June 12 2011

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June 12, 2011 MORNING: What a Price! Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6 Text: 1 Corinthians 6: 20

Ontario. A.M. Pastor Jack Schoeman on "Biblical Accountability" or "Holding one another Accountable". P.M. Mrs. Arlene Veenstra on "Glorifying God in Conflict". June 18 (Saturday) (YABS) Young Adult Book Study. We will be studying from Dug Down Deep: Chapter 2 In Which I learn to Dig June 21 (Tuesday) 7:30 PM Elders meeting.

EVENING: Shout "Glory!" Scripture: Psalm 29 Text: Psalm 29: 9

SAVE THE DATE- The Word and Deed Softball Tournament has been set for Saturday, August 20. For more information or to sign up your team please contact Karen VanderSloot at 895-4816 or karenjvs@hotmail.com, or Pete VanderStel at 942-2809 or pvanderstel@sbcglobal.net.

SONG SERVICE (5:50 PM) Psalter 30:1,2,3 & Psalter 140:all

(second tune) And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Acts 2: 2

~ Church Family ~
Please Remember in Our Prayers: Dave Huisjen Shut-ins: Mr. Rokus DeBlaay, Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock, Mrs. Kay Kwekel, Mrs. Winifred Nordyke and Mrs. Mina Wierenga. Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.

~ Nursery ~
Mother In Charge June: Suzanne Kleyn Today: AM A: B: PM A: B: AM A: B: PM A: B: Mary Cogbill, Betsy Prince Lisa VanStrien, Naysi Pennings Betty Elliott, Madilyne Prince Margaret Kleyn, Marieke Ude Heather Engelsma, Alexia Pronk Meta Moerdyk, Taunya VanDoodeward Ruthanne Karel, Makenna Pronk Jennifer Pennings, Sonia Wielhouwer

~ From The Consistory ~

Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us this Communion Lords Day Today, Dr. David Murray will lead our worship services. This morning the sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated in our congregation. May the Lord bless us all as we celebrate. Next Sunday, HRC candidate Mr. Scott Dibbet will conduct our worship service, D.V. Pastor L. W. Bilkes and Jane have arrived safely in Ireland. Our Synod delegated Pastor Bilkes to attend the General Assembly of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland. They hope to return on June 23.

Next Week:

~ Ushers ~
Today Next Week AM Dave Huisjen AM Eric Wielhouwer PM Dave Pronk PM Henry Boven

~ Offerings ~
Today 1 collection: nd 2 collection: Box at Exits: 1 collection: nd 2 collection: Box at Exits:
st st

~ Calendar ~
The Lord willing... James 4:15

General Education Denominational General Building Denominational

June 14 (Tuesday) Reminder. Our annual Ladies' Conference will be held Tuesday, June 14, 2011 in Zion Free Reformed Church, Fenwick,

Next Week

LITURGY June 12, 2011 Morning Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 202 Law Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6 Text: 1 Corinthians 6: 20 Psalter: 313 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 135 Sermon: What a Price! Prayer Lords Supper tables: Psalter 317 Offertory Psalter: 362 Benediction Doxology: 197

Song Service: Psalter 30: 1,2,3 & Psalter 140: all (second tune)

LITURGY June 12, 2011 Evening Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 259 Apostles Creed Scripture Reading: Psalm 29 Text: Psalm 29: 9 Psalter: 252 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 308 Sermon: Shout "Glory!" Prayer Offertory Psalter: 76 Benediction Doxology: 196

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