Basic IT Course - Spreadsheets

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Using Spreadsheets for e-Office
What is a Spreadsheet?
 A spreadsheet is an interactive computer
application for organization, analysis and
storage of data in tabular form.
 In other words, it is a collection of text and
numbers laid out in a rectangular grid.
What is a Spreadsheet? (cont.)
 The program operates on data entered in cells
of a table. Each cell may contain either
numeric or text data, or the results of
formulas that automatically calculate and
display a value based on the contents of other
Why Spreadsheets?
 The three most common general uses for
spreadsheet software are to create budgets,
produce graphs and charts, and for storing
and sorting data.
 Within organizations, spreadsheet software is
used for many functions.
Why Spreadsheets? (cont.)
 Calculations e.g. Adding, Subtracting, etc.
 Collect data from different sources e.g. phone numbers, prices
 Accounts and Budgeting
 Invoices
 Predictions / Simulations
 Statistical analysis
 Creating Graphs e.g. bar chart, pie chart.
 Explore and interpret data in order to draw conclusions for
Why Spreadsheets? (cont.)
Spreadsheets are preferable to manual calculation and recording of
data for a variety of reasons, one major reason is the unlimited
space allowed to the user by the ‘spreadsheet’.
Other advantages include:
 Calculations are correct
 Calculations are completed automatically
 Information is organised and easy to access
 Information is easy to edit if a mistake has been made by retyping
or using ‘undo’
 Data can be easily sorted and filtered
 Data can be quickly analysed
 Reports can be made more visual by using charts and graphs
Spreadsheet Software Applications
 Microsoft Office Excel (or Excel)
 Google Sheets
 Calc
 Quattro Pro
Creating an Excel Workbook
1. To create a workbook from the Windows
 Right-click on the Windows desktop (or folder
window), select New >> Microsoft Office
Excel Worksheet from the menu.
 The Excel icon appears on the desktop.
 Type in the file name and press <Enter>.
 The workbook is created and saved in the
desktop folder.
Creating an Excel Workbook
1. To create a workbook from the Windows
Creating an Excel Workbook
2.To create a workbook from the Start menu
 Click the Windows Start button
 Type Excel
 Select Microsoft Excel 2007 (or other version
 The Microsoft Excel application starts.
Creating an Excel Workbook
3. To create a workbook after opening Excel
 Click Office Button >> New.
 The New Workbook dialog box appears.
 Click Blank Workbook.
 Click the Create button.
 A new blank workbook is created
Exploring Excel
The Ribbon
 The Ribbon contains icons for all the options
that can be used in Excel, in seven tabs.
 Clicking the down arrow beside any of the
icons will drop down more options for that
tool. Each section that contains an arrow in
the bottom right corner will open a window
containing the options found in that section
when clicked.
Saving a Workbook
 Click the Office Button
 The Save command saves an existing
workbook, using its current name and save
 The Save As command lets you save a
workbook with a new name or to a new
Opening an Existing Workbook
 To open an existing workbook, click the Office
Button, and then click Open in the navigation
 The Open dialog box appears.
 Browse to the saved location of the workbook
and select the file.
 Click Open
 (Or just double click the file in the folder to
open it directly)
Exploring Excel
Exploring the Parts of the Workbook
 Each workbook contains three worksheets by
default. The worksheet displayed in the work
area is the active worksheet.
 Columns appear vertically and are identified
by letters. Rows appear horizontally and are
identified by numbers.
 A cell is the intersection of a row and a
column. Each cell is identified by a unique cell
Exploring the Parts of the Workbook
 The cell in the worksheet in which you can
type data is called the active cell.
 The Name Box, or cell reference area, displays
the cell reference of the active cell.
 The Formula Bar displays a formula when a
worksheet cell contains a calculated value.
 A formula is an equation that calculates a new
value from values currently in a worksheet.
Moving the Active Cell in a Worksheet
 The easiest way to change the active cell in a
worksheet is to move the pointer to the cell
you want to make active and click.
 You can display different parts of the
worksheet by using the mouse to drag the
scroll box in the scroll bar to another position.
 You can also move the active cell to different
parts of the worksheet using the keyboard or
the Go To command.
Moving the Active Cell in a Worksheet (cont.)

 Keys for moving the active cell in a worksheet

Selecting a Group of Cells
 A group of selected cells is called a range. The
range is identified by its range reference, for
example, A3:C5.
 In an adjacent range, all cells touch each other
and form a rectangle.
• To select an adjacent range, click the cell in a corner
of the range, drag the pointer to the cell in the
opposite corner of the range, and release the mouse
Selecting a Group of Cells (cont.)
 A nonadjacent range includes two or more
adjacent ranges and selected cells.
• To select a nonadjacent range, select the first
adjacent range or cell, press the Ctrl key as you
select the other cells or ranges you want to include,
and then release the Ctrl key and the mouse button.
Entering Data in a Cell
 Worksheet cells can contain text, numbers, or
• Text is any combination of letters and numbers and
• Numbers are values, dates, or times.
• Formulas are equations that calculate a value.
 You enter data in the active cell.
Entering Multiple Lines of Text Within a Cell

 Click the cell in which you want to enter the

 Type the first line of text
 For each additional line of text, press the
Alt+Enter keys (that is, hold down the Alt key
as you press the Enter key), and then type the
Entering Numbers Formatted as Text
 When cells are formatted for text, all cell
contents—letters, numerals, or alpha-numeric
combinations—are treated as text.
Information is displayed exactly as it is
entered. There are two ways to enter numbers
as text.
Entering Numbers Formatted as Text (cont.)

 Apostrophe Character
 Select the cell you want to enter information
 Press [ ' ] (without the square brackets), then
type numeric information
 To accept the information, press Enter or an
Arrow key
Entering Numbers Formatted as Text (cont.)

 Drop-down List
 This method is especially useful when
formatting multiple cells to display text.
 From the Ribbon, select the Home command
 In the Number group, click the drop-down list
(It should display as General by default in a
normal cell)
 Scroll down and select Text option
Entering Dates and Times
 Select the cell where you want to enter the date or
time manually
 To enter a date, type the date in one of the following
formats: 12/11/2018, 12-11-2018, or November 12,
2018 (If the computer time settings are to USA
standard, then the date format is Month-Date-Year)
 To enter a time, type the time, Press Space bar
 To indicate AM or PM, press [Shift] + [A] or [P],
 To accept the information, press [Enter]
Changing Data in a Cell
 You can edit, replace, or clear data.
 You can edit cell data in the Formula Bar or in
the cell. The contents of the active cell always
appear in the Formula Bar.
 To replace cell data, select the cell, type new
data, and press the Enter button on the
Formula Bar or the Enter key or the Tab key.
 To clear the active cell, you can use the
Ribbon, the keyboard, or the mouse.
Searching for Data
 The Find command locates data in a
worksheet, which is particularly helpful when
a worksheet contains a large amount of data.
You can use the Find command to locate
words or parts of words.
 The Replace command is an extension of the
Find command. Replacing data substitutes
new data for the data that the Find command
Searching for Data (cont.)
 Find and Replace options
Zooming a Worksheet
 You can change the magnification of a
worksheet using the Zoom controls on the
status bar.
 The default magnification for a workbook is
 For a closer view of a worksheet, click the
Zoom In button or drag the Zoom slider to the
right to increase the zoom percentage.
Previewing and Printing a Worksheet
 You can print a worksheet by clicking the
Office Button, and then clicking Print in the
navigation bar to display the Print tab.
 The Print tab enables you to choose print
 The Print tab also allows you to preview your
pages before printing.
Closing a Workbook and Exiting Excel
 You can close a workbook by clicking the
Office Button, and then clicking Close in the
navigation bar. Excel remains open.
 To exit the workbook, click the Exit command
in the navigation bar.
Resizing Columns and Rows
 Resize a column by placing the pointer on the
right edge of the column heading and
dragging. For a precise column width, enter
the value in the Column Width dialog box.
 To change the row height, drag the border of
the row heading or enter a height in the Row
Height dialog box.
Resizing Columns and Rows (cont.)
 AutoFit determines the best width for a
column or the best height for a row.
 Place the pointer on the right edge of the
column heading (or below the row heading)
until the pointer changes to a double-headed
arrow. Then, double-click to resize the column
or row to the best fit.
Positioning Data Within a Cell
 By default, text you enter in a cell is lined up
along the bottom-left side of the cell, and
numbers you enter in a cell are lined up along
the bottom-right.
 However, you can position data within a cell in
a variety of ways using the buttons on the
Home tab of the Ribbon.
Positioning Data Within a Cell (cont.)
Positioning Data Within a Cell (cont.)
 You can align the contents of a cell
horizontally and vertically within the cell. To
change the alignment of a cell, select the cell
and then click an alignment button on the
Home tab.
 You can also merge cells which combines
them into one cell.
 Indent data within cells by using the Increase
Indent and Decrease Indent buttons on the
Home tab.
Positioning Data Within a Cell (cont.)
 You can change a cell’s text orientation.
 Text that doesn’t fit in a cell is displayed in the
next cell, if empty. If the next cell contains
data, any text that does not fit is truncated, or
hidden from view.
 To see all the text stored in a cell you can wrap
text. The row height increases to display
additional lines.
Changing the Appearance of Cells
 A theme is a preset collection of design
elements, including fonts, colors, and effects.
 As you format cells, Live Preview shows the
results of the different formatting options.
 A font is the design of text. The default font
for cells is Calibri.
 Font size determines the height of characters
in points (default size for cells is 11 points).
Changing the Appearance of Cells (cont.)
 Bold, italic, and underlining can add emphasis
to the contents of a cell. These features are
referred to as font styles.
 You can use color to emphasize cells. The
default font color is black and the default fill
(background) color is white. Both colors can
be changed.
 You can add emphasis to a cell by applying a
border (or line) around its edges.
Changing the Appearance of Cells (cont.)
 Number formats change the way data looks in
a cell. The actual content you entered is not
 The default number format is General, which
displays numbers the way you enter them.
Changing the Appearance of Cells (cont.)
 Number formats
Changing the Appearance of Cells (cont.)

 The Format Painter enables you to copy

formatting from one cell and paste it to other
cells without pasting the first cell’s contents.
 The format cells dialog box provides access to
all the formatting options available on the
ribbon, as well as some additional options.
Using Styles to Format Cells
 A style is a combination of formatting
 A cell style is a collection of formatting
characteristics you apply to a cell or range of
 To remove, or clear, all the formatting applied
to a cell or range of cells, use the Clear button
on the Home tab.
Using Styles to Format Cells (cont.)
 Cell styles gallery
Copying and Moving Cells
 Copying duplicates the cell or range in another
location, while also leaving the cell in its
original location.
 Cutting removes a cell or range from its
original location in the worksheet.
 Pasting places the cell or range in another
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
 To copy a cell or range, use buttons in the
Clipboard group on the Home tab.
 The copied data is placed on the Office
Clipboard. The Office Clipboard (or Clipboard)
is a temporary storage area for up to 24
selections you copy or cut.
 To move a cell or range, you use the Cut
button, followed by the Paste button.
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
 You can quickly move or copy data using the
drag-and-drop method. First, select the cell or
range, then drag them to a new location.
 To copy cells, press and hold the Ctrl key.
 Filling copies a cell’s contents and/or
formatting into an adjacent cell or range.
 You can use the fill handle to help with
copying cells and also to continue a series of
text items, numbers, or dates.
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
 The Fill command allows you to repeat or continue
information in contiguous cells without copying the
information manually.
 With this option, if the first cell contains a formula,
the formula will be repeated in the additional cells,
and if the first cell contains text, the text will be
repeated in the additional cells.
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
 If Excel recognizes a pattern of information, the
additional cells will contain the next item in the
pattern (e.g., if the selected cells are numbered from
one to five, the next cell would contain six; other
examples include filling months of the year and hours
of the day).
 You can allow Excel to automatically fill in the
information for you, or you may choose to create
custom patterns of information.
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
Filling Cells: Ribbon Option
 Type the information (cell contents or formula) in the
first cell of the group
 Starting with the cell containing the contents to be
copied, select the group of cells to be filled
 From the Ribbon, select the Home command tab
 In the Editing group, click FILL » select the
appropriate option:
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
 Down: Repeats the contents of the first cell
throughout the selected cells below it.
 Right: Repeats the contents of the first cell
throughout the selected cells to the right of it.
 Up: Repeats the contents of the first cell throughout
the selected cells above it.
 Left: Repeats the contents of the first cell throughout
the selected cells to the left of it.
 Across Worksheets: Repeats the contents of the
selected cells in another selected worksheet.
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
 Series...: Fills in data that is part of a pattern, rather
than simply repeating the data across selected cells.
• This option brings up the Series dialog box, which allows you
to select the type of pattern you would like to use.
• EXAMPLE: If the first cell contains the day Sunday, Excel will
fill the following cells with Monday, Tuesday, etc.
 Justify: Distributes text in the first selected cell
throughout several selected rows.
• NOTE: This option changes the contents of these cells by
moving the data to fit within the new rows.
Copying and Moving Cells (cont.)
Filling Cells: Mouse Option
 Using this option will extend the data in the series to the
selected cells.
 Type the information (cell contents or formula) in the
first cell of the group
 In this cell, move your pointer over the fill corner so your
pointer changes into crosshairs
 Click and hold the crosshairs
 Drag the mouse in the direction you want the
information to be copied NOTES: You can drag the corner
in any one direction; left, right, up, or down.
 Release the mouse button. The fill is applied.
Inserting and Deleting Rows, Columns, and
 To insert a row, click the row heading to select
the row where you want the new row to
appear. Then, click the Insert button on the
Home tab.
 To insert a column, click the column heading
to select the column where you want the new
column to appear. Then, click the Insert
Inserting and Deleting Rows, Columns, and
Cells (cont.)
 To delete a row or column, click the
appropriate row or column heading and then
click the Delete button on the Home tab.
 Use the buttons in the Cells group on the
Home tab to insert and delete cells.
Activity 1
 See Page 1 of Excel Activities Word Document
Freezing Panes in a Worksheet
 You can view two parts of a worksheet at once
by freezing panes.
 When you freeze panes, you select which
rows and/or columns of the worksheet remain
visible on the screen as the rest of the
worksheet scrolls.
Splitting a Worksheet Window
 Splitting divides the worksheet window into
two or four panes that you can scroll
 This enables you to see different parts of a
worksheet at the same time.
Checking Spelling in a Worksheet
 To find and correct spelling errors, use the
Spelling command on the Review tab.
Preparing a Worksheet for Printing
 So far, you have worked in Normal view,
which is the best view for entering and
formatting data in a worksheet.
 Page Layout view shows how the worksheet
will appear on paper, which is helpful when
you prepare a worksheet for printing.
 The margin is the blank space around the top,
bottom, left, and right sides of a page.
Preparing a Worksheet for Printing (cont.)

 By default, Excel is set to print pages in

portrait orientation. Worksheets printed in
portrait orientation are longer than they are
wide. In contrast, worksheets printed in
landscape orientation are wider than they are
 The print area consists of the cells and ranges
designated for printing.
Preparing a Worksheet for Printing (cont.)

 Excel inserts an automatic page break

whenever it runs out of room on a page. You
can also insert a manual page break to start a
new page.
 The simplest way to adjust page breaks is in
Page Break Preview. On the status bar, click
the Page Break Preview button to switch to
this view.
Preparing a Worksheet for Printing (cont.)

 Scaling resizes a worksheet to print on a

specific number of pages. The Scale to Fit
group contains the three options shown
Preparing a Worksheet for Printing (cont.)

 By default, gridlines, row numbers, and

column letters appear in the worksheet but
not on the printed page. You can choose to
show or hide gridlines and headings in a
worksheet or on the printed page.
 Print titles are designated rows and/or
columns in a worksheet that are printed on
each page.
Inserting Headers and Footers
 A header is text that is printed in the top
margin of each page. A footer is text that is
printed in the bottom margin of each page.
Activity 2
 See Page 2 of Excel Activities Word Document
What Are Formulas?
 The equation used to calculate values based
on numbers entered in cells is called a
 Each formula begins with an equal sign (=).
 The results of the calculation appear in the cell
in which the formula is entered.
What Are Formulas? (cont.)
 Formula and formula result
Entering a Formula
 Worksheet formulas consist of two
• operands
• operators
 An operand is a constant (text or number) or
cell reference used in a formula.
 An operator is a symbol that indicates the
type of calculation to perform on the
operands, such as a plus sign (+) for addition.
Entering a Formula (cont.)
 Mathematical operators
Entering a Formula (cont.)
 A formula with multiple operators is
calculated using the order of evaluation.
• Contents within parentheses (beginning with
innermost) are evaluated first.
• Mathematical operators are evaluated in a specific
order. (Shown in table on next slide).
• If operators have the same order of evaluation, the
equation is evaluated from left to right.
Entering a Formula (cont.)
 Order of evaluation
Editing Formulas
 If you enter a formula with an incorrect
structure in a cell, Excel opens a dialog box
that explains the error and provides a possible
Editing Formulas (cont.)
 If you discover that you need to make a
correction, you can edit the formula.
 Click the cell with the formula you want to
edit. Press the F2 key or double-click the cell
to enter editing mode or click in the Formula
Comparing Relative, Absolute, and Mixed
Cell References
 A relative cell reference adjusts to its new
location when copied or moved to another cell.
 Absolute cell references do not change when
copied or moved to a new cell.
 Cell references that contain both relative and
absolute references are called mixed cell
• References preceded by a dollar sign do not change.
Comparing Relative, Absolute, and Mixed
Cell References (cont.)
 Mixed cell references
Creating Formulas Quickly
 You can include cell references in a formula by
using the point-and-click method to click each
cell rather than typing a cell reference.
 Worksheet users frequently need to add long
columns or rows of numbers. To use the
AutoSum button, click the cell where you
want the total to appear, and then click the
AutoSum button. (This will be discussed
further in the section on functions)
Previewing Calculations
 When you select a range that contains
numbers, the status bar shows the results of
common calculations for the range.
 By default, these calculations display the
average value in the selected range, a count of
the number of values in the selected range,
and a sum of the values in the selected range.
Previewing Calculations (cont.)
 Summary calculation options for the status
Showing Formulas in the Worksheet
 At times you may find it simpler to organize
formulas and detect errors when formulas are
displayed in their cells.
 To do this, click the Formulas tab on the
Ribbon, and then, in the Formula Auditing
group, click the Show Formulas button. The
formulas replace the formula results in the
Calculating Formulas Manually
 When you need to edit a worksheet with
many formulas, you can specify manual
calculation, which lets you determine when
Excel calculates the formulas.
 The Formulas tab on the Ribbon contains all
the buttons you need when working with
manual calculations.
Activity 3
 See Page 2 of Excel Activities Word Document

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