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The Hospital Health Promotion Toward Clean

Healthy Living Behavior in the Covid-19 Era

Ade Rizky Sianturi Chrismis Novalinda Ginting Sri Wahyuni Nasution
Dept. of Public Health Dept. of Public Health Dept. of Public Health
Universitas Prima Iindonesia Universitas Prima Iindonesia Universitas Prima Iindonesia
Medan, Indonesia Medan, Indonesia Medan, Indonesia

Suci Erawati
Department of Dentistry, Faculty of
Universitas Prima Indonesia
Medan, Indonesia

Abstract— Hospital Health Promotion (HHP) is an effort tries to positively raise awareness and interest of patients
by hospital management to improve the ability to accelerate and hospitalities to heal and prevent disease. Therefore,
patient recovery and improve their health. Efforts can be health promotion is an inseparable part of hospitals' health
made in the form of implementing clean and healthy living service efforts because health promotion efforts to heal
behavior (CHLB). This study aimed to analyze the application patients will be more successful [6].
of health promotion management of CHLB in the era of the
covid-19 pandemic. This research uses mixed methods by Hospitals that implemented HHP reported that HHP had
using a sequential explanatory design located at the RSU shortened patient days. The decrease in inpatient care days
Royal Prima Medan with a quantitative sample of 111 patient impacts the hospital quality because patients treated recover
assistants and qualitative research informants. Data were quickly, thereby increasing the Hospital's prestige. This
obtained using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Based affects increasing the hospital occupancy rate as one of the
on the research results from 111 respondents who accompany indicators of a good hospital [7]. Further, the CHLB can
patients, 63 respondents (56.8) have bad CHLB. Data were minimize and even break the chain of disease spread of
analyzed using chi-square, it was found that knowledge Covid-19 disease.
attitude has the most significant influence on the
implementation of CHLB. The results of multiple logistic During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government's
regression indicate that HHP is the most dominant variable campaign for CHLB was echoed again by the government
that can affect CHLB. This research suggested maximizing to the community so that it could be implemented to break
HHP with existing human resources (HR) in increasing the the chain of virus spread. However, the implementation of
knowledge and attitudes of patient companions, making CHLB to prevent Covid-19 is not an easy thing for citizens
unique installations of health promotion programs. HR to do. Therefore, the government also urges community
selection must refer to regulations, consistent budgeting of leaders, both formal and informal, in each region to play an
HHP funds, maintaining HHP facilities, and maintaining a active role in campaigning for CHLB to citizens to prevent
well-running documentation system. the spread of Covid-19 and also play a role in efforts to
overcome the impact of the pandemic [8].
Keywords: HHP, Attitude, CHLB, Covid-19 Era
Based on a preliminary survey, the implementation of
I. INTRODUCTION HHP with CHLB at the RSU Royal Prima Medan has been
The health system in the past was more disease-oriented. carried out. It can be seen from the existence of health
Maintaining health requires a series of efforts because the promotion media both through print media such as posters,
care and treatment carried out in hospitals is a small part of banners, leaflets, the primary job duties in implementing the
the series of businesses. The hospital health system also HHP program, and the provision of hand sanitizers. The
changes hospital efficiency and profitability [1] [2]. facilities in the implementation of HHP are pretty complete,
Hospitals in Indonesia only emphasize curative and but implementing the health promotion program is not as
rehabilitative services. This situation causes the Hospital to expected. This can be seen from interviews conducted with
become an elite health facility and is separated from the 45 hospital patient assistants. Thirty patient hospital
health system, so that hospital reforms are needed in companions are not aware of the importance of washing
Indonesia [3] [4]. hands. Even though handwashing facilities have been
provided, 36 hospital patient assistants do not use masks
Health promotion is part of the Hospital to empower the properly, and 31 patient companions. Hospital did not apply
community to maintain and improve their health promotion the proper physical distancing. In the initial survey that will
affects health determinants to achieve the highest level of be under, taken researchers also found 27 place hand
health. Therefore, health motion contributes to reducing sanitizers spread disease in the inpatient room area but
inequality in health, guaranteeing fundamental human discovered 16 empty places. Currently, health promotion
rights, and building social capital. The ultimate goal of has not changed many people's behavior into CHLB.
health promotion is to increase health expectations and
reduce disparities in health expectations between countries
and groups [5]. In this case, health promotion in hospitals


II. METHODS Clean and healthy living behavior
Variables p-value
A. Aims and Scope Good Not Good Total
n % n % n %
To evaluate the application of HHP toward CHLB in the Knowledge
era of the covid-19 pandemic at the RSU Royal Prima Good 34 53,1 30 46,9 64 100,0
Medan. Not Good 14 29,8 33 70,2 47 100,0
B. Survey methodology Strongly agree 28 59,6 19 40,4 47 100,0
Agree 5 17,9 23 82,1 28 100,0 0,002
This study involved a11 patient assistants and Disagree 6 30 14 70 20 100,0
qualitative research informants such are the Director, HHP Disagree 9 56,3 7 43,8 16 100,0
officers, the head of the service division, the head of the Action
general and equipment division, the head of the budget Strongly agree 16 42,1 22 57,9 38 100,0
Agree 15 38,5 24 61,5 39 100,0 0,673
department, the staff inpatient services, and patient Disagree 10 45,5 12 54,5 22 100,0
companions. Data were obtained using questionnaires and Disagree 7 58,3 5 41,7 12 100,0
in-depth reviews. Data were analyzed with chi-square and Hospital Health
multiple logistic regression analysis. Promotion
C. Variables used Good 37 51,4 35 48,6 72 100,0
Not Good 11 28,2 28 71,8 39 100,0 0,019
All variables were examined with operational
definitions based on dependent and independent variables,
i.e., ages, education, knowledge, attitude, actions, HHP dan Based on table 2, statistical analysis results using the
CHLB in the distributed questionnaires. chi-square test obtained a value of p = 0.002 of attitude,
followed by p = 0.014 of knowledge. P = 0.019 of HHP so
III. RESULTS that statistically, it can be concluded that there is an
influence between knowledge and actions on CHLB in all
A. Distribution Data Analysis
disease inpatient rooms in the RSU Royal Prima.
The frequency distribution of age, education,
knowledge, attitudes, actions, HHP, and CHLB for patient Further data analysis shows that the independent
companions in inpatient illness rooms at RSU Royal Prima variables that meet the criteria for the next step, multivariate
was shown in Table 1. analysis, are attitude (p = 0.002), knowledge (p = 0.014),
and followed by HHP (p = 0.019).
C. Logistic Regression of Multivariate Analysis
No. Dependent & Independent Variables F % The constant relevancies of all independent variables
1 >26 YEARS 69 62.2
were analyzed with logistic regression analysis. In this
≤26 YEARS 42 37.8 study, we use the Backward LR method. The results are
Education shown in Table 3.
2 High 88 79.3
3 Good 64 57.7 Coefficient p-
Not Good 47 42.3 Step Variable Exp.B
(B) value
Attitude 1 Constant 0,094 -2,360 0,006
Strongly agree 47 42.3 Knowledge 2,384 0,869 0,038
4 Agree 28 25.2 Attitude 1,113 0,107 0,571
Disagree 20 18 Hospital Health Promotion 2,454 0,898 0,040
Strongly Disagree 16 14.4 (HHP)
Action 2 Constant 0,109 -2,212 0,007
Strongly agree 38 34.2 Knowledge 2,479 0,908 0,028
5 Agree 39 35.1 Hospital Health Promotion 2,481 0,909 0,037
Disagree 22 19.8 (HHP)
Strongly Disagree 12 10.8
Hospital Health Promotion (HHP)
6 Good 72 64.9 Based on the results of the analysis in table 4 in stage 1,
Not Good 39 35.1
Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB) it is known that after the knowledge, attitudes, and hospital
7 Good 48 43.2 health promotion variables were entered into the
Not Good 63 56.8 multivariate analysis, it turned out that the attitude variable
had the most significant p-value, namely p = 0.571 or Exp
B. Bivariate Analysis
value. B, close to the value of 1, is 1.113, so that the attitude
To evaluate the influence of knowledge, attitudes, variable is excluded/eliminated from stage 2. In stage 2, it is
actions, HHP, and CHLB for patient companions in known that the variables analyzed are the knowledge and
inpatient illness rooms at RSU Royal Prima was shown in health promotion variables of the Hospital. In stage 2, it is
Table 2. known that hospital health promotion has the largest Exp. B
value, which is 2.481, meaning that hospital health
TABLE 2. BIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF VARIABLES OF THE AND CHILD promotion is the most influential variable or dominant factor
in this study.
Furthermore, the results of the multivariate analysis
were followed by multiple logistic regression equation
models to identify the probability of clean and healthy living of accepting, responding, appreciating, and being
behavior as follows: responsible for CHLB will have a positive impact.
Furthermore, the results of this study are also agreed with
p = 1/(1+e^(-y) ) the previous report, show a relationship between attitudes
p = 1/(1+〖2,7〗^(-(-2,212+0,909+0,908)) ) and clean and healthy living behavior in households [13].
p = 1/2,99 x 100 C. Actions
The Action consists of various levels: 1) Perception,
p = 0,3345 x 100
recognizing and selecting various objects in connection with
p = 33,45% the action to be taken is the first level of action. 2) Response
guided (guided response), can do things according to the
whereas; correct order following the example is an indicator of the
p = Probability of clean and healthy living behavior action level. 3) Mechanism, if someone has been able to do
something right automatically, or something has become a
y = Total regression coefficient constant, knowledge and habit, then he has reached the third level of action. 4)
hospital health promotion Adaptation (adaptational), adaptation is a practice or action
e = Natural number = 2.7 that has developed well.
Based on the equation, it is known that if the respondent Using the chi-square test, the statistical analysis results
has good knowledge and promotion of hospital health, it can obtained a value of p = 0.673 (p> 0.05. Thus, statistically,y
affect clean and healthy living behavior by 33.45%, and the it can be concluded that there is no effect between clean and
other 66.55 % is influenced by other variables that are not healthy living behavior in all inpatientdiseasese.
included in this research variable. D. Promotion(HHP)
IV. DISCUSSION The Decree of the Minister of Health No.
1114/Menkes/SK/VIII/2005 concerning Guidelines for the
A. Knowledge Implementation of Health Promotion in the Regions, health
Based on the results of the study, it was found that there promotion is an effort to improve the ability of the
is an influence between knowledge on clean and healthy community through learning from, by, for, and with the
living behavior (CHLB) in all kind of disease inpatient community, so that they can help themselves. As well as
rooms in the RSU Royal Prima Medan and based on developing activities based on community resources,
multivariate analysis showed that the variables of following local socio-cultural and supported by health-
knowledge are the most variable air influence on CHLB. oriented public policies. The results of statistical analysis
using the chi-square test obtained a value of p = 0.019 (p
Increased knowledge of patient assistants is fully
<0.05) so that statistically, it can be concluded that there is
supported by hospital management through hospital health
an influence between hospital health promotion on clean
promotion programs starting from the planning (planing),
and healthy living behavior [14].
implementation (Do), assessment (check), and Repair (Act)
stages. The results of this study are in line with [9], which E. Work Plan (Job Description)
states that there is a close relationship between knowledge A work plan/job description is a set of goals and
and efforts to improve behavior, the expected level of processes that can help a team/person achieve the goals they
knowledge about the COVID-19 virus, and implemented want to achieve. The work plan in the HHP can help to work
proper strategies to prevent its spread. Thus increasing on the program regularly. The job description is a systematic
knowledge will give significant results to improve behavior. record of a particular position's duties, authorities, and
In addition, the knowledge or cognitive level is also responsibilities, which is defined based on the existing facts.
dominant for the behavior, and behavior based on Job descriptions should explain and focus on the job itself
knowledge will last longer than behavior that is not based and not on the person who fills the job. Again, job
on knowledge [10]. descriptions do not focus on the person who fills the job.
The results of this study are also in line with research The preparation of this job description is essential,
conducted by [11] in Medan on students at the Rapha-El especially to avoid differences in understanding to avoid
Simalingkar Orphanage, proving that good knowledge duplicate work and to know the limits of responsibility and
about CHLB will also affect a person's condition to be good authority of each position [15].
too. Good knowledge about CHLB will reduce existing Based on the results of our study, it is known that the
complaints, o that the quality of life will be improved. RSU Royal Prima already has a plan and job description,
B. Attitude delivered the obligation that must be carried out. This is
following Permenkes No.004 the Year 2012 on Technical
The cross-tabulation results between attitudes towards
Guidelines HHP.
clean and healthy living behavior in all inpatient rooms at
the RSU Royal Prima Medan obtained data can be Based on the results, it can be seen that the job
concluded that there is an influence between attitudes descriptions in the implementation of health promotion have
towards clean and healthy living behavior. been carried out well. Improvement efforts are made based
on the results of the evaluation of activities that have been
The results of our study are supported by previous running. If there are any that are not appropriate, an
research that [12] states that there is a significant
evaluation will be carried out. The results of the evaluation
relationship between attitudes and CHLB. This shows that
will be a reference in improving the job description.
the positive attitude of the respondents shown by the attitude
F. Human Resources H. Facilities
In this study, it was found that the available human Based on research, the Royal Hospital Prima has had
resources in the HHP program were the result of the HHP facilities that are good for program implementation.
recommendation of the chairman of the HHP RSU Royal Health promotion facilities are essential in supporting the
Prima Medan. The recommended human resources came success of HHP in hospitals [18]. Therefore, promotional
from various installations considered to have the facilities have been submitted to hospital management
competence and had to master the material or topic to be ranging from promotional facilities outside the Hospital to
promoted. There are currently no existing human resources inside the hospital building, such as hand sanitizers, all in
that specifically handle Hospital HHP. All. Human the room, banners, brochures, banners, leaflets, etc. This
resources still have multiple jobs. In determining the HR of follows Permenkes No.004 of 2012, which supports the
the HHP, it is the HRD and the Hospital Director. This is implementation of health promotion in the availability of
not following Permenkes No. 004 of 2012 concerning facilities in the form of facilities and infrastructure such as
Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of HHP, leaflets, posters, banners, and others.
which requires exceptional staff for HHP, namely functional
In the implementation of health promotion efforts in
public health extension officers who have special training
hospitals, it will not be carried out properly if it is not
for HHP.
accompanied by facilities that can support the success of
This research was in line with research conducted by these efforts. States that it takes equipment used for
[16] on the Implementation of Hospital Health Promotion at efficiency purposes through reduction. The facilities
RSJD dr. Amino Gondohutomo of Central Java Province, provided should be comfortable to use and have a period of
where the Executive team HHP consists of various use, easy to clean and maintain [19].
professions and not all diploma/undergraduate health
Based on research results, HHP at RSU Royal Prima
members are taken from every hospital area that HHP team
can reach all parts of the Hospital. For three years running, uses print media facilities such as leaflets, brochures,
banners, etc. However, suppose there is something that
the entire HHP team has never received special health
promotion training. This is because there are still two jobs rarely happens that causes the need for facilities to increase.
from the primary profession, and the training in the In that case, the HHP Team immediately proposes
procurement, such as when this is the coronavirus
profession of each member is still hampered.
pandemic, all facilities related to the coronavirus are being
Performance comes from the word job performance or requested.
actual performance, which means work performance or
actual achievement achieved by someone. Therefore, the I. Documentation
definition of performance (work achievement) results from In implementing health promotion at RSU Royal Prima,
work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in documentation activities have been carried out for every
carrying out his functions following the responsibilities health promotion activity. The results of this documentation
given to him. are made as a form of activity reports from the results of the
implementation of health promotion. This documentation
This research was in line with research conducted by will later be used as a reference for evaluating the HHP
[17] with the title Implementation of Health Promotion at program. This is following the Health Promoter Hospital
the Airlangga University Hospital Surabaya reported the Standard [20], where one of the sub-standards in HHP is the
process of monitoring the course of HHP at the Airlangga availability of documentation as part of evaluating the
University Hospital is always supervised by the HHP team implementation of HHP.
who constantly monitors and evaluates all health promotion
activities, which have been implemented. J. Patient Assessment
G. Budget Based on the research results, it is known that the
planning of the assessment of health promotion efforts for
This study was in line with research conducted by [17] patient companions has been carried out starting from
with the title Implementation of Health Promotion at the outside the building to inside the building, in the form of
Airlangga University Hospital Surabaya, which said that the banners, posters, and hand sanitizers. The implementation
budget allocation for the implementation of HHP is always of the HHP at the RSU Royal Prima showed that health
listed in the Annual Budget Work Plan (RKAT). Regarding promotion efforts for patients had been carried out.
the budget for the Hospital, health promotion efforts found However, the implementation was not optimal because
that the budget for the HHP Installation did not yet exist as those who had not received direct health promotion
the person in charge and manager of hospital health byHospitall human resources, doctors, nurses, and other
promotion efforts. To get a budget for hospital health medical professionals. Based on the research results that
promotion efforts, the HHP installation must submit a have been done in implementing the hospital health
budget planning proposal to the home directory for promotion assessment of the patient companion, some get
processing. If approved, the new budget is lowered to the services in the form of direct health promotion, some
HHP installation as the person in charge of hospital health indirectly, while the rest. In contrast, research that has been
promotion efforts. Thus, the implementation of HHP is carried out, it is known that in improving hospital health
charged to the budget and implies that the availability of promotion to escort the patient's nothing to be fixed, where
funds for health promotion is not sufficient. This is due to there are respondents who did not get a promotion directly
an understanding of the importance of health promotion to by hospitals’ staff, up doctors and nurses.
preventive actions in health problems that budget providers
have not adequately understood.
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