Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Division of Bohol

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bohol


(Gr. 12 - 2nd Semester)

Quarter : 4 Week : 3 Day : 3 Activity No. : 3

Competencies : Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
Code: PEH12FH-IIa-t-12
Objectives : 1. Determine facility and equipment rules and regulations to observe proper
2. Display concern to self and others by following precautionary measures in
manipulating facilities and equipment in order to promote safety
Topic : Safety Guidelines!
Materials : Ballpen and paper
References :
Fit for Life by Ryan Gialogo et al
Copyrights : Pending for Approval

Concept Notes:

Outdoor Recreation: 5 Safety Tips

Does your family enjoy outdoor recreation? Do you like to go hiking, bicycling, swimming or play
group sports? No matter what kinds of activities you choose, you can limit the number of injuries that
occur and have a good safe time.

Stay Hydrated
Your body is mostly water and you need to make sure everyone stays hydrated. Your family will lose
precious fluids while they are having fun. The hotter it is and the higher the activity level, the faster
fluids are lost. Make sure you bring plenty of drinking water with you. Be sure to keep it cool on a hot
day by storing in a cooler or insulated bag.

Know Your Limits

Know your family’s usual activity level and plan your outdoor recreation activities accordingly. If your
family is not very athletic, make sure you plan breaks into your day. If you are a very athletic group of
people, plan activities that will keep everyone busy and moving for longer periods. Planning your
activities around your family’s activity level will keep injuries from occurring due to exhaustion.

Bring a First Aid Kit

You should always carry a basic first aid kit with you whenever you do any sort of outdoor recreation.
You need to be able to administer basic first aid when you are away from your car, house or any
densely populated area. Keep the first aid kit well stocked and make sure any medications have not
expired. Basic first aid kits often come fully stocked in handy carrying cases that you can toss into your

Use Protective Gear

Whether you are rollerblading, bicycling, scuba diving or canoeing, you need to wear the appropriate
protective gear. Make sure everyone in your family has the right equipment for your activity. If you are
hiking, wear appropriate sturdy shoes. If you are on wheels, make sure everyone wears their helmet. If
you are doing watersports, everyone needs to have a life vest.

Keep Equipment in Good Shape

Make sure all outdoor recreation equipment is in good operating condition. Check your equipment at
the beginning and end of each season, when you take it out and put it away. Repair any damage after
each use. Get your equipment serviced at regular intervals.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Bohol

No matter what outdoor recreation activity your family enjoys, you can do small things to ensure
you stay safe. Bringing enough water, knowing your limits, having a first aid kit, using protective gear
and keeping your equipment in good shape will ensure that your family has a good time with limited
interruptions because of injuries.

Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipments:

1. Take care in using facilities and equipment.

In consideration of the school's effort and of other students who will benefit from using the
facilities and equipments, it is in good form to handle them with care and use them solely on
their purpose.

2. Only use equipments that you already know how to use.

If you are unfamiliar with the use of a certain equipment, do not handle it until such time the
teacher gives instructions on how to operate the said equipment. You could break the
equipment or cause harm to yourself or others.

3. Be Alert and Aware in the training area.

Developing presence of mind could help avoid accidents, whether these are cause by your
actions or by the carelessness of others.

4. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first.

Performing exercise in improper for my result in only two things: first, he/she may not reap the
benefits of that exercise, and second, wrong form may cause injury.

5. Bring back all equipment in place after use.

After use, equipment must be returned to its original storage area to prevent having them
misplaced, stolen, or unnecessary cluttered in the training area.

6. Do not Hug the equipment.

Do not monopolize the equipments, students must practice sharing the equipment. They must
be conscious that they are given only a certain amount of time to use the equipment or venue and
should allow everyone a fair use of the facilities.

7. Return the equipment properly or leave the venue clean.

Any equipment or facility that has been used should be clean and ready for the next user – you
should not leave or pass on equipment that is in complete disarray or is dirty.

8. Check Yourself - practice proper hygiene and care.

Take a bath and /or use a deodorant – this is in consideration of your classmates who will be
doing physical activities with you. you. Do not force yourself to engage in physical activity if you
are feeling sick.

9. Move on the double; do not loiter around the venue or hang on to equipment doing nothing.
If you do not feel like exercising, allow others to use the venue or train with the equipment –
they will make much more use of it than you would on such days that you are not in the mood
for exercise.

10. Be nice, as a general rule!

By being courteous and friendly, you will improve the atmosphere during class activities. Being
helpful to others will always produce positive atmosphere of friendship and fun.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Bohol

Activity 1: Matching Type. Match the following descriptions in Table A with the Proper Etiquette and
Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipment in Table B. Write only the letter of your answer.
Table A

___1. Equipment must be returned to its original storage area to prevent having them misplaced or
___2. Developing presence of mind could help avoid accidents, whether these are caused by your own
actions or by the carelessness of others.
___3. Do not handle equipments which are unfamiliar to you until such time the teacher gives
___4. It is good form and behavior to handle equipments with care and to use them based solely on
their purpose.
___5. Any equipment or facility that has been used should be clean and ready for the next user.
___6. Students must practice sharing the equipment.
___7. Take a bath and /or use a deodorant – this is in consideration of your classmates who will be
doing physical activities with you.
TableIf you
B do not feel like exercising, allow others to use the venue or train with the equipment.

a. Take care in using facilities and equipment

b. Only use equipment that you already know how to use
c. Be alert and aware in the training area
d. Bring back all equipment in place after use
e. Do not hug the equipment
f. Return the equipment properly, or leave the venue clean
g. Check yourself-practice proper personal hygiene and care
h. Do not loiter around the venue or hang on to equipment doing nothing
i. Remember to be nice, as a general rule

Activity 2: List down at least 7 personal tips when going out for recreation to prevent injuries and
ensure safety.

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________

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