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Application for Testing:

1. Web Application (Based on Frontend Ruby on Rails with Backend Postgre Database Open Source

2. Mobile Application (Based on Java Technology)

a. Client Application :


Portal Application

1. Web Application :
OS Platform: Windows XP & Ubuntu Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera.

2. Mobile Application :
Mobile Type: Nokia 2700 Classics (GSM), Nokia 6275 CDMA Phone OS Platform: Series 40 Technology: J2ME

1. Manual Testing Only

Types of Testing:
1. Smoke Testing 2. Functional Testing 3. GUI Testing 4. Retesting 5. Sanity Testing 6. Regression Testing

7. Performance Testing based on increase volume of database size 8. Load Testing 9. Usability Testing
10. Security Testing Preparation of Test Case Document:

1. Test Case Id It should be serial unique number 2. Purpose Overall Objective of Testing 3. Test Data Variable & Values 4. Steps to be Executed Executing the results 5. Expected Results as per the requirement specification 6. Actual Results as per the execution results 7. Status Pass / Fail 8. Comments Message to a reviewer

Preparation of Bug Report Documents: 1. Bug Name: Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user. 2. Bug ID: (It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug) 3. Area Path: USERS menu > New Users 4. Build Number: Version Number 5.0.1 5. Severity: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or 1 6. Priority: HIGH (High/Medium/Low) or 1 7. Assigned to: Developer-X 8. Reported By: Your Name 9. Reported On: Date 10. Reason: Defect 11. Status: New/Open/Active (Depends on the Tool you are using) 12. Environment: Windows XP 13. Description:
Application crash on clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user, hence unable to create a new user in the application.

14. Steps To Reproduce:

1) Logon into the application 2) Navigate to the Users Menu > New User 3) Filled all the user information fields 4) Clicked on Save button 5) Seen an error page ORA1090 Exception: Insert values Error 6) See the attached logs for more information (Attach more logs related to bug..IF any) 7) And also see the attached screenshot of the error page.

15. Expected result: On clicking SAVE button, should be prompted to a success message New
User has been created successfully.

(A) Smoke Testing

a. Pre-Requisite: Deploy the Mobile Application in the Server Server Automatically Send the Download Link to Field Officer via SMS

Configure the Field Officer Name, Address and Mobile No...etc., Field Officer Handset should be enabled the GPRS Connection After successfully download the application and the server automatically send the Password
SMS Message to the Field Officer a. Steps to be Done:

1. Go to Inbox in Mobile -> Select Download Link Message Right Click Button -> Select
Go to Web 2. Select the place to store the download file

3. After Download the Application and select the file to Launch Apps
b. Testing Steps: i. Positive Test Cases: 1. Verify Download Message format as per client specification

2. Verify Password Message format as per client specification

3. Verify to download the application 4. Verify to Launch the application 5. Verify display screen is fits current requirement 6. Verify Password SMS sent by the server automatically after download the application successfully ii. Negative Test Cases: 1. While Downloading Application break the process intermediately and restart it.

2. After Completing the download process successfully and again try to download the same
application with using same download link 3. Before Downloading the Application try to disable the GPRS Connection 4. Change the Mobile Date to Past and Try to Download the Application

5. Change the Mobile Date to Future and Try to Download the Application

(B)Functional Testing
a. Pre-Requisite: Application should be install in your handset

Mobile Date / Time Should Match with Server Date / Time Server Should sent the Current Day Pin Number
a. Steps Should be Done:

1. Go to the Application in your Handset 2. Select the Application and Click to Launch 3. Select the Branch -> Click Next 4. Select the Area -> Click Next
5. Select the Group -> Click Next 6. Show the Member Name & Amount to be Pay (if you want to edit and then select the member and place the cursor in amount field and enter the value) 7. Select the Button Next

8. The Mobile Data Send to the Server 9. Press * Button to Quick Menu -> Press Button 5 to Update Server (during the collection
time if you have a problem in lack of network signals, GPRS connection lost etc., after resolving the problem follow the step 9) b. Testing Steps: i. Positive Test Cases: 1. Login Application with Valid Pin & Password

2. To verify to able Navigate to all the Screens 3. To verify all Handset Button Working like Up,Left,Right,Bottom Button working properly.
4. To Verify the Application fits to display within required size on the screen 5. To Verify the Application able to navigate Branch, Area, Groups in menu list reliably

6. To Verify the Application show Quick Menu List When Press button *
ii. Negative Test Cases: 1. Login Application with Invalid Pin & Password

2. Verify to take Collection amount without GPRS Connection 3. Verify to take Deposit amount without Network Signals
4. Verify the Data Updated in the server when lack of network signals and lost in GPRS

5. Verify after resolve the problem like network signals & lost in GPRS connection etc., when
the server update mobile data 6. Verify the change the Handset Date like Future Date or Past Date and then try to launch the application

(B) GUI Testing

a. Pre-Requisite: Application should be install in your handset

Mobile Date / Time Should Match with Server Date / Time

Server Should sent the Current Day Pin Number a. Steps Should be Done: i. Go to Message Inbox in Handset -> Note it Down the Current Pin Number ii. Launch the Application

iii.Enter the Valid Pin & Password and Login in to Application

iv.Navigate to all the Screens b. Testing Steps: i. Positive Test Cases:

1. To verify the Label name is correct in all the screens & menus
2. To verify the all label & all fields properly aligned 3. To verify to input the data with minimum as well as Maximum in all the text fields in entire screens & menus

4. To verify to able navigate multiple items in the list box in multiple time simultaneously in
entire screens & menus 5. To verify the screen navigation is valid as per the specification ii. Negative Test Cases: 1. To verify to enter the alphabets in phone no text fields 2. To verify to enter the numbers in name text fields

3. To verify to enter the junk characters in email id text field (B) Retesting
a. Pre-Requisite: Found Critical Bug in current build and reported it and fixed And then server send application download link and pin & password message via SMS. Download the application and install it GPRS connection should be enabled a. Steps Should be Done: i. Launch the application with valid pin & password

ii.Go to the Bug Fixed Area in the Application

iii.Try to reproduce the bug in same module iv.If found same problem and send report to the concern person

(B) Sanity Testing

a. Pre-Requisite: Found Critical Bug in current build and reported it and fixed And then server send application download link and pin & password message via SMS. Download the application and install it GPRS connection should be enabled

a. Steps to be Done:
i. Launch the application with valid pin & password ii. Go to the Bug Fixed Area in the Application

iii.Try to reproduce the bug in the same module and also related with this module
iv.If found same problem and send report to the concern person

(B) Regression Testing

a. Pre-Requisite:

Found Critical Bug in previous build and reported it and fixed

And then server send application download link and pin & password message via SMS. Download the application and install it GPRS connection should be enabled a. Steps to be Done: i. Launch the application with valid pin & password ii. Go to the Bug Fixed Area in the Application

iii.Try to reproduce the bug in all the Module

iv.If found same problem and send report to the concern person

(B) Performance Testing

a. Pre-Requisite: Application should be install in your handset

Mobile Date / Time Should Match with Server Date / Time

Server Should sent the Current Day Pin Number

Create a individual excel sheet with 200 Members, 400 Members, 600 Members, 800 Members
and 1000 Members of Data. a. Steps Should to be Done: i. First Run the Ruby Scripts for 200 Members and Update into the Database. ii. Launch and Login the Application iii.Verify the time taken to launch application and also navigate the screen iv.And then simultaneously increase the database size through running the ruby scripts

v.Verify the performance of the application and also verify the taken to complete the required task
vi.And also measure the memory of the handset

(B)Load Testing
a. Pre-Requisite: Select the 10 Members and each member have different type of mobile handset according to the specification Configure the 10 field officer details in the server To Enable the GPRS Connection in all the Handset and with enough network signals Server sends the Download Link and Pin & Password SMS Message to all the Field Officers a. Steps to be Done i. Try to Download the Application Concurrently for all the 10 members ii. Try to Launch and Login the Application simultaneously iii.Try to take the Collection in Regular Amount, Share Amount and Deposit Amount for all field officers iv.Verify the request time, process time and behavior of the application v. Verify the Log Files in the Server also

(B)Usability Testing
a. Pre-Requisite: Get a Mobile Handset Nokia 2700 Classic with GSM Configure the Field Officer Details in the Server

Enable the GPRS Connection and also check network signal

Download the application and install it Note it down the Current Pin No and Password

a. Steps Should be Done:

i. Launch and Login Application with Valid Pin & Password

ii.Verify the Branch & Field Officer Details is valid

iii.Verify the mobile data update by the server is valid iv.Select the Current Day and Click Next Button v. Select the Current Area and Click Next Button vi.Select the Current Group and Click Next Button vii.Verify the Amount Details is valid viii.Click Next Button to send mobile to server

ix.And then Login in to the Application in server and View the Daily Reports, Monthly reports, PAR
Reports, DCB Reports etc., and verify server updates the mobile data. x. And then select another group for take collection.

xi.Select Day, Area, Group and Group Member for taking partial collection
xii.Select each group member and enter the 50% value in the corresponding fields xiii.Click Button Next

xiv.And then Login in to the Application in server and view the Daily Reports, Monthly Reports, PAR
Reports , DCB Reports etc.., and verify server updated the corresponding mobile data.

(B)Security Testing:
a. Pre-Requisite: Change the Security Level in Server Configure the Field Officer in the Server Download the Application and Install it Note it down the current pin & password a. Steps Should be Done: i. Launch the Application

ii.Login to the Application with valid Pin & Password and Logout the Application
iii.Login to the Application with invalid Pin & Password

iv.After third attempts failed to login application and server reset the password and send sms
message to corresponding field officer. b. Testing Steps i. Positive Test Cases: 1. Verify to Login current Pin & Password ii. Negative Test Cases: 1. Verify to Login invalid Pin & Password 2. Verify to Login invalid Pin & Valid Password 3. Verify to Login valid Pin & invalid Password 4. Verify to Login invalid Pin & Password with three attempts


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