Skill Sharpeners SpellWrite PreK

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Grade PreK


Evan-Moor ®
EMC 9430 K


How to Use This Guide 3

How to Use the Instructional Support 3
When to Do the Extension Activities 3
Understanding Decoding and Encoding and the Skills They Require 4
Organization of Each Unit 5

Letter A: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 7
Letter B: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 11
Letter C: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 15
Letter D: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 19
Letter E: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 23
Letter F: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 27
Letter G: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 31
Letter H: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 35
Letter I: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 39
Letter J: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 43
Letter K: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 47
Letter L: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 51
Letter M: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 55
Letter N: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 59
Letter O: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 63
Letter P: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 67
Letter Q: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 71
Letter R: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 75
Letter S: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 79
Letter T: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 83
Letter U: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 87
Letter V: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 91
Letter W: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 95
Letter X: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 99
Letter Y: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 103
Letter Z: Instructional Support and Extension Activities 107

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 2

How to Use This Guide
This guide provides suggestions and support to help you use Skill Sharpeners:
Spell & Write as part of your core curriculum. The practice in Skill Sharpeners:
Spell & Write introduces students to letter sounds and upper- and lowercase
letter formation. Instructional support is provided to enrich the written practice
activities in the workbook. Extension activities are provided to enrich students’
experiences with initial sounds and to provide hands-on activities that
connect the alphabet letters to animals and objects.

How to Use the Instructional Support Letter A

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write practices a wide variety of grade-level

Instructional Sup
Begin the lesson
by asking stude
on page 3 of the nts to look at the
Skill Sharpeners picture
and describe what : Spell & Write workb

skills. The instructional support pages guide you through the story
they see. Tell stude
alligator starts with nts that the word
the letter A. Say
emphasis on the alligator with an
/a/ sound.
Then point to the
upper- and lower
sound. Tell stude case letter A at

page for each unit. An emphasis on modeling pronunciation and

nts to pay close the top of the page.
Have students repea attention to the Model saying the
t the sound by mimic way you form your /a/
king your mouth mouth to make
the sound.
Explain that the formation.
letter can be writte
lowercase letter. n two ways — as
a big or capital
letter and as a little

connecting letters to beginning sounds is reinforced in each lesson. Read the story to or
students. After you
letter A in the story. finish, ask them
to point to each
capital and lower
Throughout the case
unit, read and expla
the activities. in all directions
to students. Provid
e support to comp
Extension Activ
Say It: Prepare
for the activity by
each student. Distrib printing one Say
ute the worksheet It worksheet on
with the letter A. to students. Tell page 8 of this guide
Point to each pictur students that many for
e, say each word, words begin
Read It: Prepare and have stude
for the activity by nts repeat after
printing one Read you.
student. Distribute It story on page
the Read It story 9 of this guide for
then vertically as page to students. each
students follow Model folding the
alligator and ant along. Assist stude page horizontally
both start with the nts as needed. and
After you finish, letter A. Then read Tell students that
have students color the story as stude the words
the pictures on nts follow along
Make It: Prepa each page. .
re for the activity
each student. Stude by printing one
nts will also need Make It art projec
crayons, scissors, t on page 10 of this guide
the Make It art for
project page to glue, and const
color the ant. Next, students. Tell them ruction paper. Distrib
have students cut that they will make ute
shapes onto the out the shapes. an ant. Have stude
construction paper Then have them nts
the ant. Lastly, have to make an ant. arrange and glue
students glue the Model how to draw the
the page. squar e with the upper legs on the body of
- and lowercase
A to the top of

Skill Sharpeners:
Spell & Write • EMC
9430 • © Evan-M
oor Corp.

When to Do the Extension Activities

Lett nsio
An Exte
ourItce Say It

You may wish to incorporate the extension activities throughout

the practice in the workbook unit or do them after students have
completed all the workbook pages. The oral-language activities ant

and hands-on art projects extend students’ learning and provide

interactive and creative experiences that connect to the written
practice in the workbook. alligator


Skill Sharpeners:
Spell & Write • EMC
9430 • © Evan-M
oor Corp.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 3

Understanding Decoding and Encoding
and the Skills They Require
Words are the keys to accessing the collective knowledge and
stories of humankind. Accessing them requires strong reading
and writing skills, and these rely on learning spelling patterns
and letter-sound relationships. Two similar-sounding processes
are key to learning to read and write, especially for younger
students: decoding and encoding. These processes require
students to blend sounds and segment words.

Decoding: Analyzing the letters and letter Encoding: Analyzing the sounds in
combinations in a word, associating them a word, associating them with letters
with sounds, and matching the sounds and letter combinations, and writing
with a known word to read it a word to spell it

Blending: Smoothly combining the Segmenting: Breaking the word into

sounds in order individual sounds

Of course, reading is comprised of many other facets, such as understanding the meaning
of each word, understanding how all the words in a sentence relate to each other to make
a statement, and how a collection of statements tells the reader an idea.

English is a phonetic language: its written letters tell how to pronounce words. Each letter has
one or more sounds associated with it. Over thousands of years, English has been influenced by
dozens of other languages: from Latin, Greek, and German to Arabic, Sanskrit, and Maori. With
this constant influence from other languages, some of which use different phonetic conventions
or even a different alphabet, it’s a wonder that English has any phonetic rules at all!

Children’s word vocabularies are much more developed than their spelling vocabularies when
they enter school. They are ready to learn to compose stories and write their thoughts, but it’s
unreasonable to expect them to spell accurately. They’ve been talking for three or four years;
we have to let their spelling skills catch up. It would limit their development as writers to restrict
them only to words that they can spell accurately. “Invented spelling” is a technique that allows
young students to write the word as best they can with their limited knowledge of spelling rules
and segmenting skills. Just as scribbling and doodling help toddlers develop the coordination to
form letters and draw shapes, invented spelling helps students develop their encoding muscle
as they attempt to associate sounds with letters. It also gives teachers and parents insight into
the progress of a student’s auditory development.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 4

Organization of Each Unit
Each unit in Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write features an alphabet
letter story that focuses on initial sounds. Additional activities
focus on upper- and lowercase letter identification and formation.

at the top of the
out the letter A
your child. Point se (little) letter.
read the story to and as a lowerca
of the alphabet, capital (big) letter
Note: For each letter can be written two ways—as a


Reading Selection
Explain that the

Each short story focuses on one alphabet letter. The short

stories use alliteration, repetition, and illustrations to make
the text accessible to beginning readers. These stories
also often include sight words and consonant-vowel-
consonant words that are familiar to students.
Al lig at or
Al lig at or
or .
Se e th e al lig at

& Write
• EMC 4535 • Spell
© Evan-Moor Corp.
2/1/16 4:02 PM


Note: Throughout
Provide any needed book, read and explain all directio
help to complete ns to your child.
the tasks.
Upper- and
Big and Little
Draw a line to
Forms of
make a match.
Using Visual

Matching Upper- and Lowercase Letters A

Each unit includes practice matching uppercase letters to each See the capital A.
other and lowercase letters to each other. These activities also
develop fine motor skills.
See the lowercase
4 UNIT 1
Spell & Write • EMC
4535 • © Evan-M
oor Corp.

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Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 5


I Can Write Using Fine

Motor Skills
Writing the
Letter A
e the letters.
Trace and writ

Writing Upper- and Lowercase Letters
Each unit includes guided practice tracing
uppercase and lowercase letters. These
activities also develop fine motor skills.
a a a

a a a
& Write
• EMC 4535 • Spell
© Evan-Moor Corp.
2/1/16 4:02 PM


Identifying Like Letters Skills:

Like Letters Find It
Using Fine Circle the lette
Motor Skills rs that are the
same as the first
letter in each

Each unit includes practice with identifying and a a a b c

matching uppercase and lowercase letters. b a b c b
These activities also include a simple sentence
for students to read. A
Trace the alliga
Color it green.

See the alligator

6 UNIT 1
Spell & Write • EMC
4535 • © Evan-M
oor Corp.

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Test Your Skills

The last page of the unit reviews the focus letter, Note: Read the test
to your child.

initial-sound identification, and writing uppercase

and lowercase letters. This activity can be used .
Give the spelling
test. Say:
al A in the box.
Fill in the 1. Write a capit box.

as an informal assessment of students’ mastery

rcase a in the
2. Write a lowe
al letter.
1. Find the capit Spelling Test
of the concepts and skills practiced in the unit. A

rcas e letter.
2. Find the lowe

3. Find the alliga


& Write
• EMC 4535 • Spell
© Evan-Moor Corp.

2/1/16 4:02 PM


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 6

Letter A

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture
on page 3 of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook
and describe what they see. Tell students that the word
alligator starts with the letter A. Say alligator with an
emphasis on the /a/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter A at the top of the page. Model saying the /a/
sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth to make the sound.
Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter A in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 8 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter A. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 9 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
alligator and ant both start with the letter A. Then read the story as students follow along.
After you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 10 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make an ant. Have students
color the ant. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make an ant. Model how to draw legs on the body of
the ant. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase A to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 7

Letter A Extension
Activity Resource
Activity Resource
Say It Say It

ant apple

alligator astronaut

axe ambulance

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 8

Letter A Extension Activity Resource Read It

The ant ate my apple. An ant took my apple.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Aa Read It! 1
An Ant

My apple is gone.
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 9
Letter A Extension Activity Resource Make It

Aa ant
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw legs

2. Cut
3. Glue

Aa ant red


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 10

Letter B

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 8
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word baby starts with the letter B. Say baby
with an emphasis on the /b/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter B at the top of the page. Model saying the /b/
sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth to make the sound.
Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter B in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 12 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter B. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 13 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
baby and bear both start with the letter B. Then read the story as students follow along. After
you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 14 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a bear. Have students
color the bear. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a bear. Model how to draw a bow tie on the body
of the bear. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase B to the top of
the page.

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Letter B Extension Activity Resource Say It

baby ball

bear bat

bell banana

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 12

Letter B Extension
Activity Resource
Activity Resource
Read It Read It

Baby Bear, turn it off. Baby Bear, go upstairs.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Bb Read It! 1
Baby Bear

Baby Bear, go to bed.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 13
Letter B Extension
Activity Resource
Activity Resource
Make It Make It

Bb bear
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw a bow tie

2. Cut
3. Glue

Bb bear orange


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 14

Letter C

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 13
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word cat starts with the letter C. Say cat with
an emphasis on the /c/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter C at the top of the page.
Model saying the /c/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter C in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 16 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter C. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 17 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
cat starts with the letter C. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 18 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a cat. Have students color
the cat. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the shapes
onto the construction paper to make a cat. Model how to draw whiskers on the cat’s face.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase C to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 15

Letter C Extension Activity Resource Say It

cat car

cup can

cow carrot

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 16

Letter C Extension Activity Resource Read It

Cookie eats. Cookie is my cat.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Cc Read It! 1

Cookie naps.
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 17
Letter C Extension Activity Resource Make It

Cc cat
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw whiskers

2. Cut
3. Glue

Cc cat



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 18

Letter D

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 18
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word dinosaur starts with the letter D. Say
dinosaur with an emphasis on the /d/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter D at the top of the page.
Model saying the /d/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter D in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 20 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter D. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 21 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
dinosaur and dog both start with the letter D. Then read the story as students follow along.
After you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 22 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a dog. Have students
color the dog. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a dog. Model how to draw a nose on the dog’s
face. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase D to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 19

Letter D Extension Activity Resource Say It

dinosaur dog

duck drum

doll door

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 20

Letter D Extension Activity Resource Read It

Dig up the bone. Dig, dog, dig.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Dd Read It! 1
Dig, Dog

Take the bone home.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 21
Letter D Extension Activity Resource Make It

D d Make It!
Dd dog

1. Color 4. Draw a nose

2. Cut
3. Glue

Dd dog




Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 22

Letter E

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 23
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word elephant starts with the letter E. Say
elephant with an emphasis on the /e/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter E at the top of the page.
Model saying the /e/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the
way you form your mouth to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking
your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter E in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 24 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter E. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 25 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
elephant starts with the letter E. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish,
have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 26 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make an elephant. Have
students color the elephant. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange
and glue the shapes onto the construction paper to make an elephant. Model how to draw a
tail on the elephant’s body. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase
E to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 23

Letter E Extension Activity Resource Say It

elephant egg

elf envelope

eggplant elbow

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 24

Letter E Extension Activity Resource Read It

An elephant has 4 legs. An elephant has 2 ears.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Ee Read It! 1
An Elephant

An elephant has 1 trunk.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 25
Letter E Extension Activity Resource Make It

Ee elephant
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw a tail

2. Cut
3. Glue

Ee elephant blue


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 26

Letter F

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 28
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word fish starts with the letter F. Say fish with
an emphasis on the /f/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter F at the top of the page. Model saying the /f/
sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth to make the sound.
Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter F in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing out the Say It worksheet on page 28 of this guide
for each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter F. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 29 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
fish starts with the letter F. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 30 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a fish. Have students color
the fish. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the shapes
onto the construction paper to make a fish. Model how to draw ocean waves at the top of the
page. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase F to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 27

Letter F Extension Activity Resource  Say It

fish fox

frog flower

fly feet

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 28

Letter F Extension Activity Resource Read It

1 big fish 2 little fish

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Ff Read It! 1

Swim fast, little fish!

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 29
Letter F Extension Activity Resource Make It

Ff fish
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw water

2. Cut
3. Glue

Ff fish



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 30

Letter G

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 33
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word gorilla starts with the letter G. Say gorilla
with an emphasis on the /g/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter G at the top of the page.
Model saying the /g/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the
way you form your mouth to make the sound. Have students repeat the
sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter G in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 32 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter G. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 33 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
gorilla starts with the letter G. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 34 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a gorilla. Have students
color the gorilla. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a gorilla. Model how to draw a face for the gorilla.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase G to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 31

Letter G Extension Activity Resource Say It

gorilla goat

grapes goose

glasses girl

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 32

Letter G Extension Activity Resource Read It

It came in a big box. I got a gift.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Gg Read It! 1
A Gorilla

My gift is a gorilla.
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 33
Letter G Extension Activity Resource Make It

G g Make It!
Gg gorilla

1. Color 4. Draw a face

2. Cut
3. Glue

Gg gorilla brown



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 34

Letter H

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 38 of the
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they see. Tell
students that the word hen starts with the letter H. Say hen with an
emphasis on the /h/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter H at the top of the page.
Model saying the /h/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter H in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 36 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter H. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 37 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
hen starts with the letter H. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 38 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a hen. Have students
color the hen. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a hen. Model how to draw feet on the hen’s body.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase H to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 35

Letter H Extension Activity Resource Say It

hen hat

horse hippo

house helicopter

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 36

Letter H Extension Activity Resource Read It

Hen sits on her nest. Hen has a nest.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Hh Read It! 1
A Happy Hen

Hen is so happy.
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 37
Letter H Extension Activity Resource Make It

H h Make It!
Hh hen

1. Color 4. Draw feet

2. Cut
3. Glue


Hh hen



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 38

Letter I

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 43
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that ice cream starts with the letter I. Say ice cream
with an emphasis on the /i/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter I at the top of the page.
Model saying the /i/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter I in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 40 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter I. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 41 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
iguana starts with the letter I. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 42 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make an iguana. Have students
color the iguana. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make an iguana. Model how to draw spikes on the
iguana’s body. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase I to the top
of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 39

Letter I Extension Activity Resource  Say It

ice cream ice

island iguana

igloo insects

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 40

Letter I Extension Activity Resource Read It

on a rock. in the grass.

I see the iguana I see the iguana

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Ii Read It! 1
The Iguana

I see the iguana

in a tree.
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 41
Letter I Extension Activity Resource Make It

Ii iguana
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw spikes

2. Cut
3. Glue

Ii iguana



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 42

Letter J

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 48
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word jelly starts with the letter J. Say jelly with
an emphasis on the /j/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter J at the top of the page.
Model saying the /j/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter J in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 44 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter J. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 45 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
jelly and jaguar start with the letter J. Then read the story as students follow along. After you
finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 46 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a jaguar. Have students
color the jaguar. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a jaguar. Model how to draw whiskers on the
jaguar’s face. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase J to the top
of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 43

Letter J Extension Activity Resource Say It

jellyfish jam

jet jug

juice jacket

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 44

Letter J Extension Activity Resource Read It

Jump, jaguar, jump. Jump up, jaguar.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Jj Read It! 1
The Jaguar

Just in time to rest.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 45
Letter J Extension Activity Resource Make It

Jj jaguar
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw whiskers

2. Cut
3. Glue

Jj jaguar


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 46

Letter K

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 53
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word kangaroo starts with the letter K. Say
kangaroo with an emphasis on the /k/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter K at the top of the page.
Model saying the /k/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter K in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 48 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter K. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 49 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
kangaroo and koala start with the letter K. Then read the story as students follow along. After
you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 50 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a koala. Have students
color the koala. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a koala. Model how to draw a tree for the koala
to climb. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase K to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 47

Letter K Extension Activity Resource Say It

kangaroo koala

kite key

kiwi king

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 48

Letter K Extension Activity Resource Read It

Take a big bite, koalas. Go up the tree, koalas.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Kk Read It! 1

Now take a nap, koalas.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 49
Letter K Extension Activity Resource Make It

Kk Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw a tree Kk koala

2. Cut
3. Glue


Kk koala

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 50

Letter L

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 58
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word lamb starts with the letter L. Say lamb
with an emphasis on the /l/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter L at the top of the page.
Model saying the /l/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter L in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 52 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter L. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 53 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
lamb starts with the letter L. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 54 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a lamb. Have students
color the lamb. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a lamb. Model how to draw legs on the lamb.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase L to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 51

Letter L Extension Activity Resource Say It

lamb lion

lamp leg

lobster leaf

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 52

Letter L Extension Activity Resource Read It

Little lamb nibbles grass. Little lamb looks for food.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Ll Read It! 1
Little Lamb

Little lamb goes home.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 53
Letter L Extension Activity Resource Make It

Ll lamb
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw legs

2. Cut
3. Glue

Ll lamb


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 54

Letter M

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 63
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word mouse starts with the letter M. Say
mouse with an emphasis on the /m/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter M at the top of the page. Model saying the /m/
sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth to make the sound.
Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter M in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 56 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter M. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 57 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
mouse starts with the letter M. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish,
have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 58 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a mouse. Have students
color the mouse. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue
the shapes onto the construction paper to make a mouse. Model how to draw a tail on the
mouse’s body. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase M to the
top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 55

Letter M Extension Activity Resource Say It


mouse milk

monkey moon

mittens mushroom

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 56

Letter M Extension Activity Resource Read It

Munch, mouse, munch. Jump, mouse, jump.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Mm Read It! 1
The Mouse

Run, mouse, run!

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 57
Letter M Extension Activity Resource Make It

M m Make It!
Mm mouse

1. Color 4. Draw a tail

2. Cut
3. Glue

Mm mouse



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 58

Letter N

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 68
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word nest starts with the letter N. Say nest
with an emphasis on the /n/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter N at the top of the page.
Model saying the /n/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter N in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 60 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter N. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 61 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
nest and nightingale start with the letter N. Then read the story as students follow along. After
you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 62 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a nightingale. Have
students color the nightingale. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange
and glue the shapes onto the construction paper to make a nightingale. Model how to draw
feet on the bird’s body. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase N
to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 59

Letter N Extension Activity Resource Say It

nest nightingale

nail net

nuts nose

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 60

Letter N Extension Activity Resource Read It

It makes a nest. has 2 wings.

A nightingale

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Nn Read It! 1
A Nightingale

It sings and sings.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 61
Letter N Extension Activity Resource Make It

N n Make It!
Nn nightingale

1. Color 4. Draw feet

2. Cut
3. Glue

Nn nightingale




Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 62

Letter O

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 73
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word octopus starts with the letter O. Say
octopus with an emphasis on the /o/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter O at the top of the page.
Model saying the /o/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter O in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 64 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter O. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 65 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
otter and octopus start with the letter O. Then read the story as students follow along. After you
finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 66 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make an otter. Have students
color the otter. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make an otter. Model how to draw whiskers on the
otter’s face. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase O to the top
of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 63

Letter O Extension Activity Resource Say It

octopus otter

owl olive

ostrich ox

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 64

Letter O Extension Activity Resource Read It

Otter opens it. Otter has a clam.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Oo Read It! 1

Oh, what a yummy lunch!

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 65
Letter O Extension Activity Resource Make It

O o Make It!
Oo otter

1. Color 4. Draw whiskers

2. Cut
3. Glue

Oo otter


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 66

Letter P

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page
78 of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe
what they see. (Note: Depending on which version of this book
you have, there may be a pig on that page instead of a panda.)
Tell students that the word panda (pig) starts with the letter P.
Say panda (pig) with an emphasis on the /p/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter P at the top of the
page. Model saying the /p/sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your
mouth to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter P in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 68 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter P. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 69 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
panda and penguin start with the letter P. Then read the story as students follow along. After
you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 70 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a penguin. Have students
color the penguin. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue
the shapes onto the construction paper to make a penguin. Model how to draw feet on the
penguin. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase P to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 67

Letter P Extension Activity Resource Say It

panda penguin

pumpkin plane

pot pie

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 68

Letter P Extension Activity Resource Read It

See the penguin swims. See the penguin play.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Pp Read It! 1
The Penguin

See the penguin eat.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 69
Letter P Extension Activity Resource Make It

Pp penguin
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw feet

2. Cut
3. Glue

Pp penguin black



l a c

b l a

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 70

Letter Q

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 83
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word quilt starts with the letter Q. Say quilt
with an emphasis on the /kw/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter Q at the top of the page.
Model saying the /kw/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the
way you form your mouth to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking
your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter Q in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 72 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter Q. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 73 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
quilt and quail start with the letter Q. Then read the story as students follow along. After you
finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 74 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a quail. Have students
color the quail. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a quail. Model how to draw grass for the quail.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase Q to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 71

Letter Q Extension Activity Resource Say It

quilt quail

question mark

quick quiet

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 72

Letter Q Extension Activity Resource Read It

They follow their father. I see 5 little quail.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Qq Read It! 1
Little Quail

Be quick, little quail.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 73
Letter Q Extension Activity Resource Make It

Qq quail
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw grass

2. Cut
3. Glue

Qq quail



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 74

Letter R

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 88
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word rabbit starts with the letter R. Say rabbit
with an emphasis on the /r/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter R at the top of the page.
Model saying the /r/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter R in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 76 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter R. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 77 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
rabbit and rainbow start with the letter R. Then read the story as students follow along. After you
finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 78 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a rabbit. Have students
color the rabbit. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a rabbit. Model how to draw whiskers on the
rabbit. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase R to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 75

Letter R Extension Activity Resource Say It

rabbit rug

rain rainbow

rocket robot

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 76

Letter R Extension Activity Resource Read It

into my garden. Rabbit hops, hops, hops.

Rabbit hops

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Rr Read It! 1

Shoo, rabbit! Go away.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 77
Letter R Extension Activity Resource Make It

Rr rabbit
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw whiskers

2. Cut
Letter R
3. Glue

Rr rabbit

orange orange


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 78

Letter S

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 93
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word sun starts with the letter S. Say sun with
an emphasis on the /s/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter S at the top of the page.
Model saying the /s/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter S in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 80 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter S. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 81 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
sun and skunk start with the letter S. Then read the story as students follow along. After you
finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 82 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a skunk. Have students
color the skunk. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a skunk. Model how to draw a flower in the skunk’s
mouth. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase S to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 79

Letter S Extension Activity Resource Say It

sun sock

soap sit

six seven

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 80

Letter S Extension Activity Resource Read It

The skunk’s tail is up. Look out, little dog!

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Ss Read It! 1

Don’t mess with a skunk.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 81
Letter S Extension Activity Resource Make It

Ss skunk
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw a flower

2. Cut
3. Glue

Ss skunk



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 82

Letter T

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 98
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word turtle starts with the letter T. Say turtle
with an emphasis on the /t/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter T at the top of the page.
Model saying the /t/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter T in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 84 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter T. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 85 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
turtle starts with the letter T. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 86 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a turtle. Have students
color the turtle. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a turtle. Model how to draw a tail on the turtle.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase T to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 83

Letter T Extension Activity Resource Say It

turtle tiger

train tree

toothbrush trumpet

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 84

Letter T Extension Activity Resource Read It

Tom’s turtle has a shell. Tom has a turtle.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Tt Read It! 1
Tom s Turtle

Tom’s turtle likes to hide.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 85
Letter T Extension Activity Resource Make It

Tt turtle
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw a tail

2. Cut
3. Glue

Tt turtle




Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 86

Letter U

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 103
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word umbrella starts with the letter U. Say
umbrella with an emphasis on the /u/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter U at the top of the page.
Model saying the /u/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter U in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 88 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter U. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 89 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
umbrella and uncle start with the letter U. Then read the story as students follow along. After
you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 90 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a deer called Uncle Buck.
Have students color Uncle Buck. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them
arrange and glue the shapes onto the construction paper to make Uncle Buck. Model how to
draw a nose on Uncle Buck’s face. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and
lowercase U to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 87

Letter U Extension Activity Resource Say It

umbrella Uncle Buck

umpire underwear

up under

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 88

Letter U Extension Activity Resource Read It

The duck is stuck. Uncle Buck sees a duck.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Uu Read It! 1
Uncle Buck

Uncle Buck helps the duck.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 89
Letter U Extension Activity Resource Make It

Uu Uncle Buck
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw a nose

2. Cut
3. Glue

Uu Uncle Buck



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 90

Letter V

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 108
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the bear is wearing a vest. Explain that the word
vest starts with the letter V. Say vest with an emphasis on the /v/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter V at the top of the page.
Model saying the /v/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter V in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 92 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter V. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 93 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
vest and vulture start with the letter V. Then read the story as students follow along. After you
finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 94 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a vulture. Have students
color the vulture. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a vulture. Model how to draw clouds in the sky.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase V to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 91

Letter V Extension Activity Resource Say It

vest vulture

van violin

volcano vacuum

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 92

Letter V Extension Activity Resource Read It

A vulture has a big beak. A vulture is a big bird.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Vv Read It! 1
A Vulture

A vulture has big wings.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 93
Letter V Extension Activity Resource Make It

Vv vulture
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw clouds

2. Cut
3. Glue

Vv vulture



Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 94

Letter W

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 113
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word wagon starts with the letter W. Say
wagon with an emphasis on the /w/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter W at the top of the page.
Model saying the /w/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your
mouth to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter W in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 96 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter W. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 97 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
wagon and walrus start with the letter W. Then read the story as students follow along.
After you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 98 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a walrus. Have students
color the walrus. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the
shapes onto the construction paper to make a walrus. Model how to draw whiskers on the
walrus. Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase W to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 95

Letter W Extension Activity Resource Say It

wagon walrus

watermelon whale

web watch

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 96

Letter W Extension Activity Resource Read It

A walrus has big whiskers. A walrus has long tusks.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Ww Read It! 1
A Walrus

They help him find clams.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 97
Letter W Extension Activity Resource Make It

W w Make It!
Ww walrus

1. Color 4. Draw whiskers

2. Cut
3. Glue

Ww walrus


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 98

Letter X

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 118
of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they
see. Tell students that the word x-ray starts with the letter X. Say x-ray
with an emphasis on the /x/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter X at the top of the page.
Model saying the /x/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth
to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter X in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 100 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin or
end with the letter X or have an X in the middle. Point to each picture, say each word, and
have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 101 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
x-ray begins with the letter X and the word fox ends with the letter X. Then read the story as
students follow along. After you finish, have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 102 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a fox. Have students color
the fox. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the shapes
onto the construction paper to make a fox. Model how to draw whiskers on the fox’s face.
Lastly, have students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase X to the top of
the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 99

Letter X Extension Activity Resource Say It


x-ray exit

fox ax

ox box

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 100
Letter X Extension Activity Resource Read It

The box has hats in it. Fox looks in a box.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Xx Read It! 1

Fox likes this one.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 101
Letter X Extension Activity Resource Make It

Xx Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw whiskers Xx fox

2. Cut
3. Glue

Xx fox


Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 102
Letter Y

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on
page 123 of the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and
describe what they see. Tell students that the word yarn starts
with the letter Y. Say yarn with an emphasis on the /y/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter Y at the top of the page. Model saying the /y/
sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the way you form your mouth to make the sound.
Have students repeat the sound by mimicking your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter Y in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 104 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter Y. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 105 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the words
yarn and yak start with the letter Y. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish,
have students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 106 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a yak. Have students color
the yak. Next, have students cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the shapes
onto the construction paper to make a yak. Model how to draw legs on the yak. Lastly, have
students glue the square with the upper- and lowercase Y to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 103
Letter Y Extension Activity Resource Say It

yarn yak

yo-yo yogurt

yam yoga

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 104
Letter Y Extension Activity Resource Read It

A yak has long horns. A yak has long hair.

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Yy Read It! 1
A Yak

This yak has a pack

on its back.
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 105
Letter Y Extension Activity Resource Make It

Yy yak
Make It!

1. Color 4. Draw legs

2. Cut
3. Glue

Yy yak

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 106
Letter Z

Instructional Support
Begin the lesson by asking students to look at the picture on page 128 of
the Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write workbook and describe what they see.
Tell students that the word zebra starts with the letter Z. Say zebra with
an emphasis on the /z/ sound.

Then point to the upper- and lowercase letter Z at the top of the page.
Model saying the /z/ sound. Tell students to pay close attention to the
way you form your mouth to make the sound. Have students repeat the sound by mimicking
your mouth formation.

Explain that the letter can be written two ways — as a big or capital letter and as a little or
lowercase letter.

Read the story to students. After you finish, ask them to point to each capital and lowercase
letter Z in the story.

Throughout the unit, read and explain all directions to students. Provide support to complete
the activities.

Extension Activities
Say It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Say It worksheet on page 108 of this guide for
each student. Distribute the worksheet to students. Tell students that many words begin
with the letter Z. Point to each picture, say each word, and have students repeat after you.

Read It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Read It story on page 109 of this guide for each
student. Distribute the Read It story page to students. Model folding the page horizontally and
then vertically as students follow along. Assist students as needed. Tell students that the word
zebra starts with the letter Z. Then read the story as students follow along. After you finish, have
students color the pictures on each page.

Make It: Prepare for the activity by printing one Make It art project on page 110 of this guide for
each student. Students will also need crayons, scissors, glue, and construction paper. Distribute
the Make It art project page to students. Tell them that they will make a zebra. Have students
cut out the shapes. Then have them arrange and glue the shapes onto the construction paper
to make a zebra. Model how to draw a tail on the zebra. Lastly, have students glue the square
with the upper- and lowercase Z to the top of the page.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 107
Letter Z Extension Activity Resource Say It

zebra zoo

0 zero zigzag

zucchini zipper

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 108
Letter Z Extension Activity Resource Read It

like a horse. The zoo has a zebra.

A zebra looks

fold 2

3 2
fold 1

4 Zz Read It! 1
A Zebra

But a zebra has stripes.

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 109
Letter Z Extension Activity Resource Make It

Zz zebra
Make It!

1. Cut 3. Draw a tail

2. Glue

Zz zebra

Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write • EMC 9430 • © Evan-Moor Corp. 110

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