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ARKADUYT! COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Affilliated By West Bengal Board Of Primary Education Approved By NCTE-National Council For Teacher Education West Bengal731126 Subject-Course-(3) Learning & Teaching Practicum Student Name-Ismat Jahan Roll No.-396-Sem-2054-034 Session- 2020-2022 Scanned with CamScanner P wovid UKe 40 ertpress my spect ‘ranks of gratitode to mY feachey SulaxaP pal ag well as ovt priacdpal manasi wedda who gee me tte gelden oppostuuity fo do tts ywend- -erbal project, on The epic ‘simulated feacitg practical” which helped one. 49 doing a lot © teseaych and 9 came to knol! abouts mo ae : 5 youd also Uke +o jeans, @ friends and quetdians who helped me 40 Finohire duis pret waitin Was jited fime- Second) 4g made Wis pasyect not only Jor dtu mecrks , but ceils focrease e468 one odge. Scanned with CamScanner PREFACE According +o the B.Ed syllabus a} 2013-2 Acadenic session There iSO payt of En: e ment with dreld ov practevm uo course aN 40 thot part theve axe }ovt opaien: From tKese Op Hons cheese HS practcun. i “sryutatedt feacing practical’ (s lessons )- the ‘reasen belund chosing ytus practicum js as @ viovid be deachet j# is mg dudy to make an siodents clear about theiv gtands to ‘theit gents. So TRE pupil easily and the I. gueced ay plus nag vader can accept tan death wea yeactin and lear ting vi ferocess: Scanned with CamScanner aden 8 esa Content page No, : SHenubor tec - 2 4 reach"y a: 2. geitts of simulated 3-29. Heacling ee Scanned with CamScanner ) Slmutaied feacing ] Simulation means’ profence’ o% initet sion. Bonute Ated Jeaclung veers Jo Jeacl'n by fue ficial Feachey porainees in an Initiated ov att aig atta Heo where the siodents ane Schoo clitdven but their ono clage note: TH 18 gumed at developing tt cLillegent spot stank gistte of teacliag. @ Simutored fencing is a group ok acawilya GAP Ob s~ to 4erciness - ® simusojed teacluny Concentretes 09 tee Levelop cineak a} dilfegent gictl of feacting aod bay @ deacher Jo masier them before gen 2 Jeach 4p a eal claasreon attuaten « @o y tke seachers pehaviout can be identifiel Jos tie Practice of ted 1s edfectve @ Te ae 1 Jeachev. Feaclind gills y pupi munoted peacling— © Assgns tag qoles- 29 TS siepe tus Paps yeachers O%8 as%} med ibe ‘ole eh Jeachets, students and ebservet gespecH vely. M pecding we skills to be practeel- alter asss7 si tor poles, Certain social grille axe dlievsset wlich are to be practiced y Steps in Sh Scanned with CamScanner O- Student tea ches. ® Prepare yen of work schedule. A+ tig stage Ae teilg of tke inosk Schedule ane pre pared: ® edewmivaan He dechriques Te procedure | And fechutqhes of obser vadion ane cle cided ire: ew ctildenent jype of data is te be observed Cd nom i ig do be yecotded. @ Pefarizing tea biyst practice jesson — The Schedule ‘igs fo tlomtedt How Hee dagst practice Session. @) pttesna ion of procedure — mow Second practice Sessio) Starts & changing yopc, goles and gocrol sia, Eve pupil teacher is apven Hag Chante fo Play tia sole of a deacher, a sfadent ond a9 ‘obsewe, Scanned with CamScanner Skill ob {ndroducing a jesse, eseat® Co ' } lee, Name.— Pratohat ‘Syotrrong educational i Lostrdate. Hogg TU 5 ich ha subjecti— Engl © of the Jeaches!— Oe Rana Hukho padhyay Numb. sens ev of studentsi— !0 uute,— gumner 476 Ime 6- 8 minutes bates Sa. — Indroducing a lessen pitt te auleation .@ Linking motivational lee Faun. SenPenente:—@ secur Past enpeiences@ nssess' ® opecit ying tie moo points ,@ vse © wath Wt | Contert | components TTeacher's| _ qotion | FaxeHe9 Tar stactents Inill | Summet| on tar poen| Sect Friends | Peet spat! Quen He ee Jotun teak Mary |steoqd tela [Carehuly Lamb | Hon Beduwee: ; lard thet Neads wo lancu-ets aed may be bad ‘Himes. ue to Darryl ® summer | ee ee a ere ee Scanned with CamScanner eo “yore? : _S Condens Compo acts Teacheraction Stud eot’S Prob Pe, 5 Sump yea eel Briends Atte or Secaviag JO be you Uke Hee] yes[0- Toy SPeatane AHenHen — [Seagen summer? a 0! ms Ht Yelaiien beteoeen taiendgto ed and 3 bad Hmes Gm ey o Lr ends a Peer] Linkigg with) To make a Wak with Te side : Poet | tie past enparie| Past ent Pewiences ans vey jreatesi ences Pen Jitu qeacher shoud] na Ee . eee Jase Some questo? ure te cnds 4 "dl Such ag— a lind pat! © Have you visited OY -Hmes ary tally area? fp inte? @ wich seasoo Yeings there > @ summer @ puch geasoo we visit roa willy area? ere eee ere for aasessing [Tha students Aeriewels | 74 poet ime Hwatienal | iva tional level| ancwets 2 a mong spenscial] Level lob in-treduictag a bbe Ulce OD] Can lesson He Jeache®) bekveen = ia deriends 9 Nee pod and IO Have you vised bad Hes | Some places UKE Tilpara, Pavan Scanned with CamScanner > ec a a i * Jeentent | camponenis | Teacher'saction | student Pro babl& } teacher? ae Pre LATE pool ASSESS ® bo you obseeve @ yes PS He pret favo Hvedicnal any quimals fo © Ry taaylspeakeaist} Level Hiede places besie I Lamb ee sire Tey giver? . : rad $ [ ae whet type of | @ I deed sal: ariel clogjou see? ; | ocd and Q whed type . om re | bad Hmeg Ibivds ave, ‘trey i " dents _— [Sunmer}-tn tea peer speoitying [Te apecity Hex [sta er FriendstHu poe |agy moda [mein peints tox PA | speaksats4 inte jeacher shoud | Uke T | by racey po ’ t Hey Steg waite ray quest — Larnb fretersionsti) Leos UKa— Ta birds i; betsee 0 by eae Tey Dee free eatled tty eho froin ta thet a —deyy bivd's + y TS thes bad Himes. t +o e ® Menton seme.| © uit frome of tt | sah s gand wpe brels fpiper, stsatten!, Cannas ede: a Scanned with CamScanner ES ee Ww ¥ content components | teachesacton| s4udend’s Probable 4 Seq HOO Summ, Frtenge patkepem| use of [Te maxe tea Pike stud ents eae tet poet | " ee Maavy [Speaksabed 1b Students move] Mill PK Comat as sasco Heating tee | May be p LIKE Lanwen teacher should |4uss —- befueen, vse a chart eriende to Pod ask geome Gee ao fjuestte dvom bad mes Ocean you see |O yes ° Hey chant? : ® iunod is i+? OO bird » ® mhod-is He |@ Blve aad +e Coleurt of tig [head of fer bred bind ts ved. Scanned with CamScanner | mmPonenta x él “ KR [ald [ale Cc (Pu. & Secucn VWHensod Z Laing with Past-euper ae ~enCe, Assess: Mot vq to Specityicg fey moln ead points vse ob TEM |e I < Scanned with CamScanner ->——__ Slat ob oiploing SSS Colt “Fe nome s— prabhot Totem yee educasioned Research Tagiitude na suljects—trqush The teaches i— Arkana mukho Pedhya Numberro stadentg:— to suit summer bin Ime og ntnutes bade! — Slat, — eiplal ing “1 Ponents t—Ipeleae objectives ofthe sub- uss - » Precision gad clarity of Lenquage i) Senbaulty and velewance. wv , ™D Using ob tie, examples and ijlvstradtons. NPS mulvs yariadtions fer moiatotuing attention : ‘vit J cmnlent | component] -reachers |stedents aceon Pyobable 1e0- nedren Sum; ps [-—— | 'Le poet-spn] ves 0 rn 7 : , Pauraerey fs abetd fe sub- auite € Leeson’ tla |listen to, the Lamb fiowutretable| Cea rane fleache® ve lkelationslu'p “te tha! aduclende [Cxrebully 20 efaeen berterk for poeta het answer ts goed aed helt vadere: be like bad -Hmes level The 9 uestiore] tuts — may be Uke Has- Owtich poem | summer we started to Peiends out Castes? Scanned with CamScanner Content | Component | Teache 1S gduden¥$ action Preto: [Samo] eet TTL Poem] clea object] who is Meccu-] @) mans eats He poet [Nes of ee |IKey eftxe poem’ lam TU Mary Breas qheud]S4b-Usi48. Gy avome of Hae fa sume up | lam) HHtix, 3 aepons Season anentionieg Belg qronslay 00 tee Poem i~ + 99 eaneen fyi » juhot choca the Be se <4) “T€N- ' ral Ag sy Feecl Sutallo clo 40 ues e *| ' Cad bad-time| Summ ex? where Freely. PUR, “Tes eNom oo sagreor aay iS : ta An Hes Per ogecisron flo time ob tencti jsriendte |Ning peet | and Clesieey we Hu teacher ress Speatsa bell Ch Language, must be Qintaxe Her so of het La fe, Camb eae vsed es 4ime of efscen hie] teaclteg Language poss 2am mustbe cleayt |, ; ones el Precise Scanned with CamScanner _|reen frends EEE —— ——_~S— | -——~—_ Content} Components reaches action [Lo ite Poem conti neatdy rite pocat —_ jaad relevas- Speaks abet | OC tur stro elation bet 9 good and bad mes. Yntte poe™ |yoieg of tHe iti, poet spef| examples abou ttusvelat jand Vlysdrar |-onstup bebee-Hons Hytenda 20 |good and bad Hones « Reserrcling| “Ltt continuity and irebe\con ce of Hit lait) aie tthe fella Ling gues thors —~ (Jo Wich sease lin gual ow corm? Jo tte poet? la nome ob teearncte set bid mentiouley ab-tes Poe! (@ what clees OA caving of -ttie word ‘cxost ? Hu, -eachey shows Lteg of some. Poems about fervendis ep Nike- Robert Frost's atime to Tol, piitan Blake's A poison tree yee etc. poem, Tus teacher Are Waals exompittrg gud lo spare! la cvossed ' For HS eats rep Ness ill be greet ew fast. Scanned with CamScanner Guy Content — {cemporends| Teacher's ace | proba blé | | ‘peaci'en Summey 2 Wee peo Sule [Bricnde |i pred ath a 4098 AUN] fla poem Pt [tur Dy te sve of erplar| fect gest | sd eos epcakealeuk Het marred Hea cher ele ute ep thei? tv MAE Jae sarong PHTAUM change, tte we Ce 7 es Comb Jectasionstsp | or Kener presenter Oo tice dodore? eae oct Was The we aa | dyiends £0 back beat lef lite endl a eed cod) la chonge, Tle Teacher |fta Peer | Bad mes » Jail alse mainte’ her bey language aad fie, Scanned with CamScanner SE Se eae mal ‘ped fy hate | Pook vent Ci ver, lean ae} (9) ay Pes (CMO) Cleox, object Ves ob fie Sub. yaie a Precisioa at Clavcity = Le G lavquage |__| Cond nes. 90d Belevarco ea USAF of Hie Samples and \ “lustre ten ¢ Schnuldus NaglaHeos for maiolades um AtenhHor Scanned with CamScanner we gue of question’ College, name s— Prabhat Tyotirrancy ce Educational wreseateh jos didare Class :—wir gubjecti— English —« uit t— Summer eri ends Name of the geachers— Ankana Mukhoped h yay Number of tte Siudeatss— lo “Time, — 6-8 minutes SINR | Componente ti) precisien and claniiy o} Lorquage Y Unk wit tty objectives hus Re focusing and edinecting Yves stale? vepoase > Promptigg Scanned with CamScanner @— uu. = Conjent | component! * ‘ S4udeats Ro Teachey'sq ctor ple yea ctio® Supe [1a spooe] Pree cisio® Nhe Teacher wit! ack [Ihe giuclenté LBriende ju poet Jandalaritay [Some quesstons Akot — |listen 40 Ue Many [Speaks abeut 04 Language, Jshoutet be, objectiv jeachet VE cal tie sbvute God simple - Te i astentivek - . uesting| i Camb” legate be une suic— Ea ot land | an elajronsuip last ctags we discussed |tey Joanswe be-oeen Q Poem - Ro it Pepiend sso |, : ue questin® ‘d acd @ wWlach poem tsthad? Vike tes— bad -imeg ID who is tha quttor (D summe™ shtte poem? Feriendle li orive tie 40 binefe (D omy OM names mentiow swollev! 48 Tle Poem ? Jand spared © which season's ) summery name is menboned 46 Tb62 Poem? iS i \ — [Latte $ Poon bycic pitty | To tink vith Ite object ttas shuclents Friend shou poets inne objecivespuy teacher may ack dent janswers ma ee Teac atts [belie Ras ee ee anvulae- lquestrong Cike — im able telat gn wach Hine clees Hay29 Heingsof lenstip be}sen) la now ing ant > eparyen accompany Ite \ Ryendst9 Poet? AC Hros 404 ct and . (T) what Is toe meawny fi) Dall ot pole, ot tus word dvecty) (a wha ts tls actual [i crossed Poren of tir chicdectio word “Co 9t°2 bad mes. Scanned with CamScanner cme Quay ~~ Content | | Mh . 7 Biengt 25 thie poem Wy mae fee Peet L 4 Y P Peake a eed amb |e dovuln ~EFable. Yeh 2 Honstad bofeen) Friends to \Jecd and bad 4rmes. Summey 7 Tous pin) PEAS Jus Peet spa ey rary | 8 about Ite! kbvuinesrabe| Camb “Srelatienstip bo-k0e0n Frie,| bads.2a goed] Ind bad ines. Refocu sing and sreclie~ -c tg bsigg sacents| lesponse Com ponents Teacheyact 60 Jers — TO tictfea se, a Heal © Of thie gductends Mae teacher wi as Ne same, quesons Vain — fr wefoond wo bird NAMES hey. ene iS Swietlou cunrcl Abe other one is~ © teu metus poets name of tis poem! Ii)" the time, of siao wintand frostag who Alcompa ies Het poet? La tus part telea- pehe® nil ack seme Quesons accor ci Jo tte student's ang-| PD 80 efou say “lat crea’ ‘means pale. Can you sell me why Hoes tus Pectovett Hts nerterses of wine hteaety. ? (you +044 me yust Ieee trod exrossed isthe acteol word So, Whatis mean ag of tt nese? be 5 Juden +2 r able eae qo) | I sparen! @ sae tomb Gwe spate Tie students will seply_ may be xe Hitt Ss — O Because *® winder lttee natere AAO" Lprweaded by tee wlate sad and i+ secons se white Hot +4 leoks Celote| a tess. H oeans Sept ~ ted Scanned with CamScanner a Gontent | eam ponend Iso | Fence Mn there r pe teadla Peers stig [PPMP A Y Paary PEt Spel Come a abceet-t ie HoVulne ee stelotio SIP bed Hriends to eed and bad 4imes. Teacher's acon 9 tig porfion Me Heachey yal help tie Sludens togive ansiate} Of tie wrod ‘aey? lok Led me, Lint you oxy meane happiness, @ so whot ig tte Oppesi rte od tie werd happy? @ Extactty.so pur opparl ob ttc mord ay is ID hed is thee opposite 94 dent Heomenbe™ mora @ gad oF sotto gad et Sarto « Scanned with CamScanner pe Evaluation sheet Com, 21, Pe AM A-|Ercetlent| Ver ct Below | poart |™ leh [AS ty axe @) |PEr ee Precision a0, . arise) fm Gagne — Ate Obje me Five g 4% Rel, cus : oy ved vai wee v Seg Sductenty bea ‘Ponse, Eom per Scanned with CamScanner pT Ge Skil of. using Blackboard Coty Fe Namer— pyobhat Tyotemaec educational peseateh Cy Los dijure. 88 vit Name obthe yeachert— Ankana tMuhopadkyay Number ob the sedenis t— 10 Subjects— English The, — 6-8 whaules auati— summer tends SL, — ge of- black boar ComPonendst—O Clact of the ebjeciives ® legibility of matting Maintaring line, space aad me ® veing pyper clevices © vse ob siydents: tesperse » = OO - Scanned with CamScanner [—— Content Ol re Rie Yo {ting pdm fy sue Poet speq- Y Many fics about Lamy V fhe Dreng Ibs Cling C> biveet [The teacher's watt fife sadents pill legible she pill be aHgaCe™ shoud qnare: of |jed by we Jute ng tay comntect legible ber worl” and spellers of ie 4eacke land Met ans- lake. shautel haul? Peaea ee to vse Hie black | Uke tus — Iboacrd with quote. rat students — q [Swellow Dgiee te +00 Air bivcl's name menli- Cans joni do 10a Peen} @s avr (1 Corive the oppecte] ov gloom abetig. werd faut , Ta Ta Chie (7) 29 ytach places] ney of ths Foes tax Swalien-klo) Poet's hsvse + ghetter? Scanned with CamScanner Oo OF We porens- Components “Teachersaction ‘jsiod able | : ea reo). Sune, Hottas [ise of siadents|ie teacher must bite Trey a Blends |Peom Ha response - Ie Qagner Iabich Be lonrer o Nery [Poet speaks has given 161% corel anu Camp ee 4 parr} — e can ov ‘a ble cla What is tre, oppeste]-— ee of the inesrct ‘goy? [Dp sacre efaeen, ‘\ Ihod iS The meaviag (i) pale femur ee nerd ‘dt ead 7 Ped hres Morve, a bied’s panel Oils a egtiovlng 1d Whe Poem, Scanned with CamScanner Evalua i09 Sheed cc. : io Ponenje vey + oot mat Fa eet (el ge Clags : «EMG of tte Obie dee Va beobili ob nada va A ete etaigg Une. space ead eee ia USing Hep pyo.. TP et cleuices i Ue of stuctal Yesponse —L | | Scanned with CamScanner oe ; ee Skill of pst LM f are College, name, — Rabhat Tyoriemoyce. education Te se To gfequtes Stass:— vi subject: —Eqpbsh Name, of thy seacher,— Ankana Moklopadyoy Number of sjuctents;— 10 quit — sunmer pieds Timer — ¢- Mer — CBwidas geet y—secill of vsing Tu Cte Ponent.ss—t) fet-exance © neouirygfal Gi Je -Lactor ® Perfect crvant 4g @ proper ‘flog Heh? Msallicions vse GD guestion abjer pyesentan HO Quat Condent ed Teachers | aydents action proba ble. Seach? Hie, stocenté Summer lito tue poor PBleVANCe [Me chavedor mecke| [Evers Jtur poet will be: waders-ar} will eager’ a ay Speak abl dable qo ait the [see the cl t Lamb» fits arhiog Jetuctents. Teacher [and rte atte Herienclap juill ehow a teed] Heo oF THE? Helter Lhart aad models /can in-eve aa of dodorye lesson + ao bad Hoes. Scanned with CamScanner ARKADUYTI| COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Affilliated By West Bengal Board Of Primary Education Approved By NCTE-National Council For Teacher Education West Bengal731126 Subject-Course- Drama and Arts in Education (EPC-2) Practicum Student Name-Ismat Jahan Roll No.-396-Sem-2054-034 Session- 2020-2022 Scanned with CamScanner ACKNONILE Bey ¢ Ment a 8 84 b. bden4 of Sessren Rae ons yp Course oe i NE Completed ag NH NETE vequler ” Coten ¢ “| PracHoum on Dye pare a "STU ments Net ON \rariods pays; cok Ne dg NP dvdeas of « d | > Educators Brame AN | Course, Fer ttas hiest ok au q \would Toy oan our Chandra aad Medda teachet rg pyonab out principal mom anasli Bates Ged cing and helping me te 4S practeum . ¢ yawould Uke Thank MY classmate + Fytenda and Fanlly Pox ‘ i helping me £h completing ters Prrject| dsmat Talay BEd semestey- 2 Scanned with CamScanner -— oe PREFACE “Baama and Arts 19 Education is oqo Ot tee most Im pore Covsse of Nete's Curviculum , There $8 @ part ai thee Syllabus cotted “ Practicum’ prLech mens] elon wilh tte Theory | yeachere | | | frodidng gtodents should also learn tte practicad yse of them. There shoud, be five a tm potkence to The practiced) Use of aequis ect knomledge ah He pretd ot education , For ttis qeagen tea tenpe- ~TIancea of « PracH cerm” TS Immerse. | Scanned with CamScanner CONTENT CONT SS ee etn Topic pate 4 | Whe Reason For Select Topic | 4 Lie 2. ga troduction 3 3 chordophere, S-6 4 Aexophone $9 s. Membyano phone, Q=10 6 TL diophene u 1 {| 2 jeep Scanned with CamScanner oe a) THE REASON FoR SELECTING rH ee—e—eeeeo Topic The main purpese of o P¥acticum Is to enable teachers Hreadnny stodenls 40 Pretect) Welt Taming cyeativity » Innovation, owlgueness nto th. Pet thot yeadsr othey 4opice, 2 choose to Woetk on THe topic Catled < pye pave a clandet chart of Wwasrious qusicod qasttuments 45 gtadra”” amore man Scanned with CamScanner a TntRo Doe Tien rument yo make musicel Sounde. . pot oduces EO uaa ony object ' vauatead aS+ un. sound can be considered @ ‘ cae rent. tes TReough ppucrpes® Mod THe object becomes musical Ingtou ment . Thy Laster pL musical ingttuments clotes jo tea beginninys of human CALELCe: The dade and osigin ot +t fined device conaidered a musicel instruments rg dig puted. Te oldest object ttrect seme, acholars qefer to ag musicod ynstvument, a simple Mute, dated back 61. 000 Yeats lapre x). The music of andia ystradly divide arto 10 ena yo classical music — O Hindustawi musi s— cH is laegely Known for instruments Uke S44 ghehnet tabla ete. 18 a9 InS4 A musicot gast ' Femme Created of adapted @karnatax Muse TS known for Hs NigtOHe practices: Tastram ends commonly wsed uo Katrratak classi col MUNG jaclude “tee weena ,riollo ete. Scanned with CamScanner ae ee oe = VARTOVS “TYPES oF Myst cAl INSTRUMENTS 4. Chordophones. pes. &-q.—> neena, 2. Aevophones- &q. => shehnoi. > Membranophoneg. ca —> Tabla. 4 Tdiophoneg, E-g. > tandiva. Scanned with CamScanner CHORNopHone SA | A chovolophone ig a musical instrument TRot makes sound may ob a WibTS ENG stg en strings stveched bedoeen uso points. THis one of Wee four main diisiong o}- musicet instrument olagsilica ton. 8 Scanned with CamScanner OE A 3-300~-Y ears - old stone cari ot a whittle band playing 0 aitinged instsument 18 TK oldest tCono grap We yepresenjadion of a chorale phone and clay Ploques yom Baby lots o The ‘veena! comprises a Family ob chotdophone lagdruments of tte gadian Subcontinent. Te gangkait wond “weena’ Un andtent and medieval tadian Htetataye jg a qenevic term fos pluctred sieing Musical instruments. Scanned with CamScanner ee An aerephone isa my Sco lngkeument tKot produces sovad Pat eneevily by covsing a bedy of cut to Nib pate- witkout the use of atsings ot membyanes, aad without tig wibra Heo of The INS Hrumend} idset} addi donatdeta fo tin Govad. Here phones cote gach comprises © thy Lwefest and most complek group of bnstrunent! ub thy Amesicags' Scanned with CamScanner —O| Neco Ag yo padat powell, He Yue iSa eimple tn arrument found 49 aumetoug ancient culture: There oat three leg endaxy and archeologicotly ve ti b'obte bint place sites of utes! equry: jiteece, and gacta. The ‘ehehnod 1S a muSiced TAS #ament, eMGinad 449M +e gadian Sub- Continent. Hg sound is thought de creode and maintain a Sense ol AUSPiCio- ~ UsNess and sanctity and, ag a yesult, is wey vsect - € a a Scanned with CamScanner ip CO yi eC Ng 4 vt Mvsical spstwmenk tageifica tion, ie Phone Perevsion ingrroment originatinf | om tte gndian svb- continent » Consist MENIORAMOPHONE A snembsanophone 18 CY music orl “ TUmen; wich Prodyced 300d prion” ! of Intqy of a VibYaH airetched ine mbH '3 dme of ee Jour mol) divisions ° The © Tabla’ i$ & membsand a pair of Ayum, vsed tn yadrHoned. TABLA Scanned with CamScanner PS classical, Populac and folk | MUSIC, Tt has been a@ partion loxly impor tant — sngtrument 45 Hindustan etagsice! music Since the gtk Century. The aame tabla® Ckely comes trom “yablay ete | Persion and axobic mond fos drum: | Scanned with CamScanner C—O RO @ g DJ OPHONES ee ae MANDIRA Se An jdiophenes is any mu Sicol Leeman that create, sound prrimasily qd The instyoment ag a whole vi bra Hing Without tire vse of stvinge oF membranes » Tt ig the Jayst of tee Powe moun alivisions oF musical jngroment classitica Hon. prond “ gcliophenes “18 }rom of tdeo - and The a combina Heo ANCient (ntyeck» pewgonal, oF distinct . nea wing Own. "Phone meaning * yoice Scanned with CamScanner ARKADUYTI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION B.ED oe Vill/P.O-KARIDHYA DIST-BIRBHUM WEST BENGAL-731126 Affilliated By West Bengal Board Of Primary Education Approved By NCTE-National Council For Teacher Education West Bengal731126 Subject-Course-(IX) Assessment For Learning Practicum Student Name-Ismat Jahan Roll No.-396-Sem-2054-034 Session- 2020-2022 Scanned with CamScanner SS CE ACKNOWLED EM ENT > Tam student of Session (ser0-1012 | 29 Ber ase Accord: fo ncTe neta H00 -F Ne. Completed 4 prackeum of “assesgenent (eos uing « on" prepagaion of Blue print And A Ouesqon pa Peg.” Pox For ters fiyst. 7 would Gke +o Team guy teachey tn. Ayito tosh thesh Sty and oso ouy Tevinipet: madam Manas eddo pep idling and helping me. @ would Uke weer a P Chase snode fries oe Paalld por heeping Ye Bate qsmob Jalan g.Ed- Semester (> —Li Scanned with CamScanner NT CONTENT — | page Le Topics iN! a po | Peetace | + | eee a | datreducaten PJ 3 Bloom's Taro remy Pa Blue Prat sé | 4_| | 4 Test and ploe PHA Acce-To objectives +4 g | ¢ | Testand Blue print Acct Topic 410 1 | Test and Blue Print Act: To Sob- uit Hebe 8 Test and Blue paint Acc. TO ined process |13-!4 a. Smaple Ansmete sheet Isle Scanned with CamScanner PREFACE eee * qgsessment For LeatuiAy “ig one Ce Mog impottant course of NCTES eemnicute Thee 33 O part 4) Tu Syiabus casted Se * Pag cic % wlach means atong ywith TH Theexy feathers tal wing éhiclents snout Ugo learn tty peacHeal vse of them ‘Were should be Men an tm pos Fale te tke Pyactcle vse of acquived xnoaled ~Je xm tte fretc of education. por tks Beason Jonporyance of “practice mi 18 teen ease Scanned with CamScanner Netata days edlycertion aygiem 8 chan ie} ae. a old ways where over atl develop ren? “ . | 9 Ho a Student is Thee main focus The syste Chern Hon of a subject's medit movth and J b Siw ticance, yarng ari dowd Fovetn e© ¥ @ Set of gteandande ig cated Evaluate” PC Ty{Pes of tes ts— —_ “> Knowledge pase bs Peycholepy pase © Acldeceonen St a eandelligence Test: - PrognosHe rest * petaonalt test: * Diognetic test *Daterest pnversrer" ° soyvey test ‘Aptitude est: . Absli iy Test. Scanned with CamScanner pe — a Bloom's Taxonolty é gee ake . Bloom's Taxonomy isa set a dua \ ify € Honey etcont models vsed to classily § ol leaquing Obrectives into eve” SMD en: | Wy and SPeeietty, “Tt ig & developed on gmain cle moins! COM Ne, | ro? by Acie ¢ Psycho mo “ae Alec tive psyche mo? ony Bomatn home) ‘ isa? Evaluation Chester cheyiat enegauts® t po Synthesis OBFa ules compler OE , q pes pone Analysis Nadu f d Yodon Skil ico a oD : Geiendiy (auidedl i , es Pensy Com prehension Receisy set a i en kmonledg e ° Expos TI TLOM Scanned with CamScanner 0? i ae Aclderemen) rest on ene yet Mag are Aestenod Jo celewnine e per 9 “Aruint Outeome to Oo specific le a : of er cuycag offer Feral ving An Oe pat Hime. ® Chaya Clevishgs +. eanava Crevisthes 5 — © Retiabile - a The degyee, of accuracy witty wich > EXAM, FESt measures, What jt geeks MLasvIe O Piven yagiahle: ©a food ingtiument will produce co Scores - asiste @ Funediong ,— @ pwvides basig toy promotien to nent grade Pind Out where each Student gteinds + NOSTOUS crecademe ayeag. © expose pupil's difficulties mlsch Hee teachey ean. help then yo golve- Scanned with CamScanner BLUE - PRINT A bloe print is o quide dor jer thot Sometulng THIS O dexgn on con be jotlowed The Whew meaning ola ble print 18 & PaPey 4h yaich the plen is printed on it der denol excu- -Hon. Gt provicle gtadents an nt eTACHVe APPyach w educate planning. 2 steps to prepaye ive pyiat ay conten} Analyeig. BS Dedewning Hon of learuing objec Hye? ©) petesnine 109 ot number op Stems Dor each fopic based on tng. learwing A) De teva ning toe tqPes of ques Hens. Scanned with CamScanner RO @ tapoR TANCE s— © (tive feedback en gtudent's progr? and teacher dlelwevng oe * Prom Students point, mont fet! Rey odtein tt, objec Hes. *Prowides a guide 4o beth to students J and teacher. e defetmines Hyg relia bility and vali bi] ot the Pexctiuing Hon. ° PREPARATION of BLOL PRINT :— Step ti — speciticatten of objec tives of. test. Slep2 i — selection of popie ohtta jest. Stepsi— Resign. stept\— Bloe print of test. \ Scanned with CamScanner Sere SS EN ee ee (ot SHom iN THE TEST ALoTTED Te THe oastcr: “LVE t— 8 — -<—s : PIERT Classi — i Fulidacks!-20 oni eng tish Thine: fowint: Lesson = Tales of ghol& Oiyend pa @ Answiet in Putt rsentence'~ 6X1 =6 a: who tWwed es the bik ol 4yeo? 2 there had the geandsen tovnc. % Cosy shelter? Stow ol intag Gretand. pats wife ? 4. From where hola biaandpa was reterning. S. whot mere o gong of pinode bowying 2 6. uthot lees Bholo btyand pa Climbed 2 @ Answiere tte followiny - por cid ccrusse go vet Ha ferce ? ® why did he Keep a Journal p © whet astouished Robinson @ row lonf Robingon has 40 Spent oats rslarey ® Answer tHe following s—sxa =¢ What pappened on Se plember so, 14 sq Fawhat may did CHusre moke a Lamp > ® trew did he sed 4o keep daack of doys? Make Sentence of tke fottowting:— sxi ax © clap ® tent ® cuy tein ® slep wa ecked. Tour nat, Answer tee bollowiag t-argeg (B whet mere tuatieme crugee collected ftom the wrecked glipe Scanned with CamScanner BLUE PRINT 2 aah Sy 5 “fe ] a Buesiion dyn |Number of a ar ‘Dues a | percentage a Wery short @ crac] ¢ Boy, : _ a short [@ 12.3 objective 9 W9.2,4¢° Essay ® 1 EJ- vey shovt - short objective bea Scanned with CamScanner ACCOR DING To SuB- UNIT! 2 Te 808: ont: 7 PTERS Fula: 20 | class! — Va Time 4 — go minds | SO Enatich lesson:K.¢ yaind caP Sub- wuld: iy Mere nag ee ees ansuiered for I ? ince you... 1 69 ret + see the land. » Let on ® Ansirer te foetal PFO nn. on Its land. | fol lola ing, « | © whod one 17 Slag Wd Want yo Bhp | T Pub tty ° ans turtle > C) °F) alutayg obey Las mother > (S) thot did Hy DO wikat it Wet Rau man ian to ener ferim]9? RD whol po ot with, Pete eae thet mag associated | (S) why dick Jon become popylas wih rey eailend Hob] did son's first sea No yage. begin © wete -cyualt) and False @)'~ gx ce Ton Mecere dveamt aboub thy re oy | [DT squall AS cated UP pocayse gon wae sleeping. a (3) Tx Cayrteto PAS CNP EY cit, ea L| | () Ton did not Yedarn wind cap to He rs l Fey mad ry . | © Ty gailen mete not syocess fu to W cap off ws head: ia | Scanned with CamScanner BLUE-PRINT eT ee Visit | nto-ef Ques] racks = 4. | Were mas... ; lor Lim, ® susig- 3° asy. I uutea - Since. 2, ous 1B),4,, 9 See tte Land, A) Bld sop ee Wut = e 3 oh, lefme... ©, tha Land . (04-224) — ag Guiy=s s = sf To Leah 7 Le lod Pie- chart :— Scanned with CamScanner IEE ® @ chris Hina Ge OAGINA Ross elt tre Poem, Dohgishaa Kossedt WOLE “Goblio pareicel ‘ 5 . aren” @ Te pooek mas famous for nevi ne elt poem: ® Antonyer ok “orcertops’ aig aboaclon- ® We abowe written seatema is False * ® sky © Beat-@ Rein, © Bow @ pear?’ OO 19 the Poem ‘The Rainbolet' poet prvole to | SLIP satle oM ttre Poet eloode sea: ID Accovdling 4o tir poet clovds thut sails ©? SKY axe mote PYeHOA thay foat and s/P- I The Poet atk cibout tere qrunbod trot bridgee +o heaven. @ According yo poet thu youn bow bridge 8o butlde a qoad fyom earth to SKY: @ “prether! means more bequdi ful Sail’ pn eang Hovting. | ®M wridge tg a coutPwue Hoo thud Conneck pso Land. The poet Composed a baidge WTR a qodnboll +» As bridge eee dilberent Land 4togetlet same Wray You ped geems te connect [a heaven and earth yogether- Scanned with CamScanner EEE Sot Oo eS ® Ta 4 7 WR Poem, Hue Poet Said Hee clad Souls of tte ony The manner of sailing of cle ase. ile vent thot of beat aad etrp as boat sail on giver and alup sail © Sea but cloods salle on sky. Scanned with CamScanner ARKADUYTI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Affilliated By West Bengal Board Of Primary Education Approved By NCTE-National Council For Teacher Education West Bengal731126 Subject-Course-(VIIl) Knowledge and Curriculum Practicum Student Name-Ismat Jahan Roll No.-396-Sem-2054-034 Session- 2020-2022 Scanned with CamScanner es ae wea 2 dt iol + FMOUta Like +o entpress ma oper as ot fror tude ye my jeachey Rana piso . viet Fas PTNcipat wWanasi Wedda me* of we hetped gre 4 aay a lot of yegeayeh @ cane to Kno about go many teins. Hore . Acknoiwle DOENENT a KS w Project on the FPO “Desiauing al 7 ye based 0 watieclum" [coturse “a- A (20-0) Us ant no Fnolly » am. thank}ul to aa fonily and heiends Who hetped me a bt an TOS completion of this project jtiten Uniged det h “¢ 4 T wmiant fo eatpress on, profound gre eeocet um iy fe ous gubject yeacher Ro 83 ~ ter £¢ Guidence, condiat suppert - © . Mourtedag and encouragement exnd Prov! valuable + ofeysna tiene’ Thpoughout tte corr ef tts project: nee cling mi Scanned with CamScanner PREFACE . ae According Jo tte B.Ed syitabus of 2020 °° ACeidenie gession there is a course “Vill” Knowledge and cust culum ‘pit tee end @ iz pies Course tkere og a part of engagement nw 7 hetd/Ppractaum. ta tag part aKete are were Opttons. Prem tKege optene 1 hove choose? TEL Pra cite *pesipiing an actvi based Curarictdum The yeason helind choosiM{ TS pracHcoum ig as a would be geachet Mis oy hivst dl 0 sae ony sent underetendable +o tty gtudents. I Scanned with CamScanner a ee — ee CONTENT Sl-no 3 ubje ch page What '3 CoOrricylom 4 Chassifreation of covsicolum 2-3 whet is activity bagel cvvticvlom | 4 aclvantages of activity based comniec’} ¢ Acihy based cyyyicolum work place | 6-9 Teachers opined Scanned with CamScanner OS EES ee + hak 33 Cow Colom ? [PP CUCU §3 0 Course of s4ud lord don? foe tty . Students @ad "oy: Stend ards, ob aoeby y rNCeg. the sehels on vidivetst der sense, fot Schools of Certo! B cureiculum is tte combina Ho? CHonal Practees, and Students’ Perbor A MMaNnle assess thot aye, dlesirnect Jo bra out and evetuote WA target jeans Out comes Oba pasties Conse Beeoy dling 40 Sohn DEY ugg cul us 'S Fd entices . WH au ebjecte, ideag and Principles puurch enter as yesoutces © obstacles 4540 tte Continous ers peal Puysurt ob a epuase pee pcesrcng to Froebel . “curgicutum should be conceived a8 an epitome of tie founded whole of thie knowledge and experience of pte human gace. Scanned with CamScanner

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