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VASSIM Round 2 - Facilitators


Report for barriers and facilitators, Round 2

of VASSIM study
Authors: Jonathan Lawaetz1,2, Gilles Soenens3, Jonas Eiberg1,2, Isabelle Van Herzeele3, Salome Weiss4, Lars
Konge2, Konstantinos Stavroulakis5, Craig Nesbitt6, Nuno Dias7, Ramon Vila8, Flavia Gentile9, Igor Koncar10,
Leizl Joy Nayahangan2, and the “VASSIM Collaborators”.
[JL and GS have contributed equally]

1. Department of Vascular Surgery, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
2. Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES), Centre for Human Resources
and Education, Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
4. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
5. Department of Vascular Surgery, Ludwig-Maximilians University Hospital, Munich, Germany
6. Northern Vascular Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, United Kingdom
7. Vascular Centre, Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö,
8. Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
9. Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg
10. Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

The text below, is what we wrote in the REDCap survey in the “Barriers” section:

Please rate your agreement for each of the following statements to reflect how strongly you
believe each item is a barrier to the implementation and/or uptake of SBE in vascular surgery.
Some statements may seem slightly repetitive but try and rate each statement independently.

For each item below, please indicate your agreement with the following statement:

‘I believe this item is a barrier for the implementation of and/or uptake of Simulation-
based Education.’
The rating scale is defined as:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Coding in Survey 1 2 3 4 5

Response rate
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07.06.2022 23.31 VASSIM Round 2 - Facilitators

The response rate in % for round 2 compared to answers in round 1 (demographics)

Response Rate % in Round 2 (Facilitators) Round 1 answers round 2 answers (Facilitators)

59 147 86

Mean Category

Good quality simulators 4.41 Equipment

Support of SBE by local, regional, national or international boards and societies 4.37 Certification

Trained technical staff to install and maintain simulators 4.37 Faculty

Low cost for trainees to participate in SBE (e.g. course fees) 4.36 Costs

Availability of trained and engaged faculty with SBE expertise 4.36 Faculty

SBE increases the confidence of trainees 4.34 Culture

A dedicated person to run a training program 4.34 Faculty

Structured SBE programs 4.31 Curricular


Trainees that are interested/enthusiastic about SBE 4.3 Culture

Availability of simulation equipment regionally 4.3 Equipment

Administrative support to facilitate organization of SBE 4.3 Faculty

Trainees are better prepared for clinical procedures after SBE 4.29 Accountability or

Organisation of SBE by local, regional, national or international boards and societies 4.29 Certification

Willingness of faculty to provide their time and expertise 4.29 Priority

Availability of simulation equipment locally 4.28 Equipment

Structured teaching 4.27 Curricular


Trainees believe that SBE is useful 4.26 Culture

A positive training culture 4.26 Culture

Availability of (dedicated/unique) SBE programs 4.24 Curricular


Inclusion of SBE in workshops 4.24 Certification


A positive teaching culture 4.24 Culture

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Mean Category

Dedicated space and/or room(s) for simulation in 4.24 Facilities


Coordination of trainees in the region 4.24 Organisation

Dedicated training time for trainees to participate in SBE 4.24 Priority

Faculty believes that SBE is useful 4.23 Culture

User-friendly simulators 4.22 Equipment

Funding from public sources 4.2 Costs

Funding from industry 4.2 Costs

Leaders support SBE 4.2 Culture

Good national and regional infrastructure 4.17 Organisation

Access to simulation facilities (e.g. at all times or outside working hours) 4.16 Facilities

Time-efficient training programs 4.16 Priority

SBE boot camps for concentrated learning 4.15 Curricular


SBE as a mandatory part of the national residency training curriculum 4.15 Certification

A simulation centre nearby the hospital 4.15 Facilities

Availability of imaging stations dedicated for SBE 4.12 Facilities

Collaboration between several hospitals nationally and internationally 4.12 Organisation

There is evidence for the benefit of SBE (e.g. improved knowledge and skills, better 4.1 Accountability or
patient outcomes) Evidence

Availability of (reliable/effective) assessment instruments to measure learning outcomes 4.08 Curricular


A structured log-book that includes SBE 4.08 Certification


A hybrid simulation room dedicated for education and research available 4.08 Facilities

Simulation centre within institution 4.08 Logistics

A follow-up training program for retention of skills 4.07 Curricular


Growing number of endovascular procedures and materials promotes a need for more 4.07 Clinical
SBE opportunities Relevance

SBE as a tool for interdisciplinary training (e.g. nurses and surgeons) 4.07 Culture

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07.06.2022 23.31 VASSIM Round 2 - Facilitators

Mean Category

Growing awareness about SBE 4.02 Culture

SBE mandatory before surgery on real patients 3.99 Certification


Availability of equipment to record unsupervised simulation-based training sessions 3.99 Equipment

that allows feedback at later time

Faculty are interested/enthusiastic about SBE 3.98 Culture

Widespread usage of fast internet connections 3.98 Facilities

Mandatory minimal requirements in simulation training (hours and complexity) 3.97 Certification

Registry of faculty available to provide training internationally 3.95 Faculty

Inclusion of SBE as a training requirement in guidelines 3.94 Accountability or


Ability of hospital to accept trainees in vascular surgery 3.94 Organisation

Trainees demand SBE 3.93 Culture

A culture of never the first time on a patient 3.93 Culture

An online booking system (for access to a simulator) 3.93 Facilities

SBE as a mandatory requirement to become a teaching institute/accredited training 3.91 Certification

centre Requirements

Funding from private sources and foundations 3.91 Costs

SBE improves national reputation 3.86 Culture

Collaboration between vascular surgeons and other specialties in SBE 3.86 Organisation

Adequate number of vascular trainees in the area to set up a simulation program 3.85 Organisation

Established SBE in other specialities 3.83 Culture

Short travelling distance to simulation centres 3.83 Logistics

Improvement of trainees network in the country may increase the availability of 3.81 Organisation

Shared facilities with other specialities 3.77 Facilities

Flexible working hours 3.77 Priority

Implementation of SBE during undergraduate medical education 3.69 Certification


Centralization of SBE 3.44 Organisation

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Mean Category

Availability of SBE in native language 3.35 Curricular


Availability of online training 3.35 Curricular


High volume centre (larger size of department (> 1500 cases annually) 3.33 Organisation

There is ongoing research on SBE at the local department 3.26 Accountability or


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