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LightSoft NMS V1 Useful Information

Rony Horvitz

December 2003


Basic Architecture Glossary (Architecture & Application) Deployment Processes Files System (Directories Structure) Launching LightSoft Configure LightSoft Utilities (LightSoft & EMS) CORBA Administration

Basic Architecture - Concepts


Client (Java) / Server (C++) architecture Distributed Server Multi-Technology Support Open Interface Scalable Use of CORBA framework as IPC GCT to EMSs

Basic Architecture - Glossary

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) is an open, standard solution for distributed objects system. CORBA objects can communicate directly across a network using standard protocols, regardless of the programming languages used to create objects or the operating systems and platforms on which the objects run Communication Middleware (COMD) is a CORBA based communication framework developed for LightSoft NMS. COMD aims to simplify the development of LightSoft applications code by hiding details of CORBA and providing code generation wizards. Additionally, COMD provides powerful features for the internal NMS communications as fault tolerance and load balancing. Being an internal layer of LightSoft , COMD is not visible by the customer or the operator.

Basic Architecture - Glossary

NMS Server is an executable process in the server side of

LightSoft. Usually we call NMS-Server to a WS running several process.

NMS Cluster is a collection of NMS Servers, each in a

different WS, working together as a single integrated system

Main Station is one of the WSs in the cluster. It runs the

DB, the CORBA services and controls the Cost Options. In the case of single WS it is the Main Station

Plain Station is the name for all other WSs in a cluster

NMS Client is a WS running where the LightSoft client can run (have been installed). It can be also an NMS-Server

Application - Glossary

SNC - It is the collection of all XC in one NE that belongs to the

same trail. In EMS-XDM it is equal to XC-Set.

NmsId Application identifier of an object in LightSoft NMS DbId Database identifier of an object TCI Trail Consistency Indicator ME - Managed Element (NE) FE Functional Element WSId Work Station Id. Identifier of a WS in an LightSoft cluster.
Used also for identification of a process instance in Cluster Configuration

Subnet Unit object in the interface where an SNC can be

created. (In eNM-S and EMS-X 1:1 relation with ME)

Basic Architecture - Deployment

eNM LightSoft Network Management Layer eNM LightSoft

Others (OSS)

MTNM v.2/3

Element Management Layer

EMS-Syncom Dont care

EMS-XDM v.3+v.4+v.5


Other EMS

Managed Equipment


400 / 500 / 1000 / 2000

LumiNet SDM-1

BroadGate NT, CU

(ASM card, RadioTel, RAD, XDM-4000, etc.)

Main Processes
notification only Event management server (like part of AM) for Upload, Security, AdminTools, General



South bound access module (like part of AM) for requests and replies only


Cost options

Current Alarm Management + Alarm Notification Service for forwarding alarms to all other processes Topology and Trail Management Internal Notification Service for forwarding internal notifications to all other processes


Event log management + History

Main Processes


Directory Structure

Server Side
bin executables
db XML and db schema
etc ini files  Lic license key file  skel skeleton ini files
lib dynamic libraries
patch.lib for FixDisks libraries
sh - shell scripts
sql for SQL scripts and files sh home directory for user is ~nms (usually /sdh_home/nms)
Bulletin for bulletin board
NMSExplog alarm log export files in XML
NMSTrails for XML trails files
NotePad for user notepad files
coresave for core files
logs -> /var/NMS/logs for log files
logs/run for run files


Directory Structure

Client Side
bin for executables (Empty)
class for java classes
etc INI File  skel - for skeleton ini files  audio for audio files (audio alarms)  images for icons and images  maps for maps  preferences for user preferences (one dir per user)  properties for GUI resources
jar for third party software
lib for our libraries (jars)
sh shell scripts The client can be run as any Unix user, so the home directory depends on the user logged-in into the Unix


LightSoft Launch (S & C)

NMS script
Used for launching the NMS server manually
Supports single and cluster configuration
Start / Stop single/all processes

Root Menu
New TMN environment can support eNM-S, EMS-X and LS together
Start / Stop Server and Client

Used for launching LS client
Supports d parameter for remote/local debugging


Configuration - INI

INI Files
INI files are used in LS Server and Client for configuration of running options.
In Server side one file per process + one General file
In Client side only one file
Note: In current version only ECI personnel should change the files

INI files in use are located in etc directory
When installing new version, INI files are put under skel
It is the installer responsibility to check the correct files are used
Checkinifiles can be used


Utilities General

AdminTools NSList ShowIORHosts ShowNmsDbID ShowRealDbID threadLog.pl db2tty SaveOutTmp.sh

Utilities General


Tool for manage NMS processes (Server & Client) in run-time Menu-driven or Command-Line Command or GUI  Map WSId to host name  Close all NMS processes  Check which processes are running  Assign new WS to client  Get current active threads from a thread pool in a process  Get Current active preferences and command line parameters  Change preferences

Reinitialize an NMS process Change debug level: file, package, all Run generic method Free a WSId


Utilities General


Prints the names, IP addresses and host names of the EMSs and Clients registered in the Naming Service of LightSoft NMS


Converts from DB Id to NMS application ID Format xx.xx.xx


Converts from NMS application ID to database Id Format xx:xx:xx:xx


Utilities General


Filters the given log file by a thread #


Save output files to /tmp when they are full

db2tty - Prints data from LightSoft NMS DB

db2tty d nms_db a Prints all DB classes db2tty d nms_db i <DBclassName> Prints only instances of the given class db2tty d nms_db o DB Id Prints specific object


Utilities - Applications

UMClient NMSState SecUtils FixMEOnMap CostOpViewer printActualSNCs.pl printPhysicalTpgLinks.pl printSubnets.pl

Utilities - Applications


Allows to invoke for upload from command line Fast and Full upload can be invoked Different objects / upload steps can be selected Similar to ForceUpload in eNM


Gives upload information from LightSoft database Information includes EMS, ME and Subnet All upload states are shown Full LightSoft summary at the end Similar to NEState in eNM


Utilities - Applications


Allows some security configuration and management

Force user logout
Get logged users
Create new user

Set coordinates of MEs and FEs
Positioning using 2 parameters  Map coordinates  Relative position in the EMSs


Utilities - Applications


Allows viewing of the installed cost-options

Similar as in eNM, EMS-X
Uses license key as input
License key can be found at: /opt/NMS/server/etc/Lic/.NmsLicenseV1
To create a license key use: /auto/tornado_home1/NMS1/LicGen/costop.sh


Utilities - Applications


Prints actual SNCs in LightSoft NMS Prints topology links in LightSoft NMS Prints subnets in LightSoft NMS together with their sync status Prints al inconsistent objects between LightSoft NMS and the EMSs Prints all the Trails in LightSoft DB







Prints the specific objects list from LightSoft DB


Utilities - Applications


Handles the Red-Flag counters (options 5 and 6) Use it if you think there is a problem with the displayed counters Use it for Importing / Exporting Trails to / from LightSoft



Manages Topology Objects (EMS, ME, FE, UME, Groups, Links and Ports)
Actually can be used to remove objects from DB specially EMS


Utilities EMS for LightSoft


Utility used to register the EMS in LightSofts Naming Service


In EMS-SYNCOM and EMS-XDM change the WSId in the SNC names


Get the NE map coordinates from the EMS into file Concatenate files from all EMSs to be in LightSoft


CORBA Administration

It is an administration utility for Orbix services. Orbix is a CORBA implementation developed by IONA Technologies. itadmin can be used to view or change configuration settings of Orbix.

The format of an itadmin command is, normally, as follows:  itadmin service parameters For example, to see the contents of Naming Service:  itadmin ns list To get help about a service, use option help. itadmin ns help, will print a short help about the Naming Service configuration commands. itadmin help or itadmin help will produce a short info about configuration commands for all services.

See the Orbix Administrators Guide


CORBA Administration

List the objects registered in the CORBA Naming Service
Can list Managers or Services
Build on top of itadmin


Rony Horvitz


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