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Importance of accounting

From a STEM student’s perspective, I think being able to understand, learn and do
accounting is as important as doing a science experiment. Because valuable data
accumulated both from doing accounting and experiment can be evaluated to further
explain what happened and what actions to take in both areas.

They say Accounting goes far beyond ledgers, Excel sheets, and invoices, I agree with
that. One of the reasons why one must learn accounting is generally, it is an essential tool
that influences the decisions for the business to operate efficiently and expand whether be
it for corporations or family-owned.

Other than the fact that accounting has something to do with tracking income and
expenses, the second reason is that Accounting itself just might hone some skills and
information ready to be used in a variety of situations such as in fitting the family budget
for plans to travel. Also, Accounting makes a job permanent. In reality, people who do
accounting as a job will always be employed as long as there are businesses in the globe.
Because to keep one’s business afloat, one needs a person who keeps the financial records
neat and updated regularly, showing the company’s profit and loss or the current financial
situation. And that person is the accountant.

The third reason is pretty straightforward, learning how to do accounting makes one
ready to be an entrepreneur. Instead of computing other people’s money, having a mix of
technical and strategic skills and insight into how various industries and markets work, the
accountant/entrepreneur will have the needed quantifiable financial data anytime he/she

That ends my three reasons for the importance of accounting :))


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