Class 8 Holiday Homework

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Sharda Vidya Mandir

Holiday Homework (22-23)

Class VIII
General Instructions:
 Holiday Homework to be done in holiday HW copy/ CW copy/ Paste in the scrap book( as
 Parents are requested to only guide their children while doing the assignments.
 Project/ Homework will be assessed on the basis of efforts put in by the students,
neatness, creativity and originality of ideas.
 Do one page Hindi and one page English handwriting daily in any old copy/rough register.
 Everyday meanings of any five new words to be found from a dictionary. The spelling and
usage of these new words to be learnt and written in an old copy /rough register. . .(Tip-
First day 10 words of alphabet ‘A’….then next day alphabet ‘B’……and so on….)
 Colour Theme- All the chart papers to be prepared in given coloured chart paper
VIIIA-Light Blue VIIIB-Pink VIIIC- Yellow

Q1. Make a beautiful, creative and attractive chart (using handmade sheet) on 'The Titanic Disaster'.
Paste pictures and write about the ship’s grandeur also list few interesting facts related to it. You
can take clues from your book 'The Polestar Readers' L-13 'The Convergence of The Twain'.

Q2.Make a creative chart on 10 each- idioms, proverbs and phrases (should not be commonly used
ones) with their meaning. Use comic /cartoon characters or clipart to convey your idea.

HINDI- (Do in Holiday HW copy)

(प्रश्न 1- पाठ्य पुस्तक " मंथन" के पाठ -2 नए- नए दोस्त कहानी पढ़कर ददए गए अभ्यास पूर्ण कीदिये -

( क) पाठ से 10 एकवचन शब्द छााँ टकर उनके बहुवचन रूप दिखें - उदाहरर्- छु ट्टी -छु दट्टयां

(ख) पाठ से 10 शब्द छााँटकर उनके दविोम शब्द दिखें- उदाहरर्- इच्छा- अदनच्छा

( ग )पाठ में दकन -दकन पौधों के दवषय में चचाण के गई है ? उन पौधों के नाम दिखें और साथ ही उनके दचत्र दचपकाइये ।

प्रश्न-2 अपने दमत्र को पत्र दिखकर बताइये दक आपको अपने नए दमत्र के कौन- कौन से गुर् बहुत प्रभादवत करते हैं ।

प्रश्न-3 " मे रे सपनों का भारत " दवषय पर एक दनबंध दिखें । आपके सपनों के भारत में आप कौन -कौन से सुधार करना ज़रूरी समझते

हैं ? (150-200 शब्दों में )

SANSKRIT- ( Do in Holiday HW copy)

Q1. Write properties of rational numbers on a chart paper with example.
Q2. You have been provided with an amount of 1 lakh. Prepare a vacation plan for 4 days and 3
nights for 4 people. Keep in mind every single detail and also prepare the travel brochure for
the place visited. (Use any coloured handmade sheet)
Q3.. Collect information on Hardy Ramanujan Number. (Do in Holiday HW copy)
Q1. To correlate the shape of the cells with the function they perform.
(Refer NCERT BOOK page No - 92)
Steps:1) Collect the photographs of the cells given in table.
For Example- Egg cell is spherical, so as to store large amount of nutrients (less surface and more
4) Complete the following table:
1. Amoeba
2. Nerve cell
3. Muscle cell
4. sperm

Critically analyse your observations.

Q2.Using jute, cotton and paper or any of these, design a bag which can be used for carrying your
tiffin and bottle safely to use. Also find out how these raw materials (cotton, jute, paper) are
made. Find out if they are polymers? Which type of polymers and the constituent monomer.
Write it in your Holiday HW copy.
Q3. Create an action story (in 150 to 170 words) where examples of different types of forces must be
mentioned. Underline the phrases in the story where examples of forces are mentioned. Create this
story on a chart paper (Remember to use as many types of forces as you can. In the Footnote
mention the type of forces for every underlined part.
Eg.- Ram kicked the ball.
4. Muscular force /contact force……..


Q1.Make a well-designed poster on the theme- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle on a chart sheet.

Q2.Collect the information about the museums and a Archives located in your city and paste the

related pictures in your scrap book.

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