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Dallol Technology and Business College

Learning Guide Demonstrate Work Values

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary
information regarding the following content coverage and topics
 Define the purpose of work Time, work and society
 Apply work values/ethics Work and its fruits
 Deal with ethical problems
 Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover
page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to:-
 Identify ,reflect One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the ‘whys’ of work on and clearly
defined for one’s development as a person and as a member of society

 Personal mission is in harmony with company’s values

 Classify and reaffirm Work values/ethics/concepts in accordance with the transparent company
ethical standards, policies and guidelines

 Undertake Work practices in compliance with industry work ethical standards, organizational policy
and guidelines

 Conduct Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients in accordance with
ethical standards, policy and guidelines

 Use Company resources in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and

 Access and apply Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the prevention
and reporting of unethical conduct in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies
and guidelines

 Report and /or resolve Work incidents/situations in accordance with company protocol/guidelines.

 Use Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified as learning opportunities

Demonstrate Personal work practices and values consistently with acceptable ethical
conduct and company’s core values

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Provide Instructions to co-workers based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives

 Share Company values/practices with co-workers using appropriate behavior and language

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Information sheet Demonstrate Work Values

1. Definition of Work

Work is defined as any productive or effortful activity resulting in a form of a

product or services. Work is a means to earn our living. It is the blood and
flesh of human beings, because work satisfies more than one’s physical needs.
It is the basis of life.

1.1 The Purpose and Why of Work

All human beings perform any activity because of its intrinsic value which
ensures our physical and mental endeavourers to be meaningful and
rewarding. It helps us to sustain a successful physical life and motivate
ourselves to great accomplishments. But when the horizons become blurred
and the peaks of success appear an impossible dream, there is no reason to
strive to do better. The purpose of work in general is to maintain satisfaction
from the job itself and to secure one’s material needs. Work by its very nature
is a collective effort of individuals in accomplishing a common goal. Aristotle,
one of the ancient Greece philosophers, expressed man as a social animal.
Basically, work as a social phenomenon requires the integration of individual
and group efforts towards a common end. So, people in any situation should
work collectively by enhancing their knowledge, skill, ability, attitude and
experience to be successful. Work can also be considered as a means of
fulfilling our material needs for ourselves and families. We can purchase goods
and services which are necessary for our life with the money we earn. Work
also secures our relationship and interaction within the community in general
and with families and friends in particular. On the other hand, it can be

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perceived as a career ladder of promotion and a means of academic


People usually engage both in economic and employment work to earn their
Hence, economic work refers to activities geared towards the production and
distribution of economic goods and services. Economic work comprises the
different economic activities within an economy on the production and the
service sphere.
Economically active populations are all persons of either sex, who furnish the
supply of labor for the production of economic goods and services. The working
period, the pay scale and the period for investigation the performance of
employees should be set.

Economically inactive populations are home makers such as house wives,

children, old people and other income recipients. There are two forms of
economic work namely entrepreneurial work and employment work.
Entrepreneurial work is a work owned and undertaken by the entrepreneur
him/herself. The entrepreneur owns the enterprises out right or finally controls
them goals and directs the operation of the companies. In return, the
entrepreneur gets a profit or a dividend from the enterprises. It also includes
share holding and directing of work. On the other hand, employment work is
that of carrying out assigned tasks within an enterprise with which the person
has contracted to work. It is the type of work carried out by every single
member of the organization.
It includes the work of the manager, technical specialists and other workers
employed by the company. Each employee is paid a wage or a salary in return
to discharging responsibility.

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1.1.1 Time, Work and Society

Unlike goods, money and skills, time never returns or it can’t be recreated if it
is spent unwisely, i.e. time is irreversible. For this reason, it is the most
important and the most precious of all commodities used by the society.

There exist five major areas which are imperative to improving the
management of time. The way we spend out time is largely habitual in nature.
Setting personal goals is crucial to ensure a proper time management.

Steps of effective time management are discussed hereunder.

a) Develop the habit of organizing activities and use of time by setting

personal goals and priorities in home and at work place.
b) Communicating your goals and objectives to individuals with whom you
are going to collaborate.
c) Getting the goals into action without giving any space to procrastination
(delay actions).
d) Categorizing duties in order of priority

1.1.2 Work as a Management Component

What is Work?

Work is something that is supplied by “owners” and demanded by “non

owners”. The risk associated with owning and operating a business is seen as
fairly rewarding the risk taker with the lion’s share of profits even though in
reality the lion’s share of the “work” to provide the goods or services is
provided at the worker per level. Unsafe and unfair work condition and a lack
of profit share are among the key factors that contribute to the establishment
of labor unions. The purpose of labor unions is to secure peaceful working

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environment and safeguard the rights and benefits of employees as per the
right and duties (obligations) of both the organization and the workers.

Because of the existence of unions, very few labor contracts are allowing the
employer to redefine and revise the complexity of the gob any time. Hence; the
wage, salary and fringe benefits of employees will be decided on timely basis.

The purpose of labour unions is therefore to bring about a collective strength of

workers to force owners and management to increase their compensation.

In this sense, opponents of capitalism such as Marxists oppose the capitalist

employment system considering it to be unfair that the people who contributed
the majority of work to an organization, regardless of their level of financial
risk, do not receive a proportionate share of the profit.

Works are very personal and subjective; it is likely that you may find some
variables in workplace which makeup the different interests of people.

The importance of a good work can be revealed if it possesses the core values
based on the virtues of hard work and perseverance as intrinsic value to both
the employer and employees.

Most of us may think that people have a pride in their work because it is
important to them. Unfortunately, you may get shocked by the cavalier
(without seriousness) attitude of some of our new young associates towards
their jobs.

In every job situations, people with a good working habit often become

A good work ethics is a necessary if your desire is to get ahead in this world.
Since we are in the era of globalization which is characterized by an extreme

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competition, it would be advisable to synchronize the whole effort and inputs

we have. If you work hard, loyal to your employer and budget your money, you
can spend your senior years in relative comfort.

1.1.3 Respect for All Types of Work

Work is necessary for the survival of the human race and civilization. The
specific expected behavior of workers in some area of specialization has become
a chief preoccupation of modern society. A comprehensive work guideline
enables workers to differentiate the right work behavior expected by the
organization. So, they are advised to act accordingly. Thus, ethical work
conduct enables worker to process proper behavior so as to develop proper
relationship with other workers and help them create good industrial

1.1.4 Work & It’s Fruits

We all work to lead our life. The work that we are engaged in could help us
derive some benefits. These are:

Material enrichment - when we work we can fulfill our material needs. The
money we earn could help us buy the materials we need.

Job satisfaction - when we do our work effectively we drive tremendous

satisfaction from the results. The satisfaction we derive could be greater than
the material gain.

Social Iteration - when we work, we meet many people in the organization.

This would in turn, help us develop our ability in establishing & maintaining
social reactions gaining experience & learning a lot from people.

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Health & mental development- as we work, we develop our mental capacity.

Thus, through work we make a lot of cognitive activities that would help us to
have a developed mind. It would also enable us become healthy. As we work,
we will be engaged on various physical activities which would help us to be
strong and healthy.

Experience& knowledge –the work we are engaged in would enable us get

experience & knowledge. Thus, work enables us to become better & effective
professionals than we were before.

Above all, work is beneficial both to the individual and to the society. This can
be realized when a worker does his work effectively & become successful.

The following points can be considered as factors to decide upon the type of
work to be engaged in.

a) It is very important to choose the type of work that will help you learn a
living and that you will enjoy.

b) You should try to choose work that allows you to use your skills & to develop
your abilities.

c) It is also important to consider the type & level of education that the work

d) You must consider how much you will need to earn in order to support
yourself. You need to earn enough to afford basic necessities, such as food,
clothing and shelter. You may need to earn more to support dependents such
as family members.

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1.1.5 Work and the Self

We all notice people, either educated or not, engaged in one or more types of
work. We also notice widely how work served as a means of income & measure
of productivity. Hence, the Importance of work is to satisfy ones survival and
safety needs.

The most basic need of human being are survival needs (food, water & good
health) and protection from physical danger. How do we satisfy our survival
and safety needs? The only possible way is to work hard, because it is the
source of income for the livelihood of an individual. So that, work contributes
to the fulfillment of the human want (need). It also builds your self-esteem.

Your self-esteem is your worth or values as seen by you and by others. If you
do your work well, others will respect you for it. When this happens, you feel
proud and will have self respect. Therefore, work is the main source of

Thus, the two major effects of doing our work are:

Material benefit: as mentioned above work results in material again. As

merchant, farmer or office worker, etc we generate material benefit from our

Job satisfaction: the other benefit we can derive from work is getting some
satisfaction from what we do. The result of our performance gives us pleasure.
As a result, we become happy people. On the contrary, when we do not do our
work as expected we will not get good results and thus we become unhappy,
however there are certain factors that could affect job satisfaction. These

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Lack of interest in the work:- when people are made to do some work
without interest , they will not do their best. This could be a cause of

Pay:- workers who do not get good pay for their work would not do their work
satisfactorily. This would result in unhappiness in the work to be done. Thus
when workers are not well paid it will result in low productivity and job

Growth :- when workers are given the opportunity to grow into a higher status,
they would be motivated and become interested in doing the work.

Social interaction:- interaction with other workers or employees would make

a worker develop interest in her/his work . It would help him/her to have a
favorable environment to do his/her work. This would, in turn make him/her
work effectively and with enthusiasm.

1.2 Personal Mission and Company Values

In most cases, the personal mission of employees and the values of the
company are stated in the job description of each position. For example, let us
see the individual mission and value of some positions of the Federal Ethics
and Anti Corruption Commission (FEACC) employees.

1. Commissioner’s mission & value

To centralized and finalized major activities

To represent the commission in different governmental and organizational


To control and release yearly budget.

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2. HR Manager (mission and value)

Recruitment and selection

Promotion and demotion

Facilitating benefit

Giving different kinds of leave

3. Secretary

Performing the job which comes from her boss

Writing the letters and other issues of the company


4. Messengers

Transferring information from one office to the other.

They also decrease the load of their bosses

5. Benefit officer

Give the employees with different benefits like, cloth, shoes, soap, etc

The mission of this office is to fulfill the following values.

To prevent corruption and ensure the development of the country

To expand ethics and anti- corruption education

To examine the practice and working procedures in federal, public office and

To investigate and prosecute alleged corruption offences

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2. Work Values/ Ethics

The work ethic is a cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable
and responsible for the work that one does and is based on a belief that work
has intrinsic value. The tem is often applied to characteristics of people both at
work and at play in sports for example work ethic is usually associated with
people who work hard and do a good job.

2.1 Concepts of Work Values

Definition of Ethics

It refers to our concern for having and maintaining a good behavior. We have to
be considerate for the wellbeing of ourselves and others.

Definition of Work Ethics

Work Ethic is a set of value based on hard work (diligence). It is also a belief in
the moral benefits of work and its ability to enhance character. A work Ethics
may include being reliable, having initiative, or maintaining social norms.
Workers who fail to exhibit a good work ethics may be regarded as failing to
provide fair values for the wage the employer is paying them and should not be
promoted or placed in position of greater responsibility.

Ethics in management can be defined as a principle of conduct used to govern

the decision making and behavior of an individual or group of individuals.
Management is concerned with making decision pertaining to the overall
activities of the organization based on the ethics of individuals. These decisions
have significant implications for the organization, stakeholders, its employees,
customers, shareholders, suppliers, government and the public at large.

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The role of ethics in management decision partly becomes difficult, because of

the many and varied ethical problems faced by managers.

Definition of Work Value

Value from the point of view of product and services is considered as the
amount of labor embodied in a commodity or services. As explained by Adam
Smith, the real price of everything is measured by the ups and downs and
trouble of acquiring it. Besides, the word value has got two different meanings
and sometimes expresses the utility of some particular object, and sometimes
the power of purchasing others goods. Within the area of services, value can be
measured by the satisfaction of our customers. So, work value can be
understood as the intrinsic value of human beings in which employees need to
exert their knowledge, skill, attitude and experience for the effective goal

2.1.1 Steps towards Better Work Ethics

1. Attendance: - attendance and punctuality often have a large impact on

individual and tem success. Tardiness or absenteeism can also profoundly
impact job performance and retention.
To maintain good attendance we should:-
 Make work a high priority
 Know our schedule
 Make use of a alarm clock
 Get enough sleep
 Arrange our transpiration
 Inform our supervisors at absence
2. Character: - an employer expects employees to work together toward
achieving the objective of the company. The wise employee who is

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interested in having a good relationship with an employer will try to help

the employer achieve success. Thus employer expects employees to develop
certain desirable traits that will help them to perform their jobs will so that
the company can succeed. Some of these traits include the following
 Loyalty
 Honesty :-not steeling time and proper use of resources
 Trustworthiness
 Dependability
 Reliability
 Initiative: - doing what needs to be done without being told to do so.
Do it your self
 Self discipline
 Self responsibility
 Maximizing productivity :- do work will and quickly
 Punctuality :- arriving on time
3. Team work: - it is vital that employee work as a team. It is important not
only to their personal success and advancement, but also to that of their
co-workers and to the company. Sometimes working as a team takes place
in a classroom setting team work doesn’t necessary mean helping your
classmate. Team work in the classroom might be working quietly as no to
disturb our classmates. Team work involves the following aspects:
 Respecting the right of others
 Being a team worker
 Being cooperative
 Being assertive
 Displaying a customer service attitude
 Seeking opportunists for continuous learning
 Demonstrating mannerly behavior

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4. Appearance: - A person makes their first impression of some one in three

seconds. If your appear unkempt and wrinkled, someone is going to think
that we do sloppy work if we dress as a professional our first impression
will be excellent
5. Attitude: - It is very important to demonstrate a positive attitude, appear
self confident. And have realistic expectations for self. Developing and
maintain appositive attitude involves setting realistic expectations for
ourselves at school and at work these goals should be challenging but
6. Productivity :- In order to be a productive student and employee, a person
must follow safety procedures concern materials, keep the work area neat
and clean and follow directions properly
7. Organizational skills: - Employers consider effective time management
and organizational skills as good work habits. To begin managing wisely
the time we spend at work, to prepare for assignments at home, and to
manage your life at home and work simultaneously we need to know to put
in to practice some good time management techniques.
 Believe :- As you enter in to your new work place believe that you are
in control
 Ask for help – help comes in many forms so ask for it
 Prioritize :- cascade issues accordingly to their degree of importance
 Set time tables :- list what you have achieved and what is still
 Spend time wisely
8. Communication: - how we interact with each other. Communication
whether it is verbal or non verbal must be clear, to the point, empathetic
and must keep in mind that we must always treat others as we would like
others to treat us

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9. Cooperation: - Involves develop in good working relationships, following

the chain of command, good at conflict management and being a good
problem solver.
10. Respect: - it cannot be emphasized enough that every working
relationship from the top to the bottom of the chain of command is based
on respect.

People often refer to someone as having a good work ethics when he/she works
hard. However, there are also other factors to show ones ethical behavior at
work. Having a good attitude like being reliable, diligent and professional is
expected from employees as having a good work ethics. Conversely, the
opposite of these traits can be seen as the manner of a lazy worker. These
days, companies are organized by fewer staff but accomplishing more work. So,
the one with a good work ethics can be distinguished from others especially
during a period of downsizing or promotion.

2.1.2 Types of Values

1. Theoretical:- Values the discovery of truth and emphasize critical and

rational approach to problems.

2. Economic:- Values utility and practicality and emphasize standard of living.

3. Aesthetic:- Values from grace, harmony and emphasize the Aesthetic of life.

4. Social:- Values love of people altruism and emphasize concern for other.

5. Political:- Values power, position and influence emphasizes competition and


6. Religious:- Values unity and peoples relationship to the universe and

emphasize high ideas and the search for the population of being on earth.

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Personal and organizational values need to be interrelated and hand in hand in

order to achieve the organizational objectives. Thus, people enter the workforce
to contribute their personal values. A personal value system is a relatively
permanent perceptual form of work and beliefs that shapes and influences the
general nature of an individual’s behavior.

Where the organization reinforce personal values, the consistency makes it

highly probable that those core values will guide behavior. Personal and
organizational values include productivity, organizational efficiency, industrial
leadership, ambition, achievement, success, ability and skill.

2.1.3 Code of Ethics

Code of ethics is a written document that outlines the principles of conduct to

be used in making decisions within the organization.

A code of ethics is based on one or more of the philosophical approaches like

justice, individual rights and utilitarianism.

Principle of justice:- Involved making decision based on truth, a lack of bias of


Principle of Individual right:- Involves making decisions based on protecting

human dignity.

Principle of Utilitarianism:- Involves making Decision direct to ward promoting

the majority of the population of people.

Philosophical approaches:- Is a fundamental concept of that managers must be

as concerned about the interest of the organization.

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Code of Ethics should be in a written form and should be communicated to all

employees. The code of ethics may differ in content from one organization to

2.2.4 Ethical Standards

Which when followed, promote values such as trust, good behavior, fairness
and or kindness. There is not one consistent set of standards that all
companies follow bur each company has the right to develop the standards
that are meaningful for their organization. Ethical standards are not always
easily enforceable, as they are frequently vaguely defined and some what open
to interpretation (“men and women should be treated equally,” or “Treat the
customer with respect and kindness.”) others can be more specific, such as Do
not share the customer’s private in Ethical standard smart Ethical standard
should contain

 Ready mentally & physically everyday

 Always be on time

 Manage time effectively

 Have a positive work attitude-enhance productivity

 Get along with boss, co, workers and customers

 Work independently

 Make responsibility

 Make informed choices

 Create goals

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 Communicate effectively

 Work with difficult people

 Have accurate self perception

 Use are problem solving and official thinking

 Dress /groomed/ appropriately

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2.3 Personal Behavior and Relationships with Co-workers and Clients

Ethics are an individual’s belief about whether a behavior of action or a

decision is right or wrong. Ethical behavior varies from one person to another.

-Ethical Behavior:- refers to a sort of behavior that conforms to generally

accepted social norms.
-Unethical Behavior:- is the kind of behavior that does not conform to
generally accepted social norms. Each individual within the society has a set of
norms, beliefs and values that together form his/her moral standards. Norms
of course are criteria of behavior. They are the ways an individual expects all
people to act, when faced with a given situation.
Norms of behavior are considerable as less facetious and more relevant to the
discussion of moral standards and the law. Most people expect others not to
cause them injury. Norms are expectations of the ways people ideally really act.
Norms are expectations of proper behavior and manner of individuals. The
major difference between a norm and a law is that, the norm is not published,
may not be obeyed and can not be enforced except by the sanctions of a small
group whose members hold similar norms and use such penalties as
disapproval or exclusion. Norms also are often neither consistent nor universal.

Personality:- refers to the relatively stable pattern of behaviors and consistent

internal states that explain a person’s behavioral tendencies. Personality has
both internal and external elements.

- External traits:- are the observable behaviors that we really manifest to

identify someone’s personality
- Internal states:- represent the thoughts, values and genetic
characteristic that we infer from the observable behavior.

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An individual personality is relatively stable. If it changes at all, it is only after

a very long time or as the result of certain events. Personality in general
explains the behavioral tendencies of individuals which are influenced by the
situation as well as their personality traits. Personality traits are less evident in
situations where social norms, reward system and other conditions constrain
our behavior. Managers should understand basic personality attributes and
the ways they can affect people’s behavior in organizational situations.
Individuals in the organization should have the opportunity to mention their
perceptions and attitudes towards the organization.

There are four factors that directly influence an employee’s voluntary behavior
and performance.

1. Motivation:- is the force within a person that affects his/her direction,

intensity and persistence of voluntary behavior.
2. Ability: - the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to
accomplish a given task successfully.

a) Aptitudes:- are the natural or acquired talent that help

employee’s learn specific tasks more quickly and perform them
b) Learned capabilities:- refer to the skill and knowledge that you
have actually and mental skill.
3. Competencies:- are the abilities, values, personality traits and other
characteristics of people that lead to superior performance.
4. Role perception:- refers to the beliefs of a person about what behaviors
are appropriate or necessary in a particular situation including the
specific tasks that make up the job, their relative importance and the
preferred behaviors to accomplish those tasks.

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2.3.1 Personality Factors

When trying to understand your feelings and behaviors, you need to be aware
of how you think and feel about yourself. Others may think and feel about
themselves and you differently from your perception and expectation. These
evaluations and reactions are different from individual to individual. The
following are personality factors which are based on the internal state, feeling
and emotions of the individual.

1) Self concept:- is the identity and evaluation of yourself that you come to
accept yourself which may be anything from essentially positive i.e. (I’M
worthwhile) or negative (I’m worthless). You protect yourself from any
attempts of change which you think is harmful, because it feels you
painful. In general, self concept is our perception and evaluation of us.
2) Personal frame of reference:- refers how we see the world based upon
our past experiences and self concept. Frame of references are
abstractions of reality and everyone sees reality differently because of
different changing needs. Somehow, it is very difficult to understand how
others perceive our own unique frame of reference.
To understand others, you need to understand their frames of reference
without judging them in terms of your own values. Because, our actions
are the basis of our frame of references while others may have their own.
Other people have different behavior, because of this; they may not make
sense to us due to their alternative perception of the situation.

3) Defensiveness: - it is a cognitive distortion that protects the self concept

against being diminished.
Defensiveness occurs when you protect yourself by denying, excusing, or
rationalizing your actions to protect your self-concept against the threat

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of being damaged by failure, guilt, shame or fear. Defensiveness may

distort ideas, obscure solutions or hinder interpersonal communication.

One way to avoid your own defensive behavior is to acknowledge what is

being said as at least partially true.

The other way to reduce another person’s defensiveness is to use active

listening. This means using verbal and non verbal response to show that

you are listening and truly understand the other person.

4) Interpersonal relationship needs:- William Schultz contends that

people have three dominant interpersonal needs.
a) Inclusion:- the need to establish and maintain relationships with
other people. Inclusion concerns with balancing one’s desire to be
part of a group against the desire for solitude.
b) Control: - is the need to maintain a satisfactory balance of power
and influence in relationships with others. Control refers to one’s
power or authority to direct and order others to secure the desire
for freedom.
c) Affection:- is the need to form close personal relationships with
others. Affection concerns with balancing desires for warmth and
commitment against those for maintaining distance and
independence. Each of these three needs has two sub dimensions.
 Expressed desire:- to give, or impose the need on others
 Wanted desire:- to receive the need from others.
5) Feeling:- People continually experience feeling about themselves and
others but may have not learned to accept and use feelings
constructively. The way you express your feeling can be a frequent
source of difficulty in your interpersonal relationship. Problems often

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arise not because of our emotions, but when we are not exercising them
in a proper manner. People usually try to deny or ignore their feeling
rather than expressing it constructively and attempt to avoid, reject or
struggle to control others feeling.
Maintaining a productive relationship requires the initiative to look at
yourself and understand the possible causes of negative feelings. You
may then see that your personal characteristic may be the cause of poor
relationship with others. Then, you may be able to avoid this kind of
characteristic since it is damaging one’s relationship. If your analysis on
your behavior is not enough, it would be advisable to express your feeling
tactfully so that you and the other party can try to work out potential
difficulties in a productive way.

2.3.2 The Perception Problem

-Perception:-is the process of receiving information about and making

sense of our environment. This includes deciding which information is to be
categorized and interpreted according to the context of events. People
naturally are in need of exercising their selective perception to identify
which is good and bad, important and damaging. Thus, it is the process of
screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that
contradicts our beliefs. It is beneficial because it allows us to disregard
minor bits of information.

An individual awareness of his environment and his past experience affect his
perception. They generally perceive particular learned patterns. Perception is
also influenced by motives. Therefore, persons tend to select elements essential
to their needs; they omit things which conflict with their preconceived ideas.
Thus, persons perceive the same situation or stimulus differently.

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The following are some of the various reasons for differences in perception.

1) The difference in the world in which one live, like the young as against
the old.
2) The difference in educational and economic levels including regional
location factors
3) The differences in sex, as perceptions of men differ from those of women.
4) The sensory factors i.e. one’s ability to hear, see, smell and feel.

2.3.3 Self Awareness

Self-awareness:- means being aware of what you are feeling and being
conscious of the emotions within yourself. People who are in touch with their
emotions are better able to guide their own lives peacefully and smoothly. The
most important factor to minimize perceptual biases is to know yourself and
become more aware of your values, beliefs and prejudices /like or dislike
without a due attention/. For e.g. suppose you may dislike a particular client
who treated you badly a few years ago. But if the client wants to reestablish the
relationship, you have to be more open minded about this business
opportunity. If you are conscious enough in controlling and wise experience of
these emotions, your actions will help you to have a good interpersonal
relationship with others and improve your life in all aspects.

Hence, all managers need to be in touch with their emotions in order to

interact effectively and appreciate emotions in others. Managers with high
levels of awareness learn to trust their “gut feelings”, i.e. their courage and
determination and realize that these feelings can provide useful information
about difficult decisions. Managers may face situations and cases which are
difficult to decide upon. They may also fail in dilemma in handling the case.

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In this situation, managers have to rely on their own feelings and intuition
(instinct or perception).

2.3.4 Behavior Modification

The antecedents and consequences of behavior modification can be the result

of our previous experience with the environment and present interactions with
other people. Behavior modification should be our concern to maximize positive
consequences and minimize adverse effects.

Behavior modification emphasizes a voluntary decision of someone to develop a

positive attitude to be flexible and adapt changes easily. Researchers of the
human behavior call these voluntary behaviors as operant behaviors, because
they ‘operate “They respond to the environment in ways that we want.

2.3.5 Principles of Individual Relationships with Co-workers

1) Respect people differences:-each of us has a unique behavior,

experience and attitude towards different incidents and situations. It is a
fact that we must accept and learn from our differences. Each of us may
approach life and work differently while others may not think the same
way about certain things. We do each other in respect with our feelings
and values.
2) Think positives:- it’s easier to talk to group and gets along with people
who are positive thinkers and not always talking negatively about every
3) Acknowledge your co-workers:-talk to each other on a regular and
casual basis, say “ Good morning” with a smile, answer the phone with a
smile!, You don’t have to have regular conversations with every co-
worker, but acknowledge their presence and be positive when talking to
them. Sometimes a co-worker can be having a terrible day and just one

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“positive” comment or compliment against him/her can make this

dreadful (causing fear and anxiety) day a bearable one, which is an
endurance and painful.
4) Listen: - listen to co-workers when they talk to you. Don’t just pretend.
You will never earn respect or understand others unless you give them
your full attention.
5) Appreciate others:-no one can or should do everything in a work place
alone. So, as you want support and appreciation for the job you do each
day, show the same consideration four your co-works.
6) Pitch in and help out (set to work with energy):-try to go beyond your
job description, think out of the box, go extra mile. Try to do things
without being asked, just pitch in and help out. And don’t let people
down you after doing something extra or voluntarily for a project. But be
careful that you don’t come across as a “Martyr” someone who wants to
do it all and/ or someone only knows the right way a project should be
done. When we say “don’t be a martyr”, it is to mean that, don’t be a kind
of person who suffers a lot for the sake of accomplishing tasks which
may put you to death.
7) Live up to the end of the job: - Your employers have certain
expectations of you and so do your co-workers, Always do your job to the
“best” of your abilities, don’t look for the easy way out, or try to ask a
co-worker to do “part of your job”. Be a problem solver, and remember to
seek improvement in all that you do.

8) Respect people’s time and priorities: - we all are working under

pressure and deadlines. Respect your co-workers need for concentration,
and if you need to interrupt them, ask first if this good time to interrupt
them. If your request is urgent, apologize for the interruption and keep
your request brief. Remember that each of us has a different “style” of

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working, so respect your co- workers style of time management and

prioritizing activities.
9) Be willing to Admit your mistakes and apologize gracefully: -
Co-workers understand that mistakes happen, and that we don’t
intentionally make them. So, admit when you’re wrong or made a
mistake and get on with your job.

10. Invest in other parts of your life:-make sure that you are taking care
of “ you” and that your non-work life is enriching or indulge in hobbies
like sports, exercise, reading, travel, socializing, etc. Don’t make your job
and the people you work with the focus of your life. Then try not to take
home your work problems and do something entirely different when your
get home, focus on your family, your hobbies and yourself.

11. Understand that life on the job won’t always be perfect

You may get along with employers and co-workers that you don’t like or
agree with. If you find that you have a problem to work with certain
people, you better to solve your problems wisely and smoothly. If you find
the situation unresolved and very difficult to agree with your employer,
and co-workers, then look for another job. Don’t settle for an unpleasant
work environment. If you absolutely cannot work with individuals in the
organization, you will be neither a productive nor a happy worker. It
may take practice and patience but harmony at work is within your

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2.4 Use of Organizational (Company) Resources

What is an organization?

An organization is defined as a cooperative social system intervolving the

coordinated efforts of two or more people pursuing a shared purpose. In other
words, an organization refers to a situation in which people gather and formally
agree to combine their efforts for a common purpose.

We need resources to start or build a new organization. Company resources

can be divided into five namely manpower, finance material, time and
information. All of these company resources are equally useful to accomplish
the objectives of the organization.

a) Human resource (manpower)

Besides a thorough knowledge of the position the organization is trying to fill,

recruiters must be able to pinpoint the sources of manpower.

Human resource refers to the individuals within the organization who make
valuable contribution to the attainment of the management system. This
contribution results from their productivity in the positions they hold.

Productivity in all organizations is determined by how human resource

interact and combine to use all other ground, age, job related experience, and
level of formal education, all play a role in determining how appropriate human
resource for the organization.

To provide appropriate human resource to fill both managerial and non

managerial opening, managers follow four sequential steps.

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a. Recruitment
b. selection
c. Training
d. Performance appraisal

b) Finance (budget)
Most organizations develop and more use of three different kinds of
Budgets financial, operating and nonmonetary. A financial Budget
indicates where the organization expects to get its cash for the
coming period and how it plans to use it b/c financial resources
are critical important the organization needs to know where those
resources will be used. The financial budget provides answer to
both these questions. Usual sources of cash include sale revenue
short and long term loans, the sale of assets and the issuance of
new stock.

c) Material

When we work we can fulfill our material needs the money we earn could help
us buy the materials we need.

All workers are expected to be handling and appropriately use the instruments
given to that specific profession. This could be like using instrument in factory
or using books and laboratory materials in away they could be used for long.

d) Time

Time is a precious resource, If we use it properly. It is used as an aid to

perform our jobs. Time is irreplaceable and irreversible; once it is past we can’t
retrieve and use it. Time is useful to achieve work plan on time, get more
satisfaction from the work itself.

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Time Dimension

In any organization the cause of effectiveness is heavily dependent on time

dimension. The organization needs to be effective in the intermediate and
distant future. Consequently, organizational objectives and prevailing societal
expectations in the near future should be adapted to ensure the development of
the society in the intermediate and distant future.

Most people think only of the near future. It is in the near future that the
organization has to produce goods or render services, use resources efficiently
and satisfy both insiders and outsiders with its activity. But this is just the
binging, not the end. To grow and be effective, an organization must adapt to
new environmental demand and mature and learn in the intermediate future
between two to four years.

e) Information

Employees in any organization need to get proper guidance, work procedure

and techniques in order to implement their organizational activities. As every
organization by its very nature is an open system, it needs to interact with the
external environment. In addition to this, the existence of each and every
organization is determined with its capacity to compete and get the upper hand
in this era of globalization. So, information becomes power for any organization
to be competent and update itself so as to be dynamic.

2.4.1Personal Use of Company Resources

Effective use of company resources is critical to our profitability company

respires include such things as company time, materials telephones,
equipment, information, electronic mail and computer systems. We provide
these resource to fulfill company goals and purpose your manager or

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supervisor must oppose any personal, community chant able or other non-
business use of these or other company resources.

You may use company resource, such as a copy machine telephone. Internet
access or e-mail, for personal reason as long as your use is limited authorized
at you work location and does not result in measurable increased costs. Your
usage must be downfall and consistent with the performance of your job
responsibilities or district other employees.

Generally speaking, every Individual has to use company resource wisely.

2.4.2 Resource Allocation

Is the efficient allocation of people, materials and equipment in order to meet

the demand requirements of the operating system? It is the natural out growth
of the aggregate production plan. The materials needed must be determined
and ordered. The work must be distributed to the different departments and
workstations; personnel must be allocated; and time allotments must be set for
each stage of the processes.

Due to resource scarcities, resource allocation has become critical in recent

times. Increased competition both domestic and foreign has also increased its
importance proper resource allocation can mean great cost saving which can
give the needed competitive edge.

Numerous mathematical and computer assisted tools and techniques can

assist in resource allocation .Linear programming critical path. Method (CPM)
and program evaluation and review technique (PERT) are some of the most
after used.

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3. Unethical Problems

3.1 Causes of Unethical problems

The cause of work place ethical problem is often misunderstood and blamed on
personalities and misbehavior, but in reality much work place ethical problems
can also be systematic to the work place environment. In effective
organizational system, unpredictable policies, incompatible goals, scarce
resources and poor communication can all contribute to this problem in the
work place, work place ethical problem causes loss of productivity distractions
and employee dissatisfaction however management cam produce positive
results by paying attention to and addressing the true cause of the problem in
their organizations

Ineffective organizational systems and unpredictable policies

Poor follow up unfair application of polices and inconsistent communication

between the management and the workers can contribute workplace ethical
problems. Lack of communicated or constantly changing policies cause
confusion and disharmony in the workplace

Incompatible goals

The problem can result when co-workers what different goals and different
messages from managers and supervisors have to work together on teams,
committees or in work groups.

Scarce recourse

Scare resource or competition for limited resources cause anxiety and

frustration whether the resources needed are time, space, supplies or
informant on anxiety frustration and completion lead to ethical problem if not
managed well

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Poor Communication

Poor communication including dishonesty withholding information and poor

interpersonal skills contribute to or even cause ethnical problem.

Other causes of ethical Problems

As mentioned in labor proclamation: proclamation No 377/2003 we can take

the following unlawful activities as the cause of an external problem.

Unlawful activity

1. It shall be unlawful for an employer to;-

A. impede the worker in any manner in the exercises of his right or take
any measure against him because he exercise his right
B. Discriminate against female workers, in matters of remuneration, on
the ground of their sex
C. Terminate a contract of employment contrary to the provisions of the
D. Coerce any worker by force or in any other manner to join or not to
join or to cease to be a member of a trade union or to vote for or
against any given candidates in election for trade union offices;
E. Require any worker to execute any work which is hazardous to his life
F. Decimate between workers on the basis of nationality, sex religion,
poetical outlook or any other condition

2. It shall be unlawful for a worker to

A. Internationally commit in the place of work any act which endangers

life and property
B. Take away property from the work place without the express
authorization of the employer;

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C. Report for work in a state of intoxication

D. Except for HIV/AIDS test, refuse to submit himself for medical
examination when required by law or by the employer for good cause
E. Refuse to observe safety and accident prevention rules and to take the
necessary safety precautions.

3. Lack of working Habit

In appropriate work conducts that are a serious problem and wide, spread
in the country are like absenteeism, lack of punctuality, wasting regular
work time on non productive and personal activities, misbehaving and the
like. Absenteeism is employee’s temporary absence from work

Types of absenteeism: - voluntary and involuntary

1. Voluntary :- it refers to unscheduled or unreported absence from work

2. Involuntary :- Involuntary absenteeism (health related absence) is
outside the employee’s control lack of good working habit is related to
voluntary absenteeism
Other factors that influence the work conduct are like demographic factors,
change in economic social and education system and misguided policies in fact
these work conduct problem has contributed its part of the economic
backwardness of the country appropriate measures should be taken to a avoid
a disciplinary and work conduct problems. It divides on the national level and
at company level
On the national level: there is:-
In corporation of ethic education in the country’s curriculum
Restricting and awareness creating campaign regarding the desplanble
consequence of lack of good working habit and discipline

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Implementing civil service reform program

At a company level: four sets of measures can be taken. There are
1. Preventive method (better employee selection , promotion procedure) etc
2. Correctives method (training workshop $ counseling)
3. Reward method (giving incentive to workers with good work conduct and
4. The use of punishment including dismissal

3.2 Prevention and Reporting of Ethical Problems

3.2.1. Prevention

- Workers must think clearly about their jobs but most importantly about
each other emotions can cloud judgment and facts can be cast aside. It
is the job of management and human resources to identify problems
before they become pitched battles. Workers need to know their own field
of endeavor and not encroach on others. Job descriptions should be
detailed and their purpose (among other things) is to should whose turf
is whose.
- A rational division of labor can serve to prevent many (if not most) office
ethical problems
- Organizations need consistent controls clear communication and
effective ethical problems management systems in place in order to run
smoothly. Managers and supervisors with good management skills who
are able to communicate and relate to their employees make the
difference between harmonies operations or chaotic, conflict-filled work
- Management agreement on clear and common goals is important for
productivity and harmony along employees in work groups and clear
vision and business goals form top management minimizes cause of
ethical problems

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- Good policies and procedures for equitable distribution and use of

resources, with proper controls, will lessen or eliminate the problems.
- Clear, consistent and open communication as well as good ethical
problem management sills and systems contribute to health working
relationships and good work environments

3.2.2 Reporting

It should be made clear theta gossip and idle talk will not be permitted. This is
how rumors spread and feelings are hurt. This can only harm the firm by
giving the wrong information. The management must make sure the reporting
of ethical problems should be free from such point of view

The management also should note that one must not assume everyone is
rational there are some who are too immature to see anything other than their
own sense of importance. Again human resources has the job of weeding out
this level of immaturity before it harms the workplace. Furthermore,
management body of a firm should set a clear reporting system which benefits
the company and resolves the ethical problem.

3.3 Report and Resolving Work Incident

Understanding and knowing how to resolve work incident is important for

success unpleasant incidents can arise any where at any time. From the play
ground to the political storage, unpleasant incident is an inevitable part of life.
Being able to understand the root cause of it and to calmly and rationally
discuss and resolve it are valuable and useful tools for successful life in their
book, “working in groups communication principles and strategies” authors
Eagle Berg and Wynn discuss the “four RS” of conflict-resolutions as away for a
third party to help resolve issues the four RS are Reasons, Reactions, Results
and Resolution.

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a) Reasons

When incidents arise, face it head on discuss the reasons and causes for it
openly and respectfully. Focus on the incident itself and not on the people and
emotions involved in the incident; in other words, don’t make the discussion


Have those involved in the work incident examine their own reactions. See if
they can determine whether or not their reactions were destructive. If they
were, work with them to develop more-positive reactions to conflict. Dissecting
reaction can help separate the actual problem from the emotions that the
problem from the emotions that the problem may have caused often, the root
cause of the unpleasant incident will seem less important once emotions are
stripped from it

c) Results

Ask those involved what outcomes they expect if the unpleasant incident is not
resolved. Determine what the determents would be if the incident is not
resolved can anything good come out of an unresolved issue? And alternatively
ask them what the outcome will be if they can come to a resolution.


After determining the core of the unpleasant incident, stripping away emotional
reactions, and what a resolution would mean to each party, decide on the best
way to ameliorate the problem. Each party must realize that resolution involves
give and take in order to be successful

Workplace unpleasant incident is inevitable, yet it need not to be distrutice

common knowledge tell us that no none likes to be disagreed with or

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confronted and that anger brings more harm that what caused it in the first
place. There are rational means to deal with conflicts and end them before they
hurt productivity and worker morale.

Resolving workplace incident is an important management and human

resource tool. These kinds of unpleasant incidents can destroy on otherwise
smoothly operating office or factory. The function there fore of resolution is to
permit labor to work together and management with as little anger resentment
or envy as possible what is really happening is that thought are being clarified
issues need to be brought out in to the open and all options heard on the
subject once this is done and all issues have been rationally identified the
scope of the problem often becomes less and less. When emotions are placed
out of the way and facts and logic core put in their place the problem becomes
fair more easy to manage.

3.4 Use of Unethical Problems as Learning Opportunity

As mentioned above ethical problems are expected in any work environment.

Their existence gives thought for the management to have a well organized
system to deal with the problem in order to avoid any unnecessary outcome for
the organization

In order to avoid the negative outcomes of ethical problems organizations will

work hard to create consistent controls clear communication and effective
ethical problem management system

Managers and supervisors will have the opportunity to learn and experience,
clear, consistent, and open communication as well as good ethical probe,
management skills in the struggle o create good working environment

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Furthermore in dealing with ethical problem, management will create common

goals for productivity and harmony among employees good policies and
procedures will be implemented which benefits the whole work force

In addition to the above perspective, other workers will learn from the outcome
at one workers ethical problem. They can easily see and learn the consequence
can be personally. Also from the problem everyone in a firm can clearly learn
how ethical problems harm the work place environment and can severely hurt
productivity morale can never be underestimated by highlighting the nature at
issues the root cause can assist workers in clarifying their own thoughts.

Ethics as a societal norm is considered as an asset of moral principles or

generally accepted guidelines for write and wrong behavior. E.g. telling the
truth and treating people fairly.

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Self -check

 The trainee should answer the following questions YES NO

1. What is a work?


2. Explain the fruits of work?


3. Explain unethical problem of work?

4. What is work ethics?

 The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was
[ ] Satisfactory [ ] Not satisfactory

 Feedback to Trainee:

Trainee’s Signature: Date:

Instructor’s Signature: Date:

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