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Department of Computer science and engineering

Course name: Transform Calculus, Fourier Course coordinator : Dr . karabi sikdar sem : 3rd CSE,A sec
series and Numerical Techniques professor and HOD in department of
Course code : 18MAT31 mathematics Academic year:2021-22

ABSTRACT: Poster presentation on “MODIFIED EULER’S METHOD” Presented by : BHAVANA N S

This method was given by Leonhard
Euler. Euler’s method is the first order INTRODUCTION: ADVANTAGES
numerical methods for solving ordinary The Euler method is easy to implement but does not give an *It is a simple and direct method
differential equations with given initial accurate result . small step size is required to solve this. Here in *it can be used for non linear
value. this case the starting point of each interval is used to find the slope IVPs
It is the basic explicit method for of the solution curve.
This solution will be correct if the function is linear . So an DISADVANTAGES:
numerical integration of the ODE’s
improvement is done by taking the arithmetic average of the *It is less accurate
slope xi and xi+1 . This scheme is called modified Euler's *It is numerically unstable
METHODOLOGY: method . It works by approximating a value of yi+1 and then
improves it by making use of the average slope . *Approximation error is
In the improved Euler method, it starts
proportional to h , the step size .
from the initial value(x0,y0),it is
required to find an initial estimate of y1
On generalizing we have MEM as: if the value of h is small ,then the
accuracy is more.
by using the formula
EXAMPLE: *It is used in the dynamic
But this formula is less accurate than the GRAPH: analysis of structures
improved Euler's method so it is used as
a predictor for an approximate value of OUTPUT:
y1 is obtained by,

The value of y1 is corrected so the

above formula is considered as the
corrector formula
after finding the corrected estimate of
y1 we can proceed to evaluate the REFERENCES
corrected values of y2,y3,…in the same
ways. modified-method/

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