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Picasso Portrait

Pablo Picasso was one of

the most influential artists
of the 20th century.
Picasso, a painter and
sculptor, created some of
the most well known art
today. We are creating art
based on his most famous
art style, cubism.

Pablo Picasso
by Pablo Picasso
-White paper
-Roll-A-Picasso sheet
-Black Marker
- 4 pieces of 3 sq in paper of
different colors
If you do not have dice at
home, click below for an -Glue
online dice roller.
Create a Face

Here’s a video on how to

use the worksheet.

Using the Roll-a-Picasso sheet (the link is on the

supply page) you are going to roll a dice to choose
your face. If you don't have dice or want to create
your own, you can use the sheet for inspiration.
After you draw your
head, add a neck and
hair. Divide your
Roll your dice head into three
to find out
pieces and divide the
the head
shape. Draw background (space
it on your behind your head)
paper. into four pieces.
Color all the sections of
your picture. Make
sure to use coloring
best practices. That
means coloring in one
direction, staying
inside the lines, and
covering all the white.

Use a black marker to

trace all your pencil
lines. Break up some of
the lines to give your
picture more of a
Picasso feel.
Roll the
Roll the
dice for an Roll the dice
dice for a
eye. Draw
nose. for a mouth.
it on one
Draw it on Draw it on
of your
one of your last
your piece of
pieces of
paper. Do paper.
pieces of
this twice.
Arrange the eyes, nose and
mouth however you would
like on the head. Glue them
onto the paper and you are
finished. Please send me a
picture on one of these two
3rd-Google Classroom

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