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Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 2

HUAWEI Intelligent Operations Solution

White Paper
1 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

1.1 Market trends for network operations 01

1.2 Challenges in network operations 02

1.3 The urgency of operations and maintenance transformation 07

1.4 Deploying AI is the trend in industry 11

2 Future Operating Model for Network Operations

2.1 Requirements for the future operating model 13

2.2 The role of AI in telecom network operations and maintenance 14

2.3 Future model of network operations: "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model 15

2.4 Business benefits of the "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model 17

2.5 The evolution path to the "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model 18

3 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

3.1 Design principles of HUAWEI's intelligent operations and maintenance service 19

3.2 Solution architecture 23

3.3 Core capabilities 25

3.4 Transformation plan to HUAWEI's intelligent operations platform 29

4 Success Stories

4.1 Large operator in China: Automatic fault management 31

4.2 Intelligent operations & maintenance transformation of a large Southeast Asia telco 33

5 Summary and Outlook

6 References
1 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

1 Trends and Challenges

in Network Operations

1.1 Market trends for network operations

The market and technology have driven the evolution of telecommunication industry, bringing disruptive changes and
new requirements to communication networks.

More diversified new business products and services based on new technology are continually launched (IoT, HD
business video, video calls, VoLTE, vertical business services, cloud services, etc.), requiring new operations
systems and processes. The implementation time for these new products and services needs to meet
the demands of their expected lifecycle. As one of the key business enablers, network operations
more flexible and must have better flexibility and efficiency so they adapt to the requirements of future business
efficient operations changes while being more robust in ensuring network quality and performance.

Greater cost pressure in the 5G era, operators are investing heavily in building infrastructure. Accompanied by the growth
of CAPEX, OPEX increased dramatically (more than 20% in five years), while the operators' current
more cost-effective revenue growth rate is less than 1% worldwide. Considering that OPEX accounts for 74% 1 of
operations and operators' revenue, current revenue growth has been unable to support the rising cost pressure. In
maintenance the future, reducing operations cost will become one of the key drivers for the transformation.

More stable network

a more stable network environment along with more customized, differentiated, and high-quality
tighter focus on operations services will be key factors for improving customer experience and customer loyalty.
customer experience

More complex
network environment in the past three years, the number of global physical stations has increased from 4 million to 6
million; meanwhile, the number of logical stations has expanded from 7.8 million to 15 million2, and
more intelligent the frequency spectrum has increased from three main frequency bands to more than ten, resulting
operations and in large-scale simultaneous usage of heterogeneous networks (LTE, UMTS, WLAN).
Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 2

Global business trends and revenue growth curves of operators

Mobile voice Mobile data

Fixed-line voice Value-added
communication + Fixed
Telecom service revenue

communication services and OTT

+ Short message broadband

Digital solutions

Platform Enabling


60s 70s 80s 90s 2000- 2010- 2020-

Fixed-line Fixed-line Fixed-line Mobile Phone Mobile Internet Mobile Internet Internet of everything
telephone telephone telephone Internet

Figure 1: Global business trends of operators

Complex network environments bring a higher frequency of faults and significantly increase their complexity and
resolution difficulty. Network maintenance requires not only efficiency and optimized cost of operations, but also new
and more intelligent (i.e. AI-driven) operating models to support the complex and heterogeneous telecommunication
services of the future.

1.2 Challenges in network operations

The development trend of telecommunication networks determines the need to design and deploy new network
operating models supporting future business expectations, while current network operations are still too reactive,
slow, and not agile enough to face the new expectations listed above. There is a significant gap between the current,
outdated operating model and the expectations raised by the digital business and demanding end users.

The below figure shows how the major trends in the telecom industry affect the demands on network operations and
how the new demand confronts the current situation, resulting in the following challenges.
3 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

Figure 2: The development trend of telecommunication network brings challenges to network operations and maintenance

The development
trend of More diversified More attention paid More complex
Greater cost pressure
telecommunication services to user experience network environment

More flexible and More cost-effective Higher-quality More intelligent

efficient operations operations and operations and operations and
Requirements for
and maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance
operations and

Separation of
Too many people Passive operations Difficult fault
operations and
involved and maintenance resolution
maintenance systems

Current operations
and maintenance

Long operations and

The current operations
maintenance cycle,
and maintenance mode, It is difficult to solve
resulting in long online Poor user experience
which relies heavily on problems effectively, and
cycle of new business and leads to faster loss of
manpower, will lead to the maintenance period is
high operations and high customers and revenue
further uncontrollable longer.
The challenges network operations and
operations and maintenance cost.
maintenance face

Challenges brought by diversified business

Advanced network technology enables a plentiful spectrum of services covering all aspects of human life. At the same
time, with the rapid development of innovative business, the industry's requirements for the launch of new products
and services have changed from months to days.

Below, we show an overview of current business development trends.

Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 4


Wearable Machine
Music Mobile
Game Payment

Content Terminal
Services Equipment Smart
Enterprise Industrial
Intelligent Intelligent Smart
Internet of City Data Voice Speaker TV
Basic Intelligent Home
Industry Telecommunication

Enterprise Data
Massive SD Gateway Router
Cloud Safety Network Center
Basic Broadband fiber Home
Telecommunication RAN NFV & Equipment
VOS vCPE Basic

Extension of Traditional network Network technology Traditional Extension of

End User End User
value chain service enabling network service value chain

Figure 3: Panorama of current business trend

Current operations and maintenance status: more than 60%3 of operators in the world are maintaining multiple
isolated OSS systems. Business data and systems supporting mobile networks, fixed networks, and broadband are not
fully integrated yet, resulting in poor resource efficiency, incomplete end-to-end operations capabilities, slow processes,
and a high cost for new requirements customization. Siloed applications restrain agile and flexible operations. At
present, 90%3 of the working time of operations personnel is spent on fault location, and that leads to low operational
The architecture of traditional network operations and maintenance systems is shown below.

Personnel FO BO FME

Traditional OSS

Electronic operations and maintenance

Platform Network Fault Resource Performance
layer optimization management management management

Enterprise customers 3G/4G

5G Home broadband

Figure 4: Architecture of traditional network operations and maintenance mode

Challenges that network operations and maintenance may face: in the context of business diversification, the lack of
necessary flexibility in complex interfaces will lead to a longer operations service lifecycle, resulting in a longer timeline
for the launch of new products and services, higher operational costs, and difficulty in effectively supporting business
5 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

Challenges brought by cost pressure

In the past decade, the OPEX share in operators' revenue has increased from 64% to 74%4, with an average annual
growth rate of 1%. Global operators have entered a period of slow revenue growth, with annual CAGR less than 0.5%,
and negative profit growth. It can be predicted that with the further expansion of the number of global stations and
frequency bands, operators will face greater OPEX pressure.






2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Source:GSMA intelligence, S&P,IHS Market Source:GSMA intelligence, S&P,IHS Market

Figure 5:OPEX growth of global operators 13-19 (unit: US $1 billion) Figure 6: Global operator revenue growth 13-19 (Unit: US $1 billion)

Current state of operations and maintenance: many operational activities of existing networks still heavily rely on
human interventions. Daily operations and maintenance costs account for more than 70% of the total OPEX cost. The
degree of automation is generally low. For example, the integration between different procedures are handled manually.

Because of more complex network environments and the exponential growth of network elements and devices in the
future, there may be several network slices. Network slices are completely separated and independent layers designed
to not affect other slices if something goes wrong in one of them. This separation and independence also enables
adding new slices without impacting the rest of the network. Each network slice will have a specific topology structure
and will need to manage a huge amount of equipment information.

The current operating model, which highly relies on human interventions, will generate more manual operations in the
future, and further increase the operational costs.

Challenges with customer experience management

At present, customer behavior has significantly changed. Customers' loyalty to operators has lowered, and their overall
satisfaction in the telecom industry is only 11% on average, at the bottom of the ranking in the NPS (net promoter
score) survey5 of 15 industries and half that of the insurance industry. This will have negative effects on maintaining
long-term stable customer relationships and on creating value. Today, the competition for telecom operators crosses
industry boundaries. 54% of telecom executives believe that their future strongest competitors will come from other

Under the pressure of increasing market competition and higher customer-acquisition cost, operators need to seriously
focus on customer experience and provide better services.
Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 6

Factors influencing broadband network subscription When choosing wireless network services, they have
16% specific requirements for operators' brands

Influencing factors Willing to try new network services provided by digital

Consideration Evaluation Purchase 45% subversives
Overall experience 31 51 69
Advertisement 30 18 5 Think the new network service will be better than the old
49% one
Public praise 22 13 9
Network quality 27 30 27 Priority will be given to service providers that can provide
Direct marketing 8 8 8 70% fixed network, wireless and other forms of switching

Figure 7: Factors influencing broadband network subscription Figure 8: Behavior statistics of user changing operators

Current state of operations

customer experience management is still mainly reactive. 75%6 of network problems are discovered and raised
by customers. 60%7 of telco carriers' operations lack full automation capacity and closed-loop operations
processes for rapid problem solving. Faults can be very difficult to detect and prevent in advance, and customer
experience and satisfaction are difficult to guarantee.

Challenges network operations may face

with the continuous increase of network scale and data volume, the frequency of failures will
be higher. The current operations struggle to meet users' demands for network quality and
performance, and the current fierce market competition leads to potential loss of customers.

Challenges brought by more complex network environment

In the past three years, the number of physical stations has increased from 4 million to 6 million globally, meanwhile
the number of logical stations has expanded from 7.8 million to 15 million, and the frequency spectrum has increased
from 3 main frequency bands to more than 10.8 Under the existing EPC (Evolved Packet Core) network, and with the
continual network development, the complexity of the network elements and their functions has gradually increased
together with the number of the interfaces: from 2G and 3G to the 4G network, whenever a new network element is
added, the interface of the network element and its compatibility with the existing network need to be managed.

The introduction of new network elements and interfaces may affect many other existing network elements, with
further impacts on the end-to-end network maintenance costs.

Current operations and maintenance status

37%9 of the failures are caused by network changes that increase complexity, and the current operating
models heavily relying on human intervention and individual skills struggle to effectively handle the volume of
problems. The demands of network management has exceeded people's knowledge and ability.

The challenges that network operations and maintenance may face

in the future, the number of interfaces will increase by 120%, and the number of nodes will grow
more than 20 times.10 Fault frequency will also increase exponentially. With this perspective, the
current traditional operating models relying on human experience and knowledge will become
inadequate to manage incidents, meet the demand, and ensure the expected customer experience.
7 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

1.3 The urgency of operations and maintenance transformation

Due to the diversification of network services and the plethora of application scenarios in the era of 5G, telecom
operators are accelerating the deployment of network infrastructure to meet the demands of business development.
Therefore, the number of connections, network elements, paths, and business partners will obviously increase. With the
increasing network-environment complexity, the number of faults, complaints, service requests, network changes, and
demands managed by operators will increase exponentially. The relationship between the two parts can be expressed
by formula f1:

Service demand = f1 (network complexity), where f1 fits the exponential function

• Network complexity = {number of connections, number of network elements, number of paths, number of B2B parties}
• Service demand = {number of faults, number of complaints, number of service requests, number of network changes}

Consequently,the number of operational staff, overall time spent on addressing problems and new demands, and the
quantity and probability of human errors will be amplified. The relationship between these two parts can be reflected
by formula f2.

O & M manageability = f2 (service demand) = f2 (f1 (network complexity))

• Network complexity = {number of connections, number of network elements, number of paths, number of B2B parties}
• Service demand = {number of faults, number of complaints, number of service requests, number of network changes}

perations and maintenance manageability = {number of operations and maintenance staff, closed-loop processing time,
number of human errors}

Figure 9: F1 schematic diagram under Figure 10: F2 schematic diagram under

passive operations and maintenance mode passive operations and maintenance mode

Service Demand Future service demand will Manageability of Operations will be become
• Number of faults
explode after the turning point Operations unmanageable
• Number of complaints • Size of ops team
• Number of service • Closed-loop processing
requests time
• Number of network • Number of man-made
changes errors

Current position of telcos Current position of telcos

Network Complexity Service Demand

• Number of connections • Number of faults
• Number of network nodes • Number of complaints
• Number of network routes • Number of service requests
• Number of B2B users • Number of network changes
Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 8

According to industry forecasts, the development trend of operations will gradually change from reactive and proactive
management of network infrastructure to predictive and preventive management of customer experience. Self-service
modes for customers will be provided through highly automated services.
Figure 11: Transformation trend of network operations and maintenance

Level of operations and


Customer- • Take the initiative to monitor and


oriented measure customer perception;

• Passive response to customer • Customer self-service
operations and complaints
identify and improve weaknesses
• Highly automated service
maintenance in combination with customer

Business- • Service end-to-end management, • Support rapid iterative

and service- automatic process management development of services

• Passive response after • Support the arrangement and • Support the SRE operations and
oriented business interruption operations of digital business and maintenance of applications and
operations and services services
• Realizing the active discovery of • Based on data analysis and AI,
performance and other faults proactively identify potential faults
Network- and • Traditional network, passive through tools and prevent business interruption

equipment- response • Suitable for traditional network • Applicable to traditional and

oriented and ICT infrastructure virtualized networks
operations and
Passive management Proactive management Predictive / defensive management

Capacities of operations and maintenance

Although network environments tend to be increasingly complex and diverse, through the customer-oriented and
predictive/defensive intelligent operating model driven by AI, the processing time of network faults and the cost of
operations, as well as human errors, can be effectively controlled.

Figure 12: F1 schematic diagram under Figure 13: F2 schematic diagram under
active operations and maintenance mode active operations and maintenance mode

Service Demand Future service demand will Manageability of ... But active management
• Number of faults
explode after the turning point Operations can easily meet the
• Number of complaints • Size of ops team exploding demand
• Number of service • Closed-loop processing
requests time
• Number of network • Number of man-made
changes errors


Current position of telcos Management

Network Complexity Service Demand

• Number of connections • Number of faults
• Number of network nodes • Number of complaints
• Number of network routes • Number of service requests
• Number of B2B users • Number of network changes
9 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

The deployment of AI in operations within the telecom industry is still at the initial stage of development.

Since the concept of industry 4.0 was introduced in 201111, industrial giants in the manufacturing industry, such as
Siemens and GE, have been gradually using AI to predict risks in the production process, reduce material waste and
energy consumption, and improve overall production efficiency.

In the medical industry, intelligent health care has been able to collect data including step counts, blood glucose levels,
heart rate, lifestyle and habits, and sleep quality through aggregation and processing to achieve monitoring, diagnosis,
treatment, and other purposes.

In the media industry, AI programs can automatically write news, therefore not only the improving the timeliness of
news but also reducing journalists' workload.

In the transportation field, the use of AI technology can analyze urban traffic flow in real time, adjust the interval
between traffic lights, shorten the waiting time of vehicles, and improve the traffic efficiency of urban roads.

According to Goldman Sachs12 research (shown in the figure below), operational costs of the telecom industry are
higher than traditional industries like automobile and construction, and most of the manual activities could be easily
automated by exploiting AI's long-term potential.

Source:Digital Divergence, How European Telcos can cut costs with automation, AI and big data, Goldman Sachs
Figure 14: Proportion of labor cost in various industries

50% Includes 10-15%

opex from
45% outsourcing











Cap Goods






Food Bevs





Telecom operators are keen to design and adopt new operating models in order to meet the operational needs of the
current physical networks and the future hybrid and virtual networks. Indeed, nearly 90%13 of the current operators
have started or are getting ready to start operations-transformation projects. According to Gartner, intelligent
operations and maintenance platforms will become the mainstream in the next five years. By 2022, 40%14 of large- and
medium-sized enterprises will deploy intelligent operations platforms, significantly reducing operational costs while
ensuring more stable, efficient, and safe operations of their business systems. At the same time, many leading operators
are taking effective measures in multiple directions to carry out operations transformation in order to meet the current
business development demands.
Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 10

Reduce OPEX: in the past five years, OPEX expenditure of global operators has increased by 20%15.
Many of the world's large telecom operators will increase investment in intelligent operations in the
future to effectively improve operations efficiency.
Orange announced in their investors' conference at the end of 201716 that, in the future, it will
promote the network automation strategy and save network OPEX with the help of big data and AI
capabilities in order to reduce repetitive work, energy cost, rental cost, and idle time.

China Unicom uses automation as well as other technologies to improve the execution speed of
network operations and adopts the full set of automatic collection-analysis-execution, resulting in a
19% improvement of operations efficiency in the analysis process.
China Mobile uses PON (Passive Optical Network), for fault location and prediction as well as
remote fault demarcation, location, and root cause analysis, so that the frequency of on-site visits
is greatly reduced while the early warning and prediction accuracy of optical device and path
degradation is significantly improved.

Improve user experience: currently, many telecom organizations have begun to invest in AI, big
data analysis, robotic process automation (RPA), and other technologies to achieve fault "self-
healing" and active maintenance.
Vodafone applies AI to network operations to predict network problems and preprocess them in
order to reduce fault risk.
AT&T developed and launched the UNI (UAV Network Inspection) system. UAVs were introduced
into the operations support systems to realize intelligent inspection of the towers so that they can
conduct real-time monitoring and reduce faults.

Promote the transformation of operations and maintenance: a new wave of transformation of the
telecommunication industry is on the rise, and many operators have launched digital and intelligent
transformation programs in the field of network operations, reengineering traditional organizations,
processes, and platforms.
China Telecom has carried out an "intelligent development & transformation upgrading" plan to
deploy SDN + NFV + Cloud to redesign the network operating model.
SK Telecom is deploying the TANGO platform, which runs as an independent OSS platform with a
central intelligent platform, performing data collection, real-time analysis, decision-making, control
functions, and intelligent troubleshooting.

At present, the leading enterprises in the market are transforming their network operations in many dimensions.
Operators should embrace the current market trends, accelerate their transformation, increase operations efficiency,
improve customer experience, and realize their business development plans.
11 Trends and Challenges in Network Operations

1.4 Deploying AI is the trend in industry

The key challenges mentioned above cannot be addressed by using traditional operating models.

AI, combined with and empowered by advanced analytics, big data and virtualized computing power, will drive the
automation and enhancement of network operations, enabling new operating models.

In July 2019, Gartner released a new technology maturity curve. At the peak of the curve, 12 technologies related to
AI, such as AI PAAS, Auto ML (automatic machine learning), and others, have created high expectations about the
adoption of AI. AI can handle massive data more effectively, select the relevant information more precisely, provide
decision support, and automate human tasks.

Below is the technology maturity curve issued by Gartner in 2019, showing that AI technology is on the peak of inflated
expectations, and, especially, that edge AI is about to be mature within 5 years.

Figure 15: 2019 new technology maturity curve from Gartner

Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2019


Al PaaS
Edge Analytics 5G
Autonomous Driving Level 5
Graph Analytics
Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Systems
Edge Al
Explainable Al
Personification Next-Generation Memory
Knowledge Graphs 3D Sensing Cameras
Light Cargo Delivery Drones Synthetic
Emotion Al Data

Flying Autonomous Vehicles Transfer Autonomous Driving Level 4

Augmented Intelligence Learning
Decentralized Autonomous Organization Nanoscale 3D
Decentralized Web Printing
Generative Adversarial Networks DigitalOps
Decentralized Web Adaptive ML-
AR Cloud Generative Adversarial
Biotech – Cultured Networks
or Artificial Tissue
Immersive Workspaces

Peak of
Innovation Trough of Slope of Plateau of
Trigger Disillusionment Enlightenment Productivity

Plateau will be reached:

less than 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years more than 10 years obsolete before plateau As of August 2019
Trends and Challenges in Network Operations 12

Omdia/Tractica a global leader in emerging technology market research, has conducted a research on nearly 300 real
AI use cases in 30 fields and found that the telecom industry is particularly active in AI technology, being the largest
potential AI market segment in the future. According to Omdia/Tractica's forecast, by 2025, the telecom industry will
invest 36.7 billion US dollars globally in AI software, hardware, and services. The AI software market for the telecom
industry will grow from $419 million in 2018 to $11.3 billion in 2025. It is expected that by 2025, telecom operators will
heavily use AI for network operations, maintenance, monitoring, and management, which will account for 61% of AI
expenditure in the telecom industry, as shown in Figure 16.


+52.12% 38,384


2,676 4,712

2018 2019 2020 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E

Source: Omdia/Tractica “Global AI revenue forecast 2018–2025”

Figure 16: AI revenue forecast of telecom industry from Tractica

智能 CRM 系统 11,158
运维监控和管理 9,853

欺诈预防 8,233
客户服务 & 营销
客户体验提升管理 5,364
视频压缩 3,954

419 778

2018 2019 2020 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E

Source: Omdia/Tractica “Global AI revenue forecast 2018–2025”

Figure 17: Global Telecom AI software revenue forecast by application scenario :2018-2025

The gradual deployment of AI and big data technology will drastically increase the level of automation, improve service
performance and quality, and reduce maintenance costs.
13 Future Operating Model for Network Operations

2 Future Operating Model

for Network Operations

2.1 Requirements for the future operating model

In order to address the challenges described above, a new operating model for the network operations and maintenance
processes and activities must be designed and built. This new operating model should include a new generation of
operational capabilities enabling flexible business development, closed-loop automation, AI-driven processes, open
platforms, and operational knowledge capitalization, as shown in the figure below.

Key capability requirements for next generation of operations

Meet the needs of diverse and maintenance
New Requirements

service , fast iteration
Flexible business development capabilities
Predict and prevent, improve • Iterative development, fast response to Separation of operations
Quality business needs
user experience and maintenance system

Introducing AI to assist Quality Intelligent

Closed-loop automation and intelligence
Separation of operations
• Introducing AI to assist decision-making
• Applying of big data and AI and maintenance system
• technology for prediction and prevention
• Making decisions automatically Passive operations and
Separation of Chimney OSS system, software maintenance
operations and change cycle is difficult to
maintenance control, new business online
system cycle is long Quality Intelligent
Platform and capacity opening ability
Fault diagnosis relies on expert Separation of operations
Passive • Big data platform of operations and
experience, which takes a long maintenance and maintenance system
operations and
time to deal with the group of

maintenance • Ability to build network management

obstacles and has low accuracy platform and open platform Too many people
Fragmented processes,
Too many segmented by areas, with a
people involved large amount of labor, resulting Quality Intelligent
in a surge in costs operations and maintenance knowledge
asset capability Separation of operations
• Expert experience assets for continuous and maintenance system
It's hard to deal with large-scale iteration
Difficult to
network with accumulated • New operations and maintenance assets
solve faults
experience • Precipitated by artificial intelligence Difficult to solve faults

Figure 18: Capability requirements of future operations and maintenance mode

Future Operating Model for Network Operations 14

2.2 The role of AI in telecom network operations and maintenance

Through the connection of knowledge, people and machines can work closely together. By exploring the unique
advantages of artificial intelligence, we can solve problems and challenges that could not be fully addressed by
traditional methods so far.
The main capabilities of AI technology are:

1 AI software has learning ability. It can analyze new input data, learn from them, and strengthen the AI model
through continuous learning. By mastering the AI/ML training process, the accuracy of the AI models can be
continuously improved.
2 AI can handle and explore volumes of data and details where humans would hardly keep up with the pace.
3 AI is efficient. It can simulate human behavior to conduct repeatable work, improving production efficiency.

In the figure below, we classify network operations activities according to four main drivers:

Efficiency Customer Experienc Effectiveness Innovation

These are all key drivers for moving to intelligent operations.

Main application of man-machine cooperation's mode in

1 Fault management 4 Service experience
network operations and maintenance
Capability • Fault intelligent • Manage network
Unstructured, enhancement identification quality
Effectiveness driver Innovation driver
• Intelligent fault diagnosis • Failure prediction
• Unknown problems found and prevention
large in amount
Product planning • Manage network quality • User behavior
• Failure prediction and prediction
Network planning prevention • Alarm compression
• Recommended measures • Fast troubleshooting
• Automation • Quick service
Network deployment • Fault self-repair opening
• Active service
Data complexity
Efficiency driver Customer experience driver
2 Service open 5 Network
1 Fault management 5 Network performance • Order creation
Exterior line management 3 • Resource • Network topology
allocation visible
Structured, • Real-time
stable, 4 Service experience
3 Exterior line network
small quantity 2 Service open
• Performance
Automation • Manpower degradation
General, Temporary, optimization identification
Complexity of • Intelligent
predictable, indeterminate,
work scheduling
rule-based forecast-based
• Route planning

Figure 19: Application of artificial intelligence in network operations and maintenance

Let's analyze the fault management process, which is one of the key processes to ensure normal network operations.
In traditional operations, when network components fail, operation engineers handle the faults reactively according
to their knowledge and experience and with the help of instructions summarized in knowledge management tools.
Traditional fault management requires a lot of human experience and is consequently inefficient and expensive.
15 Future Operating Model for Network Operations

AI technology, combined with the experience of operations engineers, enables the set-up of intelligent and automatic
monitoring and fault management systems.

The new AI-driven fault management systems collect real-time network management data and alarms, and perform
data analysis, flexible filtering, classification, fault localization, and instant diagnosis on network faults with the support
of well-trained AI algorithms. Fault location and root cause analysis then become more accurate, fast, and efficient.

Additionally, AI enables the prediction and prevention of faults, transforming this process from reactive to predictive and
allowing network issues to be solved before end users notice anything. Continuous self-learning based on historical and
new input data ensures a gradual and progressive improvement of the AI-driven fault management system's accuracy
and reliability.

The picture below shows how AI is working in the fault management process in the intelligent operating model.

A Typical applications
Network Alarm CST (Journal, Probe…) Failure prediction
Knowledge A
Machine asset Human and prevention
workflow platform workflow
Intelligent fault
Monitor & assign customer

initiated work orders to first / TT

C Perceptual
analysis model Intelligent work
second line C order scheduling
B Strategy logic
Alarm model Intelligent
monitoring D
ALARMS TT Control & fault diagnosis
(Alarm management,
operations API
First line

Work order creation)

E Automatic
Data model E
D troubleshooting
Fault management
TT Process assets
(Work order management)
Value analysis
Second line

Fault & problem TT Exterior line cost

management assets Network uptime

(Update the work order TT SLA compliance

management) Interface
display assets
Outsourcing Inventory /
TT System cost spare parts cost
Exterior line
|Third line

Third Line
Exterior Line recommendations
WO loss rate
Engineer / user experience

Figure 20: operations and maintenance mode of artificial intelligence in network fault management

2.3 Future model of network operations: "Human + Machine"

Collaboration Model

As AI continues to mature and play an increasingly important role in operations, network operations management will
be shifting from the traditional "person + process" model to the new "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model.

In the "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model, machines assist operations by applying AI and machine learning
(ML) algorithms to large data sets collected by operations support tools and business systems, and simulating human
thought processes and behavior, such as risk perception, pattern recognition, data analysis and interpretation, complex
decision-making, and execution of elaborated tasks. The "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model provides operations
management with AI and ML capabilities that free operational personnel from repetitive and routine tasks that
machines can do even better than humans.
Future Operating Model for Network Operations 16

Under the new operating model, new technologies will greatly empower the traditional operations teams. The human's
unique experience and judgment skills are being transformed into data and then injected into the knowledge base. The
machine learning ability will form the closed loop of telco's self-decision and self-execution capabilities. As a result, the
convergence of human insight and machine learning will offer unlimited possibilities to network operations.

Below, the figure shows how the role of person and machine is evolving through different development stages of the
intelligent operations system transformation.

The first generation operations and The second generation operations and The third generation operations and
maintenance system: maintenance system: maintenance system:
Manual operations and maintenance Process automation Man-machine coordination

Knowledge extraction and internalization Knowledge extraction and internalization Knowledge extraction and injection
Role of Decision making and execution Decision-making and execution
person: Arrange knowledge
Process supervision AI training model
Supplementary analysis data
Supplementary analysis data
Original operations data
of data: Data Knowledge
Original operations data Original operations data

Self-decision-making, self-execution
Process automation Process automation
Role of Information collection record Information collection record Information collection record

Figure 21: The role and relationship of human, data and machine in the iterative development of operations and maintenance system

In the future operating model, the roles of humans and machines will change significantly. At the design stage of the
systems and processes lifecycle, people will transfer their knowledge and experience on complex operational domains to
machines through the ML training process. Machine learning will facilitate the continuous advancement of computing
through exposure to new scenarios, testing, and adaptation, while employing patterns and trend detection for improved
decisions in subsequent (though not identical) situations.

The figure below shows how machines and humans are working and interacting with each other, and how is this
interaction enabled by programming data.

Design state: inject human experience

Role of
human Arrange Design Train Feedback

• Fault model
• Status query API • Preventive prediction
• Fault tree • Network configuration
Data is • Topological model model
• Diagnostic logic API
extracted into • Engineering • Tuning logic
• Root cause analysis • Network operations API
knowledge parameter model • Troubleshooting process

Multiple data sources Preventive analysis Fast decision-making Accurate execution

Standard model Accurate identification Precise positioning Self healing closed loop
Operating state: machine self decision-making and self execution
Role of
machine Perception Analysis Decision-making Execution

Figure 22: Diagrammatic sketch of operations and maintenance mode of new generation telecommunication network
17 Future Operating Model for Network Operations

2.4 Business benefits of the "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model

Big data and AI technology are used to predict and prevent network failures, greatly reducing the number of failures
and complaints and improving the perceived quality of the network.

Additionally, the new AI-driven operating model enables the control and management of the growing complexity and
diversification of the network environments.

At the same time, the conflict between complexity, maintenance costs, number of people, and other operational
workloads will be mitigated, alleviating the pressure on cost-optimization programs.

Figure 23: Value analysis of intelligent operations and maintenance

Number of passive
complaints from
customers Number Reduce cost Improve quality
of fault
reports Data complexity
Number of invalid
Group Fault Scale of
repetitions Work operations
order and Product planning
quantity maintenance Opening Waiting time
eam experience for opening
Times of planning Accurate and
log in Performance
Network identification
Customer-service deployment
labor time for Accurate and
reporting faults User timely User behavior
Cost Quality experience complaint prediction
Labor time for Network
fault location and Network assurance performance Accurate and
diagnosis timely
Labor time for manual Exterior line
dispatch and Efficiency of management
documentation operations Service MTTR
and experience Fault
maintenance Service open
Labor time for team experience Order
Work complexity probability

Labor time for

opening configuration Reduce
operations and
operations and
with higher quality
Efficiency of system expenditure
monitoring and
identification More efficient More intelligent
operations operations
and maintenance and maintenance


External business Internal capability

transformation transformation

Integration of
Upgrade from 3G/4G Real time digital End to end business
to 5G service service insight
and family business

New business of
Enabling business Cloud network and Upgrading talent
ecology telecom cloud service structure
Internet of Things
Future Operating Model for Network Operations 18

In summary, the business benefits brought by the "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model are:

Cost Reduction Quality Improvement Total Transformation

In network assurance, service By moving from reactive to predictive The transformation to the new
provisioning, and 3rd party and defensive maintenance, we can operating model involves platform,
maintenance service, repetitive and discover and solve hidden issues, processes, and workforce, making
ineffective manual work can be minimize network interruptions and network services no longer a
reduced through automation and user complaints, and boost network bottleneck of business development,
AI, leading to a reduction in team availability, improving service and and supporting the improvement
size and great improvement in customer experience at the same of digital services, business insights,
operational efficiency. time. talent management, etc.

2.5 The evolution path to the "Human + Machine" Collaboration


The stages leading to the adoption of a full "Human + Machine" Collaboration Model are the following:
single-point intelligence series intelligence high intelligence

The figure below shows this transformation path:

Figure 24: Evolution path of operations and maintenance mode

Defined, bounded,
Self learning, self-rule,
and strictly controlled
borderless automation
procedures Fixed automation Evolution automation
(based on rule) (based on judgment)

Highly intelligent
All scenarios can be covered, and intelligent
analysis can be adjusted among operations
Series intelligence and maintenance cost, quality and efficiency
The operations and maintenance data to support business decision-making, service
system based on the five dimensions of content, and mode upgrading.
Single-point intelligence perception, analysis, decision-making,
Focus on the top scenario, identify execution, and intention is completed. The
the capability framework according to main operations and maintenance scenarios
perception, analysis, decision-making, are flow-based and intervention-free, and
execution, and intention, and gradually business problems are quickly transformed
establish the operations and maintenance into data problems.
data system, focusing on the pain points, to
solve the problems.

Bases Databases Standardization of activities API utilization

The first step of the operating model transformation is to build a basic intelligent platform, and then implement simple,
intelligent applications on the platform, focusing on addressing relevant operational issues and pain points.
It starts from a single-point application scenario to achieve a single-point intelligence, such as implementing automatic
application inspections, intelligent early warning indicators, etc., and initially establishes a data system to import
knowledge of single-point scenarios, realizing the series intelligence,and completing the data system based on
perception, analysis, decision-making, execution, and intention.
Finally, the whole scenario becomes a highly integrated intelligence, achieving closed-loop intelligent operations. The
operational personnel can gradually shift their focus from tedious operational activities to exploring needs, defining
scenarios, and performing other key tasks.
19 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

3 Intelligent Operations

HUAWEI has provided more than 580,000 instances of technical support, over 10,000 instances of problem positioning,
and more than 130,000 instances of network major operations support for more than 1,700 networks around the world.
Based on this rich network operations experience and our innovation practices, HUAWEI is proposing an AI-driven
human-machine cooperative intelligent operations solution.

3.1 Design principles of HUAWEI's intelligent operations and

maintenance service

Integrated human-machine cooperative operations and maintenance

At the design stage, knowledge of skilled people is captured and codified in the knowledge management platform.
Combining this knowledge with comprehensive input data, ML training, and process design thinking, we implement into
our platform the repetitive and deterministic tasks previously performed by operations people, and we continuously
improve them. Through such iteration, more and more jobs are gradually handed over to machines, improving the
accuracy of the operations and maintenance services. In production, the machines run autonomously. In addition to
scheduled operations and maintenance tasks, we implement predictive and self-healing capabilities into our platform
using big data and AI.

The human-machine collaboration operating model will leverage and value existing operations systems and tools,
deploying the knowledge management platform on top of them and integrating existing processes, interfaces, and

The human-machine collaborative operating model is not a substitute for human operations, but an enabler for people
to create more value with the assistance of the machine. As shown in Figure 24, by upgrading the skills of current
operations personnel, such as front office (FO) engineers, back office (BO) engineers, 3rd-party engineers, etc., they
are transformed into network strategy engineers, application orchestration engineers, data engineers, and other new
operations roles, letting people playing key roles in solution design, exception handling, and decision-making.
Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI 20

Predictable Self healing

state flow


Perception Machine Decision-making

System Interface
Perceptual Strategy logic Control and Model assets
Process assets Data model integration and display control
analysis model model operate API for reports
adaptation widget
operations and maintenance knowledge asset platform
Data Knowledge
feedback Feedback injection
state flow

Train Person Arrange


Data analysis Engineer App Arrangement Engineer
Network strategy Engineer
Realize data collection, conversion, Arrange process logic and design manual
Design analysis logic and execution strategy
cleaning and aggregation analysis intervention points

Figure 25:Huawei’s hyper-integrated operations and maintenance concept of man-machine coordination

As shown in Figure 25, the knowledge assets include the following categories: perception analysis model, policy logic
model, API control & operations, data model, process assets, reporting template assets, presentation interface assets,
and system integration assets.

Perception Analysis Model Policy Logic Model Control API Data Model

Fault Models Diagnostic Logic Topology Models
Configuration API

Prevention &
Logic Tree Status Inquiry API Leased Line Models
Prediction Models

Root-Cause Engineering
Optimization Logic Network Ops API
Analysis Models Parameter Models

Process Assets Reporting Template Assets Presentation Interface Assets System Integration Assets

Fault Processing Poor-Quality Third-Party Performance

GIS Heat Map
Process Location Report Data Collection

Change Mangement Network Capacity Third-Party Work

Topology Map
Process Reports Order Integration

Workforce Third-Party CRM

Patrolling Process Event Monitoring
Mangaement Reports Integration

Common Generic Presentation AI Algorithms and General Data General Data

Capabilities Controls Models Integration Processing

Figure 26: Classification display of knowledge assets

Service offerings
The HUAWEI Intelligent Ops platform aims to support the next generation of operations powered by machine
and knowledge. Using AI-based automation, HUAWEI's platform continuously absorbs operational knowledge and
transforms concrete use cases into componentized services. HUAWEI Intelligent Ops includes three types of offerings:
21 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

Network Technology Services Ecosystem Services Platform Services

provide standardized use case–based offer "componentized" services that provide OSS functions, including
offerings powered by advanced and encapsulate capabilities into APIs and fault management, performance
innovative technology (AI, Big Data, other programmable components management, and workforce
Virtualization, IoT, etc.). Leveraging our and toolsets, including AI Training management. These services are now
experience on network operations in Center (integrated toolset that virtualized and integrated with the
160+ telcos, HUAWEI offers professional combines data training, models, centralized data platform, knowledge
operations solutions for different and algorithms), Design Studio management services, and run-time
use cases, such as wireless network (automated process packages, services performing the perception /
intelligent operations (MBB), fixed operational APIs, model packages, analysis / decision / execution cycle.
network intelligent operations (FBB), 5G and data service packages), and Data
and NFV intelligent operations, etc. Governance Services (data collection,
cleansing, and modeling).

In addition, HUAWEI offers professional services, such as deployment and consulting services, to accelerate our clients'

New Capabilities Professional


“Use Case-Based” Assets

Home Internet Automated

5G Intelligent
Standard Reusable Asset Library (OOTB) Intelligent Mobile Fault
Project-Based Asset Library Ops Management
(Ecosystem) Network
MBB- 5G B2B Technology Automated
FBB-Home Leased Line NFV
Wireless Fault Business Offerings Mobile Adoption
Internet YourTelco South Africa Intelligent Intelligent
Automation Assurance Performance Service
Performance GIS Heat Ops Assurance
Reports Map
FBB… MBB… 5G… Backbone
Home Internet 5G B2B
Intelligent Network
Activation Intelligent
“Componentized” Assets
Open Capabilities

Network Ops Knowledge Assets
Knowledge Design Studio +
Network Network Data Process AI Training
Ops Analysis Models Assets Data Service +
Automated Processes Development
Model Assets +
Control I/O + Control API + Model Enablement
Reset Linked Data Event Model Scheduling Process Algorithm Assets
Service + Data Service Service
Reactivation Fault Tree Topology Patrolling Process Offerings
GUI Data
Processing Parametric Traffic Engineering Spare Parts
Tuning Predication Parameters Management Data Governance
Data Collection + Transformation + Modeling

Design Studio (DevOps-friendly,orchestration-friendly)

Basic Functions

Conventional Mapped to conventional OSS: Faults, work orders,

Functions: performance management, etc. Perception Analysis Decision Execution
Platform (AI
Offerings Enablement,

Network GDE

Figure 27: Huawei's intelligent operations and maintenance works

Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI 22

Transformation of operations and maintenance model

HUAWEI Intelligent Ops transforms not only the systems, but also the operations culture, processes, and working style.

In the new operating model (Figure 27), data scientists and data engineers in the training center collect data from the
operations data lake for data cleansing, data management, and modeling. Engineers in the design center build data
models, design the user interface, and create policies. The NOC (NPM), SOC, and local operations teams will conduct
emergency interventions and make decisions in escalated ad-hoc situations.

Event Flow
Data Training Center Orchestration Design Center
Inter-System Interactions
Human-Machine Interactions Data model orchestration UI interface orchestration
• Data ETL
• Data modeling Process automation Automated
Data Scientists Models orchestration use case orchestration
• Feature engineering
operations Data Engineers • AI model training / Rules /
operational Orchestration Studio
Data Lake Policies
ML/DL Training • AI model
optimization • Event model adaption and instantiation
• Data security • Application orchestration and development
• Rules and policies formulation

Training Data Event instantiation Complaints / Voice of Customers

/ analysis / policy / Operational Use Cases
Reusable Model automation configuration

Policy & Automation

SO NOC(NPM) / SOC / Local Ops Team
Real-time / batch data DIM Analytics
“0” Touch Big Data + AI • Uncertainty decisions
Network SDM
• Emergency intervention
Automated Closed Loop Unified Data Collection
NOC(NPM)/SOC • Smart outcome labeling
• Irreplaceable work
Automated Work (hardware installation,
Orders complaint handling,
Manual On-Site operations
Field Engineers CC

Figure 28: Logic structure diagram of intelligent operations and maintenance

Traditional back office (BO), front office (FO) and subcontractors will gradually be adapted to fit into the new
organization. As shown in Figure 28, around 20% of the positions will be transformed into Network Policy Engineers,
Application Orchestration Engineers, and Data Analytics Engineers. About 30% of the original workforce would be
replaced by machines handling automatic monitoring and device inspection. Current operations personnel can be
retrained and reskilled to cover design management, supervision, and governance roles, giving them the opportunity to
grow professionally into new career paths.

As-Is Workforce Model through Intelligent Ops Network Policy Application Data Analytics
Engineers Orchestration Engineers Engineers
Transformed into new
BO Engineers posts BO FO
• Change requests • SLA monitoring
• Automated task monitoring
Retained with • Major incident handling
changed R&R
Field Engineers
FO Engineer • Contractor management
Substituted by
Remote Change
Monitoring Patrolling Dispatching
Substituted by Repair Execution
Field Engineers
Whitebox Contractor Cost-Saving Sharing Remote Fault
Management Model Processing

Figure 29: Personnel transformation

23 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

The domain knowledge and expertise will continue to be harvested into the platform. It will be "digitized" and
"capitalized" so that the platform can become "smarter." Knowledge mainly comes from the technical and operational
experiences and insights, which is captured from Network Policy Engineers, Application Orchestration Engineers, and
Data Analytics Engineers. They will take the knowledge assets from different FBB, MBB, and 5G / NFV use cases (standard
reusable libraries, performance reports, heat maps, etc.) and package them into components in the orchestration center,
then customize them with real-world insights, human experiences and professional reviews. Driven by AI and ML, the
knowledge-based platform will be able to power the machine's run-time analysis-decision-execution-perception cycle.

New Capabilities “Use Case-Based” Assets

Standard Reusable Asset Library (OOTB)

Project-Based Asset Library (Ecosystem)
MBB-Wireless 5G 2B Business
FBB-Home Internet
Fault Automation Assurance
YourTelco South Africa GIS Heat
FBB… MBB… 5G… Performance Reports Map

“Componentized” Assets

Orchestration Knowledge Network Ops Knowledge Assets

Network Ops Network Analysis Data Models
Control I/O
Reset Linked Data Event Model Scheduling Process

Reactivation Fault Tree Topology Patrolling Process

GUI Processing Parametric Traffic Engineering Spare Parts
Tuning Predication Parameters Management

Design Studio (DevOps-friendly,orchestration-friendly)

Figure 30: Knowledge transformation

3.2 Solution architecture

In HUAWEI's Intelligent Ops platform, we have overcome the siloed architecture. We have gradually decoupled the
existing network management applications and transformed them into a layered, service-oriented architecture. Using a
unified middle layer, data from different business lines can be pooled and shared. We provide a centralized AI training
and application platform to better respond to the market demands of the telecom industry.

In the figure below, we show the components of the Intelligent Ops architecture.
Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI 24

10 operational Use Cases & Assets

FBB Intelligent Ops MBB Intelligent Ops NFV & 5G Intelligent Ops

Continuous renewal of Intelligent Ops Runtime

algorithms & models 5 4 6
Intelligent Ops
Policy Automation Assisted Service
AI & Algorithm
Service • Work orders
Cloud-Based DECISION • operational intelligence
AI Training • Dashboard and cockpit

Event Trigger Execute

1 2 3 7
Assets Monitoring
operational operational Analysis Dynamic Automated Offering
• Alerts Service Resource Activation Service
Service • Performation
• Offerings ANALYSIS Service EXECUTION
Design Studio Diagnose
Continuous renewal of Unified Data Service
event handling policies PERCEPTION
and models

9 Unified Data Collection & Command Dispatching Service

Figure 31: Framework of Intelligent Ops

1 Monitoring (alarm / performance / service status): Basic support services, including alarms and metrics monitoring
as well as comprehensive service status and performance monitoring. This component provides alarm correlation
analysis, RCA, KPI aggregation calculation and layout, and dashboard report functions.

2 Operations Analysis Service: Based on the original or correlated alarms, as well as KPI thresholds, this module
comprehensively analyzes and identifies operational events, including fault events, service degradation events,
operational risks, etc., establishing an analytical mechanism for use case–based faults.

3 Dynamic Resource Service: Unified resource management module, supporting dynamic modeling, unified
management of business and data correlation, and quick search and presentation of topology.

4 Policy Automation Service: Problem localization, using issue-tree and event-analysis tools to achieve self-healing
(executed through automatic triggered actions).

5 AI & Algorithm Service: This component provides AI algorithms and analytics services, such as alarm correlation
compression, trend prediction, KPI detection, etc.

6 Intelligent Operations Supporting Services: This module provides work orders and external process management,
restricted access to mobile phones, and screen monitoring capabilities.

7 Automatic Business Opening Service: Automatic execution of various service activation requests.

8 Unified Data Service: Big data analytics service, providing distributed computing and data orchestration

9 Unified Data Collection and Instruction Adaptation Service: Unified southbound command layer, interfacing with
network management system, adapting the interface with the network admin system, and implementing data
collection and command dispatching.

10 Operations Use Case & Assets: This component provides operations management solution assets based on fixed
networks, mobile networks, and 5G / NFV distilled from 160+ operation engagements.
25 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

3.3 Core capabilities

Domain expertise in telecom use cases

With extensive project experience and a rich technology portfolio, HUAWEI is a reliable and highly competitive player in
the telecom industry with a deep understanding of MBB / FBB / NFV and 5G use cases.


Intelligent Ops Home Intelligent Ops Home Internet Service

Internet Service Leased Line Service Automatic Activation
HUAWEI has the know-how to HUAWEI provides effective SLA HUAWEI has a lightweight solution
significantly reduce the fault rate quality visualization, active SLA for home Internet service activation.
through prediction of copper- management, SLA degradation It covers mainstream access scenarios
access quality issues and remote prediction, policy-based self- such as FTTH, WTTH, FWA, etc., to
optimization algorithms. The same healing, leased line availability meet the demands of small- and
applies to accurate prediction and improvement, customer complaints medium-sized telcos for quick service
isolation of poor optical-access reduction, and SLA violation rate activation, at very low cost. For 5G,
quality and broken fiber. Intelligent reduction. Based on real-time HUAWEI offers FWA SA activation and
Ops can effectively reduce home service performance monitoring, FTTH / 5G FWA intelligent integrated
visits and on-site work through the Intelligent Ops can precisely locate activation solutions.
interception of correlated tickets and isolate the faults, reducing the
and AI-driven fault diagnosis. corresponding repair time (MTTR).


Wireless Network Fault Wireless Network Performance Intelligent Ops of Core

Management Automation Management Automation Network
Through the automatic analysis we enable the improvement of we use our core network risk
of work orders (involving metrics such as stations per person, prediction (data feature extraction for
automatic processing and lean diagnostic accuracy, and MTTR fault prediction, KPI-based anomaly
WO dispatching), AI-based fault of performance degradation by prediction, and CHR- and log-
identification (involving cross- using our performance degradation based anomaly detection) and core
domain topology restoration, order automation, performance network risk and problem location
general fault extraction, and cross- degradation identification (HUAWEI and isolation (issue tree, fault data
domain fault identification) and + MV wireless performance clustering and correlation analysis,
AI-based fault diagnosis (accurate monitoring model and dynamic cross-domain fault isolation, cross-
diagnosis, automatic fault repair, threshold algorithm based domain network topology restoration,
and root cause recommendations), on machine learning), and and AI-based assisted isolation)
we ensure a significant performance degradation isolation solutions to continuously optimize the
improvement of the FO and BO (fault isolation expertise, clustering core network services. We improve
efficiency. In addition, we reduce analysis algorithm, etc.) solutions. redundancy coverage and reduce
the number of invalid orders and the MTTR. Moreover, Intelligent Ops
network service interruptions. can decrease unscheduled service
interruptions caused by changes
related to anomalies in core network.
Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI 26

5G & NFV

5G Network Service Cross-Domain Network

Visualization and Intelligent 5G
Prediction & Fault Slicing Visualization &
Management Fault Management
Prevention Management
Real-time updates of Wireless event diagnosis NR equipment health Minute-level updates
dynamic topology. Minute- and cloud-based core check. VoNR (Voice/Video of slicing topology.
level automatic restoration network cross-layer problem over New Radio), and data Slicing quality and SLA
of service path. MBB (Mobile solving (minute-level). redundancy prediction and visualization & diagnosis.
Broadband) network quality prevention. NFV health
visualization. check.

The figure below shows the HUAWEI "Use Case–Based" Intelligent Ops.

Change in
Perception Analysis Decision
Use Cases

Automated Event Analysis Automated Policies

MBB Device Alerts
Redundancy Event Automated Diagnosis Automated Diagnosis Policy Decisions
From Access
Compression Identification and Decision
Network 60% of events need (Decision Tree &
to Bearer Alerts reduced From alert-oriented • Fault event Rules)
positioning, of which
Network Performance by 90%+ to business impact • Worsening events 80% can be traced by
Alerts -oriented • Risk events Execution
fault tree and rules.

Human- Business
FBB Issue Zoning Work Order
Assisted Orchestration
From Log Root causes & Command
Creation Self-
Complaints to located 90% System
Predication Healing
From physical to logical Work Order
From generation to
Complaints recovery Dispatching
Predicative Business
NFV&5G Reboot/Reset/
Algorithm Impact & Log/Status/ Automated
From Single 15% Risk forecast Event Zoning
自动化 Migrate/ Closed Loop
Domain to Power Manual API 目录 Config/…
End-to-End AI • 诊断 API 库
Environment Repair • 自愈 API 库

5G SDN NFV Cloud

Figure 32: HUAWEI "Use Case–Based" Intelligent Ops

AI and data analytics

HUAWEI supports predictive fault management by unifying AI capabilities and intelligent data governance and services.

Unified AI Algorithms
As shown in the Figure 32, HUAWEI infuses AI capabilities into its operations, algorithms, and
offerings. With the Intelligent Ops solution, AI algorithms are packaged into components to
make them easy to reuse.
27 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

Figure 33: Data enabled fault prediction and management

MBB Ops FBB Ops 5G & NFV Ops

• Home Internet copper fault

• VoLTE anomaly detection and cluster
predication (to reduce complaints)
analysis (redundancies)
• Home Internet optic access quality
• EPC traffic prediction
worsening, broken fiber detection (to
• Cross-domain alert correlation • NFV fault detection and analysis (tor
Use Case-Based reduce complaints)
(wireless+microwave, redundancies), 5G fault detection and
AI Models wireless+microwave+IPRAN,
• Home Internet user behavior analysis
for complaint reporting
• Corporate service anomaly detection
• Wireless access KPI anomaly detection
• RPA for customer services

Build use case-based models Generalize AI algorithms

Prediction Detection Decision Knowledge
• Alert correlation • Fault tree
Generic AI • Images • Sub-optimal hardware • Time series anomaly detection • Root cause • Knowledge map
• Voice • Connection worsening • Event data (alerts, log, trace, recommendation
Algorithms • Semantics • Capacity and traffic CHR) anomaly detection • Complaint analysis

Feature Engineering Model Management Online Training AutoML Active Learning

Data governance and service

As shown in the Figure 33, high-quality data is the foundation of intelligent operations. Thanks to HUAWEI's data
collection framework, we broke the siloes and now manage a common data lake. Using standardized data models for
multiple telco services, Intelligent Ops has laid an effective analytics foundation for AI training, enabling applications
such as fault prediction and prevention, automated fault management, root cause recognition, etc.
Figure 34: Unified AI algorithm capability

Before Event: Prediction & Prevention After Event: Diagnosis and Recovery
Network Alert
Worsening Model Fault Predication
AI Completeness : 50% Business Topology Fault Tree Root Cause
User Model Algorithm Deduction Identification
Fault Prediction Physical Layer Topology Coverage: >85%
Resource Topology Accuracy: 90% Fault Tree

Execution IP Layer Model Application Layer Model

Event Feature Model
Decision Commands Resource
Data Sample Topology
Fault Tree Decision Tree Physical Layer Model Link Layer Model

Data Services: Data processing and analytics for business Data Governance: Standardization for business
Multi- Cross- Events Resources Data Governance Tools
Data Flow AI Model
Dimensional Domain
Analysis Processing Training Policies & Rules
Linkage Model Data
Data Security
Storage Data Alerts Performance
Data KPI Feature Basic
& Pre- Redundancy Meta Data Data Quality
Cleansing Aggregation Extraction Model Resources CHR
Processing Elimination

Collection Customized EMS General Topology User Feature Probe Output Protocol
Framework Data Probes Probes Template Probes Data Visualization Standardization Management
Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI 28

Operational ecosystem
HUAWEI aims to simplify the operations of our clients by encapsulating the rules, models, and AI algorithms distilled
from a great number of successful real-world engagements into a unified Intelligent Ops platform. We give our
customers and partners access to this knowledge so that everyone in our business ecosystem can develop their skills by
leveraging that experience.

OWS (Operation Web Services) is the enabling platform for HUAWEI Intelligent Ops, with big data and AI capabilities,
which can be quickly deployed in any telecom operations environment. It is designed to adapt quickly to the evolution
of technology and telecom services, enabling the telco's engineering team to develop customized applications through
open APIs. Based on the microservice architecture, OWS decouples IT services from business services. Its unique service
orchestration ability will enable telco engineers worldwide to address their specific operational needs. HUAWEI is
building a global developers' ecosystem where telco and other HUAWEI partners are able to develop applications in
Design Studio, then easily deploy them into production (the whole system is shown in the figure below).

Telco Ops Integration Telco or ISV Ecosystem

Specialist Service Specialist Developers App

Idea Understand Design data Configuration UI Design Testing / App

business needs model Service Deployment

Use Case-
Based App
Encapsulate complex issues Open capabilities in orchestration center 1
into use case-based solutions for telco to build its own applications

Intelligent Ops Capability Center

Orchestration Center Design Studio AI Training

Provisioning Internalization
Use Case-
Based App
Intelligent Ops Knowledge Assets 2

Process Monitoring & Real- Automated Reporting Service

Automation time Analysis operations & Periodical Activation
Ops Asset Library Analysis

Process Styles and Activation

Monitoring dashboard &

Real-time Monitoring forms & data-drilling form &

Controls operational orchestration
controls logic control

Ops Process Reports

Data …
Automated use Data extraction Activation use
aggregation &
Logic Layer

Process case API logic case API

logic & linkage
rules Realtime AI Automated Non-real-time Activation
Network Event Model analysis atomic API AI analysis atomic API

网元操作 API

Managed objects model (service, site, device,

Data Layer

Managed connection, board, ports …)

Raw data collection (alert\performance\log\resource …) Use Case-
Based App
Data Collection Probes N

Network Model
Security Management Maintenance

Figure 35:operations ecosystem transformation

29 Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI

3.4 Transformation plan to HUAWEI's intelligent operations


Intelligent operations cannot be achieved overnight. It can coexist with legacy OSS in the short term and then take
over gradually. A telco can select the use case–based entry points with the greatest business impact, based on its own
business needs and pain points, import operational data from the existing OSS system, and launch applications such as
intelligent anomaly alerts, fault discovery and recovery, and smart inspections. The telco can protect its investment in
the existing OSS, find a use case to introduce intelligent operations, bring it live, and then reinforce and replicate the
success to the rest of the operations, eventually taking over the legacy OSS.

HUAWEI's intelligent operations-transformation plan is based on the principle of protecting operators' existing
investment and supporting the smooth evolution of operators from the traditional operating model to the intelligent
operating model of human-computer cooperation. The roadmap can be divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Single-Point Adoption. Evaluate the status quo and select a key application for the use case that demands new
operational solutions and delivers the greatest impact. Start with a specific service scenario (e.g., 5G fault recovery),
develop the corresponding application in the HUAWEI Intelligent Ops platform by adding an application overlay on top
of the legacy OSS and a data layer to support perception, analysis, decision, and execution. Integrate the legacy OSS as
a data source for intelligent monitoring, abnormality alerts, fault discovery and analysis, root cause analysis, and self-
healing. Take this as an opportunity for building platform and data governance for fault and performance monitoring.
The detailed transformation process is shown in the figure below.

Intelligence Ops Applications

Layer 5G Intelligent Ops

Conventional OSS8 Intelligence Ops Platform

Digital operations Data Import Policy Automation Center
Platform Network
Fault Management
Layer Optimization
5G Performance Prediction &
5G Fault Center
Resource Performance Center Prevention Center
Management Management

3G / 4G
Network Services
Layer Home

Figure 36: Phase 1

As the foundation of intelligent operations, the data platform is one of the core components of the
Data pilot application. We will integrate data management modules to collect, analyze, calculate, and store
Platform operational data, define a uniform metrics system, implement data importing and extraction procedures,
and start storing and curating data for future intelligent operations’ needs.

Building We recommend telcos evaluate business needs and start from the most urgent use case. While we
bring the intelligent operations application online for the use case, we will also build the essential
platform capabilities at the same time, including the time series data system, anomaly discovery, traffic
through Use abnormality alerts, database monitoring, network log analysis, etc. Starting from a single pilot use case,
Case Pilot a telco can gradually build a platform for future applications throughout all service lines.
Intelligent Operations of HUAWEI 30

Phase 2: Clustered Use Cases. A telco can extend the success of a single Intelligent Ops application to other use cases.
In the application layer, we can replicate it to more value-based use cases (e.g., home Internet, corporate services,
wireless, etc.) In the platform layer, we recommend a plan to bring Intelligent Ops modules online such as process
center, orchestration center, and resource centers. The legacy OSS system functions will gradually be replaced in an
orderly manner. The business value of the new intelligent operations will be unlocked through the process, and the telco
will be able to capture new value in user experience improvements and cost savings in workforce and other operational
resources. The detailed transformation process is shown in the figure below.

Figure 37: Phase 2

Unified Ops Applications & Portal API Gateway

Home Internet Corporate Wireless Intelligent 5G Use Case-Based Open Ecosystem & Open Interface for
Layer Intelligent Ops Intelligent Ops Ops Intelligent Ops Intelligent Ops Programmable Ops Capabilities

Conventional OSS OWS

Digital operations Data Import Policy Automation Center

Platform Network Fault 5G Predication

Planned 5G Ops Programming Resource
Layer Optimization Management
Replacement Fault Center
Performance and Prevention
Process Center Center Center
Center Center
Resource Performance
Management Management System Platform

3G / 4G
Network Services
Layer Home Internet 2G

Phase 3: Highly intelligent operations and maintenance. In this phase, Intelligent Ops are now enabling all aspects of
network operations, enabling Autonomous Driving Networks (ADN) with smart decision-making and automated closed
loop for control and data feedback. Intelligent Ops have gradually replaced the legacy OSS for all service use cases. In
the meantime, the telco will be able to reorganize its core operations workforce, moving most of it to design, training,
supervision, and governance roles and responsibilities—as the most time-consuming operational tasks have been taken
over by the machine and by the application orchestration center's engineering team. At this point, the full potential of
the human+machine platform will be unlocked for the greatest business value impact.

The detailed transformation process is shown in the figure below.

Unified Ops Applications & Portal API Gateway

Home Internet Corporate Wireless 5G Use Case-Based Open Ecosystem & Open Interface
Layer Intelligent Ops Intelligent Ops Intelligent Ops Intelligent Ops Intelligent Ops Programmable Ops for Capabilities


Policy Automation Center

Layer 5G
Fault Center
Performance Center
Predication and
Prevention Center
Process Center
Programming Center Resource Center

System Platform

3G / 4G
Network Services
Layer Home

Figure 38: Phase 3

31 Success Stories

4 Success Stories

4.1 Large operator in China: Automatic fault management

Case Background
After many years of network construction, along with new technology development, a large telecommunications
operator group in China has brought in many OSSs. However, traditional siloed OSSs have high maintenance costs and
cannot be managed across domains and vendors. New services need to be integrated with multiple systems for online
service deployment, so it is difficult to support the rapid launch of new business. As 5G, loT, and industrial digitization
have increased network complexity, and multigeneration technologies have coexisted for a long time, delimiting and
positioning network faults accurately have become more difficult and urgently needed.

• Siloed OSS, data dispersion

» OSS tools are separated from each other with poor correlation of resources and data, and
there is no end-to-end operational capability.
• There are many repeated invalid work orders and the proportion of invalid on-site visits is
» 28.4% of the work orders do not have information regarding fault location, resulting in a
large number of invalid on-site records.
» Limited accurate fault positioning and delimitation methods, abundant incorrect manual
operations for troubleshooting,and a great deal of invalid requests for help together
lead to low processing efficiency.

Operations & • The average fault recovery time (MTTR) is long

Maintenance » It is difficult to communicate across different departments, and the average fault recovery
Challenges time is 1,125 minutes.
• Maintenance depends on manpower, which is low skilled and high cost
» As the network scale becomes increasingly larger, more and more network resources are
maintained, so it is difficult to rely on human labor.
» Decentralized troubleshooting methods and experience in cities cannot be shared. Most
maintenance personnel are of high mobility, and generally lack accurate troubleshooting
Success Stories 32

HUAWEI Solutions
Through building an intelligent operations platform, HUAWEI helped the group to connect the OSSs of different
provinces and integrate the data sources. By using big data analysis and AI algorithm technology, HUAWEI helped them
mine huge amounts of web data and expert experience, and continuously evolve according to each scenario's needs,
with applications like the intelligent troubleshooting center and intelligent inspection center assisting the operators
reduce the network risk, comprehensively improve maintenance quality, strengthen technical support for smaller cities,
reduce the dependence on staff skills, and realize the transformation of the intelligent operations.

Three centers of the group

Intelligent service Intelligent network troubleshooting Intelligent inspection center
layer opening center center (3G/4G,5G) (Cloud network, VoLTE)

Traditional OSS Intelligent operations and maintenance platform

Electronic operations Strategy Automation Center
and maintenance Data
Integration Arrangement Fault Performance
Platform Network Fault Center Center Center
layer optimization management
Evolve as
Prediction and operations and
needed Resource
prevention Center Center
process center
Resource Performance
management management Central Platform

Enterprise customer 3G/4G

layer 2G Home broadband

Figure 39: Fault automation solution architecture of a group

• Reduction of the number of work orders and the client's operating cost.
» In one province, work order dispatches are now reduced by 2000+ per month on average,
cutting down the cost of on-site labor. The annual cost has decreased by 2.4 million.
• Reduction of fault recovery time (MTTR) and improvement of operational efficiency.
» MTTR has been reduced from 1,125 minutes to 15 minutes and fault analysis efficiency
increased by 75%. The accuracy of root cause locations reached 85%, considerably
improving operational efficiency.
Benefits to
client • Reduction of fault recovery time (MTTR) and improvement of operational efficiency.
» Delivered more than 20 fault diagnosis rules; covered 30 types of fault scenarios; dealt
with 6800+ daily alarms; triggered 2500+ instances of daily automatic diagnoses with
75%+ success rate, reducing the dependence on personnel skills.
33 Success Stories

4.2 Intelligent operations & maintenance transformation of a large

Southeast Asia telco

Case Background
The business of a large telecommunications operator in Southeast Asia includes fixed and mobile networks, with 2
million fixed network users and 65 million mobile network users. As the scale of the network continues to expand, the
user perception of the entire network is poor. Under fierce competition from its competitor G operator, the number of
users has dropped, and a modern operations system is urgently needed to enhance business agility, improve network
quality, user experience, as well as operational efficiency.

• Equipment comes from many different manufacturers, and the operations platform is old.
The system has many barriers between different departments, and the operational efficiency
is low with high cost.
• The fixed and mobile networks are operated separately and have been unable to be
integrated for a long time.

Operations and • Customer complaint handling time is longer than expected, and the customer satisfaction
Maintenance rate is low.
Challenges • The response to business demands is considered too slow, and TTM cycle is longer than

HUAWEI Solutions
On one hand, HUAWEI helps the operator build a unified intelligent operations platform. As shown in the following
figure, it integrates the existing OSS systems, unifies data collection platforms, unifies operational processes, and
provides an independent automation strategy engine based on the intelligent operations platform, making it possible
for multiple network events to drive closed-loop automation. Facing future business needs, it provides alarm,
performance, log, and other event-driven automation; builds an AI training platform; provides AI training capabilities
based on massive operational data; and realizes automatic system learning.

Scenario-based operations and maintenance applications

Customer Monitoring and Network change KPI/KQI

complaint handling management management monitoring
Algorithms / models
are continuously
updated Intelligent operations and maintenance platform
AI cloud Portal API GW
Intelligent operations and maintenance auxiliary services Orchestration services
operations and maintenance Strategy Dynamic resource Business orchestration
analysis service automation service service
Resource orchestration
AI & algorithm service Unified data service
Event strategies and
models are continuously Unified data collection and command adaptation

Design state Existing OSS system


Mobile network Fixed net IT SDN NFV Hybrid cloud

Figure 40: Intelligent operations and maintenance solution architecture of a large telecommunications operator in Southeast Asia
Success Stories 34

On the other hand, HUAWEI uses the integrated development center of the intelligent operations platform to help
the operator organize the application of operations scenarios. As shown in Figure 41, it is mainly divided into four
• Reorganize the existing key operation scenarios in the new operations platform, such as wireless network health
assessment, 3G alarm monitoring, 4G alarm monitoring, CS KQI monitoring, terminal analysis, overlap analysis, TT
automatic dispatch, TT order automatic association, etc.
• Enhance operational functions, such as traffic analysis, coverage analysis, neighbor analysis, frequency analysis, single
user analysis, automatic creation of TT orders, automatic closing of TT orders, etc.
• Build operational applications, such as VoLTE KQI monitoring, VNF alarm monitoring, IMS KPI monitoring, etc.
• Plan operational applications, such as one-key diagnosis and recovery of household broadband complaints, copper-
access failure prediction and prevention, fiber-access failure prediction and prevention, wireless-hardware failure
prediction and prevention, etc.
The figure below shows the intelligent operations and maintenance application architecture.

old enhancement new plan

Complaint One-click diagnosis and recovery of Analysis of the problem of household

automation household broadband complaints broadband users
operations and Fault management
OTT dynamic monitoring and diagnosis 3G / 4G fault automatic analysis and recovery
maintenance automation
Prediction & Copper wire access prediction and Optical fiber access prediction and Wireless hardware prediction and
prevention prevention prevention prevention

TT automatically TT automatic WO automatic WO automatic WO automatic Automatic

creation distribution creation association close ChatOps

Frequency Single user Critical path Pilot pollution

Wireless Traffic analysis VAP / VAC /
analysis analysis analysis analysis Service quality
Basic operations network health VIP / roaming
Neighborhood Terminal Overlap Wireless performance analysis
and maintenance assessment Coverage analysis analysis
analysis analysis analysis analysis
3G alarm 4G alarm VNF alarm FTTx alarm IP alarm SDN alarm NFVi alarm Power
monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring failure alarm

monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring

Figure 41:Intelligent operations and maintenance application architecture of a large telecommunications operator in Southeast Asia

Through the reorganization of these operational activities, we helped operators realize skills transformation for
operations personnel, hand over repetitive tasks to machines, such as traffic analysis and coverage analysis, and
transform the operating model to a new model of human-machine collaboration. Additionally, we have also solved the
previous operations problems, such as low operation efficiency and correspondingly high customer complaints. Finally,
through organizing Studio, business agility is enhanced and business TTM is shortened.

• Improvement of quality: MTTR reduced by 30%–35%. User complaints reduced by 10%. On-
site work orders reduced by 5%–20%.
• Reduction of cost: Operations efficiency is expected to increase by 10%–20%, and the
number of faults is expected to decrease by 10%–20%.
• Realized Transformation: The operations model has shifted from human-oriented to a
Benefits to new model of human-machine collaboration and has achieved skills transformation for
client operations personnel.
35 Summary and Outlook

5 Summary and Outlook

With the continuous advancement of 5G network deployment and the deep integration of AI in network operations,
HUAWEI's human-machine collaborative intelligent operations solution transforms the operations from "human-
dependent" to "automated and intelligent." Through skill transformation, the operations personnel are converted into
data engineers, network strategists, and application orchestrators. The experts' experience is packaged into operations
processes and cognitive assets and injected into the intelligent operations platform. Through the new human-machine
collaborative operating model, HUAWEI's intelligent operations solution can break the law of linear resource growth
with equipment, use automation to reduce human errors, and improve operations efficiency. Through the adoption
of AI technology, HUAWEI's intelligent operations solution enables the prediction and prevention of network and
business failures, improves the quality of operations, and contributes to realize the ultra-reliable fourth-generation
telecommunications network.

In the future, HUAWEI will continue to use its knowledge and experience in products, technologies, and professional
services to bring more "activeness, predictiveness, and preventiveness" into reality and work with the industry to create
a healthier and more dynamic telecommunications operations ecosystem. HUAWEI is willing to work with operators
to continuously explore and innovate telecommunications network operations, open the HUAWEI's global operations
experience, and help operators to build intelligent operations capabilities in order to reduce costs, improve network
quality, and enable operations transformation.
References 36

6 References

• Opportunities and Challenges Coexist, Reducing OPEX Is the Biggest Challenge for Operators [W]. Line 10-12,
http: //

• Opportunities and Challenges Coexist, Reducing OPEX Is the Biggest Challenge for Operators [W]. Line 12-16,
http: //

• Top 10 Trends Impacting Infrastructure & Operations for 2019 [M]. P10, Gartner, 2019

• Opportunities and Challenges Coexist, Reducing OPEX Is the Biggest Challenge for Operators [W]. Line 10-12,
http: //

• Research on network optimization based on user NPS [J]. Data communication, issue 5, 2019

• Top 10 Trends Impacting Infrastructure & Operations for 2019 [M]. P12, Gartner, 2019

• Top 10 Trends Impacting Infrastructure & Operations for 2019 [M]. P12, Gartner, 2019

• Opportunities and Challenges Coexist, Reducing OPEX Is the Biggest Challenge for Operators [W]. Line 18-21,
http: //

• Top 10 Trends Impacting Infrastructure & Operations for 2019 [M]. P14, Gartner, 2019

• Industry Expert Interview Notes from 3rd Party

• Industrial 4.0 concept and system evolution from 2011 to 2016 [W]. Figure 1,
https: //

• Digital Divergence, How European Telcos can cut costs with automation, AI and big data, [M]. Goldman Sachs, 2017

• Conference of intelligent operation and maintenance technology of Boshi technology 2019 [W]. Line 18-21,
https: //

• Conference of intelligent operation and maintenance technology of Boshi technology 2019 [W]. Line 18-21,
https: //

• Opportunities and Challenges Coexist, Reducing OPEX Is the Biggest Challenge for Operators [W]. Line 12-16,
http: //

• Annual Report of Orange in 2017, [W].

https: //

• IG1190 AIOps Service Management Suite – TM Forum

https: //
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