Protect Application or System Software INFORMATION SHEET

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Shashemene Polly technique collage

Information technology service management

Learning guide

MODULE TITLE: Protect Application or System Software


 LO1: Ensure user accounts are controlled

 LO2: Detect and remove destructive software
 LO3: Identify and take action to stop spam

This module is designed to provide the required
knowledge, skill and attitude to keep application or
system software working effectively. It includes
detecting and removing destructive software in
accordance with the occupational standards

ensure user accounts Controlled
SHEET MODULE Protecting Application or System

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What is user account?

Definition of user account
User account is a collection of information that tells Windows what files and folders you can access,
what changes you can make to the computer, and your personal preferences, such as your desktop
background or color theme. User accounts make it so that you can share a computer with several people,
but still have your own files and settings. Each person accesses their user account with a user name and
There are three different kinds of user accounts:

1. Standard: is user account that we use for everyday use. We probably create this type of
account when we first started using our PC.
If your account type is limited account type
You can change and remove your password
Change picture, themes and other desktop setting
View files created by your own
View files in shared document folder
Users with a limited account cannot always install the programs to the system.
Depending on the program the users might need the administrator privileges
2. Administrator: provide the most control over a PC and should be used sparingly.

If your account type is computer administrator

 Create change and delete account
 Make system wide changes
 Install a program and access all file
3. Guest
Each account type gives the user a different level of control over the computer. The standard account is
the account to use for everyday computing. The administrator account provides the most control over the
computer, and should only be used when necessary. The guest account is primarily for people who need
temporary access to the computer. You can turn on your PC's guest account in Control Panel.
The major activities that you perform when you are doing with user account
 Create user account
 Modify user account
 Create password (strong password, weak password )
 Change password

ensure user accounts Controlled
Operation sheet MODULE Protecting Application or System

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OPERATION TITLE: Creating user account

PURPOSE: Understanding how to create user account
CONDITION OR SITUATION FOR THE OPERATION: The computer must be with basic
EQUIPMENT, TOOLS&MATERIALS: Computer with peripheral devices, electric power
PROCEDURE: To create user account, follow the following procedure:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance, click
Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
2. In the console tree, click Users.
o Computer Management
o System Tools
o Local Users and Groups
o Users
3. On the Action menu, click New user
4. Type the appropriate information in the dialog box.
5. Select or clear the check boxes for:
o user must change password at next logon
o user cannot change password
o Password never expires
o Account is disabled
6. Click account, and then click Close.
PRECAUTIONS: logging in to using administrator account
(Do not use limited and guest users to create new account.)
 A user name cannot be identical to any other user or group name on the computer being
administered. It can contain up to 20 uppercase or lowercase characters except for the
following: " / \ [ ]: | =, + *? < >
 A user name cannot consist solely of periods (.) or spaces.
 You should not add a new user to the Administrators group unless the user will perform
only administrative tasks.

Operation sheet LO1

Controlling ensure user accounts
MODULE FIVE Protecting Application or System Software

OPERATION TITLE: Controlling ensure user accounts

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PURPOSE: Understanding how to create password

CONDITION OR SITUATION FOR THE OPERATION: The computer must be with basic software
EQUIPMENT, TOOLS&MATERIALS: Computer with peripheral devices, and electric power supply/UPS/
PROCEDURE: To create password, follow the following procedure:
If you have a computer administrator account on the computer
1. Open User Accounts in Control Panel.
2. Click your account name.
3. Click Create a password.
4. In Type a new password and Type the new password again to confirm, type the password for
your account.
5. Click Create Password.
If you have a limited account on the computer
1. Open User Accounts in Control Panel.
2. Click Create a password.
3. In Type a new password and Type the new password again to confirm, type your password.
4. Click Create Password
PRECAUTIONS: logging in to using administrator account
Familiar with old password
 Enter descriptive or meaningful text in Type a word or phrase to use as a password hint to
help you remember your password.
 Type your password and confirm it

 Use understandable and strong password

Set Up User Account Password to Keep Your Computer In Safe
Many people do not have their Windows XP account setup to require a password when logging on. This
usually allows anyone in your office or home full and unrestricted access to everything on your
computer. As you can guess, this can often be a real concern but the fix is quite simple. To over come
such mistakes we need to create our own user account and create password that can protect your account
not to be accessed.
Why do we need a password?
Passwords add a level of security to our computer. When sharing a computer with others, your
customized settings, computer programs, and system resources are more secure when you assign a
password to your logon name or user account name.
If you've never had a password before, creating a password for your Windows XP logon account is very
simple. Creating a password for your computer prevents people from logging in your account when you
are not around. You're just a few clicks away from setting up a new password for your Windows XP
How to Create A Windows XP User Account Password?

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Follow the easy steps below to create a password for your Windows XP logon account:
Note: You need to be on an administrator's level or account to complete this.
Step 1: Click on the "Start" button on the Windows taskbar and then click on "Control Panel". If
"Control Panel" is not visible, try clicking on "Settings", then "Control Panel".

Step 2: Find "User Accounts" and click on that option.

Note: If you're viewing the Classic View of Control Panel, double-click on the User Accounts icon.

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Step 3: Click on your Windows XP user name from the pick an account to change area of the User
Accounts window.

Step 4: Select the second option, which will be "Create a Password".

Step 5: In the first two text boxes, enter the password you would like to start using. Entering the
password twice helps to make sure that you typed your password correctly. Put a password hint on the
third line.

Note: Passwords are capital sensitive, so if your password is ArFikn, the A and the F needs to be
capitalized when you log in.
Note: This hint will remind you what your password is, but because it's visible to everyone that goes on
the computer (on the log in screen), don't be too obvious if it's a family computer.

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Step 6: Click on "Create Password" button to confirm your new password.

Step 7: The next screen asks do you want to make your files and folders private? If other user accounts
will be setup on this PC and you'd like to keep your personal files private from those users, click on the
"Yes", Make Private Button.
If you're not concerned about this kind of security or this account is the only account on your PC, there's
no need to make your files private. In this case, click on the "No" button.

Step 8: Now your Windows XP account has a password setup and it will return to the "User Accounts"
window. You must use this password to log on to Windows XP from this point forward. If you forget
Windows XP Account Password, you can read "How to Recover Lost XP Password".

1. If a user with a computer administrator account changes the password for another user, that user will
lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and stored passwords for Web sites or network
2. A user with a computer administrator account can create and change passwords for all users on the
computer. Users with limited accounts can only create and change their own passwords, as well as create
their own password hints.
3. When you create a password hint, anyone who uses the computer will be able to see the hint on the
Welcome screen.

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Protect PC’s Operating System

If you have experienced your computer crashing, you will understand the dreaded feeling that it brings
when losing pictures, videos and other precious irreplaceable data. (So frustrating that you may even
want to get rid of the PC!) An operating system crash may happen due to a hardware or software issue,
and at times the cause may not be found out easily. The good news is that you can prevent it to some
extent and you can also prepare for it, and this is the way of Protecting your Operating System.
What is an Operating System?
The Operating System (OS) is the "software that controls the operation of a computer, directs the input
and output of data, keeps track of files, and controls the processing of computer programs. Its roles
include managing the functioning of the computer hardware, running the applications programs, serving
as an interface between the computer and the user, and allocating computer resources to various
In simpler terms, the Operating System is what makes all the parts of your computer work together as a
team making it possible for you to use all sorts of software and hardware. Without it, your computer
would be just a collection of devices and nice looking peripherals that sit but doing nothing.
Ways to Protect your Operating System
 Clean up your Hard Drive Disk (HDD): With the Disk Cleanup Tool, you will be able to get rid
of unnecessary files that can take up a whole lot of space if unchecked and also to compress files to
free up disk space.
 Defragment your Hard Drive Disk (HDD): File Fragmentation will decrease the performance of
your operating system as you accumulate files especially the larger ones. This is why it is necessary
to defragment your hard drive from time to time. It is typically recommended at least once a month
to do this. You may defragment your hard drive with Windows' Disk Defragmenter or use another
software application if you prefer.
 Use the Correct Drivers for your Hardware: Each hardware device has associated software
applications commonly called drivers, and it is important that you install the correct ones. Install
drivers from the CDs that accompanied the hardware, or download the specific drivers from the
manufacturing website.
 Shut Down your Computer Properly: This is a very simple task, and is critical that it is done in
the correct way. In short, allow your operating system to save settings and close completely on its
own. It is harmful to your operating system to simply plug out your computer or keep your finger
on the off button until it shuts off.
 Download and Install Operating System Updates: Windows Update includes patches and
security fixes that are periodically transmitted to Windows Users. It is quite critical that these
updates be downloaded and installed.
 Backup Your Data: The Backup and Restore Center is the Windows Application to do just this.
System crashes can happen 'out of the blue' and you wouldn't want to lose valuable data, therefore a
scheduled backup is recommended.

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 Set System Restore Points: Windows' System Protection is where you can create restore points for
your operating system. You may have made some changes to your computer that has caused
problems, and you are unsure how to rectify the situation manually, therefore restoring your system
to an established restore point is useful for such a case.
 Protect your Computer with an Anti-Virus: antivirus software is absolutely necessary for
protecting your computer especially if connected to the internet. Personal information and files are
very valuable and so your anti-virus will expose, remove and even prevent harmful applications
such as viruses, worms, and trojans. Some anti-virus software even protect against malware (adware
and spyware) from infecting your computer. Know that there is NO 100% guarantee that all
harmful applications will be blocked so it is best to choose a very high rated antivirus.
 Defend your Internet Browsing with Anti-Spyware: This is an important type of software that
defends by preventing and removing spyware that is associated with internet browsing. Spyware is
designed to collect your personal information usually without your knowledge or consent for
commercial purposes.
 Use supported hardware on your computer: In the case of a desktop where you can more easily
add or change hardware devices, make sure to check and double check if the particular hardware is
compatible with your specific Operating System before installing.
 Remove Unused Software: If there are applications that you really don't use on your computer, it
is wise to uninstall them because every additional application reduces the overall performance of
your operating system.
 Install Software that is compatible with your Operating System: Just as in the case with
choosing compatible hardware, do take note of the compatibility of a particular software with your
operating system before installing. Only install compatible software applications.
 Repair your System's Registry: The registry holds a wealth of settings and configurations for your
operating system to work. The registry is also contains files from installed and removed software
that has no reason to be there. These can cause the performance of your computer to decrease.
There are a number of software applications that can detect and fix a number of registry issues. It is
not uncommon to find that a computer has hundreds of potential registry issues.
How to Protect Software
It likely came as no surprise that when software developers began disabling software functionality, their
sales increased significantly.
Protecting software and limiting its usage beyond a specified trial period has become a necessity and
protecting software from cracks can be critical to an application's success.
1. Third Party Software
Many developers use third party applications to help protect their software. As a result many software
developers use a combination of protection methods in an effort to prevent hackers. Third party
applications are often part of a total protection solution.
The downside to relying on a third party is that if the algorithm of the third party application is cracked
your software can be at risk. Cracking software specifically made for software protection is a feather in a
software pirate's hat and very desirable within their community.

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2. Wrappers
Wrappers are applications that go around a software download. The wrapper handles the ecommerce,
security access and tracks affiliate referrals.
3. Partial Key Verification
A method popularized by Chris Thornton of Thornsoft Development , partial key verification is a
protection scheme that only verifies certain digits of the registration key. The verification digits vary in
different versions.
4. Hardware Locking
Hardware locking, locks the software to a specific computer. Hardware locking is used so that a single
license cannot be used on multiple computers. This is generally unpopular with users because they will
often have difficulties if they upgrade their system to a faster system or if they have a hard drive crash
and need to replace failing hardware. In addition to the headaches associated with a system crash or
upgrade, they will have the additional burden of contacting the software manufacturer so they can get
their software to run on their new hardware.
5. Online Activation
Software activation services provide software developer’s access to a centralized license server on the
Internet, preventing software piracy by means of online software activation. Software activation is the
process of obtaining a license for your software so that it becomes active and ready to use on your
computer. Many customers dislike software activation because it is a form of "phoning home" and
though the access is declared, it can still be an inconvenience if the customer is off-line.
6. Separate Trial and Download
Another approach developers take to protect their software is that their trial version is completely
different from their registered version. After purchasing, the customer is given a new download location
to download the full registered version. The trial version is different than the registered version and it
cannot be cracked to increase functionality.
The registered download can be time limited and password protected to help minimize its effect in the
"wild", should a license be obtained through the use of a fraudulent credit card. FileKicker, a third party
file hosting service, has a number of optional controls in place to restrict download access.
7. Dongle Locking
Dongle locking is another form of hardware locking. The software will require the use of an external
piece of hardware (either connected to the parallel port or USB port) to "activate" the software. This is
unpopular simply because it causes additional points of failure and relies on something that can be easily
misplaced or lost.

It is generally difficult to locate lots of detail on software protection. Software developers tend not to
post or share their methods of protecting their software in the public. As a result the software
conferences and private member only forums tend to be the best places for getting detailed information
on the most effective ways to protect software.

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Protect data, hardware and software

Backing up Data
Is backing up your data important? Yes. In fact, backing up your data is essential to protecting your data
when human and/or equipment failures occur. 
Let's begin with different methods to protecting your data through simple hardware solutions.
Different Hardware Methods to Protect Your Data:
1. Internal back-up Hard Drives : You can use an internal back-up hard drive to back up your data.
Basically, all you need to do is piggy back an additional hard drive to your computer. 
The second drive gives you the option of either manually putting your data over the hard drive or you
can use an application like Norton Ghost to move either your full system backup or folder backup to the
recreated drive.. 
It should be noted that a hard drive lifespan is about 5 years. So if you're using your old hard drive as
your back-up hard drive, be sure to keep track of the years left.
Here you can put all your important data on a different drive. Making your data accessible, if you find
that 1) your main hard drive crashed; or 2) if your hard drive failed. 
2. Portable external hard drive - A portable external hard-drive usually comes with an USB
connection and an ac adapter. The portable external hard drive is a great device to use, however, be use
to read the instructions.. Why? If you put the external hard drive into service on your computer
incorrectly you can blow up your computer's USB ports. Usually this is the sequence that you should
follow: 1) plug in the adapter first; 2) then plug the USB cable into the USB port. 
If you plug the USB cable into your computer first, without plugging in your adapter into the electrical
socket - the unit will begin pulling all the power it needs to make it work directly from the motherboard.
The motherboard cannot  handle this amount of pull, causing the USB port/ports to malfunction (die). 
Since this is important, let me again say: To plug an USB unit/with adapter in you must: 1) plug in the
adapter; then; 2) plug the USB cable into your computer. To remove the USB unit; 1) unplug the USB
cable from your computer, then: 2) unplug the adapter.
Power Surges
Power Surges, spikes, electric brownouts (power dims) can all affect the life of your equipment. Power
surges can damage your components over time, and eventually cause your equipment to stop working
before it's set in obsolesce is reached.
Thus, to protect all your equipment from spikes or lightning choose a surge protector that is designed to
cover all lines that connect to your equipment. 
Software Solutions to Protecting Your Data
If you work on the Internet or spend a lot of time online, then you should invest your money in a good
Internet Security Software program. Internet security software will protect you from online threats.
In addition, you should keep your operating system current (If you use any of  Microsoft's operating
systems that is an easy chore. Just go into your Control Panel, then Security Center and set the
Automatic Updates to Automatic).
Power Protection - Good Investment
Power Protection for your office/organization is in truth-a good investment. Why? It protects the life of
your office/organization equipment. Power installation must be done properly to protect all components
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of our system from power damages. If power is not protected properly it may bring damage of different
small chips as well as hardware components of our system.
Knowing the lifespan of your hardware can give you a heads up on protecting your data. For your
convenience, here is a quick rundown of the average lifespan of some of your typical hardware.
1. Modem :- 5 years (if you need a external modem-with satellite connection you need to make sure the
modem is well ventilated to extend the life of the modem.) 
2. Computer: - 2 to 5 years (You're probably been left behind and will find that you need to upgrade
just to run the new programs)
3. Monitors  : - In most cases your monitor will last for a long time and will not become obsolete
until the operating system(s) no longer supports the monitor. But when you have the opportunity, and
the money to upgrade you should upgrade, because the newer monitors can offer better protection for
your eyes and health.
4. Hard Drive : - 5 years at most - This is an easy upgrade, the main thing to remember is to check
your system. When purchasing a new hard drive be aware of the type of interface your PC uses. It can be
the older ATA interface or the new SATA. Always check your computer specifications. It can save you
a lot of headaches.
5. CD/DVD: 3 to 5 years. Upgrades should come when you need more speed and functionality.
6. Video cards: - 3 to 5 years. Don't need to upgrade the video card, unless you need more functionality.
Again check your stats for specifications.
7. USB Flash Drive: - 10 years
8. Printer :- 4 years. You can only stretch the usefulness of your printer as long as the company
updates the software for the printer. Once the software is obsolete, so it the printer.

Detecting and removing destructive
SHEET software
MODULE Protecting Application or System

Definition of Virus
A virus is “a program that can ‘infect other programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved
copy of itself. Virus is program that travel from one computer to another, using various methods, such as
programs that are not what they appear to be. Shareware downloaded from the Internet is a popular method for
spreading virus code. You really should seriously enforce a policy for any programs that are installed on any
computer in your network
How do viruses work?
Basic viruses typically require unwary computer users to inadvertently share or send them. Some viruses
that are more sophisticated, such as worms, can replicate and send themselves automatically to other
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computers by controlling other software programs, such as an e-mail sharing application. Certain
viruses, called Trojans (named after the fabled Trojan horse), can falsely appear as a beneficial program
to coax users into downloading them. Some Trojans can even provide expected results while quietly
damaging your system or other networked computers at the same time.
Although it's good to be aware of these different types of viruses and how they work, what is most
important is that you keep your computer current with the latest updates and antivirus tools, stay current
about recent threats, and that you follow a few basic rules when surfing the Internet, downloading files,
and opening attachments. Once a virus is on your computer, its type or the method it used to get there is
not as critical as removing it and preventing further infection. Nothing can guarantee the security of your
computer 100 percent. However, you can continue to improve your computer's security and decrease the
possibility of infection by keeping your system up-to-date, maintaining a current antivirus software
subscription, and following a few best practices.
Common types of distractive software
A. Trojan horses
Trojan horses are programs that an intruder plants on one or more servers in your network. If you have
these types of programs, they can be difficult to detect, because many use the same filename as a file
that is already part of your operating system or application software. The Trojan horse program is
activated by some specific event, such as the arrival of a certain date, or by a user running a program
that has been replaced by the Trojan horse. This latter tactic is very popular. Some programs are not
what they appear to be.
B. Worms
Worms are usually considered to be self-propagating programs that travel through email as well as by
other means. A worm will replicate itself by sending copies of the software to all or most of the
addresses in your email address book. A worm travels through the Internet very quickly because of this
aspect of its replication. The solution? Don't open email attachments unless you have a good antivirus
program (which you have kept up-to-date). After you open an email that contains a worm virus, all heck
can break loose, and the friends in your address book will not be inclined to think very well of you!
C. Resident Viruses
This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and
interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened,
closed, copied, renamed etc.
Direct Action Viruses
The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific
condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in and in
directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file PATH. This batch file is always located in the
root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted.
E. Overwrite Viruses
Virus of this kind is characterized by the fact that it deletes the information contained in the files that it
infects, rendering them partially or totally useless once they have been infected.
The only way to clean a file infected by an overwrite virus is to delete the file completely, thus losing

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the original content.

F. Boot Virus
This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. This is a crucial part of a disk, in
which information on the disk itself is stored together with a program that makes it possible to boot
(start) the computer from the disk.
The best way of avoiding boot viruses is to ensure that floppy disks are write-protected and never start
your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive.
Examples of boot viruses include: Polyboot.B, AntiEXE.
G. Macro Virus
Macro viruses infect files that are created using certain applications or programs that contain macros.
These mini-programs make it possible to automate series of operations so that they are performed as a
single action, thereby saving the user from having to carry them out one by one.
Examples of macro viruses: Relax, Melissa.A, Bablas, O97M/Y2K.
H. Directory Virus
Directory viruses change the paths that indicate the location of a file. By executing a program (file with
the extension .EXE or .COM) which has been infected by a virus, you are unknowingly running the
virus program, while the original file and program have been previously moved by the virus.
Once infected it becomes impossible to locate the original files.
I. File Infectors
This type of virus infects programs or executable files (files with an .EXE or .COM extension). When
one of these programs is run, directly or indirectly, the virus is activated, producing the damaging effects
it is programmed to carry out. The majority of existing viruses belong to this category, and can be
classified depending on the actions that they carry out.
J. Logic Bombs
They are not considered viruses because they do not replicate. They are not even programs in their own
right but rather camouflaged segments of other programs.
Their objective is to destroy data on the computer once certain conditions have been met. Logic bombs
go undetected until launched, and the results can be destructive.
Steps used to avoid viruses:
1. Visit Microsoft Update and turn on Automatic Updates.
Note: If you've installed Office 2003 or Office XP, Automatic Updates will also update your Office
programs. If you have an earlier version of Office, use Office Update.
2. Use an Internet firewall (Note: Windows XP with SP2 has a firewall already built-in and active).
3. Subscribe to industry standard antivirus software and keep it current.
4. Never open an e-mail attachment from someone you don't know.
5. Avoid opening an e-mail attachment from someone you know, unless you know exactly what the
attachment is. The sender may be unaware that it contains a virus.
How do I know if a virus has infected my computer?
After you open and run an infected program or attachment on your computer, you might not realize that
you've introduced a virus until you notice something isn't quite right.
Here are a few primary indicators that your system might be infected:

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Runs consistently slower than normal

Stops responding or locks up often
Crashes and restarts every few minutes
Restarts on its own and then fails to run normally
Applications don't work properly
Disks or disk drives are inaccessible
Printing doesn't work correctly
You see unusual error messages
You see distorted menus and dialog boxes
Carry out a denial of service attack
Crash the machine
Randomly destroy data
Perform password cracking …etc
Install Anti-virus
What is Antivirus program? An antivirus is a program that searches for, identifies and removes potential
viruses existing in the computer system.
Antivirus software: Some of the most commonly and reliable antivirus programs available in the market
are -
Symantec Norton antivirus
AVG antivirus
McAfee Scan
Microsoft Antivirus
To install anti-virus is a necessity, nowadays. But taking some precautionary measures can prevent virus
1. You can install a firewall to protect your computer when connected to Internet.
2. Don’t open suspicious attachments.
3. Always keep your anti-virus software up-to-date by installing latest updates.
4. Download programs only from authentic websites.
5. Make sure that you have read all security warnings, license agreements, and privacy statements
associated with any software you want to download.
Steps to install antivirus
STEP 1: Download the anti-virus and double-click on the file to launch the installation of Avast anti-
 Click "Next" on the appeared screen
STEP2: Another window with Read-Me file will appear, just click "Next" again.
STEP 3: Legal agreement would appear, click "I agree", and then click "Next" to continue.
STEP 4: I recommend you to use "Typical" installation.
 Ensure that "Typical" has been selected by you and then click "Next".

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STEP 5: A message asking you to schedule a boot-time anti-virus scan of your local hard drive would
 I recommend you to select No, because this scan could take a lot of time.
STEP 6: Once the setup process has been finished, restart your computer. Select Restart and click
STEP 7: After you will restart your computer, two new icons in the bottom of the right corner of the
screen would appear.
 The icon with "I" is the "Virus Recovery Database" (VRDB). It makes the copies of the
programs installed by you and if one of them gets infected with a virus, this will help in
replacing the infected file so that the program functions properly. However, the icon with
"A" is the On-Access Protection.
Note: After restarting your computer, right-click on icon with "A" in the task bar and select
Remark: These steps not mandatory for all ant viruses it is only for Avast antivirus

Steps to Remove a Virus from the System

The antivirus software should be updated regularly to retain its effectiveness.
Removing the virus beforehand might be necessary, as some viruses will not allow an antivirus to
operate. However, if you are not successful, you may still continue with the installation.
Scan the System to Identify and Locate the Virus
Usually, the antivirus will run automatically when the system reboots after the installation. Therefore, it
might identify the virus automatically. Moreover, you may want to run a quick system scan to locate the
Troubleshooting the Virus Infected Areas
After the antivirus identifies the infected areas, the next step is to rectify those areas.
Methods of Eliminating Viruses
Generally, the antivirus adopts one of two methods to eliminate the virus:
 Removing the virus – When the virus can be easily identified and can be removed without
affecting other files, then the antivirus removes it from the host place.
 Quarantine – this is done when the virus cannot be easily identified removed from the file and
the removal of virus means the removal of the complete file. In this method, although the virus is
not eliminated, it is rendered inactive by moving the file into "quarantine" and renaming it.
Perform a Full System Scan
Even after the virus is removed from the system, the next step is to scan the whole system to ensure that
no infected files remain.
What if the Antivirus Fails?
It may happen that your antivirus fails to detect and get rid of the virus. In such a case, you can follow
the steps given below:
 Take a backup of the entire data.
 Format the infected disk partition.

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Shashemene Polly technique collage

 In case the entire system is infected, the system will have to be reinstalled.
 Install the antivirus and the latest updates.
 Restore the backup.
Detecting distractive software
 If we can’t limit the spread of a virus, maybe we can find it and quarantine infected files…
Unfortunately, no general algorithm for detecting virus behavior is possible.
 Cohen argues this by proposing a virus that infects only when the detection
algorithm thinks it isn’t a virus.
 Anti-virus programs must make do with more limited solutions, such as scanning
for a virus signature
 According to Cohen, the following are un decidable:
Detection of a virus by its appearance
Detection of a virus by its behavior
Detection of an evolution of a known virus
Detection of a triggering mechanism by its appearance
Detection of a triggering mechanism by its behavior
Detection of an evolution of a known triggering mechanism
Detection of a virus detector by its appearance
Detection of a virus detector by its behavior
Detection of an evolution of a known viral detector
Detect and remove destructive software
SHEET MODULE Protecting Application or System

OPERATION TITLE: Installing Avast anti virus

PURPOSE: Understanding how to install Avast antivirus
CONDITION OR SITUATION FOR THE OPERATION: The computer with operating system and avast
antivirus software
EQUIPMENT, TOOLS&MATERIALS: Computer, peripheral devices, electric power supply/UPS/, CD-ROM
PROCEDURE: To install Avast antivirus, follow the following procedure:
STEP 1: Download the anti-virus and double-click on the file to launch the installation of Avast anti-
 Click "Next" on the appeared screen

STEP2: Another window with Read-Me file will appear, just click "Next" again.
STEP 3: Legal agreement would appear, click "I agree", and then click "Next" to continue.
STEP 4: I recommend you to use "Typical" installation.

 Ensure that "Typical" has been selected by you and then click "Next".

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STEP 5: A message asking you to schedule a boot-time anti-virus scan of your local hard drive would
 I recommend you to select No, because this scan could take a lot of time.

STEP 6: Once the setup process has been finished, restart your computer. Select Restart and click
STEP 7: After you will restart your computer, two new icons in the bottom of the right corner of the
screen would appear.

 The icon with "I" is the "Virus Recovery Database" (VRDB). It makes the copies of the
programs installed by you and if one of them gets infected with a virus, this will help in
replacing the infected file so that the program functions properly. However, the icon with
"A" is the On-Access Protection.


1. You can install a firewall to protect your computer when connected to Internet.
2. Don’t open suspicious attachments
3. Always keep your anti-virus software up-to-date by installing latest updates.
4. Download programs only from authentic websites
5. Make sure that you have read all security warnings, license agreements, and privacy
statements associated with any software you want to download.

QUALITY CRITERIAL: - The antivirus software should be updated regularly to retain its effectiveness
If you want to uninstall or remove Avast!
You can remove or uninstall Avast! Antivirus totally from your computer by the following the steps

1. Click on Start menu and then go to Control Panel.

2. Find Add or Remove Programs and click on it.
3. A new window will be opened and find Avast! from the installed program lists. Single click on it and then click
on Remove button.
4. After successful un installation, Restart your PC

These steps not mandatory for all anti viruses it is only for avast antivirus

Identify and take action to stop spam
SHEET MODULE Protecting Application or System

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What is spam?
Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message
on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Most spam is commercial advertising, often for
dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, or quasi-legal services. Spam costs the sender very little to
send -- most of the costs are paid for by the recipient or the carriers rather than by the sender.
There are two main types of spam, and they have different effects on Internet users.
Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. (Through long
experience, Usenet users have found that any message posted to so many newsgroups is often not
relevant to most or all of them.) Usenet spam is aimed at "lurkers", people who read newsgroups but
rarely or never post and give their address away. Usenet spam robs users of the utility of the newsgroups
by overwhelming them with a barrage of advertising or other irrelevant posts. Furthermore, Usenet spam
subverts the ability of system administrators and owners to manage the topics they accept on their
Email spam targets individual users with direct mail messages. Email spam lists are often created by
scanning Usenet postings, stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses. Email
spam typically cost users money out-of-pocket to receive. Many people - anyone with measured phone
service - read or receive their mail while the meter is running, so to speak. Spam costs them additional
money. On top of that, it costs money for ISPs and online services to transmit spam, and these costs are
transmitted directly to subscribers. One particularly nasty variant of email spam is sending spam to
mailing lists (public or private email discussion forums.) Because many mailing lists limit activity to
their subscribers, spammers will use automated tools to subscribe to as many mailing lists as possible, so
that they can grab the lists of addresses, or use the mailing list as a direct target for their attacks.

Spam Filter Software’s

Ella is the smart Spam filter software. It keeps important email in your inbox, moves your electronic
newsletters into their own folder, and stops spam. With spam messages out of your way, email is
actually a productivity activity again!
What Does Spam Filter Software Do?
These days one cannot open their email without seeing countless spam messages in their inbox. For the
email-recipient, spam is easily recognized. However, the receiver of spam loses countless hours
manually deleting the intrusive messages from their inbox. Spam filter software can help mitigate this

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overwhelming chore. Spam filter software can reduce the amount of junk mail delivered to a user's
Shockingly, the content of spam email can range from the incomprehensible to the downright obscene.
Spam is dangerous to both the computer and its users. Junk mail can contain viruses, key loggers,
phishing attacks and more. These types of malware can comprise a user's sensitive private data by
capturing bank account information, usernames and passwords. Spam blocker applications can assist a
user in preventing these types of PC contaminations. Certainly, there are advantages to using a spam
blocker. However, no spam filter software is 100% effective. Despite this limitation, spam filter
software can assist parents in blocking email that contains pornography and other questionable content.
What to Look for in Spam Filter Software
The best spam filter software is easily customizable by computer users of all levels. The most important
feature of any spam filter software is the ability to reliably prevent and block spam. The spam filter
software you pick should support multiple email clients and webmail service providers. It is important to
choose a spam filter software that meets your needs and fits into the services and applications you use.

Below are the criteria Top Ten REVIEWS used to evaluate the best spam filter software:
Reliably blocking and filtering spam is the most valuable feature of any spam filter software. The spam
filter software should come equipped with multiple capabilities that prevent junk mail from
contaminating the user's inbox. The best spam filtering software has both black and white lists,
sensitivity settings, community-based filtering, challenge and response techniques, and quarantine
settings. Additional features to evaluate are blocking by IP address, server, email address, and country
Spam blocker apps should have the capability of protecting multiple user accounts with a single
installation. Moreover, the spam blocker must protect the user from email that contains worms, viruses,
Trojans, attachments with embedded key loggers and other malware. Additionally, robust spam filter
software can identify HTML email that contains phishing attacks designed to garner a user's sensitive
personal information.
The spam filter software should give the user the ability to edit predefined rule settings as well as the
creation of new rules. The best spam filter software can adapt to meet the needs of the user, not the other
way around.
when selecting a spam blocker, one needs to evaluate if the spam filtering software they select is
compatible with their current email client or webmail service provider. Common supported email clients

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include Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express and other POP3/SMPT applications. The spam filtering
software should also support several webmail service providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and othe

I. Underpinning knowledge

1. Is it impossible to remove distractive software without antivirus?

2. What is the Defect of deleting user account?
3. Why people send spam?
4. Write and discuss types of spam
II. Choose the best answer
1. Of the following is not a task of virus

A. Corrupt file
B. Damage hardware
C. Change file format
D. Convert the data to useable format

2. Which of the following is not virus type

A. Avast
B. Worm
C. Trojan horse
D. Bomb
3. The types virus which replicate it self
A. Trojan horse
B. Worm
C. Boot sector
D. Macro
4. if the Antivirus Fails on your system the best protection that happen first
A. Take a backup of the entire data.
B. Format the infected disk partition.
C. Install the antivirus and the latest updates.
D. Restore the backup.


Job title: Installing antivirus and scan the system

Unit: Protecting Application or System Software

Reading: Information sheet

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Objective: To install antivirus and scan the system


Materials Required

- AVG Antivirus software CD

Tools and equipment required

 PC with Peripherals - Mouse



1. Install AVG antivirus

2. Scan the system

3. Delete all the defected files


1. All safety precaution were followed in using tools and equipments

2. All steps were completed in the correct sequence

3. Check Installation were properly finished

4. Verify the system scanned properly.

5. Identify the infected files and treated

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