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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22

The idea of automated driving dates back to almost 50 years ago when General Motors (GM)
presented a vision of ―driverless‖ vehicles under automated control at the 1939 World fairs in
New York. In the 1950’s research by industrial organizations conceptualized automated vehicles
controlled by mechanical systems and radio controls. After the first appearance of the computers
in the 1960’s, researchers began to consider the potential use of computers to provide lateral and
longitudinal control and traffic management. Deepti Satranj ,Mr. Piyush Das, Study of
Automated Highway Engineering - IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396- Vol-7 Issue-1 2021.

The fully automated highway concept was initially examined by GM with sponsorship
from the US department of Transportation (DOT) in the late1970’s. During these times, focus
was laid on automated vehicles on a highway as computers were not powerful enough to
consider a complete fully automated highway system.

Advances in the computing technologies, micro-electronics and sensors in the 1980’s

provoked commercial interest in the technologies that might enhance driver capability and
perception and both private and public researchers examined partially automated products and
services. Nayan R. Wasekar, Asst. Prof. Feroz H. Khan, “Automated Highway System”
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 4,
Issue 1, January -2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406. Among others, the
University of California Partners in Advanced Transport and Highways (PATH) has carried out
significant research and development in the field of highway automation since the 1980’s. As
various transportation technologies emerged that could assist driving on one hand and also traffic
efficiency on the other, interest in fully automated driving or integrated auto-highway
technologies grew once again.



1.2.1 Lateral Motion Handling

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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22

There are a variety of distinct roles in the lateral (side-to-side) movement of the car, from
vehicle-centric maneuvers such as lane keeping to those involving heavy traffic merging. First if
the vehicle is to remain in the lane, it needs to know where the lane should be located.

Fig. 1.2.1 Sensor for Lateral Motion

1.2.2 Longitudinal Motion Handling

The vehicle's longitudinal (front-to-back) movement also has a number of functions that
vary from simple handling of cars to tactical driving in a congested traffic scene. Under this
group, speed keeping is the most basic feature, requiring the maintaining of a constant travel
speed. It is used extensively in the context of from "cruise control."

Fig. 1.2.2 Sensor for Longitudinal Motion

1.2.3 Obstacle Handling

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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22

Obstacle avoidance capabilities minimize or remove the safety risks of the automated
highway system triggered by obstacles. This involves rocks, vegetation, pieces of fallen cars,
vehicles and animals that are disabled. Due to the technological difficulties of detecting obstacles
and determining whether those obstacles present a danger, obstacle detection and threat
determination is a far more demanding activity than vehicle detection.

Fig 1.2.3 Sensor for Obstacle Motion


The major goals are to:

1. Improve safety by significantly reducing:

 Fatalities.

 Personal injury.

 Pain and suffering.

 Anxiety and stress of driving.

2. Save money and optimize investment by:

 Maximizing efficiency of the existing infrastructure investment.

 Integrating other ITS services and architecture to achieve smooth traffic flow.

 Using available and near-term applied technology to avoid costs of conventional highway

 Developing affordable equipment, vehicles, infrastructure, operations, maintenance, and user


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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22

 Closing the gap on predicted infrastructure needs.

 Using public/private partnerships for shared risk; using the National AHS Consortium as a
global focal point to influence foreign deployment efforts.

 Reducing fuel consumption and costs, maintenance, wear-and-tear, labor costs, insurance
costs, and property damage.

3. Improve accessibility and mobility by:

 Improving employee on-time performance, resulting in a more effective work force.

 Facilitating "just-in-time" deliveries.

 Improving public transportation service, increasing customer access, and expanding service
levels, resulting in increased revenue, reduced costs, and reduced accidents.

 Achieving a smooth traffic flow, reducing delays, travel times, travel time variability, and
driver stress.

 Making driving more accessible to less able drivers.

4. Improve environmental efficiencies by:

 Reducing emissions per vehicle-mile travelled.

 Providing a solid base for reliable, lower cost transit.

 Providing an efficient base for electric-powered vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles.

5. Create jobs by:

 Providing a stronger national economy and increasing global competitiveness.

 Increasing jobs in research and development and in early ITS deployment.

 Facilitating technology transfer (e.g., from military to civilian use).

 Creating new U.S. automotive products and new technology-based industry to compete in the
international marketplace.

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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22

2.1 Classified Traffic Volume Count
Classified Traffic Volume Counts Survey is conducted to understand the traffic
characteristics in term of average daily traffic, traffic composition, peak hour traffic and
directional split at individual survey locations. This survey is carried out result for many types of
Highways projects to understand the variety of vehicles that passes over 24 hours a day.
The objective of conducting a Classified Traffic Volume Count is to understand the
traffic flow pattern including modal split on a roadway. The Classified Traffic Volume Count
survey has been provided by concessionaire of project highway from actual traffic data gathered
at toll plaza locations based on monthly data.
Table 2.1 Vehicle Classification System

2.2 Traffic Characteristics

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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22

Toll revenue of the highway does not solely depend on traffic volume. There are certain
characteristics of traffic which have significant potential to affect toll revenue. Component of
local traffic, component of passenger and commercial traffic, portion of return journey traffic,
portion of monthly pass traffic are some such characteristics of traffic.

2.3 Traffic Data

The highway is currently under toll operation, the data collected is corresponding to category of
toll able vehicles.
Table 2.2 Traffic Data

2.4 Analysis of traffic count

Understanding the character of existing traffic forms the basis of traffic forecast. The
various vehicle types having different sizes and characteristics can be converted into a single unit
called Passenger Car Unit (PCU). Passenger Car equivalents for various vehicles are adopted
based on recommendations of Indian Road Congress prescribed in “IRC-64-1990: Guidelines for
Capacity of Roads in Rural areas”.

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It is anticipated that automated highway and related advanced vehicle control and safety
technologies would significantly reduce traffic congestion and enhance safety in highway
driving. This in turn would potentially cut travel time, and therefore, driving would be more
predictable and reliable. The Mobility 2000 report, sponsored by the Texas Transportation
Institute, projected that collision prevention systems could reduce accidents by 70 percent or 90
percent on fully automated highways.

Research focused on collision prevention systems has estimated possible savings in a

relatively short period of time. For example, collision avoidance systems have been estimated to
have the potential to reduce annual loss of life on U.S. roads by 50 percent by 2020. In addition,
preliminary National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates show that rear-ends, lane-
change, and roadway-departure crash-avoidance systems have the potential to reduce crashes by
one-sixth, or about 1.2 million crashes a year.

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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22



 Automated Highway Systems brings major transportation benefits in terms of

safety, efficiency, affordability and usability, and environment in order to achieve
its development goals.
 A key feature of the control design architecture is the separation of the various
control functions into distinct layers with well-defined interfaces. Each layer is
then designed with its own model that is suited to the functions for which it is
responsible. The models at the various layers are different not only in terms of
their formal structure (ranging from differential equations to state machines to
static graphs), but also in the entities that have a role in them.
 The AHS is a complex large-scale control system, whose design required
advances in sensor, actuator, and communication technologies (not discussed
here) and in techniques of control system synthesis and analysis. It is a measure of
the advanced state of the art that these techniques have reached a stage that they
could be successfully used in the AHS project.
 In this paper, we research volume of traffic, capacity, road function, surface
properties on highway road accident rate. Highway deficiencies and the average
rate of monthly incidents on the chosen highway. Survey and documentation of
automated highway systems and road safety systems for drivers and passengers.
There is still a long way to go for effective intelligent driver assistance systems
and safety warning systems. We are studying to remove more than 90% of traffic
collisions caused by human mistakes, such as misjudgments and in-attention.

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Study Of Automated Highway Engineering 2021-22


[1] Deepti Satranj ,Mr. Piyush Das, Study of Automated Highway Engineering - IJARIIE-
ISSN(O)-2395-4396- Vol-7 Issue-1 2021.

[2] Nayan R. Wasekar, Asst. Prof. Feroz H. Khan, “Automated Highway System” International
Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 4, Issue 1,
January -2017, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470, print-ISSN: 2348-6406.

[3] Sangeeta Mishra, Ajinkya Bavane, “Automated Highway System (Pune to Mumbai) In India”
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 7,
Issue 5, May 2018.

Department of Civil Engineering, BTI, Bengaluru-35 Page 9

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