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Lowest-cost bifacial solar systems, p.16

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Design and Build Technical Briefing

Floating PV systems –
an overview of design
System design | Floating solar has huge potential in areas where difficult terrain or land constraints
make ground-mounted systems impractical. Gijo George and Pranav Patel of DNV GL explore
some of the technical challenges in designing and building floating PV projects

• Limited area for large-scale, ground-

mounted PV
• Mountainous terrain compared to
largely available water bodies
• Innovation-driven necessity
• Requirement for higher specific yields
• A need to reduce water evaporation,
especially in dry areas

Floating solar installations consist

of floats/pontoons, module mounting
structures, mooring system, PV modules,
Credit: Lightsource BP

inverters, and balance of system (BOS)

Floating solar design
and installation components. PV modules, which are the
pose considerable main components of FSPs, are mounted
technical challenges on top of floats, which are fundamentally
buoyancy units used to keep the panels

NV GL’s 2018 Energy Transition satisfy the above conditions by provid- floating on the water surface. PV modules,
Outlook forecasts that by 2050 ing an alternative deployment option for which convert the incident solar irradia-
solar photovoltaic (PV) will PV modules, namely on bodies of water tion into electricity, can be mounted either
provide 40% of global electricity genera- such as lakes, lagoons, reservoirs, ponds, directly or in combination with frames
tion, corresponding to 19.1TW of global canals, etc. As a relatively new concept that on the floaters. A mooring system is used
solar PV capacity [1]. We estimate that combines the intricacies of both solar and to keep the floats in place. The system is
70% of this PV capacity will be realised floating technologies, the specific deploy- similar to a spring, where displacement
as ground-mount systems, which would ment drivers of FSPs can find application of the floater from a neutral equilibrium
require approximately 400,000 square when factors influencing a project might position causes a restoring force to react to
km of land. Non-availability of land in include: of a floating solar the applied loading. The choice of mooring
some locations and multipurpose use of • Densely populated countries plant system depends primarily on the location,
land could make land acquisition difficult
for energy projects. Considering this,
it is important to explore any potential
technology application that:
• Optimises existing man-made infrastruc-
ture and suitable natural resources;
• Improves water conservation;
• Increases renewable energy generation
given the background of climate change
and water shortage.

Floating solar PV projects (FSPs) can

54 | February 2019 |

Design and Build Technical Briefing

design. The external design parameters

Floaters with module
mounting structure including environmental conditions
that influence the system design will
vary between different sites. As a result,
preparing a universal solution might not
be feasible and each project will need
to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Although challenges in FSPs are different
from conventional ground-mounted or
rooftop solar projects, similar challenges
have been encountered in other fields
such as maritime, oil & gas, and offshore
wind projects, where floating systems are
used based on proven technical grounds.
Hence, parallels can be drawn from these
fields and adapted for the FSP application.
The FSP design process broadly includes
following activities:

Site surveys
Site surveys should include bathymetry,
geotechnical investigation, hydrology
depth of water, geotechnical parameters neither be too tight nor too slack. Finding study, metocean study and collection of
and reservoir bed profile. Such mooring the right balance between the two can be historical data. These surveys should be
systems mainly consist of two compo- very challenging, especially if the water conducted as a preliminary step to arrive
nents, namely the mooring lines and the level variation expected at the site is at the baseline for the environmental and
anchoring mechanism. The direct current significant. climatic conditions that the FSP will need
(DC) power generated by PV modules FSP installations have additional to be designed for. Bathymetry is the study
is converted to alternating current (AC) challenges due to their local environ- of underwater depth of lake or ocean
power by inverters. For small-scale float- ment. For example, there is an increased floors and helps to map the reservoir bed.
ing plants close to shore, it is possible to risk of corrosion and hence a possible Geotechnical investigations need to be
place the inverters and BOS components reduction in the design life. Inverters and undertaken to understand the stratigraphy,
on land. Otherwise, both central or string BOS components are exposed to high engineering properties, behaviour and
inverters can be installed on specially humidity environments and movements composition of the soil. Hydrology is the
designed floats along with other BOS due to the waves. Preventive measures study of flow and storage of water in the
components. ensuring that the chosen equipment environment, which provides valuable
Even though there are several advan- has an adequate ingress protection (IP) insights on expected variation of water
tages of using FSP installations, there rating and has undergone environmental level as well as water flow. The combined
are also several challenges in using this tests for the saline marine conditions wind, wave, current and other climatic
technology, which should be assessed on should be taken into consideration conditions that are prevalent in the site
a case-by case-basis. These installations during the design and installation stages. are called the ‘metocean’ characteristics
are vulnerable to storms, waves, currents, Additional safety measures that address of the site. A metocean study where these
etc. that could adversely affect the life risks related to the use of electrical characteristics are monitored can help
of the plant. Such dynamic loads can equipment in such environments should arrive at appropriate design values for
result in floats getting overturned during be put in place as well. Depending on wind, temperature, humidity, water level
adverse weather events, or the increase in the design and site constraints, instal- variations, storm surges, seiches, wave
motion can induce stresses on the mount- lation and maintenance costs may be parameters and water currents. Histori-
ing structure. higher relative to onshore PV plants. cal data, whenever available, should be
Unlike ground-mounted systems, the Furthermore, environmental impacts used to supplement and validate the data
environmental dynamic loads in FSPs should be taken into consideration. For obtained from site.
result in higher fatigue loads that need example, by preventing the penetration
to be addressed in the design of physical of sunlight into the water, these instal- Environmental conditions
connections. Floats that are connected lations have the potential to affect the FSPs need to be designed for different
to the mooring lines experience higher aquatic life and biodiversity of the site. environmental conditions such as wind,
forces, and floats on the periphery need The design of FSPs can be a long and wave, currents and water level variations.
to be designed for possible impact loads complex process. Each of the components The design environmental conditions
as well. Mooring systems should be in a floating solar system faces a plethora can be established from site surveys and
configured such that the lateral movement of challenges, some of which are discussed historical data.
and rotation of the plant is minimal, while above. In addition to these challenges, Similar to ground-mounted solar
allowing for variation in water level. This understanding the interactions between systems, the site-specific wind condition
means that the mooring lines should components is essential for a stable system is one of the prominent environmental

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Technical Briefing Design and Build

conditions that govern the design of should be designed for probable combina- determined if the wind and wave phenom-
FSPs. The wind acting on the system tions of these loads. ena are simulated simultaneously.
generates suction, pressure and drag Similar to any other structure, FSPs Currents prevalent in reservoirs can
forces on the system’s components. The should also be designed for dead and apply a lateral load or drag force on the
varying nature of wind also generates live loads acting on it. Dead loads are the structure. Large submerged components
dynamic loads on FSPs. permanent loads acting on the system can also develop dynamic loads on the
Waves generated in waterbodies can such as the self-weight of the compo- structure due to vortex shedding caused
interact with FSPs, and the motion induced nents and weight of the panels etc. Live by the flow of water past a non-streamlined
by waves will generate inertial forces on loads are the variable and dynamic loads body. The variation of current near the
the system. In addition, the varying nature that are expected to act on the system, surface and bed of water bodies can create
of waves results in dynamic loads on the primarily during normal operation of the additional forces and combinations.
structure, similar to wind loads in FSPs and floating solar plant. In addition to the loads listed above,
in traditional ground-mount systems. Wave Winds can generate dynamic effects construction-related loads such as forces
heights can vary from a few centimetres such as vortex shedding on the structure. applied on the system when the FSP is
to a few metres depending on various site Studies on utility-scale ground-mounted tugged to the location of installation, and
conditions. The properties and behaviour solar panels systems have shown that accidental loads such as the impact of a
of the waves are typically influenced by the the dynamic loads can be several times vessel onto the floating system or impact
size, shape and depth of the waterbodies, the normal loads; and a similar phenom- on the system due to a loss of buoyancy
the wind velocities and the fetch distance. enon can be expected for floating solar of random modular floats should also be
Thus, the effect of waves can be negligible projects, depending on the type, configu- considered in the design.
for small waterbodies of shallow depth ration and material choices for the system. FSP systems should be designed in a
compared to large deep reservoirs with The presence of wind will also have a way to perform adequately even under
long fetch distances. The different wind significant impact on the cyclic loads the worst possible situation envisaged
wave models available can be used to applied to the floaters. during the design life of the project. This
predict the waves, which can be validated Stresses can be developed in FSP is generally achieved by designing for
from a combination of the metocean study components due to the action of waves. a combination of loads. Load combina-
and historical data. The output of the The submerged components will be tions should consider the strength and
models will be a spectrum of waves with a subjected to lateral forces due to the serviceability conditions of the system – the
significant wave height and characteristic motion of water whereas the floating design should be performed not only for
time period. components experience vertical and different load combinations, but also for
Water level variation and water currents horizontal motion, which will induce different configurations and boundary
are also of significance in the design of internal forces on the floaters. The cyclic conditions that the system can adopt. For
FSPs. The hydrology study in combination nature of waves can result in dynamic example, inclination angles of mooring
with metocean data, historical data and loads on the structure, modules, inverters lines will change as the water level changes,
reservoir design criteria can be used to and BOS as well. and hence should be designed for extreme
determine their effects. Waves generated in inland waterbodies water levels (i.e. lowest and highest water
are generally due to the action of wind, and levels) as well as for intermediate water
Loads and load combinations hence maximum wave loads can act simul- levels. Similarly, boundary conditions
The different components in FSPs are taneously with maximum wind loads. In of the system during operation can be
exposed to diverse load types, which arise addition, the simultaneous actions of wind different from the boundary conditions
due to the normal operation and local and waves can lead to complex behaviour during construction or maintenance phase.
environmental conditions. Components of the floating system, which can only be Directional variations of loads should also
be considered in the design.
Mooring systems should allow minimal lateral
movement and rotation of the plant, while Materials and durability
allowing for variation in water level Materials used in FSP system components
should be selected to satisfy the structural
and functional requirements for the entire
lifecycle. In addition, selected materials
should also satisfy requirements related to
degradation, environmental stress cracking,
UV stabilisation, exposure to water, salinity,
humidity, algae growth, toxicity, impact
on ecosystem biodiversity and end-of-life
recycling aspects.

Analysis and design

The analysis and design of any system is
Credit: Seaflex

an iterative process, where the effect of

external actions (loads) on the system
and the resultant response (reactions) are | February 2019 | 57

Design and Build Technical Briefing

studied to provide a solution that satis- proper installation and maintenance is the study that the performance ratio varied
fies the functional safety and durability required. The layout of the FSPs needs to across different floating systems, and on
requirements. Being a relatively new field be such that it is easy to install compo- average the best performing floating
of engineering, there are very limited nents in a safe manner with minimal systems were similar to the rooftop refer-
standards that can be directly used for impact on the environment. Care needs to ence system of the test bed. It was noted,
analysis and design of FSPs. However, be taken to avoid permanent damage to however, that the floating systems studied
parallels can be drawn from several mature the land and environment during construc- had roughly 5-10% gain in performance
and established fields such as offshore oil tion activities on the shore. Precautions ratio compared to a typical rooftop system
& gas, offshore wind, coastal engineering, need to be taken to ensure the safety of installed in Singapore; though again it is
onshore solar and so on. personnel and to avoid any incidents, not suitable to make generic comparisons,
FSPs can be subjected to several differ- particularly considering the specialised given the detailed aspects that contribute
ent loads which can also be dynamic in requirements for installation (e.g. divers to the performance of any given system.
nature. The different components within working underwater for a prolonged The quantum of energy gain depends
floating systems will also interact with one time). Power plants should be designed upon the size of water body, type of
another. These characteristics of a floating and installed taking into account ease of floaters used, system layout (extent of
solar project make it a highly complex maintenance, accessibility and replace- coverage of the water surface), location
system that is inherently nonlinear and ability of the components. End-of-life of the system on the water body, module
dynamic. The choice of method for analysis disassembly and removal of the plant parts tilt angle and pitch distance between
and design will depend on the type of should be possible with minimal impact on module rows. The increase in generation
structure, complexity of the system and the environment. due to improvement in efficiency could
level of accuracy required. be offset by lower than optimal tilt angle
Simplified methods such as equivalent Energy simulations of the floaters, changes in orientation
static analysis can be used to arrive at It is necessary to assess the yield of FSPs, due to movement of the floating system,
approximate solutions for these complex to check the feasibility and profitability increased mismatch losses, soiling losses
problems, but an effect such as vortex of each project. There is a huge range depending on the location of the installa-
shedding cannot be captured in these of energy gains reported up to 25%, tion and system availability due to issues
methods. Advanced computer-aided compared to ground-mount or rooftop with components, improper installation,
design techniques such as finite element systems. Thus, it is necessary to understand faults, response time, etc.
method (FEM) and computational fluid the water body and its thermal behaviour Mitigation of adverse effects is possible
dynamics (CFD) that use mathematical along with the type of floating systems through a properly conducted site survey,
models of the systems to simulate their used for realistic energy estimates for design methodology and selection of
behaviour can give much more accurate FSPs. PV modules are rated at standard components suitable for the location and
results. However, these methods are often test conditions, which is 1,000W/m2, 250C application. „
computation-, time- and cost-intensive. and air mass 1.5. The module generation
FEM and CFD can also be used to is reduced whenever the module surface
simulate complex phenomena such as temperature is above 250C and vice versa. References
simultaneous interaction of wind and Due to cooler air temperature over water [1] DNV GL, “2018 Energy Transition Outlook - A global and regional
forecats to 2050,” 2018.
waves with FSPs, which might not be surface during the day, this can lead to [2] C. Young-Kwan, L. Nam Hyung and K. Kern-Joong, “Empirical
possible to simulate in a (scaled) model lower temperature loss compared to a Research on the efficiency of Floating PV systems compared with
Overland PV systems,” in CES-CUBE, 2013.
testing due to physical constraints. (Scaled) ground-mount system.
[3] L. Haohui, K. Vijay, L. Jason Lun, R. Thomas and Z. Lu, “Field
model tests such as atmospheric boundary In one study, the capacity utilisation experience and performance analysis of floating PV technologies
layer wind tunnel testing and wave pool factor (CUF) of two floating plants of in the tropics,” Prog Photovolt Rs Appl., vol. DOI: 10.1002/pip.3039,
pp. 1-11, 2018.
testing can be used to study the effect of 100kW and 500kW installed in the same
the structure under different wind and reservoir as well as an overland PV system
wave flow regimes. They can provide very of 1MW, which was 60km away, were
accurate values for force coefficients and compared [3]. The gains in CUF reported
dynamic behaviour when performed were 13.5% and 10.3% for the 100kW and Gijo George is a civil and structural engineer at
DNV GL – Energy with more than six years of
adequately and coupled with modal 500kW systems, respectively. However, a
experience in the design of steel and concrete
analysis and a dynamic sensitivity study. direct CUF comparison is not suitable here structures. He was involved in the design and
The design of the components can also be as there would be different Global Horizon- verification of wind turbine foundations and solar
performed with the help of testing (design tal Irradiation (GHI), different plane of projects, including floating solar design reviews. Gijo received
assisted by testing) where the test results array gains due to difference in the diffuse his bachelor’s and master’s degree in civil engineering from IIT
Madras, and was previously the co-founder of Chennai-based
are compared with design requirements component, site specific shading loss and
structural engineering firm, Marvel Structural Consultants.
established using the methods described different system losses for the two systems.
above. These test results can also be used In another study conducted by the Solar Pranav Patel is a solar engineer at DNV GL – Energy
to validate the results obtained from CFD Energy Research Institute of Singa- with more than four years of experience in the
and FEM. pore (SERIS) [3], eight floating systems design of solar plants, pre-construction energy
assessment and operational energy assessment. His
were compared to one another, and an
experience also spans site inspections, field meas-
Installation & maintenance additional system with a rooftop reference urements, design review of solar plants, contracts review, perfor-
As FSPs need to remain in operation as per system was installed on a building just next mance assessment and asset management review.
the specified time horizon for each project, to the water body. It was concluded from

58 | February 2019 |

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