The Leadership Practices of Construction Site Managers and Their Influence On Occupational Safety An Observational Study of Transformational and

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Construction Management and Economics

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The leadership practices of construction site

managers and their influence on occupational
safety: an observational study of transformational
and passive/avoidant leadership

Martin Grill, Kent Nielsen, Regine Grytnes, Anders Pousette & Marianne

To cite this article: Martin Grill, Kent Nielsen, Regine Grytnes, Anders Pousette & Marianne
Törner (2019) The leadership practices of construction site managers and their influence on
occupational safety: an observational study of transformational and passive/avoidant leadership,
Construction Management and Economics, 37:5, 278-293, DOI: 10.1080/01446193.2018.1526388

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2019, VOL. 37, NO. 5, 278–293

The leadership practices of construction site managers and their influence

on occupational safety: an observational study of transformational and
passive/avoidant leadership
Martin Grilla,b , Kent Nielsenc , Regine Grytnesc €rnera
, Anders Pousettea and Marianne To
Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden;
Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; cDepartment of Occupational Medicine, Regional
Hospital West Jutland - University Research Clinic and Danish Ramazzini Centre, Herning, Denmark


More than 20% of all reported occupational accidents in Europe in 2015 occurred within the Received 6 February 2018
construction industry. Leadership is an imperative antecedent to occupational safety. Accepted 16 September 2018
Transformational leadership is considered a central aspect of safety-promoting leadership and
passive/avoidant leadership is considered a central aspect of poor safety leadership. This study
Leadership; safety;
aimed to comprehensively elucidate concrete, real-life transformational and passive/avoidant occupational safety;
leadership behaviours through context-specific descriptions of day-to-day interactions between leadership behaviour;
construction site managers and employees. A mixed method design was applied, combining construction industry;
structured observations of construction site managers, with questionnaire responses from con- safety climate; safety-related
struction employees. With this design, common method bias was eliminated. The results provide behaviour
context-specific examples of transformational and passive/avoidant leadership behaviour. High
proportions of observed transformational leadership was found to predict high construction site
safety. High proportions of observed passive/avoidant leadership was found to predict low con-
struction site safety. The proportion of transformational leadership behaviour was higher among
site managers in Sweden than in Denmark, indicating that national cultural context may be an
antecedent to safety leadership among construction site managers. Applying less passive/avoi-
dant leadership and more transformational leadership appears to be an effective way for con-
struction site managers to improve occupational safety in the industry.

Introduction power and to emphasize developing the mutual inter-

The construction industry is one of the economic sec- ests of managers and employees (Bass and Bass 2008).
tors worst affected by occupational injuries, severe Passive/avoidant leadership, on the other hand, has
and fatal ones in particular. More than 20% of the been identified as a component of poor safety leader-
3841 European occupational fatalities in 2015 occurred ship (Kelloway et al. 2006, Grill et al. 2017).
within construction (Eurostat 2017a). Recent research Although transformational and passive/avoidant
into occupational safety indicate that the way leaderships generally have been found influential for
leadership is executed may be imperative for how the level of occupational safety, contingency leadership
occupational risks are managed and occupational theory and situational leadership research indicate that
safety advanced, across economic sectors (Zohar 2002, the constituents and effects of leadership practices are
2010, Conchie 2013, Pilbeam et al. 2016). dependent on contextual factors (Johns 2006, Porter
Transformational leadership has been identified as a and McLaughlin 2006, Oc 2018). What actually consti-
promising component of effective safety leadership tutes transformational and passive/avoidant leadership
(Mullen and Kelloway 2009, Clarke 2013, Grill et al. varies, for example, between different occupational
2017). Transformational leadership involves individual- sectors and across different hierarchical positions
ized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspir- (Avolio and Bass 1995, Lowe et al. 1996). Context-
ational motivation and idealized influence; it is specific knowledge related to how transformational
understood to engage employees without the use of and passive/avoidant leadership is enacted by

CONTACT Martin Grill Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Box 500, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,
or built upon in any way.

managers in the construction industry can generate actual constitutions of transformational and passive/
better understanding of how contemporary findings in avoidant leadership behaviours need to be further elu-
leadership research may be applied in real-life man- cidated (Bass 1999, Alvesson and Sveningsson 2003a,
agerial work. Furthermore, managerial leadership prac- Van Knippenberg and Sitkin 2013, Andersen 2015).
tice seem to differ depending on national cultural The large-grained measures offered to us through
context (House et al. 2004). Scrutinizing how transform- questionnaires may fail to comprehensively identify
ational and passive/avoidant leadership is enacted by the finer aspects of transformational leadership.
managers in the construction industry in Sweden and Understanding the full complexity of transformational
Denmark, two countries with comparably low occupa- leadership may call for more fine-grained research
tional injury rates (Eurostat 2017b), may provide exam- methods. Third-party observational research methods,
ples of how construction site safety can be augmented which do not rely on the potentially biased subjective
through efficient safety leadership. perceptions of employees, have been called for to
Construction site managers hold important roles in expand our understanding of the constitution of lead-
the construction industry (Mustapha and Naoum ership practices (Bass and Riggio 2006, Behrendt et al.
1998). These managers occupy a middle management 2017). Context-specific, empirical descriptions of day-
position operating across organizational boundaries, to-day manager-employee interactions is a promising
requiring coordination of many interacting employees, route to a more comprehensive understanding of
subcontractors, and external organizations (Djebarni concrete and specific real-life leadership behaviours.
1996, Styhre and Josephson 2006). On a day-to-day This study contributes to such efforts by thoroughly
basis, construction site managers implement leader- scrutinizing and describing the actual behavioural con-
ship at the operational as well as the strategic level tent of basic managerial leadership practices, i.e.
(Mustapha and Naoum 1998, Fraser 2000). Mustapha unravelling what managers actually do. Furthermore,
and Naoum (1998) concluded that central perform- by aligning third-party observations of construction
ance variables in construction projects were more site managers with employee ratings of construction
closely related to site managers’ personal leadership site safety, we intend to contribute to the understand-
abilities than to project characteristics such as building ing of how observed leadership behaviours influence
type, complexity/size and project duration. safety performance in the construction industry.
Furthermore, studies have found that the transform- The present study aims to develop qualitative, con-
ational leadership practices of construction site man- text-specific descriptions of how transformational and
agers seem to be important for construction site passive/avoidant leadership is enacted by construction
safety performance, in terms of occupational injuries site managers, to develop a third-party observational
(Hoffmeister et al. 2014), safety-related work behaviour method to observe, categorize and quantify transform-
among employees (Conchie and Donald 2009, Conchie ational and passive/avoidant leadership behaviours,
et al. 2013, Hoffmeister et al. 2014, Grill et al. 2017), and to assess the influence of such observed and
and construction site safety climate (Hoffmeister et al. quantified leadership behaviours on construction site
2014, Toderi et al. 2016, Grill et al. 2017). In addition, safety. Third-party observational method allows for
passive/avoidant leadership practices of construction generating concrete descriptions of how safety leader-
site managers seem to be negative for construction ship is enacted in real-life managerial work at con-
site safety climate (Toderi et al. 2016, Grill et al. 2017). struction sites.
The classification of leadership behaviours as trans-
formational or passive/avoidant is largely theoretical,
Safety-influencing mechanisms in
based on employees’ global assessments of perceived
transformational and passive/avoidant leadership
leadership behaviours obtained through question-
naires. It has been argued that transformational lead- Grill (2018) outlined how transformational and passive/
ership research needs to return to the drawing board avoidant leadership behaviours of construction manag-
to develop consistent behavioural leadership con- ers may influence safety performance at construction
structs (Van Knippenberg and Sitkin 2013), and to sites through antecedents (activators) and consequences
reconnect with the real-life practices of managerial (feedback). However, the mechanisms by which trans-
leadership (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2003b). Recent formational and passive/avoidant leadership influences
findings by Nielsen and Daniels (2016) indicate that occupational safety are not yet comprehensively
transformational leadership behaviours are not always described. Previous research indicates that safety is posi-
compatible with occupational health and safety. The tively associated with employees’ perceptions of

transformational leadership behaviours displayed by However, injuries are relatively rare and therefore, in
managers while attending to safety-related work con- observational empirical studies, which generally do
tent (Barling et al. 2002). However, we argue that trans- not allow such large research materials, injuries as the
formational leadership per se may be important for outcome variable is sensitive to stochastic effects.
safety, also when the leadership behaviour is not per- Also, injuries are lagging indicators of safety (Beus
ceived by employees as safety-related. To €rner et al. et al. 2016). Hence, more pervasive and proximal
(2017) demonstrated how leaders may encourage safety safety outcomes are needed to evaluate safety per-
without being safety-specific, as effective leaders may formance in organizations. Employee’s safety-related
stimulate the attainment of several organizational goals work behaviour (Neal and Griffin 2006) and safety cli-
simultaneously. Transformational leadership has been mate (Zohar 2010, Kines et al. 2011) are such proximal
found not only to improve safety but also to augment and well-established indicators of workplace safety
productivity and profitability (Bass and Bass 2008). and a meta-analysis identified them as strongly associ-
Transformational leaders are human-oriented and ated with occupational injuries (Christian et al. 2009).
care for their employees (Bass and Bass 2008). Caring Management safety priority, commitment and compe-
and considerate managers are more likely to enact tence has been identified as the most central aspect
their consideration by implementing healthy and safe of safety climate (Christian et al. 2009, Fruhen et al.
working conditions for employees at their work-places. 2014, Beus et al. 2016), and the strongest predictor of
Further, when transformational leaders communicate safety outcomes (Kines et al. 2011).
care and consideration for their employees, the latter Previous research on the importance of transform-
recognize that they are cared for and may in turn care ational leadership for construction site safety rely on
more for themselves as well as for their colleagues. employee ratings of leadership behaviours (Conchie
Consideration and care for self and others are essential and Donald 2009, Conchie et al. 2013, Hoffmeister
for obtaining a high organizational safety climate et al. 2014, Toderi et al. 2016, Grill et al. 2017), predom-
(Kines et al. 2011). In addition, by role modelling inantly with common source data on safety perform-
appropriate safe, efficient, and productive work ance. This introduces a risk of common method bias.
behaviours, transformational leaders may stimulate In the present study we will therefore assess the
employees to engage in such behaviours. importance of transformational and passive/avoidant
Passive/avoidant leaders on the other hand, do not leadership for occupational safety with a mixed
display proactive leadership behaviours and delay method design, combining third-party observations of
responding to urgent problems. They may leave construction site managers’ leadership behaviours, with
unsafe working conditions unattended, which may questionnaire responses from construction employees.
preserve such conditions. Also, by failing to correct By practising transformational leadership behav-
unsafe work behaviour among employees such work iours – such as individualized consideration, intellec-
behaviour may be preserved. In addition, by role mod- tual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and role
elling passive/avoidant behaviours, leaders may modelling – construction site managers may poten-
encourage carelessness and passive behaviours among tially improve construction site safety. Such improve-
employees. Nevertheless, the influence of passive/avoi- ment should be detectable among construction site
dant leadership on occupational safety have not yet employees as they would (1) perceive and report
been thoroughly assessed since most research into higher safety priority, commitment and competence
transformational leadership interpret passive/avoidant among their managers; and (2) respond by enhancing
leadership as merely the absence of transformational their own safe work behaviour. Similarly, any negative
leadership (Kelloway et al. 2006, Toderi et al. 2016). influence on construction site safety by passive/avoi-
We argue that passive/avoidant leadership may have dant leadership should also be detectable among con-
direct negative and unique effects on occupational struction site employees.
safety, explaining variation in occupational safety that
cannot be understood as merely the absence of Hypothesis 1: Observed transformational leadership is
transformational leadership. positively associated with employees’ ratings of con-
struction site safety, in terms of (a) management
safety priority, commitment and competence and (b)
Leadership and safety performance
employees’ safety-related work behaviour.
Safety, defined by the absence of injuries, is com- Hypothesis 2: Observed passive/avoidant leadership is
monly used in population-based register studies. negatively associated with employees’ ratings of

construction site safety, in terms of (a) management questionnaire responses from construction employees
safety priority, commitment and competence and (b) at the respective sites.
employees’ safety-related work behaviour.
Participants and procedure
National culture as an antecedent to
The National Work Environment Authorities (WEA) in
transformational leadership behaviour
Sweden and Denmark provided the researchers with
Assuming that observed transformational leadership contact information to the responsible site managers
behaviour among construction site managers is posi- of all construction sites registered in accordance with
tively associated with construction sites safety, and common WEA-regulations in both countries (AFS
passive/avoidant leadership is negatively associated with 1999), between the 1st of October and the 15th of
safety, assessing potential antecedents to such trans- November 2015. In all, 939 Swedish and 140 Danish
formational and passive/avoidant leadership is merited. sites were registered. Three inclusion criteria were for-
Favourable national cultural conditions have been mulated: (1) the construction sites were to start oper-
identified as an important antecedent for leadership ation sometime between the 1st of January and the
practices (Dorfman et al. 1997, House et al. 2004, Oc 1st of June 2016; (2) the construction sites should be
2018). Dorfman et al. argue that cultural leadership anticipated to employ at least 20 construction employ-
norms stimulate managers to develop certain leadership ees, and thereby require site managers to be exten-
practices within certain national entities. Grill (2018) pro- sively present at the sites; and (3) for practical reasons,
poses that the mechanism behind such development is the sites had to be located south of the 60th latitude,
that certain managerial leadership behaviours are more a criterion met by all Danish and 90% of the Swedish
accepted, appreciated, and acknowledged by senior sites. All 21 Danish sites that met the inclusion criteria,
managers and subordinate employees in certain cultural and a random selection of 35 of the Swedish sites
contexts than in others. Eurostat statistics (Eurostat that met the inclusion criteria, were invited to partici-
2017a) report that the average annual rate of fatal occu- pate in the study. 37 managers accepted participation,
pational injuries 2008–2015 is considerably lower in the 22 Swedish and 15 Danish.
Swedish (3.14 fatalities per 100,000 employees) than the The participating managers were all male and their
Danish (3.96 fatalities) construction industry. Grill et al. average age was 43 years (SD ¼ 9). They had on aver-
(2017) suggested that this difference in injury rates may age 10 years of experience as construction site man-
partly be explained by differences in safety leadership agers (SD ¼ 9). 27% were employed in larger firms
practices of Swedish and Danish construction site man- (>200 employees). On average they spend 29 hours/
agers and that cultural conditions at Swedish construc- week (SD ¼ 13) at the current construction site. All
tion sites may be more favourable for safety promoting construction employees at the participating sites,
leadership behaviours than conditions at Danish con- those employed by the main contractor as well as
struction sites. In an interview study with managers and those employed by subcontractors, were asked to
workers in the Scandinavian construction industry (Grill respond to a questionnaire. In Sweden, the question-
et al. 2015), the managerial safety leadership in Sweden naires were administered by the site managers and in
was described as more proactive, participative, and Denmark by members of the research team. 394 con-
transformational compared to the managerial safety struction employees answered the questionnaire,
leadership in Denmark. To investigate national differen- equivalent to a response rate of 68%. The participating
ces in safety leadership, and thus if culture may be an employees were 98% male and their average age was
antecedent to safety-related leadership practices, the fol- 39 years (SD ¼ 13). 27% were temporarily employed
lowing hypothesis was formulated: and 73% had permanent employment.

Hypothesis 3: Observed transformational leadership is

Observations of leadership practice
more frequent among Swedish than Danish construc-
tion site managers. In order to explore how construction site managers
practice leadership in their daily interactions, naturalis-
tic structured observations of interactions of the site
managers were performed. The researchers took the
A mixed method approach was applied, combining role of third-party observers and, as unobtrusively as
observations of construction site managers with possible, “shadowed” individual managers carrying out

their everyday work (Tengblad 2006). Tengblad’s study Questionnaire measures

was a follow-up on a study by Mintzberg (1973); and
Construction site safety climate was measured with
both studies found that managers spend more than
four items (Cronbach’s alpha ¼ 0.81) from the
70% of their total work time in verbal interactions
Management safety priority, commitment and compe-
with other people. Observing the managers in verbal
tence scale in NOSACQ-50 (Kines et al. 2011): (1)
interactions hence provided us with information on “Management encourages employees to work in
the bulk of managerial work behaviour. The shadow- accordance with safety rules – even when the work
ing not only provided data on the leadership practice schedule is tight”, (2) “Management ensures that
of the site managers, it also gave the opportunity everyone receives the necessary information on safe-
to observe how recipients of leadership reacted ty”, (3) “Management looks the other way when some-
to the leadership, i.e. the immediate effects of one is careless with safety”, and (4) “Management
managers’ behaviour on subordinates and subcon- accepts employees taking risks when the work sched-
tractors’ behaviour. ule is tight”. Participants rated to what extent they
The observations were carried out during the spring agreed with the statements, using a 6-point scale
of 2016, by the first three authors, to detect, categor- ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree
ize, and produce qualitative descriptions of the leader- (6). Safety-related work behaviour was measured with
ship behaviours practised by the site managers. Prior two items (Cronbach’s alpha ¼ 0.88) from the safety
to the observations, the site managers were informed compliance scale formulated by Neal and Griffin
about the general aim of the study and that the (2006): (1) “I use all the necessary safety equipment to
purpose of the observations was to elucidate the do my job”, and (2) “I use the correct safety proce-
day-to-day work of construction site managers. They dures for carrying out my job”. Participants rated how
were encouraged to carry on with their work as they often they engaged in each type of behaviour, using a
normally would. Each manager was subjected to two 7-point scale ranging from never (1) to always (7).
hours of direct observation, where the researcher fol-
lowed the manager around the site, in meetings and
Data analysis
during office work. To minimize the influence of his/
her presence the researcher kept in the background Coding of leadership behaviour
and tried to avoid interaction with the site manager
Subsequent to the observations, the description of
and persons with whom the manager interacted. each interaction was, in the manner described below,
Every interaction between the site manager and
coded into one or more of the eight leadership cate-
any other person at the construction site was gories of the Full Range Leadership Theory (FRLT)
observed and described in writing by the researcher. (Bass and Avolio 1997, Antonakis et al. 2003, Bass and
An interaction was defined as an exchange of informa- Riggio 2006, Clarke 2013). For longer interactions, and
tion between the site manager and at least one other interactions containing more than one leadership
physically present person. The interactions could be behaviour, up to four distinct categories were used for
initiated by either the site manager or the other per- a single interaction. Apart from transformational and
son(s). Some longer and more complex interactions passive/avoidant leadership the FRLT also includes
involving several employees and subcontractors were active transactional leadership (Clarke 2013).
observed, e.g. when a site manager took a tour of the Transformational leadership (four categories): (1)
construction site with the foreman and they talked individualized consideration: actions that pay attention
with different employees and subcontractors around to the individual needs, goals and competences of
the site. In these instances, the continued interaction employees; (2) intellectual stimulation: actions that
between the site manager and the foreman was split appeal to employees’ sense of logic and analysis by
up into shorter and isolated interactions if two condi- challenging them to think creatively and find solutions
tions were satisfied: (1) at least one new person joined to difficult problems; (3) inspirational motivation:
the interaction; and (2) a new theme in the content of actions that inspire and motivate employees by
the interaction was initiated. The interaction was depicting an optimistic future, stressing ambitious
defined as completed upon the fulfilment of both of goals, projecting visions, and communicating that the
two conditions: (1) an exit of at least one person from goals are achievable; and (4) idealized influence: role
the interaction; and 2) the theme in the content of modelling behaviour and actions centred on values,
the interaction was discontinued. beliefs, and a sense of mission.

Passive/avoidant leadership (two categories): (1) categories of transformational and passive/avoidant

passive management-by-exception (MBEP): passive leadership. The proportions of transformational and
corrective behaviours, performed only after non-com- passive/avoidant leadership were obtained by dividing
pliance or mistakes have occurred; and (2) laissez-faire the number of behaviours observed in each category
leadership: absence of leadership, interactions where with the total number of observed behaviours in all
the leader avoids making decisions, abdicates respon- categories, resulting in a 0–1 scale for the proportions.
sibility, and does not use his/her authority. If devia- Coded observational data at site level were merged
tions were brought to the managers’ attention, and with questionnaire data at the individual level, render-
the manager refrained from taking actions, the behav- ing a two-level data structure. The nested structure of
iour was coded as laissez-faire. the questionnaire data, at construction sites, was
Active transactional leadership (two categories): (1) accounted for by employing mixed model regression
contingent reward: actions focused on clarifying role analyses with random intercepts. Management safety
and task requirements, and providing employees with priority, commitment and competence and safety-
material or psychological rewards, contingent on the related behaviour were grand mean centred prior
fulfilment of responsibilities; and (2) active manage- to analyses.
ment-by-exception (MBEA): vigilance behaviours, To assess if the proportions of transformational and
dedicated to ensure that standards are met and to passive/avoidant leadership behaviour predicted the
prevent inaccuracies. level of management safety priority, commitment and
To establish high inter-rater reliability, the first ten competence (hypotheses 1a and 2a), the regression
site managers were simultaneously but independently model with the best goodness-of-fit was obtained
observed and coded by two researchers. The codings through a stepwise procedure. First, a model including
were subsequently compared and displayed an over- only the confounders were estimated and compared
lap of 80%. The 20% of the observations that were with a model that also included the proportion of
coded differently by the two researchers were dis- transformational leadership. Second, the transform-
cussed and coded in consensus. To ensure inter-rater ational leadership model was compared with a model
reliability throughout the remaining observations, that also included the proportion of passive/avoidant
all interactions, as described in writing by the observ- leadership. The same stepwise procedure was con-
ing researcher, were coded independently by both ducted to assess if the proportions of transformational
researchers. The codings were subsequently compared and passive/avoidant leadership behaviour predicted
and continued to display an 80% overlap. The 20% of the level of safety-related behaviours among employ-
the observations coded differently by the two ees (hypotheses 1b and 2b).
researchers were discussed and coded in consensus. Regression models were estimated in SPSS version
Finally, when all observations were completed, all 24, using maximum likelihood (ML), and v2-tests were
interactions were reanalysed together by the first and conducted to assess the differences in log likelihoods
the second author, to ensure consistency in the between models. All regression coefficients were esti-
coding throughout the data collecting period. mated under control for potential confounders identi-
Upon completion of the coding, the first and fied in previous leadership research, i.e. age and
second author together analysed all behavioural managerial experience (Pinder and Pinto 1974, Latta
descriptions in each category by applying thematic and Emener 1983, Bass and Bass 2008), company size
content analysis (Schilling 2006). This was done to and time at site (Ford 1981, Djebarni 1996, Clark and
identify patterns in the descriptions within each cat- Waldron 2016), employment status of employees, i.e.
egory, so the behavioural themes in the categories permanent versus temporary employment (Lamude
could emerge. These patterns and themes were used et al. 2000, Winkler 2011, Bhattacharya and Tang
to get rich data-driven context-specific descriptions of 2013), and national cultural context (House et al. 2004,
the theoretically defined categories of leader- Oc 2018).
ship behaviour. To assess the differences in the levels of observed
transformational leadership behaviours at the Swedish
and Danish construction sites (hypothesis 3), a regres-
Statistical analyses
sion model assessing the effect of national context
To obtain sufficient power for quantitative analyses of was estimated. Regression coefficients were estimated
the observational data, the leadership behavioural under control of the managers’ age, managerial
sub-categories were organized into the higher order experience, time at site, company size, and employee’

Table 1. Quantities (Q) and proportions (P) of observed leadership behaviours.

All managers Swedish managers Danish managers
Transformational leadership 77 0.18 55 0.24 22 0.11
Idealized influence 5 0.01 5 0.02 0 0
Inspirational motivation 8 0.02 6 0.03 2 0.01
Individualized consideration 14 0.03 12 0.05 2 0.01
Intellectual stimulation 50 0.12 32 0.14 18 0.09
Passive/avoidant leadership 70 0.16 35 0.15 35 0.17
Passive management-by-exception 47 0.11 21 0.09 26 0.13
Laissez-faire 23 0.05 14 0.06 9 0.05
Active transactional leadership 285 0.66 140 0.61 145 0.72
Contingent reward 166 0.38 81 0.35 85 0.42
Active management-by-exception 119 0.28 59 0.26 60 0.30
All behaviours 432 1.0 230 1.0 202 1.0
Note: Q: Quantities; P: Proportions.

ratings of management safety priority, commitment the site manager and an individual subordinate or
and competence, safety-related work behaviour, age subcontractor, or through the involvement of a team
and employment status. of workers. For instance, at one site there was a
problem with the construction of the roof. The site
manager then involved the carpenter, the roofer, the
plumber and a sheet metal worker in a discussion on
A total of 297 interactions were observed and 432 dis- how to solve the issue.
tinct leadership behaviours were detected, described The site managers practised intellectual stimulation
and analysed. The quantities and proportions of the either by being active parts in discussions or merely
observed leadership behaviour among the construc- by encouraging workers to express and develop their
tion site managers are displayed in Table 1. own solutions. By practising intellectual stimulation,
the site managers recognized the competences and
knowledge of the worker, and the need to use this
Transformational leadership
knowledge in solving problems more effectively. One
Transformational leadership behaviour comprised 18% expositive example of this practice was when a site
of all observed leadership behaviours. The primary manager, interacting with a construction worker,
transformational behaviour was intellectual stimula- explicitly stated: “you know this better than me”.
tion, which accounted for almost 2/3 of such behav- Intellectual stimulation leadership was occasionally
iour, while individualized consideration, inspirational practiced by site managers as a deliberate learning
motivation and idealized influence were the three process, where the manager tried to teach workers
most infrequent leadership behaviours over all. how to advance their problem-solving procedures by
including different perspectives. Most commonly,
Intellectual stimulation however, intellectual stimulation was coupled with
Intellectual stimulation behaviours were typically actual, concrete problem-solving, as specific produc-
observed in problem-solving situations where site tion-related problems were handled. Intellectual stimu-
managers made sure that different perspectives were lation was also seen in discussions of hypothetical
considered. This was done by managers stimulating situations (e.g. a potential strike) and how to handle
interactive problem-solving processes by creating dis- different scenarios related to such situations.
cussions, questioning and challenging workers for dif-
Individualized consideration
ferent types of solutions, or introducing additional
concerns that needed to be considered, such as Individualized consideration was observed as site man-
quality, economy, safety or sequencing of work agers demonstrated care for workers’ well-being, e.g.
operations. Managers also facilitated discussions of by asking questions about their health that were not
different solutions between different workers with always related to work-issues. For example, one site
different competences, thus making sure that all the manager searched out a painter to ask him about the
important perspectives were represented. The site recovery of his leg and the outcome of a medical
managers created interactive discussions/problem- appointment. The manager also urged the worker to
solving processes in one-on-one situations between let him know if he by any means could ease the

workers’ pain. In the work-related area, individualized related to project progress, planning, drawings or
consideration was practiced by managers identifying work tasks. It concerned tasks that had already been
workers’ individual problems and adapting the work- performed poorely as well as tasks that were in the
ing conditions to the workers’ capabilities. For process of being poorely performed . The nature of
example, one site manager participated in the rehabili- the exceptions regarded subordinates or subcon-
tation of a site supervisor by assessing what work tractors’ lack of knowledge/competence of how to
tasks were appropriate for the supervisor in returning perform a task; problems related to production flow,
to work, and at what pace this should be done. The such as anticipated or unexpected stops in the pro-
managers also took advantage of specific knowledge duction; lack of or missing materials; restrained access
about workers’ individual characteristics in assigning to work areas; and lack of coordination between sub-
work tasks, e.g. by involving a worker dissatisfied with contractors. Sometimes the managers reacted actively/
safety procedures in a safety audit. constructively on the exceptions by correcting them
or instructing others on how to rectify them. Other
Inspirational motivation times the site managers’ reactions were more passive,
not giving constructive solutions. As an example, a
Inspirational motivation behaviours were observed
site manager with dirty shoes walked across a work
among the site managers as they talked about the
area carefully prepared for flooring by the flooring
importance of present work tasks, working procedures,
contractor. When the flooring contractor criticized him
or planning for the successful accomplishment of a
for that, the site manager simply told the contractor
project and realization of goals. For instance, one
to redo the preparation of the floor. Passive manage-
manager talked enthusiastically to a team of electri-
ment-by-exception behaviours also included not solv-
cians about how unusual and demanding the setup of
ing less urgent problems or postpone the solving of
the electrical substation was, and how important the
more urgent problems, sometimes until others insisted
correct functioning of it was for the operation of the
that the site manager handled the problem. For
finished building. This communication clarified for the
instance, in a production meeting, a site manager did
workers how the specific task at hand was vital for the
not correct a mistake in a document until the third
success of the entire project.
time the subcontractor called attention to the mistake.
Passive management-by-exception was also demon-
Idealized influence
strated by site managers who reacted and handled
Idealized influence behaviours were observed among obvious and urgent problems identified by others, but
the site managers, as they articulated the value of avoided to proactively follow up that other, similar
goals such as team spirit, service mindedness and problems were managed. For instance, one site man-
safety. Idealized influence was also shown by site ager was told by the site supervisor about faulty
managers through role modelling. This was e.g. done electrical installations on one floor of a building, but
by one manager telling an anecdote about how his did not check whether similar electrical installations
safety vigilance and challenging of the existing work on the other floors in the same building were
procedures at a previous site, had resulted in the correct. Site managers also displayed passive manage-
replacement of old concrete molds by new and ment-by-exception by handling problems in subopti-
safer ones. mal ways, making subcontractors repeatedly return to
the site managers with the same unre-
solved problems.
Passive/avoidant leadership
Passive/avoidant leadership behaviour represented just Laissez-faire
over 16% of all observations. Passive management-by-
The laissez-faire leadership behaviours displayed by
exception was observed twice as often as laissez-faire
the site managers involved explicitly acknowledging
leadership behaviour.
problems or tasks that needed to be handled, but
without taking actions. It occurred that instead of
Passive management-by-exception
addressing non-compliant workers directly, managers
Passive management-by-exception behaviours encom- talked to others, behind the back of the worker.
passed correcting (potential) mistakes or deviations Managers could also make jokes about hazardous
from standards, as identified by subordinates, subcon- working situations, e.g. about a carpenter not using
tractors or customers. The mistakes or deviations were ear protection when required to do so.

Laissez-faire leadership was also displayed by site safety-related work task, such as cleaning up the site
managers contacted by others for information or and fencing.
instructions, but not providing the requested informa- In the observed interactions, the material rewards
tion. In these interactions, the site managers lacked contingent on performance, were primarily implicit,
the necessary information and made no effort to such as getting paid and receiving continued
acquire it. employment. However, the contracts were occasionally
Laissez-faire leadership behaviours were also dis- mentioned and sometimes explicitly renegotiated by
played in situations in which somebody else, e.g. the the site manager and the subcontractors during the
safety coordinator, another site manager, or a superior work phase, as tasks and demands changed.
manager, was present. In these situations, site manag- Psychological rewards on the other hand, were often
ers displayed laissez-faire behaviours by being passive, made explicit and took the form of verbal acknow-
for instance during safety meetings led by the safety- ledgement related to the standard or quality of the
coordinator. During such meetings, site managers also performed task, such as saying “good job”, “that looks
displayed more active laissez-faire behaviours such as nice” and “well done”.
opposing suggestions from the safety manager or
obstructing the agenda of a fire instructor. Active management-by-exception
The site managers practiced active management-
Active transactional leadership by-exception leadership as they monitored work and
Active transactional leadership behaviour was the followed up on earlier agreements to check whether
most common type of leadership behaviour constitut- the established standards, related to quality or work
ing almost 2/3 of all observed behaviour. Contingent progression, were met. The nature of the exceptions
reward, accounted for 38% of all observed leadership involved issues such as managing corrections in faulty
behaviour, while active management-by-exception was planning/coordination of work activities; correcting
a little less common, but still the second overall most behaviour, e.g. late arrivals; correcting lacking safety
common leadership behaviour. measures/materials/personal protection equipment
(PPE); monitoring the quality of material, e.g. the hard-
Contingent reward ening of moulded concrete; correcting carelessness in
material handling; correcting faulty carried out work;
The site managers displayed contingent reward leader-
or adjusting subcontractor problems in the level of
ship behaviours in interactions related to planning
staffing or staff competence.
and coordination, by assigning work tasks and provid-
Site managers spent time both in on-site offices
ing drawings, materials or instructions. Contingent
and outdoors at the construction site. In both places,
reward behaviours consisted of continuous follow-up
and coordination of work tasks; correcting/adjusting monitoring behaviours were practiced. In the office,
time plans and drawings; administrating the physical the site managers monitored e.g. plans, drawings,
resources (“where to put what”); coordinating subcon- time schedule, offers, economy, subcontractor agree-
tractors work; assigning tasks; paperwork; book meet- ments and tenders. At the site, the managers moni-
ings; organizing site layout; and upholding tidiness. tored e.g. work progress, tidiness or materials.
Contingent reward behaviours were observed during Monitoring behaviours were generally practiced at a
discussions with employees and subcontractors and in superficial level, asking workers while passing them at
the form of delegations. the site how their work was progressing. Sometimes,
Contingent reward behaviours were also observed however, monitoring was more profound, such as giv-
as site managers approved or sanctioned solutions ing detailed corrections, for instance by instructing an
suggested by employees and as site managers con- assistant in the precise wording of an e-mail to a
veyed solutions to employees. This behaviour was subcontractor.
often practiced through answering questions, explain- Active management-by-exception primarily occurred
ing work procedures, and instructing workers. as part of planned activities, such as performing
Information was then transmitted from site managers inspection rounds of the sites to monitor work pro-
to employees and from employees to site managers. gress or previously identified problems. These rounds
The site managers also conveyed customers’ wishes were commonly part of a daily routine, such as making
and demands to subcontractors. Safety-related contin- two daily tours of the site. The rounds were also often
gent reward behaviours regarded assignment of a consequence of a safety or production meeting, as

Table 2. Standardized regression coefficients (b) and standard errors (S.E.) for the effects of observed transformational (TF) and
passive/avoidant (PA) leadership on employees’ ratings of management safety priority, commitment and competence, estimated
under control of managers’ age, managerial experience, company size, time at site, and employee’ ratings of age and employ-
ment status.
Control Modela TF Modelb TF-PA Modelc
b (S.E) b (S.E) b (S.E)
Fixed effects
Transformational leadership – 0.18 (0.07) 0.13 (0.06)
Passive/avoidant leadership – – 0.23 (0.06)
Random effects
Residual variation 0.88 (0.06) 0.88 (0.06) 0.87 (0.06)
Inter-group variation 0.04 (0.03) 0.02 (0.02) 0.00 (0.00)
Fit indices
Log likelihood (InL) 1078.6 1070.7 1060.0
Diff InL compared to previous Model – 7.9 10.7
AIC 1098.6 1092.7 1084
Note: n ¼ 394. ICC ¼ 0.12. Wald tests and v2-tests of diff log likelihood: p < .05, p < .01. Estimation method: maximum log likelihood (ML).
Including only the control variables.
Including the control variables, and the proportion of observed transformational leadership.
Including the control variables, and the proportion of observed transformational and passive/avoidant leadership.

these meetings often resulted in lists of issues that had behaviours (p ¼ .280). Hence, hypothesis 2b was
to be checked at the site. not supported.
The active management-by-exception behaviours
involved briefly pointing out the deviances or more ela-
National culture as an antecedent to
borated explanations and instructions. Management-by-
transformational leadership behaviour
exception occasionally involved discussing with others
how to handle deviations. Sometimes the site manager Transformational leadership was found to be more
carried out the corrections himself. At other times indir- common among the Swedish than the Danish
ect measures of corrections were used. For instance, construction managers, see Table 4. The beta coeffi-
rather than telling a worker to use PPE, the manager cient 1.05 indicated that transformational leadership
asked him: “Aren’t you missing something?”. One man- behaviours were 1.05 standard deviations (15%)
ager simply stared at a worker, making him feel uncom- more common at the Swedish than the Danish con-
fortable, and thereafter told him what PPE the worker struction sites. Thus, hypothesis 3 was supported.
was lacking. Not all corrections were successful. For
example, when told by the site managers to correct his
PPE one worker simply changed work tasks to avoid
using the requested PPE. This study included the development of a third-party
observational method to observe, categorize and
quantify transformational, active transactional and pas-
Observed leadership behaviours predicting sive/avoidant managerial leadership behaviours. The
construction site safety
inter-rater reliability of the method was found to be
The results from the mixed model regression analyses acceptable, showing an 80% overlap between two inde-
displayed in Table 2 disclose that the proportion of pendent observers. The criterion validity of the method
observed transformational and passive/avoidant leader- was tested against employee ratings of construction site
ship behaviours of construction site managers predicted safety and found acceptable: both transformational and
employees’ ratings of management safety priority, com- passive/avoidant leadership behaviours were found to
mitment and competence. Thus, hypothesis 1a and 2a correspond to critical aspects of construction site safety.
were supported. The transformational leadership behaviours used by
The results from the mixed model regression analy- the construction site managers were primarily
ses displayed in Table 3 reveal that the portion of observed in production-oriented problem-solving,
observed transformational leadership behaviours where site managers made sure that different perspec-
of construction site managers predicted the level of tives were considered by stimulating inter-individual
safety-related behaviours among construction employ- and collective problem-solving processes. Observed
ees. Thus, hypothesis 1b was supported. However, the transformational leadership behaviours also included
proportion of observed passive/avoidant leadership addressing and utilising specific goals and capabilities
did not predict the level of employees’ safety-related of individuals; role modelling and verbal elaborations

Table 3. Standardized regression coefficients (β) and standard errors (S.E.) for the effects of observed transformational (TF) and
passive/avoidant (PA) leadership on employees’ ratings of safe work behaviour, estimated under control of national context,
managers’ age, managerial experience, company size, time at site, and employee’ ratings of age and employment status.
Control Modela TF Modelb TF-PA Modelc
β (S.E) β (S.E) β (S.E)
Fixed effects
Transformational leadership – 0.14 (0.07)* 0.13 (0.07)*
Passive/avoidant leadership – – −0.04 (0.06)
Random effects
Residual variation 0.97 (0.07) 0.96 (0.07) 0.96 (0.07)
Inter-group variation 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
Fit indices
Log likelihood (InL) 1104.3 1100.0 1099.5
Diff InL compared to Control Model – 4.3* 0.5
AIC 1124.3 1122.0 1123.5
Note: n = 394. ICC = 0.05. Wald tests and χ2-tests of diff log likelihood: *p < .05, **p < .01. Estimation method: maximum log likelihood (ML).
Including only the control variables.
Including the control variables, and the proportion of observed transformational leadership.
Including the control variables, and the proportion of observed transformational and passive/avoidant leadership.

employees by providing them with antecedent stimuli

Table 4. Standardized univariate regression coefficients (β)
and standard errors (S.E.) for the effect of national context on to safe work behaviour, while the management of
the proportions of observed transformational leadership, reinforcement contingencies is referred to as contin-
estimated under control of the managers’ age, managerial gent reward leadership (Antonakis et al. 2003, Bass
experience, time at site, company size, and employee’ ratings and Bass 2008). However, Bass has also (contrarily)
of management safety priority, commitment and competence,
suggested that “psychological” contingent reinforce-
safety-related work behaviour, age, and employment status.
β represents the Swedish levels (n = 22) in relation to the ment may actually be an important aspect of trans-
Danish (n = 15). formational leadership (Bass and Riggio 2006). Indeed,
Effect of national context Choudhry (2014) demonstrated how safety-related
β S.E. behaviour among employees at construction sites may
Transformational leadership 1.05* 0.40 be influenced primarily by contingent consequences
Note: *p < .05. and only secondarily by antecedent stimuli. Similarly,
Agnew and Daniels (2010) concluded that an effective
of higher-order ideals; and communicating the import- antecedent gets a behaviour to occur once, but that it
ance of ongoing work tasks and realization of goals, is the role of a consequence to get it to occur again.
by describing how specific tasks at hand were vital for At the construction sites in the present study, the
the success of the entire project. mechanism underlying the influence of transform-
The observed transformational leadership behaviour ational leadership on site safety seems to consist of a
among construction site managers was found to be combination of antecedent stimuli and contingent
positively associated with employees’ ratings of con- consequences. Firstly, the site managers provided their
struction site safety, in terms of management safety employees with antecedent stimuli inducing safe work
priority, commitment and competence, and employ- behaviour: intellectual stimulation prompted employ-
ees’ safety-related work behaviour. Grill et al. (2017) ees to contribute their opinions in discussions;
and Hoffmeister et al. (2014) have previously outlined inspirational motivation prompted employees to put
the importance of transformational leadership for in extra effort; and individualized consideration
occupational safety in the construction industry. The prompted employees to care more for themselves and
results of the current study confirm previous findings, others. Secondly, contingent reinforcing transform-
but with a research design resistant to common ational leadership provided by the managers included
method bias and independent of employee ratings of attention, approval, appreciation, encouragement, and
leadership behaviour; thus making the argument the implementation of employees’ suggestions. Such
for the importance of transformational leadership complementary leadership behaviour may have further
even stronger. augmented the effects of antecedent transformational
Possible mechanisms underlying a positive influ- leadership behaviours on employees’ safety-related
ence of transformational leadership on occupational behaviour, through positive reinforcement. Future
safety have been presented within the full-range lead- transformational leadership research may gain from
ership theory (Clarke 2013). Transformational leader- paying more attention to the reinforcement contin-
ship is typically described in terms of motivating gencies of employees’ behavioural responses to

antecedent transformational leadership stimuli. It may tasks, work progress, planning or drawings, as identi-
be beneficial to more unambiguously incorporate the fied by employees, subcontractor or customers, and
contingent reinforcing transformational leadership by avoiding the management of such acknowledged
behaviours that correspond to associated antecedent mistakes or deviations. Observed passive/avoidant
transformational leadership behaviours, into the con- leadership behaviour among construction site manag-
ceptual theoretical framework of transformational ers was found to be negatively associated with con-
leadership in full-range leadership theory. struction site safety, in terms of management safety
Transformational leadership was also found posi- priority, commitment and competence. This finding
tively associated with management safety priority, accentuates the negative influence of passive/avoidant
commitment and competence, a core element of con- leadership among construction site managers on
struction site safety climate (Kines et al. 2011). Climate safety climate also found in previous questionnaire
can be understood as a collection of common overt studies (Toderi et al. 2016, Grill et al. 2017). Passive/
behaviours learned and maintained by a set of similar avoidant leadership was found to explain variation in
social and environmental contingences defining a management safety priority, commitment and compe-
given setting or context (Sugai et al. 2012, Grill 2018). tence, beyond the variation explained by transform-
These shared behavioural learning experiences include ational leadership. This supports the conclusion of
numerous reinforcement contingencies from various Kelloway et al. (2006), that passive and transform-
sources. Being subjected to leadership behaviours is ational leadership are not the opposite ends of the
one basic aspect of such shared behavioural learning same continuum, but empirically distinct constructs.
experiences (Hofmann et al. 2017). Hofmann et al. Passive/avoidant leadership is at best reactive and
(2017) argue that having a shared experience of lead- includes corrective leadership behaviours that are per-
ership may be the prime aspect of the safety climate formed only after non-compliance, mistakes, or devia-
in workgroups and organizations. The shared behav- tions have occurred. The influence of such reactive
ioural learning experiences of individuals within a leadership on safety is probably conditioned by the
group include group members repeatedly observing manner in which the deviations are managed.
what kind of behaviour is recognized and rewarded However, reactive leadership implies that the manoeu-
by their leaders (Dragoni 2005, Alvero et al. 2008). vring room is restricted because the deviations have
Such observational learning may be fundamental in already caused problems and the manager is working
the shaping of construction site safety climate (Alvero uphill from the onset. At construction sites, delayed
and Austin 2004, Alvero et al. 2008). The influence of responses to urgent questions may prove devastating.
transformational leadership on construction site safety In addition, employees’ experiences of absent or
climate may hence be understood primarily in terms delayed leadership actions on behalf of site managers
of providing people with similar safety-related learning may be interpreted as a crucial piece of information in
experiences (Choudhry, 2014). employees’ perceptions of construction site safety cli-
Similarly, the effects of idealized influence through mate, because absent or delayed actions may right-
role modelling may augment both safety-related work fully be interpreted as deficiencies in management
behaviour and construction site safety climate. Site safety priority, commitment or competence.
managers’ safety-related work behaviour is typically Active transactional leadership was the leadership
modelled before multiple employees and may there- behaviour most frequently observed among the site
fore influence several employees at a time, conse- managers, encompassing 66% of all observed leader-
quently contributing to their shared behavioural ship behaviours. Transactional leadership is assumed
learning experience. Role modelling may hence be of to lay the ground for transformational leadership:
particular importance for safety leadership in the con- “transactions are at the base of transformations”
struction industry. Indeed, Wu et al. (2016) demon- (Avolio 1999, p. 37). Implicit in this argument is the
strate how modelling and imitation can progress view that transactional leadership constitutes the bulk
through contractor levels, from owner through main of managers’ leadership behaviours and that trans-
contractors to subcontractors, and argue that role formational leadership is a vital, but quantitatively
modelling exerted the widest range of influence on smaller ingredient. Our study provides this theoretical
the safety climate in construction projects. assumption with empirical support.
The site managers’ passive/avoidant leadership The proportion of transformational leadership
behaviour was displayed through passively correcting behaviour was higher among site managers in
mistakes or deviations from standards related to work Sweden than in Denmark. This supports previous

findings indicating that cultural conditions at Swedish work of the day-to-day leadership behaviours outlined
construction sites seem to be more favourable for in the present study. Consequently, the present study
safety-promoting leadership than conditions at Danish needs to be replicated with managers on other hier-
constructions sites (Grill et al. 2017). Grill (2018) argue archical levels, in other occupational sectors, and in
that leadership practices are reproduced within cul- other cultural contexts, in order to anchor interven-
tural entities through shared behavioural learning tions in this field on a comprehensive understanding
(Sugai et al. 2012), i.e. that similar leadership behav- of the constitution of transformational and passive/
iours performed by different managers within the avoidant leadership.
same culture are subjected to similar reinforcement
processes. Transformational leadership behaviours may
be more accepted, appreciated and acknowledged (i.e.
reinforced) by senior construction managers and sub- An inherent challenge in observational research is that
ordinate construction employees at Swedish than at researchers by their mere presence may influence the
Danish constructions sites. Through subsequent stimu- object under study and thereby the data. In the present
lus generalization processes (Osnes and Lieblein 2003), study, the managers knew that the study focused on
managers with similar behavioural learning histories safety at the site, and this may have encouraged manag-
develop similar behavioural habits of conduct- ers to increase their attention to safety issues.
ing leadership. Correspondingly, all interactions where we identified
However, the influence of transformational and pas- indications of the site manager being influenced by the
sive/avoidant leadership on construction site safety presence of an observer were safety-related. The
was found in both countries, indicating that these researchers did not, however, take a specific interest in
leadership behaviours are important for safety, regard- safety-related interactions since the focus was on man-
less of cultural embedment. This is in accordance with agerial behaviour in all types of interactions. Since this
previous research that found transformational leader- was not articulated to the managers we consider that
ship to be effective across cultures (Dorfman et al. the observers’ presence did not largely influence
1997, Den Hartog et al. 1999). Construction site man- the results.
agers occupy a middle manager position that is com- The naturalistic setting of the observations, and the
plex and distinct from other managerial positions in interactive nature of the phenomenon under study, is
the construction industry, and from managerial work also likely to have reduced the risk of managers’ self-
in other occupational sectors (Styhre and Josephson conscious behavioural adjustments. The managers were
2006). Styhre and Josephson’s research was conducted performing their normal job where they were obliged
in Sweden and our findings are based on a Swedish to react adequately to the persons they interacted with
and Danish sample. However, the work situation for (Sillars 1991). After the observations were completed,
construction site managers is similar in other parts of the managers where asked whether being under obser-
Europe, such as in the UK (Djebarni 1996). vation had influenced their behaviour. Some of them,
Furthermore, as managerial work in general becomes especially those that were observed by two researchers
more complex, placing increasing demands on manag- simultaneously, stated that it took a bit of getting used
ers also in other occupational sectors to coordinate to, but that they in general had behaved as usual and
interacting employees, subcontractors, and external that the work sequence that had been observed gave a
organizations, the results of this study might well fair reflection of their day-to-day work.
apply also to middle managers outside of the con-
struction industry. The relative frequency of transform-
ational and active transactional leadership behaviour
found in this study is probably generalizable to middle It has been argued that transformational leadership
managers in most industrial sectors in Europe. Also, research needs to return to the drawing board to
the significance of transformational and passive/avoi- develop consistent behavioural leadership constructs
dant leadership for managers to provide safe and (Van Knippenberg and Sitkin 2013, Behrendt et al.
healthy working environments for their employees 2017), and to reconnect with the real-life practices of
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tors in Europe. However, context-specific data is oughly scrutinizing and describing the actual behav-
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