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Companion Book to “The Mysterious

Benedict Society”

By Nurayda Albeez
Introduction Chapter 1: Reynie and Miss Perumal

“The Mysterious Benedict Society” by Trenton Lee Stewart From the beginning of “The Mysterious Benedict Society,” Trenton Lee Stewart
introduces Reynie, a protagonist who is scared of being introduces the relationship between Reynie and Miss Perumal. The story starts with a
alone. In the first scene, Stewart shows the reader that this kind of flash forward, letting readers know that Reynie does end up going to the special
young boy often doubts himself as he is an orphan who opportunities. Stewart then takes the reader back to a conversation before Reynie learns
gets bullied a lot and is very lonely. His tutor, Miss about the opportunities, when Miss Perumal is trying to convince Reynie to go as he will
Perumal, sees an ad in the paper looking for children who qualify. Both characters have completely different perspectives on the special
want special opportunities, and wants Reynie to go. opportunities. This is shown in their dialogue and in their inner thinking(although we
However, Reynie isn’t sure if he will qualify. The story don’t get to hear Miss Perumal’s inner thinking).
unfolds as Reynie goes to check out the special
opportunities and qualifies, but the author lets the reader
While showing Reynie the advertisement in the newspaper for gifted children
see that Reynie has gotten himself into something a lot
looking for special opportunities, Miss Perumal says, “Reynie! Look at this!
bigger than he could imagine. By the end, Reynie has
Would you be interested?”(Stewart 3). Actually, the text states she exclaimed it.
changed completely, and his fear disappears.
By doing this, Miss Perumal lets Reynie and the reader know that she thinks he
should go. Miss Perumal clearly thinks Reynie will qualify. In fact, she says that
In this companion book, you will read about the importance of friendship Reynie is “...the most talented child...” she has ever known(Stewart 4). The
and teamwork. This is shown through character relationships and situations author probably chose these words to show that Miss Perumal thinks highly of
where the characters need each other. You will also read about symbolism. Reynie. This is an encouragement for Reynie, however, this can also put
And finally, you will get a real treat: a chance to read a fan fiction scene that is pressure on him.
not in the original story, but helps explore Reynie’s relationship with Mr.
On the other hand, Reynie does not think he will qualify for the special opportunities.
What he says to Miss Perumal and what he thinks reveals that the situation is far more
This book will make you think even more about this powerful story, and the
complicated than it seems. When Miss Perumal tells Reynie if he would be interested in
effective techniques of Trenton Lee Stewart.
the opportunities, he says, “I suppose I might be interested, if you think I would
qualify”(Stewart 4). Most people doubt themselves when they often make mistakes. But
Reynie doubts himself because he is insecure. Stewart reveals some reasons behind
Reynie’s insecurity on the same page. He does this when explaining Miss Perumal’s
melancholy sighs and writes, “Miss Perumal sighed when she was feeling sad for him, he
knew— sad to see him teased by the other children, sad the poor boy had lost his parents
— and Reynie wished...”(Stewart 4). Stewart is foreshadowing the importance of Reynie’s
insecurity in this text. The quote, “...but he did like knowing she cared. She was the only
one who did...” better sums up the relationship between Reynie and Miss Perumal, and
shows how important this relationship is to Reynie in particular(Stewart 4).
Chapter 2: Reynie and The
Mysterious Benedict Society
At the end of the story, there is a quick and happy twist in this relationship. Throughout Before they leave on the mission, Mr. Benedict tells the children that they would have to
the special opportunities, Reynie’s insecurity disappears. He was valued by the other work together in order to be successful. Keeping this in mind, throughout the book, as the
children and treated with respect. Mr. Benedict(who is in charge of the special “leader” of the group, Reynie develops relationships with each member of The Mysterious
opportunities) thinks of him as his “...young hero...”(Stewart 142). Furthermore, after Benedict Society: Sticky, Kate, and Constance.
Reynie returns from his mission, Miss Perumal adopts him. Stewart lets the reader know
how happy both of them are by describing their reunion as “...much hugging and great The best relationship Reynie has is with Sticky. Both boys have
quantities of tears...”(Stewart 476). Finally, Reynie is happy and surrounded by people he lots in common. They are very intelligent, lonely, honest, kind,
loves. It’s just as Mr. Benedict says to Reynie earlier, ”You must remember, family is often and insecure. This is key to the friendship they develop.
born of blood, but it doesn’t depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family However, Sticky is not an orphan like the others in The
members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are Mysterious Benedict Society, but ran away from his parents
related to you, can be your family”(Stewart 257). home because they only cared about the money Sticky won
from tournaments, and didn’t even care when he ran away.
Miss Perumal and Reynie finally share a wonderful bond at the end of the story— the Sticky’s past makes him more insecure than Reynie and very
bond of a mother and son. We can only hope that this relationship continues to get nervous. The lack of love from his parents and loneliness also
stronger just as other relationships in this story did. crumpled his confidence as you can see in the following quotes:
“Next to him, Sticky was squirming uncomfortably...”(Stewart
78). “Sticky coughed and mumbled something about needing to
use the bathroom”(Stewart 79). The fact that Reynie and Sticky
share the same dorm room allows them to get to know each
other better. Reynie quickly understands Sticky’s situation and
tries to help. For example, when Sticky is taken to the waiting
room and arrives back to the dorm room wanting to run away,
Reynie tells him that he needs him and that he has to stay for
him. This motivates Sticky as he needed someone to depend on
him in order for him to realize he is not alone.
Chapter 3: Fan Fiction: Reynie and Mr.
Benedict’s Conversation after the Mission
The next relationship Reynie has is with Kate. Kate and Reynie had really been trying his best to fall asleep. But the events of the day just wouldn’t
Reynie are complete opposites. Kate is loud and let him. He was so excited to have Miss Perumal as his mother, excited to have Sticky,
adventurous while Reynie is quiet and doesn’t prefer Kate, and Constance as friends, and a big house to live in with everyone he loved. He was
much activity. However, they are both very clever, and also a bit nervous because he had never had such amenities. For some reason, the desire to
with Reynie’s strategy and Kate’s problem solving skills, meet Mr. Benedict was growing in Reynie’s heart. He had realized he hadn’t been able to
they make a great team. One unique thing about Kate is thank him properly since he had returned. A few seconds later, Reynie decided it was time
that she always carries a metal bucket. The bucket for a midnight meeting.
contains a pen light, glue, marbles, slingshots, a knife, a
flashlight, fishing lines, a pencil, eraser, a kaleidoscope, a After several long hallways and twisted staircases, Reynie
magnet, and symbolizes Kate’s adventurousness and the found himself outside Mr. Benedict’s office and got ready
need to always be prepared to get out of any situation. to knock on the door. He was a bit hesitant because Mr.
Benedict could be sleeping. Or maybe not in the mood for
Reynie’s company at such a late hour. Or maybe about to
The last relationship Reynie has in The Mysterious go to sleep. Reynie sighed, put these thoughts away from
Benedict Society is with Constance. As just a toddler, his mind, and knocked on the door. “Come in, Reynie,”
it is no surprise that Constance is always sleepy, lazy, said Mr. Benedict. As always, Reynie found him on the
and stubborn. She does not get along with anyone floor, this time reading a book about televisions, with a
and easily annoys Sticky and Kate as you can see in plate of biscuits next to him and crumbs all over. “I assume
the following quotes: “She’s nothing but a burden. you had a hard time falling asleep and chose to come here.
She‘s cranky, she’s not especially bright as far as I can After all, today was quite eventful.”
see, and she’s probably the clumsiest kid I’ve ever “Yes, sir.”
met...”(Stewart 138). “Constance will only make
things harder”(Stewart 138). However, Mr. Benedict “Well, I am quite glad you did. I was starting to get bored myself. Care for a biscuit? They
believes she “...may be the very key...” to their are right out of the oven.”
success(Stewart 140). And, as it turns out, she is.
“No, thank you.” Reynie said. He took his usual place on the floor across from Mr.
Benedict and began thinking about how he should thank him. “Sir, I cannot thank you
enough, the past couple weeks have been the best weeks of my life. You have given me
everything I have only dreamt of, a family, friends, and for this I will be forever grateful.”

“Reynie, Reynie, don’t be so thankful. You earned this opportunity and the rewards.” Trenton Lee Stewart gives the reader a lot to think about in the book “The
Reynie began to say something but Mr. Benedict continued, “Let me tell you something Mysterious Benedict Society.” Reynie’s insecurity from bullying and loneliness
young man, intelligence is not what I was looking for when picking children for this disappears. Miss Perumal is proved right about thinking Reynie will qualify for the
mission. It was character. Behavior, personality, all that. In fact, you were the first child I special opportunities, and is happier because of this. Is the lesson of this wonderful
had picked for this mission, because you had qualities I know very well. You know why? story “Friendship can get you through anything?” Perhaps. Instead, it might be a
Because I see them in myself. Don’t doubt yourself Reynie, you have no reason to.” reminder that working together is very important in life.
Reynie looked at Mr. Benedict for a while and thought, then he looked around the office
and saw all the books lining the walls, covering the carpet, and balancing on lamps.

“Sir, can I be a here a while?” Reynie asked.

“Of course you can, my boy.” replied Mr. Benedict.

“Well, if I want to read all these books like you have, I better get started!” Mr. Benedict Cover Picture:
chuckled and handed him a book about Koalas. Reynie took it, made himself mysterious-benedict-society/
comfortable, and started reading. Mr. Benedict realized it was well past midnight and Introduction Picture:
thought about telling Reynie to go to sleep. However, he was a child after all. “And this emily-tauscher/1q33wkifafx
was certainly true, if only for the moment”(Stewart 485). Chapter 1 Picture:
Chapter 2 Sticky Picture:
Chapter 2 Kate Picture:
Chapter 2 Constance Picture:
Chapter 3 Mr. Benedict Picture:

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