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Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Market Report - 2011 Edition IVUS, which stands for Intravascular Ultrasound, is primarily used

to view the c oronary arteries from inside, with the help of high frequency sound waves. The p rimary use of IVUS is during Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) or angiopl asty, as it provides a better understanding of blocked vessels, which allows for proper selection and placement of stents and other devices to restore blood flo w at the site of the blockage. In fact, after stenting, the IVUS procedures are used to determine whether the stent has been placed correctly or not and thereby it helps to place the stent optimally and thereby reducing the need for re-sten osis. The IVUS procedures are generally performed in the catheterization laborat ories or cath-labs. Owing to the benefits provided by the IVUS technology in the medical field, the IVUS market has shown increasing growth in the past years. Despite increase in u sage, the IVUS technology is still under penetrated worldwide, one of the main r easons for this being the fact that the reimbursement criteria for the IVUS is n ot flexible and the insurers do not generally reimburse the IVUS procedures. In Japan, where IVUS reimbursement criteria are flexible, the technology has high p enetration rates and IVUS procedures are accompanied with a majority of the PCI procedures. The second largest market for IVUS in terms of usage is the US, foll owed by Europe. With the introduction of IVUS in the emerging countries, coupled with the increasing consumer income, increasing health awareness among the peop le and favoring demographics, such countries are expected to drive the IVUS mark et in coming years. know more about Market Reports click here Detail.aspx?reportID=302 Website 1. IVUS-An Introduction 2. Global IVUS Market Market Value Market Volume Geographic Breakdown 3. Regional Analysis 3.1 Japan IVUS Procedure PCI Procedures IVUS Penetration 4. Growth Drivers 5. Key Issues and Challenges 6. Competitive Landscape 7. Company Profiles

List of Tables/Charts Worldwide Vascular Imaging Market (2008-2012E) Global IVUS Procedures (2007-2013E) Global IVUS Market (2007-2010E) Global IVUS Procedures-Share by Regions (2009) Japanese IVUS Procedures (2007-2013E) PCI Procedures in Japan (2005-2012E) IVUS Penetration into PCI Population in Japan (2007-2013E) US IVUS Procedures (2007-2013E) PCI Procedures in the US (2005-2013E) IVUS Penetration into PCI Population in the US (2007-2013E) European IVUS Procedures (2007-2013E) PCI Procedures in Europe (2005-2013E) IVUS Penetration into PCI Population in Europe (2007-2013E) IVUS Penetration into PCI Procedures Worldwide (2007-2012E) Global PCI Procedures (2007-2013E) Global Stent Market Growth, 2000-2009 Ageing Population Worldwide (age>65) 2005-2015 Global IVUS Market-Share by Companies (2010E) Japanese IVUS Market-Share by Companies (2010E) European IVUS Market-Share by Companies (2010E) US IVUS Market-Share by Companies (2010E) Volcano Corporation Revenue (2006-2010) Volcano Corporation Revenue-Share by Business Segments (FY10) Volcano Corporation Revenue-Share by Regions (FY10) Boston Scientific Revenue (2006-2010) Boston Scientific Revenue-Share by Segments (2010) Boston Scientific Revenue-Share by Regions (2010) Terumo Corporation Revenue (FY06-FY10) Terumo Corporation Revenue-Share by Business Segments (FY10) Terumo Corporation Revenue-Share by Regions (FY10) Use of IVUS Pre- and Post-PCI

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