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Concept of Learning

Learning is something that I try to live by every day. You don't wake up the same
person every day because you learn something new every time you open your eyes, go
outside, look around, meet new people, go to school, or glance at your phone or tablet.
Learning can be by a single word, a number, an explanation of something, or anything
else that is new to you. Every day we change because we learn something new. Learning
is changing.
A successful learning situation, in my opinion, is when a person has fully
understood and accepted new information given to them. It is claimed that knowledge
gained is information obtained without failure because many people will not accept
facts and information presented to them if they already believe in something. That’s
why knowledge given to a person may only be regarded successful if it is accepted and
I think, the things that constitutes learning or mastery is just like what Tom Liam
Lynch said, "I’m convinced that it isn’t a matter of gathering more data, creating new
standards, or even radically restructuring schools themselves. I think it is far simpler
than that (not easier, but simpler). We need to start by examining fundamental
assumptions about what we even mean by “learning” and why."
Students learn best when a teacher is calm and compassionate at all times, in my
opinion. We should never yell at them, pressurize them to the point of humiliation, or
make them feel horrible about themselves and what they are capable of. They'll be able
to learn at their own pace. All we have to do now is be patient around them.

Concept of Teaching
As a teacher, one of my core values is to always act with honesty. Teachers, in
my opinion, should always be truthful, especially when it is required. Second, instilling
hope in my students and assisting them in realizing their potential. In that way, they’ll
be able to master their skills and learn how to be competitive. Then there's the matter
of having mutual regard with your students. I believe that respect isn't given out of the
blue; it has to be earned. Before I can gain their respect, I must first demonstrate to
them that I am a good teacher and I am someone they can trust. Finally, curiosity.
There's no disputing that I'm still learning. If I don't know what I'm talking about, I know
I won't be able to teach. I want my students to understand that studying is a lifetime
endeavor and that they should never lose their curiosity.
I'm confident that I'll be able to accomplish a perfect teaching situation. By
meeting my students' needs, being encouraging and motivating them on a regular basis,
and being enthusiastic about what I do so that they would listen to me. I feel that if you
show them that you are passionate and courteous, they will respect and follow you,
which will lead to them being more attentive and engaged in school.
My principles, I feel, will only be recognized by my students if I provide them
with activities and coursework that are appropriate for their abilities as students. I don't
want to be the type of teacher who assigns a task without determining whether or not it
will be difficult for the students to do. I want them to learn one step at a time, and I'll
provide an activity to assist them in doing so.
Goals for Students
As a result of my teaching, I believe my students will improve their critical
thinking and writing skills. I believe they will be able to think critically, allowing them to
analyze any situation presented to them and form opinions afterwards, in addition to
being good writers. I also believe that writing, in conjunction with critical thinking, will
enable them to experiment with wording and learn to be more detailed.

Teaching Methods
A good teaching method challenges students' preconceptions and motivates
them to learn, and I believe that using a conceptual map and a pre-organizing plan will
raise the effectiveness of learning, highlight the students' learning, and help them build
their abilities. Assigning group projects is another useful technique. Group projects that
are adequately organized can strengthen skills that are relevant to both group and
individual work, such as the potential to plan and manage time, modify comprehension
through interaction and discussion, and establish stronger communication skills.
Students will also be able to share different points of view and develop their own voice
and viewpoints in relation to their peers.

Interaction with Students

I want to be known as the type of teacher who is always responsive. I want to
keep my cool and be as considerate as possible. I want to be able to provide emotional
and mental support to my students in order to help them develop comforting,
supportive relationships, enjoy and be excited about learning, feel at ease in the
classroom, and have appropriate levels of responsibility or independence. In addition, I
want to set specific goals and practice class procedures. It is also critical for students to
see that I follow through when boundaries are crossed.

Assessing Learning
Summative and formative assessments will be used to evaluate my students.
Summative assessment is used at the end of the semester of study. Its main goal is to
create a metric that summarizes student learning. Summative assessment is all-
encompassing in nature and is mainly concerned with student learning. Formative
assessment, on the other hand, includes a review of students improvement over time.
Its primary aim is to determine students' level of performance in order to improve
student learning throughout the learning process.
By using these two assessments, I believe that I will be able to measure my effectiveness
as a teacher to my students.

Professional Growth
I believe that by being consistent and loving my job, I can personally grow as a
teacher. When I enjoy what I do, I strive to be the best at it. To become more
productive, I always find a way to improve on what I did yesterday. I always remember
to self-evaluate and reflect on my strengths, while pushing the negativity out of my
head. I always set goals for myself on a daily basis. I always complete all of the tasks I've
assigned to myself on a given day, and I never let any plans fall through the cracks.
By constantly pushing myself to improve, I've realized that you don't teach your
students the same thing every day. Every day, we meet new people, learn new things,
and talk about various topics, which has helped me become more adaptable and
flexible. I can now adapt to new things that are given to me over time and do my tasks
with no worries. I always read my students' evaluations of me and try to live up to their
expectations as long as it's for the betterment of the class as a whole. When one of my
students tells me that I'm doing something incorrectly, I always try to fix and do it better
the next time. As a result, I’ve learned new skills that have helped shape me into a much
better person. And it is at this point that I realize that if I demonstrate to my students
that I am willing to listen to their suggestions, they will willingly listen to me and to our
everyday discussions as well.

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