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High-Chromium Ferritic

and Martensitic
Steels for Nuclear

Ronald L. Klueh and

Donald R. Harries

ASTM Stock Number: MONO3

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West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Klueh, R.L., 1936-

H i g h - c h r o m i u m ferritic a n d martensitic steels for nuclear applications / Ronald L. Klueh and
Donald R. Harries.
p. c m . - - ( M o n o g r a p h ; 3)
"ASTM stock number: MONO3."
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8031-2090-7
1. Steel, Stainless. 2. Steel alloys. 3. Nuclear reactors--Materials--Effects of radiation on.
I. Harries, Donald R., 1930- II. Title. III. Series: Monograph (American Society for Testing
and Materials) ;
TA479.S7.K56 2001
620.1'728~c21 2001033490

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Printed in Bridgeport, NJ
June 2001

THtS PUBLICATION,High-Chromium Ferritic and Martensitic Steels for Nuclear Applica-

tions, was sponsored by ASTM Committee E l 0 on Nuclear Technology and Applica-
tions. The authors were Ronald L. Klueh and Donald R. Harries. This is Monograph 3
in ASTM's monograph series.

DURINGTHE COURSE o f preparing this monograph, we contacted and were greatly aided
by many research workers throughout the world, some of whom we knew personally
and others who we knew only by reputation. In addition, The Institute of Materials, The
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and The British Nuclear Energy Society in Lon-
don kindly provided m a n y useful references and copies of published papers as well as
the loan of the proceedings of relevant conferences. The individuals who aided us are
too numerous to mention, but we are most grateful for their kind and generous assis-
tance. Thanks are also due to those who critically and constructively reviewed the
manuscript, including the anonymous reviewers selected by ASTM and colleagues at
the Oak Ridge National Laboratory who reviewed the respective chapters.
We particularly wish to acknowledge the following individuals: Dr. Roger Stoller,
who recommended ASTM as the publisher for the book, and who, as Chairman of the
ASTM Publications Committee, reviewed the final manuscript; Ms. Megan Baily, who
took copies of the m a n y figures from various sources and produced electronic versions
for publication; Ms. Kathy Dernoga, Manager of New Publications for ASTM, who
worked with us from the beginning; and Ms. Monica Siperko and Mr. David Jones of
ASTM, who took the final manuscript and worked to turn it into this publication.
A large volume of published work has been cited, and the majority of the illustrations
used have been copied from these publications. The authors of the original papers are
referenced in the individual figures, and their efforts are gratefully appreciated. We are
also indebted to the following publishers for permission to use copyrighted material:
Academic Press, AEA Technology, ASM International, American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM), Blackwell Science Ltd, British Nuclear Energy Society, ECN-
NRG The Netherlands, Elsevier Science Limited, Forschungszentrum Kartsruhe
GmbH, G + B Publishing Services S.A., Inforum GmbH, SEC-CEN Belgium, The Insti-
tution of Nuclear Engineers, The Institute of Materials, The Minerals, Metals & Mate-
rials Society (TMS), and World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.
The work was carried out as research sponsored by the Office of Fusion Energy
Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with U.T.-
Battelle, LLC.
Preface vii

Chapter 1--Introduction 1

Chapter 2--Development of High (7-12%) Chromium

Martensitic Steels 5

Chapter 3--Physical Metallurgy of High-Chromium Steels 28

Chapter 4 Thermal Stability 39

Chapter 5--Oxidation, Corrosion, and Compatibility 56

Chapter 6--Hydrogen Isotope Effects 63

Chapter 7--Joining 71

Chapter 8--Irradiation Damage, Irradiation Facilities,

Irradiation Testing 8]

Chapter 9--Dimensional Stability--Swelling 90

Chapter 10--Interracial Segregation and Precipitation

During Irradiation 103

Chapter 11--Irradiation Creep 113

Chapter 12--Irradiation Effects on Tensile Behavior 122

Chapter 13--Elevated-Temperature Helium Embrittlement 135

Chapter 14--Irradiation Effects on Impact Properties 139

Chapter 15--Fracture Toughness 167

Chapter 16--Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Growth 177

Chapter 17--Recovery (Annealing) of Radiation Damage 205

Chapter 18--Summary: Past, Present, and Future 208

Index 217

The high-chromium (9-12 wt%) ferritic/martensitic steels were developed during the
first half of the last century and have a long history of use in the power-generation in-
dustry as boiler and turbine materials as well as for other applications. The original
steels were based on 12% Cr and 9 and 12% Cr-Mo compositions, but the need for re-
duced generating costs in power plants (higher efficiencies, which means higher tem-
peratures) has resulted in the development of more highly alloyed steels with progres-
sively enhanced creep-rupture strengths. These developments have allowed the
maximum operating temperatures in the boilers to be increased from less than 450 to
620~ and the l0 s h creep-rupture strengths to be raised from around 40 to 140 MPa.
Advanced steels of this type are now being developed with a target operating tempera-
ture of 650~ and a 105 h creep-rupture strength of 180 MPa.
High-chromium Cr-Mo steels were selected for use in steam generators of nuclear
power plants during the 1960s, and steels with additions of V, Nb, and/or W and with
oxide dispersions were subsequently chosen and evaluated as fuel element core com-
ponent (ducts and cladding) materials in sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors. Since the
late 1970s, the steels have also been considered as potential first wall and breeding blan-
ket structural materials in fusion reactor systems. The fission (in-core) and fusion re-
actor applications require steels that are resistant to radiation damage induced by bom-
bardment from high-energy neutrons as well as to retain adequate toughness and
elevated-temperature strength during service. The requirement for safe and routine op-
eration and decommissioning of a fusion plant and the disposal of radioactive wastes
has also demanded the development of steels with enhanced radioactive decay charac-
teristics. This development of "reduced-activation" steels, containing W, V, Mn, Ta, and
Ti and without Mo, Nh, Ni, and other radiologically undesirable elements and possess-
ing an appropriate combination of the other desirable properties, is still progressing.
This monograph presents a detailed review of the development of the high-chromium
ferritic/martensitic steels for exposure to the high-energy neutron environment of a fis-
sion or fusion reactor, and the book should he of most interest for people involved in
the use of the steels for nuclear applications. However, to provide a baseline for under-
standing the irradiation effects on the steels, it is first necessary to understand the ba-
sic properties of the steels under nonnuclear conditions. Therefore, many of the chap-
ters are devoted to such considerations, and it is hoped that this information will be of
interest to readers beyond those involved in nuclear applications.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001


Most of the information on ferritic/martensitic steels for nu- Chapter 2 provides some information on fission and fu-
clear applications comes from studies on commercial Cr-Mo sion systems for which the high-chromium ferritic/marten-
steels, primarily 9-12% Cr, 1-2% Mo, 0.1-0.2% C with small sitic steels are to be used. In fast reactors, ferritic/martensitic
amounts of V, Nb, W, Ni, etc. (Compositions throughout the steels are considered primarily in the fuel subassembly as
book will be in wt% unless otherwise stated.) These were the fuel pin cladding and wrapper material. The use of these
ferritic steels considered first for fast breeder fission reactors steels as structural materials for a fusion reactor first wall
in the early 1970s and then in the late 1970s for fusion appli- and blanket structure provides a much bigger challenge, and
cations. The steels became of interest because of their considerable work on determining a range of properties has
swelling resistance compared to austenitic stainless steels, been carried out for this application. Much of the work on ir-
which were the primary candidates for both applications up radiated steels for both fast fission and fusion applications
to that time [ 1,2]. has been on steels irradiated in fast reactors. Because in re-
In recent years, most of the developmental studies on the cent years the development of fast fission reactors has been
ferritic/martensitic steels for nuclear applications have been de-emphasized while work on the fusion application contin-
for fusion, and much of the discussion in this book will be on ued, much of the emphasis of the discussion in this book is
that application. Since the mid-1980s, the fusion materials on the fusion application. However, most of the information
programs in Japan, the European Union, and the USA have obtained in the fusion program applies for fast fission appli-
been developing ferritic/martensitic steels that would lessen cations, because most neutron irradiations were carried out
the environmental impact of the irradiated and activated in fission reactors, and mostly in fast reactors.
steel after the service lifetime of a fusion reactor. As dis- This book will show that fission and fusion reactors pre-
cussed throughout this book, these new "reduced-activation" sent a difficult challenge for the materials community, but it
ferritic/martensitic steels display the same general behavior will also demonstrate that considerable progress has been
as the conventional steels, but there are quantitative differ- made. The following two sections of this chapter will provide
ences. Often, some of the properties of the reduced-activation a brief introduction to some of the ways ferritic/martensitic
steels are better than those of the conventional steels. steels will help meet the challenge.
The amount of data available for reduced-activation steels
either in the unirradiated or irradiated condition is not as
extensive as for the conventional steels, since many of the ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF
conventional steels are used for elevated-temperature appli- MARTENSITIC STEELS FOR FUSION
cations to 550 to 600~ in the power-generation and petro-
chemical industries. As a result, the metallurgical character- Austenitic stainless steels were the first structural materials
istics and mechanical and physical properties of the considered for both fast fission and fusion applications. To
conventional steels are reasonably well understood, and com- reach higher operating temperatures (>-700~ in a fusion
prehensive mechanical properties compilations are available. plant, superalloys and refractory metal (Nb, Mo, V, and Ti)
Fusion applications require information on some mechan- alloys were considered. Ferritic/martensitic steels were not
ical properties that differ from those normally measured considered originally for fission because of elevated-temper-
(e.g., thermal fatigue). However, from the wealth of data ature strength and coolant compatibility considerations.
available, indications are that a range of ferritic/martensitic They were not considered originally for fusion because of the
steels have properties that make them viable candidates for fear of possible complications caused by the interaction of a
fusion applications to 550 to 600~ The maximum operating ferromagnetic material within the high magnetic fields in a
temperature will be determined by the creep properties and, fusion plant. The steels were considered only after prelimi-
under some circumstances, by the compatibility with the op- nary calculations [3-5] indicated that possible problems
erating media (i.e., water, liquid lithium, liquid Pb-Li eutec- caused by a ferromagnetic material can be handled in the re-
tic, etc.) of the fusion power plant. The major difference in actor design.
the fission and fusion environments and the environments of Two types of problems are of concern with the use of a
most other applications is the neutron flux of the nuclear ap- ferromagnetic material in the high magnetic field of a fusion
plications. Fast fission and fusion applications differ in this reactor: (1) the effect of the field perturbation caused by the
respect--a much higher-energy neutron flux is produced by ferromagnetic material on the plasma, and (2) the magneto-
fusion neutrons. static forces on the ferromagnetic structure due to the mag-

Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International


netic field. Early calculations [3-5] indicated that the field (nominally Fe-9Cr-IMo-0.25V-0.06Nb-0.1C) and 2 88
pertubations were small and confined to the end region and (nominally Fe-2.25Cr- 1Mo-0.1 C) steels are included in the
on the same order of magnitude as the field ripples produced ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII for
by the central cell magnets. Based on the calculations of the petrochemical and chemical pressure vessels and in Section
magnetostatic forces on a ferritic steel pipe in the magnetic III for nuclear pressure vessels, including high-temperature
field of the machine, the stresses were found to be small but liquid metal fast fission reactor systems, as described in
not negligible, and it was concluded that they must be incor- ASME Code Case N-47.
porated in the stress analysis of the design [3-5]. Similar re- Welding will be required in the fabrication of a fusion
sults have been obtained by later calculations [6-10]. It must power plant, and ferritic/martensitic steels are readily weld-
be emphasized that the favorable conclusions on the ferro- able. However, stringent procedures are required to obtain
magnetic interactions were reached from simplified calcula- quality welds with maximum properties. For the 9-12% Cr
tions (e.g., the calculation of stresses on a coolant pipe, etc.). steels, a preheat of 150 to 450~ [ 12-14] is generally required.
No comprehensive analysis of ferromagnetic effects for the In some cases, interpass temperature control can be used to
blanket structure and primary coolant circuit has been at- prevent transformation to untempered martensite. Finally, a
tempted, although such studies are presently in progress in post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) is required as soon as pos-
Japan [9]. Experimental work is also in progress in Japan, sible after welding to temper the martensite in the high-
where a ferritic steel liner is being installed in a small toka- c h r o m i u m (5 to 12%) steels. (Low-chromium steels, e.g.,
mak vessel [10]. 21/4Cr-lMo, are weldable with fewer restrictions.) Welding
As a result of work during the last 20 years or so, most of will be discussed in detail in Chapter 7.
the refractory metals have been eliminated for use as the A fusion power plant will require field erection, which
structural material of the first wall and blanket structures means that for a 9-12% Cr structural steel the preheat and
because of inadequate physical or mechanical properties or PWHT will be performed in the field. The technology of field
because they did not meet the reduced-activation criteria fabrication is well developed [15]. Pressure vessels for nu-
to be discussed below. Austenitic stainless steels are clear and petrochemical applications have been buik in com-
considered unsuitable for a fusion power plant because of pliance with the ASME Code. Examples of large structures
high swelling rates and high thermal stresses caused by the that have been fabricated in the field include: (1) nuclear con-
low thermal conductivity and high thermal expansion tainment vessels 46 m in diameter, over 73 m high, weighing
coefficient. Austenitic stainless steels are still considered as over 6350 tons with the entire structure given a PWHT in the
the structural material for experimental fusion machines, field; (2) 91-m-high heavy water columns up to 8.5-m diame-
such as the International Thermonuclear Test Reactor ter (1900 metric tons) with the entire structure given a field
(ITER). At present, there are only three materials considered PWHT; and (3) coal-conversion vessels 59-m high with unit
viable candidates for structural components for a fusion weights of 760 metric tons and wall thicknesses up to 89 m m
power plant: vanadium alloys, SiC/SiC composites, and [15]. Therefore, the technology for field fabrication of a steel
ferritic/martensitic steels. fusion structure will not have to be developed.
Martensitic steels containing 9-12% Cr with about 1% Mo, Of the three materials presently considered for fusion ap-
0. I-0.2% C and combinations of small amounts of V, W, Nb, plications, ferritic steels have the advantage for the construc-
etc., have the strength, including elevated-temperature tion of the massive structure of a fusion power plant based on
strength, and thermal properties (conductivity and expan- past experience. For both vanadium and SiC/SiC composites,
sion coefficient) that result in excellent resistance to thermal the techniques for constructing such a structure (joining,
stresses [ 1]. Creep strength of these types of steels is adequate etc.) must still be developed. In addition, these materials have
to 550 to 600~ and they have been used at these tempera- numerous problems that must be solved before the feasibility
tures in the power-generation and chemical and petrochemi- of their use can be proved. Besides the problem of a ferro-
cal industries. magnetic material in high magnetic fields discussed above,
Because of the widespread use in industrial applications, the most serious problem faced by ferritic/martensitic steels
the technology for production and fabrication of all types of is the effect of neutron irradiation on the fracture behavior,
product forms exists [11]. All conventional melting practices which will be discussed in detail in later chapters.
as well as various special melting techniques, including elec-
tron-beam, electroslag, and vacuum melting, have been used
to produce the steels. The steels are hot and cold workable by LOW- A N D R E D U C E D - A C T I V A T I O N
all methods. Forgings up to 70 tons have been produced, and CONSIDERATIONS
the steels can be rolled to thin sheet and strip. Standard heat
treatment facilities are adequate for the normalizing and The safety of a fusion power plant depends on (I) the struc-
tempering or quenching and tempering conditions that the tural integrity of the plant and the probability of its failure,
steels require before use. (2) the radioactive decay heat generated in the absence of
Any structural material used for fabrication of a fusion coolant, and (3) the paths for dispersion of radioactivity to
power plant would have to receive the appropriate code ap- the plant surroundings during an accident. The ideal struc-
proval for the country in which the plant was constructed tural material for accident conditions, as well as normal
(i.e., ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, etc.). Conven- operations, would be a "low-activation" material, that is, one
tional ferritic/martensitic steels of the type being considered that would not activate (would not become radioactive),
for fusion have been approved for design by code bodies in would activate to a benign level, or, alternatively, one that
the USA, Europe, and Japan. In the USA, modified 9Cr-lMo would quickly decay (within minutes or hours) to a benign

level after activation [16]. A low-activation material would As discussed in Chapter 2, reduced-activation ferritic
negate the consequences of a loss of coolant accident or any steels were developed [18-30] by replacing molybdenum in
other incident that could cause an accidental release of ra- conventional Cr-Mo steels by tungsten and/or vanadium,
dioactive debris. Such a material would also allow for and by replacing niobium by tantalum. Alloy development
"hands-on" maintenance of the plant, instead of the much studies have shown that reduced-activation steels can be
more complicated and expensive remote maintenance re- produced that offer the promise of fast-induced radioactiv-
quired with a radioactive plant. ity decay and whose properties compare favorably with the
At present, no "low-activation" structural materials as de- conventional candidate materials. Final radioactivity levels
fined above exist. A recent study (discussed in detail in for such a "reduced-activation" or "low-activation" steel is
Chapter 2) [17] indicates that the activation of SiC, which calculated to be over two orders-of-magnitude lower than
has often been labeled "low activation," is considerably for conventional Cr-Mo steels after a "cooling-off" period. It
lower than a V-SCr-5Ti alloy and OPTIFER, a Cr-W fer- may be possible to recycle such a steel or to dispose of it by
ritic/martensitic steel developed for "reduced activation" in shallow land burial, instead of the much more expensive
the European Union. Indeed, according to the study [17], deep geological disposal, thus providing a substantial eco-
the activity of SiC about 100 y after shutdown is higher than nomic benefit for fusion power. Even if deep geological
that of V-5Cr-5Ti and OPTIFER. Therefore, safety will need burial is necessary, reduced-activation steels would be of
to be engineered into a fusion structure constructed from a benefit because of reduced personnel exposure during the
vanadium alloy, a SiC/SiC composite, or a reduced-activa- waste-disposal process.
tion ferritic steel. In the development work on the reduced-activation mate-
Environmental effects will be produced from the disposal rials, steels have been produced without adding any of the re-
of fusion reactor components when they are replaced during stricted elements (i.e., Nb, Ni, Mo, N) to demonstrate that the
operation or following the decommissioning of the plant mechanical and physical properties of the steels would be as
[16]. This radioactive waste will have to be disposed of in a good or better than the properties of the conventional steels
safe manner harmless to the environment. Depending on the [22-30]. In those instances where special effort was made to
elements present, the decay of induced radioactivity in a con- lower tile restricted elements, emphasis was focused mainly
ventional ferritic/martensitic steel can take thousands of on eliminating niobium because of the very low concentra-
years. Such highly radioactive nuclear waste is disposed of by tions (< 1 wppm) of that element that will be required to meet
deep geological storage. To improve this situation, programs criteria for shallow land burial or recycling [31 ]. Besides the
in Europe, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the USA were started elements Mo, Nb, Ni, Cu, and N, other elements (e.g., Co, Bi,
in the mid-1980s to develop "low-activation" or "reduced-ac- Cd, Ag, etc.) that could appear as tramp impurities must be
tivation" ferritic steels [18-26] with the objective of shallow restricted to extremely low levels if the goals of shallow land
land burial or recycle of the material after its service lifetime burial or recycling are to be achieved [32-34].
and after some suitable "cooling-off" (radioactivity decay) pe- This chapter introduced some important considerations
riod, usually assumed to be 100 years. In the USA, a Depart- for the conventional high-chromium ferritic/martensitic
ment of Energy Panel used U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com- steels in relation to the nuclear applications for which they
mission 10 CFR Part 61 guidelines to suggest that wastes at are being considered. It also introduced the new steels being
least meet the criteria for shallow land burial [16]. The 10 developed to better adapt this type of steel to that application.
CFR Part 61 guidelines were set up for storage and disposal In the following chapters, these and other aspects of the
of low-level nuclear wastes from fission reactors, and it is not steels will be examined in detail.
known how they might apply to fusion wastes generated
many years in the future.
It should be noted that the term "low activation" is REFERENCES
often used interchangeably with "reduced activation" to
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Steels for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Eds. J. W. Davis
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phia, 1996) 1109. [32] G. J. Butterworth and L. Giancarli, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157
[18] G. J. Butterworth and O. N. Jarvis, J. Nucl. Mater., 122 & 123 (1988), 575.
(1984) 982. [33] G. J. Butterworth, J. Nucl. Mater. 179-181 (1991), 133.
[19] N. M. Ghoniem, A. Shabaik, and M. Z. Youssef, in: Proceedings [34] D. Murphy and G. J. Butterworth, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194
of Topical Conference on Ferritic Steels for Use in Nuclear En- (1992), 1444.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Development of High (7-I 2%)

Chromium Martensitic Steels

The development of 9-12% chromium steels is reported to GAS T U R B I N E S

have originated in 1912 with the m a n u f a c t u r e of a 12%
Cr:2-5% Mo steel for steam turbine blades by Krupp and The simple 12Cr and the 9 and 12Cr-Mo steels in the hard-
Mannesmann in Germany [1,2]. However, in 1912-13 Brear- ened-and-tempered condition have been used widely at mod-
ley in the U.K., while attempting to develop high-temperature erate stresses and temperatures in the chemical and power
steels for gun barrels, accidentally discovered that marten- plant industries. However, the introduction of gas turbine en-
sitic steels containing 13% Cr and 0.2% C did not rust [3]; the gines of the jet and prop-jet types for powering military and
stainless characteristics of high-chromium steels were also civil aircraft during and in the years immediately following
recognized by Haynes in the USA and by Strauss and Maurer the Second World War, and subsequently in land-based, ma-
in Germany at about the same time. The high-chromium, fine, and aerospace power installations, led to the require-
high-carbon martensitic steels were hard and had a sharp ment for steels possessing good corrosion resistance and su-
cutting edge and were subsequently developed commercially perior mechanical properties at high temperatures. This
for applications such as cutlery knives and tableware in com- provided the impetus for the progressive development and uti-
petition with austenitic stainless steels as well as for razors, lization of several high-chromium martensitic steels, ranging
scalpel blades, and heat-resisting tools and bearings [4]. from the plain 12Cr through the 12Cr-MoVNb (high-carbon
The 9 and 12% Cr transformable steels with lower carbon FV448 and H46), 12Cr-NiMoV (M152), and 12Cr-MoV
(0.1% max) contents and additions of Mo, W, V, Nb, N and (FV607) to the 12Cr-MoVNbWCo (FV535 and H53) grades,
other elements, possessing higher creep-rupture strengths with enhanced tensile proof and ultimate stresses and creep-
combined with good oxidation and corrosion resistance at rupture strengths at temperatures up to 550~ and times of
elevated temperatures, have subsequently been developed. -<104 h for gas turbine disks (diameters and thicknesses typi-
These steels have been used or considered for use in petro- cally 1600 to 1950 and 240 to 550 mm, respectively), com-
chemical and chemical plants, gas turbine engineering, pressor wheels, blades, bolts and/or sheet structures [6-10]. A
aircraft and aerospace industries, electrical power plants, super-clean 12Cr-2.6Ni-2MoVNbN steel has been developed
and as nuclear fission and fusion reactor components. The for heavy duty gas turbine applications in Japan [ 11 ], and the
steel compositions are given in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.* 12Cr-MoVNbW (COST Steel "E') is being evaluated as a po-
The petrochemical and chemical processing industries uti- tential disk material in Europe [12]. Recent developments in
lize the steels in the form of thin tubular products in hydro- electro slag refining (ESR) involving high nitrogen pressures
gen desulfurization systems and in plants for the combustion (pressurized ESR) have also enabled 12Cr steels with nitrogen
of oil and the containment of various chemical products. The levels as high as 0.3% to be produced [13]. These steels have
9Cr-lMo (T9) type of steel [5], possessing fairly moderate been considered for use as disk materials in gas turbines; they
creep-rupture strength, was initially developed in the 1930s possess high tensile strength and ductility, improved tough-
for such applications. However, the principal uses of the ness, and promising short-term (10 000 h) creep-rupture
high-chromium martensitic steels are currently for compo- strength up to 600~ [14].
nents in gas turbines and in the boilers and turbines in steam
power plants. The development and usage of the 9-12% Cr
steels for these applications, as well as the 7-12% Cr steels for STEAM POWER PLANTS
core components in fast breeder reactors and as potential
first wall and breeder blanket structural materials in fusion
The majority of large fossil-fired power plants were operated
reactor systems, are surveyed in this chapter.
at sub-critical steam conditions (pressures -<22 MPa) prior to
about 1990; the main steam temperature was standardized at
* The steels in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 are designated according to their 540~ worldwide, although 565~ was the standard for coal-
principal alloying elements (Cr, Mo, W, V, Nb, etc.) contents; for ex- fired plants in Europe, particularly in the U.K., with the steam
ample, 9Cr-IMoVNb is the designation for the modified 9Cr-lMo pressure being typically 18 MPa. However, the need to develop
steel, which contains (by weight) 9% Cr, 1% Mo, and lesser amounts fossil-fired power plants with reduced generating costs and
of V and Nb. Trade names (e.g., Firth Vickers FV448, Nippon Steel acid rain and greenhouse gas productions was widely recog-
NSCR9, Sandvik Steel HT9, etc.) and/or related specification codes
(AISI, ASME, Werkstoff, DIN, etc.) are also given where appropriate, nized in the late 1970s and early 1980s and subsequently led to
while the newer steels are indicated by the designations assigned by the design and construction of supercritical or ultrasupercrit-
their developers. ical ( u s e ) and combined cycle power plants with improved
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

TABLE 2.1--Compositions of commercial and developmental 9% Cr martensitic steels.

Steel Type Designation Of Analysis (wt. %)
Ori~lin C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo V Nb W N B
9Cr-lMo 9Cr -1Mo* UK 0.10 0.70 0.50 9.5 0.20 1.0
T9 Japan <-0.15 0.25- 0.30- 8.0- 0.90-
1.00 0.60 10.0 1.10
EM10* France 0.10 0.30 0.50 9.0 0.20 1.0
9Cr-2Mo HCM9M* Japan 0.07 0.30 0.45 9.0 2.0
NSCR9* Japan 0.08 0.25 0.50 9.0 0.10 1.6 0.15 0.05 0.030 0.003
EM12 Belgium/ 0.08- 0.30- 0.90- 9.0- 1.9-2.1 0.25- 0.35-
France 0.12 0.50 1.20 10.0 0.35 0.45
JFMS* Japan 0.05 0.67 0.58 9.6 0.94 2.3 0.12 0.06
9Cr-MoVNb Tempaloy F-9 Japan 0.04- 0.25- 0.40- 8.0-9.5 0.90- 0.15- 0.20- <_0.005
0.08 1.00 0.80 1.1 0.45 0.60
T91 USA 0.08- 0.20- 0.30- 8.0-9.5 <0.40 0.85- 0.18- 0.06- 0.030-
0.12 0.50 0.60 1.05 0.25 0.10 0.070
9Cr-MoVNbW COST 'B'* Europe 0.17 0.10 0,10 9.5 0.10 1.5 0.25 0.05 0.005 0.010
E911" Europe 0.10 0.20 0.40 9.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.08 1.0 0.070
TFI* Japan 0.12 0.20 0,50 9.0 0.80 0.60 0.26 0.06 1.6 0.050 0.003
TB9 (NF616) Japan 0.07- _<0.05 0.30- 8.5-9.5 _<0.40 0.30- 0.15- 0.04- 1.5-2.0 0.050- 0.001-
(T92) 0.13 0.60 0.60 0.25 0.09 0.070 0.006
*typical composition

A 2200 mm

up t o 4 O t u p t o 60 t
FIG. 2.1--Comparison of section dimensions of steam plant components [15].

thermal efficiencies. The requirement for operation with ad- The general requirements of the steels may be summarized
vanced (higher temperature and pressure) steam cycles in turn as follows [16]:
resulted in the establishment of a number of coordinated re-
9 Ease of fabrication of large forged and cast components
search and development activities in Japan [spearheaded
since 1980 by The Electric Power Development Company Lim- and of weldability for tubes and pipes.
ited (EPDC)], the USA [the Electrical Power Research Institute 9 Through hardening and uniformity of mechanical proper-
(EPRI) Project RP 1403 initiated in 1985], and in Europe [Co- ties in rotor forgings with diameters up to and in excess of
operation in Science and Technology (COST) 501 Programme 1.2 m.
initiated in the early 1980s]. These studies have focused on the 9 High creep and rupture strengths at temperatures of
development of highly alloyed 9-12Cr steels for boiler (super- 600~ a creep-rupture strength of 100 MPa at 600~ and
heater and reheater tubing and large-diameter, thick-walled 105 h has been the target for turbine components.
pipes for steam lines and headers) and turbine (rotors, casings 9 High toughness and resistance to both embrittlement
and valves, blades, bolts, etc.) components for operation at in- and softening during long-term service at elevated temper-
let steam temperatures up to 620 or 630~ and pressures of 30 atures.
to 34 MPa, with further developments for applications up to 9 Resistance to steam oxidation and also to fireside corro-
650~ The requirements of the materials for the steam tur- sion in the case of boiler tubes.
bine components differ from those of boilers in that they must The respective programs have been described and the in-
be met with very large section sizes; the relative dimensions of formation and data generated reported in technical publica-
boiler tubes, headers, turbine rotors, and turbine rotor inner tions and proceedings of many international conferences
casings are indicated in Fig. 2.1 [15]. held during the past 15 to 20 years [17-37].

Boiler Components and 8-ferrite content by additions of the austenite-stabilizing

elements Cu and Co, (b) maximize the solid solution
The compositions of newly developed higher-strength fer- strengthening by W, Mo, and N, (c) stabilize the martensite
ritic/martensitic steels are included in Tables 2.1 and 2.2, and dislocation structure and the M23C6 type precipitates by B ad-
the progress in their development for boiler applications is ditions, and (d) enhance the precipitation strengthening by
depicted in Fig. 2.2 [38]. It should be emphasized that there the formation of fine particles of VN and Nb(CN), which are
are considerable uncertainties in predicting the long-term highly resistant to coarsening.
creep-rupture strengths of the steels by extrapolation of Many different steels, including 0.SCr-MoV, 1.0Cr-0.5 Mo
short-term data usually obtained by testing in air. The com- ( T l l ) , 2.25Cr-lMo (P/T 22), and 9-12Cr, have been used
plications arise as a consequence of scatter in the experi- worldwide for boiler tubing and steam piping in thermal
mental data, microstructural changes that occur during power plants. The high-chromium steels have superior
testing and affect the deformation and fracture, and oxida- strength and oxidation resistance compared to the low-alloy
tion, which reduces the effective load-bearing cross-section. steels. Furthermore, the 12Cr steels have better oxidation re-
These effects and the various extrapolation procedures sistance than the 9Cr materials, and higher-strength versions
employed have been described elsewhere [39,40]. Neverthe- of the former are therefore more suitable for use in the high-
less, progressive improvements in creep resistance have been temperature parts of superheaters, which are susceptible to
achieved by close control of the major and minor alloying el- heavy corrosion and also, in some cases, for reheater tubing
ement concentrations so as to: (a) optimize the constitution [41]. The temperature of the steam piping does not exceed

105 h Creep-Rupture Strength at 600~

35 MPa 60 MPa 100 MPa 140 MPa 180 MPa


+ Mo + Nb

I 9Cr-IMo I= ~[ 9Cr-2MoVNb J
[ASME T9| [EM12]
V, Nb optimized -Mo + W
[Tempaloy F-9] [ASME 1"91] | 1.8WVNb ,
[NF616; ASME

+Mo ,. ,r +W+CO
~ !"---~112Cr-O.5Mo I
[AISI 410] i t
"~l 1.8WVNb
+Mo [TB12] [NF12]

[HT91; DIN
X20CrMoV12 1]

, -C+Nb+W -Mo+W+Cu +Co
112Cr-1MoVW~-- - - ~ 12Cr-lMo- 1"~12Cr--0.5Mo- I " " ~ 12Cr-WCo-
[HT9;DIN | lWVNbl , I ~wNbcu / / VNb
X20CrMoVWl 2 1] [HCM12] [HCM12A; [SAVE12]
ASME T122]

FIG. 2.2nDevelopment of 9-12% chromium ferritic/martensitic steels [38].

TABLE 2.2--Compositions of commercial a n d developmental 12% Cr martensitic steels.

Count~ Analysis (wt. %)

Steel Type Designation of C Si Mn Cr 1 Ni Mo V Nb w N B Others
12Cr AISI 403 US/UK <-0.15 0.20- 0.46- 11.5- 0.015 Cu
0.35 0.53 13.0 0.05 A|
AISI 410 US/UK <-0.15 <-1.0 <-1.0 11.5-
Fi* UK 0.10 0.18 0.41 12-13 0.49
12Cr-MoV FV607* UK 0.13 0.40 0.77 11.16 0.62 0.89 0.27
CRM12* UK 0.19 0.45 0.54 11.80 0.40 0.96 0.30

' X~OCrMoV12 1 Germany 0.17- <-0.50 <-1.0 10.0- 0.30- 0.80- 0.25-
(W.Nr.I.4922) 0.23 12.5 0.80 1.20 0.35
X22CrMoV 12 1 Germany 0.18- 0.i0- 0.30- 11.0- 0.30- 0.80- 0.25-
(W.Nr. 1.4923) 0.24 0.50 0.80 12.5 0.80 1.20 0.35
, H T 9 1 (SS2317) Sweden
O0 LAPELLOY* USA 0.30 0.25 1.0 12.0 0.30 2.75 0.25
i2Cr-MoVW AIS1422* USA 0.23 0.40 0.60 12.5 0.70 1.0 0.25 1.0
AL 419" USA 0.25 0.30 1.0 11.5 0.50 0.50 0.40 2.5 0.I0
$.... HT9* Sweden 0.20 0.38 0.60 11.95 0.60 1.0 0.30 0.52
12Cr-MoVNb H46" UK 0.15 0.40 0.60 12.0 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.25 0.050
TAF* Japan 0.18 0.30 0.50 10.5 1.5 0.20 0.15 0.030
FV448" UK 0.I0 0.46 0.86 10.7 0.65 0.60 0.14 9 0.26 0.050
W.Nr.l.4914 Germany 0.11- 0.15- 0.20- 10.0- 0.50- 0.40- 0.I0- 0.I0- 0.03-
0.19 0.65 1.25 12.0 1.20 1.00 0.70 0.60 0.09
MANET I* Europe 0.13 0.37 0.82 10.6 0.80 0.77 0.22 0.16 0.020 0.0085 0.015 Cu
I 0.05 AI
I 0.053 Zr
i I
MANET II* Europe 0.10 0.17 0.81 9.97 0.66 0.61 0.24 0.15 0.024 0.007 <-0.02 AI
0.017 Zr
X 19CrMoVNbN 11 1 Germany 0.16- 0.10- 0.30- 10.0- 0.30- 0.50- 0.10- 0.15- 0.05- <0.01
(W.Nr.l.4913) 0.22 0.50 0.80 11.5 0.80 1.00 0.30 0.50 0.19
GE* USA 0.19 0.30 0.65 10.5 0.60 1.0 0.20 0.085 0.060
TR1100 (TMK1)* Japan 0.14 0.05 0.50 10.2 0.60 1.5 0.20 0.06 0.040
EP450 Russia 0.10- 0.50 0.80 11.0- 0.05- 1.2- 0.10- 0.30- 0.004
0.15 13.5 0.30 1.8 0.30 0.60
COST 'F' Europe 0. I 1 0.03 0.52 10.2 0.60 1.4 0.18 0.05 0.056 0.001
TOS 101" Japan 0.18 11.0 0.40 1.0 0.20 0.07 0.050
TOS-301* Japan 0.14 10.0 0.50 1.0 0.20 0.10 0.050
['ABLE 2.2--(cont'd).
2ountry Analysis (wt. %)
gteelType Designation of 2 Si Mn Cr Ni r V Nb W N B Others
2Cr-MoVNbW HCMI2 lapan ;0.14 -<0.50 0.40- 11.0- ).80- 0.20- _<0.20 0.8-
0.70 13.0 1.2 0.30 1.2
TB 12" Japan 0.08 0.05 0.50 12.0 0.10 0.50 0.20 0.05 1.8 0.050 0.003
rRZ[ 1150 (TMK2)* Japan 0.13 0.05 0.50 10.7 0.70 0.40 0.17 0.06 1.8 0.045
TR1200* Japan 0.12 0.05 0.50 11.0 0.80 O.15 0.20 0.08 2.5 0.060
TF2* Japan 0.18 0.05 0.50 11.0 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.08 2.4 0.025 0.015
TF3* Japan 0.18 0.05 0.50 10.5 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.08 2.4 0.025 0.015
PNC-FMS* Japan O.12 0.05 0.60 11.0 0.40 0.50 0.20 0.05 2.0 0.050
GE (Mod)* USA O.14 0.03 0.60 10.0 0.70 1.0 0.18 0.045 1.0 0.040
COST 'E'* Europe 0.12 0.10 0.45 10.4 0.75 1.1 0.18 0.045 0.8 0.052 0.0002
TOS 107" Japan 0.14 10.0 0.70 1.0 0.20 0.05 1.0 0.050
TOS 202* Japan 0.16 0.07 0.50 11.0 0.70 1.0 0.20 0.20 1.1 0.050
TOS 302* Japan 0.12 10.0 1.0 1.1 0.20 0.1 0.8 0.050
2Cr-MoVNbWCu HCM 12A Japan 0.07- -<0.50 <0.70 10.0- -<0.50 ).25- 0.15- 0.04- 1.5- 0.040- _<0.005 ).3-1.7 Cu
(P122) 0.14 12.5 0.60 0.30 0.10 2.5 0.10 0.04 AI
Tempaloy Japan 0.15 0.20 0.10 12.0 0.30 0.70 0.25 0.10 1.0 0.075 0.006 1.0 Cu
12Cr-MoVNbWCo HR1200* Japan 0.11 0.0~; 9.60 11.0 0.50 0.15 0.20 0.08 2.6 0.025 0.015 3.0 Co
FV535 UK ).06- ).10- ).60- 9.8- 0.20- ).50- 0.10- 0.20- -<0.70 0.010- 0.005- 5.0-7.0 Co
0.11 0.70 1.15 11.2 0.80 1.00 0.35 0.45 0.035 0.012
TOS 110" Japan 0.I1 10.0 0.20 0.70 0.20 0.05 1.8 0.020 0.010 3.0 Co
TOS 203* Japan 0.11 10.5 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.10 2.5 0.030 0.010 1.0 Co
0.2 Re
r o s 303* Japan 0.12 10.0 ).20 ).70 0.20 0.05 1.8 0.020 0.006 3.0 Co
NF 12* Japan 0.08 0.20 0.50 11.0 ).20 0.20 0.07 2.6 0.050 0.004 2.5 Co
;AVE 12" Japan 0.10 0.30 0.20 11.0 0.20 0.07 3.0 0.040 3.0 Co
0.07 Ta
0.O4 Nd
2Cr-MoNiV M 152* USA I [OR BOrOdin ROK,$1i i n r a i n ilpff,$-li i i~,'li nl)~:!
'typical composition.

that of the steam, and the oxidation resistance of the 9Cr tion with steam inlet t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 540 to 565~
steels is satisfactory for these components; however, a steel Tungsten-containing 12Cr steels, such as AISI 422, GE, and
with high yield and creep-rupture strengths is advantageous the modified GE steel, possessing improved properties com-
for application as thick-walled (typically ~230 mm) steam pared to the 1.0Cr-MoV steel, were developed for turbine ro-
pipes as thinner sections can be used and thermal stress and tors in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s, and the GE steel has
fatigue loading are thereby minimized. been used successfully in supercritical plants with a steam
The X20CrMoV 12 1 (HT91) [42] steel has been utilized temperature of 565~ for more than 25 years [64]. However,
widely for superheater tubes, steam pipes, and thick-section the creep-rupture properties of these steels are inadequate
boiler headers at steam pressures up to 25 MPa and temper- for operation in supercritical and USC plants operating at
atures of 540 and 560~ in European power plants; there is 595 to 650~ Also, the 12Cr steels developed in the late 1940s
also extensive service experience on the duplex (tempered and 1950s for gas turbine applications were not considered
martensite plus ~-ferrite) 9Cr-2Mo (HCM 9M) steel [43,44] suitable for large rotor forgings and other steam turbine
for similar applications at temperatures up to about 593~ in components as they were susceptible to segregation, had rel-
Japan and the 9Cr-2MoVNb (EM12) steel for superheaters at atively poor forgeability and weldability as well as fracture
temperatures up to 600~ in France [45]. The modified 9Cr- toughness, and were microstructurally unstable [65]. Thus,
1Mo steel (T/P/F 9l) [46,47], in which the V and Nb contents while the steels had high creep-rupture strengths at ->->550~
have been optimized, is being increasingly used throughout for times of ~ 104 h appropriate to jet engines, their rupture
the world for superheater tubing, headers, and piping with strengths decreased rapidly at the times of --~l0 s h required
conventional steam conditions and also for advanced plants for steam turbines.
with steam inlet temperatures up to 593~ This steel can be The development of ferritic/martensitic rotor steels with
readily fabricated and welded and has a favorable combina- improved creep-rupture strengths at >-565~ was initiated
tion of properties (high yield and creep-rupture strengths and in J a p a n in the 1950s; the development was focused on
allowable stresses) against which those of newer steels have the 12Cr-MoV type, and a 12Cr-MoVNbB steel (TAF)
to be judged. The T/P91 steel has thus been the basis for the [19,26,66] was used for the manufacture of small rotor for-
further development in Japan of advanced grades, such as the gings. Subsequent investigations during the 1970s led to
9Cr-MoVNbW (NF616; TB9; P92) [48,49], 12Cr-MoVNbW the development of the 12Cr-MoVNb (TRll00; TMK1
(HCM 12) [50,51], and the 12Cr-MoVNbWCu ( H e M 12A) [19,26,66,67] and TOS 101 [68,69]) and 12Cr-MoVNbWN
[52-54] steels for USC applications as large-diameter, thick- (TR1150, TMK2 [19,26,66,67] and TOS 107 [68,69]) steels de-
walled pipes [NF616 (T92)and HCM 12A (T122)] [55] and su- signed for use at 593 and 620~ respectively, and the more
perheater and reheater tubes ( H e M 12), while the 9Cr- highly alloyed 12Cr-MoVNbW (TR1200 [19,26]) and 12Cr-
MoVNbWN (E911) [56,57] steel, first evaluated as a rotor MoVNbWCoB (HR1200 [61,70] and TOS 110 [68,69]) steels
steel, is in an advanced stage of development as a tube and aimed at inlet steam temperatures ->630~ the TMK1 and
pipe material in Europe. The predicted l0 s h/600~ creep- TMK2 steels have been used for the manufacture of turbine
rupture strength of the E911 steel is slightly lower (105 MPa rotor forgings for Japanese supercritical steam power plants
[39] and 108 MPa [58]) than that of the NF616 (P92) steel operating at ->593~ [67].
(112 to 130 MPa [39,48,58,59]) but superior to that of the Several new turbine rotor steels [9.SCr-MoVNbB (Steel
modified 9Cr-lMo (Pgl) steel (94 [58] and 87 MPa [60]). Two "B"), 10.5Cr-MoVNbWN (Steel "E') and 10.2Cr-MoVNbN
new 12Cr-MoVNbWCo boiler steels (NF12 [38,61,62] and (Steel "F")] have also been developed as part of the European
SAVE 12 [38, 63]) with l0 s h/600~ creep-rupture strength of COST 501 program [65,71]. The steels have been used for the
180 MPa have been laboratory tested in Japan; the SAVE 12 manufacture of prototype rotor forgings and sectioned for
steel has small additions of Ta and Nd, which are reputed to characterization studies and short- and long-term mechani-
enhance the creep-rupture strength in the 600 to 650~ tem- cal property investigations, while Steel "F" rotors have been
perature range [63]. manufactured and operated at high steam temperatures and
Other developments being pursued include the elimination pressures in Danish power plants.
of welding in the production of complex-shaped boiler com- The high-pressure/low-pressure combination (HLP) rotor
ponents by manufacturing the header and nozzle as one unit shafts are used widely in the steam turbine side of the com-
by hot isostatic pressing (HIPping) of E911 steel powders bined-cycle power plants. The increases in power generation
[57]. capacity of the combined-cycle plants necessitate an increase
in the size of the HLP turbines, and their diameters may well
Turbine Components approach 2000 m m in the near future. Several 2.0-2.5Cr-
MoNiV steels have been successfully developed for such large
The designations and compositions of the steels utilized for turbines [72]. However, further increases in section size will
steam turbine components together with the newer high- result in higher stresses and the need for greater toughness in
c h r o m i u m martensitic steels developed for these applica- the center portions, which cannot be met with the low-alloy
tions are also included in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. steels. High-purity 9Cr-MoVNiNbN steels have therefore
been evaluated as potential rotor forging materials in large
Rotors HLP turbines [73].
1.0Cr-MoV, 3.5Ni-CrMo(V) and conventional 12Cr steels Attempts have been made to enhance the creep resistance
have been used for turbine rotor forgings in subcritical plants of the 10-12Cr rotor steels by the direct addition of thermally
as they have adequate creep-rupture strength, thermal- stable carbides [(W,Ti)C and (W,Nb)C] to the melt under
fatigue resistance, hardenability, and toughness for opera- nonoxidizing conditions; the objective is to produce a fine

dispersion of precipitates in the matrix so as to reinforce that relaxation behavior of these newer steels are comparable or
produced by the normal solid-state heat treatments. inferior to those of the 11Cr-MoVNbN (Xl9CrMoVNb 11 1)
steel despite their superior creep-rupture strengths and duc-
Casings and Valve Bodies tilities at 550 to 600~ [79]. The high-chromium martensitic
Modified 9Cr-lMo steels with increased nitrogen contents steels are, consequently, only considered for use as turbine
(G-X12CrMoVNb 9 1 [64,71] and G-X12CrMoVNbN 10 1 1 bolts up to a maximum temperature of 550 to 560~ with
based on COST Steel "E"[ 15,71]) in the form of large castings nickel-base alloys such as Nimonic 80A [0.10% C (max),
have been used in Europe for valve chests and casings of HP 18-21% Cr, 3.0% Fe (max), 2.0% Co (max), 1.8-2.7% Ti,
and intermediate pressure (IP) turbines with main and re- 1.0-1.8% A1, balance Nil and Refractaloy 26 favored for
heat temperatures of 580 to 600~ these replace the previous higher-temperature applications [64,81].
standard conditions of 540 to 565~ using low-alloy (1.0Cr-
MoV, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, and 2.25Cr-1Mo) steel castings [15,64].
The production and properties of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel FAST BREEDER REACTORS
(F91) in the form of a thick (400 to 500 mm) forging for
turbine valves have also been investigated [75]. Other steels Nuclear Fission
developed in Japan for casings and valve bodies include 9Cr- The only fissionable material that occurs naturally is ura-
MoVNbW (TF1) [26] and 12Cr-MoVNb (TOS 301) [69]; the nium with an atomic weight of 235, that is, 23SU; natural ura-
use of the 9Cr-MoVNbW [NF616 (T/P 92)] steel in the cast nium contains 0.7% 235U, the remainder being mainly 238U.
form has also been considered [76], while the 12Cr-MoV- An example of one of the many possible fission reactions
NbW (TOS 302) and 12Cr-MoVNbWCo (TOS 303) cast steels when an atom of 235U absorbs a neutron (n) is:
have been proposed for operation at steam temperatures of
600 and 630~ respectively [69]. 235U92 + In 0 --~ 948r38 + 14~ + 2 in0 + ~-160 MeV (2.1)
The two fission fragments (948r and 14~ are highly ra-
Turbine Blades dioactive and share the kinetic energy of about 160 MeV,
A variety of 12Cr-MoV (Lapelloy), 12Cr-MoVNbW (AL 419 which is available principally as heat. Each neutron created
and AISI 422) [1], and 12Cr-MoVNb (H46 [6], FV448 [7] and by the fission has an average kinetic energy of about 2 MeV
X19CrMoVNbN) steels have been used extensively for steam (corresponding to a speed of 2 • 107 m/s). Some of these fis-
turbine blades, but they have insufficient creep-rupture sion or fast neutrons are lost by being absorbed in materials
strengths at temperatures above 550~ for application in other than the 235U atoms and by escaping from the fuel, but
USC power plants. The 12Cr-MoVNbWNB (TF2) steel [26] the chain reaction can be maintained in fuel highly enriched
has been developed in Japan for use at higher temperatures, in the fissile isotopes in fast reactors provided sufficient neu-
but a Ni-Cr-Co superalloy [Refractaloy 26: 0.08% C (max), trons remain to produce as many new fissions in the next
35-39% Ni, 16-20% Cr, 18-22% Co, 2.5-3.5% Mo, 2.5-3.5% generation as there were in the first. However, in thermal re-
Ti, 0.25% A1 (max), balance Fe] has been employed success- actors, the fast neutrons are slowed down to thermal energies
fully at temperatures above 570~ in the USA [64]. (about 0.025 eV at ambient temperature, corresponding to a
speed of 2 • 103 m/s) by repeated collisions with the low
Bolts atomic weight atoms of a moderator, such as light water
The bolts used in modern steam turbines range in length (H20), heavy water (D20), graphite (C), and beryllia (BeO).
from 300 to 1000 m m and in diameter from 40 to 150 mm. The slow or thermal neutrons are capable of sustaining the
They operate at temperatures in the creep range and are chain reaction in natural uranium fuel or fuel only slightly
often slackened and retightened after service periods of 30 to enriched with respect to the fissile 235U isotope.
80 000 h for maintenance purposes. The requirements of the The fission and thermal neutrons may also breed pluto-
bolt materials include high tensile yield and creep relaxation nium from the nonfissionable 23SU isotope, as follows:
strengths and high fracture toughness, adequate ductility to
238U92 ~- in 0 ---).239U92 + '~/ (2.2)
avoid creep crack formation, and resistance to stress corro-
sion cracking in the steam environment [71,77-79]. High- 239U92 ---) 239Np93 -F ~ 1 (2.3)
c h r o m i u m martensitic steels such as the 12Cr-MoNiV 239Np93 ----~239pu94 + ~ 1 (2.4)
(x12erNiMo 12 i), 12Cr-MoV (X22CrMoV 12 1), and l lCr-
MoVNbN (X19CrMoVNb 11 1) grades have been favored in The 239pu fissions readily and can be used together with 23SU
Europe for bolts in steam turbines operating at temperatures to fuel both fast and thermal reactors.
in the range 450 to 565~ [71,78-80]. Other steels considered
for bolting include 12Cr-MoNiV (M152) and 12Cr-MoVNb-
Radiation Damage
WCu (FV535), while the 12Cr-MoVNb (H46) and 12Cr-
MoVW (AISI 422) steels have been employed widely in the The components located in or near the reactor core are bom-
USA [64], and the 12Cr-MoVNbW (TF3) is favored in Japan barded with neutrons having a spectrum of energies mainly
[66]. However, tests have been carried out as part of the in the range above about 10 keV in fast reactors and range
COST 501 and EPRI RP 1403 projects [71,78,79] on the from approximately 2 MeV down to 0.025 eV in thermal re-
higher creep-rupture strength 9-10Cr-MoVNb(W)N(B) steels, actors. As described in more detail in Chapter 8, radiation
including the TAF, P91, and the COST rotor steels, to qualify damage is produced in nonfissile materials used for fuel ele-
them as bolt materials in thermal power stations operating at ment cladding and core structural components as a result of:
600~ The results of 1000 h screening tests showed that the (a) the displacement of atoms from their equilibrium lattice

positions by energetic neutron-atom collisions and the for- Lilting Lugs

mation of Frenkel defects (vacancies and interstitials), and
(b) the creation of solid and gaseous impurity atoms by (nil),
(n,a), and (n,p) transmutation reactions. The damage in fer-
rous and nonferrous metals and alloys is manifested as void
formation and swelling, microchemical and microstructural urst Pin Detection Equipment
changes, irradiation or in-reactor creep, radiation hardening
and embrittlement, and reductions in fracture toughness and
fatigue endurance. These effects are discussed in Chapters 9
to 17 in respect of the high-chromium ferritic/martensitic
~ Mix~/Br~,~lerPin

ReactorComponentsand Materials Fuel Pin
The 12Cr (AISI 403) and wrought 9Cr-lMo steels have been
used for the pressure tube end fittings in the Canadian
CANDU reactors [82] and in the evaporators and parts of the
superheaters in the UK Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors Leaning Pad
(AGRs) [83], respectively. The high-chromium martensitic
steels have found few other applications in thermal reactors,
their main development having been directed towards fast
breeder reactor usage.
Several prototype sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors
have been constructed and operated as fuel element sub-
i .Fuel Element Core Gag Assembly
assembly test facilities and also to establish the viability of
commercial fast reactor core component designs under fully
representative conditions without compromising the main
objective of demonstrating that they could reliably generate ~Spike Banding Bar
electricity for the national grids. These reactors include the 1Spike Bottom Beadng Cup
Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR) and Prototype Fast Reactor .-Ball Joint
(France), KNK-2 (Germany), EBR-II and the Fast Flux Test
Facility [FFTF] (USA), BN5 (10), BOR60, BN350 and BN600 FIG. 2.3--PFR standard core sub-
assembly [86,87].
(Russia), JOYO and MONJU (Japan) and FBTR (India); how-
ever, many of these reactors have now ceased operation.
The 9Cr-lMo steel has been utilized as internal sleeves for
the repair of leaks in the welds between the 2.25Cr-lMoNb were held in grids spaced at intervals along their length and
steel steam tubes and 2.25Cr-lMo steel tube plates in the enclosed within a hexagonal wrapper approximately 2.75 m
evaporator units and also for the replacement superheater long, 142 m m across the flats, and 3 m m wall thickness. The
and reheater tube bundles in PFR [83,84]. However, the suc- wrapper served to channel the sodium coolant flow (inlet and
cessful operation of fast reactors is also dependent on the outlet temperatures of 400 and 560~ respectively) over the
performance of the materials used in the construction of the fuel pin bundles and provided the structural strength and
fuel and breeding blanket assemblies. Thus, the subassembly stiffness of the assemblies. The design temperature ranges
fuel pin cladding and wrappers (or ducts) in a commercial for the wrapper and cladding (mid-wall) for the fuel element
fast reactor have to endure prolonged service at elevated tem- subassemblies in PFR (Row 1) were 420 to 550~ and 430 to
peratures and a m a x i m u m displacement per atom (dpa) dose 700~ respectively.
of 150 to 200 dpa (see Chapter 8) if the fuel is to achieve an The void swelling produced both axial and radial expan-
economic target burn-up of 15 to 20% of the heavy atoms. sion of the cladding and wrapper so that, in the extreme, the
The prototype fast breeder reactors usually commenced coolant flow between the pins would be reduced, resulting in
operation with conventional austenitic steels as the core increases in temperature and possible failure, together with
component structural materials. However, these steels exhi- difficulties in removal or insertion during refueling unless
bited significant irradiation-induced void swelling and irra- sufficient clearance was allowed. In addition, differential
diation creep that could lead to dimensional instability and void swelling due to gradients in neutron flux and tempera-
core distortion [85]. These problems may be exemplified by ture across a subassembly caused wrapper bowing, while the
reference to the PFR [600 MW(th), 250 MW(e)] fuel element wrapper faces dilated (or bulged) due to irradiation creep un-
subassembly shown in Fig. 2.3 [85,86]. PFR employed a nom- der the influence of the internal coolant pressure. The sub-
inally free-standing core design in which 78 subassemblies assembly bowing, dilatation and length, illustrated in Fig.
were cantilevered from the bottom core support structure. 2.4, were important in determining the design, operation,
Each subassembly consisted of 325 or 265 fuel pins with out- and burn-up limits for the fuel elements. However, irradia-
side diameters of 5.84 and 6.60 mm, respectively, containing tion creep could be beneficial in certain circumstances by
a stack of mixed-oxide (UO2:PuO2) annular pellets; the pins reducing interaction loads between neighboring subassem-

blies in the free-standing PFR core design or between the Nb-stabilized austenitic steels, precipitation-hardened inter-
subassemblies and the core restraint structure in constrained mediate nickel-base alloys and the high-chromium fer-
core designs, such as those adopted for FFTF, PHI~NIX, and ritic/martensitic steels, to be identified.
BN-350. Many wrought ferritic/martensitic steels have been em-
It became essential, therefore, to select or develop wrapper ployed or considered for application as wrappers (ducts) and,
materials exhibiting consistently low void swelling and irra- to a lesser extent, cladding in the core fuel element sub-
diation creep rates that were not excessively high if the burn- assemblies in sodium-cooled fast reactors in Europe, the
up targets in the fuel were to be achieved [85]. Furthermore, USA, Russia, and Japan [87-99]. They include (see Tables 2.1
the fuel pin cladding had to retain sufficient "in-reactor" and 2.2): plain 12Cr (FI) in the U.K. and a fully ferritic, non-
creep strength and ductility to avoid premature failure under transformable 17Cr (F17) in France, 9Cr-lMo (EM10) and
the stresses imposed by fission product gas release and fuel- duplex 9Cr-2Mo (EM12) in France, 12Cr-IMoV (FV607 and
clad mechanical interaction. CRM12) in the U.K., 1.4923 in Germany and EP450 in Rus-
These requirements led to extensive post-irradiation exam- sia), 9Cr-IMoVNb [modified 9Cr-lMo (T91) in the USA and
ination and test programs on the subassembly components, France], 12Cr-MoVNb (FV448 in the U.K. and 1.4914 in Ger-
as well as on specimens irradiated in rigs in experimental fast many), 12Cr-IMoVW (HTg) in the USA, and 12Cr-MoVNbW
reactors, such as DFR, RAPSODIE, EBR II, FFTF, BR-10, (PNC-FMS) in Japan.
BOR-60, and JOYO, and in the prototypes being undertaken The heat treatments specified for the 9-12% Cr ferritic-
in Europe [86-90], the USA [91,92], Russia [93,94], and martensitic steels for nonnuclear conventional engineering
Japan [95]. The data obtained in these studies enabled com- applications are aimed at maximizing the tensile proof and
ponent material design rules to be formulated and materials creep-rupture strengths. However, a high thermal creep
with progressively increased resistance to void swelling, such strength has not been a primary requirement for the wrappers,
as cold-worked unstabilized (based on Type 316: 0.08% C as the operating temperatures are below or at the lower end of
max.; 16.0-18.0% Cr; 10.0-14.0% Ni; 2.0-3.0% Mo) and Ti- or the creep range for these materials and the components are
not highly stressed during normal operation. A reduced creep
strength was therefore acceptable, provided that increased
fracture toughness and good high-temperature ductility, cou-
pled with adequate formability and weldability, could be
achieved. Consequently, extensive studies, involving modifica-
tions of the compositions and initial heat treatments, were
carried out to develop the optimum combination of properties
for some of the steels intended for use as wrappers [89,98,99].
Significant increases in toughness [low impact ductile-brit-
tle transition t e m p e r a t u r e (DBTT) and high u p p e r shelf
energy (USE)], albeit with large reductions in creep-rupture
strengths, have been effected by: (a) avoiding the formation
of 8-ferrite and ensuring fully martensitic structures in the
12% Cr steels by close control of the nickel and chromium
equivalent element concentrations; the single phase 9Cr-lMo
(EM10) steel has also been preferred to the previously con-
sidered duplex 9Cr-2Mo (EM12) steel [89]; (b) specifying a
low nitrogen content (0.01% max) for the 1.4914 steel [99], al-
though this benefit was not maintained after reactor expo-
sure [89]; and (c) optimizing the austenitizing and tempering
treatments to refine the prior austenite grain size and reduce
the strength of the matrix of the 12% Cr [98] and 9% Cr [89]
steels. For example, a reduction in the sub-size Charpy V-
notch impact DBTT of the FV448 steel from - 1 0 to -50~
was effected by changing from the manufacturer's recom-
mended [1020~ h, air cool (AC) plus 700~ h, AC] to the
high toughness wrapper (1100~ h, AC plus 750~ h, AC)
heat treatment for the FV448 steel [89,98]; there was an as-
sociated decrease in the creep-rupture strength (550~ 104 h)
from approximately 260 to 200 MPa [98]. The applications of
the high-chromium martensitic steels in fast reactor driver
fuel element subassemblies are summarized in Table 2.3.
The high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steels have shown
excellent dimensional stability (void swelling ~0.5%) at high
displacement doses [132 dpa for an FV448 steel wrapper in
UnL rrodL at ed I rrod~ at ed
PFR and 142 and 115 dpa for E M I 0 and 1.4914 steel wrap-
FIG. 2.4---Fast reactor core fuel element subassembly bow- pers, respectively, in PHI~NIX] based on length and across-
ing, dilatation, and length increase resulting from irradiation. flats m e a s u r e m e n t s on irradiated wrappers and density

TABLE 2.3--Application of high chromium ferritic/martensitic steels for driver subassembly structural components in
sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors.
Reactor Country Cladding Steel/Alloy~ Wrapper Steep Reference
PFR U.K. STA Nimonic PE 16 FV448 87, 90
PHI~IX France CW 15Cr-5NiTiMoB EM10 87, 90
PHI~NIX Germany CW and CWA 1.4970 1.4914 b 87, 90
(DEBENE) Mod. b 96, 97
FFTF U.S.A. HT9 HT9 91, 92
BN-350 Russia CW CHS-68 EP450 93, 94
Long life cores Japan PNC-FMS PNC-FMS 95
a Solution treated and aged (STA)Nimonic PEI6: 17% Cr, 43% Ni, 3% Mo, 2.5% Ti + A1,balance Fe.
Cold worked (CW) and co]d worked and aged (CWA) 1.4970 austenitic steel and modified versions: 15% Cr, 15% Ni, 1.2% Mo, 0.40% Ti,
0.005% B.
Cold worked (CW) CHS-68austenitic steel: 15.0, 16.5% Cr, 14.0-15.5% Ni, 1.9-2.5% Mo, 0.2-0.3% Ti, 0.001-0.005% B.
The following are ferritic/martensitic steels:
HT9: 12% Cr, 0.6% Ni, 1% Mo, 0.30% V, 0.5% W.
PNC-FMS: 11% Cr, 0.4% Ni, 0.5% Mo, 2.0% W, 0.2% V, 0.05% Nb, 0.05% N.
FV448: 10.7% Cr, 0.65% Ni, 0.60% Mo, 0.15% V, 0.25% Nb.
EM10: 9% Cr, 0.20% Ni, 1.0% Mo.
1.4914: 10.5% Cr, 0.85% Ni, 0.55% Mo, 0.25% V, 0.20% Nb, <-0.010%N, <-0.0015%B.
EP450: 11.0-13.5% Cr, 0.05-0.30% Ni, 1.2-1.8% Mo, 0.3-0.6% Nb, 0.1-0.3%V, 0.004% B.
b Experimental subassemblies.

determinations on specimens machined from irradiated the target b u r n - u p s for c l a d d i n g o p e r a t i n g at t e m p e r a t u r e s

w r a p p e r s o r exposed in i r r a d i a t i o n rigs [90]. In addition, 20 u p to 670 o r 700~ in c o m m e r c i a l fast r e a c t o r s . Conse-
s u b a s s e m b l i e s consisting of STA N i m o n i c PE16 clad pins in quently, the d e v e l o p m e n t of oxide d i s p e r s i o n - s t r e n g t h e n e d
FV448 steel w r a p p e r s l o a d e d in the P F R core in the late 1980s (ODS) steels possessing h i g h e r strengths at elevated a n d am-
r e a c h e d 15 at% b u r n - u p a n d 110 dpa, while one s u b a s s e m b l y b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s for fuel e l e m e n t c l a d d i n g a n d o t h e r ap-
successfully achieved 19 at% b u r n - u p a n d 155 d p a by the plications has been p u r s u e d in E u r o p e , the USA, Japan, a n d
t i m e the r e a c t o r w a s finally s h u t d o w n in 1994 [87]. Also, R u s s i a [88,100-107]. The steels initially investigated h a d fer-
c o l d - w o r k e d (CW) 15Cr:15NiTiMoB a u s t e n i t i c steel c l a d ritic m a t r i c e s c o n t a i n i n g 13% Cr a n d 1.5% Mo [88,100-102]
pins in EM10 steel w r a p p e r s r e a c h e d b u r n - u p s of a b o u t 17 a n d 11-13% Cr a n d 3% W [ 106] with t i t a n i a (Ti203) a n d / o r yt-
a t % a n d 146 d p a in PHI~NIX [90], w h i l e the EP-450 fer- t r i a (Y203) d i s p e r s i o n s . The c o m m e r c i a l m a n u f a c t u r e in-
ritic/martensitic steel clad pins in EP-450 w r a p p e r s achieved volved the m e c h a n i c a l alloying of r a p i d l y solidified alloy a n d
b u r n - u p s of 12 at% with a n a s s o c i a t e d d i s p l a c e m e n t dose of u l t r a fine oxide powders, followed b y c o n s o l i d a t i o n b y h o t
45 d p a in BN-350 a n d 15 at% a n d 144 d p a in BOR-60 [93,94]. extrusion, rolling, o r h o t isostatic pressing (HIPping). The
A m a j o r l i m i t a t i o n of the h i g h - c h r o m i u m ferritic/marten- e x t r u d e d a n d H I P p e d p r o d u c t s g e n e r a l l y have a very fine
sitic steels, in c o m m o n with o t h e r b o d y - c e n t e r e d - c u b i c (bcc) g r a i n size ( < l & m ) , a n d the uniaxial c r e e p - r u p t u r e strengths
steels, is that they exhibit a ductile-brittle t r a n s i t i o n t e m p e r a - a n d ductilities are e n h a n c e d if the m a t r i x grains have a high
a s p e c t r a t i o ( g r a i n l e n g t h : d i a m e t e r ->15) [108]. The large
ture (DBTT) in w h i c h the energy of fracture increases with in-
c o l u m n a r s t r u c t u r e is u s u a l l y o b t a i n e d b y zone annealing,
creasing t e m p e r a t u r e on passing t h r o u g h the transition, fol-
w h i c h also p r o d u c e s a strong texture due to s e c o n d a r y re-
l o w e d b y a n u p p e r - s h e l f r e g i o n of r e l a t i v e l y c o n s t a n t o r
crystallization (also referred to as exaggerated g r a i n growth)
slightly decreasing high fracture energies. The steels also suf-
[ 109-113]. However, a n e q u i a x e d g r a i n structure is r e q u i r e d
fer r a d i a t i o n e m b r i t t l e m e n t in t h a t the DBTT increases a n d
for the fuel e l e m e n t c l a d d i n g a p p l i c a t i o n so as to o b t a i n g o o d
the upper-shelf energy (USE) is r e d u c e d by n e u t r o n i r r a d i a -
biaxial creep strengths a n d ductilities in the tubes [114].
tion; t h e s e c h a n g e s c o r r e s p o n d to a r e d u c t i o n in f r a c t u r e
toughness in fracture m e c h a n i c s terminology, with d e c r e a s e d
resistance to c r a c k initiation in the t r a n s i t i o n region a n d duc- FUSION REACTORS
tile crack g r o w t h from preexisting flaws in the upper-shelf re-
Nuclear Fusion
gion. However, it has been established that the DBTTs of the
i r r a d i a t e d h i g h - c h r o m i u m steels are n o t m a r k e d l y d e p e n d e n t Considerable effort is being e x p e n d e d w o r l d w i d e to develop
o n the steel type a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t dose (10 to 100 dpa) in the fusion as a long-term energy source. The m o s t suitable fusion
w r a p p e r o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e range of 400 to 560~ the ir- r e a c t i o n occurs b e t w e e n the nuclei of the two heavy isotopes
r a d i a t i o n - i n d u c e d shifts being relatively small [90]. These ef- of h y d r o g e n - - d e u t e r i u m (D) a n d t r i t i u m ( T ) - - t o form a he-
fects will be discussed in detail in Chapters 14 a n d 15. l i u m nucleus a n d the release of a n e u t r o n a n d energy:
2DI + 3T1 -4 4He2 (3.5 MeV) + in0 (14.1 MeV) (2.5)
Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Steels The fuel changes from a gas to a p l a s m a at a t e m p e r a t u r e be-
The h i g h - c h r o m i u m f e r r i t i c / m a r t e n s i t i c steels have l i m i t e d low the ->-100 m i l l i o n degrees celsius r e q u i r e d for the D-T fu-
t h e r m a l c r e e p - r u p t u r e s t r e n g t h s at t e m p e r a t u r e s a b o v e sion reaction, a n d the h o t p l a s m a has to be m a g n e t i c a l l y con-
550~ a n d were, for this reason, c o n s i d e r e d unlikely to m e e t fined w i t h i n a v a c u u m vessel a n d i s o l a t e d f r o m the vessel

walls. The most promising magnetic confinement systems 9 Irradiation with high-energy (14.1 MeV) fusion neutrons
are toroidal (ring shaped), and the most advanced of these is producing displaced atoms and helium, hydrogen, and
the tokamak reactor. However, inertially confined fusion sys- solid transmutation products, leading to changes in bulk
tems, in which the energy is produced by the repeated igni- properties.
tion of D-T pellets, have also been studied. 9 Bombardment with ions and energetic neutral atoms from
The deuterium fuel is abundant and can be readily ex- the plasma, resulting in surface (physical and chemical
tracted from seawater. Tritium does not occur naturally; rel- sputtering) and near-surface (gas bubble formation and
atively small amounts of tritium can be obtained as a by- blistering) damage. The damage is exacerbated in the event
product from heavy water thermal reactors, such as CANDU, of plasma instabilities (disruptions) and by run-away and
but sufficient quantities to fuel the fusion reactor m a y be arcing effects; however, the metallic first wall has to be
bred from lithium in the blanket surrounding the vacuum protected against these surface effects by graphite, beryl-
vessel in a tokamak reactor. Natural lithium contains 7.3 and lium, or other materials in the form of tiles or deposits.
92.7% of the isotopes 6Li and 7Li, respectively, and the prin-
The Fe-Cr-Ni and Fe-Cr-Mn austenitic and the Cr-Mo fer-
cipal tritium breeding reactions are as follows:
ritic/martensitic steels, other metallic (vanadium, niobium,
6Li3 + ~n0 --4 3T 1 + 4He2 + 4.8 MeV (2.6) molybdenum, titanium, tantalum, etc.,) base alloys, and
SiC/SiC composites have been considered as potential struc-
7Li3 + in0 ~ 3T1 + 4He2 + in 0 - 2.9 MeV (2.7)
tural materials for the first wall and tritium breeding blanket
A tritium breeding ratio greater than unity is possible with components in the magnetically (D-T tokamak) [120-122,
natural lithium, as the breeding reaction with VLi releases a 125-135] and inertially [ 136-138] confined fusion reactor sys-
neutron capable of inducing the tritium breeding reaction tems and included in the various national and community fu-
with 6Li. The primary neutron required for tritium breeding sion materials research and development programs. The high-
is obtained from the D-T reaction so that the consumables chromium (9-12%) steels initially included in these programs
are deuterium and lithium, and the overall fusion breeding were essentially those being evaluated and developed for fuel
process may be represented by: element subassembly wrapper and cladding applications in
the fast fission reactors. They included HT9 and the modified
2D1 + 6Li3 -~ 2 4He2 + 22.4 MeV (2.8)
9Cr- 1Mo (T/P91) in the USA, JFMS (Japanese Ferritic Marten-
sitic Steel) in Japan, a 12Cr- 1.6Mo (1KH 12M2S2) steel in Rus-
Reactor Systems and Components sia, and FV448, 1.4914, EMI2, and other grades in Europe
[ 12 t, 127]. Type 316L (0.03% C; 17.0% Cr; 12.5% Ni; 2.5% Mo)
A schematic of a commercial D-T t o k a m a k fusion power austenitic steel and the fully martensitic MANET I followed by
reactor (CFPR) is shown in Fig. 2.5. Many small and large MANET II steels (based on the 1.4914 and FV448 specifica-
[Joint European Torus (JET) in the U.K. [115], Tokamak Fu- t i o n s - s e e Table 2.2) were originally chosen as alternative
sion Test Reactor (TFTR) in the USA [116] and JAERI Toka- first wall and breeder structural component materials for
mak-60 (JT-60) in Japan [117]] experimental tokamaks have NET with a first wall target fluence of 2.8 MWy m -2 [120,121 ].
been constructed and operated. The principal objectives of The composition (except for increased B, N, and Zr concen-
these tokamaks have been to achieve plasma fusion physics trations) and properties of the MANET I steel were generally
conditions approaching breakeven (that is, net energy pro- comparable to those of the standard 1.4914 steel, while the
duction) and to evaluate the behavior of various material MANET II steel, with reduced C, A1, and Zr contents, exhib-
components; however, D-T experiments have only been per- ited superior toughness properties and creep characteristics
formed in JET [ 118] and TFTR. [139]. The martensitic steels, in addition to being more resis-
A team was established in 1983 to define the Next Euro- tant to irradiation-induced void swelling, creep, and high-
pean Torus (NET), envisaged as one of the main steps be- temperature helium embrittlement than the austenitic steels,
tween JET and CFPR, and to initiate the technological de- have greater resistance to thermal stress development and fa-
velopments necessary for its design and construction as well tigue because of their higher thermal conductivities and lower
as those required in the longer term for a fusion power thermal expansion coefficients [ 121 ].
demonstration reactor (DEMO). The evolution of the NET The ITER D-T tokamak device (illustrated in Fig. 2.6) is
objectives, schedule, parameters, and operation scenarios characterized by a low operating temperature (I 50 to 250~
has been fully documented [119] and the selection of struc- a moderate neutron (first) wall loading of 0.5-1.0 MW m -2,
tural materials for the components exposed to the most an integrated (first) wall loading of 0.3 MWy m -2 (corre-
onerous operating conditions [first wall, impurity control sponding to a m a x i m u m displacement dose of about 3 dpa
systems (limiter and divertor), and tritium breeding blan- and helium and hydrogen gas production of 30 to 40 and
ket] and associated test programs described [120-122]. The 160 to 170 appm, respectively, in steel), a strongly pulsed op-
NET project was superseded in the mid-to-late 1980s by the erational mode (pulses of 1000 s duration with a total of
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) 3 to 4 • 10 4 c y c l e s ) , and with no requirement for tritium
project involving the USA, Japan, the former USSR, and Eu- breeding [124]. Type 316LN austenitic steel (0.03% C max,
rope [123,124]. 17.0-18.0% Cr, 12.0-12.5% Ni, 2.30-2.70% Mo, 0.06-0.08%
The plasma-facing components in D-T tokamak reactors N, 0.001-0.002% B, 0.30% Cu max, 0.25% Co max,
are subjected during service to: 0.15%Nb+Ta+Ti max), which has been used as a fuel ele-
9 Mechanical and electromagnetic loadings and alternating ment cladding material in fast fission reactors, is deemed to
thermal stresses induced by the surface and volumetric be suitable for fulfilling the moderate demands of the water-
heating and pulsed nature of the operation. cooled first wall in ITER.

FIG. 2.5DSchematic of a fusion power reactor.

Tritium Breeding Blanket Concepts with high-temperature, high-pressure water [141] or high-
pressure helium [142,143] and incorporating beryllium as a
Considerable design and associated research and develop- neutron multiplier to achieve a tritium breeding ratio in ex-
ment effort has also been devoted in Europe to the DEMO fu- cess of unity. The two helium-cooled blanket configurations,
sion power reactor-relevant solid ceramic and liquid metal in which helium is also used to purge the tritium from the
tritium breeding modules to be tested and irradiated in ITER breeding material, differ in the following respects: (a) The
[140]. The various blanket concepts include: breeder inside tube (BIT) design [142] uses lithium alumi-
1. Solid breeder blankets based on the use of lithiated nate or metazirconate in the form of annular pellets con-
ceramics, such as the oxide (Li20), aluminate (Li4AIO2), or- tained in tubes surrounded by beryllium blocks, the coolant
thosilicate (Li4SiO4), and metazirconate (Li2ZrO3), cooled being outside the tubes, (b) The ortho-silicate breeder and

FIG. 2.6raThe ITER device--schematic.

beryllium neutron multiplier are in the form of pebbles lo-

cated between diffusion-bonded (welded) plates containing
channels for two independent cooling systems in the breeder
outside tube (BOT) [143] concept.
The outboard blanket segment (of which there are 48 in to-
tal) in the BOT design is shown in Fig. 2.7, and an isometric
view of a poloidal portion of the outboard blanket segment
around the torus equatorial plane is presented in Fig. 2.8
2. Liquid metal blankets utilizing the lithium-lead eutectic
(LilTPb83) both as breeder and coolant [144] and a water-
cooled Li17Pb23 design [145]. The liquid metal velocity in the
self-cooled concept is high (<1 m/s) and a major issue here is
the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pressure drop in the mag-
netic field and the resulting high mechanical stresses pro-
duced in the ducts; however, the pressure drop can be re-
duced by about three orders of magnitude by using an oxide
insulator coating on the channel walls to prevent current flow
in the structural material. The liquid metal is semi-stagnant
(velocity <0.01 m/s) in the water-cooled concept.
Further development is now restricted to the helium-
cooled solid ceramic BOT [143] and water-cooled Li17Pb83
[145] concepts, with a high-chromium martensitic steel pro-
posed as the structural material. An average neutron wall
loading of 2.2 MWm -2 and a continuous operational mode
have been specified for the DEMO reactor; the envisaged op-
erating temperature range and target fluence for the steel
structure in the helium-cooled solid ceramic blanket sectors
are 200 to 550~ and 5 MWy m -z, with a corresponding max-
i m u m displaced atom dose of approximately 70 dpa and
helium and hydrogen gas generations by (n,a) and (n,p) FIG. 2.7~Outboard blanket segment in the Breeder
reactions of about 700 and 3500 appm, respectively [140]. Outside Tube (BOT) concept [143].

FIG. 2.8--isometric view of a poioidal portion of the outboard blanket segment

around the torus equatorial plane in the breeder outside tube (BOT) concept [143].

Liquid lithium has not been considered as a tritium breed- The fusion reactor materials programs in Europe, the USA,
ing material in the European fusion reactor breeder blanket Japan, and Russia have thus included the development o f
development, primarily because of its high reactivity with ferritic/martensitic and austenitic steels with enhanced ra-
water, and its use has only been entertained for self-cooled dioactive decay characteristics, the objectives being to maxi-
fusion reactor designs in the USA [146]. A high-chromium mize the safety advantages of fusion and enable material and
martensitic steel was initially perceived as the structural ma- component maintenance, waste management, and recycling
terial in the American liquid lithium blanket designs, but a scenarios to be established [148-150]. The principal ap-
vanadium alloy is now favored [147]. The use of a vanadium proaches adopted in this development are: (a) the replace-
alloy structural material with liquid lithium for cooling and ment of the radiologically undesirable Mo, Nb, and Ni in the
tritium breeding was also considered previously for an en- existing commercial steels by elements such as W, V, Mn, Ta,
hanced performance phase (EPP) in ITER [ 123]. and Ti, which have equivalent or similar effects on the con-
stitution and structures, and (b) the removal of the impurities
Reduced-Activation Steels that adversely influence the induced activities and dose rates
when present in low concentrations in the steels. Isotopic tail-
There is no highly radioactive product in fusion as in fission. oring, involving the removal of the undesirable isotopes in
However, the fast and thermal neutrons in fission reactors the major and minor alloying elements in the steels, appears
and the high-energy (14.1 MeV) fusion neutrons can be ab- feasible [151 ] but has not been actively pursued for a n u m b e r
sorbed by the nonfissile core c o m p o n e n t and structural of technical reasons, and the approach is less economic than
materials in the respective systems, in some instances caus- that of elemental tailoring [ 152].
ing transmutation of the absorbing atoms and generating ra- Relevant parameters and simplified radiological criteria
dioactive isotopes of the same or neighboring elements. for the respective scenarios have been proposed and are re-
These activated atoms decay back to stable isotopes, usually produced in Table 2.4 [148].
accompanied by the emission of ~ or ~/radiation. Depending The inventory codes and cross-section and decay libraries
on the element, the emission may continue long after the ir- developed in Europe, the USA, and J a p a n for predicting
radiation has ceased, and the activations have major radio- the radionuclide inventories of materials exposed in fusion
logical implications with respect to the safe and routine op- reactor systems have been summarized [148]. FISPACT is
eration and decommissioning of the plant and disposal of the an advanced inventory code for fusion applications and is
radioactive material wastes. available as part of the European Activation System, desig-

TABLE 2.4--Relevant parameters for low- and reduced-activation nated EASY [ 155]; this also includes activation a n d decay li-
materials [ 147]. braries, a subsidiary library of biological hazard data, a n d
Safety Prevention of any release of activity, which would reference n e u t r o n spectra for a fusion reactor first wall, blan-
necessitate off-site emergency action, interpreted ket, shield a n d m a g n e t i c coils. Sequential reactions [A (n,x) B
--~ A (x,n) C where x is a charged particle such as a p r o t o n (p),
9 Prompt dose at site boundary due to complete
d e u t e r o n (d), s-particle (~) , triton (t), etc.] m a y also con-
release of inventory: <2 Sv.
9 Early dose at 1 km associated with accidental tribute to the residual activities, dose rates a n d decay heats in
release of 100 kg of activated materials: <50 some circumstances [156], a n d pseudo cross sections for the
may. relevant reactions are n o w included in the activation codes.
9 Maximum early dose: 100 mSv. The results of the n e u t r o n i c c a l c u l a t i o n s have d e m o n -
9 Off-site releases: <10 TM Bq.
strated that the radioactivity i n d u c e d i n c o n v e n t i o n a l 9-12%
Maintenance Remote maintenance: Dose rate inside plasma
chamber <1 x 1 0 4 Gy h -1 after 1 day cooling or Cr martensitic steels, such as HT9 a n d MANET, following ex-
integrated dose <1 x 107 Gy based on doses posure for 2.5 year (y) i n a fusion power reactor with a neu-
which can be tolerated by electronic components. tron (first) wall loading of 5 M W m 2 do n o t satisfy a n y of the
Waste Disposal Maximum doses to inadvertent intruders and criteria i n Table 2.4 [154,157,158].
members of the public for near-surface burial: The basic c o m p o s i t i o n s of the reduced-activation ferritic
9 5 and 0.25 mSv.y-1 (10CFR61, U.S.A.) [153]. a n d m a r t e n s i t i c steels investigated in the E u r o p e a n [159-
Maximum annum individual risk for a single fa- 165], USA [166-172], a n d Japanese [173-177] fusion materi-
cility of 10 -6 (Authorizing Departments, U.K.), als p r o g r a m s are s u m m a r i z e d in Table 2.5; the analyses of the
equivalent to a health risk associated with a dose
of 0.1 mSv. martensitic steels which, o n present evidence, appear to have
For 50 y interim storage [154]: r e a s o n a b l y stable m i c r o s t r u c t u r e s a n d favorable c o m b i n a -
Decay t i o n s of strength, t o u g h n e s s , a n d r e s i s t a n c e to r a d i a t i o n
Dose rate, heat, damage are given i n Table 2.6. E U R O F E R [163] has n o w re-
mSv h 1 W m -3 placed the MANET II steel (see Table 2.2) as the reference
Low level waste: <2 <1 structural material for the E u r o p e a n DEMO breeding blan-
Medium level waste: <20 < 10 ket c o n c e p t s [140]. F u r t h e r m o r e , the J a p a n e s e m o d i f i e d
High level waste: >20 > 10
F82H a n d JLF-1 steels form the basis of a c o n t i n u i n g Inter-
Recycling "Hands-on" contact dose rate after 100 y cooling: n a t i o n a l Energy Agency (IEA) Collaborative P r o g r a m to eval-
9 25--~10/zSv h - 1 .
Remote recycling limit (ability to remelt and re- u a t e a n d develop these r e d u c e d a c t i v a t i o n t r a n s f o r m a b l e
fabricate remotely): steels for use in fusion reactors [180].
9 <10 mSv h 1 after 50 y cooling. I n c r e a s i n g a t t e n t i o n is also b e i n g given i n E u r o p e a n d
Dose rate and decay heat after 50 y interim stor- J a p a n to the d e v e l o p m e n t of the ODS f e r r i f i c / m a r t e n s i t i c
9 <2 mSv h -1 and < I W m -3 [154]. steels for eventual structural c o m p o n e n t applications at tem-
Residual activity for unrestricted release: peratures of 600~ a n d above i n DEMO fusion reactor blan-
9 <103Bqkg l. kets [182]. The physical m e t a l l u r g y research a n d develop-
m e n t of material m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d c o m p o n e n t fabrication
r o u t e s are c e n t e r e d o n the " c o n v e n t i o n a l " ODS (9Cr-
TABLE 2.5~Basic compositions of reduced-activation ferritic and Mo+Y203) steels [183] as well as o n reduced activation (gCr-
martensitic steels. W+Y203 [183] a n d 8Cr-2W+Y203 +Ti [184]) versions.
USA CEC Japan The effects of individual alloying additions in the steels o n
2-9Cr-V 9Cr-W-V-Ta-N 2-15Cr-W the contact -/-dose rate, i n d u c e d activity, a n d decay heat rel-
2-9Cr-W 12Cr-W-V-Ta-N 2-3Cr-W-V-Ta ative to the c o n t r i b u t i o n s from the iron base have b e e n cal-
2-12Cr-W-V 9-10Cr-W-V-Ta-Ti-Ce 7-9Cr-W-V-Ta culated as a f u n c t i o n of time after reactor s h u t d o w n for a
9Cr-W-Mn 9Cr-W-V-Mn-Ti 11Cr-W-V-Ta fusion reactor first wall with a n e u t r o n loading of 2 M W m -2
for 2.5 y [185] using FISPACT a n d the EAF-3 cross-section
12Cr-V-Mn library [186]. The results c o n f i r m that Cr (any concentra-
tion), V (-<8%), M n (-<1%), Ta (~1%), a n d Si ( < 0.4%) are

TABLE 2.6---Typical/nominalcompositions (wt%) of reduced-activation martensitic steels with favorable combination of properties.
Program Designation C Si Mn Cr W V Ta N B Ref.
CEC LA12TaLC 0.09 0.03 1.0 8.9 0.8 0.40 0.10 0.02 159-161
EUROFER 0.10-0.12 0.05max 0.4-0.6 8.0-9.0 1.0-1.2 0.20-0.30 0.06-0.10 0.02-0.04 0.004-0.006 150, 163,
Japan F82H 0.10 0.20 0.50 8.0 2.0 0.20 0.04 <0.01 0.003 150, 173,
JLF-1 0.10 0.08 0.45 9.0 2.0 0.20 0.07 0.05 150, 176,
USA 9Cr-2WVTa 0.10 0.30 0.40 9.0 2.0 0.25 0.07 150, 168

acceptable while Mo (> 100 ppm), Nb (> 1 ppb), and Ni (> up to two orders of magnitude; also, significant transmuta-
50 ppm) are unacceptable alloying additions; C, B, and Ti in tions of W to Os and Re and Ta to W and Hf can occur with
the concentrations normally present in the steels do not fusion neutrons [187].
detrimentally affect the activation parameters of the iron Other data on steels, based on the individual element -/-
base. The data also suggest that tungsten may not be the dose rate contribution of 25 lxSvh -~ at 100 y, also show that
ideal substitute for molybdenum in the steels as the dose the allowable concentrations of the elements Pd, Sn, Gd, Dy,
rate after 100 y cooling with 1% W exceeds that for iron by Yb, Lu, Hf, Ir, Bi, Ag, Eu, Tb, and Ho as well as Nb, are re-

1014 ~..L~.;~.:.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I(P

10~ 104


I0 2
.> I0 ~
U 10~o
10o i ...
10~ .,,,
..... .,~,~'r-, \ ~ "'... .... " A N ~ ~ k ~ """
107 __ ~..,~,,,,,~ \~___"~.__~. -- -- hypothe~l ~ "-~'~

1o-, 1o-, 10-, ,0-, ,0o 1o, ,o, 10o 10o 1o, 1o (hi~ 04 ...........................................................................
10~ 10"2 10-1 10o 101 10~ 103 104 10O t0O
time after shutdown(y) time alter shutdown(y)
10.2 ........ . ...... , ....... , ....... ~ ....... , ...... ~ ................ . ....... , ........
;..!!!~ ".i;i;; ...................................................................
"410"3 ~
10 ... ....." - - - -

102 lO~ \'.X'~

101 lo4 \~.
lOO II%`......... .~
10"7 \ -...

104 \ .................
o 10-~
10-a - -
._~ 10~ %. ,o,o . . . . . .

10~ - - - - hypo~h~calsteel \ . . . . . . ~ ' , - - - - hypoU~ical steel \ "~,~.~-

10"~ 1042
104 10-3 10.2 10-~ 10o 10~ 102 lIP 104 105 10O
d) 1~ 1~ 10-z 1~ 1~176 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ l~
(c) time after shutdown (y)
time after shutdown (y)
\ \ ........................ .


t lO~
! 10~
I0 o
(0) 10"4 10"3 10"2 10"1 100 10t 102 103 104 105 10O

time after shutdown (y)

FIG. 2.9--Activation property comparison for MANET I, F82H and a hypothetical steel showing the (a) specific activity, (b) con-
tact .y-dose rate, (c) ingestion hazard, (d) inhalation hazard, and (e) decay power [192].

s t r i c t e d to < 1 p p m , w i t h p a r t i c u l a r l y s t r i n g e n t l i m i t a t i o n s t i o n h a z a r d s ) o f t h e t h r e e steels w i t h t i m e a f t e r s h u t d o w n a r e
a p p l y i n g to Ag, E u , Tb, Ho, Nb, a n d Bi [188]. c o m p a r e d in Fig. 2.9 [192]. T h e results c o n f i r m s o m e of t h e
A r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n h i g h - p u r i t y 9 C r - W V T a steel e x h i b i t s e a r l i e r o b s e r v a t i o n s c i t e d a b o v e a n d s h o w t h a t in t e r m s of ac-
slightly h i g h e r a c t i v a t i o n , c o n t a c t ~-dose rate, a n d d e c a y h e a t t i v a t i o n r e s p o n s e t h e h y p o t h e t i c a l steel is m a r g i n a l l y i n f e r i o r
for a b o u t 1 y a f t e r r e a c t o r e x p o s u r e to 2.5 M W y m -2 (2.5 y a n d t h e M A N E T I steel is slightly s u p e r i o r to t h e F 8 2 H steel
w i t h a n e u t r o n w a l l l o a d i n g o f 1 M W m -2) c o m p a r e d w i t h at s h o r t t i m e scales. H o w e v e r , t h e steels e x h i b i t d i v e r g i n g be-
t h o s e f o r a c o n v e n t i o n a l h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steel havior after prolonged cooling times, the MANET I being
[189]. H o w e v e r , t h e a c t i v a t i o n , d o s e rate, a n d d e c a y h e a t of c o n s i s t e n t l y i n f e r i o r a n d t h e h y p o t h e t i c a l steel c o n s i s t e n t l y
t h e r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n steel a r e t w o - t o - f o u r o r d e r s o f m a g n i - t h e b e s t w i t h r e g a r d to t h e a c t i v a t i o n p r o p e r t i e s a f t e r ap-
t u d e l o w e r a f t e r c o o l i n g f o r a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100 y a n d satisfy p r o x i m a t e l y 100 y. T h e p o o r e r a c t i v a t i o n r e s p o n s e o f t h e
t h e c r i t e r i a for t h e s e p a r a m e t e r s for r e c y c l i n g a n d t h e d o s e F 8 2 H steel b e y o n d 100 y is d u e to t h e n i t r o g e n (800 p p m as-
r a t e a n d d e c a y h e a t c r i t e r i a f o r c l a s s i f i c a t i o n as l o w - l e v e l s u m e d in this case).
w a s t e g i v e n in T a b l e 2.4 [148]. T h e d a t a for t h e r e d u c e d - a c t i - T h e m a x i m u m a l l o w a b l e i m p u r i t y c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in t h e
v a t i o n steel c o n t a i n i n g 0.019% N a n d 0.76% W also s h o w t h a t steels h a v e b e e n c a l c u l a t e d for a n u m b e r o f k n o w n r a d i o l o g -
t h e l o n g - t e r m ( > 1 0 0 y) s p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y is d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e ically d e t r i m e n t a l e l e m e n t s , t h e c r i t e r i o n a d o p t e d b e i n g t h a t
14C f o r m e d by t r a n s m u t a t i o n of n i t r o g e n a n d t h a t t h e t u n g - t h e i m p u r i t y s h o u l d n o t c o n t r i b u t e m o r e t h a n 10% o f t h e ac-
s t e n d o m i n a t e s t h e ~/-dose r a t e [182]; t h e n i t r o g e n c o n t e n t t i v a t i o n r e s p o n s e of t h e h y p o t h e t i c a l steel at a n y p o s t - s h u t -
h a s to be r e s t r i c t e d to a m a x i m u m of 0.005 w t . % to a v o i d t h e d o w n t i m e [192]. T h e r e s u l t s f o r 19 c r i t i c a l e l e m e n t s a r e
a c t i v i t y i n c r e a s e d u e to 14C. l i s t e d in T a b l e 2.7 [192] a n d c o n f i r m t h a t t h e t o l e r a b l e c o n -
T h e d o s e r a t e s c o m p u t e d f o r a series o f 8 . 5 - 9 . 5 C r - W V T a c e n t r a t i o n s o f e l e m e n t s s u c h as Nb, Ag, a n d v a r i o u s l a n -
d e v e l o p m e n t a l steels are a b o u t o n e o r d e r o f m a g n i t u d e l o w e r t h a n i d e s a n d a c t i n i d e s a r e less t h a n 10 -8 % ( t h a t is, less t h a n
t h a n t h o s e f o r c o n v e n t i o n a l 1 0 - 1 2 C r - M o V N b steels a f t e r cool- 0.1 w p p m ) .
i n g for a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100 y f o l l o w i n g e x p o s u r e for 2.5 y w i t h T h e a c t i v a t i o n r e s p o n s e f u n c t i o n s of t h e F 8 2 H steel h a v e
a n e u t r o n w a l l l o a d i n g o f 5 M W m -2 b u t a r e still g r e a t e r t h a n also been compared with those of other potential fusion
a " h a n d s - o n " r e c y c l i n g l i m i t o f 25 ~ S v h -1 [163]. T h e l o n g - r e a c t o r s t r u c t u r a l m a t e r i a l s , n a m e l y a SiC c o m p o s i t e a n d a
t e r m a c t i v i t y in t h e s e steels is d o m i n a t e d by t h e i r o n base, t h e v a n a d i u m alloy (V-4Ti-3.3Cr) [193]. T h e s p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y a n d
alloying elements tungsten and tantalum, and the niobium c o n t a c t ~/-dose r a t e r e s p o n s e s f o r t h e t h r e e m a t e r i a l s a r e
i m p u r i t y ; t h e s e q u e n t i a l r e a c t i o n s in t h e Cr, V, Mn, a n d N c a n s h o w n in Fig. 2.10. T h e m a t e r i a l s in o r d e r of d e c r e a s i n g acti-
be n e g l e c t e d as t h e y o n l y r e s u l t in s e c o n d - o r d e r effects. v a t i o n p r o p e r t y in t h e t i m e p e r i o d 10 -4 to a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100
A c t i v a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o n s h a v e also b e e n p e r f o r m e d u s i n g y a r e steel, v a n a d i u m alloy, a n d SiC. H o w e v e r , t h e o r d e r is
E A S Y ( F I S P A C T 4.1 a c t i v a t i o n c o d e [190] l i n k e d w i t h t h e g e n e r a l l y r e v e r s e d a f t e r 100 y c o o l i n g , w i t h t h e SiC e x h i b i t i n g
EAF-4.1 c r o s s section, decay, a n d o t h e r d a t a l i b r a r i e s [191]) t h e p o o r e s t r e s p o n s e a n d t h e steel t h e best. It follows, t h e r e -
for t h e M A N E T I, F 8 2 H , a n d a h y p o t h e t i c a l ( a s s u m i n g n o i m - fore, t h a t t h e c h o i c e of s t r u c t u r a l m a t e r i a l for a D E M O o r fu-
p u r i t i e s ) 9 C r - 2 W V T a steel in a c e n t r a l b l a n k e t p o s i t i o n in a s i o n p o w e r r e a c t o r is a c o m p r o m i s e b e t w e e n several c o m p e t -
w a t e r - c o o l e d Li17Pb83 f u s i o n r e a c t o r d e s i g n [192]; a t o t a l ing c r i t e r i a [193].
n e u t r o n flux o f 2.25 x 10 ls n m -2 s -1 a n d a c o n t i n u o u s 5 y ex- P r e l i m i n a r y i n v e s t i g a t i o n s h a v e b e e n c a r r i e d o u t to deter-
p o s u r e w a s a s s u m e d in t h e c o m p u t a t i o n s . T h e c h a n g e s in t h e m i n e if t h e r e q u i r e d " h a n d s - o n " e l e m e n t a l c o n c e n t r a t i o n lim-
s p e c i f i c activities, c o n t a c t ~/-dose rates, r e s i d u a l d e c a y p o w - its c a n b e a c h i e v e d . A 5-ton h e a t of a n 8 C r - 2 W V T a r e d u c e d ac-
ers, a n d b i o l o g i c a l h a z a r d p o t e n t i a l s ( i n g e s t i o n a n d i n h a l a - t i v a t i o n steel p r o d u c e d in J a p a n u s i n g " N K K p u r e iron" a n d

TABLE 2.'/--Allowable concentrations of impurity elements in reduced-activation martensitic steel [192].

Limiting Concentration (%)
Specific Activity Dose Rate Ingestion Hazard Inhalation Hazard Decay Power Most Stringent
Element Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit
N 2.59 X 1 0 - 4 n o limit 6.77 • 10 -5 1.43 • 10 -4 1.08 X 10 -4 6.77 X 10 -5
A1 2.30 x 10 1 1.06 x 10 -5 7.07 x 10 3 3.60 X 10 -1 1.16 X 10 -2 1.06 X 10 -5
K 4.86 x 10 -5 1.51 x 10 -2 9.22 x 1 0 - 7 3.09 X 10 -8 4.17 X 10 -6 3.09 X 10 -s
Ca 6.60 x 10 -4 9.18 x 10 3 1.25 x 10 -5 4.19 X 10 -7 5.67 X 10 -5 4.19 X 10 -7
Co 1.85 x 10 3 1.65 X 10 -5 8.97 x 10 -5 5.19 x 10 -5 2.09 • 10 -5 1.65 • 10 -5
Ni 1.12 X 1 0 - 3 6.69 x 10 5 1.05 • 10 -5 6.04 X 1 0 - 4 1.25 x 10 3 6.04 X 10 -4
Cu 5.05 • 10 4 9.75 X 10 -3 4.64 X 1 0 - 4 2.66 • 10 -4 5.51 x 10 -4 2.66 x 1 0 - 4
Nb 6.39 x 1 0 - 4 8.43 X 1 0 - 9 6.20 x 10 5 9.03 x 10 -6 8.21 x 10 -6 8.43 x 1 0 - 9
Mo 7.42 x 10 -4 5.53 x 10 6 1.27 x 1 0 - 4 8.44 x 10 -5 5.87 x 10 -4 5.53 x 10 -6
Ag 2.45 x 10 - 4 3.99 x 10 -9 1.60 x 10 -5 4.08 • 1 0 - 6 2.93 x 10 - 6 3.99 x 1 0 - 9
Cd 4.18 x 10 -3 8.41 x 10 _6 1.07 x 10 -s 3.27 • 10 -6 2.61 x 1 0 - 4 3.27 x 1 0 - 6
Nd 3.43 x 1 0 - 4 2.80 X 10 4 4.84 X 10 4 3.50 x 10 -5 3.23 X 1 0 - 4 3.50 x 10 -5
Sm 2.14 X 10 _5 1.10 X 10 -6 2.81 X 10 -5 1.92 x 10 6 1.37 • 10 -5 1.10 • 1 0 - 6
Eu 4.24 X 10 -5 3.99 X 10 9 1.68 X 10 6 1.51 x 10 -7 3.80 x 10 -7 3.99 x 1 0 - 9
Tb 5.09 X 10 5 1.53 • 1 0 - 9 6.38 x 10 -6 4.94• 10 7 1.05 x 10 -6 1.53 x 1 0 - 9
Ho 1.02 x I0 -4 1.72 x 10 -9 7.03 x 1 0 - 6 3.80 x 10 7 1.04 x 10 -6 1.72 x 1 0 - 9
Ir 6.62 x 10 -s 3.68 x I0 -s 4.62 x 10 5 7.91 x 10 -6 8.25 X 1 0 - 6 3.68 x 10 -s
Bi 2.81 x 10 -2 7.04 x 10 7 3.00 X 10 4 1.84 x 10 -4 2.51 x 10 4 7.04 X 10 -7
U 1.65 x 10 -4 2.52 x 10 -4 1.55 X 10 -7 2.53 x 10 9 9.49 x 10 -7 2.53 X 1 0 - 9

1014 .
= V-alloy
10 '2 - SiC


1~ LLW.=
10 4 .....................................
10-4 10-3 lO-Z 104 10 0 101 10z 10 ~ 104 105
(a) time after shutdown (y)

10' -- V-alloy

,O,o, == " = s,c

N 10.
-- I(~2 recycling limit

10 "4 10 ~ 10 .2 10" 100 10' 10z 10~ 10 = 105

time after shutdown (y)
FIG. 2.10--Comparison of (a) specific activity and (b) contact 3,-dose rate for
F82H steel, a V-4Ti-3.3Cr alloy and a SiC/SiC composite [192].

ultra high-purity electrolytic chromium [150] was analyzed centration of molybdenum (20 wppm) was close to the limit of
for the elements in Table 2.7 using inductively coupled mass 18 wppm; the ICMS detection limits for silver and bismuth
spectrometry (ICMS) [194]. The results were compared with were just above the allowable concentrations (O.O11 and 0.14
the criterion that "impurity elements be restricted to levels wppm, respectively), so that the contents of these two ele-
that would allow attainment of a surface ~ dose rate not ex- ments may or may not have been above the limits.
ceeding 25 ixSvh-1 at 100 y cooling time for material subjected It follows that the p r o d u c t i o n of r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n
to a first wall neutron fluence of 12 MWswn-2" [195]. It was es- martensitic steels with the niobium and other radioactively
tablished that the niobium content of 2 to 3 wppm was over an undesirable elements maintained at the low concentrations
order of magnitude above the allowable limit. The cobalt (~20 required to meet the "hands-on" dose rate recycling and ad-
wppm) also exceeded the limit of 0.16 wppm, while the con- ditional targets has not been entirely successful hitherto.

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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Physical Metallurgy of 3
High-Chromium Steels

The high (9-12%) chromium steels are either fully austenitic 0.1% C, 12% Cr steels contain some 8-ferrite even with an ad-
or have a duptex (austenite plus 8-ferrite) structure at austen- dition of 6% manganese [ 12,13]. The high-manganese steels
itizing temperatures in the range 850 to 1200~ The austen- are also prone to embrittlement during thermal aging and/or
ite phase transforms to martensite during air cooling or rapid irradiation, possibly as a consequence of chi (• for-
quenching to ambient temperature, and the steels are subse- mation [12]. Cobalt may also be employed, but it is expensive
quently tempered to obtain a good combination of strength, and, in common with nickel, has to be minimized in steels for
ductility, and toughness. The physical metallurgical basis of component applications in fusion reactor systems because of
the development of the high-chromium martensitic steels has the high residual radioactivity induced by neutron irradia-
been reviewed elsewhere [1-3]; the factors determining the tion. The difficulty in eliminating 8-ferrite in the 12% Cr
constitution, transformation, and tempering characteristics martensitic steels is one of the factors contributing to the
are briefly surveyed in this chapter. lower (7 to 10%) chromium steels being favored for nuclear
fusion applications.
The ferrite-forming elements V, Nb, Ta, Ti, and A1 are also
CONSTITUTION effective in removing the austenite formers carbon and/or ni-
The ~/-Fe loop in the Fe-Cr equilibrium diagram (Fig. 3.1) [4] trogen from solution as insoluble carbides and nitrides,
is closed if the chromium content exceeds about 12%; how- thereby indirectly affecting the constitution of the steels [14].
ever, the austenite-stabilizing elements (C, N, Ni, Mn, Cu, Co) The concentration of the elements that are soluble during
extend the ~/-phase field, while the ferrite-forming elements austenitizing of the high-chromium steels may be estimated
(Cr, Mo, Nb, V, W, Si, Ti, A1) contract it [5-7]. The austenite using the following solubility relationships derived for low-
in low-carbon, low-nitrogen 9 and t2% Cr steels is stable at alloy or austenitic steels [ 15,16]:
the normal austenitizing temperatures of 850 to 1200~ and log [Nb][C] -- - 9,350/T + 4.55 (3.1)
950 to 1150~ respectively. The tempering resistance of the
steels is increased by the addition of the ferrite-forming ele- log [Ti][C] = - 6,780/T + 2.97 (3.2)
ments and, consequently, highly alloyed commercial steels log [Nb][N] -- -11,600/T + 4.84 (3.3)
may contain some 8-ferrite. The ferrite phase inhibits austen-
ite grain growth, but it adversely influences the strength and, log [Ti][N] -- -15,188fr + 3.93 (3.4)
directly or indirectly, the toughness [8-10], particularly if log [V][N] = - 7,840/T + 3.02 (3.5)
present as films between the grains of the austenite, which is
subsequently transformed to martensite and tempered. The log [A1][N] = - 6,770/T + 1.03 (3.6)
duplex (martensite plus 8-ferrite) structure of a 12Cr-2WV where [Nb], [C], etc., are in wt% and T is the temperature in
steel with 0.1% C is illustrated in Fig. 3.2. K.
The formation of 8-ferrite can be avoided by the addition of The solubility products of Nb(CN), VN, and A1N in austen-
the austenite-forming elements; thus, the balancing of the ite have been modified by taking account of the interaction pa-
constitution to ensure 100% austenite at the austenitizing rameters between the alloying element chromium and the in-
temperature may be effected using the data in Table 3.1 [I 1]. terstitials carbon (e cr) and nitrogen (eCr), as follows [ 17,18]:
Carbon is the cheapest austenite former, but is not always
favored, as it decreases the toughness and impairs the weld- log [Nb][C + 6/7N] =
ability and corrosion resistance [3]. Furthermore, higher -6770/T + 2.26 - I/2(eC0+ eCr[Cr]
austenitizing temperatures are required to dissolve carbides
log [V][N] = - 1 0 500/T + 5.20 - eCr[Cr] (3.8)
of the MC type (where M is V, Nb, Ti, or Ta), resulting in
coarser prior austenite grain sizes and reductions in tough- log [All[N] = - 6770/T + 1.03 - eCQ[Cr] (3.9)
ness and creep ductility. Nitrogen can also be utilized as an
austenite stabilizer, hut the amount required is generally ex- The interaction parameters are given by [19]:
cessive. Nickel, although less effective than carbon and nitro- e cr = - 180fr + 0.09 (3.10)
gen, is usually used in steels for non-nuclear applications, as
eCQ = - 145.8/T - 0.056 + 0.0171og (T) (3.1I)
it has fewer adverse effects.
Manganese has been considered as an alternative; how- The solubility curves for VN, Nb(CN), and/kin in a 11% Cr
ever, it is inferior to nickel as an austenite stabilizer, and martensitic steel at 1100~ are reproduced in Fig. 3.3 [17,18].
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

1500 Liquid
Uquid + r + ~

i, .......

1200t ct+y ,j

= 1100


9OO + (CrFe)TC3 / ""

8OO ew ~
: ,. a + (CrFe)TC3
r + y + (FeCr).~C -
ct + (FoCr)3C ,' ; + (CrFo)4C
+ (CrFe)7Ca ; ;
m ~
e e
~ e

a + (FeCr)3C -J- t + (CrFe)TC3:i i: ct + (CrFe)4C

i a

6O0 I I I:: I I
0 5 10 15 20 25
Chromium, % FIG. 3 . 2 - - D u p l e x [about 2 5 % 8-ferrite (light etching) and 7 5 %
martensite] m i c r o s t r u c t u r e of a n o r m a l i z e d - a n d - t e m p e r e d
FIG. 3 . 1 - - E f f e c t of c h r o m i u m on the constitution of Fe-Cr-C 12Cr-2WV reduced-activation steel.
alloys containing 0.1% C [4]; note that (CrFe)4C is M23Cs car-
bide [4].
to the reduced solubility at this temperature, and m a y limit
austenite grain growth in these steels [20,21 ].
The solubility of VN is significantly greater than for AIN and
Nb(CN), and complete dissolution of the VN in the high-
c h r o m i u m steels is likely at 1100~ and lower austenitizing TRANSFORMATION
temperatures. The A1N m a y also be completely soluble dur-
ing the austenitizing treatment as the steels generally contain The constitution of the steels (compositions given in Tables
relatively small a m o u n t s of aluminium. However, Nb(CN) 2.1 and 2.2) at ambient temperature following cooling from
m a y remain undissolved at the usual austenitizing tempera- the austenitizing t e m p e r a t u r e m a y be predicted f r o m the
tures, and particles of this phase are also effective in pre-
venting excessive austenite grain growth. TABLE 3.1--Effects of alloying
The experimentally determined solubility product for TaC additions on the constitution of high
in the austenite in an 8Cr-2WVTa (F82H) reduced activation chromium steels [ 11].
steel in the range 950 to 1250~ is significantly higher than in Change in &ferrite
~-iron and is given by [20]: Content, % per Mass
Element % AlloyAddition
log [Ta][C] = -7,027/T + 3.16 (3.12) N -220
C -210
The solubility curves at 950 and 1050~ the stoichiometric Ni -20
line for TaC [Ta:C = 15.065] and typical tantalum and carbon Co -7
plus nitrogen contents of the F82H and 9Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-1) Cu -7
steels are shown in Fig. 3.4. The TaC in the F82H steel is com- Mn -6
pletely soluble at an austenitizing temperature of 1050~ W +3
Mo +5
whereas the solubility m a y be exceeded in some JLF-1 steels Si +6
at this temperature. Fine particles of TaC that are insoluble Cr + 14
at the austenitizing temperature and a high density of finely V +18
dispersed TaC precipitates produced by aging at 950~ due A1 +54

o.g ,i0ooc



"-: 0.5

g 0.4

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
[N],[N + 14/12C1 (wt.%)

FIG. 3.3inSolubility curves at 1100~ for vanadium nitride, niobium carbo-nitride,

and aluminium nitride in austenite in a 11% Cr steel [17,18].

Schaeffler-Schneider diagram (Fig. 3.5) [22,23] using the fol-

lowing nickel and chromium equivalents of the alloying ele-
0.15 [--. ments [14,24]:
Ni equivalent (wt%) = (%Ni) + (%Co)
9 F82H Steel (3.13)
X JLF-1Steel + 0.5(%Mn) + 0.3(%Cu) + 30(%C) + 25(%N)
Cr equivalent (wt%) = (%Cr) + 2(%Si)
0.10 + 1.5(%Mo) + 5(%V) + 1.75(%Nb)
+ 0.75(%W) + 1.5(%Ti) + 5.5(%M) (3.14)

z + 1.2(%Ta) + 1.2(%Hf) + 1.0(%Ce)

+ 0.8(%Zr) + 1.2(%Ge)

.~ 0.05 TaC [Ta:C = 15.065] Some of the 9% Cr [EM10, T91, TB9 (NF616) and E911]
and 12% Cr (FI, FV448, 1.4914, MANET II, and T R I I 5 0 )
steels are predicted to be fully martensitic, while others are
predicted to have duplex martensite plus 8-ferrite (HCM9M,
NSCR9, EM12, JFMS, Tempaloy F-9, MANET I, HCMI2,
1 ~ -~-" 1050oc TB12, and HCM12A), duplex martensite plus retained
950oC austenite (GE and HR1200), or three-phase martensite plus
0 1 I I I II austenite plus 8-ferrite (HT9) structures on cooling to ambi-
0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 ent temperature. These predictions are consistent with the
Tantalum (wt %) experimental observations. In particular, the structure of the
FIG. 3.4--Solubility curves for tantalum carbide in austenite rapidly cooled HT9 (12Cr-IMoVW) steel is reported to con-
in F82H (8Cr-2WVTa) steel at 950 and 1050~ [20], together with sist of martensite laths with high dislocation densities [Fig.
the stoichiometric line for TaC and typical Ta and C + 6/7N con- 3.6(a)] [25], small amounts of retained austenite in the form
tents of the F82H and JLF-1 (9Cr-2WVTaN) reduced activation of islands, and 8-ferrite grains having low dislocation densi-
steels. ties [26].
It has also been established that the &ferrite formation in
the high-chromium martensitic steels is suppressed by main-

\ i l \~/ from empirically established equations, the following being

examples [1,29,30]:
10 Ms (~ = 550 - 450(%C) - 11(%Si)
- 33(%Mn) - 20(%Cr) -17(%Ni)
- 15(%Mo) - 20(%V) - ll(%Nb)
x B
- lO(%W) - lO(%Cu) + 15(%Co)
tD Martensite (~') ax D ~
~ E \
"5 5 1. 7 . F , / "" \

/ ~ Fertile(,)

5 10 15 20

Cr Ecluivalent wt. (%)

9% Cr Steels (t) 12% Cr Steels (x)

1. EM10 A. FI G. GE
2. HCMgM B. HT9 H. HCM12
3. NSCR9 C. FV448 I. TB12
4. EM12 D. 1.4914 J. TRl150
7. T91
8. TB9 (NF616)
9. E911

FIG. 3.5--Schaeffler-Schneider diagram [22].

taining a Cr equivalent element content of -<9 wt% [27]; the

Cr equivalent in this case is given by [28]:

Cr equivalent (wt%) = (%Cr) + 6(%Si)

+ 4(%Mo) + 1 l(%V) + 5(%Nb)

+ 1.5(%W) + 8(%Ti) + 12(%A1) (3.15)

- 4(%Ni) - 2(%Co) - 2(%Mn)

- (%Cu) - 40(%C) - 30(%N)

The austenite present at the austenitizing temperature

should transform fully to martensite on cooling [29]. The al-
loying additions made to balance the constitution or im-
prove the tempering resistance of the steels also lower the
martensite start (Ms) and finish (Mf) temperatures, result-
ing in a tendency for retained austenite to be present if the
Ms temperature is close to or below room temperature [11].
The retained anstenite increases the toughness of high-
chromium transformable steels but, in other respects, it is
undesirable as distortion occurs during its transformation
and it decreases the strength. It follows that the composi-
tion of the steel must be adjusted not only to control the
constitution but also to maintain the Ms-M~ temperature
range above ambient. The coefficients of the elements in the
Ni and Cr equivalent relationships (Eqs 3.13 to 3.15) are not FIG. 3 . 6 u T r a n s m i s s i o n electron micro-
the same as those for the effects on the Ms and Mf temper- graphs of 12Cr-1MoVW (HT9) steel in (a) nor-
atures. A general indication of the influence of alloying ele- malized and (b) normalized-and-tempered con-
ments on the Ms temperature can, however, be obtained ditions [25].

Material: 1.4914 Heat-N2: 10045

Austenitizing 1080~ 30min Grain-size(ASTM): 6-7
1100 - I I II I III I III I III I ~l I

g00- - " ~=~ACle
(.~ 700-

9 600--
L- A*K. Sp 6-F Hardness
~, 500-
e t,00-
o. Ms
E 30C-
I-- ~-- 50%
200- M
I III I Iit ! III I III I I !1 I !11"
(a) sec.-- 10 102 103 .10 4 10 5 106
1 rain. 3() 1 hours lC) 1 days 10

Material: 1.4914 Heat-Ne: 10045

Austenitizing: 1 0 8 0 ~ 20min, Grain-size(ASTM): 6 - "7
1100j I I il I i II I I II I III I Ill l Ill

. ,,,, ,

800 "



M Hardness
~--RA.+Gehalt i n % , -
~ ~ ~L~ I~l I~ HV
(b) sec. = 10 102 103 104 105 106
i I , I I
1 rain. 3() 1 hours 1() I days 10
FIG. 3 . 7 ~ a ) Isothermal transformation ( T I T ) and (b) c o n t i n u o u s c o o l i n g transformation (CCT) dia-
g r a m s for 1.4914 (12Cr-MoVNb) martensitic steel (A = Austenite, K = Carbide, Sp 6-F = Trace of fer-
rite, M = Martensite, P = Pearlite, AClb = Start of austenite formation on heating, ACle = Completion of
austenite formation on heating, ~ = C o o l i n g rate (~ -1) from 800-500~ [30].

Ms (~ = 635 - 474[(%C) periods. The martensite produced is typical low-carbon lath

martensite; the hardness of the as-quenched martensite in
+ 0.86(%N) - 0.15(%Nb + %Zr) the high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steels increases lin-
early with increasing interstitial carbon and nitrogen con-
- 0.066(%Ta + %Hf)] - [17(%Cr) (3.17)
tents [21,30,35] and is given by [30]:
+ 33(%Mn) + 21(%Mo) + 17(%Ni) Hv30 -- (%C) + 0.63[(%N) - 0.15(%Nb) + (%Zr)]
+ 39(%V) + II(%W)]. - 0.066[(%Ta) + (%Hf)] (3.18)
Cobalt is unusual in that it raises the Ms temperature as Furthermore, the martensite hardness is not significantly
well as being an austenite former capable of balancing dependent on the chromium, tungsten, vanadium, and
the constitution; it is therefore an important addition in t a n t a l u m contents, austenitizing temperature, and mi-
steels containing large concentrations of the ferrite-forming crostructural characteristics (prior austenite grain size and
elements [31 ]. martensite lath width and length) of 8 and 11% Cr reduced-
The phase transformations and precipitation reactions activation steels [21].
that occur during anisothermal and isothermal treatments Double austenitizing treatments (950 to 965~ for 2 h, air
are important in regard to heat treatment and normal fabri- cooled plus 1075~ for 0.5 h, air cooled) have been devel-
cation and welding procedures. The continuous cooling oped for the 12Cr-MoVNb (MANET II) and other high-
transformation (CCT) and isothermal time-temperature- chromium martensitic steels to produce a more uniform
transformation (TTT) characteristics of the high-chromium prior austenite grain size and martensite lath structure and,
(8 to 14%) conventional and reduced-activation ferritic/ thereby, greater homogeneity in properties after subsequent
martensitic steels have been extensively studied using several tempering at 750~ [36]. In addition, a double austenitizing
techniques, including dilatometry, thermoelectric power, treatment (1200~ for 9 h, water quenched plus 1070~ for
and optical and electron microscopy [21,30,32-34]. The CCT 10 h, air cooled) may be applied to modified 9Cr-lMo (F91)
and TTT (displaying the characteristic C-curve behavior) di- steel forgings to refine the grain size and enhance the am-
agrams for the 12Cr-MoVNb (1.4914) steel are compared in bient temperature tensile proof stress and 600~ creep-rup-
Fig. 3.7 [30], and the CCT diagram for the reduced activation ture properties in the tempered (750~ for 11 h) condition
F82H (7.5Cr-2WVTa) steel is shown in Fig. 3.8 [21]. [37].
The Ms and Mf temperatures for the high-chromium steels
usually range from 250 to 350~ and 80 to 190~ respec-
tively, but m u c h higher Ms (--< 450~ and Mf (--- 260~ TEMPERING
temperatures have been determined for some of the develop-
mental reduced-activation steels [21,30,34]. These observa- It is essential that the tempering of the martensite is per-
tions and the CCT diagrams demonstrate that the steels are formed at temperatures below the Ac~ (the temperature at
air hardenable, with the martensite being formed in thick which the c~ -~ ~/transformation commences on heating) to
sections because the pearlite transformation is greatly re- avoid reaustenitization and thereby achieve the o p t i m u m
tarded and bainite is not formed even within extended time combination of strength and toughness. Nickel, manganese,


-~ ferrite +
700 M23C6

E s~

~" 300 martensite+ ~ \

martensite 157
I00 ........ : ....... 'l ........ , ....

tO0 I000 tO000 I00000 1000000

Time (seconds)
FIG. 3 . 8 ~ C o n t i n u o u s cooling transformation (CCT) diagram for low-carbon F82H
(8Cr-2WVTa) steel determined after austenitization at 1050~ for 0.5 h [21].

and, to a lesser extent, copper all lower the Acl temperature, plate-like Widmanst/~tten distribution. The chromium con-
while the ferrite-forming elements Si, Mo, V, and A1 increase tent of the Fe3C increases to about 20% with the possibility of
it, as shown by the data in Table 3.2 [11,29]. The concentra- M7C3 being formed in situ from the Cr-enriched Fe3C [41].
tion of nickel has to be restricted to about 2% to prevent Both these effects slow down the growth rate of the Fe3C and
reaustenitization at temperatures below about 700~ and thereby retard softening.
enable the tempering to be performed at reasonable tempe- -~450-500~ needles of M2X [predominantly
ratures. Measured Acl and Ac3 (the temperature at which the Cr2(CN)] nucleate primarily on the dislocations within
a -~ ~/ transformation is complete) temperatures in the the martensite laths and retard the softening, but the
ranges 760 to 850~ and 870 to 960~ respectively, are precipitation is not sufficiently intense to produce secondary
quoted for conventional [30] and reduced-activation hardening.
[21,30,34] steels. The respective Acl and Ac3 temperatures for 500-550~ M7C3 and M2X phases coarsen, with a re-
a series of 9Cr-0.8WTa reduced-activation steels are compa- sulting rapid decrease in hardness.
rable and the transformation behavior on heating is not sig- >550~ M7C3 and M2X are replaced by Cr-rich M23C6
nificantly dependent on the interstitial element and tantalum precipitates, which nucleate on the martensite lath and prior
concentrations [21]; however, increased chromium (11%) austenite grain boundaries, and the rate of decrease of hard-
and tungsten (2 to 3%) contents result in higher transforma- ness slows down. The dislocation density decreases relative
tion temperatures. to that of the "as-quenched" martensite, and sub-structures
Retarded softening occurs during tempering of a simple, consisting of low-angle boundaries and dislocation arrays be-
low-carbon 12% Cr steel at temperatures up to about 500~ gin to form.
while pronounced softening occurs at 500 to 550~ (Fig. 3.9) _>650~ M23C 6 precipitates at the tempered lath
[3,11]; the rate of softening decreases progressively above martensite boundaries grow, leading to a further reduction in
550~ The hardness changes at different tempering tempe- dislocation density and pronounced sub-grain formation
ratures can be correlated with the microstructural changes as across the martensite laths.
follows [3,38-40]: ->750~ sub-cells within the martensite laths grow
<350~ fine dispersion of M3C (Fe3C) precipitates into fairly equiaxed sub-grains with little or no trace of the
forms and grows to a dendritic morphology and then to a original lath martensite structure. Growth of the M23C6 pre-
cipitates continues, but clearly defined dislocation networks
may still be present. Virtually all the carbon in solution in the
TABLE 3.2--Effects of alloying steels is precipitated as M23C6 on tempering for ->i h at 700
elements on the Acl temperature of to 780~ [25].
12% Cr steels [11,29]. It follows that overaging during tempering of these steels is
Changein Act (~ associated with the removal of M2X from within the marten-
Element per Mass% site laths and the growth of the grain boundary M23C6, these
Ni -30 processes allow the dislocations to form polygonal networks.
Mn -25
Co -5 Further coarsening results in the sub-boundaries becoming
Si +25 unpinned and growth of equiaxed areas of ferrite occurs with
Mo +25 the boundaries being composed of well-defined dislocation
M +30 arrays. This has been referred to as recrystallization during
V +50 tempering, but it is really only a form of sub-grain growth [3].

9 300~
_ v .,, . !ni~al . __,. o 350"0
4 5 0 - ~,,,.,o~'o-o~",'~"" • "-',J i ~ hardness X 400~
,, ~ u 350"0 ,, n 450"C
_. ,,
Z 9 600oc
9 700~
c/) _ @ 750~

r .5 ~
25O - ~ 550~

- .,

750 C .
150 I.. I I I I. I I I I I I
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
T ( 2 0 + Iogt) x 10 -3

FIG. 3 . 9 - - - T e m p e r i n g characteristics of a 1 2 C r - 0 . 1 4 C steel [3,11].


Carbide precipitation on the tangled dislocations in 8-fer- ening and retard recovery and growth of the sub-grains at the
rite, which is frequently present in wrought products as highest tempering temperatures.
bands of polygonal grains (Fig. 3.2), takes place on temper- The solubilities of various carbides and nitrides in ferritic
ing at temperatures above about 500~ The ferrite is rich in steels have been documented and reviewed [47]; the solubil-
Cr, Mo, and the other ferrite formers as a result of parti- ity relationships for VN and A1N in ferrite in a 1 I% Cr steel
tioning, and intragranular precipitates of the M2X are quoted [17] as follows:
[(CrMo)2(CN)] phase in the form of large needles and inter-
granular M23C6 are produced [25,38,42-44]; these coarsen log [V][N] = -7830/T + 5.54 (3.19)
gradually and generally persist to the highest tempering log [A1][N] = - 10062/T + 5.80 (3.20)
The tempering characteristics of simple high-chromium where [V], [A1], and [N] are in wt%.
steels are modified by alloying additions [3,38,39,45]. Thus, The solubility curves for VN in the ferrite at 600 and
the presence of 0.02 to 0.03% nitrogen causes the hexagonal 750~ are shown in Fig. 3.11, with the stoichiometric line
Cr2N (MAX) phase to form in preference to the rhombohedral for VN (V:N = 3.64) included. The VN is m u c h less soluble
M7C3 and thereby increases the intensity of the secondary in the ferrite than in the austenite phase (Fig. 3.3); however,
hardening and overaged hardness. Carbon is also effective in it is still significant at tempering temperatures of about
promoting secondary hardening by increasing the volume 750~ with the solubility being a m a x i m u m along the stoi-
fraction of the M2X phase. Nickel, which is present in the chiometric line. Precipitation of VN and [Nb(CN)] occurs
majority of the 12% Cr steels to balance the constitution, ac- during creep or exposure at lower temperatures due to the
celerates carbide overaging and thus slightly decreases the reduced solubilities. VC has an even higher solubility than
tempering resistance. VN, and precipitation in low-vanadium steels is less likely.
The ferrite formers Mo, W, and V are soluble in the M2X A1N is less soluble than VN, and A1N precipitation may take
and increase its lattice p a r a m e t e r and the associated co- place in steels with relatively high aluminum contents. It
herency strains, resulting in true secondary hardening and follows that, in addition to the tempering temperature and
increased tempering resistance (Fig. 3.10) [46]. However, sil- time, the extent of the precipitation during tempering de-
icon increases the coherency strains and the tempering resis- pends on the carbon, nitrogen, and other alloying element
tance by dissolving in the matrix and decreasing its lattice contents of the steels. The effect of carbon content is illus-
parameter [7]. Vanadium, niobium, tantalum, and titanium trated in Fig. 3.12; there is significantly more precipitation
form carbides, nitrides, or carbonitrides [VC, VN, Nb(CN), in the higher (0.2%) carbon 12Cr-IMoVW steel [Fig.
Ta(CN), and TiN/TiC] at higher temperatures than those at 3.12(a)] compared to the lower (0.1%) carbon 9Cr-IMoVNb
which M2X precipitates; these phases are very stable and steel [Fig. 3.12(b)] [25].
increase the resistance to overaging and tempering. Any sol- In summary, the microstructures of the conventional and
uble V, Nb, Ta, and Ti also produce solid-solution strength- reduced activation high-chromium martensitic steels in the

! | a * - " " i - - 9 ! i - | |

c~.c85e ._~

~" 500



1075o30rain 200 300 400 500 600 ?(30 800 900 o

T e m p e r i n g T e m p e r a t u r e [~ for 2hs
FIG. 3.10---Tempering curves for MANET I, MANET II, and reduced-activation CeTa
(9.6Cr-0.8WVTaCe) martensitic steels [46].

0.16 with cobalt additions to balance the increased g-ferrite-

forming tendencies, increase the level of the tempering
Log IV] [NI = -7830/T + 5.54 curve as a result of precipitation reactions at 600 to 650~
in which the M2X formation is replaced by intermetallic
c o m p o u n d s based on the Mo-er-Co ("R") phase [52]
0.12 as well as Laves phases [Fe2Mo, Fe2W, (FeCr)2(MoW), and,
possibly, Fe3Co and M7Mo6 in the overtempered condition].
The tungsten-containing intermetallic c o m p o u n d s ap-
pear to coarsen at a slower rate than the molybde-
n u m variant, resulting in higher strength, ductility, and
0.08 toughness.
= 3.64]


0.04 750oc


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

v, wt. (O/o)

FIG. 3.11inSolubility curves for vanadium nitride in ferrite at

600 and 750~ with respect to 11 wt% Cr in the steel [17].

normalized-and-tempered condition are generally similar, as

illustrated in Fig. 3.13(a) and (b). They consist of: (a) marten-
site laths (Fig. 3.14) about 1 ~m wide and ---5~m long [Fig.
3.6(b)] [25], containing dislocations with a Burgers vector
1 / 2 a 0 < l l l > and a density of approximately 1 • 10 TM m 2
[48] and (b) coarse M23C6 particles located at prior austenite
and [errite grain boundaries with finer precipitates within
the laths and at the martensite lath and sub-grain bound-
aries; M2X precipitates rich in chromium and isomorphous
with (CrMoWV)2(CN) within the martensite laths and 8-fer-
rite phase; p r i m a r y (Nb,Ta)X; and fine secondary
(V,Nb,Ta)X. Further details concerning the nature and cha-
racteristics of the precipitates in the tempered steels are
given in Chapter 4.
The development of higher creep-rupture strength 9-12%
Cr steels containing various combinations of N, Mo, W, V,
Co, Cu, Nb, and Ta (surveyed in Chapter 2) is based on op-
timizing the constitution and ~-ferrite content, increasing
the stability of the martensite dislocation structure, and
maximizing the solid solution and precipitation hardening.
The intensity of the precipitation hardening by carbides and
nitrides of the V(CN) and Nb(CN) types is enhanced
in steels having the appropriate stoichiometric ratios [49].
In addition, significant increases in hardness and strength
of the low-carbon steels after tempering at relatively low
temperatures of about 500~ are produced by precipitation
of metallic copper in steels containing up to 4% Cu, NiA1 in
steels with Ni and - 1 . 5 % A1, and NiTi in steels with addi-
tions of Ni and Ti [50,51]. The precipitation of M2X is
intensified with increased additions of Mo and/or equiva- FIG. 3.12JElectron micrographs (extraction replicas) of
lent amounts of W [Mo equivalent = %Mo + 0.5 (%W)]. normalized-and-tempered (a) 9Cr-IMoVNb (0.1% C) and
High (-<3.5%) concentrations of these elements, together (b) 12Cr-1MoVW (0.2% C) steels [25].

FIG. 3.14~Optical microstructure of normalized-and-tem-

pered 12Cr-1MoVW (HT9) steel [25].


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[28] P. Patriarca, S. D. Harkness, J. M. Duke and L. R. Cooper, Nucl. Martensitic Steels, Vol. II, Eds. F. Abe, A. Hishinuma, A. Ko-
Tech. 28 (1976) 516. hyama, and M. Suzuki, (Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst.,
[29] F. B. Picketing, Physical Metallurgy and the Design of Steels Tokai Research Establishment, Tokai, Japan, 1993) 125.
(Applied Science Publishers, London, 1978). [47] T. Gladman, Physical Metallurgy of Microalloyed Steels (The
[30] H. Finkler and M. Schirra, Steel Research, 67 (1996) 328. Inst. of Materials, London, Book No. 615, 1997).
[31] K. J. Irvine, J. Iron Steel Inst. 200 (1962) 820. [48] R. Sch/~ublin, P. Sp~itig, and M. Victoria, J. Nucl. Mater. 258-263
[32] J-C. Brachet, in: Heat Treatment of Materials: Heat and Surface (1998) 1178.
'92, Ed. I. Tamura, (Japan Soc. for Heat Treatment, Tokyo, [49] H. Berns and F. Krafft, in: Rupture Ductility of Creep Resistant
1992) 89. Steels, Ed. A. Strang (The Inst. of Metals, London, Book No.
[33] J-C. Brachet, L. Gavard, C. Boussidan, C. Lepoittevin, S. Denis 522, 1991) 116.
and C. Servant, J. Nucl. Mater. 258-263 (1998) 1307. [50] K. J. Irvine and F. B. Picketing, in: Metallurgical Developments
[34] L. Pilloni, F. Attura, A. Calza-Bini, G. De Santis, G. Filacchioni, in High Alloy Steels (The Iron and Steel Inst., London, Special
A. Carosi, and S. Amato, J. Nucl. Mater. 258-263 (1998) 1329. Report No. 86, 1964) 34.
[35] J. Orr and D. Burton, in: Materials for Advanced Power Engi- [51] F. B. Picketing, in: Low Alloy Steels (The Iron and Steel Inst.,
neering 1994, Part 1, Eds. D. Coutsouradis, J. H. Davidson, J. London, Publication No. 114, 1968) 131.
Ewald, P. Greenfield, T. Khan, M. Malik, D. B. Meadowcrofl, V. [52] D. J. Dyson and S. R. Keown, Acta Met. 17 (1969) 1095.
Regis, R. B. Scarlin, F. Schubert, and D. V. Thornton (Kluwer [53] A. G6ecmen, P. J. Uggowitzer, C. Solenthaler, M. O. Speidel, and
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1994). P. Ernst, in: Microstructural Stability of Creep Resistant Alloys
[36] M. Schirra, P. Graf, S. Heger, H. Meinzer, W. Schweiger, and H. for High Temperature Plant Applications, Eds. A. Strang, J.
Zimmermann, MANET II, Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Cawley, and G. W. Greenwood (The Inst. of Materials, London,
Umwandlungs- und Vergiitungsverhalten und Priifung mecha- Book 682, 1998) 31 I.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Thermal Stability

Thermal aging after the initial normalizing (or quenching) ually replaced by MX, Z, and Laves phases during prolonged
and tempering treatments (discussed in Chapter 3) pro- high-temperature aging or creep straining. The Laves phases
duces additional precipitation and interracial segregation of [Fe2Mo, Fe2W and Fez(Mo,W) in steels containing Mo, W,
trace impurities and alloying elements, which can signifi- and Mo plus W, respectively] are the m a i n precipitates
cantly affect the toughness and susceptibility to cracking formed at temperatures in the range 450 to 650~ the
and high-temperature deformation of the high-chromium precipitate volume fractions increasing with increasing
martensitic steels. The current understanding of the effects molybdenum and tungsten contents. The time-temperature-
of thermal aging with and without simultaneous stress ap- precipitation (TTP) curves for the Laves phase formation in
plication and the factors that influence the toughness and the modified 9Cr-lMo (T91), 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9), and re-
fracture behavior and creep-rupture characteristics are re- duced activation steels F82H and F82 are reproduced in Fig.
viewed in this chapter. 4.1 [ 15]; the noses of the curves for the T91 and HT9 steels are
at 550 to 600~ while the corresponding temperatures for
the reduced-activation steels are ->650~ The precipitation
PRECIPITATION in the fully martensitic steels is relatively slow, the Laves
phase being nucleated on the acicular Cr2N particles within
The phases precipitated in the following steels during tem- the martensite laths and formed around the M23C6 precipi-
pering and subsequent aging at temperatures in the range tates at the prior austenite grain and lath boundaries [8].
400 to 750~ or creep-rupture testing at 550 to 700~ are However, the formation of the Laves phase (Fe2Mo) in the g-
summarized in Table 4.1: (a) wrought 9Cr-lMo [1-9], 9Cr- ferrite in the dual phase 9-12% Cr, 1-2% Mo steels occurs at
2Mo (EM12 [10-12], and JFMS [I3]), modified 9Cr-lMo (T91 an early stage of aging, the noses of the TTP curves being at
[14-23] ), 12Cr (FI [24,25] ), 12Cr-1MoV (FV607 [24], CRM12 550 to 650~ [40,41]. Silicon also enhances the rate of the
[25], and X20CrMoV12.1 [23,26,27] ), 12Cr-1MoVW (HT9 Laves phase formation during thermal aging of standard [42]
[14,15,28]), 12Cr-lMoVNb (FV448, 1.4914, and similar and modified [19] 9Cr-lMo steels, while small additions of
compositions [22,24,25,29-31]) and 13Cr-2MoVNb [32] fer- tantalum retard the precipitation of the Fe2W phase in the
ritic/martensitic steels, the reduced activation grades (F82H Fe-Cr-W system [15].
and Ta-free F82 [15,33,34]) and other 9-12% Cr steels con- The measured compositions of the metal fractions in the
taining up to 4% W [35,36] and including E911, NF616, M23C6 and Laves phase precipitates in the 9Cr-IMoVNb
HCM12, HCM12A, and TB12M [21,23,37], and (b) 10.5Cr- (T91) and 9Cr-MoVNbW (E911) steels in the normalized-
1MoVNb and 10Cr-IMolWVNb casting steels [38,39]. and-tempered and/or aged at 600, 650, and 700~ conditions
The phases have been characterized by X-ray diffraction of are given in Table 4.3 [21].
extracted residues and by high-resolution analytical electron Chi (X) phase has been detected in a 12Cr-4Mo steel [43]
microscopy (AEM) of extraction replicas and thin foils using and a 12Cr-6Mn steel after thermal aging for times up to 5000
convergent beam microdiffraction, energy dispersive X-ray h at 400 and 520~ [44,45]; this phase can incorporate carbon
(EDX), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and other and be considered as a carbide (M18C) or behave as an inter-
micro-analytical techniques. metallic c o m p o u n d (Fe3sCr12Mo10) [46]. It has also been
The microstructural developments in the 9-12% Cr steels reported to form in Fe-Cr-W alloys [47].
containing V, Nb, Mo, and W in the normalized-and-tem- Aging for extended periods at temperatures between 400
pered condition and following aging and creep straining for and 550~ can result in the precipitation of coherent particles
10 000 to 30 000 h at 600 to 650~ are compared in Table 4.2 of a ' (Cr-rich ferrite) with an associated reduction in ductil-
[23]. ity (475~ embrittlement); however, such effects are not nor-
The principal and most stable carbide formed in these mally encountered in wrought, fully martensitic steels con-
steels is M23C6, but variable and smaller quantities of other taining -----12%Cr [48,49].
carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides may also be produced The ~'-ferrite in the two-phase (~/+g) steels is enriched
during normalizing (or quenching) and tempering. Further in Cr, Mo, Si, W, and other ferrite-forming elements and
precipitation and spheroidization of these phases occur dur- depleted in Ni, Mn, and the other austenite (7) stabilizing
ing aging or creep straining, the extent depending on the steel elements during austenitization; the -/-phase is similarly en-
composition, temperature, time, and applied load. The M2X riched in the austenite-stabilizing elements and depleted in
precipitates in the normalized-and-tempered steels are grad- the ferrite-forming elements. This alloy partitioning results
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

TABLE 4.1--Precipitation in normalized-and-tempered, aged, and creep-rupture tested high-

chromium martensitic steels.

Precipitate Crystal Structure

Phase and Lattice Typical Composition Distribution of Precipitates
]V[23C6 fee . . . .
6 Coarse particles at prior
a =1.066 nm (Cr~Fe~zMo4Si2WV)C6 austenite grain and
martensite lath boundaries
and fine intra-lath particles
f.c.r NbC,NbN,VN, Undissolved particles and
a = 0.444-0.447nm (CrV)N, Nb(CN) and fine precipitates at
(NbV)C martensite lath boundaries
M2X -Hexagonal Cr2N, Mo2C and W2C Martensite lath boundaries
a = 0.478nm (Cr2N and Mo,C); prior
c=0.444~ austenite grain boundaries
(Mo2C); intra-lath (Mo2C
and W2C); dr-ferrite in
duplex steels [Cr2(CN) and
Z-phase Tetragonal (CrVNb)N Large plate-like particles in
a = 0.286nm the matrix after creep
e = 0.739nm straining at 600~
~/-carbide Diamond cubic Prior austenite grain and
a = 1:07-1.22 nm (Fe39Cr6Mo4Silo)C martensite lath boundaries
and intra-lath
7V'anadium E.C.C. V4C3 Low number density in
carbide a = 0.420 nm matrix

Laves Hexagonal Fe2Mo Prior austenite grain and

a = 0.4744nm Fe2W and martensite lath boundaries
c = 0.7725nm Fe2(MoW) and intra-lath; c/-ferrite in
duplex steels

Chi ( Z ) b.c.c. MlsC or Intra-martensite lath;

a = 0.892nm. Fe3sCrl2Mot0C d - ferrite in duplex steels

in the precipitation of large needles of the M2X phase portions over extended time periods and developing struc-
[Cr2(CN) and (CrMo)2(CN)] in the 8-ferrite during tempering ture-property relationships. The m o s t thermodynamically
[24] and promotes the formation of the intermetallic stable phases in the steels (that is, the equilibrium condition
(X and Laves) compounds and the cd phase in the g-ferrite where the free energy is a minimum) and their fraction as a
during prolonged aging or service at lower temperatures [43]. function of temperature are predicted using available ther-
The microstructural evolution in the high-chromium mochemical data (THERMOCALC Software Package [53]).
power plant and reduced activation martensitic steels, in- Examples of the data for the 9Cr-MoVNbW (P92;NF616) and
cluding g-ferrite stability, austenite-ferrite transformation modified 9Cr-lMo (Pgl) steels are shown in Fig. 4.2 [37];
temperatures, and precipitation of metastable and equilib- these data indicate that little or no Laves phase forms at tem-
rium phases as a function of the solute contents and temper- peratures above about 720 and 490~ in the respective steels.
ature, has also been investigated by c o m p u t e r modeling Since the equilibrium state is reached only after long times,
[23,37,50-52]. These m a t h e m a t i c a l modeling approaches the models have to incorporate the kinetics of the precipita-
have become progressively more successful and offer the pos- tion reactions. Thus, thermochemical data in combination
sibility of describing the changes in the phases and their pro- with classical nucleation and growth theories are being used

TABLE 4.2--Microstructural developments in 9-12Cr-MoWVNb to p r e d i c t the sequence in w h i c h the p h a s e s are formed, t h e i r

steels during aging and creep straining at 600~176 [23]. fraction as a function of t i m e a n d t e m p e r a t u r e a n d the dis-
Normalized Aged, Strained, t r i b u t i o n of particle sizes for e a c h p h a s e [51,54,55]. However,
and Tempered l0 000-30 000 h 10 000-30 000 h no reliable m o d e l s d e s c r i b i n g the effects of t e m p e r a t u r e a n d
Hardness High 95% of N & T 70-80% of N & I t i m e on the evolution of the d i s l o c a t i o n density a n d s u b - g r a i n
9ptical Tempered Tempered Tempered size a p p e a r to be available at present.
Microscopy martensite; martensite; martensite; The c o m p u t e d TTP d i a g r a m for t h e Laves p h a s e for the 9%
M23C6; t$- M23C6; M23C6; Cr-MoVNbW (P92, NF616) steel is r e p r o d u c e d in Fig. 4.3 [37]
ferrite, partly de- partly de-
depending composed composed a n d shows the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c C-curve kinetics. The c a l c u l a t e d
on grade &ferrite &ferrite a m o u n t s of t u n g s t e n in the p r e c i p i t a t e s increase to a n equi-
l i b r i u m value, w h i c h d e p e n d s on the aging t e m p e r a t u r e (Fig.
Microscopy 4.4) [37], a n d are in g o o d a g r e e m e n t w i t h the values m e a -
Dislocation High Low Very low s u r e d b y EDX d u r i n g aging at 600~ The e s t i m a t e d concen-
density t r a t i o n s of the t u n g s t e n in the different p h a s e s in the P92
Sub-grain/ Small lath Martensite Sub-grains fully steel aged at 600 a n d 650~ are listed in Table 4.4 [37]; the
martensite width lath trans- recovered d a t a c o n f i r m those in Table 4.3 in showing t h a t the m o l y b d e -
lath size formation
to sub- T A B L E 4.3--Compositions (wt. %) of the metal fractions in the
grains M23C6 and laves phase precipitates in the T91 and E911 steels [21].
M23C6 On lath Partly coarse Partly coarsened Precipitate Steel Condition Cr Fe Mo w
bound ned on on sub-grain M23C6 T91 N&T 68 26 6 . . .

aries, sub-grain boundaries

typically boundaries Aged at 69-71 21-24 7-8
50-150 nm 600 or
MX Finely Finely Finely dispersed
dispersed dispersed (20-50 nm) E911 N&T 65 27 2 6
(20-50 nm) (20-50 nm)
Aged at 67-68 16-23 4-8 6-11
Laves None Medium and Large sized 600,
phase large sized precipitates 650 or
precipitates (=500 nm) 700~
nm) Laves E911 Aged at 6-11 21-33 12-13 47-5~
phase 600,
650 or

' ' ' ' ' ''1

1000 F-82

--HT9 91


~ ha~


600_ . . . . . . . ,I
103 104 10 s

Aging time (ks)

FIG. 4 . 1 - - T T P diagrams for the Laves phase in the modified 9 C r - l M o (T91), 12Cr-
1 M o V W (HT9), F82H, and F82 steels [15]. NbC (T91) and M~zC6 (all four steels) were
present in the structures before aging.

0.04 1.6
Ferrite Austenlte

~. l a

i 0.02

P" 0.4


0 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) 400 630 e00 1,000 1,200 13 100 1,000 10,000 133,000 1,000,000
Temperature. eC Time, hours

3.04 FIG. 4.4---Computed kinetics of tungsten precipitation in P92

(NF616) steel aged at 550, 600, 650, and 700~ [37].
Ferrite Austenite

0.33 TABLE 4.4--Computed partitioning of tungsten (wt. %) in the

various phases in P92(NF616) steel aged at 600~ and 650~ [37].
Win Laves W in Solution
W in Phase in Matrix
Q,. 0.02 Time M23C 6 600~ 650~ 600~ 650~
II 10 h 0.250 0 0 1.6 1.6
:S Equilibrium 0.300 0.95 0.7 0.6 0.85


num and tungsten contents of the M23C6 precipitates remain

constant or increase during aging, thereby demonstrating
3 \ that the Mo and W in the Laves phase come from the ferrite
cm 4oo 1041 I00 1,O00 1,230 1,400
matrix and not from the "as-tempered" carbides.
Models describing the correlations between the mi-
FIG. 4.2mTHERMOCALC prediction of equilibrium phases in crostructural parameters and the thermal creep strengths are
(a) 9Cr-MoVNbW (P92) and (b) modified 9Cr-lMo (P91) steels under development. For example, a composite model that
[37]. predicts the creep strain as a function of the sizes and volume
fractions of second phases, dislocation density, and sub-grain
size is available [56].

76o I ~/Vt% Laves Phase Significant progress in the understanding of elemental segre-
gation and its effects on the properties of alloy steels has been
made during the past 25 to 30 years. This has resulted from
(a) the development and application of Auger Electron Spec-
troscopy (AES), with facilities for in situ fracture at low tem-
peratures in high vacuum so that the composition of the first
few atomic layers of the surfaces can be analyzed, (b) high-
resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy
(STEM) with a spatial resolution of ~3 nm, and (c) advances
in AEM, which have enabled complex microstructures to be
quantitatively examined. However, AES cannot be performed
on the duplex (tempered martensite plus 8-ferrite) steels to
provide information on grain boundary segregation because
13 100 t,000 13,000 100,000 1,003,000 they do not fracture intergranularly.
Time, hours It has been demonstrated that interfacial segregation of
alloying and impurity elements in the fully martensitic
FIG. 4.3--Computed TTP diagram for the Laves phase in P92 high-chromium steels can occur during cooling from the
(NF616) steel [37]. austenifization temperature and as a result of tempering and

aging. The concentrations of some alloying elements and calized elemental segregation, but the remaining chromium
trace impurities at lath and prior austenite grain boundaries persists to a depth of about ten monolayers and is probably
in a 12Cr-MoVNb (1.4914) martensitic steel are enhanced present in a precipitate form [8].
during cooling at critical rates from the austenitization tem- The majority of the systematic AES, STEM, and AEM stud-
perature of 1075~ by a non-equilibrium segregation process. ies of the changes in interracial composition induced during
It has been shown experimentally [29,57,58] that silicon, aging have been carried out on 9Cr-lMo steel. The observa-
boron, and phosphorus segregate at critical cooling rates of tions of the increased segregation produced at interfaces in
20-50, 250, and 50~ s -1, respectively, while some of the this and other steels during aging may be summarized as fol-
other alloying elements segregate at lower rates of 2.5~ s- lows:
(Mo), 3.0~ s ~ (V), and 1.5~ s -1 (Nb). This type of segrega- 9 Phosphorus displaces sulfur at the prior austenite grain
tion is believed to result from the formation of solute boundaries of normalized-and-tempered HT9 steel (0.018%
atom-thermal vacancy pairs at high temperatures and their P) during aging at 540~ for 240 h [63].
subsequent diffusion during cooling to interfaces where the 9 Phosphorus and chromium segregate in a commercial 12%
vacancies are annihilated; a theoretical model of this process Cr steel (0.02% P) aged at 500 to 675~ producing enrich-
has been formulated [59,60], developed further, and applied ment ratios (interracial:bulk concentrations) of about 700
to the high-chromium martensitic steels [57,61]. However, and <2, respectively [64].
desegregation may also occur during subsequent high-tem- 9 Phosphorus, chromium, and molybdenum segregate at or
perature tempering treatments, with the exact rates being de- adjacent to the prior austenite grain boundaries (as in the
pendent on the diffusivities of the particular elements in the normalized-and-tempered condition) (Fig. 4.6) and at the
steel matrices. martensite lath boundaries of 9Cr-lMo steel (0.061% P)
Phosphorus concentrations almost two orders of magni- aged at 550~ for 1000 h [7]; the Mo, Cr, Si, and P are also
tude higher than those in the bulk are produced on inter- enriched in the Laves phase (Fe2Mo) formed at the bound-
granular facets in HT9 steel (0.016% P) during slow cooling aries.
or water quenching from a tempering temperature of 750~ 9 Silicon, phosphorus, molybdenum, and chromium segre-
the segregation being less pronounced in the latter case [62]. gation is observed at intergranular and, to a lesser extent,
Phosphorus, chromium, and silicon also segregate at the transgranular areas on the fracture surfaces of 9Cr-lMo
prior austenite grain boundaries of 9Cr and 9Cr-lMo steels steels (0.025% P) aged at 500 to 550~ for times up to and
(0.061 and 0.025% P) during tempering [4,6-8], the extent of in excess of 20 000 h [4,6,8]. Most of the chromium and an
the segregation depending on the presence of molybdenum increasing proportion of the phosphorus are incorporated
in the steel and the tempering temperature (Fig. 4.5) [6]; into the M23C6 and Fe2Mo precipitates, respectively, during
there is, however, no enhancement of this segregation at the aging. The effect of aging at 500~ on the estimated
martensite lath boundaries [7,8]. Most of the phosphorus and amounts of phosphorus segregated in elemental form and
about half of the chromium at the grain boundaries is present incorporated in the Laves phase at the grain boundaries, as
in the first two or three monolayers, implying extremely lo- measured by scanning auger microprobe (SAM) analysis,

-- I I I i I

10 9Cr, gCrlMo Q§ 1h1100'~CwQ 2hTemper ~

i Cr
P 20
--o-- 9Cr 9 Mo
--o-- 9Cr1~ 0 Si

A 8 ~ ~ ~ o m ~ ~....~.~ .~ ~,~ ~ 16 A

12 "~
o 6 / I ~
~' o
a. I \
6~ 8
/ p 9 ,.o

| I 4 | I ~0 0
500 600 700
Tempering Temperoture {oc)
FIG. 4.S---Effect of molybdenum on the grain boundary composition during tem-
pering of 9Cr-IMo steel [6].

gCrlMo Mo.P llCr

Prior ~ grain boundary
Q.T ----e---- P
Aged lO00h 550~ ---0.--"" Mo
......A - - " Cr

f0 \

O " O

I _ I
30' g r0 5 5 9 20 30
Distance from gb nm

FIG. 4.6--Composition profiles for P, Mo, and Cr across prior austenite grain boundaries in aged 9Cr-1Mo steel as de-
termined by high-resolution STEM analysis [7].

is shown in Fig. 4.7 [8]. The phosphorus attains levels of 1

to 2% in the Laves phase; M6C precipitates absorb phos-
phorus more readily than some of the other phases, but sig-
nificant concentrations of this element are not found in the
M23C6 or Cr2N particles.
9 Phosphorus segregates at M23C6/matrix interfaces in the
tempered 9Cr-lMo steel [6,65]; however, the effect of fur-
ther aging on the magnitude of this interfacial segregation
does not appear to have been examined.
9 C h r o m i u m also segregates at the prior austenite grain &
boundaries in the 12Cr-MoVNb (MANET) steel during ag-
ing at 700~ and 1 m m size aggregates, tentatively identi- 10
fied as Cr-C complexes, have been detected in the matrix by n-
small angle neutron scattering (SANS) [66]. In addition,
long range fluctuations in the chromium concentration in
the matrix of the normalized-and-tempered 12Cr-MoVNb
(1.4914) steel have been observed by atom probe field ion
jo j
microscopy (APFIM) following aging at 400~ for 17 000 h ~ J
and at 500 and 550~ for 10 000 h [67]. - ~ Dissolved in p r e c i p i t a t e
The enhanced concentrations of phosphorus and other ele-
ments at the prior austenite grain boundaries observed after 0 "/~ I
tempering result from either non-equilibrium and/or equilib- 0 10(0) 10(3(3(}
rium segregation, while the interracial segregation induced Time (h) at 500~
during aging occurs by the latter process. The driving force for FIG. 4.7mEstimated amounts of phosphorus segregated in
the equilibrium segregation is the minimization of the free en- elemental form and dissolved in the Laves phase FeaMo in the
ergy of the system when misfitting atoms diffuse from the ma- 9Cr-lMo steel aged at 500~ [8]. [%PHR to FeT0ais the variation
trix to the more accommodating sites at the prior austenite in the phosphorus peak height ratio (PHR) to iron peak at an
grain and lath boundaries. The thermodynamic modeling of Auger electron energy of 703 eV (Fe703).]
the process in an ideal binary system with no solute-solute in-
teractions [68] and in a ternary system where such interac-
tions may have an important influence [69,70] have been suc-

cessful in providing a description of m a n y aspects of the seg- o~ucti~,e

regation behavior. However, these models cannot be readily r
applied to multi-component systems, such as the metastable
high-chromium martensitic steels; this is because the mi-
crostructural changes occurring during tempering and subse-
quent aging also produce changes in the matrix compositions
and, hence, the thermodynamic reference state [65]. In addi-
tion, other factors such as the diffusion kinetics, precipitation
of particles at or near interfaces, chemical interactions, and
site competition must be taken into account.
There is still considerable uncertainty concerning the role
of alloying elements such as chromium and molybdenum in
the equilibrium segregation of phosphorus. The observations
of Cr, Mo, and P segregates at interfaces in steels may be at-
tributed to co-segregation due to the high interaction ener-
gies of Cr-P and Mo-P complexes [69-71]. It has also been test temperature
suggested [72] that site competition between C, N, and P is an FIG. 4.8mSchematic illustration of the effect of RTE on the
important factor, with the chromium enhancing phosphorus Charpy V-notch impact DBTT and low-temperature fracture
segregation by removing carbon and nitrogen from solution mode [65]. U = unembrittled, E = embrittled.
to form carbonitrides. However, m o l y b d e n u m (and vana-
dium and tungsten) in certain concentration ranges retard
the phosphorus segregation in steels, possibly because the
Mo-P interaction is so strong that precipitation occurs, with ment is manifested as an increase in the impact ductile-brit-
the result that the solubility of the phosphorus is reduced and de transition temperature (DBTT) and is associated with a
the tendency to segregate thereby decreased. The beneficial change in the low-temperature brittle fracture mode from
effect of molybdenum is lost if it is incorporated into a car- transgranular cleavage to intergranular as depicted in Fig.
bide or interrnetallic compound, and the rate of segregation 4.8. The equilibrium segregation of the impurity elements
of the phosphorus is then controlled by the rate of formation phosphorus, tin, and antimony to the prior austenite grain
of the carbide or intermetallic compound. Likewise, phos- boundaries in otherwise relatively stable microstructures,
phorus and tin in the lower alloy content steels may be im- and the resultant reductions in the intergranular cohesive
mobilized by additions of the rare earth elements lanthanum strengths are primarily responsible for this process of re-
and, to a lesser extent, cerium, which have high affinities for versible temper embrittlement (RTE) in the low-alloy steels
these impurities [73]. [79-82]. The high-chromium martensitic steels also exhibit
Stress-driven interracial segregation can occur as a conse- this type of embrittlement after aging, but the controlling fac-
quence of the interaction between the stress field of a loaded tors and underlying mechanisms differ somewhat from those
crack and solute atoms in the matrix. This interaction responsible for the RTE in low-alloy steels.
imposes a drift flow of under- and over-sized solutes that de-
termines the migration in the vicinity of the crack tip; thus, Tensile
enhanced segregation to the crack as well as the grain bound~
ary ahead of the crack can result. A kinetic model of this The tensile proof and ultimate stresses decrease progres-
process [74] has provided a satisfactory explanation of the sively with increasing tempering temperature in the range
stress-relief cracking within the heat affected zones (HAZs) 600 to 750~ for a series of 12Cr steels as shown in Fig. 4.9
of low-alloy steel welds at 300 to 650~ due to the stress- [24]: there are associated increases in ductilities, particularly
driven segregation of sulfur [75-77]. in the tempering temperature range 700 to 750~ coincident
The effect of stress on elemental segregation in the high- with the rapid decrease in dislocation density, the formation
chromium ferritic and martensitic steels has not been inves- of sub-grains, and the destruction of the martensite lath
tigated. However, enhanced segregation of phosphorus in a structure. The fractures remain fully ductile.
3.5Cr-MoV steel after aging at 340~ for 3 h under an applied It has been suggested [83] that the 0.2% proof stresses
tensile elastic stress of 80 MPa has been detected by AES [78]. (or0.2) of the normalized-and-tempered 12Cr steels are deter-
Some enhancement of the interfacial concentrations of ni- mined by the ferrite grain size (d) according to the Hall-Petch
trogen and carbon are also found, but the grain boundary type of relationship plus a strengthening (Crp) due to the pre-
segregation of sulfur, evident after slow cooling (0.3~ s -1) cipitated carbides (and nitrides) described by an Orowan
from 1100~ is not affected by the subsequent aging at 340~ type of equation [84]:
with or without stress application. ~0.2 = A' + B'd -a/2 + ~p (4.1)
~p = ~ - . In D (4.2)
FRACTURE B E H A V I O R where X is the precipitate spacing, D is the precipitate parti-
cle diameter, b is the Burgers vector of the slip dislocation,
A reduction in fracture toughness occurs when low-alloy and A', B', and C' are constants.
steels are held in or slowly cooled through a critical temper- There is also a good quantitative relationship between the
ature range, typically 300 to 600~ [6,65,79]. The embrittle- ambient temperature tensile proof stresses and the carbon

! l/ I I I I I
steel l a X 9 s t e e l lb

1000 P-
Ix/ 128%1 X
/ 20



(a) (b)

200 I I I I I I I I z
steel 2 a steel 3 a td
_ - 20

600 ~

0 0 - 2 % proof s t r e s s
400- E} 0 . 5 % p r o o f stress -- 5
X total elongation
(c) ta)
200 I I I . i I I I I O
600 650 700 750 600 650 700 750

FIG. 4.9---Effects of tempering on the room temperature tensile properties of 12Cr

steels [24]: (a) Steel l a = 0.046C, 12Cr (FI), (b) Steel l b = 0.10C, 12Cr (FI), (c) Steel
2a = 12Cr-MoV (FV607) and (d) Steel 3a = 12Cr-MoVNb (FV448).

and nitrogen contents of 12Cr-MoV steels tempered for 1 h at conducted above the DBTTs for the stress and strain condi-
650~ [83]: tions applied. Nevertheless, there is a partial change in frac-
ture mode from micro-void coalescence to "chisel" type frac-
a0.2 = 710 + 770 (C + N) (4.3)
ture with increasing aging time for the standard and model
where ~0.2 is in MPa and C and N are in wt%. This equation 9Cr-lMo steels [8,42], and some secondary intergranular
simply reflects the increased strengthening due to the in- cracking is also produced in this type of steel when tested in
creased volume fraction of precipitates with increasing car- both the tempered and aged conditions [4,87].
bon and nitrogen contents. The duplex EM12 steel exhibits significant hardening,
In general, thermal aging has a relatively small effect on the manifested as increases in tensile yield and ultimate
ambient temperature tensile strengths and ductilities of the strengths and reductions in ductility, following aging at tem-
fully martensitic 9Cr- 1Mo steel aged at 500 and 550~ for 1000 peratures in the range 400 to 600~ for times up to 30 000 h
and 5000 h [1,8], modified 9Cr- 1Mo steel aged at 482,538, and [10]. These changes in properties are attributed to the pre-
593~ for -<50 000 h [85,86], and model 9Cr-lMo alloys with cipitation of the Laves phase (Fe2Mo) in the 8-ferrite grains,
various concentrations of phosphorus (<0.005% and the observed recovery of the properties after ->1000 h at 550,
0.025-0.031%) and silicon (< 0.01% and 0.065 to 0.066%) and and 600~ being due to overaging of the particles.
aged for 5000 h at 550~ [42]. However, the tensile reduction
of area values and true strains to fracture of 9Cr-lMo steels
decrease after aging at 550~ for up to 5000 h (Fig. 4.10) Impact
[4,11,87], with the non-uniform (necking) elongation being
primarily affected. Aging at the higher temperatures of 649 The prior austenite grain size and the tempered strength es-
and 704~ produces reductions in strength and increases in sentially determine the impact and toughness properties of
the ductility of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel [86]. Extensive the normalized-and-tempered high-chromium martensitic
brittle failures were not found in any of these tests, which were steels [24,88]. The effects of heat treatment on the impact

~,, :,
gCr IMo

00~'~,~ . .

True fracture stress (MNm "2)
% RA
Wall [4] "~ 550"C

- 1500
J~ "~ ~ O Senior [r/] J
T~, ~ ~,,~ v Grobner [11] 650"C


40 1200
I , . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . /
i 9C.r 1Mo
50- s failure
qk~ ----- r u'rs-~ilure


5 0 ~
As 1000 10000
Aging time (hours)
FIG. 4.10--Effects of thermal aging on the tensile ductility of 9Cr-lMo steels

DBTT curves of plain 12Cr (FI), 12Cr-MoV (FV607) and For a given austenitizing temperature of 1050~ decreas-
12Cr-MoVNh (FV448) steels are shown in Fig. 4.11(a), (b), ing the tempering temperature from 750 to 650~ (time of 2
(c), and (d), respectively [24]. h) results in a AT of 45~ for the FV607 steel (from - 6 0 to
Increasing the austenitizing t e m p e r a t u r e from 950 to -15~ together with a large reduction in the USE [Fig.
1000~ and 950 to 1050~ for a constant tempering condi- 4.11(b)]; these effects are due to the increased t e m p e r e d
tion of 750~ for 2 h, produces increases (ATs) in DBTTs strength resulting from the lower tempering temperature and
from - 8 5 to -60~ for the FI [Fig. 4.1 l(a)] and - 9 0 to -60~ not to prior austenite grain-size variations.
for the FV607 [Fig. 4.11(b)] steels, respectively, and no sig- An increase in austenitizing t e m p e r a t u r e from 1020 to
nificant effects on the upper shelf energies (USEs). The ATs 1100~ has very little effect on the prior austenite grain size
are due solely to the increase in prior austenite grain size of the 12% Cr-MoVNb (FV448) steel (Fig. 4.12) due to the in-
with increasing austenitizing temperature (Fig. 4.12) [24] as hibition of the grain growth by undissolved NbC particles
the tempered strengths are comparable. [24]; however, increasing the strength by reducing the tem-

w i , I I (a)l 9. : , i I ,
I lht~prjo"c, AC + 2hl7~0"C l h 1 9 5 0 " C ~ A C . 2hl'F'oO'C ('b}
20 0 IhI10(X)*E,AC ,* 2hlT~jO*C ~ lhl10~O~C, AC'2h/~mJO'C
0 ihlIOSO*C,AC*21~I6~O"C
9 9 i 9 Jk

7," ~/
stmd 1( ~ ~ ~O~ steel 2b
I I I I I I ~ I I I I I
~-~ 9 IhlllOOeC,AC.ShlT~0OC (r O lhlIIOO'C, AC*2hlT~O~ (d)
0. 9 lhI1100"C,AC ,.Gh1750eC
]E 2 0 . O t l h l l O 2 0 * C t A C * l h / 7 0 0 * C 4 IhlllOO'CsACe2Ohl~_.b,
I ff/A .9--~ . . . . . .eL_._

~~.<s~ -
.oo # ,'"/ , r " ~"" <do . . . . .o

st~t 3b ~, s t ~ 3b
(- 196"CI jO"
t I I I I I i,. I l I I l
-150 -I(X) -5O o 50 loo -150 -it:x) -5o o 50 lOO

FIG. 4 . 1 1 - - E f f e c t s of heat treatment variations on the sub-size Charpy V-notch ductile-brittle

transition curves of 12Cr steels [24]: (a) Steel l c = 0.15C, 12Cr (FI), (b) Steel 2b = 12Cr-MoV
(FV607), (c) and (d) Steel 3b = 12Cr-MoVNb (FV448).

E of 2-5~ is produced for a tensile proof stress increase of i0

~oo , i I i I
MPa [24]. Also, the USE values for the sub-size Charpy V-
N notch specimens of the 12Cr-MoV and 12Cr-MoVNb steels
Z 80 decrease by approximately 1 J for every 30 MPa increase in
< X ~ ~ steel lb proof stress brought about by decreased tempering.
X.~.-"X~ ,~- steel 2a_ As stated in Chapter 3, the presence of ~-ferrite adversely
LLI affects the strength and toughness of the normalized-and-
tempered high-chromium martensitic steels [83]. However, a
UJ 4 0 - x / ~ _o o -- steel la- ~-ferrite content of 0.5% in a 11Cr-MoVNb steel decreases the
DBTT relative to that of a fully martensitic steel, while larger
amounts of ~-ferrite in 12-14Cr-MoVNb and 12Cr-MoVW
< 20
cY (HT9) steels produce increases in DBTT and reductions in
_o USE [89-92]. These effects are attributed to the formation of
I I l I I massive dendritic carbides (mainly M23C6) at the 8-ferrite-
900 10OO 11OO 1200 13OO matrix interfaces during cooling at critical rates from the
S O L U T I O N TREATMENT T E M P E R A T U R E , " C , l h austenitizing temperature [90-92]; the carbides initiate
FIG. 4 . 1 2 m P r i o r austenite grain g r o w t h characteristics of cleavage fractures which then propagate in the ~-ferrite
12Cr steels [24]: Steel l a = 0.046C; 12Cr (FI), Steel l b = 0.10C; grains at temperatures below the ductile-brittle transition
12Cr (FI), Steel 2a = 12Cr-MoV (FV607), Steel 3a = 12Cr-MoVNb and also nucleate ductile dimple fractures at temperatures
(FV448). corresponding to the upper shelf regions. Only isolated car-
bides are formed at the 8-ferrite grain boundaries in the steel
containing 0.5% ~-ferrite, and the fracture processes are not
pering temperature and time from 750~ for 6 h to 700~ for adversely affected [90]. However, it is possible that the dele-
1 h produces a AT of 35~ (from - 3 0 to +5~ and a major terious dendritic carbide structures may develop in the steels
reduction in the USE [Fig. 4.11 (c)]. Similarly, increasing the during prolonged aging or service exposure at high tempera-
tempered strength by decreasing the tempering time from 20 ture, even when these structures are not formed during cool-
to 6 to 2 h at 750~ after austenitizing at ll00~ for 1 h re- ing from the austenitizing temperature [92].
suits in ~Ts of 35 and 70~ (from - 6 5 to - 3 0 to +5~ and Thermal aging produces increases in the Charpy V-notch
large decreases in the USE [Fig. 4.11 (d)]. impact DBTT and reductions in the USE of the high-
An analysis of these impact and the corresponding tensile chromium martensitic steels [4,6,86,87]. These effects are il-
data show that a change in prior austenite grain size of d -1/2 lustrated for the 9Cr-lMo [4], modified 9Cr-lMo [93], and
= 1 m m -1/2 results in a change in DBTT of 23~ while a AT 12Cr-MoV [94] fully martensitic steels in Fig. 4.13. The ATs

UK.9Cr 1Ho Q*T Aged nt 550~

~.200I 9---0---* As Tempered As Te~ered

9--41,*-- lO00h
~0--" SOOOb
- - . - o ~ lO0001z
.f. r
.-~.- .

~" 10r- / //

US 9CrlMoNbV N.T t~ t03~= th?60*C=J A g e d Of 538~

2e0 n _ AsT~

---- lO000h / / .--- . . . . looooh

~.- 25eOOh / ~ ,,,..-.~.'" .......... Z~0oOh

150 12CrHoV xzocr~vm Aged af 550~
e----"e AS Telqperad
~0---" Oh
..... - lO00h
~4'---* lO00h
100 ~0--- 3000h
~-.e~- lO000h
=- ~'O--- 3000Oh

sO/" L
0 ~ ~ ...t.
- 100 O 100 200 300
Test Temperature l'C|

FIG. 4 . 1 3 - - C h a r p y V-notch impact transition curves for 9 C r - l M o [4], modified 9Cr-

1Mo [93], and 12Cr-MoV [94] steels aged at about 550~

produced by aging are listed for several steels in Table 4.5; shown in Fig. 4.14 [86]. The DBTTs increase with aging up to
the magnitude of the embrittlement is dependent on the steel maxima and recover after long exposure times at 482, 538,
composition and initial structure, aging temperature, and and 593~ however, the high silicon steel shows more rapid
time, and the induced microstructural and local composi- embrittlement and the recovery is less pronounced than in
tional changes. the low-silicon steel. The m a x i m u m embrittlement is pro-
The effects of aging temperature and time on the 67.8 J (50 duced by aging at 538~ for 25 000 h, the ATs for the low- and
ft-lb) DBTT of low (0.11%) and high (0.40%) silicon heats of high-silicon grades being about 70 and 60~ respectively.
the modified 9Cr-lMo steel (the DBTTs of the normalized Smaller ATs are produced after aging for short and interme-
and tempered steels were - 2 7 and -4~ respectively) are diate periods at 649 and 704~ but the embrittlement, par-

TABLE 4.5--Effects of thermal aging on the increase (AT) in the Charpy V-notch impact ductile-brittle transition
temperature (DBTT) of high-chromium martens,tic steels.

] Steel " Phosphoms "' Aging Temp Aging Time AT Reference

Content (%) , (~ , (h) , (~ ,
' '0.018 500 !
240 1,
10 I
'I 5 5 0 I
1000 I
30-50 I
HT9 450 10000 0
(12Cr-IMoVW) 500 .. 10
0.018 550 .. 10 15
600 .. 15-20
650 I
.. I
50 I
X20CrMoV12. I <0.018; 550 5000 <15 26
(12Cr-IMoV) , <0.035 , ,
482 10000" 50
0.010 538 25000* 70
(0.11%Si) 593 25000* 60 86
649 1200" 25
704 I
50000* 30-35
482 50000* 30-35
T91 0.010 Ir 538 25000* 60
(9Cr-IMoVNb) .(0.40% Si) 1593 1200" 45 86
649 5000* 35
704 50000* 20-25
<450 10000 0
500 .. 20
0.066 550 -. 40 15
600 .. 75-80
650 I
.. I
<450 10000 0
F82H 0.005 500 .. 5
(8Cr-2WVTa) 550 .. 35 15
600 .- 60
650 I
.. 90
<450 10000 0
500 -. 15
550 .- 60
600 .- 60
F82 (8Cr-2WV) 0.003 650 .. 105 15

i I
I t i i
9 & 12 Cr-2W <0.002 i 600 1000 20-25 35
9 . I I I I
*Times to achieve maximum embrittlement during aging (duration < 75,000 h).

s o ~ still occur during prolonged aging even at temperatures

so f ~ ~ s = g a = ~ t below 340~ The magnitude of the embrittlement may be
reduced by decreasing the chromium, nickel, and silicon
40 contents, increasing the purity, and electron beam melting of
.~o the steels.
G z0
~r ~ ~-: ~':~ 1 Creep a n d Creep-Rupture
~ o ~ / ~ / . . . ~ " t The creep-rupture strengths of the highly alloyed 9 to 12% Cr
P -Io martensitic steels are determined primarily by (i) solid-solu-
-2o ~ 1 ~ "~ tion strengthening by Cr, Mo, and W and (ii) precipitation
-40 - US 9CrlMo NbV CARTECH 3 0 3 9 4 -
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 SO000 60000 70000 80000 ~ .- 60
(a) AGING TIME (h) ' 80

U.I ~ " " A /
a 20F _ . =~~ , o 5_?~
. I" 0~5o
I //
~ S000~ 3 0 " ~
",ooo0, .

; 25000h <~
~- - ' ~ ~ '1200h
=f/ o
, , , , , , ..,
0 I0000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 soooo
(b) AGING TIME (h) I I i I
450 500 550 600 650
FIG. 4 . 1 4 - - D B T T measured at 67.8 J (50 as a function of
aging time (<-75,000 h) and temperature (482, 538, 593, 649, and
(e) Aqinq temperature('C)
US 9Cr tMo NbV CARTECH 30394
704~ for modified 9 C r - l M o steel [86]. Top 0.11% Si, Bottom
0.40% Si.
220L ~ 1200h

ticularly of the high-silicon steel, approaches that induced at

the lower temperatures after long aging times.
The Charpy V-notch impact transition curves for the 0.40% ~'>200
. i- ""
silicon-modified 9Cr-lMo steel [93] have been reanalyzed,
and the variations in the DBTT (100 J) and USE with aging
temperature and time are illustrated in Fig. 4.15 [6]. The
changes in the DBTT and USE exhibit similar kinetics, and r-

the data confirm that the maximum effects are produced

after aging at 500 to 550~ The kinetics of the process are en-
hanced at the higher aging temperatures, hut the magnitudes -, \
of the embrittlement are reduced; the transitory nature of the
embrittlement is also evident, with the DBTT and USE 140
recovering on prolonged exposure (>-10,000 h at -550~
It has been claimed that "475~ embrittlement," mani-
fested as increases in the DBTT and reductions in the USE in 120
notched impact tests and increases in the hardness at ambi- 450 500 550 600 650
ent temperature, is produced in weldments, particularly in AgirR temperature (*C]
the HAZs, of various 11-13Cr martensitic steels following
isothermal aging at 340 to 600~ for times up to about 7000 FIG. 4.15--Effect of aging temperature and time on the
h [95]. The effects are most pronounced after aging at 425~ Charpy V-notch impact DBTT and USE of modified 9Cr-
and the data suggest that this type of embrittlement might 1Mo steel (0.40% Si) [6,93].

hardening by (a) the fine, stable MX phases produced during

t '-'-----------
tempering and (b) the formation of VN and Nb(CN) particles
during creep exposure due to the lower solubilities of these
phases in the tempered martensite matrix at a testing tem-
perature of about 600~ than in the austenite at the normal-
izing temperature and in the ferrite at the tempering temper-
ature [21,22]. The precipitation of the Laves phases [Fe2Mo;
Fe2W; Fe2(Mo,W)] during the early stages of the creep-rup-
ture tests may also produce some strengthening, but this sub-
sequently decreases as a result of coarsening of the particles
and the reduction in the chromium, molybdenum, and tung-
sten concentrations in solution when these elements are in-
corporated into the M23C6 and Laves phase particles.
The majority of steels with chromium contents - 13% show
inflections in the applied stress-rupture time curves, which
are manifested as rapid reductions in creep-rupture strengths
accompanied by corresponding increases in rupture ductili-
ties during prolonged (-<10s h) exposure tests at 550~ this
was first reported in the 1960s [96,97] and has been termed
"sigmoidal behavior." The characteristics of the sigmoidal
behavior depend on the steel composition, initial heat treat-
ment, and test temperature, the inflections generally occur-
ring at shorter durations and lower stresses with increasing t00 1000 10000 10000
test temperature. This behavior is illustrated for two 12Cr- ~ U ~ - News
MoVNb steels containing 0.52 and 1.15% Ni in Fig. 4.16 [31].
It is due [31,98,99] in these and some other high-chromium
martensitic steels to the progressive softening and recovery
of the dislocation structure as a result of the coarsening of the !§
M23C6 particles, the formation of Z-phase and the dissolution I+,- /
of M2X and secondary MX precipitates under the combined 4O
influences of thermal exposure, applied stress, and plastic
strain accumulation during creep; these processes are accel-
erated in the steel with the higher nickel content.
The microstructural degradation and the associated transi- 3O C,a~A
tion from precipitation to solid solution strengthening may
be minimized in the 12Cr steels by restricting the nickel con-
tent to 0.5% (max), decreasing the niobium concentration to
limit the precipitation of the Z-phase and thereby promote
the retention of the fine, beneficial MzX and secondary MX
precipitates in the matrix [99].
Significant increases in the continuously measured creep
rates of the MANET I steel after 10 000 to 20 000 h at 600~
a few hundred hours at 650~ and about 10 h at 700~ have
also been reported [100]; this creep instability behavior is as-
sociated with a hyper-stoichiometric AI:N ratio (2.7) in the
steel (0.054% A1; 0.02% N). This factor, coupled with the very
low solubility of A1N in the ferritic matrix in high-chromium 100 1000 110000 10000
steels at temperatures of 600 to 700~ [22], results in little or r ~ Ufe - NO~e
no nitrogen being left in solution for the formation of the pre- FIG. 4.16--Creep-rupture properties of 12Cr-MoVNb
cipitation strengthening VN and Nb(CN) phases during the steels at 660~ [31].
creep testing. However, the creep strengths of the MANET II
steel (0.004-0.012% A1; 0.027-0.032% N) at 450 to 700~ and
up to 10 000 h show little or no scatter and are, due to their
hypo-stoichiometric AI:N ratio and the excess nitrogen in so- tural degredation [ 102]. The creep-rupture strengths of Cr-Mo
lution available for precipitation as VN and Nb(CN), superior steels containing 1 to 12% Cr decrease towards a c o m m o n
to those of the MANET I steel [101]. Furthermore, the level with increasing test temperature and time [ 103]. The ICS
MANET II steel does not exhibit instabilities in its creep be- is determined by the composition of the ferrite matrix and is
havior. not dependent on the initial (as heat treated) microstructure.
A constant creep strength, termed "inherent creep It is enhanced by solid-solution strengthening by molybde-
strength" (ICS), may be achieved after long-term creep defor- num, the m a x i m u m ICS for a 0.2% carbon, high-chromium
mation at elevated temperature as a result of the microstruc- creep-resistant steel being achieved with 0.03% Mo [102].

Tungsten is also beneficial as it produces a more stable mi- In contrast to the observations on the 9Cr-lMo steel cited
crostructure [104]; that is, recovery of the martensite struc- above, the Laves phase is precipitated as discontinuous films
ture and the associated decrease of the dislocation density and globular particles at the grain and lath boundaries in the
proceeds more slowly in the tungsten-containing P92 (NF616) modified 9Cr-1Mo steel [86]. The phosphorus contents of the
than in the modified 9Cr-lMo (P91) steel [i04], which in turn standard 9Cr-lMo steel heats examined were also m u c h
is more microstructurally stable than some of the other high- higher (0.061 and 0.025%) [7,8] than those of the modified
chromium martensitic steels [ 102]. 9Cr-lMo steels (0.006 and 0.010%) [15,86] and reduced acti-
vation steels (-<0.005%) [15,35]. Consequently, the extent of
the interfacial segregation and absorption of phosphorus
Fracture into the Laves phase may have been more pronounced in
the standard 9Cr-lMo steel, thereby enhancing the reduc-
The embrittlement of the 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) steel produced
tions in the grain boundary cohesive strength. Thus, while in-
by aging for 1000 h at 550~ (see Table 4.5) is associated with
tergranular fractures are not commonly produced in m a n y
increased grain boundary carbide precipitation and a ten-
of the aged high-chromium steels, there is no doubt that
dency to form secondary intergranular cracks [28], while the
the formation of the Laves phase contributes to the observed
aging-induced embrittlement of the 9Cr-lMo steel (Fig. 4.13)
embrittlement. Although the precise mechanism responsible
is accompanied by a progressive change in fracture mode
for the embrittlement has not been identified [86], it is
from cleavage or quasi-cleavage to intergranular at tempera-
probable that the Laves phase precipitation and phosphorus
tures below the ductile-brittle transition temperature
segregation facilitate transgranular cleavage in these steels
[3,4,6,9]. The latter behavior is also evident in bend tests at
by lowering the fracture stress at the martensite lath bound-
temperatures ranging from - 196 to +50~ on blunt-notched
specimens of the 9Cr-IMo steel aged at 550~ for 1000 and
The results of extensive STEM and AEM studies of the
5000 h [i05], and the brittle intergranular fracture can occur
ductile void nucleation and growth processes in 9Cr-iMo
on a limited scale even in the upper-shelf region [4]. However,
steel [65,87] have confirmed earlier predictions [ 1,4] that the
the majority of the steels for which impact embrittlement data
reductions in the Charpy V-notch impact USEs and tensile
are presented in Table 4.5 exhibit a transgranular cleavage or
ductilities produced by aging are associated with the M23C6
quasi-cleavage fracture mode with little or no intergranular
and Laves Fe2Mo particles located at the martensite lath
cracking in the brittle, lower-shelf energy r6gime after aging.
boundaries. The M23C6 particles are primarily responsible for
The embrittlement and the associated grain boundary frac-
the ductile fracture in the "as-tempered" steel; voids form at
ture in the aged high-chromium steels can be explained in
these carbides and grow, finally coalescing and linking up
terms of the following mechanisms [4,6]: (i) brittle separa-
with larger cavities nucleated at inclusions. Phosphorus seg-
tion of precipitate-free regions of the boundaries containing
regation to the carbide/matrix interfaces during the initial
phosphorus segregates, (ii) decohesion at carbide precipi-
stages of aging at 550~ weakens the interface, thereby al-
tate/matrix interfaces to which phosphorus has segregated,
lowing void nucleation to occur at lower levels of deforma-
and (iii) cleavage along internal boundaries of the brittle
tion and resulting in reduced ductility and ductile fracture
Laves phase. The embrittlement and intergranular failures
toughness. Voids form readily on the Laves particles pro-
produced by aging of the HT9 [22] and other high-chromium
duced at the lath boundaries during more prolonged aging
martensitic steels [59,80] may be explained by mechanisms
and increase the number of nucleation sites; however, the in-
(i) and (ii), as it appears that the Laves phase is not formed in
corporation of phosphorus into the Fe2Mo leads to a partial
these steels. The embrittlement of the 9Cr-iMo steel after
recovery of the carbide/matrix interracial strength.
aging has been investigated in detail by STEM, AEM, and
Finally, the embrittlement produced by thermal aging can
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, and the mi-
be minimized or suppressed by controlling the residual ele-
crostructural and local compositional changes correlated
ments in the high-chromium fully martensitic steels [6]. Re-
with the Charpy impact properties and fracture behavior
ducing the silicon content delays or inhibits the Laves phase
[3,4,6,8,87]. It was established that the interfacial segrega-
formation, thereby slowing down the rate of embritflement
tion of chromium, molybdenum, and silicon leads to the al-
and promoting more rapid recovery. Decreasing the bulk
most continuous precipitation of thin sheets of the Laves
phosphorus content to about 0.005% would also be beneficial
Fe2(Mo,Si) phase at the grain and lath boundaries during ag-
in reducing the amount of intergranular fracture and, hence,
ing at 500 and 550~ and that failure occurs by mechanism
the AT as well as maintaining a high upper-shelf toughness.
(iii). As illustrated in Fig. 4.7, interracial elemental segrega-
tion of phosphorus occurs during the initial stages of aging,
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Oxidation, Corrosion, and 5


This chapter is primarily devoted to considerations of the oxi- paired by, for example, the concentration of dissolved salt
dation, corrosion, and compatibility of the high-chromium species at the surface scales under heat flux conditions. This
martensitic steels in environments currently appropriate for problem can be prevented by the use of a zero solids water
D-T tokamak fusion power reactors, namely water coolant, chemistry treatment in which hydrazine is employed instead
liquid lithium and lithium-lead eutectic (Li17Pb83) coolants of sodium sulfate as an oxygen scavenger and ammonia or
and/or tritium breeders, solid ceramic tritium breeding ma- amines rather than phosphates and sodium hydroxide for pH
terials, and beryllium neutron multiplier. control.
The use of helium as a coolant is unlikely to present any oxi- The fully tempered steels with low concentrations of the
dation and corrosion problems at the maximum operating austenite-stabilizing elements Ni, Cu, and Co are also virtu-
temperatures (~550~ currently envisaged for a steel first ally immune to transgranular stress corrosion cracking
wall and breeding blanket structure in a DEMO fusion reac- (SCC) in aggressive environments [ 17,18] and are thus better
tor. The experience with helium-cooled fission reactors than the Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic steels in this respect. However,
[high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGCRs)] and in as- there are some aqueous media (high oxygen, chloride, and
sociated laboratory experiments has demonstrated that the caustic) that can cause rapid pitting, intergranular attack
inert gas can be maintained sufficiently pure (total impurity (IGA), and even SCC in these steels at stresses equal to or in
content < I 0 ppm) to suppress oxidation even in large and excess of the tensile yield strength [4,19-22]. The steels are
complex circuits, although carbon transport could still be a most susceptible to pitting, IGA, and SCC when they are in
problem even at this low impurity level [1,2]. the hardened condition or not correctly heat treated after
Extensive data on the compatibility of the high-chromium welding and when there are chromium-rich M23C6 precipi-
martensitic steels with liquid sodium, including waterside tate particles and associated localized chromium-depleted
corrosion and erosion-corrosion effects ("wastage") resulting zones at the prior austenite grain boundaries and other in-
from sodium-water reactions in the vicinity of cracks in tube terfaces. It has also been demonstrated that the 12Cr (Type
welds, have also been obtained in programs carried out in 410) and 12Cr-IMoVW (Type 422 or HT9) martensitic steels
support of steam generator and core component materials in several normalized-and-tempered conditions are resistant
development for fast breeder reactors [3-7]. However, to environmental cracking when exposed for prolonged
sodium is no longer considered a potential coolant in fusion periods at 288~ in simulated boiling water reactor (BWR)
reactor systems, and the compatibility of the steels with this environments of high (6.0 to 9.5 ppm) dissolved oxygen and
liquid metal will not therefore be addressed here. hydrogen water chemistry control (6 to 14 ppb oxygen, 170 to
190 ppb dissolved hydrogen) [23].
Much of this aqueous corrosion experience is very relevant
WATER COOLANT to the conditions in the first wall and breeder structure of a
water-cooled fusion system. However, more recent studies
Aqueous Corrosion have been directed towards establishing the high-tempera-
The experience with plant components and the data obtained ture, high-pressure water corrosion behavior of the commer-
in supporting laboratory studies of the waterside corrosion cial and reduced-activation high-chromium martensitic
and steam oxidation behavior of the Cr-Mo steels in the boil- steels specifically considered for fusion reactor applications.
ers of fossil-fired power stations [8-12] and in the steam gen- Thus, samples of the 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) and 8Cr-2WVTa
erators of CO2-cooled nuclear power stations [advanced gas (F82H) steels have been exposed for 250 h in recirculating
cooled reactors (AGRs)] in the U.K. [13,14] and fast breeder water containing 0.2 ppm dissolved oxygen at 250~ and 2.5
reactors [4,15,16] have been described and reviewed previ- MPa pressure and the weight losses measured after descaling
ously. The 9 and 12% chromium martensitic steels generally [24]; the quoted corrosion (weight loss) rates for the F82H
exhibit good waterside corrosion resistance in the steam gen- (-~17 Ixg m -2 s -l) and HT9 (12 to 13 jxg m -2 s -1) steels, as-
erators in both conventional coal- and oil-fired and nuclear sumed to have been derived using linear extrapolation, are
fission power stations. The general corrosion resistance of comparable and considerably greater than that for a reduced-
the high-chromium martensitic steels in aqueous solutions is activation 18% Cr-4% W steel specifically developed to resist
superior to that of carbon and low-alloy steels but inferior to corrosion in high-temperature, high-pressure water.
that of the austenitic steels [ 10,12,16]. However, the integrity Corrosion tests have also been conducted on the 12Cr-
of the protective oxide films formed on these steels can be im- 1MoVNb [FV448 and/or 1.4914 (plate, electron beam, and
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

laser welds)] a n d 9 a n d 11Cr-WVTa r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n steels c o n s u m e d being p r o p o r t i o n a l to t i m e to the p o w e r 0.5. The

in h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e , h i g h - p r e s s u r e w a t e r as follows: weight gains for the steels in the static tests a n d the d e p t h s of
the c o r r o s i o n a r e s h o w n in Fig. 5.1 (a) a n d (b) as a function of
9 I n static stainless steel autoclaves at 300~ a n d 16 M P a
t ~ w h e r e t is the e x p o s u r e time. These data, a l t h o u g h lim-
(160 bar) for times of 500 a n d 1000 h a n d with w a t e r c h e m -
ited to I000 h, i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c
istry c o n d i t i o n s typical of p r e s s u r i z e d w a t e r r e a c t o r (PWR)
steels are n o t u n d u l y sensitive to a q u e o u s corrosion.
p r i m a r y circuit c o o l a n t [25].
The d a t a for the steels e x p o s e d in the l o o p in the R2 reac-
9 In a n austenitic stainless steel loop in the Studsvik (Swe- t o r were fitted to the relation AW = Ct ~ w h e r e AW is the
den) R2 r e a c t o r at 275 +- 10~ a n d 9 M P a (90 bar) [26]. The
weight loss in m g / c m 2 a n d t is in hours; the values of the rate
h y d r o g e n and oxygen contents of the inlet w a t e r were 1.5
c o n s t a n t C for the ultrasonically cleaned a n d descaled com-
to 3.0 p p m a n d < 20 ppb, respectively, with a p H (at 25~
m e r c i a l a n d r e d u c e d activation steels are listed in Table 5.1.
of 6.8 to 8.0. The steel s p e c i m e n s were l o c a t e d in the reac-
The c o r r o s i o n rates are h i g h e r for the steels e x p o s e d in the
t o r core, above-core, a n d out-of-core regions of the loop
core region, i n t e r m e d i a t e in the above-core s a m p l e s a n d least
a n d exposed for times of 300, 1460, a n d 4947 h at a r e a c t o r
p o w e r >-30 MW. T h e r m a l a n d fission rLeutron fluxes for t h e
s a m p l e s at the core c e n t e r region were a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1.2 x
10 ~8 a n d 1 • 10 TM n.m -2 s -1 at a n average r e a c t o r p o w e r of TABLE 5.1--Corrosion of the 12Cr-IMoVNb and 9-11Cr-WVTa
46 MW, a n d t h e c o m p u t e d d i s p l a c e m e n t d o s e s for t h e steels in the high-temperature water loop in the Studsvik R2 reactor
three exposure times were 0.12, 0.6, a n d 2.3 dpa, respec-
tively. Steel Loop Region C Valid for
( Aw --C.t~ Exposure
The weight c h a n g e s m e a s u r e d after the exposures result
Time (h) of:
from two processes [12,27]: (a) loss of i r o n into the w a t e r by 12Cr-IMoVNb Out-of-core (1)(2) 0.08* 4,947
c o r r o s i o n a n d f o r m a t i o n of a n Fe-Cr s p i n e l o x i d e ( i n n e r Above core (1) 0.18-0.33" 4,947
layer), the thickness of w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d s to the thickness of Core (1) 0.69-0.90" 300
m e t a l c o n s u m e d , a n d (b) d e p o s i t i o n of m a g n e t i t e o n the sur- Core (2) 0.44" 300
face (outer oxide layer). The d e p t h s of the c o r r o s i o n a n d the 9-11Cr-WVTa Out-of-core 0.06* 4,947
Above core 0.19 -0.49" 300
c o r r o s i o n rates were therefore d e t e r m i n e d from the weight 0.52 - 0,84" 1,460
losses after r e m o v a l of the o u t e r a n d i n n e r oxide layers by ul- * Ultrasonically cleaned
t r a s o n i c cleaning a n d / o r descaling. " Descalvd
The h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e a q u e o u s c o r r o s i o n of steels gener- # Experimental data fitted to this equation with AW in mg-cma and t in h.
ally follows a p a r a b o l i c rate law, the thickness of the m e t a l (1) 1.4914 steel. (2) FV448 steel.

E 1.0 I I I
0 Fv448
9 LATra
9 LAI2Ta
9 Lai2TaLC

0.5 --
._c (a)

0 -==------ .... T---i *'" i

0 10 2O 3O
I I .....

E:=L deq~th of corrosion colculolod from 9

V difference between initial specimen
w e k j h l rJr~ weight offer descoling
~ 0.5 --
dc,,r~ly o! $1e~ o r ~ J m e d to be 7.4i g - c m 3 , o- *"""" ~""" "~

(b) .--''''"" ........... i" .....

o 0
--===":C";"2 ..... i" l,,
0 I0 ti12(hi/2) 20 30

FIG. 5.1--Corrosion of 12Cr-1MoVNb (FV448) and reduced-activation martensitic

steels in high-temperature (300~ high-pressure (16 MPa) water in static auto-
claves: (a) weight gain and (b) depth of corrosion [25],

for the coupons tested in the out-of-core region of the loop. autoclave tests for about 4000 h at 500~ and 6 bar (0.6 MPa)
The differences may be due to the different times for which pressure] [31]. The scales produced on the 12% Cr steel are
the corrosion rates are quoted. Alternatively, the differences homogeneous and protective, whereas those on the 9% Cr
in behavior may be attributed to the increased radiolytic de- steels are porous. It has therefore been concluded [31] that
composition of the water in the core compared to that in the none of the 9% Cr steels are suitable for long-term operation
above-core region and the virtual negligible dissociation in as superheater and reheater tubing in boilers at temperatures
the out-of-core position. The corrosion resistance of the steel above about 600~ In addition to metal loss, the reduction in
coupons exposed in the core may also have been impaired as heat transfer produced by the steamside scale and the conse-
a result of radiation-induced segregation (RIS) of chromium, quent increase in tube wall temperature imply that the in-
leading to the precipitation of chromium-rich a'-ferrite and creased creep-rupture strengths of the newly developed 9%
the associated local reduction in the chromium concentra- Cr steels cannot be fully exploited in the more advanced
tion in solution in the steel matrix (see Chapter 10). The power units [10]. It is considered [10,29] that a minimum
scatter in the data is such that a clear distinction cannot chromium content of 11% is required to form a protective
be made between the corrosion of the commercial and spinel oxide and thereby provide adequate oxidation resis-
reduced-activation martensitic steels exposed in the static tance in steam-containing atmospheres at 600 and 650~
autoclaves and the respective regions of the reactor loop. Thus, steels such as the 12Cr-MoVNbW (HCMI2), 12Cr-
The 12Cr-IMoVNb and 9Cr-WVTa samples exposed for MoVNbWCu (HCM12A) and, possibly, 12Cr-MoVNbWCo
1460 and 4947 h in the core, above-core and out-of-core (NFI2) that combine high strength and greater scaling resis-
regions of the reactor loop did not exhibit SCC or irradiation- tance are likely to be the main contenders for future condi-
assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) when subse- tions of service (steam temperatures and pressures of 585 to
quently stressed to 95% of the yield strength in three point 602~ and 305 bar (30.5 MPa) in the near-term and 620 to
bend and autoclave tested for times of -<1500 h at 250~ in 640~ and 320 bar (32 MPa) in the mid-term [10]). However,
air-saturated high-purity water [28]. The SCC and IASCC the restriction of 600~ on the 9% Cr steels does not apply
might again have arisen as a consequence of the depletion of when heat transfer is not involved, and the higher creep-rup-
chromium at interfaces due to thermal sensitization or RIS. ture strength potentials of the newer steels can be utilized for
However, these observations suffice to confirm that the headers and pipework in an advanced power plant.
9-12% Cr martensitic steels are more resistant to SCC and Several approaches for improving the air and steam oxida-
IASCC in both the unirradiated and irradiated conditions tion resistances of the 9% Cr steels have been advocated. The
than austenitic steels. addition of 3% Pd dramatically enhances the steam oxidation
resistance of a 9% Cr-3.3% W steel at 650, 700, and 750~ de-
creasing the oxidation in tests of 500 h duration by factors of
Steam Oxidation ten or more [32,33]. The addition of other oxygen-active
elements such as Si (up to 1%) and combinations of Si (0.5%)
The scales formed on the 9% Cr steels when oxidized in air at
+ Ti (0.1%) and Si (0.5%) + Y (0.1%) are also effective in in-
temperatures of -<650~ are adherent and protective and
creasing the oxidation resistances of the 9Cr-MoVNbW (T92)
consist of (Fe,Cr)203 and (Fe,er,Mn)304 [29]. However, the
steel in both air and steam by reducing the porosity of the
scales produced during exposure to steam-containing atmo-
surface scales and increasing the compactness [32,34]. Other
spheres are much thicker and spall more easily; they consist
approaches, such as chromizing, surface deformation treat-
of an external Fe304 scale and an internal duplex scale of
ments and the formation of fine grains, have been successful
Fe304 and (Fe,er, Mn)304. In addition, internal oxidation of
in increasing the oxidation resistance of austenitic steels
the chromium to form (Fe,Cr,Mn)304 at the martensite lath
[10,30]. However, chromizing the bores of boiler tubes may
boundaries occurs below the oxide scale [29]. These effects
prove impractical, while the results of exploratory investiga-
can lead to significant reductions in the component thick-
tions have indicated that surface cold work treatments,
nesses and, hence, in the load-bearing cross-sections.
which promote an increase in the diffusion rate of chromium
Spalling of the oxide from the high-chromium ferri-
to the surface and thereby ensure long-term protection by
tic/martensitic steels results in complete removal of the
rapidly replenishing the matrix below the growing scale, are
scales and the exposure of fresh metal surfaces to the envi-
not effective in the case of the 9% Cr martensitic steels [30].
ronment such that re-oxidation occurs at an initially faster
rate [10]; this can lead to an almost linear rate of metal loss
instead of the normal parabolic behavior. Furthermore, the
spallation of the oxide scale can result in blockage of the LIQUID METALS (Li AND Li17Pbss)
boiler tubes and particles entering the turbine may cause ero-
sion damage, particularly to the blades. Corrosion tests on the high-chromium martensitic steels in
The 9 and 12% chromium steels are generally resistant to liquid lithium [35-44] and lithium-lead eutectic (LitTPhs3)
oxidation in steam at temperatures up to about 600~ [41,45-52] have been conducted for many thousands of
[15,30]. However, 12% Cr steels, such as the 12Cr-MoV hours in the range 370 to 650~ in thermal convection and
(X20CrMoV 12 1), have better oxidation resistance than the pumped loops under semi-stagnant (low-velocity) and turbu-
9% Cr [9Cr-MoVNb (T91) and 9Cr-MoVNbW (T92 and lent (high-velocity) conditions. The results of these studies
E911)] steels at higher temperatures in air (4000 h at 630 ~ have enabled the effects of material variables and system pa-
and 680~ and in steam [tube sections exposed in coal-fired rameters to be identified. The earlier data on the corrosion of
power plants for 11 000 h at steam and initial metal temper- iron-base alloys in lithium have been surveyed [53], and the
atures of 600 to 605~ and 630~ respectively, and in static fusion-relevant corrosion behavior of the high-chromium

martensitic steels in lithium and lithium-lead periodically

reviewed [40,54-56]. 5~ ~"
I I/ o~ I I I
The analysis of the data and observations has shown that Pb-17 st. % Li
the corrosion of the martensitic steels in both liquid metal 40 m
media is often determined by the uniform dissolution of iron
and chromium, followed by the precipitation of the dissolved

material in the low-temperature branches of the loops. This
contrasts with the liquid metal corrosion behavior of Fe-Cr- 42TOG
Ni austenitic steels, in which the dominant processes are the IO
0. , I
dissolution of the nickel at a rate significantly faster than that
of iron and chromium above about 500~ [57] and the for-
mation of a porous ferrite surface layer.
The corrosion rates of the high-chromium martensitic 9 MBOLS: HT-9
8YMBOLS:Mod 9 Cr - 1 Mo
steels in lithium in the range 350 to 600~ increase with ,o
increasing nitrogen content of the liquid metal [36,38, 371eC
4143,58]. The carbon conc.entrations in the liquid metal and
the stabilities of the carbides in the steels also influence the 0 [ I
compatibility with the lithium [43] and determine whether 0 1 2 3 4 w iS
carburization or decarburization occurs. However, the nitro- EXPOSURE TIME (lO00h)
gen and carbon appear to have little or no effect on the FIG. 5 . 2 m W e i g h t loss versus exposure time for 1 2 C r - l M o V W
compatibility of the steels with lithium-lead [35,37,55,59]. (HT9) and modified 9Cr-lMo steels in flowing lithium-lead [41].
The principal factors which determine the corrosion in the
lithium-lead are the velocity, temperature, and time; the fol-
lowing expression has been derived [55] for the corrosion
rate based on published data in the range 400 to 550~ to virtually zero [61]. The application of a magnetic field of
[45-47,50]: 1.4 tesla increases the corrosion rate of the 1.4914 steel in
AW = 8 X 109 e 25"690/1"98Tv0"875 d - ~ (5.1) semi-stagnant lithium-lead at 420 to 475~ by about 30% and
also affects the corrosion product precipitation in the cold
where dxW is the metal loss (Ixm y-l), T is the temperature part of the circuit, the deposition being enhanced in the di-
(K), v is the velocity (m s 1), and d is the hydraulic diameter rection parallel to the magnetic field [62]. It has been sug-
(m). gested, however, that the high-velocity liquid metal corrosion
Most of the available data show that the lithium-lead cor- rates of the high-chromium martensitic steels will be reduced
rosion rates are linear with time up to about 10 000 h in the as a result of suppression of turbulent flow by a strong mag-
450 to 500~ temperature range [46,49,60]. However, in- netic field [56].
creases in the corrosion rates of the 12Cr-MoVNb (MANET) There are no published data on the effects of irradiation
steel have been observed after an initial period of 2500 to on the liquid metal corrosion of the high-chromium marten-
3000 h at 500 to 550~ [47,51], but the subsequent corrosion sitic steels. However, it has been postulated [56] that the
rates appear to be comparable to those reported for other corrosion will not be significantly affected by high-energy
steels if corrections are made for the flow velocity. neutron bombardment, since the behavior is normally de-
The liquid metal corrosion is not significantly dependent termined by elemental dissolution at the steel-liquid alloy
on the chromium content (9-12% Cr) of the martensitic interface; nevertheless, the activated corrosion products de-
steels, very similar rates having been measured for modified posited in the cooler parts of the circuit may give rise to
9Cr-lMo (T91) and 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) steels exposed in shielding problems. Furthermore, the effects of thermal-
flowing lithium and lithium-lead at 370 to 550~ [41] and for and irradiation-induced interracial segregation on the liquid
the T91, 12Cr-IMoVNb (1.4914) and HT9 steels in lithium- metal corrosion and intergranular attack of the steels need
lead at 450~ and a velocity of 0.1 m s 1 [48]. The data for the to be established.
modified 9Cr-lMo and HT9 steels in the lithium-lead are re- Liquid metal embrittlement (LME) of metals and alloys,
produced in Fig. 5.2 [41 ]. The initial heat treatments and sur- manifested as reductions in ductility when tested in tension
face condition are also reported to have little influence on the in contact with liquid metals at temperatures just above
corrosion rates [49,60]. their melting points, can occur in some systems. The
The weight losses and steady-state dissolution rates of the MANET steel, water quenched from 1075~ exhibits LME
high-chromium martensitic steels are considerably greater in when tensile tested in lithium-lead at 250 and 300~ but
the lithium-lead than in lithium [41,44,45]; the steady state the ductility reduction is minimal if the steel is tempered af-
dissolution rates may be expressed by Arrhenius plots (Fig. ter water quenching [63,64]. Similar behavior has been oh-
5.3) with activation energies of 68.2 and 92.5 kJ/mol in the served with HT9 [65] and a series of reduced-activation
lithium and lithium-lead, respectively [41]. martensitic steels [66,67]. Furthermore, MANET II steel
A 10 I~m thick insulating layer of alumina (A1203) produced plates, TIG welded using filler wire of the same composition
by hot dipping the MANET steel in molten aluminum at and post-weld heat treated at 750~ for 4 h, show no evi-
800~ and oxidizing at 950~ is highly stable in flowing (0.3 dence of LME in tensile tests carded out in lithium-lead
m s -1) Li17Pb83 at 450~ for times up to 10000 h, and it re- at 250 and 450~ [68]. It is conceivable that SCC of the
duces the corrosion rate of the bare steel from 0.013 m m y-1 steels could be induced in the liquid metal as a result

T E M P E R A T U R E (cO)

10 2 600 500 400

' I ' 1 ' I '
__ F E R R I T I G S T E E L 8

"* D I 8 8 O L U T I O N IN
101 __ ~ 10 I


: "
~) 10~ ~ v -- 10~ 0

10-I ~ 0-1
9 0 HT-9
9 A Mod 9Cr-lMo ~ -
0 Fe-ilCr-2.5 Mn-IW

lo-2 I I I I I l __ o-2
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.8 1.e 1.7

1000 / T (K -1)
FIG. 5.3mArrhenius plots of dissolution rate data for I-IT9 and modified 9Cr-IMo
and three experimental high-chromium martensitic steels exposed to flowing lithium
and lithium lead (ANL is Argonne National Laboratory, ORNL is Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, and WARD is Westinghouse Advanced Reactor Division) [41].

o f t h e r m a l s e n s i t i z a t i o n a n d R I S at t e m p e r a t u r e s u p to 600~ [69,70]; nevertheless, the influence of the mate-

above those at w h i c h LME occurs; however, the l i m i t e d ev- rial loss b y c o r r o s i o n on the p r o p e r t i e s w o u l d have to be
idence shows that the a p p l i c a t i o n of a c o n s t a n t l o a d has no t a k e n into c o n s i d e r a t i o n in the f o r m u l a t i o n of design rules.
significant effect on either the c o r r o s i o n rate o r susceptibil- The tensile p r o p e r t i e s of the 1.4914 a n d HT9 steels are h a r d l y
ity to SCC of the MANET steel d u r i n g e x p o s u r e to l i t h i u m - affected in short d u r a t i o n tests c o n d u c t e d in l i t h i u m - l e a d at
lead [64]. 250 to 450~ [40,71].
The fatigue lives of the 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) steel at 482~ It has b e e n c o n c l u d e d [56] that the m a t e r i a l losses for the
in flowing l i t h i u m c o n t a i n i n g -< 100 p p m n i t r o g e n a r e supe- 12Cr-MoVNb (MANET-type) steel in flowing Lit7Pb83 restrict
r i o r to those in air [40]; however, the e n d u r a n c e s are r e d u c e d the m a x i m u m o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e of a self-cooled liquid
by factors of 2 to 5 as a result of i n t e r g r a n u l a r a t t a c k with a m e t a l b l a n k e t to a b o u t 450~ while the t e m p e r a t u r e limit for
n i t r o g e n c o n c e n t r a t i o n of -> 1000 p p m in the lithium. The Type 316 austenitic steel is a b o u t 50~ lower. In general, the
c r e e p - r u p t u r e p r o p e r t i e s a n d the low-cycle fatigue e n d u r a n c e h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steels are m o r e r e s i s t a n t to cor-
of t h e MANET steel are n o t significantly affected w h e n the r o s i o n in b o t h l i t h i u m a n d l i t h i u m - l e a d t h a n the austenitic
tests are p e r f o r m e d in s t a g n a n t l i t h i u m - l e a d at t e m p e r a t u r e s steels.

SOLID CERAMIC BREEDING MATERIALS [4] A. M. Pritchard, C. F. Knights, G. P. Marsh, K. A. Peakall, R.

Perkins, B. L. Myatt and J. E. Antill, in: Ferritic Steels for Fast
There are relatively few published data o n the compatibilities Reactor Steam Generators, Eds. S. F. Pugh and E. A. Little
(British Nuclear Energy Society, London, 1978) 360.
of the h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steels with solid breeder
[5] A. W. Thodey, in: Liquid Metal Engineering and Technology 84
(British Nuclear Energy Society, London, 1984) 31.
External scale f o r m a t i o n a n d i n t e r n a l p e n e t r a t i o n occurs [6] H. U. Borgstedt and C. K. Matthews, Applied Chemistry of the
w h e n the 9Cr-1MoVNb a n d 12Cr-1MoVW steels are exposed Alkali Metals (Plenum Press, London, 1987).
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or 93 p p m water for times u p to 4000 h, the attack being m o r e (Soci6t6 Frangaise d'Energie Nucl6arie, Paris, 1988) 532.
extensive i n the h e l i u m c o n t a i n i n g 93 p p m water [72]. Mea- [8] L. M. Wyatt, in: Ferritic Steels for Fast Reactor Steam Genera-
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l i t h i u m - b a s e d oxide c e r a m i c s Li20, Li2SiO3, Li4SiO4, a n d ciety, London, 1978) 27.
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Li20 with the MANET-type steel is superior to that of the London, Book 728, 2000) 33.
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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Hydrogen Isotope Effects

It is well established that small amounts of internal hydrogen SOLUBILITY, DIFFUSION, AND
produce embrittlement and cracking of ferritic and high- PERMEATION
strength martensitic steels. Hydrogen has a large solubility in
molten steel, and copious quantities of the gas can be ab- The hydrogen inventory and effects on the steel properties
sorbed in the liquid during the steel-making process and re- are determined by the permeability (P), diffusivity (D), and
tained over and above the equilibrium solubility during sub- solubility (S), which are interrelated (P -- SD). The experi-
sequent solidification. The hydrogen exerts a high internal mentally determined solubilities, diffusivities, and perme-
pressure and, aided by transformation and thermal contrac- abilities of hydrogen in a high-chromium martensitic steel
tion stresses, produces defects in ingots and castings and hair- (MANET) in the range 250 to 600~ are as follows [11,12]:
line cracking in large forgings and heavy-section steel plates.
These deleterious effects have long been recognized, and it is Solubility (mol m -3 Pa-1/2):
now the practice to remove the hydrogen by vacuum melting (6.1)
S = 1.29 exp(-29620/RT)
and pouring, cooling very slowly, and/or holding of semi-fin-
ished or finished products for prolonged periods at high tem- Diffusivity (m 2 s 1):
peratures to allow the hydrogen to diffuse out of the steel. (6.2)
D = 7.17 • 10 -8 exp(-13490/RT)
However, embrittlement and cracking may also be produced
as a result of hydrogen pick-up during secondary fabrication Permeability (mol m -1 s -1 Pa -1/2):
(acid pickling, welding, cadmium and zinc plating operations, (6.3)
P = 2.92 • !0 -8 exp(-43100/RT)
cathodic protection procedures, etc.) and service [electrolytic
reactions, corrosion in acids and aqueous solutions, and ex- where T is in K and R is the molar gas constant ( 8.314 J tool- 1
posure to high-pressure hydrogen gas at ambient and elevated K-l).
temperatures and to sour (H2S-containing) gases and liquids]. Hydrogen (atomic) has low solubility in the high-chromium
The problems of hydrogen-induced embrittlement and fail- martensitic steel and diffuses much more rapidly than in
ures of low- and high-alloy ferritic and martensitic steels and austenitic steel at ambient and elevated temperatures (Fig.
the mechanisms involved have been extensively documented 6.1). Furthermore, the apparent diffusivity (Fig. 6.2) and per-
and reviewed [1-7]. meation of hydrogen in the 9 to 12% Cr steels appears to de-
Physical hydrogen embrittlement is manifested as a de- crease with increasing alloying element (chromium) content,
crease in ductility (elongation and reduction of area) and primarily due to an increase in the activation energy [13,14].
notched strength in tensile tests and delayed failure by frac- The diffusivities at temperatures below 250 or 300~ have a
ture under high static loading (termed static fatigue or hy- pronounced dependence on pressure and deviate from the
drogen-induced delayed cracking), the degree of embritfle-
Arrhenius-type behavior [that is, D = Do exp(-Em/RT)]
m e n t generally increasing with increasing strength of the
[ 11,12,15-18], due to trapping of the hydrogen at various lat-
steel [ 1]. The hydrogen introduced electrolytically and by ex-
tice sites where the misfit energy is reduced and there is strong
posure to the high-pressure gas is in the uncombined state,
binding. The behavior can be described by a trapping model
but recombination to form molecules may occur at sub-sur-
in which the effective diffusion coefficient is given by [19]:
face discontinuities, particularly sulfide particles, resulting
in the development of high pressures and surface blistering, Deft = D/[1 + Nt/NL exp(Eb/RT)] (6.4)
principally in the lower-strength steels.
Carbon and low-alloy steels are also susceptible to chemi- w h e r e NL is the density of normal lattice diffusion sites.
cal attack and embrittlement when exposed to high-pressure The data for the high-chromium martensitic steels can be
hydrogen at temperatures above about 200~ The hydrogen fitted with estimated trap densities (Nt) and average binding
reacts with the carbon in solution in the steels to form e n e r g i e s (Eb), respectively, of 1.5 x 1025 sites m 3 and 39.5
methane gas, which collects at the grain boundaries and kJmo1-1 for MANET II, 3.4 X 1025 sites m -3 and 38.4 kJmo1-1
leads to brittle intergranular (IG) cracking. However, ferritic for T91 and 6.3 • 1024 sites m -3 and 39.0 kJmol 1 for modi-
and martensitic steels containing >-6% Cr are not susceptible fied F82H [20,21]. These values are consistent with the data
to decarburization and methane formation at temperatures derived from electrochemical hydrogen p e r m e a t i o n mea-
below about 600~ irrespective of the hydrogen partial pres- surements on other steels of this type [22]. The traps may be
sure and, hence, are resistant to this form of hydrogen attack interfaces (martensite lath and prior austenite grain bound-
and embrittlement [8-10]. aries and particle/matrix interfaces) or dislocations [23]. The
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

Temperature (~ dislocation traps are considered to be weaker than interfacial

600 400 300 200 100 25 traps [6], and hydrogen may be channeled from dislocations
I I I I I I to lath and grain boundaries during plastic deformation [24],
thereby becoming enriched at these interfaces.
The data on the high-chromium martensitic steels may
10-8 - ~ 4
also be described by a model of saturable trapping of the hy-
drogen at vacancies with Nt/NL and Eb values of ~ 2 • 10 -6
and 65 kJmol -I, respectively (MANET II) [17], and 7 • 10 -8
and ~60 kJmol -1, respectively (F82H steel) [18]. These data
MANET yield a virtually constant value of the hydrogen solubility at
temperatures below 300~ of ~-10 -3 m o l m -3 Pa -~/2, that is
~0.08 wppm at 1 bar [14].
' There are only limited data on the effects of irradiation on
.=_ the permeation and diffusivity of hydrogen in the high-
chromium martensitic steels. Pre-irradiation with 12.3 MeV
10-12 protons to a displacement dose of 1.5 • 10 3 dpa at -<80~
has no significant effect on the permeability of hydrogen in
the MANET II steel at temperatures in the range 150 to 400~
[ 17]. The pre-irradiation reduces the diffusivity slightly (Fig.
6.2), corresponding to an increase in the trap concentration
10-14 I I by a factor of about two and with no significant change in the
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 binding energy. However, the permeability is enhanced under
1000/T (K) simultaneous proton irradiation at temperatures below about
300~ possibly due to dissociation/ionization of the gas [ 17].
FIG. 6.1--Arrhenius plots of the diffusivities of hy-
drogen in martensitic (1.4914) and austenitic (316L)
steels [11,12,15].
The 9-12% Cr martensitic steels are only briefly considered
in the earlier reviews of hydrogen embrittlement. However,
T[~ while the information now available on hydrogen effects in
10 - a 400 300 200 150 the 12Cr (Type 410, HT9, and MANET), 9Cr-iMo, and re-
9.. I I duced activation steels is still relatively limited, it suffices to
show that these high-chromium steels, in common with a-
iron and plain carbon, low- and other high-alloy steels, are
1.491 .
prone to hydrogen-induced changes in mechanical proper-
ties and fracture behavior [5,25-27]. Thus, atomic hydrogen,
introduced internally by cathodic charging or exposure to the
high-pressure gas, results in physical embrittlement, the
principal characteristics and observations being as follows
1. The magnitudes of the reduction in tensile ductility,
true fracture stress, and notched strength increase with in-
creasing current density, hydrogen partial pressure and con-
centration and decrease with increasing deformation rate;
the effects are reversible and are normally restricted to tem-
peratures below 200~ The strength reductions are particu-
larly important as they can lead to failure at low operating
10-1o ', stresses; decreases in ductility are of lesser concern, but they
signify a reduction in fracture toughness and a lower resis-
. . . . . . . . t tance to fatigue and fatigue crack growth.
2. HT9 steel--Cathodic charging to a concentration of
1.5 2.0 2.5 about 6 wppm (1 wppm = 55 appm -- 11.1 -1) hydro-
10S/TFKI gen reduces the ambient temperature tensile ductility (re-
duction of area) of this steel (containing 0.016 to 0.018% P
FIG. 6.2--Temperature dependence of the apparent
diffusion coefficients for hydrogen in pure iron (Fe), and 0.003 to 0.007% S and initially austenitized at 1050~ for
iron with <0.07 C, N, O, Fe-10% Cr alloy, F82H (8% Cr), 0.5 h, air cooled, and tempered at 750~ for 1 h) from about
JFMS (9.6% Cr), 1.4914 (10.5% Cr), MANET I (10.6% 60 to 15% (Fig. 6.3) [28-30]; the effects are associated with a
Cr), and MANET II (10% Cr) steels [14]. Filled circles: change in the failure mode from ductile microvoid coales-
MANET II steel pre-irradiated with 12.3 MeV protons at cence (MVC) with some secondary cracking along the prior
-<80~ to 1.5 • 10 -a dpa. austenite grain boundaries to one with a high (228%) corn-
C H A P T E R 6: H Y D R O G E N I S O T O P E E F F E C T S 65

75 bide structures, simulating those of the HAZs of weldments,

results in severe embrittlement (reduction of area values
0,. 0 <-5%) of the steel (containing 0.025% P and 0.012% S) after
LO ~ O / ~, ,.O cathodic charging of 2 to 3 w p p m hydrogen [35]. However,

50- \./V" tempering of the martensite for 1 h at 750~ considerably im-
proves the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, the
quenched and tempered fully martensitic steel showing the
Z m a x i m u m susceptibility with the reduction of area values de-
O HT-9
p- creasing from about 68 to 42% after the hydrogen charging.
This ductility reduction is associated with a partial change in
a 25- failure mode from ductile MVC to a ductile QC type fracture
LO CHARGED produced by the linking up of cracks across individual
et" A martensite laths after lath splitting and possessing a "chisel-
tip" appearance. IG fracture was not evident in any of the mi-
crostructural conditions examined in this study.
A. . . . . . z3. . . . . . A ...... L~ -'A "'A -,L~'" A
There is a strong synergistic effect of hydrogen charging
O I I I I / I'
150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 and temper embrittlement (induced by prior aging for 5000 h
TEMPERING TEMPERATURE. ~ at 500 or 550~ which results in major losses in ductility (re-
duction of area values as low as ~2%) (Fig. 6.4) [36] and is as-
FIG. 6.3--Tensile ductility (reduction of area) of HT9 steel sociated with the formation of progressively increasing
austenitized at 1050~ for 0.5 h, air cooled and heated (tem- amounts of brittle IG and transgranular cleavage (TG) frac-
pered) at temperatures of 200 to 750~ before and after ca-
tures of the steel (Fig. 6.5) [36]. The dominant factor control-
thodic charging of ~ 6 wppm hydrogen [29].
ling this embrittlement is the interaction of the hydrogen with
precipitates of the brittle intermetallic Laves phase (Fe2Mo
ponent of IG fracture [21-23]. Similar reductions in ductility type) formed at the martensite lath and prior austenite grain
and a change in the type of fracture from MVC to mixed IG boundaries during aging and containing phosphorus in solu-
and quasi-cleavage (QC) are produced following exposure to tion [36,39,40]. Tests on model 9Cr-Mo alloys with variations
an external pressure (---I0 MPa) of the gas to induce concen- in silicon and phosphorus contents show that silicon en-
trations of 5 to 10 w p p m hydrogen [31] and when the ca- hances the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement by pro-
thodic hydrogen charging and tensile testing are carried out moting interracial phosphorus segregation in the unaged
simultaneously [32,33]. (non-temper embrittled) material and Laves phase formation
The ductilities of the hydrogen-charged steel are improved in the aged (temper embrittled) steel, the silicon effect being
by cold swaging and re-tempering after the initial quenching enhanced by phosphorus segregation in each case [40].
and tempering treatment [30], but tempering of the steel at 200 The threshold stress for fatigue crack growth of 9Cr-lMo
to 700~ after austenitization at 1050~ results in substantially steel at ambient temperature is halved by loading to 3 w p p m
greater hydrogen embrittlement thai1 in the 750~ tempered hydrogen [41]; however, the threshold stress at 100~ is un-
condition, the tensile ductility (reduction of area) being re- affected by the introduction of 4 wppm hydrogen.
duced to values as low as ~2% (Fig. 6.3) [29]. The hydrogen 4. MANET and reduced-activation steels--The critical hy-
embrittlement in the steel tempered at ---550~ is associated drogen concentrations required to induce cracking in the
with an increased tendency to IG fracture. This is attributed to steel matrix, with and without the application of an external
the presence of a continuous network of grain boundary M23C6 biaxial stress, have been determined using the disc pressure
and MC carbides, formed as a result of the transformation of test (DPT) [42] and an electrochemical method (CCR) [43],
retained austenite during tempering, and significant interfa- respectively. The results for various high-chromium marten-
cial segregation of phosphorus [29,30] and sulfur [32]. How- sitic steels, presented in Table 6.1 [ 15,20,44,45], demonstrate
ever, there is no additional influence of temper embrittlement that the critical hydrogen concentrations for cracking are re-
in the hydrogen-charged steel. Thus, aging of the air-cooled duced by the applied biaxial stress in the DPT test and with
and 750~ steel for 1000 h at 550~ has little or no increasing prior austenite grain size.
effect on the tensile ductility after hydrogen charging, but it re- Reductions in the tensile ductility (total elongation and
duces the amount of IG fracture from ~-28 to 8% and encour- reduction of area) of notched specimens of the MANET II
ages fracture along the martensite lath boundaries [28]. and F82H steels are also observed in slow strain-rate tests at
The hydrogen embrittlement of this steel is also manifested ambient temperature after electrolytic charging to ---5 w p p m
as an increase in the a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e fatigue crack (MANET) and -<3 w p p m (F82H), the embrittlement being ev-
growth rate and a decrease in the threshold stress [34]. ident at hydrogen concentrations as low as 1 to 2 w p p m [38];
3. 9Cr-lMo steel--The extent of the hydrogen embrittle- however, the yield and ultimate tensile stresses are not sig-
ment, again evidenced as reductions in tensile ductility at nificantly affected. The decreases in the reduction of area val-
ambient temperature after cathodic charging, is dependent ues are greater in these tests with the triaxial stress system at
on the initial heat treatment and microstructure of the steel the base of the notch than in the corresponding biaxial DPT
[35] and increases with increasing hydrogen concentration tests [45] referred to above. Globular alumina inclusions are
[36]. Thus, heating to 1350, 1100, or 850~ followed by rapid the observed nucleation sites for the hydrogen-induced brit-
cooling to produce respectively duplex martensite plus 8-fer- tle type (IG) fractures in the F82H steel in both the biaxial
rite, fully martensitic, and martensite plus 8-ferrite plus car- and triaxial tests.

,oi s+

As tempered I x )

lO00h ot 5000C I o I

1000h at 550~ ( 9 I
5000h ot 500~C 1i1
5000h ot 550~ ( 9 )
0 1.0 2-0 3-0 /. 0 5-0 60 7=0
Hydrogen content at foilurl I wt. pp.m. I

FIG. 6.4--Effects of hydrogen charging and aging at 500 and 550~ on the tensile
ductility (reduction of area) of 9Cr-lMo steel initially austenitized at 1100~ for 1 h,
air cooled and tempered at 750~ for I h [36].

I=) Ikl



(=) v

~f CH
, JJ,~
0 I000 1ooo0. o woo 1OOOO
Timeihl ot 500"C Time | h i at 550"1;
FIG. 6.5--Influence of electrolytic hydrogen charging (2.9 to 6.2 wppm) and aging at
500 and 550~ on the fracture mode of 9Cr-lMo steel initially austenitized at 1100~ for 1
h, air cooled and tempered at 750~ for I h [36]; full vertical scale represents 100% of the
fracture surface. (a) and (b): no hydrogen; (c) and (d): hydrogen charged. MVC: microvoid
coalescence, CH: chisel fracture, IG: intergranular fracture, TG: transgranular fracture.

TABLE 6.1--Critical hydrogen concentrations for cracking 600 l 9 I 9 9 I - 9 I 9 - 9

[i 5,20,44,45].
Critical (Threshold) 9 9 without l l
500- 9 i
HydrogenConcentrations % C) with H /
Prior Austenite for Cracking,wpprn % /
Steel Grain Size, (/xrn) CCRTest DPT Test 400 % 9 ,I
MANET II (A) 70-100 3-4 2-3 % s
MANET II (B) 15-20 14-15 8-9 300
Grade 91 (T91) 12-18 14-15 11-12
Mod. F82H 55 5-6 3-4 O 9
200 9

Hydrogenation to -<0.5 wppm has no detectable influence I00-

on the tensile and sub-size Charpy V-notch impact properties
of the F82H steel [46], but small concentrations of hydrogen 0 " i , * I * , I * l l ,

introduced cathodically are reported to decrease the room 0 02 04 0.6 08 1

temperature tensile fracture strains from 19 to 5% and pro- (a) P m / (Pro + Pi)
mote intergranular failure of a 9Cr-2W reduced-activation
steel [47].
The crack initiation and propagation resistance are depen- 400 t~- I 9 9 9 9 . I . . I ..

dent on the hydrogen content of the steel and the crack angle without H
relative to the loading direction as well as on the test temper-
ature [48,49]. Thus, mixed-mode I/III (tensile/shear) loading
reduces the mixed-mode J-integral fracture toughness (JTo -
\..q,.. O with H /

the energy for crack initfation)* and tearing modulus (dJT/da

200 /
which reflects the resistance to stable crack growth) relative
to the mode I (tensile) values 01o and dJJda) for both un-
charged and hydrogen-charged (4 wppm) F82H steel in tests
_ 9 ../"
at ambient temperature, as shown in Figs. 6.6(a) and (b). Hy- t-100-
drogen decreases the overall fracture toughness and resis- O O
tance to crack growth; however, the minimum values of JTo
9 I I ' * * l t J ' ' l
and dJT/da occur between Piii/(Piii + Pi) = 0.4 and 0.6, corre- 0 ~ " " I I I !

sponding to crack angles of 35 and 55 ~ for both the hydro- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
genated and hydrogen-free steel. The minimum mixed-mode (b)
JTo is about half that of J1Q for the uncharged steel and ap-
proximately 35% of JIQ after hydrogen charging. FIG. 6.6--The dependence of the fracture toughness JTQ (a)
SEM examinations showed a microvoid coalescence type of and tearing modulus dJT/da (b) on the mode III load component
fracture (MVC) in all the samples, with no evidence of inter- for uncharged and hydrogen-charged F82H steel [49].
granular or cleavage failures. The reduction in JTo with in-
creasing mode III (shear) component (Piii) with no hydrogen 5. Mechanisms--It has been concluded from discussions of
present is associated with an increased density of small voids the mechanisms responsible for the hydrogen embrittlement
nucleated on non-metallic particles by shear and, hence, a re- in the high-chromium martensitic steels [35,36,39] that hy-
duced void spacing. However, the fracture surfaces of the hy- drogen is transported to microstructural features and regions
drogen-charged Specimens are more planar and less tortuous of triaxiality during tensile testing by lattice diffusion and mo-
as a result of enhanced void formation, growth, and coales- bile dislocation sweeping and is eventually trapped at inter-
cence, thereby further degrading the toughness. faces and dislocations [6]. The embrittlement then results
The authors concluded [48,49] that mixed-mode loading is from either one or a combination of the following processes:
the most severe stress condition for tough steels such as a. Interaction of the hydrogen with dislocations such that
F82H, both with and without hydrogen, and that the mini- plastic flow is localized on specific slip planes, with cross
m u m J-integral values are the most conservative for use in slip possibly being inhibited, and leading to shear modes
the design of complex engineering structures. of failure.
Reductions in the fatigue endurance of the MANET steel
b. Lowering of the cohesive strength of the interfaces on
are produced in load-controlled, low-cycle fatigue tests at
which the hydrogen has accumulated, thereby promoting
room temperature in hydrogen at a pressure of 1.5 bar (Fig.
brittle modes of fracture.
6.7) [50,51]. The deleterious effect of the external hydrogen
increases at low frequencies, and the introduction of hold The hydrogen-induced flow localization and decohesion
times during the fatigue cycles results in further reductions are considered to be responsible for the observed changes in
in the endurance; the associated metallographic evidence failure modes and embrittlement of the HT9 and 9Cr-iMo
confirms that the hydrogen influences both crack initiation steels as follows:
and propagation. Ductile MVC Decohesion of the martensite lath precipi-
tate/matrix interfaces facilitating void nu-
* The subscript Q denotes that the tests do not satisfy plane strain cleation and coalescence across the laths,
conditions. aided by flow localization.

,~, 900 ' ' '''"'1 ' ' '''"'1 ' ' '''"'1 ' ' '''"
o ~ Q VACUUM0.5 Hz
800 A AIR 0.5 Hz
cg 9 HYDROG. 0.5 Hz
--- 700 ~ 9 HYOROG. 0.25 Hz

m 600

"-i 500

co 400 " \ ; ' \ "

300 , , ,,,,,,I , , ,,,,,,I , i ,,,,,,I i ......
102 103 104 10 s 108


FIG. 6.7--Fatigue endurance of 1.4914 (MANET) steel at ambient temperature in

load-controlled tests in vacuum, air, and hydrogen at a pressure of 1.5 bar [50,51].

Ductile QC Decohesion of martensite lath boundaries concentration (see Table 6.1) is exceeded [18]. These obser-
and subsequent shear failure of lath liga- vations are in general agreement with those on MANET I
ments as a result of flow localization. steel [53], in which implantation with ---500 appm hydrogen
Brittle IG Reduction of the fracture strength of the and 0.3 dpa by proton irradiation at 80~ increases the ten-
Laves Fe2Mo phase and hence the grain sile strengths at ambient temperature but has little or no ef-
boundary cohesive strength plus crack nu- fect in tests above 100~ again due to rapid loss of the hy-
cleation at intergranular carbides due to drogen from the small section specimens employed.
flow localization, aided by segregation of
phosphorus and/or sulfur.
Brittle TG Lowering of the cohesion of lath bound- HYDROGEN ISOTOPE EFFECTS IN FUSION
aries on which Laves phase has precipitated REACTOR SYSTEMS
and phosphorus has segregated to such an
extent that fully brittle inter- and trans-lath The main sources of hydrogen and hydrogen isotopes in D-T
cleavage fractures are produced. and breeder structural component materials are [14,18,
6. Effects of irradiation--There is considerable uncertainty
regarding the combined influences of hydrogen and irradia- a. Neutral and charged tritium and deuterium atoms with en-
tion on the embrittlement of the 9-12% Cr steels. The results ergies ranging from about 0.2 eV to ~ 10 keV injected into
of initial studies suggest that the critical concentration of hy- the plasma facing components.
drogen for embrittlement may either be marginally reduced b. Hydrogen formed by (n,p) transmutation reactions in iso-
or increased after low-dose irradiation [47,52]. The effect of topes of the base material and alloying elements.
12.5 MeV proton irradiation at -<70~ to 14 dpa per im- c. Tritium generated in the breeding blanket.
planted hydrogen atom on the tensile properties of the re- d. Hydrogen produced by corrosion at the steel-water
duced-activation F82H steel at 30, 200, and 350~ and strain coolant interfaces, radiolysis of the water coolant, and hy-
rates of 7 • 10 -5 to 9 x 10 -4 s -1 have recently been investi- drogen added to the water to inhibit radiolytic decomposi-
gated [14]. The yield and ultimate tensile strengths are in- tion.
creased in the ambient temperature tests and reduced e. Hydrogen added to helium coolant to prevent oxidation
slightly at 200~ for homogeneously implanted hydrogen and aqueous corrosion.
concentrations of -<7 wppm; the uniform and total elonga- The problem of tritium permeation and control in water-
tions are marginally decreased at both test temperatures. and helium-cooled solid breeder and self- or water-cooled liq-
However, there is little or no effect of the implantation in the uid metal (Li17Pb83) blankets for a DEMO fusion reactor has
350~ tests, probably due to the complete release of the hy- been discussed with respect to ensuring safe operation, min-
drogen at this temperature. The tensile strengths and ductil- imizing the cost of coolant detritiation, and reducing the
ities show large variability in the tests at ambient tempera- overall tritium inventory in the system [55,56]. It is evident
ture and 200~ with hydrogen levels - i 0 wppm, possibly as that surface barrier layers, which can be applied to the first
a result of microcrack formation when a critical hydrogen wall, coolant tubes, and/or breeder structural components,

have to be developed to restrict the permeation and thereby The stationary hydrogen concentration produced by (n,p)
retain the tritium in locations where it can be easily ex- transmutation reactions [source b above] in a 9 to 12% Cr fer-
tracted. ritic/martensitic steel fusion reactor blanket structure rela-
A thin alumina (A1203) coating reduces the hydrogen iso- tive to the critical value required for embrittlement of the
tope permeability through steel [57], the reduction being as unirradiated steel has also been assessed f18]. The assump-
much as four orders of magnitude at temperatures in the tions made in this analysis are: a neutron wall loading of 2
range 250 to 600~ and a pressure of 1 bar for the MANET MW m 2, a blanket structure thickness of ~0.5 m, and a hy-
steel [11,12, 58,59]. The results of initial investigations also drogen generation rate of 6 • 10 -7 wppm s -1. The results of
demonstrate that an effective coating can be produced by a the computations indicate that the critical hydrogen concen-
commercial pack aluminizing process in which the high- tration for embrittlement (a value of ~ 10 wppm, based on the
chromium steel is exposed to A1CI3vapor at elevated temper- results of tensile and disc pressure tests on fine-grained steel,
atures [ 11,12]. Iron aluminides are produced on the surfaces, was adopted in this instance [18]) is not achieved if the tem-
and an adherent layer of the A1203 is formed by subsequent perature of the structure is maintained at ->215~ allowance
exposure to oxygen at a high temperature. The coating is re- is made in this case for the reduction in neutron flux through
sistant to thermal cycling and is self-healing in an oxidizing the blanket, and only one of the blanket surfaces is assumed
atmosphere in the event of the surface being damaged by to be fully permeable to the hydrogen. Furthermore, the ef-
abrasion. fusion time for the hydrogen concentration to decrease to
Other chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods and addi- one tenth of its original value during reactor shutdown is es-
tional developmental approaches, such as hot isostatic press- timated to be 1-2 years at 300~ [18].
ing (HIP), hot-dip aluminizing, and vacuum plasma spraying Additional computations of this type need to be carried out
(VPS), are being pursued as part of the European Fusion Pro- for realistic blanket structure designs and allowance made
gram to produce and qualify alumina coatings for the MANET for the possibility of irradiation-induced point defects and/or
and reduced-activation F82H steels [60]. A characteristic fea- helium gas bubbles acting as traps for the hydrogen, thereby
ture of the coatings produced by some of these techniques, reducing the diffusivity and permeability. The use of barriers
particularly hot-dip aluminizing in which the steel samples to reduce the tritium permeation through the structure fur-
are immersed for 10 to 30 s in an aluminum melt at 700~ un- ther complicates the issues and needs to be taken into ac-
der a protective inert cover gas, is the formation of a layer of count in more detailed assessments. In addition, the radioly-
AI5Fe2 intermetallic phase between the aluminum coating and sis of the coolant water and the production of H2, 02, and
the steel substrate [60,61]. This brittle phase is transformed H202 radicals may not be so effectively suppressed by an
completely to a dense, ductile layer of A1Fe and/or ~-Fe(A1) overpressure of hydrogen in a fusion reactor as in a pressur-
solid solution phase free of porosity and cracks by heat treat- ized water fission reactor (PWR). The decomposition of the
ment at 1075~ for 0.5 h after dipping [61]. water is enhanced as a consequence of the high-energy (14
The tritium permeation barrier developmental approaches MeV) neutron dose rate and the recombination is less favor-
mentioned above are applicable for the helium-cooled, solid able with the low ~/ flux in the fusion system. Finally, the
breeder outside tube (BOT) and self- and water-cooled cross sections for some O (n,p) transmutation reactions are
lithium-lead (Li17Pb83) concepts but may not be appropriate relatively small for neutrons with energies between 1 and 5
for the helium-cooled solid breeder inside tube (BIT) blanket MeV but are significantly higher for 14 MeV neutrons; such
design (see Chapter 2), and other methods may have to be de- reactions may therefore provide an additional source of hy-
veloped [62]. drogen in the water coolant under fusion conditions.
The equilibrium concentration of hydrogen isotopes pro- Computer codes (TIRP and TIRP2D) have recently been
duced in a high-chromium martensitic steel first wall in a D- developed to assess and quantify all aspects of the behavior
T tokamak fusion reactor from the potential sources listed of the hydrogen isotopes in the high-chromium martensitic
above [a, c, d, and el have been estimated and compared with steels being considered for first wall and breeder blanket
the threshold levels judged to be required for blistering (2.5 structural applications in fusion power reactors [20].
wppm), ernbrittlement (1.5 wppm) and slow crack growth (2
wppm) in these types of steels [54]. This analysis assumes a
water- or helium-cooled, 10 m m thick first wall operating at REFERENCES
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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001


The use of a high-chromium martensitic steel for first wall 750~ [ 12,14-17]. The electron beam welds exhibited a fine
and blanket structural component applications in a fusion re- microstructure and comparable or only marginally inferior
actor will require joining by welding or brazing. It is also en- mechanical properties to those of the wrought steel.
visaged that the construction and heat treatment of such Autogenous bead-on-plate welds have been made without
large and complex structures cannot be carried out entirely preheat on 6.4 mm thick plates of HT9 steel [13] and 4-6 mm
in the fabrication shop and that some field erection will be thick plates of the quenched-and-tempered 9Cr-lMo, 1.4914,
necessary. MANET I, and MANET II steels [18,19] using 5 or 6 kW CO2
lasers and the welding parameters optimized. Characteriza-
tion of the MANET steel welds by radiography and metallog-
raphy and hardness, tensile, and notched-impact testing
[18,20] showed that the welds were free from defects; the
hardness of the MANET II steel welds were comparable,
Welding Processes
while the tensile strengths at room temperature and 400~
The high-chromium martensitic steels are generally regarded were lower and the toughness superior to those of the base
as being more difficult to weld than, for example, austenitic steel after tempering at 760~ for 1 h. In addition, 4 and 6
steels, because it is often necessary to pre-heat before weld- mm thick plates of the MANET steel have been welded using
ing to avoid cracking, and it is essential to carry out a post- a pulsed 1.2 kW YAG laser [21]; the FZs and HAZs were
weld heat treat treatment (PWHT) to temper the brittle slightly wider than those produced by the CO2 laser welding,
martensitic structures formed in the fusion zone (FZ) and but the hardness, tensile and impact properties of the re-
heat affected zones (HAZ). However, experience has shown spective FZs were similar.
that the standard steels can be satisfactorily joined by several Weldments have also been made by the SMA, SAW, and
arc-welding processes using filler wire or in the autogenous GTA processes in thin and thick sections of the advanced,
mode and by manual and automatic techniques [1-10]. The highly alloyed Japanese 9 and 11% Cr steels containing 1.8 to
more conventional processes include shielded metal arc 2.0% W (NF616, HCM12A and TB12M) and the results of
welding (SMAW), gas (helium or argon) tungsten arc welding weldability tests reported [22]. However, only limited studies
(GTAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), submerged arc have been conducted on the weldability of the reduced-acti-
welding (SAW), and electroslag welding (ESW), the custom vation martensitic steels. Sound, autogenous bead-on-plate
being to use electrodes of the same or similar compositions welds have been made in 21/4t o 12Cr-2W-0.25V steels by the
to those of the base steels. The GMAW process is particularly GTA process [23]. The as-welded steels containing ---5% Cr
applicable for narrow gap welding of thick (->300 mm) sec- showed no cracking, while the 9% Cr (fully martensitic) and
tion components, while SAW and ESW are favored for auto- 12% Cr (martensite plus 12 to 17% ~-ferrite) steels developed
mated welds with high deposition rates using single, double, cracks on subsequent three-point bend testing, but none of
or multiple passes. the 9 and 12% Cr steel welds cracked after PWHT to restore
Advanced, low-heat input and high-speed processes such the toughness. In addition, mechanical property tests have
as electron beam [11,12] and laser [13] welding are also be- been carried out on GTA welds of the F82H steel made using
ing developed and/or utilized on an increasing scale for join- seven filler wires differing in C, Ta, and B contents [24]. It
ing the 9 to 12% chromium steels. The heating and cooling was concluded from the results of tensile and Charpy V-notch
rates and the temperature gradients achieved in these pro- impact tests that the optimum filler metal contained 0.08% C,
cesses are much higher compared to arc welding, so that nar- 0.02% Ta, and with B as low as possible; welds made with
rower weld zones are produced and thermal damage to the such a filler wire had equivalent strengths and toughness to
material adjacent to the welds is therefore minimized. the base steel containing 0.10% C, 0.04% Ta, and 0.0034% B.
Plates of the quenched-and-tempered (Q & T) MANET I
steel, 8, 15, and 20 m m thick, have been electron beam Microstructural Characteristics
welded without filler wire, and nondestructive and metallo-
graphic (transmission and extraction replica electron mi- The microstructures of the FZ and HAZ in weldments of all
croscopy) examinations and mechanical property (tensile, metallic alloys are usually complex, but they are further com-
creep, fatigue, notched impact, and fracture toughness) tests plicated in air-hardenable steels of the type considered here
were carried out on the weldments after tempering for 2 h at due to the phase transformations that occur during the heat-
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM Intemational

ing and cooling cycles of the fusion welding process [25]. The
various zones in a high-chromium martensitic steel fusion-
welded joint are shown schematically in Fig. 7.1; the mi-
crostructures of these respective zones in "as-welded"
0.1-0.2% C steels can be interpreted on the basis of the tem-
peratures (defined in Fig. 7.1) achieved during welding and
consideration of the phase fields in the equilibrium diagram
for high-chromium alloys with low and high net Cr-equiva-
1200 ,-//
lents (Fig. 7.2) [7] as follows:
FZ (T>Tm)--The first phase to form during solidification of
the molten weld is g-ferrite; the ferrite-to-austenite transfor-
mation occurs on further cooling, and the austenite trans-
forms to martensite on cooling below the Ms temperature. I I LowCr
Some g-ferrite is usually retained in the FZ at ambient tem- ~ 1000 ~-~ equlvalent - 1 \~Te~ ~
perature, even when there is no ferrite present in the base and
filler wire materials, as complete transformation to austenite
does not occur during cooling at the fast rates typical of the
welding process [26,27]. Since the ~-ferrite can have detri-
mental effects on the mechanical properties, particularly
strength and fracture toughness, of the high-chromium 800 ~" ~ =arbide Carbide
martensitic steels [28] and welds, the content should be con-
trolled at <-3% by balancing the concentrations of the austen- /| / i|
ite- and ferrite-forming elements in the base steels and filler ! I
wires. As noted previously, the formation of 8-ferrite can be
inhibited in the high-chromium steels by maintaining the Cr-
equivalent, calculated using Eq 3.15 in Chapter 3, below ap- 6o0 I i I
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
proximately 9% [29]; however, experimental data suggest the
Carbon (%)
net Cr-equivalent concentration calculated using Eqs 3.13
and 3.14 in Chapter 3 has to be reduced to -<7.3 to avoid the FIG. 7 . 2 - - P h a s e diagram for high-chromium steels illustrat-
presence of ~-ferrite in the FZ of autogenous TIG welds of the ing the effect of net Cr-equivalent and the relationship with the
MANET-type steel made with a heat input of 1.1 MJ m - 1 [9]. H A Z regions observed in fusion welds of 0.1% C low Cr-equiv-
alent and 0.15% C high Cr-equivalent martensitic steels [7].
HAZ--Region I (T,,>T>Tv~)--This region (see Fig. 7.1) con-

~ ~ <.- H.A.Z.--)- sists of martensite and g-ferrite. The ferrite is formed along
/l lll the prior austenite grain boundaries as the region is heated
Fus,on Steel
into the two-phase (`/+8) field during welding; some of the 8-
ferrite is again retained at ambient temperature in a band
Zone////// Base
typically 0.3 to 0.5 m m wide adjacent to the fusion line as a
/ , " / ,, I I
result of the rapid cooling after welding [27]. The 8-ferrite
content and width of this region increase with increasing
weld heat input and cooling rate; low heat input welding pro-
Fusion Zone (FZ): T > Trn cesses such as narrow gap, electron beam, and laser are con-
sequently advantageous in minimizing the extent of the fer-
Heat - Affected - Zone (HAZ)/as-welded/:
rite formation in this part of the HAZ.
Region 1 Tm>T>T~ 7+ 5 --* Martensite + 8
Region 2 T~ > T > Ac3 Coarse grained y --, Martensite HAZ--Region 2 (T~a >T>Ac3)--The microstructure is fully
Region 3 T~ > T > Ac,3 Fine grained 7 ~ Martensite
martensitic. This region is heated into the higher tempera-
Region 4 Ac3 > T > Acl 3'-~ Martensite + Overtempered Martensite ture part of the ,/-phase field during welding, and the original
Region 5 Acl > T > "IT Overtempered Martensite carbide particles are dissolved, resulting in coarse prior
austenite grain and martensite lath structures.
where T = temperature achieved during welding HAZ--Region 3 (T.~>T> Ac3)--The structure of this region,
Tm = melting point of steel which is heated into the lower temperature part of the ,/-
T.~ = temperature at which 3,--> ,Stransformation is complete phase field, is again martensitic, but it is finer grained than
on heating Region 2, as some of the original carbides are not dissolved
TT = original tempering temperature of steel and inhibit grain growth.
Acl = temperature at which (x ~ 7 transformation starts HAZ--Region 4 (Ac3>T>Acl)--The structure consists of un-
on heating
tempered and overtempered martensite. Incomplete trans-
Ac3 = temperature at which a ~ 7transformation is
complete on heating formation to austenite and additional tempering of the origi-
nal tempered martensite structure of the base steel occur
FIG. 7 . 1 - - S c h e m a t i c diagram of the heat-affected zone re- during heating in this intercritical zone, with the austenite
gions in a fusion weld of high-chromium martensitic steel. again transforming to martensite on cooling.

4OO pered martensite matrix is responsible for the reduction of

hardness in Region 1. Since the hardness of the martensite
increases with increasing carbon content, the dissolution of
the carbide particles in the austenite in Region 2 has resulted
350-- in the formation of high carbon martensite with maximum
hardness. The carbon content of the martensite in Region 3
is reduced relative to Region 2 due to the incomplete dissolu-
tion of the carbides at the lower austenitizing temperature
300-- STANDARD 9 Cr-1 Mo and hence the hardness is lower. The hardness reduction in
9 AS-WELDED Regions 4 and 5 result from overtempering of the original mi-
UJ o PWHT: 732~ FOR 1 h crostructure at temperatures between Ac3 and Acl and below
r Acl, respectively. The hardness of the FZ and HAZ are re-
250-- duced after PWHT at 732~ for 1 h and, as shown in Fig. 7.5
for a 9Cr-IMoVNb steel weld [3], the hardness of the weld

I 8
and HAZ approach that of the base steel after PWHT for
times up to 80 h at 732~ The low hardness of the HAZ ad-
jacent to the base steel, clearly evident in Figs. 7.3, 7.4, and
/ Oo~ 7.5, is characteristic of all Cr-Mo steels, and it has a signifi-
HAZ ~ BASE cant effect on the mechanical properties of the weldment, as
discussed below.
A typical microstructure of a 9Cr-IMoVNb steel weld is il-
FIG. 7 . 3 ~ M i c r o h a r d n e s s traverse across a GTA weld before lustrated in Fig. 7.6 [3]. Four regions are delineated--the
and after PWHT at 732~ for 1 h; standard 9 C r - l M o steel base weld metal (W) corresponds to the fusion zone (FZ) of Fig.
and filler wire [30]. 7.1, the transformed zone (TZ) corresponds to Regions 1, 2,
3, and 4, the tempered zone (TMPZ) corresponds to Region 5,
and the base metal (BM) is the steel base which was unaf-
HAZ--Region 5 (Acl >T>Tr)--The original tempered marten- fected during the welding process. Thin foil transmission and
site in this narrow zone is further tempered during welding, extraction replica electron microscopy of a welded and
but the microstructure is otherwise similar to that of the base PWHT 12Cr-IMoV steel [8] has shown larger sub-grains,
steel. lower dislocation densities, and larger and more spherical
The micro-hardness profiles across GTA welds in modified undissolved carbide particles in the intercritical Region 4
9Cr-lMo [30] and HT9 [25] steels are reproduced in Figs. 7.3 than in the base steel, indicating lower strength of the for-
and 7.4, respectively. The data in Fig. 7.4 show that the vari- mer. The carbide structure in the coarse-grained transformed
ous regions of the HAZ can be differentiated by their hard- Region 2 was similar to that in the original base steel, the car-
ness. The presence of the softer 8-ferrite phase in the untem- bides having been dissolved during welding and reprecipi-




,-[ vQ | z
i " --3W

|174 "o
-:ira .I-


1 I
I !
Distance from fusion line (ram)
1 I

FIG. 7 . 4 ~ M i c r o h a r d n e s s traverse across a GTA weld in HT9 steel [25]; the numbers 1-5
correspond to the HAZ regions in Fig. 7.1.

320 I I I I I I I I I I^ I I I I I !

280 m


220, u

O: ~80 n

:E PC - 8t
O--2h n--2Oh W--8Oh
~ 1 0 m
z~-- IO h 0 - - 4 O h m


~20 -- FILLER WIRE: MODIFIED 9 C r - t Mo
100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 IO t2 t4 16 t8 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

FIG. 7.5--Microhardness traverse across an SA weld after PWHT for various times at
732~ modified 9Cr-lMo steel base and filler wire [3].

of discrete second phases. Cracking is induced by the thermal

contraction and restraint stresses set up during solidification
and in underlying weld runs reheated by subsequent passes.
The elements that promote the cracking by interracial seg-
regation include sulfur, phosphorus, and boron [7,9]; sulfur
appears to be particularly detrimental as it can form a low-
melting eutectic [(FeMn)S] [31 ]. A high concentration of nio-
bium is also harmful due to the formation of an NbC/~ eu-
tectic [32-35] and other low melting point compounds with
phosphorus (NbsP5) and silicon (NbSi) [36]. It has also been
reported that v a n a d i u m in combination with niobium is
harmful, although the former is not particularly detrimental
by itself [33].
The results of an extensive program using the Tigamajig
test [37] on m a n y experimental heats of the modified 9Cr-
1Mo steel have indicated little or no susceptibility to solidifi-
FIG. 7.6--Typical microstructure of a modified 9Cr-lMo steel cation cracking. This is consistent with observations on a
weld illustrating the weld (W) and two regions of the HAZ large number of actual welds made in the laboratory and the
[transformed zone (TZ) and tempered zone (TMPZ)] [3]. experience of commercial fabricators, where no solidifica-
tion cracking has been observed [38]. However, it has been
shown that TIG welds of the MANET II steel are more prone
tated during PWHT. There were fairly large carbide particles to solidification cracking than martensitic steels containing
on the prior austenite grain boundaries, and smaller carbides ~9% Cr [39]. The cracks were associated with regions of high
precipitated on the sub-grain boundaries within the relatively chromium and other elemental segregation, which can act as
fine prior austenite grains in Region 3. sites for the formation of the embrittling a ' (Cr-rich ferrite)
and carbide phases during service. Nevertheless, cracking of
this type can be avoided by reducing the concentrations of
W e l d Defects
the liquation-promoting elements in the steel and consum-
The welding of the 9-12% chromium steels requires a high ables and decreasing the thermal shrinkage stresses by low-
degree of preparation and control to avoid cracking during ering the weld heat input.
the welding, PWHT, or service. Cracking processes include: HAZ liquation cracking--The high-chromium martensitic
Solidification cracking--The steels may become susceptible steels may also be prone to liquation cracking in the HAZ im-
to solidification or hot cracking as the weld pool solidifies mediately adjacent to the FZ. For example, the susceptibility
due to elemental segregation to the inter-dendritic regions, of the 9Cr-2MoVNb (EM12) steel to this type of cracking has
producing local reductions in melting point and the liquation been investigated in Gleeble machine tests in which samples

are heated at high rates and fractured at various tempera- actor and non-nuclear alloy development programs [29].
tures during heating [35]. While complete fusion of the steel Cracking of the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel was observed when no
occurred at 1450~ grain boundary liquation, as evidenced preheat was applied or preheating was carried out at 93~
by the results of reduction of area measurements, was pro- whereas preheating to 204~ prevented cracking [3]. Fur-
duced at 1350~ thermore, it has been demonstrated that the sensitivity of the
Hydrogen or cold cracking--Cold cracking of the brittle MANET steel to HAZ hydrogen cracking was comparable to
martensitic phase can occur during cooling after welding of that of other high-chromium martensitic steels and could be
low- and high-alloy martensitic steels, particularly in thick minimized by preheating to about 200~ [37]. Preheating to
sections, as a result of the stresses induced by thermal con- lower temperatures of 150 or 175~ appeared to suffice for
traction and the volume expansion associated with the other types of steel [39,42].
austenite-to-martensite transformation. This type of crack- Reheat cracking--Reheat or stress-relief cracking may occur
ing is exacerbated by the introduction of hydrogen into the in the HAZ and sometimes in the weld of alloy steels during
weld pool, the principal source of hydrogen being moisture PWHT or service at elevated temperatures. The cracking re-
in the electrode coatings and fluxes; the solubility of hydro- sults from increased solution of alloy carbides in those parts
gen is high at elevated temperatures but decreases at lower of the HAZ and weld metal heated to temperatures of
temperatures, with the result that high-pressure stresses are -<1320~ (Region 2 of Fig. 7.1), followed by strain-induced
generated at lattice discontinuities, such as dislocations, mi- precipitation of fine particles on the dislocations and stack-
crovoids, precipitate-matrix and other interfaces, leading to ing faults within the coarse prior austenite grains when the
cracking of the hard and brittle martensite phase in the FZ residual stresses relax by creep at temperatures in the range
and HAZ. 400 to 750~ This leads to marked strengthening of the
The incidence of this type of cracking is minimized by the grains such that the deformation is concentrated at or near
use of covered electrodes with low hydrogen contents and the grain boundaries and can result in low-ductility, inter-
protection of the wires and electrodes by storage at elevated granular failures. This type of cracking is facilitated by seg-
temperatures prior to welding. However, an effective way of regation of surface-active elements such as P, S, Sn, and Sb
preventing cold and hydrogen-assisted cracking is by con- at the prior austenite grain boundaries, the phosphorus being
trolling the preheat, interpass, and PWHT temperatures. particularly detrimental in the absence of molybdenum in
It is essential that a fully martensitic structure is produced the steels [43]. However, the presence of up to ~5% ~-ferrite
in the weld zone prior to PWHT to achieve the optimum com- makes the steels less sensitive to the reheat cracking
bination of strength and toughness in the tempered struc- [35,43,44], probably as a consequence of the ferrite having a
ture. Preheating is normally carried out at about 200~ higher solubility for the harmful impurity elements and be-
which corresponds to the Mf temperatures of the simple 9Cr ing more ductile than the tempered martensite matrix.
and 9Cr-lMo steels and thereby ensures maximum transfor- The susceptibility of the MANET II steel to reheat cracking
mation to martensite during welding as well as allowing hy- has been investigated by subjecting parent material samples
drogen to diffuse out of the weld zone. However, the Mf tem- to a coarse-grained HAZ thermal simulation treatment, fol-
peratures for the more highly alloyed martensitic steels lowed by three-point notched bend relaxation testing at
(9Cr-IMoVNb, 12Cr-lMoV and 12Cr-IMoVNb) can be sig- 745~ [39]; the steel proved to have a high resistance to the
nificantly below 200~ so that there is a possibility of in- intergranular reheat cracking in these tests and is probably
complete transformation to martensite on cooling to ambient immune to this type of failure during commercial fabrication
temperature after welding. This has led to various options for and heat treatment. The 9Cr-IMoVNb steel is also resistant to
welding these steels [6,8,40], the procedure initially devel- the reheat cracking [38]. These observations are somewhat
oped for the 12Cr-IMoV steel (X20) being illustrated in Fig. surprising in view of the presence in these steels of niobium
7.7. The "austenitic welding" is carried out with an interpass and vanadium, which promote stress-relief cracking in other
temperature above the Ms temperature so that the deposited alloys due to the intragranular precipitation of niobium and
weld metal remains austenitic until intercooled to or below vanadium carbides. However, undissolved niobium carbide
the Mf temperature (80 to 120~ to ensure full martensite particles inhibit austenite grain growth by pinning the grain
transformation before PWHT (Fig. 7.8). There is a danger boundaries and the fine-grained structure has superior resis-
that intercooling at a temperature above 120~ would tance to the intergranular cracking.
result in significant amounts of the weld metal remaining Type IV cracking--This type of failure, also known as mid-
austenitic during PWHT and in transformation of the resid- life weldment cracking, has become a major inspection and
ual austenite to the brittle martensite after this treatment. It maintenance problem in power generation plants world-
may be necessary, however, to maintain the interpass tem- wide [45,46]. Although the phenomenon is not fully under-
perature at 200 to 300~ for very thick sections or for very stood, circumstantial evidence suggests that the cracking re-
constrained welds so as to achieve partial martensitic trans- sults from high stresses across the weldment and the
formation of each weld bead and tempering of the martensite accumulation of creep cavitational damage in the intercriti-
by subsequent beads. A more ductile weld is produced by this cally transformed zone (ICZ)--Region 4 of Fig. 7.1--of the
"martensitic welding" procedure and cracking thereby weld HAZ, which has a low rupture ductility [46-49]. It has
avoided during intercooling. occurred in low-alloy Cr-Mo steels used for steam pipework
The susceptibilities of various 9-12% Cr martensitic steels and header systems after long periods of operation in the
to hydrogen cracking have been established using the Tekken temperature range 500 to 565~ Type 1V cracking has not
Y groove restraint [39] and Implant [41] tests in investiga- been detected hitherto in the higher-chromium (X20)
tions carried out in support of the fast breeder and fusion re- martensitic steels exposed for ->150 000 h in fossil-fired

X20CrIoVI2.1 + X20Cr NOV12.1



soo o*/ \~
?oo- ~so'c ~/ V

I Al,'=;41_ tilling I ~?- g/
">o, ~ cool;hi
:;,,,,., ' ..., :!',=.,,.~


X20Cr NoVI2.1. X20CtloVl2.1



#/ ~.

,,o-,,o-c t ~/ u
/~l,b,;=.j ,...g ~?So q~'! !\ c..l;.I.
...., ,...,o,,~.
/~ -.;.,,,~ j \~oo~.o.<, ,w.. a
"' !: Zh 'i . . . . . . . . Ill
0 -- )

FIG. 7.7--Preheat, interpass and post-weld heat treatment temperatures for austenitic
and martensitic welding of a 12CrolMoV steel [8].

power plants [8], but the results of laboratory investiga- has been demonstrated [53,54]. Test results have also indi-
tions, in which the failure mode was simulated by acceler- cated that Type IV cracking is suppressed by the presence of
ated creep-rupture tests on cross-weld specimens at elevated 6-ferrite in the steel [55].
temperatures, suggest that it may also be a problem at mod- There is a need to generate long-term creep-rupture data
erate to low stresses in the 9Cr-lMo, 9Cr-IMoVNb, and on cross-welded, high-chromium reduced-activation marten-
12Cr-MoV steels [7,8,46,50-52] and in the newly developed sitic steels being developed for fusion system applications,
Japanese 9 and I1% Cr steels (NF616, HCM12A, and produced by both conventional and advanced electron-beam
TB12M) [22]. It has been recommended that the modified and laser welding techniques, to establish whether or not
9Cr-lMo steel should be partially tempered at 600 to 700~ they are susceptible to Type IV cracking and, if so, there is a
before welding to remove the soft zone [2], and the effec- minimum temperature below which this problem does not
tiveness of this approach in preventing premature cracking occur [46].

Chemical composition [o/o] I Helium leak tight joints in 320 m m diameter MANET II
steel disks with typical fusion reactor first wall geometries
cls, ,,ol s coiNl,,lcrlN, l olvlw I have subsequently been made under these optimized condi-
o.lelo.zB 0.54]0.020 o.oos o.os O.~lO.OO~ln.07 0.~ 0.90 o.zz 0.00 I
Temperature [ ~ ] tions.
Sound diffusion-bonded F82H reduced-activation steel
joints have also been produced without an intermediate
layer, with the proviso that the initial surface roughness was
-<1~ R . . . . by heating in vacuum (7 • 10 3 Pa) for 10 or 60
min at temperatures of 950 and 1050~ with a compressive
stress of 3 to 12 MPa [57]. However, a post-bonding normal-
izing-and-tempering treatment was essential to eliminate the
martensite formed in the joint. While adequate tensile
strengths of the diffusion bonds can thus be attained, the
ductilities and toughness tend to be inferior to those of the
base steel [58].
Explosive welding is a well-established process in which
high pressures are produced and mutual deformation of the
Hardness HV 548 541 536 453 476 452 421 348
O, mating surfaces obtained as a result of applying a high-ve-
Secorl~ 1() 1'02 1()3 1()4 1~)w 10 5
locity impact between the components to be joined [59]. It
i M~,,-,, lo lb2 I'o~ is an attractive joining technique as precise control of the
Time = ~ Hours 1'0 lb2 composition, prior heat treatment, and metallurgical struc-
ture of the base materials is not required. The method has
FIG. 7.8--Continuous-cooling-transformation diagram for a
12Cr-1MoV steel and filler metal [6]. been developed commercially for producing clad plates,
tube-tube plate joints, and plugging repairs in steam gener-
ators [60-62]. Furthermore, almost 3000 leaking tube-tube
plate welds in the evaporator units in the Dounreay Proto-
SOLID STATE W E L D I N G type Fast Reactor (PFR) were repaired by a combination of
explosive welding and brazing [63]. The defective welds
There are several solid state welding processes which have were bridged by internal sleeves of 9Cr-lMo steel explo-
been applied or are being developed for joining the high- sively welded to the top of the tube plate (21/4Cr-lMo steel)
chromium martensitic steels: and brazed into the leaking tube (2V4Cr-IMoNb steel) about
High-frequency induction welding has been utilized for pro- 100 m m below the defective weld. Earlier experience of ex-
ducing, longitudinal seams in the manufacture of 9-12% Cr plosive welding the 9Cr-21/4Cr steel combination had been
steel pipe and tubing, the edges to be joined being forged to- obtained in the development and manufacturing work un-
gether by pressure rolls at the high temperatures induced by dertaken on the replacement superheater tube bundles for
high-frequency AC heating [9]. The process does not require PFR [64]; helium leak, dye penetrant, ultrasonic, and peel
high heat input, but its application is generally restricted to tests, together with metallographic examinations, have
thin sections, and tempering of the martensite in the welded demonstrated that sound joints can be consistently pro-
joints is again essential. duced by this process.
Diffusion welding essentially involves pressing together
components with parallel faces in vacuum at high tempera-
tures so as to facilitate inter-diffusion and thereby produce D I S S I M I L A R METAL W E L D I N G
strong bonding. Earlier investigations had shown that AISI
410 (11.5 to 13.5% Cr) steel joints possessing reasonable The superheater sections of conventionally powered boilers
strengths at ambient temperature could be produced using and pipe runs often contain welded transition joints or dis-
Ni-Be alloy interlayers and the application of 1 psi (6.895 similar metal joints between low-alloy (usually 21/4Cr-lMo)
kPa) pressure at 1150 to 1200~ for 5 min [9]. ferritic and austenitic steel components [7,45]. The joints
More recently, the feasibility of diffusion bonding MANET have to a c c o m m o d a t e significant differences in physical,
II steel plates, with and without an intermediate electrode- chemical, and mechanical properties and m a y operate at
posited layer of nickel, for the highly loaded breeder blanket temperatures well within the creep range of the ferritic steel.
structure in a fusion reactor has been evaluated [56]. The re- Experience has shown that the service lives of these transi-
sults of tests on small (80 m m diameter) disks showed that tion joints can be m u c h shorter than those of joints between
leak tight bonds with bend strengths almost equivalent to similar materials, the failures being due to low ductility
those of the base steel could be produced under the following cracking in the HAZ of the ferritic steel close to the fusion
conditions: line [45].
1. Plates with finely ground surfaces (-<3 ~m roughness) - It is probable that the use of a high-chromium marten-
980~ initial pressurization at 30 MPa for 1 h, and then 7 sitic steel for structural component applications in a fusion
MPa for 1 h. reactor will also involve welding to a different material such
2. Plates with 20 ~m thick nickel surface layers--1050~ as an austenitic stainless steel (e.g., Type 316). Observations
initial pressurization at 18 MPa for 1 h, and then 7 MPa on transition joints between X20 or 9Cr-lMo and Type 316
for 1 h. steels have revealed that the interstitial carbon diffuses

from the martensitic to the austenitic steel during welding, BRAZING

heat treatment, and high-temperature service, resulting in
the formation of a band of ferrite adjacent to the fusion Brazing was initially adopted as the joining technique for the
zone. The carbon migration and the incidence of the ther- manufacture of the 9Cr-1Mo steel replacement tube bundles
mal stress cracking in the transition joint can be inhibited for the PFR reheaters and superheaters. The process was sub-
by incorporating a nickel-base alloy insert between the sequently developed further and, as mentioned above, ap-
martensitic and austenitic steels to act as a diffusion barrier plied successfully as part of the repair technique for defective
and minimize the thermal expansion differences [65]. Thus, welds between the steam tubes (21/4Cr-lMoNb steel) and tube
tube-to-tube butt welds have been produced between 9Cr- plate (21/4Cr-lMo steel) in the PFR evaporator units [63]. The
1Mo and 316 steels using a transition piece of Alloy 600 required cleanliness of the surfaces to be joined, which influ-
(0.04% C, 16% Cr, 72% Ni, 0.3% Ti, 0.2% A1, Fe-balance), ences the wetting angle, and, hence, the flow of the braze
the 9Cr-lMo steel being joined to the Alloy 600 by a two- filler, was achieved by degreasing and grit blasting. Brazing
pass TIG weld with synchronous Inconel 82 (0.025% C, 20% was then effected using a high-nickel alloy filler (BNi4--1.7%
Cr, 1% Mo, 0.28% Fe, Ni-balance) filler wire feed [66,67]. B, 3.5% Si, 0.9% Fe, 0.06% max C, Ni-balance; liquidus tem-
Failures of re-normalized-and-tempered specimens oc- perature I060~ with a capillary gap of -<50 txm by induc-
curred along the fusion line between the martensitic steel tion heating in an argon atmosphere at 1180~ for a total cy-
and the Inconel 82 weld metal in uniaxial and biaxial creep cle time of 5 rain, the martensite formed in the brazed zone
tests at temperatures in the range 525 to 640~ and testing being finally tempered at 750~ to reduce the hardness (Fig.
times of -< 25 000 h. 7.9).
Joints between 9Cr-lMo and 21/4Cr-lMo and 9Cr-lMo and Brazing has also been considered and evaluated for joining
Type 316 austenitic steels have also been successfully made materials, principally austenitic steels, for fusion reactor first
by explosive welding [60]; the welds were free from porosity wall and breeding blanket structural components [69-71].
and HAZs, although some isolated melted regions were evi- However, preliminary brazing tests using BNi6 (0.10% C,
dent along the weld interfaces. 11% P, 0.02% S, 0.05% A1, 0.05% Ti, 0.05% Zr, Ni-balance)
In addition, transition joints between dissimilar materials and BNi7 (0.08% C, 0.10% Si, 0.2% Fe, 0.01% B, 14% Cr, 10%
may be produced using inserts of graded compositions man- P, 0.04% Mn, S, A1, Ti and Zr as for BNi6, Ni-balance) filler
ufactured by the powder metallurgy (PM)-hot isostatic press- materials have been carried out on modified 9Cr-1Mo steel in
ing (HIPping) process [7,68]. The chemical composition gra- vacuum at 1200~ followed by tempering at 740~ to demon-
dient is effected by mixing powders of the two materials strate the feasibility of the approach and the quality of the
(such as 10Cr-lMo martensitic and Type 316 austenitic brazed joints [72]. There is a significant advantage if the
steels) powders in various ratios along the transition piece, brazing can be carried out with the whole component located
thereby enabling one dissimilar weld to be replaced by two within an evacuated or controlled-atmosphere furnace, as
similar ones [68]. the entire structure is subjected to the same temperature-

400 X . . . ~ ~ .jr-~ o~- - -Y,-- r -X~ - J~

X 9%Cr 1% No SLIEEVE
o 2~.%Cr t % No TUI~
- - - A S BRAZED

3O0 P-'~176176 "o-..o. "'~


ior I
z 200

~0 ' ' ' ~ P--~AzE~ t~ ,-'r--'l , , , , ,

60 50 40 30 20 10 (L 10 20 30 40 ,50 ~0

FIG. 7 . 9 - - H a r d n e s s profile across a brazed repair joint between the 9Cr-1 Mo steel sleeve
a n d 21/,Cr-1Mo steel steam tube in the P F R e v a p o r a t o r units [63].

time cycle as the brazed joint; this ensures u n i f o r m i t y of the and W. K. Sartory, Summary of Modified 9Cr-lMo Steel Devel-
m i c r o s t r u c t u r e a n d m e c h a n i c a l properties a n d obviates the opment Program: 1975-1985, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
f o r m a t i o n of the HAZ characteristic of welding. However, the Report ORNL-6303, October 1986.
fusion reactor c o m p o n e n t s m a y be too large for the b r a z i n g [3] J. F. King, V. K. Sikka, M. L. Santella, J. F. Turner, and E. W.
Pickering, Weldability of Modified 9Cr-lMo Steel, Oak Ridge
to be carried out in a furnace so that resort m a y have to be
National Laboratory, ORNL-6299, September 1986.
m a d e to local inert gas p u r g i n g a n d i n d u c t i o n heating of the
[4] T. Lechtenberg, in: Ferritic Steels for High Temperature Appli-
j o i n t area as in the case of the PFR evaporator repair braze- cations, Ed. A. K. Khare, (ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1983) 163.
m e n t s referred to above. [5] G. P. Kalwa, K. Haarmann and K. J. Janssen, in: Topical Con-
ference on Ferritic Steels for Use in Nuclear Energy Technolo-
gies, Eds. J. W. Davis and D. J. Michel (Met. Soc. AIME, War-
W E L D I N G OF I R R A D I A T E D S T E E L S rendale, PA, 1984) 235.
[6] F. Briihl and H. Mfisch, in: Topical Conference on Ferritic Steels
It is a n t i c i p a t e d that repair by c o n v e n t i o n a l welding tech- for Use in Nuclear Energy Technologies, Eds. J. W. Davis and D.
niques a n d r e p l a c e m e n t of irradiated fusion reactor compo- J. Michel (Met. Soc. AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1984) 253.
n e n t s will be necessary d u r i n g the p l a n t life. I n a d d i t i o n to [7] A. T. Price, in: Rupture Ductility of Creep Resistant Steels, Ed.
radioactivity considerations, the rewelding m a y pose signifi- A. Strang (The InstR. of Metals, London, Book No. 522, 1991)
c a n t p r o b l e m s b e c a u s e the i n s o l u b l e h e l i u m p r o d u c e d by
[8] J. Hald, in: Rupture Ductility of Creep Resistant Steels, Ed. A.
(n,~) reactions d u r i n g service precipitates as b u b b l e s at grain
Strang (The Inst. of Metals, London, Book No. 522, 1991)
boundaries. These b u b b l e s grow by the a b s o r p t i o n of vacan- 268.
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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Irradiation Damage, Irradiation

Facilities, Irradiation Testing

Since the subject of this book concerns the use of the high- data are presented is dpa F (for French, because it originated
chromium ferritic/martensitic steels in radiation environ- in France): 1 dpa F = 0.77 dpa.
ments, this chapter will provide a brief introduction to irra- In addition to displacement damage, neutrons in both fis-
diation damage of metals and alloys, along with a discussion sion and fusion reactors cause transmutation reactions with
of irradiation facilities and testing of irradiated materials. Ir- atoms of the irradiated steel that produce solid and gaseous
radiation damage is a complicated process, and the literature reaction products. The solid products, which are usually an-
contains numerous reviews on various aspects of the subject. other metal atom, are, with a few exceptions, not expected to
produce detrimental effects to properties [2], but since they
are generally radioactive, they can give the long-lived ra-
IRRADIATION EFFECTS ON dioactive isotopes that provide the impetus to develop the re-
FERRITIC/MARTENSITIC duced-activation steels (introduced in Chapter 2). The gases
STEELS--GENERAL produced are helium and hydrogen. Helium is produced pri-
manly by an (n,a) reaction (a reaction between a neutron and
Irradiation damage caused by high-energy particles--elec- the nucleus of a lattice atom to form the nucleus of a new
trons, ions, protons, or neutrons--occurs when the particles atom and an a-particle--helium ion) and hydrogen by a (n,p)
displace atoms from their normal lattice positions to form reaction [similar to the (n,a) reaction but with a proton--a
Frenkel defects (vacancies and interstitials) [1]. A transfer of hydrogen i o n - - formed instead of helium]. From fission re-
only several tens of electron volts is required to displace the actor studies, it is known that small amounts of transmuta-
atom. Since neutrons in a fission or fusion environment will tion helium produced within the lattice by (n,a) reactions can
have energies in excess of 104 eV, considerable damage will have pronounced effects on properties.
occur in the fuel cladding of a fission reactor or the first wall As discussed above, the outcome of each displacement
of a fusion power plant. event is the production of a vacancy (a vacant lattice site left
The atom displaced by the high-energy particle (termed the by the displacement) and an interstitial (a displaced atom
"primary recoil atom" or "knock-on atom") transfers energy that came to rest in an interstitial position). It is the disposi-
to surrounding atoms, often displacing some of them, which, tion of the vacancies and interstitials that is the primary
in turn, may also cause displacements, resulting in a "dis- cause of the irradiation effects on properties. At reactor tem-
placement cascade." The cascade consists of a region around peratures, interstitials and vacancies are mobile, and most
the path of the primary recoil atom with a core consisting of are eliminated by a one-to-one recombination and have no ef-
the vacant lattice sites (vacancies) surrounded by the dis- fect on properties. Those that do not recombine migrate to
placed atoms (interstitials). The size and shape of the cascade "sinks," where they are absorbed. Sinks include surfaces,
depends on the energy of the knock-on atom and the atomic grain boundaries, precipitate-matrix interfaces, dislocations,
n u m b e r of the atoms being displaced. The range of the and existing cavities. If vacancies and interstitials are ac-
knock-on atom in low atomic-number materials is large, and cepted equally at the sinks, they also annihilate. It is when the
the cascades are diffuse; they will be more compact in high vacancies or interstitials are accepted preferentially at sinks
atomic-number materials. The extent of the displacement that damage accumulates and properties are affected. Me-
damage is expressed in terms of how often an atom is dis- chanical and physical properties are affected by the defect
placed from its normal lattice position during the irradiation clusters that can form. Clusters consisting of interstitials can
as displacements per atom, or dpa. The calculation of dpa de- evolve into dislocation loops, and vacancy clusters can de-
pends on the secondary displacement model assumed for the velop into vacancy loops, microvoids, or cavities. Solute clus-
calculation. Different models have been used. The standard ters and precipitates can also form under certain conditions.
industry model used today [see ASTM Practice for Charac- The type of defect cluster that forms depends on irradia-
terizing Neutron Exposures in Iron and Low Alloy Steels in tion temperature [1,3,4]. Below ~0.3Tm, where T m is the ab-
Terms of Displacements per Atom (DPA), E706, ID)( E 693)] solute melting point of the irradiated material, interstitials
is referred to as the NRT dpa (for Norgett, Robinson, and are mobile relative to vacancies, and the interstitials combine
Torrens, the originators of the model used in the calculation). to form dislocation loops that increase strength and decrease
The NRT dpa is designated simply as dpa; most of the data ductility. Dislocation loops with two Burgers vector orienta-
presented in this book will have that designation. Another tions are possible in ferritic/martensitic steels: a cube-edge
designation that will be used occasionally when some older loop with a < 100> Burgers vectors on [ 100] planes and glis-
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

sile e d g e l o o p s w i t h a / 2 < l 11> B u r g e r s v e c t o r s on [I 11} significant s h o r t c o m i n g s , it is n e c e s s a r y to have an u n d e r -

p l a n e s [5]. T h e y c a n f o r m by s h e a r f r o m a c o m m o n a/2 s t a n d i n g of r a d i a t i o n - d a m a g e m e c h a n i s m s t h a t o c c u r d u r i n g
< 110> faulted nucleus. The i n t e r a c t i o n of such loops even- high-energy n e u t r o n i r r a d i a t i o n so that the effects developed
tually leads to a c o m p l e x dislocation network. S u c h defects d u r i n g s i m u l a t i o n can be c o r r e l a t e d w i t h those t h a t are ex-
have been observed, p r i m a r i l y on p u r e i r o n [6] a n d Fe-Cr bi- p e c t e d to o c c u r in a fusion e n v i r o n m e n t .
n a r y alloys [7-10], b u t also in c o m m e r c i a l steels [11]. E n e r g y in a fusion r e a c t o r will be derived from the deu-
V a c a n c i e s b e c o m e i n c r e a s i n g l y m o b i l e for i r r a d i a t i o n t e r i u m - t r i t i u m (D-T) fuel cycle t h r o u g h the r e a c t i o n
above ~0.3Tm, a n d a dislocation a n d cavity structure results D + T ~ c~ + n + energy (8.1)
[ 1,3]. In the a b s e n c e of dissolved gases in the i r r a d i a t e d steel,
vacancies can collapse into loops. Cavities form in the pres- A p p r o x i m a t e l y 17.6 MeV of energy results, 3.5 MeV as kinetic
e n c e of d i s s o l v e d gases a n d c a u s e a n i n c r e a s e in v o l u m e energy of the a - p a r t i c l e (a h e l i u m ion) a n d 14.1 MeV as kinetic
(swelling), w h i c h occurs b e c a u s e certain sinks have a bias energy of the n e u t r o n (n). M o s t of the energy of the ~-particle
a n d do n o t a c c e p t vacancies a n d interstitials equally [ 1]. Two is d e p o s i t e d in the p l a s m a a n d t r a n s f e r r e d b y e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c
types of cavities can form: b u b b l e s a n d voids. B u b b l e s con- a n d c h a r g e d - p a r t i c l e r a d i a t i o n to surfaces facing the p l a s m a .
tain gas a t o m s at a p r e s s u r e in e q u i l i b r i u m with the surface Although m a t e r i a l s p r o b l e m s arise from this energy transfer,
tension. Voids c a n c o n t a i n gas atoms, b u t the p r e s s u r e is less it will p r o b a b l y have little effect on a ferritic steel first wall, be-
t h a n the e q u i l i b r i u m pressure. Swelling is explained b y as- cause the first wall m a t e r i a l will be p r o t e c t e d from the p l a s m a
s u m i n g dislocations act as b i a s e d sinks for the interstitials, by g r a p h i t e (or s o m e o t h e r m a t e r i a l ) tiles or s o m e o t h e r type
m e a n i n g that excess vacancies m u s t be a b s o r b e d b y n e u t r a l of protective shield. It is the 80% of the energy c a r r i e d b y the
sinks. The l a t t e r sinks a r e envisioned as g a s - a t o m clusters 14.1 MeV n e u t r o n s t h a t will have the m a j o r effect on the fer-
t h a t act as void nuclei, w h i c h above a critical size allow bias- ritic steel first wall a n d b l a n k e t structure.
driven void g r o w t h [1,4]. F o r void swelling to occur, the tem- The p r i m a r y difference b e t w e e n the fusion r e a c t o r irradia-
p e r a t u r e m u s t be high e n o u g h for the vacancies to be m o b i l e tion e n v i r o n m e n t a n d that in the core of a fission r e a c t o r is
a n d low e n o u g h for vacancy s u p e r s a t u r a t i o n (above the ther- the high-energy c o m p o n e n t of the n e u t r o n s p e c t r u m . Neu-
m a l e q u i l i b r i u m value) to occur. trons at energies of u p to the 14.1 MeV are p r e s e n t in the neu-
Finally, at h i g h i r r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e s ( g r e a t e r t h a n t r o n s p e c t r u m of a fusion p l a n t c o m p a r e d w i t h the average
a b o u t 0.35 to 0.4 Tin), defect clusters are unstable. That is, the c r e a t i o n energy of n e u t r o n s in a fast r e a c t o r of a b o u t 2 MeV
high e q u i l i b r i u m v a c a n c y c o n c e n t r a t i o n a n d r a p i d diffusion (Fig. 8.1). The high-energy (14.1 MeV) n e u t r o n s from the fu-
l e a d to v a c a n c y - i n t e r s t i t i a l a n n i h i l a t i o n , a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t sion r e a c t i o n have a high cross section for (n,e0 r e a c t i o n s
d a m a g e has little effect on p r o p e r t i e s [3]. However, as dis- w i t h s o m e typical e l e m e n t s (e.g., Fe, Cr etc.) p r e s e n t in the
c u s s e d in later chapters, any t r a n s m u t a t i o n h e l i u m p r o d u c e d steels of interest (Fig. 8.2), w h i c h m e a n s c o n s i d e r a b l y m o r e
at elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s can lead to p r o b l e m s in embrittle- h e l i u m will f o r m in steels exposed to a fusion e n v i r o n m e n t
m e n t a n d a loss in tensile ductility. t h a n a fission r e a c t o r e n v i r o n m e n t (Fig. 8. I). M o r e h y d r o g e n
will also form in the fusion n e u t r o n e n v i r o n m e n t , a n d the
solid t r a n s m u t a n t e l e m e n t s will also differ to s o m e extent
I R R A D I A T I O N D A M A G E IN A F U S I O N f r o m those f o r m e d in a fission plant.

I n the extensive testing p r o g r a m s t h a t p r e c e d e d the develop- NEUTRON IRRADIATION

m e n t of t h e r m a l a n d fast fission p o w e r reactors, p r o t o t y p i c
test r e a c t o r s were available well in advance of the construc- Fission reactors are the only facilities available c u r r e n t l y that
tion of the first d e m o n s t r a t i o n p o w e r reactors. No such pro- p r o v i d e the large v o l u m e of test s p a c e r e q u i r e d to develop im-
totype fusion r e a c t o r is available for the d e v e l o p m e n t of ma- p r o v e d r a d i a t i o n - r e s i s t a n t m a t e r i a l s or to qualify m a t e r i a l s
terials for fusion, a n d n o n e will be available in the n e a r future. for fusion r e a c t o r service. Figure 8.1 c o m p a r e s the n e u t r o n
I n t e r n a t i o n a l discussions are in p r o g r e s s to b u i l d a 14 MeV s p e c t r a of a fusion system with two types of fission r e a c t o r s
n e u t r o n source to test m a t e r i a l s for fusion, b u t if such a facil- t h a t have been used to s t u d y i r r a d i a t i o n d a m a g e of fusion
ity is built, it will n o t be available for at least ten years [12]. materials: a fast fission r e a c t o r (EBR-II) a n d a mixed-spec-
It is the e x p o s u r e of the first wall a n d b l a n k e t structures of t r u m r e a c t o r ( H F I R a n d ORR). Before existing fission reac-
a fusion p o w e r p l a n t to u n i q u e i r r a d i a t i o n c o n d i t i o n s t h a t tors can be used to s i m u l a t e the r a d i a t i o n d a m a g e , however,
has c a u s e d m a t e r i a l s specialists the m o s t concern. The chal- the equivalence of the lattice d a m a g e c a u s e d b y 14 MeV neu-
lenge in developing m a t e r i a l s for o p e r a t i o n u n d e r these con- t r o n s a n d n e u t r o n s of lower energy g e n e r a t e d in a fission re-
ditions is to use existing i r r a d i a t i o n facilities to qualify mate- a c t o r n e e d e d to b e e s t a b l i s h e d [1,2]. Such studies were con-
rials for a fusion d e m o n s t r a t i o n (DEMO) r e a c t o r a n d t h e first d u c t e d in a c c e l e r a t o r - b a s e d h i g h - e n e r g y n e u t r o n sources,
r e a c t o r s built to p r o d u c e power. To do this, i r r a d i a t i o n ef- s u c h as t h e R o t a t i n g T a r g e t N e u t r o n S o u r c e (RTNS-II)
fects expected to be p r o d u c e d by the intense high-energy neu- [ 13,14] a n d d e u t e r o n - b e r y l l i u m (d-Be) sources [ 15-17]; these
t r o n flux g e n e r a t e d in a n o p e r a t i n g fusion r e a c t o r m u s t b e facilities a r e no longer in existence.
"simulated." S i m u l a t i o n s m u s t be p e r f o r m e d b y i r r a d i a t i n g The RTNS-II p r o d u c e d 14 MeV n e u t r o n s b y accelerating
with n e u t r o n s in existing fission facilities o r by the use of i o n d e u t e r o n s to 400 kV, a n d a 150-ma b e a m of these d e u t e r o n s
i r r a d i a t i o n t h a t generates i r r a d i a t i o n d a m a g e processes sim- t h e n struck a rotating, w a t e r - c o o l e d c o p p e r target t h a t was
ilar to those expected in a fusion reactor. Because all avail- c o a t e d w i t h t i t a n i u m tritide. The n e u t r o n s p e c t r u m p r o d u c e d
able i r r a d i a t i o n facilities b u t a n actual fusion r e a c t o r have was due to the D-T fusion reaction. The d-Be source g e n e r a t e d

1014 ....
', \

. \\~HFIR

! , ,~ -~ dN PIROOU(;TION REGION T.-

L -

N ",, ~ He r BY J ]
.." \ .
0 \j/--...._.. EBR-IT
td -
td- (3MW/m z)

10" I I i l I I I I I |
lO-Z 10-! I0 o 101 I02 103 104 10s 10 s 107 10 e
FIG. 8-1--Neutron-energy spectra for various fission reactors and the spectrum at the first wall of a
lithium-cooled fusion reactor. The primary difference between the spectra of the fission and fusion reactors
occurs above 107 eV.

neutrons by directing a beam of 15 to 40 MeV deuterons onto

I I I I a beryllium target. A neutron spectrum with energies from
0.03 3 MeV thermal to 30 MeV is produced from the deuteron breakup re-
IRON action Be(d,n). Because of the small irradiation volumes
and the low flux of these facilities, only a limited number of
O.Ot I i i ! i small specimens could be irradiated. Further, the low flux of
t,. the accelerator-based high-energy neutron sources precluded
"-"~ 0.04 t-THR2EMSHVOLD ' I , , high doses and the formation of significant amounts of he-
g 0.03 CHROMIUM lium. The experiments in those facilities sought to establish
~ 0.02 equivalence in fission and high-energy neutron irradiation,
and they demonstrated excellent correlation between the type
0.0t I I I I i I I of displacement damage produced by 14 MeV neutrons and
I I I I I I from other sources, thus providing confidence that at low dpa
O. 4 THRESHOLD levels the data derived from fission reactor studies are mean-
O. 3 3 MeV ingful for fusion systems. This work has been reviewed [2],
0.2 NICKEL and some of it will be discussed in later chapters.

0. t I I I I I
FIG. 8 . 2 - - C r o s s section for (n,~) reactions for iron,
chromium, and nickel as a function of neutron energy. Note the Once the damage equivalence for fission and fusion systems
high cross section in the vicinity of the 14 MeV energy of neu- was established, the larger test specimens needed to carry out
trons from the fusion reaction. various mechanical properties studies could be irradiated in

fission reactors to simulate fusion displacement damage. In For austenitic stainless steels with high-nickel contents,
the past, fast-spectrum reactors were used to study the effects "spectral tailoring" techniques were required to produce the
of the displacement damage expected in a fusion reactor dur- proper He (in appm) per atom displacement (He/dpa ratio)
ing its lifetime, and the irradiation effects produced in these similar to that expected in a Tokamak fusion plant. However,
reactors will be the subject of much of the discussion in later by simply adding 2% Ni to a ferritic steel, it is possible to ir-
chapters. radiate in the HFIR and simulate the appropriate He/dpa
In a fast reactor where the average neutron energy is less production (Fig. 8.3). For this method there is a dpa produc-
than 1 MeV, displacement damage occurs with little helium tion due to the recoil of the 56 Fe when the (n,a) reaction oc-
formation (Fig. 8.1). Therefore, other techniques must be curs; this is a small contribution that can be taken into ac-
used to simulate the simultaneous formation of displacement count [ 18]. This simulation technique has been used to study
damage and helium formation. One technique is to irradiate the effects of helium on martensitic steels [20], and results
nickel-containing materials in a mixed-spectrum reactor, from such studies will be discussed in later chapters. It
such as the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) (Fig. 8.1). Both should be noted that helium production from 59Ni is not
fast and thermal neutrons are present in a mixed-spectrum strictly simultaneous with the formation of displacement
reactor. Displacement damage is produced by the fast neu- damage. Damage begins to form immediately when neutron
trons, and transmutation helium is produced from an (n,~) irradiation begins. Helium does not begin to form until suffi-
reaction when the SSNi (68% of natural nickel is 5SNi) in the cient sqNi has been transmuted from 58Ni. Therefore, some
material undergoes the following two-step reaction with time is required before the proper He/dpa production rate is
thermal neutrons to produce an a-particle--a helium atom: reached, as indicated in Fig. 8.3.
Because the nickel doping of the steel could possibly affect
5SNi + n ~ 59Ni +y (8.2) the microstructure and/or properties of the steel being stud-
ied, an alternative isotopic tailoring technique has been pro-
S9Ni + n --~ 56Fe + 4He (8.3) posed, in which various isotopes of nickel are used [20]. The




TWI 31lib


Ca-! lib-! Ni

ALI.OYll IN ztgt.ll

0 tio 110 30 40 SO tl0
OMIABi (dmd

FIG. 8.3--Relationship between helium concentration and displacements per atom for
austenitic and ferritic steels irradiated in HFIR, EBR-II, and the first wall of a fusion reactor.
Curves for 12Cr-1MoVW steel containing various nickel concentrations are also shown.

sgNi isotope could be added to the steel directly, thus elimi- sion reactor and irradiated with neutrons to produce further
nating the need for Eq 8.2, and helium forms directly. displacement damage [22]. Dual-beam accelerator irradia-
The effect of nickel in the absence of helium can be deter- tions are also possible, where the specimen is simultaneously
mined by comparing the results of the 59Ni alloy with one irradiated with a-particles to inject the helium and a heavier
that contains an equal amount of 6~ isotope, from which no ion to produce the displacement damage [22,23]. Triple-
helium is produced, or with natural nickel, from which he- beam accelerator irradiations are also carried out with a pro-
lium is produced by Eqs 8.2 and 8.3. Also, it has been pro- ton beam added to determine the effect of the hydrogen and
posed that by mixing 59Ni and 6~ while keeping the nickel helium in conjunction with the displacement damage from
concentration constant, a single variable experiment in the the heavy-ion bombardment. Displacement damage studies
He/dpa ratio is possible [20]. The major problems with the at high displacement rates are also possible with high-energy
isotopic tailoring technique are the expense of the nickel iso- electrons. Both accelerator and electron irradiations present
topes and the radioactivity of the SqNi. problems for correlating the resulting structures and proper-
Another (n,a) reaction used to produce helium during irra- ties with those produced in a fusion reactor (Table 8.1). More
diation involves the use of l~ (natural boron contains about importantly, it is difficult and expensive to irradiate mechan-
20% l~ [21], ical property specimens because of their relatively large size,
and most of the irradiations are used for electron microscopy
l~ + n---~7Li + 4He (8.4)
Because the cross section for this reaction is greatest for low-
energy neutrons, irradiation in a relatively high thermal flux,
such as that in the mixed-spectrum of HFIR, will result in all IRRADIATION FACILITIES
of the l~ being reacted within 1 to 2 dpa. Complete burn up
of the l~ in a fast reactor will take much longer, depending Since the fusion materials programs in the various countries
on the neutron spectrum (e.g., in FFTF, burn up would be of the world began in the 1970s, a large number of reactors
completed after about 1 year, ~-30 dpa). have been used to irradiate candidate materials, many of
The energies of the lithium ion and the a-particle (He) pro- them having previously been used in the development of ma-
duced by the transmutation of the l~ are about 0.87 and 1.53 terials for fast reactor applications. Tables 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4
MeV, respectively. These energetic particles create atomic list nuclear fission reactors, accelerators, etc., that have been
displacements as they slow down to thermal energies. Esti- used in Europe, the United States, and Japan, respectively,
mates have been made that as many as 680 and 85 displaced for studying fusion materials. Irradiation studies for fusion
atoms are produced by the lithium and the a-particle, and fast reactors are also being carried out in the Russian
respectively. The additional displacements could cause an in- Federation, but details on their facilities are not readily avail-
crease in the local defect concentration, as evidenced by de- able. Several of the reactors in the table have now been shut
fect haloes often observed around boron-containing precipi- down, including the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) and the
tate particles after irradiation. Another problem is the high Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-II) in the United States,
reactivity of the boron, so that it segregates to interfaces and and the Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR) in the UK, all three of
may be present in precipitate particles such as B4C and which were fast reactors, and the Oak Ridge Research Reac-
M23(CB)6 [20,21]. tor (ORR), a mixed-spectrum reactor in the United States.
The effect of helium can also be determined by injecting ~- Today, neutron irradiations for fusion are still being carried
particles directly into a specimen with an accelerator. Be- out in the High Flux Isotopes Reactor (HFIR) in the United
cause of the light weight of the a-particle, only small amounts States, the High Flux Reactor (HFR) in The Netherlands, and
of displacement damage will accompany the injection. Alter- the Ph6nix Fast Reactor in France. Irradiations are also car-
natively, the pre-injected specimen can be inserted in a fis- fled out in the Japan Materials Test Reactor (JMTR) and the

TABLE 8. l--Some characteristic features of different simulation techniques for fusion materials research.
EnergyRange Main Field
Source Advantages Disadvantages of Application
Heavy ions Extremely high displacement rates Very small ranges (< 1 ixm).No mechan- TEM investigation of: microstructural
(selfions) (100 dpa in a few hours). Many ical tests. Surface effects, injected and microchemical changes and
2-5MeV accelerators available almost interstitials, inhomogenous dam- swelling by void formation. Screen-
Van de everywhere. Variable He/dpa ratio in age. Unknown distribution of high ing of candidate materials.
Graaffs dual-beam facilities, stresses.
Light ions Somewhat higher displacement rates Limited to a few dpa. Recoil spectrum Basic studies of "in pile" mechanical
(p,d,a) than reactors, different from neutron damage. property changes such as irradiation
5-50 MeV Homogeneous damage in 50-200 Ixm Limited specimen thickness. Studies creep, embrittlement under static
Cyclotrons thick specimens, of weld and fracture mechanics (creep) and cyclic stresses (fatigue).
In situ mechanical tests, samples hardly possible.
Low to very high He/dpa ratios.
Electrons Very high displacement rates. Very small irradiated thicknesses and In situ observation of the evolution of
0.2-3 MeV Simultaneous production and obser- areas. Surface effects. microstructure (dislocations, voids,
HVEM, vation of defect structure. Unknown distribution of high stresses, clusters, precipitates, segregation).
Van de Variable He/dpa ratios in dual beam temperature gradients.
Graaffs facilities. Recoil spectrum very different.


TABLE 8 . 2 - - E u r o p e a n irradiation facilities used for fusion materials.

Type Site Facility Particle Displacement dose rate Gas generation rate
dpa, s "l .dpa, y-I He (') appm, s t H appm, s "~

Mixed spectrum Mol, BR2 Neutron 4 x 10 "7 6 4x 10.6

fission reactor Belgium [core center]

Petten, HFR Neutron 2.3-2.8x 10 -7 5.9 - 6.7 c~

Holland [high flux]
1.6 10 .7 3.8 3.2 x 10.6
Studsvik, R2 Neutron 2.5 x 10 .7 4 5.9 x 10.6 8.1 x 10.7
Sweden [core center] ..
8 x 10.8 1.2 2.4 x 10 .6 3.3 x l 0 "7

[core edge]

France PHENIX Neutron 1.8 x10-6 5.4 x 10 .7

Fission reactor [core center]
PFR (2) Neutron 1.3 x 10 -6 3.9 x 10.7 3 x 10 .6
UK [DMSA (2)

Accelerator/ FZK, Dual beam 104 M e V 2-3 x 10-6 2.5 x 10.5 2

Cyclotron Germany a-particle 3 • 10 .3

30 M e V proton 5 x 10 -6

PSI, PIREX 590 MeV 5 x 10 .7 5 x 10"~ 4 xl0 ~

Switzerland proton
Type Site Facility Particle Displacement dose rate Gas generation rate
dpa, s "~ dpa, y-i He appm, s ~ H appm, s "t

Accelerator/ CEA, 500 KeV Fe § 2x 10 -3 2 x l 0 -2

Cyclotron Cadarache, Dual beam and
(cont'd) France 20 KeV He +
5-20 MeV
FZJ, Germany Cyclotron 5-14 MeV 10 .5 _ 1 0 .6 5.9 - 6.7 2.8 xlO "2 -
Deuterium, 5.6 x 10 "4
5-28 Mev
HMI, Germany Single beam M § a-particle
and proton
10-20 MeV 10-4 10.2

Dual beam 300 KeV metal

ions and 60
KeV a-particle
Harwell, U.K. Variable energy 52 MeV
cyclotron ~2) Cr 6 +
46 MeV 1.7 x 10 a 2.2 x 10 .2 (3
Ni6 §
High Voltage U.K., (3) HVEM 1-1.2 MeV 1-5 x 10 -3
Electron Belgium, and electron
Microscope France
(1) 0.0075 - 0.0085 wt.% boron. (2) Facility now shut down. (3) Demountable subassembl, r.



TABLE 8.3--Japanese irradiation facilities used for fusion materials.

Type Site Facility I Particle Damage Rate Gas Generation Rate

dpa, s~ [ dpa, y-t Appm He, s~ [ appm H, s"~
Fuel position

Mixed JAERI, JMTR Neutron 3 x 10.7 2.7 1 x 10.5o)

Spectrum Oami
Fission Reflector position
Reactor 8 x 104 0.7 1 x 10"5~
Tokai JRR-3 Neutron 2 x 1 0 .7 1.4 7 x 10"~')
Mark II Core 1st Grid
Fast Fission PNC,
Reactor Oarai JOYO Neutron 3 x 10.6 21 5x 10.7
11 MeV Fe3§
Accelerator JAERI, TIARA 1 MeV He+ 3x 104 3 x 10.2 5.6 xl0 a
Cyclotron Takasaki (triple beam) 400 KeV proton
JAERI, Cylotron Typical
Takasaki 50 MeV He2§ 4 x 10.4
(1) At linearly increasing region (~20 dpa).

TABLE 8.4--U.S. irradiation facilities used for fusion materials.

Type Site Facility") Particle Displacement Dose Gas Generation Rate

dpa r S "1 dpa, y" He appm, s "t H appm, sq

Mixed Oak Ridge, ORR(2) Neutron 3.5 x 10.7 11 1.1 x 10.7 5.6 x 1 0 -7

Spectrum Tennessee
Oak Ridge,
Tennessee HFIR~ Neutron 1.1 x l0 "7 35 3.7 x 10.7 6.8 x 10"~

Fast Fission Idaho Falls,

Reactor Idaho EBR-IF2) Neutron 1.2 x 10.6 37 1.8 x l0 "7 2.8 x 106
Washington FFTF t2) Neutron 1.3 x 10.7 41 2.2 x 10"7
(1) A high-flux position has been chosen for each reactor.
(2) Reactor is no longer operating.
(3) Values for HFIR are for 100 MW operation; reactor is now operated at 85 MW.

J a p a n Research Reactor (JRR-2) in Japan, the Studsvik Re- heating a n d / o r cooling specimens i n the reactor) to o b t a i n
actor R2 in Sweden, a n d the SM-2 a n d BOR-60 reactors in the desired conditions. Different capsules have b e e n designed
Russia. Irradiations also c o n t i n u e in a limited n u m b e r of i o n for different reactors to o b t a i n the experimental objectives.
sources, although most of these irradiations are restricted to These will not be discussed. One of the p r i m e challenges in
i r r a d i a t i n g small t r a n s m i s s i o n electron m i c r o s c o p y speci- this work is caused by the space limitations in test reactors.
mens. I n general, the pace of irradiation studies o n candidate To increase the a m o u n t of data that can be generated given
fusion materials has decreased considerably from the effort the limited irradiation space, m i n i a t u r e specimens have b e e n
i n the 1970s to 1980s period. developed to m e a s u r e the properties of irradiated specimens.
M i n i a t u r e specimens that are reductions of typical full-
size specimens are i n general use for i r r a d i a t i o n - d a m a g e
IRRADIATION EXPERIMENTS studies [24]. Various rod a n d sheet t e n s i o n specimens have
b e e n used by various test p r o g r a m s over the years. Typical
C o n d u c t i n g i r r a d i a t i o n experiments involves m a n y difficul- for sheet specimens is a n overall length of 25 to 30 m m with
ties, for example, t e m p e r a t u r e m e a s u r e m e n t a n d control (i.e., thicknesses r a n g i n g from 0.25 to 0.8 m m with a gage length

of 7 to 8 m m . One of the smallest t e n s i o n specimens being [6] A. E. Ward and S. B. Fisher, J. Nucl. Mater. 166 (1989) 227.
used is 16 m m long, 0.25 m m thick, with a 5 m m gage [7] L. Horton, J. Bentley, and K. Farrell, J. Nucl. Mater, 108 & 109
length. (1982) 222.
Rod or r o u n d - b a r tensile-type specimens are also used, b u t [8] D. S. Gelles, J. Nucl. Mater. 108 & 109 (1982) 515.
[9] D. S. Gelles, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: Fourteenth
primarily for fatigue tests. Longer specimens are generally
International Symposium, ASTM STP 1046, Vol. 1, Eds. N. H.
used i n this case: length 50 to 80 ram, gage length 7 to 30 r a m , Packan, R. E. Stoller, and A. S. Kumar (American Society for
with diameters i n the gage section of 2 to 6 m m [24]. A still Testing and Materials, 1990) 73.
smaller size s p e c i m e n is being investigated: the s p e c i m e n is a [10] D. S. Gelles, S. Ohnuki, H. Takahashi, H. Matsui, and Y. Kohno,
25.4 m m long hour-glass s p e c i m e n that has a 1.25 m m diam- J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194 (1992) 1336.
eter at the m i n i m u m cross section [25]. [11] D. S. Gelles, J. Nucl. Mater. 233-237 (1996) 293.
Various types of m i n i a t u r e Charpy specimens have b e e n [12] T. Kondo, T. E. Shannon, and K. Ehrlich, J. Nucl. Mater. 233-
used. I n s t e a d of i r r a d i a t i n g full-size (10 by 10 by 55 m m ) 237 (1996) 82
specimens, half-size (5 by 5 by 25.4 ram) a n d one-third-size [13] Rotating Target Neutron Source II Facility, Lawrence Liver-
specimens (3.3 by 3.3 by 25.4 m m ) are used in the United more Laboratory Report M-094 (1978).
[14] J. J. Holmes and J. L. Straalsund, J. Nucl. Mater. 85 & 86 (1979)
States, while i n E u r o p e a n d Japan, a subsize s p e c i m e n (3 by
4 by 27 ram) specified u n d e r the term of KLST is most often [15] C. M. Logan, R. Booth, and R. A. Nickerson, Nucl. Instru. &
used. The Japanese have used a still smaller s p e c i m e n with Methods 145 (1977) 77.
d i m e n s i o n s 1.5 b y l . 5 by 20 ram. Since a Charpy test mea- [16] M. J. Saltmarsh, C. A. Ludemann, C. B. Fulmer, and R. C. Styles,
sures the fracture energy, the results will d e p e n d o n the size Nucl. Instru. & Methods 145 (1977) 81.
of the specimen. Therefore, for the m i n i a t u r e Charpy speci- [17] J. Narayan and S. M. Ohr, J. Nucl. Mater. 63 (1976) 454.
mens, m u c h smaller energies are m e a s u r e d a n d reported for [18] L. R. Greenwood, D. W. Kneff, R. P. Skowronski, and F. M.
these specimens t h a n for full-size specimens. Mann, J. Nucl. Mater. 122 & 123 (1984) 1002.
I r r a d i a t i o n creep is n o w generally d e t e r m i n e d with small [19] R. L. Klueh and D. J. Alexander, J. Nucl. Mater. 218 (1995), 151.
pressurized tubes [26], typically a b o u t 24 m m long with a 4.6 [20] G. R. Odette, J. Nucl. Mater. 141-143 (1986) 1011.
[21] D. S. Gelles and F. A. Garner, J. Nucl. Mater. 85 & 86 (1979) 689.
m m diameter. Toughness m e a s u r e m e n t s are conducted o n
[22] K. Farrell, Rad. Effects 53 (1980) 175.
m i n i a t u r e c o m p a c t t e n s i o n specimens: a 15.625 by 15 by 6.25
[23] A. M6slang, S. Cierjacks, and R. Lindau, in: Twelfth Interna-
m m s p e c i m e n has b e e n u s e d i n E u r o p e ; i n the U.S. a n d tional Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Eds. B.
Japan, a 12.5 m m d i a m e t e r cylindrical s p e c i m e n 4.6 m m Martin and K. Ziegler (World Scientific, London, 1999) 545.
thick is i n use. [24] R. L. Klueh, Ed., Proceedings of the tEA Working Group Meet-
Several conferences have b e e n held on s p e c i m e n m i n i a t u r - ing on Ferritic/ Martensitic Steels, ORNL/M-4939, September
ization, testing, a n d c o r r e l a t i o n of data from these small 1995.
specimens, a n d the proceedings of these conferences can be [25] Y. Miwa, S. Jitsukawa, and A. Hishinurna, J. Nucl. Mater. 258-
consulted for more detail o n the subject [27-30]. 263 (1998) 457.
[26] E. R. Gilbert and B. A. Chin, Nucl. Tech. 52 (1981) 273.
[27] W. R. Corwin and G. E. Lucas, Eds., in: The Use of Small-Scale
Specimens for Testing Irradiated Material, ASTM STP 888
REFERENCES (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
[1] L. K. Mansur, Kinetics of Nonhomogeneous Processes, Ed. G. R. [28] W. R. Corwin, F. M. Haggag, and W. L. Server (Eds.), in: Small
Freeman (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1987) 377. Specimen Test Techniques Applied to Nuclear Reactor Vessel
[2] F. W. Wiffen and J. O. Stiegler, in: The Technology of Controlled Thermal Annealing and Plant Life Extension, ASTM STP 1204
Nuclear Fusion, Eds. G. L. Kulcinski and N. M. Burleigh (U.S. (American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
Energy Research and Development Administration, Washing- 1993).
ton, D.C., 1976) 135. [29] P. Jnng and H. Ullmaier (Eds.) in: Miniaturized Specimens for
[3] E. E. Bloom, in: Radiation Damage in Metals, Eds. S. D. Hark- Testing of Irradiated Materials (Forschungszentrum Jtilich,
ness and N. L. Peterson (American Society for Metals, Metals Jiilich, Germany, 1995).
Park, OH, 1976) 295. [30] W. R. Corwin, S. T. Rosinski, and E. van Walle (Eds.), in: Small
[4] E. A. Little, J. Nucl. Mater. 206 (1993) 324. Specimen Test Techniques, ASTM STP 1329 (American Society
[5] B. L. Eyre and R. Bullough, Phil. Mag. (1965) 31. for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1998).
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Dimensional Stability--Swelling

SWELLING BEHAVIOR on the major and minor elemental composition and initial
thermomechanical treatment. However, it has been shown
Irradiations at temperatures in the approximate range 0.3 to [2] that these factors only affect the incubation or transient
0.5Tm to intermediate and high neutron doses, typical of dose before the swelling in the austenitic steels accelerates to
those encountered in the cores of fast breeder reactors and a constant rate of about 1% per dpa, independent of the irra-
projected for the first wall and breeder structural compo- diation temperature (Fig. 9.1) for temperatures in the peak
nents in a DEMO D-T tokamak fusion system, produce sig- swelling range. The length of the transient can vary over a
nificant density decreases and volume swelling of some wide range, from < 1 dpa to tens of dpa.
austenitic steels [ 1] and other non-fissile metals and alloys. Extensive data are also available on pure iron and iron al-
The swelling is associated with the formation of intragranu- loys, low, intermediate, and high chromium ferritic, bainitic,
lar voids and dislocation loops. and martensitic steels that have demonstrated that these
There is general agreement as to why the voids nucleate body-centered-cubic (bcc) materials have considerably
and grow within a fairly narrow temperature range in the un- greater resistance to irradiation-induced void swelling than
stressed materials. The void swelling results from the pro- the face-centered-cubic (fcc) austenitic steels (Fig. 9.1). The
duction of equal numbers of vacancies and interstitial atoms; void swelling observations and data on these irradiated bcc
the dislocations in the structure have a slightly higher prefer- steels have been reviewed periodically [3-7] and the mi-
ence for the interstitials, and the excess vacancies migrate crostructural evolution and origins of the void swelling resis-
and form clusters, which are stabilized as three-dimensional tance discussed [6,7].
voids by the innate gases in the material and/or transmuted
gas, such as helium produced by (n,a) reactions. Voids are
not formed below about 0.3Tin because of dominant mutual S W E L L I N G OF FERRITIC A N D
recombination of the interstitials and slow diffusing vacan- MARTENSITIC STEELS
cies and above about 0.5Tin because the thermal vacancy con-
centration exceeds that induced by irradiation. The collected swelling data on the electron- and ion-irradi-
Extensive data on void swelling have been obtained by: ated high chromium commercial ferritic and martensitic
9 Dimensional and immersion density measurements steels are plotted in Fig. 9.2 [8-19], while the data for neu-
and/or TEM of specimens obtained from the irradiated tron-irradiated commercial and reduced activation steels are
cladding and wrappers of fast reactor fuel element sub-as- reproduced in Figs. 9.3 and 9.4 [20-47], respectively. The
semblies and small specimens exposed in un-instru- swelling rates are typically 0.1% per dpa (compared to the
mented or instrumented rigs in fast and mixed-spectrum typically l%/dpa for austenitic stainless steels) and decrease
fission reactors. to less than linear at high displacement doses. It is also noted
9 Simulation experiments in accelerators/cyclotrons and that the g-ferrite regions in the duplex steels such as EM12
high-voltage microscopes in which the void formation and generally exhibit greater void formation and swelling than
swelling are rapidly simulated (approximately one thou- the adjacent tempered martensite structure [22].
sand times faster) by charged particle and 1 MeV electron In an effort to understand the swelling resistance of fer-
bombardments, respectively, with and without prior or si- ritic/martensitic steels, research has been carried out on the
multaneous helium implantation. swelling of pure iron [5,20,21,48-52], dilute iron binary al-
The void swelling-fluence relation has been represented in loys [48], Fe-Cr binary alloys with up to 18% Cr
terms of an incubation dose, below which the swelling is neg- [20,21,25,53], and Fe-er ternary alloys containing Si, Mn, V,
ligible (< 0.1%), followed by a linear swelling rate regime thus: W, Ta, and Zr [53] after neutron [20,21,25,53] and ion
[48-52] irradiation. Although these results are only periph-
S -< 0.1% for D -< Do (9-1) erally relevant to the swelling of the more complicated
S = A(D - Do) for D > Do (9-2) steels, the results established the low-swelling nature of fer-
ritic alloys relative to austenitic alloys and demonstrate the
where S is the total swelling, A is the swelling rate, and D and effect of solutes and the overall microstructure on sup-
Do are the total and incubation doses, respectively. pressing void swelling by interacting with irradiation-pro-
The extensive experimental data for the austenitic stainless duced vacancies or the dislocation structure (theories devel-
steels have shown that the magnitude of the swelling depends oped to explain swelling resistance will be discussed below).
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International
CHAPTER 9: D I M E N S I O N A L S T A B I L I T Y ~ S W E L L I N G 91

3O I I I I I ! I I I 416, AISI 430F, and EM12) plus FeCrAlY (22.5Cr-5A1-0.68Y-

0.009C) and Carpenter Custom 455 (12Cr-8.4Ni-0.24Nb-
1.2Ti-2.1Cu-0.008C) to 125 dpa at 400 to 650~ [25]. Peak
25 | 5LgDTg~P3Ep/FIED j swelling occurred for most steels at 400 to 420~ with <0.2%
swelling, except for the EM12 (0.6% at 400 to 420~ and Car-
penter Custom 455 (1.78% at 540~ The latter steel contains
10% Ni, which was concluded to promote austenite forma-
tion, and the higher swelling at the higher temperature was

v:+, +t " 8 COMMERCIALLY ~ - ~ . ~ N

attributed to austenite that formed during irradiation as a re-
sult of radiation-induced segregation [25].
Although no voids were observed in the Sandvik HT9 irra-
10 l- SPECIFIED1.0TSOF / ~ ' ~ ' ~ , ~ diated to 70 dpa in EBR-II [28], a few scattered voids formed
in another heat irradiated in the Fast Flux Test Facility
(FFTF) at 420~ [27,34] in two different heat treatment con-
ditions. After irradiation to 114 dpa at 420~ voids were non-
uniformly distributed, and swelling varied from 0.24 to 0.7%
for one heat-treatment condition and from 0.78 to 0.9% for
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 the other condition. Heat treatment was considered a possi-
ble cause for the variation, although the precipitate distribu-
FLUENCE (10 zz n/cm 2 ,E > 0.1 MeV)

FIG. 9.1--Swelling behavior of six commercial

heats of ferritic/martensitic steels compared to type 10.0 I I I I I I
316 stainless steel after irradiation in EBR-II at 420~
to ~80 dpa (from D. S. Gelles, unpublished research). 32~11 1MeV Electron G" -------e G"
Inadiations , , , m s " " ,--
/~e4 / f l ~ I ~ -,-- --OI
These are also important processes for the high-chromium A
1.0 eS / - - /~i
ferritic and martensitic steels, the swelling behavior of
which will now be presented in some detail. A.4 / Ion Irradiations
/ /
.'g /E < B s

Little and Stowe [20,21] irradiated the three 12% Cr marten-

sitic steels FI, CRM-12, and FV448, the bainitic steel 2'/,Cr-
1Mo, and the fully ferritic Fe-14Cr-4A1 (Fecralloy) at 380 to 0.01 I H+ I I I
0 50 100 150 200 250 3OO
615~ to 30 dpa in DFR. At all irradiation temperatures,
Displacement Dose (dpa)
swelling was below the detection limit of 0.1% for immersion
density measurements. The only changes noted were at Peak SwelHng
595~ for Fecralloy and at 615~ for FI and FV448, where
densification near the detection limit was observed. TEM ob-
+; Du~nat~
servations verified the lack of swelling, finding only small iso- >~ 3 EM12 450-500 10
lated regions that contained a low density of cavities in the FI 4 EM10 450 10
and FV448 steels irradiated at 380~ [21]. 5 ODS 45O 11,12
Gelles and co-workers [25-29,53,54] studied several com- PeakSw~i~g
mercial steels after irradiation in EBR-II. For 21/,Cr-1Mo, I)udgmtlon St~ IonlEnergy Temperature (oC) Ref~mm:e
H-11 (5Cr-I.0Mo-0.9Si-0.5V-0.4C), modified 9Cr-lMo (9Cr- A FI 52 MeV Cr6+ 425-450 14
1MoVNb), Sandvik HT9 (12Cr-1MoVW), AISI 416 (13Cr- A' 20 MeV Cr 475 14
0.25Mo-0.4Mn-0.3Ni-0.5Si-0.1C), AISI 430F (18Cr-0.4Mn- O B FV607 "
C CRM12 "
0.5Si-0.04C), and EM12 (9Cr-2MoVNb) irradiated to 70 dpa
at 400 to 650~ cavities were obselwed only in the 2'/,Cr-lMo i
4 6 . 5 M e V NP+ 9 15
and the duplex EM12 at 400 to 450~ (a few helium bubbles E' " 500 keV Fe + 5OO I0
r F 9Cr-IMoVNb 3 MeV Ni 450 16
were observed in the EM12 at 650~ The EM12 was the only o F 4 MeV Fe 500,550 17
steel that showed significant swelling by densitometry, hut its G HT9 3 MeV Ni§ & 450 18
swelling rate was one-twentieth that of austenitic steels [53]. 4 MeV Ni3+
Figure 9.1 summarizes the work of Gelles and co-workers G' " 500 keY Fe + 500 10
G" " 2.8 M e V Fe + 19
and shows the marked contrast in the swelling behavior of H EM10 500 keV F e + 9 10
AISI type 316 stainless steel and several commercial ferritic I EM12 2.8 M e V Fe + 55O 19
steels irradiated to ~70 dpa in EBR-II [54].
Gelles also irradiated the above-mentioned commercial FIG. 9.2--Void swelling of electron- and ion-irradiated fer-
steels (2~/4Cr-lMo, H-11, 9Cr-IMoVNb, Sandvik HT9, AISI ritic/martensitic steels.

In addition to irradiating the 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-

10"0 1 ' i ! n I
1MoVW steels, Gelles also irradiated two ODS (oxide disper-
sion-strengthened) alloys to 200 dpa in FFTF: a commercial
I r

=--, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,=,= ='=" " ' ! "e'E3 ' p1

heat of MA 956 (Fe-19.1Cr-0.02C-0.2Ni-0.26Y203-0.9Ti) and
two batches of an experimental steel designated MA957 (Fe-
g 1"0 t s . ;~H= eF4 13.5Cr-0.25Mo-0.26Y203-0.95Ti) [29]. Immersion density
measurements showed swelling of 1.17% for the MA 956 and
1.75 and 0.25% for the two batches of MA 957. Swelling in the
/ "" MA956 was described as uniform, while a non-uniform dis-
"10 _~/A,B I, ,i 'l tribution of voids was observed in the MA 957. Voids in the
u.1 I-r1 9 1 ~ g e i e ,F .C=,DI, G2 ~"
MA 957 were found in regions that recrystallized before irra-
I~ ~, To= ..-- diation. The difference in the swelling amounts of the two
MA 957 batches was attributed to differences in the amount
of recrystallization that occurred during processing [29].
Dubuisson et al. [22] examined the microstructure of the
oo. ;fT'. . . I 17% Cr non-transformable ferritic steel F17, the duplex steel
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 EM12, and the martensitic steels FV448, HT9, DIN 1.4914,
Displacement Dose (dpa) and EM 10 after irradiation in the Ph6nix reactor from 400 to
550~ up to 110 dpa. Few voids were observed in any of the
O=dS==tk~ SZ=~ T, mpemum (oc) P.e~erence steels. The most swelling was observed in the 8-ferrite regions
A R 380'61 20, 21
of the duplex EM12 and in the ferrite of the F17 steel, No cav-
B CRM12 b m
ities were observed in the lath martensite microstructure of
C1 FVaA8
Ca 4OO-5OO 22 the HT9, and although cavities were observed in the FV448,
DI 1.4914 1.4914, and EM10, the voids were widely scattered, giving es-
D2 400-480 23
1:)3 4OO-58O 24 sentially zero swelling [22].
E1 9Cr-IMoVNb 400-650 25-28 DIN 1.4914 steel was found to be low swelling in other
E2 25
Ea -420 29
studies [12,23,24,42]. A fuel wrapper of DIN 1.4914 irradi-
E4 9 30 ated to 105 dpa in the range 400 to 480~ in Ph6nix showed a
Es 300-600 31, 21
E9 9 33
maximum swelling of only 0.05% [23]. TEM indicated the
F1 HT9 40O-65O 25-28 presence of ~' particles at a number density of 2 x 1015 cm -3
F2 " 25
F3 -420 27, 34
F4 29
Fs 9 20
p~ 300-600 25,28 10.0 I I I I
G1 EM10 4O0600 35
G2 4OO-55O 22
H1 EM12 400-650 25-28, 36
He 9 25 ,.. ,.. ,.. s 9 C2
He 4OO-55O 22 A
I.i4 4OO-5OO 10
1.0 I
I 1.4923 4OO-580 24
J Hll 400-540 25,28
K EP450 280-520 37-39 " "E eH - , ' ' ' ' * ~'4D C1
L1 FeCrAI 380-615 20, 21 B1' _ ...-
L2 425, 540 25,28 "o
M 430F 400-650 25, 28
N 17Cr 400-600 35,40,41 0.1
p1 OOS 42O 29
p2 427-710 42
1:,3 420-450 12

FIG. 9 . 3 - - - V o i d s w e l l i n g of n e u t r o n - i r r a d i a t e d c o m m e r c i a l fer- 0.01
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
r i t i c / m a r t e n s i t i c steels.
Displacement Dose (dpa)

Ouignatlon Steel Temperature (~ Reference
tion and dislocation structures appeared similar for the two A 9Cr-WV 426 43
B 11Cr-WV
conditions. A swelling rate of 0.015%/dpa was estimated be- C1 9Cr-0.5V 420 43-45
tween 50 and 114 dpa for the 0.9% change, a much lower rate C2 9Cr-IV-1Mn
C3 9Cr-0.5V-3Mn
than the ~ l % / d p a typically found in austenitic stainless c4 9Cr-lW-2Mn
steels [34]. cs 12Cr-1V-6.5Mn
Gelles extended the irradiations to 200 dpa in FFTF at D 9Cr-2WV 30
E 9Cr-2WVTa
420~ for the 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels [29] and F 9Cr-2WVTaB 46
found the continued low swelling. The 9Cr-IMoVNb showed G 9Cr-2WVTa
H 9Cr-2WVTaTiB 47
a larger swelling (1.76%) than the 12Cr-IMoVW (0.09 and I 9Cr-2WVTaTi
1.02% for steel tempered at 700 and 750~ respectively), in
agreement with a maximum in swelling around 9% Cr ob- FIG. 9 . 4 - - V o i d s w e l l i n g o f n e u t r o n - i r r a d i a t e d re-
served for Fe-er binary alloys [21,53]. d u c e d a c t i v a t i o n f e r r i t i c / m a r t e n s i t i c steels.

that also formed during irradiation in this temperature steels showed larger swelling than the commercial 9Cr-
range. The swelling behavior of the DIN 1.4914 and EM12 1MoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels indicates that swelling de-
was compared to the swelling of several oxide dispersion- pends on more than just the chromium composition. The 2.5
strengthened (ODS) alloys after 55 dpa in the Rapsodie fast and 12% Cr steels showed swelling values similar to the 9Cr-
reactor in France [12,42]. The ODS steels tested were Fe- 1MoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW (Table 9.1) [45]. The 12Cr-IW-
13Cr-l.5Mo-3.5Ti with <0.08% C that contained either tita- 6.5Mn-0.1C steel showed a negative swelling, indicating that
nium oxide (TiOa) or yttrium oxide (YEO3) for dispersion the change in density due to precipitation more than offset
strengthening. The DIN 1.4914 and EM12 had greater irradi- any void swelling. Figure 9.5 shows the void microstructures
ation resistance than the ODS alloys. Over the range 410 to of the reduced-activation steels [45].
490~ and 30 to 55 dpaF, the TiO2-strengthened steel showed The observation that some reduced-activation steels
the greatest amount of swelling (~ 1.2% max), followed by the showed higher swelling than the commercial steels does not
Y203-strengthened steel (-~0.8% max), and the EM12 and necessarily mean that reduced-activation steels in general
DIN 1.4914 with swelling of -~0.4% max [12,24,42]. swell more than the conventional steels. It is probably a re-
Russian investigators [37,55] have compared ferritic/mar- flection that these are experimental steels and not optimized
tensitic steel wrapper materials for fast reactors with compositions. After irradiation in FFTF to 35 dpa at 420~
austenitic stainless steel wrapper materials irradiated to a swelling of the reduced-activation 9Cr-2WV and 9Cr-2WVTa
maximum of 144 dpa. The chosen Russian ferritic/marten- steels and the conventional 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW
sitic steels were EP-450 (Fe-12Cr-I.5Mo-0.2V-0.4Nb-0.5Si- steels was estimated by TEM to be 0.2, 0.33, 0.85, and
0.8Mn-0.004B-0.12C) [37,55], 05X12H2M (Fe-13.5Cr-0.3Ni- 0.007%, respectively [30]. The results again verify the supe-
0.55Nb-0.5Si-0.02P-0.15C) [36], and EP823 (12Cr-0.8Ni-0.4 rior swelling resistance of the 12 Cr steel, but they also
Nb- 1.3Si-0.06B-0.18C) [55]. Dose dependence of the swelling show the relatively good resistance of the more optimized
of EP-450 was described in a s u m m a r y report as just 9Cr reduced-activation compositions, even relative to the
0.004%/dpa [37]. It was stated that swelling for the three fer- conventional 9Cr-IMoVNb steel. As stated above, the 9Cr-
ritic/martensitic steels would not limit the attainment of 1MoVNb steel, which was the highest swelling steel in this
damage doses of 140 dpa, compared with a limit of 50 to 70 experiment, showed less than 2% swelling at 200 dpa in
dpa for the austenitic steels [55]. FFTF at 420~ [29].
Gelles examined the swelling of Cr-V, Cr-W, and Cr-W-V- Garner et al. [56] recently reexamined results from the Fe-
Mn reduced-activation steels with ~2.5, 9, and 12% Cr irra- Cr binary, ternary, and quaternary alloys irradiated in EBR-
diated in FFTF to 9.8, 43.3, and 114.2 dpa at 420~ 14.4 dpa II that were earlier studied by Gelles and Thomas [26] and
at 520~ and 33.8 dpa at 600~ [29,43-45]. Void formation concluded that there had been an error in "dose assign-
occurred at 420~ but not at 520 and 600~ [44]. Specimens ment" for the bcc alloys, and the steady-state swelling rate
of these steels were also irradiated to 200 dpa at 420~ [45] in was not as different from the austenitic stainless steels as
the experiment discussed above where the 9Cr-IMoVNb and usually stated. For the Fe-Cr alloys investigated, a steady-
12 Cr- 1MoVW steels were irradiated (Table 9.1) [43 ]. Qualita- state swelling rate of ~0.2%/dpa was obtained, which is
tively, the swelling of the reduced-activation steels was simi- closer to the ~ l % / d p a typically found for austenitic stain-
lar to that for the two Cr-Mo steels, with the 9Cr steels again less steels than previous calculations. The reason for the low
showing the most swelling. The peak in swelling at 9% Cr swelling rates usually observed for ferritic/martensitic steels
agrees with results obtained by Geltes from irradiation stud- was attributed to the longer transient stage for the bcc
ies on Fe-Cr binary alloys with chromium concentrations be- structure relative to the fcc structure of austenitic stainless
tween 2 and 18% [53]. The 9Cr-0.5V-0.1C, 9Cr-I.2V-I.IMn- steels [56]. The transient stage is dominated by void nucle-
0.2C, 9Cr-0.5V-2.7Mn-0.1C, and 9Cr-lW-0.25V-2.5Mn-0.1C ation (formation of critical size cavities), which was taken
reduced-activation steels had swelling values of 0.54, 2.20, to indicate that nucleation is more difficult in the bcc struc-
4.66, and 5.04%, respectively. This variation in swelling and ture. These results also indicated that swelling occurred at
the observation that all but one of the reduced-activation temperatures as high as 650~ which is well above the peak
swelling temperature [56].
TABLE 9.1--Swelling of a Series of Reduced-activation Of course, the compositions of the ferritic/martensitic
Ferritic/Martensitic Steels and Conventional 9Cr-IMoVNb steels used for fission and fusion applications, as opposed to
and 12Cr-1MoVW Steels. the Fe-er alloys in the work of Garner et al. [56], extend the
Alloy Fluence, dpa Swelling transient beyond those observed for these simple alloys, thus
2Cr-0.5V 203.2 1. I 1 giving rise to the observations that the ferritic steels show less
2Cr-IV 203.5 1.3 swelling than austenitic stainless steels. According to this in-
2Cr-I.5V 204 1.52 terpretation, the low swelling rates for ferritic steels observed
9Cr-0.5V 204.8 0.54
9Cr-IV-1Mn 205.7 2.2 in some experiments (e.g., 0.004%/dpa [37]) are for swelling
9Cr-0.5V-3Mn 206 4.66 in the transient stage. Further, by this interpretation, it must
12Cr-lV-6.5Mn 208.8 1.43 be concluded that a quite long incubation period must be
9Cr- lW-2Mn 204.4 5.04 possible for these steels, given the observations in some high
12Cr-lW-6.5Mn 206.9 -0.77
9Cr-IMoVNb 204.5 1.76 dpa irradiations, such as: a swelling rate of 0.015%/dpa be-
12Cr-1MoVW" 204.5 0.09 tween 50 and 114 dpa at 420~ for HT9 [34], a maximum
12Cr- 1MoVWb 204.5 1.02 swelling of 0.09 and 1.02% in HT9 with different heat treat-
~Temperedat 700~ ments after irradiation at 420~ to 200 dpa, and a maximum
bTemperedat 750~ swelling in DIN 1.4914 of only 0.05% after irradiation at 400

FIG. 9.5--Microstructures of experimental reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic

steels following irradiation at 420~ in FFTF to 200 dpa: top row, left to right, 2Cr-
0.5V, 2Cr-IV, and 2Cr-I.5V; middle row, left to right, 9Cr-0.5V, 9Cr-IV, and 9Cr-0.5V-
3Mn; bottom row, left to right, 12Cr-1V-6.5Mn, 9Cr-1W-2Mn, and 12Cr-1W-6.5Mn [29].

to 480~ to 105 dpa [23]. However, Garner et al. warn that in Helium Effects
a fusion reactor where large amounts of helium will form in
the first wall, the low-swelling character of the ferritic/ Because of the large amount of helium produced in a fusion
martensitic steels might be compromised by the effect of the reactor first wall, the effect of helium on swelling was in-
helium on the nucleation of voids [56]. vestigated by irradiating 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW
Basically, the swelling results for commercial Cr-Mo steels steels and these steels with 2% Ni (9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni and
and experimental reduced-activation steels irradiated in fast 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni) in the HFIR [31-33,57]. The thermal
reactors can be summarized as indicating that these steels neutrons in this mixed-spectrum reactor react with 58Ni ac-
show relatively low swelling (much less than the austenitic cording to Eqs 8.2 and 8.3 to produce transmutation he-
stainless steels), even when irradiated to 200 dpa near the lium. By comparing microstructures (Fig. 9.6) of the un-
peak swelling temperature. This is true whether the steel is in doped and nickel-doped steels irradiated at 400~ in HFIR
the martensitic, bainitic, or ferritic condition and whether (~37 dpa with 30 and 400 appm He in the undoped and
the steel is transformable or non-transformable. Helium is doped steels, respectively) with those irradiated at 407~ in
expected to be important in a fusion reactor, and that will be FFTF (47 dpa and ~5 dpa in both the undoped and doped
discussed next. steels), it was concluded that increases in the He/dpa ratio

enhanced the formation of large, bias-driven voids [33]. and Asano et al. concluded that helium was required for cav-
Furthermore, after irradiation in HFIR, the extent of void ity formation [ 18]. Despite these observations, Gelles and Ko-
formation depended on nickel concentration, an indication hyama implied that helium might still not be a factor in FFTF
that helium affected void formation, since nickel appeared by stating [34], " . . . in those materials where precipitation
to produce no significant differences in the general mi- that formed during irradiation plays a role in microstructural
crostructure for the steel irradiated in HFIR and FFTF development, care must be taken in interpreting the results of
[31-33,57]. The nickel-containing steel irradiated in both re- high-damage-rate irradiation." As stated above, other gases
actors contained a high density of fine M6C precipitates besides helium (or in addition to helium) can play a role in
(Fig. 9.6) [33]. void formation [58,59].
This conclusion on helium effects was questioned by Gelles Kimura et al. [46] examined the microstructure of a 9Cr-
and Kohyama [34], based on the observation that no voids 2W-0.25V-0.05Ta-0.1C reduced-activation steel with and
formed in HT9 after 70 dpa in EBR-II, but a few did form in without 0.003% B irradiated in FFTF. The steels with boron
a different heat of the steel after 34 dpa [27] and many showed as much as 0.2% swelling after irradiation to 40 dpa
formed after 114 dpa [34] in FFTF. They concluded that sig- (~30 appm He) at 420~ compared with negligible swelling
nificant helium was not required for void formation, and they for the steels without boron. The authors attributed the
argued that the behavior appeared to be different even in dif- higher swelling rate in the boron-containing steel [46] "to be
ferent fast reactors (EBR-II versus FFTF). Since different due to the helium transmuted from l~ included in the natu-
heats of HT9 were irradiated in EBR-II [27] and FFTF ral boron."
[27,34], an alternate explanation might be differences in dis- Shibayama et al. [47] irradiated two 9Cr-2WVTa steels sim-
solved gas concentrations (e.g., O or N) in the two heats. Such ilar to the ones irradiated by Kimura et al. [46] but with
gases can play a pivotal role similar to transmutation helium 0.02% Ti, one steel with a 0.003% B addition and one with-
in nucleating voids [58,59]. out. After irradiation to 60 dpa at 420~ in FFTF, microvoids
Gelles and Kohyama [34] compared FFTF results for HT9 formed in both steels. The mean size of the voids in the
steel irradiated to 114 dpa with dual ion-beam irradiations to boron-containing steel with -~30 appm He was much smaller
100 dpa and 15 appm He by Asano et al. [18]. The latter stud- than for the voids in the .steel without boron, but the void
ies showed a density change of only 0.14%, compared to the number density in the steel with boron was about twice that
high of 0.9% in FFTF. With 100 dpa and 5 appm He, only of the steel without boron. Less swelling occurred in the steel
small cavities formed in the high-damage-rate ion-beam ex- with boron (0.45% versus 0.77%) because the high density of
periments [18]. However, no cavities formed without helium, smaller bubbles in this steel acted as neutral sinks (no bias

FIG. 9.6--Microstructures of 9Cr-lMoVNb (left) and 9Cr-1MoVNb-2Ni (right) steels irradiated in

FFTF at 420~ to 47 dpa (top) and in HFIR at 400~ to 37 dpa (bottom) showing increased void
formation after HFIR irradiation; the micrographs on the right indicate little difference in the pre-
cipitate microstructures formed in the 9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni steel during irradiation in FFTF (top) and
HFIR (bottom) [33],

for either vacancies or interstitials), which is how helium of- ferritic/martensitic steels are low swelling relative to the
ten affects swelling [58,59]. other materials, and that "gas concentrations appropriate to
Gelles used the nickel doping technique in Fe-12Cr-l.5Ni fusion-reactor conditions do not induce an enhancement in
ternary alloys to study the effect of the nickel by irradiating swelling relative to fission neutron irradiation." Similar re-
alloys containing 1.5% of natural nickel, 59Ni, and 6~ to ~7 sults were obtained in an ion-bombardment experiment of an
dpa in HFIR at 300 and 400~ [60]. About 45 appm He was Fe-10Cr binary alloy following helium injection. A high den-
produced from the natural nickel, 80 appm He from 59Ni, and sity of voids developed during ion irradiation, and Mazey et
no helium frorn 6~ An Fe-12Cr alloy was also irradiated. A al. used this observation to explain the low swelling in terms
high density of helium bubbles formed in the alloys with nat- of the ultra-high dislocation densities generated in the
ural nickel and 59Ni irradiated at 300~ Lower densities were martensite transformation, which are then stabilized by car-
observed in the alloys with 6~ additions and no added bide precipitates and helium gas bubbles [15].
nickel. At 400~ precipitate formation in the nickel-contain- Gilbon and Rivera [10] compared ion, electron, and neu-
ing alloys hindered the observations of bubbles, while the al- tron irradiation. They used TEM to examine the five com-
loy without nickel contained some cavities. In addition to the mercial ferritic steels, EM10, HT9, DIN 1.4914, EM12, and
~' that is usually found in such 12% Cr alloys, it was con- F17 after dual-beam (He+/Fe +) irradiation at 450, 500, and
cluded that the nickel promoted additional precipitate for- 550~ EM10 and EM12 after 1 MeV electron irradiation at
mation. The new precipitates were not identified. It was con- 400, 450, and 500~ and EM12 and F17 after irradiation in
cluded that because of the precipitates, caution must be the Phdnix fast reactor at 400 to 500~ The dual-beam irra-
exercised when using nickel doping to study helium effects diations to 100 dpa and 20 appm He/dpa produced mi-
[60]. It should be pointed out, however, that these alloys are crostructures with small helium bubbles after irradiation to
quite different from typical 12 Cr steels. For example, in ad- 500~ with the size (2.2 to 3.1 nm) and number density (~ 1
dition to iron and chromium, HT9 also contains Mo, V, Nb, x 10 av cm 3) of the bubbles only weakly sensitive to the type
W, Si, Mn, and C. of steel, even though the chromium concentration ranged
The question of the effect of nickel additions on the mi- from 9 to 17% and the microstructures ranged from ~ 100%
crostructure of the steels was also addressed in the work on tempered martensite (HT9, EM10, and DIN 1.4914) to the
9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels with up to 2% Ni duplex structure of tempered martensite and 8-ferrite
[31-33,57]. No difference in the precipitate microstructure of (EM10) to 100% ferrite (F17). Bubble size increased slightly
the steels with and without the 2% Ni was observed before ir- and number density decreased slightly with temperature, but
radiation [31-33]. However, irradiation of the nickel-doped the bubble volume fraction was relatively independent of
steels in both HFIR and FFTF at 400 and 500~ resulted in temperature. Voids were only observed at -500~ The high-
the production of a fine distribution of M6C (Fig. 9.6), which est swelling resistance of the three tempered martensitic
was rich in Cr, Ni, and Si [33]. Since the precipitate mi- steels was observed for EM10, with the HT9 showing the
crostructures in HFIR and FFTF at ~400~ were similar, the highest swelling, although it was still very low at 0.06%. The
precipitate was not thought to invalidate the conclusion that F17 showed no indication of cavity formation [10].
helium enhanced the formation of voids (bias-driven cavi- Results for the electron irradiation of the EMI0 and EM12
ties) and bubble formation at 300 to 600~ [33]. were similar to the dual-beam tests in that the swelling rate
was <0.1%/dpa, with the EM10 having the best swelling re-
sistance [10]. One difference between ion and electron irra-
Ion and Electron Irradiation
diations of the EM10 was that voids appeared after electron
Ion and electron irradiations are carried out to simulate neu- irradiation to 5 dpa with a saturation value of 1016/cm 3, com-
tron irradiation. However, peak swelling temperatures for pared to no voids in the ion irradiations even after 100 dpa.
electron and heavy-ion irradiations occur at 100 to 150~ Swelling resistance in the g-ferrite and tempered martensite
higher than for neutron irradiation due to the higher dis- constituents of the EM 12 were similar [ 10].
placement rate (dpa s 1) for ion and electron irradiation. For Irradiations of the F17 in Ph6nix at 407~ to 80 dpa re-
a higher defect production rate during ion or electron irradi- sulted in a homogeneous distribution of voids (2.5 • 10 TM
ation, a higher temperature must be reached before the ther- cm 3, 35 nm) to give a swelling of ~0.5% along with the pro-
mal vacancy emission rate exceeds the net influx of irradia- duction of a high density of cd precipitate [10]. Swelling be-
tion-produced vacancies, the net result being a shift in the came negligible at 493~ Void swelling in the EM 12 after 100
peak swelling temperature. Electron irradiation has been dpa at 413~ was -~0.55%, with little difference in the voids
used primarily to study microstmctural changes, often with in the ferrite or the tempered martensite. No voids were ob-
tests conducted in situ. Much ion-irradiation work on fer- served after irradiation at 459~ but chi-phase was observed
ritic/martensitic steels has involved the study of helium ef- [10].
fects, either by dual-beam (heavy ion/helium) irradiations The authors [10] concluded that their dual-beam results
[ 14-i 8,52,61-63] or by pre-injecting helium before the heavy- were in agreement with previous dual- and triple-beam irra-
ion bombardment [62,64]. Triple-beam irradiations with hy- diations [16,17,63] and mixed-spectrum reactor irradiations
drogen ions as the third beam have also been used [ 17]. [31-33] in that they observed "a high density of small bubbles
Dual-beam experiments by Mazey et al. [15] demonstrated over a wide range of temperatures (300 to 600~ and their
the low-swelling character of ferritic/martensitic steels by ir- preferential distribution at dislocations and lath boundaries
radiating several austenitic stainless steels and nickel-base al- for temperatures above 500~ In the dual-beam experi-
loys along with the FV448, FV607, CRM 12, and FI fer- ments, the authors also compared tempered and untempered
ritic/martensitic steels. The authors concluded that the DIN 1.4914 and found precipitate formation in the untem-
CHAPTER 9: D I M E N S I O N A L S T A B I L I T Y - - S W E L L I N G 97

pered steel but no void formation [10]. This was the only pre- interstitials due to the trapping effects caused by the weak in-
cipitation that was found for the ion irradiations, and the au- teractions between c h r o m i u m atoms and vacancies. The
thors observed that whereas dual-beam irradiations allow for swelling increase above 5% was attributed to depletion of
the simulation of helium effects, the reactor irradiations are chromium caused by a' precipitation [20]. A similar explana-
irreplaceable to determine possible degradation effects tion was used for commercial steels [20]. Solute-atom trap-
caused by precipitation during irradiation [10]. ping involves both interstitial and substitutional elements
Differences were observed between neutron irradiation that bind preferentially to irradiation-produced point defects
and electron irradiation by Little, who irradiated FV448 with (see Chapter 10 on radiation-induced segregation); it retards
1 MeV electrons at 300 to 500~ to 2, 10, and 40 dpa [9]. the migration of the defects to sinks, thus enhancing va-
Whereas a < 1 0 0 > loops formed during fast reactor irradia- cancy-interstitial recombination. Solute-trapping effects
tion, a uniform dislocation network formed after electron ir- were also cited in other work on commercial steels [26].
radiation to 40 dpa. Rapid void nucleation was found in the Observations on ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in a
electron-irradiated steel; this high density of voids consti- fast reactor indicate that a < 1 0 0 > dislocation loops form
tuted a distribution of neutral sinks that affected the subse- within a network that consists predominantly of a/2< 111 >
quent swelling behavior [9]. loops [67]. It has been suggested that the a < 1 0 0 > loops have
Ion irradiation was also used to examine the effect of steel a strong interstitial bias that results in the a/2< 111 > loops
purity on swelling. Reduced-activation steels will need to be becoming sinks for the vacancies [67,68]. Electron irradia-
produced from pure components to eliminate the small con- tion studies verified that the a < 100> loops have a strong bias
centrations of deleterious elements such as Nb, Mo, Ag, etc. for interstitials, while the a/2< 111 > loops are essentially
Nagaszki et al. [65] investigated the effect of purity on helium neutral sinks [68]. These latter loops therefore become sinks
bubble formation in Fe-9Cr-0.1C steel produced with iron pu- for the vacancies as well [74,75], thereby reducing the vacan-
rified by floating zone (FZ) refining and commercial high-pu- cies available to cause cavity growth. Solute segregation was
rity chromium. They compared the results with commercial- also found to be stronger to the a < 100> loops in an Fe- 10Cr-
grade (C-grade) Fe-9Cr-0.06C and Fe-9Cr-0.15C steels. 1Ni alloy [74].
Results after 1000 appm He implantation at 0.2 dpa showed For Fe-Cr binary alloys with 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18% Cr ir-
that a higher density of smaller bubbles formed in the FZ-Fe- radiated in fast reactors up to 19 dpa at 400 to 540~ Gelles
9Cr-0.1C steel than the C-Fe-9Cr-0.06C and C-Fe-9Cr-0.15C, and Thomas found that the maximum swelling occurred for
with much larger denuded zones at prior austenite grain the 9% Cr alloy, and the minimum occurred for the 3% Cr al-
boundaries for the latter two steels. The C-Fe-9Cr-0.15C had loy [26,52]. Peak swelling corresponded with a network dis-
a more uniform distribution of somewhat smaller cavities location structure of equivalent parts of a < 1 0 0 > and
than the C-Fe-9Cr-0.06C steel. a/2< 111 > Burgers vectors, compared with predominantly
Based on previous work in which sulfur was added to high- a < 1 0 0 > dislocation loops and some large a / 2 < l l l > loops
purity Fe-Cr alloys [66], the authors attributed the differ- and dislocations present in the alloys with 6, 12, 15, and 18%
ences in the three steels to vacancy segregation to strain Cr, which showed less swelling. Twelve ternary alloys with
fields of sulfide clusters or complexes (FeS, CrS, and MnS) Fe-10Cr to which respectively 0.1 and 1% Si, Mn, V, W, Ta,
that then act as cavity nucleation sites. They cite carbon or ni- and Zr were individually added to the binary composition
trogen interstitials as nucleation sites in the high-purity steel were irradiated to 30.5 dpa at 430~ [53]. With the exception
and for the lesser amount of large cavities in the C-grade Fe- of the zirconium, the results indicated that swelling varied
9Cr-0.15C steel. The larger denuded zones are related to the linearly with solute atom size misfit between the solute and
sulfur-containing clusters that may be present in the C-grade the iron lattice for the 1% alloys. Dislocation loop evolution
steels [65,66]. for these alloys generally favored equal components of
a < 100> and a/2< 111 > Burgers vectors, but the 1% V alloy
promoted a < 100> and Zr promoted aJ2< 111 > vectors. The
Swelling Mechanisms
general conclusion was that radiation-induced solute segre-
Several explanations have been put forward for the superior gation controls the microstructural development, and it was
swelling resistance of ferritic steels relative to the austenitic suggested that the solutes that segregated to dislocations and
steels [6,7,14,21,26,33,62,67-72]. They include mechanisms cavities affected the dislocation bias and/or surface energies
that depend on solute trapping [21,26,63], the character of [53].
the dislocation loop structure [67,68], the lower relaxation For the 9Cr- 1MoVNb and 12Cr- 1MoVW martensitic steels
volumes of the body-centered cubic structure [69], and the and the MA 956 and MA957 irradiated to 200 dpa in FFTF,
tempered martensite microstructure [33,62,72]. The model Gelles found regions in the steels with comparable void de-
based on the assumption of a lower dislocation bias for in- velopment but with different dislocation structures [29]. The
terstitials in bcc alloys than fcc alloys because of a lower re- general dislocation structure consisted of a < 100 > loops and
laxation volume [69] has been questioned based on observed a network of a/2< 111> dislocation segments. However, in
growth rates [70] and computer simulation studies [73]. some areas, the structure was primarily a / 2 < l 11>, which
Little and Stow [20] studied the swelling of Fe-Cr (0, 1, 5, may have been caused by nearby subgrain boundaries. From
10, and 15% Cr) binary alloys and observed a decrease in the observation of similar void structures in both regions, it
swelling for chromium up to 5% followed by a gradual in- was concluded that the void swelling was [29] "unaffected by
crease from 5% to 15%. They explained their results by solute whether the dislocation structure contains a significant
trapping; they envisioned the suppression of the void nucle- a < 1 0 0 > component," and the results were taken to [29] "in-
ation rate by the enhanced recombination of vacancies and dicate that either the Burgers vector distribution has little ef-

fect on swelling, or the magnitude of swelling is independent explain the reduced swelling in boron-doped 9Cr-2WVTaTi
of differences in dislocation response in isolated regions." steels [47] irradiated in FFTF. A cavity-dominated structure in
The normalized-and-tempered microstructure of the steels the ion-bombarded, helium-injected Fe-10Cr alloy was used
or the microstructure that evolves during irradiation has also to explain the low swelling of this alloy [14]. Another demon-
been cited for the swelling resistance [ 13,33,71 ]. The extensive stration of this effect was observed in an ODS Fe-13Cr steel
subgrain and lath boundary surfaces in martensitic steels can containing a high density of yttria particles simultaneously ir-
act as neutral point defect sinks to reduce point-defect super- radiated to 50 dpa by 52 MeV Cr 6+ ions and 4 MeV a-particles
saturation. Likewise, in the 12Cr steels, small irradiation-in- to 600 appm He [73]. Swelling in the ODS steel was less than
duced c~' precipitates that form during irradiation could act as half (0.24 versus 0.49%) the swelling that occurred in a steel
recombination sites for vacancies and interstitials [20]. That without the yttria particles. The cavities were consistently as-
is, ~' is thought to form as a coherent particle, so that vacan- sociated with the yttria particles, which probably trapped the
cies and/or interstitials could be trapped there and become helium that then acted as nuclei for the cavities [73].
annihilated by recombination. An incoherent particle is re- Kim et al. [76] demonstrated the effect of microstructure
quired for the precipitate to act as a sink. The size and num- on swelling during dual-beam (3.2 MeV Fe + , 330 keV He +)
ber density of precipitates and the dislocation structure irradiations to 50 dpa and 260 appm He at 650~ They irra-
formed during tempering was used to explain the observation diated solution-annealed type 316LN stainless steel (SS), nor-
that indicated 0.09 and 1.02% swelling for HT9 steel tempered malized-and-tempered 9Cr-2WVTa steel, and three ferritic
at 700 and 750~ respectively [29]. A higher density of finer ODS steels; the ODS steels were: Fe-17Cr-0.25Y203 (17Y3),
precipitates and a higher dislocation density will be present Fe-12Cr-0.25Y203 (12Y1), and Fe-12Cr-3W-0.4Ti-0.25Y203
after tempering at 700~ than after tempering at 750~ Fur- (12YWT). The microstructures of these steels were quite var-
ther, if precipitation is incomplete after the 700~ temper, fur- ied. The 316LN SS had clean grains with a dislocation den-
ther precipitation during irradiation can lead to densification sity estimated at p < < 1013m/m 3, compared to p ~< 1015 m / m 3
that can offset swelling due to void growth [29]. for the 9Cr-2WVTa, which contained the typical large M23C6
Lee and Mansur [72] described bias-driven swelling behav- precipitates. The dislocation densities of 17Y3, 12Y1, and
ior in terms of the critical radius or the critical number of gas 12YWT ODS steels were estimated at 10 is, 1015, and 1015 to
atoms required to stabilize a cavity and allow it to continue 1016 m/m 3, respectively. Average diameters of the oxide par-
to grow by vacancy accumulation and a parameter Q that ticles in the 12Y1 were estimated to be 10 to 40 nm at a num-
measures the relative importance of the dislocation structure ber density of 1020 to 1021 m -3. The particles in 17Y3 were
and cavities as sinks for the irradiation-produced defects. said to be larger and fewer than in 12Y1. Finally, in 12YWT,
the particles were small and numerous: 3 to 5 nm at a num-
ber density 1-2 x 1023 m 3 [76].
O- L (9.3)
4"rrPcN~ Irradiation produced cavities (Figs. 9.7 and 9.8) and a mod-
ification of the dislocation microstructures. The 316LN SS
where L is the dislocation density, ~c is the average cavity ra- contained a bimodal distribution of bubbles (r < 0.5 nm) and
dius, and Nc is the cavity density. voids (0.5 nm ~<r < 100 nm), where bubble denotes gas-filled
Swelling resistance is greatest for microstructures with an cavities at or below the critical size, and void (cavity with a
imbalance in O (i.e., O < < 1 or Q > > t) and for any O with helium pressure below equilibrium) denotes a cavity above
a very large Nc. A Q < < 1 occurs for a high density of cavities critical size that is growing by bias-driven vacancy absorp-
and a low dislocation density and vice versa for O > > 1. tion [Figs. 9.7(a) and (c)]. Bubbles (r < 0.5 nm) and voids (0.5
According to Lee and Mansur [72], the more open struc- ~< r < 10 nm) were also detected in the 9Cr-2WVTa, but they
ture of the bcc lattice allows for a higher helium mobility, were mainly in recovered areas and smaller than in the
which results in low rates of formation of helium-stabilized 316LN SS [Figs. 9.7(b) and (d)]. Still smaller voids (r < 5 nm)
cavities. Lower helium generation rates in both fast and were observed in the 17Y3 [Figs. 9.8(a) and (d)] and 12Y1
mixed-spectrum reactors is also important. With the result- [Figs. 9.8(b) and (e)] ODS steels, along with small bubbles. It
ing low Nc (large O), recombination is favored within the lat- was concluded that the bimodal distribution developed (in
tice or at dislocations. The authors cited experimental evi- time) in the order of 316LN SS, 9Cr-2WVTa, 17Y3, and 12Y 1.
dence that indicates cavity growth rates for ferritic/mar- Finally, bubbles with r < 1 nm (no bimodal distribution) "too
tensitic steels are similar to those of austenitic steels, indi- fine to count precisely" were detected in the 12YWT [Fig.
cating that swelling of the ferritic/martensitic steels might be 9.8(c) and (f)]; they were associated with the fine distribution
expected to increase under conditions where more cavities of particles and high density of dislocations at a number den-
form to give Q ~ 1. sity of ~ i 0 2 3 to 1024 m 3 [76].
Equation 9.3 shows that if one type of sink dominates the These results indicated that the more complicated mi-
microstructure--either dislocations or cavities--then that crostructures showed the least swelling. Most swelling oc-
sink can act as a recombination center to inhibit swelling. A curred in the relatively clean 316LN SS, followed by the 9Cr-
high density of cavities generated early in the electron irradi- 2WVTa on through the 12YWT with its high number density
ation process was used to explain a lower swelling rate for of dislocations and particles. Furthermore, most of the void
FV448 [9]. A high concentration of helium can lead to the nu- or cavity growth (swelling) in the 9Cr-2WVTa occurred in the
cleation of a high number density of bubbles that act as neu- highly recovered areas.
tral sinks. This occurred in dual-beam irradiations of DIN Therefore, it follows that the difference in void formation
1.4914 that contained 1 and 10 appm He; the steel containing between the austenitic and ferritic steels did not originate
the 1 appm He showed the most swelling [52]. Likewise, a high from differences in crystal structure, point defect diffusivity,
density of helium bubbles acting as neutral sinks was used to migration energy, etc., but rather, it was caused by the dif-

FIG. 9.7--Microstructure of (a) and (c) 316LN austenitic stainless steel and (b) and
(d) 9Cr-2WVTa martensitic steel at two magnifications after irradiation with 3.2
MeVFe§ 330 keV He + ions to 50 dpa and 260 appm He at 650~ [77].

ferent microstrnctures [76]. Based on the rate-theory model and austenitic steels, respectively, are in good agreement
(Eq. 9.3), it was suggested that the sink density (dislocations, with those predicted by the assumption of a lower dislocation
bubbles, precipitates, etc.) of the steel determines point de- bias for interstitials in bcc alloys than fcc alloys because of a
fect recombination and void formation and that the change lower relaxation volume [69].
in bias due to change in microstructure could also be impor- It is generally agreed that none of the proposed mecha-
tant. Therefore, microstructure affects the length of the tran- nisms completely explains the low-swelling observations
sient stage, and once sufficient bias-driven voids are nucle- [6,7,77]. Odette [6] used a critical bubble-rate theory of
ated, the ferritic steels will swell [76]. swelling to assess the possible m e c h a n i s m s for the fer-
This agrees with Garner et al. that the ferritic/martensitic ritic/martensitic steels and concluded that "low bias, high
steels will swell at steady-state rates closer to those of self-diffusion, and low helium generation rates, possibly cou-
austenitic steels than previously thought, although the typi- pled with high subgrain boundary sink strengths, explain
cal steady-state rates found by Garner et al. for the austenitic most swelling trends observed to date." He pointed out that
steels (l%/dpa) was still four to five times greater than that of incubation periods could be reduced and swelling rates in-
ferritic steels (~-0.2%/dpa) [56]. Garner et al. observed that creased under fusion conditions where the He/dpa ratios pro-
the steady-state rates of ~0.2%/dpa and ~ I%/dpa for ferritic duced are much higher than in a fast reactor [6].

FIG. 9.8---Microstructure of the ODS steels (a) and (d) Fe-17Cr-0.25Y2Oa (17Y3), (b) and (e)
Fe-12Cr-0.25u (12Y1), and (c) and (f) Fe-12Cr-3W-0.4Ti-0.25Y2Oz. (12YWT) at two magnifi-
cations after irradiation with 3.2 MeV Fe § and 330 keV He + ions to 50 dpa and 260 appm He at
650EC [77].

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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Interfacial Segregation and 10

Precipitation During Irradiation

RADIATION-INDUCED SEGREGATION that extensive local changes in chemical composition could

occur, leading to microstructural instability and precipita-
The microstructural evolution in alloy systems during irradi- tion; thus, the sensitization and intergranular corrosion dur-
ation at elevated temperatures is determined by, among other ing post-irradiation storage of the 20Cr-25Ni-Nb austenitic
factors, a non-equilibrium segregation process termed radia- steel used for fuel element cladding in the U.K. civil advanced
tion-induced segregation (RIS), which can occur as a conse- gas cooled reactors (CAGRs) have been attributed to RIS and,
quence of: in particular, the observed chromium depletion near grain
1. The strong interaction between solutes and the point de- boundaries [21 ]. Increasing attention has subsequently been
fects (vacancies and interstitial atoms) generated during devoted to the investigations of RIS in the body-centered-cu-
irradiation, resulting in coupled transport of the solute bic (bcc) iron and steels. For example, intergranular segrega-
atoms by the point-defect fluxes to and away from sinks, tion of phosphorus following irradiation has been observed
such as grain boundaries, free surfaces, dislocations loops, in Fe-P and Fe-Cu-P alloys [22], resulting in grain boundary
void surfaces, etc. The magnitude of the solute-point de- fracture, as well as in a nuclear reactor pressure vessel steel
fect binding energy determines whether the solute flow is weld metal [23] and in a 9Cr-lMo martensitic steel [17].
towards or away from the sinks. In general, undersize so- The predicted RIS of silicon in a ferritic steel matrix is il-
lutes such as silicon and phosphorus in a-iron bind lustrated in Figs. 10.1 and 10.2 [3] in terms of C/Cg, where C
strongly to the interstitials in a mixed dumbbell configura- is the interfacial (grain boundary) solute concentration and Cg
tion, resulting in a marked enrichment at sinks. Con- is the concentration within the grains. The data demonstrate
versely, the oversize solutes (Cr and Mo in s-iron) are that the magnitude and temperature dependence of the RIS of
weakly bound to vacancies and are depleted at sinks. These silicon are dependent on the initial dislocation density (Fig.
processes have been modeled [1-3] using a simplified ana- I0.1) and grain size (Fig. 10.2) as well as the displacement
lytical method similar to that for thermally induced non- dose and dose rate [3]. The model also predicts significant RIS
equilibrium segregation [4,5]; however, these approaches of phosphorus and nickel in ferritic steels [1,2], but the pre-
apply essentially to dilute alloys containing < 1 at% solute, dictions in terms of the temperature dependence are not
and their accuracy is limited in m a n y cases by the lack of strictly in accord with the experimental observations, possi-
precise knowledge of the binding and migration energies bly as a result of concurrent thermally induced segregation.
of the solute-point defect complexes. Experimental observations and quantitative analyses of the
2. The Inverse Kirkendall Effect, whereby the faster-diffusing RIS at ferrite and prior austenite grain boundaries, marten-
species exchange more often with the irradiation-induced site lath boundaries, precipitate/matrix interfaces, disloca-
vacancies migrating to sinks than slow-diffusing species. tion loops and void surfaces in pure iron alloys and commer-
The fast-diffusing solutes are therefore depleted at sinks cial high-chromium martensitic steels have been made using
while the concentrations of the slow-diffusing species in- Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Scanning Transmission
crease. This Inverse Kirkendall Effect due to vacancies has Electron Microscopy (STEM), and high spatial resolution
been modeled with some success for both dilute and con- Field Emission Gun Scanning Transmission Electron Mi-
centrated alloys using rate theory in which the elemental croscopy (FEGSTEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray
distribution is obtained by the simultaneous solution of a Analysis (EDX) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
series of partial differential equations defining the fluxes (EELS). The irradiation sources employed and the alloys and
of all atomic species [6-12]. An Inverse Kirkendall Effect steels studied include: high energy electron [24-27] and
due to interstitials, analogous to the effect of vacancies, heavy ion irradiation of pure Fe-X [24,26,28,29], Fe-12Cr-Y
may also be expected [13]; the atom fluxes are in the same [25-27] and multicomponent Fe alloys [25], electron irradia-
direction as the defect fluxes in this case, but the contribu- tion of JFMS steel [27], heavy ion irradiation of 1.4914 steel
tion of this effect to the RIS process is uncertain at present. [30], heavy ion [28,29] and neutron [31] irradiation of HT9
The theoretical modeling and experimental observations steel, neutron irradiation of FV448 steel [1,32-34], heavy ion
on RIS have been reviewed in several publications and neutron irradiation of 9Cr-2Mo and 12Cr-2MoVNbB
[8,12,14-16]. The early work on RIS was carried out almost steels [35], and neutron irradiation of 9Cr-1W-2Mn and 12Cr-
exclusively on face-centered-cubic (fcc) alloy systems, such lW-6Mn reduced-activation steels [36,37]. The RIS, as evi-
as the Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic stainless steels [17-20]. It was es- denced by the results of FEGSTEM examinations, is exem-
tablished, using analytical electron microscope techniques, plified in Fig. 10.3, which shows the concentration gradients
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International



10 u m a
Cg 3000


looo ~ ~ _

0 . . . . . . " - - - - - - 9 .l.. t

1OO 200 300 400 500

T~~re (~
FIG. lO.1--Effect of initial dislocation density on the RIS of Si at the grain boundaries in
ferritic steel irradiated to 1 dpa at a dose rate of I x 10 -5 dpa s -1 [3].




0 "-':'-'="" "'" "_"" ,. ,

100 200 300 400 S00

FIG. 10.2mEffect of grain size on the RIS of Si at the grain boundaries in ferritic
steel irradiated to 1 dpa at a dose rate of 1 • 10 -s dpa s -1. Initial dislocation density
was 1 x 1016 lines m -2 [3].

for Cr, Ni, Si and Fe at the martensite lath boundaries in neu- nickel is enriched and chromium and iron are depleted at in-
tron-irradiated FV448 steel [32]. terfaces as a result of the Inverse Kirkendall Effect.
Although some of the observations of RIS in the ferritic
and high-chromium martensitic steels are ambiguous, it has
been concluded [ 16] that the segregation is markedly depen- PRECIPITATE PHASES
dent on the displacement dose and the irradiation tempera-
ture in the approximate range 300 to 625~ and that (a) The fundamental processes which affect phase formation
chromium is generally depleted at the interfaces, (b) nickel, and stability in alloys during irradiation include:
silicon, and phosphorus are enriched at sinks, and (c) molyb- 1. Displacement cascade-induced dissolution, disordering
denum and manganese may either be enriched or depleted at and mixing, leading to phase decomposition and transfor-
the sinks. It is believed that silicon segregates according to mation.
the first of the two mechanisms referred to above, while 2. Irradiation-enhanced diffusion.
C H A P T E R 1 O: I N T E R F A C I A L S E G R E G A T I O N A N D P R E C I P I T A T I O N D U R I N G I R R A D I A T I O N 105

3. Radiation-induced segregation (RIS) of trace impurities (T91) and 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) steels with and without addi-
and alloying elements, as discussed in the preceding tions of 1 and 2% Ni, after irradiation to 36 to 47 dpa in the
section. range 300 to 600~ in HFIR and FFTF [42-44]. The irradia-
These processes have been considered and are briefly re- tion produces coarsening and/or partial dissolution and mod-
viewed elsewhere [38,39]. ification of the composition of the M23C 6 particles in the FI
The evolution of the precipitates in the high-chromium fer- and T91 steels at 420 to 460~ and at 300 and 400~ respec-
ritic and martensitic steels during irradiation is determined tively, and at 600~ in the 12% Cr steels. Partial or complete
by: dissolution of the M2X and MX phases also occurs in the lat-
ter steels during the irradiation at 420 to 460~ However, the
(a) The irradiation stability of the thermal phases produced size and distribution of the MC precipitates appear to be un-
during the initial normalizing (or quenching) and tem- affected by the irradiation but, as described later, the Laves
pering treatments. phase is not always formed during irradiation. The nature
(b) Irradiation-induced modification of the phases which are and magnitude of these irradiation-induced changes depend
normally precipitated during thermal aging after the ini- on the steel composition and structure (fully martensitic or
tial heat treatment. duplex martensite plus 8-ferrite) and the irradiation temper-
(c) Irradiation-induced formation of new, non-equilibrium ature and displacement dose.
precipitate phases. The phases formed in the various high-chromium ferrous
The effects of energetic neutron and charged particle irra- alloys and ferritic and martensitic steels during irradiation
diations on the precipitate phase evolution in pure iron- are listed in Table 10.1 [33,41-43,45-69]. It has been con-
based alloys and the high-chromium ferritic/martensitic cluded, based on comparisons of the microstructural obser-
steels have been documented in the m a n y publications refer- vations on the 9 and 12% Cr steels doped with -<2% Ni and ir-
enced later in this section. In addition, the experimental ob- radiated in the mixed-spectrum (HFIR) and fast (FFTF)
servations and their interpretations have been periodically reactors, that the He to dpa ratio has little influence on the ra-
reviewed [ 16,40]. diation-induced precipitation in these steels [40,42,43]. The
The phases formed in the high-chromium martensitic principal observations on the precipitate phases are summa-
steels during initial heat treatment have been listed previ- rized as follows:
ously in Chapter 4 and include M23C6, MX [(CrV)C, NbC, Chromium-rich ferrite ( a ' ) - - H i g h densities of fine (2 to 30
etc.], M2X (usually CrzN), and, in some steels, ~l-carbide nm diameter) particles of this bcc phase are usually produced
(M6C); Laves [Fe2(Mo,W)] and chi (• phases may also be in tempered martensite (Fig. 10.4) [52] and duplex tempered
precipitated during prolonged thermal aging at elevated tem- martensite plus g-ferrite steels containing ---11 or 12% Cr dur-
peratures. The changes produced in these phases by irradia- ing neutron irradiation [41,47, 52-61]. This phase also forms
tion have been investigated by AEM examinations of 12Cr profusely in the ferritic 17% Cr steels [47,62,63] and binary
(FI), 12Cr-IMoV (CRM12) and 12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448) Fe-Cr alloys containing ->10% Cr [41,45,46] or ->6% Cr
martensitic steels following exposure to 26 dpa at tempera- [46,47] during neutron irradiation. In addition, et' is precipi-
tures in the range 380 to 615~ in DFR [41] and 9Cr-IMoVNb tated in binary Fe-Cr alloys with much lower chromium con-

- 4I R6 R
5 ~A D I A-T E . _ _ . _ D
12 - 88

~.o _~
ilO ~-85 g

o 8~
o9 oo 0-6~
8 82
81 -- NICKEL
7-- [ I I ',,d,,d I I I 0
-100 -50 -25 -10 0 10 25 50 100
FIG. 10.3mTypical concentration gradients for Cr, Ni, Si, and Fe adjacent to a martensite
lath boundary in a 12Cr-MoVNb (FV448) steel irradiated to 46 dpa at 465~ [32].

TABLE 10.1--Irradiation-induced phases in Fe-Cr Alloys and high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steels.

Alloy/Steel (Alloying element Reactor/
F/ Temperature
Precipitate Dose

Phase in wt.%) i Facility i (~ (dva) Ref.

Fe-10 and 15Cr DFR 420 30 45
Fe-10 and 13Cr DFR 380-420 30 41
Fe-(6-18)Cr EBR II 400-450 25-60 46, 47
Fe-12, 15 and 18Cr ~ FFTF i 430 15 48
Fe-10Cr-(0.1-1.0) X i
(where X is Si, Mn, V, W, Ta FFTF 426 33.5 48
and Zr) I I
Fe- 12Cr- 1V FFTF ~.420 10-115 49
Fe-12Cr-IVW I I
Fe->7.4Cr 16 MeV Protons 25 0.2-0.4 50
Fe-2.8(at)Cr HVEM (2MVe') 500 and 600 12.5 x 1026 e m "2 51

12Cr-IMoV (CRM-12) DFR 380-615 30 41

12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448) ,
EBR II 400, 425 25-60 47
Ferrite (a') 52
FFTF 420 35
12Cr-IMoVW (HT-9) 14 MEV Ni ions 300-600 200 53
PHI~NIX 400-530 30-116 54
13Cr-2MoVNbB BOR 60 450 4.5 x 1026 nn1-2 55
330 (>0.1 MeV) 56
12Cr-2.0-6.6Mn-IMoVNb FFTF 420-600 9.8-48.2 57
12Cr-6.5MnV 49, 58
FFTF ~-420 15-209
12Cr-6.5MnVW I I
12Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-5) 425 36 60
FFTF 390-600 35 61
12Cr-2WVTaTiN (JLF-6) t i
425 36 60
17.6Cr (430F) , EBR II , 425 and 510 25-60 47, 62
17Cr (F-17) , PHI~NIX , 400-540 78-100 54, 63
12Cr- 1MoV (CRM- 12) DFR 380-460 30 41
12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448) ,
12Cr- 1MoVNb (FV448) i
465 28-46 33
9Cr- 1MoVNb+2Ni HFIR 400 37 42,43
12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) FFTF 407 47 64
12Cr- 1MoVW+2Ni HFIR 400 37 42,43. ....
M6X (1"1) i i
7Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-3)
9Cr-2WVTaN (JLF- 1) FFTF 425 36 60
9Cr-2WVTaTiN (JLF-2) !
12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448) 419 79
12Cr- 1MoVW (HT9) PHlh.NIX 419 79 54
11Cr-0.8MoNiVNb (1.4914) 429,459 68, 50

tents and at low temperatures during irradiation at high ated martensitic steels containing ->0.3% Ni (Fig. 10.5)
damage displacement rates with high-energy electrons [51] [40,43]. It appears that the ~1precipitates replace some of the
and protons [50]. The a' is enriched mainly in chromium and coarse "as-tempered" M23C6 o r M 2 X particles, which are par-
molybdenum, but with smaller levels of silicon and iron, the tially dissolved during irradiation [41]. The phase is reported
composition (wt%) for the phase in irradiated 12Cr-IMoVW to be enriched in Si, Cr, Ni, and P [16,42], the analyzed com-
(HT9) steel being reported as Cr, 13Mo, 8Fe, 3Si [47]. positions (wt%) in the irradiated steels being 17Si, 32-39Cr,
As noted previously in Chapter 4, the precipitation of co- 15Fe, 16-27.5Ni, 6Mo, 5V, 2.5Mn [12Cr-1MoV (CRM12) and
herent particles of a ' during thermal aging at temperatures of 12Cr-1MoVNb (FV448)] [41] and (at%) 18.4-25Si, 48-64.2Cr,
~475~ induces severe embrittlement of steels containing 7.0-7.3Fe, 1.0-2.1Ni, 2.4-2.9Mo, 0.7-6.2V, 0.8-1.1Ti, 0.7-1.2
->14% Cr [70,71]. W, 0.2-4.6Nb [12Cr-1MoVW (HT9)] [42,43,64].
M6X (~l)--This diamond cubic phase is found in some unir- The ~1phase has not been observed in the 9Cr-lMo (EM10)
radiated thermally aged high-chromium steels and is often and 9Cr-2MoVNb (EM12) steels after irradiation in PHI~NIX
detected in the form of fine and coarse precipitates in irradi- to 47 dpa [63]; however, it has been detected as a fine (-~i0

TABLE 10.1--Continued.

Precipitate Alloy/Steel (Alloying Reactor/ Temperature Dose Ref.
Phase element in wt.%) Facility (*c) (dpa)
12Cr-lMoV (CRM-12)
DFR 420-460 3O 41
12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448)
9Cr-2Mo (EM 12) 425 and 510
EBR II 25-60 47,62
12Cr- 1MoVW (HT9) 450-540
9Cr- 1MoVNb (T91)
FFTF ~420 ~35 52
12Cr- 1MoVW (HT9)
HFIR 400and 500 36-39 42
12Cr- 1MoVW+Ni
Chi (X) 9Cr-2Mo (EM12) 430-460 50-100 54,63
9.76Cr-2.4MoNiVNb HFIR 500 34-57 65,66
FFTF ~--420 14.4-48.2 57
FFTF ~,~420 203-209 59
12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) 14 MeV Ni ions 500 200 53
12Cr- 1MoVW (HT9) EBR II 400 and 425 25-60
HFIR 300and 400 10-12 47
13.4Cr-0.26Mo (416) EBR II 425 25-60
12Cr- 1MoVW (HT9) HFIR 500 38 42,64
12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448)
PFR 465 28-46 33
Plate and Weld HAZ
12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448) (52 MeV Cr6+) 425-625 100 67
9Cr-2Mo (EM12) EBR II 650 25-60 62
8Cr-2WVTa (F82H) FFTF 750 37 68
9Cr-2WVTaTiN (JLF-2) FFTF 600 33 69
Laves 7Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-3)
9Cr-2WVTaN (JLF- 1) FFTF 425 36 60
9Cr-2WVTaTiN (JLF-2)
12Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-5) FFTF 520 35 61
12Cr-lMoV (CRM-12)
Sigma (or) DFR 420 and 460 30 41
12Cr-IMoVNb (FV448)
Fe-13 Cr
M3P DFR 420 and 460 30 41
12Cr- 1MoVNb (FV448)
MP 12Cr- IMoVNb (FV448) DFR 460-615 30 41

nm) Ta- and W-rich matrix precipitate in 7Cr-2WVTaN (JLF- densities of fine (13 nm) coherent particles of the chi phase
3), 9Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-1) and 9Cr-2WVTaTiN (JLF-3) steels are produced in these steels during FFTF irradiation at 420~
irradiated in FFTF at 425~ to 36 dpa [60]. to ~35 dpa [52].
Chi (X)--Fine and coarse dispersions of this bcc inter- The absence of the chi phase formation in the irradiated re-
metallic phase are formed heterogeneously in m a n y high- duced-activation steels has been tentatively ascribed to the
c h r o m i u m martensitic steels during irradiation in mixed- lower diffusivity of tungsten compared to molybdenum in
spectrum or fast reactors (Fig. 10.4) [41,42,47,52,57,59, ferritic steels and/or the greater stability of the M23C6(possi-
62,63,65,66]. However, the phase has not been detected in the ble source of molybdenum in the chi-phase) in the tungsten-
9Cr-lMo (EM10) steel irradiated in PHI~NIX at 460~ to 83 containing steels [52]; these observations are in agreement
dpa [63] and the F82H and other reduced-activation 9 and with experimental evidence and the results of thermody-
12Cr-2WVTa steels irradiated in FFTF at temperatures in the namic calculations on the Fe-Cr-Mo [72] and Fe-Cr-W [73]
range 365 to 750~ to doses up to 40 dpa [52,60,61,68,69]. ternary alloy systems.
Furthermore, while this phase was not found in earlier in- The possible effect of molybdenum can also be seen in the
vestigations on 9Cr-IMoVNb (T91) and 12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) comparative amounts of chi phase found in the tempered
steels exposed in H F I R [42], more recent work using martensite of the 9Cr-1MoVNb (T91) and in the duplex (tem-
STEM/EDX techniques has shown that very high n u m b e r pered martensite and 8-ferrite) structure of 9Cr-2MoVNb

(EM12). Small (13 nm) particles were seen in the 9Cr- 43Fe, 7Ni, 4Mn, 3Mo, 3P [12Cr-IMoV (CRM12) and 12Cr-
1MoVNb, c o m p a r e d with more massive amounts in the 1MoVNb (FV448)] [41], 6Si, 26Cr, 7Ni, 5Mo, 3.15Nb, bal Fe
EM 12, where it was observed in both martensite and ~-ferrite (HT9) [47] and 16Si, 24Cr, 51Fe, 1.35Ni, 13Mo, 0.8 V (EM12)
(Fig. 10.6) [63]. [63].
The chi phase is enriched in iron, silicon, and nickel and G phase--Earlier investigations showed extensive precipi-
contains significant amounts of molybdenum and phospho- tation of this complex fcc silicide phase in the 12Cr-IMoVW
rus [Fig. 10.7(a)]. The following compositions (wt.%) of the (HT9) steel irradiated to 25 to 60 dpa at 400 to 425~ in EBR
chi phase in irradiated steels have been reported: 16Si, 24Cr, II and 10 dpa at 300 and 400~ in HFIR [47]. However, par-
ticles of this phase were only found infrequently or not at all
in AEM studies on the HT9 steel irradiated at 400 and 500~
to 36 to 38 dpa in HFIR [42,43], 9Cr-IMoVNb (T91) steel ir-
radiated in the range 300 to 600~ to -<39 dpa in HFIR [44]
and at -~400~ to 47 dpa in FFTF [43], and in 12Cr-MoVNb
(FV448) steel plate samples exposed in DFR [41].
In more recent observations on FV448 steel plate and weld-
ment specimens irradiated in DFR to 28 to 46 dpa at 465~
the precipitation of G phase has subsequently been detected
in the parent plate and nucleated on dislocation networks in
the large ~-ferrite grains in the HAZ of FV448 steel weldments
irradiated to 28 to 46 dpa at 465~ in DFR [33]. The G phase
was reported to have an almost ideal Mn7Ni16Si17 composi-
tion [42,64], somewhat different from that found in the ear-
lier work (Ni, 24.1Fe, 12.7Si, 8.7Mn, 3.8Mo, 1.9Cr) [47].
Laves phase--The Laves (Fe2Mo type) phase is not always
found in the high-chromium martensitic steels after irradia-
tion although, as described in Chapter 4, it forms extensively
during thermal aging. Thus, the formation of this phase is
suppressed in the 9 and 12Cr-lMoVNb (T91 and FV448) and
12Cr-IMoVW (HT9) steels during irradiation at tempera-
tures in the range 300 to 615~ [41,43,44]. Nevertheless, it
has been observed in the 12Cr-IMoV (CRM12) [41] and 9Cr-
2MoVNb (EM12) [63] steels following irradiation at 615 and
650~ respectively, but the composition (wt%), 6Si, 4P,
FIG. 10.4~Photomicrograph showing the a' and chi phase 20Cr, 46Fe, 17Mo, 2.5Mn, 1.5V, 1Ni, is modified relative to
in 12Cr-1MoVW steel irradiated in FFTF at 420~ to =35 dpa that produced thermally [41 ]. There is only one recorded in-

FIG. 10.5--Transmission electron microscope photomicrographs showing fine

M6C (77) formed in 9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni steel irradiated in FFTF at 407~ to ~47 dpa, (a)
in-foil and (b) on a carbon film extraction replica [43].

FIG. 10.6--Transmission electron microscope photomicrographs showing massive

amounts of chi phase formed in the ~-ferrite (left) and tempered martensite (right) of 9Cr-
2MoVNb (EM12) steel cladding irradiated to =40 dpa at 459~ in PHENIX [63],

FIG. 10.7--Micrographs of replicas and XEDS spectra of chi and Laves phases from 10Cr-2MoVNb steel irradiated in HFIR
to 34 dpa at 500~ (a) chi phase and (b) and (c) Laves phase [45].

stance of Laves (Fe2Mo) phase precipitation at temperatures However, grain boundary and matrix precipitation of the
below 600~ namely in 10Cr-2MoVNb (JFMS) steel irradi- Laves phase (Fe2W type) occurs in the reduced-activation
ated in HFIR at 500~ to 34 and 57 dpa [65]; the composition 7Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-3), 9Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-1), 9Cr-2WVTaTiN
of the phase is again significantly different from that of the (JLF-2), and 12Cr-2WVTaN (JLF-5) steels during FFTF irra-
thermally induced phase as seen in the comparison of the diations to 33 to 36 dpa at 425 to 600~ [60,61,69] and in the
spectra in Fig. 10.7(b) and (c) for the irradiated steel with Fig. 8Cr-2WVTaB (F82H) steel to 37 dpa at 750~ [68]. It has been
10.8 for the aged steel [65]. suggested that the TTP curve for the Laves phase precipita-

FIG. 10.8nMicrographs of XEDS spectra of (a) smaller and (b) larger particles of Laves phase on extraction
replica from 10Cr-2MoVNb steel thermally aged for 5000 h at 500~ [65].

tion in the F82H steel (Fig. 10.9) is shifted to higher temper-

atures by the irradiation [68].
Minor phases--Sigma (o-) phase (Fe-Cr enriched in Si, Ni
and P) has been observed to form as large sheets and thin rib-
bons surrounding M23C6 particles in 9-13% Cr martensitic
steels after irradiation at 420 to 460~ in DFR [41]. In addi-
tion, Cr3P needles and MP (where M is Fe, Cr and Mo) parti-
cles have been detected in the 13Cr (FI) and 12Cr-IMoVNb
(FV448) steels after the DFR irradiations at 420 to 460~ and
460 to 615~ respectively [41].
While trace amounts of M2X produced in the steels during
tempering may persist after irradiation [42], there is evidence
that this phase forms within the ~-ferrite grains, on disloca-
tions in the t e m p e r e d martensite laths and at the prior
austenite grain boundaries of the duplex 13Cr-2MoVNbB
steel during irradiation at 330 to 550~ [55,56].
The formation of these phases during irradiation may be
rationalized in terms of the strong RIS of alloying and impu-
rity elements to point defect sinks in the steels [16,40]. The
M6X (0), chi (X), G, and sigma (or) phases are all enriched in
silicon and nickel, elements which are known to segregate to FIG. 10.9---TTP diagram for Laves phase formation in unirra-
interfaces during irradiation. With the possible exception of diated thermally aged and FFTF-irradiated 8Cr-2WVTaB (F82H)
G-phase, these irradiation-induced phases, as well as the reduced-activation steel [68]. _oM2aC6 and 9 Laves phase identi-
chromium-rich ferrite (cx'), are also chromium rich. Since fied after irradiation.

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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Irradiation Creep

Creep is defined as the time-dependent plastic deformation incorporated in voids [2]. Under the influence of a stress,
that occurs under the influence of a constant applied stress pinned dislocations can bow out to give an increment of
(although most tests are conducted with a constant load). At elastic strain. The bias-driven interstitials at dislocations
elevated temperatures, it is referred to as thermal creep. De- can cause them to climb around the pinning obstacles and
formation processes that operate during thermal creep in- glide until they encounter another obstacle and are again
clude (1) dislocation climb in combination with dislocation pinned. Each time this process is repeated, an increment of
glide that leads to slip, (2) dislocation climb that leads to sub- creep strain occurs, with the creep rate depending on the
grain formation, (3) grain boundary sliding, and (4) grain climb velocity. The creep rate for I-creep, ~i, can be written
shape change by diffusional processes. The first two pro- as [7]
cesses are the most important for the thermal creep of the
high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steels at normal operat-
~I = b eg (11.1)
ing temperatures (-600~
Time-dependent plastic deformation can also occur under
the influence of the simultaneous application of stress and ir- where b is the Burgers vector, L is the dislocation line den-
radiation. Thermal creep becomes significant for irradiation sity, g is the swelling rate, and e is the creep strain. Since e
at temperatures ->0.5 Tm (Tm is the absolute melting temper- --alE, where ~ is stress and E is Young's modulus, it follows
ature), but irradiation creep can be significant at much lower that there is a linear relationship between strain rate and
temperatures. However, as noted by Harries [ 1], "the strain stress [2].
rate measured during irradiation, relative to that determined In SIPA creep, dislocations are assumed to be sinks for
in an unirradiated specimen in a laboratory test, is a function both vacancies and interstitials, but there is a slight bias for
of the true (flux dependent) irradiation creep and the (fluence interstitials to be absorbed by dislocations with their Burgers
dependent) hardening (reduced creep rate) or softening (in- vectors aligned with the stress axis. This preferential absorp-
creased creep rate) resulting from accumulated irradiation- tion due to the stress-induced higher capture efficiency of the
induced defect damage and/or microstructural changes." As dislocations with properly aligned Burgers vectors causes
is the case for thermal creep, dislocation climb and glide play dislocation climb and deformation in the stressed direction.
a prominent role in the deformation processes that occur The creep rate for SIPA creep, es~eA, can be written as [7]
during irradiation creep.
gSIPA = 2[~LDiCiAZid (11.2)

THEORY where f~ is the atomic volume, Di is the diffusion coefficient

for interstitials, Ci is the concentration of interstitials, and
Irradiation creep involves stress-induced processes that en- AZid is the difference in capture efficiencies for interstitials
hance the annihilation of irradiation-produced point defects with aligned and nonaligned dislocations; AZia is propor-
[1-6]. In general, the deformation processes involve the tional to stress, making NSIPA linear in stress [7].
stress-induced absorption of irradiation-produced point de- PAG creep is due to climb-enabled glide; that is, first, the
fects on dislocations that cause the dislocations to climb, dislocations climb around obstacles by the SIPA process, af-
which can subsequently lead to glide of the dislocations. For ter which the dislocations can glide under the influence of the
irradiation creep to occur, the absorption of point defects at applied stress until they are again stopped by an obstacle. For
dislocations must be asymmetric, for if vacancies and inter- this mechanism, the creep rate, ~PAG,is given by [7]
stitials were partitioned equally, annihilation would occur
without climb, and there would be no creep. Proposed 4e (,rrL)l/2 ~-~DiCiAZid
~PAG =~--ff (11.3)
mechanisms for irradiation creep include swelling-driven
creep (I-creep) [2], Stress Induced Preferential Absorption where again e =~r/E and AZd is proportional to Gr, thus pro-
(SIPA) creep [3-5], and Preferred Absorption Glide (PAG) ducing a quadratic dependence on stress for PAG creep. Be-
creep [6]. cause of this higher-order dependence on stress, PAG creep
I-creep involves climb-enabled glide that occurs because becomes more important as the stress increases [6]. For de-
dislocations have a slight bias for interstitials, and these in- tails on these mechanisms, the reader is referred to the orig-
terstitials induce dislocation climb; the excess vacancies are inal literature [2-6] and a recent review [8].
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Because of the different techniques used to a p p l y a stress

to d e t e r m i n e i r r a d i a t i o n creep, a f o r m a l i s m is r e q u i r e d to re-
Several t e c h n i q u e s have b e e n u s e d to m e a s u r e i r r a d i a t i o n late the d a t a thus acquired. The following r e l a t i o n s h i p is u s e d
creep in a n e u t r o n - i r r a d i a t i o n environment, including uniax- to relate an effective strain, eeff, to an effective stress, aeff, to
ial tension, p r e s s u r i z e d tubes, helical springs, a n d stress-re- the stresses a n d strains m e a s u r e d in a test using the uniaxial,
l a x a t i o n techniques [1,9,10]. Creep strains c a n also be esti- helical spring, o r p r e s s u r i z e d t u b e techniques [ 1,12]:
m a t e d on r e a c t o r c o m p o n e n t s (e.g., r e a c t o r p r e s s u r e tubes eeff e 3' 4eh
a n d s u b - a s s e m b l y w r a p p e r s ) [ 1]. Creff 6• 3"r 33crh (11.4)
I n s t r u m e n t e d u n i a x i a l t e n s i o n test m a c h i n e s have b e e n
used, s i m i l a r to those used for t h e r m a l creep. However, these w h e r e e is the tensile strain a n d ~r the tensile stress in a uni-
p r e s e n t difficulties (i.e., i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n w i t h i n the reactor, axial test, - / t h e surface s h e a r strain and -r the surface s h e a r
space r e q u i r e d to a c c o m m o d a t e the test rig in the reactor, stress in a helical-spring test, a n d eh the h o o p strain a n d ah
etc.) a n d have generally given w a y to m o r e c o m p a c t systems. the h o o p stress in a p r e s s u r i z e d - t u b e test.
Helical t e n s i o n springs are d e a d - w e i g h t loaded, a n d t h e ex-
tensions are p e r i o d i c a l l y m e a s u r e d after r e m o v a l from the re-
actor. In e x p e r i m e n t s in DFR, the coiled wire springs were IRRADIATION CREEP OF
m e a s u r e d b y x - r a d i o g r a p h y after i r r a d i a t i o n [ 1,11 ]. FERRITIC/MARTENSITIC STEELS
Stress r e l a x a t i o n tests involve springs t h a t are elastically
loaded and measured during periodic reactor shutdowns. I n - r e a c t o r creep has b e e n investigated for FV448, m o d i f i e d
The c h a n g e in stress is d e t e r m i n e d , a n d f r o m this the creep 9 C r - l M o , S a n d v i k HT9, EM10, EM12, DIN 1.4914, a n d sev-
rate is calculated [ 1,10]. e r n e x p e r i m e n t a l r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n ferritic steels over the
The m o s t p o p u l a r m e a s u r e m e n t t e c h n i q u e is t h e u s e range 60 to 600~ w i t h s o m e d a t a o n the HT9 o b t a i n e d for ra-
of small, thin-wall p r e s s u r i z e d tubes (20 to 40 m m long a n d d i a t i o n doses > 2 0 0 dpa. M o s t of the e x p e r i m e n t s have been
4 to 6 m m o u t e r d i a m e t e r ) t h a t are i n t e r n a l l y p r e s s u r i z e d c a r r i e d out in fast reactors at t e m p e r a t u r e s f r o m 400 to 650~
w i t h a n i n e r t gas to v a r i o u s h o o p stresses [1,9,10]. C r e e p although, as discussed below, i r r a d i a t i o n in H F I R has d e m o n -
strain is d e t e r m i n e d by r e m o v i n g the s p e c i m e n s f r o m the re- strated t h a t creep c a n o c c u r at t e m p e r a t u r e s as low as 60~
a c t o r at intervals a n d m e a s u r i n g the tube diameter. An un- The initial i r r a d i a t i o n creep tests on the f e r r i t i c / m a r t e n -
s t r e s s e d t u b e is i r r a d i a t e d to d e t e r m i n e the a m o u n t o f sitic steels were b e g u n in various fast r e a c t o r m a t e r i a l s pro-
swelling t h a t occurs, a n d the d i a m e t e r of the u n s t r e s s e d tube g r a m s in the late 1970s. An early study was on FV448 using
is s u b t r a c t e d from that o f the stressed t u b e s to d e t e r m i n e the helical springs i r r a d i a t e d in DFR at 280~ (5.3 • 10 -7 dpa/s,
c r e e p s t r a i n . This i g n o r e s a n y s t r e s s - i n d u c e d s w e l l i n g o r 36.6 MPa) a n d 330 to 360~ (0.34 • 10 .7 dpa/s, 22.6 MPa)
swelling-induced creep t h a t m a y have occurred, a g o o d as- [11]. T h e r m a l c r e e p was negligible, a n d at 280~ the i r r a d i a -
s u m p t i o n in m o s t cases for ferritic/martensitic steels, since tion creep rate exceeded that for t h e r m a l creep at 410~ This
t h e y are low swelling. is seen in Fig. 11.1, w h i c h shows the n o r m a l i z e d creep strain

~=YL/.8 Steel HeI=CtS
Wrgd=ated ~ DFR

O-S m



0"2 m

Thera~= !&t0"C]

0' I 2 3 /. 5 6 7 a 9 10
01SPt.ACENENT 0OSE, dl~iH/2|
FIG. 11.l--Normalized creep strain (creep/unit stress) for FV448 and PE-16 [11].

(~/~) as a f u n c t i o n of dose a n d indicates t h a t the creep rate at time ( I O~hrs)

280~ r e a c h e d a s t e a d y state that was l i n e a r with dose. The
0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 18 2 0
steady-state rate (0.4 • 10 -12 Pa -1 d p a -1) for the FV448 was 0.9 ! ! ! ! l I ! ! |
nearly a n o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e less t h a n for c o l d - w o r k e d (2.2
to 4.3 • 10 -12 Pa -1 d p a -1) o r a n n e a l e d (2.8-4.0 • 10 12 Pa 1 O.8 HT-9 /
54o-c / o /
d p a -1) austenitic stainless steels. The creep rate was also less O.7 5 0 MPo ~ /
t h a n that for N i m o n i c PE16 at 280~ w h i c h u p until t h e n
h a d t h e b e s t c r e e p r e s i s t a n c e of a n y alloys t h a t h a d b e e n
tested [ 11 ].
I n - r e a c t o r creep d a t a are usually a n a l y z e d a c c o r d i n g to a
s e m i - e m p i r i c a l r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n stress, a, a n d strain, e,

0//): i '

as [13]
e = Bcrnq0t (11.5) o

w h e r e the t e m p e r a t u r e effects a r e c o n t a i n e d in B, the c r e e p

coefficient o r creep c o m p l i a n c e with
B = Ae -O/RT (11.6) 0.O ' ' '
O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 2
w h e r e n a n d A are constants, ~p is the i r r a d i a t i o n flux, t is FLUENCE ( I Ot=n/cm 2}
time, Q is the activation energy, R the gas constant, a n d T the
a b s o l u t e t e m p e r a t u r e . Alternatively, a r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n FIG. 1 1 . 2 ~ o m p a r i s o n of thermal and in-reactor creep of
Sandvik HT9 [17].
the steady-state creep rate a n d stress is often used:
g = B'tynq0 (11.7) A I0
CO HT-9 STA ' ' /'
w h e r e B' c o n t a i n s the t e m p e r a t u r e effect. A l i n e a r relation-
s h i p (n = 1) is often found, as was the case in Fig. 11.1.
"FLUENCE f n 3
S a n d v i k HT9 (12Cr- 1MoVW) was the first ferritic steel con- x
s i d e r e d in t h e U.S. fast r e a c t o r p r o g r a m [9,14-17]. E a r l y 6
studies at n o m i n a l t e m p e r a t u r e s of 540 a n d 595~ c o m p a r e d l%1

the creep resistance of n o r m a l i z e d - a n d - t e m p e r e d HT9 with E

various austenitic stainless steels a n d various p r e c i p i t a t i o n - m

h a r d e n e d alloys after different t h e r m o m e c h a n i c a l t r e a t m e n t s 'O

[9]. I r r a d i a t i o n was in EBR-II to n o m i n a l fluences of 2 a n d 4 w 2 _A
• 1022 n / c m 2 ( ~ 1 0 a n d 20 dpa). The p r e c i p i t a t i o n - h a r d e n e d Inn
alloys (A-286, M-813, N i m o n i c PE16, I n c o n e l 706, a n d In- C "n'l " i ,
conel 718) were the m o s t creep resistant, followed by HT9, 350 450 550 650 750
a n d then the solid-solution alloys (AISI 310, AISI 330, AISI
316, a n d Ti-modified 316 stainless steel). A l i n e a r relation- TEMPERATURE (~
ship was f o u n d b e t w e e n creep rate a n d stress for the precip-
FIG. 11.3--Temperature dependence of creep coefficient for
i t a t i o n - h a r d e n e d steels, b u t the HT9 a n d the solid solution al- in-reactor creep of Sandvik HT9 [17].
loys d i s p l a y e d s o m e n o n l i n e a r i t y [9]. As d i s c u s s e d below, this
n o n l i n e a r i t y was p r o b a b l y c a u s e d by t h e r m a l creep, w h i c h
will o c c u r at 540~ a n d above.
Chin [17] e x t e n d e d the studies on S a n d v i k HT9 i r r a d i a - p o i n t e d o u t b y Chin, the tests of Wassilew et al. were m a d e in
t i o n s in E B R - I I b y i r r a d i a t i n g p r e s s u r i z e d t u b e s o v e r t h e a fluence r a n g e t h a t is b e l o w t h a t of the first m e a s u r e m e n t s
r a n g e 400 to 650~ to 1 • 1023 n / c m 2 ( ~ 5 0 dpa). F i g u r e 11.2 by Chin. Most p r e s s u r i z e d - t u b e studies, such a Chin's, do n o t
f r o m Chin's p a p e r shows the equivalence of creep curves (e eft find a transient, p r o b a b l y b e c a u s e the first m e a s u r e m e n t s are
versus t a n d ~pt) for a control test a n d a n i r r a d i a t e d test at m a d e after the t r a n s i e n t stage is complete.
540~ a n d 50 MPa. Steady-state creep rates for the two spec- U n d e r c o n d i t i o n s at low t e m p e r a t u r e s w h e r e there is little
i m e n s were similar, with the only difference being a typical effect of t h e r m a l creep, i r r a d i a t i o n creep is relatively insensi-
p r i m a r y s t a g e for t h e u n i a x i a l s p e c i m e n a n d no p r i m a r y tive to t e m p e r a t u r e . This is d e m o n s t r a t e d in Fig. 11.3 for the
(transient) stage for the i r r a d i a t e d s p e c i m e n [ 17]. To explain c r e e p c o e f f i c i e n t B [Eq 5] [17]: B is little c h a n g e d b e l o w
the lack of a t r a n s i e n t stage for the i n - r e a c t o r creep, it was ~500~ after w h i c h it increases r a p i d l y with i n c r e a s i n g tem-
suggested t h a t "the a p p e a r a n c e of a n ultra-fine p r e c i p i t a t e p e r a t u r e as t h e r m a l creep begins to d o m i n a t e . The large in-
w i t h i n the m a r t e n s i t i c laths" m a y be r e s p o n s i b l e [ 17]. c r e a s e at e l e v a t e d t e m p e r a t u r e s o c c u r s b e c a u s e t h e r m a l
All of Chin's in-reactor tests d i s p l a y e d the linear b e h a v i o r creep d o m i n a t e s in this regime.
w i t h o u t a t r a n s i e n t creep stage as s h o w n in Fig. 11.2 [17]. A similar effect of t e m p e r a t u r e was observed by Puigh a n d
However, Wassilew et al. [18] f o u n d a t r a n s i e n t stage in uni- Wire, who i r r a d i a t e d pressurized tubes of Sandvik HT9, EM10
axial i r r a d i a t i o n - c r e e p tests on DIN 1.4914 steel, in w h i c h de- (9Cr-2Mo), a n d 2-1/4Cr-1Mo steel in EBR-II at 443, 505, a n d
f o r m a t i o n was m e a s u r e d c o n t i n u o u s l y d u r i n g i r r a d i a t i o n . 572~ to ~ 2 0 d p a [19]. At the two lowest temperatures, creep
The latter tests d i d not m e a s u r e a s t e a d y state. However, as d e f o r m a t i o n of the three steels was similar, a n d the steels de-

f o r m e d less t h a n type 316 stainless steel. However, at the high-

est t e m p e r a t u r e (572~ where t h e r m a l creep d o m i n a t e d , the
less creep-resistant 21/4Cr-1Mo steel showed m u c h m o r e defor- ,L, 0 ,+,c 4M05"C 403 'C 4tO C
m a t i o n t h a n the two h i g h e r - c h r o m i u m steels, w h i c h were
m o r e creep resistant t h a n the 316 stainless steel.
% ~O 3 II- 9Cr-lMo
I r r a d i a t i o n creep b e h a v i o r of EM10 a n d EM12 was deter-
m i n e d after i r r a d i a t i o n in P h r n i x [20,21]. A creep coefficient Do 2I+ ,+o.~
of 6.1 • 10 -7 MPa -1 d p a 1 was o b t a i n e d on EM12 t u b e s with
a h o o p stress of 70 MPa a n d i r r a d i a t e d to -~50 a n d 100 d p a F ,
(1 d p a F -- 0.77 dpa) [20]. A s i m i l a r coefficient (4.4 x 10 -7
MPa-1 d p a - 1 ) was o b t a i n e d in further e x p e r i m e n t s at 400 to
490~ in P h r n i x for b o t h EM10 a n d EM12 [21]. This com- 0
p a r e s with a value 3-6 x 10 -6 M P a 1 d p a - i for a c o l d - w o r k e d
15-15Ti austenitic stainless steel i r r a d i a t e d in the s a m e ex-
p e r i m e n t (the 15-15Ti is m o r e swelling r e s i s t a n t t h a n type
316 stainless steel) [21 ]. 3

Puigh a n d G a r n e r i r r a d i a t e d HT9 a n d m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o % .ID

steels to ~ 5 0 d p a in F F T F at 400 to 540~ [22]. They f o u n d
no evidence of swelling, a n d the steels e x h i b i t e d s u p e r i o r
--0o ++
creep resistance to t h a t of 316 SS. G a r n e r a n d Puigh [23]
later e x t e n d e d the F F T F studies on the HT9 a n d m o d i f i e d
9 C r - l M o steels b y i r r a d i a t i n g in F F T F to -~ 155 d p a at 403 to
426~ a n d to a b o u t half that value at 520 a n d 590~ F i g u r e
w --~ w
11.4 shows the d i a m e t r a l strains at 403 to 426~ as a function 00 5 10 1S 20 25 30 x 10 22
of fluence [Fig. 11.4(a)] a n d h o o p stress [Fig. 11.4(b)]. I n Fig.
11.4(a), the stress-free curve indicates t h a t swelling begins af- (a) mmmm Fmeme, ntcm2 (E>O.+MeV)
ter a relatively long i n c u b a t i o n period, with the 9Cr-1MoVNb
steel showing a little m o r e swelling t h a n the HT9. After the 3 ,,
highest fluence, however, the HT9 shows a little m o r e creep
t 9Cr-IMo
t h a n the 9Cr-1MoVNb. The a u t h o r s stated that [22], "both al-
loys exhibit a l i n e a r stress d e p e n d e n c e for h o o p stress levels 403-426 -C
->50 MPa a n d exposures ~ 5 0 dpa, b u t there is a n o n l i n e a r i t y 2
at < 5 0 MPa, suggesting that s o m e stress-initiated process is
involved." A l i n e a r d e p e n d e n c e with stress was also o b s e r v e d
for creep at 520~ b u t at 590 to 605~ a stress e x p o n e n t
g r e a t e r t h a n u n i t y was observed. The latter tests are in the
t e m p e r a t u r e r e g i m e w h e r e t h e r m a l creep w o u l d be expected
to d o m i n a t e for these steels.
Toloczko et al. [24] i r r a d i a t e d S a n d v i k HT9 a n d m o d i f i e d O!
/ - ~* --; .
9 C r - l M o steels to ~ 2 0 8 d p a at 400~ in F F T F (Fig. 11.5). F o r HT-S ,/-3,,4,'o =
a given stress, the HT9 d i s p l a y e d a h i g h e r d e f o r m a t i o n t h a n
the 9 C r - I M o V N b steel. Although the 9 C r - I M o V N b s h o w e d 3 403-426 "C /
the highest swelling after 208 d p a ( ~ 2 . 4 % c o m p a r e d to 1. l %
for the HT9), stress affected the swelling of the HT9 m o r e
23,3 J I 0 . n
t h a n the 9 C r - I M o V N b [22]. The a u t h o r s c a l c u l a t e d a c r e e p
coefficient for 9 C r - I M o V N b steel as 6 • 10 -7 MPa -1 d p a -1
[24], w h i c h a g r e e s quite well w i t h the v a l u e o b t a i n e d for
EM10 a n d EM12 [20,21]. Toloczko a n d G a r n e r [25] exam-
i n e d the creep b e h a v i o r of two h e a t s of S a n d v i k HT9 irradi-
1 IS.O 9 *0 m'
a t e d to 60 to 174 d p a a n d f o u n d s o m e h e a t - t o - h e a t variation.
In this case they f o u n d values for the creep coefficient of ~ 1
• 10 -6 M P a -1 d p a -1, w h i c h they c o n c l u d e d was s i m i l a r to
t h a t of a variety of austenitic stainless steels i r r a d i a t e d in dif- OJ " ~" "' + "
ferent reactors [25]. (b) o 5o ,oo ,so mo 2so
H e r s c h b a c h a n d co-workers used a uniaxial creep test rig Hooo Slreu,
in t h e BR2 r e a c t o r to s t u d y DIN 1.4914 at 450 to 600~ FIG. 11.4--Diametral strains as a function of (a) fiuence and
[19,26,27]. The steady-state creep r a t e in units of d p a -x was (b) hoop stress for modified 9Cr-lMo and Ssndvik HT9 steels ir-
expressed a c c o r d i n g to radiated at 403 to 426~ in FFTF/MOTA [23].
d = 2.0 x 10 6 ~r5 exp ~ (+0) (11.8)

w h e r e k is the B o l t z m a n constant. The h i g h stress e x p o n e n t

was taken to m e a n that n e i t h e r SIPA n o r I-creep was oper-

stant-stress tests. The results for the two heats of DIN 1.4914
7] Hoop used in these tests a n d heats used in other experiments [27]
S Stress indicated that a slight change in c o m p o s i t i o n c a n affect the

_+:f /+"
results. Nitrogen, which r a n g e d from 0.003 to 0.048, was sug-
gested as a possibility for this observation. Finally, in agree-
m e n t with H e r s c h b a c h [27] a n d the high-stress data of Chin
[ 17], the activation energy d e p e n d e n c e of the creep rate was
f o u n d to be 3.0 eV [28], which was below the value for ther-
140 m a l creep of 4.6 eV [29].
I n Table 11.1, irradiation creep coefficients are presented
for Cr-Mo steels irradiated with n e u t r o n s u n d e r conditions
where irradiation creep appears to be the d o m i n a n t defor-
m a t i o n process. Where values in the original references were
presented in graphical form, coefficients were estimated for
the temperature range where irradiation creep was clearly
d o m i n a n t (a c o n s t a n t coefficient). Given the different steels,
the different reactors, a n d different investigators, the varia-
(a) 0 50 100 150 200 250
dim tion in coefficients of 1.25 to I0 • 1 0 - 7 MPa -1 dpa -1 would
appear to indicate that there is not m u c h difference in the
creep behavior of the different steels. An average value near
3.0 ], : Hoop 5 • 10 -7 MPa 1 dpa t is probably a good estimate for such
Stress f e r r i t i c / m a r t e n s i t i c steels, w h i c h i n c l u d e b o t h t e m p e r e d
martensite a n d duplex tempered martensite a n d 8-ferrite mi-
/ ~ 4 0 MPa crostructures. The data for the ferritic/bainitic steel (21/+Cr-
1Mo) also fell in this range of coefficients.
2"0 !- K o h y a m a et al. [30] d e t e r m i n e d the i r r a d i a t i o n creep of a
series of e x p e r i m e n t a l r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n Fe-Cr-2W-0.2V-
0.07Ta steels with 2.25-12% Cr irradiated in FFTF at ~410,
520, a n d 600~ to -~36 a n d 60 dpa. F82H (8Cr-2WVTa) was
E 6O also irradiated. The 2.25Cr steel exhibited the best creep re-
~ 1.0 sistance, with the resistance decreasing u p to a b o u t 7% Cr,
after which it again increased as the c h r o m i u m increased to
12%. This is s h o w n in Fig. 11.6(a) for a c o m p a r i s o n of the
2.25Cr (JLF-4), 7Cr (JLF-3), 9Cr (JLF-1), 12Cr (JLF-5), a n d
F82H steels irradiated at 520~ Figure 11.6(b) compares the
F82H (8Cr-2WVTaB) a n d the JLF-1 (9Cr-2WVTaN) after ir-
0 50 100 150 200 250 r a d i a t i o n at 460~ a n d indicates that F82H has less creep re-
(b) dpa
sistance t h a n JLF-1, although the JLF-1 was n o t irradiated at
FIG. 11.5--Total diametral strain as a function of flu- 120 MPa, the highest stress used for F82H.
ence for (a) Sandvik HT9 and (b) modified 9Cr-lMo Despite having limited data, a n a t t e m p t was m a d e to de-
steels [24], t e r m i n e a n average creep coefficient for JLF-1 a n d F82H as a

TABLE 11.1--Irradiation creep coefficient for neutron-irradiated

ating. Creep rates were one to two orders of m a g n i t u d e
higher t h a n for thermal creep, which had a stress exponent Maximum Coefficient
of six. The high activation energy was unexpected, because it Steel Reactor Dose MPa 1dpa i Reference
was as high as for t h e r m a l creep. That result a n d the high HT9~ EBR-II 425-500~ 2 • 10 7 [17]
stress exponent was taken to m e a n that the irradiation creep 50 dpa
HT9~ EBR-II 440, 500~ 5 x 10 - 7 [19]
was just thermal creep accelerated by irradiation [26,27].
9Cr-2Moa 14 dpa 1.3 • 10 7
J u n g a n d Afify [28] c o n d u c t e d i n - b e a m u n i a x i a l tensile 2'/+Cr-lMoa 2.5 x 10 - 7
creep tests o n 50 b~m foil s p e c i m e n s of two heats of DIN EM-12 Ph6nix 400-440~ 6.1 X 10 - 7 [20]
1.4914 at 400 to 537~ u n d e r the irradiation of 6.2 MeV pro- 100 dpaF
tons. The p r i m a r y creep stage in these tests extended b e y o n d EM-10 Phdnix 400-490~ 4.4 • 10-7 [21]
EM- 12 100 dpaF
the 0.56 to 0.76 dpa used in the tests. By c o n t i n u i n g the tests HT9 FFTF 390-500~ 3.6 • 10-7 [22]
d u r i n g beam-off periods, it was concluded that there was no Mod 9Cr-lMo 50 dpa 2.4 • 10-7
significant difference b e t w e e n the creep rate with a n d with- Mod 9Cr-lMo FFTF 400~ 5 x 10-7 [23]
out irradiation, which is different from Herschbach's obser- 208 dpa
vations [26,27], b u t similar to Chin's o n HT9 [17]. However, HT9 (2 heats) FFTF 400~ 1 • 10 6 [24]
165 dpa
the authors [28] state that Chin's observations were m a d e at JLF-1a FFTF 390, 410, 1.5 x 10-7 [30]
strain rates not observable i n their experiments. By compar- F82Ha 460~
ison with other tests [27], the stress d e p e n d e n c e for these aData were estimated from graphical data presented in the respective refer-
variable-stress tests was concluded to be lower t h a n for con- ences.

0.5 t e m p e r a t u r e ) , t h e n the average creep coefficient e s t i m a t e d

"" '+" l f r o m Fig. 11.7 is ~1.5 • 10 -7 M P a -1 d p a -1. This is at the
lower e n d of the range of values o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e Cr-Mo
steels (Table 11.1).
2A"FFTFIMOTACI I+C12I In these studies on the r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n steels [30], a TIG
i 0.3

Lirrad T~r-,,p:733K I
. I weld of an F82H t u b e p r e s s u r i z e d to a h o o p stress of 240 M P a
was i r r a d i a t e d to 25 d p a at 390~ A 34% greater d e f o r m a t i o n


& was o b s e r v e d for the weld t h a n for the b a s e m e t a l (0.63%
strain for the weld versus 0.47% for the base metal).
I r r a d i a t i o n c r e e p o f steels i r r a d i a t e d in fast r e a c t o r s
shows n o large t e m p e r a t u r e effect (Fig. 11.3) in a t e m p e r a -
ture r e g i m e w h e r e the creep is p r i m a r i l y i r r a d i a t i o n creep
( ~ 3 7 0 to 500~ [17]. G r o s s b e c k a n d M a n s u r , on the o t h e r
hand, f o u n d a t e m p e r a t u r e effect for the creep of S a n d v i k

Io I i I I ,1 I I
HT9 a n d an Fe-15Cr b i n a r y alloy i r r a d i a t e d to 8 d p a at 60,
330, a n d 400~ in t h e ORR (a m i x e d - s p e c t r u m r e a c t o r
w h e r e it is possible to i r r a d i a t e at lower t e m p e r a t u r e s t h a n
(e) 0 20 40 60 80 I00 120 140 are possible in a fast reactor) [31]. I n a g r e e m e n t with previ-
Hoop Stress(IVfl~a) ous work, they f o u n d little difference in the creep coeffi-
1.2 cient of the s p e c i m e n s i r r a d i a t e d at 330 a n d 400~ How-
ever, for s p e c i m e n s i r r a d i a t e d at 60~ the creep rates were
6 to 18 times h i g h e r t h a n at the two h i g h e r t e m p e r a t u r e s
(Fig. 11.8). Although c o n t r a r y to the b e h a v i o r expected f r o m
t h e r m a l creep, such an inverse t e m p e r a t u r e r e l a t i o n s h i p
0 c a u s e d b y l o w - t e m p e r a t u r e i r r a d i a t i o n has also been ob-
= 0.8
served in u r a n i u m at 220~ [32,33] a n d nickel a n d Zircaloy
r,~ at - 195~ [34].
"~0.6 Since the l o w - t e m p e r a t u r e o b s e r v a t i o n s of G r o s s b e c k a n d
M a n s u r [31] w e r e n o t c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e SIPA a n d PAG
.~ 0.4 m e c h a n i s m s , a m e c h a n i s m was p r o p o s e d [31,35] b a s e d on

~ 0.2


I IFS 'l Is--e(~t~ sI

I I I I i I I
(b) o 20 4o 6o SO ~oo 120 140
Hoop Stress(MPa)
FIG. 11.6--Diametral strain as a function of hoop stress for D,. 25
(a) several reduced-activation steels irradiated at 460~ and (b)
a comparison of JLF-1 and F82H steels irradiated at 520~ in
FFTF. JLF-1 is a 9Cr-2WVTaN steel, JLF-3 is a 7Cr-2WV'ra steel,
JLF-4 is a 2.25Cr-2WVTa steel, JLF-5 is a 12Cr-2WVTa steel, 9,-, 20
and F82H is a 8Cr-2WVTaB steel [30].

function of i r r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e (Fig. 11.7) [30]. F o r the 0 --

analysis, it was a s s u m e d t h a t n = 1.5 [Eq 5]. The p e a k n e a r Q.
700 K (430~ in Fig. 11.7 reflects the swelling in this tem-
p e r a t u r e r a n g e [30]. The difference b e t w e e n F 8 2 H a n d JLF-1
at 520~ was c o n c l u d e d to be due to the lower t a n t a l u m a n d 4)
n i t r o g e n in F82H c o m p a r e d to JLF-1. The h i g h e r coefficient
for F82H at 600~ is due to the d o m i n a n c e of t h e r m a l creep
u n d e r these conditions, a n d a s i m i l a r large increase w o u l d be
expected for JLF-1 u n d e r the s a m e conditions. The creep co-
efficients for the 8 to 9% Cr steels were c o m p a r e d to t h a t for 0
the 2.25 Cr steel a n d the coefficient for 2.25% Cr steel was a n 350 400 450 soo 550 600 650
o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e lower, a result t h a t was a t t r i b u t e d to the
effect of t u n g s t e n on the stability of the c a r b i d e s developed in
Temperature (C)
the l o w - c h r o m i u m steel [30]. If the p e a k n e a r 430~ is disre- FIG. 11.7--Temperature dependence of the average
g a r d e d (high value was a t t r i b u t e d to h i g h e r swelling at this creep coefficient for JLF-1 and F82H steels [30].

1.2 were later extended to 80 dpaF [38,39]. Since ODS alloys

are designed for creep strength, differences between them
10 t ~S Fe-15 Cr
0.8 and conventional ferritic/martensitic steels might be ex-
Z 00 46 V pected. Parallel out-of-pile tests were conducted to deter-
mine thermal creep strains that could then be subtracted
n- 0.2
~- o . o ~ ~ o 60~ from the in-pile strains to eliminate the t h e r m a l creep
>_. ~ 330~
Although swelling in the ODS steels (<0.67%) was greater
~J 1 4 1 o D 400~ I
than in the two commercial steels [38], the creep resistance
I.M 1 2t Ht-9 / - ~ = |
LL ,.or a dpa ~ l of the ODS steels was superior, being a factor of 2 to 5 lower
for a given stress and temperature. The creep of type 316 SS

0.2 o 1 3.0
9 Hl11, 7dp=
0 100 200 300 400 500
2.5 o HTg, I I dpa
EFFECTIVE STRESS. MPa 9 Fe-16Cr, 7 dpa

FIG. 11.8--Irradiation creep deformation in an Fe-15% Cr bi-

2.0 - 9" Fe-lSCr, 19 dp=
nary alloy and Sandvik HT9 after irradiation in the Oak Ridge
Research Reactor to 8 dpa at 60, 330, and 400~ [31]. 1.5
the difference in diffusion rates of vacancies and interstitials.
SIPA and PAG are based on steady-state concentrations of 0.5
point defects and predict a decrease in creep with increasing o.,-------o
temperature. At low temperatures, however, the time for va- (a)0-0 ----= i - . I-~ I
cancies to diffuse to sinks and reach steady state is longer 0 100 200 300 400 500
t h a n the time of the experiment. The interstitials diffuse
more rapidly and can reach their sinks (dislocations). There- 3.0
fore, steady state is never reached. In contrast to elevated
9 oral,7dN
temperatures where both vacancies and interstitials are ab- .~ 2.5 - o HTg, 19dpa
sorbed at dislocations and cancel each other out except for = Fe-16Cr, 7 dpa
the small bias for interstitials at favorably oriented disloca- 2.0 - o r-e-16Cr,19dlm
tions, at low temperatures only the faster-diffusing intersti- U)
tials reach dislocations. The interstitials reaching disloca- 1.5
tions cause climb and thus cause an increased creep rate over
that at higher temperatures [31]. ~" 1.0
When Grossbeck et al. [36] irradiated HT9 in HFIR at 200,
330, and 400~ they found that the enhanced creep found in I~ 0.5
the 60~ experiments did not occur (Fig. 11.9), indicating W
that the low-temperature p h e n o m e n o n occurs somewhere 0.0
below 200~ A linear dependence on stress was apparent at (b) 0 100 200 300 400 500
330~ but difficult to discern at 200~ because of limited
data and small strains [36]. At 400~ the strain as a function
of stress shows an abrupt increase at the highest stress. The
authors state that the stress is higher than any used in previ-
ous investigations at this temperature, so the results could
not he compared to previous studies. It was concluded that
the observation is in agreement with a quadratic dependence
of irradiation creep deformation with stress predicted by the
PAG mechanism. It is envisioned that the SIPA mechanism is
d o m i n a n t at low stresses, and PAG becomes d o m i n a n t at
high stresses [36]. 1~
..... -/_/ T II
The above discussion involved conventional ferritic/mar-
tensitic steels. In some early studies in Europe, Vander-
meulen et al. [37] irradiated pressurized tubes of two devel-
opmental ODS felTitic steels that were of interest for fuel (c) 0 100 200 300 400 500
cladding for fast reactors. One steel was strengthened by
TiO2 (designated DT) and one by Y203 (designated DY), and
Effective Stress, MPa
they were irradiated with the commercial steels EM12 and FIG. 11.9--Irradiation creep strain of an Fe-15%Cr
DIN 1.4914 in the Rapsodie Reactor at 400 to 500~ to a binary alloy and Sandvik HT9 steel irradiated at (a)
m a x i m u m dose of 3.7 x 1022 n/cm 2. These experiments 200~ (b) 330~ and (c) 400~ in HFIR [35].

irradiated in the same experiment was three-to-four times ficients for the conventional steels increased with increasing
greater. Creep resistance for the ferritic steels decreased in temperature, as observed by other investigators, while those
the order DY, DT, EMI2, and 1.4914 [38]. As seen in Fig. for DT and DY decreased.
11.10, where the average creep coefficients (labeled K in the After the out-of-pile creep component was subtracted from
figure) for the in-pile results are plotted against I/T, the coef- the in-pile component, a coefficient for irradiation creep was
determined. This value turned out to be negative under vari-
ous conditions and increased slightly with dose (Fig. 11.1 I).
For the conventional steels, the irradiation-creep coefficient
K average m-pile creep increased slightly, but for the ODS steels, it increased up to
ll0"SMpo"1 dpoF "1) ~450~ above which it decreased, and above 475~ it be-
came negative [38].
According to the authors [38], the increase in creep coeffi-
cient with temperature in the low-temperature regime is in
accordance with the literature. Above 450~ thermal creep
dominates for the conventional steels, and the total creep in-
creases continuously with increasing temperature. For the
ODS steels, however, irradiation creep rate decreases above
450~ and since the thermal creep in these dispersion-
strengthened steels remains low in this temperature regime,
the total in-pile creep rate actually decreases with increasing
temperature above 450~ The authors summarized the be-
havior between 400 and 500~ as follows: "... the irradiation
creep of the DT, DY and even EM 12 steels is always quite low:
their coefficient is comprised between - 2 5 and +20 • 10 -8
MPa-1 dpaF-1 whatever the dose, the temperature, and the
internal pressure."
The qualitative behavior of the ODS steels--decreasing ir-
radiation creep with increasing temperature--appears analo-
gous to the observations of Grossbeck and co-workers
[31,36], who noted a decrease in the irradiation creep of HT9
, above 200~ The explanation for the HT9 results involved
~96 ~6 405 the movement of the interstitials relative to the vacancies, an
T('C) explanation that does not apply for the ODS materials. One
L_ ,,

difference with the ODS steels is the high number density of

FIG. 1 1 . 1 0 ~ A comparison of the average creep coefficient fine Y203 and TiO2 particles. The particle interfaces must act
for in-pile creep as a function of 1/T for ODS alloys with TiO2 as sinks and alter the portion of defects going to the disloca-
(DT) and Y203 (DY) with EM12 and DIN 1.4914 after irradiation in tions to cause irradiation creep.
the Rapsodie reactor [37].

K ~trad crr162
(10-SMp(i ! dpoF -I1


. . . . ....-- ~0-~os;
~ ~ (dpaF I

i-~0 H ~ ff
/ f
-30 /
/ / LT =low tcmpcraturc
-r / HT= high lcmpcraturr

FIG. 11.1 I--Irradiation-creep coefficient for an ODS steel (DT) and EM12 as a func-
tion of dose irradiated in the Rapsodie reactor at high (HT) and low (LT) tempera-
tures [37].

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phia, 1992) 1209. (British Nuclear Energy Society, London, 1983) 91.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Irradiation Effects on Tensile


The effect of neutron irradiation on the strength of fer- tively (Aoy = 243 MPa for CETA and 93 MPa for MANET II,
ritic/martensitic steels depends on the irradiation tempera- where Agy is the change in yield stress). The steels were also
ture. Below 400 to 500~ (depending on the steel), irradia- irradiated to 0.13 dpa at 405~ The tempered martensite mi-
tion-induced microstructural changes lead to lattice harden- crostructure of the normalized-and-tempered MANET II
ing, which causes an increase in the yield stress and ultimate steel again showed hardening. In the case of the quenched
tensile strength and a decrease in the uniform and total elon- CETA, however, softening occurred, because exposure was
gation (Fig. 12.1). The magnitude of the hardening (increase for 1700 h, which provided time at the higher temperature for
in strength) decreases with increasing temperature until it irradiation-enhanced diffusion to accelerate the tempering
disappears between 400 to 500~ processes in the untempered martensite [3].
Limited data exist on the radiation-damage microstruc- As an example of the effect of fast reactor irradiation for
tures that develop during neutron irradiation below -400~ doses more typical for irradiation studies for nuclear appli-
[1,2]. Below ~0.35Tm, where Tm is the absolute melting tem- cations, the tensile properties for 9Cr-IMoVNb steel are
perature of the steel (Tin ~ 1800 K), hardening is caused by shown in Figs. 12.2 and 12.3 for irradiation in EBR-II at 390,
small interstitial and vacancy loops produced by irradiation. 450, 500, and 550~ to 2 9 dpa with tension testing at the ir-
Between ~0.35 to 0.4Tm, hardening is due to the loops and radiation temperature (the specimens irradiated at 390~
the dislocation structure that develops from the loops as the were tested at 400~ [4]. Also shown are data for the unirra-
temperature is raised, along with any irradiation-induced or diated (normalized-and-tempered) steel and for steel ther-
irradiation-accelerated precipitation that occurs. At temper- mally aged at the irradiation temperature for 5000 h the ap-
atures above -~0.4Tm, diffusion is such that the irradiation- proximate time in the reactor.
induced defects anneal out and precipitates that form can At 390~ irradiation caused an increase in both the 0.2%
coarsen rapidly (i.e., normal thermal processes are enhanced yield stress and the ultimate tensile strength (Fig. 12.2). At
by irradiation). The temperatures at which these various pro- 450, 500, and 550~ there was little difference in strength
cesses occur vary somewhat depending on the composition among the different specimens, indicating little effect of irra-
of the steel (e.g., as discussed below, F17 steel continues to diation or thermal aging. The effect of irradiation on ductil-
show hardening up to 500~ whereas steels like modified ity reflected the effect on strength (Fig. 12.3). Uniform and
9Cr-lMo and HT9 show no hardening at 450~ total elongations of specimens irradiated at 390~ were
Most of the work carried out to determine irradiation ef- slightly less than those of the unaged and aged controls. At
fects on strength have been on steels irradiated in fast and the three highest temperatures, no effect of irradiation was
mixed-spectrum reactors, with some other studies in test re- observed [4].
actors where only low-fluence irradiations are possible. A few Specimens of 12Cr- 1MoVW (Sandvik HT9) steel were irra-
tests have been made on steels irradiated in a 14 MeV neu- diated to 13 dpa in EBR-II in the same experiment as the 9Cr-
tron source in an attempt to determine if there are differ- 1MoVNb steel [5]. Similar irradiation effects were observed:
ences in the damage caused by fusion and fission neutrons. hardening occurred at 390~ and essentially no change oc-
curred at 450, 500, and 550~
Both the 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels were fur-
ther irradiated in EBR-II to 23 to 25 dpa at the same temper-
atures [6]. At 390~ there was little change relative to the
Conventional Cr-Mo and Reduced-Activation steels irradiated to 9 to 13 dpa, an indication that the hard-
Steels ening saturated by around l0 dpa or less. After irradiation at
450, 500, and 550~ there was also little difference in the ten-
Irradiation hardening of the high-chromium steels can occur sile properties of the steels irradiated to the two different
for even low irradiation doses, as demonstrated on normal- doses [6], although there was an indication of irradiation-en-
ized-and-tempered MANET II and normalized CETA steels hanced thermal aging occurring at 550~
irradiated in the Saphir test reactor in Switzerland to 0.042 The effect of irradiation temperature and fluence is further
dpa at 250~ [3]. Tests at room temperature, 250, and 400~ demonstrated in Fig. 12.4 for MANET I steel irradiated to 5
indicated increases in the yield stress and ultimate tensile and 10 dpa at 300, 400, and 475~ in HFR [7,8]. Hardening,
strength. For the room temperature tests, the yield stress in- as measured by an increase in yield stress and ultimate ten-
creased 14 and 23% for the MANET II and CETA, respec- sile strength, is greatest for the steel irradiated at 300~ is
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

1MoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels that were tested by Klueh

and Vitek after irradiation to 9 to 13 and 23 to 25 dpa (Figs.
12.2 and 12.3) [4-6]. In the normalized-and-tempered (unit-
radiated) condition, the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel had a tempered
martensite structure that contained large blocky M23C6 pre-
cipitate particles along with a higher density of small, mainly
O9 MC precipitates. After irradiation at 390~ a high density of
(/) adiated~"~ dislocation loops and tangles formed [ 10]. Small, rod-shaped
precipitates identified as Cr2C and a small number density of
o~ faceted voids were also found. For specimens irradiated at
500 and 550~ (none were examined after irradiation at
450~ there was very little change in microstructure com-
pared to the unirradiated condition [10].
The TEM observations fit quite well with the observations on
tensile properties. Hardening is caused by irradiation-induced
dislocation loops and precipitation. Irradiation-produced
dislocation loops have their greatest effect for low-tempera-
Strain ture irradiation, and the irradiation-induced precipitation
has its largest effect at irradiation temperatures of 350 to
FIG. 1 2 . 1 - - S c h e m a t i c diagram of stress-strain
curves for ferritic steel in an unirradiated condition 400~ The lack of a significant change in microstructure at
and after irradiation in the temperature regime where 500 and 550~ is in conformity with the unchanged tensile
irradiation hardening occurs. properties after irradiation or thermal aging at these temper-
atures. The strength decreases that occurred at the elevated
temperatures at higher doses [6] occurred by the same
I I I thermal aging processes that occur in the absence of irradia-
800 r - ,Ji 9 9Cr-lUov~ STEEL _ tion, although irradiation-accelerated diffusion accelerates
I~ YIELD A - .[3" 9 -'O'-
|~ ~TI.^TE 9 - ,ll.- -e-
7OO 12
I t I I I I
ca 600 - z
LU 9 B
co 500 - 0

.r'l.--," 4 B

400 -
I ......I I
400 500 600 0 I I I I
FIG. 12.2--Yield stress and ultimate tensile strength of nor- 12 -- 9 Cr- I MoVNb STEEL
malized-and-tempered, thermally aged, and irradiated 9Cr- A UNIRRADJATED
1MoVNb steel. Irradiation was in EBR-II to 0.9 dpa [4]. Z -- --m--- AGED
(,9 8 -- T E S T T E M P E R A T U R E -~ I R R A D I A T I O N
somewhat less for irradiation at 400~ and shows no change .J
eta =' A G I N G T E M P E R A T U R E
occurred for irradiation at 475~ Note also that there was lit- =E
tle difference in the strength after irradiation to 5 and 10 dpa,
indicating the saturation of hardening with fluence. Tension Z, 4
tests on the MANET steel irradiated in HFR at 250 and 350~
to about 0.5 to 10 dpa indicated that rapid hardening oc-
e ~
curred up to -~ 1.5 dpa, after which it leveled off; saturation
was concluded to occur by ~5 dpa [7,9]. Uniform and total o I I t I
elongation were reduced after 10 dpa at 350~ but some 4O0 5OO 60O
work hardening capability was still maintained. Exposure to TEST TEMPERATURE (~
5 dpa at 250~ had relatively little effect on ductility [9]. FIG. 12.3--Uniform and total elongation of normalized-and-
Gelles and Thomas [10] used transmission electron mi- tempered, thermally aged, and irradiated 9 C r - I M o V N b steel. Ir-
croscopy (TEM) to examine specimens of the same 9Cr- radiation was in EBR-II to 0.9 dpa [4].

.L J" UI$ ~ e d )
surements on 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels irradi-
ated to 13 and 26 dpa at 390,450, 500, and 550~ in EBR-II.
: o.2~ vs C~odtoted)
Hardening occurred at 390~ no change at 450~ and some
softening at 500 and 550~ These results were in agreement
with the tensile results for the same steels irradiated in EBR-
300"C II under similar conditions (Fig. I2.2) [4-6].
-n B UIS (Ihe(mol conkors) Wassilew et al. [14] irradiated DIN 1.4923 at room temper-
ature in BR2 to 1.9 • 1026 n/m 2 (up to 1 dpa). Specimens
z~c-- ..... --_'_'~0 . 2 ~ Y S ( I h e ~ -- were tested at room temperature, 400, 500, 600, 750, 820,
860, and 900~ Considerable hardening occurred for the
room temperature tests and then decreased as the test tem-
4000 I I
5 I0 15 perature increased. No hardening occurred for tests at 600~
~000j I I and above. Total elongation was slightly lower for the room
I temperature test, but there was little difference at the higher
~ ~ u _ UTSOTodogeO) temperatures (the unirradiated specimens had slightly more
9 9 0.2~ vS (Iraat:llateo')- ductility), except at 860 and 900~ where the irradiated spec-
--Q . . . . . . . . -- ~ urs (.~em~ conuot imens had a considerably lower elongation than the unirra-
.... -Q - -O-o.2~ vs (,~erm~ diated specimens because these test temperatures were
contaols) above the Acl temperature and austenite formed during the
test. Wassilew et al. [14] concluded that the loss of ductility
,~o~ ,,, I ,oI ,s a t these high temperatures "can he attributed to the well

,.800 known helium embrittlement," which has a larger effect on

o I~ - I _-m.
I 47S~ -~ fcc steels than bcc steels (helium embrittlement will be dis-
cussed in the next chapter). Uniform elongation went
?_---_---_. through a minimum between 500 and 750~ in both the unir-
radiated and irradiated condition. At room temperature the

400 [. -~5 .........*10, 1

uniform elongation of the unirradiated and irradiated speci-
mens was similar, while at the higher temperatures, the uni-
DISRACEMENt DAMAGE ((11:)o) form elongation of the irradiated specimens was higher than
the unirradiated specimens. This must be an effect of the ir-
FIG. 1 2 . 4 - - E f f e c t of fluence on the yield stress a n d ultimate
tensile strength of M A N E T I steel irradiated at 300, 400, and radiation temperature and the steel, because as discussed be-
475~ [7]. low, quite large reductions in uniform elongation can occur
for certain steels and irradiation conditions.
Wassilew et al. [14] also irradiated DIN 1.4914 up to 9 dpa
the processes (i.e., dislocation recovery, precipitate coarsen- at 590~ in BR2 and tested in the same temperature range as
ing, etc.). Irradiation accelerates thermal aging because the the tests on the DIN 1.4923; the yield stress and ultimate ten-
irradiation-produced vacancies enhance diffusion. sile strength were reduced independent of the test tempera-
Yukitoshi et al. [11] irradiated a duplex (martensite and 6- ture. The authors agreed with Little and Stoter [12] that the
ferrite) low-carbon (0.06% C) 9Cr-2Mo steel in EBR-II to 3 x softening was due to recovery processes. They verified this by
1026 n/m 2 (~15 dpa) at 400, 450, 550, and 650~ and observed thermal aging similar specimens and found a similar effect,
a similar behavior to that of HT9 and modified 9Cr-lMo indicating that the observed softening during irradiation is
steel. Irradiation hardening occurred at 400 and 450~ with "mainly caused by thermal effects and to a lesser extent by
a slight decrease in strength at 550 and 650~ Even when the the irradiation." The uniform elongation again went through
steel hardened, the failures were ductile, and the elongation a minimum after irradiation, but not in the unirradiated con-
at the lowest irradiation temperature remained above 3% and dition as for the DIN 1.4923.
the reduction of area above 58%. Before irradiation, there Several French investigators published results for EM10,
was only a minor amount of precipitation (unidentified) pres- EM12, and F17 irradiated in the Ph6nix fast reactor [15-18].
ent. Microstructural changes included some recovery at the Dupouy et al. [15] presented results for room temperature
lowest temperatures, with more recovery, precipitation of tensile tests on EM12 irradiated at 600~ to 75 dpa and found
Laves phase, and growth of the Laves phase at the highest little effect of the irradiation.
temperatures. Significant Laves precipitation occurred in the Allegraud et al. [16] and Gilbon et al. [17] tested specimens
6-ferrite. No voids were observed [11]. of F17 cut from wrapper tubes irradiated at 370 to 550~ to
Similar observations on hardening have been made on 62.5 and ~ 100 dpa. In the second study, tension specimens of
these and other conventional Cr-Mo steels [ 12-18]. Little and EM10 irradiated to ~40 dpa over the same temperature
Stoter [12] measured the Vickers hardness of FV448, CRM- range were also tested [17]. For tests at the irradiation tem-
12, and FI steels before and after irradiation at 380, 420, 460, perature, the ferritic stainless steel F17 (100% ferrite) showed
and 615~ and found hardening after irradiation at 380 and considerably more hardening than the EM10 (100% tem-
420~ and softening at the two highest temperatures. They pered martensite). For example, at ~420~ the yield stress of
attributed the softening to reduction of the dislocation den- F17 more than doubled compared to an approximate 20% in-
sity and the increase in subgrain size (recovery processes). crease for the EM10. The F17 hardened at 500~ and below,
Hu and Gelles [13] found a similar effect for hardness m e a - and the EM10 hardened at 450~ and below. The reason for

the greater hardening of the F17 and hardening at a higher [22-30]. After irradiation below 450~ the results indicated
temperature is that F17 is subject to 475~ embrittlement, that there was an effect of chromium concentration on the
and the hardening was traced to the precipitation of a' in this hardening behavior [22-24]. Steels with concentrations of
high-chromium (17% Cr) steel; a' precipitation was also ob- ~2.2 and 12% Cr hardened significantly more than those
served when the steel was thermally aged at 450 and 500~ with 5 to 9% Cr [22-24]. In one study on Cr-W-V steels, there
It was concluded that for the F-17, "the main effect of irradi- was an indication that hardening was related to microstruc-
ation is to shift the maximum in tensile strength and the min- ture: the 2.2 Cr steels containing a duplex structure of bainite
imum in elongation by 50 to 100~ towards lower tempera- and polygonal ferrite and a 12% Cr steel containing a duplex
ture and to reduce the total elongation to less than 2% at structure of martensite and 8-ferrite showed more hardening
about 400~ " [17]. than 5 and 9% Cr steels that were 100%o martensite and a
S~ran et al. [18] tested material taken from two EM10 2.25% Cr steel that was 100% bainite [23].
(100% tempered martensite) wrappers irradiated to about 2 The similarity of the hardening of a reduced-activation
and 5 dpa at 386~ 90 dpa at 490~ and 24 dpa at 525~ steel and a conventional Cr-Mo steel is seen by comparing
tests were at 25~ 180~ and the irradiation temperatures. Fig. 12.5 for F82H (8Cr-2WVTa) irradiated over the range
Hardening occurred for the two lowest irradiation tempera- 200 to 600~ in HFIR [27] with the data for modified 9Cr-
tures, and no change occurred in the 525~ irradiation. Dis- 1Mo (9Cr-IMoVNb) in Figs. 12.2 and 12.3 irradiated in EBR-
location densities decreased with increasing irradiation tem- II at 390 to 550~ [4]. One major difference is that hardening
perature in accordance with the strength changes that were apparently disappeared by 400~ for the F82H but not for
observed [ 18]. 9Cr- 1MoVNb.
De Vries tested the MANET steel (modified DIN 1.4941) af- As stated above, it appears that hardening saturates with
ter irradiation to 5 dpa at 250~ and 10 dpa at 350 and 450~ increasing fluence. For the 9Cr- 1MoVNb and 12Cr- 1MoVW
in HFR [9]. Tests at the irradiation temperature revealed that
all of the specimens hardened, with the amount of hardening
decreasing with increasing irradiation temperature; rela- Irraclliation arr test temperature (~
tively little hardening occurred at the higher temperature. 10009. 4oo 600
The MANET II steel behaved similarly to the MANET I.
Materna-Morris et al. [19] studied a DIN 1.4914 fuel wrap-
per following irradiation for two years in Ph6nix to a maxi-
mum dose of 105 dpa at about 380 to 630~ Tests at 400~
revealed that the steels irradiated at 380 to 430~ hardened
moderately after irradiation to 10 to 105 dpa, indicating a
small temperature and fluence dependence. Total elongation
decreased from ~12 to 7% after irradiation at 380~ For
specimens irradiated at 480~ and above, there was no effect
on strength and ductility, as expected from previous work
[14]. Electron microscopy revealed irradiation-induced ct'
precipitates in the materials irradiated at 380 to 410~ at a i I
number density of 10~5/cm3, which can account for some of
the observed hardening. (a)
o soo
These results on the effects of irradiation on tensile prop-
erties of the ferritic/martensitic steel base metals are all quite
similar for the different Cr-Mo steels: hardening occurs be- 0 200 400 600 800
low ~425 to 500~ while at higher temperatures there was
little change in properties or irradiation-enhanced softening .-. 3O
for higher doses. Although ductility decreases when the steels
harden, fractures occur in a ductile mode, with no indication
of intergranular or other types of brittle failure.
Sbran et al. [20] compared the behavior of EM10 base
metal with EM10/EM10 welds made by the TIG and EB weld

processes after irradiation at ~460~ to 65 dpa in Ph6nix.
They found little difference between the weldments and base to
metal for tile EB welds in the as-welded and PWHT condi-
tion. A similar observation was made on the annealed TIG
IRJlMted 1
weld, but in the as-welded condition, the TIG weld showed
considerably more hardening. I , I ~ I
A similar irradiation hardening behavior with temperature (b) ;00 500 7 9O0
irradiation anO test temperature (K)
to that observed on the conventional Cr-Mo steels was ob-
served for experimental heats of reduced-activation steel FIG, 12.5--(a) Yield stress and (b) total
[21-30], including a series of Fe-Cr-V [21,23,30], Fe-Cr-V-Mn elongation as a function of irradiation tem-
[21], Fe-Cr-W-Mn [21], and Fe-Cr-W-V-X (X included Ta and perature for F82H irradiated at 200 to 600~
Ti) steels with c h r o m i u m ranging between 2.2 and 12% in HFIR [26].

steels, saturation at 390~ occurred by 9 to 13 dpa, because to 4 to 85 dpa at 350 to 365~ For tests at the irradiation tem-
there was little or no change between 9 to 13 dpa and 23 to 25 perature, a maximum occurred in the yield stress and ulti-
dpa [4-6]. The Cr-W-V steels with 2.25-12% Cr irradiated in mate tensile strength at 30 to 40 dpa. The elongation de-
FFTF over the range 7 to 30 dpa at 365~ saturated by 7 dpa creased with dose up to 30 to 40 dpa, hut whereas the yield
(the lowest dose tested) [23]. However, for a series of Cr-W- stress went through a maximum, the elongation remained at
V-Ta steels with 2.25, 7, 9, and 12% Cr irradiated to 25, 35, the lowest level at higher doses [31].
and 60 dpa at 400~ in FFTF, the hardening went through a One explanation for the maximum in strength with fluence
maximum [Fig.12.6(a)] [24]. The 2.25, 9, and 12 Cr steels is that beyond the fluence for peak strength irradiation-en-
softened by 60 dpa, and the strength of the 7 Cr steel was sim- hanced softening (recovery) has proceeded to the point
ilar to the unirradiated steel. A similar observation of a max- where it offsets the hardening due to irradiation. This would
imum in strength was made on F82H irradiated at 400~ to not be completely unexpected, since thermal aging will cause
12, 21, and 34 dpa in HFIR [Fig. 12.6(a)]; there was also an a reduction of strength due to carbide coarsening and dislo-
indication of a minimum in elongation [Fig. 12.6(b)] [25]. cation recovery [31 ]. However, in the absence of irradiation,
Khabarov et al. [31] studied the Russian steel 13Cr2Mo- such softening would occur only after extremely long thermal
NbVB (a nominally 12Cr- 1.5Mo-0.SNb-0.2V-0.1C steel) after aging times below 400~ [32]. Thus, irradiation-enhanced
specimens were removed from eight wrappers of driver sub- diffusion must accelerate the process for the maximum in
assemblies and six fuel pin claddings of experimental sub- strength to occur.
assemblies irradiated in the BN-350 and BN-600 fast reactors The effect of irradiation in HFR on the hardening of the
MANET I steel was discussed above. The same steel was also
irradiated to 5 and 10 dpa at 250 and 400~ in the BR2 reactor,
after which the steel was tested at the irradiation temperatures
at initial strain rates of 2.8 • 10 3 and 2.8 x 10 - 2 S 1 [7,33]. An
~'l~'eQ,~. Jtl,.,fF4 " approximate linear increase in strength with dose occurred at
7oo 9' ' " ~ ~2.26~-2WVT,)
250~ At 400~ saturation occurred at 5 dpa for the 2.8 x 10 .3
s- 1, but saturation did not occur by 10 dpa for the higher strain
rate. Also, the strength increases at 400~ were greater than at
8or ~'~ dl OIBtOeQOQ 250~ especially for the higher strain rate.
W These observations were not in accord with other results
for MANET in HFR and with most of the results observed for
10s t I s n a r ~ other steels. When the results for the different reactors (and
different investigators) were examined in detail, it was found
FO2H / - ,~ that the strengths of the normalized-and-tempered steel irra-
(SCr-2WVTaB) J~l
2oo lTCr4~vra) diated in HFR were higher than for those irradiated to com-
parable fluences in BR2, and the irradiation hardening at
: irradiated in HFIR (spec. ~ ) 250~ was less in BR2 than in HFR [7]. Likewise, the hard-
others in FFTF (Sl~C. T$(s)) ening measured after irradiation in the BR2 at 400~ was
o i greater than that observed after irradiation in HFR, because
o 10 20 3o 40 so 6o irradiation hardening apparently increased with temperature
Displacement Damage (dpa) for the irradiation in BR2 but decreased for irradiation in
HFR. It was concluded [7] that the differences "may be asso-

3O ciated with the differences in the prior history of the steel
products tested, minor compositional variations, and differ-
A ences in the heat treatments of the steels, in the initial tensile
-~ JLF4 strain rates, or a combination of these."
\\ I An effect of heat treatment was observed on two sets of
Sandvik HT9 tension specimens irradiated to 9 to 13 dpa at
390, 450, 500, and 550~ in EBR-II [5]. One set of specimens,
referred to as HT1, was austenitized 0.08 h at 1038~ air
L'~e, 82H cooled, and then tempered 0.5 h at 760~ while the other, re-
_ _ ' ~ ~., ' : ~ ~ ('Cr2WVTaB) I ferred to as HT2, was austenitized 0.5 h at 1038~ and tem-
ao,O A~.'I_ %'t~t~-- , I pered 2.5 h at 760~ Because of the shorter tempering time
and smaller grain size of the HT1 specimens, they were sub-
stantially stronger than the HT2 specimens before irradia-
tion. Furthermore, the increase in strength caused by irradi-
ation at 390~ was greater for HTI than HT2. The only
explanation advanced for the observations was that since
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 precipitation during irradiation of the HT1 occurs from a dif-
Co) Displacement Damage (dpa) ferent starting point (the steel is under tempered), the hard-
ening caused by the irradiation could be quite different, and
FIG. 12.6---(a) Yield stress and (b) total elongation any in'adiation-enhanced precipitate that forms in the HTI
of several reduced-activation steels as a function of
causes more hardening [5].
fluence for irradiation at 400~ in FFTF and HFIR [24],

Most of the above irradiation-hardening data were ob- curves are approaching the expected behavior for higher tem-
tained from irradiation in fast reactors, where irradiation perature tests. Such behavior was also observed before on
temperatures are restricted to ~>360~ At lower irradiation HT9 [35,36] and modified 9Cr-lMo [36,37] steels irradiated
and test temperatures (20 to 360~ a deformation behavior in HFIR at 50~ and tested at 25~
occurs that exhibits a reduced work-hardening capacity. This This type of tensile curve has been attributed to a highly lo-
behavior is illustrated by the tensile curves in Fig. 12.7 for calized deformation process termed dislocation channel de-
HT9 and F82H specimens irradiated in HFIR at 90 to 400~ formation, because dislocation-free channels are often ob-
[34]. The curves at 400~ for HT9 [Fig. 12.7(a)] and F82H served by TEM in the deformed specimen [38-40]. The
[Fig. 12.7(b)] are fairly typical of tensile curves for these explanation for dislocation channel deformation is that dis-
steels when irradiated at 400 to 600~ and tested at the irra- locations sweep across slip planes and somehow "clear out"
diation temperature. With increasing irradiation tempera- irradiation-produced obstacles to dislocation motion. As de-
ture, the uniform and total elongation for tests at these tem- formation continues, other dislocations can move through
peratures increased (Fig. 12.2). Similarly shaped curves to these "cleared channels" under a much lower stress than
that at 400~ were found for the ferritic/martensitic steels in would be required to move through material outside the
the unirradiated condition at 400 to 600~ the primary dif- channels that still contain obstacles [39,40]. Dislocation
ference being that at 400~ the unirradiated specimens had channel deformation has been observed in neutron-irradi-
a higher uniform and total elongation than after irradiation. ated Au, Cu, Ni, Fe, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, Re, and alloys of some of
As seen in Fig. 12.7, specimens irradiated at <400~ can these metals, as well as Zircaloy and austenitic stainless
show a different deformation behavior. In particular, these steels [39-45].
low-temperature deformation curves show very little uni- The obstacles swept away by dislocations to clear the chan-
form elongation (<0.5% and sometimes as little as 0.1%) and nels are defects created during irradiation [45]. In Nb-lZr,
essentially no capacity to work harden (i.e., the rapid drop in Mo-0.5Ti, and unalloyed molybdenum where this behavior
stress after the ultimate tensile strength is indicative of a was observed, the microstructure was dominated by high
greatly reduced strain-hardening coefficient). The HT9 [Fig. concentrations of small dislocation loops and black dots be-
12.7(a)] displays this behavior after irradiation at 90 and lieved to be unresolved loops [39]. Note that the reappear-
200~ but not at 250~ and above. The F82H [Fig. 12.7(b)] ance of the strain hardening capacity for the HT9 [Fig.
displayed the behavior from 200 to 400~ at 400~ the uni- 12.7(a)] occurs by 250~ and 3 dpa, while for the F82tt the ef-
form elongation is still quite low, but it appears that the fect remains at 300~ [Fig. 12.7(b)]. Fan"ell and Mahmood
[41] have demonstrated how the shape of the tensile curve
changes with fluence for pressure vessel steels. With increas-
1200 ing fluence, tensile curves evolve from the normal curve (Fig.
.... 2 ,,0F X .... . .............. 12.1) that has a higher strength and a slightly lower ductility,
into one displaying a yield point with lower work-hardening
capacity. As fluence increases, the deformation at the lower
yield stress increases and the work-hardening capacity de-
creases, until eventually, a curve displaying a low uniform
elongation and essentially no strain hardening of the type
shown in Fig. 12.7 is found. For the pressure vessel steels, this
evolution of curve shape occurred between 3.6 • 1021 and 3.5
O. 2OO HT-9 • 1023 n/m 2 ( < < 1 dpa) [41]. Since much higher fluences
were achieved for the specimens of Fig.12.7, these types of
0 ,, . . . . . t (
. . . . i , , . )'
curves should be expected.
r 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0,?. 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Engineering Strain, mrn/mm An explanation given by Farrell and Mahmood [41 ] for the
0~ evolution of the curves for the observations was based on the
,- 1200 observations of Okada et al. [44,45], and it involves the local-
.r . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . I . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . .

ized channel deformation and subsequent halt of that mode

Q 1000 250/0 2~r of deformation when dislocation tangles form at channel in-
-- 200/10 / tersections and grain boundaries. With increasing fluence,
channel deformation is believed to be more persistent, lead-
uJ 600 ~ 300/8 ing to [41 ], "a sharp yield drop followed by a barely percep-
tible shoulder that merges into necking."
400 10 Fracture surfaces of specimens that undergo channel de-
formation reveal a highly dimpled ductile failure [36,42] with
200 / ~2H slip confined to very narrow bands of slip planes [43]. Al-
though the channel deformation is accompanied by a greatly
0 ..... (~ .~ . . . . i . . . . I . . . . i . . .
reduced uniform elongation, the total elongation for the fer-
0 0.05 0.1 0.1~ 0#. 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 ritic/martensitic steels remains quite high (see Fig. 12.7)
E n g i n e e d n ! ~S t u n , mm/mm
[34,36]; for the refractory metals, reduction of area also re-
FIG. 12.7--Engineering stress-strain curves for Sandvik HT9 mained high [39]. Thus, the problem is not the loss of overall
(12Cr-1MoVW) (top) and F82H (8Cr-2WVTa) (bottom) steels ir- ductility but the early onset of unstable deformation--low
radiated in HFIR [34]. uniform elongation.

Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened S t e e l s grains decreased to values lower than before irradiation.

Distribution of the dislocations was non-uniform, showing
A detailed investigation of the microstructure and tensile bands of high and low dislocation density that appeared
properties was recently published on the DT2203Y05 (Fe- correlated with oxide denuded zones observed before irra-
13Cr- 1.5Mo-2Ti-0.45Y-0.30) ODS steel irradiated as fuel-pin
cladding in PHt~NIX up to 81 dpa at 400 to 580~ [46]. Severe 3. Few voids were observed, indicating no swelling, in agree-
emhrittlement was observed. During the cutting of the tube
ment with profilometry measurements.
to obtain tensile specimens, a piece of the tube broke off. 4. Below 480~ a uniform distribution of small particles
Also, cracks were observed over portions of the cladding formed and were tentatively identified as E-phase formed
tube, and because of such cracks [46], "about 50% of the ten- at a number density higher than the original oxide parti-
sile specimens broke off during the fitting of samples on the cles. They did not form at the higher temperatures because
tensile machine in the hot cell." of the reduction in chromium concentration.
Tension tests at the irradiation temperature indicated an 5. Above 500~ a uniform distribution of chi-phase nucle-
increase in the yield stress and ultimate tensile strength, with ated and grew on titania particles throughout all grains
the increase being greatest at the lowest irradiation tempera- with narrow denuded zones near grain boundaries. At high
ture. A large reduction in ductility accompanied the strength temperatures and low doses above the fissile column,
increase, with essentially no necking (equal uniform and to- where there was little or no fluence, Laves phase formed
tal elongation) for specimens irradiated from 30 to 81 dpa. instead of the chi-phase.
Elongations were less than 1% and as low as 0.2% at the max- Throughout the matrix, fine oxide particles <20 nm in size
imum fluence. Only at the higher temperatures and lower dissolved during irradiation. This was confirmed on steel
doses did the ductilities exceed 1% [46]. irradiated to 55 dpa at 435~ 75.6 dpa at 484~ and 78
Fractography indicated transgranular failures. For mate- dpa at 508 and 532~ The interface of larger oxide parti-
rial highly irradiated below 520~ failures had "starlike cles became [46] "cluttered with tiny precipitates," that
structure zones with planar surfaces akin to cleavage facets." were "spherically distributed around the larger oxides." It
Cleavage-type failures were also observed for the material was concluded that "These tiny particles are probably ox-
that failed during cutting. Specimens irradiated at high tem- ides which have reprecipitated during irradiation or more
peratures or low doses displayed ductile failures with small probably when irradiation stopped." Oxide evolution was
dimples, even for specimens that failed when being fitted to considered to be correlated with dose rather than temper-
the tensile machine [46]. ature and was attributed to recoil dissolution (i.e., oxide
Examination by TEM indicated the complicated mi- atoms are ballistically ejected by impinging neutrons).
crostructure of these materials. Before irradiation [46]:
1. The general microstructure consisted of two types of elon-
gated fine grains, one recrystallized with a low dislocation IRRADIATION H A R D E N I N G BY 14 MeV
density and the other unrecrystallized with a high disloca- NEUTRONS
tion density. Grain boundaries were decorated by chi-
Because fusion neutrons have a higher energy than fission
2. The oxide particles were titania and two types of yttria (dif-
neutrons, it is of interest to determine whether there is a dif-
fering in composition), the sizes ranging from 5 to 200 nm,
ference in the hardening caused by the different energies.
with no difference between recrystallized and unrecrystal-
When the RTNS-II 14 MeV neutron source was available (see
lized grains. There were variations in the oxide distribu-
Chapter 8), a few tests were carried out with this objective
tion with scattered bands that were denuded of oxide par-
High purity iron was irradiated in RTNS-II at ~75~ at 9.8
After irradiation [46]: • 1020 to 2.7 • 1022 n m -2 (41 dpa), and the results were
1. The general microstructure (two types of elongated grains) compared with the same material irradiated to 3.6 • 1022 n
appeared unchanged. The chromium concentration of the m -2 in a university test reactor [47]. There was little differ-
matrix decreased (originally 12.9%) with increasing irradi- ence in the yield stress of the steel irradiated in RTNS-II and
ation temperature: chromium concentrations of 12.3 to in the fission reactor. When compared with results from a
12.7% were measured at 400 to 480~ 11.4% at 508~ previous unpublished study where iron with a higher in-
10.1% at 532~ and 10.7% at 580~ Molybdenum con- terstitial content was irradiated, the latter showed more
centration also varied, from 2% at 400~ to 0.3% at 580~ hardening. There were also differences in hardening with in-
The morphology of the chi-phase at the grain boundaries creasing fluence, which were attributed to the interaction of
appeared unaffected, although it showed an increase of point defects with the interstitial impurities. The steel with
molybdenum and chromium and a decrease in titanium, the higher interstitial content showed a strength plateau with
the amount of the change increasing with increasing tem- increasing fluence, which was not observed for the higher pu-
perature. rity iron.
2. Irradiation did not affect grains with the high dislocation Kohyama et al. [48] irradiated TEM disks of four 9Cr-1-
density before irradiation. For irradiation at <500~ dis- 2MoVNb steels and one 11.5Cr-IMoV steel to 5 x 1022 n m -2
location loops and lines formed in the recrystallized grains (41 dpa) in RTNS-II at 200 and 400~ A "microbulge" test
with low dislocation density before irradiation. By 55 dpa, indicated that in contrast to high purity iron, the steels
these loops evolved into a dislocation network. Above showed a softening, although two of the steels began to
500~ no loops formed, and the dislocation density of the harden after 5 x 1022 n/m 2. Softening was attributed to [48]

"the scavenging of interstitial impurities from the disloca- 2Ni) were irradiated in HFIR [54-56] and EBR-II [52]. The
tions with the production of fresh dislocations and also the standard 9Cr-1MoVNb contains -~0.1% Ni, and the standard
scavenging of interstitial-impurity clusters and free intersti- 12Cr-1MoVW contains ~0.5% Ni. The objective of the exper-
tial impurities in the matrix." These results from RTNS-II are iments was to determine the effect of helium by comparing
interesting because of the use of the 14 MeV neutrons--the results for the steels with different nickel contents irradiated
maximum energy of neutrons in a fusion reactor neutron in HFIR and by comparing results from HFIR with those
spectrum. However, because of the low fluences in RTNS-II, from EBR-II, where little helium forms.
the results are probably of little significance for the high flu- The nickel-doped steels were irradiated in HFIR at ~50~
ences in an operating fusion reactor. The subtle hardening (the HFIR coolant temperature) up to a fluence of ~25 dpa
and softening effects noted at these very low fluences will and helium concentrations up to 327 appm [35,37,53]. Ten-
probably be swamped by the hardening produced by doses of sion tests were conducted at room temperature. Results for
1 dpa and higher. For irradiation-damage studies at the the 12Cr-lMoVW, 12Cr-IMoVW-1Ni, and 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni
higher fluences of interest, fission reactor irradiation studies steels indicated that the YS increased with increasing dis-
are necessary, since they are essentially the only neutron placement damage (Fig. 12.8) [53]. Based on the similar yield
sources available. stress for the 12Cr-IMoVW and 12Cr-lMoVW-1Ni steels in
One of the consequences of the high-energy neutrons in a the unirradiated condition, the results were interpreted to
fusion neutron spectrum is the production of large amounts mean there was a helium effect on hardening. If the differ-
of helium by (n,a) reactions. Because of the low neutron flux ence in unirradiated properties of the steels with 1 and 2% Ni
of RTNS-II, no information on helium effects produced by 14 is taken into consideration (Fig. 12.8), there does not appear
MeV neutrons could be obtained. Until a 14 MeV neutron to be any additional hardening for the steel with 2% Ni over
source with an adequate flux and irradiation volume be- the one with 1% Ni. One of the difficulties with these tests in-
comes available, such information must come from studies volved the starting conditions for the steels. Since nickel low-
using available irradiation facilities. ers the Acl temperature, the steels with 2% Ni had to be tem-
pered at a lower temperature (700~ than the conventional
steels and the 12Cr- 1MoVW- 1Ni steel (780 ~ The attempt to
IRRADIATION HARDENING--HELIUM vary time at temperature to temper to similar strengths was
Mechanisms by which transmutation helium can affect me-
chanical properties of irradiated materials have been postu-
lated to involve the interaction of helium with point defects 4500
[49-52]. Mansur and Grossbeck [49] identified possible
species causing an effect as small helium-vacancy and he-
lium-interstitial clusters, helium-stabilized matrix cavities, 4200 -- I
helium-assisted interstitial loops, and helium-stabilized
grain boundary cavities. All but the grain boundary cavities
were thought to produce hardening, either by pinning dislo- 4400
cations or inhibiting the operation of dislocation sources. He- IAf 9
lium-assisted interstitial loops were concluded to be impor-
tant at low doses [49]. tO 4000
Helium effectively stabilizes vacancy clusters, which, in 03
turn, means that less vacancies are available to recombine

with interstitials, (i.e., helium ties up vacancies and reduces Of)
interstitial-vacancy recombination). Interstitial clusters can -J
then grow into dislocation loops and increase the strength _w
[52]. In addition, the helium stabilizes the clusters to a higher
800 1" I H F I R EXPERIMENTS .....
temperature than in the absence of helium [49,52], thus ex-
mr // T4,T2 RBI,RB2 53 o.==-
tending the hardening temperature range.
, B 9 9 o 42Cr--4MoVW
Migration of helium to grain boundaries during irradiation 9 9 & 42Cr- 4MoVW--4Ni --
to form bubbles can lead to intergranular fracture and em- ~ 9 9 o 42Cr--4MoVW--2Ni
brittlement. This effect can be exacerbated by hardening
within the grain interiors and the formation of a zone adja-
cent to the grain boundary that is denuded of defect clusters
Several attempts have been made to examine the effect of I I I [ I
helium on hardening using the nickel-doping technique de- O 5 40 45 20 25 50
scribed in Chapter 8 to produce the simultaneous formation
of displacement damage and helium according to Eqs 8.2 and
8.3 [35,37,53-56]. The 9Cr-lMoVNb steel, this steel with 2% FIG. 1 2 . 8 - - T h e 0.2% yield stress of 12Cr-1MoVW, 12Cr-
Ni (9Cr-lMoVNb-2Ni), 12Cr-IMoVW steel, and this steel 1MoVW-1Ni, and 12Cr-1MoVW-2Ni steels as a function of flu-
with 1% Ni (12Cr-IMoVW-INi) and 2% Ni (12Cr-IMoVW- ence for irradiation at 50~ in HFIR [52].

not successful, and the different strengths in the unirradiated yield strength" and "an effective maximum shear strength."
condition caused difficulty in interpreting the results [37]. The shear-punch test was used on the Fe-12Cr-l.5Ni alloys
Further uncertainty involved the fact that the results are from with 59Ni, 6~ and natural nickel irradiated to ~7 dpa in
three different irradiation capsules and two types of speci- HFIR at 300, 400, 500, and 600~ About 45 appm He was
m e n s - r o d and sheet specimens--with somewhat different produced from the natural nickel, 80 appm He from 59Ni, and
properties in the unirradiated condition [53]. no helium from 6~ An Fe-12Cr alloy without nickel was
More uncertainty on the effect of helium for these low-tem- also irradiated [58].
perature irradiations is seen from results on a 9Cr-2W re- No effect of helium on the effective shear yield and maxi-
duced-activation steel with and without 1% Ni irradiated in m u m shear strengths was observed, but there was an in-
JMTR to 0.15 dpa at 170 and 220~ [57]. After irradiation at crease in strength due to irradiation, which decreased with
170~ an increase in the room temperature yield stress of up increasing temperature [58]. In the unirradiated condition, a
to 350 MPa was observed for the nickel-containing steel, com- strengthening effect due to nickel was reported. This
pared to a 120 MPa increase for the steel without 1% Ni. No strengthening effect was attributed to the unidentified pre-
difference in the strength increases was observed for the steels cipitate that was observed (see Chapter 9) [59]. It might be
with and without nickel when the steels were irradiated at noted that the microstructures of these alloys, which con-
220~ Post-irradiation annealing experiments showed that tained 0.004% C, were reported to be martensitic [58]. The
the anomalous hardening of the nickel-containing steel irra- steels were normalized 1 h at I040~ and tempered 1 h at
diated at 170~ started to recover at 190~ and was eliminated 760~ Nickel lowers the Acl temperature, and for a 12Cr-
after annealing at 250~ [57]. Thus, although there was an in- 1MoVW steel with 2% Ni, the Acl is below 760~ (near 700~
dication of a helium effect on tensile behavior for low-tem- [37]. No mention was made of this [58,59]. If the Acl for a
perature irradiations of nickel-doped HT9 and modified 9Cr- 1.5% Ni alloy is below 760~ then some or all of the harden-
1Mo in HFIR [35,37,53], hardening of the type observed below ing in the unirradiated condition could be due to untempered
250~ in the 1% Ni steel [57] could have played a role. martensite produced when the specimens were cooled from
Nickel-doped and undoped rod-tensile specimens of 9Cr- the tempering temperature.
1MoVNb, 9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni, 12Cr-IMoVW, 12Cr-IMoVW- Several investigators have used l~ doping to produce he-
1Ni, and 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni were irradiated in HFIR at 300, lium [25-27,60,61]. Shiba et al. [25-27] added l~ and natu-
400, and 500~ (above 220~ where no hardening was ob- ral boron to F82H and irradiated the steels in: (1) the JMTR
served in the 1% Ni steel [57]) up to ~11 dpa and up to 103 to 0.9 dpa (510 appm He) at 390, 470, 530, and 590~ (2) the
appm He [54]. JRR-2 to 0.07 dpa (50 appm He) at 530 to 570~ and (3) the
The results were compared with sheet specimens irradi- HFIR at 400 and 500~ to 12 to 34 dpa (65 to 320 appm He).
ated in EBR-II at 390, 450, 500, and 550~ up to ~16 dpa and They were unable to discern any effect of helium on tensile
little helium [55]. No effect of helium on hardening was evi- properties for these conditions [25-27]. Likewise, little dif-
dent for irradiation at 500~ (no hardening was observed) in ference in the hardening (yield stress) behavior of F82H and
HFIR, similar to the results above 400~ for fast reactors F82H with 100 ppm l~ was found after irradiation at 260~
where little helium was produced [4]. Because of the experi- in JMTR to 0.7 dpa (500 appm He) when tensile tested at
mental uncertainties discussed above, the results from the room temperature to 400~ including the irradiation tem-
nickel-doped specimens were inconclusive concerning the ef- perature (Fig. 12.9) [60]. If anything, the steel with the l~
fect of helium on tensile behavior at 300 and 400~ where
hardening was observed [54,55]. Any helium contribution
from these tests, if it exists, constitutes only a small amount
of the total hardening at 300 and 400~ and it saturates with
fluence. There was no evidence of any change in fracture
mode for the specimens with high-helium concentrations.
Similar conclusions were reached when these same 9 and
12% Cr steels with nickel additions were irradiated in HFIR
up to 72 dpa at 400 and 600~ [56]. The strength of all the
steels increased after irradiation at 400~ but there was little
difference in the strength of the steels with and without
nickel. At 600~ there was a loss in strength, which was
larger than the loss observed for steels thermally aged 27 000
h at 600~ [56].
Gelles et al. [58] used the Fe-12Cr-l.5Ni ternary alloys,
which were also used to study swelling [59] (see Chapter 9) to
study strengthening effects by doing shear-punch tests on ir-
radiated and unirradiated TEM disks. The shear-punch test is
described as [58] "essentially a blanking operation that is
c o m m o n to sheet metal forming. A 1 m m diameter punch is
driven at a constant r a t e . . , through a TEM-sized disk . . . .
The load on the punch is measured as a function of punch
travel, which is taken to be equivalent to the cross head dis-
FIG. 12.9mYield stress of F82H and F82H containing I~ that
placement." The load-displacement curve is similar to a ten- was irradiated in the JMTR to 0.7 dpa at 260~ after which it
sile curve that can be analyzed to obtain "an effective shear was tested at room temperature, 100, 200, 300, and 400~ [59].

1.4914 with degraded 104 MeV et-particles and 30 MeV pro-

ton beams at 300 to 720~ injection of 100 appm He (at the
rate of 1850 appm He/dpa) also produced no significant
change in the strength or ductility [64]. Long-time irradia-
tions above 440~ did reduce the strength by dislocation re-
covery. Ductile-transgranular failures were always observed.
Helium bubbles were observed by TEM [64].
To study possible interactive effects of displacement dam-
age, helium, and hydrogen on MANET I, dual-beam irradia-
tions were used to implant specimens with up to 500 appm
He and/or 500 appm hydrogen at 80 to 500~ [65]. Tension
tests indicated significant hardening below 400~ but little
or no effect was observed above that temperature [Fig.
12.12(a)]. Results for the yield stress and ultimate tensile
strength were similar to those produced by neutron irradia-
tion in HFR [8] at comparable irradiation temperatures [7].
Since relatively small helium concentrations were produced
in HFR, it was concluded that the results for the ion irradia-
tions were due to displacement damage. Reductions in duc-
tility were relatively small, except at 250 to 350~ where ser-
rations in the tensile curves indicated dynamic strain aging

---.o-- JL.M-O Orr.)
500 ~ ~ JLM-I (In'.)
o,,_\ ---e--- JLM-O (Unirr.)
450 ~ ---~.-- J L M - I (Unirr.)

FIG. 12.10~The (a) total elongation and (b) reduction 400 =':i::.
of area of F82H and F82H containing I~ that was irra-
diated in the JMTR to 0.7 dpa at 260~ after which it 35O
was tested at room temperature, 100, 200, 300, and
400~ [59].

addition showed slightly less hardening. However, there were
reductions in the total elongation [Fig. 12.10(a)] and reduc- o
(a) 200 .... t .... | .... = .... I .... J ....
tion in area [Fig. 12.10(b)] for the steel with the l~ addition.
The only difference in the two materials of these tests was the 25 . . . . . . . . . . .
l~ in the one steel, which produced the helium [60].
Kimura et al. irradiated a 9Cr-2WVTa steel (Fig. 12.11)
without boron (JLM-0 in Fig. 12.11) and with a 32 ppm boron 20 ."~

addition (JLM-1 in Fig. 12.11) in FFTF to 10 to 15 dpa at

2370, 390, 430, 520, and 600~ [61]. They concluded that
boron caused an increase in the irradiation hardening that
occurred at the three lowest temperatures. It also caused a re-
duction of the amount of softening that occurred at the two
highest temperatures. The authors [61] stated that the results
can be understood "in terms of thermal stabilization of micro = ~ /~/ 646, 15 I
voids by helium transmuted from l~ in the natural boron
added to the steel." Another explanation is that small helium
bubbles pinned dislocations and retarded the reorganization
L z93, 44 /
:: I
8,,. 40 /
of the dislocation structure. 9 ~ 9 ~ I * ~ . , | = . . 9 I = = , * I 9 9 9 . I 9 9 9 9

European Union investigators used ion irradiations to

600 650 700 750 800 850 900
study helium effects on tensile properties [7,62-64]. Bom- (b)
bardment with 28 MeV or-particles was used to inject i00 Irradiation and Test Temperature (K)
appm helium into DIN 1.4914 at 20 to 700~ after which the FIG. 12.11--The (a) yield stress and (b) total elongation of
specimens were tested at the b o m b a r d m e n t temperature 9Cr-2WVTa steel without (JLM-0) and with (JLM-1) 32 ppm
[62,63]. Little change in the tensile properties was observed. boron irradiated in FFTF to 10 to 15 dpa. Tests were at the irra-
In dual-beam irradiations of quenched-and-tempered DIN diation temperature [60].

J ! i' i lation reactions with displacement damage formed by high-

energy recoiling ions after the nuclear reaction) in PIREX at
170 to 420~ with the magnitude of the hardening decreas-
ee MANET i ing with irradiation temperature; tests were at room temper-
ature and the irradiation temperature [66,67]. Yield stresses
were consistent with those after the dual-beam experiments
70( *$ when compared for similar displacement doses--0.3 to 0.4
dpa [7]. They were also comparable to reactor-irradiated
specimens for comparable doses. The results were concluded
c~ to corroborate conclusions from the dual-beam experiments,
namely, that [7] "displacement damage determined the
O'J strength properties whilst the helium appeared to be effective
sO in reducing the ductilities at temperatures of 400~ " Dy-
namic strain aging was observed near 300~ which coincides
with a minimum in ductility, but the serrated yielding was
+ 0-~ | s00 s ~ He less pronounced after irradiation, with the strain rate sensi-
9 0.32 dpa, 500 appm He, 5(X)eppmH X tivity being negative before and after irradiation [66,67]. In-
9 | | , m |
dications were that irradiation did not modify the mecha-
(m) lOG m

0 200 400 600 800 nism of dynamic strain aging.

Similar experiments were performed in PIREX on F82H ir-
20 " 9 | w
radiated from 0.2 to 1.75 dpa at 37, 250, 350, and 400~ [68].
9 0.32 dpa. 500 oppm tie. 500 mppm H Irradiation hardening for the room temperature tests de-
9 0.30 dpa, SO0 mppm He
O uni.adialed creased with irradiation temperature, with essentially no
hardening for the specimens irradiated at 400~ No de-
tectable effect of helium was found for up to 175 appm He.
From activation volume determinations, it was concluded
that neither helium nor helium bubbles caused a change in
MANET I the rate-controlling process for dislocation motion. Any he-
c lium bubbles present in the steel were below the limit of de-
.=o tection [68].
Chen and Jung [69] irradiated DIN 1.4914 (MANET) with
r- 10
o R-particles to implant helium, and then, for comparison,
[] * other specimens were irradiated with the R-particles being al-
lowed to pass through the specimens, thus producing only
displacement damage. Doses ranged from ~ 10 .3 to 10-1 dpa
with helium concentrations of 7.9, 36, and 185 appm. Micro-
hardness measurements were made with a computerized
depth-sensing indentation tester over the range - 1 8 0 to
sf ":9 : + 160~ at different loads, penetration rates, and indenter ge-
ometry. The hardness increased with increasing dose and he-
~'~,,~"~Oynamic Strain Aging lium concentration. Results were interpreted as a shift in
0 ' * , I , hardness due to irradiation, and the hardness shifts were re-
(b) 0 2O0 4OO 6O0 8OO lated to a shift in DBTT. It was claimed that the results
showed that for equal displacement doses, the hardness
Irradiation a n d Test T e m p e r a t u r e [~
changes translate to significantly larger shifts in DBTT for
FIG. 12.12--Effect of single- and dual-beam (helium and helium-implanted specimens, indicating that helium had
hydrogen) irradiation on (a) yield stress and (b) total elonga- caused hardening and had an effect on the DBTT shift, in ad-
tion of MANET I steel [64]. dition to the shift caused by displacement damage [69].
As opposed to the 12Cr steel implanted with helium in the
EU program [7,63-65], Hasegawa and co-workers examined
occurred [Fig. 12.12(b)]. Furthermore, the uniform and total the effect on 9Cr steels [70,71]. Two reduced-activation
elongations were reduced to -<0.3 and 2 to 3%, respectively, steels--9Cr-0.5V and 9Cr-2W---and the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel
in this regime, although the fractures remained ductile and were implanted with up to 500 appm He with a 26 MeV 3He
transgranular. By comparison with specimens from HFR ir- beam at 400 to 600~ the specimens were tensile tested at the
radiated to similar doses, it was concluded that the ductilities implantation temperature [70]. Implantation of 100 appm He
were at least partially dependent on the implanted helium at 400 and 500~ had no effect on properties. Softening oc-
[7]. Above 100~ up to 500 appm hydrogen did not have an curred for specimens implanted with 100 and 500 appm He
effect on the tensile behavior, probably because hydrogen at 600~ (softening would be expected to occur by thermal
rapidly diffuses from the steel [65]. aging at 600~ The fracture mode always remained ductile,
MANET I also hardened when irradiated with protons up but after the 500 appm He implantation, the total elongation
to 1 dpa and 130 appm He (130 appm He/dpa formed by spal- of the 9Cr-0.5V decreased, while that for the other two steels

inc re a s ed slightly. H e l i u m bubbles f o r m e d at all i m p l a n t a - [14] C. Wassilew, K. Herschbach, E. Materna-Morris, and K.

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served on lath b o u n d a r i e s a n d dislocations were in a m o r e International Symposium, ASTM STP 1046, Vol. 1, Eds. N. H.
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u n i f o r m distribution t h a n for the hot i m p l a n t a t i o n [71]. The
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als and Nuclear Power (The Institute of Materials, London,
clusive. M1 indications are that, if there is an effect, it is prob-
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[37] R. L. Klueh, J. M. Vitek, and M. L. Grossbeck, in: Effects of Ir- 143 (1986) 960.
radiation on Materials: Eleventh Conference, ASTM STP 782, [56] R. L. Klueh and P. J. Maziasz, J. Nucl. Mater. 187 (1992) 43.
Eds. H. R. Brager and J. S. Perrin (American Society for Testing [57] R. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Matsui, and M. Narui, J. Nucl. Mater.
and Materials, Philadelphia, 1982) 648. 258-263 (1998) 1199.
[38] F. A. Smidt Jr., Dislocation Channeling in Irradiated Metals, [58] D. S. Gelles, G. L. Hankin, and M. L. Hamilton, J. Nucl. Mater.
NRL Report 7078, Naval Research Laboratory, 1970. 251 (1997) 188.
[39] F. W. Wiffen, in: Defects and Defect Clusters in B.C.C. Metals [59] D. S. Gelles, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: 18th Interna-
and Their Alloys, Ed. R. J. Arsenault (National Bureau of Stan- tional Symposium, ASTM STP 1325, Eds. R. K. Nanstad, M. L.
dards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1973) 176. Hamilton, F. A. Garner, and A. S. Kumar (American Society for
[40] M. S. Wechsler, in: Inhomogeneity of Plastic Deformation Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1999) 899.
(American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1973) 19. [60] K. Shiba and A. Hishinuma, J. Nucl. Mater., 283-287 (2000)
[41] K. Farrell and S. T. Mahmood, to be published. 474.
[42] R. L. Fish, J. L. Straalsund, C. W. Hunter, and J. J. Holmes, in: [61] A. Kimura, T. Morimura, M. Narui, and H. Matsui, J. Nucl.
Effects of Radiation on Substructure and Mechanical Proper- Mater. 233-237(1996) 319.
ties of Metals and Alloys, ASTM STP 529 (American Society for [62] U. Stamm and H. Schoroeder, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988)
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1973) 149. 1059.
[43] F. W. Wiffen and P. J. Maziasz, J. Nucl. Mater. 103 & 104 (1981) [63] H. Schroeder and H. Ullmaier, J. Nucl. Mater. 179-181 (1991)
821. 118.
[44] A. Okada, K. Kanao, and T. Yoshiie, Bull. Faculty of Engineer- [64] A. M6slang and D. Preininger, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988)
ing, Hokkaido University, 141 (1988) 93. 1064.
[45] A. Okada, T. Yoshiie, S. Kojima, and M. Kiritani, J. Nucl. Mater. [65] K. K. Bae, K. Ehrlich, and A. M6slang, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194
141-143 (1986) 907. (1992) 905.
[46] P. Dubuisson, R. Schill, M. P. Hugon, I. Grislin, and J. L. S6ran, [66] P. Marmy and M. Victoria, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194 (1992) 905.
in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: 18th International Sympo- [67] P. Marmy, Y. Ruan, and M. Victoria, J. Nucl. Mater. 179-181
sium, ASTM STP 1325, Eds. R. K. Nanstad, M. L. Hamilton, F. (1991) 697.
A. Garner, and A. S. Kumar (American Society for Testing and [68] P. Spfitig, R. Schgublin, S. Gyger, and M. Victoria, J. Nucl.
Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999) 882. Mater. 258-263 (1998) 1345.
[47] H. Matsui, K. Abe, S. Hirano, O. Yoshinari, and M. Koiwa, J. [69] J. Chen and P. Jung, J. Nucl. Mater. 212-215 (1994) 45.
Nucl. Mater. 133&134 (1985) 615. [70] A. Hasegawa and H. Shiraishi, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194 (1992)
[48] A. Kohyama, K. Asakura, Y. Kohno, K. Komamura, K. Suziki, 910.
M. Kiritani, T. Fujita, and N. Igata, J. Nucl. Mater. 133 & 134 [71] A. Hasegawa, N. Yamamoto, and H. Shiraishi, J. Nucl. Mater.
(1985) 628. 202 (1993) 266.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Elevated-Temperature Helium

At irradiation temperatures Ti -> 0.STm, where Tm is the ab- Taking -/ = 1 J m -2, it follows that helium bubbles with
solute melting temperature, irradiation-induced atom dis- radii ---7.6 nm lying on boundaries perpendicular to the ap-
placement damage in steels is unstable, and the flow proper- plied tensile stress will grow by this process at stresses ->1 0 0
ties are generally unaffected by irradiation [1,2]. However, MPa. Intergranular helium bubbles of these dimensions have
austenitic steels and other face-centered-cubic alloys are em- been observed to nucleate cavities that enlarge and coalesce
brittled at elevated temperatures following or during neutron to form cracks on the transverse grain boundaries in irradi-
irradiation in thermal or fast reactors and helium implanta- ated austenitic steels and alloys [1,7,19] in a manner analo-
tion. This embrittlement is manifested as a reduction in ten- gous to the growth of cavities during thermal creep [20].
sile ductility [ 1-4], as shown in Fig. 13.1 for type 316 stainless The stress-induced growth of the intergranular helium
steel [5]. Creep-rupture life and ductility [4,6-14] and fatigue bubbles by grain boundary vacancy diffusion is accompanied
endurance at low frequencies [12,14-16] are also affected in by plating of atoms along the transverse boundaries. If all
austenitic steels alloys. The irradiation does not significantly other deformation processes are neglected, this atom plating
influence the deformation behavior but modifies the fracture process produces a strain (~) given by [21]:
process at high temperatures. Thus, the irradiation embrit-
flement is primarily associated with an increased tendency to
= ~2a- (13.3)
intergranular fracture above about 0.5Tin.
It is now well established that helium gas is primarily
responsible for this high-temperature irradiation embrittle- where a is the mean spacing of the grain boundary bubbles
ment. The helium is generated in the austenitic steels and and d is the average grain size.
alloys by the l~ (n,~) 7Li and the 5SNi (n,-/) 59Ni (n,cx) 56Fe re- Thus, the ductility due solely to this process is low in
actions (see Chapter 8) during irradiation in thermal and coarse-grained steels with closely spaced grain boundary
mixed-spectrum fission reactors, while threshold (n,a) reac- bubbles larger than the critical size.
tions in Ni, Cr, and Fe are major sources of helium in fast fis- The "in-reactor" creep-rupture lives of austenitic steels at
sion and D-T fusion reactors. The embrittlement is mani- stresses -<100 MPa and temperatures of 700 to 750~ [9,10]
fested in austenitic steels containing -<1 to a few appm He and the high-temperature creep-rupture lives after irradia-
depending on the steel composition, initial thermomechani- tion or helium implantation at ambient temperature [22] are
cal treatment, irradiation, and test conditions [1,2]. dependent on the inverse square or cube root of the tensile
The most widely accepted model of the embritflement is stress. These observations are consistent with the model of
based on the stress-induced growth of cavities nucleated gas-driven growth of the intergranular helium bubbles
from helium bubbles at the grain boundaries [ 1,3,14,17]. The [22,23], with the time required to grow the bubbles to the
helium bubbles of radius r0 are initially in equilibrium with critical size constituting most of the time to rupture. How-
the internal gas pressure (P0) being balanced by the surface ever, the "in-reactor" times to failure at stresses of ->100 MPa
tension (~): and those in post high-temperature irradiation tests are in-
versely proportional to the stress to a much higher power, in-
P0 = - ~ (13.1) dicating that the deformation is controlled by thermal dislo-
r0 cation creep processes.
Several approaches have been considered theoretically or
The bubbles on the grain boundaries orthogonal to the ap- shown experimentally to be beneficial in improving the post-
plied tensile stress become unstable and grow by grain irradiation high-temperature ductility of austenitic steels.
boundary vacancy condensation if the stress exceeds a criti- These include grain refinement [24,25], trapping of the he-
cal value Crc.Assuming ideal gas behavior, ere is given by [ 17]*: lium at particles within the grains [26,27], and the formation
of precipitates at the grain boundaries to reduce their effec-
0.76~ tiveness as sources of vacancies [28], but a complete and
~o - (13.2)
ro practical solution to the problem of elevated-temperature in-
tergranular helium embrittlement of austenitic alloys has not
* The critical stress is higher than indicated by the ideal gas approx-
imation if Van der Waal's equation of state for helium is used and yet been realized.
only approaches the result for the former at low gas pressures (small The body-centered-cubic iron-based alloys, including the
values of ~/r0) [18]. high-chromium ferritic and martensitic steels, are generally
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International www astm org

400 The ambient and elevated-temperature tensile properties

of the quenched-and-tempered 1.4914 steel have been deter-
mined following homogeneous implantation of 100 appm he-
350 lium in 0.09-ram-thick specimens at temperatures in the
range 20 to 750~ and of 100 to 340 appm helium in 0.2-mm-
thick samples at 320 to 720~ by b o m b a r d m e n t with de-
300 graded 28 MeV [33] and 104 MeV [34] a-particle beams, re-
spectively. Furthermore, 0.15-mm-thick specimens of the
CW 316 SS reduced-activation 9Cr-0.5V and 9Cr-2W steels and the mod-
ified 9Cr-lMo alloy have been implanted with up to 500
appm He at 400, 500, and 600~ using a 26 MeV 3He beam
o. " UNIRRADIATED [35]. Although small bubbles 4 to 22 nm diameter, nucleated
- - IRRADIATED at the prior austenite grain boundaries, lath boundaries, sub-
(/) 200
o~ boundaries within the laths, and precipitates, were readily
o: observable by TEM [33-35], there was no evidence of ele-
(/) vated-temperature helium embrittlement in tension tests
150 conducted at the implantation temperatures. The fractures
remained ductile and transgranular.
Post-irradiation creep-rupture properties of normalized-
tOO and-tempered 1.4923 (12 Cr-MoV) and 1.4914 (12Cr-MoVN6)
steels were determined at 600~ after irradiation in the
mixed-spectrum BR2 reactor at 590~ [37,38]. The 1.4923 is
50 a 12Cr-lMoV-type steel, and the 1.4914 is similar to 1.4923,
but it also contains Nb, B, and N in its composition along
with less C. After irradiation, the 1.4923 contained ~1 appm
o I I I I I He compared to ~90 appm He for 1.4914. There was little dif-
o 5 to ts zo zs 30 ference in the rupture lives of the irradiated and unirradiated
STRAIN (%) 1.4923, but the rupture elongations diverged with increasing
rupture times (decreasing stress). The irradiated 1.4914 had
FIG. 1 3 . 1 - - E n g i n e e r i n g stress-strain curves for 20% cold-
worked type 316 stainless steel tensile tested at 700~ in the a shorter rupture life than the unirradiated material for high-
unirradiated condition and after irradiation in HFIR at 60~ to stress tests and a longer rupture life for low-stress tests. Rup-
about 9 dpa and 230 appm He [5]. ture elongation of the irradiated 1.4914 was less than for the
unirradiated steel, but at long test times, the irradiated and
unirradiated results appeared to converge, with values for the
more resistant to intergranular helium embrittlement than irradiated steel remaining above 5% for all tests. The rupture
the austenitic steels and alloys. Thus, the elevated-tempera- strength of the 1.4914 was greater than that of the 1.4923, but
ture tensile ductilities of the quenched-and-tempered fully the rupture elongations of the two steels were similar. This
martensitic 12Cr-MoVNb (1.4914) steel were not signifi- occurred despite the larger amount of helium in the 1.4914
cantly affected in tests below the Acl (ferrite-to-austenite) steel, and the results were taken as further evidence for the
transformation temperature following thermal reactor irra- excellent elevated-temperature helium embrittlement resis-
diation, the samples failing in a ductile-transgranular man- tance of these steels [37,38].
ner in both the unirradiated and irradiated conditions In addition to the tensile tests conducted on DIN 1.4914
[29,30]. However, there was a sharp reduction in the total specimens implanted to 100 appm He using a 28 MeV c~-par-
elongation and a change to intergranular fracture when the ticle beam discussed above, post-implantation creep tests at
tests were conducted above the Acl temperature when some 600 and 700~ were also conducted on such specimens
austenite was present. Similar observations were made on a [13,33,39]. Just as there was no effect in the tension tests,
quenched-and-tempered 12Cr-MoV (1.4923) steel after irra- there was no effect of 100 appm He on creep-rupture proper-
diation in the mixed-spectrum BR2 reactor at <100~ to 1 ties. However, higher helium concentrations (-> 1000 appm)
dpa and <1 appm He [31]. markedly reduced the creep rates and the rupture elonga-
The tensile ductilities of modified 9Cr-IMo and 12Cr- tions, indicative of radiation hardening by the implantation,
1MoVW (HT9) steels with and without additions of 2% Ni particularly at 700~ Nevertheless, the rupture times were
tested at 700~ and the low initial strain rate of 4 x i0 -s s -1 increased relative to those of the unirradiated controls.
were not reduced after irradiation in HFIR at 50~ to ~6 Broadly similar behavior was exhibited in "in-beam" tests on
dpa and -<49 appm He. The total elongation exceeded 20% the same steel at 600 and 700~ [13,33,39]. Ductilities were
for all the specimens [5]. In addition, while the 700~ ten- not significantly reduced with maximum helium concentra-
sile ductilities of duplex (martensite plus g-ferrite) 13Cr- tions of 3000 and 2700 appm He at 600 and 700~ respec-
2Mo-IW steels, with and without a dispersion-strengthening tively, although some intergranular fracture was evident in
addition of 4% TiO2, was reduced after irradiation in the the specimens with 3000 appm He tested at 700~ TEM ob-
BR2 reactor at 60 or 700~ to induce a helium concentra- servations (Fig. 13.2) on the in-beam specimens indicated
tion of 10 appm (max), the total elongation remained above that the mean bubble radius in the matrix was larger than
10% in all cases [32]. that at prior austenite grain boundaries and increased with
C H A P T E R 13: E L E V A T E D - T E M P E R A T U R E H E L I U M E M B R I T T L E M E N T 137

FIG. 13.2--TEM micrographs of DIN 1.4914 steel creep tested in a cyclotron y-particle beam showing he-
lium bubbles on prior austenite grain boundaries, lath boundaries, precipitates, and in the matrix after the fol-
lowing test conditions: (a) irradiated at 600~ tested at 230 MPa, with 3000 appm He and (b) irradiated at
700~ tested at 70 MPa, with 2700 appm He [33].

helium content and temperature; however, the number den- Several possible reasons have been advanced to explain the
sities did not vary significantly. Thus, the bubble microstruc- greater resistance to high-temperature helium embrittlement
tures did not differ substantially from those observed under of the bcc ferritic/martensitic steels compared to the
similar conditions for austenitic stainless steels that exhibit austenitic steels. These include:
extensive elevated-temperature helium embrittlement [33]. 1. The high diffusion rate and grain boundary mobility in the
Low-alloy ferritic/pearlitic and non-transformable ferritic bcc structures lead to stress relaxation at the boundaries,
steels appear to be less resistant to the elevated-temperature thereby delaying or preventing the development of inter-
helium embrittlement than the transformable high-chro- granular cracks [29].
mium martensitic steels. Thus, a low-alloy 0.13% C-0.24% 2. The high stacking fault energy coupled with a large effec-
Mo steel, which tends to fail intergranularly in the unirradi- tive energy for grain boundary fracture (2~ = 2~s - ~/GB,
ated condition, exhibited reductions in total elongation in where "/s and ~/GBare the surface and grain boundary en-
tension tests at temperatures below the Acl after thermal re- ergies, respectively) and a finer effective grain size com-
actor irradiation, and no enhancement of the embrittlement bine to render the high-chromium martensitic steels more
was observed in tests above the transformation temperature resistant to intergranular fracture [42].
[30]. In addition, large reductions in the tensile ductilities of 3. The helium and helium clusters are trapped at the marten-
a coarse-grained ferritic Fe-14% Cr-4% Al alloy have been site lath boundaries and dislocations, thereby inhibiting
recorded on testing in the range 700 to 950~ after thermal the migration of helium and the development of large bub-
reactor irradiation at 50 or 650~ [40]. Furthermore, the non- bles at the prior austenite grain boundaries [5,36].
transformable Types 405 (0.1% C:12% Cr) and 430 (17% Cr) 4. Although numerous but small helium bubbles are gener-
ferritic steels showed decreases in total elongation from 52 to ally observed in the irradiated or helium-implanted mar-
33% and 89 to 48%, respectively, in tension tests at 700~ fol- tensitic steels [31,33-35], the low strengths of these steels
lowing a-particle bombardment to a helium concentration of at elevated temperatures do not allow high tensile stresses
about 40 appm [41]. to be developed at the orthogonal prior austenite grain

b o u n d a r i e s [14]. The critical radius (rc) for catastrophic [18] R. M. Boothby, J. Nucl. Mater. 168 (1989) 343.
growth of the grain b o u n d a r y b u b b l e s that lead to prema- [19] R. M. Boothby, J. Nucl. Mater. 171 (1990) 215.
ture i n t e r g r a n u l a r fracture is inversely p r o p o r t i o n a l to the [20] D. R. Harries and C. M. Shepherd, in: Rupture Ductility of Creep
applied tensile stress (~rr of E q 13.2) a n d is large i n these Resistant Steels, Ed. A. Strang (The Institute of Metals, London,
BookNo. 522, 1991) 132.
steels; c o n s e q u e n t l y , a very high h e l i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n
[2I] J. E. Harris, in: Vacancies '76 (The Metals Society, London,
a n d / o r long irradiation time are required to reach it. 1977) 170.
5. The precipitates observed at the grain b o u n d a r i e s are very [22] H. Trinkhaus and H. Ullmaier, J. Nucl. Mater. 212-215 (1994)
effective in preventing the b o u n d a r i e s from acting as effi- 303.
cient sources a n d sinks for vacancies a n d thus limit the [23] R. Bnllough, D. R. Harries, and M. R. Hayns, J. Nucl. Mater. 88
growth of the h e l i u m b u b b l e s a n d t h e i r coalescence to (1980) 312.
form cracks. [24] W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, J. Nucl. Mater. 18 (1966) 108.
Additional experimental work a n d s u p p o r t i n g theoretical [25] E. Hellstrand, R. Lagneborg, P. Lindhagen, R. Westin, and G.
Ostberg, J. Nucl. Mater. 48 (1973) 1.
studies are required to isolate the factors that d e t e r m i n e the
[26] W. Kesternich, M. K. Matta and J. Rothaut, J. Nucl. Mater. 122
resistance of the h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steels to ele-
and 123 (1984) 146.
vated-temperature irradiation (helium) e m b r i t t l e m e n t a n d to [27] P. J. Maziasz, in: MiCon 86: Optimization of Processing, Prop-
further the u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the u n d e r l y i n g m e c h a n i s m s . erties, and Service Performance Through Microstructural Con-
trol, ASTM STP-979, Eds. B. L. Bramfitt, R. C. Benn, C. R.
Brinkman, and G. F. Vander Voort (American Society for Test-
REFERENCES ing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1988) 116.
[28] J. E. Halxis, J. Nucl. Mater. 59 (1975) 303.
[1] D. R. Harries, J. Brit. Nucl. Energy Soc. 5 (1966) 74. [29] H. B6hm and H. Hauck, J. Nucl. Mater. 21 (1967) 112.
[2] E. E. Bloom, in: Radiation Damage in Metals, Eds. S. D. Hack- [30] H. B6hm and H. Hauck, J. Nucl. Mater. 29 (1969) 184.
neys and N. L. Petersen (American Society for Metals, Metals [31] C. Wassilew, K. Herschbach, E. Materna-Morris, and K.
Park, OH, 1976) 295. Ehrlich, in: Topical Conference on Ferritic Alloys for Use in Nu-
[3] D. R. Harries, J. Nucl. Mater. 82 (1979) 2. clear Energy Technologies, Eds. J. W. Davis and D. J. Michel
[4] L. K. Mansur and M. L. Grossbeck, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1984) 607.
(1988) 130. [32] J.-J. Huet, A. Delbrassine, Ph. Van Asbroeck and W. Vander-
[5] R. L. Klueh and J. M. Vitek, J. Nucl. Mater. 117 (I983) 295. meulen, in: Radiation Effects in Breeder Reactor Structural Ma-
[6] E. E. Bloom, in: Irradiation Embrittlement and Creep in Fuel terials, Eds. M. L. Bleiberg and J. W. Bennett (The Metallurgical
Cladding and Core Components (British Nuclear Energy Soci- Society of AIME, New York, 1977) 357.
ety, London, 1972) 93. [33] U. Stamm and H. Schroeder, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988)
[7] H. Ullmaier, Nuclear Fusion 24 (1984) 1039. 1059.
[8] H. Schroeder, W. Kesternich, and H. Ullmaier, Nucl. Eng. De- [34] A. M6slang and D. Preininger, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988)
sign/Fusion 2 (1985) 65. 1064.
[9] C. Wassilew, W. Schneider, and K. Ehrlich, Rad. Effects 101 [35] A. Hasegawa and H. Shiraishi, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194 (1992)
(1987) 201. 910.
[10] C. Wassilew, Irreversible Thermodynamic Models and Consti- [36] A. Hasegawa, H. Shiraishi, H. Matsui, and K. Abe, J. Nucl.
tutive Equations of the Irradiation Induced Deformation and Mater. 212-215 (1994) 720.
Damage Accumulating Processes, Kernforschungszentrum [37] C. Wassilew, in: Mechanical Behaviour and Nuclear Applica-
Karlsruhe, KfK Report 4668, November 1989 (in German). tions of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures (The Metals
[11] H. Schroeder, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988) 1032. Society, London, Book 280, 1982) 172.
[12] M. L. Grossbeck, K. Ehrlich, and C. Wassilew, J. Nucl. Mater. [38] C. Wassilew, K. Ehrlich, and K. Anderko, in: Dimensional Sta-
174 (1990) 264. bility and Mechanical Behaviour of Irradiated Metals and Al-
[13] H. Schroeder and H. Ullmaier, J. Nucl. Mater. 179-181 (1991) loys, Vol. I (British Nuclear Energy Society, London, 1983) 161.
118. [39] U. Stamm, Kernforschungsanlage Julich, Report Jul. 2225, Au-
[14] H. Ullmaier and H. Trinkhaus, Marls. Sci. Forum 97-99 (1992) gust 1988.
451. [40] A. C. Roberts, D. R. Harries, D. R. Arkell, M. A. P. Dewey, and J.
[15] M. I. de Vries, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: Eleventh In- D. H. Hughes, in: Irradiation Effects in Structural Alloys for
ternational Symposium, ASTM STP 782, Eds. H. R. Brager and Thermal and Fast Reactors, ASTM STP 457 (American Society
J. S. Perrin (American Society for Testing and Materials, for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1969) 312.
Philadelphia, 1982) 665 and 720. [41] D. Kramer, A. G. Pard, and C. G. Rhodes, in: Irradiation Em-
[16] H. Trinkhaus and H. Ullmaier, J. NucL Mater. 155 (1988) 148. britttement and Creep in Fuel Cladding and Core Components
[17] E. D. Hyam and G. Sumner, in: Radiation Damage in Solids, (British Nuclear Energy Society, London, 1972) 109.
Vol. 1 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1962)323. [42] R. G. Faulkner and K. Anderko, J. Nucl. Mater. 113 (1983) 168.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Irradiation Effects on Impact


A major concern for ferritic/martensitic steels in light-water IRRADIATION EMBRITTLEMENT:

reactors, fast reactors, and future fusion reactors is the effect DISPLACEMENT DAMAGE EFFECTS
of irradiation on fracture [1,2], as exhibited in a Charpy V-
notch (CVN) test as an increase in the ductile-brittle transi-
Effect of Fluence and Temperature
tion temperature (DBTT) and a decrease in the upper-shelf
energy (USE) (see Fig. 14.1) [3]. (Note that values for the
Tension tests demonstrated that hardening occurred in nor-
1harpy energy in Fig. 14.1 and other figures in this chapter
malized-and-tempered MANET II and quenched CETA steels
appear low relative to values normally reported for such
irradiated in the Saphir reactor to 0.042 dpa at 250~ and
steels; this is due to the use of the subsize Charpy specimens
0.13 dpa at 405~ (see Chapter 12) [4]. Miniature Charpy
discussed in l h a p t e r 8.) Such a change in properties is re-
specimens of these steels were irradiated in the same experi-
ferred to as irradiation embrittlement [1,2] or low-tempera-
ment to the same fluences. Even at these low doses, there was
ture irradiation embrittlement to distinguish it from
a significant shift in the DBTT (Fig. 14.3), with the largest
elevated-temperature helium embrittlement discussed in
shift occurring for the higher fluence at 400~ [4]. For the
Chapter 13.
CETA with its untempered martensite microstructure, a shift
Although Charpy data are important to demonstrate the ef-
of 145~ was observed [Fig. 14.3(b)], which compared with a
fect of irradiation on fracture during impact loading and they
shift of about 40~ for the MANET II [Fig. 14.3(a)] with a
serve as a method for rating the relative irradiation resistance
tempered martensite microstructure. Smaller shifts were
of different steels, they cannot be used by the reactor designer.
noted for the low-dose irradiations at 250~ Although the
Rather, fracture toughness data are used for that purpose. The
CETA steel showed a large ADBTT, it needs to be emphasized
limited fracture toughness data available at present for irra-
that this was for an untempered martensite, and throughout
diated ferritic/martensitic steels will be discussed in the next
this chapter and other chapters, the martensitic steels being
chapter. Because the Charpy test is easier to conduct and the
specimens can be more easily miniaturized for irradiation ex- discussed are in the tempered condition unless otherwise in-
periments, much of the information on the possible effect of dicated. The tempered martensite of the MANET II showed a
irradiation on toughness comes from such tests. significantly smaller shift for the same irradiation conditions
Even if a steel has good Charpy properties before irradia- (Fig. 14.3) [4].
tion with a DBTT well below room temperature, it can Figure 14.1 shows results for a more typical irradiation ex-
be well above room temperature after irradiation. Irradiation periment. Here a shift in DBTT (ADBTT) of ~ 160~ was ob-
embrittlement of ferritic steels is related to the hardening (see served on one-half-size Charpy specimens of 12Cr-IMoVW
Chapter 12) caused by the production of dislocation loops, steel (HT9) irradiated to 10 dpa at 365~ in FFTF [3]. Irradi-
dislocation lines, and precipitates during irradiation below ation to 17 dpa gave a similar shift to the one for 10 dpa, in-
~0.4Tm [1,2]. Hardening causes an increase in flow stress, dicating that there was a saturation in the shift with increas-
and, under the assumptions that the fracture stress is unaf- ing fluence (Fig. 14.1). This agrees with the saturation
fected by irradiation and that the intersection of the observed for hardening in a tensile test of the same steel irra-
fracture stress curve and the flow-stress curve (represented diated similarly (see Chapter 12) [5]. Although the Charpy
schematically in Fig. 14.2) defines the ductile-to-brittle tran- curves are shifted by irradiation hardening, the fracture
sition temperature, the increase in flow stress causes a shift in mode is generally unaltered between the unirradiated and ir-
the DBTT* [ 1]. radiated steels: cleavage or quasi-cleavage is the dominant
In a fusion reactor, large amounts of transmutation helium fracture mode on the lower shelf (occasional, scattered indi-
will form in the first wall of the structure (see Chapter 8). In- cations of intergranular fracture are observed), and ductile
dications are that in addition to displacement-damage ef- void coalescence (dimpled fracture surface) occurs on the up-
fects, the presence of helium in the irradiated steel can exac- per shelf.
erbate the shift in DBTT. Both the effects of displacement Below 400 to 450~ the magnitude of the shift caused by
damage and the effects of transmutation helium will be dis- displacement damage varies inversely with irradiation tem-
cussed in this chapter. perature, as shown in Fig. 14.4 for MANET I steel irradiated
to 5 dpa in the HFR at 300, 400, and 475~ [6]. To demonstrate
* Note that Fig. 14.2 is a schematic diagram to be used for this dis- the origin of the shift, a specimen irradiated at 300~ was an-
cussion. The intersection of flow stress and fracture stress does not nealed 0.5 h at 535~ and impact tested at 500~ and part of
strictly define the DBTT of a CVN test. the loss in USE was recovered [6] (annealing to restore prop-
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

40 I I I I
. O O
12 C r - I MoVW STEEL o~176176176
...... . . ~
9 I0 dpo. 3esOc, FFTF
30 17 dpa. 365~ FFTF MANET II
, / 0 .s~

>- i 9
o 2O >, 4
rY d! ~ "
Z a) ii ~ II

2 9--o--- Unirradiated
...0,,, '0 0 ....z~.- LAM 1
9- t - LAM 2
o ~'-'-'-'J~'~
0 I
-200 - 100 0 100 200 300
TEMPERATURE (~ 6 ' s'o 1~o'1so
FIG. 1 4 . 1 ~ h a r p y curves for half-size specimens of 12Cr-
1MoVW steel before and after irradiation to 10 and 17 dpa at
365~ in FFTF [3].
2 o/ ....

, 7 .0

>, @
,// CETA


~ NIRRAOIATED M.I Y .."~ . t ..-o--Unirradiated
iRRADIATIEO ./ ,7 -.o...I.AM 1
: LAM2
T U ItE STRE..___.SS
~t 0
-1~ 6 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~6~
Temperature ['C]
FIG, 14.3mCharpy curves for MANET II and CETA irradiated
to 0.042 dpa at 250~ (LAM 1) and to 0.13 dpa at 400~ (LAM-2)
in the Saphir reactor [4].

Steel Heat treatment Un- Irradiatedat
MANET-I I 950-980*C/2h+lOT$=ClO.$h+750*CI2h
i.. ~o'el~o-c147rel ~
8 HeatNo.:: " A i m [ V 5
FIG. 14.2--Schematic diagram that illustrates how strength
increase due to irradiation causes a shift in the ductile-brittle-

transition temperature [1]. A/V~V mmm

erties will be d i s c u s s e d in C h a p t e r 17). S u c h an a n n e a l "dis-

solves" the i r r a d i a t i o n - i n d u c e d defect structures ( p a r t i c u l a r l y
tiny interstitial clusters) a n d coarsens the dislocation struc- _...i
ture t h a t causes h a r d e n i n g a n d e m b r i t t l e m e n t [7]. 0 -100 i I I I I
Most i r r a d i a t i o n studies of C h a r p y b e h a v i o r have involved 0 100 200 300 400 5O0
Temperature l~
s p e c i m e n s i r r a d i a t e d in fast r e a c t o r s b e t w e e n ~ 3 6 0 to 600~
(lower t e m p e r a t u r e s are generally not possible in fast reac- FIG. 14.4--Effect of irradiation temperature on the impact
tors ) [3,8,9-11]. H u a n d Gelles [8] i r r a d i a t e d 9 C r - I M o V N b properties of MANET I steel [6].

14o ~ q~ ' ' ' ' ' ' '

/ \ O 13 dpll, HT-$
I- \ ,, 2o dpa. HT'~
1~o l- q \ o is ~ . . OC,.1Mo

41m s00 sR
FIG. 14.5--Irradiation temperature and fluence effect on the shift in transition
temperatures for 9Cr-IMoVNb (modified 9Cr-1 Mo) and 12Cr-1 MoVW (Sandvik HTg)
steels [8].

(modified 9Cr-lMo) and 12Cr-IMoVW steels at 390, 450, The precipitate structure of the 12Cr-IMoVW steel can be
500, and 550~ in EBR-II to 13 and 26 dpa (Fig. 14.5). For the used to explain the observation that ADBTT did not go to
9Cr-1MoVNb irradiated at 390~ the ADBTT saturated by 13 zero. The critical stress to propagate a crack is inversely pro-
dpa (values of 52 and 54~ were obtained after 13 and 26 dpa, portional to the crack length [13]. If it is assumed that frac-
respectively). Irradiation of the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel at 450, ture initiation occurs at an M23C6 particle (the dominant pre-
500, and 550~ caused little change in the DBTT, in agree- cipitate) and the crack length at initiation equals the
ment with observations on this steel that hardening vanishes diameter of a carbide particle, then the fracture stress (see
in a tensile test above 425 to 450~ (see Fig. 12.2) [5]. This Fig. 14.2) will decrease with increasing precipitate size. (A
was verified by Hu and Gelles with Rockwell hardness mea- more recent micromechanical description of the fracture
surements on their Charpy specimens that showed hardening process in tempered martensite will be discussed later in this
occurred only for the specimens irradiated at 390~ [8]. chapter.) The precipitate particles coarsen during irradiation
It was concluded that saturation also occurred for the at 400 to 500~ [15-17], thus causing a decrease in fracture
12Cr-IMoVW steel irradiated at 390~ [10], although the val- stress and an increase in DBTT (Fig. 14.2), even in the ab-
ues of 124 and 144~ obtained after 13 and 26 dpa, respec- sence of further hardening. At 500~ considerably more
tively, showed a somewhat larger difference than for the 9Cr- coarsening was observed for the 12Cr-IMoVW than the 9Cr-
1MoVNb steel [8]. As seen in Fig. 14.5, the ADBTT for the 1MoVNb [17]. Therefore, the fact that the ADBTT for 12Cr-
12Cr-IMoVW steel did not go to zero at 450, 500, and 550~ 1MoVW steel increased between 13 and 26 dpa at 390~ and
as observed for the 9Cr-IMoVNb and as observed for the did not go to zero at 450 to 550~ even though hardening dis-
change in yield stress [5] and change in hardness [8] for both appeared at these temperatures [18] can be attributed to
of 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels irradiated at the coarsening of the large precipitates during irradiation at the
same temperatures. The difference in the observations on the higher temperatures.
two steels is caused by the difference in the microstructures The 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels were also irra-
of the two steels (Fig. 14.6) [12]. The 12Cr-IMoVW steel con- diated in HFIR at ~50~ up to -~10 dpa [19,20]. Contrary to
tains twice as much carbon as the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel, and in what occurred at 390~ in EBR-II, the ADBTT for the 9Cr-
the normalized-and-tempered condition, the 12Cr-IMoVW 1MoVNb steel (~135~ was larger than that for the 12Cr-
contains over twice as much precipitate (3.8 wt% precipitate 1MoVW steel (~55~ The most logical explanation for this
in the 12Cr-IMoVW compared to 1.5 wt% in 9Cr-IMoVNb). observation is that the change in irradiation temperature
The majority of the precipitate in both steels is M23C6, with a caused a change in fracture behavior for one of the steels.
small amount of MC. A larger amount of larger precipitate Support for this is found in work by Gelles et al. [21,22], who
particles is relatively uniformly distributed in the 12Cr- observed ~-ferrite stringers on the cleavage fracture surface
1MoVW steel [12]. Fracture in steels is generally initiated at of 12Cr-IMoVW steel irradiated in EBR-II at 390~ [22] but
carbide particles or inclusions [ 13,14]. not after irradiation at 50~ in HFIR [21]. They concluded

Thus, although the ADBTT of 12Cr-IMoVW at 50~ is about

half as large as the ADBTT of 9Cr-IMoVNb, the change in
fracture process for the 12Cr-IMoVW makes the ADBTT of
the latter steel over twice that of the former at the higher tem-
peratures [23].
In addition to the growth of M23C6precipitates, chromium-
rich a' precipitates form during irradiation in the 12Cr steel,
but not in the 9Cr steel [16]. Because the 8-ferrite is enriched
in chromium, more cd would be expected to form in this
phase, and since ~' can harden the lattice, this could further
embrittle the steel.
The explanation involving 8-ferrite for the different relative
behavior of 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW at 50 and 390~
is supported by work [24,25] that indicates the 8-ferrite in
12Cr steels does not by itself cause early cleavage, as sug-
gested by other investigators [26]. In fact, the relatively soft
8-ferrite can improve the ductility and toughness [25].
Rather, it was concluded [24,25] that fracture initiated at
M23C6 precipitates on the 8-ferrite/martensite interface.**
Therefore, the fact that 8-ferrite stringers were not observed
by Hu and Gelles on the 12Cr-IMoVW fracture surface after
the 50~ irradiation suggests that the absence of interface
precipitation at 50~ may be responsible for the inherently
better behavior of 12Cr-IMoVW than 9Cr-IMoVNb at 50~
At higher temperatures where precipitation occurs, including
od precipitation in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel but not the 9Cr-
1MoVNb steel, the carbides on the 8-ferrite/martensite inter-
face cause a larger ADBTT for 12Cr-IMoVW than 9Cr-
1MoVNb [23]. Detailed TEM and SEM are required to
determine the actual mechanism.
It should be pointed out that no 8-ferrite was detected in
some of the heats of 12Cr-IMoVW studied [12,16,17], com-
pared to a few percent found by Hu and Gelles [22]. This may
mean that there was a very small amount present hut not de-
FIG, 14.6--Extraction replicas of normal- tected, or the more extensive precipitation and radiation-in-
ized-and-tempered (a) 9Cr-lMoVNb and (b) duced growth of M23C6 precipitates and formation of the u'
12Cr-1MoVW steels [12]. in 12Cr-IMoVW (compared to the 9Cr-IMoVNb) in the tem-
perature range 300 to 500~ discussed above is responsible
for the relative change in impact behavior of 9Cr-IMoVNb
that the large ADBTT for 12Cr-IMoVW at 390~ was due to
and 12Cr-IMoVW between 50 and 400~
"precipitation at 8-ferrite stringers" in the 12Cr- 1MoVW steel
French investigators studied the Charpy properties of F17
[22], although they concluded further that the reason for the
(ferritic) steel cut from two wrapper tubes irradiated in
difference between 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels at
Ph6nix up to ~63 and 100 dpa in the range ~390 to 540~
50~ was due to an irradiation effect on the 9Cr-IMoVNb.
[27-29]. There was no difference in the Charpy properties af-
Carbide crystal structure alteration due to recoil dissolution
ter irradiation to 63 and 100 dpa. The DBTT decreased with
was suggested as a possibility [21].
increasing irradiation temperature, but even at 548~ the ir-
An alternate suggestion was that the explanation for the
radiated steel had a ADBTT of 100~ Hardening of the 17%
observations need only involve the change in fracture behav-
Cr steel at the higher temperatures was associated with irra-
ior of the 12Cr-IMoVW steel [23]. That is, neutron irradia-
diation-enhanced nucleation and growth of a' relative to that
tion at 50~ has an inherently greater relative hardening ef-
formed by thermal aging alone, where ~' causes 475~ em-
fect on 9Cr-IMoVNb than 12Cr-IMoVW, and then the
brittlement (see Chapter 4). The increased effect of irradia-
magnitude of the effect reverses at higher temperatures be-
tion on Charpy behavior with decreasing irradiation temper-
cause of the precipitation and precipitate coarsening that oc-
ature was ascribed to the high density of irradiation-induced
curs in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel [23]. This is consistent with
dislocations that are immediately locked by the ~' precipi-
the above explanation for the difference between the impact
tate. Contrary to the tensile behavior, where it takes up to 40
behavior of the 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels at 390
to 550~ Because of the irradiation-enhanced diffusion at
390~ in EBR-II, precipitates can form at 8-ferrite/martensite
interfaces of the 12Cr- 1MoVW steel (no 8-ferrite is present in ** Although it is assumed that the M23C6interface precipitates dis-
cussed here grew during irradiation, these precipitates can grow also
the 9Cr-IMoVNb) during irradiation, and these precipitates from the chromium-enriched 8-ferrite under other conditions. For
can cause a change in fracture behavior. No such diffusion- example, M23C6precipitate with a dendritic morphology can form at
assisted precipitates would be expected after 10 dpa at 50~ the interface when the cooling rate from the melt is too slow [25].

dpa for the loss in total elongation to saturate with ftuence at which was blamed for the deterioration of properties in this
temperatures below 420~ the saturation in the shift in steel. Finally, the F17 steel had the highest void density, and
DBTT and reduction in USE occurred at low fluence (<5 the voids were associated with the high number density of c~'.
dpa) [28]. Like modified 9Cr-lMo steel, the EM10 is a 9Cr-iMo tem-
For comparison with the F17, EM10 (100% tempered pered martensite steel, but it differs from the modified 9Cr-
martensite) steel and EM12 (70% martensite, 30% 8-ferrite) 1Mo steel in that it is not stabilized with niobium and vana-
steel wrappers along with Charpy specimens were irradiated dium (it contains no niobium and only 0.03% V compared to
to 90 dpa at 390 to 580~ in the Ph6nix reactor. The Charpy 0.06% Nb and 0.25% V for the modified 9Cr-lMo steel). The
properties of EMI0 and EM12 were nearly unchanged over shift in DBTT observed for the EM10 above 450~ and not for
the range 390 and 580~ (Fig. 14.7). The slightly smaller modified 9Cr-lMo may be caused by this compositional dif-
DBTT for EM10 at the lowest irradiation temperatures ference, which may allow the formation of Laves in the EM10
shown in Fig. 14.7 was for specimens taken from the bottom during irradiation. Laves phase is generally suppressed by ir-
of the wrapper, where the dose was described as negligible radiation in the range 300 to 600~ for these steels, and it has
(at the other irradiation temperatures, irradiation was to 90 not been observed in modified 9Or-1Mo steel after irradiation
dpa) [29]. As was true for the F17 results, the EM10 and (see Chapter 10).
EMI2 steels also showed a shift in DBTT after irradiation Kimura et al. [30] examined the effect of irradiation tem-
above 400~ The shift for EM12 at 400~ was ~60~ com- perature on the impact properties of reduced-activation 9Cr-
pared to ~45~ for the EM10 and about 330~ for F17. This 2WVTa steels irradiated in FFTF up to 22 dpa at 390 and
means that the DBTT of the EM12--the duplex steel falls 460~ and in JMTR to 0.0063 dpa at 60~ At 390~ where
between the values for the fully martensitic EM10 and the hardening occurred, a ADBTT of ~40~ was observed, com-
fully ferritic F 17. Above 500~ the DBTT values of EM 12 and pared to a value of ~54~ for modified 9Cr-1Mo irradiated in
F17 were similar (Fig. 14.7). EBR-II [8]. Although irradiation at 460~ produced a soften-
The microstructures of the three steels were examined af- ing, a shift in DBTT of ~15~ was observed for the 9Cr-
ter irradiation to 70 to 90 dpa at 420 to 440~ The EM10 had 2WVTa. Despite a displacement damage of only 0.0063 dpa
the most stable microstructure. Scattered voids were ob- in the JMTR irradiations at 60~ the shift in DBTT was 35 to
served, with the major precipitate phase being the M23C6, 40~ [30].
most of which was present before irradiation. The only irra- Microstructural examination of the FFTF-irradiated steels
diation-induced precipitate observed was Laves phase. The indicated the presence of dislocation loops and small M23C6
EM12 showed more void formation, a higher density of voids precipitates for the specimens irradiated at 390~ [30], No
being observed in the 8-ferrite than the tempered martensite; loops or small M 2 3 C 6 precipitates were observed for the spec-
this steel also showed a dense precipitation of chi-phase, imens irradiated at 460~ but tantalum-rich M6C and tung-
sten-rich Fe2W Laves phase were observed. It was concluded
that M6C and Laves phase are detrimental to the cleavage
! I i i ! i I I I I fracture toughness, and they account for the increase in
O F17 DBTT at 460~ in the absence of hardening [30]. (The possi-
o EM 12
3OO eEH10
ble effect of tantalum on the shift in DBTT will be discussed
later in this chapter.) A linear relationship between the shift
in DBTT and hardening for these steels was developed and
a\ a compared with data for modified 9Cr-lMo steel (Fig. 14.8).
\ FERRITIC F17 Such a linear relationship has also been developed for the
2OO \ light-water reactor pressure-vessel steels [31,32].
\ The ADBTT is related to irradiation hardening (increase in
yield stress, A~ry),and hardening, like ADBTT, is generally ob-
served to saturate with fluence. As described in Chapter 12 on
2'~\ tensile behavior, there have been several observations of a

EM 12
maximum in hardening with fluence [33-35]. Until recently,
no evidence was found of a maximum in the DBTT or ADBTT
with fluence. For example, in the experiment where
Khabarov et al. [35] found a maximum in yield stress with
dose for the 13Cr-2MoNbVB steel irradiated to 4 to 85 dpa at
350 to 365~ in a fast reactor (see Chapter 12), no maximum
4,,,.,..,..---,,f was observed for the DBTT. They did show data that indi-
./I . cated the USE went through a minimum at 30 to 40 dpa. Em-
brittlement of the steel irradiated at 280 to 420~ was at-
tributed to the voids, dislocation loops, and et' precipitates
-loo that formed during irradiation [35].
t : | I I i , | ~ s ~ J Recently, Kohno et al. [36] found a maximum in DBTT for
600 50O 6OO
Irradiation temperatureIoCI JLF-1 steel irradiated in FFTF to 60 dpa at 410~ Evidence
of a possible maximum in DBTT was also observed for 12Cr-
FIG. 1 4 . 7 - - A comparison of the DBTT of F17, EM 12, 1MoVW steel irradiated to 35 and 100 dpa in FFTF (this ex-
and EM-10 steels irradiated in the Ph6nix reactor [29]. periment will be discussed in more detail in the following

and tempered at 760 and 780~ were also irradiated at 420~

300 to 35-36 [37] and 100 dpa [38]. The different austenitizing
(1)JMTR/363K, 0.006dpa, RT treatments caused a small difference in average prior-austen-
(2)MOTA/663K, 22dpa, RT ite grain size for the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel (~20 and 32 mm for
(3)MOTA/663K, 35dpa, RT the 1040 and 1100~ treatments, respectively) and a larger
difference for 12Cr-IMoVW steel (~32 to 45 and 90 to 125
250 -(4) 120appmHe/423K, / m m for the 1040 and 1100~ treatments, respectively). The
0.048dpa, RT / smaller change for the 9Cr-IMoVNb was attributed to the
(a)JMTR/493K, 0.15dpa, RT / niobium in this steel, as niobium carbide inhibits austenite
grain growth during the austenitization [39].
~, 2 0 0 .(b)EBR-II/663K, 26dpa, RT //=(e) If the effect of austenitizing temperature on properties is
(c)MOTAFo38K, 7dpa, 638K / i taken to imply an effect of prior austenite grain size, then for
~1~ (d)HFIR/323K, 5dpa, RT / the 9Cr- 1MoVNb steel, prior austenite grain size had an effect
on DBTT, with the steel austenitized at 1040~ having the low-
(e)HFIR/673K, 40dpa, 673~ est value [Fig. 14.9(a)] [38]. There was less difference in the
r~ 150 ~(5)MOTA/733K,24dpa, USE [Fig. 14.9(b)]. The normalized-and-tempered 12Cr-
.c: (6)MOTAJ683K, 36dpa,JiT 1MoVW steel showed a different behavior. Although a change
9=- / in austenitization temperature for this steel produced a larger
J::: ee RAM (9Cr-2W) /n(d)
u) 100 9 9Cr-lMo / 9_Cr-lMo
0 100
i ,,(b))=(c)
e 75

(s) 4 lid

~. 2s
0 ,,,I,,]~/,, ,,I,,,,I,,,,i, ~=l lllJ E
I-- 0
-200 0 200 400 A

~-25 ..---,,'--'--In

Irradiation Hardening / MPa o~

"N.-60 9 9 1040"Cllh/AC; 760"Cllh

FIG. 14.8--Relationship between the shift in DBTT and irradi- B 9 o I040"Cllh/AC; 78rCI2.SIt
ation hardening (change in yield stress) for 9Cr-2WVTa and i.~-75 Clomd 9CP-1MoVNb 9 & I l O O * C I 1 h l A C ; 760"Cllk
9Cr-IMoVNb steels. Legend of data refers to: reactor/irradia- OIMm 12Cr-lMoVW 9 v t l O O * C / l h l A C : 78012.5~
-100 ! J i i
tion temperature, dose, tension test temperature [30].
5 t0 t5 20
section) [37]. It would appear that a high fluence and/or high
irradiation temperature are required before a maximum is
observed. This observation implies that the strength and im-
pact properties are a balance between the point defect pro-
duction and irradiation-induced precipitation hardening,
which harden the steel, and irradiation-accelerated recovery 8
and aging, which soften the steel, the latter processes becom-
ing more important at high fluences and/or higher irradia-
-m- 6
tion temperatures. As mentioned earlier, hardening in most 0
of these steels ceases above 425 to 450~ because of recovery (n
and thermal aging processes. 4

Effect of Heat Treatment :~ 2

To study the effect of heat treatment on the irradiation effects

on the Charpy impact toughness of 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr- 0 | I t I 1

1MoVW steels [37,38], four plates of each steel were given 0 5 10 lS 20

different normalizing-and-tempering treatments: normaliza- to)
tion with austenitization at 1040 or 1100~ was followed by
Displacement Damage (dpa)
tempering 1 h at 760 or 2.5 h at 780~ One-third size Charpy FIG. 1 4 . 9 ~ T h e (a) ductile-brittle transition temperature and
specimens were tested in each heat-treated condition, as well (b) upper-shelf energy as a function of displacement damage
as after thermal aging and after irradiation in FFTF at 365~ for 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels with four different
to 4-5 [37] and 20 dpa [38]. Specimens normalized at 1040~ heat treatments after irradiation at 365~ in FFTF [38].

difference in prior austenite grain size than for 9Cr-1MoVNb, 100

there was very little effect of prior austenite grain size on
DBTT [Fig. 14.9(a)]. Tempering (for the two normalization ~75
treatments used) also had only a small effect. The USE of the
12Cr-1MoVW in the normalized-and-tempered condition ap-
peared to be affected by tempering, because for each austeni- 2s
tizing treatment, the steel tempered at 780~ had a higher
USE than that tempered at 760~ [Fig. 14.9(b)] [37]. Thermal
aging for up to 20 000 h at 400~ had little effect on the Charpy
behavior of the 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels [37].
The lack of a prior austenite grain size effect in 12Cr-
1MoVW steel compared to 9Cr-lMoVNb steel in the unirra-
diated condition probably indicates that the precipitate in the
microstructure of the 12Cr-IMoVW rather than the prior 1~--75 9 o 104~CllhlAC:, 760"Cllh
OlNm 12q~r-11r 9 O 104~CllblAC;, 780~
austenite grain size controls the fracture behavior [37]. As --100 . . . .
seen in Fig. 14.6, the larger amount of larger precipitates rel- 0 25 $0 7S 100
atively uniformly distributed in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel could (al
dictate the fracture behavior, as discussed in the previous
section. 12
The results on the unirradiated 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-
1MoVW agreed with results of Little et al. [40], who studied
a 12Cr-0.9Mo-0.3V-0.14C steel. They observed an increase in
DBTT from - 9 0 to - 6 0 ~ when austenitized at 950 and
1050~ respectively. The change was attributed to a change
in prior austenite grain size [40]. There was no change in the ul
USE. The main difference between this steel and the 12Cr-
1MoVW steel involves the carbon content. Based on the mi-
crostructural studies of Little et al., it was concluded [37] that t~
the reason their steel showed a prior austenite grain size ef-
fect and the 12Cr-IMoVW steel did not was probably due to
the lower carbon content, which caused a much finer precip- 2
itate distribution to form in the steel of Little et al., who noted
an increase in USE with increasing tempering temperature 0 i ! ! I

and time. Little et al. also examined a 12Cr-0.6Mo-0.15V- 0 211 SO 7S 100

0.25Nb-0.1C steel, a steel more similar to the 9Cr-IMoVNb
steel than the 12Cr- 1MoVW steel because of the niobium and (b) Displacement Damage (dpa)
lower carbon, although it had considerably more niobium
FIG. 14.10---The (a) ductile-brittle transition temperature and
than the 9Cr-1MoVNb steel. They found that the niobium sta- (b) upper-shelf energy as a function of displacement damage
bilized the prior austenite grain size, similar to the observa- for 9Cr-1 MoVNb and 12Cr-1 MoVW steels with two different heat
tions on the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel [37]. Because of the larger treatments after irradiation at 420~ in FFTF [38].
amount of niobium in the steel of Little et al., it was not pos-
sible to change the prior-austenite grain size by the austeni-
tizing treatments used [40]. and 420~ (Fig. 14.10) in FFTF caused an increase in DBTT
An effect of austenitization temperature on DBTT was also and a decrease in USE for all conditions [37,38], with the
observed for MANET II [41] and F82H [42] steels austeni- shift in DBTT for the 12Cr-1MoVW steel being over twice that
tized between 900 and t050~ which was attributed to the for 9Cr-IMoVNb. The relative differences in DBTT of the
change in prior austenite grain size. A change of DBTT 9Cr-IMoVNb steel with the different normalizing-and-tem-
(~ in austenitization temperature (~ of ~0.25~ pering treatments was the same after 5 dpa at 365~ as it was
~ can be determined for the steels for austenitization at 900 unirradiated [Fig. 14.9(a)]. After 20 dpa, the difference for
to 1050~ and then tempered at 750~ for 1 h. After temper- the plates austenitized at 1100~ and tempered at 700 and
ing at 700~ the changes were ~0.40 and 0.18~176 for 750~ remained, but there was a convergence in the DBTT
MANET II and F82H, respectively. This difference reflects for the two 9Cr plates austenitized at 1040~ [Fig. 14.9(a)].
the differences in tempering behavior of the two steels. The These results indicate that, at least for the 9Cr-iMoVNb and
value after the 750~ temper should be closer to reflecting the steels like it, it may be possible to improve the irradiation re-
effect of the austenitization treatment, since the higher tem- sistance of the impact properties by the heat treatment used.
perature should fully temper both steels. More work would Although the 12Cr-IMoVW steel showed a somewhat
be required to determine whether the 0.25~176 for the two larger variation in prior-austenite grain size than the 9Cr-
different steels after the 750~ temper can be taken as a value 1MoVNb steel, it showed a smaller variation in transition
for any steel of this type. temperature for the four heat-treated conditions in both the
Irradiation of the 9Cr- 1MoVNb and 12Cr- 1MoVW steels normalized-and-tempered condition and after irradiation at
with the different heat treatment conditions at 365 (Fig. 14.9) 365~ (Fig. 14.9). The most variation occurred after 20 dpa,

where the specimens with the smallest prior-austenite grain austenite grain sizes increased with Tv from 25 txm at 950~
size had the lowest transition temperature [Fig. 14.9(a)]. to 330 &m at 1200~ Lath packet sizes were estimated to
Larger precipitates were postulated to minimize the role of change from 10 txm at 950~ to 95 ~m at 1200~ Significant
the prior austenite grain size for the higher-carbon 12Cr- amounts of 8-ferrite formed above a T~ of 1050~ The amount
1MoVW steel [37,38]. of carbide precipitated depended on the tempering condi-
Possible confirmation that carbide particles are a source of tions, increasing with increasing PT. Precipitate analysis indi-
cracks is the relative behavior of the DBTT [Fig. 14.9(a)] with cated the presence of five different morphological types, de-
different heat treatments after irradiation at 365~ The pending on where they formed. Positive identification was
12Cr-IMoVW steel with the smallest grain size had the low- made of M23C6; M6C was tentatively identified, and the possi-
est DBTT after 20 dpa, but the effect of tempering tempera- bility of small M2X was cited. At T~ < 1050~ massive (per-
ture was different from what was expected: the 12Cr-IMoVW haps undissolved during austenitization) M23C6 precipitates
steel tempered at 780~ had the higher DBTT. The opposite were observed on prior-austenite grain boundaries. At higher
is expected, because under most conditions, a higher tem- temperatures, the M23C6 particles were smaller [44].
pering temperature reduces the strength, which improves Hardness measurements showed little effect of the austen-
Charpy properties [39]. However, the higher tempering tem- itization temperature (perhaps a slight peak at 1050~ but a
perature will also produce larger precipitate particles, thus large effect of tempering, with the hardness decreasing with
enhancing fracture. Note that the opposite occurs for the increasing PT [45]. The room-temperature yield stress and ul-
9Cr-IMoVNb steel [Fig. 14.9(a)], which contains the smaller timate tensile strength (for a given tempering condition)
particles. The results indicate that the 2.5 h temper at 780~ showed an increase with T~ up to 1050~ then a decrease at
that is often used for the 12Cr-IMoVW steel could be re- 1100 and 1200~ with little difference for the latter two tem-
placed by shorter times at a lower temperature, thus provid- peratures. The ductility also showed a peak at 1050~ with a
ing an improved strength without a reduction in toughness. continuous decrease in going from 1050 to 1100 and then
Observations on DBTT after irradiation at 420~ indicate 1200~ Dynamic yield strengths were also determined from
that for the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel the saturation with fluence instrumented Charpy specimens tested at - 101 and - 112~
that occurs is independent of the tempering conditions [Fig. and the static and dynamic yield strengths showed decreases
14.10(a)]. A similar conclusion follows for the 12Cr- 1MoVW with increasing PT similar to the hardness changes. The dy-
steel, except specimens tempered at 780~ may go through a namic lower-shelf fracture toughness showed a slight mini-
maximum, although there is a limited a m o u n t of data to m u m at 1050~ that coincided with the strength peak; it also
make such a conclusion. Indications are that the precipitates increased with PT- The microcleavage fracture stress, a~, was
in the steel grow during irradiation [16,17]. This probably determined as a function of Tn and Px. For PT = 18.5, there
means that precipitate particles in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel was a peak at 1050~ whereas at PT -- 20, ~ decreased with
plates tempered at 760~ reached a size during the 100 dpa T~. The ~r~ was roughly inversely proportional to the square
irradiation where further irradiation-enhanced growth does root of the lath packet size.
not affect fracture properties, thus giving the steels tempered Fracture surfaces of the Charpy specimens were examined
at 760 and 780~ a similar DBTT. by SEM and indicated cleavage fracture over most of the sur-
The change in the USE with heat treatment and irradiation face [45]. However, in some instances, the fractures were de-
appeared more random than for the DBTT [37,38]. In most
cases, USE values after 20 dpa at 365~ [Fig. 14.9(b)] or 100
dpa at 420~ [Fig. 14.10(b)] were equal to or greater than
those after the previous irradiations. The relatively small
change in USE for the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel up to 100 dpa at
420~ and 20 dpa at 365~ shows the superior behavior of
this steel. In the normalized-and-tempered condition, the
9Cr-IMoVNb steel has a higher USE than the 12Cr-IMoVW
steel, thus making the relative change for the 9Cr-IMoVNb
steel considerably less.
For the above discussion on the effect of austenitization
temperature, it was assumed that the observed effect was
caused by a change in prior-austenite grain size. In reality,
lath packet size can also be affected by the austenitization
temperature, and it may affect fracture behavior. Odette, Lu-
cas, and co-workers [43-45] looked at the effect of heat treat-
ment on the mechanical properties of Sandvik HT9 (12Cr-
1MoVW) by examining 25 different conditions. Austeni-
tization temperatures, T~, of 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, and
1200~ were selected, and five different tempering conditions
were selected for each T~. Austenitizing times were 1 h at each
FIG. 14.11--SEM micrograph of a HT9 Charpy V-notch
temperature. Tempering temperatures were 650, 715, 735, specimen broken at - 101~ that illustrates quasi-cleavage
and 780~ and tempering times were selected to get a range fracture, which consists of ductile-tear ridges caused by
of tempering parameters, defined as PT = T(log t + 20) • 10 -3, tearing at the prior austenite grain boundaries and lath
with the temperature T in kelvin and the time t in h [43]. Prior- boundaries; the ridges outline areas of cleavage [45].

scribed as "quasi-cleavage," because in addition to the cleav-

age on the fracture surface, the surface contained narrow re-
gions of ductile tearing. Closer examination indicated that
the ductile tearing often outlined prior-austenite grain
boundaries or lath packet boundaries (Fig. 14.11). Measure-
ment of the regions coincided with the previous measure-
ments of prior-austenite grain size and lath packet boundary
size [45]. Subsurface microcracks and secondary surface
cracks were often found associated with large boundary car-
bides. It was suggested that cleavage fracture initiated in the
HT9 by the propagation of a microcrack from such a carbide
into the matrix. Propagation was inhibited by the intercepted
b o u n d a r i e s - l a t h or grain--and ductile tearing was required
to continue propagation. The amount of tearing increased
with increasing T~.
The fracture process was evaluated in terms of the Ritchie-
Knott-Rice (RKR) model [46], which postulates that a cleav-
age fracture occurs when the stress ahead of the crack ex-
ceeds the critical stress ~ over a critical distance 1". There
appeared to be a weak dependence of lower-shelf dynamic
toughness on the prior-austenite grain size. No direct rela-
tionship was determined between 1" of the RKR model [46]
and the prior-austenite grain size. Therefore, the model could
not be applied, leading to the conclusion that statistical mod-
els would have to be applied [45].
In a later paper, Odette [47] proposed that the single event
models for crack propagation were not sufficient to describe
quasi-cleavage failure. It was shown that "quasi-cleavage in-
FIG. 1 4 . 1 3 - - T h e irradiation-induced (a) increase in DBTT and
(b) decrease in USE of M A N E T I steel irradiated in HFR [48],

volved small clusters of planar cleavage facets [emanating

from a carbide or inclusion] separated from other co-planar
facets or clusters of facets by the ductile tear ridges." Thus,
0 quasi-cleavage involves frequent microcrack nucleation and
propagation events that are arrested at misoriented bound-
aries. Confocal microscopy studies demonstrated that several
such regions form before the final unstable cleavage event oc-
curs by the coalescence of the regions [47].
Wassilew and Ehrlich [6] and Reith et al. [48] reported on
the effect of heat treatment on the Charpy behavior of minia-
(a) 580 000 080 70o 750 800 ture specimens of the MANET I steel in the unirradiated and
8 irradiated condition. For these studies, the austenitization
temperature was 950 to 980~ and when austenitized at 950
and 980~ respectively, there was little difference in proper-
7 & ties [48]. Tempering over the range 600 to 780~ had a

A 6.6 / marked effect (Fig. 14.12). For a 2 h temper at each tempera-

ture, there was a linear decrease in DBTT with tempering
to 6 temperature between 600 and 750~ with a slight deviation
from linear occurring for the 780~ temper [Fig. 14.12(a)].
The USE increased with tempering temperature [Fig.
5 . __ ~ r
14.12(b)] in a "quasi-exponential relationship" [48].
After irradiation in the HFR over the nominal range of 290
4.5 to 470~ at nominal doses of 5, 10, and 15 dpa [6,48], the ef-
fect of the 950 and 980~ austenitization treatments was con-
4 . . . . . . . . . .

580 600 ~lO 700 760 800

cluded to fall within the scatter of the data, indicating a mi-
(b) nor effect. No effect of tempering temperature was observed
for the shift in DBTT [Fig. 14.13(a)] and shift in USE [Fig.
FIG. 1 4 . 1 2 - - T h e influence of the tempering temperature on t4.13(b)] within the limits of the scatter of the data (-20~
(a) the DBTT and (b) the USE of M A N E T I steel [48]. These results agree with those on the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel that

showed an effect of tempering in the unirradiated condition However, there is a large increase in the shift between 375
and after irradiation showed relatively little change in and 290~ where a shift of ~280~ was observed, based on
ADBTT due to different tempering conditions out to 4-5 dpa the curve in Fig. 14.15.
at 365~ (Fig. 14.9). For the low-alloy pressure-vessel steels used for light-water
The effect of dose on the ADBTT of MANET I at ---290, 390, reactors, the data indicate a correlation between ADBTT and
and 470~ is shown in Fig. 14.14, and in all cases there ap- hardening--the increase in yield stress, aO-y [31,32]. For the
peared to be a saturation with fluence [48]. MANET I data of Fig. 14.15, the following correlation was ob-
The effect of irradiation temperature on the ADBTT of tained for irradiation at about 300~ [49]:
MANET I is shown in Fig. 14.15, and it shows the same char-
ADBTT = (0.50--0.55)A% (14.1)
acter as the curves for 9Cr-IMoVNh and 12Cr-IMoVW steels
irradiated in EBR-II (Fig. 14.5). At temperatures above However, at 400~ this correlation did not apply; instead:
~500~ the ADBTT is essentially zero, similar to what was
ADBTT = (0.35--0.42)A~y (14.2)
observed for the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel, which is probably closer
in composition to the MANET I than the 12Cr-IMoVW steel. was observed. These data will be discussed further later in
this chapter.

Effect of Melting Practice

Shamardin et al. [50] investigated the effect of processing on
the irradiated properties of the Russian steels 10Khl 3M2FB
(nominally 12Cr- 1.4Mo-0.3Ni-0.4Nb-0.25V-0.25Cu-0.4Mn-
0.3Si-0.1C), 10Kh9MFB (10Cr-0.7Mo-0.3Ni-0.12Nb-0.16V-
0.4Mn-0.2Si-0.1C), 10Kh9M2FB (9Cr-l.7Mo-0.3Ni-0.11Nb-
/~ 370"c - 390"c 0.15V-0.25Cu-0.4Mn-0.25Si-0.1C), and 05Kh14N5M2
[] APPROX. 470"C I
(13Cr-2Mo-4.5Ni-0.25Cu-0.3Mn-0.1Si-0.05C); to simplify
this discussion, these steels will be designated as 12Cr-1.4Mo,
10Cr-0.7Mo, 9Cr-l.7Mo, and 13Cr-2Mo-4.5Ni, respectively.
The steels were smelted in three ways: (1) in an induction fur-
nace (IF) using conventional charge materials, (2) in an open
0 electric-arc furnace (OEAF) using pure charge materials, and
0 5 10 ~5 20 (3) OEAF but with an additional electro-slag remelting treat-
EXPOSURE DOSE in dpa ment (OEAF+ESR). Chemical analysis indicated that when
FIG. 1 4 . 1 4 - - S h i f t in D B T T as a function of fluence for M A N E T the pure charge technique was used the phosphorus and
I steel irradiated in H F R [48]. copper (for the steels that contained high copper) were

FIG. 1 4 . 1 5 - - S h i f t in DB'I-r as a function of irradiation t e m p e r a t u r e for M A N E T I steel ir-

radiated in H F R [48].
C H A P T E R 14: I R R A D I A T I O N E F F E C T S O N I M P A C T P R O P E R T I E S 149

reduced up to a factor of ten. Oxygen was removed in the p p m oxygen [55]. The oxygen effect can be attributed to de-
ESR process. oxidation products in the steel that act as crack initiation
The normalized-and-tempered steels were irradiated to 5 sites [56].
to 8 • 102s n/m 2 at 330 to 360~ in the BOR-60 fast reactor.
The shift in DBTT for the 10Cr-0.7Mo steel given the ESR
Effect o f Chemical C o m p o s i t i o n
process was reduced by ~ 170~ compared to the steel with a
pure charge but no ESR. The difference in the shift in DBTT The effect of c a r b o n on the u n i r r a d i a t e d and i r r a d i a t e d
for the OEAF and OEAF+ESR for the 9Cr-l.7Mo was much Charpy i m p a c t p r o p e r t i e s of the 9Cr-IMoVNb a n d 12Cr-
less (~25~ which the a u t h o r s a t t r i b u t e d to the higher 1MoVW steels was discussed in a preceding section. That the
molybdenum in this steel. There was essentially no effect of difference between the 9Cr and 12Cr steels m a y not be
the ESR process for the 12Cr-l.4Mo steel. The results indi- strictly a carbon effect can be seen from a recent irradiation
cated an enhanced irradiation resistance of the 9Cr steels rel- of the 9Cr-IMoVNb and two new "improved" commercial
ative to the 12Cr steels following irradiation at 330 to 360~ steels, N616, nominally 9Cr-2W-0.5Mo-0.2V-0.07Nb-0.004B-
as well as at 450 to 550~ The 13Cr-2Mo-4.5Ni steel was ir- 0.045N-0.1C, and HCM12A, n o m i n a l l y l l C r - I M o - 0 . 5 W -
radiated in all three melting conditions at 330 to 360~ and 0.3Ni-0.2V-0.05Nb-0.002B-0.06N-0.1C [57]. These steels have
470 to 515~ A decided advantage was observed for the many similarities with the 9Cr-IMoVNb including carbon.
OEAF over the IF and for the OEAF+ESR over the OEAF, The major differences appear to be the W and B in both steels
both before and after irradiation, indicating that an improve- and the Cr and Ni in the HCM12A. Nevertheless, the Charpy
ment in irradiation resistance can be achieved by the choice properties were quite different before and after irradiation in
of the smelting practice [50]. HFR at 300~ with the properties of the 9Cr-IMoVNb being
The most probable cause of the enhanced irradiation resis- superior both before and after irradiation (Table 14.1) [57].
tance caused by the different smelting practices was at- The DBTT of the NF616 and HCM12A were similar before
tributed to, "the hindrance of radiation-stimulated ~'-phase and after irradiation; the USE of the NF616 was less than that
segregation." The authors [50] based this conclusion on the of HCMI2A before irradiation, but similar after irradiation.
work of Little and Stoter [51 ] and proposed that the OEAF The 50 to 74~ larger increase in DBTT for the two new steels
and OEAF+ ESR processes along with the use of pure charge relative to the 9Cr-1MoVNb steel with all steels having simi-
materials lowered the phosphorus and copper contents and lar carbon concentrations indicates that the effect of chemi-
increased the homogeneity of the solid solution, thus affect- cal composition is probably quite complicated.
ing the "kinetics of u'-phase segregation." The removal of During the development of the reduced-activation steels,
m o l y b d e n u m was postulated to have a similar effect (de- more systematic investigations of compositional effects of el-
crease), and the improved behavior of the 9Cr steels over the ements other than c a r b o n were made. These will be dis-
12Cr steels was attributed to the fact that ~' does not form in cussed here, along with some general observations on the ir-
9Cr steels. No microstructures were presented, and although radiation effects on the impact properties of the reduced-
g-ferrite was mentioned, no indication was given on how activation steels relative to the commercial Cr-Mo steels after
much of the phase was present or in which steels [50]. which they were patterned.
In a subsequent paper by Zvezdin et al. [52] on three of the Charpy specimens for a range of reduced-activation steels
steels discussed by S h a m a r d i n et al. [50] (10Kh9MFB, have been irradiated [58-68]. Kayano et al. [58] used minia-
10Kh9M2FB, and 10Khl3M2FB, although in this paper the ture Charpy specimens to study several compositions of re-
Kh in the designation was replaced by X), it was revealed that duced-activation Cr-W steels and compare them with Cr-Mo
steels before and after irradiation in JMTR to 2.2 • 1023 n/m 2
the 12Cr-l.4Mo steel contained 30 to 50% g-ferrite, which,
the authors stated, "unfavorably affects the impact properties ( < < 1 dpa) to determine the effect of different alloying ele-
ments (Table 14.2). For steels with 0, 3, 5, and 9% Cr [Group
of the steel." Electron microscopy revealed that the steels
contained globular a ' particles (primarily in the g-ferrite) (1) in Table 14.2], there was little difference in the DBTT be-
tween 3 and 9% Cr in the unirradiated and irradiated condi-
with an average size of 7 nm and a n u m b e r density of 8 to 20
x 1016 cm -2. They also found a phase that precipitated "dur- tions. The highest DBTT values occurred for the steel with
0% Cr, followed by the one with 15% Cr (below ~5% Cr, the
ing the solid solution disintegration" which they concluded
steels will be bainitic compared to martensitic at 5-12% Cr,
to be M2X; it formed in tempered martensite, g-ferrite, and
and ferritic at 15% Cr). The 9Cr steel was slightly better than
on grain boundaries [52].
the other steels, especially when the ADBTTs were compared.
As stated above, the ESR process removes oxygen from the
A comparison of 0 and 15% Cr steels [Group (2) of Table 14.2]
melt, but no mention was made of the effect of the oxygen on
with steels containing 7 and 9% Cr and 1.1, 1.7, and 2.0%
the properties [50,52]. Schirra et al. showed that an increase
Mo, respectively [Group (3) of Table 14.2], showed that the
in oxygen concentration caused a rather strong increase in
the notch impact toughness of the OPTIMAR [53] and OP-
TIFER [54,55] steels (unirradiated) from Germany, thus TABLE 14.1--Charpy impact properties of Cr-Mo dteels irradiated
again demonstrating how complicated the effect of composi- 2.5 dpa at 300~ [57].
tion on properties is. For the OPTIMAR steel (a variation of Unirradiated Irradiated Property
DIN 1.4914, Fe-10.5Cr-0.6Mo-0.7Ni-0.2Nb-0.03N-0.1C), an DBTT, USE, DBTT, USE, Changes
increase in oxygen from 36 to 161 ppm caused the DBTT of Steel ~ J ~ J ADBTT AUSE
the higher-oxygen material to be 28~ higher [53]. A heat of Mod 9Cr-lMo -78 8.9 97 6.6 175 2.2
the OPTIFER steel containing 320 ppm oxygen had a DBTT NF616 -41 7.3 209 4.5 249 2.8
that was ~60~ higher than a heat of the steel with only 90 HCM12A -36 8.3 189 4.3 225 4.0

TABLE 14.2--Chemical compositions of Cr-Mo and Cr-W steels [58].

Alloy C Si V Cr W Mn Ta Ti B Zr Y Mo Nb
(1) 0.03 0.03 0 0

3 0.03

(2) 0.10 0.05 0.25 7 1 0.5 0 0.02 0 0.017 0.05

1 0.05

9 2 2 0.10 0.05 0.003

(3) 0.01 0.05 0.15 5 1.1
7 1.7 0.06
9 2.0

Fe-Cr-Mo steels had the better properties, with a beneficial tures below 500~ and the 9Cr-3WVTa was best for temper-
effect of molybdenum. There did not appear to be much ef- atures above 500~ where it had the superior creep strength
fect of niobium. The effect of tantalum, tungsten, and [60].
chromium, was examined in 7 and 9% Cr steels containing Rybin et al. [61 ] irradiated reduced-activation steels with
0.1%o C and different amounts of B, Ti, and Mn [Group (2) of the following designations: 7Cr-I.5WV, 7Cr-I.5WVP (0.035%
Table 14.2] [58]. It was concluded that an 0.05% Ta steel had P), 7.5Cr-I.5WVCu (0.15%Cu), 8Cr-I.5WV, 9Cr-V (0.7% V),
the lowest DBTT, 2% W was better than 1% W, and 9% Cr 9Cr-WV (0.5% W, 0.4% V), 9Cr-I.5WV, 11Cr-I.5WV, and
was better than 7% Cr. In these same 7 and 9% Cr steels, it 11Cr-lMoV. Carbon was nominally 0.1%o in all steels , and
was concluded that 0.003% B improved the properties, 0.02% where not otherwise indicated, vanadium was ~0.25%. Rare
Ti was an improvement over 0.05% Ti, and that 0.6% Mn was earth additions were made to the 8 to 11%oCr steels. Irradia-
an improvement over 1%o Mn, but there was little difference tion was in the WWR-M experimental reactor at 70 and 240
between the 0.6 and 2.0% Mn. The main conclusion of the to 300~ to 1.2-2 x 1024 n/m 2 (E ->0.5 MeV), a displacement
work was that the best toughness was obtained in the range damage level much less than 1 dpa.
3-9% Cr, and that [58], "the 9Cr-2W-Ti-Ta-B ferritic steels For irradiation at 240~ the smallest ADBTT values (15 to
showed the highest toughness caused presumably by the re- 35~ were for 8Cr-I.5WV, 9Cr-I.5WV, and llCr-I.5WV,
finement of the crystal grains and the improvement of with the largest shifts (100 to 130~ occurring for 7Cr-
quenching characteristics by the complex effect of Ti and 13." 1.5WV, 7Cr-1.5WVP, 7.5Cr-1.5WVCu, the latter two being at-
It is not immediately obvious how some of these conclusions tributed to the higher phosphorus and copper. The 7Cr-
follow, given the varying compositions for the different alloys 1.5WV had a ADBTT of 100~ considerably larger than the
being compared in Table 14.2. 9Cr-I.5WV (25~ However, none of these 7Cr steels con-
In another reduced-activation steel development program, tained the rare earth additions, which were credited for con-
the effect of tungsten and vanadium on the behavior of 9Cr- tributing to the good properties of the steels containing them,
W and 9Cr-V steels, respectively, were determined [59,60]. although this was not directly demonstrated. Irradiations on
The DBTT increased with increasing (0 to 4%) tungsten con- the 8Cr-I.5WV, 9Cr-V (0.7V), and 9Cr-WV (0.5W, 0.4V) were
centration, with the duplex (g-ferrite and martensite) mi- made at 240 to 300~ and 70~ and the ADBTT increased
crostructure of the 9Cr-4W steel having the worst toughness. from 35 to 110~ 45 to 105~ and 50 to 80~ respectively,
The DBTT for the 9Cr-V steels with 0 to 1%oV went through a when the temperature was decreased. The two 11% Cr steels,
minimum at 0.25% V. Thermal aging at 550 and 650~ had one with tungsten and one with molybdenum, contained
the greatest effect on the DBTT of the 9Cr-4W steel, which ~20% 8-ferrite, with the tungsten-containing steel having the
contained extensive amounts of Laves phase. When the tung- smallest ADBTT (15~ versus 60~ indicating an improve-
sten and vanadium were combined with tantalum to produce ment by substituting this element for molybdenum.
9Cr-IWVTa and 9Cr-3WVTa steels, the 1% W steel showed It was concluded [61 ] that the 8-9Cr steels showed the most
excellent toughness compared to 9Cr-IMoVNb with creep promise, and these steels along with a 2.5Cr-I.4WV bainitic
strength equivalent to 9Cr-IMoVNb, whereas the 3% W steel steel that was studied were recommended for consideration
had higher creep strength than 9Cr-IMoVNb with impact for "first wall and blanket of fusion reactor as well as to pres-
toughness equivalent to that for 9Cr-IMoVNb. It was sug- sure vessels and in-reactor equipment of nuclear power fis-
gested that the 9Cr-1WVTa was most promising for tempera- sion reactors."

The i m p r o v e d i m p a c t b e h a v i o r before a n d after i r r a d i a t i o n K a y a n o [58] for his low-fluence irradiations. As seen in Fig.
of 9Cr-WV steels r e l a t i v e to t h o s e w i t h g r e a t e r o r l e s s e r 14.16, the steel m o s t r e s i s t a n t to i r r a d i a t i o n e m b r i t t l e m e n t is
c h r o m i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s has b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d in o t h e r the U.S. e x p e r i m e n t a l 9Cr-2WVTa steel.
s t u d i e s [33,58,62-65]. F i g u r e 14.16 s h o w s t h e effect of Data for the U.S. 9Cr-2WVTa steel i r r a d i a t e d to 7 d p a
c h r o m i u m c o m p o s i t i o n on the ADBTT for Fe-CrWVTa steels (ADBTT = 15~ in F F T F at 365~ are s h o w n in Fig. 14.16. Af-
o f various c o m p o s i t i o n after i r r a d i a t i o n in F F T F [33]. It ap- ter i r r a d i a t i o n to 27 d p a at 365~ in FFTF, a ADBTT of only
p e a r s that there is a m i n i m u m in ADBTT in the vicinity of 9% 32~ was observed for the 9Cr-2WVTa, c o m p a r e d to 150 to
Cr t h a t is m o r e p r o n o u n c e d t h a n the slight m i n i m u m seen by 160~ for 12Cr-IMoVW (Fig. 14.17) [63]. Not only does the

oo[ ."31,oc
o "(::::-"" ,'/.. .j .....

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Chromium Content (wt.%)
FIG. 14.16--Effect of c h r o m i u m c o n t e n t o n DBTT shift of reduced-activation fer-
ritic/martensitic steels irradiated in the FFTF [33].

20 i I I I I


9 C r - 2 W V T o 2 7 dpo
------ 12Cr-IHoVW I 0 dpa
16 -
14 --
I-- 12
8 -

lal 6

//I// _ _ . _ _ o ___,-- _
2 -
//,,' _
-200 - I O0 0 I O0 200 300 401

FIG. 14.17--Comparison of the unirradiated and irradiated Charpy curves for one-
third-size s p e c i m e n s of 12Cr-1MoVW and 9Cr-2WVTa steels irradiated in FFTF at
3 6 5 ~ [63].

150 !A.L
: &&&A V F82H std. i

-" 100 O ORNL

mmm ~?:ml L
._o k&A&
!V?VVvvvvw v v V V ~ v
m -50
. . . . . ~ . . . .

a -100200 250 300 350 400 45O 500

Irradiation Temperature in ~
FIG. 14.18--DB'I-r as a function of temperature for four reduced-activation and two
conventional martensitic steels irradiated to 0.8 dpa in the HFR [69].

9Cr-2WVTa show a very small ADBTT, but because it has a 15 dpa [63]. For seven other reduced-activation steels irradi-
very low DBTT (1/3-size specimens) in the unirradiated con- ated in the same experiments at 365 and 393~ as the 9Cr-
dition (-88~ the DBTT after irradiation is considerably be- 2WVTa [72] and for 9Cr-1MoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels ir-
low that for any other steel after irradiation. The DBTT for the radiated under similar conditions [63], the expected behavior
9Cr-2WVTa after irradiation to 27 dpa is - 56~ similar to that with temperature was observed.
for the 9Cr-IMoVNb before irradiation (it is considerably The origin of the improved behavior for the ORNL 9Cr-
lower than the before-irradiation value for the 12Cr- 1MoVW 2WVTa steel was sought by examining the microstructure of
and many reduced-activation steels). This is demonstrated in this steel, a 9Cr-2WV steel, which is the same as the 9Cr-
Figure 14.17, where the 12Cr- 1MoVW (Sandvik HT9, an early 2WVTa but without the tantalum, and the conventional 9Cr-
candidate for fast reactor and fusion applications) is com- 1MoVNb and the 12Cr-IMoVW steels [16]. The 9Cr-2WV and
pared to the 9Cr-2WVTa after irradiation in FFTF at 365~ 9Cr-2WVTa steels were irradiated at 365~ in FFTF, with the
The excellent behavior of the 9Cr-2WVTa steel and the su- 9Cr-2WVTa showing exceptionally small shifts in DBTT: 4,
periority of some reduced-activation steels to the commercial 14, 21, and 32~ after 6.4, 15.4, 22.5, and 27.2 dpa, respec-
Cr-Mo steels was further demonstrated when the 9Cr-2WVTa tively [63]. There appeared to be a continuous increase in
steel was irradiated with reduced-activation steels (F82H, DBTT with fluence, whereas the DBTT for the 9Cr-2WV sat-
OPTIFER Ia, and OPTIFER II) and conventional Cr-Mo urated with fluence by the first irradiation (~4 dpa) with a
steels (MANET I and II) in the HFR to 0.8 dpa at 250, 300, saturation ADBTT of ~61~ which compares with the 9Cr-
350, 400, and 450~ (Fig. 14.18) [69-71]. The nominal com- 1MoVNb and 12Cr-IMoVW steels irradiated at 365~ in
positions for these steels are: F82H, 8Cr-2W-0.2V-0.04Ta- FFTF for which the ADBTT saturated after ~5 dpa at ~45
0.1 C; OPTIFER Ia, 9Cr- 1W-0.25V-0.07Ta-0.1 C; OPTIFER II, and ~ 150~ respectively.
9.SCr-I.IGe-0.3V-0.018Ta-0.13C***; MANET I, 10.8Cr-0.75 When the 9Cr-2WV and 9Cr-2WVTa steels were compared,
Mo-0.2V-0.9Ni-0.16Nb-0.06Zr-0.009B-0.14C; and MAN- differences in Charpy properties before and after irradiation
ET II, 10Cr-0.6Mo-0.2V-0.7Ni-0.15Nb-0.03Zr-0.007B-0.1C. occurred despite relatively little difference in strength before
The 9Cr-2WVTa steel (labeled by the authors [70] ORNL) in and after irradiation. A comparison of the optical mi-
Fig. 14.18 had the lowest DBTT. This superior behavior has crostructures of the normalized-and-tempered 9Cr-2WV and
now been verified after irradiation to 2.4 dpa in HFR [71]. 9Cr-2NVTa steels indicated that the 9Cr-2WVTa had a
One unusual aspect of the behavior of the 9Cr-2WVTa steel is smaller prior-austenite grain size (22 versus 32 ~m). Trans-
that the DBTT appears to increase above 400~ this is in- mission electron microscopy revealed only minor differences
verse to the expected decrease in the ADBTT with increasing prior to irradiation [16,73,74]: they had similar lath sizes
temperature, which is shown by the other steels in Fig. 14.18. (one investigation noted a smaller lath size for the 9Cr-
A similar inverse temperature effect was observed for the 2WVTa [74]) and precipitate type (M23C6 and Me) and num-
9Cr-2WVTa steel when it was irradiated to 14 dpa at 393~ in ber densities. One difference involved a small amount of tan-
FFTF [72] and compared tO data from irradiation at 365~ to talum-rich MC carbide in addition to vanadium-rich MC in
the 9Cr-2WVTa, whereas the 9Cr-2WV steel contained vana-
*** Although no tantalum was evidently added to OPTIFER II, chem- dium-rich MC. There was also no marked difference in mi-
ical analysis indicated 0.018% Ta [70]. crostructure after irradiation to 35 dpa at 420~ the major

change caused by irradiation in both steels being the similar For a ferritic steel with spherical carbide particles, the di-
number of dislocation loops that formed [ 16]. Thus, the sim- ameter of the carbide particle can be used for the crack di-
ilarity in strength of these two steels before and after irradia- ameter, D. This equation could not be used to account for the
tion was not unexpected. observations on 9Cr-2WVTa and 9Cr-2WV, however, since
Without any gross differences in the microstructure of the there appeared to he no difference in the amount or mor-
two steels, the only other major difference to account for the phology of the precipitates in the two steels.
difference in Charpy properties is the tantalum in solid solu- In the case of a bainitic or martensitic steel, the packet or
tion. Because tantalum is a strong carbide former, it was ex- lath size can determine the crack size that determines frac-
pected that most of the tantalum would be incorporated in ture behavior. There did not appear to be a significant differ-
MC precipitates. However, based on the estimated tantalum ence in the lath size of the normalized-and-tempered 9Cr-
in the MC carbides of the 9Cr-2WVTa determined by energy 2WV and 9Cr-2WVTa steels. More importantly, no difference
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy of the unirradiated steel, it was was observed after irradiation to 36 dpa at 420~ in FFTF
concluded that most of the tantalum remained in solid solu- [ 16]. If lath size determined fracture behavior, the ADBTT for
tion after the normalizing-and-tempering treatment [16]. An the two steels should have been similar or that for the 9Cr-
atom probe analysis of the normalized-and-tempered 9Cr- 2WVTa should have been larger (if it had a smaller lath size
2WVTa steel indicated that --90% of the tantalum remained before irradiation as one study [74] indicated). Therefore,
in solution [74]. Since there are no other compositional dif- lath size does not offer an explanation. Prior austenite grain
ferences in the two steels, the tantalum in solution in the 9Cr- size could also be considered as the crack size, but this does
2WVTa must cause the smaller prior-austenite grain size in not explain the change in DBTT because prior austenite grain
that steel [63]. Tantalum is known to refine the prior austen- size does not change during irradiation.
ite grain size in F82H. A smaller lath (subgrain) size might If the crack length cannot explain the observations, Eq 14.4
also be expected, but no significant difference in lath size was indicates that the tantalum effect either involves Young's
observed in two microstructural studies [16,73].
modulus or the effective surface energy. The small amount of
A smaller grain size can lead to a lower DBTT in the nor-
tantalum will have little if any effect on the modulus. Ger-
malized-and-tempered condition, and the smaller prior
berich et al. found effects of nickel and silicon on the effec-
austenite grain size was originally used to explain the differ-
tive surface energy for binary iron-based alloys [78], and con-
ence between the 9Cr-2WV and 9Cr-2WVTa steels. However,
cluded that a change in fracture stress could explain why
this grain size explanation was subsequently questioned as
nickel caused a decrease and silicon caused an increase in the
being the sole reason for the difference in properties of the
transition temperature of binary Fe-Ni and Fe-Si alloys.
two steels, because the normalized-and-tempered steels had
similar yield stresses at 365~ similar yield stresses after ir- Besides the suggested explanation that tantalum affects the
fracture stress of the 9Cr-2WVTa, the other possible explana-
radiation at 365~ and similar microstructures before and
after irradiation [76]. These observations lead to the conclu- tion involves a change in flow stress caused by tantalum in
sion that tantalum in solution affects the impact behavior. solution (Fig. 14.2). The only information on this possibility
There has been considerable work to determine the mech- is that there is little difference in the yield stress at 365~ (the
anism by which alloying elements affect the DBTT, for ex- irradiation temperature) and over the range room tempera-
ample, on why nickel and platinum decrease the transition ture to 600~ [82]. Tests to determine the effect of strain rate
temperature of c~-iron and silicon increases it [77,78]. Based and temperature (at low temperatures) are planned for the
on the schematic diagram of Fig. 14.2, the DBTT can be de- steels [72].
creased by either decreasing the flow stress or increasing the The effects of microstructural parameters on the transition
fracture stress. An analysis of the fracture stress can begin temperature are complex, as Gerberich et al. [78] have noted;
with the work of Griffith [79,80], who considered the balance the ductile-brittle transition model for iron and iron-binary
between the energy released by elastic relaxation and that re- alloys that they derived involved 19 flow and fracture param-
quired for the creation of new surface area during the growth eters.
of a crack in a brittle material. For a through crack, Griffith The observation that the ADBTT of the 9Cr-2WVTa ap-
found that peared to increase slightly with fluence would follow if tan-
talum is being removed from solution during irradiation and
= (. 2Eys ~1/2 being incorporated in the existing or new precipitates. This
o~f "rraO --v2) ] ' (14.3)
can also explain the increase in DBTT for the 9Cr-2WVTa
specimens irradiated above 400~ relative to those irradiated
where ~f is the stress at fracture, E is Young's modulus, % is
at lower temperatures in HFR (Fig. 14.18) and the higher
the true surface energy, v is Poisson's ratio, and a is the crack
DBTT after irradiation at 393 than at 365~ in FFTF (inverse
half-length. For an embedded penny-shaped crack, as would
temperature effect) [72]. In both cases, the increase occurred
result from initiation at a carbide particle, at an inclusion, or
at the higher irradiation temperatures, where irradiation-en-
from a crack forming within an entire grain or other mi-
hanced diffusion can accelerate a reduction of tantalum in
crostructural unit, this equation becomes [75]
solution. With a continued removal of tantalum from solu-
= { 4E% ,~1/2 tion during irradiation, it might be expected that the ADBTT
o'f \ D~T ~-v2)-] (14.4) for the 9Cr-2WVTa would approach that for the 9Cr-2WV,
and this was observed for the steels irradiated to 14 dpa at
where D is the crack diameter and % from Eq. 14.3 has been 393~ [72]. It was noted that even though the ADBTT values
replaced by an effective surface energy, Ye, that takes into ac- for 9Cr-2WVTa and 9Cr-2WV became similar with increasing
count the plastic work. dose, the 9Cr-2WVTa still had the lowest DBTT after irradia-

tion, as would be expected, because of its lower DBTT before MANET-I

irradiation--probably because of the smaller prior-austenite ~
grain size. If tantalum in solution does improve fracture re-
sistance but this resistance is lost when tantalum precipitates Q
during irradiation, then tantalum should precipitate in the E 150
9Cr-2WVTa until equilibrium is achieved, after which the
ADBTT should saturate with fluence.
This tantalum effect should also occur for the other tanta-
1oo l I 2A dl~
0.2 d[~
lum-containing steels shown in Fig. 14.18, namely, F82H
(0.04% Ta) and OPTIFER Ia (0.07% Ta). In fact, it does occur CO unirrad~ated ][
for these steels [83]. Figure 14.18 shows data after irradiation ,g ~1- . . . . . . . . . . .
.~ -50
to 0.8 dpa, and no increase in DBTT at the highest irradiation
"I00200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Irradiation Temperature [~

F82H std. MANET-II

E250 25o


150 E 150
100 100

~o 0.8 dl~
0,2 dp~ 02 d[~l


i: !0 !: =_e ~ . - - - - i unirradlated t I" ~

-50 -

500 "I00200 250 300 350 400 450 500

InadiationTemperature[~ Irradia~n Temperature[=(3]
o._ 250
~20o L
E 15Ol
E 150 :
50 o.8 dpa
0.2 dpe
50 . 1" o.e
0.2 dp=
m <

4 '
~'~ .
. . .
. .
. .
450 500
,.~ -5o

-I00 ~ I " - - un'~rra"~iat"~""

I rradial]on Temperetu re [~
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
o 250
O R N L 3791
FIG. 14.20~Ductile-brittle transition temperature as a func-
tion of irradiation temperature for MANET-l, MANET-II, and OP-
E TIFER-II [71].

100 temperature is observed for these two steels. The combined

P- 50 0.adpa
DBTT data for the steels after irradiation to 0.2, 0.8, and 2.4
Q O.2d ~ dpa in HFR [73] are shown in Fig. 14.19 for F82H, OPTIFER
m 0 Ia, and 9Cr-2WVTa--the tantalum-containing steels (actually
the steels to which tantalum was added; as explained above,
the OPTIFER II was analyzed to have 0.018% Ta). After 2.4
dpa, the DBTT at 450~ for all three steels was higher than it
"100200 250 300 350 400 450 500 was at 350 and 400~ The behavior of these three tantalum-
containing steels contrasted with that of MANET I [Fig.
FIG. 14.19--Ductile-brittle transition temperature as a func- 14.20(a)], MANET II [Fig. 14.20(b)]--steels with no added
tion of irradiation temperature for F82H, OPTIFER-la, and 9Cr- t a n t a l u m - - a n d OPTIFER II [Fig. 14.20(c)]--the steel with
2WVTa steels [71]. only 0.018% Ta. With one exception, these three steels did

not show a DBTT after 2.4 dpa at 450~ that was above that Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Steels
at 350 and 400~ The only exception was MANET II [Fig.
The only apparent impact properties measurements on an ir-
14.20(b)], where the DBTT at 450~ was slightly higher than
radiated ODS steel were for an experimental steel developed
at 400~ but it was well below that at 350~ The observation
in Japan and labeled 1DS (nominally Fe-11Cr-2.7W-0.4Ti-
that the OPTIFER II did not show the effect may mean there
0.66Y203-0.1C) [92]. Miniature (1.5 by 1.5 by 20 rnm) Charpy
is a tantalum level below which it does not occur.
specimens of the 1DS steel were irradiated in JOYO at 373 to
It is recognized that Charpy data can contain consider-
572~ to 0.3 to 3.8 • 1026 n/m 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) [93]. Figure
able scatter. Nevertheless, the trend of these data for the
14.21(a) shows the Charpy curves for the unirradiated mate-
tantalum-containing F82H and OPTIFER-Ia are consistent
rial tested in the longitudinal (1DS-L) and transverse (1DS-T)
with the suggestion that tantalum causes the increase in
orientation. The difference in the values indicates that there
DBTT with increasing dose (rather than a saturation) and
is anisotropy that [93], "may be attributed to the elongated
causes the inverse temperature effect for the DBTT of the
bamboo-like grain structure." The interesting thing pointed
9Cr-2WVTa steel. A loss of tantalum from solution during
out by the authors is the high lower-shelf energy--as high as
irradiation can explain these results. The actual loss of tan-
65% of the upper-shelf energy. In Fig. 14.21(b), the 1DS-L
talum still needs to be correlated with the change in prop-
data are compared to Charpy curves for the commercial
erties for 9Cr-2WVTa steel. Atom probe analysis is probably
Y203-strengthened ODS steel MA 957 and the non-ODS steel
the best method to study this given the small amount of tan-
2WFK (11Cr-0.5Mo-2.0W-0.2V). The superiority of the lower
talum in the steels. As discussed in an earlier section, how-
shelf energy (LSE) of the 1DS-L is evident. SEM of the 1DS
ever, Kimura et al. [30] found that tantalum-rich MhC pre-
steel indicated fibrous fractures at all temperatures, which
cipitated in their 9Cr-2WVTa steel irradiated at 460~ in
was taken to mean there was no ductile-brittle temperature
FFTF. No tantalum-rich precipitate was observed in the
for this steel. This was confirmed in the load-displacement
steel when irradiated at 390~ indicating that tantalum did
curves obtained on the lower shelf.
precipitate in this experiment in a temperature range simi-
lar to that used for the experiments on 9Cr-2WVTa. What is
equally important in the Kimura et al. experiments [30] was
that despite softening after irradiation at 460~ an increase
in DBTT of ~15~ was observed, the same inverse temper- 0.8
ature effect as observed on the ORNL 9Cr-2WVTa in the
HFR experiments [69,70]. 4~
Chemical composition can affect the irradiation embrittle- 0.6
0 0
ment in other ways. Depending on the amounts of other let- 9 9 |
rite-stabilizing elements present, B-ferrite can form. In the
12Cr-lMo steels (e.g., HT9), nickel and carbon are used to
stabilize the austenite during the heat treatment. Since nickel
~ o 9 O e

is not a reduced-activation element by some criteria [84], 0.z

manganese has been used for 12Cr reduced-activation steels O
[62]. In studies on martensitic 9Cr-lW-2.SMn, 9Cr-IV-1Mn, 9 IDS-T
o , I , I I I , t , I ,
9Cr-0.5VL3Mn, 12Cr-IV-6Mn, and 12Cr-lW-6Mn steels, the
12Cr steels containing 6% Mn developed large increases in (a) -170 -120 -70 -20 30 80 130 180
DBTT and a change in fracture mode on the lower shelf from T e m p e r a t u r e oC
transgranular cleavage to intergranular [62,85]. This same I I ! ! I I

change in fracture mode was observed for a 9Cr-IW steel

containing about 3% manganese, although this steel did not
show as large a shift in DBTT. A similar change in fracture 0.8
mode was observed when the 0.5% Ni in 12Cr-IMoVW steel L

was replaced by 3.3 and 6.6% Mn and irradiated at 407~ in 0.6

FFTF [86,87]. For both types of steel, the change in fracture
mode and the large shift in DBTT were attributed to man-
ganese and to the formation of chi-phase on prior-austenite
grain boundaries.
TEM studies of thermally aged specimens and neutron ir-
0.4 :/ o(o o
radiated 12Cr-lW-6Mn specimens found chi-phase [88-91]. 0.2 0 MA9$7

Auger spectroscopy of grain boundary surfaces on fractured -o- -./ 9 ~ . ~ ~ 9 zw~x

U u ~ O I"1 1DS
specimens of 12Cr-IW-6Mn and 9Cr-lW-2.5Mn steels indi- 0 9 l 9 I . I . I . I | i

cated that silicon segregated to the surface in the 9Cr steel, -170 -120 -70 -20 30 80 130 180
and manganese segregated there in the 12Cr steel. Again the
possibility of chi-phase was cited to explain the 12Cr results, Temperature "C
but for the 9Cr steels the silicon was alluded to, even though FIG. 14.21--Charpy curves (1.5-mm specimens) for (a) 1DS
only 0.1% silicon was present in the steel [91]. No chi-phase experimental ODS steel in a longitudinal (1DS-L) and trans-
was found after dual-ion irradiation, indicating that chi- verse (1DS-T) orientation and (b) 1DS-L, MA957 (a commercial
phase does not form without long-time anneals [90]. ODS steel), and 2WFK (11Cr-0.5Mo-2.0W-0.2V) steels [93].

Figure 14.22 shows the irradiated properties for IDS-L steel is any detailed microstructural analysis of the 1DS steel
[Fig. 14.22(a)] and 1DS-T [Fig. 14.22(b)]. The conclusion beyond a TEM photomicrograph in the unirradiated condi-
from these results was that [93], "irradiation below 775 K tion showing a high density of fine oxide particles [92].
[502~ does not cause appreciable change in total absorbed
energy . . . . "Embrittlement occurred at higher temperatures,
especially at 520~ (793 K) for IDS-L and 572~ (845 K) for IRRADIATION EMBRITTLEMENT: HELIUM
IDS-T (note that these were the high-d~se tests. It was con- EFFECTS
cluded that, "such embrittlement is not significant and the
LSE is still fairly high." Load-displacement curves on the Nickel-Doped Steels
lower shelf, which gave no indication of brittle fracture, were
The preceding discussion on embrittlement focused on the
used to verify this statement [93]. It should be noted, how- effects of displacement damage on Charpy impact behavior.
ever, that the use of very small blunt-notch specimens (spec-
Displacement damage leads to changes in the dislocation
imens with a 1.5 by 1.5 m m 2 cross section were used) can be
structure and, in some cases, induces precipitation and
tested at low temperatures without cleavage. This does not changes in precipitates, both of which can lead to hardening
necessarily mean there is no DBTT for the steel. Instead, it and embrittlement. Effects due to transmutation helium, if
might just mean the specimen size and geometry does not al-
they occur, will be in addition to those caused by displace-
low the determination of a DBTT for the steel, and larger
ment damage.
specimens with a sharper crack might give different results. The experimental technique described in Chapter 8 to pro-
If the results are as presented by the authors [93], they are
duce helium simultaneously with displacement damage by
very encouraging. However, as pointed out [93], anisotropy
irradiating nickel-doped steels was used to study the effect of
[see Fig. 14.21(a)], such as that observed for ODS steels pre-
helium on the 9Cr- 1MoVNb and 12Cr- 1MoVW steels. Charpy
viously for biaxial creep also is manifested in the impact be-
V-notch impact specimens of the following five steels were ir-
havior of the steels. Missing from the investigation of this
radiated in the HFIR (a mixed-spectrum reactor): 9Cr-
1MoVNb, 9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni (9Cr-IMoVNb with 2% Ni),
12Cr-IMoVW, 12Cr-IMoVW-1Ni, (12Cr-IMoVW with 1%
I I I t
Ni), and 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni (12Cr-IMoVW with 2% Ni)
0.8 [20,23,94]. The compositions of standard 9Cr-IMoVNb and
1.5mm c~ 0 0
12Cr-IMoVW steels contain ~0.1 and 20.5% Ni, respec-
,47,.r ................ ....... . . . . . .
0.6 ~ Results from the HFIR irradiations were compared with
results from irradiations in the EBR-II, a fast reactor where
little helium forms. In irradiations in EBR-II to 13 and 26 dpa
d= 0.4 at 390~ the ADBTT saturated with fluence at ~54~ for 9Cr-
r~ 1MoVNb and ~ 144~ for 12Cr-IMoVW (Fig. 14.5) [8]. Other
fast-reactor irradiations demonstrated that saturation oc-
0.2 curred by 10 dpa or less [3]. When the same heats of 12Cr-
o ~ 373~ 3x10~'n/m2 1MoVW and 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni steels used in the HFIR ex-
420~ 5xl02~n/m2
520~ 14x 10Z~n/m2 periments were irradiated to 12 dpa in EBR-II at 390~ shifts
I ! t I a I f in DBTT of 122 and 90~ respectively, were observed [95], in
(=) -120 -70 -20 30 80 line with data for 12Cr-IMoVW after 13 and 26 dpa.
Temperature ~
The ADBTT values for 9Cr-IMoVNb (204~ and 12Cr-
IMoVW (242~ steels after irradiation in HFIR at 400~ to
I i 1 ' i
-~40 dpa [94] were considerably higher than after irradiation
0.8 in EBR-II at 390~ to 13 and 26 dpa (Fig. 14.23). After HFIR
irradiation, the 9Cr-IMoVNb contained -~30 appm He, and
the 12Cr-IMoVW contained 2110 appm He. The difference
0.6 in properties was taken to indicate that the saturation in
;d ADBTT observed in the EBR-II at 390~ did not apply to
HFIR. Further, when the 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni and 9Cr-
0.4 1MoVNb-2Ni were irradiated in HFIR at 400~ to ~40 dpa
o and ~370 appm He, the ADBTTs were >325~ which was
.t= J n i r r . ~
< T ~ 0 373~ 3xl0~n/m~ considerably above the values for the steels without the
0.2 O ~ 9 377~C,5xl0~n/m~ nickel additions, and also greater than the value (90~ ob-
O [] 520"C, 14xl0=Sn/m~ tained for 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni when irradiated in EBR-II at
9 9 502"C, 38x10Un/m 2
A 572~ 572x10nn/m 2 390~ Examination of some fractured specimens of 9Cr-
! r ! 0 I h I i 1MoVNb-2Ni and 12Cr-IMoV~V-2Ni provided an indication
-120 -70 -20 30 ~ 80 of intergranular fracture, although these observations were
not on the Charpy specimens.
Temperature oc
Irradiation at 300~ in HFIR indicated there was an effect
FIG. 14.22--Charpy curves (1.5-mm specimens) of (a) 1DS-L of helium when the Charpy properties of the steels with 2%
and (b) 1DS-T in the unirradiated and irradiated condition [93], Ni were compared to those with no added nickel (no corn-

I I EBR-II, 13 dpa at 390"C

EBR-II, 26dpa at 390"C
300 - HFIR. 40 dpa at 4 0 0 ~
110 appm He
.,--. 250-
w 30 appm He #'~ f%_

200 -

i- \/%J'
m 150 -
/ V %

n lOO- /'%/',%

"r w

v v

9 C r - 1MoVNb 1 2 C r - 1MoVW

FIG. 14.23--A comparison of the shift in DBTT after irradiation in EBR-II to 13 and 26 dpa
and in HFIR to 40 dpa for 9Cr-IMoVNb and 12Cr-1MoVW steels.

parison with fast reactor irradiation was possible because of irradiation effects on tensile behavior) by promoting inter-
the low irradiation temperature) [94]. However, the ADBTT granular fracture (see Fig. 14.2).
at 300~ for the respective steels with and without the nickel To explain the helium effect in the absence of significant
additions was considerably less than at 400~ which, as dis- hardening caused by helium, it was proposed that when the
cussed in the previous section of this chapter, is inverse to the steels contain sufficient helium, the microcrack source to
temperature effect for these steels and most other steels irra- initiate fracture could be helium bubbles on a prior-austen-
diated in a fast reactor over the range 365 to 550~ (i.e., the ite grain boundary or a lath boundary [23,94]. Helium was
ADBTT decreases with increasing irradiation temperature envisioned to collect into small cavities that under stress be-
for irradiation in a fast reactor). come nuclei for fracture and/or enhance crack propagation,
After considering possible explanations for the difference which explains why fracture surfaces of HFIR-irradiated,
in ADBTT for the same steels irradiated in HFIR and EBR-II helium-containing steels contain intergranular facets. This
and why the steels with 2% Ni were embrittled more than hypothesis can explain the inverse temperature effect (a
those with less nickel when irradiated in HFIR, it was con- larger shift at 400~ than 300~ relative to fast-reactor ir-
cluded that helium plays a rote in the embrittlement [94]. radiations because more rapid diffusion of helium at 400~
This helium effect is in addition to the effect caused by the ir- than at 300~ means that at 400~ more helium reaches
radiation hardening from dislocation loops and irradiation- boundaries to produce more and larger bubbles and a larger
enhanced precipitation. Since excess hardening by helium as ADBTT. Bubble development at 300~ is slower than at
measured in tensile tests was not sufficient to explain the ob- 400~ but bubble development at the lower temperature
servations, it was proposed that helium decreases the frac- will proceed at higher fluences (longer diffusion times) or
ture stress (the third helium effect discussed in Chapter 12 on higher helium generation rates, with a corresponding in-

6Mn-lW steels irradiated to 10 and 25 dpa at 365~ in FFTF

[91]. They attributed the fracture behavior to radiation-in-
duced segregation of manganese and silicon to grain bound-
aries, which were detected on fracture surfaces by Auger
spectroscopy. Such irradiation-induced segregation models
could only explain the nickel-doping observations if helium
enhanced segregation, since no similar effect occurred when
the steels were irradiated in a fast reactor.
There is also evidence of irradiation-induced nickel segre-
gation to lath boundaries in FV448 irradiated in DFR at
465~ [98] and 12Cr-IMoVW irradiated in EBR-II at 410~
[ 100]. This segregation could amplify the helium produced at
a boundary in nickel-containing ferritic steels over that in-
volving helium diffusion to the boundary alone. Although
this could enhance the effect of helium after irradiation to
high displacements, it should not affect the relevance of the
observations for fusion, since the concentration of helium on
FIG. 14.24--Bubbles on lath boundaries and on precipitates grain boundaries in the steels will be well below concentra-
of 12Cr-1MoVW-2Ni steel irradiated to 74 dpa (760 appm He) at
tions relevant for boundaries in a fusion reactor first wall.
400~ in HFIR [96],
The use of the nickel-doping technique to simulate helium
effects is not without controversy. Possible explanations
crease in the ADBTT. This was observed for the 9Cr-
other than helium were proposed, including precipitation-
1MoVNb-2Ni and 12Cr-IMoVW-2Ni steels irradiated to 27
hardening reactions due to G-phase and a' and possible er-
dpa at 300~ where these steels developed a larger ADBTT rors in temperatures [101]. In a reply by the investigators,
than the steels without any nickel additions.
they demonstrated why these suggestions could not explain
Bubbles have been observed on prior austenite grain their observations [102]. In a recent publication, Gelles et al.
boundaries and lath boundaries of steels containing 2% Ni
[103] used the work on the Fe-12Cr-l.5Ni alloys [97,104] dis-
(Fig. 14.24), and as seen in Fig. 14.24, bubbles also agglom-
cussed in Chapters 9 and 12 to again warn about the use of
erate on precipitates [96]. Precipitates are generally the
the nickel-doping technique to study helium effects on
source of crack nuclei in steels [13,14], and as an alternative
Charpy behavior.
crack-nucleation process, it is suggested that bubbles on a
If the results of the nickel-doping experiments are exam-
precipitate/matrix interface could enhance crack nucleation.
ined objectively (note that one of the authors of this book was
Obviously, more work is required to understand the mecha- an investigator in the nickel-doping experiments), several
problems are obvious. Tensile and Charpy irradiations were
The nickel-doping technique is not the ideal way to con-
conducted separately, and different product forms were used
duct helium-effects studies because of the danger that nickel
to make the tensile (rod and sheet) and Charpy (plate) speci-
will change the microstructure. As noted in Chapter 9, some
mens. This resulted in the heat treatment of different product
nickel-containing precipitates can form during irradiation of
forms. Because nickel lowers the Acl temperature, different
nickel-doped steels that do not form in undoped steels
tempering temperatures were used for the steels with no
[17,97]. A fairly high number density of such precipitates nickel and 2% Ni. This procedure was chosen to allow a com-
identified as M6C were observed in the 9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni
parison with previous tensile data for the undoped steels, al-
[17]. However, it has also been shown that the same precipi-
though it made the interpretation of tensile results more dif-
tates in similar amounts to those formed in the mixed spec-
ficult. An effort was made to temper to similar hardnesses,
trum of HFIR at 400~ also formed during fast reactor irra-
although the steels still had different strengths when they
diation in FFTF at 407~ [ 17]. Since the ADBTT was much
were irradiated (Chapter 12). No direct temperature mea-
smaller after the fast reactor irradiation than the mixed-spec-
surements were made during irradiation; a gas gap between
trum irradiation, the extra embrittlement could not be at-
the specimen holder and the specimen was used to achieve
tributed to the precipitates.
the calculated temperature from nuclear heating. All of these
Alternate explanations for the nickel-doping observations
difficulties could hinder the interpretation of the results.
were considered [23,94]. They included other transmutation
reactions with thermal neutrons in HFIR, thermal aging
effects, and nickel-enhanced hardening. None of these Boron-Doped Steels
provided a satisfactory explanation for the observations. A
mechanism for intergranular fracture of irradiated ferritic Until recently, the nickel-doping experiments provided the
steels that does not involve helium was proposed by Faulkner only indications that helium might affect impact toughness.
and co-workers [98,99], who demonstrated that silicon and Results are now available from boron-doping experiments
phosphorus segregate to lath boundaries in FV448 when ir- that show similar effects.
radiated to 46 dpa in the DFR (a fast reactor) at 465~ The Shiba et al. [66] used l~ additions to F82H steel to study
proposed segregation model assumed a linkage between im- the effect of helium on Charpy properties after irradiation in
purities (Si, P, etc.) and irradiation-produced point defects to JMTR and JRR-2. Irradiation of l~ specimens and
drive the transfer of impurities to boundaries. Kimura et al. undoped specimens at 355 to 375~ to 0.3 to 0.5 dpa to form
observed intergranular fracture in 9Cr-2Mn-lW and 12Cr- 300 appm He in the doped F82H produced a DBTT in the

doped steel ~-15~ higher than in the undoped steel. No shift not determined (because of temperature limitations of the
in transition was observed for these steels when irradiated at Charpy test rig) for the l~ steel with 100 appm He,
500 to 590~ the ADBTT appeared to be well above room temperature
A larger effect using l~ doping was obtained for F82H ir- (Fig. 14.25) and much larger than for the standard F82H ir-
radiated at a lower temperature (260 to 360~ to 0.3 to 0.6 radiated similarly. Both steels had similar Charpy curves be-
dpa in JMTR [105]. Although a complete Charpy curve was fore irradiation. As shown in Chapter 12 on tensile proper-
ties, there was no difference in the yield stress of the
1~ steel and a steel without the l~ addition.
4000, Both hardened by a similar amount, although there was a
JMTR F 8 2 H std/F82H+l~
Irradiation slight loss of ductility for the ~~ steel.
m ,1" unirradiatd/.---~i---
Van Osch et al. [106] irradiated the standard JLF-1 (a 9Cr-
,/ 2WVTa steel) and this steel with 0.0022% B to 2.5 dpa at
3000- I
! F82H std 300~ in HFR. Before irradiation, the steels had similar
i 230 -320~ Charpy curves. After irradiation, the DBTT of the boron-con-
iI 0.2-0.5 dp~ taining steel with ~23 appm He was about 70~ higher than
,/ i for the steel without the boron addition.
c 2000 m ,/
! The data obtained from irradiation in HFR that are shown
/ ! in Fig. 14.18 has also been explained as a possible helium ef-
// i fect [71,107]. Figure 14.18 shows the relative behavior of four
/ !
i reduced-activation steels and two conventional Cr-Mo steels
< 1000 - 4
! F82H+10B irradiated to 0.8 dpa and, as stated above, relatively similar
(100 appmHe) results were observed after 2.4 dpa. In Fig. 14.26, the ADBTT
i 250-350~ data for these steels are shown as a function of dose for the
.../// 0.3-0.6 dpa 300~ irradiation. Also shown is the boron content of each
0 ~ . . . ~. m---,-r---n-. - steel. It was observed that the higher the boron content, the
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 steeper the slope of the curve and the higher the ADBTT for
the individual steels. A curve for the 1~ transforma-
Test temperature (~
tion is also shown, and it has the same characteristics as the
FIG. 14.25mCharpy impact curves for standard F82H and 1~ embrittlement curves. Over 99% of the l~ has transformed
doped F82H in the unirradiated condition and after irradiation to helium by 1.6 dpa, which is near where saturation in
to 0.2 to 0.6 dpa at 250 to 350~ in JMTR [105]. ADBTT with fluence occurs for the MANET I steel. Maximum

FIG. 14.26mShift in DBTT versus irradiation dose of six steels irradiated in HFR showing how the
shift in DBTT correlates with boron content, and therefore, helium content [71].

h e l i u m in the steels was c a l c u l a t e d as 85, 70, 60, 60, <20, a n d loops a p p e a r e d in the O P T I F E R II, a n d the highest concen-
< 1 0 a p p m for MANET I, MANET II, O P T I F E R Ia, O P T I F E R t r a t i o n of ct' was in O P T I F E R Ia. It was r e p o r t e d t h a t the bub-
II, F82H, a n d ORNL 9Cr-2WVTa, respectively. The ADBTTs bles in F82H a n d ORNL 9Cr-2WVTa were difficult to detect,
for the steels scale with the b o r o n c o n t e n t and, therefore, the a n d the n u m b e r densities r e p o r t e d were m a x i m u m values
h e l i u m content; the ratio of ADBTT to h e l i u m was essentially found in one o r two laths, with large areas a p p e a r i n g to be
the s a m e for all o f the steels at ~ 2 to 3~ He [71 ]. free of b u b b l e s [ 107].
H a r d n e s s m e a s u r e m e n t s a n d SEM a n d TEM observations After i r r a d i a t i o n at 450~ b u b b l e s were observed, a n d the
were m a d e on the five steels i r r a d i a t e d to 0.8 d p a at 250 a n d largest b u b b l e s were a g a i n in the O P T I F E R II. However, the
450~ in H F R [107]. There was a slight increase in h a r d n e s s b u b b l e n u m b e r densities were not very different for the dif-
of all the steels i r r a d i a t e d at 250~ w i t h t h e O R N L 9Cr- ferent steels. No loops were observed, a n d ~' was only ob-
2WVTa steel showing the smallest increase a n d the MANET served in the F82H. The a p p e a r a n c e of a ' in these steels is in-
II showing the largest increase. teresting, b e c a u s e this p h a s e does not g e n e r a l l y a p p e a r in
Before irradiation, S E M of the fracture surfaces of the OP- steels with less t h a n 10 to 12% Cr (only the MANET steels
T I F E R IA, O P T I F E R II, a n d MANET II steel d i s p l a y e d the c o n t a i n e d over 10% Cr). This i r r a d i a t i o n - i n d u c e d p h a s e ap-
typical fracture modes: cleavage on the l o w e r shelf a n d duc- p e a r s to d e p e n d on i r r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e ; it was observed
tile tearing on the u p p e r shelf [ 107]. After i r r a d i a t i o n of these in all the steels after i r r a d i a t i o n at 250~ b u t only in F82H af-
steels at 250~ s o m e i n d i c a t i o n s of i n t e r g r a n u l a r failure ap- ter i r r a d i a t i o n at 450~ There have b e e n few previous stud-
peared. This m i x e d - m o d e of i n t e r g r a n u l a r a n d t r a n s g r a n u l a r ies of the m i c r o s t r u c t u r e s of such steels i r r a d i a t e d at t e m p e r -
fracture b e c a m e m o r e p r o n o u n c e d after i r r a d i a t i o n at 450~ atures as low as 250~
The F82H, on the o t h e r hand, h a d the typical t r a n s g r a n u l a r The results of the studies were i n t e r p r e t e d in t e r m s of he-
cleavage or ductile tearing ( d i m p l e fracture) u n d e r all condi- lium c o n c e n t r a t i o n s [107], s i m i l a r to the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n after
tions. S o m e areas of i n t e r g r a n u l a r fracture were n o t e d on the 2.4 d p a [71] discussed above. The a u t h o r s p r e s e n t e d the re-
brittle-fracture a r e a s of the ORNL 9Cr-2WVTa steel in the sults for i r r a d i a t i o n at 250~ graphically (Fig. 14.27) to s h o w
u n i r r a d i a t e d condition. However, after irradiation, the frac- that the shift in DBTT could be c o r r e l a t e d w i t h the h e l i u m
ture m o d e r e t u r n e d to t h a t generally observed: cleavage for c o n t e n t of the steels. B a s e d on the c o m p l i c a t e d m i c r o s t r u c -
the brittle fracture m o d e a n d d i m p l e s for the ductile m o d e . tures, it m a y be p r e m a t u r e to say that h e l i u m is the cause of
These S E M results do n o t a p p e a r to s h o w a n y c o r r e l a t i o n this behavior. In e x a m i n i n g the results at 250~ (Table 14.3
with h e l i u m content. a n d Fig. 14.27), it is interesting to note that in a d d i t i o n to the
The TEM o b s e r v a t i o n s before i r r a d i a t i o n i n d i c a t e d the typ- ORNL 9Cr-2WVTa steel having the lowest shift in DBTT with
ical t e m p e r e d m a r t e n s i t e m i c r o s t r u c t u r e s w i t h M23C 6 a n d the lowest h e l i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n , it also h a d the lowest bub-
MC precipitates. After i r r a d i a t i o n at 250~ h e l i u m bubbles, ble density, dislocation loop density, a n d the smallest density
d i s l o c a t i o n loops, a n d a ' p r e c i p i t a t e s were observed (Table of a ' precipitates. Also, F82H h a d a high d e n s i t y of ~' parti-
14.3). Bubbles were l o c a t e d in the m a t r i x a n d on d i s l o c a t i o n cles, even t h o u g h it h a d the lowest c h r o m i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n
loops. The highest c o n c e n t r a t i o n of b u b b l e s a n d d i s l o c a t i o n (7.7 % for the F82H versus 9 to 10% for the o t h e r steels). Ob-

TABLE 14.3--TEM observations and hardness of steels irradiated in HFR at 250~ [107].

Steel Helium Bubbles Density of Density of Hardness

Size, gm Density, cm "3 Location Loops,cm3 ~t', cm -3 Increase

Irradiated at 250~
OPTIFER Ia 2 1.5x10 t6 D, H 5.9x10 ~5 1.0xl016 31
OPTIFER II 3 3.8x10 Is D 2.6x1017 2.1x1015 26

F82H 1.5 1.4x1017. H,S,P 1.9x1016 7.5x1015 18

9Cr-2WVTa 2 1.1xl0 ~6. D,P 1.0xl0 ~5 3.5x10 '~ 15

MANET II 2 3.6x1016 D,S,P 1.4x1015 3.8x10 ~5 53

Irradiated at 450 ~
OPTIFER Ia 2 5.7x10 Is D,S,P - -1

OPTIFER II 6 1.2x1015 D,S " - -8

F82H 3 317x1016. H,D - 1.9x1016 -9

9Cr-2WVTa 3 4.6xl 0 t~* D - - 11

MANET II 4 1.1xl015 D,P - -2
D: Dislocations S: subgrain boundaries; P: Precipitates; H: Homogeneously Distributed
*Maximum concentration (large areas were observed that did not contain bubbles)

viously, more detailed microstructural analysis after irradia- 1MoVNb because MANET I contains 10.5% Cr and, like 9Cr-
tion is required before the behavior of these steels is com- 1MoVNb, it contains the strong carbide former niobium.
pletely understood. Shifts of around 280~ were observed for the MANET I at
The large ADBTT (210~ for MANET I after 0.8 dpa at ~290~ [48]. This even exceeds the shift of 218~ observed
300~ (Fig 14.18) is similar to results obtained for this steel for 9Cr-IMoVNb-2Ni steel irradiated in HFIR at 300~ to
when irradiated to 5 to 15 dpa at 290 to 470~ in HFR (Fig. ~27 dpa [23].
14.15), although helium was not cited as a reason for the Although the nickel- and boron-containing steels display
large ADBTT in the earlier work [6,48]. The steel contains similarities that can be attributed to helium (a large increase
~85 ppm B and 0.9% Ni, and, thus, >100 appm He is gener- in DBTT relative to steels containing less helium), there are
ated in the mixed spectrum of HFR. Figure 14.28 displays the also differences. Contrary to the behavior of the 9Cr-
data from Fig. 14.15 along with data for the HFIR-irradiated 1MoVNb irradiated in HFIR, which shows the inverse-tem-
9Cr-1MoVNb steel [23,94] and for 9Cr-1MoVNb irradiated in perature relationship, MANET I (and the other B-containing
EBR-II at 390 to 550~ [8]. Comparison is made with 9Cr- steels in Fig. 14.18) displayed the typical decreasing ADBTT
with increasing temperature (Figs. 14.5, 14.15, 14.18, and
14.28). Near 400~ where the nickel-containing steels
160 showed the largest effect of helium, the behavior of the
140 ET II* boron-containing steels approached that observed in a fast
reactor (Fig. 14.28), where little helium is formed. This
120 OPTIFER means that if this is a helium effect, it apparently disappeared
100 at elevated temperatures where hardening no longer occurs.
Boron is a surface-active element and can segregate to
80 II
austenite grain boundaries depending on the cooling rate
60 F82H from the austenitization temperature (i.e., the boron concen-
<3 tration at the boundaries is enriched over the matrix)
40 [108-110]. All of the l~ in MANET I will be transmuted to
20 9 ORI~ L 3791 produce ~80 to 90 appm He by the time ~ 1.6 dpa is achieved
in HFR (Fig. 14.26). Therefore, enhanced amounts of trans-
mutation helium might be expected to form at or near prior
0 20 40 60 80 austenite grain boundaries. Bubble formation at prior
He content [appm] austenite grain boundaries and lath boundaries was observed
when boron-containing 9Cr-2WVTa steel was irradiated in
FIG. 14.27--Shift in DBTT as a function helium concentration FFTF, and the results were interpreted to indicate a propen-
for various steels irradiated to 0.8 dpa at 250~ in HFR [107]. sity for boron to segregate to boundaries [ 111 ].

300 , , , , ,
MANET . --

9Cr-lMoVNb 9
\ \9
9 HFIR \

9~ 200

m 150

100 9

0 I I ! I 9 --9 ~'~=

0 100 200 300 400 500 600


FIG. 14.28---Shift in DBTT as a function of irradiation temperature for MANET I steel

and 9Cr-IMoVNb steel. MANET I was irradiated in HFR and 9Cr-IMoVNb was irradi-
ated in HFIR and EBR-II.

In contrast to the boron, nickel does not segregate to grain DBTT under conditions where helium forms. However, con-
boundaries prior to irradiation, but there is evidence that siderable hardening occurs for the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel irradi-
segregation can occur during irradiation [98]. If the fracture ated at 390~ in EBR-II (Fig. 12.2) [112] and at 400~ in
is assumed to be associated with a boundary, then these dif- HFIR [113]. This contrasts to much less hardening at 400~
ferences between how helium reaches grain boundaries can for MANET I (Fig. 12.12) [114]. Thus, the difference in the
be used to explain the difference between observations on steels must reflect the different hardening behavior. (The dif-
nickel- and boron-doped steels. ference in the embrittlement of MANET I at 300 and 400~
If it is assumed that helium causes the initiation of an in- may be reflected in the different correlation factors between
tergranular fracture, the large shift in DBTT at low tempera- ADBTT and AO-yin Eqs 14.1 and 14.2 for irradiation at about
ture (~250 to 290~ for the MANET I steel could occur be- 300 and 400~ respectively.) Although the mechanism of em-
cause the helium is formed on or near prior-austenite grain brittlement is unclear, these results show that embrittlement
boundaries or martensite lath boundaries. A smaller shift oc- depends on hardening, and there is an upper limit on em-
curs for the nickel-doped 9Cr-IMoVNb steel at 300~ be- brittlement--with or without helium--which is determined
cause the helium formed in the matrix during irradiation by the temperature where hardening ceases.
must first diffuse to the boundary. Alternatively, nickel in the
matrix could also diffuse to the boundary and undergo the
(n,ct) reaction. As discussed above, the required diffusion for Cyxloreon-Injected Helium
nickel-containing steels was used to explain the inverse tem-
perature effect [94]. Likewise, since the assumption is that A more direct effect of helium was observed when subsize
much less diffusion is required for boron, the largest helium Charpy specimens of F82H were implanted with 300 appm
effect for boron-containing steels would be expected at the He by irradiating at 250~ to 0.2 dpa with a degraded 104
lowest temperature because hardening is greatest at these MeV a-particle beam in a cyclotron [115]. The results were
temperatures. compared with results for the steel irradiated to 0.2 dpa (8
Although this might explain the differences in behavior of appm He) at 250~ in HFR (Fig. 14.29). A significantly higher
boron- and nickel-containing steels at around 300~ a dif- ADBTT was observed for the helium-implanted specimens: a
ferent explanation is required for observations at 400~ ADBTT of 44~ was observed for the cyclotron-irradiated
where the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel showed the largest increase in specimen compared to an 18~ shift after the HFR irradia-

FIG. 14.29---Charpy curves for F82H irradiated in HFR at 250~ to 0.2 dpa (8 appm He) and F82H implanted with he-
lium from a cyclotron to obtain 300 appm He at 0.2 dpa [115].

tion. TEM observations indicated that the helium-injected motes some precipitation during irradiation [17], although
F82H contained bubbles that were not homogeneously dis- this has not prevented the technique from producing the
tributed, with the larger bubbles on dislocations, sub-bound- same kind of results as obtained by cyclotron implantation
aries, and precipitate interfaces. Tension tests of cyclotron-ir- and boron doping. Similar precipitates were produced in
radiated steel indicated little or no effect of helium on both fast and mixed-spectrum reactor irradiations, and the
hardening. This agrees with the observations for the nickel- steel irradiated in the fast reactor containing very little he-
doped and boron-doped steels. Hardening from dislocation lium was embrittled much less. If nickel is used in the future,
loops and precipitates does make a significant contribution the amount of nickel should probably be reduced from 2%,
to the embrittlement [ 115]. A phenomenological model to de- since the objective will be to determine the nature of the he-
scribe the brittle fracture behavior as a stress-induced prop- lium effect and not necessarily simulate helium effects in a
agation of microcracks and its dependence on the helium tokamak, as was the original idea behind using 2% Ni for
bubble morphology was proposed. these experiments.
Analogous to the a~ experiment discussed above, an-
other possibility for separating the effects of nickel from he-
H e l i u m Effects: Past and Future lium is by isotopically tailoring the steels with varying ratios
of 58Ni:59Ni:h~ (see Chapter 8) rather than using natural
Indications of a helium effect on the embritflement of the fer-
ritic/martensitic steels have now been obtained by irradiating nickel. Unfortunately, the price of nickel isotopes makes this
nickel- and boron-doped steels and by a-particle injection, cost prohibitive for Charpy and tension tests, although the
and all three techniques produced similar effects on the technique has been used to study the effect of helium on
Charpy properties. These results have led several investiga- swelling. On the other hand, the cost of the l~ and 11B iso-
tors to conclude that helium exacerbates the embrittlement topes are quite cheap and would not be an impediment to us-
above that due to displacement damage alone. Results are ing these isotopes in the l~ ~B experiment.
available from several sources that indicate helium does not There are several experiments with boron- and nickel-
contribute to hardening commensurate with the additional doped steel that should help reveal helium effects. If the
shift in DBTT observed when the helium is present in the boron distribution can be changed by controlling the cooling
steel. That leads to the conclusion that helium has somehow rate from the austenitization temperature, then irradiation
reduced the fracture stress (Fig. 14.2). experiments on specimens from steel cooled at rates that
Much of the above discussion on interpreting the boron- cause most of the l~ to be segregated to boundaries could be
and nickel-doping results relied on speculation. More quan- compared to those from steel cooled to get a uniform distri-
titative information is required before the helium-embrittle- bution of the l~ These could be irradiated to 1 dpa or less
ment effect is understood. Cyclotron irradiation appears to in a mixed-spectrum reactor to transmute the l~ to helium.
be the most direct method for such studies. However, such The difference (if any) in the embrittlement of the steels
tests are the most difficult and expensive to carry out on should reveal information about the role of boundaries. A
even miniature Charpy specimens, because of the difficulty comparison of boron- and nickel-doped specimens should
in uniformly injecting the helium and the expense of long provide similar information. Side-by-side irradiation of the
injection times. For that reason, much of the work neces- two types of specimens over the range 250 to 400~ to vari-
sary to try to understand the effect will have to rely on the ous doses (say up to 5 dpa) should reveal whether boundaries
other simulation techniques--namely, boron and nickel are involved in the embrittlement.
doping. All irradiations of Charpy specimens need to be accom-
Up until now, the interpretation of the nickel- and boron- panied by tension specimens to determine the hardening
doping experiments has suffered because of the difficulty of that occurs. Transmission electron microscopy is required
doing single-variable tests. This produced an uncertainty be- in all of these experiments to determine the distribution of
cause of the difficulty associated with not being able to helium bubbles in the nickel-containing and boron-contain-
clearly separate the effects of the dopants from the helium. ing steels. Likewise, detailed scanning electron microscopy
This could be addressed by doping steel with l~ and 11B of fracture surfaces is required. No such detailed mi-
(from which no transmutation helium forms during irradia- croscopy has been carried out, but with such information
tion), the 11B being used to determine the effect of boron on in conjunction with the mechanical properties determina-
the behavior of the steel. Different ratios of 1~ could be tions, it should be possible to understand what occurs in
used to establish the effects of boron and helium. the nickel- and boron-containing steels. From that informa-
One problem with boron-doping is the tendency for boron tion, assuming the observations on embrittlement are
to segregate to grain boundaries and its limited solBbility in proved to be due to helium, it should be possible to more
steels [108,109], which could result in most of the boron be- reliably assess the simulation techniques and extrapolate
ing on boundaries and/or in precipitates. However, work on the results to the effect of helium under fusion conditions.
austenitic stainless steel indicated that if the steel was Once an understanding of the effect is available, solutions
cooled rapidly enough (500~ versus 50~ from the so- to the problem can be explored.
lution-treatment temperature, boron was uniformly dis- Another technique proposed to study helium effects in a
tributed [110]. Autoradiography could be used to determine single-variable experiment is to replace natural iron in the
if the same thing applies for the ferritic steels during steel with S4Fe (natural iron contains 5.84% 54Fe) The tech-
austenitization. nique was first suggested for studying hydrogen effects
The nickel-doping technique provides a uniform distribu- [116], because irradiation of this isotope results in (n,p) re-
tion of helium in the steel. However, nickel evidently pro- actions in addition to the (n,c0 reactions that generate he-

lium. M u c h m o r e h y d r o g e n t h a n h e l i u m is p r o d u c e d [118]. [15] D. S. Gelles and L. E. Thomas, in: Topical Conference on Steels
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[16] J. J. Kai and R. L. Klueh, J. Nucl. Mater. 230 (1996) 116.
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h a r d e n i n g that o c c u r r e d d u r i n g irradiation. No effect of he- 1046, Eds. N. H. Packan, R, E. Stoller, and A. S. Kumar (Amer-
l i u m was detected, a l t h o u g h an effect of h y d r o g e n was ob- ican Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990)
served [118]. To o b t a i n a h i g h e r h e l i u m p r o d u c t i o n rate 453.
( ~ 2 0 a p p m H e / d p a ) than for 54Fe, t h e use of 55Fe has b e e n [20] R. L. Klueh, J. M. Vitek, W. R. Corwin, and D. J. Alexander, J.
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for studying h e l i u m effects on m e c h a n i c a l properties. Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy, DOE/ER-
Obviously, n e i t h e r the a d d i t i o n of nickel n o r b o r o n is the 0045/11 (March 1984) 115.
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n e u t r o n source is available, however, s i m u l a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s Davis and D. J. Michel (Metallurgical Society of AIME, War-
m u s t be used with cau ti o n to obtain an u n d e r s t a n d i n g of pos- rendale, PA, 1984) 631.
sible h e l i u m effects. [23] R. L. Klueh and D. J. Alexander, J. Nucl. Mater. 218 (1995) 151.
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612. Fusion Energy Sciences, DOE/ER-0313/27 (March 2000) 149.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Fracture Toughness

Charpy impact tests discussed in the preceding chapter are thin-walled structures, such as those expected for fusion ap-
most useful as a screening test to evaluate the relative effect plications, the J-integral approach is most relevant (although
of irradiation on producing embrittlement in different steels. for shallow cracks in thin-wall vessels, J-integral methods
However, Charpy data cannot be used directly for design. De- may not apply).
sign will probably be based on a defect-tolerant approach,
where a plane-strain fracture toughness (thick sections) or a
J-integral (thin-walled structure) approach are used [1 ]. Be- FRACTURE TOUGHNESS
cause of the simpler test procedure for a Charpy test, fewer
fracture toughness data, especially of irradiated specimens, From the Griffith criterion for fracture, the stress to propa-
are available than are Charpy impact data. There is a quali- gate a crack, ~rF can be written
tative correspondence between changes in Charpy impact
properties and fracture toughness of irradiated steels, and EGc 11/2
the change in USE is often taken as an indication of the trF= \--~--a/ (15.1)
change in ductile fracture toughness [ 1].
Odette [2] has emphasized that "the fracture mode is not where E is Young's modulus, Gc is the total work of fracture
sufficient to characterize toughness, which may be apprecia- (it accounts for the energy to create a new surface and the
ble even in the cleavage regime," meaning that DBTT cannot plastic energy to form a plastic zone around the crack tip),
be a measure of toughness. He further pointed out the well- and a is the flaw (crack) size [4]. Equation 15.1 can be inter-
known (often ignored) fact that the DBTT can be influenced preted in terms of the critical values of stress and crack
by various extrinsic factors, such as notch acuity, specimen length for an unstable crack to propagate. That is, when
geometry, specimen size, the parameter used to index the or(rra) 1/2 equals (EGc) 1/2, the crack will grow. A stress inten-
DBTT, etc., that further complicate the interpretation of such sity factor, K, is defined as
data [2].
As an example of the extrinsic factors that can influence
fracture testing, the variation in the DBTT with the choice of K = cr V ~ a (15.2)
index is illustrated in Table 15.1 for HT9 (12Cr-IMoVW) and
F82H [3]. The Charpy curves from which the data were taken Fracture is considered to occur when a critical stress inten-
are shown in Fig. 15.1(a). The authors comment [3] that the sity factor is reached, that is:
most physically meaningful index is the 10 J level, "which has
been found to approximately correspond to the maximum
temperature of linear elastic fracture." This is the only one of Kc = V ~ c (15.3)
the indices that produced a similar DBTT for HT9 and F82H.
All others indicated a higher DBTT for the HT9, as evident which is called the fracture toughness.
from a visual inspection of the data in Fig. 15.1 (a). When Plane-strain fracture toughness, Kic, is used for large sec-
static fracture toughness data for the two steels were com- tions, and it is related to the energy required for the onset of
pared [Fig. 15. i (b)], the toughness of the F82H was found to crack propagation according to
be better than that of HT9, although the difference was not as /

great as indicated by the Charpy data [3].

KIC = l - 1EGIc-
1,'2 ( 15.4)
Thus, fracture toughness measurements can provide a
quantitative measure of the fracture behavior of steels.
Whereas a Charpy test measures the total energy to initiate a where Gic is the critical plane-strain energy release rate for
crack from the notch and propagate the crack across the crack extension, and v is Poisson's ratio (the I in Kic refers to
specimen to produce a complete fracture, fracture toughness Mode I tensile~loading of the crack). Although more diffi-
tests measure just the critical load to extend a pre-existing cult to determine than a Charpy curve, test techniques using
crack. precracked compact tension or three-point bend specimens
A critical need exists for fracture toughness data on are well developed and involve the determination of load ver-
irradiated material. For linear elastic fracture analysis, sus crack-mouth-opening displacement curves, which are
plane-strain fracture toughness values, Kic, are required; for similar to load versus displacement curves of a tension test.
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

TABLE 15.1--DBTT Values for Sandvik HT9 and F82H for Various d e t e r m i n e Jm are s i m i l a r to those u s e d to d e t e r m i n e Kic. Val-
Indices Obtained from Charpy Tests (full-size specimens) [3]. ues of Jic have been d e t e r m i n e d on i r r a d i a t e d m a t e r i a l a n d
DBTT (~ will be discussed below.
Index HT9 F82H A n o t h e r q u a n t i t y that has b e e n d e t e r m i n e d a n d u s e d for ir-
41 J absorbed energy 25 + 5 -56 + 5 r a d i a t e d steels is the tearing m o d u l u s , T, defined as
10 J absorbed energy -60 + 5 -60 + 5
50% shear fracture appearance 34 + 5 -55 + 5 dJ E
0.89 mm lateral expansion 119 + 5 -56 + 5 T = ~- r (15.5)
50% upper shelf energy 50 + 5 -50 + 5

w h e r e ays is the yield stress. The tearing m o d u l u s is a de-

scription of a m a t e r i a l ' s resistance to crack extension b y duc-
tile tearing [4].
400 ! ! !

rt HT-9
9 F-82H 9 9
Studies have been c o n d u c t e d to d e t e r m i n e p o s t - i r r a d i a t i o n
t o u g h n e s s d a t a for 9 C r - I M o V N b (modified 9 C r - l M o ) [5-9],
"" 200 12Cr-IMoVW (HTg) [5, 9-11], a n d MANET steels [12].
P r e - c r a c k e d full-size C h a r p y (PCVN) s p e c i m e n s were u s e d
to d e t e r m i n e the d y n a m i c fracture toughness, Kjd, of 12Cr-
10(; 1313
1MoVW steel i r r a d i a t e d to ~-5 d p a in EBR-II at 420~ [10]
=cP a n d 9Cr- 1MoVNb a n d 12Cr- 1MoVW steel plates i r r a d i a t e d at
93 to 300~ at 2 0 . 8 • 1020 n / c m 2 (<1 dpa) in the University
~)0 a cnm'cr | i !
of Buffalo (UB) r e a c t o r (a l i g h t - w a t e r - m o d e r a t e d test reactor)
-200 -100 0 100 200
[53, a n d the results were c o m p a r e d to full-size, b l u n t - n o t c h
300 ! ! Charpy (Cv) test results (Fig. 15.2).
Alexander el al After the EBR-II i r r a d i a t i o n of the 12Cr-IMoVW steel at
! 420~ fracture t o u g h n e s s at t e m p e r a t u r e s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to
the u p p e r - s h e l f r e g i o n of the Cv curves was -~ 170 MPa4m. Be-
-~ 200 "B low the t r a n s i t i o n region, fracture toughness was m e a s u r e d
as 45 MPa~Jm, a n d it was c o n c l u d e d [10] t h a t the use of the
M steel "will require careful integration of the c o m p o n e n t de-
=i *o sign r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d m a t e r i a l properties."
F o l l o w i n g i r r a d i a t i o n in the UB r e a c t o r [5], n e i t h e r the 9Cr-
.& 1MoVNb n o r 12Cr-1MoVW steel was "unduly e m b r i t t l e d by 1
i ~ 13 H T - 9 X 1020 n/cm2. '' S p e c i m e n s from a n AOD plate of the 12Cr-
9 F-821 1MoVW steel were i r r a d i a t e d at 93, 149, a n d 288~ a n d shifts
(b) 0 ! , , , in the t r a n s i t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e at 100 MPa~m c o r r e s p o n d e d
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 qualitatively to those of the Cv-41J for the steel of ~ 6 7 a n d
150~ after i r r a d i a t i o n at 288 a n d 93~ respectively (Fig.
Temperature (~ 15.2). The Kj lower shelf values of the u n i r r a d i a t e d a n d irra-
FIG. 1 5 . 1 - - A comparison of (a) the Charpy d i a t e d steel were ~ 4 0 MPa~m. The Kj u p p e r - s h e l f values
impact data and (b) the static fracture tough- s h o w e d a relatively s m a l l d e c r e a s e a n d h a d values of ~ 180 to
ness data of Sandvik HT9 and F82H steels [3]. 240 MPa~/m, d e p e n d i n g on the i r r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e . There
was an overlap of the s c a t t e r h a n d s for the u n i r r a d i a t e d steel
a n d the steel i r r a d i a t e d at 288~ (Fig. 15.2). I r r a d i a t i o n at
93~ gave a Kj u p p e r - s h e l f of ~ 180 to 200 MPa~/m, c o m p a r e d
M i n i a t u r e c o m p a c t t e n s i o n s p e c i m e n s have b e e n developed to --~220 to 240 for the u n i r r a d i a t e d steel. An E S R plate of
for use in i r r a d i a t i o n experiments. 12Cr-IMoVW steel i r r a d i a t e d to ~0.8 x 1020 n / m 2 at 300~
F o r t h i n - w a l l e d s t r u c t u r e s w h e r e t h e size of the p l a s t i c was f o u n d to have s i m i l a r t o u g h n e s s b e h a v i o r to that of the
zone a r o u n d the crack tip is significant relative to the section AOD plate.
size, the a s s u m p t i o n that the elastic stress a r o u n d the c r a c k S i m u l a t e d heat-affected zone (HAZ) m i c r o s t r u c t u r e s (four
c o n t r o l s fracture is no longer valid. The J-integral a p p r o a c h p o s i t i o n s across the HAZ were p r o d u c e d by a Gleeble simu-
has been developed for this condition. In this a p p r o a c h [4], "J lation) of the 12Cr-IMoVW steel AOD heat w e r e also irradi-
can be t h o u g h t of as the a m o u n t of elastic-plastic s t r a i n en- a t e d at 288~ [5]. The results i n d i c a t e d that the " w e l d m e n t
ergy p e r unit area of c r a c k g r o w t h w h i c h is a p p l i e d t o w a r d p r o p e r t i e s following 288~ i r r a d i a t i o n will not be governed
the c r a c k in a s p e c i m e n u n d e r load." Then, Jm is the critical p r i m a r i l y b y the HAZ properties," since the base m e t a l a n d
value of J to s t a r t a pre-existing crack to g r o w u n d e r these HAZ p r o p e r t i e s were similar.
conditions. F o r a large s p e c i m e n o r for a m a t e r i a l with a high The 9 C r - I M o V N b steel after i r r a d i a t i o n to 0.8 • 102o n / c m 2
yield stress, Jm = Gic. Test s p e c i m e n s a n d p r o c e d u r e s used to at 149~ was slightly m o r e resistant to e m b r i t t l e m e n t t h a n

FIG, 15.2--Fracture toughness curves compared to Charpy curves (Cv) for 12Cr-1MoVW
(HT9) irradiated in the University of Buffalo Reactor [5].

the 12Cr-IMoVW steel irradiated at that temperature [5]. work did not improve the fracture resistance of the HT9 (not
There was only a small decrease in USE, but a rather large in- unexpected). For steels irradiated at 400~ to 30 dpa and
crease in DBTT (83~ with the increase in the 100 MPa~/m tested at 205~ Jc varied from 67.6 kJ/m 2 for the cold worked
temperature about the same as the Cv-41J temperature. steel to 114.2 kJ/m 2 for the steel tempered at 760~ with the
However, the Kjd transition was 45~ higher than that of the other TMT conditions falling within these values. The Jc
Cv curve, indicating a high sensitivity of this steel to notch value for the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel was 65.1, similar to the
acuity. The PCVN specimens of the 9Cr-IMoVNb [5] "failed cold-worked HT9. The Jc values decreased slightly when the
predominantly by cleavage at temperatures where Cv speci- irradiation temperature was increased from 400 to 500~
mens failed predominantly by shear." Neutron fluence was found not to affect the results, which
The most extensive data on irradiated materials is from would indicate a saturation.
Huang and co-workers [6-9,11] on 9Cr-IMoVNb (modified Tearing modulus measurements for these irradiation and
9Cr-lMo) and 12Cr-1MoVW (HT9) steels studied in the fast- test conditions indicated that the 9Cr-1MoVNb had the high-
breeder reactor program. The single specimen electric-po- est value (110) and cold-worked HT9 again had the lowest
tential method was used on miniature compact-tension spec- (34) value, with the other HT9 TMT conditions in between.
imens to determine the toughness, Jic, and the tearing Neutron fluence again had a minor effect, but contrary to
modulus, T, for different heats of base metal given different toughness, the tearing modulus did show a large increase
thermomechanical treatments, weldments, and weld metal with increasing irradiation temperature.
irradiated in EBR-II and FFTF at 390 to 550~ and exposures The authors' final conclusion was that TMT was a more im-
of 35 to 100 dpa. Specimens were also tested after irradiation portant factor for toughness properties than strain rate, ori-
in HFIR at 55~ entation (relative to the plate the specimens were taken
In one series of tests, the effect of the thermomechanical from), or heat-to-heat variation in composition. However,
treatment (TMT) on 12Cr-1MoVW steel irradiated in EBR-II given the limited number of specimens irradiated and the
to ~2.9 and 6.0 • 1026 n/m 2 (~14.5-30 dpa) at 400, 450, and lack of apparent systematic variation in the test variables
550~ was investigated by examining a variety of heat treat- (i.e., TMT, heat treatment conditions, number of heats, etc.)
ments and cold-rolled steel [7]. One condition (normalized more work appears to be required to firmly establish such a
and tempered) of modified 9Cr-lMo steel was also broad conclusion.
investigated. A summary of some of the early irradiation-effects data
The heat treatments on the HT9 involved different times from irradiations in EBR-II and HFIR for Jic of 12Cr-
(0.08 and 0.5 h) and temperatures (1038 and 1050~ for the 1MoVW steel as a function of test temperature is shown in
austenitization treatment and a variety of temperatures (700, Fig 15.3 [8]; later data, discussed below, are in accordance
760, and 780~ and times (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h) for the tem- with the trends of this figure. Below room temperature, the
pering. Given the variety of the TMTs and the limited num- unirradiated data on two heats of 12Cr-1MoVW steel indi-
ber of irradiated specimens, it appears difficult to evaluate cated an S-shaped curve such as that observed in a Charpy
the meaning of the results, but the author concluded that the test. The tearing modulus was measured on unirradiated and
initiation fracture toughness, Jc, of the irradiated steels in- irradiated specimens from room temperature to 500~ (no
creased with increasing chromium and tempering tempera- tearing modulus can be obtained in the transition and lower-
ture. The latter effect is expected. It was concluded that cold shelf regions because failure is by fast fracture); it was found

to behave opposite to Jic, having a broad maximum around FFTF Jm data were comparable to the EBR-II data [Fig.
300~ where the Jm had a minimum [9]. 15.4(a)] up to 30 dpa, then fell below those data, indicating a
Some of the results used to prepare Fig. 15.3 along with re- continued drop in Jic with increasing fluence. The change in
sults from irradiations to higher doses will now be presented. tearing modulus appeared to saturate by 30 dpa [9].
These data are mainly from a summary paper by Haung and Irradiation of 12Cr-IMoVW steel in HFIR at 55~ to 5 dpa
Hamilton [9]. did not cause a much larger decrease in Jic steel than the fast
Irradiation of the 12Cr-IMoVW steel in EBR-II up to 28 reactor irradiation to the higher doses at higher temperatures
dpa at 390, 450, and 550~ (Figs. 15.4 and 15.5) and in FFTF (Fig. 15.6). The values remained above the lowest level
up to 108 dpa at 411 to 420, 520, and 600~ (Fig. 15.5) pro- observed in the unirradiated condition (Fig. 15.3). HFIR
duced a loss in Jm to a level that, with one exception (73 dpa irradiation at 55~ did cause a larger reduction in tearing re-
in FFTF, Fig. 15.5), was essentially no lower than the lowest sistance than fast reactor irradiation: it dropped to values of
value observed in the unirradiated condition. The tearing -~30 after HFIR irradiation [Fig. 15.6(b)] and to ~50 after
modulus showed a significant decrease [Figs. 15.4(b) and FFTF irradiation [Fig. 15.5(b)]. Since saturation might not be
15.5(b)], especially at the lowest temperatures, where it de- obtained after 5 dpa at 55~ in HFIR, further degradation
creased to about half that in the unirradiated condition. The might be expected.

120 r i I I I i

80 /600or_ t= , i . . ~ 'IO0-SO0~ .,

IkJ/m ~1
Im j ..... v- 310~ ~8 dpa

[ I I 1 l i
( -10o 0 100 20o 3oo 40o 8oo
FIG. 1 5 . 3 - - F r a c t u r e t o u g h n e s s as a function of temperature for unirradiated and ir-
radiated S a n d v i k 1 2 C r - 1 M o V W (HT9) steel for various irradiated c o n d i t i o n s [8].

20O I i t I I I I I I I 200
0 Unirrldilted (Codes la, lb, 10)
180 180
14dpa 2Sdl~ Ti (~
160 160
9 [] 39O
9 A 4S0 O O
140 V V 5O0 140
129 O 129
JIc 100 D 100
(kJ/m 2)
80 80
V O; O[]
[] 9
60 [] AO 60
0 0
40 40

29 20

0 I I I I I I { I f I
0 'too 2oo 3oo 4oo soo 0 "too 2oo 3oo 4oo 5oo 6oo ~
Temperature (~ Temperature (~
(a) (b)

FIG. 1 5 . 4 - - T h e (a) fracture t o u g h n e s s and (b) tearing m o d u l u s of HT9 irradiated in EBR-

, [9].
i ......

0 Unirmdlated (Code la, lb, lc)

' I

T i (~ !

I 3go 41142o!
180 9 ' V 180

160 i
N I 160
EBR41: Code la, lb, l c 0 0
140 FFTF: Code 7 140
120 ? o 120
Jlc O 0
(kJ/m 2)
lOO [31 100 T
[] r'l
O0-X -80
O [] il
6O [] o -60
+O O I1
x -40


I I I I I l I I I I
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 3OO 400 5OO 600
Temperature (~ Temperature (~
(a) (b)
FIG. 15.5--The (a) fracture toughness and (b) tearing modulus of HT9 irradiated in FFTF and
EBR-II [g].

t I ! t ! I I I I I

180 180
160 O Unin~iated la, lc 180
Q Unirladlated S
9 HFIR, 56~C, 5 r 6 O O
140 140
O 0
120 -O 130

Jlr 100 O 100

(kJ/m 2) T
80 -'O 8O
6O 6O
9 o
4O 4O

2O 2O

0 t I I I I I I I I I 0
0 100 2OO 3OO 4OO S00 0 100 20O 3OO 4OO 50O 6OO ("C) T e m p w l t u r t (?C)
(a) (b)
FIG. 15.6raThe (a) fracture toughness and (b) tearing modulus of HT9 irradiated in HFIR at 55~


Regardless of the irradiation temperature, a Jic decrease of Irradiation of 9Cr-IMoVNb in HFIR to 5 dpa at 55~ (Fig.
~ 3 5 % was observed for 9 C r - I M o V N b steel irradiated in 15.8) had a m u c h larger effect on the Jic of 9Cr-IMoVNb steel
FFTF at 420 and 520~ up to 105 dpa [Fig. 15.7(a)]. An ap- than fast reactor irradiation at the higher temperatures, re-
proximate 50% reduction of tearing m o d u l u s was observed ducing the Jtc and tearing m o d u l u s to 35 kJ/m 2 and 20, re-
[Fig. 15.7(b)], which appeared to saturate at a low fluence. spectively, c o m p a r e d to a m i n i m u m of 45 kJ/m 2 and 80 after

200 I t I t ! I t ! t 200
o unhlldlatodtl (Code 12) Ii 180
180 411-420 $20 ,T! (eC) 0 0
160 A [ 9 11-15 dpa 160
9 70 dpa
140 9 106 dlm 140

120 9 120
Jte 9
(kJ/m2) 100 100 T
O 9 V
80 " V o 9 II & -~00

60 ~'o& 9 60
9 9 U&
4O 4O

2O~- 2O

0 I I I I I i I I I I 0
0 100 2OO 3OO 4OO S00 0 tOO 2OO 3OO 4OO S00 6OO
Temperattwe (~ Temperature (~
(a) (b)
FIG. 15.7--The (a) fracture toughness and (b) tearing modulus of modified 9Cr-1 Mo steel
irradiated in FFTF [9].

200 f I ' ' I I I 2oo

180 180
cod, 0
O Unbmdtattld 12 9
160 160
9 HFIR,66~C,Sdpa 10
140 140

120 120

Jtr 100 100

(kJ/m2 ) T
80 O 00
60 9 6O

40 4O

20 20
0 I I I I J I J i I I 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 2OO 3OO 4OO S00 6OO
T m p e n m ~ (~ T, mCmntur, (~C)
(a) (b)
FIG. 15.8--The (a) fracture toughness and (b) tearing modulus of modified 9Cr-lMo steel
irradiated in HFIR at 55~ [9].

up to 105 dpa in FFTF at 420~ The effect of HFIR irradia- m m crack extension, Aa). The J0.2 was reduced from 120 to 37
tion on the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel was much greater than on the kJ/m 2 at 250~ 109 to 33 kJ/m 2 at 350~ and 124 to 88 kJ/m 2
12Cr-IMoVW, which agrees with the Charpy results for low- at 450~ Crack growth resistance was characterized by the
temperature irradiation in HFIR (see Chapter 14) [! 3,14]. slope of the resistance curve, dJ/da at 0.2- and 0.5-ram crack
Contrary to the conclusions drawn from Cv tests, Huang extension. The (dJ/da)0.2 was reduced by 90, 83, and 32% at
concluded that "the toughness of 9Cr-lMo is inferior to that 250, 350, and 450~ respectively, with similar reductions ob-
of HT9 under neutron exposure at all temperatures." He also served for (dJ/da)0.s. Values of K]c were calculated, and using
indicated that neither steel may have adequate toughness for the Cv-41 J criterion for measuring the transition tempera-
applications at 55~ [6]. ture that corresponds closely to the fracture toughness value
Toughness tests on TIG weldments (unirradiated) of 12Cr- of 100 MPadm, it was found that [12], "irradiation caused a
1MoVW tested over the range 93 to 540~ (Fig. 15.9) indi- severe reduction in upper-shelf toughness and a large shift of
cated that the Jic of the fusion zone--weld metal (WM)--and the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature."
heat-affected zone (HAZ) were somewhat higher than the
base metal (BM) when tested at 205~ (the lowest common
test temperature). At 400~ the J~c of the WM and HAZ were FRACTURE TOUGHNESS--REDUCED-
similar to the BM, but at 540~ the Jic values of the WM and ACTIVATION S T E E L S
HAZ were considerably below those of the BM [15.9(a)].
Tearing modulus of the WM and HAZ were less than those of Toughness data for reduced-activation steels in the unirradi-
the BM at all test temperatures [Fig. 15.9(b)]. ated and irradiated condition are limited to a few studies on
Irradiation had little effect on the Jic of the 12Cr-IMoVW F82H and JLF- 1 steels [3,15-20]. The unirradiated properties
weld metal (fusion zone) specimens irradiated to 12 to 14 dpa are generally similar to those for the conventional Cr-Mo
in EBR-II at 390, 450, 500, and 550~ but the tearing modu- steels [see Fig. 15.1(b)] [3].
lus dropped to a low value (Fig. 15.10). For one specimen ir- Preliminary studies on the effect of loading mode on F82H
radiated to 26 dpa at 390~ and tested at 204~ there was a indicated some unexpected instabilities for mixed-mode
40% decrease in Jic relative to the 12 to 14 dpa irradiation, loading [15,16]. Figure 15.11 shows the critical J-Integral for
suggesting that [8], "a continued drop in toughness may be Mode I (Jzc) at crack angle 0 ~ and Mixed-Mode I/III at 35 ~
observed with increasing neutron exposures, while decreases (Mode III involves a shear deformation of the crack parallel
in the tearing modulus appear to have saturated." to the crack tip) for tests at room temperature for two heats
De Vries [12] determined the fracture toughness of of steel. Based on some SEM observations, the lower tough-
MANET I steel irradiated in HFR to 5 dpa at ~250~ and to ness in the Mixed-Mode I/III was tentatively attributed to in-
10 dpa at ~350 and 450~ and reported the engineering clusions in the steel. From the limited number of tests on the
toughness parameter, J0.2 and J0.s (the J value at 0.2- and 0.5- two heats shown in Fig. 15.11 plus tests on another small

200 T 1 ~ ~ i I J I i 1 200

100 . . .

O BaseMetal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tco -
~la, lc |

160 9 Weld-FustonZonet 3 / 160

_.? 1 , 1 O O
140 -- 140
129 O - 120
9 9
JIc t00 II 9 - 100
(kJ/m 2)
8O -80
60 o $ 6O

40 4O

20 2O

0 I I J I I I I I I 1
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 6OO
Temperature (~'C) Temperature ( C )
(a) (b)

FIG. 15.9--A comparison of the (a) fracture toughness and (b) tearing modulus of HT9
base metal, weld metal (fusion zone) and heat affect zone (HAZ) [9].

200 I t I ! 1 | i i i

. . . . w,~: F,siO,,s iCod,,3) - 160
0 Unirradlated
160 160
--~ t] I i-/~;~ ....

140 Ai, I / 4" 140

120 .............. ~ ..... L ...... 1.~ ...... 120

JIc 2 100 100

(kJ/m) {I 0 0 T

O0 t [l


0 0
60 --

L! ~ I]1 [i
40 - -

2O 20

J .I I I ~ I I I I i
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 50O 60O
Temperature (~ Temperature (~
(a) (b)

FIG. 15.10--The (a) fracture toughness and (b) tearing modulus of HT9 weld metal irradiated in
EBR-II [9],

350 ...I .... I .... I'~...I .... I .... t .... I .... I ....

!i~.~ HI~I I
o 0
= 250"

,~ 200-


I 9 I . . . . I . . . i I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . I . . . .
100 t
. . . . . . I I " I I I i I I

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Crack AuEie (dqrees)
FIG. 15.11--Variation of fracture toughness of F82H as a function of crack angle

heat o f F82H, t h e r e d i d not a p p e a r to b e a h e a t - t o - h e a t varia- o n t h e IEA H e a t s h o w n in Fig. 15.1 I, w h e r e it is seen

tion in toughness. t h a t values b e l o w 350 KJ/m 2 were observed [16]. Toughness
Conventional (Mode I) r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e toughness tests tests o n a JLF-1 weld j o i n t resulted in a very low JQ ( ~ 3 6
of JLF-1 steel revealed a n excellent Jo of over 400 k J / m 2 k J/m2), w h i c h w i t h o u t a n y f r a c t o g r a p h i c evidence was ten-
[17]. A slightly l o w e r value ( ~ 3 5 0 k J / m 2) w a s o b t a i n e d tatively a t t r i b u t e d to "brittle zones o r defects" in the de-
for one r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e test of F 8 2 H [18]. This w a s posit. More w o r k was p l a n n e d [17]. It m u s t be e m p h a s i z e d

that these results are generally from a limited number FRACTURE TOUGHNESS--OTHER
of tests. APPROACHES
Results from experiments on F82H irradiated to 1.5 to 3
dpa in HFIR [19] and HFR [20] were used to make a com- The micromechanisms of fracture in 9 to 12% Cr ferritic/
parison of the effect of irradiation on the toughness of HT9 martensitic steels have been extensively analyzed by Odette,
and F82H (Fig. 15.12) [19]. Before irradiation, there were Lucas, and coworkers [2,3,22-27]. As described in the pre-
only minor differences in Kj of the two steels, which range ceding chapter, they showed that low-temperature fracture
from ~200 to ~300 MPa~/m from room temperature to in Charpy tests of HT9 is not simple cleavage but occurs by a
300~ [3]. The 100 MPa~/m transition temperature for the quasi-cleavage mode, in which single or small clusters of pla-
F82H and HT9 were estimated to be - 1 0 0 and -75~ re- nar cleavage facets are separated by ductile tear ridges at
spectively [3]. Irradiation of HT9 to 2.3 to 2.5 dpa at 80 to misoriented lath packets or prior austenite grain boundaries
90~ caused an increase in transition temperature of (Fig. 14.11) [23]. Later work showed that quasi-cleavage frac-
~-100~ and irradiation at 250 to 300~ caused an increase ture also occurred in other tempered martensitic steels such
of about 275~ Irradiation at the lower temperature did not as F82H [27]. Quasi-cleavage occurs when a critical stress
significantly decrease the upper-shelf fracture toughness of level (fracture stress) is reached in a critical area ahead of the
HT9, but there was a large decrease for the higher irradia- crack tip to start the stable-to-unstable growth of a process
tion temperature. Although the data for F82H are limited, zone crack. The mixed quasi-cteavage-microvoid coalescence
irradiation to 1.6 to 2.5 dpa at 250~ had less effect on this fracture transition occurs when the strains in the process
steel than on HT9, and the F82H retained considerable zone exceed a critical value. By using SEM and confocal mi-
toughness. The effect of irradiation on fracture toughness of croscopy, fracture reconstructions can be performed as a
the HT9 parallels the observations on the Charpy behavior function of crack-opening displacement to elucidate fracture
of this steel in that in the absence of helium formation (dis- mechanisms and allow the determination of fundamental al-
placement damage only), the ADBTT is larger after irradia- loy properties, such as critical stress (el*) and critical area
tion at 400~ than after irradiation at 55~ [13,14], an ob- (A*) for fracture.
servation that was explained (see Chapter 14) as due to Odette and co-workers have proposed that structural in-
irradiation-enhanced precipitation at the higher tempera- tegrity in the unirradiated and irradiated conditions can best
ture [21 ]. be assessed using a combination of the macromechanic and
The fracture toughness results in Fig. 15.12 were obtained micromechanic elements of the fracture process, i.e., the
in the temperature range where tensile failure of the F82H combination of small specimen tests, fracture mechanics,
and HT9 show limited strain-hardening capacity--low uni- microscopy, fractography, and finite element simulations
form elongation (Fig.12.7) [19]. Despite the low uniform [2,3,22,27]. This is believed necessary because of the diver-
elongation in tension tests in this temperature regime, failure gent results obtained for fracture using the different test
in toughness tests occurred by ductile tearing, indicating that methods presently being applied (i.e., Charpy tests, fracture
the tensile embrittlement characterized by low uniform toughness tests, etc.), which raise the possibility of even
strain is not characterized by embrittlement in the fracture greater divergence for actual structures with complicated ge-
toughness tests [19]. ometries and loads. To counter these deficiencies, they pro-

FIG. 15.12--Fracture toughness data for unirradiated and irradiated Sandvik HT9 and
F82H taken from various sources [19].

pose to "combine finite e l e m e n t s i m u l a t i o n s of the evolution Packan, R. E. Stoller, and A. S. Kumar (American Society for
of multiaxial crack tip stress a n d strain fields with local mea- Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990) 459.
sures of the conditions leading to crack extension (initiation [7] F. H. Huang, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: 16th Inter-
national Symposium, ASTM STP 1175, Eds. A. S. Kumar, D. S.
or stable growth)" [3].
Gelles, R. K. Nanstad, and E. A. Little (American Society for
The approach to fracture discussed in the preceding sec-
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1993) 575.
tions is based on an experimental d e t e r m i n a t i o n of a fracture [8] D. S. Gelles, J. Nucl. Mater. 149 (1987) 192.
t o u g h n e s s p a r a m e t e r for the steel. A "local approach" has [9] F. H. Huang and M. L. Hamilton, J. Nucl. Mater. 187 (1992) 278.
b e e n proposed a n d used i n recent years to study cleavage [10] F. A. Smidt, Jr., J. R. Hawthorne, and V. Provenzano, in: Effects
fracture [28]. I n this approach, the objective is to seek to of Radiation on Materials: Tenth Conference, STP 725, Eds. D.
m e a s u r e the local fracture p a r a m e t e r s u s i n g o n e or m o r e Kramer, H. R. Brager, and J. S. Perrin (American Society for
specimens a n d t h e n use this m e a s u r e m e n t to interpolate a n d Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1981) 269.
extrapolate to m o r e c o m p l i c a t e d geometries. For n u c l e a r [11] F. H. Huang, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: 15th Inter-
applications, one procedure is to d e t e r m i n e a n effective frac- national Symposium, ASTM STP 1125, Eds. R. E. Stoller, A. S.
Kumar, and D. S. Gelles, (American Society for Testing and Ma-
ture toughness, IQ, that is a f u n c t i o n of temperature, irradia-
terials, Philadelphia, 1992) 1267.
tion, loading rate (static a n d dynamic), s p e c i m e n size, a n d
[12] M. I de Vries, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: 16th Inter-
crack d e p t h - t o - w i d t h ratio. These t o u g h n e s s - t e m p e r a t u r e national Symposium, ASTM STP 1175, Eds. A. S. Kumar, D. S.
data are t h e n correlated u s i n g a m a s t e r curve m e t h o d that Gelles, R. K. Nanstad, and E. A. Little (American Society for
imposes temperature-indexed shifts (AT) to a c c o u n t for irra- Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1993) 558.
diation, temperature, loading rate, s p e c i m e n size, a n d geom- [13] W. L. Hu and D. S. Gelles, in: Effects of Irradiation on Mate-
etry. Small specimens can be used to m e a s u r e a n d correlate rials: 14th International Symposium (Volume II) ASTM STP
the AT for irradiation effects. Although the ATs c a n be mea- 1046, Eds. N. H. Packan, R. E. Stoller, and A. S. Kumar (Amer-
sured, the u l t i m a t e objective is to correlate the toughness u n - ican Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990)
der various conditions with tensile behavior to eventually be 453.
able to predict the shifts i n toughness from changes in yield [14] R. L. Klueh, J. M. Vitek, W. R. Corwin, and D. J. Alexander, J.
Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988), 973.
stress (Acrys) [26]. This experimental a p p r o a c h is accompa-
[15] H-X. Li, R. H. Jones, J. P. Hirth, and D. S. Gelles, J. Nucl. Mater.
nied by a detailed n u m e r i c a l analysis of the flawed structure 233-237 (1996) 258.
to which the m e t h o d is applied. [16] H-X. Li, D. S. Gelles, J. P. Hirth, and R. H. Jones, Fusion Mate-
A f u r t h e r goal w o u l d be a c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of the mi- rials Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending December
crostructure to make it possible to predict m i c r o s t r u c t n r a l 31, 1996, U. S. Department of Energy, DOE/ER-0313/21, April
changes as a f u n c t i o n of the i r r a d i a t i o n a n d metallurgical 1997, p. 142.
v a r i a b l e s ( i n c l u d i n g welding). F r o m the m i c r o s t r u c t u r a l [17] A. Nishimura, N. Inoue, and T. Muroga, J. Nucl. Mater., 258-263
changes, Ao-ys could be predicted, which could be used to pre- (1998) 1242.
dict shifts in the m a s t e r curve, that is, K~(T) would be a func- [18] K. Shiba, Proceedings of the IEA Workshop/Working Group
tion of the irradiation variables, metallurgical variables, a n d Meeting on Ferritic/Martensitic Steels, Petten, The Nether-
lands, October 1-2, 1998, Ed. R. L. Klueh, ORNL/M-6627.
loading rate. With that i n f o r m a t i o n , it should be possible to
[19] A. F. Rowcliffe, J. P. Robertson, R. L. Klueh, K. Shiba, D. J.
predict Ke(T) curves for actual structures to assess design Alexander, M. L. Grossheck, and S. Jitsukawa, J. Nucl. Mater.
limits as well as limits to be imposed d u r i n g service [27]. That 258-263 (1998) 1275.
is, by s a m p l i n g the m i c r o s t r u c t u r e d u r i n g service, the change [20] M. Horsten, in: Proceedings of the lEA Working Group Meeting
in fracture toughness of the structure can be determined. on Ferritic/Martensitic Steels, Ed., R. L. Klueh, JET, Culham,
U.K., October 24-25, 1996, ORNL/M-5674.
[21] R. L. Klueh and D. J. Alexander, J. Nucl. Mater. 218 (1995) 151.
REFERENCES [22] G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, R. Maiti, and J. W. Sheckherd, J. Nud.
Mater. 133/134 (1986) 728.
[1] G. E. Lucas and D. S. Gelles, J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 (1988) 164. [23] G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, and R. Maiti, J. Nucl. Mater. 148
[2] G. R. Odette, J. Nucl. Mater. 212-215 (1994) 45. (1987) 22.
[3] G. E. Lucas, and G. R. Odette, K. Edsinger, B. Wirth, and J. W. [24] G. R. Odette, B. Chao, an G. E. Lucas, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194
Sheckherd, in: Effects of Radiation on Materials: 17th Interna- (1992) 827.
tional Symposium, ASTM STP 1270, Eds. D. S. Gelles, R. K. [25] K. Edsinger, G. R. Odette, G. E. Lucas, and J. W. Sheckherd, J.
Nanstad, A. S. Kumar, and E. A. Little (American Society for Nucl. Mater. 233-237 (1996) 342.
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1996) 790. [26] M. Edmark, K. Edsinger, G. Lucas, and G. R. Odette, J. Nucl.
[4] R. W. Hertzherg, Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engi- Mater. 233-237 (1996) 347.
neering Materials, 3rd Edition (John Wiley & Sons, New York, [27] G. R. Odette, E. Donahue, G. E. Lucas, and J. W. Sheckherd, in:
1989) 27I. Effects of Radiation on Materials: 18th International Sympo-
[5] J. R. Hawthorne, J. R. Reed, and J. A. Sprague, in: Effects of Ra- sium, ASTM STP 1325, Eds. R. K. Nanstad, M. L. Hamilton, F.
diation on Materials: 12th International Symposium, ASTM A. Garner, and A. S. Kumar (American Society for Testing and
STP 870, Eds. F. A. Garner, and J. S. Perrin (American Society Materials, Philadelphia, 1998) 1089.
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1985) 580. [28] C. S. Wiesner, The "Local Approach" to Cleavage Fracture:
[6] F. H. Huang, in: Effects of Irradiation on Materials: 14th Inter- Concepts and Applications (Abington Publishing, Cambridge,
national Symposium (Volume II) ASTM STP 1046, Eds. N. H. England, 1996).
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Fatigue and Fatigue Crack 16


High-temperature components in a steam power plant are It follows that fatigue is essentially a problem of cracking
subject during service to fatigue straining due to thermal cy- during cyclic straining or stressing and is generally consid-
cling or a combination of thermal and mechanical deforma- ered to consist of three stages, namely, crack nucleation and
tion in which the strain cycle includes a hold period. The first growth on a microscopic scale, propagation through a plastic
wall in a D-T tokamak fusion system will also undergo ther- zone, and propagation through an elastic field. The LCF fail-
momechanical fatigue (TMF) as a result of the mechanical ure of smooth laboratory specimens can be regarded as being
and electromagnetic loadings and the cyclic strains induced equivalent to the formation of macroscopic cracks in actual
by the t e m p e r a t u r e changes during the plasma burn and components, while the final stage of crack growth through an
off-burn periods [1,2]. Two approaches may be adopted for elastic zone is usually studied by LCF tests on notched spec-
estimating the lifetimes of the component materials under imens. However, the fatigue process may be modified as a re-
combined thermal and mechanical cycling. The first involves sult of stress relaxation by thermal creep deformation and
the formulation of failure relationships directly from TMF cracking during the tension and/or compression hold periods
tests; however, the acquisition of TMF data on materials by in creep-fatigue tests.
testing with simultaneously varying temperature and strain Aee and Aep, the peak tensile (Crmax)and compressive (groin)
is experimentally difficult, time consuming, and expensive, stresses, and the total stress range (A~rt) in the strain- or
and the procedures have not yet been standardized. Conse- stress-controlled continuous cycling fatigue and creep-fa-
quently, most of the relevant materials data has been gene- tigue tests are determined from the hysteresis loops (the
rated by the second a p p r o a c h of isothermal continuous stress-strain relationship during one cycle) recorded periodi-
cycling fatigue and creep-fatigue (hold time) testing. How- cally during the tests (Fig. 16.2).
ever, the service lives extend over many years, and it is not In this chapter, the effects of various test, material, envi-
practical to reproduce the conditions in laboratory tests. It ronmental, and irradiation parameters on the LCF and/or
has therefore been necessary to develop models of the behav- HCF behavior are reviewed, and the experimental data on
ior to enable the long-term service lives of c o m p o n e n t s thermal fatigue (TF), TMF, and fatigue crack growth (FCG)
exposed to TMF to be predicted from the results of the of the high-chromium martensitic steels are surveyed. The
shorter-term laboratory tests. modeling of the LCF and creep-fatigue data to enable the be-
Fatigue tests may be either stress (or load) or strain (or havior under TMF loading conditions to be predicted is also
displacement) controlled. The majority of the early studies summarized.
of metal fatigue were based on stress-control testing, which
is still adopted for design situations in which the applied
stress is primarily within the elastic range and the resulting S T R A I N - C O N T R O L L E D LOW-CYCLE
endurance is high [high cycle fatigue (HCF)]; the material FATIGUE
strength controls the behavior, and crack initiation is
the dominant event under these conditions. However, the Fairly extensive studies of the fatigue behavior of the high-
strain-controlled method is applied in the design and evalu- c h r o m i u m martensitic steels have been conducted in the
ation of c o m p o n e n t s subjected to secondary stresses, United States, Europe, and Asia. Thus, strain-controlled fa-
the load is high as in the vicinity of notches, and the total tigue tests with fully reversed triangular wave forms (R
strain range (Aet) has a significant plastic component (Aep) ~min/gmax m -- 1, where Emin and Emax are the m i n i m u m and
relative to the elastic strain (AGe). In this case, the response m a x i m u m strains, respectively) and with hold periods in the
of the material is deformation dependent, the ductility be- tension and/or compression phases have been carried out on
ing the prime factor governing the fatigue resistance, and steels of this type in air, vacuum, and other environments at
the number of cycles to failure is low [low cycle fatigue temperatures ranging from ambient to 650 or 700~ A~t of
(LCF)]. Cracks initiate relatively early in life and crack 0.2 to 2.0%, and a cyclic strain rate (gt) of 3 • 10 -3 to 3
growth is the dominant failure criterion. The point at which • 1.
the elastic and plastic strain ranges are equivalent, termed
the fatigue transition life, is usually taken to delineate the Strain Range
LCF and HCF regimes (Fig. 16.1) [3]; it normally occurs in
the range 10 2 to 104 cycles, depending on the test parame- The reduction in fatigue endurance with increasing strain
ters and environment. range (exemplified in Fig. 16.1) m a y be described by the
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

5 ! ( I l T r In ! '1 1 I I I I"'| T T I I 1 11 I

A , ' ~ N ~ I ,~: 350~ 600~

. i% 9

,~~ AEc 0 9

\x\ Q n a ..... ]

0.1 ',
[ i i 1 I t lJ 1 1 i 1 I I I1 I I 9 t 1 I 111 ~ d

I| 2 103 le 4 t0 s N R

FIG. 16.1--LCF strain-life curves at 350~ and 600~ for 12Cr-1MoV steel [3].

Coffin-Manson relation [4-6]:

Aep N~ = Cp (16.1)
where Nf is the n u m b e r of cycles to failure (fatigue en-
G durance) and [3 and Cp are material constants.
The values of [3 (= 0.52) and Cp (=88 with ASp in %) for
modified 9Cr-lMo steel in the normalized-and-tempered (N
bB & T) and N & T plus 5000 h aged conditions are relatively
independent of temperature in the range 482 to 704~
when tested in vacuum (Fig. 16.3) [7]; however, the results
for the steel tested in air are not independent of tempera-
ture and do not fit the Coffin-Manson relation even at a
given temperature. The Coffin-Manson plots for the 12Cr-
MoV steel (X20) at 350~ ([3 = 0.546 and Cp = 56.9) and
600~ ([3 = 0.772 and Cp = 287.1) (see Fig. 16.1) [3] are also
reproduced in Fig. 16.3. The material and temperature de-
pendences of the A~p-Nfrelations correspond with those of
the reductions of area in tension tests [8], as proposed
in earlier investigations of LCF behavior [4,5]; that is, the
_ ~/2 .... ] larger the reduction of area, the higher the fatigue
endurance. Further data on the influences of test tempera-
ture and environment are presented in the following
ao/2 sub-sections.

Test Temperature
The effect of temperature on the fatigue endurance of
MANET I steel tested in air [9-12] is illustrated in Fig. 16.4
FIG. 16.2--Typical hysteresis loop. [11]. The endurances at a high total strain range (Aet= 1.5%)

Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel [7]

593=C ~ Nf~ = 88
12Cr-MoV steel [3]
101 aso=c N# = 58.9
600~ aEp Nf~ = 287.1
where ~.p is the. plastic strain
~ , ~ _ ~ _ . range at Nf/2,n %

i~" 10o

10"1 _ 12Cr-MoV -- 600.C


102 103 104 10s 10s
FIG, 16,3--Coffin-Manaon plots of the plastic strain range at Nd2 versus numbers
of cycles to failure in strain-controlled fatigue tests for modified 9Cr-IMo steel st
593~ [7] and 12Cr-MoV steel at 350 and 600~ [3].

" ":"" =3.10"4/s

Z 0.8
< 2o*c "\ ~ . "'"~ "'..
l-- 0.4 450~C ~" ---,.
o~ m


0 650~c
0.2 , i , I , ,~i , ,
5000 10000 40O00


FIG. 16.4~lnfluence of test temperature on the LCF endurance of the MANET I

steel [11].

d e c r e a s e b y a factor of a b o u t two on increasing the test tem- steel are also only weakly d e p e n d e n t on t e m p e r a t u r e b e t w e e n
p e r a t u r e from a m b i e n t to 650~ while the e n d u r a n c e for a a m b i e n t a n d a b o u t 540~ [14,15]. The fatigue e n d u r a n c e
Aet of 0.6% at 650~ is a b o u t a t h i r d of t h a t at a m b i e n t tem- m a y be r e p r e s e n t e d b y the L a n g e r e q u a t i o n relating A~ t (in
perature. However, the results of tests on m i n i a t u r e speci- %) to Nf as follows:
m e n s of the MANET I steel in v a c u u m s h o w a s m a l l e r effect
A8t = X N y + Aeo (16.2)
of t e m p e r a t u r e o n the e n d u r a n c e in the range 20 to 450~
[13]. w h e r e x a n d y are constants a n d ~eo is the e s t i m a t e d total
As m e n t i o n e d above, the LCF e n d u r a n c e of the m o d i f i e d strain at infinite e n d u r a n c e .
9Cr-1Mo steel in v a c u u m is virtually i n d e p e n d e n t of t e m p e r - The d a t a for the m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o steel at a m b i e n t a n d el-
a t u r e in the r a n g e 482 to 704~ [7]; the fatigue lives of this evated t e m p e r a t u r e s are given by the following L a n g e r equa-

10 I 9 i ii111| i i ~ i l t l ~ 9 | i i iiii | i i~!111 i i i i

o 20~
i9 i u 388~
iaverage =55(PC curve o 482~
x 525~
+ 550~
%,, A 600~
..... mean
e- (;L~ __ ---:..- design
r ............................ 9=.j?o. ,o ...... ! .............................................................. i .............................

... !
. . . .
des=gn Curve ~--.~. ! o i

lalb ~imllll o iNll~ml = lW ~ l l

i !
........ i ........ i ........ i ........ i . . . . . . .

1@ 10 4 10 s 10 6 lO'
Cycles to failure, N !

FIG. 16.5--Uniaxial LCF data for modified 9 C r - l M o steel [16].

tions [14, 15]:

RT Aet : 13.895 N~- 0.382 .q_ 0 . 2 5 (16.3) Nf, vac
371~ A e t = 33.279 N~-~ + 0.264 (16.4)
482~ A e t = 41.235 Nf~ 0.231 (16.5)
538~ Act = 183.823 Nf-~176 + 0.322 (16.6)
Other studies s h o w t h a t the fatigue e n d u r a n c e s of the m o d - 10
ified 9 C r - l M o steel generally decrease with i n c r e a s i n g tem-
p e r a t u r e in the r a n g e 25 to 600~ (Fig. 16.5) [16]; in this case,
the average 550~ d a t a curve is given by:
Act = 39.6068 N f 0"5562 + 0.28 (16.7)
However, the m a g n i t u d e of the t e m p e r a t u r e effect is rela-
tively small a n d equivalent to the h e a t - t o - h e a t a n d inter-lab- 4
o r a t o r y d a t a s c a t t e r at a given test t e m p e r a t u r e [16]. This
conclusion is s u p p o r t e d b y fatigue d a t a on EM 12 steel at am-
bient t e m p e r a t u r e a n d 500~ [17]. The results of investiga- 2
tions on HT9 [18,19], 9 C r - l M o [20,21], 9Cr-2Mo [22], X20
[3,23], a n d o t h e r h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steels [8] have
also c o n f i r m e d t h a t increasing the t e m p e r a t u r e in the range
o ' ; ' 3
u p to a b o u t 600~ results in relatively small r e d u c t i o n s in en- STRAIN RANGE,A(T(%)
durance, the effect being m o r e p r o n o u n c e d at the lower Aet
FIG. 1 6 . 6 1 R a t i o of cyclic life in vacuum to that in air
values (factor of a b o u t six m a x i m u m ) .
as a function of total axial strain range for modified
9 C r - I M o steel in continuous LCF tests at 593~ [7].
Test Atmosphere
Although the m a j o r i t y of the i s o t h e r m a l LCF tests have b e e n
c o n d u c t e d in air, the results o b t a i n e d on the m o d i f i e d 9Cr- a factor of two to three greater t h a n those in a n a t m o s p h e r e
1Mo steel in tests at 593 [7,24,25], 538 [26], a n d 600~ [27] of a r g o n plus 3% h y d r o g e n with s o m e w a t e r v a p o r [28]. Fur-
s h o w t h a t the e n d u r a n c e s in v a c u u m (1 x 10 7 to 1 z 10 -3 t h e r m o r e , the n u m b e r s of cycles to failure of t h e MANET I
Pa) are significantly greater t h a n in air. The d a t a for the steel steel at a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e a n d Aet of 1% [13] a n d a 12Cr-
tested in air a n d a v a c u u m of 1 x 10 3 Pa at 593~ are illus- 1MoV steel at 600~ a n d A e t = 0.55 to 2% [29] in v a c u u m of
t r a t e d in Fig. 16.6 [7]; the ratios of Nf (vacuum): Nf (air) are <1 • 10 4 a n d 1 x 10 -3 Pa, respectively, are at least twice
a p p r o x i m a t e l y i0, 6, a n d 2.5 at Aet of 0.7, 1.1, a n d 1.4%, those of the c o r r e s p o n d i n g s p e c i m e n s tested in air.
respectively. Heavy o x i d a t i o n of the s p e c i m e n a n d fracture surfaces a n d
Also, the e n d u r a n c e s of the m o d i f i e d 9Cr-1Mo steel in tests at the c r a c k tips is usually o b s e r v e d after c o n t i n u o u s cyclic
at 593 a n d 700~ a n d A~3t = 2.1 ~ in v a c u u m (1 • 10 -3 Pa) are testing in air at low Aet a n d elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s [21,25].

Cracks are p r o d u c e d in the surface oxide a n d l e a d to the for- only slightly r e d u c e d on decreasing the kt from 3 x i 0 -3 to 3
m a t i o n of t r a n s g r a n u l a r cracks in the matrix, w h i c h a p p e a r x 10 .5 s -1 [1 I], t h e r e b y d e m o n s t r a t i n g t h a t fatigue a n d n o t
as oxide-filled wedges [15]. The oxide in the cracks p r e s u m - creep d a m a g e controls the failure at this t e m p e r a t u r e ; how-
ably prevents closure d u r i n g the c o m p r e s s i o n halves of the ever, a r e d u c t i o n in the e n d u r a n c e with d e c r e a s i n g strain rate
cycles, a n d coalescence of these cracks facilitates p r o p a g a - is m o r e evident in tests at 650~ p a r t i c u l a r l y at low Aet.
tion, resulting in p r e m a t u r e failure relative to the b e h a v i o r in An analysis of the e n d u r a n c e d a t a for the N & T MANET I
vacuum. a n d MANET II steels tested in a i r in the t e m p e r a t u r e range 20
I n t e r g r a n u l a r cracking has also been detected in a 12Cr- to 550~ a n d at average strain rates of 3 • 10 -3 to 3 x 10 - s
1MoV steel after c o n t i n u o u s cyclic straining at 600~ in a i r o r s i has b e e n c o n d u c t e d [32] b a s e d on the p r e m i s e [3] t h a t the
vacuum, the m i c r o c r a c k densities in air being a b o u t a n o r d e r h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e LCF process is controlled b y two m e c h a -
of m a g n i t u d e g r e a t e r t h a n those in v a c u u m [29]. The crack- nisms, a t h e r m a l a n d t h e r m a l l y activated, d e p e n d i n g on Aep.
ing occurs p r i m a r i l y at the p r i o r austenite g r a i n b o u n d a r i e s The following r e l a t i o n s h i p h a s b e e n derived f r o m the Coffin
o r t h o g o n a l to the a p p l i e d stress d i r e c t i o n a n d is a t t r i b u t e d to frequency m o d i f i e d e n d u r a n c e a p p r o a c h [33]:
the f o r m a t i o n of precipitate-free zones with large sub-grains
a d j a c e n t to these b o u n d a r i e s d u r i n g fatigue. The s h e a r de-
_ L = (1/et). (A8p/Cp),/~ [1 + A (A%) u (1/kt) ~ e -~ (16.9)
f o r m a t i o n is localized in the zones favorably o r i e n t e d with Nf
r e s p e c t to the stress direction; this results in stress concen-
t r a t i o n on the transverse b o u n d a r i e s , w h i c h intersect the sur- w h e r e Aep is in %, Cp : 165 a n d [3 - 0.753 are the CoMn-
face w h e r e t h e o x i d a t i o n is m o s t p r o n o u n c e d a n d b r i t t l e M a n s o n constants, the coefficient ~ = 0.055 a n d A = 4203, b
oxides m a y form. = - 0 . 6 4 a n d the activation energy O = 51.1 KJ mo1-1 (12.2
Kcal. m o l 1) are m a t e r i a l p a r a m e t e r s i n d e p e n d e n t of Aep a n d
Strain Rate and F r e q u e n c y t e m p e r a t u r e IT (K)].
The e n d u r a n c e s calculated using E q 16.9 are in g o o d agree-
The influence ofet a n d frequency (v) are c o n s i d e r e d t o g e t h e r m e n t w i t h the e x p e r i m e n t a l values for the MANET I a n d
as t h e y are equivalent p a r a m e t e r s related as follows: MANET II steels tested in the r a n g e 200 to 550~ [32]. The
relatively low value of Q suggests that the c o n t r i b u t i o n f r o m
et = 2Aetv (16.8)
t h e r m a l l y activated m e c h a n i s m s to the d a m a g e p e r cycle is
The effects of cyclic strain rate w i t h i n the range 1 • 10 -2 small even at 550~ t h e r e b y c o n f i r m i n g that the t e m p e r a t u r e
to 3.3 x 10 -6 s -1 o n the LCF e n d u r a n c e s of a 9Cr-2Mo steel d e p e n d e n c e of the LCF e n d u r a n c e is m o d e r a t e .
at 550~ [22], a cast 12CrMoV steel at 20 a n d 530~ [30],
MANET I steel at 20 to 650~ [11], a n d m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o
steel at 500 to 650~ [31] have been investigated. The en-
Steel C o m p o s i t i o n , Structure, and Fabrication
d u r a n c e s of the 9Cr-2Mo steel are c o m p a r a b l e w h e n tested in The LCF (R = - i ) e n d u r a n c e s as a function of Ag t for a se-
air a t 5 5 0 ~ 2 1 5 10 -3 a n d 1 • 10 4 s l [ 2 2 ] . S i m i _ ries of h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steels tested in air at am-
larly, the fatigue e n d u r a n c e of the MANET I steel at 450~ is b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e a n d 550~ a r e s h o w n in Figs. 16.7

O Modified 9Cr-lMo [15]

Ambient Temperature
9 Modified F82H [34]
101 -
x 12Cr-MoV [35]
~7 rn MANET I [11][36]
+ HT9 [37]
O x V 12Cr [8]
X Z~ 12Cr-MoWV [8]
r-Ix 4-

10"; I I I t I
101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Number of Cycles to Failure (Nf)

FIG. 16.7--Total strain range versus numbers of cycles to failure for various high-
chromium martensitic steels in strain-controlled fatigue tests at ambient tempera-
ture [8,11,15,34-37].

[8,11,15,34-37] and 16.8 [3,11,16,17,38,39], respectively. The 0.5 to 1.5% [26]; the Aee components of/~St a r e larger and the
endurances are relatively independent of the steel composi- transition life higher for the hot-rolled product. These differ-
tion, apart possibly from the HT9 steel, which shows signifi- ences in LCF behavior have been ascribed to the finer prior
candy higher numbers of cycles to failure at a given total austenite grain size of the hot rolled plate (19 txm) compared
strain range in the tests at ambient temperature. The reason to the forged plate (31 txm). A similar effect of grain size has
for this apparently diverse behavior has not been elucidated been inferred in the case of a i000 m m diameter and 300 m m
but may be associated with the combined influences of the thick 9Cr-lMo steel forged tube plate with a prior austenite
Mo and W in solution in the HT9 steel. grain size of 120 txm when tested in a quenched-and-tem-
The endurances of the modified F82H reduced activation pered plus 725~ for 3 h simulated post-weld heat treatment
steel are significantly lower than those of the MANET II steel (PWHT) condition at 450, 500, and 520~ and Aet of 0.5 to
in LCF tests at 450 and 550~ particularly at a Aet of 0.6% 2.0% [21]; the endurances were claimed to be significantly
[40]. The Nf values for the F82H steel are also inferior to lower than the published values for finer grain size, thin sec-
those of the MANET I and II steels in LCF tests at 200 to tion hot-rolled steel products.
250~ = 8 • 10 4 S-1 and Aet ---0.7% [41] but are superior Prior aging for 5000 h in the range 482 to 704~ has little
at higher total strain ranges. The plastic strains at Nf/2 for the effect on the endurances, but reduces t h e A(rt values of
modified F82H steel are greater than those for the MANET the N & T modified 9Cr-lMo steel when tested in vacuum
steels, the failure relationships being given by the following at Aet= 1.4% at the respective aging temperatures [7]. How-
equations [41 ]: ever, aging for 50 000 and 75 000 h at 538~ and 50 000 h
Modified F 8 2 H : A~3pTM Nf = 2.42 x 10 -] (16.10) at 593~ increases the Aep components of the Aet (0.5%)
and reduces the A(rt and the endurances in tests in air at 538
MANET I and II: Aep259 Nf = 7.67 • 10 -4 (16.11)
and 593~ [25]. The reductions in the fatigue lives range
where Aep is in absolute units. from about 18 to 62% depending on the aging and test
There has been little systematic study of the effects of ini- conditions.
tial heat treatment and microstructure on the LCF behavior LCF tests have been conducted at 550~ and Aet of 0.5 to
of these steels. However, some observations have been made 1.0% on the modified 9Cr-lMo steel in the form of a forging
on X20 steel heat treated to produce duplex structures con- (550 m m thick), plate (25 m m thick), and TIG-welded plate
sisting of tempered martensite plus ~-ferrite and tested at am- and 25 m m sections of the forging given a PWHT at 740~ for
bient temperature [35]; the steel with a ferrite content of 17% 8.4 h [27]. The endurances of the forging and plate are supe-
has superior endurances and lower gmax and O ' m i n values com- rior to those of the weld metal and HAZ by factors of two to
pared to those of the 8% ferrite steel at a AE t of 2.5% but com- five depending on the Aet. Other observations on the steel
parable lives to failure at a Aet of 1%. Also, the numbers of weld and weldments fatigue tested in reverse bending at
cycles to failure of the modified 9Cr-1 Mo steel in the form of 550~ show that a weld strength reduction factor of 1.25 in
hot-rolled plate are higher than those for hot-forged plate in terms of het bounds all the data [i6]; thus, factoring the pro-
continuous-cycling tests in air at 538~ and Aet in the range posed design curve for the base steel (Aet = 6.9971 Nf 0.4891

O Modified 9Cr-lMo [16]

9 EM12 [17]
101 -
x 12Cr-MoV [3]
x El MANET [ [11]

9 MANET R [11]
V 9Cr-lMo (525"C)[38]

.-.R 100 -


10-1 I I I I I
101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Number of Cycles to Failure (NI)
FIG. 16.8--Total strain range versus numbers of cycles to failure for various
high-chromium martensitic steels in strain-controlled fatigue tests at 550~

10 s
% closed svmbols tensile holds
o 0.4%



10" .................................................. ............ .......................

l continuous fatigue

10 "1 10 0 101 10 2 10 3 10 4
Hold time, rain
FIG. 16.9--Effects of tensile and compressive hold periods on the number of fa-
tigue cycles to failure of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel at 550~ [16].

+ 0.14)* results in the following r e l a t i o n s h i p for the weld p a r e n t strain rate (~a) given by [30,43]:
A e t = 5.5977 N/-~ + 0.11 (16.12) e~ - (16.13)

LCF tests h a v e also b e e n p e r f o r m e d in a i r at a kt of 1

• 10 -5 s -1 o n w e l d e d [ s u b m e r g e d a r c ( a u t o m a t i c ) a n d w h e r e T is the t i m e for one cycle, including hold time.
shielded m e t a l arc (manual)] d i s s i m i l a r steel c o m b i n a t i o n s , A r e d u c t i o n in ea p r o d u c e s a decrease in Nf for a cast 12%
n a m e l y 21/4Cr-1Mo to m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o at 600~ a n d 15Cr- Cr steel in LCF tests with a n d w i t h o u t hold times at a m b i e n t
1 1 N i - 6 M n - l M o - l N b a u s t e n i t i c to m o d i f i e d 9% C r - l M o at t e m p e r a t u r e a n d 530~ [30]. F u r t h e r m o r e , for a given value of
650~ [42]. The average cyclic lives are a factor of 2.2 lower ea, there is no difference b e t w e e n the continuous-cycling a n d
with r e s p e c t to the baseline curve for the 21/4Cr-lMo steel in h o l d - t i m e tests in a log-log plot of ea versus t i m e to failure, tf.
the f o r m e r case, the cracks being initiated in the low-alloy H o l d t i m e s in tension are m o r e d e t r i m e n t a l t h a n in c o m -
steel close to the HAZ. Likewise, there is a m e a n cyclic life re- p r e s s i o n in r e d u c i n g the LCF lives of a u s t e n i t i c steels [44].
d u c t i o n factor of a b o u t 2.4 with respect to t h e m o d i f i e d 9Cr- Stress r e l a x a t i o n occurs by t h e r m a l creep d u r i n g b o t h ten-
1Mo steel reference curve for the latter joints, the failures sion a n d c o m p r e s s i o n holds in tests at t e m p e r a t u r e s - 5 0 0 ~
o c c u r r i n g in the soft regions of the m a r t e n s i t i c steel HAZ. The t h e r m a l c r e e p d e f o r m a t i o n i n d u c e s t h e n u c l e a t i o n of
g r a i n b o u n d a r y cavities, w h i c h g r o w a n d coalesce to f o r m
cracks u n d e r t e n s i o n b u t n o t in c o m p r e s s i o n ; thus, the intro-
d u c t i o n of tensile holds in the fatigue cycles often p r o d u c e s
The test t e m p e r a t u r e a n d strain-range d e p e n d e n c e s of the LCF changes in the fracture m o d e f r o m t r a n s g r a n u l a r to inter-
lives of the steels m a y be m o d i f i e d by the i n t r o d u c t i o n of h o l d g r a n u l a r in t h e s e m a t e r i a l s [1]. F u r t h e r m o r e , stress relax-
p e r i o d s at the p e a k tension a n d / o r c o m p r e s s i o n strains of the a t i o n d u r i n g a tensile hold m a y result in a m e a n c o m p r e s s i v e
cycles. In general, hold times reduce the h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e fa- stress for the cycle, w h e r e a s stress r e l a x a t i o n in c o m p r e s s i o n
tigue e n d u r a n c e c o m p a r e d to t h a t in continuous-cycling tests, p r o d u c e s a m e a n tensile stress. The LCF lives in c o n t i n u o u s -
the m a g n i t u d e s of the effects being m o r e p r o n o u n c e d at l o w e r cycling tests u s u a l l y d e c r e a s e with increasing m e a n tensile
A~t. The effects are similar to those p r o d u c e d by decreasing the stress, b u t it a p p e a r s t h a t the i n t e r g r a n u l a r d a m a g e p r o d u c e d
strain rate o r frequency in continuous-cycling tests at high by t h e r m a l creep d u r i n g tensile holds overrides any effects of
temperatures; thus, the influence of hold times has been dealt m e a n stress in the austenitic steels.
with as a strain rate o r frequency effect in s o m e instances a n d I n c o n t r a s t to the b e h a v i o r of the austenitic steels, the d a t a
the correlation with the hold time m a d e b y calculating a n ap- for the s t a n d a r d [20,21] a n d m o d i f i e d [7,16,25,27,28,45,46]
9 C r - l M o a n d MANET I [35,39,47,48] m a r t e n s i t i c steels s h o w
negligible o r o n l y m o d e r a t e r e d u c t i o n s (factors of two o r
* This suggested design equation was obtained in the traditional three m a x i m u m ) in the continuous-cycling LCF e n d u r a n c e s
manner by reducing the average curve for all data (Eq 16.7) by the w h e n hold t i m e s (1 m i n to 24 h) are i n t r o d u c e d in the ten-
greater of times two reduction in Aet (in %) or a times twenty reduc-
tion in Nt; the design curve is slightly different from the one proposed sion, c o m p r e s s i o n , o r b o t h p h a s e s at test t e m p e r a t u r e s o f 450
in the RCC-MR Design Code as it uses only parallel specimen results to 600~ s o m e of these d a t a are exemplified in Figs. 16.9 [ 16]
and includes additional data [16]. a n d 16.10 [20,21,28,45].

lOs In g e n e r a l , c o m p r e s s i v e h o l d p e r i o d s a r e s l i g h t l y m o r e
Mod. 9Cr-IMo Steel d a m a g i n g t h a n tensile holds for the h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n -
sitic [27,35,44] a n d o t h e r Cr-Mo steels [49]. Thus, h o l d t i m e s
of I to 30 m i n in the tension p h a s e of the cycles in tests on the
m~o-- ~ ~-t Temp.._..__:
MANET I steel at 450 a n d 550~ have little o r no effect on the
104 -- o 0.51% 538~ e n d u r a n c e s at Aet of 0.6 a n d 1.0% [39]; larger r e d u c t i o n s in
Nf, e s p e c i a l l y at the h i g h e r t e m p e r a t u r e of 550~ a n d the
U. l o w e r A~3t o f 0.6~O, are p r o d u c e d in the tests w i t h c o m p r e s s i o n
a n d t e n s i o n plus c o m p r e s s i o n holds. The results of the tests
at 450~ are d i s p l a y e d in Fig. 16.11 [39]. Nevertheless, tensile
~>, 103
L continuous
h o l d p e r i o d s are r e p o r t e d to be m o r e d a m a g i n g in tests on the
m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o at 593~ in v a c u u m , w h e r e a s c o m p r e s s i o n
Closeosymbols- tensilehold holds are m o r e d e t r i m e n t a l in air [7]; the e n d u r a n c e s in air
0 0 Jolle$ [45] Opensyml~ols- c o ~ n hold
mr=z= Matsuoka at al. [28] are, however, always inferior to those in v a c u u m in the con-
102 i ] tinuous-cycling a n d h o l d - t i m e tests.
9Cr-lMo Steel 9 A B e Wood 525~ Significant stress r e l a x a t i o n c a n o c c u r d u r i n g the hold pe-
riods in creep-fatigue tests. Thus, the i n t r o d u c t i o n of h o l d
,~,~,~ Choudhary at =. [211 o A Q O [20]
p e r i o d s of 1 m i n in the tension, compression, a n d b o t h phases
M4 ,. 1% 520~
in tests on 9Cr-Mo steel in air at 520~ a n d A8 t = 1% [21] a n d
z 104
- - A
of 15 to 60 m i n at the p e a k tensile strain in air tests on the mod-
--,; 0.5% ified 9 C r - l M o steel at 538 a n d 593~ a n d Aet of 0.50 a n d 0.70%
U. [25] results in the d e v e l o p m e n t of increased a m o u n t s of in-
0.8% elastic strain relative to that in c o n t i n u o u s cycling tests. The
103 - - ~ ~ -- 1. 12% stress relaxes r a p i d l y d u r i n g the initial stages a n d decreases to
a b o u t half the original value at the end of h o l d p e r i o d s ranging
<l> 9 T "~

from 1 m i n to 5 h in tests on the s t a n d a r d a n d m o d i f i e d 9Cr-

continuous fatigue 1.8%
1Me steels at t e m p e r a t u r e s of 500 to 700~ [20,28]. This ob-
Cloud symbols- tensilehold
open ~ - cwnpm=~ ~old servation is in general a g r e e m e n t with that of a factor two to
1.02 t t three r e d u c t i o n in residual stress in times of -<10 h in relax-
10-1 100 101 102 ation tests on the 9 C r - l M o steel at 475~ [38,50]. However, 2
Hold "13me(rain)
rain hold p e r i o d s at the p e a k tensile o r compressive strains
FIG. 16.10--Effects of tensile and compressive hold times on have no significant effect o n the Aee a n d Agp c o m p o n e n t s in
the fatigue endurances of 9 C r - l M o steels at temperatures in fully reversed fatigue tests on the m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o steel in
the range 520 to 593~ [20,21,28,45]. v a c u u m at 593~ a n d Aet of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1.4% [7].
As m e n t i o n e d previously, the difference in the effects of
tensile a n d c o m p r e s s i o n holds in creep-fatigue tests has often
been a t t r i b u t e d to the d e v e l o p m e n t of an a p p r e c i a b l e m e a n

Symmetrical Compression Tension Zero
hold-time hold-time hold-time hold-time
II & 9 D

UJ ,, . 0,
0 " ' . ~ ~ Ill=3 m in
Z 0.8
0.6 "11 9 eO

0.5 t = t .....
1000 2000 4000 6000 8000

FIG. 16.11--Effect of hold periods on the number of cycles to failure of M A N E T I

steel at 450~ [39]
C H A P T E R 16: F A T I G U E A N D F A T I G U E C R A C K G R O W T H 185

stress [51]. However, the mean stresses produced as a conse-

quence of the introduction of hold times in the elevated-tem-
perature tests on the high-chromium martensitic steels are
usually small (for example, -<15 MPa over the whole lifetime
[7]). This is to be expected since the Aep is a large fraction of
A~t in the majority of the continuous cycling tests conducted "i
on these steels. The tendency to develop a significant mean
stress effect becomes greater in tests at low A~t, in which the
strains are mainly elastic.
The high-chromium martensitic steels generally fail during
continuous-cycling tests at temperatures of -<600~ by trans- Room Temp.
..... 300"C
granular fracture [18,38]; also, there are generally few re-
ported instances of intergranular cavitation cracking when 500"C
tension and/or compression hold periods are introduced in ...... 800"C
creep-fatigue tests [16,38]. Steels such as 9Cr-lMo are resis- o- i i ,illli[ i i iilili I i i , i,iiq
tant to grain boundary cavity formation during long-term
(a) I 10 100 1000
creep-rupture testing at 475 to 550~ [52-54], the ductility re-
maining high and failure occurri~tg by ductile tearing as a re-
sult of the nucleation and subsequent growth of voids at MnS
inclusions [54]. However, there is increasing transmission
(TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscope evidence of
cavity or void formation at the prior austenite grain bound-
aries in a modified 9Cr-1Mo steel after creep-fatigue testing in w

vacuum at 593 and 700~ with 2 min tension holds [28] and at g=
low strain rates and 600~ in high vacuum (1 • 10 7 Pa) [55]; t,-
the cavities are associated with large intergranular carbide
particles in the steel tested at 700~ [28]. While grain bound- g- C . / 2 = 0.25~ l
ary fracture has not been detected in this steel following creep- IO 9
Room temp.
fatigue testing at 538~ post-test microscopic examinations
9 : : = = T=300"C
have shown intergranular cracking and evidence of a true g- T=400"C
creep-fatigue interaction in tests with tensile hold periods in ~J " = =.. T=500"C
air at 593~ [25]. In addition, SEM examinations have revealed T=800"C
intergranular microcracks nucleated on the transverse bound- 0
o I I ilnll[ I I IIIillJ I I I IIIII[ I IIII
aries in a 12Cr-MoV steel in continuous cycling tests in air and
{b) l 10 tO0 lO00

Stress(MPa) FIG. 16.13--Stress range versus the number of cy-

0 cles for the HT9 steel tested at (a) AEd = --+0.5% and (b)
Aed = -+0.25% [19].

:t vacuum at 600~ the microcrack density in air being more

than an order of magnitude greater than in vacuum [29].
The observed reductions in endurances in the creep-fatigue
0 tests may also be attributed to enhanced fatigue crack initia-
~ N=l
N = !/2Nf
tion and, possibly, propagation as a result of oxidation dur-
ing testing in air [16]. An oxide coating forms on the surface
cracks and may lead to crack tip blunting during tension
holds [7,56]. The cracks are closed and their surfaces are not
-0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 oxidized during compression holds; they thus remain sharp
T=500"C o Strain( z ) and result in lower endurances.
Ac./z= T Cyclic Strength
The hysteresis loops recorded at N = 1 and N = Nf/2 during
LCF tests on the HT9 steel at 500~ and a total diametral
strain range (Aea) of 1.0% are illustrated in Fig. 16.12 [19]).
A characteristic feature of the behavior of the 8 to 12% Cr
o martensitic steels is the softening, manifested as a reduction
I in stress to produce a given strain, which occurs during con-
tinuous fatigue cycling at ambient [18,19,34,57-60] and ele-
FIG. 16.12mHysteresis loops at N = 1 and N = Nf/2 for HT9 vated [7,10,11,18-21,28,31,36,45,58-64] temperatures. This
steel [19]. is exemplified in Fig. 16.13 where the total stress range ( A o ' t )

Modified 90 IMo Steel


I-- 0

FIG. 16.14~Cyclic softening of modified 9Cr-1 Me steel in vacuum at 593~ and Aet
1.4%, with and without hold times of 2 min at the peak tensile or compressive
strains [7].

is plotted against the number of cycles (N) for the HT9 steel
700 -
tested at diametral strain amplitudes (z~ed/2) of 0.5 and 0.25%
and temperatures ranging from ambient to 600~ [19]. Cyclic " 600.
hardening occurs during the first ten cycles or so, except at v

600~ and is followed by softening evident as progressive de- 500.

creases in the stresses in both the tension and compressive Z
phases of the cycles. The softening occurs in the LCF region 400.
where the plastic strain dominates, and it is not so apparent U) 300,
at the lower total strain ranges where the elastic response UJ
prevails and 2~epis a small fraction of A/3t [34]. tic
~- 200.
The magnitudes of the cyclic softening during continuous oo
9 Continuous Cycling
cycling of the steels at temperatures in the range 450 to 700~ 100 + Hold Time 365 s
are not significantly affected by the introduction of 1 to 2 min x Hold Time 360 s
hold periods at the peak tension or compression strains 0.0
(m) ...... 'to .... :i~o " Y6N "i~oo .... :io 5
[7,21,28,61]. This is illustrated for the modified 9Cr-iMo
steel tested at 593~ in vacuum in Fig. 16.14 [7]. However, 400
testing of this steel in air at the same temperature results in
more softening than in vacuum; this is apparent in the first ~" 300
few cycles, but the rates of softening in air and vacuum are
comparable thereafter and proportional to N - 1 after the first
50 cycles or so [7]. The continuous fatigue and tension and uJ
o 100
compression hold time stress amplitude (A~t/2) versus log N }- 9 Continuous Cycling
curves for the modified 9Cr-lMo steel at 593 and 700~ are -% 0.0 + Hold Time 365 s
nearly linear and have very similar softening slopes [65], with x Hold Time 360 s
no indication of the development of a mean stress. However, < -100
as shown for the modified 9Cr-lMo steel in Fig. 16.15 [45], 0O
the specimens tested at a Aet of 0.51% at 538~ in continuous -200.
fatigue and with hold periods of 0.6 and 6 min in compres-
u~ -300
sion all exhibit cyclic softening with progressively reduced
stress ranges at equivalent cycle numbers with the longer -4001
hold duration. The stress amplitude data demonstrate that ..... 11) .... Y~io" "'i'6bo" "'ii~Oo6 .... i'b5
the peak tensile stress is less dependent on hold periods than CYCLES
the peak compression values, and a small tensile mean stress FIG. 16.15--Cyclic softening of modified 9Cr-1 Me
therefore develops. steel in LCF tests at 538~ and Aet=0.5% with and
Analytical transmission electron microscope (ATEM) ex- without compression hold times of 36 and 360 s
aminations of these high-chromium martensitic steels after [45].
C H A P T E R 16: F A T I G U E A N D F A T I G U E C R A C K G R O W T H 187

TABLE 1 6 . l - - S u b g r a i n Size Effects o n Cyclic B e h a v i o r . 16.5). However, analysis of the elevated temperature data for
Test the steel in terms of the fatigue endurance has shown that a
Steel Temperature, ~ Relationship Reference temperature dependence exists between about 375 and 600~
Mod 9Cr-lMo 593 ~rs = 250 D -~ 7 such that [16]:
MANET 20~s D 0 . 0 9 (Aep/2)-~
~r,=r D 0.5 7
13 A~t = 100(Ao-t/E) + 10F (16.17)
HT9 400-600 tr, = 460 D -~ 19
where Aep = 10v and:
F -- 1/n' [log A~t/k' - D' (0 - 371)ts/1000] (16.18)
LCF testing [7,13,18,19,28,29,61,62,66-68] have established
where 0 is the test temperature and D' is a constant.
that the softening is due primarily to the cycling-induced re-
Equations 16.17 and 16.18 may therefore be used to repre-
arrangement of the dislocations in the initial highly dislo-
sent the LCF data at 370 and 525~ (Fig.16.5).
cated tempered martensite lath structure to form tangles and The values of n', k' and D' for the modified 9Cr-lMo steel
equiaxed cells or sub-grains whose boundaries often coincide
are given in Table 16.2, and the predicted and observed cyclic
with those of the laths and M23C6 precipitates. The sub-grain stress-strain responses at 20, 370, and 525~ are in reason-
size is dependent on the martensitic steel composition and
able agreement, as illustrated in Fig. 16.16 [16].
the test conditions of temperature, plastic strain amplitude The monotonic [(r/2 = k ( e p / 2 ) n where tr is the stress, ep is
(Aep/2), and peak stress/ors = (~rmax + O-rain )/2] [7]. The re- the plastic strain, and k and n are again temperature-de-
ported relationships between the sub-grain size D (txm) and
pendent material parameters] and cyclic-hardening behav-
ors (MPa) or Aep/2 at Nf/2 are listed in Table 16.1.
ior of the 12Cr-MoV (X20) steel over a wide temperature
Carbide coarsening and reduced solid solution hardening
range (LCF strain-life curves at 350 and 600~ are shown
due to the progressive incorporation of molybdenum in the
in Fig. 16.1) have also been modeled [3]; the monotonic (k
(CrFe)23C6 matrix precipitates with increasing hold times
and n) and cyclic (k' and n') constants at ambient and ele-
[45] may also contribute to the cyclic softening.
vated temperatures are listed in Table 16.3 [23,57] and the
The cyclic behavior of a 14 to 18% Cr ferritic stainless
stress-strain curves are reproduced in Fig. 16.17 [35]. The
steel (AISI 430F) when tested at 400 to 500~ in the
magnitudes of the cyclic softening at ambient temperature
normalized condition is characterized by a pronounced and
and 350~ are such that the cyclic hardening only ap-
extended cyclic hardening stage [69]. This behavior has
proaches the monotonic hardening a t Aet/2 -->1%. The cyclic
been attributed to dynamic strain aging (DSA) due to dislo-
softening is excessive at 600~ and the cyclic stress-strain
cation-solute (carbon and/or nitrogen) atom interactions.
curve falls well below the monotonic curve at all strain
There is additional evidence that DSA influences the cyclic
behavior of a slowly (furnace) cooled 0.27% C, 12.3% Cr
(AISI 420) steel with a ferrite-pearlite structure in fully
reversed axial strain-controlled LCF tests conducted at Irradiation Effects
temperatures between ambient and 550~ with her = 1%
There are only limited data on the effects of neutron irradia-
a n d e"t = 2 x 10 . 3 s - I [ 7 0 ] ; in this case, the O'max versus N
tion on the fatigue behavior and endurances of the high-
curves exhibit a short initial hardening stage followed
chromium martensitic steels.
by a saturation period that is independent of test tempera-
Strain-controlled fatigue tests in air at ambient tempera-
ture between 250 and 450~ and generally extends up to
ture and a strain rate of 4 x 10 3 s-1 have been conducted on
failure. However, as described above, the N & T high
HT9, with and without additions of 1 and 2% nickel, and
chromium martensitic steels generally show a softening
modified 9Cr-I Mo steels before and after irradiation at 55~
tendency after the first few cycles in LCF tests at ambient
in HFIR [37]. Although only a few specimens were tested, ir-
and elevated temperatures. Nevertheless, the data obtained
radiation to about 25 dpa and helium concentrations of 210
on the N & T 12%Cr-MoVNb (MANET II) steel in tempera-
and 410 appm, respectively, produces cyclic strengthening
ture and strain rate change tests exhibit cyclic softening be-
and reductions in the endurances of the two nickel-doped
tween 150 and 550~ but the hysteresis loops show high
HT9 steels at a her of 1%, these effects being attributed pri-
values of (rmax at 225 to 425~ which again can be at-
marily to the helium production by the 5SNi(n,-/) S9Ni(n,a)
tributed to DSA [70].
56Fe reaction. However, cyclic hardening coupled with in-
The total cyclic strain range (in %) is given by:
Aet= Aee + Aep (16.14)
TABLE 1 6 . 2 - - C y c l i c S t r e s s - S t r a i n C o n s t a n t s for t h e M o d i f i e d
where Aee= 100 (Aa~/E) and Aep and the stress range Agt at 9Cr-lMo Steel [16].
Nf/2 are related by the following cyclic-hardening relation- Temperature, ~ k' n' D'
ship at low strain ranges [16]:
20 571.10 0.09853
A(rt/2 = k'(Aep/2)" (16.15) 375-600 438.7355 0.09022 -0.05197336

and k' and n' are temperature-dependent material constants.

Substituting and eliminating Aee and Aep yields the Ram- TABLE 16.3--Monotonic (k and n) and Cyclic (kt and nt )
berg-Osgood equation: Constants for a 12% Cr-MoV Steel [23,57].
Temperature, ~ k n k' n'
Act = 100(Aert/E) + 21 1/n' (Atyt/k,)t/n' (16.16)
20 628 0.07 568 0.1
Equation 16.16 can be used to describe the LCF data for 350 853 0.104 951 0.138
the modified 9Cr-lMo steel at ambient temperature (Fig. 600 642 0.196 554 0.127

600 .................................... f o ........... o .................. .r 2 o o c . ? . . . . . . . . , . : ~ . _ _ . . . . . . . = . . . . _ _

I d 4 ...... T
l~. 500 I - ............. O ................. - ~ . .............................. ~ .................................. ,................................... -4
-- Oj)o * ' (~
T 370~ i= W- -
~i 400 ~--..........
"~~ ........
~ " ~ ' " ' ~ ' " ' " ............
9~ n...~ i i
. . . . ....................

2 0 0 i--....64P:....... -:.:.............~ .................

B J i

,OOo ..... ...............................

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Strain amplitude, %

FIG. 16.16---Comparison of predicted and experimental cyclic stress-strain re-

sponses for modified 9Cr-lMo steel [16].

creases in Nf a r e p r o d u c e d in the HT9 steel (0.5% Ni) u n d e r

' o0
the s a m e test c o n d i t i o n s following i r r a d i a t i o n to 10 d p a a n d
34 a p p m He. The cyclic h a r d e n i n g in tests at Aet of 0.3 a n d
0.5% is less p r o n o u n c e d in the m o d i f i e d 9 C r - l M o steel after
i r r a d i a t i o n to m a x i m u m d i s p l a c e m e n t doses a n d h e l i u m con-

/ ,/',.;/ J 1/: - c e n t r a t i o n s of 3.3 d p a a n d 4 a p p m , respectively, b u t the en-

d u r a n c e s are a g a i n increased, p a r t i c u l a r l y at low Aet.

/ /' 9
350c O
S p e c i m e n s of the N & T MANET I steel have b e e n irradi-
a t e d in the BR2 r e a c t o r at 250 a n d 400~ to 10 d p a (max) a n d
9.2 to 9.7 a p p m He a n d s u b s e q u e n t l y tested in c o m p l e t e l y re-
versed strain o r l o a d controlled fatigue in air at the s a m e tem-
p e r a t u r e as the i r r a d i a t i o n a n d at strain rates in the range 3.0
x 10 -3 to 1.57 • 10 -2 s -1 [71]. The e n d u r a n c e s of the unir-
r a d i a t e d a n d i r r a d i a t e d steels at a given strain a m p l i t u d e are
m a r g i n a l l y lower at 400 t h a n 250~ b u t there is no detectable
effect of i r r a d i a t i o n on Nf at Aet of 1.0 a n d 0.6% at either tem-
<= 600 ~
/ p e r a t u r e (Figs. 16.18 a n d 16.19 [71]. The elastic strains for
the u n i r r a d i a t e d steel at 250 a n d 400~ are large fractions of
the total strain at a Aet of ~ 1% a n d are g r e a t e r t h a n the plas-
tic strains at a Aet of ~0.6%, as s h o w n in Table 16.4. The plas-
tic strain is r e d u c e d significantly after i r r a d i a t i o n , particu-
larly in the tests at the l o w e r Aet of ~ 0 . 6 % ( N - 1 0 4 cycles)
w h e n the i m p o s e d strain is a l m o s t entirely elastic. The d a t a
,/. - - MONOTONIC are insufficient to gage the influence of i r r a d i a t i o n on the fa-
/. a - f(~t) tigue limits in the tests at 250 a n d 400~
I r r a d i a t i o n at 250 a n d 400~ p r o d u c e s c o n s i d e r a b l e h a r d -


A O t / 2 ,,. I( 6r~i/2 ) ~ NR/2


ening, w h i c h a p p e a r s to be m o r e p r o n o u n c e d at the h i g h e r
strain ranges (Fig. 16.20) [71]. However, the i r r a d i a t e d and,
to a lesser extent, the u n i r r a d i a t e d steels s h o w cyclic soften-
ing at high strains at 250 a n d 400~ (Fig. 16.21) [71]. Cyclic
h a r d e n i n g d u r i n g the first ten cycles o r so is followed by soft-
ening at the lower strain r a n g e of 0.6%, p a r t i c u l a r l y in the
u n i r r a d i a t e d steel tested at 400~ significant r e d u c t i o n s in
FIG. 16.17--Monotonic and cyclic stress-strain curves for stress are also evident at high N for the i r r a d i a t e d steel tested
12Cr-MoV steel at 20, 350, and 600~ [35]. at the h i g h e r strain range of 1% at 250 a n d 400~

I I I 2,000 . . . . . .
l ! I l l i i i i
I-I l I I I I i l I ! I
u I ~ I II


' ,
9, I 9V 250
, ,,,uv . . . . . ,. . . . ... ~.. . . . .. ~.,. . . . . r . . . . . r . . . . . , . . . . .
. . .

o~" 1E+O(~ ............ , .... q~-@-.t ............ + ............ ,~ . . . . . . . . ~1.600 . .

l .
. . . . I
i ] .
. l
. . t
l ! I
, ,! t NI ,l ,! ~ l ,I V 400 I
............ | ............ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ............ ~ ........
"' "' t" ,."~ - - ' ~ - - - I .,'. . . . . . l = "' if--.
. . . . . t . . . . . ~,. . . . . . . .
............ ! ............ i--~'---t ............ ~ ........
, , I f , I I I; i!
i i !I 9149 ' 'dd . . . . .

e,, I
l ~ h--)
! 1,00(3 . . . . . i . . . . . ~. . . . . . . [ . . . . - k . . . . 1'. . . . . I . . . . . + . . . . . ": . . . . I
-- 4 ............ 9I ............ ~I ...... t.T---~-~r~ ......... ~---~=~- I I t l I ! l
E ,I ,!
,I El I~= 80(2
~ ~
.-~ - - ~.~-V-
, ~ .
r ' v
.I . * . I i
- - ~I wI . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I I
I l . I n B, I l !
l ~ i I l * l l |
~U(j . . . . .
, A~
.I. _ . r o l l . _ J . . . . . J
, ,
~ a
, ,
i / i ...... ..... i ..... i ..... I ..... i ..... 9 ..... i
I l i l l l I #
| ,~
I .
! . ! . . I . i . I I !

4001-- .... ,I . . . . . ~!I . . . . . ~-

. . . . . I~. . . . . ,II . . . . . ,I . . . . . 1! . . . . . ~-
. . . . . l!r . . . . . 'n

i !
NI 2 5 0 SC I

I ................................ / .II

J.'DO .20I. .. 4I0 . . 6I0. . 8.I0



2001- ..........................................................
. iI


I" N 9

1 oooJ



10 3 10 4 10 s iO s 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00
Cycles to Failure Strain range (%)

FIG. 1 6 . 1 8 ~ S t r a i n range versus number of cycles to failure FIG. 1 6 . 2 0 ~ S t r e s s r a n g e v e r s u s s t r a i n r a n g e at N = 1 0 0 0 c y -

f o r u n i r r a d i a t e d ( N I ) a n d i r r a d i a t e d (I) M A N E T I s t e e l in I o a d - c l e s f o r u n i r r a d i a t e d (NI) a n d i r r a d i a t e d (I) M A N E T I s t e e l t e s t e d
( L C ) a n d s t r a i n - ( S C ) c o n t r o l l e d t e s t s at 2 5 0 ~ [71]. at 2 5 0 a n d 4 0 0 ~ [71].

The fatigue a n d creep-fatigue b e h a v i o r of the MANET I

a n d II steels have also b e e n investigated d u r i n g a n d after
irradiation with light ions in the Dual Beam a n d PIREX fa-
o; cilities at FzK in G e r m a n y [72] a n d PSI in Switzerland [73],
i respectively. Specimens were b o m b a r d e d with degraded 104
....iE+oc ............ ......... 4,............. , ............ t . . . . . . . .
MeV a-particles a n d 30 MeV protons to p r o d u c e displaced
E ............
! ....... a___~, ..........................
~. . . . . . . . atoms a n d h e l i u m a n d hydrogen at various g e n e r a t i o n rates
,0 in the Dual Beam facility, while 590 MeV p r o t o n s were used
I o
O) 6 ............ ~.......... 13 ......... ":T ............ r ........ to produce d i s p l a c e m e n t damage a n d h e l i u m a n d hydrogen
# ! Ao i isotopes by spallation reactions in the PIREX facility. These
= 4 ........................ 4-'- . . . . . . . . . . studies were carried out in support of the reactor i r r a d i a t i o n
t L]
experiments, the principal objectives b e i n g to establish: (i)
0 [::]4,
the individual a n d c o m b i n e d effects of d i s p l a c e m e n t damage
]A 1 400 LC a n d i m p l a n t e d h e l i u m a n d hydrogen o n the fatigue, a n d (ii)
2 ..... J--4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o- . . . . . . . .
the effects of stress relaxation by irradiation creep or irradi-
9 '1 4 0 0 SC J
I a t i o n - m o d i f i e d t h e r m a l creep d u r i n g hold p e r i o d s o n the
n NI 4 O 0 SC J cyclic e n d u r a n c e .

1E-01 I The initial Dual Beam irradiations for post-irradiation fa-

102 103 10" 10 s 106 tigue tests o n the MANET I steel were p e r f o r m e d at temper-
Cycles to Failure atures i n the range 300 to 600~ to d i s p l a c e m e n t damage lev-
els a n d h e l i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of - 1 . 2 dpa a n d -<200 appm,
FIG. 1 6 . 1 9 ~ S t r a i n range versus number of cycles to failure
respectively, a n d with h e l i u m to dpa ratios of 10 to 170; the
f o r u n i r r a d i a t e d ( N I ) a n d i r r a d i a t e d (I) M A N E T I s t e e l in I o a d -
strain-controlled push-pull tests were carried out in air at the
( L C ) a n d s t r a i n - ( S C ) c o n t r o l l e d t e s t s at 4 0 0 ~ [71].
same t e m p e r a t u r e as the irradiation, @t = 5 X 10 -4 s 1, Aet =
1.2%, R = - 1 a n d with a n d w i t h o u t hold times of 120 s in the
t e n s i o n or c o m p r e s s i o n phase [61,67,72]. The stress ampli-
tudes are increased by irradiation/testing at 300~ are unaf-
TABLE 16.4--Elastic and plastic strain ranges for N = 1,000 cycles fected at 450~ a n d are reduced slightly at 520 a n d 600~
at 250 and 400~ for the MANET I steel [71]. (Fig. 16.22) [67,74]. Both the u n i r r a d i a t e d a n d i r r a d i a t e d
Temperature, ~ A*',% Aep% A~ % samples show c o n t i n u o u s cyclic softening from the outset or
Unirradiated 250 1.02 0.59 0.43 after the first few cycles due to the recovery of the lath dislo-
Irradiated ... 0.97 0.25 0.72 cations a n d the f o r m a t i o n of distinct cell structures, with the
Unirradiated 400 1.08 0.63 0.45
Irradiated 1.04 0.38 0.66 slopes of the stress a m p l i t u d e s being similar for the u n i r r a -
Unirradiated 250 0.59 0.18 0.41 diated a n d irradiated specimens. At 450~ the i n t r o d u c t i o n
Irradiated 0.62 0 0.62 of hold times at the peak tensile or compressive strains re-
Unirradiated 400 0.62 0.21 0.41 sults i n stress relaxation of 70 to 80 MPa a n d reductions i n
Irradiated ... 0.61 0.02 0.59
the e n d u r a n c e s of the u n i r r a d i a t e d steel by 35 to 40 a n d 18 to
ig ~. 4oo'c A~I.O=

1.5 g 1.s
X x
tr &
e 1.0-


o') 2S0"C A~r,l~lK

0.5 , , , , , 0.5
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
N u m b e r o f C y c l e s (N) N u m b e r of. C y c l e s [N)

2.0- 2.0
Q. A
3 2S0"C Aq,-0.SZ =i
4OO'C A,c,~OAS
O 1.S- 0 1.5
O 0


& krrm~ted aL
m - r r C
C c Irradilted
m 1.0-
a: ~ 1.0
- .C
U,,irradiated :
o UmklrJted
0.5 , , , , , 0.5 , , , , !
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 O.1 1 10 100 1000 1OOOO
N u m b e r o f C y c l e s (N) N u m b e r o f C y c l e s (N)

FIG. 16.21reDevelopment of the stress range during fatigue tests on the unirradiated and irradiated MANET I steel at 250
and 400~ [71].

ro 600 .TtJU -L

ru 500
L •
O. 300

um) 200
AE~t - i . 2 X
Et , 5 . t0"4/s
m 100 00
~ -


I ! I ////1/ j03
FIG. 16.22--Evolution of stress amplitude during strain controlled fatigue testing
of MANET I steel before and after irradiation (200 appm He, 1.2 dpa) in the Dual
Beam facility [74].

C H A P T E R 16: F A T I G U E A N D F A T I G U E C R A C K G R O W T H 191

20%, respectively. The influences of the implanted helium 2 i

and displacement damage on the fatigue endurances at all 1 2 % Cr-Steel M A N E T I

temperatures in the range 300 to 600~ are small (-<30%), N ~ T : 420"C; Et= 8"10 .4 S "1
even when hold times are introduced. The irradiation-in-
duced defects, mainly helium bubbles, are stable during the o unirradiated
fatigue lifetimes, and the small reductions in the endurances
9 o
seem to be more dependent on the helium content than on (9
the He:dpa ratio [67].
In contrast, the endurances of the MANET I steel in vac- E
uum atG = 3 • 10 -3 s -1 and R = - 1 are reduced at all test r r 0,5
temperatures in the range 90 to 430~ following irradia- E
tion in the PIREX facility to 0.01 to 0.7 dpa with a helium (o
to dpa ratio of approximately 130 [58,75]. The decreases 4oo a ~ m He, 1.6 dpa
in endurance range from a factor of 1.7 to 7.5, depending u~ 0,3
on the irradiation/test conditions, the reductions being
particularly marked in the temperature range 280 to 380~ 0,2 . . . . . I . . . . , *111 . . . . , re,m|

when DSA occurs [13,76]. Fatigue softening is again ob-

10 3 10 4 10 5
served under all test conditions, the irradiated steel exhibit- Number of Cycles to Failure N f
ing a faster softening rate approaching that of the unirradi-
ated steel at the end of life. The TEM microstructures of FIG. 16.23--Comparison of the strain-controlled fatigue en-
the unirradiated and irradiated steel are similar after the durances for the unirradiated, "in-beam" and post-irradiation
fatigue testing. tested MANET I steel at 420~ in the Dual Beam facility [62].
Continuous cycling strain-controlled push-pull fatigue
tests on the MANET I steel have also been performed in vac-
uum ( < 1 • 10 -s Pa) before and during irradiation at 420 and
450~ and Act of 0.5 to 1.2% in the Dual Beam facility [62,77].
The data for the unirradiated steel yield the following empir-
ical relationship:
Ast = 0.658 Nf -~ + 0.036 N f ~ (16.19) ,ooo ......
The endurances during irradiation are comparable to those
of the unirradiated specimens at high strains but are some-
what lower at low Ast; furthermore, the number of cycles to
failure of the specimen tested after irradiation to equivalent
helium and damage levels is even smaller at Ast = 0.5%. This .m
*.. 600
12% Cr-Stee, MANET I
T = 420"(3 . . . .
behavior is exemplified by the Dual Beam facility data in Fig.
16.23 [62]. The continuous cyclic softening of the unirradi- in-beam ~'=0"5%
ated and "in-beam" tested specimens is illustrated in Fig. . . . . unirradiated
16.24 in which &rt and Asp are plotted as a function of N [62]. 400 ............................................
(a) 10 102 103 104 105
The behavior of the unirradiated and "in-beam" specimens is
similar at high strains (Asp>--0.6%); however, at a low Asp of
~0.5%, the "in-beam" test is of sufficient duration for signif- 0.4
icant radiation damage and hardening to be produced, re- i=-i

sulting in a reduced rate of cyclic softening, a decrease in ASp

towards the end of the test, and a reduction in Nf. The en- o o.3! _ .
o~ 9 t =0.7 Yo
durances of the post-irradiation tested specimens are even r
lower due to the irradiation-induced microstructural
changes and radiation hardening being well developed before _= 0.2 ~u~t-0.6%
commencing the fatigue testing (Figs. 16.25 [59] and 16.26 qb~

[62]). Thus, A~rt is initially higher and, despite decreasing r

during testing, remains above the values for the unirradiated 0.1
and "in-beam" tested samples. r
Similar patterns of behavior are exhibited by the MANET 0.
I and MANET II steels in the unirradiated condition and 0 . . . . . . J . . . . . . . J - , , , :.-J . . . . . . . . z ........ |

during and following irradiation/testing at 250~ in the (b) 10 102 103 104 105
Dual Beam facility [63] and at 35 to 40, 250, and 300~ in Cycles
PIREX [59,64]. The endurances of the PIREX in-beam spec-
imens decrease on reducing the test temperature from FIG. 16.24---Development of (a) total stress range
300~ (4660 cycles) to 250~ (~1500 cycles) and to 35 to and (b) total plastic strain range for unirradiated and
40~ (~1100 cycles), with the maximum radiation harden- "in-beam" fatigue-tested MANET I steel at 420~ in the
ing occurring at the lowest irradiation/test temperature Dual Beam facility [62].

1500 le Beam Test, 0.7~, 0.17 dpa

Post Irr. Test, 0.7~, 0.26 dpa
. . . . . -... " " ' - . . - .... Ualrradtated, 0,7%
Q. 1300


700 t

9 I I I

lO *a 10" IO ~ I0 § IO'"

FIG. 16.25mStress range as a function of the number of fatigue cycles for the "in-beam" (0.17
dpa), post-irradiation (0.26 dpa), and unirradiated MANET II steel in the PIREX facility; irradiation
and test temperatures are 300~ [59].

[63], but the stress for the post-irradiation-tested samples is

| irradiation induced hardening higher from the outset due to the radiation hardening.
Stress relaxation tests performed during the post-irradiation
fatigue tests at 35 to 40~ show a logarithmic recovery with
time, implying that the deformation is controlled by a ther-
mally activated dislocation glide process for which an acti-
g 600
' li " vation volume can be defined. In addition, the limited avail-
1 2 % Cr-Steel M A N E T I able data suggest that the glide mechanism is not modified
n," T = 420"C during the "in-beam" tests [64].
u~ 400 AE,=0.5% The fracture mode remains ductile and transcrystalline for
if) all the irradiation/test conditions cited above. It can therefore
(9 9., in-beam 400 a p p m He, 1.6 dpa
be concluded that the endurances are determined primarily
03 200 .... postirradiated 400 a p p m He, 1.6 dpa
by the time evolution of the irradiation-induced hardening
....... unirradiated
and that the post-irradiation test data provide a conservative
o 0 . . . . . . . = i
i . . . . . . i . . . . . . . i " i . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i approach to in situ conditions.
I-- 1 10
FIG. 16.26reDevelopment of the stress range during strain-
controlled "in-beam," post-irradiation and unirradiated fatigue
tests on the MANET I steel in the Dual Beam facility; irradiation High cycle fatigue tests on plain specimens of the 9Cr-lMo
and test temperatures are 420~ [62]. steel have been made in the push-pull stressing mode at a fre-
quency of about 100 Hz and temperatures ranging from 380
to 525~ [20]. The tests were performed under both narrow
(Fig. 16.27) [64]. The stress ranges for the unirradiated and band random and sinusoidal loading and with a mean stress
in-beam tested specimens are similar in the initial stages of superimposed. The data obtained in the latter tests showed
the fatigue and only decrease slightly during the tests; how- that increasing the test temperature reduces the fatigue
ever, after about 103 cycles the radiation hardening domi- strength, probably as a consequence of the reduction in yield
nates the softening during the in-beam testing and the stress strength.
increases [63]. TEM observations indicate that the helium A comprehensive series of stress controlled fatigue tests
bubbles are mainly responsible for the strength increase have been conducted on the MANET I steel in air and vac-

141l, 0.7%, 573 K
1413, 0.8%, $23 K
1414, 0.i1%, 308 K
a. i ~ ,o .L.

i "'.,
II00 ~ ,
At Potnfor: First C r a c k T h r o u g h
z: ! ~ ".~~.
ca IlOt) - I

tl) t

M a t e r i a l M a n e t I#

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000


FIG. 16.27--Effect of test temperature on the stress range and fatigue endurances of the "in-
beam" tested M A N E T II steel at 35, 250, and 300~ in the PIREX facility [64].

u u m at stress a m p l i t u d e s (Act/2) i n the ranges 400 to 800 MPa

at a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e a n d 280 to 450 MPa at 550~ [78]. 105
The results d e m o n s t r a t e that: 1~
(i) The e n d u r a n c e s in v a c u u m are superior to those in air at
r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e , the differences b e i n g m o r e pro- t:g
n o u n c e d at the higher stress amplitudes. ~__a
(ii) The fatigue lives in v a c u u m at 550~ are a b o u t a factor u~-
of 40 lower t h a n those at a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e at a given 10 t.
stress amplitude, or the stress a m p l i t u d e is one a n d a ~.O
half times greater at a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e t h a n at 550~
for a given e n d u r a n c e . ..~
(iii) The e n d u r a n c e s i n v a c u u m a n d air at Act/2 = 470 MPa
at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e are i n d e p e n d e n t of the m e a n G
stress w i t h i n the range - 1 0 0 to + 100 MPa a n d in vac- u.
u u m at A(r/2 = 350 MPa at 550~ w i t h i n the range o 10 3
- 1 0 0 MPa to zero (Fig. 16.28) [78]; the e n d u r a n c e s in- ua VACUUM
crease with increasing compressive m e a n stress in ex- tD
cess of 100 MPa at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e a n d 550~ a n d
decrease with increasing tensile m e a n stress above 100 ~"
MPa a n d zero at a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e a n d 550~
respectively. 102 I I i !
(iv) The fatigue lives in v a c u u m at 550~ decrease markedly -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
with decreasing cyclic frequency in the range 5 • 10-1 to MEAN STRESS Oo (MPo)
1 x l 0 -3 Hz (Fig. 16.29) [78]; there is a r e d u c t i o n by a
factor of five i n the range 5 • 10 1 to 1 • 10 .2 Hz at Aa/2 FIG. 1 6 . 2 8 - - N u m b e r of cycles to failure as a function
of 350 a n d 450 MPa a n d by more t h a n two orders of mag- of the mean stress in stress-controlled fatigue tests on
n i t u d e at lower frequencies. the M A N E T I steel in v a c u u m at 550~ [78].
Surface m o d i f i c a t i o n s p r o d u c e d by p l a s m a discharges
(about 1500 shots each of approximately 3 s d u r a t i o n at tem- 450~ [79]. This b e h a v i o r differs from t h a t of Type 316L
peratures of 150 to 300~ i n the TEXTOR t o k a m a k have n o austenitic steel, which shows a factor of eight r e d u c t i o n in
significant effect o n the post-exposure stress-controlled fa- the n u m b e r of cycles to failure u n d e r the same test condi-
tigue e n d u r a n c e s of the MANET II steel i n tests at 250 a n d tions [78].

lOSi I ' ' I ' ' i ' '


Experimental facilities for investigating the thermal fatigue

behavior of steels in the unirradiated [80-82] and irradiated
[83] conditions have been described. The former consists es-
sentially of a rigidly clamped and ohmically heated hollow
=. specimen in which the axial thermal elongation is converted
into elastic and inelastic deformation, and alternating ther-
mal stresses are generated by cycling between low (TL) and
high (TH) temperatures. The test specimens are initially
clamped at the mean temperature of the cycle so that tensile
.J and compressive stresses are developed at TL and TH, respec-
>. tively. Both cyclic thermal ( ~ t h ) and mechanical (em) strains
10z T = 823K are produced, the latter being given by:
]~ VACUUM ~m = ~:eff- ~th (16.20)
MJ where eeff is the strain recorded by the extensometer fitted to
the specimen. The total mechanical strain (Aet.m) and stress
z 10 (Acrt) ranges cannot be controlled in this facility and change
with cycling.
The test conditions employed in the majority of the trian-
O gular wave form thermal fatigue tests performed on the high-
chromium martensitic steels were: TL = 200~ (constant), TH
.1 I , , I , , I , , = 550 to 700~ heating and cooling rates = 5.8~ s 1 and
10 ") 10-z 10 "1 1 Ast, m = 0.2 to 0.8% [10,11,39,40,47,48, 81,84-87].
FREQUENCY v (Hz) The thermal fatigue endurances (Nf) a r e plotted in Fig.
16.30 as a function of Aet,m at Nf/2 for the MANET I and
FIG. 1 6 . 2 9 ~ N u m b e r of cycles to failure as a function MANET II steel specimens tested at TH = 550, 600, 650, and
of the frequency at stress amplitudes of 350 and 450 700~ [88]. Aet,m increases with increasing AT (= TH -- TL)
MPa and zero mean stress for the M A N E T I steel tested and leads to smaller Nf values; this effect is primarily a con-
in vacuum at 550~ [78].
sequence of the influence of the AT on the plastic mechanical

20.0 ' I ' " ' ' I 9 ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' I
~J Isothermal Fatigue Thermal Fatigue. s.8 K/=
'~ lO.O- (Axial Strain Control) (Temperature Control 9 AT=variable)

,-.-, 6.0- 4sooc (UJU~cr I) MANb"r I: 9 200-550oC

SSO~ ( u ~ c r i) 9 200-600oC
v 200-650oc
9 200-700oc
MANET I1:13 200-6000(:
~; 2.0-
0 200-650oc
o 200-700oC

~ o.6-
9 0.2-
MANET, , , o . ~ O e - .,,,pl~
o 0.1
E- 9 | " ' I ' ' " I
I0 = 10 3 I ~4 I0 s

Number of Cycles t*) ~ ' ~ d l u r e . Nr

FIG. 16.30mTotal mechanical strain range versus number of cycles to failure of the ther-
mal fatigue-tested M A N E T I and II steels and comparison with isothermal fatigue data [88].

strain (Aep,m) as illustrated in Fig. 16.31 [87]. The Aep,m at (375 to 450~ are m o r e t h a n a n o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e l o w e r
Nf/2 values range f r o m a b o u t 0.02 to 0.5% a n d increase with t h a n those of the s p e c i m e n s tested in i s o t h e r m a l fatigue at
i n c r e a s i n g AT due to the e n h a n c e d c o m p r e s s i v e creep strain a p p r o x i m a t e l y the s a m e t e m p e r a t u r e s [88]. However, for a
at the high t e m p e r a t u r e e n d o f e a c h cycle. The Act at Nf/2 val- given s t r a i n range, the n u m b e r s of t h e r m a l fatigue cycles to
ues for the MANET I a n d II steels increase with increasing AT failure with TH = 650 a n d 700~ are only a factor of a b o u t
a n d Aet,m at Nf/2 u p to m a x i m a of 670 a n d 610 MPa, respec- two lower t h a n t h e LCF e n d u r a n c e s at 650~
tively (Fig. 16.32) [87]. The d a t a in Fig. 16.30 also show t h a t T h e r m a l fatigue tests c o n d u c t e d u n d e r s i m i l a r c o n d i t i o n s
the Nf values at the m e a n t h e r m a l fatigue test t e m p e r a t u r e s to those r e p o r t e d above have s h o w n t h a t the e n d u r a n c e s of the

0.8o , ! 9 I

Thermal Fatigue, 5 s K/=

(Temperature Control, ATffivariable)

9 MANET I: 9 200-550oc
E 0.20- 9 200-600~
9 200-650~
9 200-700~
MANET ih E! 200-600eC
0.I0- @ O 200-650~
O 200-700~
'~ 0.06-

9 OM 0
~Iu 0.02- III[:!
MANET, hourglau umple

0.01 . , ,
tO z I0 s I0' I0 s

N u m b e r of C y c l e s to Failure, Nf

FIG. 16.31--Effects of plastic mechanical strain range at Nf/2 off the thermal fatigue
endurances of the MANET I and II steels [87].

800 I ! I I !
MANET, hourslus sample

600 o ,"

500 MANET I: 9 200-550~
9 200-600oc
In 9 200-650oc
a) 9 200-700oc
.bJ 400 MANET I!: El 200-600~
o~ Thermal Fatigue. 5.s K/, 0 2OO-65O~
(Temperature Control. AT=variable) O 200-700~
300 I ! I ! I
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.!
Tot. Mech. Strain Range, &~tm [~] at Nf/2
FIG. 1 6 . 3 2 - - T o t a l stress range versus total mechanical strain range at Nf/2 for the
thermal fatigue-tested MANET I a n d II steels [87].

modified F82H steel at a given Act,m at Nf/2 are up to an order than out-of-phase loading conditions with increasing strain
of magnitude lower than those of the MANET II steel [40,89]. ranges. The cyclic softening can be represented by the fol-
The differences result from the lower Aat and higher Aep,mval- lowing function [90,91 ]:
ues for the modified F82H compared to the MANET steel. AF = [3'N~' (16.21)
The introduction of constant hold periods of 100 s at TH
(HTH), TL (HTL), or both TH and TL (HTHL) during thermal where AF is the load range, [3' is the starting value of the func-
fatigue tests on the MANET I and MANET II steels reduces tion, and c~' is the "softening coefficient."
the endurances [47,81,82,85-87,89], the magnitudes of the The values of [3' and cd are 12 793 and - 0.0283, respectively,
reductions increasing in the order HTL, HTH, and HTHL, as for the steel tested in isothermal fatigue at 200~ and A e t =
exemplified for the MANET II steel in Fig. 16.33 [87]. 0.8% [86]; the corresponding values are 12 040 and -0.04945
The thermal fatigue-tested MANET steel exhibits continu- for the out-of-phase tests between 200 and 550~ [91].
ous cyclic softening after an initial stable period, the duration The thermal strain (eth) is additive to the mechanical strain
of which depends on AT and the nature of the hold period im- (em) in the out-of-phase t h e r m o m e c h a n i c a l fatigue tests,
posed [47,48,81,84,86,87]. Accelerated softening, due to en- while eth reduces em in the in-phase tests. The net or effective
hanced recovery of the martensite lath dislocation structure strain range (ee~r) is plotted as a function of Nf in Fig. 16.36
and leading to lower endurances, is produced by increasing for the MANET I steel in the isothermal LCF and thermome-
the magnitudes of the thermal cycles (Fig. 16.34) [84] and by chanical tests without hold times [90]; the Nf values for the
the introduction of the hold periods (Fig. 16.35 ) [81,86]. in- and out-of-phase TMF tested specimens fall between
T h e r m o m e c h a n i c a l fatigue tests (in- and out-of-phase, those for the LCF samples. Analysis of these data in terms of
with and without hold times of 100 and 1000 s) in which A% (%) at Nf yielded the following correlations [90]:
specimens are temperature cycled between 200 and 550~ Thermomechanical fatigue (in- and out-of-phase):
have been performed on the MANET I steel [48,90]. Mechan-
ical strains of -+0.133 to -+0.667% and -+0.533 to -+0.933% N f -- 124.7 Aep 1"671 (16.22)
without hold times were superimposed on the temperature
cycles in the out-of-phase (maximum compressive strain and Isothermal fatigue:
m a x i m u m t e m p e r a t u r e reached simultaneously) and in-
Nf = 2464.6e -~176176mgp 1'404 (16.23)
phase (maximum tensile strain and m a x i m u m temperature
coupled) tests, respectively. In addition, isothermal LCF tests where T is the test temperature in K.
(R = - 1 ) with Aet equal to 0.8 and 1.334% were carried out Out-of phase thermomechanical fatigue (OTMF) tests at
at 200 and 550~ for comparative purposes. temperatures of 200 to 700~ 100 to 600~ and 200 to 600~
The isothermal and thermomechanical tested specimens have also been performed on the MANET II steel and the data
show cyclic softening from the beginning of the tests; the compared with those obtained in LCF tests at 450~ [92]. The
magnitudes of the softening in the thermomechanical tests degradation in the OTMF endurances, based o n Ast,m, is
depend on the phase situation, being more rapid under in- about an order of magnitude faster compared to LCF. How-

I' I I |

Thermal Fatigue, 5.a K/=
(Temperature Control. AT-variable) t i
a; zw- tL-2oooc- on,t
L ~ Hold Time= I OOs -1-


,o., _J

o I

E t
= MANET II, cyl,ndn .l ..,,,pie
I0" ,



High T e m p e r a t u r e of Cycle, T H [ ~
FIG. 16.33~Comparison of thermal fatigue data with and without hold periods of
100 seconds at TH, TL and at both TH and TL for the MANET II steel [85,87].
C H A P T E R 16: F A T I G U E A N D F A T I G U E C R A C K G R O W T H 197

9 473-823 K
[] 473-873 K
A 473-923 K
i 700- 9 473--973 K

0 . . . . . . . C --- C C, - C "~

400 . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . ! ' '

1 10 IO0 1000 10OO0

Number of Cycles, N
FIG. 16.34--Stress range versus number of cycles for the thermal fatigue-tested
MANET I steel at the specified temperature ranges [84].


" MANET I, 473-923 K


I- 500.
400 9 9 " 9 " ' ' ' | " " " ' " ' ' ' 1 ' ' " " " ' ' ' |

1 10 100 1000
hkanber of Oyclu, N
FIG. 16.35--Stress range versus number of cycles for the thermal fatigue-tested
MANET I steel in the temperature range 200 to 650~ with and without hold times of
100 s at TH, TL, and at both TH and TL [81],

ever, all the O T M F a n d LCF d a t a m a y be r e p r e s e n t e d ap- FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH

p r o x i m a t e l y in t e r m s of Aev, m at Nf/2 by:

1 = K (Aep,m)TM (16.24) I n a d d i t i o n to the tensile, creep, a n d LCF properties, fracture

Nf t o u g h n e s s a n d fatigue a n d creep crack g r o w t h d a t a are re-
w h e r e K is strongly d e p e n d e n t on the AT b u t n o t on the m e a n q u i r e d for the a d v a n c e d h i g h - c h r o m i u m m a r t e n s i t i c steels
cycle t e m p e r a t u r e a n d m is a constant. being u s e d o r developed for the new high-efficiency b o i l e r

A 200"C=const.
Regression line:
n in.phase
o out-of-phase
.... Regression line:
fatigue tests
9 550"C,,consL
0.1 - - Regression line:
10 100 1000 10000 $50"C=r

N u m b e r o f cycles to failure, N f

FIG. 16.36--Correlation between the effective strain range and numbers of cycles
to failure for isothermal (200 and 550~ and thermomechanical (200 to 550~ fa-
tigue-tested MANET I steel [90].

Region 1 Region 2 ~ 3
r! K,0,

NoncoTd~mm ~E~Jm m~l~em

( ~ ~)
La~De Infk~-,r of:
(~ ~ o s t r u c ~ m P) /OOOOOOOOOt
(~) I~ean snss (,) Mean strm
(~) (,i) Dautee n v ~ x . ~ OO
(~) Thk:kness


9Static mode" mechanisms

( ~ . v~rgranu~
and nbTou=)
Laroe ~nuencl of:
~ Mk~0~ructure
(~) M e a n m

to'~ Little i r d ~ of:

~ ) ~

t ~ (al0
FIG. 16.37--Schematic illustration of the variation of the fatigue crack growth rate, da/dN,
with alternating stress intensity, •K, in steels, showing the three primary crack growth re-
gions [94].

units with more demanding steam conditions so as to provide pies, and the Regions 1, 2, and 3 in the fatigue crack growth
a database for defect assessment studies, to establish mainte- curves are illustrated schematically in Fig. 16.37 [94]. The fa-
nance scenarios, and for residual life assessments. Further- tigue crack growth rate (da/dN) in the subcritical Region 2 is
more, the extension of cracks induced during fabrication related to the stress intensity factor range (AK) as follows
(welding) by fatigue during normal operation or plasma dis- (Paris law) [95,96]:
ruptions is an important failure mode for the first wall of a
tokamak fusion reactor [93]. da _ C(AK)n (16.25)
The fatigue crack growth behavior is generally character-
ized using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) princi- where C and n are material constants.

2 are given by:

da - 5.3 x 10 -9 (AK)3 (16.26)
where da/dN is in mm/cycle and AK is in MPa~m.
The FCGR of the MANET I steel is similar to that of the
1.4914 steel at ambient temperature but a little higher at
300~ [103].
= 2s~ 800 cpm It has been concluded, in agreement with the results of re-
cent investigations on other materials, that the fatigue crack
growth behavior at rates below approximately 1 x 10 -s
mm/cycle (Region 1) is determined primarily by the mi-
~ f A '" 427~ crostructure of the steel and cannot be described by a con-
=. lo4 tinuum mechanics approach [102].

g/f" 316oC.40 cpm Small C-T specimens of the MANET I steel have been irra-
diated to 0.5 to l0 dpa at 250~ and to 10 dpa at 350 and
450~ [104-106]. The irradiated specimens could not be
tested in the sub-critical (Paris) Region 2 because the large
10 100 reductions in fracture toughness induced by the irradiation
results in the fatigue crack growth curves exhibiting only
Stress-intensity factor range, MPa~/'m'- Regions 1 and 3 (that is, direct transition from threshold be-
havior to critical crack growth) [101]. The FCGRs of the irra-
FIG. 16.38--Fatigue crack propagation behav-
ior of the modified 9Cr-1Mo steel tested in air at diated specimens at 250 and 450~ are no more than a factor
ambient (800 cpm) and elevated (40 cpm) tern- of two to three different from those of the unirradiated ther-
peratures, R = 0.05 [15,97]. mal control specimens; thus, there is a small increase in the
FCGR due to irradiation at 250~ (Fig. 16.40) and a small
reduction at high AK in the 450~ irradiated and tested sam-
The fatigue crack growth rates (FCGRs) for several heats of
ples [101]. However, there are large reductions in the Paris
the modified 9Cr-lMo steel in air at ambient temperature
region (reduction of AKmax) due to the strong decrease in the
and 315, 415, 540, and 593~ (600, 800, 1000, and 1100~ re-
fracture toughness at 250~ implying reductions in the al-
spectively) and R = 0.05 have been documented [97] and are
lowable fatigue loading and, even more importantly, in the
summarized in Fig. 16.38 [15]; the data were obtained in tests
permitted crack extensions by fatigue (AKmax --<40 MPa~/m).
at frequencies of 800 cpm (ambient temperature) and 40 cpm
Most of the samples fail by ductile fracture, but some brittle
(elevated temperatures). The FCGRs increase with increasing
regions are often evident on the fracture surfaces of the
temperature, the effect being more pronounced at low AKs.
250~ irradiated and tested specimens.
More recent data on the FCGRs of the modified 9Cr-lMo
steel and weld HAZ and E911 steel have been published
[98,99]; the tests were performed at 600~ R = 0.05 [98], and
0.1 [99] and cyclic frequencies ranging from 20 to 0.01 Hz. LIFE PREDICTIONS
The FCGRs for the three materials under fast cycling condi-
tions are very similar and in good agreement with other pub- The principal approaches formulated to model the behavior
lished data for the modified 9Cr-lMo steel at about 600~ and predict the long-term creep-fatigue and thermomechan-
[97,100]. The FCGRs for the modified 9Cr-lMo steel and ical fatigue endurances from short-term, continuous cycling
HAZ show modest increases with decreasing frequency, the and hold-time LCF tests have been documented and reviewed
effect being enhanced at higher AKs, but those for the E911 [44,107-109]; they include the following:
steel appear to be independent of such frequency effects. The (i) Linear Damage Summation (LDS) [110].
modified 9Cr-lMo steel fractured transgranularly irrespec- (ii) Strain Range Partitioning (SRP) [111, 112].
tive of the cyclic frequency, but a characteristic feature of the (iii) Ductility Exhaustion (DE) [ 113].
steel tested at the lowest frequencies is a significant softening (iv) Frequency Modified Strain Range (FMSR) [114].
in a 0.2 m m zone adjacent to the fracture surface. Such soft (v) Continuum Damage Mechanism (CDM) [108].
zones are not evident following testing at the highest (vi) Overstress Method [115].
The FCGRs of the quenched-and-tempered MANET I steel, Although it has no physical basis, the LDS method has
determined in tests on small (W-<24 mm) C-T specimens ma- been used fairly extensively for creep-fatigue predictions as it
chined from plates ranging in thickness from 8 to 12 m m at is relatively simple to apply and has been incorporated in the
a frequency of I0 Hz at room temperature, 250 and 450~ ASME Code Case N-47, Sect. III, Subsection NH. The total
and with R values of 0.05 to 0.30, increase markedly with in- fractional damage (D*) is given by:
creasing test temperature but are not significantly affected by
thermal aging and are not dependent on the steel plate thick- th
D* -> ~ + ~ ~-r (16.27)
ness [101]. The FCGRs of the 1.4914 steel at ambient tem-
perature and with R = 0.1 are plotted as a function of AK in where Nh is the number of applied cycles and th and tr are the
Fig. 16.39 [102]; the FCGRs in the sub-critical (Paris) Region hold period and creep-rupture times at a given load.

10-2 ,
1.4914 (MANET type) /

I 10 4


1 0 .6 I ~ , ,,I i I ,
:; 4 $ 9 7 II ~0.00 2 S 4 $ 9 7
FiG, 16.39--Fatigue crack growth rate in the sub-critical Paris region 2 for the
MANET-type steel at ambient temperature [102].

The LDS approach is conservative (D* > i) when used to LDS approach [108]. However, it is claimed that the over-
construct the creep-fatigue interaction diagram for 9Cr-lMo stress concept can be successfully applied to predict the
steel tested at 520 [21] and 525~ [53,116]. However, this creep-fatigue endurances of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel in
creep and fatigue damage fraction method is not appropri- high (1 • 10 -7 Pa) vacuum at 600~ [55].
ate for analyzing the effects of tensile hold periods on the The evaluation of the TF and TMF endurances of the high-
endurances at 550~ of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel, primar- chromium martensitic steels from the isothermal LCF data
ily due to its high resistance to intergranular fracture and has not been extensively investigated. However, it is claimed,
high creep-rupture times and ductilities at this temperature based on the results of a limited study, that the application of
[16]. ductility normalized SRP to TMF of a 12Cr-MoWV steel has
The SRP method is now believed to be a more adequate only been partially successful [ 117].
procedure for the analysis of creep-fatigue data as it is po- The creep deformation occurring at the maximum temper-
tentially capable of handling any strain cycle composed of ature is reversed by plastic strain at the m i n i m u m tem-
plastic flow (sum of all time independent inelastic strain perature in the TF and TMF cycles [44]. This situation is
components) and creep (sum of all time dependent strain equivalent to that in which a hold time is introduced in an
components). Although rather complicated to use, this ap- isothermal LCF test and the temperature cycling in-phase
proach has met with some success in the case of low-alloy Cr- and out-of-phase can therefore be compared to LCF testing
Mo and austenitic steels; however, there are fewer recorded with symmetric cycles and hold periods in tension and com-
instances of its application to the creep-fatigue of the high- pression, respectively. Based on the evidence presented in an
chromium martensitiC steels. earlier sub-section of this Chapter, out-of-phase cycling is ex-
The DE and CDM approaches also aim to overcome the pected to be the most damaging for Cr-Mo steels, but the lim-
limitations of the traditional LDS method by incorporating ited data for the MANET steels (Fig. 16.36) [90] suggest that
coupling of the creep and fatigue damage, but the use of these the in-phase and out-of-phase endurances in the temperature
methods to sum the fatigue and creep damage contributions range 200 to 550~ are similar. In all probability, this is again
in LCF tests with tensile hold times for the modified 9Cr-1Mo due to the high resistance of these types of steels to inter-
and E911 steels provides only a modest advantage over the granular creep fracture and the observation that significant

19 - I where gq~ is the incremental damage due to plastic deforma-

tion, temperature, and strain rate for each cycle.
The endurances calculated using this model are also in
good agreement with the experimental data for the in-phase
o and out-of-phase TMF loading between 200 and 550~ for the
MANET I steel [32].
A major problem in the development and application of
E the models to predict the creep- fatigue, thermal, and ther-
E momechanical fatigue behavior of the high-chromium
martensitic steels is that their microstructures are not sta-
fl~ 1 0 "~
ble during testing. Further development and validation of
the predictive approaches require specific investigations of
the role of microstructural stability and additional experi-
0 mental testing in high vacuum to avoid the detrimental ef-
fect of oxidation on the fatigue failures and endurances at
v high temperatures.
0 Preliminary attempts [98,99] to model the behavior
V Temperature: 523K whereby the FCGRs of the modified 9Cr-lMo steel and
0 HAZ increase at low cyclic frequencies have been made us-
/ Frequency: 10Hz
ing the following creep-fatigue crack growth interaction
1 9 -s I I I I I I I I

IO Ie8 da
FIG. 16.40--Fatigue crack growth rate as a function of the
The first term on the right-hand side of the equation repre-
stress intensity factor range for the MANET I steel before and
after irradiation to 10 dpa at 250~ [101]. sents the pure fatigue component (Paris equation) while the
second term constitutes an appropriate creep crack growth
law [54]:
mean stresses are not developed during the in-phase and out- da
- B ' Kq (16.31)
of-phase cycling. dt
A conceptual approach to generate thermomechanical fail- where B' and q are constants and KT represents a suitable
ure data from isothermal LCF data at TL and TH of the ther- crack tip parameter [99] and is integrated over the loading
mal cycle has been presented [90,91]. The in-phase and out- cycle so as to estimate the pure creep contribution. While
of-phase TMF cyclic softening is represented by Eq 16.21, some success has been achieved in this modeling, the predic-
and the AF values are correlated with Aep as follows: tions are, as expected, very sensitive to the analytical proce-
dures and input parameters; additional long-term FCGR tests
Ao-t and analyses of the roles of primary creep and instantaneous
Aep = Ae, - 1 0 0 - - (16.28) crack tip plasticity need to be implemented to validate the
where A~t -- AF/A* and A* is the specimen cross-sectional
The Aep versus N relationship can thus be derived from Eqs REFERENCES
16.21 and 16.28, with the failure criterion for the in-phase
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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Recovery (Annealing) of
Radiation Damage

Hardening of the ferritic/martensitic steels by irradiation ing the lifetime of the reactor. The annealing technique was
damage processes (Chapter 12) occurs below 400 to 450~ used in 1967 on a U.S. Army reactor, in 1984 on a Belgian re-
(the temperature depends on the steel); it is caused by the ir- actor, and since 1987 on 14 power reactors built by the former
radiation-produced vacancies and interstitials and from irra- Soviet Union in Soviet Bloc countries [1]. Typically, the an-
diation-enhanced precipitation of new phases [ 1]. In general, nealing of the pressure vessel steels used in fission plants has
below ~0.3Tm, dislocation loops form from interstitials and been carried out at 430 to 475~ for about 150 h. Annealing of
vacancies and increase the flow stress, which leads to hard- the pressure-vessel steels is carried out after the vessel has
ening and embrittlement. Between ~0.3 to 0.4Tm, a void and reached a fluence of < 1 dpa, which suffices to produce con-
dislocation structure forms (the dislocation loops are unsta- siderable hardening in these low-alloy steels [ 1].
ble and grow into a dislocation network), and diffusion is suf- A few annealing experiments have been carried out on the
ficient for the formation of precipitates. Above about 0.4 Tm, 9-12% Cr Cr-Mo steels considered for fusion applications
displacement damage can continuously anneal out, resulting [2-5]. Wassilew and Ehrlich [2] annealed for 0.5 h at 535~
in little change in strength (at these temperatures strength one of the impact specimens of the MANET I steel irradiated
sometimes decreases because irradiation-enhanced diffusion to 5 dpa at 300~ in HFR (Fig. 17.1). When this specimen was
accelerates the normal thermal aging process). tested at 500~ almost half of the reduction in USE was re-
Just as irradiation hardening ceases at 400 to 450~ because covered, which the authors attributed to, "a dissolution of the
irradiation damage anneals out, post-irradiation annealing irradiation-induced defect structure . . . . " [2].
can also reduce the effect of irradiation on tensile and impact Zvezdin et al. [4] annealed three Russian steels 4 h at 550~
properties. Annealing of pressure vessels of light-water fission after irradiation to 4 • 1026 n/m 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) (around 20
reactors has been proposed and used as a method of extend- dpa) at 350~ in the BOR-60 fast reactor. The steels (discussed

Steel Heat treatment ilT. loo*c - c 475"c dl~i

MANET-I 9S0-9800CJ2h+ 1 0 7 5 0 C / 0 , S h + 7 8 0 " C / 2 h o 9
8 Heat No.: - "- + - "- + 750"r A 9 [
53645 -'- + -'- +600"r O I 9 I 5'
El-- O -o- |
6 "-- @

} "7 f
J I _~o,,,

-I00 0 I00 200 300 400 500
Temperature [~

FIG. 17.1--Charpy impact curves for MANET steel irradiated to 5 dpa at 300~ in HFR af-
ter three different tempering treatments. One irradiated specimen was annealed 1 h at
535~ and tested; the change due to the anneal is labeled "Recovery Effects."

Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

in Chapter 14) were 10X13M2FB (12Cr-2MoVNb), 10X9M2FB d e m e n t u p to the level achieved after the initial irradiation.
(9Cr-2MoVNb), a n d 10X9MFB (10Cr-IMoVNb) that were pro- However, r e - i r r a d i a t i o n was at a lower fluence a n d a h i g h e r
cessed from p u r e m a t e r i a l s in an o p e n electric-arc furnace i r r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e (380 versus 350~ so the level of
(OEAF) a n d in a n OEAF w i t h an electro-slag r e m e h e m b r i t t l e m e n t s h o u l d b e s o m e w h a t less. The t w o
(OEAF+ESR). Results are shown in Fig. 17.2 [4]. l o w e r - c h r o m i u m steels [Figs. 17,2(b) a n d 17.2(c)] s h o w e d
The 12Cr steel [(Fig 17.2(a)], w h i c h s h o w e d no effect of the substantially b e t t e r recovery after a n n e a l i n g by practically re-
processing, s h o w e d significant recovery after annealing. Re- c o v e r i n g b a c k to t h e o r i g i n a l level. I n b o t h c a s e s t h e
i r r a d i a t i o n to 2 • 1026 n / m 2 at 380~ d i d n o t cause e m b r i t - O F A C + E S R was a n i m p r o v e m e n t over the OFAC. Likewise,


(~ -150 -50 ~0 150 250 350 4~0

(b) 3 ~ ~ -',
"'J 14oo
1200 3~*~'*~ ~"" ~Z ~]"
i t000 ~~ d I OFAC O~AC+F_.3R
J~ 500 ~/~''~ r 1 A 0 l~d'omhmdil~on
2 9 9 ,,ut,=rZo'~'_,~_oD

,oo j/ ,,u.,,--,.,.r,ocorv..

,-,,- -150 -50 ~0 ~ 250 360 4f50
(c) 1"

-11f0 .~ ~0 1150 ~0 350 480

Testing" Temperature, ~
FIG. 17.2--Impact curvesfor (a) 10X13M2FB(12Cr-2MoVNb),(b) 10X9M2FB(9Cr-2MoVNb),
and (c) 10X9MFB(10Cr-1MoVNb)steels.

after re-irradiating, the shift in DBTT of the OFAC + E S R m a - t r i b u t e d to t h e helium. A r e c o v e r y a n n e a l m a y a g a i n p r o -

terial was n o t as large as t h a t for the OFAC, w h i c h was also d u c e a steel w i t h i m p r o v e d i m p a c t p r o p e r t i e s ( o v e r t h e
the case for the initial i r r a d i a t i o n [4]. p r o p e r t i e s b e f o r e recovery), b e c a u s e even in t h e p r e s e n c e of
K h a b a r o v et al. [5] p e r f o r m e d 1-h a n n e a l i n g e x p e r i m e n t s h e l i u m , h a r d e n i n g m a y be r e q u i r e d for the i n c r e a s e d DBTT,
on 13Cr2MoNbVB (13Cr-I.SMoVNbNi) steel r e m o v e d from a n d m o s t of the h a r d e n i n g entities (e.g., d i s l o c a t i o n loops)
s u b a s s e m b l i e s in the BN-350 a n d BN-600 r e a c t o r s after irra- are e l i m i n a t e d by t h e r e c o v e r y anneal. However, t h e r e re-
d i a t i o n to 4 to 85 d p a at 280 to 350~ The a u t h o r s stated that m a i n s the q u e s t i o n of w h e t h e r h e l i u m b u b b l e s w o u l d be ag-
recovery b e g a n at 450 to 470~ a n d c o m p l e t e recovery of the g l o m e r a t e d by the a n n e a l and, if so, w h a t effect this w o u l d
USE to the p r e - i r r a d i a t i o n level o c c u r r e d after a n n e a l i n g 1 h have o n t h e i m p a c t p r o p e r t i e s o n c e h a r d e n i n g o c c u r r e d d u r -
at 550~ ing r e - i r r a d i a t i o n . The a n s w e r m u s t a w a i t c l a r i f i c a t i o n of
Differences in the recovery processes w o u l d be expected the m e c h a n i s m b y w h i c h h e l i u m affects the e m b r i t t l e m e n t
for steels i r r a d i a t e d in a fast r e a c t o r a n d a fusion r e a c t o r be- process.
cause of the t r a n s m u t a t i o n h e l i u m p r o d u c e d in the latter.
The e x p e r i m e n t a l w o r k on the m a r t e n s i t i c steels discussed
above was for the recovery of i r r a d i a t i o n effects caused pri-
m a r i l y by d i s p l a c e m e n t d a m a g e [ 1-5 ]. H e l i u m b u b b l e s w o u l d [ 1] R. Pelli and K. T~rrOnen, State of the Art Review on Thermal
n o t a n n e a l out, a n d they m i g h t grow at the a n n e a l i n g tem- Annealing, AMES Report No. 2, European Commission, DG XII-
p e r a t u r e . Since t h e s e steels a r e r e l a t i v e l y i m m u n e to ele- Institute for Advanced Materials, Joint Research Center, Brus-
v a t e d - t e m p e r a t u r e h e l i u m e m b r i t t l e m e n t , the h e l i u m s h o u l d sels-Luxembourg, 1995.
n o t affect the steel after the recovery a n n e a l for t h a t reason, [2] C. Wassilew and K. Ehrlich, J. Nucl. Mater. 191-194 (1992) 850.
[3] V. K. Shamardin, A. M. Pecherin, O. M. Vishkarev, V. P. Borisov,
a l t h o u g h t h a t w o u l d need to be d e m o n s t r a t e d .
and G. A. Tulyakov, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Radiat. Mater. Sc.
I n C h a p t e r 14, the i n c r e a s e in the DBTT of t h e m a r t e n s i t i c (Mushta, USSR, May 22-25, 1990) 3.
steels d u r i n g i r r a d i a t i o n a n d h o w this e m b r i t t l e m e n t t h a t [4] Y. I. Zvezdin, O. M. Vishkarev, G. A. Tulyakov, Y. G. Magerya, V. A.
o c c u r s at t e m p e r a t u r e s w h e r e h a r d e n i n g o c c u r s m a y b e af- Smirnov, I. A. Shenkova, I. V. Altovski, A. A. Grigoryan, V. K.
fected b y h e l i u m was discussed. W h e n h e l i u m is p r o d u c e d Shamardin, and U. M. Pecherin, J. Nud. Mater. 191-194 (1992)
in the steel d u r i n g i r r a d i a t i o n , a n i n c r e m e n t of the shift in 855.
DBTT o v e r a n d a b o v e t h a t d u e to d i s p l a c e m e n t d a m a g e [5] V. S. Khabarov, A. M. Dvoriashin, and S. I. Porollo, J. Nucl.
a n d p r e c i p i t a t i o n t h a t o c c u r d u r i n g i r r a d i a t i o n w a s at- Mater. 233-237 (1996) 236.
MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Summary: Past, Present, and 18


Ferritic/martensitic steels are considered for use in fast (e.g., liquid lithium or Pb-Li eutectic) and, possibly, by ther-
fission and fusion reactors. The viability of the steels for ap- mal stress development and thermal fatigue in addition to
plications in the fast fission or fusion neutron environment creep strength and aging effects.
depends mainly on its irradiation resistance. In the preceding In the following, the detailed discussions on irradiation ef-
chapters, the effect of irradiation on various properties was fects of the previous chapters will be used as the basis to sum-
presented. In addition to the irradiation conditions (e.g., marize and correlate the properties of the ferfitic/martensitic
fluence, spectrum, irradiation temperature, etc.), steel com- steels with conditions expected in a fusion power plant. The
position and microstructure, which depend on how a steel is discussion also applies to the effects of the neutron environ-
processed, are important in determining irradiation resis- ment on these steels in a fast reactor, the primary difference
tance. As shown in the previous chapters, many of these vari- being that the high concentrations of helium and hydrogen
ables have been investigated in varying degrees for different produced by fusion neutrons will not form in the steels irra-
mechanical and physical properties. In general, however, de- diated in a fast reactor. Most of the literature references to
tailed, single-variable irradiation studies to comprehensively the material being summarized were given in earlier chap-
investigate these parameters have not been conducted. Be- ters, and only references not provided in previous chapters
cause of space considerations in irradiation facilities and the will be given here.
expense of conducting such experiments, most irradiation
experiments have been restricted to one steel composition in
one condition irradiated over a temperature and fluence IRRADIATION EFFECTS
range that is limited by the conditions of the irradiation fa-
cility. Furthermore, space limitations in irradiation facilities Neutron irradiation of ferritic/martensitic steels causes the
mean that only a limited number of miniature mechanical formation of vacancies and interstitials (Frenkel pairs) in the
property specimens can be irradiated, which can cause prob- steel matrix (Chapter 8). Excess vacancies collect to cause
lems in evaluating the data. For example, only four to six void swelling (Chapter 9), which has a maximum around
Charpy specimens per irradiation condition are usually irra- 400~ but in the ferritic/martensitic steels, swelling is low
diated, thus possibly affecting the determination of an accu- relative to other materials considered for nuclear applica-
rate Charpy curve; and in some cases, tension specimens tions. Swelling is not expected to limit the use of the steels,
have not been simultaneously irradiated with Charpy impact even up to a first wall service lifetime of 150 to 200 dpa, al-
specimens, thus making a quantitative comparison between though the data obtained to this fluence level were from fast
hardening and embrittlement difficult. reactor irradiation, where little helium formed. In simulation
For any given application, the mechanical and physical studies, helium appeared to cause an increase in swelling for
properties in the unirradiated and irradiated condition will neutron irradiation at 300 to 400~ and although the extent
determine a design window for the use of the ferritic/marten- of this increase has not been quantified, total swelling is still
sitic steels. Figure 18.1 is a temperature-fluence diagram that not expected to limit the use of the steels.
illustrates how the design window for a fusion power plant In addition to swelling, the movement of vacancies and in-
might he determined for F82H in a water-cooled system [1]. terstitials to the sinks can lead to changes in the precipitate
The diagram indicates that irradiation hardening (an in- structure (Chapter 10). Radiation-induced segregation (RIS)
crease in .yield stress) occurs up to 425 to 450~ but that can cause the dissolution of existing precipitates and the for-
hardening itself does not define the design window. Harden- mation of new precipitates. There can also he changes in
ing causes embrittlement (defined for Fig. 18.1 as an increase composition at internal boundaries.
in DBTT) that defines the lower limit of the window out to ~5 Excess irradiation-produced interstitials and vacancies can
MW/m 2. For Fig. 18.1 [1], helium was postulated to cause agglomerate into dislocation loops and a dislocation struc-
further emhrittlement, thus raising the lower limit at higher ture that causes hardening (Chapter 12), as measured by an
fluences as helium builds up in the fusion reactor first wall. increase in strength and a reduction in ductility. Likewise,
The upper operating temperature limit is determined by new irradiation-enhanced or irradiation-induced precipi-
creep, which is affected by thermal aging and, possibly, by ir- tates can affect the strength. Hardening influences the frac-
radiation-assisted thermal aging (Fig. 18.1). In other possible ture characteristics of steel as exhibited by changes in impact
fusion reactor designs, the upper temperature limit could properties (Chapter 14) and fracture toughness (Chapter 15),
depend on compatibility of the steel with the coolant media leading to embrittlement. It can also affect the fatigue and fa-
Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

FIG. 18.1--Schematic diagram depicting the design window for a water-cooled

tokamak-type fusion reactor constructed with the reduced-activation ferriticlmarten-
sitic steel F82H [1].

tigue crack growth (Chapter 16). The magnitude of the hard- Irradiation spectrum is important for fusion applications,
ening decreases with increasing temperature and ceases at but as yet the only studies on materials irradiated by the 14
400 to 500~ depending on the steel. MeV neutrons characteristic of a fusion spectrum from the
Hardening generally saturates with fluence, although there deuterium-tritium fusion reaction were on small specimens
is some evidence that hardening can go through a maximum to very low fluences. The high-energy neutrons of a fusion
at higher fluences and temperatures due to irradiation-en- spectrum produce (n,a) and (n,p) reactions, resulting in high
hanced thermal aging, which induces softening (i.e., irradia- helium and hydrogen concentrations forming in the matrix
tion-enhanced diffusion promotes dislocation recovery, of a first-wall structural material. At present, simulation tech-
sub-grain growth, and precipitate coarsening). Irradiation- niques must be used to obtain the large concentrations of
enhanced thermal aging can also occur above the tempera- helium and hydrogen expected to form in a ferritic/marten-
tures where hardening ceases, thus influencing thermally sitic steel during the irradiation of the first wall of a fusion
activated recovery and precipitate coarsening processes. The reactor.
evidence for a hardening maximum is based primarily on ob- Simulations to produce helium in conjunction with dis-
servations on yield stress behavior with a limited amount of placement damage by neutron irradiation have been con-
recent data indicating that the shift in DBTT might also go ducted by irradiating nickel- or boron-doped steels in a
through a maximum. Since other mechanical properties (i.e., mixed-spectrum reactor. Little or no hardening due to he-
toughness, fatigue, etc.) are affected by the hardening, if lium has been reported from tension tests of nickel- and
hardening does pass through a maximum, a maximum in the boron-doped steels, but from impact tests on such irradiated
effect of hardening on these other properties might be steel specimens, there is growing evidence that helium exac-
expected. erbates the shift in DBTT. Under conditions where ~200 to
The most detrimental effect of hardening involves the irra- 400 appm He were present in the steel, shifts in DBTT of over
diation embrittlement measured by an increase in DBTT and 200~ have been observed. Such extensive embrittlement
a decrease in USE in an impact test. Shifts in DBTT generally would severely limit the use of a steel (Fig. 18.1), but these re-
saturate with fluence, and shifts in excess of 150~ have been sults and their application to fusion conditions are fraught
recorded for some steels irradiated in a fast reactor, while with uncertainty and controversy.
other steels show much smaller shifts for similar irradiation Simulation of hydrogen effects is difficult because rela-
conditions. Depending on the DBTT before irradiation, the tively thin specimens must be used for hydrogen charging,
DBTT after irradiation can be well below or well above room and the gas rapidly diffuses from the steel, especially at the
temperature. The extent of the shift depends on irradiation expected operating temperatures of a fusion reactor. Hydro-
temperature, just as hardening does. Because of the qualita- gen-effects studies on the high-chromium ferritic/marten-
tive nature of an impact test, observations on DBTT shift can- sitic steels are in general agreement with that conclusion
not be applied to a fusion design. Although some information (Chapter 6).
is available on irradiation effects on fracture toughness--a Heavy- and light-ion irradiations have been used to simu-
more quantitative fracture parameter--more such data are late damage microstructures and helium effects on the mi-
required. crostructure. Mechanical properties tests can be carried out

both during and after irradiation in the accelerator. along with the austenite stabilizer nickel, is added to the
However, these techniques have limited use for mechanical 12Cr-IMoVW steel to stabilize the austenite and minimize
property studies because of the expense involved with the ir- ~-ferrite. The primary precipitate in both steels is M23C6, but
radiation of large numbers of large mechanical property test because of the higher carbon concentration in the 12Cr-
specimens. A 14 MeV neutron source is required with a large 1MoVW steel, it contains twice as much carbide precipitate.
enough volume to irradiate mechanical property specimens The larger irradiation-induced shift in DBTT in the 12Cr-
to verify observations from fission reactor irradiations as ap- 1MoVW steel than in 9Cr-IMoVNb steel after irradiation at
plied to fusion. >300~ has been attributed to the larger amount of carbide
In addition to spectrum effects, dose rate or flux affects in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel and to the irradiation-enhanced
swelling, as determined from comparative studies using neu- coarsening of these precipitates, under the assumption that
tron, electron, and ion irradiations. As the dose rate in- the precipitates act as crack initiators. Irradiation-induced
creases, the peak swelling temperature increases. Since these precipitation of ~' -phase in the 12Cr steel can also contribute
studies involve irradiations by ions and electrons and only to the shift in the 12Cr steel and not the 9Cr steel because
small specimens can be irradiated, less is known about dose- ~' is not generally found in steels with -<10% Cr (it has not
rate effects on mechanical properties. However, work on low- been observed in 9Cr-1MoVNb).
alloy Mn-Mo-Ni pressure-vessel steels for light water reactors Duplex steels containing martensite and ~-ferrite contain
has demonstrated a complex but significant effect of dose higher concentrations of ferrite stabilizers (e.g., 9 to 10% Cr
rate on embrittlement for low doses (<0.1 dpa) at around and 2% Mo in EM 12, which contains 0.1% C) compared to the
300~ [2]. At this temperature, the flux-dependent regime steels that are entirely martensitic. During the austenitization
begins at about 1012 n cm -2 s -I. The dose rate in the pres- treatment, these elements promote a-ferrite at the expense of
sure-vessel steels apparently affects the fluence at which sat- the austenite, and the ~-ferrite is enriched in the ferrite-stabi-
uration of the changes in mechanical properties occurs and lizing elements. Duplex steels are often more susceptible to
may be associated with precipitation of copper and interfa- embrittlement during thermal aging and during irradiation. It
cial segregation of other impurities, The m i n i m u m flux has been proposed that the problem for duplex steels or steels
needed to have an effect probably increases at higher irradi- containing small amounts of g-ferrite is caused by carbides at
ation temperatures, but it may be significant for high-flux fu- the interface between the 8-ferrite and tempered martensite,
sion conditions to 400~ Thus, along with spectrum effects although an effect of the property differences between
and the effect of helium, flux effects on microstructural martensite and g-ferrite cannot be completely ruled out.
evolution and mechanical property changes need to be ex- Precipitation of the chromium-rich a' phase in the
perimentally determined for fusion-relevant materials and chromium-rich ~-ferrite can also play a role in higher-
conditions. chromium (-> 10%) duplex steels. Irradiation can promote the
nucleation and growth of interface carbides and ~' precipi-
tates and thus enhance the irradiation embrittlement.
E F F E C T OF C O M P O S I T I O N A N D Although there are indications that the g-ferrite swells more
MICROSTRUCTURE than the tempered martensite, neither constituent shows
much swelling. Despite the propensity of the duplex steels to
Microstructure ultimately determines the properties of have these problems, EM12, a 9-10Cr-2Mo steel with 0.1% C
ferritic/martensitic steels in both the unirradiated and irradi- and a 50% martensite-50% g-ferrite microstructure, was
ated conditions. Differences in composition affect mi- more resistant to irradiation embrittlement (less shift in
crostructure by changing the a m o u n t of austenite and DBTT) when irradiated in the Ph6nix fast reactor at ~390~
g-ferrite that form during austenitization and by changing the to ~40 dpa than HT9 irradiated in FFTF at ~420~ to ~36
hardenability of the steel, which determines the section sizes dpa, even though the latter steel was essentially 100% tem-
that can be transformed to martensite. Composition also de- pered martensite. The difference is probably that the larger
termines the martensite-start (Ms) and martensite-finish (M0 carbides in the higher-carbon HT9 determines the embrittle-
temperatures, which determines how much austenite is re- ment behavior of this steel, and the lower-carbon concentra-
tained after a normalizing or quenching treatment. Finally, tion in the EM12 does not allow for a critical buildup of
composition determines the type and amount of carbides and detrimental interface carbides. Another difference might be
other precipitates that form during heat treatment and during that the formation of g-ferrite can refine the austenite grain
irradiation. Rarely have composition and microstructure size during processing.
been examined systematically in irradiation studies. There- The effect of microstructure and carbon content was fur-
fore, it is often difficult to separate how the irradiation be- ther elucidated when the duplex EM12 was compared with
havior is affected by a change in microstructure. EM10, a 9Cr-IMo steel with 0.1% C that was 100% tempered
Carbon is the most important alloying element in fer- martensite, and with F17, a 17% Cr (0.06%C) non-trans-
ritic/martensitic steels, because in addition to affecting the formable fully ferritic steel, after the three steels were irradi-
precipitate types and amounts that form, it has the largest ef- ated in the Ph6nix reactor to 30 dpa at 386 to 525~ The fully
fect (per amount present) on hardenability and the Ms and Mf martensitic steel showed the least irradiation embrittlement
temperatures, and, as an austenite stabilizer, it affects the at 390~ followed by the steel containing 50% 8-ferrite and
amount of austenite (and 8-ferrite) formed during austeniti- 50% tempered martensite (EM12), and then by the 100% fer-
zation. The effect of carbon on properties after irradiation is ritic steel (F17). More ~' formed in the high-chromium F17
evident in the different behavior of 9Cr-IMoVNb (0.1% C) steel to increase the irradiation hardening. TEM examination
and 12Cr-IMoVW (0.2% C) steels. Twice as much carbon, indicated a similar ranking for swelling resistance, with the

g - f e r r i t e - - e i t h e r in the F17 or the E M 1 2 - - s h o w i n g more and ~' forms during thermal aging of high-chromium ferritic
swelling than the tempered martensite. stainless steels, such as F17 (17% Cr). H a r d e n i n g by this
The effect of substitutional alloying elements on the irradi- phase can lead to enhanced embrittlement over that caused
ation b e h a v i o r was e x a m i n e d d u r i n g the d e v e l o p m e n t of by displacement damage alone.
r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n f e r r i t i c / m a r t e n s i t i c steels. C h r o m i u m Changes in alloying elements other than chromium also af-
concentration was varied by several investigators over the fect irradiation behavior. Martensitic steels with 9% Cr and
range 2 to 12%, and the s u b s t i t u t i o n a l alloying elements either I% V or 2% W (both with ~0.1% C) were irradiated in
other than chromium were also often varied. For a series of FFTF at 365~ to 10 dpa. Properties of these steels were infe-
Cr-2W-0.25V-0.1C steels with 2.25, 5, 9, and 12% Cr, there rior to those containing a combination of 0.25% V and 2% W.
was a variation in the extent of irradiation hardening, with Other combinations of vanadium and tungsten have been ex-
the smallest increase in strength and decrease in ductility oc- amined, but of the compositions examined, the combination
curring around 9% Cr after irradiation to 7 to 27 dpa at 365~ of -~0.25% V and 2% W with 0.1% carbon appeared to pro-
in FFTF. The DBTT and USE of Charpy specimens irradiated vide the best combination of elevated-temperature strength
in FFTF to ~7 to 28 dpa showed a pronounced m i n i m u m in and impact toughness for a steel in the unirradiated and ir-
the shift in DBTT at ~ 9 % Cr. Even with this s y s t e m a t i c radiated conditions.
change in chromium composition (other elements remaining Molybdenum and tungsten can lead to the formation of
constant), the comparison among the martensitic steels (5 to laves phase (Fe2Mo or Fe2W) in the 9 to12 Cr-Mo or 9 to
12% Cr--the 2.25% Cr steels transform to bainite and poly- 12Cr-W steels during thermal aging, but irradiation appears
gonal ferrite) was for different microstructures: the 5Cr and to move its formation to higher temperatures (>600~ It ap-
9Cr steels were 100% martensite, and the 12Cr steel was 75% pears to form at lower temperatures during irradiation only
martensite and 25% &ferrite. Irradiation had the least effect at higher molybdenum (> 1%) or tungsten (> 2%) concentra-
on the DBTT and USE of the 5Cr and 9Cr fully martensitic tions.
steels, with the 9Cr-2WV being better than the 5Cr-2WV. One alloying element that apparently imparts improved
Swelling studies on Fe-Cr binary alloys with 0 to 15% Cr i m p a c t p r o p e r t i e s to the r e d u c e d - a c t i v a t i o n m a r t e n s i t i c
showed that the effect of chromium on swelling resistance steels is tantalum. A 9Cr-2WVTa steel with 0.07% Ta had su-
was essentially inverse to the effect on hardening behavior: p e r i o r i m p a c t p r o p e r t i e s when c o m p a r e d to s i m i l a r fer-
swelling was near a maximum around 9% Cr. Similar obser- ritic/martensitic steels (conventional or reduced-activation)
vations have been made for Cr-W steels with 2 to 12% Cr. tested in b o t h the u n i r r a d i a t e d and i r r a d i a t e d condition.
Further, 9Cr martensitic steels have been consistently shown Atom probe studies i n d i c a t e d that most of the t a n t a l u m
to be higher swelling t h a n 12Cr steels. One explanation remained in solution in the normalized-and-tempered condi-
offered is that the a ' precipitates in the 12Cr steels act as tion. When the 9Cr-2WVTa steel was c o m p a r e d with
vacancy sinks. However, this explanation is counter to the 9Cr-2WV steel--the same steel composition but without tan-
observation that ~-ferrite in duplex steels and in a 17% Cr fer- t a l u m - - t h e only microstructural difference attributed to the
ritic steel F 17 consistently swells more than the martensite in tantalum was a smaller prior austenite grain size in the tan-
EM 10 steel; 8-ferrite, because of its higher chromium con- talum-containing steel. No significant difference in strength
centration, is more prone to a ' formation than martensite. of the two steels was observed as normalized and tempered,
In a d d i t i o n to the different matrix m i c r o s t r u c t u r e s for after thermally aging to 20 000 h at 365~ or after irradiation
different chromium concentrations, the type of precipitates to 7 to 28 dpa at 365~ in FFTF. Part of the improvement in
present also depends on chromium. For the high-chromium impact properties for the tantalum-containing steel was at-
steels (Cr ~> 8%), the primary precipitate is chromium-rich tributed to the reduced grain size and part to a tantalum-in-
M23C6 with a small amount of MC carbide or MX carboni- duced increase in the fracture stress or an effect of tantalum
tride. As the chromium concentration decreases, the amount on the flow stress-temperature or flow stress-strain rate be-
of M23C6 decreases, and the dominant precipitate becomes havior. More work is required to determine the exact cause.
chromium-rich M7C3. The a m o u n t of MC and/or MX also in- The i m p a c t b e h a v i o r of the t a n t a l u m - c o n t a i n i n g steel
creases with decreasing chromium. For a 5Cr-2WV steel, the showed two types of contrary behavior compared to other
M23C6 disappears, and the precipitate is primarily M7C3 with steels. First, for irradiations at 365~ in FFTF, there was a
much more MC than in a 9 to 12% Cr steel. Below ~5% Cr, continuous increase in DBTT with fluence between 7 and 28
the hardenabitity is such that it is difficult to form martensite dpa, r a t h e r than the saturation with fluence observed for
for section thicknesses of interest for nuclear applications. other steels. Second, the shift in DBTT for the 9Cr-2WVTa
The relative effect of these different precipitates during ir- steel increased with irradiation temperature for irradiation
radiation has not been determined. It has been speculated at 350 to 450~ in HFR and 365 and 393~ in FFTF, whereas
that the difference between the irradiation behavior of the the opposite b e h a v i o r has been observed for most other
martensitic reduced-activation 5Cr-2WV and 9Cr-2WV steels steels. A decrease is expected, because irradiation hardening
was caused by the different p r i m a r y carbides (M7C3 and decreases with temperature. A loss of tantalum from solution
M23C6, respectively) in the two steels. For the duplex 12Cr- during irradiation to form precipitates or to be incorporated
2WV steel, ~' and carbides on g-ferrite/tempered martensite into existing p r e c i p i t a t e s was p o s t u l a t e d to cause the
interfaces were postulated to play a role in producing the in- c o n t r a r y behavior, and other work found t a n t a l u m - r i c h
ferior impact properties of this steel relative to the 5Cr-2WV precipitates that formed during irradiation. Based on the
and 9Cr-2WV martensitic steels during fast reactor irradia- supposition that tantalum in solution affects the fracture
tion. As discussed above, steels with chromium concentra- stress or flow stress, the loss of tantalum from solution would
tions ~>10% are prone to a' precipitation during irradiation, cause the observed behavior.

E F F E C T OF M E L T I N G P R A C T I C E A N D more than the hardening that occurs by displacement dam-

THERMOMECHANICAL TREATMENT age alone in the 9Cr steels (no a' forms in the 9Cr steel). No
explanation exists for why the 12Cr-IMoVW steel is inher-
ently more irradiation resistant than the 9Cr-IMoVNb steel
Little information is available on the effect of the melting
when irradiated at 55~ despite the smaller grain size of the
practice used to produce high-chromium ferritic/martensitic
9Cr steel. The 12Cr-IMoVW steel often contains small
steels on the subsequent behavior during irradiation. A study
amounts of g-ferrite and retained austenite, and it might be
carried out in Russia indicates that melting practice can have
speculated that the presence of these more ductile con-
a favorable effect by improving the irradiation resistance to
stituents could improve the fracture properties for the low-
embrittlement in the hardening regime. Electroslag remelted
temperature irradiation, although that remains speculation.
steel developed a much smaller shift in DBTT than the same
steel without ESR. However, there was a difference in the ef-
fect of the ESR process, depending on the composition of the
steel. A 9Cr steel with 2% Mo was less affected than a 9Cr O P T I M I Z A T I O N OF
steel with 1% Mo. On the other hand, there was no effect of FERRITIC/MARTENSITIC STEELS
ESR on a 12Cr steel. In work in Germany on reduced-activa-
tion steel, it was shown that increased oxygen content could Based on the limited amount of comparative data available
result in an increased DBTT. The amount of oxygen present on composition effects on unirradiated and irradiated prop-
can depend on the processing, as demonstrated in the Rus- erties, it appears that martensitic steels with 7 to 10% Cr have
sian work that indicated oxygen was decreased by the ESR the best combination of mechanical properties after (and
process. probably before) irradiation. Although 7 to 10% Cr steels
In the Russian work, a comparison of a steel made from exhibit more swelling than lower and higher chromium com-
high-purity charge materials with one made using a typical positions, the a m o u n t of swelling is low (<2% for 9Cr-
charge showed that the steel from the high-purity charge was 1MoVNb steel after 200 dpa in a fast reactor). Beyond limited
embrittled less after irradiation. More work is needed in this efforts in the development of the MANET steels and the re-
area, especially to determine the effect of minor alloying ele- duced-activation steels, no concerted efforts have been made
ments on properties, since the reduced-activation steels are to optimize the compositions for irradiation resistance.
expected to be processed from high-purity charge materials. One of the most interesting effects observed in the study of
The high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steels are gener- the reduced-activation steels was the effect of the small
ally used in the normalized-and-tempered or quenched-and- amount of tantalum (~0.02 to 0.07%) on improving the im-
tempered condition, which produces a tempered martensite pact toughness of 7 to 9Cr-2WVTa steels and that part of the
microstructure. The austenitizing conditions determine the improvement may be lost during irradiation. No mechanism
prior-austenite grain size and the lath packet size of the for the tantalum effect has been established, but if it is as-
martensite. Both parameters can affect the unirradiated and sumed that tantalum affects the fracture stress, one possibil-
irradiated properties, especially the fracture behavior, ity could be that tantalum acts as a getter for surface-active
although only limited work has been done to establish the impurities (e.g., oxygen), and this causes an increase in the
relative effect of each parameter on properties. Tempering effective surface energy that gives rise to an increase in frac-
conditions affect the recovery of the dislocation structure ture stress. However, at this point it is not known whether the
and the size and distribution of the precipitates. tantalum causes a change in the fracture stress or the flow
The enhanced resistance to irradiation embrittlement-- stress.
smaller shifts in DBTT--at 300 to 500~ of the 9Cr-IMoVNb Given that the resistance to embrittlement can be affected
and 9Cr-2WVTa steels relative to the 12Cr-IMoVW steel by alloying, one way to remedy the deterioration of impact
would at first glance probably be attributed to the smaller toughness during irradiation would be to add an alloying
prior austenite grain size and the smaller volume of smaller element that raises the fracture stress or changes the flow
precipitates in the 9Cr steels relative to the 12Cr-IMoVW stress as tantalum is postulated to do, but with the difference
steel. The smaller prior-austenite grain size in the 9Cr steels that the added element remains in solution during irradia-
is attributed to the niobium and tantalum, and the difference tion or thermal aging. Nickel and platinum additions to
in carbide precipitates is due to the higher carbon concen- or-iron are thought to impart improved toughness by increas-
tration in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel (0.2% versus 0.1%). In real- ing the fracture stress, similar to that postulated for tanta-
ity, the interaction of these parameters is much more lum. Neither of these elements is overly prone to precipitate
complicated than the effect caused by the prior austenite in carbides. However, nickel is not a reduced-activation ele-
grain size and/or lath size and precipitate size alone, as indi- ment under some criteria, and platinum is expensive. There-
cated by the fact that the ADBTT for the 9Cr-IMoVNb was fore, other elements need to be sought in place of tantalum.
greater than that for the 12Cr-1MoVW steel when both were The possibility of using heat treatment (or other processing
irradiated at 55~ while just the opposite was observed after techniques) to improve the properties needs to be explored.
irradiation at 300 and 400~ The switch at the higher Systematic studies to elucidate the effect of heat treatment on
temperatures was attributed to the larger amount of larger prior austenite grain size, lath size, and precipitate size and
M23C6 precipitate particles in the 12Cr-IMoVW steel relative distribution could go a long way toward the development of
to 9Cr-IMoVNb steel and growth of that precipitate (perhaps an optimized steel for nuclear applications. Indications are
at g-ferrite/martensite boundaries) during the higher-tem- that prior austenite grain size affects the properties of the 9Cr-
perature irradiation and, in addition, the possible formation 1MoVNb steel, even for a small change in grain size. Grain size
of a ' precipitate that hardens the 12Cr-IMoVW steel matrix variation may provide a way to develop impact properties in

the 9Cr-2WV steel similar to those obtained in the 9Cr-2WVTa T H E FUTURE: O X I D E D I S P E R S I O N -

steel. That is, if the prior austenite grain size of the 9Cr-2WV S T R E N G T H E N E D STEELS?
steel could be reduced to give a DBTT before irradiation sim-
ilar to that of the 9Cr-2WVTa steel, the DBTTs of the two steels
Figure 18.1 illustrates how the potential operating tempera-
might approach similar values after irradiation. If another el-
ture window for a water-cooled fusion plant is defined by em-
ement is found to lower the fracture stress or change the flow
brittlement at the low temperatures and creep at elevated
stress and does not precipitate during irradiation, it could be
temperatures [1]. According to a fusion design study in
combined with the heat treatment to produce a steel with a
Japan, higher operating temperatures are required for im-
small prior-austenite grain size (developed by the heat treat-
proved efficiency and safety [3]. To achieve higher operating
ment) and a reduced fracture stress or favorable flow stress
temperatures for a ferritic/martensitic steel, a structural ma-
behavior that does not deteriorate during irradiation. Alter-
terial is required with improved elevated-temperature
natively, tantalum could be combined with the new element
strength relative to the conventional ferritic/martensitic
to produce a steel with a refined grain size and improved frac-
steels being considered, for which the creep strength is prob-
ture resistance after high-dose irradiation.
ably adequate to about 550~ With such a new material, the
Precipitates are a major source of the strength of fer-
operating window could be opened wider. If ferritic/marten-
ritic/martensitic steels. The primary precipitate in the nor-
sitic steels capable of use at higher temperatures could be
malized-and-tempered 9-12% Cr steels is chromium-rich
developed, they would also be attractive for fusion power sys-
M23C6. As the amount of chromium is decreased to 7% in a
tems cooled by liquid metal or helium [4]. Such steels could
Cr-2WV steel, some of this precipitate is replaced by M7C3,
also be used as fuel cladding in fast fission reactors.
and in a 5% Cr steel, most of the precipitate is M7C3. Like the
A ferritic/martensitic steel with improved high-tempera-
M23C6, the M7C3 is present as large globular carbides, and in ture properties for use in the power-generation industry has
this morphology it does not play its optimum role in the
been a goal of the steel industry since the 1940s, when Cr-Mo
elevated-temperature strength. Further, because of their
steels were first introduced. As discussed in Chapter 2,
morphology, these two types of precipitates can play a detri-
progress has been made, and the new Cr-Mo-W steels have
mental role in the fracture behavior. Processing procedures
been code approved for thick section applications for opera-
that would decrease the size of the particles and increase
tion at 620~ The steels that show the most promise for
their number density could enhance mechanical properties.
operating at even higher temperatures are the oxide disper-
Likewise, indications are that despite the presence of the MC
sion-strengthened (ODS) steels. The ODS steels are presently
carbide formers vanadium and tantalum in the 7 to 12% Cr receiving an ever-increasing amount of attention as possible
reduced-activation steels and vanadium and niobium in the candidate materials for first wall and blanket structural ma-
conventional Cr-Mo steels, a relatively small amount of fine terials for fusion [5-7] and for fuel cladding for fast fission
MC is present in the microstructure. In the 9Cr-IMoVNb, reactors [8,9].
9Cr-2WV, and 9Cr-2WVTa steels, for example, the MC pre- The ODS steels are not new to the nuclear industry. They
cipitate number densities were only 1 to 8 x i0 is m -3 for MC were considered for fuel cladding applications for fast reac-
compared to 23 to 7 • 1019 m -3 for M23C6. The relative effect tors as early as the 1960s [10]; some of that earlier work was
of the MC precipitates on elevated-temperature strength may referred to in Chapters 9 and 11. The problem that has hin-
be minimal, but this needs to be quantitatively assessed and dered these steels for nuclear and other applications is the
ways to improve the precipitate morphology need to be anisotropy of the properties that is the result of the process-
pursued. ing procedures used to form the steels. In this section, we will
Helium effects were minimized in austenitic stainless briefly review the steels to demonstrate the promise and
steels by providing a high density of precipitates to act as problems of these materials, with emphasis on the recent
nucleation sites for bubble formation. For such a mi- work.
crostructure, a high density of small helium bubbles form at The first ODS steels consisted of a high-chromium (12 to
the precipitate-matrix interfaces and not only minimize bub- 17% Cr) non-transformable ferrite matrix with a high num-
ble swelling, they also minimize elevated-temperature ber density of small titania (TiO2) and/or yttria (Y203) parti-
helium embrittlement, because they reduce the amount of cles as the strengthening dispersion. Two early compositions
helium that reaches grain boundaries. If helium is proved to that were studied extensively were [11]: Fe-13Cr-l.5Mo-
cause embrittlement in the temperature regime where the 2.9Ti-l.8Ti203 (DT2906) and Fe-13Cr-l.5Mo-2.2Ti-0.9Ti2Os-
ferritic/martensitic steels harden (~<400 to 450~ a high 0.5Y203 (DT2203Y05). Elevated-temperature strength is pro-
density of fine precipitates might be a way to alleviate the vided by the titania and yttria particles and by x-phase (70%
problem. Since precipitates can act as crack nuclei, a buildup Fe, 15% Cr, 7% Ti, 6% Mo) that forms at grain boundaries.
of helium bubbles on the larger precipitates of low number These steels and variations on these steels generally showed
density in the present steels of interest might actually exacer- excellent swelling resistance when irradiated by neutrons
bate embrittlement. It is known that as the chromium con- [11-15], electrons [16,173, and heavy ions [18,19]. Results
centration of the Cr-W steels is decreased the amount of the from the accelerator irradiations indicated that swelling re-
MC increases. For example, a 2.25Cr-2WV steel has a consid- sistance was also excellent when helium was present [ 18,19].
erably higher density of the fine MC precipitates than the The oxide particles are expected to act as a myriad of nucle-
9Cr-2WV ol 9Cr-2WVTa steels do, although these steels do ation sites for a large number of small helium bubbles, thus
not have good irradiation resistance. Other ways need to be ameliorating the effect of transmutation helium on mechan-
found to produce steels with a precipitate morphology favor- ical properties as well as reducing swelling. Most of the
able to irradiation resistance. irradiation studies on the early steels concerned swelling

(Chapter 9), and there was a limited amount of work on irra- It would appear that a problem with a martensitic ODS
diation creep (Chapter 11). Irradiation-creep resistance was steel is that it will have to contain sufficient carbon to pro-
much better than for Type 316 stainless steel but not as good duce the austenite that is transformed to martensite. When
as EM12 [11]. the steel is tempered to impart toughness, M23C6 will form.
The only extensive high-dose irradiation of mechanical As noted in earlier chapters, M23C6 can determine the prop-
properties specimens was in the Ph6nix reactor, where irra- erties of the high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steels--espe-
diations were up to 81 dpa at 400 to 580~ on the Fe-13Cr- cially the impact toughness--and it would probably do the
1.5Mo-2Ti-0.45Y-0.30 (DT2203Y05) ODS steel (Chapter 12) same in a martensitic ODS steel. Furthermore, operation at
[ 14]. Although swelling was suppressed by the oxide disper- high temperatures would further coarsen the M23C6. High-
sion, there were problems caused by irradiation. Tension chromium ferritic ODS steels avoid the M23C6 by keeping the
tests indicated that the steel was embrittled, and TEM carbon concentration low (0.01 to 0.03%). Finally, an ODS
showed numerous microstructural changes. These included: martensitic steel would have an upper-temperature limit set
(a) the decrease in the matrix chromium and molybdenum by the Acl temperature. The steel could probably not be used
content (the changes depended on the irradiation tempera- above this temperature because the properties would change
ture), (b) the formation of ~' below 480~ (c) the formation due to the austenite formation and the martensite that would
of x-phase (in addition to that present before irradiation) in form during shutdown.
high-dose regions above 500~ (d) the formation of Laves There are other problems with the ferritic ODS steels
phase in the low-dose regions, and (e) the dissolution of fine besides the anisotropy. At present, the literature is devoid of
oxide particles during irradiation (attributed to ballistically information on the production of thick-walled parts or large-
ejected oxide atoms). Thus, the indications are that irradia- diameter tubing, and only recently have some reduced-acti-
tion can cause problems for ODS steels, in addition to the vation compositions been made. Finally, the fabrication
anisotropy problem that has long plagued the steels. processes for these materials for the heavy sections of a fu-
In addition to the limited amount of data on the effect of sion blanket structure will need to be established, and this
irradiation on tensile behavior, there appears to be only one means addressing the problem of joining the materials. In
study that examined the effect of irradiation on Charpy im- other words, much research and development is still required
pact behavior (Chapter 14) [20]. The ferritic ODS steel, la- to determine if ODS steels can be used for future fusion first
beled 1DS (Fe-11Cr-2.7W-0.4Ti-0.66Y203), irradiated in a wall and blanket applications and fast reactor fuel cladding.
fast reactor (JOYO) showed excellent resistance to embrittle- Two other non-commercial h i g h - c h r o m i u m ferritic/
ment for small (1.5 • 1.5 m m 2 cross section) Charpy speci- martensitic steel developments can be mentioned. The first is
mens. There were again indications of anisotropy in the the development of 12Cr-8Mo steels for fuel cladding that are
properties. strengthened by intermetallic compounds [21]. These steels,
In recent years, there have been ODS steel development produced by powder metallurgy techniques, have been
programs in France [6] and Japan [7-9]. A primary objective shown to have creep-rupture strengths over twice that for
of these programs is to solve the major problem of the ferritic HT9.
ODS steels, namely, the [8] "bamboo-like grain structure and What is interesting about the second steel [22], which has
a strong deformation texture," which gives rise to anisotropic good creep strength to 650 to 700~ is that it achieves its
mechanical properties, especially an inferior biaxial creep- excellent elevated-temperature properties by dispersion
rupture strength. The development programs seek to process strengthening, but it is produced by m o r e conventional
the presently available steels (e.g., commercial MA 957--Fe- techniques than the powder-metallurgy/mechanical alloying
14Cr-lTi-0.3Mo-0.25Y203) to produce an equiaxed structure techniques used for ODS steels. The composition of the
[6] and explore new alloy compositions [6-9]. As an example steel, called A21, is 9.5Cr-3Co-INi-0.6Mo-0.3Ti-0.07C. It is
of a treatment used to try to eliminate the anisotropy of the strengthened by tiny titanium carbides that are produced by
1DS steel, the processing (after the mechanical alloying hot working in the austenite region before cooling to form
through the extrusion steps) involved six warm rolling passes martensite. Hot working generates dislocations that provide
and a 1 h heat treatment at 1100~ [9]. nucleation sites for fine TiC particles to produce dispersion-
Many of the new alloys use tungsten instead of molybde- strengthened martensite with high creep strength but with-
n u m (making them reduced activation), and they usually use out the anisotropy of the extruded ODS steels. By balancing
Y203 dispersions with lower titanium concentrations than the composition between the titanium and carbon and using
were used for the earlier versions [6-9]. Aluminum and nio- up essentially all of the carbon to form TiC, it is possible to
bium additions have also been explored for grain refinement avoid the large M23C6 precipitates that can be detrimental to
[9], but this has not solved the problem with anisotropy. the toughness. Because of the high cobalt concentration, it
A second approach to solve the anisotropy problem is to would not be used for nuclear applications (cobalt causes
use a 9 to 11% Cr, 2-3% W base with the yttria dispersion high radioactivity after neutron irradiation). However, per-
[6-9]. The objective here is to develop an equiaxed structure haps the processing technique can be adapted to produce
through the austenite-to-martensite transformation when steels with compositions that can be used for nuclear
the steel is cooled from the austenitization treatment tem- applications.
perature. This approach has produced steels with excellent Both the 12Cr-8Mo and the A-21 steel are in a very early de-
tensile properties [6-8] and a significant decrease in the velopment stage. Even though the ODS steels have been
anisotropy of the microstructure [8]. However, the creep- around for over 30 years, they also have to be considered in
rupture properties were significantly reduced from those of an early development stage, as the problem with anisotropic
the high-chromium ODS steels [8]. properties still does not seem to be solved. Therefore, if high-

c h r o m i u m f e r r i t i c / m a r t e n s i t i c steels are to be u s e d for [7] A. Hishinuma, Proceedings of IEA Workshop/Working Group

n u c l e a r applications at p r e s e n t a n d in the n e a r future, all Meeting on Ferritic/Martensitic Steels, Ed. R. L. Klueh, Oak
indications are that the c o n v e n t i o n a l Cr-Mo steels a n d their Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/M-6627, 1998.
reduced-activation c o u n t e r p a r t s will be the steels used. As [8] S. Ukai, M. Harada, H. Okada, M. Inoue, S. Nomura, S.
Shikakura, K. Asabe, T. Nishida, and M. Fujiwara, J. Nucl.
discussed earlier, i m p r o v e m e n t s have b e e n m a d e in the prop-
Mater. 204 (1993) 65.
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620~ Mater. 204 (1993) 74.
For fusion, there is a dearth of materials presently viewed [10] J.-J. Huet, H. Massaux, L. De Wilde, and J. Noels, Revue de M6-
feasible for the first wall a n d blanket structures. Besides the tallurgie (1968) 863.
ferritic/martensitic steels, v a n a d i u m a n d SiC/SiC composites [11] J.-J. Huet, L. Coheur, L. De Wilde, J. Gedopt, W. Hendrix, and
are the only other materials b e i n g considered. However, the W. Vandermeulen, in: Topical Conference on Ferritic Alloys for
development of these latter two materials is probably n o t ad- Use In Nuclear Energy Technologies, Eds. J. W. Davis and D. J.
v a n c e d b e y o n d the stage of d e v e l o p m e n t achieved by the Michel (The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA,
1984) 329.
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sitic steels p r o d u c e d by c o n v e n t i o n a l processes are the only Reactor Core Components, Vol. 1., Eds. J. Poirier and J. M.
structural material available for fusion at present, a n d will Dupouy (CEA, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, 1979) 5.
p r o b a b l y be the only m a t e r i a l available for well i n t o the [13] A. De Bremaecker and J. -J. Huet, in: Dimensional Stability and
future. Mechanical Behavior of Irradiated Metals and Alloys, Vol. 1
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[14] P. Dubuisson, R. Schill, M. P. Hugon, I. Grislin, and J. L. Sdran,
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MONO3-EB/Jun. 2001

Subject Index

A growth rates, 98 Corrosion rates, 57-58

Alloying additions, effects on irradiation produced, 98-99 lithium-lead, 59
constitution, 28-29 CETA steels, irradiated, Charpy curves, Cracking, critical hydrogen
Alloying elements, 210-211 139-140 concentrations, 65, 68
segregation, 43 10 CFR Part 61, 3 Cracks, carbide particles as source, 146
u-particle, production, 84 Charged particle irradiation, effect on Creep, 51-53
Alumina, insulating layer, 59 precipitate phase, 105 definition, 113
Annealing, 205-207 Charpy curves see a l s o Irradiation creep
Arrhenius plots before and after irradiation, 139-140 Creep coefficient, 115
dissolution rate, 59-60 compared to fracture toughness curves, in-pile creep, 120
hydrogen diffusivity, 63-64 168-169 temperature dependence, 115, 118
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code comparison of unirradiated and Creep compliance, 115
Section VIII, 2 irradiated, 151-152 Creep deformation, 200
ASME Code Case N-47, 2, 199 cyclotron-injected helium, 162 Creep-fatigue, 183-185
ASTM E 7O6, 81 irradiated MANET II and CETA steels, Creep-fatigue crack growth interaction
ASTM E 693, 81 139-140 equation, 201
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), 42 ODS steels, 155 Creep resistance, high chromium
Austenitic stainless steels Charpy impact curves martensitic steels, 7
helium effects, 213 annealing and, 205 Creep-rupture, 51-53
hydrogen diffusivity, 63-64 unirradiated and irradiated, 159 in-reactor, austenitic steels, 135
in-reactor creep-rupture, 135 Charpy impact properties, irradiated Cr- post-irradiation, 136
irradiated, microstructure, 98-99 Mo steels, 149 Cr-Mo steels
limitations for fusion, 2 Charpy impact tests, 168 hydrogen embritflement, 65-66
Austenitization, effect on displacement Charpy impact toughness, irradiation irradiation hardening by fission
damage effects, 146 effects, heat treatment and, 144 neutrons, 122-127
Austenitization temperature, effect on Charpy properties, tantalum effect, 153 Cyclic behavior, subgrain size effects, 187
ductile-brittle-transition Charpy V-notch ductile-brittle transition Cyclic-hardening relationship, 187
temperature, 145 curves, heat treatment effects, Cyclic softening, 185-186, 191
46-50, 46-48 thermal fatigue-tested, 196
B Charpy V-notch impact transition curves, Cyclic strength, 185-188
Beryllium neutron multiplier, 61 48-49, 51 Cyclic stress-strain constants, 187
Bolts, high chromium martensitic steels, Chi phase, 39, 107-108 Cyclic stress-strain curves, 187-188
11 Chromium Cyclic stress-strain response, predicted
Boron as alloying element, 211 and experimental, 187-188
doping problem, 163 composition profile across prior Cyclotron-injected helium, 162-163
effect on size and density of voids, austenite grain boundaries, 44
95-96 effect on constitution of Fe-Cr-C alloys, D
helium bubbles and, 161 28-29 Defect cluster, 81-82
irradiated steels, helium effects, role in phosphorus segregation, 45 Deuterium-tritium fuel cycle, 82
158-162 segregation, 43 Diametral strain, as function of
segregation, 43 Chromium-rich ferrite, precipitation, fluence, 116-117
Brazing, 78-79 105-106 hoop stress, 116-118
Breeder outside tube, 17-18 Cleavage fracture toughness, Laves and v Diffusion, hydrogen isotope effects, 63-64
Bubbles, 82 phases, 143 Diffusion coefficient
Burgers vectors, 81-82, 97, 113 Clusters, 81 apparent, temperature dependence,
Coffin frequency modified endurance 63-64
C approach, 181 effective, 63
Carbide particles Coffin-Manson relation, 178-179 Diffusion welding, 75
as source of cracks, 146 Cold cracking, 75-77 Dimensional stability, 13
spherical, 153 Compressive hold periods, effects on see a l s o Swelling
v-Carbide phase, 106-107 fatigue endurances, 183-184 Dislocation channel deformation, 127
Carbide precipitation, 35 number of fatigue cycles to failure, 183 Dislocation loops, 81-82, 97, 143
Carbon, as alloying element, 210 Continuous-cooling-transformation irradiation-produced, 123
Casings and valve bodies, 11 diagram, 32-33 Dislocations, 113
Cavities, 82 fusion welding, 75, 77 Displacement damage effects, 139-156
formation at prior austenite grain Continuum damage mechanism, 200 austenitization effect, 146
boundaries, 185 Corrosion, aqueous, water coolant, 56-58 chemical composition effect, 149-155

Copyright* 2001 by ASTM International

Displacement damage effects (continued) Fatigue, see Strain-controlled low-cycle activation property, 20-21
fluence and temperature effect, fatigue; Stress-controlled high- composition, 19
139-144 cycle fatigue impurity concentrations, 21
heat treatment effect, 144-148 Fatigue crack growth, 197-199 parameters, 19
melting practice effect, 148-149 Fatigue crack growth rate, 199-201 systems and components, 15-17
oxide dispersion-strengthened steels, Fatigue transition life, 177-178 tritium breeding blanket concepts,
155-156 Fe-er alloys, irradiation-induced phases, 16-18
reduced-activation steels, 143 106-107 Fusion welding, 71-77
shift as function of helium a'-Ferrite, 3 9 4 0 defects, 74-77
concentration, 160-161 precipitation, 105-106 microstructural characteristics, 71-74
shift as function of irradiation 8-Ferrite, 210 processes, 71
temperature, 161 formation suppression, 30-31 Fusion zones, microstructures, 71-73
shift versus irradiation dose, 159 improved ductility and toughness, 142
Dissolution rate, Arrhenius plots, 59-60 G
Ferrite-forming elements, 28 Gas tungsten arc welds, micro-hardness
Double austenitizing treatments, 33 Ferritic steels
Dual-beam irradiations, 96-98 profiles, 73
comparison of ion, electron, and Gas turbines, high chromium martensitic
Ductile-brittle-transition temperature neutron irradiation, 96
austenitization temperature effect, 145 steels, 5
low- and reduced-activation G phase, 107-108
chromium content effect, 151 considerations, 2-3
comparison, F17, EM 12 and EM-10 Grain boundary composition, during
low-swelling character, 96 tempering, effect of molybdenum,
steels, 142-143
non-transformable, resistance to 43
9Cr- 1MoVNh steel, 141-I 42
elevated-temperature helium
effect of
embrittlement, 137 FI
aging temperature and time, 49, 51
prior austenite grain size, 144 optimization, 212-213 Hardening, 208-209
delta-ferrite and, 48 radiation-induced segregation, detrimental effects, 209
fracture toughness, 168 103-105 ductile-brittle-transition temperature
as function of reduced-activation, 3 and, 143-144
displacement damage, 144-145 sodium-cooled, 12, t4 fission neutrons, 122-128
irradiation temperature, 154 spherical carbide particles, 153 conventional Cr-Mo and reduced
temperature, 152 stress-strain curves, 122-123 activation steels, 122-127
high chromium ferritic/martensitic F82H steel oxide dispersion-strengthened steels,
steels, 14 activation property, 20-21 128
irradiated steel, helium effects, activation response functions, 21-22 helium effects, 129-133
156-t57 Fission reactors, neutron-energy spectra, by 14 MeV neutrons, 128-129
irradiation-induced increase, 147 82-83 Hardness
relation to irradiation hardening, Fracture, quasi-cleavage, 146-147 helium effects and, 160
143-144 Fracture behavior martensite, 33
shift, 209 radiation-induced segregation, 158 tempering effect, 146
as function of fluence, 148 thermal stability, 45-47, 53 Heat-affected zones
as function of helium concentration, Fracture mode, effects of hydrogen liquation cracking, 74-75
160-161 charging and aging, 65-66 microstructures, 71-73
as function of irradiation Fracture stress, 153, 167 schematic diagram, 72
temperature, 148, 161 Fracture toughness, 167-176 simulated, microstructures, 168-173
and strength increase due to conventional high-chromium steels, Helium
irradiation, 139-140 168-173 cyclotron-injected, 162-163
versus irradiation dose, 159 dependence on mode IIl load effect on swelling, 94-96
tempering temperature effect, 147 component, 67 Helium bubbles, 157-158
Ductile failure, highly dimpled, 127 as function of boron and, 161
Ductility, g-ferrite and, 142 at grain boundaries, 135
crack angle, 173-174
Ductility exhaustion, 200 intergranular, stress-induced growth,
temperature, 169-170
Duplex steels, 210 135
initiation, increase with increasing
prior austenite grain boundaries,
chromium and tempering
E 136-137
temperature, 169 Helium effects, 156-162, 209, 213
Elastic strain range, 188-189 MANET I steel, 173
Electron irradiation, 96-97 boron-doped steels, 158-162
other approaches, 175-176 hardening, 129-133
Elongation, 122-123
reduced-activation steels, 173-175 nickel-doped steels, 156-158
effect of single- and dual-beam
static, 168 past and future, 163
irradiation, 131-132
thermomechanical treatment, 169 Helium embrittlement, elevated-
as function of
fluence, 126 TIG weldments, 173 temperature, 135-138
irradiation temperature, 125 Fracture toughness curves, compared to resistance to, bcc iron-based alloys,
steel with and without boron, 131 Charpy curves, 168-169 135-137
EM12 steel Fusion High-chromium ferritic steels
compared with EM 10, 210 advantages and limitations of allowable impurity concentrations, 21
irradiation-creep coefficient, 120 martensitic steels, 1-2 ductile-brittle transition temperature,
Explosive welding, 75 limitations, austenitic stainless steels, 2 14
Fusion materials research, simulation limitations, fast breeder reactors, 14
F techniques, 85 High-chromium martensitic steels, 5-23
Fast breeder reactors, 11-14 Fusion neutron environment, irradiation allowable impurity concentrations, 21
components and materials, 12-14 damage, 82-83 boiler components, 7, 10
oxide dispersion-strengthened steels, 14 Fusion reactors, 14-23 compositions, 6, 8-9
radiation damage, 11-12 hydrogen isotope effects, 68-69 creep resistance, 7
void swelling, 12-13 reduced-activation steels, 18-23 development, 7

ductile-brittle transition temperature, Irradiation effects, 208-210 optimization, 212-213

14 Irradiation embrittlement see alsoHigh chromium martensitic
fusion reactors, see Fusion reactors helium effects, 156-162 steels
gas turbines, 5 see also Displacement damage effects Martensite hardness, 33
limitations, fast breeder reactors, 14 Irradiation experiments, 88-89 Mean stress, 185
precipitation, normalized-and- Irradiation facilities, 85-88 Mechanical properties, thermal stability,
tempered, aged, and creep-rupture Irradiation resistance, enhanced, 149 4547
tested, 3 9 4 0 Irradiation simulation techniques, 83-85 Melting practice, 212
stainless characteristics, 5 Irradiation studies, 83-85 effect on displacement damage,
steam power plants, 5-6 Isothermal transformation diagram, 148-149
turbine components, 10-11 32-33 Metallurgy, 28-37
uses, 5 constitution, 28-30
see also Fast breeder reactors J tempering, 33-37
High-cycle fatigue, see Stress-controlled Joining, 71-79 transformation, 29-33
high-cycle fatigue brazing, 78-79 Microhardness, gas tungsten arc welds,
High-frequency induction welding, 75 dissimilar metal welding, 77-78 73
High-pressure/low-pressure combination solid state welding, 77 Microstructural developments, 39, 41
rotor shafts, 10 welding of irradiated steels, 79 Microstructural evolution, 40
HT9 steel, hydrogen embrittlement, Microstructure
64-65 K effects, 210-211
Hydrogen charging, effects on tensile Knock-on atom, 81 normalized-and-tempered steels,
ductility and fracture mode, 65-66 141-142
Hydrogen cracking, 75-77 L Midlife weldment cracking, 75
Hydrogen effects, 209 Langer equation, 179-180 Molybdenum
Hydrogen embrittlement, 64-68 Laves phase, 40, 107-I 10 as alloying element, 211
9Cr-1Mo steel, 65-66 composition profile across prior
cleavage fracture toughness, 143
HT9 steel, 64-65 irradiation-induced, 143 austenite grain boundaries, 44
irradiation effects, 68 effect on grain boundary composition
phosphorus segregation, 43-44
MANET steels, 65, 67-68 precipitates, compositions, 39, 41 during tempering, 43
manifestation, 63 spheroidization, 53 role in phosphorus segregation, 45
mechanisms, 67-68 time-temperature-precipitation Monotonic stress-strain constants, 187
reduced-activation steels, 65, 67-68 diagrams, 39, 4 1 4 2 Monotonic stress-strain curves, 187-188
Hydrogen isotope effects, 63-69 Life predictions, 199-201
fusion reactor systems, 68-69 Linear damage rule, 201 N
solubility, diffusion, and permeation, Linear damage summation, 200 Neutron-energy spectra, fission reactors,
63-64 Linear elastic fracture mechanics, 198 82-83
see also Hydrogen embrittlement Neutron irradiation, 82-83, 209
Liquid metal embrittlement, 59-60
Hysteresis loops, 177-178, 185 Lithium-lead eutectic, corrosion, 58-60 effect on precipitate phase, 105
Lithium, liquid, 18 swelling during, see Swelling
Low activation, 3 Neutrons, 14 MeV
Impact, 46-53 hardening by, 128-129
Impact curves, annealing and, 205-206 Low-alloy ferritic/pearlitic steels,
resistance to elevated-temperature Next European Torns (NET), 15
Impact properties, irradiation effects,
139-163 helium embrittlement, 137 Nickel
Low-cycle fatigue effect on microstructure and
cyclotron-injected helium, 162-163
effect of temperature, 178-179 properties, 84-85
Inherent creep strength, 52
see also Strain-controlled low-cycle helium effects, 96
In-pile creep, creep coefficient, 120
fatigue on hardening, 129
Interfacial segregation, stress-driven, 45
irradiation embrittlement, helium
Intergranular attack, 56
effects and, 156-158
Intergranular cracking, 181 M
segregation, radiation-induced, 158
Intergranular fracture, irradiated ferritic Magnetic confinement systems, 15 Nuclear fission, 11
steels, 158 MANET steels Nuclear fusion, 14-15
Internal gas pressure, 135 activation property, 20-21 v phase, cleavage fracture toughness, 143
Interstitials, 97-98 creep and temperature, 52
Inverse Kirkendall effect, 103 effect of hold periods on number of
Ion irradiation, 96-97 cycles to failure, 184 O
Iron-base alloys, body-centered-cubic, fatigue endurance, 67-68 Orowan type of equation, 45
resistance to intergranular helium fracture toughness, 173 Outboard blanket segment, 17-18
embrittlement, 135-137 fusion reactors, 15 Out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue
Irradiated steels, welding, 79 hydrogen embrittlement, 65, 67-68 tests, 196-197
Irradiation, effects on ferritic/martensitic irradiated, Charpy cmwes, 139-140 Oxide dispersion-strengthened steels, 19,
steels, 81-82 irradiation hardening, 125-126 213-215
Irradiation creep, 113-120 irradiation temperature effect, 139-140 Charpy curves, 155
ferritic/martensitic steels, 114-120 stress corrosion cracking, 59-60 displacement damage effects, 155-156
measurement techniques, 114 tempering curves, 35 fast breeder reactors, 14
rate, 113 Martensite microstrncture, tempered, 160 hardening by fission neutrons, 128
steady-state rate, 116 Martensitic steels irradiated, microstructure, 98, 100
theory, 113 advantages and limitations for fusion, irradiation-creep coefficient, 120
Irradiation creep coefficient 1-2 swelling, 119-120
neutron-irradiated steels, 117 hydrogen diffusivity, 63-64
ODS and EM12 steels, 120 irradiated, microstructure, 98-99 P
Irradiation creep deformation, 118-119 low- and reduced-activation Permeation, hydrogen isotope effects,
Irradiation damage, fusion neutron considerations, 2-3 63-64
environment, 82-83 low-swelling character, 96 Phase diagram, HAZ regions, 72

Phosphorus Strain-controlled fatigue endurances, 191 Tearing modulus, 168, 169-173

composition profile across prior Strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue, dependence on mode Ill load
austenite grain boundaries, 44 177-193 component, 67
segregation, 43 creep-fatigue, 183-185 Temperature-fluence diagram, 208
Plane-strain fracture toughness, 167 cyclic strength, 185-188 Tempering, 33-37
Plastic strain range, 188-189 as function of total axial strain range, curves, MANET I, MANET II steels, 35
development, 191 180 Tensile, 45-47
Post-weld heat treatment, 2, 71, 75-76 irradiation effects, 187-193 Tensile ductility
Precipitate phases, 104-111, 211,213 strain range, 177-178 effects of hydrogen charging and aging,
chi, 107-108 strain rate and frequency, 181 65-66
cU-ferrite, 105-106 steel composition, structure, and elevated-temperature helium
G phase, 107-108 fabrication, 181-183 embritflement, 136
Laves, 107-110 test atmosphere, 180-181 HT9 steel, 64-65
v-carbide, 106-107 test temperature, 178-180 thermal aging effects, 46-47
r phase, 107, 110 Strain range, 177-178 Tensile hold periods, effects on
Precipitation, 39-42 mechanical, 194 fatigue endurances, 183-184
normalized-and-tempered, aged, and versus stress range, 195 number of fatigue cycles to failure,
creep-rupture tested steels, 39-40 partitioning, 200 183
Preferred absorption glide creep, 113 versus number of cycles to failure, Tensile strength, 122-123
181-182, 188-189
effect of fluence, 122-124
versus stress range, 188-189
0 Thermal fatigue, 194-199
Strain rate, 181
Quasi-cleavage fracture, 146-147 effect of hold periods, 196
Strength, increase due to irradiation, 130
ductile-brittle-transitiontemperature endurances, 194
R shift, 139-140 Thermal stability, 39-53
Radiation damage, fast breeder reactors, Stress amplitude, evolution during strain creep and creep-rupture, 51-53
11-12 controlled fatigue tests, 189-190 fracture, 53
Radiation-induced segregation, 103-105 Stress-controlled high-cycle fatigue, impact, 46-53
fracture behavior, 158 192-194 mechanical properties and fracture
Ramberg-Osgood equation, 187 Stress corrosion cracking, 56 behavior, 45-47
Reduced-activation steels, 3 Stress induced preferential absorption precipitation, 39-42
activation property, 20-21 creep, 113 segregation, 42-45
chemical composition effect, 149-150 Stress intensity factor, 167 tensile, 45-47
chromium content and ductile-brittle- Stress intensity factor range, 198 Thermal strain, 196, 198
transition temperature, Stress range THERMOCALC, equilibrium phase
151 development, 191 prediction, 40, 42
composition, 21 development during fatigue tests, Thermomechanical fatigue, 177, 194-197
displacement damage effects, 143 189-190 effect of hold periods, 196, 198
effect of tungsten and vanadium, 150 strain-controlled "in-beam', 191-192 Thermomechanical treatment, 212
fracture toughness, 173-175 effect of temperature, 192-193 fracture toughness, 169
hydrogen embrittlement, 65, 67-68 as function of number of fatigue cycles, TIG weldments, fracture toughness, 173
impurity concentrations, 21 191-192 Time-temperature-precipitation
irradiation hardening by fission versus strain range, 188-189 diagrams, Laves phase, 39, 41-42
neutrons, 122-127 thermal fatigue-tested steels, 196-197 Tokamaks, 15
microstructure, 28-29 versus total mechanical strain range, plasma-facing components, 15
following irradiation, 93-94 195 Toughness, g-ferrite and, 142
neutron-irradiated, void swelling, Stress relaxation, 184 Transformation, 29-33
92-93 Stress-relief cracking, 75 Transgranular cracks, 181
parameters, 21 Stress-strain curves Transgranular failures, 128
Reheat cracking, 75 engineering, 127, 135-136 Transgranular fracture, 185
Ritchie-Knott-Rice model, 147 ferritic steel, 122-123 Tritium breeding, 15
Rotors, high-chromium martensitic Subgrain size, effects on cyclic behavior, blanket concepts, 16-18
steels, 10-11 187 Tungsten
Submerged arc welds, microhardness, as alloying element, 211
73-74 computed kinetics, 41-42
Schaeffler-Schneider diagram, 30-31 Supercritical power plants, 5-6 computed partitioning, 41-42
Surface energy, effective, tantalum effect,
Segregation, 42-45 effect on reduced-activation steels, 150
effect of stress, 45 Turbine blades, high chromium
Swelling, 82
g phase, 107, 110 martensitic steels, 11
during neutron irradiation, 91-100
Silicon, segregation, 43 helium effects, 94-96 Turbine components, high chromium
Sinks, 81 ion and electron irradiation, 96-97 martensitic steels, 10-11
irradiation-produced defects, 98 mechanisms, 97-100 Type IV cracking, 75-76
Softening rate, 34 reduced-activation steels, 93-94
Solid ceramic breeding materials, 61 effect of chromium, 211 U
Solidification cracking, 74 mechanisms, 97-100 Ultracritical power plants, 5-6
Solid state welding, 77 ODS steels, 119-120 Upper-shelf energy, as function of
Solubility, hydrogen isotope effects,
displacement damage, 144-145
63-64 T USE, 147
Solubility curves, 28-30 Tantalum
vanadium nitride, 35-36 as alloying element, 211-212
Solubility products, 28 effect V
Steam oxidation, water coolant, 58 Charpy properties, 153 Vacancies, 82, 97-98
Steam power plants, high chromium Young's modulus and effective Valve bodies, 11
martensitic steels, 5-6 surface energy, 153 Vanadium

as alloying element, 211 fast breeder reactors, 12-13 Y

effect on reduced-activation steels, 150 neutron-irradiated steels, 92-93 Yield stress, 122-123, 130-131
Vanadium nitride, solubility curves, 35-36 effect of
Voids, 82 W fluence, 122-I24
boron effect on size and density, 95-96 Water coolant, 56-58 single- and dual-beam irradiation,
formation at prior austenite grain steam oxidation, 58 131-132
boundaries, 185 Weight loss, versus exposure time, 59 as function of
Void swelling Welding, 2 fluence, 126, 129
electron- and ion-irradiated steels, 91 irradiated steels, 79 irradiation temperature, 125

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