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The additional assignment for 3rd Year Students

Philosophical class, 2022

Ven. Subhoga Id: 6201501057

Before I write down the point of three panelists' discussion in the

International Seminar on 26 February, 2022. I would like to say thank you so
much to our teacher, Asst. Prof. Phramaha Pornchai Sirivaro, Ph.D who guides
us to get the good opportunity to participate this seminar, to make our English
four skills developed. Especially, he wants us who are his students to get the
wonderful knowledges from other senior panelists’ discussion about goodness,
beauty and truth.
After I listen to the First Panelist, his name is Ajhan Mark Tamthai, I got
some answers to myself which is the question that I wait and want to know it for
a long time. Firstly, he started speaking and he questioned that why are the
goodness, beauty and truth things important? He answered that because we all
want to answer the question which about our living, how should we live a life.
Should we live a life dedicated to the pursuit of truth or should we live a life
dedicated to the pursuit of goodness or should we live a life dedicated to the
pursuit of beauty or should we live a life dedicated to the pursuit of all three?
To give the right answer of these questions is so difficult. The reason is
we live in the world which is changing all the time. But we can answer to these
questions by looking at this moment of our lives as following, Truth is based on
Goodness and Goodness is based on Beauty and then Beauty is the most
fundamental. So that this is the point of these three things that we can answer to
ourselves. If we live a life dedicated to pursuit of truth and goodness, a life is
becoming a beautiful life. Good actions as actions that are based on good beliefs,
just as in the case of truth, goodness must be reduced to something. For him, hes
said that good belies are beliefs that result in beautiful feeling. Beautiful feelings
as an aesthetic state of mind. This is the point of Ajhan Mark Tamthais about
truth, goodness, and beauty.
After I listen to the Second Panelist, his name is Ajhan Asanga Tilakartra,
he focused on the Buddhist way to explain the Goodness, Beauty and truth. He
said that we are human try looking for goodness, beauty and truth every day. And
he gave the way to find these three things. For example, the prince Siddhattha
Gotama has many pleasures and very wealthy but he donates all things to make
Kusala. Kusala is the Pali word in English is skillful, skillful in every thing is
good, so that the prince Siddhattha Gotama find the goodness at that time.
For the truth, he focused and mentioned on the Four Noble Truths, the four
noble truths are the true of reality in life. It’s the true of nature. According to the
Buddhist philosophy, the beauty is from our mind when our mind is good and
truth to the other and ourselves, the mind and the form of our body action are
automatically beauty. These are the way that we find and see the Goodness, Truth
and Beauty in the Buddhist philosophy. This is the point way that Ajhan Asanga
Tilakartra explained about goodness, truth and beauty.
After I listen to the Third and the Last Panelist, his name is Ajhan Aamir
Riyaz, AMU, he focused on the Islamic Philosophy of the Holy Quran’s way to
explain the Goodness, Beauty and truth. In the Quran mentioned the Goodness,
Beauty and Truth is said that goodness is an attribute of God. It becomes the duty
of every person to obey his own impulse to good. In the Quran mentioned that
God possesses most beautiful names and creates everything out of great beauty,
like we will be adding to the beauty of our own souls. In the Islamic philosophy
ways, the truth is translated as wisdom, so a person’s ideal stand for a man who
searches for knowledge of truth. It is the thing which is distinguished from
conjecture of the perfect knowledges. These are the point of Ajhan Aamir Riyaz,
AMU talk that I got.
As my opinion, the three panelists have shared the point of Goodness,
Beauty and Truth by their ways and that is a good way. They can make the
participants understand well, like they give the example or reasoning etc. But one
problem that I see in two of them, the English skills of the second panelist and
the third panelist are so difficult to understand. It makes me so difficult to
understand what they are talking, that’s is why, the point of them what they say
that I wrote and mentioned on the above, could be clear or not. But I try it the best
to get their point of what they shared and to get knowledges from them. These
are the knowledges what I got from them.

Thank you so much Ajhan that you gave us this an additional assignment to help
students secure the mark in higher level. Sathu Sathu Sathu.

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