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“Is COVID-19 man-made or natural?” This very question is what we always encounter every time people
talked about Covid-19. This makes us wonder what the truth is about COVID-19’s genesis, given that we
all know the sickness has wreaked havoc on our lives and the rest of the planet. As a result, as a person
who has posed the same question, I believe that this condition is not the result of deliberate human
manipulation, but rather the result of natural development.

Coronavirus disease 2019, also known as COVID 19, is not a virus created by humans. To back up this
claim, the Scripps Research Institute claimed that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has natural origins and
was not created in a laboratory or artificial setting, and they proved it by analyzing public genome
sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 released by China and identifying several tell-tale signs suggesting
COVID-19 is an organic virus. The paper titled ‘The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2’ adds to the data by
highlighting significant evidence for natural evolution. “We can confidently infer that SARS-CoV-2
emerged through natural processes by comparing existing genome sequence data for known
coronavirus strains,” says Kristian Andersen, PhD, the paper’s corresponding author.”We can clearly
infer that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through natural processes by comparing the available genome sequence
data for known coronavirus strains,” says Kristian Andersen, PhD, corresponding author on the article
and associate professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research.

COVID-19 is a result of natural selection. The data on SARS-backbone CoV-2’s analysis and testing
bolstered this claim for natural evolution. “The SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed greatly from those of
previously known coronaviruses and largely resembled similar viruses discovered in bats and pangolins,”
explains Dr. Josie Golding, PhD, epidemics lead at the Wellcome Trust in the United Kingdom. As a
result, this sickness is pure natural selection process rather than being artificially constructed According
to Andersen and his Scripps Research colleagues, the spike protein, which has a receptor-binding
domain (RBD) that hooks onto host cells, developed to target ACE2, a blood pressure-regulating enzyme
located on the outer surface of human cells. They further claimed that the COVID-19 spike protein’s
ability to connect to human cells is so high that it could only have evolved naturally rather than through
artificial means. “These two characteristics of the virus, changes in the RBD component of the spike
protein and its unique backbone, rule out laboratory manipulation as a possible source for SARS-CoV-2,
implying that the virus is a natural product.” This also proves that the virus evolved naturally, putting to
rest numerous theories concerning the virus’s deliberate genetic engineering,” says Dr. Jose Golding,
PhD, epidemics head at the Wellcome Trust in the United Kingdom.

COVID-19 is thought to have originated from bats, pangolins, and humans. There are two probable
scenarios for how this disease emerged, according to Robert Garry of Tulane University School of
Medicine in New Orleans, who published a study in the journal Nature Medicine. In the first scenario,
the new coronavirus’s spike proteins altered to connect to molecules with similar structures to the
human ACE2 protein, allowing it to infect human cells as it evolved in its native hosts, probably bats or
pangolins. The second hypothesis is that the novel coronavirus spread from animals to humans before it
was able to cause sickness in humans. The virus eventually got the power to spread as a result of subtle
evolutionary changes spanning years or possibly decades. The virus then obtained the ability to spread
from human to person and cause significant, often life-threatening disease as a result of slow
evolutionary changes over years or perhaps decades. A study from Origin and Evolution of Pathogenic
Coronavirus used sequence-based analysis and artificial intelligence on the genomic sequence of the
novel coronavirus to corroborate this suggestive finding. “Natural selection is the reason for the binding
of the mutated SARS-COV-2 spike protein to the human-like angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
receptor, showing a possibility that it arises through a natural-occurring evolutionary process,” says
Ching Siang Tan, author and PhD School of Pharmacy, KPJ Healthcare University College.

With this in mind, we concluded that COVID-19 is not a man-made virus, but rather a product of natural
evolution, which study debunks such allegations by presenting scientific evidence that this novel
coronavirus emerged spontaneously. Furthermore, these data clarified our thoughts on the subject and
answered the question, “Is COVID-19 a man-made or naturally occurring disease?” And, as one of many
who posed the same question, I maintain that the formation of this fatal disease is solely a result of
natural evolution and a by-product of a natural selection process, as evidenced by scientific facts. Finally,
while we may not be able to pinpoint COVID-19’s exact origin, these discoveries and research suggest
that. In conclusion, while we may not be able to pinpoint the exact origin of COVID-19, these findings
and research leave little room to refute a natural origin for COVID 19 and stop spreading rumors, which
is a positive sign that we can continue to focus on what really matters, such as good hygiene, social
distancing, and supporting the efforts of all the dedicated health-care professionals and researchers.


Coronavirus sickness, also known as the COVID-19 pandemic, has unquestionably had a disastrous
impact on the current status of our civilization, resulting in a devastating crisis that has damaged our
community. The 2019 Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak has caused a global health crisis and
economic calamity, which is why governments all over the world are developing and implementing swift
responses to the COVID19 pandemic. They face three extraordinary challenges in this effort: a public
health emergency to contain the virus, including identifying and treating infected populations;
widespread food and livelihood insecurity as a result of the mandated halt of economic activity and
resulting disruption of food supplies; and the adoption of emergency powers to address the crises and
maintain public safety. Governmental corruption is also a risk. Corruption concerns are prevalent in all of
these government approaches. And we all know that these reactions are critical because this is where
our safety will be determined, and how the government responds will have a significant impact on how
we tackle this problem in order to live our daily lives safely. As a result, highlighting. In my opinion, the
Philippine government’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic is insufficient because it just shows the
government’s deficiencies in combatting the pandemic. The Philippine government’s response to the
COVID-19 outbreak is inadequate and unsatisfactory.

The government's response to the COVID-19 outbreak is both efficient and effective. To limit the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippine national government, through its Inter Agency Task Force on
Emerging Infectious Diseases, developed various quarantine procedures, each of which has a matching
degree of formality. Some LGUs have showed a great response to the COVID-19 epidemic, according to
our nationwide survey. Fast and efficient performance is highlighted via testing and contact tracing. On
September 14, 2020, the government praised the country’s COVID-19 testing policy, calling it the
“greatest” in Asia and maybe the world. The Philippines had examined 2.92 million people as of
Monday. In a press conference, presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said, “Lubus-lubusan na po iyan
doon sa sinasabi nilang 3 percent na should na ma-test ang Population at patuloy pa po tayo.” COVID-
19-related services are generally free and accessible, and the health-care system demonstrates equity in
services. The level of the health system in several countries’ response to the COVID-19 epidemic reveals
equality and robust assistance for Filipinos who contracted the sickness. COVID 19 testing is not
selective, and it is quick and easy to get tested. Local governments have started offering free swabs for
bulk testing.

The failure of the government‘s health-care system and governance in developing policies and
interventions to combat COVID-19. We can’t deny that many organizations, institutions, and individuals
believe there is a health-care system breakdown and governance failure in developing policies and
interventions to cope with COVID-19. According to the nationwide survey on COVID-19, an alliance of 11
major private hospitals called on the government to establish a coordinated approach to combat the
pandemic as early as March 20, 2020, highlighting the necessity to consolidate all efforts and resources.
Citizens Urgent Response To End Covid-19 (CURE-COVID), a broad advocacy network, gave the project a
failing grade in July 2020. Citizens Urgent Response To End Covid-19 (CURE-COVID), a broad advocacy
network, assigned a failing grade for the pandemic’s inefficient, inept, and inhumane treatment in July
2020. The Solidarity of Health Advocates and Personnel for a Unified Plan to Defeat COVID-19 (SHAPE
UP) highlighted the lack of a comprehensive action plan from the government, as well as the need to re-
calibrate strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases at the community level and address failures
in so many basic aspects of pandemic response. In extensive and systematic contact tracing, a lack of
and selective COVID 19 testing has become a concern. The Department of Health stated at the outset
that contact tracing is challenging. During a Senate hearing on the government’s COVID-19 response on
February 4, 2020, DOH Secretary Francisco Duque was challenged over the delayed tracing of hundreds
of people who came into touch with the COVID-19-positive Chinese woman. In compliance with the
Data Privacy Act, the DILG and the DOH were also directed to enter into a data-sharing agreement. A
Weak and Privatized Health Care System Failed to Respond to COVID-19. COVID-19-related services are
usually not free and difficult to get. COVID-19 testing is only available to a limited few, and being tested
is a waiting game. There are certain Local Government Units that have started free swabbing for mass
testing, however they are limited by the availability of supplies as well as the Department of Health’s
“extended targeted mass testing” protocols, which prioritize only populations with COVID-19 symptoms.
Poor families who may have contracted the virus must rely on “connections” for prompt action from the
local government because there is no comprehensive and accurate mechanism for contact tracing and
no systematic plan for community-wide mass testing. The poor have no choice but to wait to get tested
or to disregard the symptoms of COVID-19 because the cost of a Rt-PCR test for COVID-19 in a private
testing facility is prohibitively expensive, with prices ranging from Php 4,000 to Php 13,000. Because, as
we can see, our government’s response to this issue has only served to highlight the country’s failing
tactics and techniques, with the majority of it revealing the country’s inadequate response. According to
WHO (World Health Organization), the Philippines is the only country with the longest lockdown and the
only country in the WHO Western Pacific region with COVID-19 Community transmission. According to
them, the Philippines entered the list of 20 countries with the most persons infected with the new
Coronavirus on October 1, 2020, with a record total of 314,079 cases. Just three days later, on October
5, 2020, the Philippines ranked 19th among nations, and was the only Southeast Asian country in the top
20 list, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre. The testing and contact
tracing results are concerning, as they were not taken seriously and indicated a poor response. We can’t
deny that the COVID-19 reaction, particularly contact tracking, appears to be excessively slow and
ineffective for a lethal pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, several countries have
failed to implement these methods, with the Philippines being one of the worst offenders. “Contact
tracers recruited by the Department of Health for its COVID-19 Surveillance and Quick Action Unity of
the Epidemiology Bureau complained of three months unpaid salary, compounding this problem,” says
Interior Secretary Eduardo Ao in an interview. And there’s this joke about senior police officers in Cebu
City considering recruiting “tsismosa and tsismosos” (female and male rumormongers), which drew a lot
of flak. As a result, the argument of numerous health networks and organizations challenging the lead
role of the police in an important component of contact tracing work was proven by this kind of thinking
coming from a senior police official. “Wala na talaga,” Secretary Duque said in a radio appearance a few
days later. The Inter-agency Task Force on the Management of Emerging Diseases issued Resolution 25
transferring the lead agency in the COVID-19 contact tracing efforts from the Office of Civil Defense to
the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) because the overwhelming cases of COVID-19
are not being taken seriously. The health-care system does not present equality in services and Covid-
related services beyond the Philippines. PhilHealth is designated as a government business entity and is
a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC). PhilHealth manages billions of dollars in funds
from member premium contributions and governmental subsidies, which totaled at least P70 billion in
the last three years. PhilHealth is at the heart of the country's health-care system, but its mandate,
purpose, and practice are all geared toward turning a profit. But the most serious issue is that the
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), which is intended to be the government’s social
health insurer, has a long history of fraud, graft, and corruption. Overpayment of claims and other
fraudulent schemes cost the government P153 billion between 2013 and 2018, according to the
Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission. “This includes, among other things, a spate of documented
false claims involving cataract procedures, pneumonia cases, and a “ghost” dialysis scheme,” adds
Senate President Harry Reid. Sotto, Tito. The Commission on Audit also singled out PhilHealth executives
for improper privileges and benefits, such as the more than D215 million in travel and lodging expenses
for the top 10 executives in 2017 and the tens of millions of dollars in bonuses granted to executives in
2013. According to NBI’s study, they are used in productivity incentive allowances, Christmas packages,
birthday gifts, and anniversary bonuses for its staff and executives. According to Philippine senators,
senior officials of the country’s health insurance organization, PhilHealth, should face charges of graft
and corruption, raising issues about the Philippines’ Universal Health Care Law and COVID-19 reaction.
With that said, I believe the Philippine national government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is
criticized for being ineffective and failing to meet expectations for satisfying actions in the fight against
the pandemic. And, in order to change this stigma, we can consider the following implications: first,
changing the government’s strategies to make them stronger, more reliable, and effective, as well as the
need to pursue fundamental change in the health-care system, because the COVID-19 pandemic has
exposed the flaws in the current system, now is an opportune time to pursue fundamental change in the
health-care system, where a movement for free, comprehensive health care to battle COVID-19 and
prepare for future crises, the public health care system must be enhanced - a system that includes
health promotion, health education, disease prevention, disease diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation,
and palliative care, among other services. It is impossible to stress the importance of effective
governance and the involvement of national and local governments in overcoming the COVID-19 health
disaster and preparing for future pandemics. The government should set aside a larger budget for
pandemic response and lay out a complete plan and measures, including modern disease surveillance,
expanded laboratory testing, and vaccine and medicine research and development. As a result, the
government's apparent lack of preparedness, as well as the lack of a clear plan and actions to battle the
epidemic, may put the government's responsibility in jeopardy. As a result, major adjustments are
essential for the health-care system to properly thrive and benefit both people and the country.
Because, at the end of the day, what counts most in this fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is our
country's safety and common welfao battle COVID-19 and prepare for future crises, the public health
care system must be enhanced - a system that includes health promotion, health education, disease
prevention, disease diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care, among other services. It
is impossible to stress the importance of effective governance and the involvement of national and local
governments in overcoming the COVID-19 health disaster and preparing for future pandemics. The
government should set aside a larger budget for pandemic response and lay out a complete plan and
measures, including modern disease surveillance, expanded laboratory testing, and vaccine and
medicine research and development. As a result, the government's apparent lack of preparedness, as
well as the lack of a clear plan and actions to battle the epidemic, may put the government's
responsibility in jeopardy. As a result, major adjustments are essential for the health-care system to
properly thrive and benefit both people and the country. Because, at the end of the day, what counts
most in this fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is our country's safety and common welfare.

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