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IS YOUR MONEY SMILING? In my 29 years of research and discovery about money, | realized that everyone has a story to tell — be it happy orsad. To your surprise, your money could either be smiling or crying in your wallet, do you know why? My main objective is to help you find out whether your money is smiling (happy) or crying (sad). This will help you to identify your relationship with money. My constant urge lies in helping you reach towards attracting smiling money in your life so that you can live a healthy and peaceful life. Your Money Mastery Coach, DEEPAK DHABALIA a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER Dh Nu Vavetar ‘www. a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER Nu Vavetar ‘ GIVE IT A THOUGHT! © Why do people work so hard throughout their lives? © The most common answer is— MONEY © Why is it so tough to earn but so easy to lose money? © Why only 5% of the world’s population is easily attracting, saving and multiplying their money? © Why is the remaining 95% of the world’s population always struggling for money? © Whyisthereso much dramaaround money? © Moneyisthe number 1 frustration in the world. dati on MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar By Deepak Dnabalia y Deepak Dhaba ‘ MONEY IS IMPORTANT, YET I DON’T WANT TO SPEND MY ENTIRE LIFE WORKING FOR IT. - ROBERT KIYOSAKI oe WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY, THERE ARE TWO APPROACHES TO IT; LOVE OR FEAR. - KEN HONDA a MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar ‘ KNOW YOUR MONEY QUIZ! KNOW YOUR MONEY Quiz can help you identify and analyse your past injuries, current problems and your present story around money - whether your money is SMILING OR CRYING. It will help you to take a leap forward from reality to your MONEY VISION (you can also take the KNOW YOUR MONEY PERSONALITY QUIZ to analyse your relationship with money and know yourself better). In our thinking, we often try to do too much at the same time with our Money. We look at the facts & figures. We try to take logical decisions. We may try to take risk. We may try some new ideas to grow our wealth. We may even get emotional with our money decisions. Or we may behave intelligent and practical when it comes to money. (8 Ce) MONEY MULTIPLIER” Dhan Nu Vavetar ‘ My greatest hope is to see you identify your relationship with money through this exercise. | have come across many people who have said, “Wow, this is really new. | have never thought of money this way.” | hope you experience the same feeling too and start to welcome Smiling money in your life. | guarantee it will be an exciting one! KNOW YOUR MONEY QUIZ will help you figure out your money type (which money you carry - smiling or crying). So, are your Ready to play the QUIZ? o Sa a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER D Nu Vavetar 1 WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY? A Money is my best friend. | have abundant flow of money. B | donot share a great relationship with money. | always have a shortage of money. 2 DO YOU EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS LIKE SHAME AND GUILT WHEN MONEY COMES IN OR GOES OUT OF YOUR LIFE? A No-| feel happy when money comes in or even goes out of my life. B Yes —| feel shameful and guilty when money comes in or goes out of my life. 3 WHAT EMOTIONS DO YOU EXPERIENCE WHILE PAYING OUT TAXES? A Contributing, pride, happiness and satisfaction. B Frustration, guilt and sadness. 4 DOES MONEY STAY AWAY FROM YOU? A No-1am money magnet. Money is in air for me. B Yes —| am always in a money crisis. Money is either ice or river for me. a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER D Nu Vavetar 5 DOES THE LACK OF MONEY TROUBLE YOU? A No-Ihave a constant flow of money. B Yes —| experience negative energy due to not having enough. 6 DO YOU THINK IT IS AN UNSAFE WORLD WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY? A No-Itis a safe world and | can trust people around me. B Yes — People can do whatever it takes to earn more money. 7 DO YOU THINK, “ONLY LUCKY PEOPLE CAN BECOME RICH”? A No- Everyone has the birth right to become rich. B Yes — Money comes only to lucky people. 8 DO YOU UNDERSTAND MONEY? A Yes — Money is a combination of EQ, IQ and SQ. B No-Understanding money is very complicated. a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER D Nu Vavetar 9 ARE YOU COMFORTABLE AND SATISFIED WITH THE MONEY YOU HAVE? A Yes —I have planned my finances according to goal based investment. B No-|am always short of money because I have not planned my finances according to my goals. 10 DO YOU THINK, “THE LESS YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU HAVE”? A No - Giving out money for a good cause is never harmful. B Yes —1 do not like giving money. 11 DO YOU BELIEVE FINANCIAL GOALS ARE ONLY FOR THE RICH PEOPLE? A No-They are essential for everyone to live a comfortable lifestyle. B Yes — It is just a fancy word for the rich class. 12 DO YOU LIKE GIVING GIFTS? A Yes — | always appreciate people with gifts. B No —| just like receiving gifts. ANALYSIS © If most of your answers are ‘A’, you have smiling money in your life. You share a great relationship with money and your emotions around money are positive. Your positive mindset will help you to achieve abundant flow of smiling money. Your best qualities include helping people with money, being kind and generous around money. Money is a circular energy and it is a universal law that if you give 10% of your annual income for a good cause, you invite more and more smiling and happy money into your life. Your Money EQ (Emotional Quotient) is quite high. You should now focus on the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) andSQ (Spiritual Quotient) part of money in order to multiply your money. If most of your answers are ‘B’, you have crying money in your life. Your relationship with money is not very strong because you experience a lot of negative emotions around money like anger, jealousy, sadness and frustration. Due to this negative mindset, you are stopping the flow of smiling money into your life. You should highly focus on what do you feel while giving and receiving money. Once you start noticing your pattern, you will easily be able to change your negative energy around money and invite smiling and ha money into your life. 10 a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar ‘ a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar ‘ CONCLUSION - YOUR NEW LIFE WITH MONEY! M Work on your emotional aspects of money so that you can invite easy money flow into your life. M Smiling money will bring more and more abundance in your life. M Smiling and happy money will bring good health, relationships, joy and happiness to you and your family. M Crying money will bring shame, guilt, sadness, frustration and anger to you and your family. — Don’t waste your entire life in running for money because Life is Beautiful and should be enjoyed. M To invite easy flow of smiling money in your life, the next step is to know your money personality. M | invite you to ‘DISCOVER YOUR MONEY PERSONALITY’ with me! cr rid 7 MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar tat see Qutcome of Smiling Monen, MONEY MULTIPLIER” Dhan Nu Vavetar ‘ NOTES a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar ‘ 15 a aan, MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar PETE ‘ T hope you liked this book and it was an eye opener for you. If you wish to understand the concept of Smiling and crying money in greater depth, you can attend our 120 minutes power packed session. To know more about this session, please contact 9930731571 Find us on ffi) deepakdhabalia Watch us on & dhabaliadeepak Tm a eae ee ane iE) Like us on [fq dhabaliadeepak Join us on [fj ddsfutureadvisorcommunity afl . MONEY MULTIPLIER Dhan Nu Vavetar re [= 1313-14-15, Ghanshyam Enclave, New Link Road, Kandivali (West), Mumbai 400067. ® +91 9930731571 / 7777018966 ~% aan by wa ngzanesan cam | 48 BAETERDD

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