Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Name: Ven.

ID: 6201501057
Major: Philosophy
Date: 06/June/2021
The Voice of Nature
Nature is the thing that is the most importance things for all beings and
then all beings cannot live without it. That’s why, here it’s going to share the
voice of nature. How important it is! How it affects for all beings! And how
modern people take care about nature or not.
“Nothing in the nature lives for itself. Rivers don’t drink their own water.
Trees don’t eat their own fruit. Sun doesn’t give heat for itself. Flowers don’t
spread fragrance for themselves. LIVING FOR OTHERS IS THE RULE OF
NATURE.” By Fangol.
Nature is for the humans and animals. And then All of the people and
animals rely on the water, food, air, and forest. Nature saves our lives to live in
the world. Nowadays, we need to act for the nature and environment more and
more. Because the natural things disappear and many beings are so difficult to
live in the modern world. We all know that what happened to it.
Because some modern men do not listen to the voice of nature because of
their preoccupation with material gains and pleasures. If they are so preoccupied
with pleasures, they could destroy the nature and environment for their spiritual
needs. In fact, that’s a wrong view of human beings. We have to listen to the voice
of nature and protect it.
According to the above that it explained the voice of nature what we have
to know that nature is the thing that we cannot live without it. So that I would
like to say that we all need to listen to the voice of nature and love our
environment to help the world peacefully.

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