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Arel, the Golden Peacock

Lesser God

The Golden Peacock of Kadaq is an ancient

patron of the Fallaji people, and a cruel god. His
name among the southern Borvans is Melek
Taus, the Cruel One. He is the son of Kulsai and
Asa, and is a godly representation of rebellion
and vanity. The main religious thrust of the
Golden Peacock is that one must always question
tradition and dogma. Fixed ideologies are the
antithesis of his cult. He is a tempter god and his
followers refuse to follow ‘right behavior’ as
practiced by any mortal beings. He appears most
commonly as a peacock with gold feathers and a
magnificent plumage that is constantly changing
color. He is Chaotic Neutral.

Arel’s constellation is a small peacock with an enormous tail of feathers. He is the patron of the Fallaji tribes, and
is often honored by barbarian or mercenary bands. The Golden Peacock gave mortals the first great war
implements as well as vanity tools, such as cosmetics. He invented copper smelting from an ore known as
Melekite. He is also the founder of alchemy’s dreams of longevity. The point of much of alchemy is to change one’s
body of clay into a body of light in order to achieve godhood and immortality. These vain and foolish hopes are the
work of Arel, who delights in the strife it causes. His colors are purple and gold. His domains are Destruction,
Chaos, Luck, Pride, and Wine.

Arel chooses no one god for his consort, taking whatever pleasure he can find from whatever god he can convince
or deceive. He is disliked by almost every god, yet manages to survive through a combination of trickery and luck.
According to the Umangrane, Arel will be casually slain by the titan Urgulus as the beast reawakens.

Summon Monster (Arel)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Asa, the Wild
Greater God

Asa, also known as the Wild One, represents the godly

force of instinct. She believes the soul grows by releasing
thought, and giving in to primal urges. She is the power
of the natural world and all things wild. She appears as a
matronly woman of indeterminate age dressed in green
silk and crowned with flowers. She is Chaotic Neutral.

Asa’s constellation is a willow tree opposite the crow of

Karamusan. Her followers are mostly druids, though she
does have a small dedicated cult that flourishes in Icatia.
Clerics of Asa that are not druids are usually hedonists,
throwing away the shackles of conformity for the rush of
primal pleasures. Her colors are green and white. Her
domains are Beast, Chaos, Lust, and Wine.

Asa is the consort of Basu, and the mother of Arel. She

does do get along with Kulsai or her son, believing them
to be too calculating and untrustworthy. She is a friend
of Vargen and Ghen, and has a powerful rivalry with
Jahlo. The Umangrane foretells that she will meet her
end after being chased for over a year by Jhalo’s hunting
beasts. Finally trapped by the creatures, she destroys them all, only to be killed by the Master of the Hunt himself.

Summon Monster (Asa)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Basu, the Four Winds
Greater God

Basu, also known as The Four Winds, represents the godly force
of chance. He is whimsical and capricious, even for a god, and
attempts to change the fortunes of a mortal soul who has been
travelling the same path too long in life. He represents change of
fortune that has no discernable cause. Basu is the greatest hope
among the gods for avoiding the fate of the Umangrane, for only
he has proven able to change the tales. He is Chaotic Neutral.

Basu has no constellation – he is represented in the night sky by a

comet that appears above the planet in at seemingly random
intervals. He has no established clergy, though his clerics have
been commanded by his to look for those who have been
fortunate or destitute for too long, and work to reverse their luck.
Basu is the patron of several cities, most notably Lotrus and
Koutetsukan. He is also the father of the race of Nephallim. His
colors are red and purple. His favored weapon is the khopesh. His
domains are Air, Chaos, Luck, Travel, and Trickery.

Basu’s one constant is his love for Asa, and the two have been
consorts since they first met. Basu has taken both godly and
mortal lovers occasionally, but only as a means of disrupting their
lives – he does not like mortals (or many gods for that matter) and enjoys reversing their fortunes for good or ill.
According to the Umangrane, Basu will sink into a deep depression following the death of Asa, and drift further
and further from the earth, until he is lost forever among the stars.

Summon Monster (Basu)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Ezra, the Song of Dreams
Greater God

Ezra, also known as the Song of Dreams or the Songmaster,

represents the godly power of inspiration. She encourages
souls to rise to greater heights of happiness and beauty. She is
the patron of music, poetry, and of love. She appears as a
shapely young woman clad in a blue cloak. She is Chaotic

Ezra’s constellation is a harp, positioned above the left wing of

Karamusan’s crow. She is the patron of many cities, most
notably Caspiar, Garaband, and Savahn. Her clerics seek to
inspire people to creative heights in all fields, but show a
particular affinity for musicians. Ezra herself spends a great
deal of time in the mortal realm, and favors artists of all stripes
– it is said that she can offer water from the Sea of Dreams to
a mortal creature, and inspire acts of divine creativity. She is
also the patron of the Order of Glad Tidings. Her colors are
white and blue. Her favored weapon is the bola. Her domains
are Luck, Mist, Radiant, and Water.

Ezra is closely allied with Kulsai, and their followers often work together. Ezra’s earliest endeavors made a place of
romance and esteem, bringing art and song in Galadran's mortals. She is the consort of Golobulus, and truly loves
him, despite his evil ways. The Umangrane states that Ezra and Lyrna will abandon the mortal world for the Sea of
Dreams, drifting further and further from land until they is forever lost among the waves.

Summon Monster (Ezra)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
The Fates
Lesser God

The Fates are seven different gods bound in a single shell,

trapped by their own parents in order to see and speak of
the Umangrane, the prophecy that will unmake the world.
They appear as a serpentine woman with six arms, each
one bearing a mask. Each Fate is represented by a mask
and may speak through the mouth of the body only when
their mask is worn. The Fates are Neutral Evil.

The Fates’ constellation is a mask, positioned under the

right wing of Karamusan’s crow. Her servants are the
bridge between the mortal world and the realm of the
gods. She is bound to tell of the Umangrane and to name
the Ages of the world as they change. They communicate
prophecy through their clergy, who in turn act as advisors.
The clerics also work to free their goddesses from the
prison of their body, and revenge them against the gods
that trapped them. Their colors are green and grey. Their
domains are Divination, Envy, Knowledge, and Madness.

The Fates are the children of Ghen and Lyer. Upon their birth, Lyer trapped the children in a fleshy prison and used
their godly gifts to unlock the secrets of the Umangrane. Despite his efforts, however, The Fates only speak the
vagaries of the prophecies and mark the passage of its landmarks – they will not tell of the specifics. They are
bound by godly magic to obey their father only so far, but they wait for the day the Umangrane finishes its tales,
and the entire world – as well as the gods who keep them imprisoned – will die. Then, they can be free.

Summon Monster (Fates)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
The First Dragon
Lesser God

The First Dragon was created by the titans during the Age of
Dreams as a weapon to use against the God Nihilné. Like all
the terrible creatures from this long-forgotten time, it was
shaped by the primal elements that were the Titans’ alone to
command. When if finally woke, it battled long with the
Highgod, and brought him low. As the titans celebrated, the
Dragon turned on them, freed Nihilné, and abandoned the
Titans to their fate. As a creature of the titans, he is no godly
representation of anything, but gives power to those who
please him (chiefly, his children). He appears as a dragon with
quicksilver-colored scales and silver eyes. He is Chaotic
Neutral, but dragons or dragonkin of any alignment may serve

The First Dragon has no constellation, for he dwells in a long-

forgotten cave on the planet’s surface, surrounded by all the
treasure he has gathered over the Ages. As he sleeps among
his hoard, his dreams guide and shape those who share his
blood, granting them divine power and guidance. The Empire
of Icatia is the only non-dragonkin organization that openly
worships the First Dragon, and their priests speak of a world
where the children of the First rule supreme over a military dictatorship of mortals. His colors are silver and gold.
He has no favored weapon (his clerics receive the Improved Unarmed Combat feat for free instead). His domains
are Air, Avarice, Fire, Pride, and Strength.

The Dragon has no relations with any of the other Gods – he is asleep, and his godly manifestations have better
things to do that converse with the children of a God he defeated. The Umangrane states that the First dragon will
join the Titans when they reawaken, and turn on them again, killing the last of them as they stand in triumph over
the defeated mortal races. The final fate of the First Dragon is not revealed.

Summon Monster (First Dragon)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Ghen, the Healing Hand
Greater God

Ghen represents the godly power of restoration. She embraces the

soul's wish to grow and to learn from mistakes. She is the patron of
healing, motherhood, and restoring the lost. She actively works to
make things right in Galadran and tries to rid the world of evil with her
compassion. Her nature sometimes conflicts with the violent
conditions her faithful encounter, but she has a wide breadth of
worship during times of strife. She appears as a multi-limbed woman
of indeterminate age, with three eyes set equidistant from each other
on her forehead. She is Neutral Good.

Ghen’s constellation consists of three stars – Lemos, Katris, and Demis

– who represent her eyes. These stars are always visible in the night
sky regardless of season, and are used by sailors as a means of
navigating. She is the patron of the Healing Hand Society (her only
sect of clerics) and of many cities, most notably Rivergarrd in Borva
and Oso Lubuski in Lethe. Her clerics are all women, and are gifted
with yellow eyes when they pledge themselves to her service. Her
colors are blue and purple, and she has no favored weapon (her
clerics automatically receive Improved Unarmed Strike instead). Her
Domains are Good, Healing, Protection, and Radiant.

Ghen was the consort of Hya before his death, and is the mother of
Kyne, Malikk and The Fates. According to the Umangrane, Ghen is one of the last of the gods to die – surrounded
on all sides by the hunting beasts of Jahlo, she will protect the mortals under her care for as long as possible before
she is overwhelmed.

Summon Monster (Ghen)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9

Golobulus, the Scaled God

Lesser God

Golobulus is the serpent-god of the Nefrekatu He is the son of Shaku and Hya, and is a godly representation of
hatred and rapine. He offers power to those who kill and pillage in his name. He appears as a massive orange
serpent wreathed in flame. He is Chaotic Evil.

Golobulus’s constellation is a coiled serpent with its tail in its mouth. He is worshipped by the naga and their kin as
their father, and by warriors and barbarians in Ket. Golobulus’ cult is a bloody religion, a survival from a strange
demihuman culture that was thrown down by the Nefrekatuns during the Age of Stars. Priests wear monstrous,
half-bestial masks surmounted by ostrich plumes in certain ceremonies. Sacred beasts, both terrestrial and
otherwise, abound in their religious culture. Giant pythons hunt abroad in the dark alleys of Indra, human sacrifices
innumerable are given to amorphous monsters held in deep pits and giant, drugged iridescent serpents coil in their
temples, ready to accept worship and sacrifice from the priests of Golobulus. His colors are orange and red. His
domains are Destruction, Envy, Fire, and Strength.

Golobulus is the son of Vargen and Shaku. He is friendly with Arel, and hates both Malikk and Ghen. He is consort
to Ezra, despite the two being entirely different, and the alliance has kept his many foes at bay. The Umangrane
makes no mention of Golobulus, but it is assumed that he will die when the titans awaken, along with all his
wretched kin.

Summon Monster (Golobulus)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Grandmother Ega
Lesser God

Grandmother Ega is a lesser god most

commonly worshipped in Kesselrov and
Skeggi. She is the godly manifestation of
Spite and Suffering. She is the patron of
the slighted and the abused, as well as
the destitute and the lost. Rather than
offering them sufferance, however, she
usually offers them petty vengeance or
meaningless victories. She appears as a
white-haired woman of indeterminate
age, with the left half of her face scarred
beyond all recognition. She is Neutral Evil.

Grandmother Ega’s constellation is a grinning skull in to the left of Hein’s hammer. Her clerics travel the towns and
cities of Galadran, seeking the disenfranchised of society so that they can offer them spiteful retribution for their
pains. Many people keep shrines to Grandmother Ega in their homes to ward off the undead or evil fae. Her
colors are brown and blue. Her favored weapon is the spear. Her domains are Envy, Evil, Travel, and Trickery.

Grandother Ega is the child of Vargen and Ezra, and was mutilated by The Fates when she taunted them. Since that
time, she has hunted for vengeance against them and Ghen for allowing the fates to be born. She is the consort of
Kulsai, and the mother of Tarva. The Umangrane states that Grandmother Ega will betray Kulsai to gain vengeance
on the Fates, after which she will be killed by the Hunting Beasts of Jahlo.

Summon Monster (Halja)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Jahlo, the Dark Huntsman
Lesser God

Jahlo, the Dark Huntsman, is the godly manifestation of obsession. He is the patron
god of hunters and slavers, and is usually accompanied by a host of bizarre creatures
and shadowy monsters that make up his hunting pack. He appears as a tall humanoid
of indeterminate age with stag’s antlers growing from his head and dressed as a
hunter with a bow. He is True Neutral, but his clerics may be of any alignment.

Jahlo’s constellation is an arrow, positioned in the night’s sky across from Hein’s
hammer. His clerics are largely left alone – Jahlo is too busy hunting prey to pay them
much mind. Clerics of Jahlo are expected to hunt frequently, and to participate in one
of their god’s Great Hunts, if he is nearby. Great Hunts are held constantly in different
parts of Galadran, as Jahlo searches endlessly for more prey, using his pack of beasts
to chase down all manner of mortals and beasts. His colors are brown and black. His
favored weapon is the shortbow. His domains are Archery, Hunt, Night, and Travel.

Jahlo is the consort of Nimis, and the two plot endlessly on ways to hunt down the
remaining fragments of the dead gods. For Jahlo, it is a worthy challenge to find the
people who possess pieces of the divine, for the godly presence hides them from his
divine sight. The Umangrane states that Jahlo will be destroyed by Basu after the
Dark Huntsman kills Asa.

Summon Monster (Jahlo)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Hein, the Defender
Lesser God

Hein, also known as The Defender, represents the godly power

of persistence. He believes in the perseverance of the soul and
its opposition to adversity for the greater goal. He is the patron
of soldiers, rangers, and the natural cycle of life and death,
abhorring things like undead. He also represents loyalty and
obedience to the whole. He promotes persistence of truths that
promote good. He appears as a warrior clad in armor and fur,
and carrying a mighty hammer. He is Lawful Good.

Hein’s constellation is a hammer, positioned below the sword of

Malikk. His clerics are some of the most industrious in all
Galadran. In almost every large community, there are warrior
cults dedicated to him, as well as strong community support. He
frequently the patron of fortresses and prisons as well. His
colors are gold and blue. His favored weapon is the
warhammer. His domains are Archery, Good, Law, and Strength.

Hein’s divine mission – guarding the titan’s prison in Godshome – leaves him little time for consorts or other forms
of pleasure. He is friendly to Malikk and Ghen, believing them to be honorable. He has no patience for the
machinations of Kyne, and despises Arel for his cruelty and both Vargen and Basu for their capriciousness. The
Umangrane foretells that Hein will loyally stand by the gates to the titan’s prison as it is opened, slaying
Y’golsoldath before he is overwhelmed.

Summon Monster (Hein)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Karamusan, the Fallen Lord
Greater God

Karamusan, also known as the Fallen Lord, Master of the Bronze

Tower, and the Ghoul King, represents the godly force of decay. He
urges souls to break down their complexities to attain their most basic
form. Karamusan is the god of diseases and of the ultimate decay of all
things, from individuals to nations. He opposes things like a healthy,
wholesome life or a quick, painless death. The world must starve,
decay, and disintegrate until there is nothing left. Only then will the
Fallen Lord be satisfied. He appears as a horned humanoid wrapped in
bladed chains. He is Chaotic Evil.

Karamusan’s constellation is a crow with its wings spread. He has no

organized clergy, but is the creator of the Ratmen race, as well as the
god who perverted the Havaran people into Ghouls. Both races pay
homage to the Ghoul King, and he in turn protects them as much as he
cares to. His colors are black and green. His domains are Death,
Destruction, Evil, and Mists.

Karamusan remains isolated from the other gods and tries to infect the
world with plague and horror. He keeps the company of no other god,
and does not encourage his followers to do so either. The Umangrane
prophecies that at the end of the world, disease runs rife throughout
the world, and Karamusan grows more powerful, until he himself
grows sick from the rot and dies.

Summon Monster (Karamusan)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Kulsai, the Firemaster
Greater God

Kulsai, also known as the Flowing Flame, the Alchemist, and the
Firemaster, represents the godly force of transformation. He promotes
the soul to give in to passion and creativity to grow and change. He
represents fire, because it is the element that brings change and
growth, and it represents the creativity of artists and alchemists. Kulsai
is chaotic, but does not condone random destruction; instead, change
should produce something new. He is the patron of art and alchemy.
He appears as a humanoid dressed in fine clothing and an exotic
horned headdress. He is Chaotic Good.

Kulsai’s constellation is a scarab, positioned in the sky under the left

wing of Karamusan’s crow. He is the patron of artists and alchemists,
and has become the patron of technology in recent centuries. He has
organized a sect of clerics – called the Invisible College – to further the
use of science and technology against the arcane forces of magic
brought about by Kaelminthanas. His colors are gold, red, and blue. His
domains are Avarice, Fire, Knowledge, and Luck.

Kulsai is the consort of Grandmother Ega, and the father of Tarva. He

has good relations with his son, but hates Tarva’s mothe. He acts as a
mentor to Vargen, and he taught the Bull God the skills of crafting. The
Umangrane states that Kulsai will be killed attempting to rally the
remaining mortals during the last battle against the titans.

Summon Monster Kulsai

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Kyne, the Even Handed
Greater God

Kyne, also known as The Even-Handed God,

represents the godly force of discipline. He
believes the way for the soul to become better
is through discipline and hard work. Kyne is
seen as distant and separate. He encourages
mortals to look within for enlightenment,
rather than turn to worldly desires and material
goods. He appears as a young man clad in
acetic robes. He is True Neutral.

Kyne’s constellation is the rose. He is bother

and adviser to Malikk. He has few clerics, but is
patron to many orders of monks. His colors are
green and white and he has no favored weapon
(his clerics automatically receive Improved
Unarmed Strike instead). His domains are
Knowledge, Mind, and Protection.

Kyne’s influence on the world is constant but

subtle. He often gives counsel to the other
Gods in times of crisis, and is regarded as a fair
adjudicator of disputes - He is not the wisest of
the gods, but he is the most fair. He is aware of
the Umangrane, but is unconcerned with it – he will not help bring it to pass, nor will he hinder its progress. The
prophecy does not mention him at all, and he believes that he remains unmentioned because discipline is a higher
power even than prophecy. He has no children, and takes no lovers – his is an acetic life, devoid of petty pleasures
and rich in the rewards of discipline.

Summon Monster (Kyne)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Luurko, the Prince of Lies
Lesser God

Luurko, also known as the Prince of Lies, the Betrayer,

and the Broken Scales, represents the godly force of
exploitation. He influences souls to use every encounter
with another person to their advantage. He captures
souls who are desiring or despairing to use the
misfortune of others to their profit. He is ultimately
selfish and cares for no one but himself (save perhaps
Arel), and passes that attitude on to his mortal
followers. Luurko constantly attempts to make deals
with the other gods, and his lies lead mortals to carry
out evil in the world. He appears as a skeletal being with
a missing right hand and a ledger book. He is Neutral

Luurko’s constellation is an open book, positioned under

the left wing of Karamusan’s crow. He has no organized
clergy – few people would ever admit to being in debt to
the Prince of Lies. Luurko’s principle followers are
magic-users, whom he offers the secrets of magic in
exchange for their services in the mortal realm. His
colors are black and blue. His favored weapon is the dagger. His domains are Envy, Evil, Magic, and Mind.

Luurko’s only true friend is Arel – he sacrificed his hand to protect him from the wrath of Shaku. The two betray
each other’s servants constantly, but never each other. The Umangrane claims that Luurko will be consumed by
Nimis as she becomes too greedy to wait for the god to die.

Summon Monster (Luurko)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Lyrna, the Cry of the Waves
Lesser God

Lyrna, also known as the Cry of the Waves, is the godly representation of the
sea. She is most widely worshipped in the Bitter North by the Æsir tribes. Lyrna
is a cruel and rapacious goddess – she is interested only be adored by mortals,
and uses her powers to hinder those who do not love her, while rewarding
those who do with her divine favor. She appears as a slender young woman
with blue skin and white hair. She is Neutral Evil.

Lyrna’s constellation is a sea beast. She is frequently called upon by sailors for
safe passage through her waters. She is worshipped by the sea elves, and by
many sentient aquatic and amphibian creatures. Her colors are gray and blue.
Her favored weapon is a battle axe. Her Domains are Night, Moon, Strength,
and Water.

Lyrna is the consort of Luurko, and the daughter of Ostara and Malikk. She
feuds endlessly with her parents, but wants nothing from them, neither praise
nor dominance. She is capricious, and her parent gods irritate her. According to
the Umangrane, she will join Ezra in her journey through the sea of Dreams,
vanishing forever amongst the endless waves.

Summon Monster (Lyrna)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Malikk, the Sword of Justice
Greater God

Malikk, also known as the Sword of Justice, represents the

godly power of unity. He encourages the soul to grow as a part
of the whole in order to benefit from the strength of
brotherhood. He promotes courage and justice, and is the spirit
of honorable battle. He is not a warlike god, but supports war
when it is necessary to maintain integrity. He promotes
strength of spirit in times of peace. He is the courageous spirit
of bonds among mortals. He appears as an elderly warrior clad
in armor and wielding a mace or club. He is Lawful Neutral.

Malikk’s constellation is a sword, the blade separating the

constellation of Ghen from that of Shaku. He is the patron of
several military organizations, most notably the Knights Lawson
and the Army of Icatia. His clerics often serve as advisors to
members of the ruling class, or as soldiers. His colors are white
and red, and his favorite weapon is the mace. His domains are
Army, Law, Protection, and Strength.

Malikk lacks the compassion of his mother, but is very close to

his brother and to The Fates – his obsession with the Umangrane borders on mania, and he seeks a way to avoid
the catastrophe it foretells. He hopes that unity amongst the mortal races will tip the balance away from the dark
fortunes of prophecy. He hates his half-brother Træki, and the god Crotus, but is more or less indifferent to the
other gods, including Kaelminthanas. He is consort to Oghna, and is the father of Gault. The Umangrane claims
that Malikk will perish at the head of the last great army of mortals, slain by Crotus in the center of the last great

Summon Monster (Malikk)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Nimis, the Devourer
Lesser God

Nimis is the godly representation of

gluttony and cannibalism. Her domain lies
beyond the traditional realm of the gods –
she is the keeper of the realm of Scothas,
the graveyard of the Gods. Nimis disdains
life, feeling that it is wasted on the people
of Galadran. She prefers to promise
"immortality" by making souls into undead
rather than letting them pass into the
afterlife. If they agree, she devours their
soul and returns them to the world, tasked
with finding more souls to feed to their
new mistress. She appears as a grossly fat
woman with white eyes and fanged teeth.
She is Chaotic Neutral.

Nimis has no constellation, for she dwells beyond the celestial realms. She is the patron of cannibals and parasites,
but also tends and keeps the bodies of the fallen gods. Her clerics are tasked with seeking out the remnants of the
fallen gods – including Nihilné. Nimis desires to have all the fallen flesh in her possession, even if she cannot
devour it all. Her colors are brown and gray. Her servants have no favored weapon (cleric receive the Improved
Unarmed Strike for free). Her Domains are Evil, Gluttony, Sloth, and Wine.

Nimis is the consort of Jahlo. The two of them plot ceaselessly plot the downfall of the other gods, which Nimis
hopes will increase her food supply in Scothas. According to the Umangrane, Nimis will devour the dead gods at
the end of the world, growing more powerful and massive until she chokes on the bones in her gullet and dies.

Summon Monster (Nimis)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Ostara, the Perfect Scales
Lesser God

Ostara, also known as the Silver Mistress and the

Perfect Scales, represents the godly force of
interaction. Those who follow Ostara grow by
communicating with other people. She oversees all
oaths, negotiations, and partnerships. She promotes
the advancement of the world through enterprise..
She appears as a young woman with all manner of
exotic materials in her possession, always willing to
trade. She is Lawful Neutral.

Ostara’s constellation is a pair of scales. She patrons

merchants, without regard to motivation so long as
business is done fairly. With that principle in mind, she
does not condemn slavery or mercenary activity.
Things like theft and cheating, however, she opposes as
they impair the principles of interaction. Her clerics are
tasked with ensuring fair and equitable interactions
with mortals, and as a result she is widely worshipped
by the gnomish race. Her colors are blue and purple. She does not have a favored weapon (her clerics receive the
Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free instead). Her domains are Community, Law, Mind, and Trade.

Ostara is the consort of Malikk – the two are very similar in their outlooks and both believe that the Umangrane
can be altered through the use of mortals. She is the mother of the goddess Lyrna, but the two have been rivals for
centuries. The Umangrane claims that Ostara will be slain by Tarva as she attempts to bring together the kings of
the world to battle the awakening Titans.

Summon Monster (Ostara)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Shaku, the Endbringer
Greater God

Shaku, also known as the Queen of Darkness, The Temptress,

and the Endbringer, represents the godly force of control. She
brings souls under her will and encourages them to grow
according to her plans for conquest. She orders souls to
surrender to dominance and give way to those who are
stronger. She likewise orders souls to dominate others. She is
the highest power among the Gods and believes that it is her
right to one day dominate the entire world. Shaku is one of the
first gods, along with the now-dead Hya. She appears as a
giant spider with the upper torso of a beautiful woman of
elvish appearance. She is Lawful Evil.

Shaku’s constellation is a spider, positioned beneath the

pommel of Malikk’s sword. She is patron to the Spidersect
clerics, and has borne countless children with mortals,
spawning the many foul races of spider-like humanoids that
prowl Galadran. Her colors are black and white. Her domains
are Death, Evil, Night, Spider, and Trickery.

Shaku was also a consort of Hya before he left her for Ghen,
and is the current lover of Vargen. Of all the gods, she spends
the most time in the mortal realm, fostering new children and
hatching new plots to dominate all life. According to the
Umangrane, Shaku will be slain by Tarva in an act that frees the demigod from his oath of obedience to Malikk.

Summon Monster (Shaku)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Tarva, the Ever-living
Lesser God

Tarva is the godly representation of creation. When

the Highgod Nihilné was slain by the God of Murder
at the end of the Age of Dreams, the divine spark of
life that sang the world into existence drifted from
the body of the fallen deity to the heavens. Taking
the form of a fiery bird, it remained in the heavens
for centuries, laying its fiery eggs that men call stars,
and waiting for the time to return to the land that
spawned it. Taking the name of Tarva, she returned
to Galadran during the Age of Swords and began to
remake the world with her children. The war that
followed was the greatest struggle in history, with
the fate of all life on Galadran at stake. Finally,
Malikk and the Icatian army defeated Tarva and her
children, and forced her to surrender. She appears as
a large phoenix wreathed in white flame. She is
Chaotic Neutral.

The stars are the children of Tarva, returned to their

resting places in the heavens, and shaped to honor the gods that defeated her centuries ago. She is the patron of
builders, mothers, and creators of physical things – she has no patience for art of any kind. A cleric of Tarva is
proficient in any weapon they made for themselves. Her colors are red and white. Her domains are Chaos, Craft,
Fire, and Radiant.

Tarva is not an evil god, yet she longs for freedom from the oath of surrender that binds her and her children to the
service of Malikk. Until he calls upon her for a service, she cannot return to Galadran from the stars. The
Umangrane predicts that tarva will free herself of her obligations, and she and her children will descend upon
Galadran again, awakening the Titans and beginning the end of the world.

Summon Monster (Tarva)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9
Vargen, the Bull God
Greater God

Vargen, also known as the Bull God, represents the

godly force of wrath. He orders souls to seek revenge
on anything that does them wrong or takes power from
them. He is the master of vengeance, wars fought for
passion, anger, volcanoes, and broken promises. His
followers are focused in the use of discipline and order
for their pursuits. Vargen appears as a horned man with
the lower torso of a bull and a sharp, bladed tail. He is
Chaotic Evil.

Vargen’s constellation is a bull’s head. He is the patron

of no organized clergy, but is the favorite god of the
kotas, who claim him to be the supreme deity and name
him Vaul. Vargen favors the kotas in turn, flattered for
their attention and devotion. His colors are silver and
black. His domains are Destruction, Pride, Strength, and

Vargen is the consort to Shaku, despite having an

uneasy partnership with her; he can ally with her or oppose her as his needs dictate, but he feels no sense of
devotion to her. He is ruled entirely by his whims and passions, and is easily angered. He is also industrious when
he needs to be, and is responsible for the creation of the Twelve Swords that devastated the lands during the Age
of Swords. The Umangrane states that Vargen will be destroyed along with his kotas while battling the Titans at
the end of the world.

Summon Monster (Vargen)

Summon Monster I ½ or lower
Summon Monster II 1
Summon Monster III 2
Summon Monster IV 3
Summon Monster V 4/5
Summon Monster VI 6
Summon Monster VII 7
Summon Monster VIII 8
Summon Monster IV 9

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