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GOA -5\
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Panaji, 3rd January, 2002 (pausa 13, 1923) SERIES I No. 40

GOVERNMENT OF GOA (i) General Science
(ii) History of India
Department of Personnel (iii) History of Goa
(iv) World Geography
(v) Indian Polity & Economy
(vi) Indian National Movement
6/4/2001-PER (vii) Law & Order and Eocal Revenue Laws
(viii) Current events of National and International
In exercise of the powers conferred by rule importance
7 of Goa Civil Service Rules, 1997, the' Governor (ix) Questions on geneial mental ability.
of Goa is pleased to prescribe the Syllabus for
the Competitive Examination for direct
Questions on General Science will cover general
recruitment to the Service,as indicated in the
appreciation and understanding of science including
Annexure to this Notification.
matters of every day observation and experience as may
be expected of a well educated person who has not made
By order and in the name of the Governor
a special study of any scientific discipline. In History,
of Goa.
emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the
subject in its social, economic and political aspects.
D. M. Borkar, Under Secretary (Personnel).
Questions on the Geography of India will relate to
" ,
Panaji, 3rd January, 2002. physical, social and economic geography of the country,
including main features of Indian agricultural resource.
Questions' on Indian polity and economy will test
ANNEXURE knowledge on the country's political system, panchayati
raj, community development and planning in India.
SYLLABUS Questions on the National Movement will relate to the

Paper I - English nature and character of the nin.eteenth century

resurgence, growth of nationalism .and attainment of
Letter writing, Precis writing, Essay writing, etc. Independence. Questions in law and order will cover
provisions of the Indian Penal Code; ·1860, relating to
offences against tranquility, offences against property,
etc., provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,
Paper 2 - General studies
relating to constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices,
General studies will cover the following fields of arrest of persons, process to compel appearances
knowledge:- (Summons and warrants of arrest), maintenance of public

~------------------------.---------.-~---.- - ...- ..._._-"-".- ... .. ----"


order and tranquility, complaints to Magistrate etc., 3. Bijapur Rulers of Goa

basic knowledge of the Indian Evidence Act and 4. Administration under Bahamarii & Bijapur
E:x-planation of comrnon legal terms. Rulers in Goa.

Revenue matters will cover important Chapter III - Portllguese Regime

provisions of the Goa Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964,
Goa, Daman & Diu Mundkar's (Protection from Eviction) 1. Discovery of the sea route to India and
Act, 1975, Goa Land Revenue Code, Mamlatdar's Court further expeditions
Act, the Goa Panchayat Raj Act,Goa, Daman & Diu 2. Rise of the Portuguese! Power in the East
Municipalities Act, etc. 3. Splendour that arose ih Goa in 1600
4. Causes of the decline 'of the Portuguese
History of India Power in the East
5.pecline oithe Portuguese Power in the East
1. Ancient India 6. External enemies and internal troUl:lle in Goa
2. Medieval India 7. Last days of the Portuguese Rule in Goa
3. Modern India 8. Liberation of Goa from the Portguese
Colonial rule and important events from their.
a) British Rule in India
The East India Company - Clive World Geography
b) Governors-General of India
c) The .First War of Independence 1. Physical Geography of India
Causes; Results
d) Viceroys of India 1. Position
e) Post-Independence India 2. Boundaries
f) Post-Independence Politics in India 3. Natural Regions
g) Presidents and Prime Ministers. The Peninsular India; The Himal~yan Ranges,
The Indo-Gangetic Pl~n; The Desert Region
History of Goa 4. Moutain Systems
5. River Systems
Chapter I - HiIldu Period The Himalayan Rivers; The Deccan Rivers;
India's Cities; Rivers and States
1. Pre-historic Period 6. Climate & Seasons
2. Early inhabitants of Goa 7. Rainfall
3. Imperial Mauryas 8. Soils
Soil Erosion
4. Andhras
9. Flora and Fauna.
5. Sythians
6. Bhojas II. Physical Geography of the World
7. Konkan Mauryas
1. Galaxy - The Milky Way
R West CoastSilaharas
2. Stars
9. Silahara· Administration in Goa 3. The Solar System
10. Goa KadambaRule,dts genesis and e.arly Rule 4. TheEarth
11. Golden age of the Kadamba 5. .Latitudes, Longitudes ~nd Time
6. The Atmosphere
12 .. Decline and fall of ' the Kadambas
7. Winds
13~ Rise and fall of the Vijayanagar Rule in Goa 8.· The Hydrosphere.
14. Administration under Vijayanagar. Rulers in
Goa. Indian Polity and Economy
Chapter II - Mashi Period
1. The Constitution of India
I L Early Munshi Invasion of Goa 2. Union Government: Union Executive
2. BahamaniRulersof Goa 3. Union Legislature

4. Union Judiciary: Supreme Court 13. Foreign Trade

5. State Government: State Executive
14. Money Supply, Currency and Banking
6. State Legislature
7. Centre State Relations 15. Industrial Development
a) Legislative Relations - The Three Lists
b) Administrative a) Historical ~ackground
c) Financial b) Industrial Development after Independence
d) Union Territories: Their Administration c) Industrial Policy
e) Zonal Councils-Five Councils, Composition, d) Public Sector
function e) Development of Industries and Five-Year Plans
f) Finance Commission progress through Plans.
g) Election Commission
h) Commission for Backward Classes
i) Secularism in India Indian National Movement
j) President's Rule
k) State Autonomy. 1. The Establishment of East India Company

8. Panchayati Raj 2. The 1857 War ofIndependence.

a) History
b) Structure and Functioning Administrative Changes after 1857
c) Gram Sabha - Organization, Functions
d) Gram Sabha - Organization, Functions. 3. The Rise of National Movement

9. Indian Economy: An Introduction

4. The Indian National Congress
10. Planning
The First Two DecadE;ls; Militant nationalism;
1. A Historical Review Terrorist Wing of the EXtremists; The Lucknow Pact
2. Plans !,
First Five-Year Plan 5. Gandhi appears on th~ National Scene
Second Five-Year Plan
Third Five-Year Plan The Rowlatt Act; Jallianwallah Bagh; The Khilafat
Annual Plans (1966-67 to 1968-69) Movement
Fourth Five-Year Plan
Fifth to Ninth Five-Year Plan. 6. The Non-Cooperation Movement

11. National Income The Swarajya Party; Another Phase of Terro-

rism; Simon Commission; Poorna Swaraj
12. Indian Fiscal System
a) Financial Relations under the Constitution 7. The Second Civil Disobedience Movement
b) Division of Resources
c) Centre-State Conflict'on Finances The Round Thble Conference; The Communal Award
d) Revenues of the Central Government
e) Expenditure of Central Government 8. The Congress Ministries
f) Deficit Financing in India
The Extent of Deficit Financing; The Cripps Mission; Quit India Movement;
Purpose of Deficit Financing. Cabinet Mission Plan; Mountbatten Plan.


PRICE: Rs. 1.50 paise

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