Turning Risks and Challenges Into Opportunity.: Philippine Eagle in Flight, Signifying The Strength and Foresight

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Today I am going to share about


The big bird our logo, the Philippine eagle in flight, signifying the strength and foresight. Just as eagles
must risk themselves for the survival of their families, you must not be afraid to put yourself on the line.
Someone who's willing to take risks, while staying loyal and determined, will get noticed and plucked
out of the crowd.

Watch an eagle when a storm comes. While other birds fly away from the storm, an eagle spreads its
mighty wings and uses the current to soar to greater heights. The eagle takes advantage of the very
storm that lesser birds fear. They love to take challenges like an eagle when the storm comes. Successful
persons are fearless. They face problems head on. No matter what the size of the problem.

Everyday we’re faced with challenges. Challenges that are nuisances, challenges that seems
overwhelming, challenges that are life changing. What do we do when face with challenges. Well, the
answer there is. It depends on who we are and what we think. But I will tell you that you got to decide.
Everyone of us has the ability to make that choice, to make a decision, to determine how we show up
and what are we going to do and it all links back to our mind set. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Henry ford
said it best “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” Our minds are so powerful
that they have the ability to make things happened. A self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person believes
something strongly that it actually causing itself to become true. Wether it’s positive or negative you got
to decide. All of us have that choice and sometimes we can turn them into opportunities. Other times
we will see things as obstacles or roadblocks. We’re faced all different types of challenges every single
day. And sometimes those challenges seems so overwhelming to us and we don’t know what to do. We
sometimes allow them to turn into obstacles or roadblocks. From everyday inconveniences and
temporary setbacks to the really big challenges of life – the kind that has the potential to affect the
whole trajectory of our lives. Many times we struggle with self-doubt and confidence. But there’s hope.
We get to decide how the story plays out. You have to give yourself a fighting chance. You have to give
yourself the opportunity to succeed. Sometimes your not gonna succeed, but you gonna use that as life
lesson that you learned from and you can work through the next time. The self-fulfilling prophecy is in
our minds. Believe in yourself. Give yourself a fighting chance. Have that positive mindset so that you
can turn challenges into opportunities. Back in the day before BSP life. Am handling round trip boat
ticket to have pre-employment entrance exam in BSP head office.. Heading to Manila with no relatives
and friends. Don’t know where I’m going to stay. If I never took that first step I would never have that
opportunity and the second challenge is.

Challenges are an inherent part of our life. They play an essential and a key role in our existence.
Challenges are believed as uncalled for obstacles or hurdles by many people, but at the same time they
make our life meaningful and also they give us a reason to fight to achieve things we wish for in this
world. If we consider the euphoric concept of a life, a life without challenges, difficulties and problems, I
believe our will of achievement will become nonexistent and which in turn will make our will to live
diminished. Then we will not be able to experience the real happiness in our lives if we will have nothing
to compare our good times to, the happiness we get after overcoming a challenge. Challenges also make
a person stronger, it is said that what doesn’t break you makes you stronger, so facing challenges are
constantly evolving us humans into our better selves.
As long as there is life, there will always be challenges to overcome. A challenge can be turned into an
opportunity when we try to overcome it. It may be the challenge of learning to walk, or challenge of
learning to speak, we have to keep trying to make any challenge an opportunity. Covid 19 pandemic
lockdown came as a very big challenge to all the mankind; there has not been any continent, country,
society, and city that has not been affected by this pandemic.  Life came to a standstill; factories, offices,
schools, colleges, were closed down by the orders of Governments. People became confined to their
houses. I tried to take this bull of lockdown by its horns. After having spent a few days of lockdown in
trivial activities, I realized I could not afford to waste my precious time in idle activities.  I set certain
goals for me viz. health goal, knowledge goal, and self-improvement goal.  

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