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Parameter indicator “Current”display window Se ng range Default se ng Notes

“On Temp” LED lights. On Temp Off Temp~+50.0℃ 10.0℃ Compressor starts on reaching the set-point.

Microcomputer Temperature Controller MTC-5060C User Manual “Off Temp” LED lights. Off Temp -50.0℃~ On Temp -10.0℃ Compressor stops on reaching the set-point.
The minimum me between switch-off of
“Comp. Delay” LED lights. Compressor delay me 1~120 min 3 min
the compressor and the successive switch-on.
Overview The interval me between The start of
“Def. Cycle” LED lights. Defrost cycle 0~120 hours 6 hours
two Successive defros ng opera ons.
used as control terminal device to match with Elitech relay module and connect to network. It features temperature measurement, “Def. Time” LED lights. Defrost me 0~120 min 30 min Dura on of defros ng
“Def. Stop Temp”LED Defrost stop Defrost is disabled when Defrost sensor
-50.0℃~+50.0℃ 10.0℃
Specifications lights. temperature temperaturegoes above this set-point.
Front panel size: 100 (length) * 51 (width) (mm)

Product size: 100 (length) * 51 (width) * 82.5 (depth) (mm) System menu
Length of current transformer wire: 670mm (not including coil length)
Length of temperature sensor: 2m (including probe length) “Temp” “Current”display Default
display Se ng range Notes
window window se ng
Technical requirements Calibrate the temperature by
F01 Temperature calibra on -10.0℃~+10.0℃ 0℃
Temperature measuring range: -50℃~50℃ calibra on” set-point when error occurs to
Temperature measuring accuracy: ±1℃
℃ displayed cold storage temperature.
It alarms if cold storage temperature﹥“On
Current measuring accuracy: ±1A (0-20A), ±5 % (20A-40A) Temp set-point” +“Over temperature limit
F02 Over temperature limit alarm 0~50.0℃ 5.0℃
Sensor: NTC (10KΩ/25℃, B value 3435K), current transformer alarm set-point” or ﹤ “Off Temp set-point
Ambient temperature: -15 °C~60 °C – Over-temperature limit alarm set-point”.
Ambient humidity: 20%~85% (non-condensing)
F03 Defrost types 0: Electric defrost 1: Hot gas defrost 0
0: Cumula ve working me of
the controller a er power on
Panel F04 Defrost cycle calcula on 1
1: Cumula ve working me of
the compressor a er power on
F05 Dripping me a er defrost 0~120 min 3 min Delay me a er defros ng ends.
F06 Backup mode -1~5 1
Over temperature
F07 0~120 min 30 min
limit alarm delay
Over-temperature alarm delay A er power on, there is no over-
F08 0~120 hours 2 hours
a er power on for the first me temperature alarm within this me set-point.
F09 Enable phase sequence protec on 0: Disable 1: Enable 1
F10 Three-phase voltage selec on 0:220V 1:380V 1
F11 Enable current protec on 0: Disable 1: Enable 1
Table of indicator status Set the Max value of Protec on current value Set the maximum value of protec on Current
F12 40A
Protec on current (F13) at present~40A in user and administrator interface.
When current exceeds protec on current
0~the Max value of
Indicator Status Meaning F13 Set protec on current 20A set-point and lasts for certain me, the
protec on current
protector will enable protec on func on.
Off Compressor stops.
F14 Enable me reverse lag 0: Disable 1: Enable 1
Refrigera on LED Flash Compressor delays.
F15 Set protec on me 0~60s 5s Benchmark me of overcurrent protec on
On Compressor runs. F16 Times of overload auto reset 0~5 mes 2 Reset in half an hour
Off Defrost stops. F17 Set percentage of The percentage of three-phase imbalance
5~80% 25%
three-phase imbalance
Defrost LED Flash Dripping. 1
F18 RS485 communica on address 1~247
On Defrost is on.
View user menu

User menu value. (“Temp” display window shows single-phase current symbol. “Current” display window displays the corresponding current.)
3. Overcurrent protection
cold storage temperature or single-phase current symbol.
Set user menu

▲/ or ▼ to 4. Inverse time lag protection

modify the set-point value displayed in “Current” display window.
Set system menu n-1

▼ 5. Current imbalance protection

▲/ or ▼ to modify the set-point value displayed in
“Current” display window. All the parameter indicators are off.

parameter view status.

Max three-phase current – Min three-phase current
“Left Def. Time” button: ×100%
Three-phase mean current
6. Phase-loss protection
“Forced Def.” button:

7. Auto reset
LED lights. In running status, press and hold “Forced Def.” for more than 5 seconds to exit from defrost status, and defrost LED is off.
“Forced Ref.”:

Alarm information
“▲/ ” button: Alarm info Notes
▲/ ” to cancel the buzzer alarm beep. Coldstoragesensor is notinstalled well,causing shortcircuit oropencircuit.Refrigera onruns inpropor on(stops 30minutes andstarts 15
“▼ ” button minutes)and buzzerbeeps.
▼ Defrostsensor is notinstalled well,causing shortcircuit oropencircuit.Defrostruns based onthesetdefrostcycleanddefrost me,andbuzzer
Cold storagetemperatureexceedsthe upperlimitof measuring range.Refrigera onruns inpropor on(stops 30minutes and starts 15minutes)
and buzzerbeeps.
Function control rules E4 Defrosttemperatureexceedstheupperlimitof measuring range.Defrost runsbasedonthe setdefrost cycleand defrost me,andbuzzerbeeps.
1. Compressor control E6 Phasesequenceprotec on,refrigera onanddefrost stop.Poweronthe controller againand resetprotec on.
E7 Thecurrentexceedsthe protec oncurrentset-point.Refrigera on and defroststop.Autoreset inspecified mes.
E8 Currentunbalanceprotec on,refrigera onand defroststop.Poweronthe controlleragainand resetprotec on.
E9 Currentphase-loss protec on,refrigera onanddefroststop.Poweronthe controlleragainand resetprotec on.
Coldstorage Overlimitalarm,coldstoragetemperature ≥“OnTempset-point”+“Over-temperaturealarmdifferen alset-point” anddura on≥“Temperature
a) Cold storage temperature ≤ Off Temp set-point. temperature alarmdelay” orcold storagetemperature≤ “OffTempset-point” - “Over-temperaturealarm differen alset-point”dura on≥ “Temperature
b) When electric defrost starts. flashes. alarm delay”.
c) When hot gas defrost stops.

Wiring diagram
2. Defrost control

b) Defrost sensor temperature < the set-point of defrost stop temperature.

c) The “Def. Cycle” set-point elapses or forced defrost starts. current
output load
b) Defrost cycle is set to 0. phase sequence
c) Defrost sensor temperature > the set-point of defrost stop temperature. detection

cold storage sensor

defrost sensor
3. Alarm output power supply
The controller has one channel of buzzer alarm output. In running status, the buzzer beeps in case of sensor fault, outrange of sensor 220VAC compressor

Safety rules
Protection rules
1. Phase sequence detection module

controller is power on. or strong corrosion environment.

4. The power voltage must be in accordance with the voltage labeled on the controller. Please ensure the stability of power voltage.
2. Enable time filter function

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