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Dreams become Reality

Friends, I have been allotted

have covered forty minutes for my talk. I
most of the
thereforeI shall conclude by subject matter I wanted to cover,
your patient hearing.
saying thank you. Thank you for



The Colour Society -
noia-Taka ofb Bombay 18.2.2000
5-35 U - masto

President Shri Bhakre, Distinguished Guests, Ladies &

It gives me great
pleasure to be with you this aftemoon. I
attending Colour Society's meeting after a very long time.
It isgood to meet some of my old friends here.
I am going to speak on the
subject "Pigment Industry Past -

Present and Future".

Organic Pigments play a major role in the field of pigments
therefore, at first, I
am going to
speak about organic pigments,
but before that I have to
speak about dyes because organic
pigments were invented while inventing dyes. So I will
talk about dyes briefly and then talk more about organic
Dreams beco me Reality
AUnna Maharaj. 'They are in servic
is expanding fast. vice area
Select a fielThis Dreams become Reality 215
propeer locati
n'l set up the 1f you requir
plant in who knows about Company Law, another who is ex-
arcas where there
is not Ahmedma alot of water,
ar or Aurangaba pert in financial management and one industrialist who
Remote control
enough wate
ater. can advise you about dealing with labour and industrial
have to management
work there all does
the time.
Lasttbut not d) You must know your weakness. In order to overcome
advise you
pher and guide. and wh important,
ho will have a
your weakness, hire officers who are
experienced in
dealing with the areas in which you are weak. For
your godfather who
friend, v example, if you are weak in financial
7. Ready take a good financial consultant, or if management,
to start an philoso- you are weak in
Having done all this wor
organization labour management, take a
you have a
good labour consultant if
large number of manpower to begin with.
nization. work. you are But you still have to be a
jack of all and master of many.
now add
ready to start an unnecessary
nization top-heavy. Youexpenses by making the orga-
a) ory can take
part-time people or
Itis have a
always advisable to start problem.
consultant, whom you can consult in casc of
However, as the company any
expand it gradually. a
The risksmall-scale up of a
good team of competent expands, building
is much operaion tial. people becomes essen
b) less.
Youhave to decide
ship fim or Private whether
you want to have e) You have to
Limited or apartner- expand
continuously. If you do
pany, depending on the Public pand, you will contract. not ex
able that size of the Limited Com-
you have a Private project. Itis atvis- You will have to
ot a
partnership fim. Limited
Comnpany instead that as he
changes it is the nature of man
he does not like
even if the any change.
change is better for the
c) It is good to have Change is the price of organization
a well-balanced progress.
Thenumber one Board of Directors These are
is that you should
some of the
aspects of
him you should not take an
unknown person in you must consider. If you are
not an entrepreneurship which
Board. It is advisable to have in the Board. one per
your recommend that you make your son an
entrepreneur, 1 strongly
neurs make the country rich. entrepreneur. Enuep
Dreams become Realiry
s u c c e e d e d very
well. He tel
He has
Dreams become Reality
of financing. should leamto
212 job money, you
a r e adding
(nind) "Uncle, you
give your a (body). a me, continue your mulupliea
in short, are you prepared
multiply." I told
him, "You
a d d i t i o n . " He
has built a
and (wealth)? with my
you have
and there is noth- tion, I a m happy he
imagine. and
When you invest all the money could never
breed in you hundreds
of fantastic house, which I
the situation wiil businessfor which
ing to fail back on, question of because he is in a
n e v e r know.
When it is a
doing very well
virtues which you will and skil.
best. he has the aptitude, liking
survival, then you do your
are enter-
6. Factors to be
considered for starting an enterprise
b) Consider the potential of the field which you
ing. pigments which w e manufacture.
In the field of
how do
to make ali the sacrifices, the total market in the country is about Rs. 600
Assuming you have agreed answer is in the
the organization? If the w e a r e making pigments of about 150
c r o r e for
you go about setting up search
affirmative to all the above you have to
questions, then local market. Therefore getting additional market share
fora project. When you
search for a project, you have to c o n becomes very difficult. But if you are in a very large
sider the following points: developing field such as Information Technology. even
0.5% of the market share will give you a turnover of
If you are a chemist,
a) What are your aptitude and skill? many crores. Therefore select a field which has got
electronics. If you are a
do not undertake a project of
of good potential market, provided you have the technoi-
mechanical engineer, do not
undertake aproject
ogy for it. I learnt technology of pigments so I started
manufacture of chemicals. It is
advisable to stick to
manufacture of pigments.
your knitting.
mid 70s I sug
After my daughter got married in the
to start a chemical
c) When you have selected the project, go to the market,
gested to my son-in-law Shrikant find out the potential and study the customers' needs.
him to start manufacture of sodium
company. I told It is also advisable to go to your prospective
knowhow. But it competi-
silicate. I gave him all the technical
tors and find out what
they have to say. Of course, take
was not in the culture of his family
to go to the factory
it what they say with a pinch of salt, because
and stay there right till late evening. He employeda they may
small and they started discourage you from starting a company and compet-
manager. The company was
ing with them. It is good to talk to them in any case.
losing money. They lost about Rs. 2 lacs. I suggested
that he should close the company. It was my mi_take to
neither d) Don't restrict yourself to manufacturing activities
suggest a business for which my son-in-law had Some of the service areas could be very
aptitude nor liking.
I told you the stories of McDonalds
to interesting
Now he is stock broker and he is doing an excellent
develop. and
Dreams become Reality
Munna Maharaj. They are in service Dreams become Reality
is expanding fast. areas. This ficld 215
who knows about Company Law, another who is ex
pert in financial management and one industrialist who
c) Select a proper location. If you require a lot advise you
don't set up the of water, about dealing with labour and industrinl
plant in Ahmednagar or matters.
areas where there is not Aurangabad
enough water.
d) You must know your weakness. In order to overcome
Remote control your weakness, hire officers who are experienced in
management does not work. You will dealing with the arcas in which you are weak. For
have work there all the time.
example, if you are weak in financial management,
take a good financial consultant; or if you are weak in
gLast but not the least important, have a godfather who labour management, take a good labour consultant if
can advise
you and who will be your fniend, philoso you have a large number of manpower to begin with,
pher and guide. But you still have to be ajack of all and master of many.
Don't add unnecessary Cxpenses by making the orga-
7. Ready to start an nization top-heavy. You can take part-time people or
organization have a consultant, whom you can consult in casc of any
Having done all this work, you are now ready to start an orga- problem. However, as the company expands, building
up of a good team of competent people becomesessen
a) It is advisable to start a small-scale operation
always You have to expand continuously. If you do not ex
and expand it gradually. The risk is much less.
pand, you will contract.
b) You have to decide whether
you want to have a paruels You will have to accept changes -it is the nature of man
hrm or Private Limited or Public Limited
p Com that as he grows older he does not like any change,
is advis-
pany, depending on the size of the project. It instead
even if the change is better for the organization
that you have a Private Limited Company
of a
Change is the price of progress.
partnership firm.
These are some of the aspects of entrepreneurship
c) It is good to have a well-balanced Board
of Directos you must consider. If you are not
an entreprencur, I strongiy
The number one requirement is that you should know recommend that you make your son an entreprencur. Entrepre
him you should not take an unknown person in your neurs make the country rich.
Board. It is advisable to have in the Board, one person
Mt management x nelude a recommendattem
to pexfero a suoT analysis
-The Acronym SwoT Stands fo
S ren k
O Oppo tunities
T Thveats
Stveng hs and weaknesses pevtaînto the internal workinms
a Compary. ecterna)
and heak þertatnt hoce
OPpOrtunities Control that the Comfany
actors outside tie Company
TMust take inla business. They àe
Cove lompebertes t You
Strengths ave the business Sucteed becaise

thoe actos that

make Yolus
Your (ompettovs.
ún there aesk better than Products,6peatims
You prform be in manabement,
Your Strengts might analyse You

imante. eu must
mayKetEn, DY o s e dius wheYe YGu ave ppitient
and determine
where Your Company dainitely

Jeaknesses are thooe aveas have a lack et perdtmnel training

heedh trnprolememt. you might workers br lack o
inerberientd a
Cpth9uatuc equisment,
that Streng a t one ustneis might
Cnothur wGn the Same ndustry.
be a weaknesso
Consider Venturing mla a bsiness,
Bepore Your Sericusly andl any o the pexspectile
etommend that Yeu
wWestraondn ausineE Conemplatz
rinibak antners ún the
átrengths and
ndivtdua) tes
Yeur wnder dhnglis hese
Make a ist and ntud nclude Youy anaa
th8t ou Vzally nj°ydoLrg.
Under weaknesses include tuma hat yau preten mot do
CY thingh that o aßainst your Gatn.
e a plumber You and
ror example, Say-that eu
tat uwhen Youplae
take much Satutactfcn in mewtrg
ownens rill be Satutael.
Urtunes n a n e home ,he
List thi 9aluty
utwe will wok 3s aduertisad.
Every Can make eed mmay deingths Job
s asrenalk. Yau
on aur buk lembany, u t
Start plumbinq
Youweuld Paally ike to to laegin. List met havtng
ldaa et whed
u denethave avr ds a uaknek
ro investina un many Kmawing whoe
net Kmowtng
lan ousineks
Stat yeu thebe pountg
- Wanting to Neaknes.I hopetkat
aso i a
t leain
that (s taught Mou heu,
in Yau weak arwas dvantafe
help ou totake address
s yrd tuild Jour businus, tweaknenes.

evetome those
Inrgths and
6 ur unwslued
ousine nu plan t he
when 4u tadt Yaur detest ayCertain Jeb
Aevral eanu. Yu scmecma t
fo betle inelucle huun
umdion, hen
Plan. lheMakn
This funditon
sa part 2tur Like tt do
Sopono that u Pleally
Xsttnq those Thira
tkem to eng timc. Met
my be detna
s That Ausime bestle aAe thoe lotuo 9taly e n
SAuCCel bustncs a kutess.
dhateves maku thiedy
it ikat
mânaqe ousines,
Undeystard that w'hen Ye own on

Yeu Ave Mey, oná 24

a busincss that is epen
Rg Say You

just woykad tke da shift

hau basis amd Yau have
Yom 1A MTo 4. PM. Yau ahe only an employee,
ou o ome t is au buainess and an
rm 4- PM to qwidnigt Calls Sick,
Suppoed ö lworlk
u ahe ie ne who }l in. It is yobaby Store"and
the dochor and the Mibemard.
mat ot Yu Sickh.
bucceed u Tmst Constanty
4uwant Yaur businos to
and attentfen to evty npartant detail.
nunte it þay
Yeoards are astmamicall, high,
nd Yuy ehats
OPPortunties are sactovs hat exiue n the
Onuipuonment. ulp, Spportumtus helpliabusLnOnu
disribad dnd
e u âve "the plum ber pen.ausly
Yealize That ur (orwmunity
o Cetrue Vpur mmant,
5, rosth rate
þer year. A
uing at rate et 5.
mans maw Cewsbuckon and mohe heusing.
which s an ppertuniy
Each new living Compley Yegjuinus,
Yeur maw usines thou. exist outside Yaur
PpoTtuwien,hen also ave tactoYs taken advantage st
bwinae, bwt that s
helpyour busineksew.
emvinonment Tisk may
hYeats Ave fadovs hkat eust in e
busine8, diYectly.7S a plumber,
Lmede the hewt oh ur ur
k lodpetitimrom oher plumber in
ut kmew-here abilY
aYea Ech Competitor is'a þotentidf lhneat to ouy
to land a Contvat
-ln addition, You may have Mew ovemnment Yegulations tha
impose dutexent Yeguivenenis
bn theattadhment o plumbing
lagal Xast week may not be legal
Undeystand that opportunities
and hruats
tRís week.
Ssame to and twhen actors
every busines,
net the Yequinementoaurbminess

n the enVUnment change the

Tmwst aso Change
Convenience Many Years
Store industy.
e-q, Coside he taere The cnl þlaes epen
Years ago, ConVeniente Cotainer e milk fa
heedad a
24 houys a day. at lwas at a
at AM.,he enly þlace to buyThis
Yeur child ComVenience Stove.
a 7-Elelan, ey Some oher
Circle K, and The expansiont
imtioducthen at bay Codlng to vemdin
Wuk The AbEres Pound e proiable
uermarkets , theve
eten 4 hewvs a day. the Same block s a
Store located
Cenleniente Cenvehienu
develo|pedo The
Tere 1heat
a mew
a lower priceland
Supemar Ket, hoauauer, the Supermâr ket wasat
Sold by CenVenience Stbre.
Stove The milk as t h a t (n he
Convenient to buy w Combetibion
MBA-ft as wult
appeaval as a
Sevenal Thee an tecknolog.
Bout by ehanes
Anomer Trha e Cenveriene Store Unausby is
4as Statin ulera epen
thes Skatim. yeans ago,
thd unti b.PM. markat
-Nou,Te o Companies
have entered The Conveniente Stoe
hYcat Td This kndustr. As a
and pose Yet dno They
Such changes in Your
must Continuously momitor
oWner, Yru business plans aCoraingly.
Envi ronment and adjust youY
ook at the Conlenienta Stoves ui as pump
dye now Locatzd at major inteYsecti on 8. The Con Venente
Store tn he míddle e the block has all bwt disappeaved.
You have mished a SwoT analysis and Still
t begin a busineks, & isime to wnlztn businezs
nesult taauihe-
plan. Your busines þlan will
iranting, as the lan i Cenvertad Una
a oudgpk.
an actual
Alithiguah e do not explain heve how to wnlz
do tutlin the nequirenun fo
bwsineks plan,
3s Þneenked by the Small Busines hdminiu.
Xan prepokal,
documenta tion on lhe Internet
The SBAs home pate rorides The $Bt
that Lndudes all elements e
a busi nes plan.buaines
on Line
6ample bßines
þland ,an
c6o detaileá Step-by-Step
Planning uwkshop and and þrovdos nPomatiom cn seuerd
ror witi businen plans, a buaines plan.
erclent texh that discuss wihng
ts Contapt to ustak hw t deelap
-The purpok o ke
ke nan cial da Yeauind r
and unterptet
busines plan.

( IndividustChameisha
Persoma! esou base4 Ak]
Achievement CnAk)
fr Contrel
Risk bakisiy Þopensi
Knoe lodg, Ezpene

Seciolcgical acorsi
npbind Ofdesieati

raolel amd mendot

n nawis PanGnl
N c t r s a n d ContaeG

o r m i a a k a y

Environernt EuTonman
Gjeneric Stelenio
- V e n b ua np i k a l d m i a b i l i ,
Ovdrall oS+ Lektoth

D i ffemn Hahm

Avilabili k ot
e p e p e n d e dB e e n r -LSolakng mechandms

ehur förondusbial -Prmary enty eedaes

Technica y Skeled aveas,
4agol. Naw oroddvct ir Servtt
urha of-duh:ens avatlel lornpeHh
AsStbilik dfenian Franchist enyy
tndk A v a f l a b i i 5 4 Caulune
-gh ges
- o x i m i t fof
anea Po
hng -
Menh stnepis
boinbikude Sarvitas.
Por 4
Supporkng Markoh .
m i s l .

ConStaint te vran
BaniesTo ny
nov@mnantel u i n e s

g Conpehhs
RLualry pouea o Beu

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