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Subject : Environment.
Project name : Solar Energy.

Name of the Students –

1.PRAVIN PRAKASH PATIL Roll no.89 Division- A

2.PRAVIN ANANDA PATIL Roll no.76 Division – A

3.ABHISHE CHANDRANT CHAVAN Roll no.12 Division - A


Guidance By : Nikhil kamble sir

1. Introduction

2. Hypothesis

3. Objectives

4. Methodology

5. Questionnaire

6. Observation

7. Discussion and
8. Conclusion

9. References
Solar energy is the energy obtain by capturing heat and
light from sun energy from sun is referred to a solar
energy technology has provide a number of ways to utilize
this abundant resource it is considered a green technology
because it does not emit greenhouse gases solar energy is
abundantly available and has been utilize since long both
as electricity and as a source of heat.
It is a essential source of renewable energy and it is
technology are broadly characterized as either passive
solar or solar depending on how they capture and
distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power.
Active solar techniques include the uses of concentrated
solar power and solar water heating to harness the
Nowadays due to rapid growth of Industrialization and
Modernization the total requirement of world is
increased tremendously. There are so many sources of
energy. We are utilizing conventional energy. These
sources are consumed to rapidly that it is feared they
would be completely exhausted in near future.
Today world is facing energy crisis so due importance
should be given to the study of some alternative energy
sources, which are long lasting.
The subject “Utilization of Non conventional Energy” in
day today’s life is having vital importance due to
increasing energy requirements and hazardous pollution
Pollution is addition of substances or energy into
environment due to activities of human, resulting in
changes that are dangerous to human health, harmful to
resources , ecosystems and to nature.
Using the conventional energy sources such as fossil fuel
gives rise to harmful gases such as carbon monoxide
which are polluting the Environment also these energy
sources are going to end in near future. So there must be
alternative options for these conventional energy sources.
Man have think seriously about these problems or
human being will end in recent time. Everyone should be
aware to these problems and their solutions. Everyone
should try to utilize the non-conventional energy,
minimizing the use of conventional, polluting energy
sources. This will help the human being to survive and
exploitation of nature will also be prevented.
Adopting new techniques can do conservation of nature
and better lifestyle.
Objectives of the Project
1. To increase awareness among the people about
Environmental balance.
2. Survey exploitation of natural resources in
surrounding local area.
3. To motivate the common people to untraditional
energy sources.
4. To create awareness among people about sustainable
5. To study ecosystem in surrounding local area.
6. To study biodiversity in surrounding areas.
7. To find out facts which are exploiting nature and
make area people aware about different
environmental saving options.
Normally survey methods are used for collecting the
information about social, environmental and
psychological problems. In this method the statistical
information is collected by observing the phenomenon
mostly the questioner intermediate schedule are used to
collect useful and confidential information with the help
of statistical data. The researcher or project worker makes
the graphs and charts which are helpful to draw the
conclusions about project.
The questioner is a serial or a list of questions supplied to
respondent in written form unfortunately. The questioner
is not useful for illiterate and children so the another
technique i.e. interview schedule is used in survey
method. An interview is a face to face dialogue between
project worker and respondent.
Que : How one can utilize the solar energy?

Ans : Solar radiation can be used directly as source of

energy or it can be used indirectly. The solar radiation is
incident on semi conducting material to produce
electricity. Solar energy in the form of thermal energy can
be used to dry agricultural products, to cook the meals, to
heat water etc.

Solar Eenrgy Utilization :- I]Direct

Method :
1. Thermal
2. Photovoltaic

II]Indirect Method :
1. Biomass
2. Wind
3. Ocean Temperature

Que.1: What are applications of solar energy in day to

day life ?
1. Solar water heater.
2. Solar cooker.
3. Solar lantern.
4. Solar water pump.
5. Solar dryers.
6. Solar Street lights. Etc.

Que.2 : How utilization of solar energy helps to conserve

the nature?
Ans. Solar energy is non-polluting form of energy and thus
using solar energy instead of polluting conventional
energy sources helps to minimize pollution and thus
conserves nature.
Que.3 : Why number of people are not using the solar
energy applications?
Ans. Number of people are unknown about the
advantages of these applications over conventional one ,
also the initial cost of these devices is high as compared to
others therefore people are not interested.

Que.4 : Which companies are manufacturing solar

energy application devices?
Ans. There are number of companies some of them are
Tata solar heater, Surya solar heaters, Techno Pride etc.
Location :
For collection information regarding application of solar
energy, we visited to
1. Mr. Sunil Patil Near
Maharaja Chowk ,
Wakharbhag, Sangli.

2. Mr. Ashish Mehta Near

Trikoni Bag, Sangli.

On Sunday 25th march, 2022

Mr. Sunil Patil and Mr. Ashish Mehta gave us vital
information. They are using solar water heater, instead of
conventional electric water heater, solar cooker instead of
We visited their homes, got necessary data by observing
the systems and also by taking interviews of - Mr. Sunil
Patil and Mr. Ashish Mehta.
We are very thankful to both of them for giving us the
important information.
Solar Water Heater :
A Solar Water Heater (SWH) is a device that uses solar
energy to Heat water. Solar Water Heater has several
advantages over conventional water heating systems. For
consumers, they save electrical energy, save interior
space (because they are usually located on rooftops,) and
eliminate the risk of accidents in bathrooms due to
electrical water heating equipment, They require little or
no care and attention while providing hot water for about
300 days in a year in most parts of India. For society at
large, they reduce the need for fossil fuels for electrical
generation and for fuels such as firewood, coal, furnace
oil, etc., that are used in domestic, commercial and
industrial boilers. Thereby, they also reduce degradation
of the environment. Following are different schematic
diagrams of solar water heater, which will help to explain
constructional features and working.
Solar home lighting systems :
Home lighting System is powered by solar energy using
solar cells that convert solar energy (sunlight) directly to
electricity. The electricity is stored in batteries and used
for the purpose of lighting whenever required. These
systems are useful in non-electrified rural areas and as
reliable emergency lighting system for important
domestic, commercial and industrial applications. The SPV
systems have found important application in the dairy
industry for lighting milk collection/ chilling centers mostly
located in rural areas. The Solar Home Lighting system is a
fixed installation designed for domestic application. The
system comprises of Solar PV Module (Solar Cells), charge
controller, battery and lighting system (lamps & fans). The
schematic of the HLS is given below. The solar module is
installed in the open on roof/terrace – exposed to sunlight
and the charge controller and battery are kept inside a
protected place in the house. The solar module requires
periodic dusting for effective performance.
Solar Cooker : A solar cooker is like a hot box, in which
we can cook our food without any cooking gas or
kerosene, electricity, coal or wood. We do not need to
spend even a single paisa on fuel. This cooker works with
the solar energy, which is available free. In a solar cooker
we can boil, bake and roast, and in a cooker for domestic
use, we can cook food for four to five persons. Bigger size
solar cookers are also available for cooking food up to 15
Solar Lantern :
Solar Lantern is made of three main components – the
solar PV Panel, the storage battery and the lamp. The
operation is very simple. The solar energy is converted to
electrical energy during the night hours. A single charge
can operate the lamp for 7 to 8 hours.
Discussion and Summary

Sun is the main source of energy on earth. It is the largest

energy source for all life forms. Solar energy is perpetual
and non exhaustive. It is pollution free and readily
available at free of cost. The availability of solar energy
varies from region to region. It largely depends upon time
of the day, season, geographical location and cloudiness
of the atmosphere. Though certain disadvantages, it can
be used as convenient source pollution.
Utilizing solar energy in drying agricultural products, to
cook the meals, to heat the water, to run the pumps is
better than the conventional methods, which are costly
and also causing pollution.
There are many alternative energy resources such as
tidal, wind, geothermal but solar energy is the most
simple Form ready to use, available at almost every place.
Using solar energy direct generation of electricity is
possible. It simplifies use of solar energy as an alternate
Non-renewable i.e. conventional energy sources are the
energy sources, which can’t be renewed by human being.
These sources of energy are limited and will exhaust
eventually, as their stocks are limited and depleting fast.
Use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy is causing adverse
impact on environment by air pollution, global warming
Minimum use of these conventional energy sources is
required at this stage, and they should be replaced by
renewable or non-conventional energy sources such as
solar energy.
From visits to different local sites as well as websites on
internet, we concluded that use of solar energy instead of
conventional energy sources in day today’s activities helps
to conserve nature as well as conventional energy sources
which are near to end in recent future.
Using solar energy for heating water, cooking food,
charging batteries is better, though initial cost of these
devices is more but it requires very less maintenance and
free energy from sun. So adopting these methods involves
only cost of device and no more cost for fuel, maintenance
Some people in society are well known to the problems
and they are using these alternative sources in their daily
life but yet a large group in society is unknown to the
problems and they are hesitating to adopt these new
techniques. So proper awareness among people is
By some schemes Govt. should realize people to do the
Also the cost of equipments is high, but there are
subsidies. As well asthere is research going on there,
which will make these equipments more handy and
Books : Environmental studies by Non-conventional
energy sources by Khurana.

Websites :

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