Zero Tolerance Case Analysis and Rationale

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Heather Hays


Zero Tolerance Case Analysis and Rationale

This case involves a school whose zero tolerance policy for weapons in the school is be-

ing questioned. Becky, a student, gave a report in her class, and as part of her report, she brought

an old handgun to school. After class was over, the teacher gave the gun back to Becky to take


South Carolina Code of Laws 59-63-235 states that students found to have brought

firearms to school is to be expelled for no less than one full year. I imagine that there are similar

laws in other states, therefore, this would need to be followed, regardless of the intent on bring-

ing the gun to school.

After reading case number 14 and considering the school district policy in place for zero

tolerance in the area of weapons, I would take appropriate action towards consequences for

Becky. Though it’s possible her parents were not aware of the zero tolerance policy, ignorance

does not equal an excuse. The school district has in place a policy that does not tolerate weapons

in schools, regardless of the reason or if they are useable or not. This handgun qualifies under

this policy.

As the school principal, I would have been upset that Ms. Boxer approved something in

my absence, unless permission was given to her by me. In addition, the fact that the “approved”

policy was passed out to students before I had the chance to view it is also very upsetting. I feel

as though this would be different if Ms. Boxer and I had a phone conversation regarding this, as I

would not be in the dark upon my return.

Immediately upon my return, I would bring the parents and student to my office for a

conference regarding the situation. I would inform the parents of the school district zero toler-

ance policy and explain that in this case, due to the state law in place, the student would be ex-

pelled for one year for bringing the firearm to school. It’s possible that, due to the nature of this

case, there may be some backlash from the parents of this student, in which case I would have to

seek support from the superintendent and school board.

Morally, I feel that following the school policy is the right thing to do. However, I do un-

derstand the other side, that being the side that may not have known the policy to begin with.

One year of expulsion is quite a bit for this case, however, rules need to be followed, and if this

is not followed through, we run the risk of it happening again with another student.

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