Effects of Alcohol Drinking in The Physical and Mental Health of The Selected Students of Grade-12 of Polillo National High School-Senior High

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When people drink alcohol, its absorbed into their bloodstream. From there , it affects the
central nervous system like the brain and spinal cord. Which is controls virtually all body
functions because the human brain is still developing during our teens. Is a depressants, which
means it slows the function of the central nervous system. Alcohol is actually blocks some of
the messages trying to get to the brain. This alters a persons perception, emotion, movements,
vision, and also hearing. In very small amounts alcohol can also help a person feel more relaxed
or less anxious. More alcohol causes greater changes in the brain. Resulting intoxication people
who have over used alcohol may stagger, lose their coordinate, and slur their speech. They will
probably be consumed and disoriented. It depends on the person, intoxication can make
someone very friendly and talkative or very aggressive angry. People who are intoxicated may
think they’re moving properly when they’re not. They may act totally out of character. Some
reasons that teenagers are drinking alcohol or get addicted to it are out of curiosity, to feel
good and relax and also to forget their problems even in a time. We know that mostly
teenagers in this time specially teenagers comes from broken families are mostly trouble on
other problems that the can solve and pass that problem so because of that. They drink alcohol
so they may escape or forget for a while their problems. From a very young age, kids see
advertising messages showing beautiful people enjoying life and alcohol and because many
adults use alcohol socially having beer, soju, wine, or lambanog with celebrating some parties.
Drinking can damage a students ability to study well and get decents grades. As the amount of
alcohol in the blood goes up. People cant think clearly or coordinate their bodies properly. This
means they’re at risks of accident and injuries or being involved in violence.


Polillo National High School (PNHS) is a public secondary high school located in Polillo, Quezon
recognized by the department of education (DepEd). It implements a K-12 basic education
program that offers academic strand such General Academic Strand (GAS) as well as Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) tracks.

Nowadays, some of teenagers are drinking alcohol even if they’re minor. Drinking some
alcohol is like taking a drugs. It is a form of abuse and drug addiction. This is worldwide problem
that many people are involved in. There are good effects alcohol if it is a small amount and in
moderation. Alcohol puts your health at risk. Resulting pregnancies and sexually transmitted
diseases can change or even end lives. Teens who drinks are more likely to be sexually active
and to have unsafe, unprotected sex, young people are more likely to engage in unsafe sexual
practices such as having sexual intercourse without any protection like condom. Alcohol is a
neurotoxin, which means it can damage our brain. Alcohol use by young people is extremely
dangerous both to themselves and society at large. Underage alcohol use is associated with
traffic fatalities, violence, unsafe sex, suicide, educational failure, and other problem behaviors
that diminish the prospects of future success as health risks -and the earlier teens start drinking
the greater the danger. Alcohol is a drug with specific mechanisms of action in the brain and
documented nevrocognitive, behavior, and also emotional effects.

The researchers chose the topic of effects of alcohol drinking in the physical and mental
health of the selected students of grade 12 of Polillo National High School -Senior High. We
observed that some students of senior high are drinking alcohol.


The purpose of this study is to known the effects of alcohol drinking to the selected grade 12
students of Polillo National High School – Senior High.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.2 .Age
1.3 .Sex
2. What is the effects of liquor to the health of the brain of the Senior High students of
Polillo National High School?
3. What is the effects of the alcohol among the physical health of the selected students of
Polillo National High School-Senior High?
4. What is the effect of alcohol drinking in terms of physical health and mental health?
5. What solution can be proposed to avoid/limit alcohol drinking?


This study was only limited to the selected Grade-12 students mainly focusing on the
significance of the effects of alcohol drinking among selected students of Polillo National High
School-Senior High

The researcher will believe that the findings of this study will be valuable to the following
school administrator-this study may provide information to supervisor, principals, and head
teachers about the students who drink liquor. It would help them to do some activities for
students instead of drinking liquor

Teachers- This study may help the powder of education to today’s youth, there by giving them
the possibility for a better future. Also expose students to ideas and topics that might otherwise
not have come into contact with

Parents- Parents can help to their children by giving facts before they’re in a risky situation,
parenting styles may influence weather their children follow them.

Students- This study would help the students researchers to be aware and knowledgeable of
the processes involved in liquor that is not good to their health.

Future Researchers- This study would help the students researchers to be aware and
knowledgeable of the processes involved in liquor that is not good to their heal th. It would help
them to be a better analyst and it can be help as a future reference for more studies in the


To understand the study of the following terms are described operationally

Alcohol- a colorless flammable that in one form is the substance in liquors as beer, wine, or
whisky that can make a person drunk.


This chapter presents the relevant literature of the study that the researcher want to evaluate
the basis of the topic, where effects of teenage drinking among selected students of Polillo
National High School – Senior High School is the subject that is mention in other studies to help
the researchers study to strengthen its claim about the subjects for better compression of the

Alcohol defined by Wong (2021) is a psychoactive drug that has been consumed in the drinks
for most of the human history. In chemistry the terms alcohol refers to a whole class of
organize compounds that include a hydroxyl group – consisting of an oxygen atom and a
hydrogen atom bonded to a carbon atom. In common parlance however the word alcohol
usually refers to a specific chemical with the formula C250H which chemist called ethanol.

Juergens (2019) stated that teens are more likely than adults to abuse alcohol because of the
way human brain develops during adolescence the teenage brain pleasure centers mature
more quickly than the parts of the brain responsible for sound decision making.

Morever Robinson – Smith (2021) added that the adolescent year can be a time of great
upheaval. The physical and hormonal change can create emotional ups and downs as kids
struggle to assert their own identities.

Claywell (2022) said that Unfortunately, some adults believe that teenagers are just young
adults, but science shows that is not the case. When it comes to alcohol, biology works against
underage drinkers.

Underage drinkers can consume less yet get drunk quicker than an adult, and one key section of
their brain is not developed. The prefrontal cortex is the section of the brain a person uses to
form decisions, recognize errors, and control impulses. In part, it is this underdeveloped section
of the brain , that makes teens – teens.
This lack of judgment can lead to excessive risk-taking, poorly thought out decisions –like binge
drinking then posting about it on social media –or deadly decisions like impaired driving. One of
the reasons the legal drinking age is 21 because alcohol consumed at a younger age can impede
of damage brain development. This is especially true with binge drinking and according to 2014
report 90% of teens who consumed alcohol reportedly having at least one episode of blacking

Hardinly (2022) added Nowadays, more teens are hard-wired to push parental boundaries.
Most of them believe that taking alcohol is no big deal to them. So whenever they sneak it with
their friends, they don’t feel any shame.

Some are not allowed to enter the bars organize with their friends of the bar attendants to get
few bottles. What teens forget that alcohol has very harmful effects on their health and society.

Below are some of the harmful effects of alcohol on teenagers.

Alcohol affects the teenage brain

Most teenagers addicted to alcohol often suffer memory lapses, slurred speech and blurred
vision. Others are slowed responses to things in the surrounding.

Accidents and Injuries

Drinking any amount can lead to impaired judgment. With just one drink, driving can be
significantly affected. If teens drive when drunk, they are likely to get involved in accidents ,
violence, suicide and occupational injuries. In case of an accidents, teens that are drunk heavily
are likely to sustain major injuries when they triple and fall.

Sugar Levels

Regulating sugar levels in the body is vital for teenagers, especially when their bodies are highly
active. The pancreas usually does this. It regulates how the body uses ins ulin and its response
to glucose. Due to excessive drinking among teenagers, the liver and pancreas functions are

In this chapter the Conceptual Framework of the study will be discussed

Input Process Output Process

How many teenagers are Effects of Alcohol Drinking Effects of Alcohol Drinking
drinking among the in the Health of the to the Physical and Mental
selected grade 12 students selected Grade-12 students Health of the Selected
of Polillo National High of Polillo National High Grade-12 Students of
School –Senior High School School- Senior High School. Polillo National High School
– Senior High School.


This study will implement or will use the qualitative research method. This chapter presented
the methods and techniques used by the researcher in the study. It includes the Locale of the
study, Researcher design, Population and Sampling\Respondents, Instrumentation.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in Polillo National High School –Senior High, Polillo, ,quezon.

Research Design

The descriptive method was used in the study with the help of online interview in preparing all
information about the Effects of Alcohol Drinking in the Health Among the Selected Students of
Grade -12 of Polillo National High School – Senior High.


The respondents of the study were composed of 7 persons, a girl and a boy from the selected
students of grade-12 in Polillo National High School- Senior High.


We used the online interview as an instrument in data gathering of our study. It is a method of
asking them through online. It is divided into 5 questions.


This chapter presents the research findings of the data collected from the case study samples.
The main source of data is the interview and it’s also the supplemented by Online research. The
findings will be presented in relation to research objective stated in the study. The method use
to analyse the data is already discussed in the methodology chapter


1.Liquor effects the way the brain look and work in immune system
2. You won’t be able to focus on your module
3. It can make student wild because of liquor, they did not know what they are doing even it is
bad and against the law.
4. It can cause memory loss
5.May result indirectly, from a poor general health status or severe liver disease


1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.2 .Age
1.3 .Sex
2. What is the effects of liquor to the health of the brain of the Senior High students of
Polillo National High School?
3. What is the effects of the alcohol among the physical health of the selected students of
Polillo National High School-Senior High?
4. What is the effect of alcohol drinking in terms of physical health and mental health?
5. What solution can be proposed to avoid/limit alcohol drinking?

Theme 1 – Early Approach

Influence of Friends
Exploring new things
Theme 2 – Experiences
Throwing up

Early Approach

They are exposed in drinking in a very young age and the want experience the feeling of


They feel dizziness, puking and their craving to taste of it


Underage drinking statistics. In 2019, about 24.6% of 14-15 years old reportedly having at least
1 drink. In 2019, 7.0 million young people ages 12 to 20 reportedly that they drank alcohol
beyond “just a few sips” in the past month.

Textural Description

The first two cluster answered the first question : What is the effect of liquor to the health of
the brain of Senior High students of Polillo National High School. The first theme cluster
summarize the reason why they drink


After conscientious analysis of the textual (what) description of the experiences by the
participants. It is proven that students who drinks have been influence by someone older than


Chapter 5 contains the research summary, conclusions and recommendation of the whole
study. The findings of the study without so much detailed information is written on the
summary. Generalizations and other interferences would be seen on the conclusions while
recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this study can also be seen on this
chapter. Generally, This chapter aims to cover – up the end result of the study.


1. Teenage drinking among the selected students of grade 12 of Polillo National High-
Senior High is being searched by the researchers, teenager drinks because they want to
ease they’re boredom, to feel the trills or to just try it for the first time. All
consequences when drinking are presented alcohol drinking can affects teenagers brain
to functions well because they are too young for this kind of drinks they can also get
into some accidents because of too much drinking. Therefore parents should be aware
of what their children’s are doing when their children is in their friends so that they can
prevent their children from being influenced.
2. The researchers searched the effects of drinking alcohol and by searching about it they
disclosed the effects of it in physical health particularly in physical balance of a person
when they got drunk . Thus, using alcohol at a young age can impact how teens brain
develops, disrupt their sleeping patterns, make it harder to concentrate at school.


1. The researcher ,therefore conclude that teenagers of peers pressure or sometimes

influence of families.
2. The researcher, therefore conclude that many more teenager are much many these
days than the recent years.

Contains the recommendations of the researchers that is addressed to the concerns.

1. The researchers recommend that we shouldn’t let our friends or any primary reasons
for us to drink alcohol influence us.
2. The researchers recommend that we should encourage our teenager friends and
families to not engage in drinking alcohol when they are underage.
3. Further research shall be made so that many more teenagers will be aware on
consequences they may encounter in teenage alcoholism.
4. The researcher recommend that we should acknowledge them that even they’re
struggling in life drinking alcohol is not a valid reason to escape.

We should like to thank several people who have contributed to the successful
completion of this work :

First foremost, grateful thanks are extended to our teachers who guided us throughout
the study. The criticism, comments and advice from other people of the research are
also highly appreciated.

Title : The Effects of Alcohol Drinking In Physical and Mental Health of the selected
Grade – 12 students of Polillo National High School – Senior High.

Authors : Viktoria Panlillio , Elaine Key Marasigan, Shekinah Octubre

Adviser : Melanie D. Gonzales

This study was conducted to determine the effects of alcohol drinking to the
physical and mental health of the selected grade 12 students of Polillo National High
School – Senior High. It aims to be familiar to the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of sex, age of the respondents.
This was conduct to 7 respondents using a questionnaire composed of 5
The researchers found out that majority of the respondents was female and
The Effects of Alcohol Drinking In Physical and
Mental Health of the selected Grade – 12
students of Polillo National High School –
Senior High.

Viktoria Panlillio, Elaine Key Marasigan
and Shekinah Octubre

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