Knowhub Repository Project Documentation

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MAY-AUG 2021

I do hereby declare without any doubt that the work presented in this proposal is my own original and

independent work and it has not been presented before to the Faculty of information technology for the

award of Diploma in Information Technology at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and

Technology. No part of this proposal shall therefore be duplicated without my prior consent and that of

the Company

Name Reg No Signature

Tim Wafula SCT121-0823/2018 ………………


The undersigned satisfies that he has read the document and hereby recommended for acceptance of


Name Signature Date

............................... .................................

Table of Contents

DECLARATION .........................................................................................................................................................i

LIST OF FIGURES/DEFINATION OF TERM ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................................................5

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................5

1.0 Background of Study ....................................................................................................................................5

1.1 Problem Statement........................................................................................................................................6

1.3 Specific Objective of System .......................................................................................................................6

1.4 General Objective of System ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4 Significance of the Study..............................................................................................................................7

1.5 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................................9

LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................................................9

2.1 Review of the related topics and applications ..............................................................................................9

2.2 Review Related Literature ......................................................................................................................... 10

APENDICES ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

BUDGET AND RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................... 12

PROJECT SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................................... 13

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 15


This project would not have been successful without the cooperation and support of a number of people

who enabled me to gain much more than school would let me.

First, I would like to appreciate the Almighty God for the charitable time, strength and aptitude that

enabled me to complete my project,

I would like to thank the entire fraternity of JKUAT for creating a conducive learning environment that

enabled me achieve my academic success in this field and gain the necessary skills to help me come up

with such a project.

Finally, I would like to thank my entire family for providing the necessary resources for me to pursue

this field in education and also the necessary resources for me to come up with a working project.



We have a good education system, but I feel there is a gap where it is hard for students to
access resources such as notes, presentations, past examination papers and other relevant
educational content in one collective place especially in colleges and universities.

Students in such kind of institutions have a hard time sourcing for such educational material
especially when they are doing research and reading for their examinations and that’s where
KNOWHUB comes in.

It is a simple web application where Information Technology students can easily access
educational materials such as notes and projects from topics of choice. The students can also
upload such materials for other students to access. These materials are sourced from all over
the internet and also from students who uploa their own made material.

1.0 Background of Study

If I take JKUAT as an example, we find that students who do technical courses like
information technology (IT) having to go online to look for notes and materials they want to
use for educational purposes such as research and this takes time considering the fact that
they might not find the resources that matches their expectations.

We have also experienced the COVID pandemic where there were no interactions and one
was in school in order to reduce the spread of the virus. Students had to learn online and this
posed a challenge because it was hard to share resources and access them and also to upload
them for other students.

Therefore, I came up with this system to have a single place where IT students can have a
repository where they can access collective notes and other materials by clicking on a
particular topic which gives them a background of the topic and a list of resources on that
particular topic which they can download and also a place to upload for other students.

1.1 Problem Statement

KNOWHUB breaks this gap in the education system by students easily having access to

educational materials sourced from different areas in the internet and placing them into one

single site where a student can download the resource of choice be it notes, assignments,

exams, projects e.t.c. IT students will have access to these resources according to respective

unit topics such as databases, programing, computing and others.

With the advent of classes being offered online and a case of the pandemic, we have to create

a space where students can have access to an array of resources of choice rather than having

the hustles to source for materials from several areas in the internet. Especially now that there

are minimal social interactions.

Thus we are taking advantage of technological creations such as the website to come up with

solutions for students and to increase their productivity by making it easy for them to access


1.3 General Objective of the system

To have one collective place where students can access educational material online and be able to
download them. The student can also upload material for other students.

1.4 Specific Objective of System

The proposed system should be able to:

i. It should be able to receive, store and avail material of different file types such as

documents, pictures, codes, projects etc.

ii. Acquire the necessary requirements to start the services of the e-library system

integrated with a knowledge management system such as downloads, uploads

streaming and others.

iii. Analyze and design a system that will cater for the e-library needs for the system.

iv. Implement the system, that is carry out its practical effect.

v. Evaluate the effectiveness of the system that is checking if it caters for the needs of

the system and its userbility.

1.5 Significance of the system

The proposed system should make it able for students in higher learning institutions such as
colleges and universities have an easier time to access educational materials of choice from
the selected topics and also download them (Grosch, 365)

The system should also make it easier for students to upload materials that might be missing
in the system for other students so that they can gain educationally from them.

Thus students and lectures can have a common place to share resources.

1.6 Scope of the system

The proposed e-library system integrated in a knowledge management system will have

functionalities where a user with an account can have access all the resources in the topics of

choice (Nissen, Kamel, & Sengupta, 445). The same user has an upload utility where he or she

can upload a resource of choice in a selected topic.

The administrator is in charge of sorting of the uploaded materials into their respective topics

and also upload of new materials into the site for students. He/she also manages user




2.1 Review of the related topics and applications

For further understanding of the study, the researchers made utilize different

reading materials related to the online system. These materials such as books,

magazines, daily papers, proposition, and other web articles are essential in broadening

the information of the researchers. These will also guide the researchers to realize their

target goals by getting thoughts on other related studies and

make advancements as conceivable. The data accumulated by the research centers on the

development of e-library systems

The analysts also sum up the distinctive methods on how

to gain web visitors and eventually they will be persuaded to download and upload the

resources based on a few studies accumulated by past studies (Becerra-Fernandez, Sabherwal,

16). Some of the programming foundation aptitudes required to make web site is

additionally being talked about to advance get it why the analysts chose html and as

the front conclusion and c# and SQLserver as the backend of the proposed framework

2.2 Review Related Literature

This review consists of books, articles, documents that focus on thesame subject matter or

other concepts of the study


School E-Resource and Scientix

These are some of the most widely used education repositories currently providing services

globally to all students around different countries in the world (Turban, Gehrke, 298).

They are very practical web applications, well designed and user friendly but they have some

limitations that this system is going to address and improve.

Limited number of resources in the repositories.

Some of these limitations are limited number of resources where students have access to a

fewer number of materials. My system is going to solve this by the addition of the upload

utility feature to help increase the number of materials in the repository by other students in

the system uploading files to respective topics thus students have a larger scope for resources

(Maier, Hadrich 345).

Improved user interface

Another limitation is simplicity of the user interface where the current resource repositories

are hard to use and access files (Turban, Gehrke, 177 ). My system will address this by

having a simple to use interface and sorting the materials into topics to make the system easy

to use.

Upload of relevant resources

By sorting the materials to topics and sampling them to upload relevant and quality

educational material by the administrator helps to make sure only relevant materials are

uploaded into the system and accessed by students.





Travelling Expenses 9000.00

 Travelling, to Gather User requirements and test cases and

questionnaire printing

Materials, Services and Expendables

 Stationery 200.00

 Printing and Binding the research proposal 1000.00

 Internet connectivity and communication 1000.00

Other/Miscellaneous 1000.00

TOTAL(KSHS) 9400.00


Time Schedule

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Topic selection



Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


System Design

and Coding

Test and debug






Turban, E., & Gehrke, D. (2000). Determinants of e-virtual library website. Human Systems

Management, 19(2), 111-120.

Ward, J., & Peppard, J. (2002). Strategic planning for information systems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Grosch, A. N. (2020). Library information technology and networks. CRC Press.

Becerra-Fernandez, I., & Sabherwal, R. (2014). Knowledge management: Systems and processes.


Maier, R., & Hadrich, T. (2011). Knowledge management systems. In Encyclopedia of Knowledge

Management, Second Edition (pp. 779-790). IGI Global.

Nissen, M., Kamel, M., & Sengupta, K. (2000). Integrated analysis and design of knowledge systems

and processes. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 13(1), 24-43.


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