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Narration :-

• If the sentence spoken by speaker is written without any chance , the

sent1ence is said to be in direct speech.
• if t he sentence spoken by the speaker is changed by the narrator , it is
called indirect speech .
y. Direct speech - Raman says," I .a m writing a letter."
lndirrect speech- Raman says that he is writing a letter.
Points to be remembered while changing direct speech into indirect
• inverted commas are removed .
• Says to changes into tells • said to changes into told
• 'That' is added between the reporting verb and reported speech .
• Pronouns are changes ac.cording to subjects .
l . First person pronoun changes according io subject .
2. Second person pronoun changes according to object .
3. Third person pronoun does not change
• When the reporting verb Is In present or future tense(will
say/ is saying/ says.-.) • there is no change In the tense
form of reported speech.
• Pronouns will change according to subject / object .
• U:•L Direct speech :• Jagritl says to Raman." I am going
to market."
Here Jagriti
.. .. .. .. is Subject .
Raman Is object •
"I " is the first person pronoun • so it will change according
to subjed (l,a.&,riti )
Indirect speech:- Jagrltl tells Raman that she Is going to
2. Ravi will say to Raghav... She will not attend the class ."
i:_Ravl will tell Raghav that she will not attend the class.
:: When the reporting verb is in the past tense I tense form of
reportedlspeech is changed as per given rules:-


- CJwo111•· rdIng 1.0 1h11 t,b!e.

s. ....,, c!Wl9f a<CO
1lit - °' tM ~ ff<! ,pnct, w,sr,,e_re
H•d belt"
f fa} IS/¥n/ln
' !bl was.,.,._,. Had fln·te (V. dld+V,l
(CJ .....,,,_ p,sl Incle I • ,a)
( ,stwe_re+ V.+m
p~t continuous "'
(di ,,._.,1 lnde~I• (V• V,• sJg_ do. clod)
,,, "'-"1 Continuous (,s/•rnl•re • V. • l- ) p,st
p,.rfect (had+V-1
p,st ,...rfect conbn
. uous (had been +V. +in")
. rn "'-"' ~ ~""+V l
conti....OUS l~ btlPn +V ••"") Past Perfect (had+V,) .
("' Present Past'"'rfect continuous (had been +V. +mg)
/hi Past Indefinite (V. did+V)

(i) Past Continuous tw,s/Wfre• V. +ina) Nochanae

(i) Past Perfect (had+V.) Nochanae
(k) P,st ..-rlK:t continuous Chad been +V +ino)
(I) Should/WOUid
(m) Shall
(nl Can Mioht
(al u-
Had to
(a) Must
• Direct Speech: He said to me, 'What have }'QII done? •
Indirect Speech: He aslced me what' had done.

6. nm. Word. l1C. Change:

ff the rep()/'Md verb is in p.JSt tense, the words given in the below mentioned table will c~nge. But thes,
not dwlge if the reported w,t, is in pnisent or future tense.
0 That day
E ta) Todav



(diThis niahl
(e) Tomorrow
This d;,v
That niaht
That niaht
The next dav or the following dav

(f) Yesterd;,11 The orevious dav or the dav before

(a) The dav before vesten:1.w Two davs before
th) The d.w 1ftet tomorrow In two davs time
we<"k ,n onth. yea,, ni
l_.~ t ( qh l d, ly )
: r,Jr,-t cweek , month, y~~u. \ lh<' µr,-v,ou~ (w,•f'Y .
m on th 'I' M, r ')t ' ' · 1~
rn qh t d ,1y) Is
The? f ol lo wm g (weeY , rn
or,th , 1,>~r. c•.qr,t, <P,
\ -
1Be fo re 11
fhrS Th Jt
n, ese
1 Those
\ There
H; nce
- - - -- - - - - - -
- - - - 1 Thenc_e_ _ _
--- ___________
-c;rne_ _- - - - - - - - _
--- Dire -- -- - -~ G-o - - - - -
ct Speech: H e said to --- -------
• m e, "I w an t to sing so
ngs today."
In di re ct Speech: H e to
ld m e th at he wanted
to sing songs th at day.


He said to me. "Are you l·oming :r· He sa.1.d to me. "when are you ""J
He asked me whether I was coming he asked me when f was coming
._-.. Rules for inttrrog•tfrt sc-nttnres ta bt- ronverted to indir«t from dlrttt spttcb
I. Change •said to · into asked, questioned. inquired or inttrrogattd.
2. ·Qut!'Srion Mark (?) should be changed into ·tuJI stop·.
3. The sentt"nct" will not be in int~rrogatfre form in indirect speech . This means that helping verb 14 UJa/ 1111.t:, the tuh;c, 1
4. Tense and pronoun shall be chMged according to the rules.
t __.__. . . . . _,__ Enoc,,.. ..-•~ ,....,.,
is of ' wh fami ly' no conjunction
nction if/ whether will be used. If the ques tion
5. if the question can be answered in yes/no, conju 3
"; 11 not be u:scd. I
I. He said to me, "Do you know me?"
He asked me if I knew him.
2. She said to him, "what are you doing now?
She asked him what he was doing then.
with me?"
3. He said to him, "Did you intend to come
He asked him if be bad intended to come with
4. He said to her, "Hav en't you seen this movi
He asked her if she hadn 't seen that movie.
.-u..,.-s· ..
1 Sht- s.aiJ 1,, m,:. ··oo not come bcrc
She fom:idc me 10 come there
She \lnlcrcd me not come there
He saiJ. ··call the first witness oow:·
I k ordered them to call the ftrst witness then
She snid. ··spread the clothes in the sunlight and do not wash anything else : ·
She onkr~ him to spread the clothes in the sunlight and not 10 w~1sh anything c\sc.
E.ic:lamatory sent.e nca:
She said. .. Alas! I am undone".
She exclaimed with sorrow that she was undone
Rules for changing Eic:lamatory Sentenc es from Direct to Indirec t Speech
I Said ... Alas! -+ exclaime d with sorrow.
Said ~ Hurray ! exclaimed with joy
Said .,. Fi / Ugh! exclaimed with despise/ disgust
Said - Wow ! exclaimed with joy.
Saad -. Oh! exclaimed with surprise / regret
2. l \ •nj unctton 'lhat ' will rcplncc cu 1111111111nll 111vcrtc d cummo~.
J. Tense onJ pronoun chunge ucc-11ru111g 10 rul e,
I. She ~aid. "llumy! \\le hnvc wnn tlus match."
sh<! cxcluin1cd wi th JO Y 1hn1 1h..: y h ud won 1h 0 1 11101.:h .
2. S he said. " llow beauti ful is the ru in!"
She cxclai n1ed \vith joy that the was very beautiful.
3. He said. " Bravo ! you have done well."
He applauded him saying that he had done wc!I
4. She said. "What a pleasant surprise!'"
She exclaimed that it was a pleasant surprise.
Optadve Sentences
He said. ''May God bless you."
He prayed that God might bless me
Rules for optative sentences to be converted to indirect speech from direct spe,
I. C h:ange 'said is' into "wished' or 'prayed'
2. Conjunction 'that' is used.
3. Tense and pronoun are changed according to rules.
Examples :
I. She Said, "May, God pardon him."
She prayed that God mjght pardon him.
2. They said, " Long live the king."
They prayed that the king might live long.

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