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Safety by Design

IEC 61508 - Initial Phases of

the Safety Lifecycle in the
Process Industry
by Alan King
The initial Phases of the Safety Lifecycle in the standard IEC 61508 are
crucial to achieving a demonstrable level of safety. This article looks at
key aspects of those phases of the Safety Lifecycle and how they apply
in the process industry.

he standard IEC 615081 appears quite

eliminate, intensify, attenuate, and separate.
daunting at first glance with its seven parts Guidance on inherent safety can be found in a
of detailed text. This article aims to number of publications, for example: "Improving
provide a straightforward introduction to key Inherent Safety" published by HSE2, and "
aspects within the initial phases (Figure 1) of the Process Plants: a Handbook for Inherently Safer
safety lifecycle in the standard. The approach Design" written by Trevor Kletz3.
outlined in the article is one that has been tried
and tested over a number of years and matches
the requirements of the standard. The article also
aims to highlight a number of key issues to 1 Concept
stimulate further discussion.
It should be noted that the approach outlined
in this article is based on IEC 61508 but it is 2 Overall Scope Definition
anticipated that the same approach will be
directly applicable to the requirements of the
3 Hazard and Risk Analysis
Process Sector standard IEC 61511 once that is
Overall Safety
Inherent Safety
The first phases of the safety lifecycle are Safety Requirements
involved with "Concept" and "Overall Scope 5
Definition". In these phases, it is vitally
important to identify hazards associated with the
process. These hazards may be associated with
the nature of the materials - e.g. flammable or
toxic - or the nature of the processing conditions - Figure 1 - Safety Lifecycle Phases 1 to 5
e.g. high pressure or high temperature. Once the
main hazards have been identified the first tasks Having applied the principles of inherent
to apply the key principles of inherent safety - safety to the proposed design and modified the

Safety by Design

Safeguards Event


Figure 2 - Hazardous Event Scenario

design to improve safety as much as possible,

some hazards may nevertheless remain. Hazard and Risk Analysis
Phase 3 of the safety lifecycle involves
Potential Hazardous Events detailed hazard and risk analysis. For this, it is
Identification of the potential hazardous necessary to take each identified specific
event is the key next step. This should be carried hazardous event in turn and to identify all the
out on a "top down" basis, looking at each section possible initiating causes that could lead to that
of the proposed plant design in turn and listing all hazardous event. For each initiating cause, we
the potential hazardous events that could occur need to identify any safeguards that could prevent
with that section of plant. Typical events may the hazardous event from taking place despite the
include release of toxic materials, fire, or occurrence of that initiating cause - see Figure 2.
explosion - essentially, any event that could harm In some instances all the initiating causes for
people or the environment. It could also include a specific hazardous event may all have the same
any event that has the potential to cause safeguards; in other situations, there may be
significant financial loss to the business.4 different safeguards for each initiating cause.
Each event identified should be listed For each initiating cause, we need to
together with details of the consequences and the calculate the contribution to the hazardous event
possible initiating causes. Some assessment of frequency. Figure 3 shows how to calculate the
the potential available safeguards should also be contribution from one such cause.
included at this stage. The overall hazardous event frequency will

Frequency of Frequency of Probability that none of

Hazardous Event Initiating Cause 1 the safeguards for
= ×
contribution from happening Initiating Cause 1 is
Initiating Cause 1 effective

Figure 3 - Calculation of contribution to Hazardous Event Frequency

Safety by Design

be the sum of the contributions from

each of the initiating causes. This is
illustrated in Figure 4: Safeguards A, A B C
B, and C are all effective for Cause Cause 1

Hazardous Event
1, but for Cause 2 only A and C are
effective, whilst only A and B
effective for Cause 3. Cause 2

Existing Plants
For existing plants, this type of Cause 3
assessment will be carried out with
the inclusion of all relevant
safeguards - instrumented
safeguards, other technology and Safeguards
external risk reduction means. (For
definitions see IEC 61508-Part 4). Figure 4 - Combination of Causes and Safeguards
The overall hazardous event
Where a hazardous event has the potential to
frequency is then compared with the site criteria
impact more than one of these three aspects, then
for such an event on the chosen plant.
the event frequency should be compared with
each relevant target - all relevant targets should
Site Criteria be met.
Site Criteria will represent the maximum
frequency targets for particular types of events.
Design of New Plant
For example, environmental hazardous events
When it comes to the design of new plant or
may be classed according to severity and criteria
new aspects of existing plant, the question arises
assigned to each category:
as to whether any protective systems are needed
§ Category 1 = 1/yr. and what would be appropriate.
The earlier in the design process that
§ Category 2 = 0.1/yr
potential hazardous events can be identified and
§ Category 3 = 0.01/yr. some consideration given to the required degree
of risk reduction to meet the target criteria, the
These figures would represent the targets for
better. This keeps down the cost of any design
the site as a whole. For a particular plant, there
changes, and minimises the need to revisit and
would be assigned a proportion of each site
check aspects of design when changes are made
target. The proportion chosen would depend
upon the number of plants on the site with
Initial assessment involves consideration of
potential to cause that category of event.
the identified hazardous events, the potential
In some instances, the target may be further
frequency of each event and how this compares
apportioned within the plant.
with the risk criteria. If the risk targets will not
Without criteria, the guidance of IEC 61508
be met without some risk reduction, then there
cannot be applied; so it is important for the site
needs to be consideration of what means could be
management to establish site criteria targets for
used to reduce the level of risk. This is the
the use of those trying to design safe systems. In
activity covered in Phase 4 of the IEC 61508
practice, it is often those who are trying to apply
safety lifecycle.
IEC 61508, who are the first to realise the need
for criteria.
Safety Requirements Allocation
Comparison with Criteria Phase 5 of the IEC 61508 lifecycle is then
concerned with the allocation of the safety
Site Criteria will usually cover three distinct
requirements. General guidance would be to
aspects of activity: (a) safety of people, (b) risk to
determine whether there was sufficient risk
the environment and (c) risk to the business.
reduction to meet the target criteria without an

Safety by Design

instrumented protective system. This would be acknowledge it by pressing a button), understand

making use of external risk reduction and other what it means, know what action is required,
technology means. If the target cannot be have the means of acting which is still in a
achieved without an instrumented protective functioning state when it is needed, and then have
system, then it is relatively easy to see what risk time to act.
reduction factor is required from an instrumented
protective system in order to meet the criteria. Other layers
Hazardous Event Frequency We have mentioned that Phase 5 of the safety
Risk without instrumented system lifecycle focuses on safety allocation. Whilst the
Reduction =
standard is primarily concerned with electrical,
Target Criteria
electronic and programmable electronic systems,
any consideration of the need for such systems
Issues for Discussion can only be achieved when due consideration is
Having outlined some of the activities made of the contributions from other protective
involved in the initial phases of the safety means and layers - see Figure 5. There needs to
lifecycle, I would like to turn the spotlight on to be realistic inclusion of the benefit. Here,
some specific issues that receive little detailed realistic does not mean optimistic, but implies
attention in the standard itself, but which are proper evaluation that may conclude that there is
nevertheless important to the attainment of proper no additional benefit.
risk management. This is not to say that these
issues are overlooked by the standard, but rather Dependency
that consideration of the issues is implicit in what When considering protective features of one
IEC 61508 states and requires. layer to act as a safeguard against failure in
another layer, the question of potential for
Humans dependent failure needs to be addressed.
There is usually significant focus on the Dependent failure is when there is a similarity or
contribution from equipment and instrumentation link between layers that would cause failure of
when assessing levels of risk. However, the those layers to occur together. This does not
human influence can have significant impact in a have to cause failure at exactly the same time.
large number of ways, and if not For example, two pressure sensors suffering from
included, will undermine the attempt
to manage risk. External Risk
Human actions can cause Reduction
demands on protective systems. Other Technology
Human failures can render protective Protective
systems ineffective, through errors in Systems

maintenance, calibration, over-rides, Automatic

and failure to respond to system Protective Systems
indications of minor faults. Claims
are often made for protective system Critical Alarms and
diagnostics, but if no effective Intervention
corrective occurs then the claim can
be over-optimistic. Control System
In some instances, humans are
included as part of the protective Hazards
system - to respond to alarms and
take action. This needs careful
thought as to whether reliance on an
operator to act in the circumstances is
reasonable. Operators need to
"receive" the alarm (not just Figure 5 - Protection Layers

Safety by Design

impulse line blockage from the material in the of failure of that trip and the frequency criteria
process. This cause could lead to failure on for those consequences. We have discussed
different days. above the need to sub-divide a site environmental
Dependency means that we cannot simply target and to apportion this as targets for
multiply the failure probabilities of the layers to individual plants. It may, in some circumstances,
calculate the effect of all of them together. be necessary to assign a proportion of plant
targets to individual trips.
Cascade failures The same issue applies to the setting of
When we consider the consequences of a trip business risk targets for plants on a site.
failure, we may only look at the initial When considering the application of safety
consequences. It is important that we look risk targets, the usual criteria consider the "person
beyond those initial consequences and include most at risk" from the hazardous event and the
what might be termed cascade failures - the risk of fatality for that person. This is straight-
"knock-on" effects. A typical situation could forward when there is only one hazardous event
occur within a tank farm where loss of that could give rise to a fatal injury to the person
containment from one tank could lead to a fire most at risk. However, where the person most at
that could then affect other tanks in the area. risk could be subject to more than one hazardous
This sort of escalation of consequence requires us event, then the tolerable risk target for the person
to look at the effectiveness of mitigation and needs to be apportioned across the different
emergency procedures - to make some events.
assessment of the likelihood of successful This is a difficult area but it is important to
containment of the initial event. consider this despite the difficulty. It also needs
to be understood properly by the higher levels of
company management - the senior managers have
Misconceptions overall responsibility for safe operation of a
"When is a SIL not a SIL"? Sounds like a plant.
riddle! The answer is "when it does not cover the
whole safety function". We need to remember
that the safety integrity level (SIL) applies to the Conclusions
whole of a safety function from sensor to This article has intentionally raised a number
actuator, not to any individual component. of difficult issues, which relate to the application
Describing a component as a "SIL 1 level sensor" of the standard. I encourage anyone with thought
or another as a "SIL 2 Pressure Transmitter" is to on other difficult areas (e.g. software standards
misunderstand the concept of safety integrity and contribution to system reliability) to share
levels - worse still, such a description misleads their thoughts.
the reader.
Dr Alan G King is a hazard and reliability specialist with
For a component, the key information is the ABB Eutech, PO Box 99, Belasis Hall Technology Park,
undetected dangerous failure rate. This is what Billingham, Cleveland. TS23 4YS. (Previously with ICI
the user needs to know in order to design a Technology, Wilton, Cleveland, England.)
system to meet their requirements. E.mail:;
It is also necessary to include the contribution
of human errors in the assessment of the SIL for a
safety function. These may not be significant at References
SIL 1, but they can be highly significant at SIL 2 IEC 61508: Functional Safety of Electrical/
and above. Depending on the design of the Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-
system and the human interaction with it, human Related Systems.
error can be the limiting factor on the achievable Improving Inherent Safety, Offshore Technology
SIL for a safety function. Report, OTH 96 521, Health & Safety Executive,
ISBN 0717613070.
Process Plants: a Handbook for Inherently Safer
Setting of risk targets Design: A User-friendly Approach, Trevor A.
Each assessment of the required safety Kletz, Taylor & Francis Inc, ISBN: 1560326190,
integrity level for a trip looks at the consequences 1998.
IEC 61508: Part 1 Clause 1.2(e)

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