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Employee Retention: A challenge faced by Amazon


Since the finish of the nineteenth century, Amazon has been fostering its business universally
in both level and vertical headings. The organization has likewise been marked as one of the
most tricky organizations in the current overall climate. The issues that have been revealed
are identified with the organization's inside structure. Absurdly exclusive requirements and
assumptions, rather than straightforward initiative, breed undesirable rivalry among
associates, coldhearted administration, inclining toward analysis over agreement, an absence
of advantages, dismissing representatives' requirement for balance between fun and serious
activities, an absence of acclaim. At last, an unjustifiably positioning framework for workers
are the organization's serious issues. On account of the Robotic Automation Process,
Amazon's greatest human asset concern is its staff maintenance system. On account of the
organization's worldwide market, the organization's human asset utilizes an enormous
number of resentatives

Research Problem

The research aims to understand the importance of employee retention and employee
satisfaction in Amazon

E vidence that supports existing trends that have led to the problem

For as far back as a decade, Amazon has been mechanizing office occupations under the
Hands of the Wheel program. The objective was not to wipe out positions however to
computerize undertakings redistributed to new item improvement, permitting the organization
to achieve more with fewer assets. Hands off the The wheel seems to have paid off: when
beginning a business is more straightforward and less expensive than ever, Hands off the
Wheel has kept Amazon deft, pushed it in front of its rivals, and demonstrated that
mechanizing to fire can prompt botched freedoms. Organizations ought to consider this
chance while deciding how to coordinate progressively amazing AI abilities into their
Hands off the Wheel was enlivened by Amazon's South Lake Union office towers, where, in
the the mid-2010s, the organization started computerizing occupations under a plan called
Project Yoda by a few. Amazon's retail supervisory crew went through their days organizing
bargains, arranging item advancements, and figuring out what to stock in its distribution
centers, in what amounts, and for what cost. Subsequent to approaching twenty years of retail
information, Amazon's chiefs chose to utilize "the power" (AI) to deal with the standard
activities engaged with keeping distribution centers supplied.

Amazon paid $775 million in 2012 for Kiva Systems. This young robotics company handed
them command of a new breed of mobile robots capable of transporting item racks from
worker to worker while reading barcodes on the ground for instruction.

It did, however, give Amazon the technical foundation on which it might continue to build
new versions of warehouse robotics for years to come, opening the path for a future in which
the only people working inside Amazon's facilities are those who maintain and repair their
robotic equivalents.

In addition to hundreds of thousands of human labour, Amazon currently employs over

200,000 mobile robots in its warehouse network. This robotic army has aided the corporation
in delivering on its ever-increasing promises of fast deliveries to Amazon Prime members.

The retail warehouse industry has exploded due to Amazon's expectations for fast, free
delivery, with entrepreneurs like Gravelle and start-ups like Attabotics attempting to build
smarter, less expensive robotic solutions to help both traditional retailers and younger
ecommerce operations keep up with a behemoth like Amazon.

L iterature Review

Breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) and robots allow for considerably faster and less
expensive delivery and manufacturing. We all want our things delivered fast and for a lower
price, and businesses want to make more money. But, when more and more work in factories
and warehouses gets automated, what is the actual impact on our society?

Robots can "pick" multiple times quicker than people. Then again, picking multiple times
quicker makes extra mileage due to monotonous movement and fast lifting, and treatment of
objects. Because of the push to mechanize more distribution center positions, laborers
presently have essentially more noteworthy assumptions.
Substantial articles ought to be put between the chest and the knees, while lightweight things
ought to be put away at the top or lower part of the case. It's hard to adhere to this when work
is done quick and representatives are feeling the squeeze; accordingly, individuals remove
security and ergonomic easy routes from need. Pickers on the less than desirable end should
convey heavier-than-planned things down the means of their stepladder because of these
alternate routes, expanding the danger of injury.

According to an Amazon representative, the health and safety of Amazon employees is a top
priority, and the company has taken several steps to prove it. She also said that Amazon is
more aggressive than others in the industry when it comes to documenting injuries, hinting
that this is why Amazon's injury rates may be higher than industry standards.



● Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of sample characteristics. Descriptive
statistics explains the essential options of data taken for study. It offers easy summaries
concerning the selected sample while correlation test validates the presence of relationship
and link between the dependent variable, i.e. employee retention and the independent
variables, i.e. supervisor support, working environment, work-life balance policies, career
development, rewards & recognition and job satisfaction.

● HYPOTHESES In this study, the variables are being tested for their association with each
other. Following are the hypothesis developed for this research work.

H1: Supervisor support is wholly correlated with employee retention

H2: Career development is utterly associated with employee retention

H3: Rewards and recognition are entirely correlated with employee retention

H4: Work environment is wholly correlated with employee retention

H5: Job satisfaction is completely correlated with employee retention

H6: Work-life balance is wholly associated with employee retention

D efinition of Key concepts and terms

Employee retention
Representative maintenance alludes to the different strategies and practices which let the
workers stick to an association for a more broadened period.

Employee Turnover

Employee turnover, or employee turnover rate, is the measurement of the number of

employees who leave an organization during a specified period, typically one year

Succession planning

Progression arranging is a cycle by which people are filtered to pass on the initiative job
inside an organization. The cycle guarantees that business keeps on working effectively
without the presence of individuals who were standing firm on key footings as they probably
resigned, surrendered, and so on.

T itle of the Paper

Employment Relations: A challenge faced by Amazon

A bout the Company, Inc. is an American multinational technology company specialising in

ecommerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence.

Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in his garage in Bellevue, Washington, on July 5, 1994. It started
off as a book-selling website but has now expanded to include electronics, software, video
games, fashion, furniture, food, toys, and jewellery. Amazon is well-known for disrupting
well established firms through technological innovation and scale. In terms of sales and
market capitalization, it is the world's largest online marketplace, AI assistant provider, live-
streaming platform, and a cloud computing platform.

Amazon's subsidiaries Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Music, Twitch, and Audible distribute
various downloadable and streaming materials.

Amazon also has a publishing division, Amazon Studios, a film and television studio, and
Amazon Web Services, a cloud computing subsidiary. It makes Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets,
Fire TVs, and Echo devices, among other consumer goods.
R esearch Problem

The research aims to understand the importance of Employee Relations and their impact on
Customer Satisfaction. The ultimate results can be seen in terms of enhanced customer

E vidence that supports existing trends that have led to the problem

Amazon's human resource planning encompasses the company's employee retention strategy.
Various sectors have different employee retention policies. Amazon's staff retention
philosophy of "only the strongest survive" is praised and condemned worldwide. A youngster
has been depicted as a low-retention employer in an Amazon poster. Depending on the nature
of the firm, different HRM strategies are found, according to confident respondents. A few
critics have also stated that a higher employee turnover plan may be suitable for organisations
like Amazon. Because Amazon is one of the only organizations whose customers' loyalty is
tied to its products and prices rather than its staff, this strategy appears to be working well for
the company.

For corporations like Amazon, gearing retention is a common occurrence. It's crucial to
concentrate on the personnel who are leaving the organization when contemplating turnover.
Employees that are well-paid and knowledgeable in cloud computing frequently depart due to
poor treatment.

Amazon's business methodology, as indicated by ITG, is fundamentally dependent on scale,

productivity, and computerization. The HR or enlistment technique should be changed so it
draws in and holds faculty, permitting the organization to develop at a quicker pace. The
legitimate utilization of enrolment rules can likewise support execution and give a strategic
advantage. As per Gopal Parmeswar, the maintenance strategy ought to be directed by the
association's representative job. This organization has effectively planned the two-track

Albeit a few specialists have expressed that low-maintenance strategies may help HR drives,
others have communicated their resistance to this system. Some contend that this strategy
underscores private enterprise's terrible side4 and that it conflicts with majority rule
enlistment arrangements. The New York Times examination on Amazon's recruiting
rehearses started warmed conflict among specialists. The article's validity can be addressed
on the grounds that it fundamentally depended on interviews with as of now retrained
representatives or the individuals who had effectively withdrawn the organization. This
suggests that the correspondent's developments inside the association are seriously confined.
On the off chance that the article is taken at face esteem, the authoritative arrangement has
been depicted in a troublesome light. As per this article, Amazon's faculty procedure is to
furnish energizing work with the potential for major league salary; be that as it may, the
occupations become excessively overbearing for the representatives.

Customers, on the other hand, consider the low retention HR strategy to be a success. Even
though high retention tactics appear to be more appealing to employees, investors, and
customers, Amazon appears to feel that running an organization well requires fewer, better
trained, and better-paid personnel.

L iterature Review

Amazon's profit scale has been lowered due to employee resentment towards the company.
Employee happiness, according to Eric Morehead, is more crucial than customer satisfaction
for company success. Greater transparency in Amazon's recruitment system can help to tackle
this problem. Former employees claim that the organization's leaders lack empathy and do
not support personal priorities over job priorities. Former employee narratives can aid in
understanding the employment relationship and employee relations inside the organization.
Employees have identified the following issues:

The partnership sets ridiculously high prerequisites for its workers, which seem, by all
accounts, to be difficult to meet. Representatives are under the pressure of neglected
assumptions. They are bothered since they can't fulfill such elevated requirements.

The company's managerial style has been criticized for being overbearing. According to the
New York Times, the authority is also bureaucratic.

Who is a high-achiever and who isn't has always been clear in our organization. Employees
are frequently required to work after regular business hours and for extended periods.
According to the survey, employees are encouraged to publicly criticize their coworkers'
ideas, resulting in an unpleasant work environment. According to several employees, the
Anytime Facebook Feedback option is frequently utilized for plotting. Anonymous criticism
is often copied directly into employee performance reports in various circumstances.

Former employees of the company have also mentioned insensitive management as a

contributing factor.

In spite of private matters, workers commonly feel investigated or pushed out, as per the
representatives. However, an Amazon representative shielded by expressing that they would
take quick activity to address the charges that have been brought against them in regards to
worker disappointment.

This company values criticism over peace, which exacerbates the employee-employer
relationship. One of this firm's unique management beliefs is that workplace harmony is
overvalued, and that the organization instead needs to encourage competitive spirit among its

In contrast to numerous different associations, Amazon doesn't offer particular advantages to

its representatives. They are more worried about gathering customer demands than with
meeting the fundamental necessities of their representatives.

Employees have also raised concerns about a lack of recognition and arbitrary rating systems.
This organization holds annual Company Level Reviews, and the managers discuss and
decide on the employees' rating in the current higher-level managers. They frequently
terminate valuable employees to reach a quota.

R esearch Objectives

Representative Relations are very useful towards customer fulfillment. It obliges the
necessities of the buyer's everything considered expected ways. This review has been
embraced with the objective of tracking down the degree of customer fulfilment.

M ethodology


Among the population of customers of Amazon, a sample size of 200 was selected for the

Hypotheses were developed and tested for significance to prove the objectives in a scientific

The null hypothesis is that Amazon's profit scale has been lowered due to employee

The alternative hypothesis is that Amazon's profit scale has not been lowered due to
employee resentment.

D efinition of Key concepts and term

Employee Relation

Employee relations is defined as an organization's efforts to establish and maintain a

favourable relationship with its employees. Organizations strive to retain employees loyal and
involved in their job by establishing positive, constructive employee relations. Employee
relations initiatives are often managed by an organization's human resources department;
however, certain organizations may have a dedicated employee relations manager function.
Acting as a liaison or intermediary between employees and managers, as well as creating or
advising on the creation of policies around employee issues such as fair compensation, useful
benefits, proper work-life balance, reasonable working hours, and others, are typical
responsibilities of an employee relations manager.


According to a New York Times article, Amazon employees are extremely unsatisfied with
the company's various challenges. However, the corporation has determined that the issues
raised by the employees are not covered by the company's policies. However, according to
specialists, the flaws that have been detected are mostly harming the company's profit and, as
a result, the company's growth.


The survey budget will be roughly 25000/- Indian rupees. The most common survey mode is
questioner. The printing of the questioner will cost around 15000/- Indian rupees. This is for
200 people. The travel cost associated with the distribution and collecting of questioner will
be roughly 5000/- Indian rupees.


Sheridan, J. (1992). Organizational Culture and Employee Retention. The Academy of

Management Journal, , 35(5), 1036-1056.

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