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Analytical Separations

Separation of species by distillation

Distillation is widely used to separate volatile analytes from nonvolatile interferents.

It is based on differences in the boiling points of the materials in a mixture.

Vacuum distillation is used for compounds that have very high boiling points.

Lowering the pressure to the vapor pressure of the compound of interest causes

Molecular distillation occurs at very low pressure (<0.01 torr) such that the lowest
possible temperature is used with the least damage to the distillate.

Pervaporation is a method for separating mixtures by partial volatilization

through a nonporous membrane.

Flash evaporation is a process in which a liquid is heated and then sent through a
reduced pressure chamber where there is partial vaporization of the liquid.
Analytical Separations

masking agent elements whose ions are masked

Ag, Au, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pd,
Pt, Zn

SCN– Ag, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pd, Pt, Zn

NH3 Ag, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn

F– Al, Co, Cr, Mg, Mn, Sn, Zn

Al, Ba, Bi, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg,
Mn, Pb, Pd, Pt, Sb, Sn, Zn

oxalate Al, Fe, Mg, Mn

thioglycolic acid or Mercaptoacetic acid Cu, Fe, Sn

Analytical Separations
Solid phase extraction
In a solid phase extraction of a liquid sample, we pass the sample through a
cartridge that contains a solid adsorbent, several examples of which are shown
Analytical Separations
Solid phase extraction
The choice of adsorbent is determined by the species we wish to separate. Table
below provides several representative examples of solid adsorbents and their
absorbent properties and uses

 retains low to moderate polarity species from organic matrices

 fat soluble vitamins, steroids

 retains polar compounds

 carbohydrates, organic acids

 retains wide variety of species from aqueous and organic matrices

 pesticides, hydrophobic peptides

 retains wide variety of species from aqueous and organic matrices

 proteins, peptides, fungicides

 retains hydrophobic species from aqueous matrices

octadecyl (C–18)
 caffeine, sedatives, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, pesticides

octyl (C–8)  similar to C-18

Analytical Separations

1.) Definition
 The transfer of a compound from one chemical phase to another
- The two phases used can be liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, gas-solid, etc
- Liquid-liquid is the most common type of extraction

[ S ]2

[ S ]1

- The partitioning of solute s between two chemical phases (1 and 2) is

described by the equilibrium constant K

K is called the partition coefficient

Analytical Separations

1.) Definition
 A separation technique
based on the different rates
of travel of solutes through a
system composed of two
- A stationary phase
- A mobile phase

 Detect compounds
emerging in column by
changes in absorbance,
voltage, current, etc

Chromatogram (not spectrum)

Analytical Separations

2.) System Components and Process

Solutes which interact more strongly with

the stationary phase take longer to pass
through the column
Strongly Retained

Weakly Retained
Solutes which only weakly interact with
the stationary phase or have no
interactions with it elute very quickly
Analytical Separations

3.) Chromatogram
 Chromatogram: graph showing the detector response as a function of elution

Retention time
Non-retained solute
(void volume)

 Retention time (tr): the time it takes a compound to pass through a column
 Retention volume (Vr): volume of mobile phase needed to push solute through
the column

The strength or degree with which a molecule is retained on the column can
be measured using retention time or retention volume.
Analytical Separations

4.) Fundamental Measures of Solute Retention

 Adjusted retention time (tr’): the additional time required for a solute to
travel through a column beyond the time required for non-retained
t'r  t r  t m
where: tm = minimum possible time for a non-retained
solute to pass through the column

 Relative Retention (a): ratio of adjusted retention time between two

t'r 2
where: tr2’ > tr1’ , so a > 1
- Greater the relative retention the greater the separation between two
Analytical Separations

4.) Fundamental Measures of Solute Retention

 Capacity factor (k’):

t r  t m Vr  Vm
k' 
tm Vm

 The longer a component is retained by the column, the greater the capacity
- Capacity factor of a standard can be used to monitor performance of a column

 Capacity factor is equivalent to:

time solute spends in stationary phase

k' 
time solute spends in mobile phase
Analytical Separations

4.) Fundamental Measures of Solute Retention

 Capacity factor is equivalent to:

time solute spends in stationary phase moles of solute in stationary phase

k'  
time solute spends in mobile phase moles of solute in mobile phase

C sV s
k' 
C mVm

where: Cs = concentration of solute in the stationary phase

Cm = concentration of solute in the mobile phase
Vs = volume of the stationary phase
Vm = volume of the mobile phase
Analytical Separations

4.) Fundamental Measures of Solute Retention

 Capacity factor is equivalent to:
C sV s
k' 
C mVm
Under equilibrium
C m (partition coefficient)
k'  K
Capacity factor is directly proportional to partition coefficient

Example: The retention volume of a solute is 76.2 mL for a column with Vm = 16.6 mL
and Vs = 12.7 mL. Calculate the capacity factor and the partition coefficient for this
t r  t m Vr  Vm
k' 
tm Vm
Analytical Separations

5.) Efficiency of Separation

 The separation of two solutes in chromatography depends both on the width of
the peaks and their degree of retention

 The separation between the two solutes is given by their Resolution (Rs)
Analytical Separations

6.) Why Bands Spread?

 Multiple Flow Paths – As solute molecules travel through the column, some
arrive at the end sooner then others simply due to the different path traveled
around the support particles in the column that result in different travel

Molecules enter the Molecules exit the column at

column at the same time different times due to different
path lengths
Analytical Separations

7.) Types of Liquid Chromatography

 Adsorption Chromatography
- Solutes are separated based on their different abilities to adsorb to the
support’s surface

- Uses an underivatized solid support (stationary phase = solid support)

- Oldest type of chromatography, but not commonly used
Analytical Separations

7.) Types of Liquid Chromatography

 Partition Chromatography
- Solutes are separated based on their different abilities to partition between the
stationary phase and mobile phase.

- Uses a solid support coated or chemically derivatized with a polar or non-

polar layer
- Most common type of liquid chromatography at present. Good for most
organic compounds
- Reversed Phase: stationary phase is non-polar
- Normal Phase: stationary phase is polar
Analytical Separations

7.) Types of Liquid Chromatography

 Ion-Exchange Chromatography (Already discussed)
- Used to separate ions based on their different abilities to interact with the
fixed exchange sites.

- Uses a solid support containing fixed charges (exchange sites) on its surface
- Cation-Exchange: support with negative groups
- Anion-Exchange: support with positive groups
Analytical Separations

7.) Types of Liquid Chromatography

 Size Exclusion Chromatography
- Separates large and small solute based on their different abilities to enter the
pores of the support

- Uses a porous support that does not adsorb solutes

- Commonly used to separate biological molecules or polymers which differ by
size (MW)
Analytical Separations

7.) Types of Liquid Chromatography

 Affinity Chromatography
- Separates molecules based on their different abilities to bind to the affinity

- Uses a support that contains an immobilized biological molecule (affinity

- Commonly used to purify and analyze biological molecules
- Most Selective type of Chromatography

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