilets, kitchens etc. in the building shall be done as described below.

A priming coat shall be applied over the complete area to be waterproofed.

The primer shall be made of net grey cement mixed with an integral
waterproofing compound in the proportion as recommended by the

Thereafter two coats of “Tapercrete” mixed with cement in the proportion

1:2 (1 kg Tapercrete : 2 kg of cement) shall be applied.

All the joints of pipes, edges, corners, openings shall be sealed with epoxy
putty. As refer above.

Waterproofing and Testing

The treated area (flat and horizontal only) shall be tested by allowing water
to stand on the treated areas to a depth of 150mm for a minimum period of
72 hours.

The treated area (flat and horizontal) shall have a continuous slope towards
the rainwater outlets and no water shall pond anywhere on the surface.

The roofs shall be water-tight and shall be tested on completion by flooding

the roof with water to a minimum depth of 25mm fir 24 hrs. Where it is
impracticable, because of roof falls or otherwise, to contain a 25mm depth of
water, the roof shall have water applied by a continuous hose of sprinkler
system to provide a sheet flow of water over the entire area of the roof for
not less than 6 hrs. In either case the roof shall be considered satisfactory if
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Registration no.

no leaks or damp patches show on the soffit. Should the structure not satisfy
either of these tests, then after completion of the remedial work, it should be

retested in accordance with this clause. The roof insulation and covering
should be completed as soon as possible after satisfactory testing.

Inspection, testing and controlling of Non

conforming product:

Inspection & Testing:

 Plan the characteristics of the raw material, process and

product to be checked, frequency of check, method of
check, sampling size
 Plan stages of customer verification as per contract agreement.
 Conduct inspection & tests as per plan and keep
relevant records to demonstrate the conformance.
 Check the results against planned requirements. Improve
methodology or process and take necessary corrective action
where planned results are not achieved
 Get approval of the competent authority and or the customer
for acceptable minor deviations from the planned
 Use calibrated equipments for measuring processes.

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Construction quality management
Registration no.

Control of Non-Conforming Product

 Identify Non-conforming product / service found through
 Customer complaints, Audits and Inspections
 Prepare action plan to remove the non-conformity.
 By rectification /reworks/corrective action, By alternative use,
By degrading or By scraping.
 Implement corrective action to eliminate the root cause of the

Officers & their qualifications:

1. Project manager
Qualification: Should be Graduate with additional qualification of
masters in Project management from a reputed institute.
Experience: Should have minimum 20 years exp. Out of which Last
five should have worked in similar capacity with lots of impetus on
quality control and assurance.

2. Senior Engineer (QA/QC) Civil

Qualification: Should be Graduate with additional qualification of
masters in Project management from a reputed institute. Should be
well versed with quality control measures especially for civil as well
interiors and water proofing
Experience: Should have minimum 15 years exp. Out of which Last
ten should have worked in similar capacity monitoring and
controlling quality.

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Construction quality management
Registration no.

3. Engineer Civil Execution

Qualification: Should be Graduate from a reputed institute
Experience: Should have minimum 10-12 years exp. Out of which
five years should have worked in similar capacity in execution of
such prestigious high-rise building.

4. Engineer (QA/QC) Plumbing and sanitary

Qualification: Should be Graduate with from a reputed institute.
Should be well versed with quality control measures especially
plumbing and sanitary
Experience: Should have minimum 15 years exp. Out of which last
ten should have worked in similar capacity monitoring and
controlling quality.

5. Junior Engineer (QA/QC) Civil

Qualification: Should be Graduate/Diploma from a reputed institute.
Should be well versed with quality control measures especially for
civil as well interiors and water proofing
Experience: Should have minimum 8-10 years exp. Out of which last
five should have worked in similar capacity monitoring and
controlling quality.

6. Junior Engineer Execution Civil

Qualification: Should be Graduate/Diploma from a reputed institute.
Experience: Should have minimum 8-10 years exp. Out of which last
five should have worked in similar capacity monitoring and
controlling quality.

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Construction quality management
Registration no.

7. Store keeper
Qualification: Should be Graduate from a reputed institute. Should be
versed with latest material management procedures.
Experience: Should have minimum 5-7 years exp. Out of which last
three should have worked in similar capacity monitoring and
controlling quality.

8. Junior Store keeper

Qualification: Should be Graduate/under graduate from a reputed
institute. Should be versed with latest material management
Experience: Should have minimum 5 years exp. Out of which last
three should have worked in similar capacity monitoring and
controlling quality.

Functions and Responsibilities:

(1) Project manager

Functions & responsibilities: Should be responsible for overall quality
control and assurance as well as for execution. Should have overall
control and command over all implementation of quality control
measures and will have checks for its outcome.

(2) Senior Engineer (QA/QC) Civil

Functions & responsibilities: Should be responsible for overall quality
control and assurance. Should have overall control and command over
all implementation of quality control measures and will have checks
for its outcome.

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.

(3) Engineer Civil Execution

Functions & responsibilities: Should be responsible for overall quality
while execution. Should help and co operate with QA/QC team to
improve overall quality.

(4) Engineer (QA/QC) Plumbing and sanitary

Functions & responsibilities: Should be responsible for overall quality
control and assurance for all plumbing and sanitary works. Should
have control over all implementation of quality control measures for
sanitary & plumbing and will have checks for its outcome.

(5) Junior Engineer (QA/QC) Civil

Functions & responsibilities: Should assist in implementing quality
control and assurance procedure. Should supervise implementation of
quality control measures and will monitor for its outcome.

Monitoring and controlling quality.

(6) Junior Engineer Execution Civil

Functions & responsibilities: Should assist and supervise work with
an eye for quality control and assurance procedure.

(7) Store keeper

Functions & responsibilities: Should be responsible in implementing
quality control and assurance procedure for all materials brought at
site using latest material management procedures.
Should supervise implementation of quality control measures and will
monitor for its outcome.

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Assignment no. 2
Construction quality management
Registration no.

(8) Junior Store keeper

Functions & responsibilities: Should assist in implementing quality
control and assurance procedure for all materials brought at site using
latest material management procedures.
Should assist &supervise implementation of quality control measures
and will monitor for its outcome.
Reporting to Whom

 Project Manager Managing Director

 Senior Engineer (QA/QC) Civil Project Manager
 Engineer (QA/QC) Plumbing and sanitary Senior
Engineer (QA/QC) Civil
 Engineer Civil Execution Project Manager
 Junior Engineer (QA/QC) Senior Engineer
(QA/QC) Civil
 Junior Engineer Execution Civil Engineer Civil
 Store keeper Senior Engineer (QA/QC) Civil
 Junior Store keeper Store keeper

Compliance work with regulations and bylaws

The Contractor shall conform in all aspects with:

(a) the provision of any enactment in India as applicable from time to
(b) the regulations or bye-laws of any local body and utilities.
(c) The Contractor shall be bound to give all notices required by
statute, regulations or by-laws, as aforesaid and to pay all fees and
bills payable in respect thereof. The Contractor will arrange
necessary clearances and Approvals before the Work is taken up.
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Assignment no. 2
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Registration no.

Ignorance of Rules, Regulations and Bylaws shall not constitute a

basis for any claim at any stage of work

Compliance with Contractor’s Request for Details

i. The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer whenever

progress of the Works is likely to be delayed or disrupted unless any
further Drawing, where the Special Conditions of Contract provide
for such Drawings to be prepared by the Engineer, or order,
including a direction, instruction or Approval is issued by the
Engineer within a reasonable time. The notice shall include details of
the Drawing or order required and of why and by when it is

ii. required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if this

issue is delayed.

iii. The Engineer shall furnish with reasonable promptness, on receipt of

request from the Contractor, additional instructions by means of
Drawings or otherwise necessary for the proper execution of the
Works or any part thereof. All such Drawings and instructions shall
be consistent with the Contract documents and reasonably inferable
therefrom. The Engineer may ask the Contractor for alternative
proposals or clarifications or additional data or any other detail in
respect Contractors request, if any.

If, due to any failure or inability of the Engineer to issue within a

reasonable time any Drawing or order requested by the Contractor as
stated above, the Contractor suffers delay and / or incurs additional
costs, the Engineer shall take such delay into account while
determining any extension of time to which the Contractor would be
entitled under.

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Registration no.

Suitable incentives are given to the contractor on successfully, timely &

within the quoted rates (i.e with variations) completion of work for critical


Failure or delay by the Employer or the Engineer, to hand over to the

Contractor the Site necessary for execution of Works, or any part of the
Works, or to give necessary notice to commence the Works, or to provide
necessary Drawings or instructions or clarifications or to supply any
material, plant or machinery, which under the Contract, is the responsibility
of the Employer, shall in no way affect or vitiate the Contract or alter the
character thereof; or entitle the Contractor to damages or compensation
thereof but in any such case, the Engineer shall extend the time period for
the completion of the Contract, as in his opinion is / are reasonable.

In case of delay on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be liable
to pay liquidated damages in addition to any other compensation for the
damages suffered by the Employer. This is without prejudice to the right of
the Employer to rescind the Contract.

Bibliography/ Readings:

Material from NICMAR

Quality control manuals of DLF Metro & Delhi Metro.
CPWD Specifications, National Building Codes.

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