School Library Management System

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Sheila Osodo


This System Project has been Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

for the Diploma in Information Communication
Technology in the School of Computer Science
and Information Technology at Kiriri Women’s
University of Science and Technology

March, 2022

I declare that the entire work is original work and has not be presented by another student in any
other university.

Student Name Student Signature

Supervisor Name Supervisor signature

I dedicate this project to my parents and family at large for the financial and moral support
through my studies.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and colleagues for the kind of support
and encouragement which help me in completion of this project proposal.

This study is about designing a Library management system for Online School.

The proposal has several objectives to achieve

To manage all the resources or books in the library

To give an opportunity to Librarians to reduce mistakes that always happens during manual

To store properly the library items in order to maintain their security.

To enter and preserve details of the various issues and keep a track on their returns

The research design was experimental.

Questioners were used to collect the data from the respondents.

Percentages and pie charts were used to analyze the objective. The results were presented in
tables and frequencies.

The study suggests that the school should design a Library management System which will
improve the security of the books or resources, information about the Librarians and students.

Table of Contents
Chapter One................................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background Information....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Justification........................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope.................................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Budget...............................................................................................................................................3
1.7 Time schedule....................................................................................................................................3
1.8 Gantt chart.........................................................................................................................................4
1.9 Feasibility Study.................................................................................................................................4
Economic feasibility.............................................................................................................................4
Technical Feasibility.............................................................................................................................4
Operational feasibility.........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
2.0Literature Review...............................................................................................................................5
2.1CASE STUDIES.................................................................................................................................5
International case studies........................................................................................................................5
KOHA Library system management.....................................................................................................5
Technical university of Kenya Library management system................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................................................9
3.0 Methodology.....................................................................................................................................9
3.1System design model..........................................................................................................................9
3.2PROJECT RESEARCH DESIGN.............................................................................................................10
3.3Data collection..................................................................................................................................10

3.4Target population and sampling technique......................................................................................10
3.5Data Analysis....................................................................................................................................10
3.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................................11
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................12
4.0 System Analysis and Requirement modeling...................................................................................12
4.1Context Diagram..............................................................................................................................12
4.2 Data Flow Diagram.........................................................................................................................13
4.3 Flowchart.........................................................................................................................................14
4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram...........................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................17
5.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................17

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
The chapter covers the background information, statement of the problem, proposed solution,
objective, justification, scope, budget, time schedule and feasibility study.

The study tends to explore or investigate the importance of designing a library management
system for Online School.

With recent Technology development it is important to have a recent Library Management

system in the institution to be up to data with technology changes.

1.1 Background Information

The study focuses on designing a Library Management system.

Library management system combines various elements such as database.

Management system consist of a wide range of information technology functions which are
aimed at maintain information and improving services.

The purpose of the Library Management system will be to satisfy the information and
operational need.

The main operation of Online School is equipping students with knowledge. Online School was
started in the year 1952 through the initiative of the late Ex-senior Chief Online wa Karanja.

1.2 Problem statement
The study is concerned with designing a computerized Library Management System for Online

In the existing system at Online School all the transaction of book such as borrowing and
returning are done manually which takes time to complete.

Another major disadvantage is that to prepare the list of books borrowed, returned and the available
books in the library takes much time to complete the process.

The current systems is time consuming and costly to produce reports. Fast report generation is not
possible and also tracing a book is difficult. Information about issue or return of the books is not
properly maintained the current system has no central database.

1.3 Objectives
Make it easier for readers to access books.

To manage all the books or resources in the Library.

To enter and preserve details of the various issues and keep a track on their returns.

To give an oppurnity to Librarians to reduce mistakes that always happens during manual

To resolve book issues

To provide a search column to search availability of books.

To provide a user login page.

1.4 Justification
The computerized Library system will enable the students and staff to easily find the books that
they are looking for without going through the traditional way of searching for a book.

The computerized Library system would improve the monitoring capacities of those who
maintain the Library.

1.5 Scope
The system will provide basic set of features to update members, update books,
reserving/borrowing books and manage check in specifications for the systems based on the
client’s statement of need.

1.6 Budget
Item Quantity Cost per item Total
Computer 2 30,000 60,000
Printer 1 50,000 50,000
Scanner 2 15000 30,000
Flash disk 1 1000 1000

1.7 Time schedule

Task Duration Expected start date Expected End Data
Problem Definition 2 weeks 1/11/2021 13/11/2021
Analysis 2 weeks 22/11/2021 5/12/2021
Design 6 weeks 13/12/2021 4/2/2022
Coding 7 weeks 14/2/2022 17/4/2022
Testing 5 weeks 25/4/2022 4/6/2022
Implementation 3 weeks 10/6/2022 5/7/2022
Documentation 2weeks 10/7/2022 25/7/2022
Presentation 1 Day 3/8/2022 3/8/2022

1.8 Gantt chart
Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Problem definition

1.9 Feasibility Study

Economic feasibility
The previous Library management System used by the school lead to wastage of money due to
money used to buy books to replace the books that were lost due lack of proper tracking. Also
money is used to pay more library staff to help in distribution of books to the students.

The new computerized Library management system will save cost of buying lost books because
there will be a track record of the given books. Less library staff will be needed in the
distribution of books to the student.

Technical Feasibility
The Library management system can be reliable since it is good on time. The system has good
information which can be used by the authoritative users.

Operational feasibility
The system will be fast in entry of data about the books such book name, book address.

The new system will also keep a track record of the books borrowed and date of return.


2.0Literature Review
This chapter covers the literature method of other similar research done on library management
system, case studies and conclusions.

Library is regarded as the brain of an institute. Therefore many institutes understand the
importance of the Library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users (students).

An integrated library system also known as Library management system. (Adavers etal….2008)
is an enterprise resource planning system for a Library, used to track items owned, orders made,
bills paid and users who have borrowed books.

The library management system is a system for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a
library. (Ashutosh and Ashish,2012).

Library management system supports the general operation of the library such as the acquisition
cataloging, circulation and other sections.

Before the advent of computer in modern age there different methods of keeping records in
Library. Records are kept in the library on shelves each shelf labeled in recorded on the library

After invention of computer different research have carried out various approach on an
autocorrected Library management System in which this project is as well all about.

The first Library management system to be reviewed is the KOHA library management system.
Since the original implementation in 1999, KOHA functionality has been adopted by thousands
of libraries worldwide, each adding features and functions, deepening the capability of the

With the 3.0 release in 2005 and the integration of the powerful zebra indexing engine, KOHA
become a viable, scalable solution for libraries of all kinds.

A Library Management system usually compromise a relational database, software to interact
with the database and two graphical user interfaces.( one for users, one for staff)


International case studies

KOHA Library system management

Koha is an integrated Library System with a range of features including:

Online Public Access catalogue (OPAC) module which provides a simple and clear interface for
library users to perform tasks such as searching for and reserving items and suggesting new

Full catalogue module which enables library staff to capture details of all library items. It is
MARC complaint, meaning data entry and exchange will be greatly simplified.

Circulation module which fully automates borrowing and item management, integrating with the
OPAC so users can see which items they have outstanding, for example.

Acquisition module which assists Librarians with both acquisitions and more generally with
budget management. Serials management and reporting modules perform functions that their
names would.

CodeAchi Library Management system
CodeAchi Library management system readily performs many tasks that are essential to
managing libraries digitally and is fully scalable for any size of the library.

The modules of the system are designed in keeping with the guidelines set by the international
standard organization for Library and library science. The system answers all queries related to
library management.

This software is great for schools, universities, colleges and public libraries. It facilitates the user
with flexible pricing options as per requirement.

The system has the following features:

 The system eases the process of issues and return of books easily. It helps keep records of
issue, re-issuer and renewal of books.
 This system performs cataloguing and organizes all its collection to provide information
about titles, author, ISBN, numbers, classification etc.
 It performs essential task of report generation.
 The system reflects on what the library contains including profile, lost books etc.
 It enables the librarian to enter data automatically

Kenya Bureau of Standard Library management system
The library has an integrated library system namely AMLIB.

Amlib is an integrated library system that allows libraries to manage all aspects of their work
through a customizable interface. Amlib modules allow libraries to support catalog
enhancements, circulation, interlibrary loan, acquisitions, patron management, reporting, and

Some of the features of the system are:

 Amlib offers the ability to extensively customize each screen with your own text, colors,
logos, and help messages.
 The ability to add electronic images, pictures and documents to catalogue records is a
standard feature of the Amlib system. You can also automatically expand the content of
your catalogue to include additional content, such as front covers, book reviews, table of
contents and first chapters and excerpts. You can further enrich your content with tag
clouds, a virtual shelf browser, and reviews.
 The Amlib Stock Item module manages all items/holding records within the database
featuring user-defined Item Formats (form) and Classification (stats) that are also used to
determine the item display and circulation statistics retained.

 The Amlib Report module is a flexible and comprehensive reporting module operating
across all Amlib modules. Amlib reports allow SQL-style functionality (such as
Borrower Type='A' and Due Date > Start of Month) within an easy-to-use environment
(i.e., without operators having to know field names and join tables to create reports).

The Online School Library system will have the following features:

 Catalog management to digitally keep track of what is available in the library.

 Membership management: to maintain a detailed database of the members.
 Circulation management: to track the movement of books.
 Acquisition management: to acquire new books and add them digitally.
 Bar-coding: to give specific identification to each book
 Barcode scanning: to read the barcode easily using RFID sensors. The database is
automatically updated when books are scanned while issuing or returning.

3.0 Methodology
This chapter describes the appropriate research methodology that will be used to conduct the

The main contents of the chapter are: system design model, project research design, data
collection, target population and sampling technique, data analysis and limitation of the study.

3.1System design model

I will use V-model to design “Online School Library management system” which will is an
extension of the waterfall model and based on the association of testing phase for each
corresponding development stages.

This model will be suitable to use because the product definition is stable and requirements are
well defined, clearly documented and fixed. The model will be more reliable to use because is
best applicable in short projects.
System s analysis
e design

Module System test Accepta

design Integration design nce test
test design
Unit test


g testing
design Acceptan
12 ce testing
It aims at giving a model or plan that highlights the methods that will be used to collect data so
as to accomplish certain research objectives or answer research questions.

The different types of research design are; descriptive, experimental, semi-experimental and
experimental. (Sekaran 2003)

A semi-experimental research design will be used to design the project because data will be
collected and coding of the actual system will be done.

Research questions will be used in the questionnaire which will be used to collect information
from the respondents. Both open and closed questionnaire will be used.

Some of the questions that will be used in the questionnaire are as follows:

What challenges do the users encounter with the current system?

Is their need for a new system? Etc.

The dependent variable of the proposal is Library management system in Online School and the
dependent variables are: The institution, IT infrastructure, student and staff support, technical
resource availability.

Questionnaires will be used to collect data from the target audience.

3.3Data collection
The data collection method that will be used is questionnaire that is structured which will be
personally administered to the target audience through drop and pick method.

The questionnaires will be well structured so as to allow correct and well-defined answers from
the respondents.

3.4Target population and sampling technique

The target population will be the student, teachers and library staff of Online School.

The total population that we target is 722 i.e. 700 students, 20 teachers, 2 library staff

I will use stratified sampling method.

3.5Data Analysis
The data gathered will be analyzed and coded with the assistance of the statistical package for
social scientists. (Spss) program as the study has quantitative input in form of the number of
response to the questionnaires.

The outcome will be presented in tables, and diagrams.


1. Through use of questionnaires some of the answers given by the may not be correct
2. The time needed to collect data from the respondents may not be enough.
3. Lack of funds to conduct the research


4.0 System Analysis and Requirement modeling

4.1Context Diagram

Reserve book Students receives

Search box

Display info.
Maintain reader info Executes
Add/ Delete info.
Authentication SYSTEM
Issue book Display DISPLAY

Return book



4.2 Data Flow Diagram

User account Book request

maintenance HHHHJONLINE
Librarian Library card
Generate report MANAGEMENT Book

Return book entry

Manages book and

Issue book entry

Clerk Assistant

4.3 Flowchart




Not available

Book not available


Validate member

Not valid
Book not available


Number of books issued

to member

Maximum quota
Book not exceeded

Issue book 17
s Add member, book and issue details

Update book status


4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram

Book Users
student ID ID
ID Title Name
Name Edition Gender
Course Author Age
Year Publisher Reportsadd
Contact BorrowingTransaction
No. copies User email
cost ID
Stu _ID Trans Report
User passID
Book _Id Trans name Trans ID
Stud _ID Borrowing ID Borrowing ID
Stud ID
Date borrowed Report date
Trans date
Date return


1. Koha is an integrated Library System with a range of features including.
2. CodeAchi Library management system readily performs many tasks that are essential to
managing libraries digitally and is fully scalable for any size of the library.
3. The library has an integrated library system namely AMLIB.
4. Amlib is an integrated library system that allows libraries to manage all aspects of their
work through a customizable interface
5. An integrated library system also known as Library management system. (Adavers
etal….2008) is an enterprise resource planning system for a Library, used to track items
owned, orders made, bills paid and users who have borrowed books


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