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In “Bill Gates Autobiography”, the author provides stunning and comprehensive insight
into Bill Gates’ rise to success, detailing each step of his illustrious career and what it
took for Microsoft to become a reality. The central theme of this is often, “Hard work
ends up in success” and “Perseverance pays off.” The big-picture subject of the
biography is about persistence to succeed something. He wouldn’t turn over until he
reached the result he was trying to seek out. The autobiography of enterpriser, showed
or geared toward young audiences, to inspire them the hardships of enterpriser. Author
allows the reader the rare opportunity to be told about and knowledge the successes
and hardships of Bill Gates from the within out. The author leaves no stone unturned
during this biography.

Compellingly written and wonderfully structured, this enterpriser biography shares Bill
Gates’ account, capturing his first encounter with the then still infantile world if
technology and charting the expansion of Microsoft from its humble beginning. The
author also explores the lesser known, more philanthropic side of Bill Gates, reflecting
on his recent move away from the corporate sector towards a firm commitment to
charitable work. A genre during a content was good, and it fits within the genre of
biography. Author represents the text with little detail and written in a very colloquial
language. It also gives lots of information and insights nicely. The tone of the text is
extremely proud and inspired. The author wanted to inform the readers about the
success and hardship of William Henry Gates and being an humble person. And as the
reader, I’m also very inspired by bill gates, as a hardworking man and being persistence
to realize his goal. Upon reading the story, I spotted that to realize our goals in life; we
want to aim high and be hardworking. Be a successful person, do great things and have
a decent heart for others, similar to entrepreneur did, he donated several millions to
charitable groups. Author’s quote Gates considered as the “Heroes of our Time”, this
shows that he changed the way people live their lives. Not only did he lead a age, but
his charitable work has saved uncountable lives across the world.

Ultimately, entrepreneur is one amongst the best modern day leaders. He pioneered
the technology revolution and our world has changed. Entrepreneur has become the
richest person within the world and donated most of his money. He has also founded
the Bill & Melinda Foundation to assist fight multiple causes. He continues to measure
his life making differences during this world. I think Microsoft won’t be the sole legacy he
will leave.




My classmate’s written output
“Following Public Health Protocols” one in all a speech written by Kitchie Bongcayao. The speech was
addressed to the people in our community convincing them to strictly follow the general public health
protocols in fighting against Covid-19 pandemic. She said, the covid-19 is one in every of the foremost
dangerous challenges during this world. It’s in particular somebody’s crisis with severe health and socio-
economic consequences. In her speech, she also discuss things that we won’t be able to perform at the
unit of time like travelling out with friends, and going some other place to own a decent time. Covid-19
pandemic is essentially transmitted from person to person. So she addressed to the people to follow
some public health protocols to confirm their safety and lives. She said, disobeying this protocol won’t
facilitate your and can only put your life in danger. Some health protocols mentioned; are wash your
hands frequently, practice social distancing and canopy your mouth once you cough and sneeze.
Additionally, avoid being in near someone who is sick and reduce the amount of social functions to
attend and spend in busy settings. She also said that, we must always tuned in to the items that we
won’t to touched coz we didn’t know if its cleaned and disinfected. Be safe and follow health protocols
that’s important.

Kitchie Bongcayao, the speaker, wanted to inform the readers about fighting against covid-19. She
wants to inform people how important to follow some public health protocols, it’s for our safety and
lives. As a reader, I used to be very affected coz, sometimes I disobeyed some protocols , which is it’s not
good. Now I’m already realized that this protocols is for our own good and safety. The author has used
techniques that the reader can feel true and learn something about it.

Now, we already know the one in every of the ideas to fight against covid-19 in precisely a
straightforward way. All we want to try and do is to obey and follow some protocols respectedly for our
safety as well as to our country. DON’T SUCH A HARDHEADED PERSON. BE OBEDIENT. STAY SAFE!!!

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