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1. Which of these is actually a very basic computer?

A. a toaster
B. a stove
C. a calculator
D. a light bulb

2. What body part is most like the computer’s CPU?

A. the arms
B. the brain
C. the feet
D. the eyes

3. An example of an operating system is _______________.

A. Windows XP
D. all of the above

4. The binary number, 11 is ______ in base 10.

A. 11
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

5. The number 64 in base 10 is the same as ______ in base 2.

A. 1111110
B. 1000000
C. 1010100
D. 0000010

6. Which of the following devices can not be used as an input device?

A. Modem
B. Keyboard
C. Mouse
D. Speaker

7. An example of a chip is ___________________.

A. Pentium
B. Dell
C. Oberon
D. Intel

8. Memory on your computer where data is stored temporarily is called __________.


9. An input / output system stored permanently on your computer is known as __________.


10. How many bytes are represented by a MB?

A. one hundred
B. one thousand
C. one million
D. one billion

11. The CD drive is often the

A. A drive
B. C drive
C. D drive
D. S drive

12. To prevent data loss...

A. save every five minutes
B. make a backup of your programs and save them in a safe location
C. use an antivirus program and keep it updated
D. all of the above

13. A motherboard is...

A. used to store files and programs temporarily for fast and easy access by the CPU
B. a type of permanent memory used by the computer to establish basic input and
C. a device that reads data stored on hard disks
D. a device that usually contains the circuitry for the central processing unit,
keyboard, and monitor and often having slots for accepting additional circuitry
14. The use of computer work stations to send and receive messages is known as
A. electronic funds transfer
B. electronic message switching
C. electronic mail
D. electronic publishing

15. Protecting the data from unauthorized access is called

A. data inaccessibility
B. data encryption
C. data security
D. data validity

16. What is true about supercomputers

A. they can fit on a single small chip
B. they are found at thousands of places around the world
C. they cost only few thousand rupee
D. they can process billions of operations in a second

17. In a distributed computer system

A. there are many computers and terminals
B. the task is executed by a number of processors
C. the task is distributed throughout the system
D. All of the above.

18. A computer programming language often used by children is


19. The linking of computers with a communication system is called

A. networking
B. pairing
C. interfacing
D. assembling

20. The software generally used for what-if analysis is related to

A. word-processing
B. graphics
C. database management
D. None of the above

21. Distributed data entry means that data can be

A. entered at different locations where it originates
B. sent to different locations from a central place
C. accessed from different places know as distribution points
D. distributed through a network

22. Software documentation refers to

A. anything written about how the software is designed or functions
B. the documents which, the user has to sign before using the software legally
C. the compatibility of the software with IBM-PC
D. None of the above.

23. If a home computer user wants access to national database networks he/she at least
A. a microcomputer, a modem, a telephone line
B. a microcomputer, a tele-printer, a telephone line
C. a microcomputer, communications soft-ware, a telephone line
D. a microcomputer, a modem, communications software, a telephone line

24. Which of the following factors does not affect the total time taken to generate by using
A. entry of data
B. complexity of calculations to be performed
C. type and format of output required
D. place where the computer is kept

25. Which of the following functions of a computer is wrong?

A. it obtains data from an input device
B. it processes the data and delivers the final results to an output device
C. it takes processing steps from the list of instructions called program
D. It generates the program on its own.
26. The heart of a computer is
B. Memory
C. I/O Unit
D. Disks

27. A computer consists of

A. a central processing unit
B. a memory
C. input and output units
D. All the above.

28. Which of the following is not used as secondary storage?

A. semiconductor memory
B. magnetic disks
C. magnetic drums
D. magnetic tapes

29. Which of the following memory is capable of operating at electronics speed?

A. semiconductor memory
B. magnetic disks
C. magnetic drums
D. magnetic tapes

30. Which of the following is responsible for coordinating various operations using timing
A. Arithmetic-logic unit
B. Control unit
C. Memory unit
D. I/O unit

31. The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage elements
A. semiconductor memory
B. registers
C. hard disk
D. magnetic disk

32. Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed (and short) amount of time
after specifying its address is called
A. sequential-access memory
B. random-access memory
C. secondary memory
D. mass storage

33. Which of the following is the fastest?

B. Magnetic tapes and disks
C. Video terminal
D. Sensors, mechanical controllers

34. Modern computers do not work with decimal numbers. Instead, they process binary
numbers i.e., groups of Os and 1s because
A. electronic devices are most reliable when designed for two state (binary)
B. binary circuits are simple
C. memory is only possible for binary numbers
D. with decimal numbers, the circuits are complex and costly

35. A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can (choose the most precise
A. carry out arithmetical operations
B. carry out logical functions
C. do complicated calculations
D. accept and process data by implementing sequentially a set of stored instructions.

36. Stored instructions and data in digital computers consists of

A. alphabets
B. numerals
C. characters
D. bits

37. A digital computer performs its computations by

A. mechanical means
B. analogy
C. guessing
D. counting

38. Binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers express each decimal digitals as
A. binary digits
B. digits and strings
C. nibble
D. word

39. The basic operation performed by a computer is

A. arithmetic operations
B. logic operations
C. storage and retrieval operations ../
D. all the above

40. The analog computer deals directly with

A. number or codes
B. measured values of continuous physical magnitude
C. signals in the form of 0 or 1
D. signals in discrete values from 0 to 9

(a) Data handling is the process/way of ensuring that data is obtained, stored, archived or disposed in a
manner that retains its integrity/in a secured manner .
Data handling is basically the process/way of imputing and storing data in a computer. The Data is then
processed into information

(b) There are two ways of handling data which are:

(i) Electronic method : This is the use of electronic systems such as Computers, storage media like video
tape, CD, DVD, Memory Cards and other electronic devices to obtain, store, archive, share or dispose
(ii) Non-electronic/Manual method : This involves the use of paper files, journals, laboratory notebooks,
human effects and other non-electronic means to store or share data.

(c) Factors to be considered when handling data electronically

1. Data Integrity
2. Regular update of data
3. Validation of data
4. Security of data/Encryption
5. Type of Data
6. Type of storage to be used
7. Data volume/Size
8. Access Control
9. Regular Anti-Virus Update
10. Limit Physical access to storage media
11. Regular Backups
12. Ensure Data Recoverability
13. Login/Password
14. Record Date and Time
15. Power Supply

(a) Information processing is the process of acquiring/obtaining/collecting/gathering/retrieving ,
manipulating/handling/analysing , recording/storing and
presenting/display/dissemination of information.
Information processing refers to the manipulation of digitized Information by Computers and other digital
electronic equipment.

(b) Steps involved in Information processing are:

(i) Collation of Information

(ii) Organization of Information
(iii) Analysis of Information
(iv) Interpretation of Information

(c) Advantages of using Computer for Information processing are:

1. Efficiency
2. Automation
3. Reliability
4. Volume/Storage
5. High speed
6. Accuracy
7. Security
8. Sharing of Information/Sharing of Resources
9. Economical
10. Lower overall cost
11. Versatility
12. Service Improvement
13. Easy retrieval

(d) Disadvantages of using Computers for Information processing

1. High initial investment cost

2. Loss of jobs due to Computerization
3. Requires specialized personnel
4. Extra cost of retraining of staff
5. Virus/Hackers susceptibility
6. Face-to-Face Interaction among staff may be reduced
7. Prone to unauthorized access
8. Overwriting/Loss of Data
9. Power dependent
10. System failure/ system malfunctioning

Information transmission is the process of sending Information from one point to another through a
(ii) Example: Printing of document; classroom instruction, receiving radio signals; DSTV signals,
Telegraph, GSM, Photography, Facsimile, Town Crying, Smoke Message, Use of Birds, Story Telling,
Signs/Signals, Internet, Satellite signals, Blowing Horns, Drum Beating, Fire Lighting etc.

(i) DOS, OS 2, PC-DOS, Palm-OS.
(ii) MS Windows, Mac-OS, Linux
(iii) Xenix, Zenix, Unix, Linux, Mac OS, VMS, Mainframe OS

(c) Features of a Graphical User Interface (GUI)

(i) Windows
(ii) Icons
(iii) Menus
(iv) Pointing device (mouse)

(a) Qualities of good Computer professional:

1. Multitasking ability
2. Adaptability
3. Analytical skills
4. Attention to detail/Accuracy
5. Commitment to learning/ Abreast with current trends
6. Communication skills
7. Problem-solving/Troubleshooting capabilities
8. Competence
9. Technical Writing Skills
10. Aptitude for Mathematics
11. Ability to Memorise
12. Certification
13. Reliability
14. Disciplined
15. Trustworthy

(b) Computer Professional Bodies in Nigeria:

1. Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN)

2. Nigeria Computer Society (NCS)
3. The Institute of Software Practitioners of Nigeria (ISPON)
4. Information Technology Industry Association of Nigeria (ITAN)
5. Nigeria Internet Group (NIG)
6. Internet Service Providers Association of Nigeria (ISPAN)
(c) (i) Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity
(ii) GUI - Graphical User Interface.


=SUM (D2:D11)
=SUM (D11:D2)

= (D4+E4+F4+G4)/4
=AVERAGE (D4, E4,F4,G4)
=SUM (D4:G4)/4

 Max Function.

Click on cell H8
Type “=SUM(D8:G8)”
Press “Enter”
Click on D8
Hold down the Mouse and stop at H8/ Highlight D8 to H8
Click on Summation icon on the Menu Bar
Click on H8
Type “=SUM (D8, E8,F8,G8)
Press “Enter”
Click on H8
Type =SUM (D8:G8)
Press Enter

=IF(I11> 59, “PASSED”, “FAILED”)
=IF(I11>= 60, “PASSED”, “FAILED”)
(i) MS PowerPoint
(ii) Presentation
(iii) Double-click on the icon
Right-click on the icon
Select open
(iv) Title Slide
(v) Slide Show View Icon/Slide Show Icon/ Slide Show
(vi) F5
-Insert Shapes
-Insert Textbox
-Insert WordArt
-Insert Comment
-Insert Video
-Insert Symbols
New Slide
Date & Time
Text Box
Smileys etc.

 (i) To Create a folder on the desktop

-Right-click on the desktop and select “New”

-Select “Folder”

(ii) Naming the folder

-Click on the default name of the new folder

-Type-in the name, Press enter or click elsewhere on the desktop
Right-click on the folder icon and select “Rename”
-Type-in the New Name
Select the folder, Click on the Default Name/New Folder,
Type New Name, Press Enter.

(iii) Sending a file to the new folder

-Double-click on “My Documents” folder icon

-Right-click on the desired file icon and select “copy”
-Open the folder created
-Paste the copied file
Select the file in My Documents Folder,
Drag it to the created Folder on the Desktop,
Drop/Release the Mouse button
Open the File in My Document ,
Click on File, Save As,
Select Desktop, Select Target Folder,
Click on Save.

(iv) Renaming the folder

-Right-click on the folder icon and select “Rename”

-Type-in the new name “RESULTS”
Select the folder, Click on the Default Name/New Folder,
Type “RESULTS” as the New Name, Press Enter.

(I) Date of Birth---Date/Time
(II) Fees-------------Currency

(I) –create a blank database and give it a name
-click on the “create” tab on the menu bar and select “table design/design
-Type the field names and set the data types as required. Save the file
(II) –select the Mat.No field
-Right-click on the field and select primary key
-Select the Mat.No field
-click on the primary key icon on the menu bar
(III) -click on the FullName field
-set the field size to 50
Click on the FullName Field, Go to the Field Properties,
Change the Field Size from 255 to 50

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